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Case Study
Game Name Here
• Call your work; 1. Case Study
• You must choose a game that was released within the last 5 years and
critically discuss:
1. List terminology from the lecture and reference how each has been used
2. Discuss the game’s use of audio
• Music, Sound effects, Dialogue, Tone/Mood created etc
3. How the game is representative of the wider genre of that style of games
(does it share characteristics of the genre? Does it develop the gameplay of
the genre?)
4. Graphics comparison to similar games/ games from the same franchise/
games released at a similar time
5. Game engines used/console capabilities/ graphics cards needed for the
6. Annotate screenshots and box art
• You must include a paragraph on video game addiction and quote and
reference an article discussing this subject.
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See below (it will be slightly different on a mac)
• Cut scenes – N/A
• Avatar – models, different characters
• Game types - modes
• Narrative – objectives
• Game Setting – modern day
• Player Goals - ranks
• Rewards – rank up/skins
• Rules of a game -
• Difficulty – set by rank
• Inventory -
• Winning – determined by score
• Balance – adjustments of damage
• Addiction
• Perspectives
Characters & Avatars
As the game contains a wide variety of environments and locations it has a large selection of avatars or player models. The game contains
two opposing teams, like most in the shooter genre. These are ‘Terrorists’ and ‘Counter-Terrorists’. These two images show the difference
between the two sides.
These vary slightly on each team to give a slight difference between the characters. They are also randomly assigned to players as they enter
the game. Many FPS game allows some choice between character or class but Counterstrike is different in this sense as they do not allow this
The top image shows three different angles of a ‘Terrorist’ within the game. The clothing he wears is coordinated with the specific level that
he is assigned to. This would be used in a more urban environment. A different avatar would be used for a level set in a warmer place.
The second image shows a more general avatar that is often repeated within different levels. As the CTU is depicted as more uniformed and
professional, their models do not depend solely on the environment. These can be used for several levels, but other models are used to give
the game a more diverse look.
The models have to be distinguishable on just appearance due to the way that the game is played. The ‘Terrorists’ wear balaclavas which are
very distinguishable against the respirators of the ‘Counter-Terrorists’.
Counterstrike is a multiplayer game where actual players replace NPCs. This said, there are is a
need for them inside of this game. Non-Playable Characters are used primarily as substitute
players, when a team loses someone they are used as a replacement. This can occur when a
player leaves a match that is not yet completed and that team is at a disadvantage because of it.
NPCs often have a lowered skill level compared to that of a human and generally do not
compensate for the loss of a teammate. They do not act as an NPC would in an exclusively
single player game, for example they are not characters and do not have unique attributes.
In addition to this the game includes another type of NPC, though they are not human. Chickens
often litter parts of the map and wander throughout. This is to distract and often ‘throw off’
players as they patiently wait for the enemy. Alike the other NPCs they do not have any
attributes that a single player NPC would have.
Game Type & Narrative
Being a first-person shooter, the game is primarily multiplayer. With
the exception of ‘offline’ matches the game depends entirely on an
active player base. This is not an issue as thousands play each day.
With the introduction of events different types of game types have
been implemented. A cooperative campaign was installed for a brief
period of time that allowed two players to test themselves against a
variety of Non-Player Controlled enemies.
The game, however, can be adapted to create something similar to
this. Modes can be adjusted to suit the players needs and allow for
the game to be changed into a cooperative or even single player
Apart from these options, the game depends on a large player count
to operate. It offers a variety of different modes to play that range to
allow for a very casual approach or a more competitive attitude.
The game’s origin came from an entirely single player work, Half Life.
A mod was created that allowed multiple people to fight each other
with the game’s weapons. This became several installments before
‘Global Offensive’.
The game does not necessarily have a narrative as a single player
game would. On screen instructions are a form of narrative that this
game includes, however.
During the loading time a large window is shown that depicts a map
and the main objectives of the game. The window shown for the
level, ‘Cobblestone’, shows a birds-eye view plan of the entire
environment. It also states the level will be a ‘bomb scenario’. These
are the only instructions given.
