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Notes on the Program

Die Schöpfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI: 2

                                                      aving loosened his connection to
almost certainly March 31, 1732 — he
was baptized on April 1 — in Rohrau,
                                             H        the Austro-Hungarian Court of the
                                                      Esterházy Princes in 1790, following
                                             three decades of devoted service, Joseph
Lower Austria                                Haydn expanded his horizons by taking two
Died                                         extended trips to England, where he was
May 31, 1809, in Vienna                      “managed” by the impresario Johann Peter
                                             Salomon, a German expatriate in London.
Work composed                                At the end of the second visit, in 1794–95,
between autumn 1796 and autumn 1797,         Salomon gave Haydn a copy of the anony-
with alterations continuing through the      mous libretto The Creation of the World, said
following March. Libretto by Gottfried van   to have been written at least half a century
Swieten, based on an earlier, anonymous      earlier for Handel, though that composer
English text derived from the Bible (the     never set it to music. The text’s principal
books of Genesis and Psalms) and             sources were the story of the creation as
Milton’s Paradise Lost.                      related in Genesis, chapters 1 and 2 (in the
World premiere                               King James translation), the same story as
April 29 (open rehearsal) and April 30       related in Milton’s Paradise Lost (specifically,
(official premiere), 1798, at the Palais     the 1674 revised edition), and the Book of
Schwarzenberg in Vienna, Haydn,              Psalms (particularly Psalms 19 and 145).
conductor; Antonio Salieri playing the           Upon arriving home in Vienna, Haydn
keyboard continuo; and soprano               showed the libretto to Baron Gottfried van
Christine Gerardi, tenor Mathias Rath-       Swieten, the imperial librarian, the former
mayer, and bass Ignaz Saal, soloists         president of the court Commission on
                                             Education and Censorship, a sometime com-
New York Philharmonic premiere               poser, and an authority on literary matters.
April 3, 1953, Robert Shaw, conductor;       He was also the head of the Gesellschaft der
Adele Addison, Louise Natale, John           Associirten, a group which was involved with
McCollum, Mack Harrell, and Paul Ukena,      patronizing large-scale compositions; it was
soloists; and the Robert Shaw Chorale        for this organization that van Swieten had
                                             arranged for Mozart to create new perform-
Most recent New York
Philharmonic performance                     ing versions of Handel’s Messiah, Alexander’s
April 11, 1989, Joseph Flummerfelt, con-     Feast, Acis and Galatea, and Ode for St. Cecilia’s
ductor (in his Philharmonic conducting       Day between 1788 and 1790. He was also the
debut); Edith Wiens, Sylvia McNair, Jon      one who convinced Haydn, in 1796, to create
Humphrey, Benjamin Luxon, and James          a choral cantata out of The Seven Last Words
Michael McGuire, soloists; and the New       of Christ on the Cross, which Haydn had com-
York Choral Artists                          posed a decade earlier as an odd sort of
                                             string quartet to be played at religious cere-
                                             monies in Cádiz, Spain.
                                                                     FEBRUARY 2004          27
Van Swieten enthusiastically endorsed
                                                     the idea of Haydn’s pursuing the project. “I
     The Work at a Glance                            recognized at once that such an exalted
                                                     subject would give Haydn the opportunity
                                                     I had long desired, to show the whole com-
     Die Schöpfung falls into three sections:        pass of his profound accomplishments and
     the first two are of approximately equal        to express the full power of his inex-
     length, of 40-odd minutes each, while the       haustible genius,” he wrote. Through his
     third is shorter, lasting about ten minutes     graces, the Associirten proffered Haydn a
     less. Each section ends with a grand            commission of 500 ducats for the new
     chorus that, at least in spirit, is redolent    work and pledged to cover expenses for
     of the choral finales of Handel’s oratorios.    copying the parts and mounting the even-
        The first section (Nos. 1–14) relates
                                                     tual production. Haydn envisioned it from
     the first four days of the creation of the
     universe, as related in the book of
                                                     the outset as a bilingual composition
     Genesis: on the first day, the creation of      whose text setting would serve equally well
     heaven, earth, and light; on the second,        in German and English. Van Swieten him-
     the division of the waters; on the third,       self set to work creating a German version
     the establishment of land, sea, and plant       of the text and then adapted the original
     life; and on the fourth, the positioning of     English libretto to match the contours of
     the sun, moon, and stars. In Part Two           his German. As he wrote,
     (Nos. 15–26) we hear the unfolding of
     the fifth day — the creation of birds and          [I] resolved to clothe the English poem
     fish — and the sixth day — the arrival of          in German garb. … It is true that I fol-
     beasts of the land and the first two               lowed the plan of the original faithfully
     human beings. Adam and Eve, those                  as a whole, but I diverged from it in
     primordial persons, take center stage in           details as often as musical progress and
     the third section (Nos. 27–32), at first           expression, of which I already had an
     gaining consciousness and then                     ideal conception in my mind, seemed to
     expressing their mutual love.                      demand. Guided by these sentiments, I
        The pleasure of experiencing Haydn              often judged it necessary that much
     and van Swieten’s Die Schöpfung lies               should be shortened or even omitted,
     less in the inevitable trajectory of the plot      on the one hand, and on the other hand
     — we all know the story, and it contains           that much should be made more promi-
     no real sense of conflict — than in the            nent or brought into greater relief, and
     wide-eyed wonder with which the                    much placed more in the shade.
     composer visits its familiar contours.             It therefore seems clear that, notwith-
     A childlike quality pervades the work, as if    standing the English origins of the text and
     Haydn were relating the narrative to
                                                     the composer’s intent of bilingual equality,
     young listeners who had never heard it
     before. There is reverence in his account,
                                                     the German version of Die Schöpfung was
     to be sure, but no stultifying piety.           the primary one, at least in practical terms
     Instead, Haydn seems to be having the           of composition. It is a delightful libretto,
     time of his life, truly celebrating the         and it was admired from the outset. The
     mystery of creation, translating it into the    English version is also a laudable piece of
     most human of terms, infusing it with           work, but neither van Swieten nor Haydn
     grace, delight, wit, and humor. Even the        spoke the language fluently, and a few
     three angels who deliver most of the            howlers — or at least awkward curiosities —
     narration are anything but awe-inspiring:       did manage to make their way into the
     in some earthly life, they might have been
                                                     retro-translation. Those could be more or
     cast by Mozart in Die Zauberflöte.
                                                     less easily rectified, but more problematic
                                                     was the English libretto’s general tone,

28       N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
Haydn’s Faith

   In the last ten years of his life Haydn befriended a gentleman named Georg August Griesinger, who
   first approached him in 1799 as a representative of the music-publishing firm of Breitkopf & Härtel.
   Griesinger recorded all of his conversations with Haydn, publishing them as a book just after Haydn
   died. Here’s what Griesinger says Haydn told him about his Catholic faith:

                                         “Haydn was very religiously inclined, and was loyally
                                         devoted to the faith in which he was raised. He was very
                                         strongly convinced in his heart that all human destiny is
                                         under God’s guiding hand, that God rewards the good and
                                         the evil, that all talents come from above. All his larger
                                         scores begin with the words In nomine Domini [“In the
                                         name of the Lord”] and end with Laus Deo or Soli Deo
                                         gloria [“Praise to God”; “Glory to God alone”]. ‘If my
                                         composing is not proceeding so well,’ I heard him say, ‘I
                                         walk up and down the room with my rosary in my hand,
                                         say several Aves, and then ideas come to me again.’ …
                                           “Haydn left every man to his own conviction and
                                         recognized all as brothers. In general, his devotion was not
                                         of the gloomy, always suffering sort, but rather cheerful
                                         and reconciled, and in this character, moreover, he wrote
                                         all his church music. His patriarchal, devout spirit is
                 Haydn                   particularly expressed in Die Schöpfung, and hence he was
                                         bound to be more successful in this composition than a
                                         hundred other masters. … A natural consequence of
                                         Haydn’s religiosity was his modesty, for his talent was not
                                         his own doing, rather a gracious gift from Heaven, to whom
                                         he believed he must show himself thankful.”

which, derived as it was from older texts,            to a four-part chorus and an orchestra com-
already sounded quaint to English audi-               prising three flutes, two oboes, two clar-
ences at the end of the 18th century. Both            inets, two bassoons and contrabassoon, two
versions carry the imprimatur of the com-             horns, two trumpets, three trombones, tim-
poser and the librettist, and there is a              pani, and strings, in addition to keyboard
defensible argument to be made for per-               continuo. This is the expanded orchestra-
forming The Creation in English when it is            tion Haydn prepared for the first truly
offered to English-speaking audiences.                public (i.e., not “by invitation only”) per-
But, considered more abstractly, in terms             formance of Die Schöpfung, at Vienna’s
of the ideal blending of text with music,             Burgtheater on March 19, 1799, on which
the German version — Die Schöpfung — is               occasion the performing forces included
the clear winner.                                     about 120 musicians in the orchestra and
                                                      60 in the choir.
Instrumentation: The score calls for
three vocal soloists — a soprano (as both             This note is derived from an essay that originally
Gabriel and Eve), a tenor (as Uriel), and a           appeared in the program books of the San Fran-
bass (as Raphael and Adam) — in addition              cisco Symphony. © San Francisco Symphony

