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Smoke Signals

November 2007

Volume 39, Issue 2

Teens and Caffeine: A Generation Addicted

Photos by Katie Gavlick

stUDents line up at Starbucks ordering their choice of caffeine. Starbucks is one of the most popular places students are drawn to in order to get their daily energy


Andrea Briggs
Syntax Editor


eens today are drinking more caffeine than they ever have before,
aned this may be having an adverse effect on their growing bodies.
In a survey done of 135 PTHS students, results showed that surveyed
teens have already fallen into the dangerous habit. 85% of the students
said they ordered caffeinated coffee when they visited Starbucks, and
75% said that they drank energy drinks or sugar-laden soda along with their
regular coffee. While most visited Starbucks every so often, nearly 25% of those
surveyed went every day or every week. Their heads might be spinning with all
the caffeine that they drink, but their young bodies are beginning to slow down.
Caffeine is a stimulant that increases heart rate and alertness, which
explains why it is so popular among students trying to keep awake in class after
staying up all night doing homework and other activities. If ingested in high
enough quantities, it may also cause anxiety attacks and hypersensitivity. Many
adults drink a cup of coffee each morning to start the day, but the growing number
of adolescents adopting this habit is concerning, considering that their bodies are
still developing and more sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Caffeine is also highly
addictive, and some users consider it the only “legal high” left. Most students said
that they drink caffeine because the “buzz” makes them feel good.
“I feel so awake and jumpy, and I have the energy to do anything,” said
sophomore Amber Doerr. This not only describes the effects of caffeine on the

nervous system, but additionally that of many illegal drugs on the human body.
While coffee may be cheaper, it isn’t necessarily safer. Over time, caffeine causes
problems ranging from heart arrhythmia to stomach ulcers.
“I have chores to do at home and all my class work, and there aren’t
enough hours in the day, so I have an espresso to get me through it all,” stated
senior Christina Snyder. In the past ten years, the workload on students has
increased, and expectations continue to rise. Teens are compensating for this
by using stimulants to keep them going, unaware that the more they drink, the
more they become dependant on the drinks. If they go without their daily dose,
withdrawal symptoms will set in, including headaches, nausea, and extreme
The coffee houses of today are much like the ice cream parlors of the
past – drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages has become a prominent
social function. Groups of girls meet at Starbucks on the way home from the mall
to chat, and troupes of boys hang out at the skate park, guzzling drinks like Red
Bull and MONSTER. At nearly two and three dollars a pop for these caffeine
laden energy drinks (and even more than that for a Starbucks latte) the craze
can take a toll on teenager’s wallets as well as their bodies. After all, high school
students are making minimum wage around $7 an hour – but at least they’ll be
awake to work the night shift to pay for their costly addiction.
Peters Township Reference

November 2007

Smoke Signals

November 2007















Cook Something
Bold Day

Rolling Stone Magazine
premieres 1967

Sesame Street
premieres 1969


Marie Antoinette’s

National Sandwich

No School!
World Kindness Day

Pop Tarts created




American Football
League formed in 1960
with 8 teams




Report Card Day!







become s t he 46t h US St at e

No School!

The Price is Right
Jimi Hendrix’s
premieres 1956


No School!

Jon Stewart’s





30 Stay At Home
Because You Are Well

Kat herine Heigl’s
Birt hday

No School!

Ben Stiller’s Birthday


What Are You
Thankful For?


Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals is produced eight times during
a school year by the students of Media II, III,
IV Journalism and extracurricular staff at Peters Towship High School, 264 E. McMurray
Road, McMurray PA 15317. Telephone: 724941-6250 x.5379. E-mail:

Commentaries, reviews, and opinion col-

umns are the expressed opinion of the author
and not of Smoke Signals, its advisor or the
Peters Township School District. Member of
the Pennsylvania School Press Association.

Ashley Czajkowski
Renée Wunderlich
Katie Gavlick
Grant Burkhardt
Angelina Nepa
Alex Egan
Brian Lewis
Bill Berry
Jordan Dent

Tim H u t chi n s ‘ 0 9 Meghan Manning ‘10 Reid Cservak


“ S o c c e r a n d m y “Mashed potatoes”
stuffed animals”

table of elements”


L e wi s


Shalynn Giovannitti ‘10

“ M y

f a m i l y “My friends and the
f r i e n d s ” people around me”


Brianna Lutes
Shelby Miller
Andrea Briggs, Emily Estep,
Gina Nepa,
Taylor Relich, Bridget
Stasenko, Katie Ellis,
Averi Clements, Paige Burris, Mady Dietrich, Stephanie Nitschmann, Stephanie
Cotugno, Ian Jackson, Dana
Hoelle, Melanie Hoffman,
Brendan Sikora
Katie Gavlick, Kaylin Zawicki, Emily Correal, Shelby
Miller, Brianna Lutes
Mrs. Sitler

‘ 1 1 Sara

W e av e r


Smoke Signals

Google Rated #1 Job by Fortune Magazine
Stephanie Cotugno

News Writer

Fortune Magazine rated Google as the United States where 15,916 employees work.
Sergy Brin and Larry Page, founders of
number one international company to work for in 2007
out of one hundred companies around the world. With Google, built a company around the idea that work
offices from New York City to Zurich, Switzerland, should be challenging, and the challenge should be
Google is one of the most successful organizations fun. Together they believe in giving the proper tools to
in the world. The Google organization enforces an groups of people who want to make a difference. With
invigorating, positive environment by hiring talented this motto in full view, Google puts their employees
people who share the same commitment, desire, before everything by focusing on providing an
environment where
Google’s Top 10 Employment Benefits:
change the world
employees can help
through technology.
1.	 Free gourmet breakfast, lunch, and dinner
make the world a
These employees
2.	 Climbing wall and volleyball court
better place. Google
also believe that
3.	 Free shuttle bus transportation
enforces their beliefs
they can work and
in various ways,
4.	 Free on-site hair salons and dry cleaners
have fun at the
such as paying for
same time. At work,
5.	 Swimming pool and spa
all meals for the
Google employees
6.	 12 week maternity leave for new moms
can choose from
7.	 Personal trainer, nutritionist, and massage first few weeks after
a new child arrives
a climbing wall,
and providing free
8.	 Fitness center with a 24 hour gym and daily yoga
shuttle transportation
swimming pool, and
from the homes of
spa for enjoyment
9.	 On site car washes and oil changes
employees to and
10.	In house doctor (free doctor checkups)
from collaborative
leather seats and
paperwork. On-site
hair salons, a 24-hour gym, dry cleaners, and a free access.
in-house doctor are also available for the services of
Google employees are as passionate about
Google employees.
their lives as they are about their work. Because the
“While pondering my future, I feel that company is international and has a variety of cultures
Google is the dream job with all of its opportunities. involved in the corporation, Google celebrates
I am overwhelmed by my hope that one day I will
diversity through a flexible and supportive environment
be employed by Google,” said senior TJ Stiponovich.
where all of the employees are committed to creating
Google receives 1,300 resumés a day as the
organization tries to attract the most talented, hard perfection. “Working for Google would be an amazing
working people with the amazing benefits awarded to experience. In my future job, I would love to have
them. Google’s main headquarters in Mountain View, some of the perks Google employees have earned,”
California is just one of the sixteen locations in the stated junior Courtney Hannan.

Shoes for the
Alex Egan
Opinion Editor


It seems most people have a few pairs if not
a closet full, of shoes they are trying to get rid of.
Now, from October 29 through December 19 you will
finally have a chance to clear some space in your
closet while giving to a great cause. The National
Honor Society is sponsoring a Shoe Drive to give the
less fortunate in the Dominican Republic a few new
pairs of shoes for the holidays.
Under the direction of junior Andrew Paul,
the drive is open to anyone in Peters Township who
would like to donate. “It’s really nice to give to the
less fortunate, especially when we have so much,”
said senior NHS member Jon Krak.
The drive will be accepting all types of shoes
in any size, as long as they are in reasonably good
shape. NHS is inviting all of Peters Township to
donate, and there are a number of ways to participate.
There will be boxes in homerooms at the high school,
at the Rec Center, and at both Pleasant Valley and
Bower Hill schools.
So look through your closet, pick our a few
pairs of shoes to donate, and make a pair of less
fortunate feet a little happier this holiday season.
Photos of past shoe drives can be found at
Click on Santa Fe Shoe Sub Album.

November 2007

What In The


Twenty-six years ago, an Englishman walked
into a Chinese restaurant and asked one of
the waiters to write his name using the characters of the Chinese alphabet. He then took
the symbols to a tattoo parlor and asked tattoo artist draw the symbols on his chest. Fast
forward to last week, when the man went to
Thailand and was asked why he was advertising “Coca-Cola”. The man became very
upset and has decided to cover the characters with a different tattoo, adding that maybe he’ll use Japanese characters instead.
Jeffery Stephens of Two Rivers, Wisconsin stepped outside his house in time to
see a burglar break into the back of his
neighbor’s car. When confronted, the
burglar tried to run and Stephens, seeing it as the only solution, promptly sat on
the man until the authorities showed up.
When the 200-pound man finally stood up,
the criminal surrendered without protest.
Alana Glatt of New York is suing her florist for providing the wrong color flower
arrangement for her wedding ceremony.
Glatt’s claim against florist Stamos Arakas
is for more than $400,000 in restitution
and damages. Wow. Talk about Bridezilla.
Wisconsin appears to be the center for
strange news. Archery has been banned
at, surprisingly enough, Wisconsin’s Archery Park. Any person on the premises with a bow and/or arrows will be
fined and banned from the park indefinitely. Hmm… maybe someone misinterpreted the meaning of “archery”?

Compiled by Katie Ellis

‘Ranksteering’ Misleads College Applicants
Angelina Nepa
Features Editor

Students looking
to apply to college have
to start researching their
options somewhere. The
U.S. News and World
Report, which famously
ranks every four-year
college and university
once a year, has long
been considered a trusty
tool for such research. It
has, however, come under
fire recently, as colleges
around the nation voice
their problems with it,
suggesting that the given
ranks are not all that
“I would spell
U.S. N-O-O-S-E,”
said Robert Weisbuch,
University, in a recent
Newsweek. U.S. News
seems to be the absolute
authority on standards,
but many educators
wonder if its rank it is
an accurate depiction of
worth. The rank is based
on hard data (SAT’s
freshmen, acceptance
rate, etc) as well as
a survey from peer
institutions that are asked
to assess other schools.
It is far from flawless,

resulting in a practice
decisions to purposely
Colleges that “ranksteer”
encourage early decision
and persuade students
who have little chance of
being accepted to apply.
Tired of receiving
a single number that
their complex institution,
fighting back.
A few
schools have opted out
of the ranking altogether.
Barnard College in New
York and other members
of the Annapolis Group
(100 liberal arts schools
on the East coast,
College, and Denison
University) have pledged
to develop a new system
to judge a school’s
merit. USC already has
participated in a new
type of ranking, calling
it “revealed preference,”
which examines which
schools students decide
to attend after being
accepted to several.

Photo by Grant Burkhardt

College-seeking seniors research universities at the career
resource center. The students use rankings from U.S. News
and World Report to pick the best college for them.

When schools were
chosen over others, they
advanced in the ranking.
is U-CAN, a pending
database put together by
the National Association
of Independent Colleges
and Universities that
will allow students to
comparisons of two or
more schools.
administrators have with

the U.S. News ranking
is that is does not offer a
look at the quality of life
on any given campus.
may offer a campus full
of students that aced the
SAT’s, but others schools
might teach students
more. Ultimately, it is
fine to consider rank,
but, in doing so, make
sure to keep in mind the
credibility of that single,
arbitrary number.



Renée Wunderlich

November 2007

Smoke Signals

Christian Hughes: Going Gold




The Gold Award, considered the equivalent
of Boy Scouting’s wellknown Eagle Scout, is the
goal of many girls from
Brownies to Life Scouts.
Through determination,
gardening skills, and a
desire to make a difference in her community,
Christian Hughes will
now take your questions.
What is the nature
of the Gold Award?
What does it involve?
“It’s the biggest
project of Girl Scouting.
According to the rules,
aren’t allowed, so everything has to be done
from the spirit of charity.
There were a lot of materials needed: the marble
for the monument (plus
engraving), the cement
to hold it into the ground,
the land allotted for it,
etc. Businesses were
more than generous, and
I recruited some friends
to help plant flowers. It
was a lot of work in a
very crammed amount of
time; for a while, I couldn’t
even pour the cement
because it rained for
so many days straight.
In the end, it worked.”

What’s Your Favorite TV Show?

Your project, a memorial to those in the Washington County area who
have served in Iraq and
Afghanistan, is quite a
feat. How did you decide on this project?
“I wanted to do
something others hadn’t.
We are so fortunate here
in Peters- we don’t always take the time to
remember all that those
in the armed forces are
doing for us. Of course,
everyone is busy with
their own lives, but it’s
always nice just to take
some time to think.”
War and loss can be
touchy subjects. Did the
memorial have an effect on you beyond the
personal satisfaction of
the award you received?
“There was a
dedication on the site,
and lots of people with
lost loved ones came.
One family that spoke
had just recently lost a
son- it was beyond moving to hear them. And
even though everyone
was crying, we were
celebrating his life, and
all the lives that have
been lost. It was a real




“The Office - The awkward
situations make me laugh!”
Submitted photo

Senior Christian Hughes created a memorial for veteranswho have
served in Iraq and Afghanistan located outside of the Peters Township
Public library. She received the Girl Scouts of America’s Gold Award
for her efforts.

How does this project affect
the other aspects of your life?
Do you think it will make a difference in the lives of others?
“It definitely has impacted me deeply; there’s so
much meaning there in just a
simple marble structure. Just
the thought of the whole process hits me all the time. It’s
one of those things that really
make an impact, even if you’re
just driving by and see it. I’ve
seen first hand how people, me
included, have been moved.

