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Looking back over 2013
In 2013 we at strategic planning in DDB decided to better understand how outside
forces influence the brands we work with . We translated key categories of our clients
into cultural notions and observed past, current and emerging behaviour for better
If I summarize the key take out from 2013 that would be assuming more responsibility
for one’s own life. That is reflected in writing your own story and starting your own
business if you are a young adult, building your family because you want to and the way
you want if you are more mature, assuming more responsibility for your pet, whether is
it your own or a homeless pet from the shelter, assuming responsibility for your own
body, the home, the city and the country you live in. This was manifested in different
ways, sometimes rather aggressive, but still it means that people are not indifferent any
Overall we became a little bit more responsible for those who we love in 2013. And I
sincerely hope this will continue in the next years to come.
Irina Kulikova & strategic planning department of DDB
Young Adults
Health & Beauty
Urban Culture
Young Adults
Young Adults

A start-up in any field
is easy as pie

Young adults (18-24 y.o.) in Russia are
the same as in other countries: they
feel unique and are sure that the world
turns around them. Experience is the
new understanding of status.

Creativity moving
from hobby to a job

Parents define
your career
If earlier, their parents played the
major role in their future, now they are
not afraid to decide it for themselves.
Firstly, there was a boom of
commercialized creative hobbies. Now
creativeness is important not for the
product but for the idea: in 2013 there
organized by young people than ever.





YA want to be unique
77% of Russian young adults think
they are unique. They consider
themselves to be special and act like
celebrity stars.

Source: Johnson Partners 2012
Creative hobbies bring profit
Creativity always was the best way
for YA to express themselves and
40% of them consider themselves as
creative. But in the new digital world
their hobbies become something
more: you can sell your hand-made
jewelry on mini-fairs in anti-cafes,
take money for ads on your culinary
channel on YouTube or create a
public in Vkontakte to sell your
service as a photographer.

Source: Johnson Partners 2012
Boom of start-ups
With the belief of YA in themselves
and the opportunities of student
crowdsourcing, the amount of young
people with a start-up has grown by
leaps and bones. Trendy barbershops
or new art cafes are being opened by
creative and bold people.

Clothes brand
It is cool to manage your own
finance. The YA choose the cheapest
not because they don’t have money,
but because it is smart and
progressive. And the new services
are helping the YA to save money:
low-cost plane tickets, free living via
couchsurfing, special apps with
coupons, free stuff for check-ins on
foursquare and many others.

Not long legs or athletic constitution!
Smartness – that is what does really
attract in opposite sex

Popular TV series
where geeks get hot girls

Magazines of Park Gorkogo with
educational topics

Novels & Poems on your devices
YA don’t take life too serious and
also believe in their perfect sense of
style. That’s why mixing expensive
and mass brands, a finance career
and online shop for hand-made soap,
getting a hair-cut and enjoying a
good dessert is an everyday thing.

Workshop + bar

Beauty-salon + cafe

Dodo restaurant: mix of
Fighting for their rights
Politics are not the main field of
interest of YA, but that doesn’t mean
that they are socially passive. They
value openness and are not afraid to
state their opinion and are ready to
fight for their rights.
Social maternity
The traditional model ‘you are adult
enough and it’s time to build a family’
is .going into the past (though the topic
is exaggerated by media &
There are no more ‘musts’ - it is a
very conscious choice. It’s only you
who decide how & when it happens
(and no matter if you are a 20 y.o.
tattooed punk or a business-lady in
your mid 30-ies).
And giving birth doesn’t mean the end
(or big pause) of your social life, it now
opens new ways of social
communication and can put you in the
center of new opportunities …

Family as I want

Family as they



“Build a family!” push
Media and government continue pushing the family
values by establishing new traditions and financial
support. Still, number of divorces is very high.

Source: GKS, 2012

of couples
Officially safe childhood
The government tries to protect our children from everything
leaving just a few space for them in the big media world

Special Domen for
Family as you want to
But now there are less ‘musts’ and
more ‘wants’. You are the one to
decide how and when to build your
family and it will leave you much
independency - both due to modern
gadgets and changing attitude.
Feeling more responsible for what’s
happening in their lives makes people
work more on relationships and not
forget themselves in the routine.

