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Summer Issue 2008

Volume 39, Issue 7

Do Unto Others:
Photos By: Annie Tarwater, Rachel Sunday, Molly Simeons, Mike Dubois, Tracey Lutes, Kara Lewis, Shania Herman, Nina Come, Shane Deiley, Jessie Smith, Olivia Bovalina, & Heidi Eltschlager

The Mahatma Project

Renée Wunderlich

The Mahatma Project, inspired by the efforts of peace-seeker
Mahatma Gandhi, is a service endeavor comprised of events and
fundraisers that benefit international causes. Sophomore students in this
year’s Honors World Cultures classes took on this assignment to give aid
and to gain an understanding of the world outside of the United States.
This challenging yearlong venture was broken up into four benchmarks:
During the first nine weeks, students brainstormed ideas and researched possible
means of fundraising for their individual causes. The second nine weeks brought
on the creative process, when students started putting their ideas together and
planning for each of their events. The fundraisers were put into action during the
third nine weeks, and then were evaluated on the fourth. On May 19, students’
work was displayed for the public eye at the Mahatma Project Fair. Here, awards
were given to select students for their gracious efforts to aid others in need.
Some of the service projects undertaken were a Max & Erma’s dinner
coupon for 20 percent off, where all proceeds go to starving children in Africa. Andrea
Briggs and Erica Schwotzer held a ‘Hat Day’ for disaster relief in the Virgin Islands.
Kira Scammell and Kaitlyn Richert sold baked goods to combat world hunger.
One project that was especially popular to the student body and staff alike
was Beth Herder and Claire LaRosa’s “Pie In the Eye” fundraiser to support the
Anna Seethaler Hospital in Oaxaca, Mexico, a free clinic that provides basic and
special services to those who cannot pay for treatment. Currently, the hospital is

looking to purchase equipment for complex eye surgeries. Such equipment may
mean the difference for many patients between sight and permanent blindness.
“The project was really challenging, and we weren’t exactly sure how the
teachers and students would react to it, but we made it through and it was really
successful,” said Herder, “Over Christmas break, Claire called me about an idea she
had gotten for our project off the Internet. It sounded cool, so we tried it. The teachers
were great – there were so many volunteers! We were sorry that we had to limit it to nine.”
On April 11, after recognizing the various spring sports teams for
their tournament accomplishments, a panel of 8 teachers (as well as Dr.
Hajzus) lined up to have Reddi Whip flung into their faces – for a good
cause. Over 30 teachers volunteered for the event, but after a careful tallying
of homeroom surveys, Herder and LaRosa settled on: Mr. Scott, Mr. Bastos,
Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Whalen, Mr. Pinto, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Polard, and Mrs.
Gunther. The vote to include Dr. Hajzus into the festivities was unanimous.
And while some teachers opted to wear a garbage bag over their attire, Dr.
Hajzus braced the hurling pie pans (3 in all) without any protective covering.
With the interest of the student body, a handful of teacher volunteers, and
lots of Reddi Whip, two dynamic girls are making a difference in the lives of many
patients in critical condition who do not have the means to pay for treatment.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”






Summer Issue 2008





May 2 00 8



8 Boy’s Varsity Volleyball 9
vs Cannon Mac 7:30
Girl’s Varsity Lax vs
Baldwin 7:30


15 Boy’s Varsity Lax




Varsity Baseball vs
USC 7:00

Boy’s Varsity Lax vs
Franklin Regional 8:00

7:30 ConcertBand Concert

Mother’s Day

7:30 Chorus Concert



7:30 Orchestra Concert






“Seinfeld” TV Series
final episode airs 1998


Mock Crash Assembly
7:30 AM





2:30PM in the Cafeteria


4:3 0PM



Senior Breakfast

Smoke Signals
Alex Egan
Brian Lewis
Bill Berry
Jordan Dent
Brianna Lutes
Shelby Miller
Andrea Briggs
Emily Estep, Gina Nepa,
Taylor Relich, Bridget Stasenko, Katie Ellis, Averi
Clements, Paige Burris,
Mady Dietrich, Stephanie
Nitschmann, Stephanie
Cotugno, Ian Jackson,
Dana Hoelle, Melanie

Grant Burkhardt

Katie Gavlick, Kaylin
Zawicki, Emily Correal,
Shelby Miller, Brianna

Angelina Nepa

Ms. Daerr

Katie Gavlick


World Enviroment Day

& Senior Picnic Kennywood Day for


Renée Wunderlich
Ashley Czajkowski

Senior’s Last Day!




Bob Dylan’s Birthday


Last day of school!

For Life

PTHS St adium

Hilt on Garden Inn

June 2008: Senior Week!

Smoke Signals is produced
eight times during a school
year by the students of Media
II, III, IV Journalism and
extracurricular staff at Peters
Towship High School, 264 E.
McMurray Road, McMurray
PA 15317. Telephone:
724-941-6250 x.5379.
Commentaries, reviews, and
opinion columns are the expressed opinion of the author
and not of Smoke Signals, its
advisor or the Peters Township School District. Member


Grand March &

Track and Field
Awards Night


Boy’s Varsity Lax vs.
Mt Lebanon 8:00PM

7:30 AM
Blood Drive


No School!



7:00 @ PTHS

Memorial Day


of the Pennsylvania School
Press Association.

vs Trinity 6:00

Yearbook Social


Musical: Annie Get
Your Gun 7:30

Musical: Annie Get
Your Gun 7:30

Mr. PTHS Show

1:00 PM


Musical: Annie Get
Your Gun 7:00

Varsity Softball vs
Cannon Mac 11:00

Varsity Baseball vs
Mt. Lebanon 7:00


NHS Induction

Girl’s Varsity Lax vs
USC 7:30


7:30 Jazz Band Concert

7:30 Wind Sypmphony


Boy’s Varsity
2 Varsity Softball vs
Volleyball vs Moon 7:30 Mt.Lebo 4:00





Emily Estep

Smoke Signals



Summer Issue 2008

Staff Writer

Jerry Scheller, Sergio
Tennis, and Tim Beck. You may
know them as talented, funny,
all around nice guys. What else
do they have in common? Mr.
PTHS. Jerry set the precedent
for the title three years ago, and
now on Thursday May 15th, some
other lucky guy will get to fill the
spot. This year, Peters Township
High School will be hosting the
4th annual Mr. PTHS competition.
There will be representatives for each grade, showing off
for the coveted title of Mr. PTHS.
Whoever wins will go down in
PTHS history as being one of the
greatest guys in our school. This
competition is one of the most anticipated events of the year. To be
considered, contestants first had
to be nominated. Nominations
for Mr. PTHS were sent out dur-

ing lunch periods, and all grades
were involved. Each nominee will
do their best to excel in multiple
categories, to get as much support
as possible. One such category
is the talent portion. In this event,
competitors will have to show off
their skills to prove that they are
the best of the best. This may consist of anything from acting out a
scene or playing an instrument and
singing a song. Freshman Carlee
Schneider explains, “My favorite
part of Mr. PTHS is the talent part.
Those guys have serious skills!”
Besides the talent portion,
the nominees will also try and make
the audience laugh. They will also
have to dress their best. Sophomore Dan DeLuca says, “Mr. PTHS
is a great program for our school, I
encourage everyone to participate.”

What In The
This just in: anorexia is illegal in France. The French Parliament has just passed a landmark bill making it unlawful
for celebrities and fashion magazines to incite or promote
unhealthy thinness in both men and women. This was
seen as a necessity after the death of a Brazilian fashion
model in 2006, which was linked to the disease. Better
late than never. Hopefully the rest of the world will follow
suit and help to prevent eating disorders in young women.
Yet another human disorder has jumped into the land
of animals: apparently, pets can now be diagnosed
as “clinically depressed.” In Britain, veterinarians and
zoologists have been known to prescribe the antidepressant Prozac for depressed parrots. “If people go out to work all day, their parrot will get bored
and frustrated, and eventually develop depression,”
claimed British television vet Romain Pizzi. So next
time Polly wants a cracker, you better give it to him…
Proving that those with disabilities can do anything they
set their hearts on Robert Dunham of Green Valley, Arizona, made a hole-in-one on a three-par course. The real
kicker: the eighty-five-year-old veteran was deemed legally blind ten years ago. According to, one
of Dunham’s colleagues simply “lined up a ball for him on
the tee, gave him a nine-iron, and told him to take a whack.”

And we thought only high schools had a problem with
weapon control – an elementary school in Dennis, Massachusetts was set into a panic when an eight-year-old
brought a WWII hand grenade in for show-and-tell. The
school of 400 students was immediately evacuated and
the school was searched for other explosives while the
grenade was inspected. It was deemed inert, as the explosive charge and detonator had been removed, and
a hole had been cut in the bottom, rendering it safe for
school officials to handle and dispose of properly.
Compiled by Katie Ellis, Staff Writer

Features Editor

Peters Township will host
a local chapter of Relay
for Life, a fundraiser that
supports the American
Cancer Society, on May
31. The twenty-two hour
event lasts all night, as
competing teams keep
a team member walking
on the track at all times.
Notable event during the
Relay include the survivor lap, during which
cancer survivors are recognized in their own lap,
as well as a lap among

Steph Cotugno

hundreds of lit luminaries
dedicated to all who are
affected by the disease.
event features dozens of
track-side activities. Last
year the theater troupe
hosted carnival games
at their station, while the
music department staged
a memorable eating contest. This year’s event
will begin at 12:00 pm on
May 31, and will end at
10:00 am the following
morning. For those stay-

ing overnight, the fun
will last all night long, as
long as one member of
the team remains on the
track. Christine Ghetto,
captain of the thespian
team, said “It’s a great
event where kids can
have fun while raising
money for a cause that I
really believe in.”
The first Relay
for Life was held in Tacoma, Washington in the
May of 1985. Dr. Gordy
Klatt spent twenty-four

hours walking the track
at Baker Stadium in his
hometown. Friends and
family paid to walk or run
with him, and he ended
up raising over $27,000.
Today, events are hosted
all over the world, and
Peters always has great
success. Hopefully students of all ages will turn
out to help those that
have been given more
than their fair share in

PTHS Gives Back
Staff Writer


In hope of providing Mexican elementary
schools with new school supplies, the Spanish
Club has created an outreach program benefiting a small school outside of Mexico City. The
club has recruited all of the schools in our district
to help, as well as members of the PTA. Pleasant Valley, Bower Hill, McMurray, the high school,
and the PTA have come together to help the
Mexican elementary school students receive a
better education. From May 5 to May 10, collection boxes will be available at both the main entrance of the high school and in all homerooms to
accept donated school supplies from the people
in our township. Also, PTA members will be present on Saturday, May 10 to collect supplies from
11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Supplies such as pencils,
crayons, markers, glue, construction paper, rulers and scissors are all needed to help provide
the elementary students with a strong education.
The elementary school, Escuela Primaria Federal, teaches students in grades one
though six in Tlalnepantlaa, Mexico, a small town
outside of Mexico City. There is no government
funding for the school, so the teachers working
at the school have to supply all materials for their
students. The students have few or no school

Photo By Katie Gavlick

With gas prices so high right now, it would be disastrous to misprice the gasoline that you’re selling. That’s just what happened in Wilmington, North
Carolina; instead of $3.35 a gallon, the computers
were set to charge just $0.35 a gallon. The gas attendants didn’t realize their mistake, and lucky customers managed to fill multiple cars and alert many
friends. By the time the mistake was recognized and
amended at 6:00 pm that Friday, there was mass
chaos and a traffic jam that extended around the corner. Police were called in to help restrain the crowd.

Angelina Nepa

Relay for Life

supplies to reinforce and enhance their learning,
so anything that can be donated will be beneficial
to them. “We are blessed with so much in our lives,
and don’t realize how much we have. The Spanish
club promotes giving back to others who are less
fortunate than us,” stated the Spanish Club’s sponsor, Señora Beth Bockstoce. The Spanish club exemplifies helping others and emphasizes the kindness of giving. “I am so happy I am involved in the
Spanish Club because I feel like I am really helping those who need it. The club truly has a magnificent purpose,” stated sophomore Katie Ellis.



Summer Issue 2008

Smoke Signals


Breaking The Bank: Prom ‘08


Bridget Stasenko

Staff Writer

Prom is a pricey event, but
who spends more-boys or girls? Well,
let’s compare. Boys have to rent a
tux, while girls have to buy a dress.
The dress is the most important thing
needed, as it defines her night. She
will go to great lengths to find the
right one. Some will go out of town,
and some will go to multiple stores
and shop for many hours. Dresses
nowadays can cost up to $800 or
more, not including alterations, which
cost around $50. The guys have to

buy flowers, but the girls have to
buy lots of accessories, such as
jewelry, a purse, and shoes. It is
nice that the guys pick up the $110
tickets, because the girls have
fine details that cost a large sum
of money that makes the entire
look. Girls must schedule various
appointments to top off their
appearance. Hair appointments
must be scheduled way in advance
to be sure they get the time and
professional they prefer. The up-do

usually costs $40 or more. They also
need to begin tanning about 2 months
in advance. A tanning package usually
costs $40 for 10 tans. Manicures are
also a necessity, and to have a full set
of nails is around $30.
As you can see, prom is quite
pricey. The girls definitely spend more
on the big event. A ballpark price for
girls is about $900, while the guys
spend about $300. Even though this
is an expensive night, it will be one to
never forget.

Where is your favorite vacation

Senior Greg Maronde:

“The McDonald’s parking lot.”

Dana Hoelle

The Public Library Teen Room
Staff Writer

recently just opened
up the new teen room,
as apart of their new
This expansion was an
impressive fundraising
feat for the library, and
it is luring teens to this
new space.
Video games
are being used to
turn on teens to
the joy of reading.
Featuring a Nintendo
multiple televisions,
computers, and multicolored LED ceiling
lighting, this space
is ready for teens to
enjoy. Teenagers can
hang out, play games,
and socialize in this
new room. “The teen
room is a great space for me to hang
out, and become more educated
while still having fun,” said freshman
Doug Maronde.
The former teen area hardly
existed, with only a few beanbag
chairs in the toddler section. This
problem was causing teens not to
visit the library because of the age
gap between the toddles and their
selves. “We wanted to give the
teens a place that they could feel
was their own,” said Pier Lee (The
Peters Township Source.) The idea
of bringing video games with library



Junior Kristina Gaudy:

“Anywhere warm is good for

Sophomore Dara Hoelle:

“I love going on cruises. They
are the perfect vacation!”

services might seem strange,
but it is a growing trend that is
continuing to increase around
the country. Getting teenagers
in the library in the first place
was the library’s main goal and
accomplishment. The new teen
room is attracting teenagers to
use the many services the library
offers. Having video games in this
new space is an alternate way to
learn in the library.
The plan for The Peters
Township Library was to combine

In the 1912
Austria, Russia,
New Zealand,
Estonia, and
the Netherlands


gold medals

The US has won


gold medals from
1924 to 1976

video gaming with expanded lessons.
The same goes with the other
services in the new teen room. The
new space was one of the primary
reasons of the expansion of the book
collection. The bulk of the new space
is devoted to non-fiction shelving.
All the new services the teen
room provides are geared to attract
tons of teenagers. The new library
addition is becoming the new teen
haven. So if you need a place to
study or even hang out, visit the teen
room during library hours.

During the Stockholm
Olympics, Italy had a
gymnastics score of


Freshman Becca Beradino:
“The beach is the best place
to go on vacation.”

Thor Henning
(Sweden) won
the silver medal in
1912 for his 400m
Breaststroke with a


A stadium


meters long
because legend
says Hercules
walked that far
and called it a

are off-limits to tourists for religious reasons, and
only certain parts of the monolith are allowed to be
Harry Potter fans, Mont Saint-Michel
is worthy of being compared to Hogwarts. The
French castle is located a kilometer off the country’s
northern coast on a rocky tidal island. Once used as
an Armorican stronghold in the sixth and seventh
centuries, Mont Saint-Michel is a beautiful castle with
a quaint village all around it. While gorgeous during
the day, don’t forget to visit at night when it’s lit up,
making the whole thing even more magical.
Angel Falls of Canaima National Park in
Venezuela is the highest free-falling waterfall in the
world, with a 3212-foot drop. The falls are so tall
that before they can even reach the bottom they’re
pushed around by the wind and most of it is turned
to mist. An aerial tour of the falls is available, but the
falls cannot be seen well on cloudy days.
The Cathedral Reims is a French church
constructed at the end of the thirteenth century. The
cathedral is humongous – the foyer alone is nearly
5000 square feet. Known worldwide for its intricate
design work and beautiful stained glass windows,
this house of worship is locally famous because the
French kings were once crowned there.
England’s Clock Tower, better known as Big
Ben, is one of the most recognized landmarks in all
of England. Known for its reliability, the Clock Tower
has only had one major breakdown in almost 150
years. The name Big Ben is not actually in reference
to the tower itself, but is the nickname of the Great
Bell within the belfry, named for Sir Benjamin Hall,
the commissioner of the works. Be sure to catch the
Clock Tower at night when all the lights are on and, if
possible, from across the river – the reflection in the
water is just as breathtaking as the tower itself.
Lake Baikal, located in Southern Siberia in
Russia, has been called the “Blue Eye of Siberia,”
and for a good reason: the water looks as if it’s made
of liquid sapphire. The lake has a surface area of
nearly 12,200 square miles and has twenty-two
islands within its waters. The lake is available to
tourists most of the year. However, it’s frozen from
January to May, so try to visit late in the summer or
you’ll miss out on the sparkling blue waters.

