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of the
AI Age,
shaping a New
Era - 2024
VOL 02 I ISSUE 03 I 2024
Driving Analy cs
Proac ve Approach to Innova on in the
World of Data Science
of the
AI Age,
shaping a New
Era - 2024
VP- Big Data and
Advanced Analy cs
Vodafone Idea Limited
Know your Leader
The Dynamic A ributes
of Tech Leaders
The Core Aspects
Integra on of AI to
Enhance Opera ons
in the Modern Business
Adaptability in Action
isionary leaders play a crucial role in driving innovation and shaping a new era. These leaders
possess a unique set of qualities that go beyond technical expertise, defining the statistical
trajectory of their organizations and, in many cases, influencing the entire industry.
One of the most critical qualities of tech leaders in the new era is visionary thinking. They have the potential
to see beyond the current trends and anticipate the future needs of both their organizations and the
industry. These leaders are adept at identifying emerging technologies, market shifts, and potential
disruptions, allowing them to position their companies strategically for long-term success.
In a rapidly changing technological landscape, adaptability and agility are paramount. Tech leaders who
thrive in the new era are flexible and can quickly pivot their strategies in response to market dynamics. They
embrace change and view challenges as opportunities for growth, fostering a culture of continuous
improvement within their organizations.
As technology continues to play an increasingly integral role in society, ethical considerations become
paramount. Leaders shaping the new technological era prioritize ethical decision-making, ensuring that
their organizations operate with integrity and responsibility. They understand the societal impact of their
products and services, striving to create technology that aligns with ethical standards and values.
Successful tech leaders recognize the power of collaboration and inclusivity. They build diverse teams that
bring together individuals with varied perspectives and skills, fostering a culture of innovation. By
promoting an inclusive environment, these leaders encourage creativity and ensure that their organizations
are well-equipped to address the complex challenges of the modern tech landscape.
In the new era, successful tech leaders prioritize a customer-centric approach. They understand the
importance of delivering products and services that truly meet the needs of their users. By staying closely
connected to their customer base, these leaders can adapt their strategies based on real-world feedback,
ensuring that their innovations resonate in the market.
CIOLook navigates the new technological era and features the enthralling stories of 10 Best Leaders of the
AI Age, shaping a New Technological Era – 2024 and displays their qualities such as visionary thinking,
adaptability, ethical leadership, collaboration, customer-centric focus, risk-taking, and a commitment to
lifelong learning are indispensable. By embodying these qualities, these leaders not only shape the future of
their organizations but also contribute significantly to the broader landscape of technology and its impact
on society.
Flip through the pages and have a delightful read!
Integra on of AI to Enhance Opera ons in the
Modern Business Arena
Know your Leader
The Dynamic A ributes of Tech Leaders
The Core Aspects
Driving Analy cs
Proac ve Approach to Innova on in the
World of Data Science
Lee Tiedrich
Pioneering Innova ons at the Nexus of Law,
Policy and Technology
February, 2024
Pooja M Bansal
Company Name
Emily Dulin
Chief Executive Officer
Emily Dulin is an accomplished leader and corporate
administrator with over 25 years of experience in management,
strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, advertising, public
relations, community/corporate outreach, special events and
Claire Cockerton
Founder & CEO
Claire Cockerton is a specialist in designing, building and
operating innovation centres.
Cockerton + Co
Brooke USA
Chantal Emmanuel
CTO, Co-founder
With a passion for innovation and a deep understanding
of cutting-edge technologies, Chantal has played a pivotal
role in shaping Limeloop's technological landscape.
Jeff Roscher
Jeff help organizations take control of their service
requests, work orders, preventive/scheduled maintenance,
assets, employee, inventory, vendors, and much more and
save money doing it.
Kevin Parikh
CEO and Chairman
Kevin Parikh is the CEO and Chairman of Avasant and
the Avasant Foundation.
Avasant Group
Featured Person
Nisha Dulhani
VP of Big Data and
Advanced Analytics
Nisha’s expertise illuminates a path towards data-driven
excellence, where her skills become the compass
navigating the company through data-driven decisions
and revenue optimizations via advanced analytics.
Lee Tiedrich
Distinguished Faculty
Fellow in Law &
Responsible Technology;
Executive in Residence
and AI Health; Founder
and CEO
Lee's experience serves as the bedrock for her
approach to artificial intelligence (AI), data and other
cutting-edge technologies.
University; Tiedrich Tech
Strategies, LLC
Vodafone Idea Limited
Khalid Farooq
Group Chief Information
With a rich background and extensive experience,
Khalid is emerging as a trailblazer in the intersection of
healthcare and technology.
Shefaa Al orman Hospitals
Taryn Andersen
Taryn aims to higher female-led tech & also social impact
entrepreneurs' investments, connecting them with
Todd Inskeep
Todd Inskeep has delivered security leadership and
innovation for over 25 years, and currently leads Incovate
Solutions, focusing on executive engagement for cyber
risk management and security program leadership
throughout digital transformations.
Incovate Solutions
VP- Big Data and
Advanced Analy cs
Vodafone Idea Limited
Driving Analy cs
Proac ve Approach to Innova on in the
World of Data Science
I aim to keep driving
innova on and developing
cu ng-edge solu ons using
ar ficial intelligence, machine
learning and sta s cs to solve
real industrial business
isha Dulhani stands as a driving force in the
Ndynamic landscape of telecommunications,
where data is not just a commodity but the key
to unlocking innovation. As the VP of Big Data and
Advanced Analytics at Vodafone Idea Limited, Nisha
leads the charge in harnessing the power of data for
strategic insights. Specializing in Big Data, Python, R,
SAS, SPSS, STATA, Tableau, Power BI, and SQL, she
manages a variety of technologies to transform raw
data into actionable intelligence.
In a corporate scenario where every byte of
information holds the potential to redefine the
industry’s trajectory, Nisha is emerging as the luminary,
seamlessly blending statistical prowess and
technological finesse to navigate the complexities of
the telecom realm.
At the helm of Vodafone Idea Limited’s analytics
endeavors, Nisha’s expertise illuminates a path towards
data-driven excellence, where her skills become the
compass navigating the company through data-driven
decisions and revenue optimizations via advanced
Let’s delve into the transformative world of Big Data and
Advanced Analytics led by Nisha at Vodafone Idea Limited!
Journey to Impact
Nisha is a seasoned data science leader and attributes
her success to her mother’s inspiration, love and
blessings. Honoured with a Master’s and M.Phil. in
Statistics, she embarked on a journey that transitioned
from academia to impactful real-world applications.
“My journey has been profoundly transformative,
characterized by a relentless commitment to continuous
learning, fostering exponential growth in my skills and
expertise,” she reflects.
Beginning as a Statistics professor in India, Nisha felt a
void in applying her skills to tangible challenges. Joining
a public health research institute marked the onset of
her data analytics journey. “Here, I delved into predictive
analyses on critical issues like HIV/AIDS, gender-based
discrimination, and more,” she notes. Her work graced
prestigious journals solidifying her expertise.
Subsequently, destiny unfolded opportunities as a data
science leader in three reputable organizations.
“I transformed from a core researcher to a business leader,”
she states. Nisha’s expertise spans Telecom, BFSI, IT,
Retail, and Healthcare. “I’ve served my expertise in various
industries,” she affirms.
At Vodafone Idea, her current role underscores AI-
driven projects to make the world smarter and more
automated. “My focus is on accelerating AI to identify the
right customers, ensuring ROI and understanding AI’s vision
in Telecom,” she elaborates. Mentoring her team, Nisha
steers towards delivering AI-driven solutions. For
Nisha, it’s more than a career—it’s a journey rooted in
gratitude and driven by a passion for leveraging AI to
shape a smarter, faster world.
Monetary Gains and Social Impact
As a leader in data and analytics, the opportunity to
uncover valuable insights, drive informed
decision-making and contribute to the organization’s
success through data-driven strategies is particularly
motivating. Nisha feels satisfied when her data
solutions give a substantial monetary benefit and social
recognition to her organization. Also, the ability to
harness the power of information and guide the team in
making impactful contributions keeps her engaged and
Strategies for Success
“I’ve faced challenges like lack of advanced data
infrastructure, unsuitable and inadequate hiring and data
illiteracy in organizations,” Nisha reveals. Yet, strategic
approaches proved key to overcoming these hurdles. “I
articulate the value of data science, demonstrate ROI and
advocate for a budget reflecting the importance of data-
driven decisions.”
