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Tel: 519-576-2262                                                                                                        Fall 2011 Issue                                                                           If you would prefer an eNewsletter                                                                                      email

                              Tips and ideas for your business.
TOp 10 BRANdING TIpS                                                                                             ANNOUNCING
1 Have a Strong Business Foundation
Before implementing a marketing strategy, the
                                                         7 Avoid Using
                                                           Several Advertising Suppliers
                                                                                                                 OUR     10
processes and procedures that make up your business      Do you have a website, brochure, stationery?            ANNIVERSARY
foundation must be clearly defined and in place.         How many suppliers do you use to design
Without this foundation, your company can not            your materials? All your touch points need to
deliver the promise communicated.                         communicate the same message and emotion.
2 Be Strategic First, then Tactical                         Use one supplier for all materials to
When financial advisors have a new client,                     remain consistent.
do they start selling product without knowing                      8 Create a Client Experience
the client’s needs? Of course not – they                           Most companies have a step by step
learn about the client’s lifestyle, goals and                     business process they take their clients
financial situation to develop the best plan                       through. Make sure your branding
of action. The same applies to marketing                               accurately communicates this process
– be strategic and plan before taking                                       and name your process to reflect     The Personal Coach
action.                                                                        the same branding message.
3 Hire a Marketing                                                                  Your clients and prospects
                                                                                                                   team is thrilled
  Firm that Knows                                                                     will feel confident in      to announce that
  your Industry                                                                       your ability to meet
It can be overwhelming to                                                             their needs.                 2012 marks our
develop the ideal branding                                                            9 Make the                      10th Year
strategy for your company.                                                            Competition
Hiring a marketing firm                                                                                             Anniversary.
may be your best solution.
                                                                                      With a solid brand
However, make sure whomever you hire understands
                                                         strategy you won’t need to worry about your
your business. Don’t waste your time educating the
                                                         competition. You should still keep track of their       VIdEOS
marketing firm - they should be educating you.
                                                         movements but remain focused on your plan.              Check out our
4 Beware of the Retail Approach                          10 Take Action                                          Investment Executive videos
Retail marketing can be effective in some cases,                                                                 featuring Kim Poulin and
however keep in mind your business is different,         Your marketing plan is the full mix of benefits
                                                         upon which your brand is positioned. Keep it            April Levitt.
it’s a relationship business. Most advisors experience
disappointing results with a retail approach because     close by to avoid falling back into old routines.
they aren’t targeting the right people.                  Branding puts your plan into action and connects
                                                         you to your ideal clients.
5 Focus on the Right Clients                             In today’s market, decisions are based 80%
Determine the characteristics of your best clients and
                                                         on emotion and 20% on rational. This being said
focus your marketing and branding efforts on clients
                                                         it’s essential to foster an emotional relationship
and prospects that fit this profile. (For example,
                                                         with your clients with a people-focused
demographics, emotions and psychographics)
                                                         marketing plan.
6. Add More of the Right Clients
All your marketing materials should support your         For more information on our MasterPoint™                www.investmentexecutive.
client acquisition strategy. Develop a proactive         Brand Strategy Program call The Personal Coach          com/multimedia
strategy to find new clients. A sound referral process   today or email Fortunato Restagno directly at:          Then search their names!
is crucial.                                    
pROFIlING YOUR                                                                                  ARE YOU
BEST ClIENTS ANd                                                                                REAdY FOR
pROSpECTS                                                                                       COACHING?
profiling your ideal clients
and prospects can have a
significant impact on your
financial services business
as well as your life.
Over the years we have seen
clients focus on this key
concept and reap the rewards
over and over again!                                                                            Visit our website
                                                                                                homepage under
Financial advisors, new                                                                         Resources and listen to
or established often feel                                                                       some of our successful
overloaded, overwhelmed and                                                                     clients talk about the value
stressed. On one side of the                                                                    of coaching and how it has
spectrum, new advisors can                                                                      significantly impacted their
feel a lack of confidence in                                                                    business.
their knowledge and skill set.                   • They recognize the value you offer
On the other hand, established advisors                                                         Creating a powerful
                                                 • You look forward to meeting with them
can feel burnt out from the pressures of         • You consider them an advocate
                                                                                                Intro Talk
servicing their large client base and at                                                        “Hi my name is Fortunato.
the same time feel bored with no new             list the demographic and psychographic         I’m a Brand Specialist with
challenges. They aren’t running their            characteristics of these clients:              The Personal
business, their business is running them.        • Age • Marital Status • Occupation            Coach.”
“Diffusion is the number one enemy               • Children - ages • Household Income           How does
                                                 • Hobbies • Interests                          that sound?
of productivity”, states Wayne Cotton,
founder of Cotton Systems and                    • Personality • Values                         What about,
a real proponent in developing an                                                               “Hi, my name
                                                 • Why do you enjoy the relationship?
Ideal Client Profile.                                                                           is Fortunato.
                                                 • What do you have in common?                  I’m a Brand Specialist with
What is the impact of                            • Other?                                       The Personal Coach.
profiling Your Ideal Client?                     Now review the clients you listed and          We provide customized
• Improved focus • Reduced stress                determine which clients share similar          one-on-one business coaching
• Effective problem solving                      characteristics. Are there any that            for financial advisors.”
  & capture more                                                    don’t “fit”?                Any better? Or what about
  opportunities                                                     If so, remove them          this, “Hi, my name is
                                    They aren’t running their
                                                                                                Fortunato. I’m a Branding
• Higher productivity which         business, their business is from the list.                  Specialist with The Personal
  results in more income            running them.                   Focus on those clients      Coach. We provide customized
• Increased enjoyment                                               with similarities. What     one-on-one business coaching
                                                                    are the common problems     for financial advisors. We help
• Less boredom
                                                 and opportunities they experience? Now         advisors with confidence,
• Increased Confidence • Consistent results      that these similarities are clear, create a    focus and freedom.”
defining Your Ideal Client profile               description of your Ideal Client Profile.      I have described what I do,
The Steps: Make a list (10-15) of your           Write it down!                                 who I work for and what
Best Clients with the following qualities:       Proactively focus on your ideal clients        value I provide but have I
• Enjoyable to work with                         within your client base and you’ll be on the   grabbed your attention?
• Great exchange of energy                       road to confidence, focus and freedom.         Do you want to learn more?
  between both of you                            Need help? Ask your personal coach             When creating an effective
• You feel a connection with them                for guidance to customize a referral           introduction talk, put yourself
• They appreciate the work you do                process for you.                               in the shoes of the listener.
                                                                                                           Continued on Page 3