Dippin’ Dot Delight
Emily Correal

Paige Burris
Layout Team

time to start talking to your friends and
planning a date to go. You can’t miss
out on the great rides, games, and of
course, the food. Whether it’s their Potato Patch fries, corn
dogs, or any of the sensational desserts, you will soon be
indulged in great summer taste. My favorite Kennywood
snack is the unique type of ice cream, Dippin’ Dots. When
I’m on my way to wait in a long line for the Phantom’s
Revenge, I have to stop at the Dippin’ Dots stand and buy a
cup. The little ice cream dots melt on your tongue, satisfying
your taste buds and cooling you down on a hot day. They
usually have five flavors to chose from: chocolate, vanilla,
rainbow ice, cookies n’ cream, and banana split. Why not
eat a tasty treat while you are waiting in those long lines?
Another good thing about them is that they aren’t messy,
so you don’t have to worry about them melting all over you.
Next time you go to Kennywood, you have to try Dippin’
Dots; you won’t be disappointed.


By Mady Dietrich

Staff Writer

Are you sick of taking the same family
vacation year after year? Do you feel the need to
travel somewhere a bit more… interesting? This
summer, instead of piling into the family van for the
annual trip to the infamous potato farms of Iowa, try
one of the following destinations, all of which have
been dubbed the “Most Beautiful Places to Travel” by
Travel Paradise:
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most
popular tourist attractions in New York City. If you
want something more exotic, a visit to Las Vegas will
provide you with a replica of the Statue with the lights
of the city in the background, giving Lady Liberty an
entirely different persona.
If you’re looking for French beauty, the
Louvre is one of the most visited museums in the
world. It’s known not only for the beautiful art inside
the walls, but for its architectural design as well. The
pyramid-shaped building is made entirely of glass
and was once a palace in the tenth century during the
Capetian Dynasty. The museum is so large that to
view the entire thing it will take almost three days, but
it’s well worth seeing – both the interior and exterior
can be considered masterpieces.
The Karnak Temple in Egypt, the largest
ancient religious site in the world, is an open-air
museum. While there are four different precincts in
the temple, only one is open to the general public.
The difference between Karnak and the other temples
that cover Egypt is that Karnak took much more time
to develop and was used for a longer period of time.
For ancient beauty, the Parthenon is
definitely the perfect choice. Built in honor of the
Greek goddess Athena in the fifth century BCE, the
Parthenon still stands today. There have been many
reconstructions over the years and the building has
slowly begun to corrode due to acid rain over the past
few decades, so be sure to schedule your trip to this
architectural wonder as soon as possible.
The Uluru Giant Monolith, also known as
“Ayers Rock”, is a gigantic sandstorm rock formation
in central Australia. The cherry-colored rock stands
1142 feet high and has a circumference of 5.8 miles.
While the local inhabitants rarely climb the rock, it
is open to visitors who wish to attempt to make the
nearly vertical climb. However, parts of the rock


S wimming In

Welcome to Paradise

Mad About Fashion

Katie Ellis

Summer Issue 2008


This year there has been a
flashback to the 1960’s- when go-go
boots, wide leg jeans and frilly bathing
suits were some of the psychedelic
trends. This summer, the ‘60s
continues with one-piece bathing suits.
One-piece bathing suits are no longer
just something that your 10-year-old
sister would wear. Some of the styles
consit of sweetheart necklines, all
over tiny floral patterns, checkered
patterns, wide ruched (a ruffle in the
fabric which is used for trim around
clothings) straps, animal prints, frilly
triming, polka dots, and a lot more.
Your bathing suit doesn’t have
to feel uncomfortable to be fashionable.
All you have to do is find the right size
for you. The website www.venus.
com/sizechart shows you how to fit
for a bathing suit. It has you measure
your bust, hips, and waist to find your
perfect size. It shows you where to
measure, and also helps you find out
your correct cup size. On this website
there are also
bathing suits
you can buy
that give you
look thinner.
V i c t o r i a
S e c r e t ’s
website has
many designs
J e s s i c a
DKNY, anybody
can find a bathing suit on this website.
Photo Courtesy of:

Kennywood Food
Staff Writer

During the hot days of summer,
one of the best snacks to get at
Kennywood Park is Potato Patch
french fries. Cheese-covered fries with
bacon sprinkled on top is a treat you
must have every time you go to Kennywood. There are
so many fries in a single basket that it can be considered
as a full meal. The fries are made right in front of you
and they come out hot. There is sometimes a long line
that winds aroud the stand, but the utterly delectable
fries are definitely worth the wait. If you want a great
drink to go with your delicious, deep-fried snack, try
and ICY slush. They are a great thing to grab before
getting in line for the Potato Patch. ICYs are normally
cherry or blue rasberry, but there are sometimes many
other flavors. There is no doubt that the best food in
Kennywood is definitely Potato Patch fries. Paired with
a cool, refreshing ICY, it’s a combonation you don’t want
to miss!


Summer Issue 2008

Smoke Signals

Three Cheers to Our Crazy Teenage Lives


Alex Egan

Opinion Co-Editor

“Seventeen only comes once in a lifetime,” as Tim McGraw says.
I would have to agree. Our teenage years come and go so quickly, and
there will probably never be a year the rest of our lives like these. I believe
that each year from the ages of sixteen through eighteen is an experience
in its own. According to Bruce Springsteen, these are the “Glory Days.”
No wonder sixteenth birthdays have been given the title “Sweet Sixteen.”
From then on, the next few years of life are usually
filled with bliss and sweetness for the young and
innocent. Our teenage years are the times in
our lives when we really have time to experiment
with new things, and turn our lives upside
down to try and figure out who we really are.
Again, as Tim McGraw says, when
we’re “Seventeen, living on crazy dreams,
rock’n’roll, and faded blue jeans,” we feel like
we have the universe in our pocket. We do
what we want, we think we know everything,
and we like to aggravate our parents,
just because know we’re good at it. 	
Teenage years are the time to let
loose and show our true selves, whoever that
may be. In a teenager’s life, our friends are our world, almost as if they were
our family. Friends who grew up together usually go through their teenage
years together, which makes the years so much more worthwhile. 	
Being a teenager is all about feeling free (and trying to convince our
parents that we are.) When a group of close-knit teenage friends are together,
they almost feel as if they can do anything. The nights go on forever, and we
walk around like we own the town. As Brand New says, “We never miss a
party, because we keep them going constantly.” All in all, being a teenager is
just one big party. Throughout our teenage years we unknowingly take mental

photographs of the good times. The times we share together, like the nights we
feel most alive, the nights that change our lives, and then nights when tomorrow
just comes way too soon – those are what being a teenager is all about. We may
do stupid things at times, which may anger (or just “disappoint”) our parents,
but being grounded is also a part of being a teenager. But we never let it stop
us. In the words of the Beastie Boys, “We’ve got to fight for our right to party.”
The thing about being a teenager is we’re still so young and innocent.
We make our own mistakes, we learn the hard
way, we give in way too fast, and we often get our
hearts broken. All seem bad at the time, but help
us grown in the long run. By the end of our teenage
years, we can look back and realize who we’ve
become, and have our own mistakes to thank for it.
	 Summer off mean the world to us, and we plan
every moment of our summer from the start of
school. As a teenager, summer is an excuse
for sneaking out late at night, stargazing into
the night, wishing upon the shooting star, and
making friendships tighter than every. For a
teenager, the summer could last a lifetime.
	 Let’s face it.
Teenage lives are crazy,
dramatic, unforgettable, and time for us to make the memories that will last a
lifetime. Life is so full of change, but no matter how much fun we have our
post-teenage existence, there still is nothing like the glory days. The thing
is, our teenage years are only a moment in our whole lives. And the second
you blink, the moment is gone. Being a teenager sadly doesn’t last forever,
but the memories do. We all want to be “Forever Young”, and in a way we’re
all going to be eighteen forever. As my friends and I always say, “Friends,
boys, and drama.
Three cheers to our crazy teenage lives.”

“We do what we want, we think
we know everything, and we like
to aggravate our parents, just
because we know we’re good at it.”

Being on the Outside of the Inside:
PT Lockdown

Stephanie Nitschmann

Staff writer

Secrets, secrets are no fun;
but should they really be shared with
everyone? The recent lockdown at
the high school stirred up nerves,
anger, confusion, and most of all,
questions among students. After
having their bags examined, their
bodies swiped, and being herded
into the gym, students were left
with a handful of questions, but
no answers. Continuing the day
in lockdown, students were still
uninformed of what was happening
in their everyday environment.
Parents received an e-mail that
morning concerning the situation,
but then had to rely on news or a
text from their children in order to
understand what was happening
within the school. All of this
ultimately stirs up the question:
‘Why?’ Why not make a phone
call to the parents that day to
provide them with the information
the school knew? Why not come
on the PA system and make an
announcement to students about
what was happening?
not explain the situation and
open the door to questions?
Although there is an
endless list of these questions,
there is one answer that covers

them all: safety. Keeping students
on the outside is the best way
to ensure their safety. Having
important information leak out and
reach a potential predator could
give them the open chance to
change their strategy to conform
around the administration’s plan.
“I understand the biggest issue is
safety,” stated sophomore Jade
Murman, “but how safe can you
really feel when you don’t know
what’s going on?” Students were
originally flustered about the
situation, but once calmed down
they accepted that the importance
of safety is greatly higher than
the importance of a good, juicy
story. Either way, is it fair to
completely leave students on the
outside of everything? I asked
several students and most said
that even if the teachers had lied
to them, it would have made them
feel safer just to know anything.
Comfort is a big part of security,
and when change comes to the
ordinary, sometimes people don’t
know how to react. Now that we
as a whole have experienced the
“Lockdown” procedure, hopefully
we’ll take a safe approach to
solving these questions next time.

Fishtank: Graduation
By Renée Wunderlich

Brian Lewis

Parking Problems
Opinion Co-Editor

changes of this school’s
caused more confusion
and congestion than
ever before. I remember
last year at Peters and
there were very few,
if any, problems with
parking. Every space
was filled in the student
lot, kids were able to
park down by McMurray
Road, and there was
no double parking or
teachers being forced to
guard the all-important
privilege that is parking
on campus. Sure, there
may have been a few
minor issues, but the
system worked by itself
without any complaints.
students had for parking
was, of course, too good
to last. After some outside
influences were placed
on the administration,
several changes were
made in order to placate
the thought that parking
was dangerous and
unsafe at the school.
These changes should
not have been needed,
but because of these

herding students into
the gated lot has caused
even more havoc. These
irrational changes have
forced the parking lot to
become a more dangerous
area than it was before
placed upon the school.
administration realized the
magnitude of this problem
and attempted to resolve
the issue by handing out
a type of “honors” pass
to select students in
good academic standing.
Unfortunately, this has
not completely solved
the problems as some
students are still blocked
in due to the large number
of students with traditional
parking passes. A second
problem is that any
student with a temporary
pass is forced to park in
the student lot as opposed
to parking facing East
McMurray Road. Perhaps
if the administration were
permitted to revert back
to this former policy,
some of the remaining
congestion in the student
lot would be reduced.
other problems that the
administration was forced
to clamp down on is student
parking in the wrong
areas. I’m curious as to
what the actual issue was.
From what I can gather,
no teacher was having
an issue finding a parking
spot, nor were students
with community service
passes and work releases
having difficulty. In fact,
several spots were still
available at the end of the
lot even after students with
normal passes decided
to park in the lower lot.
larger issue with the
parking is the number of
passes given out. When

were essentially forced
to abide by the exact
parking rules, it turned
out that too many
students had parking
passes. The concept
seems simple enough;
there are a certain
number of parking spots
in the student lot, so that
many passes should
be given to the student
body. Unfortunately the
school board has an
inability to allow simple
school policies to be run
by the administration,
which led to the issue
of too many parking
passes being given
say that the decision
to fully enforce and in
some ways change the
parking rules was due
to safety, the parking
lots at this school are,
by my standards, pretty
safe. I would have
to say that this high
school has the safest
parking lot out of the
various schools I have
attended. Unfortunately
this has not deterred
several of our school
board members from
attempting to meddle
in a minor issue such
as student parking by
regulating the parking
policies of the school.
This is regrettable,
because the issue of
parking needs to be
left to those who know
the most information
about the issue .rather
than those who think
they know what is going
on. The administration
that their goal is to do
what is best for the
students at this school,
which leaves one to
wonder exactly what the
school board’s motives
are with this issue.
Summer Issue 2008

At the beginning of the second
semester, I began a program of unlimited
passes to every period, with an occasional
exception for meetings or recording days.
Because your article in the December
issue of Smoke Signals was the impetus
for this pilot program. I am writing to
let you know the results of that pilot.
While the pilot proved to be an
unworkable program, as will be explained
it has helped me design what I hope is a
better system. Beginning Monday, April
14, 2008, every study hall will get passes
everyday but the number of passes will
be based on the class schedule in the
library. The exact number of passes will be
dependent on the number of study halls
that period, with each study hall receiving
a number proportional to it’s class size.
Allowing unlimited numbers of study
hall students each period works if, and only
if, the students who visit the library do so
because of academic need, and conduct
themselves that way. Unfortunately that
wasn’t the case during our pilot. Most of the
students who visited did so (by their own
admission) to leave a “no talk” study hall.
Students were quite frank that they came to
socialize as much as to do work. Our statistics
confirmed their words. By staff observations,
approximately 70% of the students who
used the computers were playing games or
watching videos, both unacceptable by district
policy. We did not experience an increase in
material objects, lying on the tables and other
inappropriate behaviors. We did find a great
deal of graffiti on tables, and some vandalism.
Daily the tables and floors were littered with
food, baggies, and wrappers. It was evident
that the study hall students needed to be
monitored. However, monitoring study hall
students in one area and teaching in another
did not make for my best lessons! Remember
that it is not unusual for the library to have
8-15 classes scheduled per day. I cannot
increase time spent on study hall monitoring
if it means less time teaching the classes
that come to use the library resources.
It is the goal of the library program
to serve as many students academically as
is practical. That is the reason the library is
open more than 12 hours each week before
and after school. However, our pilot has
shown us that we cannot serve all people
in all ways. No program in our school can.
Students cannot randomly walk in the art
room and begin painting. Our staffing and
school structures don’t permit that to happen.
However, the pilot did illustrate that
even with classes in the library, study hall
students can have access, but in controlled
numbers. How large those numbers are
will be largely a matter of student behavior
and intent. I welcome any student who
has an academic reason to use the library.
Student input on library policy
and library materials is truly encouraged.
I welcome everyone to attend our student
advisory meetings, held every other
Tuesday at 2:30. The next one is April
15. Refreshments are always served.
Please be encouraged to continue the
fine work in your newspaper to enact change
in your school and your community. Your
library article has resulted in change. I enjoyed
your Farmhouse Coffee article immensely.
Who knows, if you write about it, maybe our
school will create a student union for students
to chat, listen to music and but a snack!
Mrs. Morriston


Self-Esteem vs. Competiton

Letter to the Editor
To the Editors & Staff of Smoke Signals:



Grant Burkhardt & Jordan Dent
News Editor

I have a
brother who is eight years old
and participates in numerous
little league baseball teams
throughout the year. I overheard
my parents talking about how
the draft for his upcoming
spring league was held, and I
was surprised at the thought of
an actual draft for kids his age.
I, on the
other hand, have played
competitive sports pretty
much my whole life and
have gone through year
after year of drafting to pick
teams. I have no problem
with the process. Actually,
I think drafting is the only
reasonable way to pick teams.
I am not
saying that I am against
competition. I, too, have played
sports my whole life and have a
very competitive attitude about
most everything I do. I don’t,
however, think that such a high
level of competition should
be introduced or encouraged,
at such a young age. And
I do not think that drafting
is the only “reasonable”
way to put together a team.
Then how
do you expect 12 or 13 year
olds to gain a competitive
edge if they were never
a little adversity? If you
place an athlete in a
competitive situation where
he understands who is
good at a sport, he will be
able to comprehend what
he needs to do to succeed.
I think competition is
essential at that age, and
seriously the only thing
that is really competitive
at that age is the feud

Sports Co-Editor

between the “baseball dads.”
How else would you pick teams?
(Jordan) I think learning
competitiveness through actually
playing the game is more valuable
than learning it by knowing who is
better than the next kid. And, I think
you prove my point ten times more
by mixing in obessesive parents.
Mom and Dad pressuring the athlete
to be “the best” at age nine can put
a serious strain on a child’s ability to
perform well. And as far as picking
teams goes, whatever happened
to picking names out of a hat?
(Grant) Picking names out
of a hat is ridiculous because if
you end up stacking a team with
talent, aren’t you just hurting the
all-important self-esteem of the
kids on the team that can’t win?
When was the last time teams
in a league were picked out of
a hat? Never. Competitiveness
is NATURAL. You make a good
point about wanting to please the
parents, but even the harshest
parents can understand that to get
better you have to play with better
players. If he is serious about
wanting to be good at a sport,
having teammate role models is
the best medicine to help with subpar talent levels. If he looks up to
his own “role models” in higher
level sports, that means that he
wants to be like that person, and
the sooner we introduce “wanting
to be the best” or just being
better, the better the product on
the field. That is what matters.
(Jordan) So don’t pick names
out of a hat, pick them alphabetically
or by birthdays or some other
meaningless way. At least if you do
end up stacking a team, you know
that you were not doing it on purpose.
And another thing, what if the kid
just wants to play? What if he didn’t
look up to Barry Bonds, Tom Brady,

or Tiger Woods? What if he or she
just wants to run out an a field and
have fun with their friends? That is
the whole point of RECREATIONAL
sports. According to Dictionary.
com, “recreational” is defined as,
“a pastime, diversion, exercise, or
other resource affording relaxation
and enjoyment.” If you ask me,
worrying about whether or not
you can throw further, run faster,
or hit harder than your friends
is not relaxation or enjoyment.
If you knew
anything about the drafting
process, you would know that
the teams are rarely picked with
last year’s statistics in view.
There is nothing wrong with a
kid wanting to just go out and
have fun with his friends but
at some point, for the sake of
the athletes who enjoy winning
and being talented, the level
of competitiveness needs to
be raised at rapid pace. If that
means phasing out the lessgifted, so be it. Barry, Tom, and
Tiger didn’t get to where they
are now by beating a hundred
lesser athletes; they achieved
greatness by beating the best
and becoming the best. Every
person who considers himself
trust me. Let’s just say that
being competitive boosts selfesteem and end the fight now.
I guess we
just have to agree to disagree.
While I do not think competition
should be encouraged so young,
I do suppose that a certain level
of competition is necessary to
achieve greatness in any sport, or
really anything else in life. I just
think it is important for kids to know
that in order achieve anything, they
must first believe in themselves.