Just to see the looks in people’s eyes- it means more
than what I could ever say.”
Christian’s memorial to those
who have served in Iraq and
Afghanistan from the Washington County area is located
directly outside of the Peters
Township Public Library, off
of E. McMurray Road. The
inscription reads: “The nation remains the land of the
free because it is the home
of the brave - Eleanor Davis.”

C oli n

M ull e t


“True Life- Sometimes it’s funny
to watch but it’s crazy some
stuff people are going through.”

Finding the Fun in PTHS
Angelina Nepa
Features Editor

We’ve all had those days. You know,
when your alarm doesn’t go off, you
get a flat tire on the way to school, you
forget to study for a test, your team
loses, and all the cafeteria is serving is
the vegetarian panini. Those days can
make you believe for a few hours that
high school can be the worst years of
your life. Admittedly, high school is NOT
the best years of your life, and parents
who tell us that obviously never took
calculus. But PTHS does has positive
aspects; it’s really not all bad. Here are
a few examples of the good things this
that high school has to offer.
Gym. It’s fun this year. Sure,
there are tests, but the fly-fishing
fieldtrips? Sign me up! It’s nice to know
that our school is attempting to make
our mandatory physical education not
so dull and clinical.
Drug dogs.
Katie is adorable,


Fast Food

we’re allowed to pet her, and she
occasionally disrupts class. As long
as we have no privacy rights as high
school students, we should at least
have an endearing intruder.
Random days off. Leave it to our
school to decimate the school week
by having no classes on a Thursday
- a nice change of pace.
Great teachers. Anyone who
has ever had a class with Mr. Houser
knows that he says “Hi” to you for the
rest of your high school career. And
you know you love it. Mr. King actually
treats us like we’re practically adults,
which we are.
Music Fridays. Sure, the list of
mystery DJ’s is backed up until May,
but it’s always nice to hear what our
classmates are listening to. I, for one,
love when everyone knows the words
to whatever Blink-182 song the MD

In 2006, The
US reached

in fast food sales.

has more than

locations world

plays and we all sing along on the
way to lunch.
The Morning Announcements.
I challenge you not to smile when
Natalie Palamides says the pledge.
Or when the morning announcements
crew plays a random video that we
don’t understand.
The biggest surprise about
school? On occasion, I actually study
things I enjoy learning. The Crucible,
anyone? Animal Farm? Chemistry (a
personal preference)? Granted, we
have to put up with classes we hate,
but they actually help us appreciate the
good ones. I’m far from an optimist,
but sometimes high school can
surprise even the most pessimistic. As
corny and obnoxious as it sounds, try
to focus on the positives, and you can
make your day so much better.

Wendy’s employs



F oglia


“Friends- It is hilarious and
the characters are really
funny and work well together.”

D oug

M aro n d e


“Fresh Prince of Bel Air - The actor
Will Smith is one of my favorites.”

The average
person eats fast


per month.

KFC sells more than

total chickens a year.


First ‘Office’ Convention Hits Scranton
Emily Estep

The first annual “The Office Convention” was
held in Scranton, PA, from October 26-28th.
Fans, including everyone from Scranton locals
to a few citizens of Ireland, arrived from locations
around the world to participate and to celebrate
their love of NBC’s The Office. The majority
of the supporting cast, writers, and producers
were present. All weekend, crazed fans cruised
the town, praying to run into their favorite
characters. The three days were packed with
events, including different Office-related parties,
concerts, and Question & Answer Sessions.
Different ticket packages determined
which events were accessible to individuals.
One such package, ‘Assistant (to the) Regional
Manager’ included access to the all-day street
festival, a cast question and answer session,
and a look-a-like party/concert. All participants
had access to the street festival. At the festival,
there were food stands, a giant NBC store, and
local venders selling merchandise. More than a
few cast members were spotted on the scene
Saturday, including Melora Hardin aka Jan
Levinson, Phyllis Smith who plays Phyllis Lapin,
and Bobby Ray Shafer known as Bob Vance,
Vance Refrigeration.
Later in the day, the cast question and answer
session was held in the gym of the University
of Scranton where 3500 people witnessed
the event. Besides the twelve cast members,
executive producer Greg Daniels was present.
Mindy Kaling, who not only writes many
episodes but also plays the character Kelly
Kapur, was there as well. The cast was asked
pre-approved fan questions by a representative
of the convention and a local Scranton news
anchor. Ed Helms (Andy Bernard) was asked
numerous times to sing songs that he has sung
on the show, like ‘The Rainbow Connection’,

Photo by Emily Estep

Mad About Fashion By Mady Dietrich

Staff Writer

The cast members gave high fives and thimbs ups as the
audience members cheered when they enter University
of Scranton gym’s stage for a roundtable discussion.

and to do his impression of Tom Brokaw. Angela
Kinsey (Angela Martin) was surprisingly smiley and
cheerful, despite the uptight nature of the character
she portrays. Brian Baumgartner (Kevin Malone)
shared his competitive nature involving basketball.
“John Krasinski (Jim Halpert) and I play all the time
on the set. We always bet, and he always loses.
We’ll play for hours, and eventually, I let him win,”
said Baumgartner.
“The number of people in here is truly amazing. I
can’t even describe to you how good it feels to be a
part of this event,” said Craig Robinson (Darryl the
warehouse guy). That evening was the look-a-like
concert. For the first two hours, fans dressed up as
Jim, Pam, Mose, Dwight, Michael, and everyone else,
walked around getting praise from the attendees.
The cast members voted on the winners. After the
contest, there was a huge concert performed by The
Scrantones, who performed the show’s theme song.
Kate Flannery, who plays Meredith Palmer, joined
the band and belted out various songs. “Scranton!
There’s so many of you insane fans! You better
all be here next year,” stated Flannery during her

November 2007


Falling Into Street Chic
According to the major fashion
magazines and designers, leather jackets,
skinny jeans, black tights, high heels, ankle
boots, and bulky sweaters are fall and winter’s
new fashions. A rough jacket with skinny jeans
and bright high heels are necessary if you
really want to stand out. If fashion is a must
but you need to be less extreme, you could
wear wide leg jeans and platform shoes. If
the leather jacket look is too bold for you,
you could always wear a faux fur jacket. With
anything this season, the more the better - the
more fake fur you have on your jacket, the
more of a presence you will have in a room.
It’s a softer look in the street chic style. It’s also
a better choice if you are going somewhere
nice and don’t want to appear so casual.
To look dressier, you should wear
black tights with a baby doll dress from
the summer. Top that off with your new
coat, and your outfit will be complete with
high-heeled shoes that match your dress.
To dress down, you should wear those
black tights with shorts and ankle boots.
Wearing jewelry always makes an
outfit complete. This season you should
try wearing large pieces of jewelry called
statement jewels. They make your outfit really
‘pop’. The bigger the jewels the greater the
appeal. Having one big stone on your necklace
makes it go with any outfit, but if you are petite
don’t go for the longer necklaces. These will
make you seem smaller, and look like you’re
being dragged down. Round-faced people
should not wear such large jewels either.
Follow these fashion tips to be the
prettiest girl on the block this season!

Restaurant Review: El Campesino
¡Delícioso! - It Hits
the Spot

The Right Place
for a Good Bite
Staff Writer

Staff Writer



Bridget Stasenko

Gina Nepa

Melanie Hoffman


Pulling into Waterdam Plaza, my friends
and I see the all too familiar locations of Harry’s
Pizza, Panera Bread, and Weight Watchers. We
were looking for somewhere to eat that offers
a variety of foods and snacks. That’s when
we spotted the vibrant, eye-catching letters
of El Campesino, Peters Township’s latest
restaurant additions. Upon our arrival into
the charming restaurant, we were greeted by
friendly, accented staff and seated. Almost
immediately, we were served with some of the
most delicious homemade tortilla chips and
salsa. The waiter was courteous, refusing
to let our glasses of water get below the half
empty line.
After ordering, the food came out hot
and within 10 minutes, making this stop fast
and easy, but also tasty! My enchiladas were
cooked perfectly: warm, but not too crunchy or
soft. The meals come in such variety that you
can buy one, two, or three course meals, along
with offering snacks such as small quesadillas.
This restaurant is perfect for students – the
prices are affordable with an enormous plate
full of enchiladas at only nine dollars. The
Mexican food is also a great change of pace,
leaving students craving more, and the
atmosphere leaves you wanting to take a trip
down south. ¡Vamanos!


I venture into this quaint, Mexicanthemed eatery on a cool Monday evening. A
perky mustached gentleman waits to seat me,
selecting a small booth near the front to occupy
my mother and me. I notice the young man’s
accent almost immediately. This café-style
environment sticks out among the Waterdam
shops, featuring fancy lettering on the exterior
to entice customers. I briskly sit down, set my
napkin on my lap, and open the menu; I am
ready to review the cuisine
The flashy menu provides an exquisite
variety. Whether one is in the mood for a
quick, crunchy snack or a full-out three-course
meal, El Campesino meets the demand. I
select Enchiladas Verdez as my entrée, and
am delighted with my choice once it arrives..
Chicken with guacamole sauce, sour cream,
and rice satisfies my hunger. The menu offers
a variety of options, including such choices as
margaritas and vegetarian entrees.
After leaving the restaurant with a full
stomach, I questioned other people about
their interpretations of the place. “The food’s
always tasted kind of slimy to me,” explains
sophomore, Megan Junker. “I definitely won’t
be going back.” Varying drastically, tenth
grader, Julianna Makrinos, “I’m obsessed with
that restaurant; I get a different thing every time
I go!” I side with Makrinos; we loved the overall
atmosphere of the eatery and I am already
planning future visits. So next time you are in
the mood for a change of pace, head over to El
Campesino. Its quick service and fun menu will
be waiting.

A Spicy Change to
the Average Meal
Staff Writer

A variety of Mexican dishes, a soothing
atmosphere, and sociable employees can
be found at El Campesino. As I entered the
endearing restaurant along with my friends, a
friendly waiter greeted and immediately seated
As we were sitting down, warm tortilla
chips and fresh salsa were placed on the table.
We were given menus and our drink orders were
taken. The menu offered a variety of choices;
one could get anything from a cup of chili to a
platter of enchiladas. The drinks came quickly
but it took a good amount of time before our food
orders were placed. While waiting for our food
to be cooked, they supplied us with unlimited
amounts of tortilla chips and salsas, making the
wait seem not so long. The restaurant was kept
at a chilling temperature, which is good for a hot
day but not for the middle of October. I ordered
a chicken quesadilla, which came with rice and
an assortment of toppings. Toppings such as,
ripe, diced tomatoes, fresh lettuce, and sour
cream were served with my quesadilla. It was
warm and the cheese was mouth-wateringly
melted over top.
Finally after a scrumptious meal, the
three of us exited the restaurant receiving
mints and a cheerful good-bye. Overall, it was a
magnificent experience and I would personally
go back anytime.
Homecoming 200
A “Magical” Time
Katie Ellis

Staff Writer

“Of the Homecoming Dance, I have only
two complaints,” said sophomore Taylor Lawrence.
“Only two slow songs were played, and, for a
Harry Potter themed dance, there was almost no
Harry Potter stuff; the majority of the decorations
were winter themed. Other than that, I thought that
Homecoming was spectacular.” Junior Sarah Kradel
enjoyed the dance as well, but for a different reason.
“The cookies were amazing,” Kradel said. “Every
time we went into the cafeteria I made sure that I
grabbed one.” Along with Lawrence and Kradel, 782
other people attended Homecoming this October,
660 of which were part of a couple. Senior Johanna
Paeplow remarked, “Homecoming was an excellent
start to what will hopefully be a terrific senior year.”

Pat Flaherty, a freshman, agreed and summed up
Homecoming by adding, “Great friends, great food,
and great music; it was the perfect combination.”
Student council advisor Mrs. Brenda
Lamb would like to thank the following people and
organizations: Mike Allen and Kaitlyn Stroyne, this
year’s king and queen; Redford Photography, for
helping to make Homecoming more memorable
for everyone in attendance; the twelve teachers
and their spouses that volunteered to chaperone
the dance; Matt Roma, the DJ, who made his
first appearance; and of course, the Student
Council, which includes officers Jeana DeNardo,
Mackenzy Radolec, Alex Sam, Janel Carey, and
Jordan Klaja, for taking the time to make all of the
bb o
R Red Ribbon Week:
Nat ional
Grant Burkhardt

A Tradit ion
News Editor

Photo by Grant Burkhardt

Mr. Burns presents senior Jason Chiappino with a Red Ribbon
button. Students were awarded with these pins for displaying
respect throughout the school.

The National Red Ribbon Campaign
runs on the belief that one person can
make a difference. PTHS once again played
host to its own branch of Red Ribbon Week.
The student organization Students Against
Drugs (SAD), planned the local events of
Red Ribbon Week; a five-day extravaganza
which began on Monday, November 12 and
continued through Friday, November 16.
“Red Ribbon Week is meant to be an event
to stop the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol,”
said Kevin McEvoy, a SAD officer. “The role that
SAD plays in Red Ribbon Week is to encourage all
of Peters Township to participate and lead a life of
good judgments.” Red Ribbon Week has a great
message to send to the students at PTHS, who had
the ability to get involved by “participating in our
wacky theme week,” which used drug-free themes
to allow students to dress up in crazy costumes.
Each day of the week had a different theme

in which the students participated. Monday was
“Don’t Sleep on Drugs” (Pajama Day), Tuesday was
“Sock it to Drugs” (Crazy Sock Day), Wednesday’s
theme was “Put a Cap on Drugs” (Hat Day),
Thursday was “Exercise your Right to be Drug
Free” (Sportswear Day), and school spirit was
shown off on Friday with a theme of red and white.
The members of SAD were in charge of
organizing what is always an exciting week for
students. SAD advertised throughout the high school
in the weeks preceding the festivities. “You will see
flyers, hear announcements, and hear your friends
talking about Red Ribbon Week and the wacky
theme days that are associated”, McEvoy explained.
As always, the week was full of excitement
as students participated in the theme days while
learning valuable life lessons along the way. The
halls were full of off the wall clothes, incredible color,
and a great sense of school spirit. Red Ribbon Week
was a great learning experience and lots of fun.