 tel: 519-576-2262                  
Unless you have been trained
dEVElOpING                                                                                             in the science of marketing
                                                                                                       and brand communication,
pROFESSIONAl CENTRES                                                                                   it can be difficult to spark
OF INFlUENCE                                                                                           interest in your audience.
Advisors who have built a                                                                              The key is to connect on an
successful business have                                                                               emotional level with your
mainly done so through new                                                                             ideal client. Determine the
client acquisitions. One of my                                                                         obstacles they are faced
responsibilities as a personal                                                                         with and provide value by
Coach is to help advisors focus                                                                        focusing on a solution to
on obtaining new clients and                                                                           these problems. Think hard
developing professional                                                                                about what your client’s life
centres of influence. (COI)                                                                            goals are, and include in your
This article will outline how                                                                          introduction how you can
our coaches help clients build                                                                         help them achieve these goals.
COI, in particular with                                                                                “Hi, my name is Fortunato.
Chartered Accountants. (CAs)                                                                           I work with a team that
                                                                                                       helps clients double their
When developing COI, it
                                                                                                       revenue within two years and
is crucial to understand the                                                                           gives them access to more
Chartered Accountant’s value                                                                           work freedom.”
system and way of thinking:                              Sending a card for a special occasion like    This leaves your listener
1. Most importantly, CAs are focused                     a birthday will give you more exposure and
                                                         help further develop the relationship.        wanting more.
    on client retention. Any strategies                                                                To learn more about perfecting
    focused on keeping clients will get                                                                your introduction talk, contact
    the CA’s attention.                            Meetings should be focused on introducing           Fortunato Restagno at:
                                                   new information to the CA (i.e. after     
2. CAs view themselves as the                      company conferences), to provide value to
    business advisor to their clients.             the CA and their clients. At The Personal           YOU’RE HIREd!
3. CAs, like financial advisors are interested     Coach we help our clients build their               It is 4pm on a Friday and
    in increasing their                                                 contact management             your trusted assistant just
    revenues, which is                                                  system with CAs,               presented their resignation
    measured in fees.              It will take several                 encouraging them               letter. Or maybe you have
                                   meetings before they                 to keep in contact on          decided to expand your
4. When building a strategic
   alliance, CAs are looking       will provide you with                a regular basis.
   for someone who is              introductions or referrals. We also encourage our
   objective and client                                                 clients to get to know
   oriented, not someone                                                the CA. Learning about
   who simply sells products to their clients.     their interests and inviting them to social
5. CAs must build trust with                       events will help build a strong trusting
    a financial advisor.                           relationship. Also sending a card for a
                                                   special occasion like a birthday will give
6. CAs are interested in creative                  you more exposure and help further
                                                                                                       team and are determining
    thinking and new ideas                                                                             your next steps. These are
                                                   develop the relationship.                           both situations that financial
7. CAs are interested in building a strategic      Finally, we recommend when developing               advisors dread - finding and
    alliance with a professional financial         COI, you start with the CAs of your                 attracting the right hire.
    advisor who is knowledgeable and               clients. It is easier to develop a relationship     What Next?
    has credentials (i.e. ClU, CFp).               if you already have a common client.                First of all, it’s imperative to
Building trust with a CA will not happen                                                               do a full assessment of the
                                                   We at The Personal Coach have developed an
overnight. It will take several meetings                                                               position, outlining duties and
                                                   entire program around the development of CAs
before they will provide you with                                                                      core competencies. (i.e. hours,
                                                   and if you would like a copy please contact
introductions or referrals.                                                                            salary, expectations) You can
                                                   Kelly Weichel at:
                                                                                                                    Continued on Page 4