                                                                              FEBRUARY 2004             29
Listen For…

     Following the orchestra’s opening depiction of chaos, the angel Raphael launches the story,
     and the choir joins in to depict the first act of creation, the generation of light. The sudden
     forte of chorus — joined by the orchestra playing fortissimo — on the word “Licht” (“light”),
     perhaps the most famous C-major cadence in the history of music, has made a powerful
     effect on every audience since the premiere, as Haydn knew it would. The composer’s friend
     Frederik Samuel Silverstolpe reported of the premiere:

     “No one, not even Baron van Swieten, had seen the page of the score wherein the birth of
     light is described. That was the only passage of the work which Haydn had kept hidden.
     I think I see his face even now, as this part sounded in the orchestra. Haydn had the
     expression of someone who is thinking of biting his lips, either to hide his embarrassment
                                                                              or to conceal a
                                                                              secret. And in that
                                                                              moment when light
                                                                              broke out for the
                                                                              first time, one would
                                                                              have said that rays
                                                                              darted from the
                                                                              composer’s burning
                                                                              eyes. The enchant-
                                                                              ment of the electri-
                                                                              fied Viennese was
                                                                              so general that the
                                                                              orchestra could
                                                                              not proceed for
                                                                              some minutes.”

     Homage to Haydn

     Haydn himself led perform-
     ances of Die Schöpfung in
     Vienna from its premiere
     through the end of 1802, and
     he reemerged from retirement
     on March 27, 1808, to attend
     a performance (conducted by
     Antonio Salieri) organized by
     the University of Vienna to
     mark his impending 76th
     birthday. His onetime student
     Ludwig van Beethoven, by then
     a firmly established master,
     was in attendance, and
     honored the feeble, aging
     Haydn by falling to his knees and covering his former teacher with kisses. The concert was
     depicted in this miniature-box-cover painting (now stolen) by the artist Balthasar Wegand, in
     which Haydn is seated in the middle of the foreground.

30      N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
Haydn’s Die Schöpfung (The Creation)
Libretto by Gottfried van Swieten
                                        First Part
1. The Representation of Chaos

2. Recitative and Chorus
Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde; und       In the beginning God created the heaven
die Erde war ohne Form und leer; und             and the earth. And the earth was without
Finsternis war auf der Fläche der Tiefe.         form, and void; and darkness was upon
                                                 the face of the deep.

Und der Geist Gottes schwebte auf der Fläche     And the spirit of God moved upon the
der Wasser; und Gott sprach: Es werde Licht,     face of the waters. And God said, Let
und es ward Licht.                               there be light, and there was light.


Und Gott sah das Licht, daß es gut war; und      And God saw the light, that it was good; and
Gott schied das Licht von der Finsternis.        God divided the light from the darkness.

3. Aria and Chorus

Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle des       Now before the divine rays the gloomy
schwarzen Dunkels gräuliche Schatten; der        shades of black darkness vanish. The first
erste Tag entstand. Verwirrung weicht und        day begins. Chaos yields, and order is
Ordnung keimt empor. Erstarrt entflieht der      established. The ghastly hosts of hell flee
Höllengeister Schar in des Abgrunds Tiefen       in terror down into the deep abyss to end-
hinab, zur ewigen Nacht.                         less night.

Verzweiflung, Wut und Schrecken begleiten        Despair, rage, and terror attend their fall.
ihren Sturz. Und eine neue Welt entspringt auf   And a new world springs up at God’s
Gottes Wort.                                     behest.

4. Recitative

Und Gott machte das Firmament und teilte die     And God made the firmament, and divid-
Wasser, die unter dem Firmament waren, von       ed the waters which were under the firma-
den Gewässern, die ober dem Firmament            ment from the waters which were above
waren, und es ward so.                           the firmament, and it was so.

                                                                (Please turn the page quietly.)
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Da tobten brausend heftige Stürme. Wie Spreu      Now violent storms rage in tumult; the
vor dem Winde, so zogen die Wolken. Die Luft      clouds scud like chaff before the wind;
durchschnitten feurige Blitze, und schrecklich    fiery lightnings rend the air, and fearful
rollten die Donner umher. Der Flut entstieg auf   thunder rolls around. At his command,
sein Geheiß der allerquickende Regen, der         floods ascend in clouds to make reviving
allverheerende Schauer, der leichte flockige      rain, ravaging hail, and light snowflakes.

5. Solo with Chorus

Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk der              In amazement the joyous multitude of the
Himmelsbürger frohe Schar, und laut ertönt        heavenly host behold the wondrous work,
aus ihren Kehlen des Schöpfers Lob, das Lob       and loud from their throats resounds praise
des zweiten Tags.                                 of the Creator, and of the second day.

Und laut ertönt aus ihren Kehlen des Schöpfers    And loud from their throats resounds
Lob, das Lob des zweiten Tags.                    praise of the Creator, and of the second day.

6. Recitative

Und Gott sprach: Es sammle sich das Wasser        And God said, Let the waters under the
unter dem Himmel zusammen an einem Platz,         heaven be gathered together unto one
und es erscheine das trockne Land! und es         place, and let the dry land appear! and it
ward so. Und Gott nannte das trockne Land         was so. And God called the dry land Earth;
Erde, und die Sammlung der Wasser nannte er       and the gathering together of waters called
Meer; und Gott sah, daß es gut war.               he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

7. Aria

Rollend in schäumenden Wellen bewegt sich         Rolling in foaming waves, the sea is
ungestüm das Meer. Hügel und Felsen               thrown into wild agitation. Hills and rocks
erscheinen; der Berge Gipfel steigt empor. Die    emerge, mountaintops arise. Through the
Fläche, weit gedehnt, durchläuft der breite       plains, stretching wide, broad rivers wend
Strom in mancher Krümme. Leise rauschend          their devious course. Softly murmuring,
gleitet fort im stillen Tal der helle Bach.       the limpid brook glides on through the
                                                  quiet valley.
8. Recitative

Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde Gras her-     And God said, Let the earth bring forth
vor, Kräuter, die Samen geben, und Obstbäume,     grass, the herb yielding seed, and the
die Früchte bringen ihrer Art gemäß, die ihren    fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
Samen in sich selbst haben auf der Erde! und es   whose seed is in itself, upon the earth!
ward so.                                          and it was so.

32    N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
9. Aria

Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün dem Auge       Now fresh green in the fields offers delight
zur Ergötzung dar; den anmutsvollen Blick         to the eye; the sweet adornment of flowers
erhöht der Blumen sanfter Schmuck. Hier           enhances the charming sight. Here herbs
duften Kräuter Balsam aus, hier sproßt den        spread their fragrant odors, here healing
Wunden Heil. Die Zweige krümmt der goldnen        plants spring up. The bough bends with the
Früchte Last; hier wölbt der Hain zum kühlen      weight of the golden fruits; here the bushes
Schirme sich, den steilen Berg bekrönt ein        arch into a cool shade, a dense forest
dichter Wald.                                     crowns the steep mountain.

No. 10 Recitative

Und     die    himmlischen    Heerscharen         And the heavenly host proclaimed the
verkündigten den dritten Tag, Gott preisend       third day, praising God, and saying:
und sprechend:

11. Chorus

Stimmt an die Saiten, ergreift die Leier! Laßt    Sound the harp, strike the lyre! Let your
euren Lobgesang erschallen! Frohlocket dem        song of praise resound! Rejoice in the Lord,
Herrn, dem mächtigen Gott! Denn er hat            the mighty God! For he hath clothed heav-
Himmel und Erde bekleidet in herrlicher Pracht.   en and earth in magnificence and splendor.

12. Recitative

Und Gott sprach: Es sei’n Lichter an der Feste    And God said, Let there be lights in the fir-
des Himmels, um den Tag von der Nacht zu          mament of the heaven to divide the day
scheiden, und Licht auf der Erde zu geben;        from the night; and to give light upon the
und es sei’n diese für Zeichen und für Zeiten,    earth; and let them be for signs, and for sea-
und für Tage, und für Jahre. Er machte die        sons, and for days, and for years. He made
sterne gleichfalls.                               the stars also.