Managing large and complex datasets posed another
hurdle in her data analytics journey. Developing strong
data pre-processing skills, using efficient tools and
employing techniques like data sampling helped me
analyze data effectively. Data quality is ensured
through robust governance practices. Continuous
learning is Nisha’s mantra for navigating the evolving
field. “Staying updated on emerging technologies enhances
my ability to tackle challenges,” she affirms. Nisha reflects
resilience, strategic thinking and a commitment to
staying at the forefront of the dynamic world of data
Revolutionizing Telecom
Nisha is a data science leader highlighting her impactful
contributions. “I’ve successfully implemented solutions in
Customer Analytics, Digital Transformation, Collection
Models, Up-and cross-sell modeling, Recommendation
engines, and Social Media Analytics (NLP),” she shares.
In the UK, leveraging machine learning, Nisha’s team
developed an AI-enabled chatbot for a Telecom client,
elevating customer service, reducing costs by 20%, and
boosting additional revenue. In India, a collection
analytics solution for a retail bank led to an impressive
8% increase in debt collection.
Her data solutions directly influence organizational
strategy. “Optimizing the marketing budget based on my
predictions resulted in a 3% increase in annual revenue,”
Nisha notes. This showcases tangible outcomes
emphasizing the transformative power of data science
in driving efficiency, revenue and strategic decision-
Leading with Impact
Nisha embodies the mantra of ‘leading by example.’ “I
demonstrate a commitment to innovation through my
actions, sharing success stories to inspire my team,” she
affirms. Fostering a culture of independence is pivotal
in her leadership style. “I create an environment where
team members feel free to experiment with new technology
and approaches,” Nisha explains. Empowering her team
to take risks and explore unconventional methods is
fundamental to pushing boundaries.
Continuous learning and curiosity are the cornerstones
of Nisha’s approach. “I encourage a mindset of exploration
and experimentation, celebrating the journey even if
setbacks occur,” she states.
In the dynamic Telecom Industry, Nisha emphasizes the
uniqueness of each problem statement, advocating for
novel and creative approaches. She asserts that old
solutions won’t suffice for new challenges. Her
leadership ethos revolves around inspiring innovation,
empowering her team and fostering a creative mindset
to drive the expansion of the company.
As a leader in data and
analy cs, the opportunity to
uncover valuable insights, drive
informed decision-making and
contribute to the organiza on’s
success through data-driven
strategies is par cularly
mo va ng.
We comply with the
GDPR criteria set forth by
the organisa on to
guarantee the ethical
soundness of
our advanced analy cs
ac vi es.
Innovation Within Structure
In fostering a harmonious blend of creativity and
structured data analysis, Nisha emphasizes setting
clear expectations while encouraging innovation. “I
focus on establishing a framework outlining data analysis
processes, ensuring clarity on methodologies and goals,” she
shares. While maintaining structure, Nisha provides
flexibility allowing her team the freedom to explore
creative solutions.
Transparency is key in her leadership style, as she
connects the team to broader goals, executive agendas
and futuristic aspirations. Nisha notes that this elevates
their thinking and creativity within their domains. Her
approach strikes a balance, creating an environment
where structured analysis coexists with a culture of
creativity and forward-thinking ensuring a dynamic and
effective team.
Agility in AI
Nisha champions continuous learning and
experimentation to keep her team at the forefront of
AI. “I encourage staying informed through training,
workshops and conferences,” she emphasizes, fostering a
culture of upskilling. Participation in hackathons and
data-thons enhances team confidence and industry
knowledge. Regular knowledge-sharing sessions within
the team promote a collective understanding of
emerging trends.
To stay ahead in the expansive field of artificial
intelligence, Nisha advocates publishing work as white
or research papers. This builds credibility and trust in
turn inspiring young AI learners. Nisha’s strategy not
only keeps her team agile in a rapidly evolving
landscape but also positions them as contributors and
inspirers within the AI community.
Skills, Equality and Transformation
Nisha is a fervent advocate for diversity within her
team embracing two dimensions. “First, diversity in social
origins, genders, pay scales, cultures, and geographic
regions,” she affirms, recognizing the richness it brings.
The second dimension focuses on educational
backgrounds and skill sets. A diverse skill set is crucial
for any data science team and this explains her strategy
of recruiting individuals with various qualifications.
Her team reflects this diversity, comprising
Statisticians/Economists for modeling, Engineers with
programming and AI/ML skills, management
professionals for business acumen, software
developers for AI tools, and visualization experts for
reporting. Nisha believes this diversity is essential for
holistic problem-solving.
Beyond skills, Nisha champions equality in gender and
compensation. She addresses global gender disparities,
citing statistics that highlight the significant gender pay
gap. Promoting diversity is essential to overcome these
social issues. Encouragingly, she notes a positive trend
in the data science field, with around 15% of data
scientists being women, showcasing a shift driven by
committed AI leaders. Nisha’s approach not only
strengthens her team but also contributes to broader
societal changes in gender and pay equality.
Decoding Data
Nisha underscores the importance of effective
communication in data science. Communicating
analytical results is a vital duty. In a role that involves
interactions with CEOs, stakeholders, managers, data
engineers, and legal professionals, Nisha recognizes the
need for cross-cultural communication. She emphasizes
that utilizing visual aids like charts, graphs and
dashboards makes information more accessible and
Nisha adopts a communication approach grounded in
simplicity. Using simple and straightforward language
while also avoiding AI/ML jargon and technical terms
whenever possible is essential. Drawing from
consulting experience, she structures her
communication in a narrative format creating a
compelling narrative around the data. This approach
provides context and highlights the implications of
findings, ensuring that analytical insights are not only
understood but resonate across diverse audiences.
Embracing Failures, Fostering Growth
“In the technology sector, challenges are inevitable,”
acknowledges Nisha. Common issues like
interoperability, computational failures and data-lake
overload are addressed through proactive planning. “I
encourage my team to accept failures and learn from
mistakes,” she notes fostering an environment where
sharing challenges and mistakes is embraced without
Transparency is a key principle as Nisha teaches her
team to keep business stakeholders informed about
challenging situations. This approach not only enables
effective problem-solving but also cultivates a culture
of continuous improvement and open communication
within the team.
Privacy First
Nisha underscores the importance of ethical
considerations in advanced analytics. “We comply with
GDPR criteria and set explicit ethical standards within our
team,” she asserts. Strong data governance procedures
ensure that data is handled in accordance with laws.
Transparency is a priority in analytics processes with
stakeholders kept informed about data use and
potential ramifications. Working with personal
information data, Nisha’s team prioritizes privacy,
always masking personal information before disclosing
propensity bases to prevent data leaking. With the
onset of data to be treated as currency, it is important
to standardize and widespread the use of
anonymization so that data can be collected with
transparency and with trust leading to quality samples
driving better value.
Beyond the Hype
Nisha highlights the pervasive use of artificial
intelligence (AI) in everyone’s daily lives with
generative AI being a significant recent development.
“As generative AI advances, we can expect new tools for
creating text, video, images, and audio to emerge,” she
notes. Responding to claims about these tools replacing
humans, Nisha asserts, “Technology and tools greatly
assist us, but they cannot completely replace us.”
She finds the recent strides in AI, such as non-invasive
language decoders using brain activity to decode
images, particularly intriguing. “Patients unable to speak
within the healthcare system can greatly benefit from this
and numerous other fields will also benefit,” she explains.
Nisha’s excitement about advanced analytics
opportunities reflects a positive outlook on the future
where AI continues to enhance various aspects of our
lives while coexisting with human capabilities.
Fusing Technologies for Success
Nisha emphasizes the need to stay competitive by
pushing boundaries and adopting new technologies. “In
addition to mainstream projects, I encourage learning and
development,” she affirms.
Leveraging unstructured data during this time, her
team aims to create a novel use case for the customer
support team. “We’re fusing the power of large language
models with Bayesian networks,” Nisha states. This
proactive approach not only keeps the team abreast of
industry advancements but also positions them at the
forefront of innovation, showcasing a commitment to
continuous improvement and staying ahead in a rapidly
evolving landscape.