 tel: 519-576-2262                             
WElCOME                                                             pROdUCTIVITY TIp:                                      ask other employees for input.
 KEllY WEICHEl!                                                      pOST ClIENT                                            Also, outline personality traits
                                                                                                                            that would fit best with the
                            please welcome                           MEETING NOTES                                          team. The Personal Coach
                            Kelly Weichel                                                                                   Team just hired a Marketing
                            to our personal                                                                                 Specialist and while
                            Coach team!                                                                                     experience and background is
                            Kelly is working                                                                                crucial, it was also important
                            closely with our                                                                                that we found someone who
                            team to support                                                                                 would fit into the culture
                            marketing,                                                                                      as well. As the saying goes,
                            branding and our                                                                                “always hire for attitude and
                            client and public                                                                               train for skill!”
                            communications.                                                                                 Now that you have outlined
 She is also working closely with Fortunato                                                                                 your ideal candidate, where
 Restagno, our Branding Specialist, to                                                                                      do you find this person? Word
 manage marketing and print projects for                                                                                    of mouth is the best way
 our clients.                                                                                                               to look for candidates. Let
                                                                                                                            colleagues, clients and friends
 To learn more about Kelly and her background,                                                                              know you are looking for
 please visit her profile on our web-site at:                        More than ever before, advisors are                    someone and outline the ideal                                             recording information from client                      candidate. You can also post
                                                                     meetings and phone calls in their                      the job description online or
                                                                     Client Relationship Management System.                 in the newspaper. An advisor

                                                                     Compliance requires it! But why stop there?            in a small town recently
                                                                     Why not share those notes with your client             posted an ad for a new
                                                                     so they are on the same page as you?                   assistant, not expecting to get
                                                                     We call these “post client meeting notes”.             much from it. A woman who
                                                                                                                            was considering moving back
                                                                     During your meeting you have most likely
                                                                                                                            to town ended up seeing it,
                                                                     discussed a number of topics, a few which              applying and has fit in great!
                                                                     require action by the coach or client.
                                                                                                                            You may be competing
                                                                     Will writing these actions down and sharing
                                                                                                                            with large companies for
      by Fortunato Restagno