Objectives will be set depending on which team that the player is
sided to. The ‘Terrorist’ and ‘Counter-Terrorist’ objectives do not
align, allowing for gameplay. Where one team mainly has to defend,
the other will have to attack.
Though they do not provide any additional information, a small
amount of voice lines are implemented to add extra authenticity and
clarification. Though rather blunt and abrupt they help to give a
vague feeling of narrative to the game, such as “Are we rushin’ in or
are we goin’ sneaky-beaky like?”.
Most maps include very obvious objectives and narratives. In one
map, the player starts surrounded by parked SWAT vans and tasked
with rescuing a hostage. This is a general situation that does not need
extra background to enhance the game play.
Perspective & Inventory
Like many game in this genre, Counterstrike is played from the
first-person perspective. However, it is locked to this perspective
without any option to change. This is a common trope of
multiplayer shooters, but not something regularly found in single
player games.
Being in first-person the experience is much more immersive, as it
gives the appearance that the person playing is looking through
the operator’s eyes.
Aiming is very different from regular FPS. Nearly every adopts a
realistic aiming-down-sights aspect that makes for a higher skill
level. A completely customisable crosshair is located at the centre
of the screen which is used to show where the weapon is aiming.
With the exception of a select few weapons that use scopes, this is
the system in place. It is one of the many features that sets
Counterstrike apart.
This also adds a level of difficulty as the field of view is significantly
lower than it would be in the third-person perspective.
Although a ‘buy menu’ is accessible from the start, I would argue
that the game is not context sensitive as it is merely an overlay
and is only available at a specific time and place.
Unlike most multiplayer shooters there isn’t a generic inventory system
in place. Most games implement an unlock system for the weapons
which increases the amount of time the average person spends playing.
This is not the case in CS:GO. All weapons are accessible from the very
beginning and are not the focal point that they are in many other
similar games. They are restricted per match, and unlocked with in-
game money that is rewarded for completing the round and/or
eliminating players. This keeps the leading team well financed and the
team behind has to work extra hard or employ a variety of economic
Consumables are also obtained in this way and players can share their
purchases, allowing opportunity for team work and strategy.
An inventory of all weapons is kept that can be accessed outside of
matches, this is simply used to change out certain weapons.
Game World
Compared to most games, this level contains mostly terrain. The main bit of
terrain is the ground, textured to resemble lightly coloured sand bricks in
this specific area. It also includes things such as the numerous amounts of
crates and boxes. All of these allow for players to climb and stand on, giving
the game more diversity in terms of strategy.
Located on the left is a doorway and wooden platform. This is part of the
terrain as players have the ability to walk across it and climb on top of it.
The different aspects of the terrain have different properties depending on
the location. Most wooden crates seen in the image allow bullets to be
passed through, as does the wooden platform. This allows for players to
take advantage of opportunities that may present themselves. It also
drastically reduces the amount of cover in the area.
The architecture within the level can be seen in the form
of the walls and buildings that surround the shown area.
These are primarily to stop the players from exceeding the
level’ boundaries, but they also give the game a pleasant
appearance and theme.
The architecture plays a massive part of this game as many
act as a markers for specific throwing arcs. Certain
features, such as TV antennas and windows, are targets
which when aimed at will ensure that object such as
smoke grenades reach their intended destination. This is
somewhat unique to this game, as another game’s
architecture is not utilised in this manner.
In this specific level there are not many objects that can
be interacted with. One of the few can be found
underneath the wooden scaffolding platform as a means
of getting to that level. This is a ladder that interacts when
the player gets near enough, with their movements
suddenly controlling the Y axis, rather than X and Z.
Another object in the level can be seen as a window in the
ticket booth, located at the far side of the area. This can
be broken to place items inside such as smoke grenades.
In addition to this certain routes within the level can be
accessed through the alteration of these objects. By
breaking them the players are able to take a different path
to their destination.
The weapons and ordnance themselves are objects within
the game. These can be bought individually or picked up
from the ground. Gravity applies in a realistic way so guns
may fall off ledges and grenades will slowly roll away.
Game Setting
Although the game’s setting is not stated within the game itself, it is
clear to see that it is set in the present day in a variety of different
As many modern shooters have elaborated on recent conflicts,
Counterstrike has followed a similar route. Although almost all of the
locations are anonymous, it is clear that many have been set in warm
countries, against insurgents.