13. Recitative

In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt die Sonne          In full splendor the sun now rises in radi-
strahlend auf; ein wonnevoller Bräutigam, ein     ance; a joyful bridegroom, a proud and
Riese stolz und froh zu rennen seine Bahn. Mit    glad giant, to run his course. With soft
leisem Gang und sanftem Schimmer schleicht        motion and mild light the moon steals
der Mond die stille Nacht hindurch. Den aus-      through the silent night. The gold of
gedehnten Himmelsraum ziert ohne Zahl der         countless bright stars adorns the immense
hellen Sterne Gold, und die Söhne Gottes          vault of heaven, and the sons of God
verkündigten den vierten Tag mit himmli-          announced the fourth day in divine song,
schem Gesang, seine Macht ausrufend, also:        thus proclaiming his might:

                                                                  (Please turn the page quietly.)

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14. Trio and Chorus

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes; und           The heavens declare the glory of God; and
seiner Hände Werk zeigt an das Firmament.          the firmament shows his handiwork.

Dem kommenden Tage sagt es der Tag; die            The day declares it to the following day; the
Nacht, die verschwand, der folgenden Nacht.        night that is passing to the coming night.

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes; und           The heavens declare the glory of God; and
seiner Hände Werk zeigt an das Firmament.          the firmament shows his handiwork.

In alle Welt ergeht das Wort, jedem Ohre klin-     The word goes out through all the lands,
gend, keiner Zunge fremd.                          sounding to every ear, stranger to no tongue.

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes; und           The heavens declare the glory of God; and
seiner Hände Werk zeigt an das Firmament.          the firmament shows his handiwork.

                                             Second Part
No. 15 Recitative

Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der       And God said, Let the waters bring forth
Fülle hervor webende Geschöpfe, die Leben          abundantly the moving creature that hath
haben, und Vögel, die über der Erde fliegen        life, and fowl that may fly above the earth
mögen in dem offenen Firmamente des Himmels.       in the open firmament of heaven.

No. 16 Aria

Auf starkem Fittiche schwinget sich der Adler      On powerful pinions the proud eagle
stolz, und teilet die Luft im schnellesten Fluge   soars and cleaves the air in swiftest flight
zur Sonne hin. Den Morgen grüßt der Lerche         to the sun. The lark’s joyous song greets
frohes Lied, und Liebe girrt das zarte             the morning, and tender pairs of doves
Taubenpaar.                                        coo their love.
Aus jedem Busch und Hain erschallt der             From every bush and grove the nightin-
Nachtigallen süße Kehle. Noch drückte Gram         gale’s sweet notes resound; no grief has
nicht ihre Brust, noch war zur Klage nicht ge-     yet afflicted her breast; her enchanting lay
stimmt ihr reizender Gesang.                       is not yet turned to lament.

No. 17 Recitative

Und Gott schuf große Walfische und ein jedes       And God created great whales, and every
lebende Geschöpf, das sich beweget, und Gott       living creature that moveth. And God
segnete sie, sprechend: Seid fruchtbar alle,       blessed them, saying, Be fruitful all,
mehret euch!                                       and multiply.

32B   N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
Bewohner der Luft, vermehret euch, und singt auf   Inhabitants of the air, be multiplied, and
jedem Aste! Mehret euch, ihr Flutenbewohner,       sing on every bough! Multiply, denizens of
und füllet jede Tiefe! Seid fruchtbar, wachset,    the waters, and fill all the depths! Be fruit-
mehret euch! Erfreuet euch in eurem Gott!          ful, grow and multiply! Rejoice in your God!

No. 18 Recitative

Und die Engel rührten ihr’ unsterblichen Harfen,   And the angels struck their immortal harps,
und sangen die Wunder des fünften Tags.            and sang the wonders of the fifth day.

No. 19 Trio and Chorus

In holder Anmut stehn, mit jungem Grün             In lovely grace the rising hills now stand,
geschmückt, de wogigten Hügel da, aus ihren        decked in fresh verdure; from their veins
Adern quillt in fließendem Kristall der küh-       cooling brooks spring forth in flowing
lende Bach hervor.                                 crystal.

In frohen Kreisen schwebt, sich wiegend in der     The merry swarms of birds wheel in joy-
Luft, der munteren Vögel Schar; den bunten         ous circles and hover in the air; the golden
Federglanz erhöht im Wechselflug das goldene       sunlight heightens the joyous glitter of
Sonnenlicht.                                       their feathers in their shimmering flight.

Das helle Naß durchblitzt der Fisch und windet     Fish flash through the clear waters and
sich in stetem Gewühl umher. Vom tiefsten          wriggle in endless shoals. From the depths
Meeresgrund wälzt sich Leviathan auf schäu-        of the seabed Leviathan heaves himself up
mender Well’ empor.                                into the foaming waves.

Wie viel sind deiner Werk’, o Gott! Wer fasset     How many are thy works, O God! Who
ihre Zahl?                                         may their number tell?

Der Herr ist groß in seiner Macht, und ewig        The Lord is great in his might, and his
bleibt sein Ruhm.                                  glory remains for ever.

No. 20 Recitative

Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervor
lebende Geschöpfe nach ihrer Art, Vieh und         And God said, Let the earth bring forth
kriechendes Gewürm, und Tiere der Erde nach        the living creature after his kind, cattle,
ihren Gattungen.                                   and creeping thing, and beast of the earth
                                                   after his kind.

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No. 21 Recitative

Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoß, und sie         At once earth opens her womb and at
gebiert auf Gottes Wort Geschöpfe jeder Art, in    God’s command brings forth numberless
vollem Wuchs und ohne Zahl. Vor Freude brül-       creatures of all kinds, fully grown. There
lend steht der Löwe da. Hier schießt der           stands the lion, roaring for joy. There the
gelenkige Tiger empor. Das zackig’ Haupt           supple tiger leaps out. The swift stag raises
erhebt der schnelle Hirsch. Mit fliegender         his antlered head. With flying mane, the
Mähne springt und wieh’rt voll Mut und Kraft       noble steed, full of spirit and strength,
das edle Roß.                                      rears and neighs.
Auf grünen Matten weidet schon das Rind, in        Cattle, gathered into herds, already graze on
Herden abgeteilt. Die Triften deckt, als wie       green meadows. The fleecy, gentle sheep
gesät, das wollenreiche, sanfte Schaf. Wie         cover the pastureland as though they had
Staub verbreitet sich in Schwarm und Wirbel        been planted. Myriads of insects spread,
das Heer der Insekten. In langen Zügen kriecht     whirling and swarming, like dust. Creeping
am Boden das Gewürm.                               things drag their long trail along the ground.

No. 22 Aria

Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel,           Now heaven shines in full glory; earth is
nun prangt in ihrem Schmucke die Erde. Die         resplendent in her attire. Light feathered
Luft erfüllt das leichte Gefieder, die Wasser      creatures fill the air; shoals of fish swell
schwellt der Fische Gewimmel, den Boden            the waters; the weight of beasts presses
drückt der Tiere Last. Doch war noch alles         upon the ground. But all was not yet
nicht vollbracht. Dem Ganzen fehlte das            achieved. The whole lacked that being
Geschöpf, das Gottes Werke dankbar seh’n, des      who should gratefully behold God’s work
Herren Güte preisen soll.                          and praise the Lord’s goodness.

No. 23 Recitative

Und Gott schuf den Menschen nach seinem            So God created man in his own image, in
Ebenbilde. Nach dem Ebenbilde Gottes schuf er      the image of God created he him; male
ihn. Mann und Weib erschuf er sie. Den Atem        and female created he them. He breathed
des Lebens hauchte er in sein Angesicht, und       into his nostrils the breath of life; and man
der Mensch wurde zur lebendigen Seele.             became a living soul.

No. 24 Aria

Mit Würd’ und Hoheit angetan, mit Schönheit,       Clad in dignity and grandeur, endowed with
Stärk’ und Mut begabt, gen Himmel                  beauty, strength and courage, erect to heav-
aufgerichtet, steht der Mensch, ein Mann und       en stands man, man the king of Nature.
König der Natur.
Die breit gewölbt’, erhab’ne Stirn verkünd’t der   His broad, arched, lofty brow proclaims
Weisheit tiefen Sinn, und aus dem hellen           his deep sense of wisdom, and from clear
Blicke strahlt der Geist, des Schöpfers Hauch      eyes shines the soul, the breath and image
und Ebenbild.                                      of his maker.
An seinen Busen schmieget sich, für ihn, aus       Upon his breast nestles the fair and grace-
ihm geformt, die Gattin hold und anmutsvoll.       ful partner formed for him from his flesh.
In froher Unschuld lächelt sie, des Frühlings      She smiles in happy innocence, the charm-
reizend Bild, ihm Liebe, Glück und Wonne zu.       ing mirror of Spring, pledging him love,
                                                   happiness and bliss.
32D   N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
No. 25 Recitative

Und Gott sah jedes Ding, was er gemacht hatte;      And God saw everything that He had
und es war sehr gut; und der himmlische Chor        made, and behold, it was very good. And
feierte das Ende des sechsten Tages mit lautem      the heavenly choir, singing aloud,
Gesang.                                             acclaimed the end of the sixth day.