Simple weddings

Self-expression does not stop

On vacation with baby

Radio nanny

Relationships training
Beware, modern parents!
Parents go online all over Russia.
They know all the new trends, they
lead blogs, sign up a page for their
children on Instagram and have
accounts on Vkontakte.
Digital help for parents
Being a parent is a hard job. That’s
why the new digital possibilities
(special apps, online government
services or easy Internet shopping,
e.g.) make life much easier for them.

Applying for marriage online

Map with places for
children: doctors, food

“Call your parents” app:
Reminds of keeping in touch with
Educational apps for children
The number of mobile apps and games for children in Russia is fast
growing and will continue to increase. Angry birds is not the children's’
limit anymore, parents start to pay attention to the educational content.
In November a new tablet designed specially for children was launched Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kid.

Microsoft project
New Russian company
- Indigo Kids
Young mothers make money
Personalized gifts made specially for
your loved ones are very popular. That’s
why a lot of women (especially young
mothers) begin their start-ups via
Internet or special markets to rise some
money from their hobbies.
Social maternity
No more ‘stay at home mom’! Being a
opportunities for a woman: ‘closed’
clubs, special communities in social
networks or just getting new friends.

Social project about Modern Maternity

Instagram page for baby

Mothers Day + Mothers Market

“Woman’s club”
Beauty-salon with children’s entertainment

Mothers in Instagram
Social responsibility
for animals
Having a pet is a very common thing
among Russians - 3 out of 4 have
one. Nowadays the role of pets is
changing dramatically. They are less
viewed as symbols of style &
wellness, less expected to perform a
function (safety).
They become the members of the
society and true friends who deserve Breeds show off
a better life.

Source: mIndex, 2012/2

Pets integration
into society


Pets are welcome in social
Pets can also have social life!
More and more cafes doors are being
open for pets. There are even special
restaurants just for dogs, where they
can have a tasty meal and meet new
And more clothes and
accessories appear for dogs to wear
our of home.

Groom Room café for pets

Exhibition about & for dogs
Grooming and fitness for pets
Dog grooming salons and special
health centers for pets continue to
open in different Russian cities so
your pet can get a nice haircut,
practice its fitness or enjoy a
relaxing massage.

Spa-salon for pets

“Fitness” for pets

Dental service for dogs
Animals win more digital space
Is your dog signed up for an account in a Social
Network? Does your cat spend it’s evening,
enjoying a “catch-a-mouse” game on your
iPad? Pets now should be in the center of online
Running together is more fun!
With all the marathons, motivating
apps, development of parks, running
is becoming the favorite sport of
Russians. If it’s so good for your
body, why not take your dog to train
as well?
Fooling around with your cat
Cats usually were seen as the more
boring ones than dogs. Well, look at
them now!

Colonel Meow


The growing need to care
The breed is not so important as 10
years ago. People are very proud to
find a new friend in the shelter for
pets and help the homeless animals.
No more mess from dogs!
Having a pet is becoming ecofriendly as the culture of cleaning up
after your pet develops
Health & Beauty
Health & Beauty
Beauty as
a life-style
Russians become more responsible
for their health. Photos from gyms
in social networks gain more likes
than ones from nightclubs!

•Sport as a
main hobby &
•Back to nature

People begin to do more sports and
become really attentive in what they
consume on the daily basis.

Smoking & Drinking
is hot
Pushkin is eternal with his “A man
can yet keep nail-care much in
mind”, but today keeping yourself
good-looking has become much
easier and fits even the craziest



Sport is the main hobby
Sport is becoming very important – 53% of Russians do it. Everybody seems to enjoy their time at
the gym, go to all the marathons and drink protein


Free metro ticket for 30 squats
Natural and organic power
Russian products with very specific
local ingredients gain popularity,
become premium and go for export.

Small European brands also appear in
Moscow outlets offering premium and
eco-safe goods – e.g. selective
perfumery with only good for nature
Eco ethical drogerie ‘Cosmotheca’
builds the chain in Moscow
Simple & Natural beauty
Minimum make up and focusing on
peculiarities to express your real
Youth is a must-have
Being old is old school. Fighting for
youth starts early.
Hair obsession
Hair is the new first impression:
places with only men hair cuts or
only women hairdo are opening

Chop-Chop – barbershop for

Annie Hall – only for women

Fan Bar – only hair styling
Male beauty for real men
Taking much care of the way you
look can also be masculine
No more hunting for rare!
Rare cosmetics & beauty goods are
brought to Russia not only by
enthusiasts but also by big chains
Multifunctional beauty
The beauty-salons should now be called “Everything-you-want”-salons. Special
room for children with a baby-sitter, lectures about massages and tea, parties –
with all these activities you can forget about getting a haircut!

