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0Surface Revision: Essay #2
0Discussion: QHQ SBB
0In-class writing: SBB
A sentence is not concise simply because it is short; a concise sentence contains
only the number of words necessary to achieve its effect or to make its point.
Unnecessary phrases that
take up space and add
nothing to meaning.

0 Wordy: There were many
factors that influenced his

decision to become a teacher.
Hint: omit the filler phrases
"it is," "there is," and "there
are" at the beginning of
sentences; these often delay
the sentence's true subject
and verb.

0 Concise: Many factors

influenced his decision to
become a teacher.
0 Wordy: They played a softball game that

was exhausting.

0 Concise: They played an exhausting

softball game.

0 Wordy: It is expensive to upgrade

computer systems.

0 Concise: Upgrading computer systems is

Some familiar expressions that are

0 There is/There are
0 I feel
0 I think
0 It seems to me
0 All things considered
0 Without a doubt
0 It is important to note
0 In my opinion
0 The reason why
0 In conclusion
Examples of Utility Words to
Eliminate or Replace
Vague Nouns
0 Thing (something,
anything, everything)
0 Situation
0 Kind
0 Type
0 Aspect
0 Sort
0 Area

Adverbs denoting degree

0 Basically
0 Very

0 Definitely
0 Quite
Omit "which" or "that” when
0Wordy: Because the fluid, which was

brown and poisonous, was dumped into
the river, the company that was
negligent had to shut down.

0Concise: Because the brown, poisonous

fluid was dumped into the river, the
negligent company had to shut down.
Using commas and semi-colons
Checking the Details
Miscellaneous Questions
0 Does the paper follow MLA guidelines?
0 Is the page length within assigned limits?

0 Is the font type and size within the assigned guidelines?
0 Does the Header follow the assignment guidelines?
0 Is the professor's name spelled correctly? Kim Palmore
0 Is your name spelled correctly?
0 Does the paper have a title? Is it a good title? Is the title in

the appropriate location?
0 Have you italicized book and movie titles and put stories,
articles, and poems in quotation marks.
Writing Tips
0 Write about literature in present tense
0 Avoid using “thing,” “something,” “everything,” and
0 Avoid writing in second person.
0 Avoid using contractions.
0 Cut Wordy Sentences
0 Fix run-on sentences
0 Check for misused words
0 Put commas and periods inside quotation marks
The Works Cited Page
A Work in an Anthology,
Reference, or Collection
0 Works may include an essay in an edited collection or

anthology, or a chapter of a book. The basic form is for this
sort of citation is as follows:
0 Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection.
Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.
0 Example:
0 Harris, Muriel. "Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers." A

Tutor's Guide: Helping Writers One to One. Ed. Ben Rafoth.
Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2000. 24-34. Print.
A Work in a Collection or Anthology
Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. (Date of original
publication if applicable). Ed. Editor’s Name(s). City of Publication:
Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of
Langston Hughes
The Ways of White Folks
New York
Vintage 1990 1934
No Editor in this case
Pages 51-55

Toni Morrison
Source: Confirmation: An Anthology of African
American Women
Publisher: Morrow
Edition: 1983
Editors: Imamu Amiri Baraka & Amina Baraka
Place Published: New York
Pages 243-260
Recorded Films or Movies
List films by their title. Include the name of the director, the distributor, and the
release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the
abbreviation perf. to head the list. End the entry with the appropriate medium
of publication (e.g. DVD, VHS, Laser disc).
Ed Wood. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica
Parker, Patricia Arquette. Touchstone, 1994. DVD.

The Human Stain
Directed by Robert Benton
Performers: Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman,
Ed Harris, and Gary Sinise.
Distributor: Miramax
Release Year: 2003
Medium: DVD
An Article in a Scholarly Journal
0 Always provide issue numbers, when available.
0 Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.

Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication.
0 Example:
Bagchi, Alaknanda. "Conflicting Nationalisms: The
Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi's Bashai
Tudu." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 15.1
(1996): 41-50. Print.
Article in an Online Scholarly Journal That Also Appears in Print
Cite articles in online scholarly journals that also appear in print as you would a
scholarly journal in print, including the page range of the article. Provide the
medium of publication that you used (in this case, Web) and the date of access.
Wheelis, Mark. "Investigating Disease Outbreaks Under a Protocol to the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention." Emerging Infectious Diseases
6.6 (2000): 595-600. Web. 8 Feb. 2009.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume. Issue (Year of publication):
pages. Medium of publication. Date retrieved.
Randall Kennedy
“Racial Passing”
Ohio State Law Journal
Volume 62
Issue 1145
8 Feb. 2013

William Pickens
“Racial Segregation”
Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life
December, 1927
8 Feb. 2013
Article in an Online Scholarly Journal That Also Appears in
Cite articles in online scholarly journals that also appear in print as you would a
scholarly journal in print, including the page range of the article. Provide the
medium of publication that you used (in this case, Web) and the date of access.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume. Issue (Year of publication):
pages. Medium of publication. Date retrieved.

