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10 Days of Marketing
I’m an award-winning product strategist, CEO of
Sandbox, speaker, published author and positive
instigator. I have over 20 years achieving
amazing results in bringing ideas and products to
market in the high-tech, music and retail
Sandbox PM, an idea to launch company
provides all sizes of organizations with support
and services from idea through to launch.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
Attendees can receive
 10 Day Launch Strategy Email Series
 An AMAZING offer exclusive to webinar
Attendees to attend our 3.. 2..1.. Launch
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
The 10 Days of
Marketing Magic will
give you:
 Practical tools &
techniques to launch
your product.
 Tested & proven
strategies which are part
of the Sandbox
 A reusable sustainable
practise n to put in place
for every launch
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 1
The “Perfect Fit” Customer
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
When your cupboards are bare:
Temptation to fill them is great!
 Investors are saying GET REVENUE
 Employees & contractors need to get
 Operations costs & bills are piling up
 Spouses & partners are saying dreams are
great but “Where is the money?”
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Extreme Customer Targeting
Benefits of extreme targeting the “Perfect
Fit” Customer:
• Ideal customers attract more like them
• Services & products are valued &
• You will be paid well for the value you
• Your customers will be your evangelists
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 1 Action Items
 Identify your “Perfect fit” customer
 Validate your assumptions with:
 Existing customers/prospects
 Inner circle
 Mentors / Advisors
 Ensure that all copy, positioning &
packaging appeals to this “Perfect Fit”
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 2
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
People who like you, will
listen to you.
People who trust you, will do
business with you.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Key Compelling Messages
 What does your company do?
 What problem does your product solve?
 Why your product and not anyone else's?
 Why should someone care? Test the “So
What?!?” Threshold.
 What is your call to action to continue the
conversion & convert to a customer?
TIP: Pre authored messaging is a great start but one size doesn’t fit all.
Customize your message ALL the time – No one like’s to be copy & pasted!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Messaging that works!
 Positive messaging always wins over
negative, competition bashing or FUD.
 Evidence based, and compelling facts.
 Social Proof – endorsements, testimonials,
recommendations & reviews
TIP: If you don’t believe your messaging, who will? Make sure you are confident
and consistent in every message you deliver in text, video & in person!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 2 - Action Items
 Create your key messages
 Validate them with your circle
 Tune messages based on feedback
 Use messaging consistently for:
 Introductions
 Media pitches
 Customer pitches
 Analyst discussions
 Partnership presentations
 Conferences
 Collateral & Leave Behinds
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 3
Customer Testimonials &
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
The Chicken & the Egg
 You need Customers to get Testimonials
 You need Testimonials to get Customers
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
“But its not about the money
Actually…it is!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
If you aren’t profitable, you are
running a hobby, not a
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Anatomy of a Soft Launch
 Objective of a soft launch is to gently
introduce your product to:
 Test Quality
 Gain early feedback
 Last minute updates/tuning
 Obtain testimonials
TIP: Strive for customers BEFORE you launch. If not customers, early adopters
who are ready to buy on Day 1 of LAUNCH!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Soft Launch Participation
 Target a subset of your “Perfect Fit” customers
 Be CLEAR with your expectations of soft
launch participants
 Feedback within a specific period of time
 Testimonial should they like the product
 Attend launch events
 Create a special incentive as an early
 Reduced price
 Added value
 Customer visibility
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 4
The Price is RIGHT!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
The Dark Art of Pricing
 Research your
comparibles (10)
 Will the market bear
your price?
 Price High for High
Value & Exclusivity
 Price Low for Volume
 Add incentives for
quick revenue
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 4 – Action Items
 Are you a leader in your field – price your
offering higher than your competitors
 New to your field, just launched – price
lower – INITIALLY with a gradual &
scheduled increase strategy
 Crunch your numbers. How much money
do you need/want to make. Be honest.
Numbers don’t lie.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 5
Incentives, Offers, Urgency
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
The Offer Equation
Great Product / Service
Right Price
Added /Unique Value
Amazing Offer
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Sense of URGENCY
 Exclusivity
 Special offer for those in your inner circle
 Caché of being 1st to own/try/buy something new
 Pre launch pricing
 Only available until launch day
 Time sensitive value add
 2 for 1 available today only
 Bonuses
 Refer a friend
 Additional value
 Unique Appeal
 Give one Gift one
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 5 – Action Items
 Brainstorm on some great offers. Write
each of them down.