November 2007


Smoke Signals

Sleep Problems Surface in Students

Ashley Czajkowski


Students across the nation
slowly rise each school day to the
sound of their alarm buzzer, usually a
mere seven hours after they went to
sleep. For the most part, a student is
up by 6:30 AM, on the way to school
by 7:00 AM, and in class by 7:30 AM.
Before Thomas Edison’s invention
of the light bulb in 1879, people slept
an average of 10 hours a night; today
Americans average 6.9 hours of sleep
on weeknights and 7.5 hours per night
on weekends (NSF’s 2002 Sleep in
America poll). Adolescents should
obtain about nine hours of sleep per
night; however, the majority could
concur that this is not always the case.
“I’m lucky if I can sleep for six hours,”
remarked junior Kristen Gioella.
“After going to club meetings, having
volleyball practice for two hours, doing
at least two hours of homework, and
then studying, I’m relieved if I can
get to bed anytime before midnight.”
After taking these situations
into consideration, it is not surprising
how many students suffer from sleep

deprivation or at least need some
form of caffeine to get them going
in the early morning hours. Sleep
deprivation isn’t just something to
be taken lightly; it has become one
of America’s top health problems. It
can be associated with the following
symptoms: headaches, dizziness,
irritability, etc. However, weight loss/
gain and fainting are also indications
of this problem. Although some of
these situations may seem outlandish,
they aren’t entirely implausible. One in
four US high school students admit to
falling asleep in class at least once a
week, but even with all of the statistics
out there, this problem will most likely
remain unaltered. Suggestions such as
a later start time for school has been
made throughout districts, but then
afterschool activities would run later;
class time could be reduced, but this
would prove insufficient as each period
is already a mere forty-one minutes.
Thus, it seems students will continue
living with this problem for the next
few months until summer vacation.

Fishtank : Sleep Depravation

Photo by Bridget Stasenko

Senior, Clinton Amend, sleeps during a Scene day in broadcasting, when he was suppose to
be looking for different techniques used to tape the movie Ratatouille.

Renée Wunderlich
Co-Editor in Chief

Sleep Facts

60% of students are sleepy during the day and
30% fall asleep in class at least once a week.
•	 Almost 1/3rd have trouble sleeping every night.
•	 Lack of sleep leads to health problems; fatigue,
obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease,
shortened lifespan, suppressed immune systems
and depression.
•	 Almost 74% of all Americans do not get enough
sleep each night.

Stephanie Nischmann

Music: Links us Together, Sets us Apart
Staff Writer

With nearly 70 million iPod users worldwide, it’s no surprise that the iPod
is a necessary accessory for most students. Whether it’s in their car, in the
morning, in between classes, or any other time, students listen to their iPods
daily. Although Chris Brown’s new hit, “Kiss,
Kiss”, is the number one song on iTunes right
now, students have other favorites.
“My favorite song on my iPod is definitely
‘Apologize’ by One Republic,” said junior Abbey
Ubinger. Although some students are into

hard task. “I like my iPod so much because it has all the music on it that I want
to listen to. I recently added Colbie Caillat and Hannah Montana,” said senior
Alli Moore.
With the ability to update your pod anytime you would like adds to the
craze of the iPod. “I like a lot of different
bands, but my favorite is Outcried
Dilemma. It’s so much easier to have
them, along with my other favorite
bands, on my iPod because it keeps me

“newer” songs, other students like the music
from previous generations better. “Personally, I
really like the music from the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. It
just attracts me more than the same repetitive
music they play today,” stated sophomore
Meghan Manning.
Students’ opinions about good music
seem to differ but surveyed students have said
that they have a great variety of songs on their
iPods. With a selection of over 6 million songs
available on iTunes, keeping your iPod updated with your favorite music isn’t a

from having to carry around a million
CDs,” said freshman Ricky Ghilani.
“To me, music helps personalize
you. You get a feel for what people are
like by what kind of music they listen
to,” said Abbey Ubinger. Surveyed
students agree that music is another
way that you can set yourself apart
from other people. Although students’
interest in the iPod can link them
together, the music they have uploaded on theirs can set them apart.

“Personally, I really like the music
from the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. It just
attracts me more than the same
repetitive music they play today,”

–Meghan Manning, sophomore
November 2007

Brian Lewis



PowerSchool: The Bane of Students Free Time


Opinion Co-Editor

Every single time a teacher mentions PowerSchool, it seems as if I am
back in second or third grade. Sure the concept for PowerSchool is nice, students
have the opportunity to check their grades for every assignment in every class.
The problem is the parents being able to look at grades. In my experience,
parents are prone to overreactions when they review grades. Although a student
may know that in the long run a seven out of ten is not a horrible grade, a parent
will look at, and take the grade out of context.
All they will look at is the ‘C’ next to the ‘A’, and
then proceed to freak out, and let’s not even
mention what happens when someone gets a
poor grade on a test.
“Edline and PowerSchool are both
horrible. Although it is nice to see my grade, I
wish my mom couldn’t see anything except my
overall class grade,” senior Alex Kocher stated.
Parents do not need to see every single grade
their child gets in a class. If anything, it can
be counter-productive for everyone involved. I
know when my mom looks at PowerSchool; she
starts to harass me about every little grade that
doesn’t measure up to her standards. All that
should matter is what the current overall grade in a class is, not every individual
“I’m not a big fan of PowerSchool. I think students should track their own
grades,” senior Jordan Klaja commented. It seems as if the school is intent upon
babysitting the student body with their grades. After living in several different
school districts, this is the only area where the parents of high school students
are able to look at every single grade their child receives in every class. The last

time that happened to me, I was in fifth grade, not high school.
Now, I understand the school’s intentions. Plenty of kids hide those low
grades from their parents, but if a parent is truly concerned, why can’t he or she
just request for the teacher to send home the test or other graded work? It seems
to me that would be the simplest solution.
These issues with PowerSchool are compounded by problems that
teachers have with using PowerSchool. Perhaps
the biggest change with the switch from Edline to
PowerSchool is the inability of teachers to post
assignments on the site. There have been several
different times when I forgot to write down my
homework, and a simple check of Edline allowed
me to find the assignment without frustration.
This year if I forget my assignment, I’m in trouble
if none of my friends are in the class.
	 One of the other problems teachers have with
PowerSchool is displaying the correct grade
for students and parents to see. Due to the
difficulties for teachers when they save grades,
many students are unable to see their correct
grade in a particular class. This can lead to a
plethora problems when a parent sees that their child has a ‘C’ in a class, when
in actuality the student has an ‘A’.
Overall it seems like PowerSchool isn’t a very effective idea. From
teachers rarely updating to parents getting a bit out of whack over the slightest
inconsistency with grades, PowerSchool has failed on all levels. Perhaps it is
time to look for a new solution, or even return to the old fashioned report card for

“Edline and PowerSchool are both
horrible. Although it is nice to see my
grade, I wish my mom couldn’t see
anything except my overall class grade,”
–Alex Kocher, senior

Living in
the Web of
Page Burris
Staff Writer

High school drama can change
a teenager’s whole view on life. “I can’t
wait to get out of high school because
of all the unnecessary drama that
goes around,” said sophomore Ashley
Sherwin. Leaving parties because
you despise someone that’s there,
switching lunches because your exboyfriend or girlfriend is in it, going to
guidance because you think nobody
else can be trusted with what you have
to say are just a few examples. Just
because something seems so little
to one person doesn’t mean it can’t
mean the world to another. It’s small,
unnecessary problems like these that
students make issues bigger than they
seem, but it’s a part of high school.
People fight over the stupidest things;
friends are decided over how you look or
what sports you play, not based on your
actual personality. Unlike in preschool,
a time when a crayon is shared and a
new friendship begins whereas in high
school friends come and go. There are
new situations that arise, such as going
to parties with more going on than can
be handled. At school, there are rumors
being spread everywhere. Sometimes
all that can be said is, “I didn’t do
it,” and hope that people believe it.
What everyone doesn’t realize
is that if you don’t want to go to a party,
don’t go. If someone asks you to do
something and you don’t want to, don’t
do it, because if they’re really your
friend then it won’t matter. Everyone
has a choice to make; it’s up to him or
her to make the right one. However,
rumors require a different plan of attack.
“People may say one thing and mean
another,” said Sophomore Mike Morford.
Students get in fights all the time just
because of a miscommunication.
Maybe if students would talk issues
out with the person they’re having a
disagreement with, life would be a
lot easier. In the end, things could be
different if everyone made an effort.

Halo 3: Pwning Noobs

Dana Hoelle

Staff Writer

The game Halo 3 debuted on
September 25, 2007. Halo 3 came out
three years after Halo 2, so it wasn’t
surprising that fans waited in line at
midnight to buy the electrifying new
Halo 3 builds upon the
previous games in the franchise. The
action takes place mostly on foot but
also has segments that have vehicular
combat. Halo 3 is a first-person shooter
that follows the character Master Chief.
It is based on Master Chief’s struggle
against the Covenant and the Flood.
Weapons, melee, and grenades are
obtainable to the player to use during
the game. All the weapons from the
previous Halo 2, with power alterations,
are also available in the series. Halo
3 also introduced “support weapons.”
An example of this is flamethrowers,
that limits the player’s normal combat
options and slows them down. There

are also items that have a variety of
effects, such as, defensive effects or
objects that blind the enemy. A player
can carry only one of these weapons
at a time.
Halo 3 contains two different
playing options, campaign and
multiplayer. Campaign contains nine
levels, which are based on the storyline
of the Halo trilogy. Players can play
with others via Xbox 360 Live, or by
themselves. Instead of every player
being a Spartan, the first player plays
as Master Chief, the second player
plays as the Arbiter, and the other
players play as Elites. Each player
has the same abilities, although the
Arbiter and his Elites have different
starting weapons. Halo 3 features a
“campaign-scoring mode.” It is called
the meta-game. The meta-game has a
more competitive atmosphere with its
cooperative play. Players are awarded

extra points for defeating enemies
during levels in campaign playing. You
can lose points if you die or kill your own
teammate. Multiplayer can have up to
four people playing it via a split screen.
Up to sixteen players can participate in
these matches.
“Halo 3 is such a fun game, I
play it everyday. It’s basically the only
thing I do in life,” said senior Jimmy
Arillotta. Many people play Halo 3,
it holds the record for the highest
selling game in entertainment history
( This game is popular
with adults and kids alike, which makes
it one of the biggest video game crazes
in recent memory. “I can’t imagine
anyone who doesn’t play Halo 3. It
is such an enjoyable game to play,”
said senior Greg Maronde. Like Greg,
I enjoy pwning noobs on Halo 3, and
you should too.



Brian Lewis


How do you

ask someone out on a date?

Ask in person a few days ahead, and make it sincere.

The ideal

What do you do to
Take a shower, put some clothes on, and schmooze some
money off the parents.


Just flat out ask them. Don’t act nervous, because it really
shows when you are. And do it in person! Just be casual
and confident.

first date is:

Dinner at a real restaurant, not the mall food court, and
then just somewhere that you will both enjoy. It doesn’t
really matter.

Who do you think pays?

Alex Egan

The truth is, it really doesn’t matter. It just has to be someplace where you can have fun, talk, and get to know each
other better. As long as you’re able to have fun with each
other any place will work!

get ready?

Some girls take hours and hours, but I just get ready as I
normally would, and slap on a cute outfit. You don’t want to
look like you’re trying too hard.

Whoever asked for the date. I’m pretty old fashioned, and
I probably wouldn’t ask a guy out, so normally I would say
the guy should pay. However, I think the girl should at least




Smoke Signals


Which NHL team is the best?
IJ- I think the best team in the NHL this year is
the Buffalo Sabres. They have gotten off to a
rocky start, but they are most talented team in
the league. They have a great mix of players,
young and old. They have the deepest roster in
the league for sure.
TR- I definitely think that the Ottawa Senators
are the best team in the NHL. They are
12-1, and are dominating in their division.
They have been a force for the past couple
seasons, and this is the year that they will
finally go all the way and win the Stanley
Cup. The Senators have proved their playoff
prowess in the past, by knocking off the
Penguins in the first round.
IJ- The Senators are a very good team, but I
don’t think they have the offensive firepower
that the Sabres will have throughout the
season. Stars such as Thomas Vanek, Maxim
Afinogenov, Jochen Hecht, Derek Roy, and Brian
Campbell carry their offense. The Senators are
off to a great start, but the Sabres will finish
on top.
TR- The Senators are lead by Daniel Alfredsson, Dany
Heatley, Mike Fisher, Jason Spezza, Wade Redden,
and phenom Patrick Eaves. The Sabres are off to
a bad start and I don’t think that things will get that
much better. The Senators have the best 1-2 punch
in the league at goalie, with Ray Emery and Martin
Gerber, and the Sabres have let in way to many goals
to win games.
IJ- I agree that the Senators have two great
goalies, but the Sabres aren’t hurting too bad
themselves. Ryan Miller is one of the best young
goalies in the league, and former Penguin’s
goalie Jocelyn Thibault is one of the top backups
in the NHL. The Sabres’ offense will definitely
make up for any shakiness that the team has
on defense. Their Defense isn’t that bad. Did
I mention they have Maxim Afinogenov? The
guy is amazing.
TR- I agree that the Sabres are legitimate playoff
contenders, but their record needs a whole lot of
work before that can happen. They are both in the
Northeast division, so we will see who prevails come
playoff time.