‘Shegol” barber shop
with lectures and master-classes

‘Tasty place” yoga-centre
with English-lessons and vocal

‘Quickly” fan-bar
with hair-styling and special

Digital city

As the cities develop and become
“smarter”, more and more facilities
are being offered for the people and
the more opened and ready for new
opportunities they become.

2012 was remembered by the rapid
development of the parks and bike
culture within different cities. In
2013 a lot of new apps and online
services are created to make the
citizens’ life easier.

•Entertainment for
•Park & Bikes boom

Dominance of
private events



Urban renovation
comfortable for life and more modern

New pedestrian zones

Government services of fast urban
problem solutions

City navigation

Lane for public transport
Park boom
Parks are the new favorite place of
citizens to spend their leisure time.
And not only because of nature: all
the are being filled with new facilities
and are hosts to awesome urban
events. Free Wi-Fi, bike rentals,
summer cinemas, food and musical
festivals – just choose!

Park news paper

Festival in Samara

Open-air yoga lessons
Citizens participate in eco
This year is rich for special
ecological events: volunteers clean
the parks and forests from rubbish,
give children lessons about how to
save nature. Furthermore, the culture
of recycling is developing in schools
and Universities as well.

City sabbatarian

Recycling in MSU
Initiative citizens
Now people prefer not to wait for
somebody to change their life, they
actually act for themselves

Volunteers escort girls for their

District blogs map

Sign: “Enough of destroying our

Demonstration for public control of
museums’ reconstruction
Exploring the city
As the city is developing and the
citizens are becoming more active,
the social media experienced, a
sight-seeing boom occurs. Blogs
about your districts and cities,
everything helps when it comes to
knowing your city.

“Interesting Moscow” Public Vk
Excursion offer

Free Moscow tours

Lecture about the tallest building
in city
Festival mania
Cities connect people on the base of
their interests: an enormous amount
of food / music / graffiti festivals are
taking place
City decoration with graffiti
More often you can see beautiful
street art made by graffiti artists.
The government now sees this not as
vandalism, but as an easy and
convenient way to make the city look
better and often even organizes
special projects to make the city
more beautiful.
“Graffiti-help” project in Moscow

“City of a dream” graffiti
project in Nizhny
Positive energy in all Russian cities
Just a while ago it seemed as everybody copies Moscow and St.Petersburg and wish to move there. Now it becomes obvious that
the positive energy is in other cities as well and sometimes even
the major ones could learn something from them. E.g. In Rostovna-Donu a little group of enthusiasts managed to organize the first
urbanistic festival with a food market, recycling classes, open-air
cinema etc.
Own signs for cities
Russian cities develop and form a unique image for their citizens
and tourists. Following the example of Moscow, they all are
looking for a perfect logo to match their style.
Digital urbanism
It becomes easier to live in &
explore the Russian cities.
Navigation, information, routes and
history are in one’s smartphone.

Pedestrians are cool

The car was traditionally a symbol of
success for Russians. The bigger and
cooler is your car, the more you are
considered to be awesome.
But now other values come to the
fore. People think more about fuel
economy, they start to appreciate
convenience of using additional
digital devices.

on wheels

Make my car

The role of pedestrians is changing
as well: they are now getting even
more possibilities than the drivers.



Status proof

Almost every second car is bought in
credit in 2013. “Entry points cars”
from expensive brands are in high
demand. Regardless of their budget,
Russians want their car to be filled
with touchable innovative features
Computer on wheels

People want to put as many gadgets
as they can in their cars. Even
economy class cars and compacts
now have many innovative features
(multimedia, navigation, identification
of blind spots, a speakerphone, an
iPod, and etc.)
Music system

Smart consumption

Russians are becoming slightly more
rational and economical. People do
think about the cost of fuel but they
are still status conscious– that’s why
a lot of Russians prefer big cars with
small engines.