No. 26 Trio and Chorus

Vollendet ist das große Werk, der Schöpfer          Completed is the glorious work, the
sieht’s und freuet sich. Auch unsre Freud’          Creator beholds it and is well pleased. Let
erschalle laut. Des Herren Lob sei unser Lied!      our joy too resound. Let our song be the
                                                    praise of the Lord!

Zu dir, o Herr, blickt alles auf; um Speise fleht   To thee, O Lord, all lift their eyes; from
dich alles an. Du öffnest deine Hand, gesättigt     thee all implore their food. Thou openest
werden sie.                                         thy hand, and their needs are satisfied.

Du wendest ab dein Angesicht; da bebet alles        But if thou dost turn away thy face, then
und erstarrt. Du nimmst den Odem weg; in            all tremble in terror. If thou dost withhold
Staub zerfallen sie.                                thy breath, they crumble into dust.

Den Odem hauchst du wieder aus, und neues           Thou dost send forth thy breath again,
Leben sproßt hervor. Verjüngt ist die Gestalt der   and new life springs up. The face of the
Erd’ an Reiz und Kraft.                             earth is restored to charm and strength.

Vollendet ist das große Werk. Des Herren Lob        Completed is the glorious work. Let our
sei unser Lied. Alles lobe seinen Namen; Denn       song be the praise of the Lord. Let all
er allein ist hoch erhaben, alleluja.               praise his name, for he alone is exalted on
                                                    high, hallelujah.

                                           Third Part
No. 27 Recitative

Aus Rosenwolken bricht, geweckt durch süßen         Awakened by sweet sounds, the young, fair
Klang, der Morgen jung und schön. Vom himm-         morning breaks from its rosy clouds. From
lischen Gewölbe strömt reine Harmonie zur           the vaults of heaven pure harmony flows
Erde hinab. Seht das beglückte Paar, wie Hand       down to earth. Behold the happy pair, as
in Hand es geht! Aus ihren Blicken strahlt des      they go hand in hand! In their looks shine
heißen Danks Gefühl. Bald singt in lautem Ton       feelings of ardent thanks. Soon their lips will
ihr Mund des Schöpfers Lob. Laßt unsre Stimme       sing aloud a hymn in praise of their Creator.
dann Sich mengen in ihr Lied!                       Then let our voices join with them in song!

                                                                    (Please turn the page quietly.)

                                                                          FEBRUARY 2004        37
No. 28 Duet with Chorus

Von deiner Güt’, o Herr und Gott, ist Erd’ und     Earth and heaven, O Lord and God, are
Himmel voll. Die Welt, so groß, so wunderbar,      full of thy bounty. The world, so great and
ist deiner Hände Werk.                             wonderful, is the work of thy hands.

Gesegnet sei des Herren Macht! Sein Lob            Blessed be the might of the Lord! May His
erschall’ in Ewigkeit!                             praise resound for ever!

Der Sterne hellster, o wie schön verkündest du     Brightest of stars, O how fair dost thou
den Tag! Wie schmückst du ihn, o Sonne, du,        herald the day! How dost thou adorn it, O
des Weltalls Seel’ und Aug’!                       sun, thou soul and eye of the universe!

Macht kund auf eurer weiten Bahn des Herren        Proclaim in your vast course the might of
Macht und seinen Ruhm!                             the Lord and His glory!

Und du, der Nächte Zierd’ und Trost’, Und          And thou, the ornament and comfort of
all’ das strahlend Heer verbreitet überall sein    night, and all ye starry hosts, spread every-
Lob, in eurem Chorgesang!                          where His praise in your choruses!

Ihr Elemente, deren Kraft stets neue Formen        Ye elements, by whose power new forms
zeugt, ihr Dünst’ und Nebel, die der Wind ver-     ceaselessly appear, ye mists and clouds,
sammelt und vertreibt,                             which the wind assembles and disperses,

Lobsinget alle Gott dem Herrn! Groß, wie sein      Extol ye all God our Lord! Great is His
Nam’, ist seine Macht!                             name, and great His might!

Sanft rauschend lobt, o Quellen, ihn! Den          Praise Him, O gently murmuring springs!
Wipfel neigt, ihr Bäum’! Ihr Pflanzen duftet,      Bow your heads, ye trees! Ye plants, waft
Blumen haucht ihm euren Wohlgeruch!                your scent, ye flowers, breathe to Him your

Ihr, deren Pfad die Höh’n erklimmt, und ihr, die   Ye whose path ascends the heights, and ye
niedrig kriecht, ihr, deren Flug die Luft durch-   who creep low, ye whose flight cleaves the
schneid’t, und ihr, im tiefen Naß,                 air and ye in the waters’ depths,

Ihr Tiere preiset alle Gott!                       Ye creatures all, extol the Lord!

Ihr Tiere preiset alle Gott! Ihn lobe was nur      Ye creatures all, extol the Lord!
Odem hat!

38     N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
Ihr dunk’len Hain’, ihr Berg’ und Tal’, ihr          Ye shady groves, ye hills and valleys, wit-
Zeugen unsres Danks, ertönen sollt ihr früh          nesses of our thanks, from morn till eve
und spät von unserm Lobgesang!                       shall you re-echo our hymns of praise.

Heil dir, o Gott! O Schöpfer, Heil! Aus deinem       Hail to thee, O God! Creator, hail! By thy
Wort entstand die Welt. Dich beten Erd’ und          word was the world begun. Earth and heav-
Himmel an; wir preisen dich in Ewigkeit.             en adore thee; we praise thee for evermore.

No. 29 Recitative

Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfüllt; dem Schöpfer      Now our first duty is fulfilled; we have
haben wir gedankt. Nun folge mir, Gefährtin          thanked our maker. Now follow me, my life
meines Lebens! Ich leite dich, und jeder             companion! I will be thy guide, and every
Schritt weckt neue Freud’ in uns’rer Brust,          step wakes new joy within our breasts, and
zeigt Wunder überall. Erkennen sollst du             reveals wonders everywhere. Then shalt
dann, welch’ unaussprechlich Glück der Herr          thou perceive what unspeakable bliss the
uns zugedacht, ihn preisen immerdar, ihm             Lord has destined for us, to praise Him
weihen Herz und Sinn. Komm, folge mir! Ich           evermore, to dedicate heart and soul to
leite dich!                                          Him. Come, follow me! I will be thy guide.

O du, für den ich ward! Mein Schirm, mein            O thou for whom I was made! My help, my
Schild, mein All! Dein Will’ ist mir Gesetz. So      shield, my all! Thy will is law to me. Thus
hat’s der Herr bestimmt, und dir gehorchen,          the Lord hath ordained; and obeying thee
bringt mir Freude, Glück und Ruhm.                   shall bring me joy, happiness, and honor.

No. 30 Duet

Holde Gattin! Dir zur Seite Fließen sanft die        Fair wife, at thy side the hours glide past
Stunden hin. Jeder Augenblick ist Wonne;             gently. Every moment is rapture, no care
keine Sorge trübet sie.                              troubles it.

Teurer Gatte! Dir zur Seite Schwimmt in              Dear husband, at thy side my heart over-
Freuden mir das Herz. Dir gewidmet ist mein          flows with joy. My life is devoted to thee;
Leben; deine Liebe sei mein Lohn.                    let thy love be my reward.

Holde Gattin/Teurer Gatte! Dir zur Seite, etc.       Fair wife/Dear husband, at thy side, etc.,
Der tauende Morgen, o wie ermuntert er! Die          O how invigorating is the dewy morn! O
Kühle des Abends, o wie erquicket sie! Wie           how refreshing is the cool of the evening!
labend ist der runden Früchte Saft! Wie              How reviving is the juice of ripe fruits! How
reizend ist der Blumen süßer Duft! Doch ohne         charming is the fragrant scent of flowers!
dich, was wäre mir der Morgentau, der                But without thee what would be to me the
Abendhauch, der Früchte Saft, der Blumen             morning dew, the evening breeze, the juice
Duft! Mit dir erhöht sich jede Freude, mit dir       of fruits, the scent of flowers? With thee
genieß’ ich doppelt sie; mit dir ist Seligkeit das   every joy is enhanced, with thee all my
Leben; dir sei es ganz geweiht!                      delight is doubled, with thee life is bliss; may
                                                     it be wholly dedicated to thee!