Bill Berry

November 2007

Return to Glory
Co-Sports Editor

The Pittsburgh Penguins
opened their 2007-2008 season
with high hopes and expectations.
The team is looking to build upon
their success in 2007 with a trip to
the Stanley Cup Finals. To achieve
this goal, the Pens will turn to
captain Sidney Crosby. Crosby
is the reigning National Hockey
League MVP and scoring leader.
At only 20 years old, “Sid the
Kid” is also the league’s biggest
star. However, he won’t have to
do it alone. He is surrounded by
other young talents such as the
2006 NHL Rookie of the Year
Evgeni Malkin, and 19-yearold phenom Jordan Staal. The
Penguins also have many strong
veteran players. Sergei Gonchar,
Mark Recchi, and Gary Roberts
are all proven playmakers.
“I think their experience

Ian Jackson

will pay off down the road into
the play offs,” said senior TJ
Stipanovich. The Pens’ front
office has done its part to help
the team win the cup. The
acquisition of Petr Sykora has
already made a huge impact
on the Penguins. Sykora is
one of the top goal scorers on
the team and has collected
more than 250 career goals.
The roster is also loaded with
scrappy players and hustlers.
One of these players is Maxime
Talbot, who has begun to evolve
into a legitimate scoring threat.
mark that remains is the goalie.
Marc-Andre Fleury has shown
signs of brilliance, but has also
been ineffective at times. General
Manager Ray Shero has tried to
strengthen this by adding goalie

Dany Sabourin to the team.
The Penguins will face stiff
competition in the Atlantic
“It’s very, very close
and very tight. There are a lot
of good teams,” said GM Ray
com). The New York Rangers,
New York Islanders, New
Jersey Devils, and the
Philadelphia Flyers all have
solid squads.
road won’t be easy, fans are
confident. “I think the Pens will
definitely win the Stanley Cup;
they have too much talent not
to,” said senior Mike Moretti.
Come support the Penguins at
Mellon Arena as they attempt
to reclaim their spot as one of
the NHL’s best teams.

Hockey Team Seeks Redemption
Staff Writer

In the past decade, the varsity hockey team
has only known winning. They were State Champions
in 2002, 2003, and 2005. They sported an overall record
of 89-15-1, from 2001 through 2005. They had another
pretty solid season in 2006, and then calamity struck.
“It was a tough stretch for our team, but
I think we are going back in the right direction,”
head coach Rick Tingle stated. “The players
we have want to win, and they want to have
the fun that we had during the dynasty years.”
The 2007 season was a disaster from
the beginning. The team began the season
with a 1-6-0 record and was immediately in
the cellar of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic
Hockey League (PIHL). The team tried to bounce
back by winning five of their next ten games,
before going on to lose five of their final six.
The forecast for this season, however,
looks to be much brighter. They are led by freshman
Jake Auchenbach, juniors Greg Jackson and Drew
Williams, and senior Rob Hough. The team should
greatly improve on last season’s poor performance.
With the core of last year’s team back and hungry
for redemption, this should be an interesting
year. The addition of freshman forward, Jake
Auchenbach, will be nothing short of huge for an
offense that scored very inconsistently last season.
The pre-season has gone fairly well for the
team. They compiled a 3-2 record, while some players
proved quickly to Coach Tingle that they could play.
Auchenbach showed all the upperclassmen that he
was going to be one of the team’s leading players.

He scored three goals, while assisting three
others. Junior Greg Jackson scored two goals
and assisted another, despite missing one game.
Senior captain, Robbie Hough, played well and was
very happy about the direction the team is going.
“I am proud to be the captain of this team.
When we won our championships, I was just a
freshman, but now I want to win and play a big role
in it. I think we have a good crew,” Hough said.
One setback during the season was the
injury of key player, junior Eric Zalewski. Zalewski
was injured during the game against Elizabeth
Forward. Zalewski collided with teammate Paul
Henney and that resulted in a concussion. He has
had five concussions in the past two years. He is
expected to miss a big chunk of the season, but is
still hoping to be a major contributor when he returns.
“I may be out now, but I am working hard.
I really want to get back on the ice and be a better
player than I ever was before,” Zalewski said. “It
is hard not playing with my teammates, but when
I get back I think we will all be on the same page.”
This is going to be an exciting season for
a team that has much to prove. They want to get
back to where they were during the dynasty years,
and they seem to have the talent to regain that
form. “This is going to be an interesting year. I don’t
know if we are good enough to win it all, but we
could be really good. I hope this year at least gets
us on the right track for the future and it’d be nice
to win the Cup along the way. It is going to be really
interesting,” said junior defenseman Drew Williams.

Pinned Down, but Hoping to Rebound
Brendan Sikora
Staff Writer

This year, the wrestling
team is looking much better than the
previous season. Several wrestlers
are coming back for their junior
and senior wrestling seasons. The
wrestlers have been preparing in the
off-season not only by wrestling, but
running and lifting weights as well.
“I’m ready to pin and win this season,”
stated junior Nick Ceccarelli.
This is a common theme
among the wrestlers - they are full of
confidence and focused on winning.
The program appears to be turning
around, and their hard work is
beginning to show. “I’m really looking
forward to helping the team out,”
stated sophomore Jeff D’Abarno.
The upcoming sophomores will add

to the team talent level. They
will offer more than just practice
partners and being able to
fill positions for the roster.
Last season there
wasn’t much to build on due
to a lack of participation with
the athletes. There were
only about 16 wrestlers on
the varsity team starting out
during the 06-07 season.
However, some quit or were
out with injuries and infections
for periods ranging from days
to weeks. This damaged the
team’s unity and confidence.
The point deficit was nearly
In recent years, the

Indians haven’t had the largest
roster, and yet compete against
teams with over 30 wrestlers
with them.
Coach Dale Murdoch
is once again the varsity
team’s head coach. He has
been coaching the Indians for
the past three seasons after
taking a break from coaching
the middle school team. All
together, Coach Murdoch has
over fifteen years of wrestling
coaching experience. 		
“Wrestling is a great
sport that challenges students
in extreme conditions both
physically and mentally,” said
November 2007



Justice is Served...Sometimes
Averi Clements

The NFL is finally taking
notice of the penalties and crimes
that have been occurring amongst
its players. However, the league
still has a great deal of work to do.
A major issue among
NFL fans is the implementation of
fines that are placed on players for
“excessive or offensive celebration”
when a touchdown is scored. Many
celebrations that were at one point
enjoyed by fans and teammates
alike are now exempt from
games for fear of fines expressed
both in dollars and in yards.
For example, Dallas Cowboys
wide receiver Terrell Owens was fined
$7,500 for a touchdown celebration
that involved using the football as
a prop to mock the Patriots’ filming

Staff Writer

scandal. Although $7,500 is a mere
slap on the wrist in comparison to the
large salaries that professional football
players make, it is usually accompanied
by an additional 15-yard penalty during
the game. “15 yards is a pretty big
number. It could mean the difference
between a win and a loss. It’s crazy that
you get pushed back more yards for
celebrating a bit than for a false start,”
commented junior Zack Malanos. Many
players are fined lesser amounts for
low, dangerous hits on other players.
Although the NFL recently
enacted a rule that prohibits excessive
celebration, not all players that dance
in the end zone are being punished.
“I’ve seen plenty of touchdowns that
could contain ‘excessive or offensive

celebration’. I don’t understand why
only half of those players are getting
penalized and the other half are left
alone,” said freshman Sean Hardy.
One such example is the famous
‘Lambeau Leap’, invented in 1993
by LeRoy Butler of the Green Bay
Packers. The celebration, named after
Green Bay’s Lambeau Field, involves
the scoring player jumping into the air
– and into the arms of his screaming
fans. One would expect a rather hefty
fine for such a dangerous act, but such
a penalty has thus far been exempt.
Many football fans are questioning the
NFL’s judgement. The inconsistencies
are being credited to everything from
racism to overall ignorance on the part
of the NFL staff. One thing is for certain:
the NFL needs to rethink its priorities.

Stewart Leads Golf Team to Another Solid Season
Taylor Relich

Staff Writer

Jon Stewart, a senior on the PT Varsity Golf Team,
has quietly strived this season to lead his team to the top.
Although he moved to Peters Township only a year ago, and
is a first year varsity player, he has made a profound impact
on the team. “Jon’s attitude and competitiveness contributed
to the overall success of the team,” said senior captain Grant
Burkhardt. Stewart, the unforeseen leader of the 2007 Indians’
golf team, was not a captain, but was the one Indian that made
it to the PIAA Individual State Tournament. In addition to his
individual accomplishments, Stewart also led the team to the
WPIAL finals.
“Jon Stewart has been a great addition to the PTHS golf
program. He has shown all of the characteristics of a toplevel player and has carried on the PTHS tradition of high
achievement at the WPIAL and PIAA levels. He is mature,
focused, and tremendous under pressure. Jon has proven to
be a role model for his teammates and has set a standard
for competitiveness, toughness, and personal integrity that

all of our players should emulate,” said head boys golf
coach David Kuhn. Stewart’s play during the matches
was stellar, shooting 77, 79, 82, 76, 75, and 83 during the
six rounds of the individual tournament.
Stewart was both an emotional leader and a role model. “I
am just glad that I could help the team out when we were in
tough spots,” said Stewart. He proved to be instrumental
in some of the team’s key wins over Mt. Lebanon, Bethel
Park, and other section opponents. Perhaps the most
important reason why the golf team will miss having a
player like Jon Stewart on the team is because he came
through for his team in high- pressure situations.
The golf team had yet another solid year this year,
with a record of 17-2 overall and a section record of 10-2.
The team qualified for the WPIAL team playoffs this year,
first playing at Krendale Golf Club, and then advancing to
the WPIAL final where they placed second overall with an
18- hole team score of 398.

Back and Better Than Ever: PT Soccer Takes a Stand in Playoffs
Jordan Dent

Co-Sports Editor

According to PIAA tournament
guidelines, the boys’ bracket takes the
top three teams, so the boys’ soccer
team has earned a spot in the state
contest. The girls’ bracket, however,
takes the top six, so the Lady Indians
soccer team has also gained a place in
the running for the state title. Both the
boys and girls played on November
6. The boys defeated Altoona 6-0 at
Richland High School, while the girls
beat Upper St. Clair at North Hills.
Starting with the WPIAL championship
and working down to the first round,
here is how WPIAL playoffs played out
for the PT soccer teams.
The WPIAL championship
game took place on November 3. The
Indians took on the Black Hawks of
Bethel Park on the chilly fall evening.
At the start of the game, the boys found
themselves in the same position as last
year- same venue, same opponent,
same prize. After two hard halves
of racing, shooting, and blocking,
regulation play ended in a 0-0 tie.
Unfortunately, BP took advantage of an
open shot opportunity to win the title by
a mere score of 0-1.
In previous playoff action, the
boys’ team played a semi-finals match
against Chartiers Valley who went into
the game at 15-5-0. The Colts scored

early, but Cody Partyka put one in the net
for PT to tie the game 1-1 at the end of
regulation. Overtime began, but the boys
didn’t want any part of the tie and Mark
Majoras sailed one past the CV goalie
to earn another win and another trip to
Elizabeth Forward to play the long-awaited
meeting against rival, Bethel Park.
On the road to semis, both teams
took place at West Allegheny on October

Mark Lacy leads the offensive charge as the
indians prevail in the state semi finals at Pine
Richland. The Indians won 3-0 placing them in
the State Finals at Hershey, PA.

The girls lost their
momentum against Seneca
Valley (14-3-1), who would
later go on to win the WPIAL
title. Even after a goal by
Lauren Ray late in the second
half, they ran out of time and
lost a disappointing 2-1. Later
than night, behind a shut-out
by Ryan Koepka, 2 goals from
Shane Pruitt, and another from
Christian Brandstetter, the
Indians eliminated Fox Chapel
(13-3-4) with a final score of
despite the wind and rain, on
October 23 and both the boys
and girls teams pulled out
home wins. A perfect game
in goal and a great offense
led the girls to a 4-0 victory
against Oakland Catholic (810-2). The boys took on North
Allegheny (8-10-2) in a very
physical match. The offense
gained control and scored
three on NA’s defense. Even
though the Tigers managed
to get a goal past the Indians,
they didn’t have enough to
press through to win, leaving
the game with a 3-1 loss to


Boys’ Soccer
State Finals!!!
Regular season record of 17-1-2
Playoff record of 6-1 Regular

Girls’ Soccer
Regular season record of 20-0-0
Playoff record of 2-2

Field Hockey
Regular season record of 8-3-1 in
0-1 in playoffs

Boys’ Golf
12-2 in section
WPIAL Runner-Up
Jon Stewart shot 75, 83 in PIAA
tournament- 32nd place

Girls’ Golf
11-1 in section
WPIAL Runner-Up
Lauren Hammell shot 81, 82 in
PIAA tournament- 17th place

Girls’ Tennis
Regular season record of 12-0 in
Playoff record of 1-1
Julie Stroyne and Emily Palko
won state doubles championship

Final record of 3-6, 2-4 in section

Final record of 2-10 in section
Voices in the Hall


November 2007

Smoke Signals

What is your Thanksgiving Day tradition?

Dave DeBee ‘08

“I’m going to my grandma’s house
to spend time with my

Conor McNamara ‘09

“I will eat a lot, a lot of food.”

Theresa Peranteau ‘10

“My family does the turkey trot
and my cousins come for a great
Thanksgiving Day Feast.”

Justin Feeny ‘11

“I watch football with my family
after eating all of the good food.”

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?

Laura Sunday ‘08

“I don’t really have a favorite, I eat

Kelly Flanigan ‘09

“um, mashed potatoes, I guess”

everything. Plus my mom doesn’t
usually cook that much.”