The top image shows a game level named, ‘Mirage’. It appears to be a
town that could be set in the Middle East or in Africa. The characters
wear loose clothing with bandanas across their face and do not
represent any actual organisations that are present in the real world.
Objects such as crates and boxes show a foreign language printed
across them but other than this the level is completely anonymous.
The second image shows a different map, this one most likely set in
Ukraine. This is down the large bit of architecture that can be seen in
the distance in a specific area. It depicts the remains of Reactor
Number 4, in the town of Chernobyl. In addition to this a Ferris wheel
can be seen nearby in another location.
This town has been included in many games due its iconic locations
made infamous by the nuclear power plant meltdown. Games such as
‘Call of Duty’ have been set in this part of world.
Rialto Bridge is a new
edition into the game
which depicts the famous
landmark that spans the
Grand Canal in Venice.
Rules & Player Goals
Within the competitive mode of the game, the most popular, the main
objective is to win. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways,
allowing for things such as strategy to overcome skill.
The ends when one team has won the best of 30 rounds, or when both
teams win a mutual amount, drawing with each other.
One team must do one of a number of things. The first is to take
control of a specific site that contains a target for an explosive device
or a hostage. Depending on the team, they must either plant the device
or rescue the hostage. If they succeed in doing so, they win, however if
the device is defused the round will be lost.
Another way that the round can be won is if the entire opposing team
is eliminated.
The final way that winning can occur is if the time given to the
attacking (planting or rescuing) team runs out. This will lose that team
the round and a penalty will incur for the survivors.
The main goal that is set for players to achieve is to win these
individual rounds, which then wins them the match.
In other modes it may simply be the case of achieving the highest score
in an allotted amount of time.
In terms of way in which the game is played there are no
rules. The openness of the game allows for any strategy to be
applied, which is completely fair in the eyes of the game.
However there are multiple measures and restrictions in place
that aim to reduce anti-social behaviour. Things such as
harming teammates or obstructing them will result in
punishment, and the game even allows for a voting system
which can remove abusive players entirely.
Not like sp games.
Rewards & Difficulty
One of the primary awards are achieved from earning experience points and
therefore becoming a higher level. At the point at which a new level is achieved an
item is awarded. This can be in the form of a different pattern or decal for a random
weapon or a ‘case’, which can be opened to potentially receive a higher value or
quality decal.
These decals are often referred to as ‘skins’ and add a whole new level to the game.
They can be collected and traded, adding an entirely new element to Counterstrike.
Although experience levels can be earned with relative ease, the main reason most
play the game is to achieve the highest rank possible. These ranks are determined by
a number of placement matches and from then on the amount of success that you
achieve in individual matches. This is something that has been implemented into
nearly all modern competitive titles as it prolongs the life of a game by tenfold. In a
way the game cannot be completed as even as the highest of the ranks it take skill
and effort to stay at that point.
What makes this system such a success is that the workings of these ranks are kept a
secret. The player does not know when or how they will ‘rank up’ and so it builds
upon the addictive personalities of humans. It makes the game difficult but rewarding
when a new rank is achieved.
As the game is primarily multiplayer, the difficulty
of the matches is determined by the ranks of the
player and their teammates. An opposition is
selected that has a similar ranking and the two
sets of players compete.
The ranks are a direct representation of the
player’s skill which adds to their prestige.
When the player chooses the play solely against
NPCs they can choose the difficulty of the BOT’s
skill, and even the number of teammates and
opponents, but this is the only time an option like
this is available.
The use of audio is a major key within this specific
game. It is one of the most important things within
the title as it allows players to gain an advantage
over their opponents.
In terms of sound effects the most common are
those emitted from the weapons. These each make
a different noise and a well-trained ear can tell the
difference. In addition to this each players makes a
large amount of noise just by travelling. Footsteps
are a common feature in many modern first person
shooters but in Counterstrike they can vital
information on the location of opponents.
The music within the game is something that is used
throughout. It is used for a number of features.