Fusing Research and Corporate Excellence
Nisha envisions the widespread use of data science and
artificial intelligence across all industrial sectors in the
long run. “I aim to keep driving innovation, using AI,
machine learning and statistics to solve real business
problems,” she states.
Additionally, she has a goal to create frameworks that
make data science and AI more accessible to everyone.
With roots as a researcher, Nisha intends to continue
publishing work, conducting research in her free time
and bridging the gap between corporate and research
fields. Her vision encompasses not only advancing
technology but also ensuring inclusivity and
collaboration in the evolving landscape of data science
and artificial intelligence.
From my consul ng
experience, I learnt to structure
my communica on in a narra ve
format, weaving a compelling
story around the data to
provide context and highlight
the implica ons of the
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Know your Leader
eadership plays a pivotal role in driving organizational
Lsuccess and societal progress. While different
leadership styles exist, transformative leadership has
emerged as a highly effective approach in bringing about
meaningful change and inspiring followers to reach their full
potential. Transformative leaders possess a unique set of
traits that distinguish them from other leadership styles.
In this article, we will delve into the key traits of tech leaders
and explore how they contribute to their ability to create
lasting impact.
Visionary Thinking:
Transformative leaders possess a clear and compelling vision
for the future. They are able to articulate a purpose that
resonates with others and inspires them to join in the pursuit
of a shared goal. These leaders can see beyond the present
challenges and envision a better future, and they effectively
communicate this vision to their followers, fueling their
motivation and commitment. | February 2024 |
The Dynamic
Tech Leaders | 2024 |
Authenticity is a fundamental trait of transformative
leaders. They are genuine, transparent, and true to
their values and beliefs. By leading with authenticity,
they build trust and credibility with their followers,
fostering an environment of openness and
collaboration. Authentic leaders also encourage others
to embrace their own authenticity, creating a culture
that values diversity and individual strengths.
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:
Transformative leaders possess a high degree of
empathy and emotional intelligence. They understand
the emotions and perspectives of their followers and
demonstrate genuine concern for their well-being. By
empathizing with others, they build strong
relationships and create a sense of belonging. These
leaders are skilled at active listening and are responsive
to the needs and concerns of their team members.
Intellectual Stimulation:
Transformative leaders challenge the status quo and
promote a culture of intellectual stimulation. They
encourage their followers to think critically, question
assumptions, and explore innovative ideas. By fostering
an environment that values learning and growth,
transformative leaders empower their teams to
unleash their creative potential and find new solutions
to complex problems.
Inspirational Motivation:
Transformative leaders inspire and motivate their
followers to achieve greatness. They set high
expectations and provide support and encouragement
along the way. Through their own passion and
enthusiasm, they ignite a sense of purpose and
dedication in their teams. These leaders lead by
example, consistently demonstrating a strong work
ethic and a commitment to excellence.
Adaptability and Resilience:
Transformative leaders are adaptable and resilient in
the face of challenges and uncertainty. They embrace
change as an opportunity for growth and guide their
teams through periods of transition. These leaders
remain calm and composed under pressure, inspiring
confidence in their followers and enabling them to
navigate complex situations with confidence.
Transformative leaders possess a unique combination
of visionary thinking, authenticity, empathy, intellectual
stimulation, inspirational motivation, adaptability, and
resilience. Their ability to inspire and empower others
to reach their full potential distinguishes them as
effective leaders who drive meaningful change. By
understanding and cultivating these traits, aspiring
leaders can develop their own transformative
leadership style and contribute to creating a better
future for their organizations and society as a whole. | February 2024 |
Lee Tiedrich
Pioneering Innovations at the Nexus of Law,
Policy and Technology
avigating the complex landscape of emerging
Ntechnologies demands a unique blend of
expertise and a forward-thinking perspective.
Lee Tiedrich, a Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Law &
Responsible Technology, an Executive in Residence
and AI Health Scholar at Duke University, and the
Founder and CEO at Tiedrich Tech Strategies, LLC
stands at the intersection of law, technology and
Having traversed the realms of emerging technologies
for decades, Lee Tiedrich's journey began with the
inception of multi-channel video and cellular
competition, progressing through the eras of
e-commerce and internet commercialization to today.
Over the years, she has consistently gravitated towards
the challenge of fostering innovation in a manner that is
not only cutting-edge but also safe, trusted and
responsible. Her commitment extends beyond
technological advancements to encompass broader
societal benefits, global security and prosperity.
In crafting solutions for this complex landscape, Lee
emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach.
She underscores the importance of developing legal
and policy frameworks that seamlessly integrate with
evolving technologies and reflect an understanding of
market practices. Recognizing that organizations must
adopt multi-disciplinary strategies, she develops
approaches for aligning business and technical teams
with other specialists to also address legal, policy,
ethical, and sustainability considerations throughout
the entire lifecycle of emerging technology
development and deployment.
Lee's experience serves as the bedrock for her
approach to artificial intelligence (AI), data and other
cutting-edge technologies. Unlocking the benefits and
managing the risks associated with these technologies
requires a nuanced understanding and a
comprehensive set of solutions. Her approach is further
informed by her roles in both the OECD AI and Global
Partnership on AI (GPAI) expert group.
For GPAI, Lee co-leads the Intellectual Property
Committee and a project focused on increasing
voluntary and responsible AI data and model sharing.
With the advent of generative AI, open-source AI
models and the scraping of publicly accessible data, the
need for responsible sharing practices has become
paramount. Lee's GPAI work underscores how
complementary and diverse solutions, ranging from
standard contract terms and business codes of conduct
to technical tools and education, can collectively unlock
responsible AI data and model sharing.
Adapting to Change
The dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence requires
effective leadership for harnessing its benefits and
navigating potential pitfalls. Lee emphasizes the
importance of embodying key values, stating, "Leaders
must publicly embrace and uphold good values, like those
outlined in the OECD AI Principles, serving as our
organization's North Star."
While technologies have
evolved, I continue to be drawn
to solving the challenge of
unlocking innovation in a safe,
trusted and responsible manner
that advances social good,
global security and prosperity
for everyone." | February 2024 |
Lee Tiedrich
Dis nguished Faculty
Fellow in Law & Responsible
Technology; Execu ve in
Residence and AI Health;
Founder and CEO
Duke University; Tiedrich
Tech Strategies, LLC | 2024 |
Lee advocates for a commitment to lifelong learning,
asserting that leaders must be nimble in understanding
market dynamics and implementing change to keep
pace with the evolving AI landscape. Enthusiastically
embracing continuous learning is crucial to navigating
the rapid developments in AI technology, legality, and
other facets. Furthermore, she stresses the significance
of understanding the human impact of AI systems,
stating, "Life-long learning includes comprehending how
people are affected by our AI systems, offering crucial
insights including for risk mitigation and transparency
Recognizing the complexity of AI, Lee underscores the
need to cultivate a multidisciplinary team. "AI leaders
should inspire teams that communicate and collaborate
effectively, aligned with the organization's values
throughout the AI development and deployment lifecycle,"
she stresses. This involves fostering a shared thirst for
knowledge and adaptability among team members.
Global Voices, Global Benefits
International collaboration stands as a linchpin for
unlocking benefits and mitigating risks on a global scale
in the ever-expanding realms of AI and data. Lee
accentuates the importance of such collaboration,
stating, "International efforts, exemplified by initiatives like
the United Nations, OECD, GPAI, G7, G20, NATO, and the
UK AI Safety Summit reflect the reality that technology
transcends borders."
Lee, drawing on decades of experience and a multi-
disciplinary perspective, brings unique insights to
address the diverse needs of the global community.
Engaging in multi-stakeholder AI conversations
worldwide, from India to Taiwan, Europe, North
America, and the Middle East, allows me to ensure that
all voices are heard. Regular interactions with
government, civil society, industry, academia, and other
sectors further enrich her understanding. This inclusive
approach is crucial. Considering historically under-
represented voices in framing AI policies and practices
is essential to ensuring that AI benefits everyone, both
at the policy level and in practical AI implementation
within organizations.
Lee's advocacy for international harmonization in
responsible AI policies, standards and tools aligns with
the understanding that technology's impact knows no
boundaries. As she aptly puts it, "Working collectively on
a global scale is key to ensuring the widespread benefits of
AI for everyone."