Disel engine
Being a pedestrian is cool

Now being a pedestrian is really
convenient due to the upgrade of
public transport, intercept parking
system and special apps for them,
the development of the taxi apps.

New 2-floor public transport

Intercept parking near the metro

App about
intercept parking

Over 40k legal taxis


The food sector experienced a big
wave of specialization: special places
only for sausages or cupcakes
opened. Pompous restaurants with
various menu are not popular
anymore, people prefer everything
simple and minimalistic.
Furthermore, as people started to be
more responsible for their health,
they began to prefer healthier food,
so the farm and organic products in
2013 are growing in popularity and

Back to nature




Back to nature
People are looking for the alternative
to mass market “factory-made” and
unnatural products

• Products from farm
• Organic food shops
• Products from Belarus
New status of Street-food
If earlier street-food was positioned
only for a quick launch, now it
became a serious competitor to
restaurant-format places.

“Crabs are coming”

“Durum Durum”

“Meat point”
Restaurants specialize on one
Simplicity is the key to genius – you take one
product and get maximum taste and
usefulness from it. That’s why a lot of new
places make a very limited range of products
(sometimes even only one!), but they make
them perfectly.

“The Burger Brothers”


“Ess-Thetic”. Sausages.
Food markets & festivals help
As we have already stated in the
Young Adults Section, creating a
start-up is now fun and easy,
especially in the restaurant sector.
You just need to have a good idea
and lots of enthusiasm and go find
investors on the numerous food
markets and festivals.

Food market “Mestnaya eda”


One of the participants –

Moscow gastronomic festival

Another succesful participant
“Durum Durum”
Mobile café formats
New commerce forms open on the
restaurant market to make your meal
fast and comfortable: mobile-food
bikes and cars, to-go windows in net
Ingredients delivery
Being a housewife in a big city is hard,
you never have enough time for going to
the supermarket, deciding what to cook.
decided to help you out – you choose
the recipes you like and they deliver all
the ingredients to your door.
It’s now all about eating it in a fancy


The social media boom has already
passed: maximum social networks
recorded in 2011.
2012 was the year of double screens,
81% Smartphone owners in Russia
used their device while watching TV.
Now the digital sphere is getting
more integrated with everyday life
via apps. They are aimed to make
everything easy – would it be
shopping for a new purse or watching
a theatre play online.

Double screen

Boom of social



Source: TNS Web-Index, ComScore, Johnson Partners 2013


One device is not enough
Russians started to use several
devices at one time: enjoying a game
on the TV screen they check mail on
their Smartphone and learn facts
about the players on a tablet. 81%
Smartphone owners in Russia use
their device while watching TV.

Source: TNS Web-Index, ComScore, 2013
App obsession
Apps are successfully integrated into
everyday life, helping you shop, plan
holidays or find your way around the
city. Growth of mobile applications
market in Russia estimates 265%. In
the previous categories you can find
numerous examples of new Russian
New app for young mothers

Contest for the best urban app
Source: Johnson Partners 2013
City tips for disabled ones
Smartphones make shopping
Smartphones are now your best
friends for shopping: they can be
used to look up the best offers or get
discounts. Services that allow you to
find goods and compare their prices
are very popular among Smartphone
users, 46% of Russians use them.
The freshest ones offer you gifts for
points (ShopPoints) or help you to
find an item you want by posting a
photo (Slyce).

Theatres go digital
The Internet is used to make Art
more accessible and also bring
Russians all around the world to the
theatrical life of Moscow and
St.Petersburg. Now you can buy
tickets to the online broadcast
performances on the web-site of the
Mayakovskiy theatre or download an
app that will help you choose which
play to visit next.

Online translation of
theatre plays

App “Theatre”
Information about theaters and
Media asceticism
Conscious refuse of modern gadgets
and load of information coming from
web and especially social networks
Thank you!