                                                                           FEBRUARY 2004         39
No. 31 Recitative

O glücklich Paar, und glücklich immerfort,      O happy pair, and happy evermore if vain
wenn falscher Wahn euch nicht verführt noch     folly lead you not astray to desire more
mehr zu wünschen, als ihr habt, und mehr zu     than you have and to know more than you
wissen, als ihr sollt.                          should.

No. 32 Chorus

Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen! Dankt ihm        Sing to the Lord, all ye voices! Give Him
alle seine Werke! Laßt zu Ehren seines Namens   thanks, all His works! Let praise in honor
Lob in Wettgesang erschallen! Des Herren        of His name resound in united song! The
Ruhm, er bleibt in Ewigkeit. Amen.              Lord’s praise shall endure for ever. Amen.

                                                              — Translation © Lionel Salter

40    N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C

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0304 Haydn Creation

  • 1. Notes on the Program BY JAMES M. KELLER, PROGRAM ANNOTATOR Die Schöpfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI: 2 JOSEPH HAYDN aving loosened his connection to Born almost certainly March 31, 1732 — he was baptized on April 1 — in Rohrau, H the Austro-Hungarian Court of the Esterházy Princes in 1790, following three decades of devoted service, Joseph Lower Austria Haydn expanded his horizons by taking two Died extended trips to England, where he was May 31, 1809, in Vienna “managed” by the impresario Johann Peter Salomon, a German expatriate in London. Work composed At the end of the second visit, in 1794–95, between autumn 1796 and autumn 1797, Salomon gave Haydn a copy of the anony- with alterations continuing through the mous libretto The Creation of the World, said following March. Libretto by Gottfried van to have been written at least half a century Swieten, based on an earlier, anonymous earlier for Handel, though that composer English text derived from the Bible (the never set it to music. The text’s principal books of Genesis and Psalms) and sources were the story of the creation as Milton’s Paradise Lost. related in Genesis, chapters 1 and 2 (in the World premiere King James translation), the same story as April 29 (open rehearsal) and April 30 related in Milton’s Paradise Lost (specifically, (official premiere), 1798, at the Palais the 1674 revised edition), and the Book of Schwarzenberg in Vienna, Haydn, Psalms (particularly Psalms 19 and 145). conductor; Antonio Salieri playing the Upon arriving home in Vienna, Haydn keyboard continuo; and soprano showed the libretto to Baron Gottfried van Christine Gerardi, tenor Mathias Rath- Swieten, the imperial librarian, the former mayer, and bass Ignaz Saal, soloists president of the court Commission on Education and Censorship, a sometime com- New York Philharmonic premiere poser, and an authority on literary matters. April 3, 1953, Robert Shaw, conductor; He was also the head of the Gesellschaft der Adele Addison, Louise Natale, John Associirten, a group which was involved with McCollum, Mack Harrell, and Paul Ukena, patronizing large-scale compositions; it was soloists; and the Robert Shaw Chorale for this organization that van Swieten had arranged for Mozart to create new perform- Most recent New York Philharmonic performance ing versions of Handel’s Messiah, Alexander’s April 11, 1989, Joseph Flummerfelt, con- Feast, Acis and Galatea, and Ode for St. Cecilia’s ductor (in his Philharmonic conducting Day between 1788 and 1790. He was also the debut); Edith Wiens, Sylvia McNair, Jon one who convinced Haydn, in 1796, to create Humphrey, Benjamin Luxon, and James a choral cantata out of The Seven Last Words Michael McGuire, soloists; and the New of Christ on the Cross, which Haydn had com- York Choral Artists posed a decade earlier as an odd sort of string quartet to be played at religious cere- monies in Cádiz, Spain. FEBRUARY 2004 27
  • 2. Van Swieten enthusiastically endorsed the idea of Haydn’s pursuing the project. “I The Work at a Glance recognized at once that such an exalted subject would give Haydn the opportunity I had long desired, to show the whole com- Die Schöpfung falls into three sections: pass of his profound accomplishments and the first two are of approximately equal to express the full power of his inex- length, of 40-odd minutes each, while the haustible genius,” he wrote. Through his third is shorter, lasting about ten minutes graces, the Associirten proffered Haydn a less. Each section ends with a grand commission of 500 ducats for the new chorus that, at least in spirit, is redolent work and pledged to cover expenses for of the choral finales of Handel’s oratorios. copying the parts and mounting the even- The first section (Nos. 1–14) relates tual production. Haydn envisioned it from the first four days of the creation of the universe, as related in the book of the outset as a bilingual composition Genesis: on the first day, the creation of whose text setting would serve equally well heaven, earth, and light; on the second, in German and English. Van Swieten him- the division of the waters; on the third, self set to work creating a German version the establishment of land, sea, and plant of the text and then adapted the original life; and on the fourth, the positioning of English libretto to match the contours of the sun, moon, and stars. In Part Two his German. As he wrote, (Nos. 15–26) we hear the unfolding of the fifth day — the creation of birds and [I] resolved to clothe the English poem fish — and the sixth day — the arrival of in German garb. … It is true that I fol- beasts of the land and the first two lowed the plan of the original faithfully human beings. Adam and Eve, those as a whole, but I diverged from it in primordial persons, take center stage in details as often as musical progress and the third section (Nos. 27–32), at first expression, of which I already had an gaining consciousness and then ideal conception in my mind, seemed to expressing their mutual love. demand. Guided by these sentiments, I The pleasure of experiencing Haydn often judged it necessary that much and van Swieten’s Die Schöpfung lies should be shortened or even omitted, less in the inevitable trajectory of the plot on the one hand, and on the other hand — we all know the story, and it contains that much should be made more promi- no real sense of conflict — than in the nent or brought into greater relief, and wide-eyed wonder with which the much placed more in the shade. composer visits its familiar contours. It therefore seems clear that, notwith- A childlike quality pervades the work, as if standing the English origins of the text and Haydn were relating the narrative to the composer’s intent of bilingual equality, young listeners who had never heard it before. There is reverence in his account, the German version of Die Schöpfung was to be sure, but no stultifying piety. the primary one, at least in practical terms Instead, Haydn seems to be having the of composition. It is a delightful libretto, time of his life, truly celebrating the and it was admired from the outset. The mystery of creation, translating it into the English version is also a laudable piece of most human of terms, infusing it with work, but neither van Swieten nor Haydn grace, delight, wit, and humor. Even the spoke the language fluently, and a few three angels who deliver most of the howlers — or at least awkward curiosities — narration are anything but awe-inspiring: did manage to make their way into the in some earthly life, they might have been retro-translation. Those could be more or cast by Mozart in Die Zauberflöte. less easily rectified, but more problematic was the English libretto’s general tone, 28 N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