AI as a Crucial Ally
In the quest to address the pressing issues of climate
crisis and biodiversity loss, AI emerges as a powerful
tool. Lee is co-leading the GPAI RAISE Committee and
she highlights the potential, stating, "Our comprehensive
reports outline specific use cases and roadmaps for
optimizing AI to help tackle these critical objectives."
However, she cautions against overlooking the
environmental risks associated with AI, as emphasized
in a 2022OECD and GPAI report. AI, if not developed
and deployed properly can exacerbate environmental
concerns with direct and indirect adverse impacts
necessitating improved measurements and reporting
Policymakers in the US and EU are actively responding
to these concerns, underlining the need for
organizations to integrate sustainability into their
responsible AI programs. These developments
underscore the crucial role of addressing
environmental impacts in the responsible deployment
of AI, ensuring that it contributes positively to our
global challenges rather than exacerbating them. | February 2024 |
Innovate to Influence
Laws and policies frequently change. Lee encourages
students to focus not only on current legal
requirements but also on how laws likely will and
should evolve. Anticipating legal change can help
organizations smoothly plan future operations, ensure
compliance and gain competitive advantages. This
forward-looking approach requires multidisciplinary
expertise, with legal and policy specialists effectively
coordinating with technical, business, environmental
sustainability, and other specialists. She encourages
students to collaborate in multi-disciplinary teams so
they can learn from each other and develop the
necessary knowledge and skills to tackle these complex
Inspired by innovation, Lee urges students to actively
participate in the policy-shaping process. "Students
shouldn't underestimate their potential to impact policy
developments positively," she asserts. Encouraging them
to bring new ideas to the forefront, their contributions
are invaluable in shaping the future trajectory of laws
and policies. This inclusive and proactive approach
ensures a dynamic and informed engagement with the
evolving legal landscape.
Policies in Progress
Artificial intelligence has advanced so much faster than
our intellectual property (IP) and other laws. For
instance, AI can help produce many valuable outputs
including creative content, inventions and data. Today's
IP laws do not clearly answer whether and to what
extent works created using AI are protectable. Nor do
the laws necessarily determine who has rights to any
such works that may be protectable. Scraping publicly
accessible information from third party websites also
raises myriad IP and other legal issues, as reflected in
several high-profile lawsuits. Unsurprisingly,
policymakers have turned their attention to AI as well
as IP, and this will likely continue.
Lee emphasizes the pivotal role of contracts in the
evolving AI and IP policy landscape, stating, "Contracts
can play a critical role in providing more certainty and
helping address some legal gaps." In a recent OECD blog
post, she elaborates on how parties can leverage
contracts for this purpose. Lee's GPAI efforts are
dedicated to establishing a global collaboration
platform for facilitating development of standard
contract terms. She anticipates ongoing work in tandem
with policymakers, developing business codes of
conduct and the creation of technical and educational
tools to further shape the AI and IP policy landscape.
Navigating the Future
Lee anticipates a continued rise in AI-driven
transactions. Issues such as intellectual property,
privacy, cybersecurity, and trustworthiness will be at
the forefront, as reflected in emerging AI policies and
laws. She also highlights the growing importance of
liability provisions in transactions, emphasizing that
contractually allocating liability for potential harms
caused by AI is a critical consideration.
To help navigate the complexities of AI systems with
intricate value chains, Lee suggests understanding
relevant technologies, value chains, business models,
and laws. This is key to finding mutually agreeable
contractual allocations of rights and responsibilities.
Standard contract terms, she notes, can also be
instrumental in resolving these issues. Lee emphasizes
the significance of AI due diligence before agreements,
stating, "Proper due diligence helps parties comprehend
risks, facilitating more streamlined negotiations and better
risk mitigation strategies."
Tech for Good
She notes, "I'm very excited about technology's potential
to advance social good, global security, and prosperity,
addressing climate change and advancing healthcare and
education." Her enthusiasm extends to the increasing
number of entrepreneurs pioneering responsible
innovation and competition. Lee anticipates that
ongoing global efforts to develop standards will
facilitate competition for new entrants, as it should
become easier for new players to compete and, equally
as important, for the global community to benefit.
Beyond policy and academia, Lee actively translates
responsible technology principles into practice. She
focuses on operationalizing responsible technology,
addressing AI and data governance, promoting
responsible data and model sharing, particularly with
open-source AI models. Lee also dedicates efforts to
navigating the intersection of AI with intellectual
property, privacy, and climate issues in the evolving
technological landscape. | 2024 |
The Core Aspects
Integration of AI to
Enhance Operations
in the Modern
Business Arena
n the landscape of the modern business arena, the integration of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping traditional
operations and fostering innovation.
This article explores the significant impact of AI on enhancing operational
efficiency, decision-making processes, and overall business performance in
today's dynamic and competitive business environment.
AI-Powered Automation: Streamlining Operations
Process Automation: AI enables businesses to automate repetitive and time-
consuming tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic and
creative endeavors. From data entry to customer support, automation powered
by AI enhances efficiency and reduces operational costs.
Supply Chain Optimization: AI-driven algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to
optimize supply chain processes. Predictive analytics and machine learning
algorithms help businesses forecast demand, manage inventory effectively, and
streamline logistics, resulting in a more responsive and cost-effective supply
Enhanced Decision-Making with AI Insights
Data-Driven Decision Making: AI processes vast datasets at unparalleled speeds,
providing businesses with actionable insights. By leveraging machine learning
algorithms, businesses can make informed, data-driven decisions, minimizing
risks, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
Predictive Analytics: AI's predictive capabilities empower businesses to
anticipate future trends and customer behavior. Whether it's forecasting sales,
predicting market trends, or identifying potential risks, predictive analytics
enhances decision-making by providing a forward-looking perspective. | February 2024 |
Customer Experience Transformation
Personalized Customer Interactions: AI-
driven tools, including chatbots and virtual
assistants, revolutionize customer
interactions. These technologies analyze
customer data to provide personalized
recommendations, answer queries in real-
time, and enhance overall customer
Sentiment Analysis: AI tools are adept at
analyzing customer sentiments across various
channels. By understanding customer
feedback and sentiment, businesses can
adapt their strategies to meet customer
expectations, leading to improved products
and services.
Cybersecurity Reinforcement
Threat Detection and Prevention: AI is a
powerful ally in the realm of cybersecurity. | 2024 |
Machine learning algorithms can detect patterns
indicative of cyber threats, enabling businesses to
proactively identify and prevent security breaches,
safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining the
integrity of operations.
Behavioral Analysis: AI tools go beyond traditional
cybersecurity measures by employing behavioral
analysis. By monitoring user behavior and identifying
anomalies, businesses can enhance security measures,
protecting against insider threats and unauthorized
Operational Efficiency through AI-Enhanced Analytics
Operational Analytics: AI-driven analytics offer deeper
insights into operational performance. By analyzing
data from various departments, businesses can identify
bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement,
leading to more streamlined operations.
Resource Optimization: AI algorithms optimize
resource allocation by analyzing usage patterns and
predicting future needs. This ensures that businesses
allocate resources efficiently, whether it's human
capital, equipment, or other assets.
Workforce Collaboration and Productivity
Collaborative Tools: AI-driven collaboration tools
enhance communication and productivity within the
workforce. Virtual assistants, project management
platforms, and AI-powered communication tools
streamline collaboration, making it easier for teams to
work efficiently across geographical boundaries.
Automated Task Assignment: AI algorithms can
automate task assignments based on individual
strengths and workload. This ensures that tasks are
distributed optimally, avoiding bottlenecks and
maximizing productivity across the workforce.
AI-Driven Innovation and Product Development
Innovative Ideation: AI can analyze market trends,
consumer preferences, and emerging technologies to
inspire innovative ideation. By providing insights into
potential areas of growth and disruption, AI fosters a
culture of innovation within the organization.
Product Lifecycle Management: Throughout the
product lifecycle, AI plays a crucial role. From ideation
and design to manufacturing and maintenance, AI-
driven tools enhance efficiency, reduce time-to-market,
and contribute to the development of high-quality
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Data Privacy and Security: With increased reliance on
AI, businesses must prioritize data privacy and security.
Safeguarding customer and proprietary data is
paramount to maintaining trust and compliance with
regulatory frameworks.