                                                                     them with the client, prove to be productive
                                                                                                                            the top employees. If you
                                                                     and efficient? You bet it will.
                                                                                                                            can’t compete on base salary,
                                                                     E-mail:                 use other benefits to make
                                                                     for a template letter of a post client meeting note.   your office attractive to
                                                                                                                            potential hires. A fun team
                                                                            Personal Phrase of the Day                      environment, flexible hours,
                                                                           “The person who goes farthest is                 and opportunity to learn and
                                                                          generally the one who is willing to               grow are all key factors in
                                                                          do and dare. The sure-thing boat                  attracting talented staff.
                                  I’m sorry but Mr. Evans is in              never gets far from shore.”                    The Personal Coach team has
                              a business coaching session working                        Dale Carnegie                      extensive experience in hiring.
                                       on building sales.                                                                   Contact Kelly Weichel at:
                                                                                                                            for more information.

                                                        Tel: 519-576-2262 Email:
                                              This is only the beginning!
                             The Personal Coach Team is thrilled to announce that
                                      2012 marks our 10th Year Anniversary.
                              We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of
           our wonderful clients and friends who have made this milestone a reality.
                 We look forward to a bright future full of growth and opportunity.

Thank You!
        from The Personal Coach Team

Encouraging Confidence, Focus & Freedom
                                                 View client comments on the next page!
The direction and focus provided by Juli over the last 6 years has helped
              Here is what some                                            increase our revenues by 400%. We are well positioned for future growth
                                                                                 and thanks to Juli “we are prepared” to thrive in a continually
             of our valued clients                                              changing and challenging market place. Congratulations to Juli
                                                                                                    and The Personal Coach!
                 wanted to say                                                             Peter Pearson, TPC Client for 6 years
                                                                                       Pearson Financial Services Ltd., Squamish, BC

                                                                                  We’ve been working with Juli Leith and The Personal Coach
      I attribute most of my success since I bought out my father in       for over a year now and our experience to-date has been nothing short of
       1999 to the coaching and insight provided by Art Schooley.           fabulous.Her infectious personality and positive attitude can be felt the
        Before Art, the business ran me. Now, I run my business.           minute you meet her. She takes the time to really understand the needs of
 In pursuit of this objective, he developed a customized plan, asked the               our practice and tailors her recommendations to us.
 right questions and was unwavering in holding me accountable to the          There’s nothing cookie-cutter about her approach and we’ve seen the
things that I said were important. For any financial advisor considering     results. Our production and productivity are up significantly and we
   taking their business to the next level, whatever that level may be,       attribute that to her advice and guidance. The investment we made
               consider Art Schooley as your personal coach.                 in our business when we hired Juli has certainly paid off and we look
                 Barry Fowler, First Client with TPC                           forward to continued growth in our practice in the years to come.
                   Fowler Financial, Windsor, ON                                       Angel Georgijev-Lowe, TPC Client for 1.5 years
                                                                                         Georgijev Financial Group, London, ON

        Congratulations to Art and all the coaches and staff at             Hello TPC Team, Happy birthday and wish you all continued success.
 The Personal Coach on attainment of your first 10 years of successful        My father always preached, ‘together, we’re better’. That philosophy
         operation. I enjoyed my past client relationship with              certainly applies to our relationship! The McHugh Group has achieved
 April Lynn-Levitt and credit her coaching skills for our recent success   significant and continued success over the last many years thanks in part
  in transitioning our sales agency into a professional fee for service       to Kim. TPC and it’s great people played a very important role and
   financial planning firm. The Personal Coach helped make my                we thank you dearly for your contribution. We are very much looking
                       business plan come alive.                                             forward to the next 10 years with you.
            Randall Reynolds, TPC Client for 2 Years                                      Corey McHugh, TPC Client for 5 years
FAB Planning, a division of FAB Financial Advisors Brokerage Group                        The McHugh Group, Pointe-Claire, QC
                        Inc., Vancouver, ON