Upon launching the game, the soundtrack will play on
a loop and add background noise to the screen. This is
a nice edition that helps to break up the silence. Once
placed in a match the attitude towards music changes
by a large amount. It is from then on used to signal
events. There is music for the start and end of each
round, and changed depending on the outcome.
The music also drastically changes if the time scale is
reduced, for example when one of the team achieves
their goal and the other team is forced to react quickly.
This helps build the tension during the match and
provides the players with a useful audio notification.
Voice lines are also present within the game.
These are mainly during the first few seconds
of the game and usually have a quirky
manner. They do not offer any information
that has not already been given, but they
help to give the game some character.
Most importantly they lift overall mood of
the game, which can appear to be quite
heavy. With the theme of counter-terrorism
being a serious subject, the voice lines help
to stop the tone slipping into a darker mood.
Genre – comp more games are doing because of
it, no ads, inspect, little indication of enemy,
audio, tactics,
Counterstrike: Global Offensive is a favourite
among thousands of players, but it is not a
perfect representation of the first person shooter
genre. It may share many characteristics but it
sits apart from the most popular titles.
The game features the same gist that games such
as ‘Battlefield’, in the sense that modes are
similar and the main aspect of the game is
almost identical. The health and damage system
are alike, along with the weapons and their
It differs in the way that the majority of the game
is structured, with there being less casual modes
and not as fast-paced.
There are more prominent differences such as
the lack of iron-sights and optics that are
frequent in other FPS games. CS:GO also relies
heavily on tactics and the use of teamwork,
whereas other, more casual games will allow for
players to operate alone.
The top screenshot on the right is
from ‘Insurgency’. Be it still more
tactical than most FPS games, it is a
better representation of the genre. It
contains characteristics that make it
much more casual, such as a lower
dependence on teamwork. It also
features the ability for the player to
aim down the given sights of the
weapon. This further increases the
differences between that and
The screenshot below this has been
taken from Battlefield, one of the
most popular games of the genre. It
depicts similar aspects to both

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1. case study

  • 2. Case Study- DELETE ONCE COMPLETE • Call your work; 1. Case Study • You must choose a game that was released within the last 5 years and critically discuss: 1. List terminology from the lecture and reference how each has been used 2. Discuss the game’s use of audio • Music, Sound effects, Dialogue, Tone/Mood created etc 3. How the game is representative of the wider genre of that style of games (does it share characteristics of the genre? Does it develop the gameplay of the genre?) 4. Graphics comparison to similar games/ games from the same franchise/ games released at a similar time 5. Game engines used/console capabilities/ graphics cards needed for the game 6. Annotate screenshots and box art • You must include a paragraph on video game addiction and quote and reference an article discussing this subject.
  • 3. Compress Your File- DELETE ONCE COMPLETE 1. Click on any picture in your file and then a FORMAT tab should appear at the top of the screen (or somewhere depending upon your version). 2. Click on the COMPRESS PICTURE button. This may have text saying that or it may just look like a square with 4 arrows pointing in to it. 3. Next ensure “Only apply to this picture” is unticked and “delete cropped areas” is ticked. 4. Next choose “email resolution” 5. Hit ok and save See below (it will be slightly different on a mac)
  • 4. • Cut scenes – N/A • Avatar – models, different characters • Game types - modes • Narrative – objectives • Game Setting – modern day • Player Goals - ranks • Rewards – rank up/skins • Rules of a game - • Difficulty – set by rank • Inventory - • Winning – determined by score • Balance – adjustments of damage • Addiction • Perspectives
  • 5. Characters & Avatars As the game contains a wide variety of environments and locations it has a large selection of avatars or player models. The game contains two opposing teams, like most in the shooter genre. These are ‘Terrorists’ and ‘Counter-Terrorists’. These two images show the difference between the two sides. These vary slightly on each team to give a slight difference between the characters. They are also randomly assigned to players as they enter the game. Many FPS game allows some choice between character or class but Counterstrike is different in this sense as they do not allow this option. The top image shows three different angles of a ‘Terrorist’ within the game. The clothing he wears is coordinated with the specific level that he is assigned to. This would be used in a more urban environment. A different avatar would be used for a level set in a warmer place. The second image shows a more general avatar that is often repeated within different levels. As the CTU is depicted as more uniformed and professional, their models do not depend solely on the environment. These can be used for several levels, but other models are used to give the game a more diverse look. The models have to be distinguishable on just appearance due to the way that the game is played. The ‘Terrorists’ wear balaclavas which are very distinguishable against the respirators of the ‘Counter-Terrorists’. Counterstrike is a multiplayer game where actual players replace NPCs. This said, there are is a need for them inside of this game. Non-Playable Characters are used primarily as substitute players, when a team loses someone they are used as a replacement. This can occur when a player leaves a match that is not yet completed and that team is at a disadvantage because of it. NPCs often have a lowered skill level compared to that of a human and generally do not compensate for the loss of a teammate. They do not act as an NPC would in an exclusively single player game, for example they are not characters and do not have unique attributes. In addition to this the game includes another type of NPC, though they are not human. Chickens often litter parts of the map and wander throughout. This is to distract and often ‘throw off’ players as they patiently wait for the enemy. Alike the other NPCs they do not have any attributes that a single player NPC would have.