Jeff Miller ‘10

“I love bread and white meat, or
really dark meat.”

Michael Carbonara ‘11

“Turkey and mashed potatoes
and all that meaty stuff fit for a real

The Teachers’ Turkey Days

Mr. Wood

Mrs. Beckjord

“Chocolate Mousse”








“Homemade Pumpkin pie with
cool whip”

Mrs. Boni

“Having thanksgiving at my house so
that I can have my and my
husbands family together
once a year.”




“I just like having my family home”

Ms. Pollard

Katie Fitzgerald

Mike Stenger

Describe a few of your Thanksgiving day Traditions.
My grandma brings over pumpkin pie and we all watch

Describe a few of your Thanksgiving day traditions.
Stuffing the turkey

What do you plan on doing over break?
Spend the day at the dollar theater and sleep

Where do you usually spend your holiday?
At home with my family

Pilgrim or Indian? ...Why?
Indian, I like the feathers

Are you a Black Friday shopper?
For Sure

If you were to design a float for the Macy’s Day
Parade, what would it be?

Any memorable Thanksgiving moments?
None that I can remember




A giraffe dressed as a turkey


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Nov. 2007 Smoke Signals Issue 2

  • 1. Smoke Signals PTHS November 2007 Volume 39, Issue 2 Teens and Caffeine: A Generation Addicted Photos by Katie Gavlick stUDents line up at Starbucks ordering their choice of caffeine. Starbucks is one of the most popular places students are drawn to in order to get their daily energy boost. Andrea Briggs Syntax Editor T eens today are drinking more caffeine than they ever have before, aned this may be having an adverse effect on their growing bodies. In a survey done of 135 PTHS students, results showed that surveyed teens have already fallen into the dangerous habit. 85% of the students said they ordered caffeinated coffee when they visited Starbucks, and 75% said that they drank energy drinks or sugar-laden soda along with their regular coffee. While most visited Starbucks every so often, nearly 25% of those surveyed went every day or every week. Their heads might be spinning with all the caffeine that they drink, but their young bodies are beginning to slow down. Caffeine is a stimulant that increases heart rate and alertness, which explains why it is so popular among students trying to keep awake in class after staying up all night doing homework and other activities. If ingested in high enough quantities, it may also cause anxiety attacks and hypersensitivity. Many adults drink a cup of coffee each morning to start the day, but the growing number of adolescents adopting this habit is concerning, considering that their bodies are still developing and more sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Caffeine is also highly addictive, and some users consider it the only “legal high” left. Most students said that they drink caffeine because the “buzz” makes them feel good. “I feel so awake and jumpy, and I have the energy to do anything,” said sophomore Amber Doerr. This not only describes the effects of caffeine on the nervous system, but additionally that of many illegal drugs on the human body. While coffee may be cheaper, it isn’t necessarily safer. Over time, caffeine causes problems ranging from heart arrhythmia to stomach ulcers. “I have chores to do at home and all my class work, and there aren’t enough hours in the day, so I have an espresso to get me through it all,” stated senior Christina Snyder. In the past ten years, the workload on students has increased, and expectations continue to rise. Teens are compensating for this by using stimulants to keep them going, unaware that the more they drink, the more they become dependant on the drinks. If they go without their daily dose, withdrawal symptoms will set in, including headaches, nausea, and extreme fatigue. The coffee houses of today are much like the ice cream parlors of the past – drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages has become a prominent social function. Groups of girls meet at Starbucks on the way home from the mall to chat, and troupes of boys hang out at the skate park, guzzling drinks like Red Bull and MONSTER. At nearly two and three dollars a pop for these caffeine laden energy drinks (and even more than that for a Starbucks latte) the craze can take a toll on teenager’s wallets as well as their bodies. After all, high school students are making minimum wage around $7 an hour – but at least they’ll be awake to work the night shift to pay for their costly addiction.
  • 2. Peters Township Reference PTHS November 2007 Smoke Signals November 2007 Sunday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Thursday 1 5 6 7 11 18 25 Leonardo DiCaprio’s Birthday 12 Cook Something Bold Day 9 Rolling Stone Magazine premieres 1967 10 Sesame Street premieres 1969 17 Marie Antoinette’s Birthday National Sandwich Day No School! 13 World Kindness Day 19 Pop Tarts created 1965 3 16 8 American Football League formed in 1960 with 8 teams Saturday Friday 2 Report Card Day! 4 2 14 20 15 21 Oklahoma become s t he 46t h US St at e 1907 No School! 26 27 The Price is Right Jimi Hendrix’s premieres 1956 Birthday No School! 28 Jon Stewart’s Birthday 22 Thanksgiving 23 24 29 30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day Kat herine Heigl’s Birt hday No School! Ben Stiller’s Birthday Happy What Are You Thankful For? Thanksgiving Smoke Signals Smoke Signals is produced eight times during a school year by the students of Media II, III, IV Journalism and extracurricular staff at Peters Towship High School, 264 E. McMurray Road, McMurray PA 15317. Telephone: 724941-6250 x.5379. E-mail: Commentaries, reviews, and opinion col- umns are the expressed opinion of the author and not of Smoke Signals, its advisor or the Peters Township School District. Member of the Pennsylvania School Press Association. EDITOR IN CHIEF Ashley Czajkowski Renée Wunderlich LAYOUT EDITOR Katie Gavlick NEWS EDITOR Grant Burkhardt FEATURES EDITOR Angelina Nepa OPINION EDITORS Alex Egan Brian Lewis SPORTS EDITOR Bill Berry Jordan Dent Tim H u t chi n s ‘ 0 9 Meghan Manning ‘10 Reid Cservak ‘09 “ S o c c e r a n d m y “Mashed potatoes” stuffed animals” “The periodic table of elements” Jason L e wi s ‘08 Shalynn Giovannitti ‘10 “ M y and f a m i l y “My friends and the f r i e n d s ” people around me” “My favorite band, Cartel” MARKETING EDITORS Brianna Lutes Shelby Miller STAFF WRITERS Andrea Briggs, Emily Estep, Gina Nepa, Taylor Relich, Bridget Stasenko, Katie Ellis, Averi Clements, Paige Burris, Mady Dietrich, Stephanie Nitschmann, Stephanie Cotugno, Ian Jackson, Dana Hoelle, Melanie Hoffman, Brendan Sikora LAYOUT TEAM Katie Gavlick, Kaylin Zawicki, Emily Correal, Shelby Miller, Brianna Lutes ADVISER Mrs. Sitler ‘ 1 1 Sara W e av e r
  • 3. News PTHS Smoke Signals Google Rated #1 Job by Fortune Magazine Stephanie Cotugno News Writer Fortune Magazine rated Google as the United States where 15,916 employees work. Sergy Brin and Larry Page, founders of number one international company to work for in 2007 out of one hundred companies around the world. With Google, built a company around the idea that work offices from New York City to Zurich, Switzerland, should be challenging, and the challenge should be Google is one of the most successful organizations fun. Together they believe in giving the proper tools to in the world. The Google organization enforces an groups of people who want to make a difference. With invigorating, positive environment by hiring talented this motto in full view, Google puts their employees people who share the same commitment, desire, before everything by focusing on providing an environment where and passion to Google’s Top 10 Employment Benefits: these talented change the world employees can help through technology. 1. Free gourmet breakfast, lunch, and dinner make the world a These employees 2. Climbing wall and volleyball court better place. Google also believe that 3. Free shuttle bus transportation enforces their beliefs they can work and in various ways, 4. Free on-site hair salons and dry cleaners have fun at the such as paying for same time. At work, 5. Swimming pool and spa all meals for the Google employees 6. 12 week maternity leave for new moms can choose from 7. Personal trainer, nutritionist, and massage first few weeks after a new child arrives a climbing wall, therapist and providing free volleyball court, 8. Fitness center with a 24 hour gym and daily yoga shuttle transportation swimming pool, and classes from the homes of spa for enjoyment 9. On site car washes and oil changes employees to and during a break 10. In house doctor (free doctor checkups) from work, with from collaborative leather seats and meetings and wireless internet paperwork. On-site hair salons, a 24-hour gym, dry cleaners, and a free access. in-house doctor are also available for the services of Google employees are as passionate about Google employees. their lives as they are about their work. Because the “While pondering my future, I feel that company is international and has a variety of cultures Google is the dream job with all of its opportunities. involved in the corporation, Google celebrates I am overwhelmed by my hope that one day I will diversity through a flexible and supportive environment be employed by Google,” said senior TJ Stiponovich. where all of the employees are committed to creating Google receives 1,300 resumés a day as the organization tries to attract the most talented, hard perfection. “Working for Google would be an amazing working people with the amazing benefits awarded to experience. In my future job, I would love to have them. Google’s main headquarters in Mountain View, some of the perks Google employees have earned,” California is just one of the sixteen locations in the stated junior Courtney Hannan. Shoes for the Holidays Alex Egan Opinion Editor It seems most people have a few pairs if not a closet full, of shoes they are trying to get rid of. Now, from October 29 through December 19 you will finally have a chance to clear some space in your closet while giving to a great cause. The National Honor Society is sponsoring a Shoe Drive to give the less fortunate in the Dominican Republic a few new pairs of shoes for the holidays. Under the direction of junior Andrew Paul, the drive is open to anyone in Peters Township who would like to donate. “It’s really nice to give to the less fortunate, especially when we have so much,” said senior NHS member Jon Krak. The drive will be accepting all types of shoes in any size, as long as they are in reasonably good shape. NHS is inviting all of Peters Township to donate, and there are a number of ways to participate. There will be boxes in homerooms at the high school, at the Rec Center, and at both Pleasant Valley and Bower Hill schools. So look through your closet, pick our a few pairs of shoes to donate, and make a pair of less fortunate feet a little happier this holiday season. Photos of past shoe drives can be found at Click on Santa Fe Shoe Sub Album. November 2007 What In The World? 3 Twenty-six years ago, an Englishman walked into a Chinese restaurant and asked one of the waiters to write his name using the characters of the Chinese alphabet. He then took the symbols to a tattoo parlor and asked tattoo artist draw the symbols on his chest. Fast forward to last week, when the man went to Thailand and was asked why he was advertising “Coca-Cola”. The man became very upset and has decided to cover the characters with a different tattoo, adding that maybe he’ll use Japanese characters instead. Jeffery Stephens of Two Rivers, Wisconsin stepped outside his house in time to see a burglar break into the back of his neighbor’s car. When confronted, the burglar tried to run and Stephens, seeing it as the only solution, promptly sat on the man until the authorities showed up. When the 200-pound man finally stood up, the criminal surrendered without protest. Alana Glatt of New York is suing her florist for providing the wrong color flower arrangement for her wedding ceremony. Glatt’s claim against florist Stamos Arakas is for more than $400,000 in restitution and damages. Wow. Talk about Bridezilla. Wisconsin appears to be the center for strange news. Archery has been banned at, surprisingly enough, Wisconsin’s Archery Park. Any person on the premises with a bow and/or arrows will be fined and banned from the park indefinitely. Hmm… maybe someone misinterpreted the meaning of “archery”? Compiled by Katie Ellis ‘Ranksteering’ Misleads College Applicants Angelina Nepa Features Editor Students looking to apply to college have to start researching their options somewhere. The U.S. News and World Report, which famously ranks every four-year college and university once a year, has long been considered a trusty tool for such research. It has, however, come under fire recently, as colleges around the nation voice their problems with it, suggesting that the given ranks are not all that meaningful. “I would spell it U.S. N-O-O-S-E,” said Robert Weisbuch, president of Drew University, in a recent Newsweek. U.S. News seems to be the absolute authority on standards, but many educators wonder if its rank it is an accurate depiction of worth. The rank is based on hard data (SAT’s scores of incoming freshmen, acceptance rate, etc) as well as a survey from peer institutions that are asked to assess other schools. It is far from flawless, resulting in a practice called “ranksteering,” which occurs when administrators make decisions to purposely move up the list. Colleges that “ranksteer” encourage early decision and persuade students who have little chance of being accepted to apply. Tired of receiving a single number that supposedly defines their complex institution, administrators are fighting back. A few schools have opted out of the ranking altogether. Barnard College in New York and other members of the Annapolis Group (100 liberal arts schools on the East coast, including Allegheny College, Connecticut, College, and Denison University) have pledged to develop a new system to judge a school’s merit. USC already has participated in a new type of ranking, calling it “revealed preference,” which examines which schools students decide to attend after being accepted to several. Photo by Grant Burkhardt College-seeking seniors research universities at the career resource center. The students use rankings from U.S. News and World Report to pick the best college for them. When schools were chosen over others, they advanced in the ranking. Another alternative is U-CAN, a pending database put together by the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities that will allow students to make side-by-side comparisons of two or more schools. The main problem most administrators have with the U.S. News ranking is that is does not offer a look at the quality of life on any given campus. High-ranked schools may offer a campus full of students that aced the SAT’s, but others schools might teach students more. Ultimately, it is fine to consider rank, but, in doing so, make sure to keep in mind the credibility of that single, arbitrary number.