                                                                                     As someone who has worked in the industry for over
           Congratulations to everyone at The Personal Coach.               25 years, running his own practice for the last 10, it is amazing what
  Celebrating your 10th anniversary is a testament to the value of your    you can learn when you have someone that can help open your eyes to a
 services and the quality of your people. We look forward to continuing          bigger and better future. It is obvious to me what has made
   to benefit from your experience and expertise for the years to come.          you successful, and will continue to make you successful for
     Mich Landry, TPC MasterPoint Branding Client for 1 Year                                      many more years to come!
          Independent Accountants’ Investment Counsel,
                         Listowel, ON                                                        Jim Kilgour, TPC Client for 3 years
                                                                                              Advanced Benefits, Waterloo, ON

                                                                             Kim is a very talented coach, she made a great analysis at assessing
   Congratulations on a great 10 years. It’s been a pleasure working        my practice, gave me precise recommendations and action plan that is
   with Juli. I love her professionalism. I’m seeing great results in a      compatible with my business values as well as my client approach.
      relatively short period of time. I’m excited for the future.            Her insights moved my business forward , working with her was
              Nino Ardizzi, TPC Client for 1.5 Years                                                 a great investment
             Dundee Wealth Management, Toronto, ON                                          Claude Kayal, TPC Client for 8 years
                                                                                             Kayal & Associates, Montreal QC

                                                                                  Congratulations to “The Personal Coach Team” on your
        Art’s success over the past 10 years doesn’t surprise me.             10 year Anniversary. Thank you for giving me the tools to master
   His qualifications as a business trainer were well established over          my craft as an advisor. Working with April has given me the
     many years at a large Canadian financial services company                  confidence and direction to achieve the goals in my practice.
                before he started his own successful firm.                                   All the Best in your next 10 years!!!!
                   Jim Rogers, Industry Associate
               Rogers Financial Group, Vancouver, BC                                        Kelvin Krips, TPC Client for 2 years
                                                                                             Integrated Benefits, Red Deer, AB