Hughes, Langston.
Passing (the poem)
Vol. 11
Issue 1
Stone Butch Blues

“I didn’t want to be different. I longed to be everything
grownups wanted, so they would love me.” ch.2 p.13
0 This stood out to me because I think that people should be

able to be whoever they want and not have to worry about
being judged and everyone’s opinion. There is no map to how
a kid should act, everyone is different. Parents are suppose to
not worry about what you enjoy doing, or your preferences,
they are just suppose to love you unconditionally. Kids
should not have to change or try their hardest to please and
impress there parents or family, it should just happen, with
whatever they choose to be doing. Everyone has the right to
be whoever they want, no one should scare them into taking
that away. Everyone is unique in there own ways.
"Crow, are you a boy or a girl?"
"Caw, Caw!" (17).
0 The quote shows what horrible treatment the

character goes through just because he/she is
different. Difference is not coped with well in society
so in order for us to digest it, people make fun of it
because they feel insecure. We do not realize what we
are doing the person who is being treated badly. The
character never had the courage to stand up to the
people that kept asking him/her the question which I
wish he/she did so that he/she would feel more
confident about who he/she is.
“Just when it seemed like it couldn’t get worse I noticed my breasts were
growing. Menstruation didn’t bother me. Unless I bled all over myself it
was a private thing between me and my body. But breast! Boys hung out
of car windows and yelled vulgar things at me.[....]I liked my body before
puberty. Somehow I thought it would never change, not like this!” (23)

0 These lines stood out because it reminded of myself the way she

was feeling at that moment. Its like something I experience the
feeling of being uncomfortable with my own body. I was barely
entering high school. I remember that physical education was
required to be taken for two years. I was totally different back
then than what i am now. I was super shy not very social-able.
Back then I also hated that I had too. The thought of my own body
changing before my eyes. Especially when in class we had to run,
jump I felt so uncomfortable . Every boy staring and even men as
well. I would try to cover myself with large sweaters or shirts. But
I knew that there was nothing that I could do. As of today I can’t
really change anything and i still hate the fact that i keep getting
compliments about their size or how big they are.
“Whatever the world thought was wrong with me, I
finally began to agree they were right” (23)

There is a lot of hurt behind these
words. This is more than just admitting
someone was hurting them, this was
her accepting what society thought
and said about her. This was
acceptance of the fact that society
perceived her behavior and feelings as
This quote just goes to show how
much power societal pressures have
over us, even our perception of
ourselves. It’s striking… and a little

I felt sentimental as I
read this because been
different doesn’t make
us inferior, it simply
means we are
distinguishable, and
“Part of the nightmare was that it all seemed so matter of fact. I couldn’t
make it stop, I couldn’t escape it, and so I pretended it wasn’t happening.
I looked at the sky, at how pale and placid it was. I imagined it was the
ocean and the clouds were white-capped waves.” (Feinberg, 41)

0 This passage is being said while she is being raped by her

classmates. I found this passage significant because it is
heartbreaking what those guys did to her. Additionally, that
passage shows how powerless she is in this incident. I
think that a person may have their opinions about others
but to do such a degrading act is extremely inhumane. This
type of event definitely marks a person for life and many
times that person can never fully recover from it. While I
was reading this scene, it reminded me of the French
movie, Irréversible, I saw a couple of years ago. The film is
about two men who want revenge for the rape a girlfriend.
It reminded me of this because both talk about this matter.
Rape is a very sensible topic that is not discussed in
society; so watching and reading about it is very profound.
“I didn’t know what else to write. They could find me at my
job if they wanted to, but there was a chance that they’d be
as happy to be rid of me as I’d be relieved to be gone”(47) .