Ethical AI Usage: Ethical considerations surrounding AI
usage, including bias in algorithms and the potential for
job displacement, require careful attention. Businesses
must adopt ethical AI practices to ensure fair and
responsible use of these technologies.
End Note
The integration of Artificial Intelligence into modern
business operations marks a paradigm shift, offering
unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, innovation,
and competitiveness. From automating routine tasks to
revolutionizing decision-making processes, AI has
become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of forward-
thinking businesses.
While the benefits are evident, organizations must
navigate challenges and ethical considerations to
ensure the responsible and effective deployment of AI.
As businesses continue to harness the power of AI, the
landscape of the modern business arena will evolve,
setting the stage for a future where intelligence and
technology converge for sustainable growth and
success. | February 2024 |
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10 Best Leaders of the AI Age, shaping a New Technological Era - 2024.pdf

  • 1. Best Leaders of the AI Age, shaping a New Technological Era - 2024 VOL 02 I ISSUE 03 I 2024 Driving Analy cs Excellence Nisha Dulhani’s Proac ve Approach to Innova on in the World of Data Science Best Leaders of the AI Age, shaping a New Technological Era - 2024 VP- Big Data and Advanced Analy cs Vodafone Idea Limited NishaDulhani Know your Leader The Dynamic A ributes of Tech Leaders The Core Aspects Integra on of AI to Enhance Opera ons in the Modern Business Arena
  • 2.
  • 5. Adaptability in Action V isionary leaders play a crucial role in driving innovation and shaping a new era. These leaders possess a unique set of qualities that go beyond technical expertise, defining the statistical trajectory of their organizations and, in many cases, influencing the entire industry. One of the most critical qualities of tech leaders in the new era is visionary thinking. They have the potential to see beyond the current trends and anticipate the future needs of both their organizations and the industry. These leaders are adept at identifying emerging technologies, market shifts, and potential disruptions, allowing them to position their companies strategically for long-term success. In a rapidly changing technological landscape, adaptability and agility are paramount. Tech leaders who thrive in the new era are flexible and can quickly pivot their strategies in response to market dynamics. They embrace change and view challenges as opportunities for growth, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within their organizations. As technology continues to play an increasingly integral role in society, ethical considerations become paramount. Leaders shaping the new technological era prioritize ethical decision-making, ensuring that their organizations operate with integrity and responsibility. They understand the societal impact of their products and services, striving to create technology that aligns with ethical standards and values. Successful tech leaders recognize the power of collaboration and inclusivity. They build diverse teams that bring together individuals with varied perspectives and skills, fostering a culture of innovation. By promoting an inclusive environment, these leaders encourage creativity and ensure that their organizations are well-equipped to address the complex challenges of the modern tech landscape. In the new era, successful tech leaders prioritize a customer-centric approach. They understand the importance of delivering products and services that truly meet the needs of their users. By staying closely connected to their customer base, these leaders can adapt their strategies based on real-world feedback, ensuring that their innovations resonate in the market. CIOLook navigates the new technological era and features the enthralling stories of 10 Best Leaders of the AI Age, shaping a New Technological Era – 2024 and displays their qualities such as visionary thinking, adaptability, ethical leadership, collaboration, customer-centric focus, risk-taking, and a commitment to lifelong learning are indispensable. By embodying these qualities, these leaders not only shape the future of their organizations but also contribute significantly to the broader landscape of technology and its impact on society. Flip through the pages and have a delightful read! AnishMiller
  • 7. Integra on of AI to Enhance Opera ons in the Modern Business Arena Articles Profile Know your Leader The Dynamic A ributes of Tech Leaders 20 The Core Aspects 14 08 Driving Analy cs Excellence Nisha Dulhani’s Proac ve Approach to Innova on in the World of Data Science Lee Tiedrich Pioneering Innova ons at the Nexus of Law, Policy and Technology 14
  • 9. Brief Company Name Emily Dulin Chief Executive Officer Emily Dulin is an accomplished leader and corporate administrator with over 25 years of experience in management, strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, advertising, public relations, community/corporate outreach, special events and promotions. Claire Cockerton Founder & CEO Claire Cockerton is a specialist in designing, building and operating innovation centres. Cockerton + Co Brooke USA Chantal Emmanuel CTO, Co-founder With a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies, Chantal has played a pivotal role in shaping Limeloop's technological landscape. LimeLoop Jeff Roscher President Jeff help organizations take control of their service requests, work orders, preventive/scheduled maintenance, assets, employee, inventory, vendors, and much more and save money doing it. eWorkOrders Kevin Parikh CEO and Chairman Kevin Parikh is the CEO and Chairman of Avasant and the Avasant Foundation. Avasant Group Featured Person Nisha Dulhani VP of Big Data and Advanced Analytics Nisha’s expertise illuminates a path towards data-driven excellence, where her skills become the compass navigating the company through data-driven decisions and revenue optimizations via advanced analytics. Lee Tiedrich Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Law & Responsible Technology; Executive in Residence and AI Health; Founder and CEO Lee's experience serves as the bedrock for her approach to artificial intelligence (AI), data and other cutting-edge technologies. Duke University; Tiedrich Tech Strategies, LLC Vodafone Idea Limited Khalid Farooq Group Chief Information Officer With a rich background and extensive experience, Khalid is emerging as a trailblazer in the intersection of healthcare and technology. Shefaa Al orman Hospitals Taryn Andersen CEO Taryn aims to higher female-led tech & also social impact entrepreneurs' investments, connecting them with investors. Impulse4women Todd Inskeep Founder Todd Inskeep has delivered security leadership and innovation for over 25 years, and currently leads Incovate Solutions, focusing on executive engagement for cyber risk management and security program leadership throughout digital transformations. Incovate Solutions
  • 10. VP- Big Data and Advanced Analy cs Vodafone Idea Limited NishaDulhani
  • 11. Cover Story Driving Analy cs Excellence Nisha Dulhani’s Proac ve Approach to Innova on in the World of Data Science I aim to keep driving innova on and developing cu ng-edge solu ons using ar ficial intelligence, machine learning and sta s cs to solve real industrial business problems.