  • 6. Game Type & Narrative Being a first-person shooter, the game is primarily multiplayer. With the exception of ‘offline’ matches the game depends entirely on an active player base. This is not an issue as thousands play each day. With the introduction of events different types of game types have been implemented. A cooperative campaign was installed for a brief period of time that allowed two players to test themselves against a variety of Non-Player Controlled enemies. The game, however, can be adapted to create something similar to this. Modes can be adjusted to suit the players needs and allow for the game to be changed into a cooperative or even single player situation. Apart from these options, the game depends on a large player count to operate. It offers a variety of different modes to play that range to allow for a very casual approach or a more competitive attitude. The game’s origin came from an entirely single player work, Half Life. A mod was created that allowed multiple people to fight each other with the game’s weapons. This became several installments before ‘Global Offensive’. The game does not necessarily have a narrative as a single player game would. On screen instructions are a form of narrative that this game includes, however. During the loading time a large window is shown that depicts a map and the main objectives of the game. The window shown for the level, ‘Cobblestone’, shows a birds-eye view plan of the entire environment. It also states the level will be a ‘bomb scenario’. These are the only instructions given. Objectives will be set depending on which team that the player is sided to. The ‘Terrorist’ and ‘Counter-Terrorist’ objectives do not align, allowing for gameplay. Where one team mainly has to defend, the other will have to attack. Though they do not provide any additional information, a small amount of voice lines are implemented to add extra authenticity and clarification. Though rather blunt and abrupt they help to give a vague feeling of narrative to the game, such as “Are we rushin’ in or are we goin’ sneaky-beaky like?”. Most maps include very obvious objectives and narratives. In one map, the player starts surrounded by parked SWAT vans and tasked with rescuing a hostage. This is a general situation that does not need extra background to enhance the game play.
  • 7. Perspective & Inventory Like many game in this genre, Counterstrike is played from the first-person perspective. However, it is locked to this perspective without any option to change. This is a common trope of multiplayer shooters, but not something regularly found in single player games. Being in first-person the experience is much more immersive, as it gives the appearance that the person playing is looking through the operator’s eyes. Aiming is very different from regular FPS. Nearly every adopts a realistic aiming-down-sights aspect that makes for a higher skill level. A completely customisable crosshair is located at the centre of the screen which is used to show where the weapon is aiming. With the exception of a select few weapons that use scopes, this is the system in place. It is one of the many features that sets Counterstrike apart. This also adds a level of difficulty as the field of view is significantly lower than it would be in the third-person perspective. Although a ‘buy menu’ is accessible from the start, I would argue that the game is not context sensitive as it is merely an overlay and is only available at a specific time and place. Unlike most multiplayer shooters there isn’t a generic inventory system in place. Most games implement an unlock system for the weapons which increases the amount of time the average person spends playing. This is not the case in CS:GO. All weapons are accessible from the very beginning and are not the focal point that they are in many other similar games. They are restricted per match, and unlocked with in- game money that is rewarded for completing the round and/or eliminating players. This keeps the leading team well financed and the team behind has to work extra hard or employ a variety of economic tactics. Consumables are also obtained in this way and players can share their purchases, allowing opportunity for team work and strategy. An inventory of all weapons is kept that can be accessed outside of matches, this is simply used to change out certain weapons.