 Schedule the availability of different offers
can go to different targets. It is all A O K.
 Create a freebie to entice and attract
your Perfect Fit customer
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 6
Your Marketing Plan
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Your Plan!
 Your Messaging, Pricing, Testimonials,
Offers and fabulous product or service &
put it into action
 YOUR Marketing Plan includes:
 Timeline
 Activities
 Resources
 Deliverables
 Measures of Success
TIP: Always use S.M.A.R.T. principles
Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
K.I.S.S. – Keep it Simple Sweety
 You don’t need to do it all RIGHT NOW!
 Hold a little back so you can maintain
momentum over time
 Plan, Tune, Execute – RINSE & REPEAT!
 Outsource repeatable tasks where
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 6 – Action Items
 Create your plan including:
 Communications
 Events
 Promotions schedule
 Roles and responsibilities
 Measures of success
 Ensure everything is based on K.I.S.S. &
S.M.A.R.T. principles
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 7
Make it EASY to
Spread the Word
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
The Value of Social Proof
 Social Proof means EVERYTHING when it
comes to your launch
 Biggest Barrier = People may not know
what to say, how to say it or to whom!
TIP: Control your messaging/brand by creating fun, repeatable facts &
calls to action that people can easily use to promote your business.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 6 – Action Items
 Create 3 canned /pre-authored/optimized
“Tweets”. Ensure they are about 120 characters
even though the limit is 140. This will allow for easy
Retweeting! Each one MUST have one of your
calls to action!
 Create 3 Facebook Link Messages with your calls
to action.
 Create an email that can be easily forwarded by
your friends, colleagues, and mailing list
subscribers announcing the new product and
including your call to action.
 Pre author customer testimonials – get your
customers to approve / edit them.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 8
Get Some Media Attention!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Get the Media BUZZING
 Media engagement and coverage is
about relationships – not content
 Understanding what is important to
publishers/reporters is critical to your
media success:
 Interest to existing readers
 Increasing readership/viewers
 Increasing sales
TIP: The media cares about similar things you care about as a business
person. After all, they are running a business as well. Put yourself in their
shoes and pitch to show their upside, not yours.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 8 – Action items
 Perfect your pitch! Why should they care?
Why is it newsworthy? Why will people READ?
 Write the story you want featured and hand it
over! Goes back to the rule of making it
EASY to spread YOUR message!
 Pick one media savvy/ready person be the
face of your company.
 Choose publications and services that put
your story front and center before your
“Perfect Fit” customers. GO where you
customers ARE!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 9
All Systems GO!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Systems are meant to
automate, optimize & free
you/your team to focus on
your genius work.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
What you need to get started:
 Email list management software
 Payment Processing
 Shopping Carts
 CRM Software
 Social Media Management tool
TIP: If your systems are frustrating and time consuming there is either an
incorrect implementation or wrong system in place. Revisit ASAP!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 9 – Action Items
 Evaluate your current systems. What are they
costing you in time, licensing and
subscriptions? Are they meeting your needs?
Are there opportunities to consolidate?
 TEST YOUR SYSTEMS NOW! Anything that is
customer facing you MUST TEST before it goes
live! This includes email opt ins, ordering and
payments. Make sure they all work and you
get the outputs whether it be email addresses
and customer information or MONEY at the
other end!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 10
Your Launch Event(s)
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
The MAIN Event
Go where your customers ARE:
 Global = ONLINE
 Social Media
 Webinars
 LIVE Events
 Global with Big Budget = Roadshow
 In Town = Physical & Unique Location
 Piggy Back on a popular event
TIP: Your launch event does not need to break the bank. Ensure your
launch event is within your means. You can always host additional events
to maintain momentum.
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Day 10 – Action Items
 Plan a launch event to occur where your
customers are! Physically and/or virtually!
 Ensure your launch budget is in proportion
and aligns with your product, your target
market and your budget.
 Set business objectives for your event that
align with your company objectives. What do
you want to get out of this event? Remember
the event must provide a high ROI!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
If you liked what you learned here,
check out Sandbox U – One Stop Shop for Business Learning for
Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses!
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic
Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
10 Days of Marketing Magic

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10 Day Marketing & Launch Strategy

  • 1. 10 Days of Marketing Magic!