  • 12. isha Dulhani stands as a driving force in the Ndynamic landscape of telecommunications, where data is not just a commodity but the key to unlocking innovation. As the VP of Big Data and Advanced Analytics at Vodafone Idea Limited, Nisha leads the charge in harnessing the power of data for strategic insights. Specializing in Big Data, Python, R, SAS, SPSS, STATA, Tableau, Power BI, and SQL, she manages a variety of technologies to transform raw data into actionable intelligence. In a corporate scenario where every byte of information holds the potential to redefine the industry’s trajectory, Nisha is emerging as the luminary, seamlessly blending statistical prowess and technological finesse to navigate the complexities of the telecom realm. At the helm of Vodafone Idea Limited’s analytics endeavors, Nisha’s expertise illuminates a path towards data-driven excellence, where her skills become the compass navigating the company through data-driven decisions and revenue optimizations via advanced analytics. Let’s delve into the transformative world of Big Data and Advanced Analytics led by Nisha at Vodafone Idea Limited! Journey to Impact Nisha is a seasoned data science leader and attributes her success to her mother’s inspiration, love and blessings. Honoured with a Master’s and M.Phil. in Statistics, she embarked on a journey that transitioned from academia to impactful real-world applications. “My journey has been profoundly transformative, characterized by a relentless commitment to continuous learning, fostering exponential growth in my skills and expertise,” she reflects. Beginning as a Statistics professor in India, Nisha felt a void in applying her skills to tangible challenges. Joining a public health research institute marked the onset of her data analytics journey. “Here, I delved into predictive analyses on critical issues like HIV/AIDS, gender-based discrimination, and more,” she notes. Her work graced prestigious journals solidifying her expertise. Subsequently, destiny unfolded opportunities as a data science leader in three reputable organizations. “I transformed from a core researcher to a business leader,” she states. Nisha’s expertise spans Telecom, BFSI, IT, Retail, and Healthcare. “I’ve served my expertise in various industries,” she affirms. At Vodafone Idea, her current role underscores AI- driven projects to make the world smarter and more automated. “My focus is on accelerating AI to identify the right customers, ensuring ROI and understanding AI’s vision in Telecom,” she elaborates. Mentoring her team, Nisha steers towards delivering AI-driven solutions. For Nisha, it’s more than a career—it’s a journey rooted in gratitude and driven by a passion for leveraging AI to shape a smarter, faster world. Monetary Gains and Social Impact As a leader in data and analytics, the opportunity to uncover valuable insights, drive informed
  • 13. decision-making and contribute to the organization’s success through data-driven strategies is particularly motivating. Nisha feels satisfied when her data solutions give a substantial monetary benefit and social recognition to her organization. Also, the ability to harness the power of information and guide the team in making impactful contributions keeps her engaged and inspired. Strategies for Success “I’ve faced challenges like lack of advanced data infrastructure, unsuitable and inadequate hiring and data illiteracy in organizations,” Nisha reveals. Yet, strategic approaches proved key to overcoming these hurdles. “I articulate the value of data science, demonstrate ROI and advocate for a budget reflecting the importance of data- driven decisions.” Managing large and complex datasets posed another hurdle in her data analytics journey. Developing strong data pre-processing skills, using efficient tools and employing techniques like data sampling helped me analyze data effectively. Data quality is ensured through robust governance practices. Continuous learning is Nisha’s mantra for navigating the evolving field. “Staying updated on emerging technologies enhances my ability to tackle challenges,” she affirms. Nisha reflects resilience, strategic thinking and a commitment to staying at the forefront of the dynamic world of data analytics. Revolutionizing Telecom Nisha is a data science leader highlighting her impactful contributions. “I’ve successfully implemented solutions in Customer Analytics, Digital Transformation, Collection Models, Up-and cross-sell modeling, Recommendation engines, and Social Media Analytics (NLP),” she shares. In the UK, leveraging machine learning, Nisha’s team developed an AI-enabled chatbot for a Telecom client, elevating customer service, reducing costs by 20%, and boosting additional revenue. In India, a collection analytics solution for a retail bank led to an impressive 8% increase in debt collection. Her data solutions directly influence organizational strategy. “Optimizing the marketing budget based on my predictions resulted in a 3% increase in annual revenue,” Nisha notes. This showcases tangible outcomes emphasizing the transformative power of data science in driving efficiency, revenue and strategic decision- making. Leading with Impact Nisha embodies the mantra of ‘leading by example.’ “I demonstrate a commitment to innovation through my actions, sharing success stories to inspire my team,” she affirms. Fostering a culture of independence is pivotal in her leadership style. “I create an environment where team members feel free to experiment with new technology and approaches,” Nisha explains. Empowering her team to take risks and explore unconventional methods is fundamental to pushing boundaries. Continuous learning and curiosity are the cornerstones of Nisha’s approach. “I encourage a mindset of exploration and experimentation, celebrating the journey even if setbacks occur,” she states. In the dynamic Telecom Industry, Nisha emphasizes the uniqueness of each problem statement, advocating for novel and creative approaches. She asserts that old solutions won’t suffice for new challenges. Her leadership ethos revolves around inspiring innovation, empowering her team and fostering a creative mindset to drive the expansion of the company. As a leader in data and analy cs, the opportunity to uncover valuable insights, drive informed decision-making and contribute to the organiza on’s success through data-driven strategies is par cularly mo va ng.
  • 14. We comply with the GDPR criteria set forth by the organisa on to guarantee the ethical soundness of our advanced analy cs ac vi es.
  • 15. Innovation Within Structure In fostering a harmonious blend of creativity and structured data analysis, Nisha emphasizes setting clear expectations while encouraging innovation. “I focus on establishing a framework outlining data analysis processes, ensuring clarity on methodologies and goals,” she shares. While maintaining structure, Nisha provides flexibility allowing her team the freedom to explore creative solutions. Transparency is key in her leadership style, as she connects the team to broader goals, executive agendas and futuristic aspirations. Nisha notes that this elevates their thinking and creativity within their domains. Her approach strikes a balance, creating an environment where structured analysis coexists with a culture of creativity and forward-thinking ensuring a dynamic and effective team. Agility in AI Nisha champions continuous learning and experimentation to keep her team at the forefront of AI. “I encourage staying informed through training, workshops and conferences,” she emphasizes, fostering a culture of upskilling. Participation in hackathons and data-thons enhances team confidence and industry knowledge. Regular knowledge-sharing sessions within the team promote a collective understanding of emerging trends. To stay ahead in the expansive field of artificial intelligence, Nisha advocates publishing work as white or research papers. This builds credibility and trust in turn inspiring young AI learners. Nisha’s strategy not only keeps her team agile in a rapidly evolving landscape but also positions them as contributors and inspirers within the AI community. Skills, Equality and Transformation Nisha is a fervent advocate for diversity within her team embracing two dimensions. “First, diversity in social origins, genders, pay scales, cultures, and geographic regions,” she affirms, recognizing the richness it brings. The second dimension focuses on educational backgrounds and skill sets. A diverse skill set is crucial for any data science team and this explains her strategy of recruiting individuals with various qualifications. Her team reflects this diversity, comprising Statisticians/Economists for modeling, Engineers with programming and AI/ML skills, management professionals for business acumen, software developers for AI tools, and visualization experts for reporting. Nisha believes this diversity is essential for holistic problem-solving. Beyond skills, Nisha champions equality in gender and compensation. She addresses global gender disparities, citing statistics that highlight the significant gender pay gap. Promoting diversity is essential to overcome these social issues. Encouragingly, she notes a positive trend in the data science field, with around 15% of data scientists being women, showcasing a shift driven by committed AI leaders. Nisha’s approach not only strengthens her team but also contributes to broader societal changes in gender and pay equality. Decoding Data Nisha underscores the importance of effective communication in data science. Communicating analytical results is a vital duty. In a role that involves interactions with CEOs, stakeholders, managers, data engineers, and legal professionals, Nisha recognizes the need for cross-cultural communication. She emphasizes that utilizing visual aids like charts, graphs and dashboards makes information more accessible and engaging. Nisha adopts a communication approach grounded in simplicity. Using simple and straightforward language while also avoiding AI/ML jargon and technical terms whenever possible is essential. Drawing from consulting experience, she structures her communication in a narrative format creating a compelling narrative around the data. This approach provides context and highlights the implications of findings, ensuring that analytical insights are not only understood but resonate across diverse audiences. Embracing Failures, Fostering Growth “In the technology sector, challenges are inevitable,” acknowledges Nisha. Common issues like interoperability, computational failures and data-lake overload are addressed through proactive planning. “I encourage my team to accept failures and learn from mistakes,” she notes fostering an environment where
  • 16. sharing challenges and mistakes is embraced without fear. Transparency is a key principle as Nisha teaches her team to keep business stakeholders informed about challenging situations. This approach not only enables effective problem-solving but also cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and open communication within the team. Privacy First Nisha underscores the importance of ethical considerations in advanced analytics. “We comply with GDPR criteria and set explicit ethical standards within our team,” she asserts. Strong data governance procedures ensure that data is handled in accordance with laws. Transparency is a priority in analytics processes with stakeholders kept informed about data use and potential ramifications. Working with personal information data, Nisha’s team prioritizes privacy, always masking personal information before disclosing propensity bases to prevent data leaking. With the onset of data to be treated as currency, it is important to standardize and widespread the use of anonymization so that data can be collected with transparency and with trust leading to quality samples driving better value. Beyond the Hype Nisha highlights the pervasive use of artificial intelligence (AI) in everyone’s daily lives with generative AI being a significant recent development. “As generative AI advances, we can expect new tools for creating text, video, images, and audio to emerge,” she notes. Responding to claims about these tools replacing humans, Nisha asserts, “Technology and tools greatly assist us, but they cannot completely replace us.” She finds the recent strides in AI, such as non-invasive language decoders using brain activity to decode images, particularly intriguing. “Patients unable to speak within the healthcare system can greatly benefit from this and numerous other fields will also benefit,” she explains. Nisha’s excitement about advanced analytics opportunities reflects a positive outlook on the future where AI continues to enhance various aspects of our lives while coexisting with human capabilities. Fusing Technologies for Success Nisha emphasizes the need to stay competitive by pushing boundaries and adopting new technologies. “In addition to mainstream projects, I encourage learning and development,” she affirms. Leveraging unstructured data during this time, her team aims to create a novel use case for the customer support team. “We’re fusing the power of large language models with Bayesian networks,” Nisha states. This proactive approach not only keeps the team abreast of industry advancements but also positions them at the forefront of innovation, showcasing a commitment to continuous improvement and staying ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Fusing Research and Corporate Excellence Nisha envisions the widespread use of data science and artificial intelligence across all industrial sectors in the long run. “I aim to keep driving innovation, using AI, machine learning and statistics to solve real business problems,” she states. Additionally, she has a goal to create frameworks that make data science and AI more accessible to everyone. With roots as a researcher, Nisha intends to continue publishing work, conducting research in her free time and bridging the gap between corporate and research fields. Her vision encompasses not only advancing technology but also ensuring inclusivity and collaboration in the evolving landscape of data science and artificial intelligence. From my consul ng experience, I learnt to structure my communica on in a narra ve format, weaving a compelling story around the data to provide context and highlight the implica ons of the findings.