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Fall Newsletter

  • 1. Tel: 519-576-2262 Fall 2011 Issue If you would prefer an eNewsletter email Tips and ideas for your business. TOp 10 BRANdING TIpS ANNOUNCING 1 Have a Strong Business Foundation Before implementing a marketing strategy, the 7 Avoid Using Several Advertising Suppliers OUR 10 YEAR processes and procedures that make up your business Do you have a website, brochure, stationery? ANNIVERSARY foundation must be clearly defined and in place. How many suppliers do you use to design Without this foundation, your company can not your materials? All your touch points need to deliver the promise communicated. communicate the same message and emotion. 2 Be Strategic First, then Tactical Use one supplier for all materials to When financial advisors have a new client, remain consistent. do they start selling product without knowing 8 Create a Client Experience the client’s needs? Of course not – they Most companies have a step by step learn about the client’s lifestyle, goals and business process they take their clients financial situation to develop the best plan through. Make sure your branding of action. The same applies to marketing accurately communicates this process – be strategic and plan before taking and name your process to reflect The Personal Coach action. the same branding message. 3 Hire a Marketing Your clients and prospects team is thrilled Firm that Knows will feel confident in to announce that your Industry your ability to meet It can be overwhelming to their needs. 2012 marks our develop the ideal branding 9 Make the 10th Year strategy for your company. Competition Hiring a marketing firm Anniversary. Irrelevant may be your best solution. With a solid brand However, make sure whomever you hire understands strategy you won’t need to worry about your your business. Don’t waste your time educating the competition. You should still keep track of their VIdEOS marketing firm - they should be educating you. movements but remain focused on your plan. Check out our 4 Beware of the Retail Approach 10 Take Action Investment Executive videos Retail marketing can be effective in some cases, featuring Kim Poulin and however keep in mind your business is different, Your marketing plan is the full mix of benefits upon which your brand is positioned. Keep it April Levitt. it’s a relationship business. Most advisors experience disappointing results with a retail approach because close by to avoid falling back into old routines. they aren’t targeting the right people. Branding puts your plan into action and connects you to your ideal clients. 5 Focus on the Right Clients In today’s market, decisions are based 80% Determine the characteristics of your best clients and on emotion and 20% on rational. This being said focus your marketing and branding efforts on clients it’s essential to foster an emotional relationship and prospects that fit this profile. (For example, with your clients with a people-focused demographics, emotions and psychographics) marketing plan. 6. Add More of the Right Clients All your marketing materials should support your For more information on our MasterPoint™ www.investmentexecutive. client acquisition strategy. Develop a proactive Brand Strategy Program call The Personal Coach com/multimedia strategy to find new clients. A sound referral process today or email Fortunato Restagno directly at: Then search their names! is crucial.
  • 2. pROFIlING YOUR ARE YOU BEST ClIENTS ANd REAdY FOR pROSpECTS COACHING? profiling your ideal clients and prospects can have a significant impact on your financial services business as well as your life. Over the years we have seen clients focus on this key concept and reap the rewards over and over again! Visit our website homepage under Financial advisors, new Resources and listen to or established often feel some of our successful overloaded, overwhelmed and clients talk about the value stressed. On one side of the of coaching and how it has spectrum, new advisors can significantly impacted their feel a lack of confidence in business. their knowledge and skill set. • They recognize the value you offer On the other hand, established advisors Creating a powerful • You look forward to meeting with them can feel burnt out from the pressures of • You consider them an advocate Intro Talk servicing their large client base and at “Hi my name is Fortunato. the same time feel bored with no new list the demographic and psychographic I’m a Brand Specialist with challenges. They aren’t running their characteristics of these clients: The Personal business, their business is running them. • Age • Marital Status • Occupation Coach.” “Diffusion is the number one enemy • Children - ages • Household Income How does • Hobbies • Interests that sound? of productivity”, states Wayne Cotton, founder of Cotton Systems and • Personality • Values What about, a real proponent in developing an “Hi, my name • Why do you enjoy the relationship? Ideal Client Profile. is Fortunato. • What do you have in common? I’m a Brand Specialist with What is the impact of • Other? The Personal Coach. profiling Your Ideal Client? Now review the clients you listed and We provide customized • Improved focus • Reduced stress determine which clients share similar one-on-one business coaching • Effective problem solving characteristics. Are there any that for financial advisors.” & capture more don’t “fit”? Any better? Or what about opportunities If so, remove them this, “Hi, my name is They aren’t running their Fortunato. I’m a Branding • Higher productivity which business, their business is from the list. Specialist with The Personal results in more income running them. Focus on those clients Coach. We provide customized • Increased enjoyment with similarities. What one-on-one business coaching are the common problems for financial advisors. We help • Less boredom and opportunities they experience? Now advisors with confidence, • Increased Confidence • Consistent results that these similarities are clear, create a focus and freedom.” defining Your Ideal Client profile description of your Ideal Client Profile. I have described what I do, The Steps: Make a list (10-15) of your Write it down! who I work for and what Best Clients with the following qualities: Proactively focus on your ideal clients value I provide but have I • Enjoyable to work with within your client base and you’ll be on the grabbed your attention? • Great exchange of energy road to confidence, focus and freedom. Do you want to learn more? between both of you Need help? Ask your personal coach When creating an effective • You feel a connection with them for guidance to customize a referral introduction talk, put yourself • They appreciate the work you do process for you. in the shoes of the listener. Continued on Page 3 tel: 519-576-2262