0 Thee lines stood out to me because it is really
sad Jess does not feel happy or safe in her own
home, which is suppose to the place you feel
the safest being at home and being with your
family. It is also really sad that her parents

made no effort to look for her or help her
change her mind.
“Then I felt her body move closer and we kind of melted together. I
discovered all the sweet surprises a femme can give a butch: her hand on the
back of my neck, open on my shoulder, or balled up like a fist. The feel of her
belly and thighs against mine. Her lips almost touching my ear [. . .] I felt her
pain, she knew mine. I felt her desire, she aroused mine” (33-34).
0 Jess describes her first dance with another woman in the book. Before this

event, Jess had gone on a terrible date with Monique. This quote stood out
to me because it is the first real connection that Jess establishes with
another girl. It is an innocent act compared to her past experience with
Monique. Her “rite of passage” moment that displayed her sexy side. In a
room full of older butches and femmes, this was her proving point to all of
them. That she could be just as sexy as they are. I think that we have all
experienced this “looking for acceptance” moment and finally receiving it.
I have seen this in my current job, where I was once the newbie who was
afraid and oblivious to everything. Flash forward a few months later and I
know mostly everything. This was Jess’ moment of acceptance. In a
situation where she felt alone, this next quotation shows how
understanding Yvette (her dance partner) had been. It is always a nice
feeling knowing that someone out there understands you.
“They cuffed my hands so tight behind my back I almost cried out. Then
the cop unzipped his pants real slow, with a smirk on his face, and
ordered me on my knees. First I thought to myself, I can’t! Then I said
out loud to myself and to you and to him, ‘I won’t’ “ (10)
0 Jess describes a night she had with Theresa. They were alone in a

strange tuff at that night, waiting for their friends, who never showed up.
Then, the cops came in and started targeting at Jess and Theresa for no
reason as usual. However, this time is different, Jess was alone, she did
not have anyone to back her up, or tell her it’s alright. Suddenly, Jess was
so vulnerable and weak, and she knew exactly what was going to happen
to her. She did not fight back because she was cuffed and she knew that
if she fought back, everyone in the bar would be beaten. The thing that
stood out to me the most is Jess’s attitude after the incident. She was not
even mad, and something inside her was changed. She accepted the fact
and lived with it, “ I learned the difference between what I can’t do and
what I refuse to do.” Jess did not tell what happen to her in the cell that
night. But we all know that it was so traumatized that there was nothing
she could do but to accepted it.
“Either eat me or eat my shit,
bulldagger. It’s up to you” (109)
0 Of all the strife we read Jess had endured since being a

mere child, this particular scene in the book I couldn’t get
past. To be beaten to near death, and then treated the way
she was, made me sick. Rarely have I ever had such a
reaction to a novel, it stood out to me, even brought me to
tears. Having to take as much grief as Jess did on a daily
basis it made me burn with hatred for these cops that
went specifically out of their way to terrorize butches and
femmes, as if they were the criminals for their sexual
orientation. To be put in a position like that and survive, as
broken as she was for a long time, gave me great respect
for jess as the novel went on. Relentlessly she was hurt,
and relentlessly she fought.
“Deep down, my insides seethed. I knew I was stone, too. It was a home
alarm system that didn’t seem to have an on-off switch. Once installed,
the sirens went off and the gates shut, even if the intruder was loving”
0 These lines in the book spoke very strongly to me. From them, you

realize just how much psychological damage that Jess has taken from
the repeated gang rapes and the beatings. Any one of the events that
Jess suffered before the age of sixteen would have had a significant
effect on her still developing personality. Just one on these events
could have caused her to shut down all attempts by others to reach
her on a personal level. The fact that Jess, while damaged, still goes
on to form personal attachments, and to form romantic relationships
is a testament to how strong a person she is inside. Jess also has the
examples from the older butches who have suffered through the
same exact types of abuse, to draw on. While the other butches
rarely talk about the abuse they have suffered, the fact that someone
else really does understand what you have been through can be an
enormous help in getting through it yourself. I believe that Jess
recognizing she has scars is what allows her to continue reaching
out to others.
“Only you could melt this stone.”
0 This line stands on its own, in or out of context it has a very powerful

meaning behind it. The actual act of melting a stone takes the most
powerful forces to even chip away at stone and to melt it away takes
more years than most people can keep track of. This line makes me
think of sea water wearing away at a rock along the shore, working
for decades only to barely make a dent in the size of the object. The
way this line is written, however, indicates a faster change, a change
that can be watched. Only a very powerful person could do something
that remarkable to someone who is seemingly so very hardened to
the core. In context this line represents a connection so powerful that
the person that she is writing to is the only person on the entire
planet that truly knows her. In addition this person holds so much
power over her, she is the only person that can make her vulnerable.
For a person that hardened this would be something that would be
extremely difficult to do. Out of context this line means that there is
only one important person in someone’s life, only one person can see
the true colors of the other person. Only one person can break down
all the walls that were built around the others heart.
“I went to the window and looked out over the mounds of
snow, wishing I could do everything in my life once as
practice and then go back and do it again.”(102)
0 Jess said this after Duffy gave her the present he got for her. This