  • 8. Game World Compared to most games, this level contains mostly terrain. The main bit of terrain is the ground, textured to resemble lightly coloured sand bricks in this specific area. It also includes things such as the numerous amounts of crates and boxes. All of these allow for players to climb and stand on, giving the game more diversity in terms of strategy. Located on the left is a doorway and wooden platform. This is part of the terrain as players have the ability to walk across it and climb on top of it. The different aspects of the terrain have different properties depending on the location. Most wooden crates seen in the image allow bullets to be passed through, as does the wooden platform. This allows for players to take advantage of opportunities that may present themselves. It also drastically reduces the amount of cover in the area. The architecture within the level can be seen in the form of the walls and buildings that surround the shown area. These are primarily to stop the players from exceeding the level’ boundaries, but they also give the game a pleasant appearance and theme. The architecture plays a massive part of this game as many act as a markers for specific throwing arcs. Certain features, such as TV antennas and windows, are targets which when aimed at will ensure that object such as smoke grenades reach their intended destination. This is somewhat unique to this game, as another game’s architecture is not utilised in this manner. In this specific level there are not many objects that can be interacted with. One of the few can be found underneath the wooden scaffolding platform as a means of getting to that level. This is a ladder that interacts when the player gets near enough, with their movements suddenly controlling the Y axis, rather than X and Z. Another object in the level can be seen as a window in the ticket booth, located at the far side of the area. This can be broken to place items inside such as smoke grenades. In addition to this certain routes within the level can be accessed through the alteration of these objects. By breaking them the players are able to take a different path to their destination. The weapons and ordnance themselves are objects within the game. These can be bought individually or picked up from the ground. Gravity applies in a realistic way so guns may fall off ledges and grenades will slowly roll away.
  • 9. Game Setting Although the game’s setting is not stated within the game itself, it is clear to see that it is set in the present day in a variety of different countries. As many modern shooters have elaborated on recent conflicts, Counterstrike has followed a similar route. Although almost all of the locations are anonymous, it is clear that many have been set in warm countries, against insurgents. The top image shows a game level named, ‘Mirage’. It appears to be a town that could be set in the Middle East or in Africa. The characters wear loose clothing with bandanas across their face and do not represent any actual organisations that are present in the real world. Objects such as crates and boxes show a foreign language printed across them but other than this the level is completely anonymous. The second image shows a different map, this one most likely set in Ukraine. This is down the large bit of architecture that can be seen in the distance in a specific area. It depicts the remains of Reactor Number 4, in the town of Chernobyl. In addition to this a Ferris wheel can be seen nearby in another location. This town has been included in many games due its iconic locations made infamous by the nuclear power plant meltdown. Games such as ‘Call of Duty’ have been set in this part of world. Rialto Bridge is a new edition into the game which depicts the famous landmark that spans the Grand Canal in Venice.