Brian Lewis


What are you looking forward to most about

Alex Egan


The future! I can’t wait to see what lies

Being able to sleep in.

Are you

sad to graduate?

Yes! As much as I complain about high
school, I know I’m going to miss it, and
I’m going to miss all the people in it even

What are you looking forward to
Sleeping in and being away from the

What was the
Once I knew where I was going to
school, I stopped caring about my
grades completely

most about college?

Boys. And the whole college experience
in general. But mostly the boys.

best part about being a senior?

Everything was just so much more
carefree...senior year is by far the easiest
and most fun.Also, it’s so nice just knowing
that this is your last year, then you’re done.

Best Dressed

Shelby Gregor & Andrew McMillian

Best Looking at 50
Justin Broglie & Leanna Frey

Best Personality

Jes Stockhausen & Kaitlyn Stroyne

Most Athletic

Pat Russo & Megan Hahn

Most Artistic

Tina Elderkin & Taylor Atkins

Best Smile

Greg Maronde & Mackenzy Radolec

Best Laugh

Bob Stein & Lauren Legg

Biggest Flirt

Alexis Joseph & Nick Smith

Most Musical

Becky Rosky & Dave Sheperd

Easiest to Talk To

Annelyse Giovannitti & Alex Sam
Most Likely to be Remembered
(Chosen By Teachers)
Andrew Marshall & Laura Sunday

Most Likely to become the next
Oprah / Dr. Phil
Melanie Hoffman & Grant Burkhardt

Most Likely to Be High School
Mike Allen & Rebecca Nicholson

Most Likely to Discover a
Cure for Cancer

Kelsey Gallagher & Chris Jewison

Most Likely to be on
Saturday Night Live

Natalie Palamides & Eli Diamond

Most Changed Since Freshman Year
Jessica Ward & Clinton Amand

Most Likely to Backpack
through Europe
Danny Hinson & Elena Ponte

Most Likely to Climb Mt. Everest
TC Rauch & Bridghid Knoll

Most Likely to Live Off Ramen
Noodles for the Next 10 Years
Sasha Machel & Mike Stromberg




Summer Issue 2008

Smoke Signals



IJ: The 2008 NFL Draft went great for the
Pittsburgh Steelers. They arguably had the
best draft in the league, and made some
seriously shocking picks. Drafting Rashard
Mendenhall in the first round was a great
pick and second rounder Limas Sweed was
arguably the steal of the draft. So with all
the great picks, who was the best pick?
(excluding Mendenhall)

IJ: I think Limas Sweed was the steal of
the entire draft. I mean in the whole NFL,
not only the Steeler’s draft. Even though
I think that was a great pick. I think I am
going to have to go with my boy Dennis
Dixon. In the fifth round!?!?! Are you kidding
me? People forget that if he hadn’t gotten
hurt, he probably would’ve been the second
quarterback taken. No disrespect to Joe
Flacco, but Dixon is the superior quarterback
when he is healthy. That was the best pick
in the 2008 NFL Draft for the Pittsburgh
TR: I agree that Dennis Dixon was
very good in college at Oregon, but
the question is, will he be a good pro
quarterback. As a fifth round pick with
two quarterbacks in front of you on the
depth chart, if you don’t have a good
camp, you have a legitimate chance of
making only the practice squad. I think
Bruce Davis will make a much quicker
impact on the Steelers than Dennis Dixon
will. As long as Big Ben is playing well,
Dixon is nothing but a backup.
IJ: Dixon is the best athlete on the team.
They will find away to get him on the field.
Use him like Kordell, Randle El, or as a
kick returner. It doesn’t matter; if he’s on
the field we’ll score touchdowns. That’s all
I know. He can run (fastest 40 time of all
the quarterbacks in the draft), he can throw,
and he is the perfect gadget playmaker.
He would’ve won the Heisman trophy if
it wasn’t for his ACL exploding. Go on and tell me he
won’t be the best quarterback in NFL history.
I dare you to tell me that.

Taylor Relich

Staff Writer


It’s the time of year again
when the NHL Playoffs are the
only worthwhile thing on television.
Major League Baseball hasn’t
heated up yet, and nobody really
cares about the NBA Playoffs. After
much thought, I have come up with
five reasons why the Stanley Cup
Playoffs are way above the rest.
1. The playoff format
The NHL has one of the best
playoff formats in all of professional
sports. They take eight teams from
each conference, including the six
division winners, and ten at large
bids based on points. There is
reseeding after every round, which
gives the one and two seeds a
constant advantage, and the
better seed always gets home-ice
advantage, which I like.
2. The intensity of the
fights is cranked up
In the NHL Playoffs, all the
excitement of the regular season is
amplified. The fights in the playoffs
are so much better. The passion
that the players display is amazing,
because in the words of the NHL,
“every shift matters.”
3. The atmosphere of the
The atmosphere of the Stanley
Cup Playoffs is just amazing. The
crowds get into it especially in
areas that are crazy for hockey.
The crowds in Canada and cities in the US like Detroit,
Denver, and Pittsburgh really get behind their teams
come playoff time. During the playoffs, you see all kinds
of fan antics, from the regular banging on the glass to
throwing live octopi out on the ice, not to mention the
fact that the chants are always loud and proud.
4. The Penguins are back in the Playoffs
Probably one of the best reasons to watch hockey this
time of year in Pittsburgh is because the Penguins are
in the Playoffs. The Pens have revamped their lineup
and qualified second in the Eastern Conference. After
a strong first series, the Penguins show potential to go
deep into the playoffs.

Bill Berry

Image courtesy of:

TR: I definitely think that Bruce Davis will
make the biggest impact next year out of
any of the 2008 draft choices, besides
Rashard Mendenhall of course. Davis
was a major steal at the point in the draft
that we picked him up. He was a standout
at UCLA and was kind of overlooked just
because he played in the PAC 10. The
Steelers linebacker core was weak last
year, with James Farrior having one of
the worst years he has ever had. The blitz
wasn’t producing sacks and the defense
was a non-factor.

5 Reasons to Love the Stanley Cup Playoffs

5. Playoff beards
It might be quirky and unique to hockey, but you have to
respect the playoff beard. This is one of the hallmarks of
commitment among NHL fans. In cities like Pittsburgh
where hockey is life after football season, fans from 15 to
80 love to show their passion for hockey by not shaving
until their team is out of the playoffs.
Although the focus of attention in Pittsburgh is
obviously the Penguins, the NHL Playoffs are a spectacle
to be seen. I strongly recommend watching as much
hockey as you can this postseason, because it doesn’t
get any better than this. The Stanley Cup finals will be
exciting no matter who is in them, but like the rest of
Pittsburgh, I think it would be a whole lot better if the
Pens are in contention.

PT Lacrosse, Push to the Playoffs
Staff Writer

Township lacrosse team
is fighting their way into
the playoffs. After beating
Upper St. Clair 8-7 in double
overtime, the Indians need
one more win to make the
post season. Either a victory
over Franklin Regional
on May 6 or a road-win
at Hampton on May 7 will
clinch a playoff berth. A win
over Mt. Lebanon on May
10 would also send PT to
the next round.
anchored by its strong
defense led by senior
goalie and captain Mike
Moretti. He is the team’s
only returning all leaguer,
and is a candidate for AllAmerican. The starting
defensemen are senior

captain Kameron Burk,
senior Brett Van Dyke, and
sophomore Jeff D’Abarno.
Junior Tyler Sheets is
the starting long stick
midfielder, and is backed
up by Charles Murray and
Andrew Johnston.
Another strong unit
for PT is their attack. The
three starting attack men
are senior Edan Fletcher,
and sophomore Connor
Mannion. They will try to
replace last year’s talented
players, Jason Powell and
Sean-Paul Mauro. So far
the attack has been able
to fill the void by racking
up goals and assists.
Fletcher and Destefano
are currently the team’s
two leading scorers. The

fourth attack man is junior
Chris Cain.
The one thing that
hasn’t changed from last
year is Peter’s dominance
of face-offs. Led by senior
captain Ben McClure, the
Indians have been able
to win most of their faceoffs creating numerous
scoring opportunities. Also
chipping in are senior Dan
Marchky and sophomore
Jimmy Cogley.
Senior captain Jes
Stockhausen leads the
midfield, and is currently
the team’s leading midfield
scorer. Adding depth to
the position are McClure,
Cogley, Marchky, seniors
Mike Mannion, juniors
Jeff Falsetti and Eric

Rackley, and sophomores
Bryce Palumbo and Dan
a strong senior class, not
many people had high
expectations for their 2008
campaign. “I think we’re
going to surprise a lot of
people who don’t think
we’re going to do much this
season,” said head coach
Doug Miller. This will be
Miller’s first season as the
head coach of PT after three
seasons as an assistant at
Peters’ future looks
bright with four sophomores
either starting or contributing
quality playing time. Look
for Peters to be a perennial
powerhouse in lacrosse for
years to come.
Summer Issue 2008


Release the Hounds

Ian Jackson

Staff Writer

The year was 2006, the
World Cup was in full throttle, and
the Riverhounds were having the
biggest crowds they had ever had.
They had sold out the Consol Energy
Park, which holds 3,200 people, six
times during the season. That had
never happened more than once
in a season. Yes, the Riverhounds
always have spiked attendance
during the World Cup, because it is
the one time every four years that
most Americans care about soccer.
The Riverhounds responded to the
crowds and made the playoffs for
only the third time in franchise history.
The team had a great season to build
on until things got interrupted.
Riverhounds were put up for sale
and sold. The winning bidder was a
group that consisted of the Allegheny
Sports Complex and Everton FC,
of the English Premier League.
The group believed things needed
to change, and had the team sit
out the 2007 season to commit to
rebuilding. (They promised to be

Paige Burris

back in 2008. They kept their promise
and in December the team announced
that they would be back for the 2008
season.) They will once again play
in the United Soccer League Second
Division (USL 2), but they will be led
by a much different group of players
and play in a new stadium. The David
Flavius era has ended. Flavius, who
had MLS type talent, is the all-time
leading scorer for the Riverhounds.
He announced his retirement over the
offseason. He played nine seasons for
the Riverhounds (1998-2007). After
playing two seasons at Consol Energy
Park in Washington, PA, the Hounds
will play their home games at Chartiers
Valley High School during the 2008
Flavius may be gone, but the
team is still full of talented players. The
key returners are defenders Jason
Kutney, Nathan Salsi, and attacker
Leon Browne. They will be joined by
forward Thabiso Khumalo, midfielder
Travis Mackenzie, and midfielder Justin
Evans. Khumalo and Evans (who is a
Peters Township graduate and starred

for the PT soccer team) each have
spent time with teams in Major League
Soccer, Khumalo with the Chicago Fire;
Evans spent time with the San Jose
Earthquakes and FC Dallas.
Khumalo and Browne will be
responsible for filling in the shoes of
Flavius. They have to finish the plays
Flavius finished for nine years and put
points on the board. That may be no
easy task, but it is one that they have
confidence in accomplishing.
“David was a great player for
a long time. He was a player I looked
up to and he taught me many things to
help me develop my own game. I thank
him for that, and he will be missed,”
stated Browne. “But this team still has
a lot of ability. I’m confident that we can
still put the ball in the back of the net
and win games.” ( The
Riverhounds are currently 0-3-1, with
one point, and sit in ninth place in the
ten team USL 2. They played Harrisburg
City to a draw in their first home game of
the season, in front of 3,119 fans. They
play their next home game at Chartiers
Valley High School on June 13th.

Lady Indians Softball: Rewind
Staff Writer

has paid off; the Lady Indians have made it to the playoffs
by beating Mt. Lebanon, and Cannon McMillan in the
final stretch. We wish them luck in their upcoming playoff

Image by: Paige Burris

The Lady Indians are surprising their opponents with
their unlikely level of success, given the circumstances
of the season. So far the team has had fourteen wins
and only four losses, to Mount Lebanon in the seventh
inning, Upper Saint Clair 4-1,Trinity 3-2 in extra innings,
and Baldwin 6-4. They have had a minor setback, with
Shaylee Ianno tearing her ACL on the mound on April
14 against Baldwin. Just a week later, the team received
disappointing news that Shaylee Ianno would not be
back for the season. However the team captain and head
pitcher will still be there watching and cheering on her
teammates. Her surgery happened on Friday, May 2.
Although Ianno is out, the team has played without her
before in the fall ball season and came out with a record
of 20- 4. For fall ball, the team also took two tournaments
without Ianno. So, needless to say, the team can still be
successful without the assistance of their head pitcher.
The team also got a great addition to the team- Amanda
Heitmeir. She is the starting catcher, and will be attending
a Division 1 softball school, the University of Pittsburgh,
in the fall. The defense has been adjusted according to
the new pitchers, which are sophomore Olivia Bovalina
and freshman Morgan Meadows, and the modification is
pushing the team towards a winning season. The offense
is also starting to step up. The softball team’s hard work

The girls won all but one of there games in Florida. They enjoyed hitting up the amusement parks as well.

A Spring Tradition: Powder-Puff Football
Melanie Hoffman
Staff Writer

As a spring tradition here at PTHS, Girl’s PowderPuff Football is something both the junior and senior classes
are able to look forward to. The game, to be
held on June 4 at 6:00, has been put together
by Mrs. Bockstoce.
The senior team is ready and, after
their shutout victory last year, there is much
anticipation. With the end of the year drawing
near and “senioritis” in full drive, the seniors
are ready to play.
The junior team, however, may have
a problem. With the lack of school spirit the juniors show
at pep rallies, some ask if they’ll even be able to pull
together a team. Junior Bridget Stasenko thinks otherwise.
“Our grade may not have the most spirit, but we’re ready

to play some Powder-Puff!”
Requirements to play this year are attending
four out of five practices, and purchasing a
ten-dollar jersey and a mouth guard. Some
volunteer coaches returning this year are
Miss O’Connor, Mr. Hitchens, Mr. Cervenak,
and Mr. Demascal, among others. “PowderPuff allows girls to show their true competitive
nature. It’s a healthy competition and one
of the activities most looked forward to
throughout the year,” fellow coach, Mrs.
Bockstoce said.
All in all, the game should be interesting, giving
upperclassmen girls something to top off their year.