text in the book stood out to me because she felt guilty leaving
the plant for a different job after everything she fought for there.
She also might have felt proud of the reputation she had
established there. Also, I think she senses a reoccurring theme in
her life. Every time she makes a mistake she always wishes she
could take it back. For example, she didn’t know what to do when
Duffy asked her to step aside and give her promotion to Leroy.
She said she regretted it later and did it because she thought it
was the right thing to do. This specific quotation is indicative that
Jess is uncertain of herself despite what she expresses outward.
The author depicts Jess a certain way but this quote at the same
time reminds us that Jess doesn’t know how to live the life she
has been forced into.
“”You know”, Duffy added, “I don’t think I really realized how hard it is for you. I
know what jerks the guys at work can be sometimes.”……..”But when I went to the
hospital with you, I saw how they treated you, how they talked about you,” he
rubbed his face. When he looked back at me, I saw tears in his eyes. “ I felt so
helpless you know? I kept yelling at them that you were a human being that you
mattered, and it was like they weren’t listening to me.”” (Feinberg 93)

0 This post really stood out for me. Why? It was sad; it is

unbelievable how people are so cruel and selfish. Duffy was right,
Jess was a human being like everyone else, but the doctors didn’t
help Jess just because of the appearance. And was a butch. I liked
how Duffy stood up for Jess, it was brave and a show of
friendship towards Jess. Also how he cried while he was saying it
was touching. I believe that everyone deserves the right as
everyone else; we all should have equal rights. This as many
other parts was sad.
“ I drifted in and out of consciousness. I remember Theresa propping me
up against a brick wall in the precinct parking lot and assessing the
damage with her eyes. she chewed her lower lip and fingered the bloody
places on my shirt. ‘I'll never get these stains out.’ ‘Indirect messages cut
through my fog much more clearly than direct ones.’” (136)
I believe that what Theresa and Jess
understood clearly is the damage of that night
inside them is something they are not going
to forget for the rest of their lives. the small
cuts and the blood is going to be cured in a
week or two but that night left Jess a big scare
inside that is never going to be cured. I like
these lines because deep inside us we can not
explain everything or talk about everything
we have been through sometimes, but still we
can have our beloved make us feel better by
showing us that they understand us and how
we feel without reminding us of what hurts us
and without opening our ugly scars.

These lines stood out to me the
most since i have never
experienced a beating like this.
And the beating was caused
just because she was a lesbian
is shocking. What homosexual
men and women went through
before people were more
accepting is terrible. I am glad
that people have wised up to
this and now this is punishable
under hate crime laws.
“I shrugged. ‘I’m twenty-one today and I
feel old’” (140).
0 This quote stood out to me beyond all others because of

some preconceptions I had. I had assumed more time
had passed between her talks of high school and this
birthday party. When she moved onto talking about her
fights in the union and all the time spent in the bar, I
assumed she had skipped forward in her life story a bit
and was in her mid-twenties. Being twenty-two myself,
the fact that she had undergone all of those beatings and
overall stresses of her life before reaching twenty-one
puts the earlier part of the story in perspective for me.
“All my life I didn’t want to feel different. But in the dream I
liked it and I was with other people who were different”
0 Jess describes a dream she had with Theresa. In the dream, Jess is in a

bar out in the woods with the other drag queens. She tells Theresa she
doesn’t want to be different from other people; she wants to fit in and
she feels like she does. For most of my life I have felt different from
people, because I have a learning disability. I can’t learn new material
as quickly as most people can. I tried taking statistics but had to drop
the class simply because I wasn’t learning the material fast enough.
Whenever I hear someone say, “I got an A in statistics” I think, “Why
can’t I do that?” I’ve wanted to go into astronomy for quite a while but
I’m having second thoughts because of all the math involved. I feel
disadvantaged because I’m not sure if I can learn all the math.
However, I felt very much at home when I was in high school. Every
student there had a disability of some type. It made me feel as if I
wasn’t alone in the world.
In-Class Writing
0 Explore a moment when Jess

intentionally passes. How does
this experience change who ze
is? How do you know?

0 Choose one when ze

unintentionally passes. Does
this affect hir in the same way?
How do you know?