  • 4. 4 Features PTHS Renée Wunderlich November 2007 Smoke Signals Christian Hughes: Going Gold Speak OUT Co-Editor-in-Cheif The Gold Award, considered the equivalent of Boy Scouting’s wellknown Eagle Scout, is the goal of many girls from Brownies to Life Scouts. Through determination, gardening skills, and a desire to make a difference in her community, Christian Hughes will now take your questions. What is the nature of the Gold Award? What does it involve? “It’s the biggest project of Girl Scouting. According to the rules, monetary donations aren’t allowed, so everything has to be done from the spirit of charity. There were a lot of materials needed: the marble for the monument (plus engraving), the cement to hold it into the ground, the land allotted for it, etc. Businesses were more than generous, and I recruited some friends to help plant flowers. It was a lot of work in a very crammed amount of time; for a while, I couldn’t even pour the cement because it rained for so many days straight. In the end, it worked.” What’s Your Favorite TV Show? Your project, a memorial to those in the Washington County area who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is quite a feat. How did you decide on this project? “I wanted to do something others hadn’t. We are so fortunate here in Peters- we don’t always take the time to remember all that those in the armed forces are doing for us. Of course, everyone is busy with their own lives, but it’s always nice just to take some time to think.” War and loss can be touchy subjects. Did the memorial have an effect on you beyond the personal satisfaction of the award you received? “There was a dedication on the site, and lots of people with lost loved ones came. One family that spoke had just recently lost a son- it was beyond moving to hear them. And even though everyone was crying, we were celebrating his life, and all the lives that have been lost. It was a real healing experience.” Emily Yang ‘08 “The Office - The awkward situations make me laugh!” Submitted photo Senior Christian Hughes created a memorial for veteranswho have served in Iraq and Afghanistan located outside of the Peters Township Public library. She received the Girl Scouts of America’s Gold Award for her efforts. How does this project affect the other aspects of your life? Do you think it will make a difference in the lives of others? “It definitely has impacted me deeply; there’s so much meaning there in just a simple marble structure. Just the thought of the whole process hits me all the time. It’s one of those things that really make an impact, even if you’re just driving by and see it. I’ve seen first hand how people, me included, have been moved. Just to see the looks in people’s eyes- it means more than what I could ever say.” Christian’s memorial to those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan from the Washington County area is located directly outside of the Peters Township Public Library, off of E. McMurray Road. The inscription reads: “The nation remains the land of the free because it is the home of the brave - Eleanor Davis.” C oli n M ull e t ‘09 “True Life- Sometimes it’s funny to watch but it’s crazy some stuff people are going through.” Finding the Fun in PTHS Angelina Nepa Features Editor We’ve all had those days. You know, when your alarm doesn’t go off, you get a flat tire on the way to school, you forget to study for a test, your team loses, and all the cafeteria is serving is the vegetarian panini. Those days can make you believe for a few hours that high school can be the worst years of your life. Admittedly, high school is NOT the best years of your life, and parents who tell us that obviously never took calculus. But PTHS does has positive aspects; it’s really not all bad. Here are a few examples of the good things this that high school has to offer. Gym. It’s fun this year. Sure, there are tests, but the fly-fishing fieldtrips? Sign me up! It’s nice to know that our school is attempting to make our mandatory physical education not so dull and clinical. Drug dogs. Katie is adorable, GO figure Fast Food we’re allowed to pet her, and she occasionally disrupts class. As long as we have no privacy rights as high school students, we should at least have an endearing intruder. Random days off. Leave it to our school to decimate the school week by having no classes on a Thursday - a nice change of pace. Great teachers. Anyone who has ever had a class with Mr. Houser knows that he says “Hi” to you for the rest of your high school career. And you know you love it. Mr. King actually treats us like we’re practically adults, which we are. Music Fridays. Sure, the list of mystery DJ’s is backed up until May, but it’s always nice to hear what our classmates are listening to. I, for one, love when everyone knows the words to whatever Blink-182 song the MD In 2006, The US reached $142 billion in fast food sales. McDonalds has more than 31,000 locations world wide. plays and we all sing along on the way to lunch. The Morning Announcements. I challenge you not to smile when Natalie Palamides says the pledge. Or when the morning announcements crew plays a random video that we don’t understand. The biggest surprise about school? On occasion, I actually study things I enjoy learning. The Crucible, anyone? Animal Farm? Chemistry (a personal preference)? Granted, we have to put up with classes we hate, but they actually help us appreciate the good ones. I’m far from an optimist, but sometimes high school can surprise even the most pessimistic. As corny and obnoxious as it sounds, try to focus on the positives, and you can make your day so much better. Wendy’s employs 246,000 people Katie F oglia ‘10 “Friends- It is hilarious and the characters are really funny and work well together.” D oug M aro n d e ‘11 “Fresh Prince of Bel Air - The actor Will Smith is one of my favorites.” The average person eats fast 9.2 food times per month. KFC sells more than 581 million total chickens a year.
  • 5. PTHS Features First ‘Office’ Convention Hits Scranton Emily Estep The first annual “The Office Convention” was held in Scranton, PA, from October 26-28th. Fans, including everyone from Scranton locals to a few citizens of Ireland, arrived from locations around the world to participate and to celebrate their love of NBC’s The Office. The majority of the supporting cast, writers, and producers were present. All weekend, crazed fans cruised the town, praying to run into their favorite characters. The three days were packed with events, including different Office-related parties, concerts, and Question & Answer Sessions. Different ticket packages determined which events were accessible to individuals. One such package, ‘Assistant (to the) Regional Manager’ included access to the all-day street festival, a cast question and answer session, and a look-a-like party/concert. All participants had access to the street festival. At the festival, there were food stands, a giant NBC store, and local venders selling merchandise. More than a few cast members were spotted on the scene Saturday, including Melora Hardin aka Jan Levinson, Phyllis Smith who plays Phyllis Lapin, and Bobby Ray Shafer known as Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. Later in the day, the cast question and answer session was held in the gym of the University of Scranton where 3500 people witnessed the event. Besides the twelve cast members, executive producer Greg Daniels was present. Mindy Kaling, who not only writes many episodes but also plays the character Kelly Kapur, was there as well. The cast was asked pre-approved fan questions by a representative of the convention and a local Scranton news anchor. Ed Helms (Andy Bernard) was asked numerous times to sing songs that he has sung on the show, like ‘The Rainbow Connection’, Photo by Emily Estep Mad About Fashion By Mady Dietrich Staff Writer The cast members gave high fives and thimbs ups as the audience members cheered when they enter University of Scranton gym’s stage for a roundtable discussion. and to do his impression of Tom Brokaw. Angela Kinsey (Angela Martin) was surprisingly smiley and cheerful, despite the uptight nature of the character she portrays. Brian Baumgartner (Kevin Malone) shared his competitive nature involving basketball. “John Krasinski (Jim Halpert) and I play all the time on the set. We always bet, and he always loses. We’ll play for hours, and eventually, I let him win,” said Baumgartner. “The number of people in here is truly amazing. I can’t even describe to you how good it feels to be a part of this event,” said Craig Robinson (Darryl the warehouse guy). That evening was the look-a-like concert. For the first two hours, fans dressed up as Jim, Pam, Mose, Dwight, Michael, and everyone else, walked around getting praise from the attendees. The cast members voted on the winners. After the contest, there was a huge concert performed by The Scrantones, who performed the show’s theme song. Kate Flannery, who plays Meredith Palmer, joined the band and belted out various songs. “Scranton! There’s so many of you insane fans! You better all be here next year,” stated Flannery during her performance. November 2007 5 Falling Into Street Chic According to the major fashion magazines and designers, leather jackets, skinny jeans, black tights, high heels, ankle boots, and bulky sweaters are fall and winter’s new fashions. A rough jacket with skinny jeans and bright high heels are necessary if you really want to stand out. If fashion is a must but you need to be less extreme, you could wear wide leg jeans and platform shoes. If the leather jacket look is too bold for you, you could always wear a faux fur jacket. With anything this season, the more the better - the more fake fur you have on your jacket, the more of a presence you will have in a room. It’s a softer look in the street chic style. It’s also a better choice if you are going somewhere nice and don’t want to appear so casual. To look dressier, you should wear black tights with a baby doll dress from the summer. Top that off with your new coat, and your outfit will be complete with high-heeled shoes that match your dress. To dress down, you should wear those black tights with shorts and ankle boots. Wearing jewelry always makes an outfit complete. This season you should try wearing large pieces of jewelry called statement jewels. They make your outfit really ‘pop’. The bigger the jewels the greater the appeal. Having one big stone on your necklace makes it go with any outfit, but if you are petite don’t go for the longer necklaces. These will make you seem smaller, and look like you’re being dragged down. Round-faced people should not wear such large jewels either. Follow these fashion tips to be the prettiest girl on the block this season! Restaurant Review: El Campesino ¡Delícioso! - It Hits the Spot The Right Place for a Good Bite Staff Writer Staff Writer Bridget Stasenko Gina Nepa Melanie Hoffman Pulling into Waterdam Plaza, my friends and I see the all too familiar locations of Harry’s Pizza, Panera Bread, and Weight Watchers. We were looking for somewhere to eat that offers a variety of foods and snacks. That’s when we spotted the vibrant, eye-catching letters of El Campesino, Peters Township’s latest restaurant additions. Upon our arrival into the charming restaurant, we were greeted by friendly, accented staff and seated. Almost immediately, we were served with some of the most delicious homemade tortilla chips and salsa. The waiter was courteous, refusing to let our glasses of water get below the half empty line. After ordering, the food came out hot and within 10 minutes, making this stop fast and easy, but also tasty! My enchiladas were cooked perfectly: warm, but not too crunchy or soft. The meals come in such variety that you can buy one, two, or three course meals, along with offering snacks such as small quesadillas. This restaurant is perfect for students – the prices are affordable with an enormous plate full of enchiladas at only nine dollars. The Mexican food is also a great change of pace, leaving students craving more, and the atmosphere leaves you wanting to take a trip down south. ¡Vamanos! I venture into this quaint, Mexicanthemed eatery on a cool Monday evening. A perky mustached gentleman waits to seat me, selecting a small booth near the front to occupy my mother and me. I notice the young man’s accent almost immediately. This café-style environment sticks out among the Waterdam shops, featuring fancy lettering on the exterior to entice customers. I briskly sit down, set my napkin on my lap, and open the menu; I am ready to review the cuisine The flashy menu provides an exquisite variety. Whether one is in the mood for a quick, crunchy snack or a full-out three-course meal, El Campesino meets the demand. I select Enchiladas Verdez as my entrée, and am delighted with my choice once it arrives.. Chicken with guacamole sauce, sour cream, and rice satisfies my hunger. The menu offers a variety of options, including such choices as margaritas and vegetarian entrees. After leaving the restaurant with a full stomach, I questioned other people about their interpretations of the place. “The food’s always tasted kind of slimy to me,” explains sophomore, Megan Junker. “I definitely won’t be going back.” Varying drastically, tenth grader, Julianna Makrinos, “I’m obsessed with that restaurant; I get a different thing every time I go!” I side with Makrinos; we loved the overall atmosphere of the eatery and I am already planning future visits. So next time you are in the mood for a change of pace, head over to El Campesino. Its quick service and fun menu will be waiting. A Spicy Change to the Average Meal Staff Writer A variety of Mexican dishes, a soothing atmosphere, and sociable employees can be found at El Campesino. As I entered the endearing restaurant along with my friends, a friendly waiter greeted and immediately seated us. As we were sitting down, warm tortilla chips and fresh salsa were placed on the table. We were given menus and our drink orders were taken. The menu offered a variety of choices; one could get anything from a cup of chili to a platter of enchiladas. The drinks came quickly but it took a good amount of time before our food orders were placed. While waiting for our food to be cooked, they supplied us with unlimited amounts of tortilla chips and salsas, making the wait seem not so long. The restaurant was kept at a chilling temperature, which is good for a hot day but not for the middle of October. I ordered a chicken quesadilla, which came with rice and an assortment of toppings. Toppings such as, ripe, diced tomatoes, fresh lettuce, and sour cream were served with my quesadilla. It was warm and the cheese was mouth-wateringly melted over top. Finally after a scrumptious meal, the three of us exited the restaurant receiving mints and a cheerful good-bye. Overall, it was a magnificent experience and I would personally go back anytime.
  • 6. Homecoming 200 7 A “Magical” Time Katie Ellis Staff Writer “Of the Homecoming Dance, I have only two complaints,” said sophomore Taylor Lawrence. “Only two slow songs were played, and, for a Harry Potter themed dance, there was almost no Harry Potter stuff; the majority of the decorations were winter themed. Other than that, I thought that Homecoming was spectacular.” Junior Sarah Kradel enjoyed the dance as well, but for a different reason. “The cookies were amazing,” Kradel said. “Every time we went into the cafeteria I made sure that I grabbed one.” Along with Lawrence and Kradel, 782 other people attended Homecoming this October, 660 of which were part of a couple. Senior Johanna Paeplow remarked, “Homecoming was an excellent start to what will hopefully be a terrific senior year.” Pat Flaherty, a freshman, agreed and summed up Homecoming by adding, “Great friends, great food, and great music; it was the perfect combination.” Student council advisor Mrs. Brenda Lamb would like to thank the following people and organizations: Mike Allen and Kaitlyn Stroyne, this year’s king and queen; Redford Photography, for helping to make Homecoming more memorable for everyone in attendance; the twelve teachers and their spouses that volunteered to chaperone the dance; Matt Roma, the DJ, who made his first appearance; and of course, the Student Council, which includes officers Jeana DeNardo, Mackenzy Radolec, Alex Sam, Janel Carey, and Jordan Klaja, for taking the time to make all of the
  • 7. eek nW bb o Ri ed R Red Ribbon Week: Nat ional Grant Burkhardt A Tradit ion News Editor Photo by Grant Burkhardt Mr. Burns presents senior Jason Chiappino with a Red Ribbon button. Students were awarded with these pins for displaying respect throughout the school. The National Red Ribbon Campaign runs on the belief that one person can make a difference. PTHS once again played host to its own branch of Red Ribbon Week. The student organization Students Against Drugs (SAD), planned the local events of Red Ribbon Week; a five-day extravaganza which began on Monday, November 12 and continued through Friday, November 16. “Red Ribbon Week is meant to be an event to stop the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol,” said Kevin McEvoy, a SAD officer. “The role that SAD plays in Red Ribbon Week is to encourage all of Peters Township to participate and lead a life of good judgments.” Red Ribbon Week has a great message to send to the students at PTHS, who had the ability to get involved by “participating in our wacky theme week,” which used drug-free themes to allow students to dress up in crazy costumes. Each day of the week had a different theme in which the students participated. Monday was “Don’t Sleep on Drugs” (Pajama Day), Tuesday was “Sock it to Drugs” (Crazy Sock Day), Wednesday’s theme was “Put a Cap on Drugs” (Hat Day), Thursday was “Exercise your Right to be Drug Free” (Sportswear Day), and school spirit was shown off on Friday with a theme of red and white. The members of SAD were in charge of organizing what is always an exciting week for students. SAD advertised throughout the high school in the weeks preceding the festivities. “You will see flyers, hear announcements, and hear your friends talking about Red Ribbon Week and the wacky theme days that are associated”, McEvoy explained. As always, the week was full of excitement as students participated in the theme days while learning valuable life lessons along the way. The halls were full of off the wall clothes, incredible color, and a great sense of school spirit. Red Ribbon Week was a great learning experience and lots of fun.