  • 2. I’m an award-winning product strategist, CEO of Sandbox, speaker, published author and positive instigator. I have over 20 years achieving amazing results in bringing ideas and products to market in the high-tech, music and retail industries. Sandbox PM, an idea to launch company provides all sizes of organizations with support and services from idea through to launch. 10 Days of Marketing Magic Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent.
  • 3. Attendees can receive  10 Day Launch Strategy Email Series  An AMAZING offer exclusive to webinar Attendees to attend our 3.. 2..1.. Launch BOOTCAMP! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 4. The 10 Days of Marketing Magic will give you:  Practical tools & techniques to launch your product.  Tested & proven strategies which are part of the Sandbox MethodologyTM  A reusable sustainable practise n to put in place for every launch Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 5. Day 1 The “Perfect Fit” Customer Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 6. When your cupboards are bare: Temptation to fill them is great!  Investors are saying GET REVENUE  Employees & contractors need to get paid  Operations costs & bills are piling up  Spouses & partners are saying dreams are great but “Where is the money?” Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 7. Extreme Customer Targeting Benefits of extreme targeting the “Perfect Fit” Customer: • Ideal customers attract more like them • Services & products are valued & appreciated • You will be paid well for the value you deliver • Your customers will be your evangelists Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 8. Day 1 Action Items  Identify your “Perfect fit” customer  Validate your assumptions with:  Existing customers/prospects  Inner circle  Mentors / Advisors  Ensure that all copy, positioning & packaging appeals to this “Perfect Fit” customer. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 9. Day 2 Key COMPELLING Messages Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 10. People who like you, will listen to you. People who trust you, will do business with you. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 11. Key Compelling Messages  What does your company do?  What problem does your product solve?  Why your product and not anyone else's?  Why should someone care? Test the “So What?!?” Threshold.  What is your call to action to continue the conversion & convert to a customer? TIP: Pre authored messaging is a great start but one size doesn’t fit all. Customize your message ALL the time – No one like’s to be copy & pasted! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 12. Messaging that works!  Positive messaging always wins over negative, competition bashing or FUD.  Evidence based, and compelling facts.  Social Proof – endorsements, testimonials, recommendations & reviews TIP: If you don’t believe your messaging, who will? Make sure you are confident and consistent in every message you deliver in text, video & in person! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 13. Day 2 - Action Items  Create your key messages  Validate them with your circle  Tune messages based on feedback  Use messaging consistently for:  Introductions  Media pitches  Customer pitches  Analyst discussions  Partnership presentations  Conferences  Collateral & Leave Behinds Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 14. Day 3 Customer Testimonials & Revenue Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 15. The Chicken & the Egg  You need Customers to get Testimonials  You need Testimonials to get Customers Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 16. “But its not about the money .” Actually…it is! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 17. If you aren’t profitable, you are running a hobby, not a business. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 18. Anatomy of a Soft Launch  Objective of a soft launch is to gently introduce your product to:  Test Quality  Gain early feedback  Last minute updates/tuning  Obtain testimonials  YES – EVEN GET REVENUE! TIP: Strive for customers BEFORE you launch. If not customers, early adopters who are ready to buy on Day 1 of LAUNCH! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 19. Soft Launch Participation  Target a subset of your “Perfect Fit” customers  Be CLEAR with your expectations of soft launch participants  Feedback within a specific period of time  Testimonial should they like the product  Attend launch events  Create a special incentive as an early adopter  Reduced price  Added value  Customer visibility Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 20. Day 4 The Price is RIGHT! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 21. The Dark Art of Pricing  Research your comparibles (10)  Will the market bear your price?  Price High for High Value & Exclusivity  Price Low for Volume  Add incentives for quick revenue Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 22. Day 4 – Action Items  Are you a leader in your field – price your offering higher than your competitors  New to your field, just launched – price lower – INITIALLY with a gradual & scheduled increase strategy  Crunch your numbers. How much money do you need/want to make. Be honest. Numbers don’t lie. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 23. Day 5 Incentives, Offers, Urgency Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 24. The Offer Equation Great Product / Service Right Price Added /Unique Value Amazing Offer Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 25. Sense of URGENCY  Exclusivity  Special offer for those in your inner circle  Caché of being 1st to own/try/buy something new  Pre launch pricing  Only available until launch day  Time sensitive value add  2 for 1 available today only  Bonuses  Refer a friend  Additional value  Unique Appeal  Give one Gift one Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 26. Day 5 – Action Items  Brainstorm on some great offers. Write each of them down.  