 Edit Essay #2: Submit your essay electronically before our next class

(feel free to submit early) by emailing a copy saved in MS Word to Please save your essay as your
last name and the number 2. Example: Palmore 2
 Reading: Stone Butch Blues (196-End).
 Post #16: Best paragraph from essay #2
 Post #17: Jess interacts with medical personnel in
various ways throughout the novel. Explore an
experience Jess has with a medical professional.
Does her gender identity influence the treatment
she receives or doesn’t receive? Or explore a
moment when Jess passes. How does this
experience change who ze is? How do you know?
Include a quotation with your discussion.
 Studying: Terms

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. AGENDA 0Surface Revision: Essay #2 0Discussion: QHQ SBB 0In-class writing: SBB
  • 4.
  • 5. Wordiness A sentence is not concise simply because it is short; a concise sentence contains only the number of words necessary to achieve its effect or to make its point.
  • 6. Deadwood Unnecessary phrases that take up space and add nothing to meaning. Examples 0 Wordy: There were many factors that influenced his decision to become a teacher. Hint: omit the filler phrases "it is," "there is," and "there are" at the beginning of sentences; these often delay the sentence's true subject and verb. 0 Concise: Many factors influenced his decision to become a teacher.
  • 7. 0 Wordy: They played a softball game that was exhausting. 0 Concise: They played an exhausting softball game. 0 Wordy: It is expensive to upgrade computer systems. 0 Concise: Upgrading computer systems is expensive.
  • 8. Some familiar expressions that are Deadwood 0 There is/There are 0 I feel 0 I think 0 It seems to me 0 All things considered 0 Without a doubt 0 It is important to note 0 In my opinion 0 The reason why 0 In conclusion
  • 9. Examples of Utility Words to Eliminate or Replace Vague Nouns 0 Thing (something, anything, everything) 0 Situation 0 Kind 0 Type 0 Aspect 0 Sort 0 Area Adverbs denoting degree 0 Basically 0 Very 0 Definitely 0 Quite
  • 10. Omit "which" or "that” when possible. 0Wordy: Because the fluid, which was brown and poisonous, was dumped into the river, the company that was negligent had to shut down. 0Concise: Because the brown, poisonous fluid was dumped into the river, the negligent company had to shut down.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 20. Miscellaneous Questions 0 Does the paper follow MLA guidelines? 0 Is the page length within assigned limits? 0 Is the font type and size within the assigned guidelines? 0 Does the Header follow the assignment guidelines? 0 Is the professor's name spelled correctly? Kim Palmore 0 Is your name spelled correctly? 0 Does the paper have a title? Is it a good title? Is the title in the appropriate location? 0 Have you italicized book and movie titles and put stories, articles, and poems in quotation marks.
  • 21. Writing Tips 0 Write about literature in present tense 0 Avoid using “thing,” “something,” “everything,” and “anything.” 0 Avoid writing in second person. 0 Avoid using contractions. 0 Cut Wordy Sentences 0 Fix run-on sentences 0 Check for misused words 0 Put commas and periods inside quotation marks
  • 23. A Work in an Anthology, Reference, or Collection 0 Works may include an essay in an edited collection or anthology, or a chapter of a book. The basic form is for this sort of citation is as follows: 0 Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication. 0 Example: 0 Harris, Muriel. "Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers." A Tutor's Guide: Helping Writers One to One. Ed. Ben Rafoth. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2000. 24-34. Print.
  • 24. A Work in a Collection or Anthology Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. (Date of original publication if applicable). Ed. Editor’s Name(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication. Langston Hughes “Passing” The Ways of White Folks New York Vintage 1990 1934 No Editor in this case Pages 51-55 Print Toni Morrison “Recitatif” Source: Confirmation: An Anthology of African American Women Publisher: Morrow Edition: 1983 Editors: Imamu Amiri Baraka & Amina Baraka Place Published: New York Pages 243-260 Print
  • 25. Recorded Films or Movies List films by their title. Include the name of the director, the distributor, and the release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list. End the entry with the appropriate medium of publication (e.g. DVD, VHS, Laser disc). Ed Wood. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica Parker, Patricia Arquette. Touchstone, 1994. DVD. The Human Stain Directed by Robert Benton Performers: Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman, Ed Harris, and Gary Sinise. Distributor: Miramax Release Year: 2003 Medium: DVD
  • 26. An Article in a Scholarly Journal 0 Always provide issue numbers, when available. 0 Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume. Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication. 0 Example: Bagchi, Alaknanda. "Conflicting Nationalisms: The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi's Bashai Tudu." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 15.1 (1996): 41-50. Print.
  • 27. Article in an Online Scholarly Journal That Also Appears in Print Cite articles in online scholarly journals that also appear in print as you would a scholarly journal in print, including the page range of the article. Provide the medium of publication that you used (in this case, Web) and the date of access. Wheelis, Mark. "Investigating Disease Outbreaks Under a Protocol to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention." Emerging Infectious Diseases 6.6 (2000): 595-600. Web. 8 Feb. 2009. Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume. Issue (Year of publication): pages. Medium of publication. Date retrieved. Randall Kennedy “Racial Passing” Ohio State Law Journal Volume 62 Issue 1145 2001 1-28 Web 8 Feb. 2013 William Pickens “Racial Segregation” Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life December, 1927 364-367 Web. 8 Feb. 2013