  • 3. Haydn’s Faith In the last ten years of his life Haydn befriended a gentleman named Georg August Griesinger, who first approached him in 1799 as a representative of the music-publishing firm of Breitkopf & Härtel. Griesinger recorded all of his conversations with Haydn, publishing them as a book just after Haydn died. Here’s what Griesinger says Haydn told him about his Catholic faith: “Haydn was very religiously inclined, and was loyally devoted to the faith in which he was raised. He was very strongly convinced in his heart that all human destiny is under God’s guiding hand, that God rewards the good and the evil, that all talents come from above. All his larger scores begin with the words In nomine Domini [“In the name of the Lord”] and end with Laus Deo or Soli Deo gloria [“Praise to God”; “Glory to God alone”]. ‘If my composing is not proceeding so well,’ I heard him say, ‘I walk up and down the room with my rosary in my hand, say several Aves, and then ideas come to me again.’ … “Haydn left every man to his own conviction and recognized all as brothers. In general, his devotion was not of the gloomy, always suffering sort, but rather cheerful and reconciled, and in this character, moreover, he wrote all his church music. His patriarchal, devout spirit is Haydn particularly expressed in Die Schöpfung, and hence he was bound to be more successful in this composition than a hundred other masters. … A natural consequence of Haydn’s religiosity was his modesty, for his talent was not his own doing, rather a gracious gift from Heaven, to whom he believed he must show himself thankful.” which, derived as it was from older texts, to a four-part chorus and an orchestra com- already sounded quaint to English audi- prising three flutes, two oboes, two clar- ences at the end of the 18th century. Both inets, two bassoons and contrabassoon, two versions carry the imprimatur of the com- horns, two trumpets, three trombones, tim- poser and the librettist, and there is a pani, and strings, in addition to keyboard defensible argument to be made for per- continuo. This is the expanded orchestra- forming The Creation in English when it is tion Haydn prepared for the first truly offered to English-speaking audiences. public (i.e., not “by invitation only”) per- But, considered more abstractly, in terms formance of Die Schöpfung, at Vienna’s of the ideal blending of text with music, Burgtheater on March 19, 1799, on which the German version — Die Schöpfung — is occasion the performing forces included the clear winner. about 120 musicians in the orchestra and 60 in the choir. Instrumentation: The score calls for three vocal soloists — a soprano (as both This note is derived from an essay that originally Gabriel and Eve), a tenor (as Uriel), and a appeared in the program books of the San Fran- bass (as Raphael and Adam) — in addition cisco Symphony. © San Francisco Symphony FEBRUARY 2004 29
  • 4. Listen For… Following the orchestra’s opening depiction of chaos, the angel Raphael launches the story, and the choir joins in to depict the first act of creation, the generation of light. The sudden forte of chorus — joined by the orchestra playing fortissimo — on the word “Licht” (“light”), perhaps the most famous C-major cadence in the history of music, has made a powerful effect on every audience since the premiere, as Haydn knew it would. The composer’s friend Frederik Samuel Silverstolpe reported of the premiere: “No one, not even Baron van Swieten, had seen the page of the score wherein the birth of light is described. That was the only passage of the work which Haydn had kept hidden. I think I see his face even now, as this part sounded in the orchestra. Haydn had the expression of someone who is thinking of biting his lips, either to hide his embarrassment or to conceal a secret. And in that moment when light broke out for the first time, one would have said that rays darted from the composer’s burning eyes. The enchant- ment of the electri- fied Viennese was so general that the orchestra could not proceed for some minutes.” Homage to Haydn Haydn himself led perform- ances of Die Schöpfung in Vienna from its premiere through the end of 1802, and he reemerged from retirement on March 27, 1808, to attend a performance (conducted by Antonio Salieri) organized by the University of Vienna to mark his impending 76th birthday. His onetime student Ludwig van Beethoven, by then a firmly established master, was in attendance, and honored the feeble, aging Haydn by falling to his knees and covering his former teacher with kisses. The concert was depicted in this miniature-box-cover painting (now stolen) by the artist Balthasar Wegand, in which Haydn is seated in the middle of the foreground. 30 N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
  • 5. Haydn’s Die Schöpfung (The Creation) Libretto by Gottfried van Swieten First Part 1. The Representation of Chaos 2. Recitative and Chorus RAPHAEL Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde; und In the beginning God created the heaven die Erde war ohne Form und leer; und and the earth. And the earth was without Finsternis war auf der Fläche der Tiefe. form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. CHORUS Und der Geist Gottes schwebte auf der Fläche And the spirit of God moved upon the der Wasser; und Gott sprach: Es werde Licht, face of the waters. And God said, Let und es ward Licht. there be light, and there was light. Recitative URIEL Und Gott sah das Licht, daß es gut war; und And God saw the light, that it was good; and Gott schied das Licht von der Finsternis. God divided the light from the darkness. 3. Aria and Chorus URIEL Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle des Now before the divine rays the gloomy schwarzen Dunkels gräuliche Schatten; der shades of black darkness vanish. The first erste Tag entstand. Verwirrung weicht und day begins. Chaos yields, and order is Ordnung keimt empor. Erstarrt entflieht der established. The ghastly hosts of hell flee Höllengeister Schar in des Abgrunds Tiefen in terror down into the deep abyss to end- hinab, zur ewigen Nacht. less night. CHORUS Verzweiflung, Wut und Schrecken begleiten Despair, rage, and terror attend their fall. ihren Sturz. Und eine neue Welt entspringt auf And a new world springs up at God’s Gottes Wort. behest. 4. Recitative RAPHAEL Und Gott machte das Firmament und teilte die And God made the firmament, and divid- Wasser, die unter dem Firmament waren, von ed the waters which were under the firma- den Gewässern, die ober dem Firmament ment from the waters which were above waren, und es ward so. the firmament, and it was so. (Please turn the page quietly.) FEBRUARY 2004 31
  • 6. Da tobten brausend heftige Stürme. Wie Spreu Now violent storms rage in tumult; the vor dem Winde, so zogen die Wolken. Die Luft clouds scud like chaff before the wind; durchschnitten feurige Blitze, und schrecklich fiery lightnings rend the air, and fearful rollten die Donner umher. Der Flut entstieg auf thunder rolls around. At his command, sein Geheiß der allerquickende Regen, der floods ascend in clouds to make reviving allverheerende Schauer, der leichte flockige rain, ravaging hail, and light snowflakes. Schnee. 5. Solo with Chorus GABRIEL Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk der In amazement the joyous multitude of the Himmelsbürger frohe Schar, und laut ertönt heavenly host behold the wondrous work, aus ihren Kehlen des Schöpfers Lob, das Lob and loud from their throats resounds praise des zweiten Tags. of the Creator, and of the second day. CHORUS Und laut ertönt aus ihren Kehlen des Schöpfers And loud from their throats resounds Lob, das Lob des zweiten Tags. praise of the Creator, and of the second day. 6. Recitative RAPHAEL Und Gott sprach: Es sammle sich das Wasser And God said, Let the waters under the unter dem Himmel zusammen an einem Platz, heaven be gathered together unto one und es erscheine das trockne Land! und es place, and let the dry land appear! and it ward so. Und Gott nannte das trockne Land was so. And God called the dry land Earth; Erde, und die Sammlung der Wasser nannte er and the gathering together of waters called Meer; und Gott sah, daß es gut war. he Seas: and God saw that it was good. 7. Aria Rollend in schäumenden Wellen bewegt sich Rolling in foaming waves, the sea is ungestüm das Meer. Hügel und Felsen thrown into wild agitation. Hills and rocks erscheinen; der Berge Gipfel steigt empor. Die emerge, mountaintops arise. Through the Fläche, weit gedehnt, durchläuft der breite plains, stretching wide, broad rivers wend Strom in mancher Krümme. Leise rauschend their devious course. Softly murmuring, gleitet fort im stillen Tal der helle Bach. the limpid brook glides on through the quiet valley. 8. Recitative GABRIEL Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde Gras her- And God said, Let the earth bring forth vor, Kräuter, die Samen geben, und Obstbäume, grass, the herb yielding seed, and the die Früchte bringen ihrer Art gemäß, die ihren fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, Samen in sich selbst haben auf der Erde! und es whose seed is in itself, upon the earth! ward so. and it was so. 32 N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