(14-6, 9-6) – 3rd in
Section, qualified for
WPIAL Playoffs

Boys Volleyball
(5-11) – Won Their
Senior Rec game
against Canon Mac

Boys Tennis
Beat Penn Trafford in
WPIAL quarter finals

(15-4, 8-4) – 3rd in
Section, qualified for
WPIAL Playoffs

Track and Field
Boys and Girls
(5-1) - qualified for
WPIAL Playoffs

Girls Lacrosse
(10-4) – qualified for
WPIAL Playoffs

Boys Lacrosse
(5-7) – Senior
Recognition on
May 15, vs. Trinity
Seniors ‘08!
Aaron Dana	
Adamsky	Jay .D. 	
Ali Chelsea	
Allen Katy	
Allen Mike	
Almnaizel Jeries	
Anderson	Robert	
Arillotta	 Jim	
Atkins Taylor	
Bak Justin	
Balionis Jon 	
Banas Steve	
Barna Sara	
Baxendell Alexa	
Beck Tim	
Beggs Chelsea	
Bench Erin	
Berestecky Andrea	
Bergman	 Calvin	
Berry	 Bill	
Bittner	 Michele	
Blandino	Andy	
Bloser	 Kyle 	
Boehme	 Benjamin	
Broglie	 Justin	
Brooks	 Joanna	
Brouwer	 Derek	
Brown	 Gino	
Burgan	 Shannon	
Burkhardt Grant	
Burns	 Angela	
Buzard	 Kaitlyn	
Cameron	Zach	
Carbonara Melissa	
Carey	 Janel	
Carone	 Megan	
Carper	 Cayla	
Cassano	 Larissa	
Catalano	 Chelsea	
Caumo	 Brittany	
Chiappino Jason 	
Christman Kayla	
Ciancarelli Dan	
Cicero	 Adrienne	
Clawges	 Jennifer	
Come	 Nina	
Connor	 Matthew	
Connors	 Sean	
Corrado	 Vince	
Courter	 Matt	
Creehan	 Mackenzie	
Crossman Josh	
Debee	 David	
Debowski Mike	
Defelice	 Zack	
Deiley	 Jacqueline	
Dellavalle Jamie	
DeLuca	 Alexa	
DeNardo	Jeana	
DeWoody Jake	
Diamond	Eli	
Dinger	 Cassidy	
DiVella	 Mike	
Dodds	 Lindsay	
Edwards	 Spencer	
Eisengart	Paige	
Elderkin	 Rebecca	
Eskew	 Ryan	
Ferrara	 Phil	
Fitzgerald Katie	
Fitzgerald Timothy 	
Fletcher	 Edan	
Fletcher	 Hadas	
Fortunato	Joseph	
Freeman	 Jessica	
Fryder	 Kelly	
Galiano	 Brittany	
Gallagher	Kelsey	
Ganick	 Katie	
Garbera	 Alyssa	
Gardner	 Haylee	
Garland	 Anastacia	
Gavlick	 Katie	

Quinnipiac University
Penn State University of Altoona
Penn State University of Altoona
California University of Pennsylvania
Case Western Reserve University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
California University of Pennsylvania
Academy of Art University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Marine Corps.
Penn State University
Duquesne University
Ohio University
Duquesne University
Allegheny College
St.Francis University
Ohio University
Brigham Young University
Ohio University
Oral Roberts University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh
Grove City College
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Montana State Univeristy at Bozeman
Slippery Rock University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Union College of New York
Ohio University
Fairfield University
West Virginia University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Notre Dame
Elon University
Indian River Community College
New York University
Grove City College
California University of Pennsylvania
Ohio University
Edinboro University
Northeastern University
Slippery Rock University
Slippery Rock University
Duquesne University
University of Connecticut
Allegheny College
California University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
Duquesne University
Penn State University
University of Central Florida
Hope College
Kent State University
University of Buffalo
Arizona State University
James Madison University
Miami University of Ohio
Ohio University
California University of Pennsylvania
Carnegie Mellon
Chatham University
Miami University of Ohio
University of Pittsburgh
Columbia College of Chicago
West Liberty State College
University of Dayton
John Carroll University
Washington and Jefferson University
Coastal Carolina University
Purdue University
Slippery Rock University
Kent State University
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech College
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh
Penn State University
State University of New York at Oswego
West Virginia University
University of Notre Dame
John Carroll University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Clarion University
Ohio University
University of Arizona
Penn State University

class of

Giovannitti Annelyse	
John Carroll University
Gompers	Caitlyn	
West Virginia University
University of Dayton
Greer	 Daniel	
University of Pittsburgh
Gregg	 Kevin	
Mercyhurst College
Gregor	 Shelby 	
Philadelphia University
Griffith	 Justine	
Waynesburg University
Griffith	 Rob	
Waynesburg University
Duquesne University
Hammell	Lauren	
Allegheny College
Hanson	 Nate	
University of Pittsburgh
Hartenbach Katy	
Slippery Rock University
Heaps	 Katie	
Duquesne University
Heilman	 Justin  	
Ohio State University
Heiskell	 Alec	
West Virginia University
Heldman	Renee	
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Hilzendeger J.P	
University of Pittsburgh of Greensburg
Hinson	 Dan	
Utah University
Hoffman	 Melanie	
West Virginia University
Hornack	 Ryan	
Penn State University of Altoona
Hough	 Robbie	
University of Pittsburgh
Huber	 Kayla	
Ohio State University
Hughes	 Christan	
University of Pittsburgh
Hummel	 Eric	
Hunter	 Christina	
Duquesne University
Ianno	 Shaylee	
Slippery Rock University
United States Military Academy at West Point
Coastal Carolina University
Jacobs	 Megan	
Clarion University
Jankowski Delanie	
Slippery Rock University
Jankowski Jordan	
Miami University of Ohio
Jewison	 Chris	
Cornell University
Johnson	 Kayla	
California University of Pennsylvania
Kartik	 Noelle	
Rochester Institute of Technology
Bethany College
Kennedy	 Kelly	
Uinversity of Pittsburgh
Kipling	 Alison	
Rice University
Duquesne University
Knoll	 Bridget	
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kocher	 Alex	
William and Mary College
Koenig	 Chris	
Purdue University
Koerner	 Will	
Duquesne University
Lacey	 Maura	
University of Pittsburgh
Gannon University
Lanzy	 J.D.	
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Leightner	Ben	
University of Dayton
Lesnett	 Elizabeth	
University of Nevada at Reno
Lewis	 Brain	
Clemson University
Lewis	 Kendra	
Berklee College of Music
Lindberg	 Becca	
Robert Morris University
Luketich	 Kate	
Duquesne University
MacCleary Shawn 	
Florida Altlantic College
Magreni	 Gina	
University of Pittsburgh
Majoras	 Mark	
Penn State University
Manning	 Bridge	
Northeastern University
Mannion	 Mike	
Ohio University
Marks	 Kristin	
Virginia Tech
Maronde	 Greg	
California University of Pennsylvania
Matthis	 Erin 	
Duquesne University
McAllister C.J	
University of Pittsburgh
McClure	 Ben	
Marietta College
McDonough Dave	
California University of Pennsylvania
McFadden Sean	
Iowa State
McGrail	 Katie	
Penn State University of Altoona
McMillan Andrew  	
Cleveland Institute of Art
McNeal	 Kathryn	
Wittenberg University
Meadows	Tyler	
Robert Morris University
Melanson	Brittany	
Edinboro University
Mellott	 Holly	
Duquesne University
Merich	 Nick	
Point Park University
Merrit	 Kyle 	
California University of Pennsylvania
Metzmaier Mark	
Marietta College
Meyers	 Nate	
Edinboro University
Mitchell	 Carl	
Lehigh University
Moore	 Alli 	
Penn State University
Moretti	 Mike	
Ohio University
Mosallem Julie	
West Virginia University
Murgel	 Lauren	
West Virginia University
Murgie	 Amy 	
Carlow University
Murman	 Jordan	
West Virginia University
Murray	 Charles	
Penn State University
Murray	 Morgan	
Ohio University
Naumoff	 Bill	
Neville	 Dave	
The United States Air Force Academy
Nicholson Rebecca	
Kent State University
Nitschmann Natalie	
Penn State University
Olawski	 Zach	
University of Pittsburgh
Oleynik	 Ally	
Ithaca College
O’Rourke Chelsea	
California University of Pennsylvania
Palko	 Emily	
Bloomsburg University


Palumbo	 Anthony	
University of Pittsburgh
Parchuke	Danielle 	 UPMC Shady Side Nursing Academey
Parchuke	Jessica	 UPMC Shady Side Nursing Academy
Paterra	 Julianna	
Ohio State University
University of Pittsburgh
Peranteau	Steve	
Penn State University
Percival	 Rob	
Penn State University
Pezzella	 Justin	 Community College of Beaver
Porco	 Tyler	
Johns Hopkins University
Powell	 Bryan 	
Penn State University
Lafayette College
Quature	 Rob	
Quinlin	 Kevin	
Duquesne University
Quinn	 Laura	
Mercyhurst College
Rankin	 Julie	
Penn State University of Behrend
Rauch	 Thomas	
Penn State University
Reyes	 Jillian	
Penn Commercial
Kent State University
Roberson	Caitlyn	
Duquesne University
Robinson	Jeacey	
Brigham Young University
Rodgers-Melnick	 Samuel	 Duquesne University
Penn State University
Rothaar	 Pete	
West Virginia University
Rothhaar	Jessica	
Westminster College
Russo	 Pat	
Duquesne University
Penn State University
Santry	 Nick	
West Virginia University
Scarberry	Jacky	
University of Charleston
Schaefer	 Grant	
California University of Pennsylvania
Schaefer	 Zach	
Carnegie Mellon University
Schneider Brandon	
Clemson University
Sederholm Doug 	
Ohio University
Seguiti	 Gina	
Carnegie Mellon University
Semko	 Chaz	
Sestrich	 Kristen	
University of Dayton
Shaner	 Ryan	
West Virginia University
Shepherd	Dave	
Temple University
Shultz	 Stephanie	
Seton Hill University
Smith	 Joe	
Clarion University
Smith	 Nick 	
Smore	 Stephanie	
Virginia Tech
Snyder	 Christina	
Ohio University
Stanik	 Megan	
Duquesne University
Steeber	 Doug 	
University of Pittsburgh
Penn State University
Stenger	 Mike	
Potomac State College of West Virginia University
Steratore	 Anthony	
The College of Wooster
Sternweis	Carol	
Penn State University
Stevans	 Matty	
University of Colorado at Boulder
Stewart	 Jon	
Universityof Pittsburgh
Stiffler	 Cara	
California University of Pennsylvania
Stipanovich T.J.	
Ohio University
Stockhausen Jes	 University of Colorado at Boulder
Stokan	 Adam	
Stratico	 James	
Penn State University of Altoona
Stroyne	 Kaitlyn	
Duquesne University
Suchy	 Rachel	 Case Western Reserve University
Sunday	 Lauara	 University of California at Davis
Swoope	 Niki	
West Virginia University
Tarwater	 Annie	
Columbia College of Chicago
Taylor	 Sara	
University of Notre Dame
Thome	 James	
Tomayko	Jenifer	
Ohio State University
Brittany	 California University of Pennsylvania
Trageser	 Erika	
Duquesne University
Taylor University
Ulrich	 Danielle	
Westminster College
Urbanowicz Dan 	
Duquesne University
Vachon	 Jordan	 Indiana Unversity of Pennsylvania
Van Dyke	 rett	
University of Pittsburgh
Vodzak	 Kayla 	
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Wagner	 Gina	
Indiana University of Pennsylvannia
Wallach	 Aaron	
Walnoha	 Alexa	
Gannon University
Warzinski Paul	
Liberty University
Wawrose	Ann	
Rice University
Weaver	 Sara	
Slippery Rock University
Welch	 Ally	
Yingling	 Hannah	
Towson University
Zajdel	 Byron	 United States Military Academy at
West Point
Zawicki	 Kaylin	
Point Park University
Zeffiro	 Liz	
Lehigh University
University of Pittsburgh
Zoufalik	 Stan	

Point Park University
Summer Issue 2008

Moving House

Retiring Teachers

Angelina Nepa
Features Editor

Mr. Houser has always been something of an enigma for PT students. He comes to
school every morning, dressed impeccably, more eager to discuss The Grapes of Wrath than any
student and spends his class periods espousing his love for English. However, few students that
leave him to enter their sophomore year know much about him. Though never one to discuss his
personal life, Mr. Houser recently revealed a few details to lessen the blow of his imminent retirement.
It is widely known that Mr. Houser graduated from Washington and Jefferson College and
majored in English. But few know that his favorite subject was actually chemistry. He ultimately decided
to pursue a career in teaching, and embarked upon a 39-year run as a purveyor all things English.
He first taught in Rochester, before moving on to Carlington, PA, and then finally to Peters, where he
stayed for 34 years. Mr. Houser decided to retire while he was young enough to maintain a certain
quality of life. “Though I won’t have the same commitments, I will not have free time,” he admitted.
Obviously one who has taught English for decades would have thousands of
stories, about fictional characters and
real-life students alike. He remembers how his
students react to books read
and projects they embark upon most of all. Mr.
Houser hopes that
his pupils will remember him for the unbounded
enthusiasm he expressed during each day of
class. Mrs. Kocan, fellow English teacher, said
as much. “Mr. Houser is my mentor, I admire
the way he always maintains a sense of
class and dignity when others would falter.”
	Mr. Houser is perhaps most famous, however
unwillingly, for being the “Best Dressed Man
in PT.” When asked about his amazing dress
sense, specifically where he shops, he humbly
replied, “wherever there’s a sale.” As for boys
that come to school in sweats every day, they
should, simply put, “up their style.” As for his
true passions, he plans to spend his retirement
reading fantastic books (his favorite being
The Great Gatsby), playing sports, and
spending time with his family. He divulged
that he will miss the daily interactions with
students more than anything. As for the
hassles of technology in the classroom,
however, he would not say the same.
High school seniors that hope to
someday become teachers would do well
to take a page from Mr. Houser’s book.
He advises all prospective teachers to
immerse themselves in their subject area,
instead of merely the prospect of teaching.
Additionally, every student heading off to college
should heed of his counsel concerning their years spent at school.
“Personal responsibility is key, don’t blame others for your mistakes,” he
commented sagely. Every one of his peers and pupils would agree that Mr. Houser is
a force to be reckoned with. After living such a life thus far, all that any student could hope for,
college bound or otherwise, is half the grace that he radiates, and half the respect he commands.

Renée Wunderlich
Co-Editor-In Chief



For those students who are and have been involved in the Music Department, April 7,
2008 was a 2nd period that would live in infamy. After much praise for the Wind Symphony’s
10 consecutive Superior ranking in a recent adjudication, the band room experienced
an apocalyptic moment: it went silent. There was neither buzzing of mouthpieces nor
moistening of reeds. The classic mid-morning chatter was abandoned entirely, and not even
a spontaneous crash was herd from the Percussion section. Dr. Robert Dell had announced
his retirement. Some gawked, many cried, and most were just stunned into silence. It was
truly a turning point in the lives of the countless students and adults alike who have learned
so much from this remarkable man. During his interview, Dr. Dell insisted that this feature
fill only a modest corner of the paper, and the staff of Smoke Signals has tried to honor
his request. The following is merely a snippet of what was, is, and shall forever be “Doc”.
When first coming to Peters Township School District, what was your impression
of the music department and of the students here in general?
I’m a country boy – at that time, Peters Township was a farmland, so I was
right at home. The district certainly wasn’t up to the standards of excellence
that it is today, but nevertheless, it was an impressive system. My first position
was actually at the middle school, not at the high school, so it was a little difficult
to connect with the high school kids that I only got to see after school during
Marching Band. The 1968 Superintendent was phenomenal. He was the
one who pushed for a Marching Band and was the real reason it was started.


A Goodbye to Mr. Murdock
Gina Nepa

Staff Writer

Thirty-four years into the business,
Mr. Murdock has decided to wave us all
goodbye as he chooses to retire and move
on to bigger, better things. The school
will be sad to see him go; he offered a
new perspective to the district, as well
as constant passion in the classroom.
PTHS has been the only school he has
taught in, which demonstrates his loyalty.
“I definitely connect with fellow
teachers in this school,” Mr. Murdock
explains, “Frank Ciocci was like a mentor to
me when I was a new teacher; he showed
me the ropes and took me under his wing.
For that, I will always be appreciative.”
A bond between these two teachers is
widely shown, and respect is administered
towards each other on a regular basis.
Mr. Murdock attended Clarion
College, receiving his undergraduate
degree, and West Virginia University,
where he received his masters.
“My favorite part about this
place is the people - the kids and
the teachers,” Mr. Murdock states.
“The only thing that bothers me
is that when I see the potential
PTHS has the ability to possess,
and when they fail to meet these
standards, it’s upsetting.” Older
teachers develop bonds with
students, as did Mr. Murdock,
and have a strong passion
towards the students’ efforts.
Mr. Murdock laughs
when asked about the craziest
situation ever presented to
him while in the school. “I’m the
wrestling coach here, “ he says, “And
in 1986, we had to sue the WPIAL for
claiming that a match we won didn’t count.
If we had won that match, we would

Averi Clements

have moved on to the championship. I
was forced to testify on the stand.” It is
always refreshing to see teachers getting
involved in extracurricular activities such
as wrestling, as it shows their dedication
to the school and the lives of the students.
“I bet a lot of people didn’t know
that I’m the President of an Internet
company,” describes Mr. Murdock. “After
retiring, I plan to work on this business
and maybe expand a bit- after getting in
some much-needed travel, of course.”
His future plans seem typical in regards
to vacationing, and his pleasant attitude
demonstrates that he will most likely be
sad to leave, but excited for his
busy upcoming agenda.