  • 3. Unless you have been trained dEVElOpING in the science of marketing and brand communication, pROFESSIONAl CENTRES it can be difficult to spark OF INFlUENCE interest in your audience. Advisors who have built a The key is to connect on an successful business have emotional level with your mainly done so through new ideal client. Determine the client acquisitions. One of my obstacles they are faced responsibilities as a personal with and provide value by Coach is to help advisors focus focusing on a solution to on obtaining new clients and these problems. Think hard developing professional about what your client’s life centres of influence. (COI) goals are, and include in your This article will outline how introduction how you can our coaches help clients build help them achieve these goals. COI, in particular with “Hi, my name is Fortunato. Chartered Accountants. (CAs) I work with a team that helps clients double their When developing COI, it revenue within two years and is crucial to understand the gives them access to more Chartered Accountant’s value work freedom.” system and way of thinking: Sending a card for a special occasion like This leaves your listener 1. Most importantly, CAs are focused a birthday will give you more exposure and help further develop the relationship. wanting more. on client retention. Any strategies To learn more about perfecting focused on keeping clients will get your introduction talk, contact the CA’s attention. Meetings should be focused on introducing Fortunato Restagno at: new information to the CA (i.e. after 2. CAs view themselves as the company conferences), to provide value to business advisor to their clients. the CA and their clients. At The Personal YOU’RE HIREd! 3. CAs, like financial advisors are interested Coach we help our clients build their It is 4pm on a Friday and in increasing their contact management your trusted assistant just revenues, which is system with CAs, presented their resignation measured in fees. It will take several encouraging them letter. Or maybe you have meetings before they to keep in contact on decided to expand your 4. When building a strategic alliance, CAs are looking will provide you with a regular basis. for someone who is introductions or referrals. We also encourage our objective and client clients to get to know oriented, not someone the CA. Learning about who simply sells products to their clients. their interests and inviting them to social 5. CAs must build trust with events will help build a strong trusting a financial advisor. relationship. Also sending a card for a special occasion like a birthday will give 6. CAs are interested in creative you more exposure and help further team and are determining thinking and new ideas your next steps. These are develop the relationship. both situations that financial 7. CAs are interested in building a strategic Finally, we recommend when developing advisors dread - finding and alliance with a professional financial COI, you start with the CAs of your attracting the right hire. advisor who is knowledgeable and clients. It is easier to develop a relationship What Next? has credentials (i.e. ClU, CFp). if you already have a common client. First of all, it’s imperative to Building trust with a CA will not happen do a full assessment of the We at The Personal Coach have developed an overnight. It will take several meetings position, outlining duties and entire program around the development of CAs before they will provide you with core competencies. (i.e. hours, and if you would like a copy please contact introductions or referrals. salary, expectations) You can Kelly Weichel at: Continued on Page 4 tel: 519-576-2262
  • 4. WElCOME pROdUCTIVITY TIp: ask other employees for input. KEllY WEICHEl! pOST ClIENT Also, outline personality traits that would fit best with the please welcome MEETING NOTES team. The Personal Coach Kelly Weichel Team just hired a Marketing to our personal Specialist and while Coach team! experience and background is Kelly is working crucial, it was also important closely with our that we found someone who team to support would fit into the culture marketing, as well. As the saying goes, branding and our “always hire for attitude and client and public train for skill!” communications. Now that you have outlined She is also working closely with Fortunato your ideal candidate, where Restagno, our Branding Specialist, to do you find this person? Word manage marketing and print projects for of mouth is the best way our clients. to look for candidates. Let colleagues, clients and friends To learn more about Kelly and her background, know you are looking for please visit her profile on our web-site at: More than ever before, advisors are someone and outline the ideal recording information from client candidate. You can also post meetings and phone calls in their the job description online or Client Relationship Management System. in the newspaper. An advisor PIECE OF MIND Compliance requires it! But why stop there? in a small town recently Why not share those notes with your client posted an ad for a new so they are on the same page as you? assistant, not expecting to get We call these “post client meeting notes”. much from it. A woman who was considering moving back During your meeting you have most likely to town ended up seeing it, discussed a number of topics, a few which applying and has fit in great! require action by the coach or client. You may be competing Will writing these actions down and sharing with large companies for by Fortunato Restagno them with the client, prove to be productive the top employees. If you and efficient? You bet it will. can’t compete on base salary, E-mail: use other benefits to make for a template letter of a post client meeting note. your office attractive to potential hires. A fun team Personal Phrase of the Day environment, flexible hours, “The person who goes farthest is and opportunity to learn and generally the one who is willing to grow are all key factors in do and dare. The sure-thing boat attracting talented staff. I’m sorry but Mr. Evans is in never gets far from shore.” The Personal Coach team has a business coaching session working Dale Carnegie extensive experience in hiring. on building sales. Contact Kelly Weichel at: for more information. Tel: 519-576-2262 Email:
  • 5. IT’S OUR 10TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY! This is only the beginning! The Personal Coach Team is thrilled to announce that 2012 marks our 10th Year Anniversary. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful clients and friends who have made this milestone a reality. We look forward to a bright future full of growth and opportunity. Thank You! from The Personal Coach Team Encouraging Confidence, Focus & Freedom View client comments on the next page!
  • 6. The direction and focus provided by Juli over the last 6 years has helped Here is what some increase our revenues by 400%. We are well positioned for future growth and thanks to Juli “we are prepared” to thrive in a continually of our valued clients changing and challenging market place. Congratulations to Juli and The Personal Coach! wanted to say Peter Pearson, TPC Client for 6 years Pearson Financial Services Ltd., Squamish, BC We’ve been working with Juli Leith and The Personal Coach I attribute most of my success since I bought out my father in for over a year now and our experience to-date has been nothing short of 1999 to the coaching and insight provided by Art Schooley. fabulous.Her infectious personality and positive attitude can be felt the Before Art, the business ran me. Now, I run my business. minute you meet her. She takes the time to really understand the needs of In pursuit of this objective, he developed a customized plan, asked the our practice and tailors her recommendations to us. right questions and was unwavering in holding me accountable to the There’s nothing cookie-cutter about her approach and we’ve seen the things that I said were important. For any financial advisor considering results. Our production and productivity are up significantly and we taking their business to the next level, whatever that level may be, attribute that to her advice and guidance. The investment we made consider Art Schooley as your personal coach. in our business when we hired Juli has certainly paid off and we look Barry Fowler, First Client with TPC forward to continued growth in our practice in the years to come. Fowler Financial, Windsor, ON Angel Georgijev-Lowe, TPC Client for 1.5 years Georgijev Financial Group, London, ON Congratulations to Art and all the coaches and staff at Hello TPC Team, Happy birthday and wish you all continued success. The Personal Coach on attainment of your first 10 years of successful My father always preached, ‘together, we’re better’. That philosophy operation. I enjoyed my past client relationship with certainly applies to our relationship! The McHugh Group has achieved April Lynn-Levitt and credit her coaching skills for our recent success significant and continued success over the last many years thanks in part in transitioning our sales agency into a professional fee for service to Kim. TPC and it’s great people played a very important role and financial planning firm. The Personal Coach helped make my we thank you dearly for your contribution. We are very much looking business plan come alive. forward to the next 10 years with you. Randall Reynolds, TPC Client for 2 Years Corey McHugh, TPC Client for 5 years FAB Planning, a division of FAB Financial Advisors Brokerage Group The McHugh Group, Pointe-Claire, QC Inc., Vancouver, ON As someone who has worked in the industry for over Congratulations to everyone at The Personal Coach. 25 years, running his own practice for the last 10, it is amazing what Celebrating your 10th anniversary is a testament to the value of your you can learn when you have someone that can help open your eyes to a services and the quality of your people. We look forward to continuing bigger and better future. It is obvious to me what has made to benefit from your experience and expertise for the years to come. you successful, and will continue to make you successful for Mich Landry, TPC MasterPoint Branding Client for 1 Year many more years to come! Independent Accountants’ Investment Counsel, Listowel, ON Jim Kilgour, TPC Client for 3 years Advanced Benefits, Waterloo, ON Kim is a very talented coach, she made a great analysis at assessing Congratulations on a great 10 years. It’s been a pleasure working my practice, gave me precise recommendations and action plan that is with Juli. I love her professionalism. I’m seeing great results in a compatible with my business values as well as my client approach. relatively short period of time. I’m excited for the future. Her insights moved my business forward , working with her was Nino Ardizzi, TPC Client for 1.5 Years a great investment Dundee Wealth Management, Toronto, ON Claude Kayal, TPC Client for 8 years Kayal & Associates, Montreal QC Congratulations to “The Personal Coach Team” on your Art’s success over the past 10 years doesn’t surprise me. 10 year Anniversary. Thank you for giving me the tools to master His qualifications as a business trainer were well established over my craft as an advisor. Working with April has given me the many years at a large Canadian financial services company confidence and direction to achieve the goals in my practice. before he started his own successful firm. All the Best in your next 10 years!!!! Jim Rogers, Industry Associate Rogers Financial Group, Vancouver, BC Kelvin Krips, TPC Client for 2 years Integrated Benefits, Red Deer, AB