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Trend Mill 2013

  • 2. Looking back over 2013 In 2013 we at strategic planning in DDB decided to better understand how outside forces influence the brands we work with . We translated key categories of our clients into cultural notions and observed past, current and emerging behaviour for better insight. If I summarize the key take out from 2013 that would be assuming more responsibility for one’s own life. That is reflected in writing your own story and starting your own business if you are a young adult, building your family because you want to and the way you want if you are more mature, assuming more responsibility for your pet, whether is it your own or a homeless pet from the shelter, assuming responsibility for your own body, the home, the city and the country you live in. This was manifested in different ways, sometimes rather aggressive, but still it means that people are not indifferent any longer. Overall we became a little bit more responsible for those who we love in 2013. And I sincerely hope this will continue in the next years to come. Irina Kulikova & strategic planning department of DDB
  • 3. Contents Young Adults Family Pets Health & Beauty Urban Culture Cars Food Digital
  • 5. Young Adults A start-up in any field is easy as pie 2013 Young adults (18-24 y.o.) in Russia are the same as in other countries: they feel unique and are sure that the world turns around them. Experience is the new understanding of status. Creativity moving from hobby to a job Parents define your career If earlier, their parents played the major role in their future, now they are not afraid to decide it for themselves. Firstly, there was a boom of commercialized creative hobbies. Now creativeness is important not for the product but for the idea: in 2013 there were more innovative start-ups organized by young people than ever. 2011 2000+ Declining Dominant Emerging
  • 6. YA want to be unique 77% of Russian young adults think they are unique. They consider themselves to be special and act like celebrity stars. Source: Johnson Partners 2012
  • 7. Creative hobbies bring profit Creativity always was the best way for YA to express themselves and 40% of them consider themselves as creative. But in the new digital world their hobbies become something more: you can sell your hand-made jewelry on mini-fairs in anti-cafes, take money for ads on your culinary channel on YouTube or create a public in Vkontakte to sell your service as a photographer. Source: Johnson Partners 2012
  • 8. Boom of start-ups With the belief of YA in themselves and the opportunities of student business incubators and crowdsourcing, the amount of young people with a start-up has grown by leaps and bones. Trendy barbershops or new art cafes are being opened by creative and bold people. Clothes brand
  • 9. Deal-hunters It is cool to manage your own finance. The YA choose the cheapest not because they don’t have money, but because it is smart and progressive. And the new services are helping the YA to save money: low-cost plane tickets, free living via couchsurfing, special apps with coupons, free stuff for check-ins on foursquare and many others.
  • 10. Sapiosexuals Not long legs or athletic constitution! Smartness – that is what does really attract in opposite sex Popular TV series where geeks get hot girls Magazines of Park Gorkogo with educational topics Novels & Poems on your devices
  • 11. Fusionists YA don’t take life too serious and also believe in their perfect sense of style. That’s why mixing expensive and mass brands, a finance career and online shop for hand-made soap, getting a hair-cut and enjoying a good dessert is an everyday thing. Workshop + bar Beauty-salon + cafe Dodo restaurant: mix of cuisines
  • 12. Fighting for their rights Politics are not the main field of interest of YA, but that doesn’t mean that they are socially passive. They value openness and are not afraid to state their opinion and are ready to fight for their rights.
  • 14. Family Social maternity The traditional model ‘you are adult enough and it’s time to build a family’ is .going into the past (though the topic is exaggerated by media & government). There are no more ‘musts’ - it is a very conscious choice. It’s only you who decide how & when it happens (and no matter if you are a 20 y.o. tattooed punk or a business-lady in your mid 30-ies). And giving birth doesn’t mean the end (or big pause) of your social life, it now opens new ways of social communication and can put you in the center of new opportunities … Family as I want Family as they want Declining Dominant Emerging
  • 15. “Build a family!” push 50% Media and government continue pushing the family values by establishing new traditions and financial support. Still, number of divorces is very high. Source: GKS, 2012 of couples divorce
  • 16. Officially safe childhood The government tries to protect our children from everything leaving just a few space for them in the big media world Special Domen for children