Tapping Out

Staff Writer

Who/what inspired you to become a band director?
Many people were very influential, but I would have to say that it came from my
first great hero, the late Mr. Warren Mercer. He was my high school band director,
After 34 years of drilling students
and he somehow convinced me to pursue the same profession. I was the Drum Major in gym class, Mr. John Buckley is throwing
of my school’s marching
band, and music had always been my comfort zone. in the towel. He will be retiring at the end
of the year from his position as one of the
Do you have any pets?
physical education teachers of PTHS.
Yes, my six-year-old Siberian husky, Koda, In addition to his tasks as a teacher, Mr.
and Tye, a 23-years-young Palomino horse. Buckley also took on the responsibility of
She’s my second horse, actually. Riding was coach for the junior high wrestling team,
one of the things I used to do back in the day. I’ll encouraging many young wrestlers to
probably get back to that. I used to be a bit of a continue their careers through the high
cowboy – for five summers straight, I went on a school level. Although Mr. Buckley’s gym
horse-packing venture through the Allegheny students will breathe a sigh of relief knowing
Mountains. The landscape was just gorgeous! that their daily regimen of pushups will be
I also used to give a life skills class once a eliminated, there will be no such luck for
year, back when I was a principal. It was for the junior high wrestlers; the coach will be
special needs children in the area. I would returning during the wrestling season to
load them up onto my horse and give them uphold the junior-high team’s continually
rides. It was one of my greatest experiences! successful reputation. “I
e n j o y
coaching the wrestlers and
What were some of the obstacles you/ seeing them develop into
the band faced during it’s early years? accomplished athletes. I’ve
	 The first year was a bit rough because the organization made a commitment to the
was new. Marching Band has always been an extra curricular activity, wrestlers, parents, and my
which means that its level of excellence depends on how much the students and fellow coaches, and I want
directors are willing to put in. Despite some early adversity to the program, I have to uphold it for a little while
always given the band 110%, and I believe the kids have too. The “original 42” [the longer”, said Mr. Buckley
first members of the Mighty Indian Marching Band] kept it together. They showed a on his decision to keep
dedication that surprised so many, and every year, the new students continue that legacy. coaching. Mr. Buckley
intends to give up his
Have you ever experienced deja-vu?
coaching position at
When I came back to the band and to the Music Department after being a the end of next year’s
principal. But I knew what I was getting back into, as well as what to expect. wrestling
How do you feel about this year’s upcoming leadership team and the graduating plans of cycling to
class of 2009?
Washington DC after
Of course, my heartstrings are being pulled retirement bring a
seniors smile to Mr. Buckley’s
and the leadership that they are bringing to the next season. I’m not face, there are still
surprised really, but I can’t help but be amazed at this group. They never miss a beat! many fond memories
that he holds from
If you could give one piece of advice for an individual who WASNT directly
his time at the high
involved in music, what would it be?
school “There were a lot of
Don’t be afraid to just get into it. You are never too old, never too far in life sports championships that I was a part of.
to start appreciating the beauty around you that really is music. Even listening
can provide an understanding that no other field can cover. How can you loose?
If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say?

Those hold some memories that won’t soon
be forgotten,” he recalled. Buckley says
that the number things he will miss most
about teaching is great – The students
and staff have become a significant part of
his life. But, he says, the time to bring his
career to an end is appropriate; there are
still many things he wants to do that will be
enabled by his retirement, including future
jobs and seeing one of his son’s concerts in
San Diego, California. Overall, Mr. Buckley
is one of those teachers that is, in a way,
immortal – the idea of his absence in future
years is practically unthinkable. Although
the time has come for him to leave the high
school and enjoy some time to himself, he
will miss his students and colleagues…
and chances are, the feeling will be mutual.

in the


What Is Your Favorite Summer Memory?
Tim Fitzgerald ‘08

“Watching Galloway walk
down the street in a
bathing suit.”

Brahim Shettima ‘09

“The time I fell asleep in a

Jeff Lioon ‘10

“Fly fishing in Utah.”

Jason Lewis ‘11

“When I broke my ankle.”

What Marks The Offical Start Of Summer?
Jon Stewart ‘08

Drew Williams ‘09

“2nd semester.”

“Whenever Gary Roberts
says it starts.”

Max Maszle‘10

“After baseball season.”

Zach Darlington‘11

What The Teachers Have To Say...
Mrs. Kazalas

“The Last Day of School.”


Mr. Perote

“When I get to wear my
Hawaiian shirts in the

Mrs. Kuhn

“Going to the Outer Banks.”

Elle Goozdich ‘08

John Krak ‘08

What summer movie are you most looking forward to
“Sex in the City, of course.”
What are your summer plans?
“I’m going to St. Simons island with Megan Carone.”
What’s your favorite summer food?
If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go?
Whats the craziest thing you’ve done during summer?
“Jumping off a cliff into water!”

What summer movie are you most looking forward to
“Batman: The Dark Knight.”
What are your summer plans?
“Going to the beach in North Carolina and relaxing.”
What’s your favorite summer food?
“Cherry popcicles.”
If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go?
Whats the craziest thing you are doing this summer?
“Fun with Mr. Galloway.”



Ms. Hamilton

“Being evacuated from
North Carolina!”

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May 2008 Smoke Signals Issue 7