  • 28. Article in an Online Scholarly Journal That Also Appears in Print Cite articles in online scholarly journals that also appear in print as you would a scholarly journal in print, including the page range of the article. Provide the medium of publication that you used (in this case, Web) and the date of access. Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume. Issue (Year of publication): pages. Medium of publication. Date retrieved. Hughes, Langston. Passing (the poem) Phylon Vol. 11 Issue 1 (1950) 15 Web
  • 30. “I didn’t want to be different. I longed to be everything grownups wanted, so they would love me.” ch.2 p.13 0 This stood out to me because I think that people should be able to be whoever they want and not have to worry about being judged and everyone’s opinion. There is no map to how a kid should act, everyone is different. Parents are suppose to not worry about what you enjoy doing, or your preferences, they are just suppose to love you unconditionally. Kids should not have to change or try their hardest to please and impress there parents or family, it should just happen, with whatever they choose to be doing. Everyone has the right to be whoever they want, no one should scare them into taking that away. Everyone is unique in there own ways.
  • 31. "Crow, are you a boy or a girl?" "Caw, Caw!" (17). 0 The quote shows what horrible treatment the character goes through just because he/she is different. Difference is not coped with well in society so in order for us to digest it, people make fun of it because they feel insecure. We do not realize what we are doing the person who is being treated badly. The character never had the courage to stand up to the people that kept asking him/her the question which I wish he/she did so that he/she would feel more confident about who he/she is.
  • 32. “Just when it seemed like it couldn’t get worse I noticed my breasts were growing. Menstruation didn’t bother me. Unless I bled all over myself it was a private thing between me and my body. But breast! Boys hung out of car windows and yelled vulgar things at me.[....]I liked my body before puberty. Somehow I thought it would never change, not like this!” (23) 0 These lines stood out because it reminded of myself the way she was feeling at that moment. Its like something I experience the feeling of being uncomfortable with my own body. I was barely entering high school. I remember that physical education was required to be taken for two years. I was totally different back then than what i am now. I was super shy not very social-able. Back then I also hated that I had too. The thought of my own body changing before my eyes. Especially when in class we had to run, jump I felt so uncomfortable . Every boy staring and even men as well. I would try to cover myself with large sweaters or shirts. But I knew that there was nothing that I could do. As of today I can’t really change anything and i still hate the fact that i keep getting compliments about their size or how big they are.
  • 33. “Whatever the world thought was wrong with me, I finally began to agree they were right” (23) There is a lot of hurt behind these words. This is more than just admitting someone was hurting them, this was her accepting what society thought and said about her. This was acceptance of the fact that society perceived her behavior and feelings as “wrong.” This quote just goes to show how much power societal pressures have over us, even our perception of ourselves. It’s striking… and a little scary. I felt sentimental as I read this because been different doesn’t make us inferior, it simply means we are distinguishable, and unique.
  • 34. “Part of the nightmare was that it all seemed so matter of fact. I couldn’t make it stop, I couldn’t escape it, and so I pretended it wasn’t happening. I looked at the sky, at how pale and placid it was. I imagined it was the ocean and the clouds were white-capped waves.” (Feinberg, 41) 0 This passage is being said while she is being raped by her classmates. I found this passage significant because it is heartbreaking what those guys did to her. Additionally, that passage shows how powerless she is in this incident. I think that a person may have their opinions about others but to do such a degrading act is extremely inhumane. This type of event definitely marks a person for life and many times that person can never fully recover from it. While I was reading this scene, it reminded me of the French movie, Irréversible, I saw a couple of years ago. The film is about two men who want revenge for the rape a girlfriend. It reminded me of this because both talk about this matter. Rape is a very sensible topic that is not discussed in society; so watching and reading about it is very profound.
  • 35. “I didn’t know what else to write. They could find me at my job if they wanted to, but there was a chance that they’d be as happy to be rid of me as I’d be relieved to be gone”(47) . 0 Thee lines stood out to me because it is really sad Jess does not feel happy or safe in her own home, which is suppose to the place you feel the safest being at home and being with your family. It is also really sad that her parents made no effort to look for her or help her change her mind.