  • 17. Family as you want to But now there are less ‘musts’ and more ‘wants’. You are the one to decide how and when to build your family and it will leave you much more personal space and independency - both due to modern gadgets and changing attitude. Feeling more responsible for what’s happening in their lives makes people work more on relationships and not forget themselves in the routine. Simple weddings Self-expression does not stop On vacation with baby Radio nanny Relationships training
  • 18. Beware, modern parents! Parents go online all over Russia. They know all the new trends, they lead blogs, sign up a page for their children on Instagram and have accounts on Vkontakte.
  • 19. Digital help for parents Being a parent is a hard job. That’s why the new digital possibilities (special apps, online government services or easy Internet shopping, e.g.) make life much easier for them. Applying for marriage online Map with places for children: doctors, food etc. “Call your parents” app: Reminds of keeping in touch with them
  • 20. Educational apps for children The number of mobile apps and games for children in Russia is fast growing and will continue to increase. Angry birds is not the children's’ limit anymore, parents start to pay attention to the educational content. In November a new tablet designed specially for children was launched Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kid. Microsoft project “Kid-Erudite” New Russian company - Indigo Kids
  • 21. Young mothers make money Personalized gifts made specially for your loved ones are very popular. That’s why a lot of women (especially young mothers) begin their start-ups via Internet or special markets to rise some money from their hobbies.
  • 22. Social maternity No more ‘stay at home mom’! Being a mother opens new social opportunities for a woman: ‘closed’ clubs, special communities in social networks or just getting new friends. Mama_Mamam Social project about Modern Maternity Instagram page for baby Mothers Day + Mothers Market “Woman’s club” Beauty-salon with children’s entertainment Mothers in Instagram
  • 23. Pets
  • 24. Pets Social responsibility for animals Having a pet is a very common thing among Russians - 3 out of 4 have one. Nowadays the role of pets is changing dramatically. They are less viewed as symbols of style & wellness, less expected to perform a function (safety). They become the members of the society and true friends who deserve Breeds show off a better life. Declining Source: mIndex, 2012/2 Pets integration into society Dominant Emerging
  • 25. Pets are welcome in social places Pets can also have social life! More and more cafes doors are being open for pets. There are even special restaurants just for dogs, where they can have a tasty meal and meet new friends. And more clothes and accessories appear for dogs to wear our of home. Groom Room café for pets Exhibition about & for dogs
  • 26. Grooming and fitness for pets Dog grooming salons and special health centers for pets continue to open in different Russian cities so your pet can get a nice haircut, practice its fitness or enjoy a relaxing massage. Spa-salon for pets “Fitness” for pets Dental service for dogs
  • 27. Animals win more digital space Is your dog signed up for an account in a Social Network? Does your cat spend it’s evening, enjoying a “catch-a-mouse” game on your iPad? Pets now should be in the center of online life!
  • 28. Running together is more fun! With all the marathons, motivating apps, development of parks, running is becoming the favorite sport of Russians. If it’s so good for your body, why not take your dog to train as well?
  • 29. Fooling around with your cat Cats usually were seen as the more boring ones than dogs. Well, look at them now! Colonel Meow Catman Catbeard
  • 30. The growing need to care The breed is not so important as 10 years ago. People are very proud to find a new friend in the shelter for pets and help the homeless animals.
  • 31. No more mess from dogs! Having a pet is becoming ecofriendly as the culture of cleaning up after your pet develops
  • 33. Health & Beauty Beauty as a life-style Russians become more responsible for their health. Photos from gyms in social networks gain more likes than ones from nightclubs! •Sport as a main hobby & •Back to nature People begin to do more sports and become really attentive in what they consume on the daily basis. Smoking & Drinking is hot Pushkin is eternal with his “A man who's active and incisive can yet keep nail-care much in mind”, but today keeping yourself good-looking has become much easier and fits even the craziest lifestyle. Declining Dominant Emerging
  • 34. Sport is the main hobby Sport is becoming very important – 53% of Russians do it. Everybody seems to enjoy their time at the gym, go to all the marathons and drink protein Marathons Free metro ticket for 30 squats
  • 35. Natural and organic power Russian products with very specific local ingredients gain popularity, become premium and go for export. Small European brands also appear in Moscow outlets offering premium and eco-safe goods – e.g. selective perfumery with only good for nature ingredients Eco ethical drogerie ‘Cosmotheca’ builds the chain in Moscow
  • 36. Simple & Natural beauty Minimum make up and focusing on peculiarities to express your real self.