  • 7. 9. Aria Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün dem Auge Now fresh green in the fields offers delight zur Ergötzung dar; den anmutsvollen Blick to the eye; the sweet adornment of flowers erhöht der Blumen sanfter Schmuck. Hier enhances the charming sight. Here herbs duften Kräuter Balsam aus, hier sproßt den spread their fragrant odors, here healing Wunden Heil. Die Zweige krümmt der goldnen plants spring up. The bough bends with the Früchte Last; hier wölbt der Hain zum kühlen weight of the golden fruits; here the bushes Schirme sich, den steilen Berg bekrönt ein arch into a cool shade, a dense forest dichter Wald. crowns the steep mountain. No. 10 Recitative URIEL Und die himmlischen Heerscharen And the heavenly host proclaimed the verkündigten den dritten Tag, Gott preisend third day, praising God, and saying: und sprechend: 11. Chorus CHORUS Stimmt an die Saiten, ergreift die Leier! Laßt Sound the harp, strike the lyre! Let your euren Lobgesang erschallen! Frohlocket dem song of praise resound! Rejoice in the Lord, Herrn, dem mächtigen Gott! Denn er hat the mighty God! For he hath clothed heav- Himmel und Erde bekleidet in herrlicher Pracht. en and earth in magnificence and splendor. 12. Recitative URIEL Und Gott sprach: Es sei’n Lichter an der Feste And God said, Let there be lights in the fir- des Himmels, um den Tag von der Nacht zu mament of the heaven to divide the day scheiden, und Licht auf der Erde zu geben; from the night; and to give light upon the und es sei’n diese für Zeichen und für Zeiten, earth; and let them be for signs, and for sea- und für Tage, und für Jahre. Er machte die sons, and for days, and for years. He made sterne gleichfalls. the stars also. 13. Recitative In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt die Sonne In full splendor the sun now rises in radi- strahlend auf; ein wonnevoller Bräutigam, ein ance; a joyful bridegroom, a proud and Riese stolz und froh zu rennen seine Bahn. Mit glad giant, to run his course. With soft leisem Gang und sanftem Schimmer schleicht motion and mild light the moon steals der Mond die stille Nacht hindurch. Den aus- through the silent night. The gold of gedehnten Himmelsraum ziert ohne Zahl der countless bright stars adorns the immense hellen Sterne Gold, und die Söhne Gottes vault of heaven, and the sons of God verkündigten den vierten Tag mit himmli- announced the fourth day in divine song, schem Gesang, seine Macht ausrufend, also: thus proclaiming his might: (Please turn the page quietly.) FEBRUARY 2004 32A
  • 8. 14. Trio and Chorus CHORUS Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes; und The heavens declare the glory of God; and seiner Hände Werk zeigt an das Firmament. the firmament shows his handiwork. GABRIEL, URIEL, and RAPHAEL Dem kommenden Tage sagt es der Tag; die The day declares it to the following day; the Nacht, die verschwand, der folgenden Nacht. night that is passing to the coming night. CHORUS Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes; und The heavens declare the glory of God; and seiner Hände Werk zeigt an das Firmament. the firmament shows his handiwork. GABRIEL, URIEL, and RAPHAEL In alle Welt ergeht das Wort, jedem Ohre klin- The word goes out through all the lands, gend, keiner Zunge fremd. sounding to every ear, stranger to no tongue. CHORUS Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes; und The heavens declare the glory of God; and seiner Hände Werk zeigt an das Firmament. the firmament shows his handiwork. Second Part No. 15 Recitative GABRIEL Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der And God said, Let the waters bring forth Fülle hervor webende Geschöpfe, die Leben abundantly the moving creature that hath haben, und Vögel, die über der Erde fliegen life, and fowl that may fly above the earth mögen in dem offenen Firmamente des Himmels. in the open firmament of heaven. No. 16 Aria Auf starkem Fittiche schwinget sich der Adler On powerful pinions the proud eagle stolz, und teilet die Luft im schnellesten Fluge soars and cleaves the air in swiftest flight zur Sonne hin. Den Morgen grüßt der Lerche to the sun. The lark’s joyous song greets frohes Lied, und Liebe girrt das zarte the morning, and tender pairs of doves Taubenpaar. coo their love. Aus jedem Busch und Hain erschallt der From every bush and grove the nightin- Nachtigallen süße Kehle. Noch drückte Gram gale’s sweet notes resound; no grief has nicht ihre Brust, noch war zur Klage nicht ge- yet afflicted her breast; her enchanting lay stimmt ihr reizender Gesang. is not yet turned to lament. No. 17 Recitative RAPHAEL Und Gott schuf große Walfische und ein jedes And God created great whales, and every lebende Geschöpf, das sich beweget, und Gott living creature that moveth. And God segnete sie, sprechend: Seid fruchtbar alle, blessed them, saying, Be fruitful all, mehret euch! and multiply. 32B N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
  • 9. Bewohner der Luft, vermehret euch, und singt auf Inhabitants of the air, be multiplied, and jedem Aste! Mehret euch, ihr Flutenbewohner, sing on every bough! Multiply, denizens of und füllet jede Tiefe! Seid fruchtbar, wachset, the waters, and fill all the depths! Be fruit- mehret euch! Erfreuet euch in eurem Gott! ful, grow and multiply! Rejoice in your God! No. 18 Recitative Und die Engel rührten ihr’ unsterblichen Harfen, And the angels struck their immortal harps, und sangen die Wunder des fünften Tags. and sang the wonders of the fifth day. No. 19 Trio and Chorus GABRIEL In holder Anmut stehn, mit jungem Grün In lovely grace the rising hills now stand, geschmückt, de wogigten Hügel da, aus ihren decked in fresh verdure; from their veins Adern quillt in fließendem Kristall der küh- cooling brooks spring forth in flowing lende Bach hervor. crystal. URIEL In frohen Kreisen schwebt, sich wiegend in der The merry swarms of birds wheel in joy- Luft, der munteren Vögel Schar; den bunten ous circles and hover in the air; the golden Federglanz erhöht im Wechselflug das goldene sunlight heightens the joyous glitter of Sonnenlicht. their feathers in their shimmering flight. RAPHAEL Das helle Naß durchblitzt der Fisch und windet Fish flash through the clear waters and sich in stetem Gewühl umher. Vom tiefsten wriggle in endless shoals. From the depths Meeresgrund wälzt sich Leviathan auf schäu- of the seabed Leviathan heaves himself up mender Well’ empor. into the foaming waves. GABRIEL, URIEL, and RAPHAEL Wie viel sind deiner Werk’, o Gott! Wer fasset How many are thy works, O God! Who ihre Zahl? may their number tell? TRIO and CHORUS Der Herr ist groß in seiner Macht, und ewig The Lord is great in his might, and his bleibt sein Ruhm. glory remains for ever. No. 20 Recitative RAPHAEL Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervor lebende Geschöpfe nach ihrer Art, Vieh und And God said, Let the earth bring forth kriechendes Gewürm, und Tiere der Erde nach the living creature after his kind, cattle, ihren Gattungen. and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind. (Please turn the page quietly.) FEBRUARY 2004 32C
  • 10. No. 21 Recitative Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoß, und sie At once earth opens her womb and at gebiert auf Gottes Wort Geschöpfe jeder Art, in God’s command brings forth numberless vollem Wuchs und ohne Zahl. Vor Freude brül- creatures of all kinds, fully grown. There lend steht der Löwe da. Hier schießt der stands the lion, roaring for joy. There the gelenkige Tiger empor. Das zackig’ Haupt supple tiger leaps out. The swift stag raises erhebt der schnelle Hirsch. Mit fliegender his antlered head. With flying mane, the Mähne springt und wieh’rt voll Mut und Kraft noble steed, full of spirit and strength, das edle Roß. rears and neighs. Auf grünen Matten weidet schon das Rind, in Cattle, gathered into herds, already graze on Herden abgeteilt. Die Triften deckt, als wie green meadows. The fleecy, gentle sheep gesät, das wollenreiche, sanfte Schaf. Wie cover the pastureland as though they had Staub verbreitet sich in Schwarm und Wirbel been planted. Myriads of insects spread, das Heer der Insekten. In langen Zügen kriecht whirling and swarming, like dust. Creeping am Boden das Gewürm. things drag their long trail along the ground. No. 22 Aria Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel, Now heaven shines in full glory; earth is nun prangt in ihrem Schmucke die Erde. Die resplendent in her attire. Light feathered Luft erfüllt das leichte Gefieder, die Wasser creatures fill the air; shoals of fish swell schwellt der Fische Gewimmel, den Boden the waters; the weight of beasts presses drückt der Tiere Last. Doch war noch alles upon the ground. But all was not yet nicht vollbracht. Dem Ganzen fehlte das achieved. The whole lacked that being Geschöpf, das Gottes Werke dankbar seh’n, des who should gratefully behold God’s work Herren Güte preisen soll. and praise the Lord’s goodness. No. 23 Recitative URIEL Und Gott schuf den Menschen nach seinem So God created man in his own image, in Ebenbilde. Nach dem Ebenbilde Gottes schuf er the image of God created he him; male ihn. Mann und Weib erschuf er sie. Den Atem and female created he them. He breathed des Lebens hauchte er in sein Angesicht, und into his nostrils the breath of life; and man der Mensch wurde zur lebendigen Seele. became a living soul. No. 24 Aria Mit Würd’ und Hoheit angetan, mit Schönheit, Clad in dignity and grandeur, endowed with Stärk’ und Mut begabt, gen Himmel beauty, strength and courage, erect to heav- aufgerichtet, steht der Mensch, ein Mann und en stands man, man the king of Nature. König der Natur. Die breit gewölbt’, erhab’ne Stirn verkünd’t der His broad, arched, lofty brow proclaims Weisheit tiefen Sinn, und aus dem hellen his deep sense of wisdom, and from clear Blicke strahlt der Geist, des Schöpfers Hauch eyes shines the soul, the breath and image und Ebenbild. of his maker. An seinen Busen schmieget sich, für ihn, aus Upon his breast nestles the fair and grace- ihm geformt, die Gattin hold und anmutsvoll. ful partner formed for him from his flesh. In froher Unschuld lächelt sie, des Frühlings She smiles in happy innocence, the charm- reizend Bild, ihm Liebe, Glück und Wonne zu. ing mirror of Spring, pledging him love, happiness and bliss. 32D N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