  • 1. PTHS Summer Issue 2008 Volume 39, Issue 7 Do Unto Others: Photos By: Annie Tarwater, Rachel Sunday, Molly Simeons, Mike Dubois, Tracey Lutes, Kara Lewis, Shania Herman, Nina Come, Shane Deiley, Jessie Smith, Olivia Bovalina, & Heidi Eltschlager The Mahatma Project Renée Wunderlich Editor-In-Chief The Mahatma Project, inspired by the efforts of peace-seeker Mahatma Gandhi, is a service endeavor comprised of events and fundraisers that benefit international causes. Sophomore students in this year’s Honors World Cultures classes took on this assignment to give aid and to gain an understanding of the world outside of the United States. This challenging yearlong venture was broken up into four benchmarks: During the first nine weeks, students brainstormed ideas and researched possible means of fundraising for their individual causes. The second nine weeks brought on the creative process, when students started putting their ideas together and planning for each of their events. The fundraisers were put into action during the third nine weeks, and then were evaluated on the fourth. On May 19, students’ work was displayed for the public eye at the Mahatma Project Fair. Here, awards were given to select students for their gracious efforts to aid others in need. Some of the service projects undertaken were a Max & Erma’s dinner coupon for 20 percent off, where all proceeds go to starving children in Africa. Andrea Briggs and Erica Schwotzer held a ‘Hat Day’ for disaster relief in the Virgin Islands. Kira Scammell and Kaitlyn Richert sold baked goods to combat world hunger. One project that was especially popular to the student body and staff alike was Beth Herder and Claire LaRosa’s “Pie In the Eye” fundraiser to support the Anna Seethaler Hospital in Oaxaca, Mexico, a free clinic that provides basic and special services to those who cannot pay for treatment. Currently, the hospital is looking to purchase equipment for complex eye surgeries. Such equipment may mean the difference for many patients between sight and permanent blindness. “The project was really challenging, and we weren’t exactly sure how the teachers and students would react to it, but we made it through and it was really successful,” said Herder, “Over Christmas break, Claire called me about an idea she had gotten for our project off the Internet. It sounded cool, so we tried it. The teachers were great – there were so many volunteers! We were sorry that we had to limit it to nine.” On April 11, after recognizing the various spring sports teams for their tournament accomplishments, a panel of 8 teachers (as well as Dr. Hajzus) lined up to have Reddi Whip flung into their faces – for a good cause. Over 30 teachers volunteered for the event, but after a careful tallying of homeroom surveys, Herder and LaRosa settled on: Mr. Scott, Mr. Bastos, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Whalen, Mr. Pinto, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Polard, and Mrs. Gunther. The vote to include Dr. Hajzus into the festivities was unanimous. And while some teachers opted to wear a garbage bag over their attire, Dr. Hajzus braced the hurling pie pans (3 in all) without any protective covering. With the interest of the student body, a handful of teacher volunteers, and lots of Reddi Whip, two dynamic girls are making a difference in the lives of many patients in critical condition who do not have the means to pay for treatment. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
  • 2. PT REFERENCE PTHS Sunday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Summer Issue 2008 Thursday Friday 2 Saturday May 2 00 8 1 4 8 Boy’s Varsity Volleyball 9 vs Cannon Mac 7:30 Fred Girl’s Varsity Lax vs Astaire’s Baldwin 7:30 Birthday 10 15 Boy’s Varsity Lax 17 5 6 Varsity Baseball vs USC 7:00 Boy’s Varsity Lax vs Franklin Regional 8:00 7:30 ConcertBand Concert 11 Mother’s Day 7:30 Chorus Concert 12 13 7:30 Orchestra Concert 18 7 14 20 1 “Seinfeld” TV Series final episode airs 1998 23 Mock Crash Assembly 7:30 AM Theatre Awards 28 29 30 2:30PM in the Cafeteria 27 4:3 0PM Senior 4 Senior Breakfast Smoke Signals OPINION EDITORS Alex Egan Brian Lewis SPORTS EDITOR Bill Berry Jordan Dent MARKETING EDITORS Brianna Lutes Shelby Miller SYNTAX EDITOR Andrea Briggs STAFF WRITERS Emily Estep, Gina Nepa, Taylor Relich, Bridget Stasenko, Katie Ellis, Averi Clements, Paige Burris, Mady Dietrich, Stephanie Nitschmann, Stephanie Cotugno, Ian Jackson, Dana Hoelle, Melanie Hoffman NEWS EDITOR Grant Burkhardt LAYOUT TEAM Katie Gavlick, Kaylin Zawicki, Emily Correal, Shelby Miller, Brianna Lutes FEATURES EDITOR Angelina Nepa ADVISER Ms. Daerr LAYOUT EDITOR Katie Gavlick 5 World Enviroment Day & Senior Picnic Kennywood Day for 7:00PM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Renée Wunderlich Ashley Czajkowski Senior’s Last Day! Prom From Seniors! Bob Dylan’s Birthday 31 6 Last day of school! Relay For Life 12:00 PTHS St adium Hilt on Garden Inn June 2008: Senior Week! Awards Smoke Signals is produced eight times during a school year by the students of Media II, III, IV Journalism and extracurricular staff at Peters Towship High School, 264 E. McMurray Road, McMurray PA 15317. Telephone: 724-941-6250 x.5379. E-mail: Commentaries, reviews, and opinion columns are the expressed opinion of the author and not of Smoke Signals, its advisor or the Peters Township School District. Member 24 Grand March & Track and Field Awards Night 3 Boy’s Varsity Lax vs. Mt Lebanon 8:00PM 7:30 AM Blood Drive 22 No School! 16 7:00 @ PTHS Memorial Day 2 of the Pennsylvania School Press Association. vs Trinity 6:00 Yearbook Social 26 Musical: Annie Get Your Gun 7:30 Musical: Annie Get Your Gun 7:30 Mr. PTHS Show 1:00 PM Mike Myers’s Birthday Musical: Annie Get Your Gun 7:00 Varsity Softball vs Cannon Mac 11:00 Varsity Baseball vs Mt. Lebanon 7:00 21 NHS Induction 25 Girl’s Varsity Lax vs USC 7:30 3 7:30 Jazz Band Concert 7:30 Wind Sypmphony Concert 19 Boy’s Varsity 2 Varsity Softball vs Volleyball vs Moon 7:30 Mt.Lebo 4:00 7 Graduation 7:30 S U D O K U
  • 3. NEWS PTHS Emily Estep Smoke Signals Mr. PTHS 3 Summer Issue 2008 Staff Writer Jerry Scheller, Sergio Tennis, and Tim Beck. You may know them as talented, funny, all around nice guys. What else do they have in common? Mr. PTHS. Jerry set the precedent for the title three years ago, and now on Thursday May 15th, some other lucky guy will get to fill the spot. This year, Peters Township High School will be hosting the 4th annual Mr. PTHS competition. There will be representatives for each grade, showing off for the coveted title of Mr. PTHS. Whoever wins will go down in PTHS history as being one of the greatest guys in our school. This competition is one of the most anticipated events of the year. To be considered, contestants first had to be nominated. Nominations for Mr. PTHS were sent out dur- ing lunch periods, and all grades were involved. Each nominee will do their best to excel in multiple categories, to get as much support as possible. One such category is the talent portion. In this event, competitors will have to show off their skills to prove that they are the best of the best. This may consist of anything from acting out a scene or playing an instrument and singing a song. Freshman Carlee Schneider explains, “My favorite part of Mr. PTHS is the talent part. Those guys have serious skills!” Besides the talent portion, the nominees will also try and make the audience laugh. They will also have to dress their best. Sophomore Dan DeLuca says, “Mr. PTHS is a great program for our school, I encourage everyone to participate.” What In The World? This just in: anorexia is illegal in France. The French Parliament has just passed a landmark bill making it unlawful for celebrities and fashion magazines to incite or promote unhealthy thinness in both men and women. This was seen as a necessity after the death of a Brazilian fashion model in 2006, which was linked to the disease. Better late than never. Hopefully the rest of the world will follow suit and help to prevent eating disorders in young women. Yet another human disorder has jumped into the land of animals: apparently, pets can now be diagnosed as “clinically depressed.” In Britain, veterinarians and zoologists have been known to prescribe the antidepressant Prozac for depressed parrots. “If people go out to work all day, their parrot will get bored and frustrated, and eventually develop depression,” claimed British television vet Romain Pizzi. So next time Polly wants a cracker, you better give it to him… Proving that those with disabilities can do anything they set their hearts on Robert Dunham of Green Valley, Arizona, made a hole-in-one on a three-par course. The real kicker: the eighty-five-year-old veteran was deemed legally blind ten years ago. According to, one of Dunham’s colleagues simply “lined up a ball for him on the tee, gave him a nine-iron, and told him to take a whack.” And we thought only high schools had a problem with weapon control – an elementary school in Dennis, Massachusetts was set into a panic when an eight-year-old brought a WWII hand grenade in for show-and-tell. The school of 400 students was immediately evacuated and the school was searched for other explosives while the grenade was inspected. It was deemed inert, as the explosive charge and detonator had been removed, and a hole had been cut in the bottom, rendering it safe for school officials to handle and dispose of properly. Compiled by Katie Ellis, Staff Writer Features Editor Peters Township will host a local chapter of Relay for Life, a fundraiser that supports the American Cancer Society, on May 31. The twenty-two hour event lasts all night, as competing teams keep a team member walking on the track at all times. Notable event during the Relay include the survivor lap, during which cancer survivors are recognized in their own lap, as well as a lap among Steph Cotugno hundreds of lit luminaries dedicated to all who are affected by the disease. This daylong event features dozens of track-side activities. Last year the theater troupe hosted carnival games at their station, while the music department staged a memorable eating contest. This year’s event will begin at 12:00 pm on May 31, and will end at 10:00 am the following morning. For those stay- ing overnight, the fun will last all night long, as long as one member of the team remains on the track. Christine Ghetto, captain of the thespian team, said “It’s a great event where kids can have fun while raising money for a cause that I really believe in.” The first Relay for Life was held in Tacoma, Washington in the May of 1985. Dr. Gordy Klatt spent twenty-four hours walking the track at Baker Stadium in his hometown. Friends and family paid to walk or run with him, and he ended up raising over $27,000. Today, events are hosted all over the world, and Peters always has great success. Hopefully students of all ages will turn out to help those that have been given more than their fair share in life. PTHS Gives Back Staff Writer In hope of providing Mexican elementary schools with new school supplies, the Spanish Club has created an outreach program benefiting a small school outside of Mexico City. The club has recruited all of the schools in our district to help, as well as members of the PTA. Pleasant Valley, Bower Hill, McMurray, the high school, and the PTA have come together to help the Mexican elementary school students receive a better education. From May 5 to May 10, collection boxes will be available at both the main entrance of the high school and in all homerooms to accept donated school supplies from the people in our township. Also, PTA members will be present on Saturday, May 10 to collect supplies from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Supplies such as pencils, crayons, markers, glue, construction paper, rulers and scissors are all needed to help provide the elementary students with a strong education. The elementary school, Escuela Primaria Federal, teaches students in grades one though six in Tlalnepantlaa, Mexico, a small town outside of Mexico City. There is no government funding for the school, so the teachers working at the school have to supply all materials for their students. The students have few or no school Photo By Katie Gavlick With gas prices so high right now, it would be disastrous to misprice the gasoline that you’re selling. That’s just what happened in Wilmington, North Carolina; instead of $3.35 a gallon, the computers were set to charge just $0.35 a gallon. The gas attendants didn’t realize their mistake, and lucky customers managed to fill multiple cars and alert many friends. By the time the mistake was recognized and amended at 6:00 pm that Friday, there was mass chaos and a traffic jam that extended around the corner. Police were called in to help restrain the crowd. Angelina Nepa Relay for Life supplies to reinforce and enhance their learning, so anything that can be donated will be beneficial to them. “We are blessed with so much in our lives, and don’t realize how much we have. The Spanish club promotes giving back to others who are less fortunate than us,” stated the Spanish Club’s sponsor, Señora Beth Bockstoce. The Spanish club exemplifies helping others and emphasizes the kindness of giving. “I am so happy I am involved in the Spanish Club because I feel like I am really helping those who need it. The club truly has a magnificent purpose,” stated sophomore Katie Ellis.
  • 4. 4 FEATURES PTHS Summer Issue 2008 Smoke Signals Speak Breaking The Bank: Prom ‘08 OUT Bridget Stasenko Staff Writer Prom is a pricey event, but who spends more-boys or girls? Well, let’s compare. Boys have to rent a tux, while girls have to buy a dress. The dress is the most important thing needed, as it defines her night. She will go to great lengths to find the right one. Some will go out of town, and some will go to multiple stores and shop for many hours. Dresses nowadays can cost up to $800 or more, not including alterations, which cost around $50. The guys have to buy flowers, but the girls have to buy lots of accessories, such as jewelry, a purse, and shoes. It is nice that the guys pick up the $110 tickets, because the girls have fine details that cost a large sum of money that makes the entire look. Girls must schedule various appointments to top off their appearance. Hair appointments must be scheduled way in advance to be sure they get the time and professional they prefer. The up-do usually costs $40 or more. They also need to begin tanning about 2 months in advance. A tanning package usually costs $40 for 10 tans. Manicures are also a necessity, and to have a full set of nails is around $30. As you can see, prom is quite pricey. The girls definitely spend more on the big event. A ballpark price for girls is about $900, while the guys spend about $300. Even though this is an expensive night, it will be one to never forget. Where is your favorite vacation spot? Senior Greg Maronde: “The McDonald’s parking lot.” Dana Hoelle The Public Library Teen Room Staff Writer The Peters Township Library recently just opened up the new teen room, as apart of their new expansion project. This expansion was an impressive fundraising feat for the library, and it is luring teens to this new space. Video games are being used to turn on teens to the joy of reading. Featuring a Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, multiple televisions, computers, and multicolored LED ceiling lighting, this space is ready for teens to enjoy. Teenagers can hang out, play games, and socialize in this new room. “The teen room is a great space for me to hang out, and become more educated while still having fun,” said freshman Doug Maronde. The former teen area hardly existed, with only a few beanbag chairs in the toddler section. This problem was causing teens not to visit the library because of the age gap between the toddles and their selves. “We wanted to give the teens a place that they could feel was their own,” said Pier Lee (The Peters Township Source.) The idea of bringing video games with library GO figure Olympics Junior Kristina Gaudy: “Anywhere warm is good for me!” Sophomore Dara Hoelle: “I love going on cruises. They are the perfect vacation!” services might seem strange, but it is a growing trend that is continuing to increase around the country. Getting teenagers in the library in the first place was the library’s main goal and accomplishment. The new teen room is attracting teenagers to use the many services the library offers. Having video games in this new space is an alternate way to learn in the library. The plan for The Peters Township Library was to combine In the 1912 Summer Olympics, Austria, Russia, New Zealand, Estonia, and the Netherlands zero won gold medals The US has won 79 gold medals from 1924 to 1976 video gaming with expanded lessons. The same goes with the other services in the new teen room. The new space was one of the primary reasons of the expansion of the book collection. The bulk of the new space is devoted to non-fiction shelving. All the new services the teen room provides are geared to attract tons of teenagers. The new library addition is becoming the new teen haven. So if you need a place to study or even hang out, visit the teen room during library hours. During the Stockholm Olympics, Italy had a gymnastics score of 265.75 Freshman Becca Beradino: “The beach is the best place to go on vacation.” Thor Henning (Sweden) won the silver medal in 1912 for his 400m Breaststroke with a time of 6:35.6 A stadium 400 is meters long because legend says Hercules walked that far and called it a “stadion”
  • 5. PTHS are off-limits to tourists for religious reasons, and only certain parts of the monolith are allowed to be photographed. Harry Potter fans, Mont Saint-Michel is worthy of being compared to Hogwarts. The French castle is located a kilometer off the country’s northern coast on a rocky tidal island. Once used as an Armorican stronghold in the sixth and seventh centuries, Mont Saint-Michel is a beautiful castle with a quaint village all around it. While gorgeous during the day, don’t forget to visit at night when it’s lit up, making the whole thing even more magical. Angel Falls of Canaima National Park in Venezuela is the highest free-falling waterfall in the world, with a 3212-foot drop. The falls are so tall that before they can even reach the bottom they’re pushed around by the wind and most of it is turned to mist. An aerial tour of the falls is available, but the falls cannot be seen well on cloudy days. The Cathedral Reims is a French church constructed at the end of the thirteenth century. The cathedral is humongous – the foyer alone is nearly 5000 square feet. Known worldwide for its intricate design work and beautiful stained glass windows, this house of worship is locally famous because the French kings were once crowned there. England’s Clock Tower, better known as Big Ben, is one of the most recognized landmarks in all of England. Known for its reliability, the Clock Tower has only had one major breakdown in almost 150 years. The name Big Ben is not actually in reference to the tower itself, but is the nickname of the Great Bell within the belfry, named for Sir Benjamin Hall, the commissioner of the works. Be sure to catch the Clock Tower at night when all the lights are on and, if possible, from across the river – the reflection in the water is just as breathtaking as the tower itself. Lake Baikal, located in Southern Siberia in Russia, has been called the “Blue Eye of Siberia,” and for a good reason: the water looks as if it’s made of liquid sapphire. The lake has a surface area of nearly 12,200 square miles and has twenty-two islands within its waters. The lake is available to tourists most of the year. However, it’s frozen from January to May, so try to visit late in the summer or you’ll miss out on the sparkling blue waters. Dippin’ Dot Delight Emily Correal Paige Burris Layout Team KENNYWOOD’S OPEN! It’s time to start talking to your friends and planning a date to go. You can’t miss out on the great rides, games, and of course, the food. Whether it’s their Potato Patch fries, corn dogs, or any of the sensational desserts, you will soon be indulged in great summer taste. My favorite Kennywood snack is the unique type of ice cream, Dippin’ Dots. When I’m on my way to wait in a long line for the Phantom’s Revenge, I have to stop at the Dippin’ Dots stand and buy a cup. The little ice cream dots melt on your tongue, satisfying your taste buds and cooling you down on a hot day. They usually have five flavors to chose from: chocolate, vanilla, rainbow ice, cookies n’ cream, and banana split. Why not eat a tasty treat while you are waiting in those long lines? Another good thing about them is that they aren’t messy, so you don’t have to worry about them melting all over you. Next time you go to Kennywood, you have to try Dippin’ Dots; you won’t be disappointed. By Mady Dietrich Staff Writer Are you sick of taking the same family vacation year after year? Do you feel the need to travel somewhere a bit more… interesting? This summer, instead of piling into the family van for the annual trip to the infamous potato farms of Iowa, try one of the following destinations, all of which have been dubbed the “Most Beautiful Places to Travel” by Travel Paradise: The Statue of Liberty is one of the most popular tourist attractions in New York City. If you want something more exotic, a visit to Las Vegas will provide you with a replica of the Statue with the lights of the city in the background, giving Lady Liberty an entirely different persona. If you’re looking for French beauty, the Louvre is one of the most visited museums in the world. It’s known not only for the beautiful art inside the walls, but for its architectural design as well. The pyramid-shaped building is made entirely of glass and was once a palace in the tenth century during the Capetian Dynasty. The museum is so large that to view the entire thing it will take almost three days, but it’s well worth seeing – both the interior and exterior can be considered masterpieces. The Karnak Temple in Egypt, the largest ancient religious site in the world, is an open-air museum. While there are four different precincts in the temple, only one is open to the general public. The difference between Karnak and the other temples that cover Egypt is that Karnak took much more time to develop and was used for a longer period of time. For ancient beauty, the Parthenon is definitely the perfect choice. Built in honor of the Greek goddess Athena in the fifth century BCE, the Parthenon still stands today. There have been many reconstructions over the years and the building has slowly begun to corrode due to acid rain over the past few decades, so be sure to schedule your trip to this architectural wonder as soon as possible. The Uluru Giant Monolith, also known as “Ayers Rock”, is a gigantic sandstorm rock formation in central Australia. The cherry-colored rock stands 1142 feet high and has a circumference of 5.8 miles. While the local inhabitants rarely climb the rock, it is open to visitors who wish to attempt to make the nearly vertical climb. However, parts of the rock 5 S wimming In Fashion Welcome to Paradise Mad About Fashion Katie Ellis Summer Issue 2008 FEATURES This year there has been a flashback to the 1960’s- when go-go boots, wide leg jeans and frilly bathing suits were some of the psychedelic trends. This summer, the ‘60s continues with one-piece bathing suits. One-piece bathing suits are no longer just something that your 10-year-old sister would wear. Some of the styles consit of sweetheart necklines, all over tiny floral patterns, checkered patterns, wide ruched (a ruffle in the fabric which is used for trim around clothings) straps, animal prints, frilly triming, polka dots, and a lot more. Your bathing suit doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable to be fashionable. All you have to do is find the right size for you. The website www.venus. com/sizechart shows you how to fit for a bathing suit. It has you measure your bust, hips, and waist to find your perfect size. It shows you where to measure, and also helps you find out your correct cup size. On this website there are also bathing suits you can buy that give you support, or make you look thinner. V i c t o r i a S e c r e t ’s website has many designs to choose from. From designers such as J e s s i c a Simpson to DKNY, anybody can find a bathing suit on this website. Photo Courtesy of: Kennywood Food Staff Writer During the hot days of summer, one of the best snacks to get at Kennywood Park is Potato Patch french fries. Cheese-covered fries with bacon sprinkled on top is a treat you must have every time you go to Kennywood. There are so many fries in a single basket that it can be considered as a full meal. The fries are made right in front of you and they come out hot. There is sometimes a long line that winds aroud the stand, but the utterly delectable fries are definitely worth the wait. If you want a great drink to go with your delicious, deep-fried snack, try and ICY slush. They are a great thing to grab before getting in line for the Potato Patch. ICYs are normally cherry or blue rasberry, but there are sometimes many other flavors. There is no doubt that the best food in Kennywood is definitely Potato Patch fries. Paired with a cool, refreshing ICY, it’s a combonation you don’t want to miss!