  • 8. 8 Opinion November 2007 PTHS Smoke Signals Sleep Problems Surface in Students Ashley Czajkowski Co-Editor-in-Chief Students across the nation slowly rise each school day to the sound of their alarm buzzer, usually a mere seven hours after they went to sleep. For the most part, a student is up by 6:30 AM, on the way to school by 7:00 AM, and in class by 7:30 AM. Before Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb in 1879, people slept an average of 10 hours a night; today Americans average 6.9 hours of sleep on weeknights and 7.5 hours per night on weekends (NSF’s 2002 Sleep in America poll). Adolescents should obtain about nine hours of sleep per night; however, the majority could concur that this is not always the case. “I’m lucky if I can sleep for six hours,” remarked junior Kristen Gioella. “After going to club meetings, having volleyball practice for two hours, doing at least two hours of homework, and then studying, I’m relieved if I can get to bed anytime before midnight.” After taking these situations into consideration, it is not surprising how many students suffer from sleep deprivation or at least need some form of caffeine to get them going in the early morning hours. Sleep deprivation isn’t just something to be taken lightly; it has become one of America’s top health problems. It can be associated with the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, irritability, etc. However, weight loss/ gain and fainting are also indications of this problem. Although some of these situations may seem outlandish, they aren’t entirely implausible. One in four US high school students admit to falling asleep in class at least once a week, but even with all of the statistics out there, this problem will most likely remain unaltered. Suggestions such as a later start time for school has been made throughout districts, but then afterschool activities would run later; class time could be reduced, but this would prove insufficient as each period is already a mere forty-one minutes. Thus, it seems students will continue living with this problem for the next few months until summer vacation. Fishtank : Sleep Depravation Photo by Bridget Stasenko Senior, Clinton Amend, sleeps during a Scene day in broadcasting, when he was suppose to be looking for different techniques used to tape the movie Ratatouille. Renée Wunderlich Co-Editor in Chief Sleep Facts 60% of students are sleepy during the day and 30% fall asleep in class at least once a week. • Almost 1/3rd have trouble sleeping every night. • Lack of sleep leads to health problems; fatigue, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, shortened lifespan, suppressed immune systems and depression. • Almost 74% of all Americans do not get enough sleep each night. • Stephanie Nischmann Music: Links us Together, Sets us Apart Staff Writer With nearly 70 million iPod users worldwide, it’s no surprise that the iPod is a necessary accessory for most students. Whether it’s in their car, in the morning, in between classes, or any other time, students listen to their iPods daily. Although Chris Brown’s new hit, “Kiss, Kiss”, is the number one song on iTunes right now, students have other favorites. “My favorite song on my iPod is definitely ‘Apologize’ by One Republic,” said junior Abbey Ubinger. Although some students are into hard task. “I like my iPod so much because it has all the music on it that I want to listen to. I recently added Colbie Caillat and Hannah Montana,” said senior Alli Moore. With the ability to update your pod anytime you would like adds to the craze of the iPod. “I like a lot of different bands, but my favorite is Outcried Dilemma. It’s so much easier to have them, along with my other favorite bands, on my iPod because it keeps me “newer” songs, other students like the music from previous generations better. “Personally, I really like the music from the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. It just attracts me more than the same repetitive music they play today,” stated sophomore Meghan Manning. Students’ opinions about good music seem to differ but surveyed students have said that they have a great variety of songs on their iPods. With a selection of over 6 million songs available on iTunes, keeping your iPod updated with your favorite music isn’t a from having to carry around a million CDs,” said freshman Ricky Ghilani. “To me, music helps personalize you. You get a feel for what people are like by what kind of music they listen to,” said Abbey Ubinger. Surveyed students agree that music is another way that you can set yourself apart from other people. Although students’ interest in the iPod can link them together, the music they have uploaded on theirs can set them apart. “Personally, I really like the music from the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. It just attracts me more than the same repetitive music they play today,” –Meghan Manning, sophomore
  • 9. November 2007 Brian Lewis PTHS Opinion PowerSchool: The Bane of Students Free Time 9 Opinion Co-Editor Every single time a teacher mentions PowerSchool, it seems as if I am back in second or third grade. Sure the concept for PowerSchool is nice, students have the opportunity to check their grades for every assignment in every class. The problem is the parents being able to look at grades. In my experience, parents are prone to overreactions when they review grades. Although a student may know that in the long run a seven out of ten is not a horrible grade, a parent will look at, and take the grade out of context. All they will look at is the ‘C’ next to the ‘A’, and then proceed to freak out, and let’s not even mention what happens when someone gets a poor grade on a test. “Edline and PowerSchool are both horrible. Although it is nice to see my grade, I wish my mom couldn’t see anything except my overall class grade,” senior Alex Kocher stated. Parents do not need to see every single grade their child gets in a class. If anything, it can be counter-productive for everyone involved. I know when my mom looks at PowerSchool; she starts to harass me about every little grade that doesn’t measure up to her standards. All that should matter is what the current overall grade in a class is, not every individual grade. “I’m not a big fan of PowerSchool. I think students should track their own grades,” senior Jordan Klaja commented. It seems as if the school is intent upon babysitting the student body with their grades. After living in several different school districts, this is the only area where the parents of high school students are able to look at every single grade their child receives in every class. The last time that happened to me, I was in fifth grade, not high school. Now, I understand the school’s intentions. Plenty of kids hide those low grades from their parents, but if a parent is truly concerned, why can’t he or she just request for the teacher to send home the test or other graded work? It seems to me that would be the simplest solution. These issues with PowerSchool are compounded by problems that teachers have with using PowerSchool. Perhaps the biggest change with the switch from Edline to PowerSchool is the inability of teachers to post assignments on the site. There have been several different times when I forgot to write down my homework, and a simple check of Edline allowed me to find the assignment without frustration. This year if I forget my assignment, I’m in trouble if none of my friends are in the class. One of the other problems teachers have with PowerSchool is displaying the correct grade for students and parents to see. Due to the difficulties for teachers when they save grades, many students are unable to see their correct grade in a particular class. This can lead to a plethora problems when a parent sees that their child has a ‘C’ in a class, when in actuality the student has an ‘A’. Overall it seems like PowerSchool isn’t a very effective idea. From teachers rarely updating to parents getting a bit out of whack over the slightest inconsistency with grades, PowerSchool has failed on all levels. Perhaps it is time to look for a new solution, or even return to the old fashioned report card for grades. “Edline and PowerSchool are both horrible. Although it is nice to see my grade, I wish my mom couldn’t see anything except my overall class grade,” –Alex Kocher, senior Living in the Web of Unnecessary Drama Page Burris Staff Writer High school drama can change a teenager’s whole view on life. “I can’t wait to get out of high school because of all the unnecessary drama that goes around,” said sophomore Ashley Sherwin. Leaving parties because you despise someone that’s there, switching lunches because your exboyfriend or girlfriend is in it, going to guidance because you think nobody else can be trusted with what you have to say are just a few examples. Just because something seems so little to one person doesn’t mean it can’t mean the world to another. It’s small, unnecessary problems like these that students make issues bigger than they seem, but it’s a part of high school. People fight over the stupidest things; friends are decided over how you look or what sports you play, not based on your actual personality. Unlike in preschool, a time when a crayon is shared and a new friendship begins whereas in high school friends come and go. There are new situations that arise, such as going to parties with more going on than can be handled. At school, there are rumors being spread everywhere. Sometimes all that can be said is, “I didn’t do it,” and hope that people believe it. What everyone doesn’t realize is that if you don’t want to go to a party, don’t go. If someone asks you to do something and you don’t want to, don’t do it, because if they’re really your friend then it won’t matter. Everyone has a choice to make; it’s up to him or her to make the right one. However, rumors require a different plan of attack. “People may say one thing and mean another,” said Sophomore Mike Morford. Students get in fights all the time just because of a miscommunication. Maybe if students would talk issues out with the person they’re having a disagreement with, life would be a lot easier. In the end, things could be different if everyone made an effort. Halo 3: Pwning Noobs Dana Hoelle Staff Writer The game Halo 3 debuted on September 25, 2007. Halo 3 came out three years after Halo 2, so it wasn’t surprising that fans waited in line at midnight to buy the electrifying new game. Halo 3 builds upon the previous games in the franchise. The action takes place mostly on foot but also has segments that have vehicular combat. Halo 3 is a first-person shooter that follows the character Master Chief. It is based on Master Chief’s struggle against the Covenant and the Flood. Weapons, melee, and grenades are obtainable to the player to use during the game. All the weapons from the previous Halo 2, with power alterations, are also available in the series. Halo 3 also introduced “support weapons.” An example of this is flamethrowers, that limits the player’s normal combat options and slows them down. There are also items that have a variety of effects, such as, defensive effects or objects that blind the enemy. A player can carry only one of these weapons at a time. Halo 3 contains two different playing options, campaign and multiplayer. Campaign contains nine levels, which are based on the storyline of the Halo trilogy. Players can play with others via Xbox 360 Live, or by themselves. Instead of every player being a Spartan, the first player plays as Master Chief, the second player plays as the Arbiter, and the other players play as Elites. Each player has the same abilities, although the Arbiter and his Elites have different starting weapons. Halo 3 features a “campaign-scoring mode.” It is called the meta-game. The meta-game has a more competitive atmosphere with its cooperative play. Players are awarded extra points for defeating enemies during levels in campaign playing. You can lose points if you die or kill your own teammate. Multiplayer can have up to four people playing it via a split screen. Up to sixteen players can participate in these matches. “Halo 3 is such a fun game, I play it everyday. It’s basically the only thing I do in life,” said senior Jimmy Arillotta. Many people play Halo 3, it holds the record for the highest selling game in entertainment history ( This game is popular with adults and kids alike, which makes it one of the biggest video game crazes in recent memory. “I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t play Halo 3. It is such an enjoyable game to play,” said senior Greg Maronde. Like Greg, I enjoy pwning noobs on Halo 3, and you should too. SHE SAID HE SAID Brian Lewis Dating How do you ask someone out on a date? Ask in person a few days ahead, and make it sincere. The ideal What do you do to Take a shower, put some clothes on, and schmooze some money off the parents. Who Just flat out ask them. Don’t act nervous, because it really shows when you are. And do it in person! Just be casual and confident. first date is: Dinner at a real restaurant, not the mall food court, and then just somewhere that you will both enjoy. It doesn’t really matter. Who do you think pays? Alex Egan The truth is, it really doesn’t matter. It just has to be someplace where you can have fun, talk, and get to know each other better. As long as you’re able to have fun with each other any place will work! get ready? Some girls take hours and hours, but I just get ready as I normally would, and slap on a cute outfit. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard. pays? Whoever asked for the date. I’m pretty old fashioned, and I probably wouldn’t ask a guy out, so normally I would say the guy should pay. However, I think the girl should at least offer.