Schedule the availability of different offers can go to different targets. It is all A O K.  Create a freebie to entice and attract your Perfect Fit customer  MAKE THE OFFER! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 27. Day 6 Your Marketing Plan Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 28. Your Plan!  Your Messaging, Pricing, Testimonials, Offers and fabulous product or service & put it into action  YOUR Marketing Plan includes:  Timeline  Activities  Resources  Deliverables  Measures of Success TIP: Always use S.M.A.R.T. principles Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 29. K.I.S.S. – Keep it Simple Sweety  You don’t need to do it all RIGHT NOW!  Hold a little back so you can maintain momentum over time  Plan, Tune, Execute – RINSE & REPEAT!  Outsource repeatable tasks where possible Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 30. Day 6 – Action Items  Create your plan including:  Communications  Events  Promotions schedule  Roles and responsibilities  Measures of success  Ensure everything is based on K.I.S.S. & S.M.A.R.T. principles Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 31. Day 7 Make it EASY to Spread the Word Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 32. The Value of Social Proof  Social Proof means EVERYTHING when it comes to your launch  Biggest Barrier = People may not know what to say, how to say it or to whom! TIP: Control your messaging/brand by creating fun, repeatable facts & calls to action that people can easily use to promote your business. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 33. Day 6 – Action Items  Create 3 canned /pre-authored/optimized “Tweets”. Ensure they are about 120 characters even though the limit is 140. This will allow for easy Retweeting! Each one MUST have one of your calls to action!  Create 3 Facebook Link Messages with your calls to action.  Create an email that can be easily forwarded by your friends, colleagues, and mailing list subscribers announcing the new product and including your call to action.  Pre author customer testimonials – get your customers to approve / edit them. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 34. Day 8 Get Some Media Attention! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 35. Get the Media BUZZING  Media engagement and coverage is about relationships – not content  Understanding what is important to publishers/reporters is critical to your media success:  Interest to existing readers  Increasing readership/viewers  Increasing sales TIP: The media cares about similar things you care about as a business person. After all, they are running a business as well. Put yourself in their shoes and pitch to show their upside, not yours. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 36. Day 8 – Action items  Perfect your pitch! Why should they care? Why is it newsworthy? Why will people READ?  Write the story you want featured and hand it over! Goes back to the rule of making it EASY to spread YOUR message!  Pick one media savvy/ready person be the face of your company.  Choose publications and services that put your story front and center before your “Perfect Fit” customers. GO where you customers ARE! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 37. Day 9 All Systems GO! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 38. Systems are meant to automate, optimize & free you/your team to focus on your genius work. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 39. What you need to get started:  Email list management software  Payment Processing  Shopping Carts  CRM Software  Social Media Management tool TIP: If your systems are frustrating and time consuming there is either an incorrect implementation or wrong system in place. Revisit ASAP! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 40. Day 9 – Action Items  Evaluate your current systems. What are they costing you in time, licensing and subscriptions? Are they meeting your needs? Are there opportunities to consolidate?  TEST YOUR SYSTEMS NOW! Anything that is customer facing you MUST TEST before it goes live! This includes email opt ins, ordering and payments. Make sure they all work and you get the outputs whether it be email addresses and customer information or MONEY at the other end! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 41. Day 10 Your Launch Event(s) Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 42. The MAIN Event Go where your customers ARE:  Global = ONLINE  Social Media  Webinars  LIVE Events  Global with Big Budget = Roadshow  In Town = Physical & Unique Location  Piggy Back on a popular event TIP: Your launch event does not need to break the bank. Ensure your launch event is within your means. You can always host additional events to maintain momentum. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 43. Day 10 – Action Items  Plan a launch event to occur where your customers are! Physically and/or virtually!  Ensure your launch budget is in proportion and aligns with your product, your target market and your budget.  Set business objectives for your event that align with your company objectives. What do you want to get out of this event? Remember the event must provide a high ROI! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 44. If you liked what you learned here, check out Sandbox U – One Stop Shop for Business Learning for Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses! Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic
  • 45. Copyright ©2012 Sandbox PM. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted without expressed written consent. 10 Days of Marketing Magic