  • 6. 6 OPINION Summer Issue 2008 Smoke Signals Three Cheers to Our Crazy Teenage Lives PTHS Alex Egan Opinion Co-Editor “Seventeen only comes once in a lifetime,” as Tim McGraw says. I would have to agree. Our teenage years come and go so quickly, and there will probably never be a year the rest of our lives like these. I believe that each year from the ages of sixteen through eighteen is an experience in its own. According to Bruce Springsteen, these are the “Glory Days.” No wonder sixteenth birthdays have been given the title “Sweet Sixteen.” From then on, the next few years of life are usually filled with bliss and sweetness for the young and innocent. Our teenage years are the times in our lives when we really have time to experiment with new things, and turn our lives upside down to try and figure out who we really are. Again, as Tim McGraw says, when we’re “Seventeen, living on crazy dreams, rock’n’roll, and faded blue jeans,” we feel like we have the universe in our pocket. We do what we want, we think we know everything, and we like to aggravate our parents, just because know we’re good at it. Teenage years are the time to let loose and show our true selves, whoever that may be. In a teenager’s life, our friends are our world, almost as if they were our family. Friends who grew up together usually go through their teenage years together, which makes the years so much more worthwhile. Being a teenager is all about feeling free (and trying to convince our parents that we are.) When a group of close-knit teenage friends are together, they almost feel as if they can do anything. The nights go on forever, and we walk around like we own the town. As Brand New says, “We never miss a party, because we keep them going constantly.” All in all, being a teenager is just one big party. Throughout our teenage years we unknowingly take mental photographs of the good times. The times we share together, like the nights we feel most alive, the nights that change our lives, and then nights when tomorrow just comes way too soon – those are what being a teenager is all about. We may do stupid things at times, which may anger (or just “disappoint”) our parents, but being grounded is also a part of being a teenager. But we never let it stop us. In the words of the Beastie Boys, “We’ve got to fight for our right to party.” The thing about being a teenager is we’re still so young and innocent. We make our own mistakes, we learn the hard way, we give in way too fast, and we often get our hearts broken. All seem bad at the time, but help us grown in the long run. By the end of our teenage years, we can look back and realize who we’ve become, and have our own mistakes to thank for it. Summer off mean the world to us, and we plan every moment of our summer from the start of school. As a teenager, summer is an excuse for sneaking out late at night, stargazing into the night, wishing upon the shooting star, and making friendships tighter than every. For a teenager, the summer could last a lifetime. Let’s face it. Teenage lives are crazy, dramatic, unforgettable, and time for us to make the memories that will last a lifetime. Life is so full of change, but no matter how much fun we have our post-teenage existence, there still is nothing like the glory days. The thing is, our teenage years are only a moment in our whole lives. And the second you blink, the moment is gone. Being a teenager sadly doesn’t last forever, but the memories do. We all want to be “Forever Young”, and in a way we’re all going to be eighteen forever. As my friends and I always say, “Friends, boys, and drama. Three cheers to our crazy teenage lives.” “We do what we want, we think we know everything, and we like to aggravate our parents, just because we know we’re good at it.” Being on the Outside of the Inside: PT Lockdown Stephanie Nitschmann Staff writer Secrets, secrets are no fun; but should they really be shared with everyone? The recent lockdown at the high school stirred up nerves, anger, confusion, and most of all, questions among students. After having their bags examined, their bodies swiped, and being herded into the gym, students were left with a handful of questions, but no answers. Continuing the day in lockdown, students were still uninformed of what was happening in their everyday environment. Parents received an e-mail that morning concerning the situation, but then had to rely on news or a text from their children in order to understand what was happening within the school. All of this ultimately stirs up the question: ‘Why?’ Why not make a phone call to the parents that day to provide them with the information the school knew? Why not come on the PA system and make an announcement to students about what was happening? Why not explain the situation and open the door to questions? Although there is an endless list of these questions, there is one answer that covers them all: safety. Keeping students on the outside is the best way to ensure their safety. Having important information leak out and reach a potential predator could give them the open chance to change their strategy to conform around the administration’s plan. “I understand the biggest issue is safety,” stated sophomore Jade Murman, “but how safe can you really feel when you don’t know what’s going on?” Students were originally flustered about the situation, but once calmed down they accepted that the importance of safety is greatly higher than the importance of a good, juicy story. Either way, is it fair to completely leave students on the outside of everything? I asked several students and most said that even if the teachers had lied to them, it would have made them feel safer just to know anything. Comfort is a big part of security, and when change comes to the ordinary, sometimes people don’t know how to react. Now that we as a whole have experienced the “Lockdown” procedure, hopefully we’ll take a safe approach to solving these questions next time. Fishtank: Graduation By Renée Wunderlich Brian Lewis Parking Problems Opinion Co-Editor The administration’s enforcement and changes of this school’s parking rules has caused more confusion and congestion than ever before. I remember last year at Peters and there were very few, if any, problems with parking. Every space was filled in the student lot, kids were able to park down by McMurray Road, and there was no double parking or teachers being forced to guard the all-important privilege that is parking on campus. Sure, there may have been a few minor issues, but the system worked by itself without any complaints. The system students had for parking was, of course, too good to last. After some outside influences were placed on the administration, several changes were made in order to placate the thought that parking was dangerous and unsafe at the school. These changes should not have been needed, but because of these nagging influences, herding students into the gated lot has caused even more havoc. These irrational changes have forced the parking lot to become a more dangerous area than it was before any changes were placed upon the school. Thankfully, the administration realized the magnitude of this problem and attempted to resolve the issue by handing out a type of “honors” pass to select students in good academic standing. Unfortunately, this has not completely solved the problems as some students are still blocked in due to the large number of students with traditional parking passes. A second problem is that any student with a temporary pass is forced to park in the student lot as opposed to parking facing East McMurray Road. Perhaps if the administration were permitted to revert back to this former policy, some of the remaining congestion in the student lot would be reduced. One of the other problems that the administration was forced to clamp down on is student parking in the wrong areas. I’m curious as to what the actual issue was. From what I can gather, no teacher was having an issue finding a parking spot, nor were students with community service passes and work releases having difficulty. In fact, several spots were still available at the end of the lot even after students with normal passes decided to park in the lower lot. Perhaps the larger issue with the parking is the number of passes given out. When school administrators were essentially forced to abide by the exact parking rules, it turned out that too many students had parking passes. The concept seems simple enough; there are a certain number of parking spots in the student lot, so that many passes should be given to the student body. Unfortunately the school board has an inability to allow simple school policies to be run by the administration, which led to the issue of too many parking passes being given out to students. While the administration does say that the decision to fully enforce and in some ways change the parking rules was due to safety, the parking lots at this school are, by my standards, pretty safe. I would have to say that this high school has the safest parking lot out of the various schools I have attended. Unfortunately this has not deterred several of our school board members from attempting to meddle in a minor issue such as student parking by regulating the parking policies of the school. This is regrettable, because the issue of parking needs to be left to those who know the most information about the issue .rather than those who think they know what is going on. The administration has already stated that their goal is to do what is best for the students at this school, which leaves one to wonder exactly what the school board’s motives are with this issue.
  • 7. Summer Issue 2008 At the beginning of the second semester, I began a program of unlimited passes to every period, with an occasional exception for meetings or recording days. Because your article in the December issue of Smoke Signals was the impetus for this pilot program. I am writing to let you know the results of that pilot. While the pilot proved to be an unworkable program, as will be explained it has helped me design what I hope is a better system. Beginning Monday, April 14, 2008, every study hall will get passes everyday but the number of passes will be based on the class schedule in the library. The exact number of passes will be dependent on the number of study halls that period, with each study hall receiving a number proportional to it’s class size. Allowing unlimited numbers of study hall students each period works if, and only if, the students who visit the library do so because of academic need, and conduct themselves that way. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case during our pilot. Most of the students who visited did so (by their own admission) to leave a “no talk” study hall. Students were quite frank that they came to socialize as much as to do work. Our statistics confirmed their words. By staff observations, approximately 70% of the students who used the computers were playing games or watching videos, both unacceptable by district policy. We did not experience an increase in material objects, lying on the tables and other inappropriate behaviors. We did find a great deal of graffiti on tables, and some vandalism. Daily the tables and floors were littered with food, baggies, and wrappers. It was evident that the study hall students needed to be monitored. However, monitoring study hall students in one area and teaching in another did not make for my best lessons! Remember that it is not unusual for the library to have 8-15 classes scheduled per day. I cannot increase time spent on study hall monitoring if it means less time teaching the classes that come to use the library resources. It is the goal of the library program to serve as many students academically as is practical. That is the reason the library is open more than 12 hours each week before and after school. However, our pilot has shown us that we cannot serve all people in all ways. No program in our school can. Students cannot randomly walk in the art room and begin painting. Our staffing and school structures don’t permit that to happen. However, the pilot did illustrate that even with classes in the library, study hall students can have access, but in controlled numbers. How large those numbers are will be largely a matter of student behavior and intent. I welcome any student who has an academic reason to use the library. Student input on library policy and library materials is truly encouraged. I welcome everyone to attend our student advisory meetings, held every other Tuesday at 2:30. The next one is April 15. Refreshments are always served. Please be encouraged to continue the fine work in your newspaper to enact change in your school and your community. Your library article has resulted in change. I enjoyed your Farmhouse Coffee article immensely. Who knows, if you write about it, maybe our school will create a student union for students to chat, listen to music and but a snack! Sincerely, Mrs. Morriston 7 Self-Esteem vs. Competiton Letter to the Editor To the Editors & Staff of Smoke Signals: PTHS Opinion Grant Burkhardt & Jordan Dent News Editor (Jordan) I have a brother who is eight years old and participates in numerous little league baseball teams throughout the year. I overheard my parents talking about how the draft for his upcoming spring league was held, and I was surprised at the thought of an actual draft for kids his age. (Grant) I, on the other hand, have played competitive sports pretty much my whole life and have gone through year after year of drafting to pick teams. I have no problem with the process. Actually, I think drafting is the only reasonable way to pick teams. (Jordan) I am not saying that I am against competition. I, too, have played sports my whole life and have a very competitive attitude about most everything I do. I don’t, however, think that such a high level of competition should be introduced or encouraged, at such a young age. And I do not think that drafting is the only “reasonable” way to put together a team. (Grant) Then how do you expect 12 or 13 year olds to gain a competitive edge if they were never properly introduced to a little adversity? If you place an athlete in a competitive situation where he understands who is good at a sport, he will be able to comprehend what he needs to do to succeed. I think competition is essential at that age, and seriously the only thing that is really competitive at that age is the feud Sports Co-Editor between the “baseball dads.” How else would you pick teams? (Jordan) I think learning competitiveness through actually playing the game is more valuable than learning it by knowing who is better than the next kid. And, I think you prove my point ten times more by mixing in obessesive parents. Mom and Dad pressuring the athlete to be “the best” at age nine can put a serious strain on a child’s ability to perform well. And as far as picking teams goes, whatever happened to picking names out of a hat? (Grant) Picking names out of a hat is ridiculous because if you end up stacking a team with talent, aren’t you just hurting the all-important self-esteem of the kids on the team that can’t win? When was the last time teams in a league were picked out of a hat? Never. Competitiveness is NATURAL. You make a good point about wanting to please the parents, but even the harshest parents can understand that to get better you have to play with better players. If he is serious about wanting to be good at a sport, having teammate role models is the best medicine to help with subpar talent levels. If he looks up to his own “role models” in higher level sports, that means that he wants to be like that person, and the sooner we introduce “wanting to be the best” or just being better, the better the product on the field. That is what matters. (Jordan) So don’t pick names out of a hat, pick them alphabetically or by birthdays or some other meaningless way. At least if you do end up stacking a team, you know that you were not doing it on purpose. And another thing, what if the kid just wants to play? What if he didn’t look up to Barry Bonds, Tom Brady, or Tiger Woods? What if he or she just wants to run out an a field and have fun with their friends? That is the whole point of RECREATIONAL sports. According to Dictionary. com, “recreational” is defined as, “a pastime, diversion, exercise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment.” If you ask me, worrying about whether or not you can throw further, run faster, or hit harder than your friends is not relaxation or enjoyment. (Grant) If you knew anything about the drafting process, you would know that the teams are rarely picked with last year’s statistics in view. There is nothing wrong with a kid wanting to just go out and have fun with his friends but at some point, for the sake of the athletes who enjoy winning and being talented, the level of competitiveness needs to be raised at rapid pace. If that means phasing out the lessgifted, so be it. Barry, Tom, and Tiger didn’t get to where they are now by beating a hundred lesser athletes; they achieved greatness by beating the best and becoming the best. Every person who considers himself athletic has role models, trust me. Let’s just say that being competitive boosts selfesteem and end the fight now. (Jordan) I guess we just have to agree to disagree. While I do not think competition should be encouraged so young, I do suppose that a certain level of competition is necessary to achieve greatness in any sport, or really anything else in life. I just think it is important for kids to know that in order achieve anything, they must first believe in themselves. SHE SAID HE SAID Brian Lewis Summer What are you looking forward to most about Alex Egan graduating? The future! I can’t wait to see what lies ahead. Being able to sleep in. Are you Nope. sad to graduate? Yes! As much as I complain about high school, I know I’m going to miss it, and I’m going to miss all the people in it even more. What are you looking forward to Sleeping in and being away from the parents. What was the Once I knew where I was going to school, I stopped caring about my grades completely most about college? Boys. And the whole college experience in general. But mostly the boys. best part about being a senior? Everything was just so much more carefree...senior year is by far the easiest and most fun.Also, it’s so nice just knowing that this is your last year, then you’re done.
  • 8. S E N I O R Best Dressed Shelby Gregor & Andrew McMillian Best Looking at 50 Justin Broglie & Leanna Frey Best Personality Jes Stockhausen & Kaitlyn Stroyne Most Athletic Pat Russo & Megan Hahn Most Artistic Tina Elderkin & Taylor Atkins Best Smile Greg Maronde & Mackenzy Radolec Best Laugh Bob Stein & Lauren Legg Biggest Flirt Alexis Joseph & Nick Smith Most Musical Becky Rosky & Dave Sheperd Easiest to Talk To Annelyse Giovannitti & Alex Sam
  • 9. Most Likely to be Remembered (Chosen By Teachers) Andrew Marshall & Laura Sunday Most Likely to become the next Oprah / Dr. Phil Melanie Hoffman & Grant Burkhardt Most Likely to Be High School Sweethearts Mike Allen & Rebecca Nicholson Most Likely to Discover a Cure for Cancer Kelsey Gallagher & Chris Jewison Most Likely to be on Saturday Night Live Natalie Palamides & Eli Diamond S u p e r l a t i v 20 e 08 s Most Changed Since Freshman Year Jessica Ward & Clinton Amand Most Likely to Backpack through Europe Danny Hinson & Elena Ponte Most Likely to Climb Mt. Everest TC Rauch & Bridghid Knoll Most Likely to Live Off Ramen Noodles for the Next 10 Years Sasha Machel & Mike Stromberg
  • 10. 10 IAN 02 EXTRA POINT IAN JACKSON SPORTS Summer Issue 2008 Smoke Signals 03 TAYLOR RELICH IJ: The 2008 NFL Draft went great for the Pittsburgh Steelers. They arguably had the best draft in the league, and made some seriously shocking picks. Drafting Rashard Mendenhall in the first round was a great pick and second rounder Limas Sweed was arguably the steal of the draft. So with all the great picks, who was the best pick? (excluding Mendenhall) IJ: I think Limas Sweed was the steal of the entire draft. I mean in the whole NFL, not only the Steeler’s draft. Even though I think that was a great pick. I think I am going to have to go with my boy Dennis Dixon. In the fifth round!?!?! Are you kidding me? People forget that if he hadn’t gotten hurt, he probably would’ve been the second quarterback taken. No disrespect to Joe Flacco, but Dixon is the superior quarterback when he is healthy. That was the best pick in the 2008 NFL Draft for the Pittsburgh Steelers. TR: I agree that Dennis Dixon was very good in college at Oregon, but the question is, will he be a good pro quarterback. As a fifth round pick with two quarterbacks in front of you on the depth chart, if you don’t have a good camp, you have a legitimate chance of making only the practice squad. I think Bruce Davis will make a much quicker impact on the Steelers than Dennis Dixon will. As long as Big Ben is playing well, Dixon is nothing but a backup. IJ: Dixon is the best athlete on the team. They will find away to get him on the field. Use him like Kordell, Randle El, or as a kick returner. It doesn’t matter; if he’s on the field we’ll score touchdowns. That’s all I know. He can run (fastest 40 time of all the quarterbacks in the draft), he can throw, and he is the perfect gadget playmaker. He would’ve won the Heisman trophy if it wasn’t for his ACL exploding. Go on and tell me he won’t be the best quarterback in NFL history. I dare you to tell me that. Taylor Relich Staff Writer It’s the time of year again when the NHL Playoffs are the only worthwhile thing on television. Major League Baseball hasn’t heated up yet, and nobody really cares about the NBA Playoffs. After much thought, I have come up with five reasons why the Stanley Cup Playoffs are way above the rest. 1. The playoff format The NHL has one of the best playoff formats in all of professional sports. They take eight teams from each conference, including the six division winners, and ten at large bids based on points. There is reseeding after every round, which gives the one and two seeds a constant advantage, and the better seed always gets home-ice advantage, which I like. 2. The intensity of the fights is cranked up In the NHL Playoffs, all the excitement of the regular season is amplified. The fights in the playoffs are so much better. The passion that the players display is amazing, because in the words of the NHL, “every shift matters.” 3. The atmosphere of the game The atmosphere of the Stanley Cup Playoffs is just amazing. The crowds get into it especially in areas that are crazy for hockey. The crowds in Canada and cities in the US like Detroit, Denver, and Pittsburgh really get behind their teams come playoff time. During the playoffs, you see all kinds of fan antics, from the regular banging on the glass to throwing live octopi out on the ice, not to mention the fact that the chants are always loud and proud. 4. The Penguins are back in the Playoffs Probably one of the best reasons to watch hockey this time of year in Pittsburgh is because the Penguins are in the Playoffs. The Pens have revamped their lineup and qualified second in the Eastern Conference. After a strong first series, the Penguins show potential to go deep into the playoffs. Bill Berry Image courtesy of: TR: I definitely think that Bruce Davis will make the biggest impact next year out of any of the 2008 draft choices, besides Rashard Mendenhall of course. Davis was a major steal at the point in the draft that we picked him up. He was a standout at UCLA and was kind of overlooked just because he played in the PAC 10. The Steelers linebacker core was weak last year, with James Farrior having one of the worst years he has ever had. The blitz wasn’t producing sacks and the defense was a non-factor. 5 Reasons to Love the Stanley Cup Playoffs 5. Playoff beards It might be quirky and unique to hockey, but you have to respect the playoff beard. This is one of the hallmarks of commitment among NHL fans. In cities like Pittsburgh where hockey is life after football season, fans from 15 to 80 love to show their passion for hockey by not shaving until their team is out of the playoffs. Although the focus of attention in Pittsburgh is obviously the Penguins, the NHL Playoffs are a spectacle to be seen. I strongly recommend watching as much hockey as you can this postseason, because it doesn’t get any better than this. The Stanley Cup finals will be exciting no matter who is in them, but like the rest of Pittsburgh, I think it would be a whole lot better if the Pens are in contention. PT Lacrosse, Push to the Playoffs Staff Writer The Peters Township lacrosse team is fighting their way into the playoffs. After beating Upper St. Clair 8-7 in double overtime, the Indians need one more win to make the post season. Either a victory over Franklin Regional on May 6 or a road-win at Hampton on May 7 will clinch a playoff berth. A win over Mt. Lebanon on May 10 would also send PT to the next round. The team is anchored by its strong defense led by senior goalie and captain Mike Moretti. He is the team’s only returning all leaguer, and is a candidate for AllAmerican. The starting defensemen are senior captain Kameron Burk, senior Brett Van Dyke, and sophomore Jeff D’Abarno. Junior Tyler Sheets is the starting long stick midfielder, and is backed up by Charles Murray and Andrew Johnston. Another strong unit for PT is their attack. The three starting attack men are senior Edan Fletcher, junior DJ Destefano, and sophomore Connor Mannion. They will try to replace last year’s talented players, Jason Powell and Sean-Paul Mauro. So far the attack has been able to fill the void by racking up goals and assists. Fletcher and Destefano are currently the team’s two leading scorers. The fourth attack man is junior Chris Cain. The one thing that hasn’t changed from last year is Peter’s dominance of face-offs. Led by senior captain Ben McClure, the Indians have been able to win most of their faceoffs creating numerous scoring opportunities. Also chipping in are senior Dan Marchky and sophomore Jimmy Cogley. Senior captain Jes Stockhausen leads the midfield, and is currently the team’s leading midfield scorer. Adding depth to the position are McClure, Cogley, Marchky, seniors Justin Broglie and Mike Mannion, juniors Jeff Falsetti and Eric Rackley, and sophomores Bryce Palumbo and Dan Markrinos. After graduating a strong senior class, not many people had high expectations for their 2008 campaign. “I think we’re going to surprise a lot of people who don’t think we’re going to do much this season,” said head coach Doug Miller. This will be Miller’s first season as the head coach of PT after three seasons as an assistant at USC. Peters’ future looks bright with four sophomores either starting or contributing quality playing time. Look for Peters to be a perennial powerhouse in lacrosse for years to come.