  • 10. 10 00 IAN IAN JACKSON Sports Extra Point Smoke Signals 01 TAYLOR RELICH Which NHL team is the best? IJ- I think the best team in the NHL this year is the Buffalo Sabres. They have gotten off to a rocky start, but they are most talented team in the league. They have a great mix of players, young and old. They have the deepest roster in the league for sure. TR- I definitely think that the Ottawa Senators are the best team in the NHL. They are 12-1, and are dominating in their division. They have been a force for the past couple seasons, and this is the year that they will finally go all the way and win the Stanley Cup. The Senators have proved their playoff prowess in the past, by knocking off the Penguins in the first round. IJ- The Senators are a very good team, but I don’t think they have the offensive firepower that the Sabres will have throughout the season. Stars such as Thomas Vanek, Maxim Afinogenov, Jochen Hecht, Derek Roy, and Brian Campbell carry their offense. The Senators are off to a great start, but the Sabres will finish on top. TR- The Senators are lead by Daniel Alfredsson, Dany Heatley, Mike Fisher, Jason Spezza, Wade Redden, and phenom Patrick Eaves. The Sabres are off to a bad start and I don’t think that things will get that much better. The Senators have the best 1-2 punch in the league at goalie, with Ray Emery and Martin Gerber, and the Sabres have let in way to many goals to win games. IJ- I agree that the Senators have two great goalies, but the Sabres aren’t hurting too bad themselves. Ryan Miller is one of the best young goalies in the league, and former Penguin’s goalie Jocelyn Thibault is one of the top backups in the NHL. The Sabres’ offense will definitely make up for any shakiness that the team has on defense. Their Defense isn’t that bad. Did I mention they have Maxim Afinogenov? The guy is amazing. TR- I agree that the Sabres are legitimate playoff contenders, but their record needs a whole lot of work before that can happen. They are both in the Northeast division, so we will see who prevails come playoff time. Bill Berry November 2007 Return to Glory Co-Sports Editor The Pittsburgh Penguins opened their 2007-2008 season with high hopes and expectations. The team is looking to build upon their success in 2007 with a trip to the Stanley Cup Finals. To achieve this goal, the Pens will turn to captain Sidney Crosby. Crosby is the reigning National Hockey League MVP and scoring leader. At only 20 years old, “Sid the Kid” is also the league’s biggest star. However, he won’t have to do it alone. He is surrounded by other young talents such as the 2006 NHL Rookie of the Year Evgeni Malkin, and 19-yearold phenom Jordan Staal. The Penguins also have many strong veteran players. Sergei Gonchar, Mark Recchi, and Gary Roberts are all proven playmakers. “I think their experience Ian Jackson will pay off down the road into the play offs,” said senior TJ Stipanovich. The Pens’ front office has done its part to help the team win the cup. The acquisition of Petr Sykora has already made a huge impact on the Penguins. Sykora is one of the top goal scorers on the team and has collected more than 250 career goals. The roster is also loaded with scrappy players and hustlers. One of these players is Maxime Talbot, who has begun to evolve into a legitimate scoring threat. The only question mark that remains is the goalie. Marc-Andre Fleury has shown signs of brilliance, but has also been ineffective at times. General Manager Ray Shero has tried to strengthen this by adding goalie Dany Sabourin to the team. The Penguins will face stiff competition in the Atlantic division. “It’s very, very close and very tight. There are a lot of good teams,” said GM Ray Shero (pittsburghpenguins. com). The New York Rangers, New York Islanders, New Jersey Devils, and the Philadelphia Flyers all have solid squads. Even though the road won’t be easy, fans are confident. “I think the Pens will definitely win the Stanley Cup; they have too much talent not to,” said senior Mike Moretti. Come support the Penguins at Mellon Arena as they attempt to reclaim their spot as one of the NHL’s best teams. Hockey Team Seeks Redemption Staff Writer In the past decade, the varsity hockey team has only known winning. They were State Champions in 2002, 2003, and 2005. They sported an overall record of 89-15-1, from 2001 through 2005. They had another pretty solid season in 2006, and then calamity struck. “It was a tough stretch for our team, but I think we are going back in the right direction,” head coach Rick Tingle stated. “The players we have want to win, and they want to have the fun that we had during the dynasty years.” The 2007 season was a disaster from the beginning. The team began the season with a 1-6-0 record and was immediately in the cellar of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League (PIHL). The team tried to bounce back by winning five of their next ten games, before going on to lose five of their final six. The forecast for this season, however, looks to be much brighter. They are led by freshman Jake Auchenbach, juniors Greg Jackson and Drew Williams, and senior Rob Hough. The team should greatly improve on last season’s poor performance. With the core of last year’s team back and hungry for redemption, this should be an interesting year. The addition of freshman forward, Jake Auchenbach, will be nothing short of huge for an offense that scored very inconsistently last season. The pre-season has gone fairly well for the team. They compiled a 3-2 record, while some players proved quickly to Coach Tingle that they could play. Auchenbach showed all the upperclassmen that he was going to be one of the team’s leading players. He scored three goals, while assisting three others. Junior Greg Jackson scored two goals and assisted another, despite missing one game. Senior captain, Robbie Hough, played well and was very happy about the direction the team is going. “I am proud to be the captain of this team. When we won our championships, I was just a freshman, but now I want to win and play a big role in it. I think we have a good crew,” Hough said. One setback during the season was the injury of key player, junior Eric Zalewski. Zalewski was injured during the game against Elizabeth Forward. Zalewski collided with teammate Paul Henney and that resulted in a concussion. He has had five concussions in the past two years. He is expected to miss a big chunk of the season, but is still hoping to be a major contributor when he returns. “I may be out now, but I am working hard. I really want to get back on the ice and be a better player than I ever was before,” Zalewski said. “It is hard not playing with my teammates, but when I get back I think we will all be on the same page.” This is going to be an exciting season for a team that has much to prove. They want to get back to where they were during the dynasty years, and they seem to have the talent to regain that form. “This is going to be an interesting year. I don’t know if we are good enough to win it all, but we could be really good. I hope this year at least gets us on the right track for the future and it’d be nice to win the Cup along the way. It is going to be really interesting,” said junior defenseman Drew Williams. Pinned Down, but Hoping to Rebound Brendan Sikora Staff Writer This year, the wrestling team is looking much better than the previous season. Several wrestlers are coming back for their junior and senior wrestling seasons. The wrestlers have been preparing in the off-season not only by wrestling, but running and lifting weights as well. “I’m ready to pin and win this season,” stated junior Nick Ceccarelli. This is a common theme among the wrestlers - they are full of confidence and focused on winning. The program appears to be turning around, and their hard work is beginning to show. “I’m really looking forward to helping the team out,” stated sophomore Jeff D’Abarno. The upcoming sophomores will add to the team talent level. They will offer more than just practice partners and being able to fill positions for the roster. Last season there wasn’t much to build on due to a lack of participation with the athletes. There were only about 16 wrestlers on the varsity team starting out during the 06-07 season. However, some quit or were out with injuries and infections for periods ranging from days to weeks. This damaged the team’s unity and confidence. The point deficit was nearly impossible to overcome. In recent years, the Indians haven’t had the largest roster, and yet compete against teams with over 30 wrestlers with them. Coach Dale Murdoch is once again the varsity team’s head coach. He has been coaching the Indians for the past three seasons after taking a break from coaching the middle school team. All together, Coach Murdoch has over fifteen years of wrestling coaching experience. “Wrestling is a great sport that challenges students in extreme conditions both physically and mentally,” said Murdock.
  • 11. November 2007 Sports Sports Briefs Justice is Served...Sometimes Averi Clements The NFL is finally taking notice of the penalties and crimes that have been occurring amongst its players. However, the league still has a great deal of work to do. A major issue among NFL fans is the implementation of fines that are placed on players for “excessive or offensive celebration” when a touchdown is scored. Many celebrations that were at one point enjoyed by fans and teammates alike are now exempt from games for fear of fines expressed both in dollars and in yards. For example, Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens was fined $7,500 for a touchdown celebration that involved using the football as a prop to mock the Patriots’ filming Staff Writer scandal. Although $7,500 is a mere slap on the wrist in comparison to the large salaries that professional football players make, it is usually accompanied by an additional 15-yard penalty during the game. “15 yards is a pretty big number. It could mean the difference between a win and a loss. It’s crazy that you get pushed back more yards for celebrating a bit than for a false start,” commented junior Zack Malanos. Many players are fined lesser amounts for low, dangerous hits on other players. Although the NFL recently enacted a rule that prohibits excessive celebration, not all players that dance in the end zone are being punished. “I’ve seen plenty of touchdowns that could contain ‘excessive or offensive celebration’. I don’t understand why only half of those players are getting penalized and the other half are left alone,” said freshman Sean Hardy. One such example is the famous ‘Lambeau Leap’, invented in 1993 by LeRoy Butler of the Green Bay Packers. The celebration, named after Green Bay’s Lambeau Field, involves the scoring player jumping into the air – and into the arms of his screaming fans. One would expect a rather hefty fine for such a dangerous act, but such a penalty has thus far been exempt. Many football fans are questioning the NFL’s judgement. The inconsistencies are being credited to everything from racism to overall ignorance on the part of the NFL staff. One thing is for certain: the NFL needs to rethink its priorities. Stewart Leads Golf Team to Another Solid Season Taylor Relich Staff Writer Jon Stewart, a senior on the PT Varsity Golf Team, has quietly strived this season to lead his team to the top. Although he moved to Peters Township only a year ago, and is a first year varsity player, he has made a profound impact on the team. “Jon’s attitude and competitiveness contributed to the overall success of the team,” said senior captain Grant Burkhardt. Stewart, the unforeseen leader of the 2007 Indians’ golf team, was not a captain, but was the one Indian that made it to the PIAA Individual State Tournament. In addition to his individual accomplishments, Stewart also led the team to the WPIAL finals. “Jon Stewart has been a great addition to the PTHS golf program. He has shown all of the characteristics of a toplevel player and has carried on the PTHS tradition of high achievement at the WPIAL and PIAA levels. He is mature, focused, and tremendous under pressure. Jon has proven to be a role model for his teammates and has set a standard for competitiveness, toughness, and personal integrity that all of our players should emulate,” said head boys golf coach David Kuhn. Stewart’s play during the matches was stellar, shooting 77, 79, 82, 76, 75, and 83 during the six rounds of the individual tournament. Stewart was both an emotional leader and a role model. “I am just glad that I could help the team out when we were in tough spots,” said Stewart. He proved to be instrumental in some of the team’s key wins over Mt. Lebanon, Bethel Park, and other section opponents. Perhaps the most important reason why the golf team will miss having a player like Jon Stewart on the team is because he came through for his team in high- pressure situations. The golf team had yet another solid year this year, with a record of 17-2 overall and a section record of 10-2. The team qualified for the WPIAL team playoffs this year, first playing at Krendale Golf Club, and then advancing to the WPIAL final where they placed second overall with an 18- hole team score of 398. Back and Better Than Ever: PT Soccer Takes a Stand in Playoffs Jordan Dent Co-Sports Editor According to PIAA tournament guidelines, the boys’ bracket takes the top three teams, so the boys’ soccer team has earned a spot in the state contest. The girls’ bracket, however, takes the top six, so the Lady Indians soccer team has also gained a place in the running for the state title. Both the boys and girls played on November 6. The boys defeated Altoona 6-0 at Richland High School, while the girls beat Upper St. Clair at North Hills. Starting with the WPIAL championship and working down to the first round, here is how WPIAL playoffs played out for the PT soccer teams. The WPIAL championship game took place on November 3. The Indians took on the Black Hawks of Bethel Park on the chilly fall evening. At the start of the game, the boys found themselves in the same position as last year- same venue, same opponent, same prize. After two hard halves of racing, shooting, and blocking, regulation play ended in a 0-0 tie. Unfortunately, BP took advantage of an open shot opportunity to win the title by a mere score of 0-1. In previous playoff action, the boys’ team played a semi-finals match against Chartiers Valley who went into the game at 15-5-0. The Colts scored early, but Cody Partyka put one in the net for PT to tie the game 1-1 at the end of regulation. Overtime began, but the boys didn’t want any part of the tie and Mark Majoras sailed one past the CV goalie to earn another win and another trip to Elizabeth Forward to play the long-awaited meeting against rival, Bethel Park. On the road to semis, both teams took place at West Allegheny on October Mark Lacy leads the offensive charge as the indians prevail in the state semi finals at Pine Richland. The Indians won 3-0 placing them in the State Finals at Hershey, PA. 25. The girls lost their momentum against Seneca Valley (14-3-1), who would later go on to win the WPIAL title. Even after a goal by Lauren Ray late in the second half, they ran out of time and lost a disappointing 2-1. Later than night, behind a shut-out by Ryan Koepka, 2 goals from Shane Pruitt, and another from Christian Brandstetter, the Indians eliminated Fox Chapel (13-3-4) with a final score of 3-0. Playoffs began, despite the wind and rain, on October 23 and both the boys and girls teams pulled out home wins. A perfect game in goal and a great offense led the girls to a 4-0 victory against Oakland Catholic (810-2). The boys took on North Allegheny (8-10-2) in a very physical match. The offense gained control and scored three on NA’s defense. Even though the Tigers managed to get a goal past the Indians, they didn’t have enough to press through to win, leaving the game with a 3-1 loss to PT. 11 Boys’ Soccer State Finals!!! Regular season record of 17-1-2 Playoff record of 6-1 Regular Girls’ Soccer Regular season record of 20-0-0 Playoff record of 2-2 Field Hockey Regular season record of 8-3-1 in section 0-1 in playoffs Boys’ Golf 12-2 in section WPIAL Runner-Up Jon Stewart shot 75, 83 in PIAA tournament- 32nd place Girls’ Golf 11-1 in section WPIAL Runner-Up Lauren Hammell shot 81, 82 in PIAA tournament- 17th place Girls’ Tennis Regular season record of 12-0 in section Playoff record of 1-1 Julie Stroyne and Emily Palko won state doubles championship Football Final record of 3-6, 2-4 in section Volleyball Final record of 2-10 in section
  • 12. Voices in the Hall PTHS November 2007 Smoke Signals What is your Thanksgiving Day tradition? Dave DeBee ‘08 “I’m going to my grandma’s house to spend time with my family.” Conor McNamara ‘09 “I will eat a lot, a lot of food.” Theresa Peranteau ‘10 “My family does the turkey trot and my cousins come for a great Thanksgiving Day Feast.” Justin Feeny ‘11 “I watch football with my family after eating all of the good food.” What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? Laura Sunday ‘08 “I don’t really have a favorite, I eat Kelly Flanigan ‘09 “um, mashed potatoes, I guess” everything. Plus my mom doesn’t usually cook that much.” Jeff Miller ‘10 “I love bread and white meat, or really dark meat.” Michael Carbonara ‘11 “Turkey and mashed potatoes and all that meaty stuff fit for a real man!” The Teachers’ Turkey Days Mr. Wood Mrs. Beckjord “Chocolate Mousse” P T “Homemade Pumpkin pie with cool whip” Mrs. Boni “Having thanksgiving at my house so that I can have my and my husbands family together once a year.” Minute the “I just like having my family home” Ms. Pollard Katie Fitzgerald ‘08 Mike Stenger ‘08 Describe a few of your Thanksgiving day Traditions. My grandma brings over pumpkin pie and we all watch football. Describe a few of your Thanksgiving day traditions. Stuffing the turkey What do you plan on doing over break? Spend the day at the dollar theater and sleep Where do you usually spend your holiday? At home with my family Pilgrim or Indian? ...Why? Indian, I like the feathers Are you a Black Friday shopper? For Sure If you were to design a float for the Macy’s Day Parade, what would it be? Any memorable Thanksgiving moments? None that I can remember A giraffe dressed as a turkey 12