  • 37. Youth is a must-have Being old is old school. Fighting for youth starts early.
  • 38. Hair obsession Hair is the new first impression: places with only men hair cuts or only women hairdo are opening Chop-Chop – barbershop for men Annie Hall – only for women Fan Bar – only hair styling
  • 39. Male beauty for real men Taking much care of the way you look can also be masculine
  • 40. No more hunting for rare! Rare cosmetics & beauty goods are brought to Russia not only by enthusiasts but also by big chains
  • 41. Multifunctional beauty The beauty-salons should now be called “Everything-you-want”-salons. Special room for children with a baby-sitter, lectures about massages and tea, parties – with all these activities you can forget about getting a haircut! ‘Shegol” barber shop with lectures and master-classes ‘Tasty place” yoga-centre with English-lessons and vocal lessons ‘Quickly” fan-bar with hair-styling and special desserts
  • 42. Urban
  • 43. Urban Digital city services 2013 As the cities develop and become “smarter”, more and more facilities are being offered for the people and the more opened and ready for new opportunities they become. 2012 was remembered by the rapid development of the parks and bike culture within different cities. In 2013 a lot of new apps and online services are created to make the citizens’ life easier. •Entertainment for everyone: •Park & Bikes boom 2012 Dominance of private events Declining Dominant Emerging
  • 44. Urban renovation The city is becoming more comfortable for life and more modern New pedestrian zones Government services of fast urban problem solutions City navigation Lane for public transport
  • 45. Park boom Parks are the new favorite place of citizens to spend their leisure time. And not only because of nature: all the are being filled with new facilities and are hosts to awesome urban events. Free Wi-Fi, bike rentals, summer cinemas, food and musical festivals – just choose! Park news paper Festival in Samara Open-air yoga lessons
  • 46. Citizens participate in eco events This year is rich for special ecological events: volunteers clean the parks and forests from rubbish, give children lessons about how to save nature. Furthermore, the culture of recycling is developing in schools and Universities as well. City sabbatarian Recycling in MSU
  • 47. Initiative citizens Now people prefer not to wait for somebody to change their life, they actually act for themselves Volunteers escort girls for their safety District blogs map Sign: “Enough of destroying our city” Demonstration for public control of museums’ reconstruction
  • 48. Exploring the city As the city is developing and the citizens are becoming more active, the social media experienced, a sight-seeing boom occurs. Blogs about your districts and cities, excursions, navigating apps – everything helps when it comes to knowing your city. “Interesting Moscow” Public Vk Excursion offer Free Moscow tours Lecture about the tallest building in city
  • 49. Festival mania Cities connect people on the base of their interests: an enormous amount of food / music / graffiti festivals are taking place
  • 50. City decoration with graffiti More often you can see beautiful street art made by graffiti artists. The government now sees this not as vandalism, but as an easy and convenient way to make the city look better and often even organizes special projects to make the city more beautiful. “Graffiti-help” project in Moscow “City of a dream” graffiti project in Nizhny Novgorod
  • 51. Positive energy in all Russian cities Just a while ago it seemed as everybody copies Moscow and St.Petersburg and wish to move there. Now it becomes obvious that the positive energy is in other cities as well and sometimes even the major ones could learn something from them. E.g. In Rostovna-Donu a little group of enthusiasts managed to organize the first urbanistic festival with a food market, recycling classes, open-air cinema etc.
  • 52. Own signs for cities Russian cities develop and form a unique image for their citizens and tourists. Following the example of Moscow, they all are looking for a perfect logo to match their style.
  • 53. Digital urbanism It becomes easier to live in & explore the Russian cities. Navigation, information, routes and history are in one’s smartphone.
  • 54. Cars
  • 55. Cars Pedestrians are cool 2013 The car was traditionally a symbol of success for Russians. The bigger and cooler is your car, the more you are considered to be awesome. But now other values come to the fore. People think more about fuel economy, they start to appreciate convenience of using additional digital devices. Computer on wheels 2012 Make my car bigger! The role of pedestrians is changing as well: they are now getting even more possibilities than the drivers. Declining Dominant Emerging
  • 56. Status proof Almost every second car is bought in credit in 2013. “Entry points cars” from expensive brands are in high demand. Regardless of their budget, Russians want their car to be filled with touchable innovative features