  • 10. Rules & Player Goals Within the competitive mode of the game, the most popular, the main objective is to win. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, allowing for things such as strategy to overcome skill. The ends when one team has won the best of 30 rounds, or when both teams win a mutual amount, drawing with each other. One team must do one of a number of things. The first is to take control of a specific site that contains a target for an explosive device or a hostage. Depending on the team, they must either plant the device or rescue the hostage. If they succeed in doing so, they win, however if the device is defused the round will be lost. Another way that the round can be won is if the entire opposing team is eliminated. The final way that winning can occur is if the time given to the attacking (planting or rescuing) team runs out. This will lose that team the round and a penalty will incur for the survivors. The main goal that is set for players to achieve is to win these individual rounds, which then wins them the match. In other modes it may simply be the case of achieving the highest score in an allotted amount of time. In terms of way in which the game is played there are no rules. The openness of the game allows for any strategy to be applied, which is completely fair in the eyes of the game. However there are multiple measures and restrictions in place that aim to reduce anti-social behaviour. Things such as harming teammates or obstructing them will result in punishment, and the game even allows for a voting system which can remove abusive players entirely. Not like sp games. vac
  • 11. Rewards & Difficulty One of the primary awards are achieved from earning experience points and therefore becoming a higher level. At the point at which a new level is achieved an item is awarded. This can be in the form of a different pattern or decal for a random weapon or a ‘case’, which can be opened to potentially receive a higher value or quality decal. These decals are often referred to as ‘skins’ and add a whole new level to the game. They can be collected and traded, adding an entirely new element to Counterstrike. Although experience levels can be earned with relative ease, the main reason most play the game is to achieve the highest rank possible. These ranks are determined by a number of placement matches and from then on the amount of success that you achieve in individual matches. This is something that has been implemented into nearly all modern competitive titles as it prolongs the life of a game by tenfold. In a way the game cannot be completed as even as the highest of the ranks it take skill and effort to stay at that point. What makes this system such a success is that the workings of these ranks are kept a secret. The player does not know when or how they will ‘rank up’ and so it builds upon the addictive personalities of humans. It makes the game difficult but rewarding when a new rank is achieved. As the game is primarily multiplayer, the difficulty of the matches is determined by the ranks of the player and their teammates. An opposition is selected that has a similar ranking and the two sets of players compete. The ranks are a direct representation of the player’s skill which adds to their prestige. When the player chooses the play solely against NPCs they can choose the difficulty of the BOT’s skill, and even the number of teammates and opponents, but this is the only time an option like this is available.
  • 12. Audio The use of audio is a major key within this specific game. It is one of the most important things within the title as it allows players to gain an advantage over their opponents. In terms of sound effects the most common are those emitted from the weapons. These each make a different noise and a well-trained ear can tell the difference. In addition to this each players makes a large amount of noise just by travelling. Footsteps are a common feature in many modern first person shooters but in Counterstrike they can vital information on the location of opponents. The music within the game is something that is used throughout. It is used for a number of features. Upon launching the game, the soundtrack will play on a loop and add background noise to the screen. This is a nice edition that helps to break up the silence. Once placed in a match the attitude towards music changes by a large amount. It is from then on used to signal events. There is music for the start and end of each round, and changed depending on the outcome. The music also drastically changes if the time scale is reduced, for example when one of the team achieves their goal and the other team is forced to react quickly. This helps build the tension during the match and provides the players with a useful audio notification. Voice lines are also present within the game. These are mainly during the first few seconds of the game and usually have a quirky manner. They do not offer any information that has not already been given, but they help to give the game some character. Most importantly they lift overall mood of the game, which can appear to be quite heavy. With the theme of counter-terrorism being a serious subject, the voice lines help to stop the tone slipping into a darker mood.
  • 13. Genre Genre – comp more games are doing because of it, no ads, inspect, little indication of enemy, audio, tactics, Counterstrike: Global Offensive is a favourite among thousands of players, but it is not a perfect representation of the first person shooter genre. It may share many characteristics but it sits apart from the most popular titles. The game features the same gist that games such as ‘Battlefield’, in the sense that modes are similar and the main aspect of the game is almost identical. The health and damage system are alike, along with the weapons and their features. It differs in the way that the majority of the game is structured, with there being less casual modes and not as fast-paced. There are more prominent differences such as the lack of iron-sights and optics that are frequent in other FPS games. CS:GO also relies heavily on tactics and the use of teamwork, whereas other, more casual games will allow for players to operate alone. The top screenshot on the right is from ‘Insurgency’. Be it still more tactical than most FPS games, it is a better representation of the genre. It contains characteristics that make it much more casual, such as a lower dependence on teamwork. It also features the ability for the player to aim down the given sights of the weapon. This further increases the differences between that and Counterstrike. The screenshot below this has been taken from Battlefield, one of the most popular games of the genre. It depicts similar aspects to both

Editor's Notes

  1. Discuss the game’s use of audio Music, Sound effects, Dialogue, Tone/Mood created etc
  2. How the game is representative of the wider genre of that style of games (does it share characteristics of the genre? Does it develop the gameplay of the genre?)