  • 11. No. 25 Recitative RAPHAEL Und Gott sah jedes Ding, was er gemacht hatte; And God saw everything that He had und es war sehr gut; und der himmlische Chor made, and behold, it was very good. And feierte das Ende des sechsten Tages mit lautem the heavenly choir, singing aloud, Gesang. acclaimed the end of the sixth day. No. 26 Trio and Chorus CHORUS Vollendet ist das große Werk, der Schöpfer Completed is the glorious work, the sieht’s und freuet sich. Auch unsre Freud’ Creator beholds it and is well pleased. Let erschalle laut. Des Herren Lob sei unser Lied! our joy too resound. Let our song be the praise of the Lord! GABRIEL and URIEL Zu dir, o Herr, blickt alles auf; um Speise fleht To thee, O Lord, all lift their eyes; from dich alles an. Du öffnest deine Hand, gesättigt thee all implore their food. Thou openest werden sie. thy hand, and their needs are satisfied. RAPHAEL Du wendest ab dein Angesicht; da bebet alles But if thou dost turn away thy face, then und erstarrt. Du nimmst den Odem weg; in all tremble in terror. If thou dost withhold Staub zerfallen sie. thy breath, they crumble into dust. GABRIEL, URIEL, and RAPHAEL Den Odem hauchst du wieder aus, und neues Thou dost send forth thy breath again, Leben sproßt hervor. Verjüngt ist die Gestalt der and new life springs up. The face of the Erd’ an Reiz und Kraft. earth is restored to charm and strength. CHORUS Vollendet ist das große Werk. Des Herren Lob Completed is the glorious work. Let our sei unser Lied. Alles lobe seinen Namen; Denn song be the praise of the Lord. Let all er allein ist hoch erhaben, alleluja. praise his name, for he alone is exalted on high, hallelujah. Third Part No. 27 Recitative URIEL Aus Rosenwolken bricht, geweckt durch süßen Awakened by sweet sounds, the young, fair Klang, der Morgen jung und schön. Vom himm- morning breaks from its rosy clouds. From lischen Gewölbe strömt reine Harmonie zur the vaults of heaven pure harmony flows Erde hinab. Seht das beglückte Paar, wie Hand down to earth. Behold the happy pair, as in Hand es geht! Aus ihren Blicken strahlt des they go hand in hand! In their looks shine heißen Danks Gefühl. Bald singt in lautem Ton feelings of ardent thanks. Soon their lips will ihr Mund des Schöpfers Lob. Laßt unsre Stimme sing aloud a hymn in praise of their Creator. dann Sich mengen in ihr Lied! Then let our voices join with them in song! (Please turn the page quietly.) FEBRUARY 2004 37
  • 12. No. 28 Duet with Chorus EVE and ADAM Von deiner Güt’, o Herr und Gott, ist Erd’ und Earth and heaven, O Lord and God, are Himmel voll. Die Welt, so groß, so wunderbar, full of thy bounty. The world, so great and ist deiner Hände Werk. wonderful, is the work of thy hands. CHORUS Gesegnet sei des Herren Macht! Sein Lob Blessed be the might of the Lord! May His erschall’ in Ewigkeit! praise resound for ever! ADAM Der Sterne hellster, o wie schön verkündest du Brightest of stars, O how fair dost thou den Tag! Wie schmückst du ihn, o Sonne, du, herald the day! How dost thou adorn it, O des Weltalls Seel’ und Aug’! sun, thou soul and eye of the universe! CHORUS Macht kund auf eurer weiten Bahn des Herren Proclaim in your vast course the might of Macht und seinen Ruhm! the Lord and His glory! EVE Und du, der Nächte Zierd’ und Trost’, Und And thou, the ornament and comfort of all’ das strahlend Heer verbreitet überall sein night, and all ye starry hosts, spread every- Lob, in eurem Chorgesang! where His praise in your choruses! ADAM Ihr Elemente, deren Kraft stets neue Formen Ye elements, by whose power new forms zeugt, ihr Dünst’ und Nebel, die der Wind ver- ceaselessly appear, ye mists and clouds, sammelt und vertreibt, which the wind assembles and disperses, CHORUS Lobsinget alle Gott dem Herrn! Groß, wie sein Extol ye all God our Lord! Great is His Nam’, ist seine Macht! name, and great His might! EVE Sanft rauschend lobt, o Quellen, ihn! Den Praise Him, O gently murmuring springs! Wipfel neigt, ihr Bäum’! Ihr Pflanzen duftet, Bow your heads, ye trees! Ye plants, waft Blumen haucht ihm euren Wohlgeruch! your scent, ye flowers, breathe to Him your fragrance! ADAM Ihr, deren Pfad die Höh’n erklimmt, und ihr, die Ye whose path ascends the heights, and ye niedrig kriecht, ihr, deren Flug die Luft durch- who creep low, ye whose flight cleaves the schneid’t, und ihr, im tiefen Naß, air and ye in the waters’ depths, EVE and ADAM Ihr Tiere preiset alle Gott! Ye creatures all, extol the Lord! CHORUS Ihr Tiere preiset alle Gott! Ihn lobe was nur Ye creatures all, extol the Lord! Odem hat! 38 N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C
  • 13. EVE and ADAM Ihr dunk’len Hain’, ihr Berg’ und Tal’, ihr Ye shady groves, ye hills and valleys, wit- Zeugen unsres Danks, ertönen sollt ihr früh nesses of our thanks, from morn till eve und spät von unserm Lobgesang! shall you re-echo our hymns of praise. CHORUS Heil dir, o Gott! O Schöpfer, Heil! Aus deinem Hail to thee, O God! Creator, hail! By thy Wort entstand die Welt. Dich beten Erd’ und word was the world begun. Earth and heav- Himmel an; wir preisen dich in Ewigkeit. en adore thee; we praise thee for evermore. No. 29 Recitative ADAM Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfüllt; dem Schöpfer Now our first duty is fulfilled; we have haben wir gedankt. Nun folge mir, Gefährtin thanked our maker. Now follow me, my life meines Lebens! Ich leite dich, und jeder companion! I will be thy guide, and every Schritt weckt neue Freud’ in uns’rer Brust, step wakes new joy within our breasts, and zeigt Wunder überall. Erkennen sollst du reveals wonders everywhere. Then shalt dann, welch’ unaussprechlich Glück der Herr thou perceive what unspeakable bliss the uns zugedacht, ihn preisen immerdar, ihm Lord has destined for us, to praise Him weihen Herz und Sinn. Komm, folge mir! Ich evermore, to dedicate heart and soul to leite dich! Him. Come, follow me! I will be thy guide. EVE O du, für den ich ward! Mein Schirm, mein O thou for whom I was made! My help, my Schild, mein All! Dein Will’ ist mir Gesetz. So shield, my all! Thy will is law to me. Thus hat’s der Herr bestimmt, und dir gehorchen, the Lord hath ordained; and obeying thee bringt mir Freude, Glück und Ruhm. shall bring me joy, happiness, and honor. No. 30 Duet ADAM Holde Gattin! Dir zur Seite Fließen sanft die Fair wife, at thy side the hours glide past Stunden hin. Jeder Augenblick ist Wonne; gently. Every moment is rapture, no care keine Sorge trübet sie. troubles it. EVE Teurer Gatte! Dir zur Seite Schwimmt in Dear husband, at thy side my heart over- Freuden mir das Herz. Dir gewidmet ist mein flows with joy. My life is devoted to thee; Leben; deine Liebe sei mein Lohn. let thy love be my reward. EVE and ADAM Holde Gattin/Teurer Gatte! Dir zur Seite, etc. Fair wife/Dear husband, at thy side, etc., Der tauende Morgen, o wie ermuntert er! Die O how invigorating is the dewy morn! O Kühle des Abends, o wie erquicket sie! Wie how refreshing is the cool of the evening! labend ist der runden Früchte Saft! Wie How reviving is the juice of ripe fruits! How reizend ist der Blumen süßer Duft! Doch ohne charming is the fragrant scent of flowers! dich, was wäre mir der Morgentau, der But without thee what would be to me the Abendhauch, der Früchte Saft, der Blumen morning dew, the evening breeze, the juice Duft! Mit dir erhöht sich jede Freude, mit dir of fruits, the scent of flowers? With thee genieß’ ich doppelt sie; mit dir ist Seligkeit das every joy is enhanced, with thee all my Leben; dir sei es ganz geweiht! delight is doubled, with thee life is bliss; may it be wholly dedicated to thee! FEBRUARY 2004 39
  • 14. No. 31 Recitative URIEL O glücklich Paar, und glücklich immerfort, O happy pair, and happy evermore if vain wenn falscher Wahn euch nicht verführt noch folly lead you not astray to desire more mehr zu wünschen, als ihr habt, und mehr zu than you have and to know more than you wissen, als ihr sollt. should. No. 32 Chorus CHORUS Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen! Dankt ihm Sing to the Lord, all ye voices! Give Him alle seine Werke! Laßt zu Ehren seines Namens thanks, all His works! Let praise in honor Lob in Wettgesang erschallen! Des Herren of His name resound in united song! The Ruhm, er bleibt in Ewigkeit. Amen. Lord’s praise shall endure for ever. Amen. — Translation © Lionel Salter 40 N E W YO R K P H I L H A R M O N I C