  • 57. Computer on wheels People want to put as many gadgets as they can in their cars. Even economy class cars and compacts now have many innovative features (multimedia, navigation, identification of blind spots, a speakerphone, an iPod, and etc.) Music system Navigator
  • 58. Smart consumption Russians are becoming slightly more rational and economical. People do think about the cost of fuel but they are still status conscious– that’s why a lot of Russians prefer big cars with small engines. Disel engine
  • 59. Being a pedestrian is cool Now being a pedestrian is really convenient due to the upgrade of public transport, intercept parking system and special apps for them, the development of the taxi apps. New 2-floor public transport Intercept parking near the metro App about intercept parking Over 40k legal taxis
  • 60. Food
  • 61. Food Street-food start-ups 2013 The food sector experienced a big wave of specialization: special places only for sausages or cupcakes opened. Pompous restaurants with various menu are not popular anymore, people prefer everything simple and minimalistic. Furthermore, as people started to be more responsible for their health, they began to prefer healthier food, so the farm and organic products in 2013 are growing in popularity and variety. Back to nature 2012 Complicated menu Declining Dominant Emerging
  • 62. Back to nature People are looking for the alternative to mass market “factory-made” and unnatural products • Products from farm • Organic food shops • Products from Belarus
  • 63. New status of Street-food If earlier street-food was positioned only for a quick launch, now it became a serious competitor to restaurant-format places. “Crabs are coming” “Durum Durum” “Meat point”
  • 64. Restaurants specialize on one product Simplicity is the key to genius – you take one product and get maximum taste and usefulness from it. That’s why a lot of new places make a very limited range of products (sometimes even only one!), but they make them perfectly. “The Burger Brothers” “Hummus” “Ess-Thetic”. Sausages.
  • 65. Food markets & festivals help start-ups As we have already stated in the Young Adults Section, creating a start-up is now fun and easy, especially in the restaurant sector. You just need to have a good idea and lots of enthusiasm and go find investors on the numerous food markets and festivals. Food market “Mestnaya eda” Burgerfest One of the participants – “Frullateria” Moscow gastronomic festival Another succesful participant “Durum Durum”
  • 66. Mobile café formats New commerce forms open on the restaurant market to make your meal fast and comfortable: mobile-food bikes and cars, to-go windows in net cafes.
  • 67. Ingredients delivery Being a housewife in a big city is hard, you never have enough time for going to the supermarket, deciding what to cook. That’s why some Internet-shops decided to help you out – you choose the recipes you like and they deliver all the ingredients to your door.
  • 68. Foodstagramming It’s now all about eating it in a fancy way.
  • 70. Digital Apps 2013 The social media boom has already passed: maximum social networks penetration growth-rate was recorded in 2011. 2012 was the year of double screens, 81% Smartphone owners in Russia used their device while watching TV. Now the digital sphere is getting more integrated with everyday life via apps. They are aimed to make everything easy – would it be shopping for a new purse or watching a theatre play online. Double screen 2012 Boom of social networking 2011 Declining Source: TNS Web-Index, ComScore, Johnson Partners 2013 Dominant Emerging
  • 71. One device is not enough Russians started to use several devices at one time: enjoying a game on the TV screen they check mail on their Smartphone and learn facts about the players on a tablet. 81% Smartphone owners in Russia use their device while watching TV. Source: TNS Web-Index, ComScore, 2013
  • 72. App obsession Apps are successfully integrated into everyday life, helping you shop, plan holidays or find your way around the city. Growth of mobile applications market in Russia estimates 265%. In the previous categories you can find numerous examples of new Russian apps. Mamnadzor New app for young mothers Contest for the best urban app Source: Johnson Partners 2013 City tips for disabled ones
  • 73. Smartphones make shopping easier Smartphones are now your best friends for shopping: they can be used to look up the best offers or get discounts. Services that allow you to find goods and compare their prices are very popular among Smartphone users, 46% of Russians use them. The freshest ones offer you gifts for points (ShopPoints) or help you to find an item you want by posting a photo (Slyce). Source:
  • 74. Theatres go digital The Internet is used to make Art more accessible and also bring Russians all around the world to the theatrical life of Moscow and St.Petersburg. Now you can buy tickets to the online broadcast performances on the web-site of the Mayakovskiy theatre or download an app that will help you choose which play to visit next. Online translation of theatre plays App “Theatre” Information about theaters and plays
  • 75. Media asceticism Conscious refuse of modern gadgets and load of information coming from web and especially social networks