  • 36. “Then I felt her body move closer and we kind of melted together. I discovered all the sweet surprises a femme can give a butch: her hand on the back of my neck, open on my shoulder, or balled up like a fist. The feel of her belly and thighs against mine. Her lips almost touching my ear [. . .] I felt her pain, she knew mine. I felt her desire, she aroused mine” (33-34). 0 Jess describes her first dance with another woman in the book. Before this event, Jess had gone on a terrible date with Monique. This quote stood out to me because it is the first real connection that Jess establishes with another girl. It is an innocent act compared to her past experience with Monique. Her “rite of passage” moment that displayed her sexy side. In a room full of older butches and femmes, this was her proving point to all of them. That she could be just as sexy as they are. I think that we have all experienced this “looking for acceptance” moment and finally receiving it. I have seen this in my current job, where I was once the newbie who was afraid and oblivious to everything. Flash forward a few months later and I know mostly everything. This was Jess’ moment of acceptance. In a situation where she felt alone, this next quotation shows how understanding Yvette (her dance partner) had been. It is always a nice feeling knowing that someone out there understands you.
  • 37. “They cuffed my hands so tight behind my back I almost cried out. Then the cop unzipped his pants real slow, with a smirk on his face, and ordered me on my knees. First I thought to myself, I can’t! Then I said out loud to myself and to you and to him, ‘I won’t’ “ (10) 0 Jess describes a night she had with Theresa. They were alone in a strange tuff at that night, waiting for their friends, who never showed up. Then, the cops came in and started targeting at Jess and Theresa for no reason as usual. However, this time is different, Jess was alone, she did not have anyone to back her up, or tell her it’s alright. Suddenly, Jess was so vulnerable and weak, and she knew exactly what was going to happen to her. She did not fight back because she was cuffed and she knew that if she fought back, everyone in the bar would be beaten. The thing that stood out to me the most is Jess’s attitude after the incident. She was not even mad, and something inside her was changed. She accepted the fact and lived with it, “ I learned the difference between what I can’t do and what I refuse to do.” Jess did not tell what happen to her in the cell that night. But we all know that it was so traumatized that there was nothing she could do but to accepted it.
  • 38. “Either eat me or eat my shit, bulldagger. It’s up to you” (109) 0 Of all the strife we read Jess had endured since being a mere child, this particular scene in the book I couldn’t get past. To be beaten to near death, and then treated the way she was, made me sick. Rarely have I ever had such a reaction to a novel, it stood out to me, even brought me to tears. Having to take as much grief as Jess did on a daily basis it made me burn with hatred for these cops that went specifically out of their way to terrorize butches and femmes, as if they were the criminals for their sexual orientation. To be put in a position like that and survive, as broken as she was for a long time, gave me great respect for jess as the novel went on. Relentlessly she was hurt, and relentlessly she fought.
  • 39. “Deep down, my insides seethed. I knew I was stone, too. It was a home alarm system that didn’t seem to have an on-off switch. Once installed, the sirens went off and the gates shut, even if the intruder was loving” (94) 0 These lines in the book spoke very strongly to me. From them, you realize just how much psychological damage that Jess has taken from the repeated gang rapes and the beatings. Any one of the events that Jess suffered before the age of sixteen would have had a significant effect on her still developing personality. Just one on these events could have caused her to shut down all attempts by others to reach her on a personal level. The fact that Jess, while damaged, still goes on to form personal attachments, and to form romantic relationships is a testament to how strong a person she is inside. Jess also has the examples from the older butches who have suffered through the same exact types of abuse, to draw on. While the other butches rarely talk about the abuse they have suffered, the fact that someone else really does understand what you have been through can be an enormous help in getting through it yourself. I believe that Jess recognizing she has scars is what allows her to continue reaching out to others.
  • 40. “Only you could melt this stone.” 0 This line stands on its own, in or out of context it has a very powerful meaning behind it. The actual act of melting a stone takes the most powerful forces to even chip away at stone and to melt it away takes more years than most people can keep track of. This line makes me think of sea water wearing away at a rock along the shore, working for decades only to barely make a dent in the size of the object. The way this line is written, however, indicates a faster change, a change that can be watched. Only a very powerful person could do something that remarkable to someone who is seemingly so very hardened to the core. In context this line represents a connection so powerful that the person that she is writing to is the only person on the entire planet that truly knows her. In addition this person holds so much power over her, she is the only person that can make her vulnerable. For a person that hardened this would be something that would be extremely difficult to do. Out of context this line means that there is only one important person in someone’s life, only one person can see the true colors of the other person. Only one person can break down all the walls that were built around the others heart.