  • 17. 1 Year 12 Issues $250 6 Months 6 Issues $130 3 Months 3 Issues $70 1 Month 1 Issue $25 CHOOSE OUR SUBSCRIPTION Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOK Get CIOLOOK Magazine in print, and digital on Subscribe Subscribe Today Today
  • 18. Know your Leader eadership plays a pivotal role in driving organizational Lsuccess and societal progress. While different leadership styles exist, transformative leadership has emerged as a highly effective approach in bringing about meaningful change and inspiring followers to reach their full potential. Transformative leaders possess a unique set of traits that distinguish them from other leadership styles. In this article, we will delve into the key traits of tech leaders and explore how they contribute to their ability to create lasting impact. Visionary Thinking: Transformative leaders possess a clear and compelling vision for the future. They are able to articulate a purpose that resonates with others and inspires them to join in the pursuit of a shared goal. These leaders can see beyond the present challenges and envision a better future, and they effectively communicate this vision to their followers, fueling their motivation and commitment. | February 2024 | 16 The Dynamic Attributesof Tech Leaders
  • 19. | 2024 | February 17
  • 20. Authenticity: Authenticity is a fundamental trait of transformative leaders. They are genuine, transparent, and true to their values and beliefs. By leading with authenticity, they build trust and credibility with their followers, fostering an environment of openness and collaboration. Authentic leaders also encourage others to embrace their own authenticity, creating a culture that values diversity and individual strengths. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Transformative leaders possess a high degree of empathy and emotional intelligence. They understand the emotions and perspectives of their followers and demonstrate genuine concern for their well-being. By empathizing with others, they build strong relationships and create a sense of belonging. These leaders are skilled at active listening and are responsive to the needs and concerns of their team members. Intellectual Stimulation: Transformative leaders challenge the status quo and promote a culture of intellectual stimulation. They encourage their followers to think critically, question assumptions, and explore innovative ideas. By fostering an environment that values learning and growth, transformative leaders empower their teams to unleash their creative potential and find new solutions to complex problems. Inspirational Motivation: Transformative leaders inspire and motivate their followers to achieve greatness. They set high expectations and provide support and encouragement along the way. Through their own passion and enthusiasm, they ignite a sense of purpose and dedication in their teams. These leaders lead by example, consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence. Adaptability and Resilience: Transformative leaders are adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges and uncertainty. They embrace change as an opportunity for growth and guide their teams through periods of transition. These leaders remain calm and composed under pressure, inspiring confidence in their followers and enabling them to navigate complex situations with confidence. Transformative leaders possess a unique combination of visionary thinking, authenticity, empathy, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, adaptability, and resilience. Their ability to inspire and empower others to reach their full potential distinguishes them as effective leaders who drive meaningful change. By understanding and cultivating these traits, aspiring leaders can develop their own transformative leadership style and contribute to creating a better future for their organizations and society as a whole. | February 2024 | 18
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  • 22. Lee Tiedrich Pioneering Innovations at the Nexus of Law, Policy and Technology avigating the complex landscape of emerging Ntechnologies demands a unique blend of expertise and a forward-thinking perspective. Lee Tiedrich, a Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Law & Responsible Technology, an Executive in Residence and AI Health Scholar at Duke University, and the Founder and CEO at Tiedrich Tech Strategies, LLC stands at the intersection of law, technology and innovation. Having traversed the realms of emerging technologies for decades, Lee Tiedrich's journey began with the inception of multi-channel video and cellular competition, progressing through the eras of e-commerce and internet commercialization to today. Over the years, she has consistently gravitated towards the challenge of fostering innovation in a manner that is not only cutting-edge but also safe, trusted and responsible. Her commitment extends beyond technological advancements to encompass broader societal benefits, global security and prosperity. In crafting solutions for this complex landscape, Lee emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach. She underscores the importance of developing legal and policy frameworks that seamlessly integrate with evolving technologies and reflect an understanding of market practices. Recognizing that organizations must adopt multi-disciplinary strategies, she develops approaches for aligning business and technical teams with other specialists to also address legal, policy, ethical, and sustainability considerations throughout the entire lifecycle of emerging technology development and deployment. Lee's experience serves as the bedrock for her approach to artificial intelligence (AI), data and other cutting-edge technologies. Unlocking the benefits and managing the risks associated with these technologies requires a nuanced understanding and a comprehensive set of solutions. Her approach is further informed by her roles in both the OECD AI and Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) expert group. For GPAI, Lee co-leads the Intellectual Property Committee and a project focused on increasing voluntary and responsible AI data and model sharing. With the advent of generative AI, open-source AI models and the scraping of publicly accessible data, the need for responsible sharing practices has become paramount. Lee's GPAI work underscores how complementary and diverse solutions, ranging from standard contract terms and business codes of conduct to technical tools and education, can collectively unlock responsible AI data and model sharing. Adapting to Change The dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence requires effective leadership for harnessing its benefits and navigating potential pitfalls. Lee emphasizes the importance of embodying key values, stating, "Leaders must publicly embrace and uphold good values, like those outlined in the OECD AI Principles, serving as our organization's North Star." “ While technologies have evolved, I continue to be drawn to solving the challenge of unlocking innovation in a safe, trusted and responsible manner that advances social good, global security and prosperity for everyone." | February 2024 | 20
  • 23. Lee Tiedrich Dis nguished Faculty Fellow in Law & Responsible Technology; Execu ve in Residence and AI Health; Founder and CEO Duke University; Tiedrich Tech Strategies, LLC | 2024 | February 21
  • 24. Lee advocates for a commitment to lifelong learning, asserting that leaders must be nimble in understanding market dynamics and implementing change to keep pace with the evolving AI landscape. Enthusiastically embracing continuous learning is crucial to navigating the rapid developments in AI technology, legality, and other facets. Furthermore, she stresses the significance of understanding the human impact of AI systems, stating, "Life-long learning includes comprehending how people are affected by our AI systems, offering crucial insights including for risk mitigation and transparency enhancement." Recognizing the complexity of AI, Lee underscores the need to cultivate a multidisciplinary team. "AI leaders should inspire teams that communicate and collaborate effectively, aligned with the organization's values throughout the AI development and deployment lifecycle," she stresses. This involves fostering a shared thirst for knowledge and adaptability among team members. Global Voices, Global Benefits International collaboration stands as a linchpin for unlocking benefits and mitigating risks on a global scale in the ever-expanding realms of AI and data. Lee accentuates the importance of such collaboration, stating, "International efforts, exemplified by initiatives like the United Nations, OECD, GPAI, G7, G20, NATO, and the UK AI Safety Summit reflect the reality that technology transcends borders." Lee, drawing on decades of experience and a multi- disciplinary perspective, brings unique insights to address the diverse needs of the global community. Engaging in multi-stakeholder AI conversations worldwide, from India to Taiwan, Europe, North America, and the Middle East, allows me to ensure that all voices are heard. Regular interactions with government, civil society, industry, academia, and other sectors further enrich her understanding. This inclusive approach is crucial. Considering historically under- represented voices in framing AI policies and practices is essential to ensuring that AI benefits everyone, both at the policy level and in practical AI implementation within organizations. Lee's advocacy for international harmonization in responsible AI policies, standards and tools aligns with the understanding that technology's impact knows no boundaries. As she aptly puts it, "Working collectively on a global scale is key to ensuring the widespread benefits of AI for everyone." AI as a Crucial Ally In the quest to address the pressing issues of climate crisis and biodiversity loss, AI emerges as a powerful tool. Lee is co-leading the GPAI RAISE Committee and she highlights the potential, stating, "Our comprehensive reports outline specific use cases and roadmaps for optimizing AI to help tackle these critical objectives." However, she cautions against overlooking the environmental risks associated with AI, as emphasized in a 2022OECD and GPAI report. AI, if not developed and deployed properly can exacerbate environmental concerns with direct and indirect adverse impacts necessitating improved measurements and reporting techniques. Policymakers in the US and EU are actively responding to these concerns, underlining the need for organizations to integrate sustainability into their responsible AI programs. These developments underscore the crucial role of addressing environmental impacts in the responsible deployment of AI, ensuring that it contributes positively to our global challenges rather than exacerbating them. | February 2024 | 22
  • 25. Innovate to Influence Laws and policies frequently change. Lee encourages students to focus not only on current legal requirements but also on how laws likely will and should evolve. Anticipating legal change can help organizations smoothly plan future operations, ensure compliance and gain competitive advantages. This forward-looking approach requires multidisciplinary expertise, with legal and policy specialists effectively coordinating with technical, business, environmental sustainability, and other specialists. She encourages students to collaborate in multi-disciplinary teams so they can learn from each other and develop the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle these complex matters. Inspired by innovation, Lee urges students to actively participate in the policy-shaping process. "Students shouldn't underestimate their potential to impact policy developments positively," she asserts. Encouraging them to bring new ideas to the forefront, their contributions are invaluable in shaping the future trajectory of laws and policies. This inclusive and proactive approach ensures a dynamic and informed engagement with the evolving legal landscape. Policies in Progress Artificial intelligence has advanced so much faster than our intellectual property (IP) and other laws. For instance, AI can help produce many valuable outputs including creative content, inventions and data. Today's IP laws do not clearly answer whether and to what extent works created using AI are protectable. Nor do the laws necessarily determine who has rights to any such works that may be protectable. Scraping publicly accessible information from third party websites also raises myriad IP and other legal issues, as reflected in several high-profile lawsuits. Unsurprisingly, policymakers have turned their attention to AI as well as IP, and this will likely continue. Lee emphasizes the pivotal role of contracts in the evolving AI and IP policy landscape, stating, "Contracts can play a critical role in providing more certainty and helping address some legal gaps." In a recent OECD blog post, she elaborates on how parties can leverage contracts for this purpose. Lee's GPAI efforts are dedicated to establishing a global collaboration platform for facilitating development of standard contract terms. She anticipates ongoing work in tandem with policymakers, developing business codes of conduct and the creation of technical and educational tools to further shape the AI and IP policy landscape. Navigating the Future Lee anticipates a continued rise in AI-driven transactions. Issues such as intellectual property, privacy, cybersecurity, and trustworthiness will be at the forefront, as reflected in emerging AI policies and laws. She also highlights the growing importance of liability provisions in transactions, emphasizing that contractually allocating liability for potential harms caused by AI is a critical consideration. To help navigate the complexities of AI systems with intricate value chains, Lee suggests understanding relevant technologies, value chains, business models, and laws. This is key to finding mutually agreeable contractual allocations of rights and responsibilities. Standard contract terms, she notes, can also be instrumental in resolving these issues. Lee emphasizes the significance of AI due diligence before agreements, stating, "Proper due diligence helps parties comprehend risks, facilitating more streamlined negotiations and better risk mitigation strategies." Tech for Good She notes, "I'm very excited about technology's potential to advance social good, global security, and prosperity, addressing climate change and advancing healthcare and education." Her enthusiasm extends to the increasing number of entrepreneurs pioneering responsible innovation and competition. Lee anticipates that ongoing global efforts to develop standards will facilitate competition for new entrants, as it should become easier for new players to compete and, equally as important, for the global community to benefit. Beyond policy and academia, Lee actively translates responsible technology principles into practice. She focuses on operationalizing responsible technology, addressing AI and data governance, promoting responsible data and model sharing, particularly with open-source AI models. Lee also dedicates efforts to navigating the intersection of AI with intellectual property, privacy, and climate issues in the evolving technological landscape. | 2024 | February 23
  • 26. The Core Aspects Integration of AI to Enhance Operations in the Modern Business Arena I n the landscape of the modern business arena, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping traditional operations and fostering innovation. This article explores the significant impact of AI on enhancing operational efficiency, decision-making processes, and overall business performance in today's dynamic and competitive business environment. AI-Powered Automation: Streamlining Operations Process Automation: AI enables businesses to automate repetitive and time- consuming tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic and creative endeavors. From data entry to customer support, automation powered by AI enhances efficiency and reduces operational costs. Supply Chain Optimization: AI-driven algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to optimize supply chain processes. Predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms help businesses forecast demand, manage inventory effectively, and streamline logistics, resulting in a more responsive and cost-effective supply chain. Enhanced Decision-Making with AI Insights Data-Driven Decision Making: AI processes vast datasets at unparalleled speeds, providing businesses with actionable insights. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can make informed, data-driven decisions, minimizing risks, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. Predictive Analytics: AI's predictive capabilities empower businesses to anticipate future trends and customer behavior. Whether it's forecasting sales, predicting market trends, or identifying potential risks, predictive analytics enhances decision-making by providing a forward-looking perspective. | February 2024 | 24
  • 27. Customer Experience Transformation Personalized Customer Interactions: AI- driven tools, including chatbots and virtual assistants, revolutionize customer interactions. These technologies analyze customer data to provide personalized recommendations, answer queries in real- time, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. Sentiment Analysis: AI tools are adept at analyzing customer sentiments across various channels. By understanding customer feedback and sentiment, businesses can adapt their strategies to meet customer expectations, leading to improved products and services. Cybersecurity Reinforcement Threat Detection and Prevention: AI is a powerful ally in the realm of cybersecurity. | 2024 | February 25
  • 28. Machine learning algorithms can detect patterns indicative of cyber threats, enabling businesses to proactively identify and prevent security breaches, safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of operations. Behavioral Analysis: AI tools go beyond traditional cybersecurity measures by employing behavioral analysis. By monitoring user behavior and identifying anomalies, businesses can enhance security measures, protecting against insider threats and unauthorized access. Operational Efficiency through AI-Enhanced Analytics Operational Analytics: AI-driven analytics offer deeper insights into operational performance. By analyzing data from various departments, businesses can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement, leading to more streamlined operations. Resource Optimization: AI algorithms optimize resource allocation by analyzing usage patterns and predicting future needs. This ensures that businesses allocate resources efficiently, whether it's human capital, equipment, or other assets. Workforce Collaboration and Productivity Collaborative Tools: AI-driven collaboration tools enhance communication and productivity within the workforce. Virtual assistants, project management platforms, and AI-powered communication tools streamline collaboration, making it easier for teams to work efficiently across geographical boundaries. Automated Task Assignment: AI algorithms can automate task assignments based on individual strengths and workload. This ensures that tasks are distributed optimally, avoiding bottlenecks and maximizing productivity across the workforce. AI-Driven Innovation and Product Development Innovative Ideation: AI can analyze market trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies to inspire innovative ideation. By providing insights into potential areas of growth and disruption, AI fosters a culture of innovation within the organization. Product Lifecycle Management: Throughout the product lifecycle, AI plays a crucial role. From ideation and design to manufacturing and maintenance, AI- driven tools enhance efficiency, reduce time-to-market, and contribute to the development of high-quality products. Challenges and Ethical Considerations Data Privacy and Security: With increased reliance on AI, businesses must prioritize data privacy and security. Safeguarding customer and proprietary data is paramount to maintaining trust and compliance with regulatory frameworks. Ethical AI Usage: Ethical considerations surrounding AI usage, including bias in algorithms and the potential for job displacement, require careful attention. Businesses must adopt ethical AI practices to ensure fair and responsible use of these technologies. End Note The integration of Artificial Intelligence into modern business operations marks a paradigm shift, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. From automating routine tasks to revolutionizing decision-making processes, AI has become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of forward- thinking businesses. While the benefits are evident, organizations must navigate challenges and ethical considerations to ensure the responsible and effective deployment of AI. As businesses continue to harness the power of AI, the landscape of the modern business arena will evolve, setting the stage for a future where intelligence and technology converge for sustainable growth and success. | February 2024 | 26
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