  • 41. “I went to the window and looked out over the mounds of snow, wishing I could do everything in my life once as practice and then go back and do it again.”(102) 0 Jess said this after Duffy gave her the present he got for her. This text in the book stood out to me because she felt guilty leaving the plant for a different job after everything she fought for there. She also might have felt proud of the reputation she had established there. Also, I think she senses a reoccurring theme in her life. Every time she makes a mistake she always wishes she could take it back. For example, she didn’t know what to do when Duffy asked her to step aside and give her promotion to Leroy. She said she regretted it later and did it because she thought it was the right thing to do. This specific quotation is indicative that Jess is uncertain of herself despite what she expresses outward. The author depicts Jess a certain way but this quote at the same time reminds us that Jess doesn’t know how to live the life she has been forced into.
  • 42. “”You know”, Duffy added, “I don’t think I really realized how hard it is for you. I know what jerks the guys at work can be sometimes.”……..”But when I went to the hospital with you, I saw how they treated you, how they talked about you,” he rubbed his face. When he looked back at me, I saw tears in his eyes. “ I felt so helpless you know? I kept yelling at them that you were a human being that you mattered, and it was like they weren’t listening to me.”” (Feinberg 93) 0 This post really stood out for me. Why? It was sad; it is unbelievable how people are so cruel and selfish. Duffy was right, Jess was a human being like everyone else, but the doctors didn’t help Jess just because of the appearance. And was a butch. I liked how Duffy stood up for Jess, it was brave and a show of friendship towards Jess. Also how he cried while he was saying it was touching. I believe that everyone deserves the right as everyone else; we all should have equal rights. This as many other parts was sad.
  • 43. “ I drifted in and out of consciousness. I remember Theresa propping me up against a brick wall in the precinct parking lot and assessing the damage with her eyes. she chewed her lower lip and fingered the bloody places on my shirt. ‘I'll never get these stains out.’ ‘Indirect messages cut through my fog much more clearly than direct ones.’” (136) I believe that what Theresa and Jess understood clearly is the damage of that night inside them is something they are not going to forget for the rest of their lives. the small cuts and the blood is going to be cured in a week or two but that night left Jess a big scare inside that is never going to be cured. I like these lines because deep inside us we can not explain everything or talk about everything we have been through sometimes, but still we can have our beloved make us feel better by showing us that they understand us and how we feel without reminding us of what hurts us and without opening our ugly scars. These lines stood out to me the most since i have never experienced a beating like this. And the beating was caused just because she was a lesbian is shocking. What homosexual men and women went through before people were more accepting is terrible. I am glad that people have wised up to this and now this is punishable under hate crime laws.
  • 44. “I shrugged. ‘I’m twenty-one today and I feel old’” (140). 0 This quote stood out to me beyond all others because of some preconceptions I had. I had assumed more time had passed between her talks of high school and this birthday party. When she moved onto talking about her fights in the union and all the time spent in the bar, I assumed she had skipped forward in her life story a bit and was in her mid-twenties. Being twenty-two myself, the fact that she had undergone all of those beatings and overall stresses of her life before reaching twenty-one puts the earlier part of the story in perspective for me.
  • 45. “All my life I didn’t want to feel different. But in the dream I liked it and I was with other people who were different” (143). 0 Jess describes a dream she had with Theresa. In the dream, Jess is in a bar out in the woods with the other drag queens. She tells Theresa she doesn’t want to be different from other people; she wants to fit in and she feels like she does. For most of my life I have felt different from people, because I have a learning disability. I can’t learn new material as quickly as most people can. I tried taking statistics but had to drop the class simply because I wasn’t learning the material fast enough. Whenever I hear someone say, “I got an A in statistics” I think, “Why can’t I do that?” I’ve wanted to go into astronomy for quite a while but I’m having second thoughts because of all the math involved. I feel disadvantaged because I’m not sure if I can learn all the math. However, I felt very much at home when I was in high school. Every student there had a disability of some type. It made me feel as if I wasn’t alone in the world.
  • 46. In-Class Writing 0 Explore a moment when Jess intentionally passes. How does this experience change who ze is? How do you know? 0 Choose one when ze unintentionally passes. Does this affect hir in the same way? How do you know?
  • 47. HOMEWORK  Edit Essay #2: Submit your essay electronically before our next class (feel free to submit early) by emailing a copy saved in MS Word to Please save your essay as your last name and the number 2. Example: Palmore 2  Reading: Stone Butch Blues (196-End).  Post #16: Best paragraph from essay #2  Post #17: Jess interacts with medical personnel in various ways throughout the novel. Explore an experience Jess has with a medical professional. Does her gender identity influence the treatment she receives or doesn’t receive? Or explore a moment when Jess passes. How does this experience change who ze is? How do you know? Include a quotation with your discussion.  Studying: Terms