  • 11. Summer Issue 2008 SPORTS Release the Hounds Ian Jackson Staff Writer The year was 2006, the World Cup was in full throttle, and the Riverhounds were having the biggest crowds they had ever had. They had sold out the Consol Energy Park, which holds 3,200 people, six times during the season. That had never happened more than once in a season. Yes, the Riverhounds always have spiked attendance during the World Cup, because it is the one time every four years that most Americans care about soccer. The Riverhounds responded to the crowds and made the playoffs for only the third time in franchise history. The team had a great season to build on until things got interrupted. In early 2007, the Riverhounds were put up for sale and sold. The winning bidder was a group that consisted of the Allegheny Sports Complex and Everton FC, of the English Premier League. The group believed things needed to change, and had the team sit out the 2007 season to commit to rebuilding. (They promised to be Paige Burris back in 2008. They kept their promise and in December the team announced that they would be back for the 2008 season.) They will once again play in the United Soccer League Second Division (USL 2), but they will be led by a much different group of players and play in a new stadium. The David Flavius era has ended. Flavius, who had MLS type talent, is the all-time leading scorer for the Riverhounds. He announced his retirement over the offseason. He played nine seasons for the Riverhounds (1998-2007). After playing two seasons at Consol Energy Park in Washington, PA, the Hounds will play their home games at Chartiers Valley High School during the 2008 season. Flavius may be gone, but the team is still full of talented players. The key returners are defenders Jason Kutney, Nathan Salsi, and attacker Leon Browne. They will be joined by forward Thabiso Khumalo, midfielder Travis Mackenzie, and midfielder Justin Evans. Khumalo and Evans (who is a Peters Township graduate and starred for the PT soccer team) each have spent time with teams in Major League Soccer, Khumalo with the Chicago Fire; Evans spent time with the San Jose Earthquakes and FC Dallas. Khumalo and Browne will be responsible for filling in the shoes of Flavius. They have to finish the plays Flavius finished for nine years and put points on the board. That may be no easy task, but it is one that they have confidence in accomplishing. “David was a great player for a long time. He was a player I looked up to and he taught me many things to help me develop my own game. I thank him for that, and he will be missed,” stated Browne. “But this team still has a lot of ability. I’m confident that we can still put the ball in the back of the net and win games.” ( The Riverhounds are currently 0-3-1, with one point, and sit in ninth place in the ten team USL 2. They played Harrisburg City to a draw in their first home game of the season, in front of 3,119 fans. They play their next home game at Chartiers Valley High School on June 13th. Lady Indians Softball: Rewind Staff Writer has paid off; the Lady Indians have made it to the playoffs by beating Mt. Lebanon, and Cannon McMillan in the final stretch. We wish them luck in their upcoming playoff games. Image by: Paige Burris The Lady Indians are surprising their opponents with their unlikely level of success, given the circumstances of the season. So far the team has had fourteen wins and only four losses, to Mount Lebanon in the seventh inning, Upper Saint Clair 4-1,Trinity 3-2 in extra innings, and Baldwin 6-4. They have had a minor setback, with Shaylee Ianno tearing her ACL on the mound on April 14 against Baldwin. Just a week later, the team received disappointing news that Shaylee Ianno would not be back for the season. However the team captain and head pitcher will still be there watching and cheering on her teammates. Her surgery happened on Friday, May 2. Although Ianno is out, the team has played without her before in the fall ball season and came out with a record of 20- 4. For fall ball, the team also took two tournaments without Ianno. So, needless to say, the team can still be successful without the assistance of their head pitcher. The team also got a great addition to the team- Amanda Heitmeir. She is the starting catcher, and will be attending a Division 1 softball school, the University of Pittsburgh, in the fall. The defense has been adjusted according to the new pitchers, which are sophomore Olivia Bovalina and freshman Morgan Meadows, and the modification is pushing the team towards a winning season. The offense is also starting to step up. The softball team’s hard work The girls won all but one of there games in Florida. They enjoyed hitting up the amusement parks as well. A Spring Tradition: Powder-Puff Football Melanie Hoffman Staff Writer As a spring tradition here at PTHS, Girl’s PowderPuff Football is something both the junior and senior classes are able to look forward to. The game, to be held on June 4 at 6:00, has been put together by Mrs. Bockstoce. The senior team is ready and, after their shutout victory last year, there is much anticipation. With the end of the year drawing near and “senioritis” in full drive, the seniors are ready to play. The junior team, however, may have a problem. With the lack of school spirit the juniors show at pep rallies, some ask if they’ll even be able to pull together a team. Junior Bridget Stasenko thinks otherwise. “Our grade may not have the most spirit, but we’re ready to play some Powder-Puff!” Requirements to play this year are attending four out of five practices, and purchasing a ten-dollar jersey and a mouth guard. Some volunteer coaches returning this year are Miss O’Connor, Mr. Hitchens, Mr. Cervenak, and Mr. Demascal, among others. “PowderPuff allows girls to show their true competitive nature. It’s a healthy competition and one of the activities most looked forward to throughout the year,” fellow coach, Mrs. Bockstoce said. All in all, the game should be interesting, giving upperclassmen girls something to top off their year. 11 Sports Briefs Baseball (14-6, 9-6) – 3rd in Section, qualified for WPIAL Playoffs Boys Volleyball (5-11) – Won Their Senior Rec game against Canon Mac Boys Tennis Beat Penn Trafford in WPIAL quarter finals Softball (15-4, 8-4) – 3rd in Section, qualified for WPIAL Playoffs Track and Field Boys and Girls (5-1) - qualified for WPIAL Playoffs Girls Lacrosse (10-4) – qualified for WPIAL Playoffs Boys Lacrosse (5-7) – Senior Recognition on May 15, vs. Trinity
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  • 14. Congratulations Aaron Dana Adamsky Jay .D. Ali Chelsea Allen Katy Allen Mike Almnaizel Jeries Anderson Robert Arillotta Jim Atkins Taylor Bak Justin Balionis Jon Banas Steve Barna Sara Baxendell Alexa Beck Tim Beggs Chelsea Bench Erin Berestecky Andrea Bergman Calvin Berry Bill Bittner Michele Blandino Andy Bloser Kyle Boehme Benjamin Broglie Justin Brooks Joanna Brouwer Derek Brown Gino Burgan Shannon Burk Kameron Burkhardt Grant Burns Angela Buzard Kaitlyn Cameron Zach Carbonara Melissa Carey Janel Carone Megan Carper Cayla Caso Taylor Cassano Larissa Catalano Chelsea Caumo Brittany Chiappino Jason Christman Kayla Ciancarelli Dan Cicero Adrienne Clawges Jennifer Cole Pat Come Nina Connor Matthew Connors Sean Corrado Vince Courter Matt Creehan Mackenzie Crossman Josh Debee David Debowski Mike Defelice Zack Deiley Jacqueline Dellavalle Jamie DeLuca Alexa DeNardo Jeana Dent Jordan DeWoody Jake Diamond Eli Dinger Cassidy DiVella Mike Dodds Lindsay Edwards Spencer Eisengart Paige Elderkin Rebecca Ellis Carly Eskew Ryan Fazio Cooper Ferrara Phil Fitzgerald Katie Fitzgerald Timothy Fletcher Edan Fletcher Hadas Fortunato Joseph Freeman Jessica Frey Leanna Fryder Kelly Galiano Brittany Gallagher Kelsey Ganick Katie Garbera Alyssa Gardner Haylee Garland Anastacia Gavlick Katie Getz Abby Quinnipiac University Penn State University of Altoona Penn State University of Altoona California University of Pennsylvania Case Western Reserve University Indiana University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh California University of Pennsylvania Academy of Art University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Marine Corps. Penn State University Duquesne University Ohio University Duquesne University Allegheny College St.Francis University Ohio University Brigham Young University Ohio University Oral Roberts University University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Grove City College University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Technical Institute Montana State Univeristy at Bozeman Slippery Rock University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Union College of New York Ohio University Undecided Fairfield University West Virginia University University of Pittsburgh University of Notre Dame Elon University Indian River Community College New York University Grove City College CCAC California University of Pennsylvania Ohio University Edinboro University CCAC Northeastern University Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock University Duquesne University University of Connecticut Allegheny College California University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Duquesne University Penn State University University of Central Florida Hope College Kent State University University of Buffalo Arizona State University James Madison University Miami University of Ohio Ohio University California University of Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon Chatham University Miami University of Ohio University of Pittsburgh Columbia College of Chicago West Liberty State College University of Dayton John Carroll University Washington and Jefferson University Coastal Carolina University Purdue University Slippery Rock University Kent State University Virginia Tech Virginia Tech College University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Penn State University State University of New York at Oswego West Virginia University University of Notre Dame John Carroll University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Clarion University Ohio University University of Arizona Penn State University class of Giovannitti Annelyse John Carroll University Gompers Caitlyn West Virginia University Gove Brianna University of Dayton Greer Daniel University of Pittsburgh Gregg Kevin Mercyhurst College Gregor Shelby Philadelphia University Griffith Justine Waynesburg University Griffith Rob Waynesburg University Hahn Megan Duquesne University Hammell Lauren Allegheny College Hanson Nate University of Pittsburgh Hartenbach Katy Slippery Rock University Heaps Katie Duquesne University Heilman Justin Ohio State University Heiskell Alec West Virginia University Heldman Renee Indiana University of Pennsylvania Hilzendeger J.P University of Pittsburgh of Greensburg Hinson Dan Utah University Hoffman Melanie West Virginia University Hornack Ryan Penn State University of Altoona Hough Robbie University of Pittsburgh Huber Kayla Ohio State University Hughes Christan University of Pittsburgh Hummel Eric Undecided Hunter Christina Duquesne University Ianno Shaylee Slippery Rock University Irwin Mary United States Military Academy at West Point Jacks Crystal Coastal Carolina University Jacobs Megan Clarion University Jankowski Delanie Slippery Rock University Jankowski Jordan Miami University of Ohio Jewison Chris Cornell University Johnson Kayla California University of Pennsylvania Kartik Noelle Rochester Institute of Technology Kelly Dean Bethany College Kennedy Kelly Uinversity of Pittsburgh Kipling Alison Rice University Kleja Stan Duquesne University Knoll Bridget University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kocher Alex William and Mary College Koenig Chris Purdue University Koerner Will Duquesne University Lacey Maura University of Pittsburgh Lang Valerie Gannon University Lanzy J.D. Undecided Legg Lauren Indiana University of Pennsylvania Leightner Ben University of Dayton Lesnett Elizabeth University of Nevada at Reno Lewis Brain Clemson University Lewis Kendra Berklee College of Music Lindberg Becca Robert Morris University Luketich Kate Duquesne University MacCleary Shawn Florida Altlantic College Magreni Gina University of Pittsburgh Majoras Mark Penn State University Manning Bridge Northeastern University Mannion Mike Ohio University Marks Kristin Virginia Tech Maronde Greg California University of Pennsylvania Matthis Erin Duquesne University McAllister C.J University of Pittsburgh McClure Ben Marietta College McDonough Dave California University of Pennsylvania McFadden Sean Iowa State McGrail Katie Penn State University of Altoona McMillan Andrew Cleveland Institute of Art McNeal Kathryn Wittenberg University Meadows Tyler Robert Morris University Melanson Brittany Edinboro University Mellott Holly Duquesne University Merich Nick Point Park University Merrit Kyle California University of Pennsylvania Metzmaier Mark Marietta College Meyers Nate Edinboro University Mitchell Carl Lehigh University Moore Alli Penn State University Moretti Mike Ohio University Mosallem Julie West Virginia University Murgel Lauren West Virginia University Murgie Amy Carlow University Murman Jordan West Virginia University Murray Charles Penn State University Murray Morgan Ohio University Naumoff Bill CCAC Neville Dave The United States Air Force Academy Nicholson Rebecca Kent State University Nitschmann Natalie Penn State University Olawski Zach University of Pittsburgh Oleynik Ally Ithaca College O’Rourke Chelsea California University of Pennsylvania Palko Emily Bloomsburg University 2008! Palumbo Anthony University of Pittsburgh Parchuke Danielle UPMC Shady Side Nursing Academey Parchuke Jessica UPMC Shady Side Nursing Academy Paterra Julianna Ohio State University Paul Rebekah University of Pittsburgh Peranteau Steve Penn State University Percival Rob Penn State University Pezzella Justin Community College of Beaver County Porco Tyler Johns Hopkins University Powell Bryan Penn State University Pruitt Shane Lafayette College Quature Rob Undecided Quinlin Kevin Duquesne University Quinn Laura Mercyhurst College Rankin Julie Penn State University of Behrend Rauch Thomas Penn State University Reyes Jillian Penn Commercial Rider Jim Kent State University Roberson Caitlyn Duquesne University Robinson Jeacey Brigham Young University Rodgers-Melnick Samuel Duquesne University Ross Pete Penn State University Rothaar Pete West Virginia University Rothhaar Jessica Westminster College Russo Pat Duquesne University Sam Alex Penn State University Santry Nick West Virginia University Scarberry Jacky University of Charleston Schaefer Grant California University of Pennsylvania Schaefer Zach Carnegie Mellon University Schneider Brandon Clemson University Sederholm Doug Ohio University Seguiti Gina Carnegie Mellon University Semko Chaz CCAC Sestrich Kristen University of Dayton Shaner Ryan West Virginia University Shepherd Dave Temple University Shultz Stephanie Seton Hill University Smith Joe Clarion University Smith Nick CCAC Smore Stephanie Virginia Tech Snyder Christina Ohio University Stanik Megan Duquesne University Steeber Doug University of Pittsburgh Stein Robert Penn State University Stenger Mike Potomac State College of West Virginia University Steratore Anthony The College of Wooster Sternweis Carol Penn State University Stevans Matty University of Colorado at Boulder Stewart Jon Universityof Pittsburgh Stiffler Cara California University of Pennsylvania Stipanovich T.J. Ohio University Stockhausen Jes University of Colorado at Boulder Stokan Adam Undecided Stratico James Penn State University of Altoona Stroyne Kaitlyn Duquesne University Suchy Rachel Case Western Reserve University Sunday Lauara University of California at Davis Swoope Niki West Virginia University Tarwater Annie Columbia College of Chicago Taylor Sara University of Notre Dame Thome James Undecided Tomayko Jenifer Ohio State University Toth Brittany California University of Pennsylvania Trageser Erika Duquesne University Trier Emily Taylor University Ulrich Danielle Westminster College Urbanowicz Dan Duquesne University Vachon Jordan Indiana Unversity of Pennsylvania Van Dyke rett B University of Pittsburgh Vodzak Kayla Indiana University of Pennsylvania Wagner Gina Indiana University of Pennsylvannia Wallach Aaron Navy Walnoha Alexa Gannon University Warzinski Paul Liberty University Wawrose Ann Rice University Weaver Sara Slippery Rock University Welch Ally Undecided Yingling Hannah Towson University Zajdel Byron United States Military Academy at West Point Zawicki Kaylin Point Park University Zeffiro Liz Lehigh University Zini Lauara University of Pittsburgh Zoufalik Stan Point Park University
  • 15. Summer Issue 2008 Moving House Retiring Teachers Angelina Nepa Features Editor Mr. Houser has always been something of an enigma for PT students. He comes to school every morning, dressed impeccably, more eager to discuss The Grapes of Wrath than any student and spends his class periods espousing his love for English. However, few students that leave him to enter their sophomore year know much about him. Though never one to discuss his personal life, Mr. Houser recently revealed a few details to lessen the blow of his imminent retirement. It is widely known that Mr. Houser graduated from Washington and Jefferson College and majored in English. But few know that his favorite subject was actually chemistry. He ultimately decided to pursue a career in teaching, and embarked upon a 39-year run as a purveyor all things English. He first taught in Rochester, before moving on to Carlington, PA, and then finally to Peters, where he stayed for 34 years. Mr. Houser decided to retire while he was young enough to maintain a certain quality of life. “Though I won’t have the same commitments, I will not have free time,” he admitted. Obviously one who has taught English for decades would have thousands of stories, about fictional characters and real-life students alike. He remembers how his students react to books read and projects they embark upon most of all. Mr. Houser hopes that his pupils will remember him for the unbounded enthusiasm he expressed during each day of class. Mrs. Kocan, fellow English teacher, said as much. “Mr. Houser is my mentor, I admire the way he always maintains a sense of class and dignity when others would falter.” Mr. Houser is perhaps most famous, however unwillingly, for being the “Best Dressed Man in PT.” When asked about his amazing dress sense, specifically where he shops, he humbly replied, “wherever there’s a sale.” As for boys that come to school in sweats every day, they should, simply put, “up their style.” As for his true passions, he plans to spend his retirement reading fantastic books (his favorite being The Great Gatsby), playing sports, and spending time with his family. He divulged that he will miss the daily interactions with students more than anything. As for the hassles of technology in the classroom, however, he would not say the same. High school seniors that hope to someday become teachers would do well to take a page from Mr. Houser’s book. He advises all prospective teachers to immerse themselves in their subject area, instead of merely the prospect of teaching. Additionally, every student heading off to college should heed of his counsel concerning their years spent at school. “Personal responsibility is key, don’t blame others for your mistakes,” he commented sagely. Every one of his peers and pupils would agree that Mr. Houser is a force to be reckoned with. After living such a life thus far, all that any student could hope for, college bound or otherwise, is half the grace that he radiates, and half the respect he commands. Renée Wunderlich Co-Editor-In Chief PTHS Doc For those students who are and have been involved in the Music Department, April 7, 2008 was a 2nd period that would live in infamy. After much praise for the Wind Symphony’s th 10 consecutive Superior ranking in a recent adjudication, the band room experienced an apocalyptic moment: it went silent. There was neither buzzing of mouthpieces nor moistening of reeds. The classic mid-morning chatter was abandoned entirely, and not even a spontaneous crash was herd from the Percussion section. Dr. Robert Dell had announced his retirement. Some gawked, many cried, and most were just stunned into silence. It was truly a turning point in the lives of the countless students and adults alike who have learned so much from this remarkable man. During his interview, Dr. Dell insisted that this feature fill only a modest corner of the paper, and the staff of Smoke Signals has tried to honor his request. The following is merely a snippet of what was, is, and shall forever be “Doc”. When first coming to Peters Township School District, what was your impression of the music department and of the students here in general? I’m a country boy – at that time, Peters Township was a farmland, so I was right at home. The district certainly wasn’t up to the standards of excellence that it is today, but nevertheless, it was an impressive system. My first position was actually at the middle school, not at the high school, so it was a little difficult to connect with the high school kids that I only got to see after school during Marching Band. The 1968 Superintendent was phenomenal. He was the one who pushed for a Marching Band and was the real reason it was started. 15 A Goodbye to Mr. Murdock Gina Nepa Staff Writer Thirty-four years into the business, Mr. Murdock has decided to wave us all goodbye as he chooses to retire and move on to bigger, better things. The school will be sad to see him go; he offered a new perspective to the district, as well as constant passion in the classroom. PTHS has been the only school he has taught in, which demonstrates his loyalty. “I definitely connect with fellow teachers in this school,” Mr. Murdock explains, “Frank Ciocci was like a mentor to me when I was a new teacher; he showed me the ropes and took me under his wing. For that, I will always be appreciative.” A bond between these two teachers is widely shown, and respect is administered towards each other on a regular basis. Mr. Murdock attended Clarion College, receiving his undergraduate degree, and West Virginia University, where he received his masters. “My favorite part about this place is the people - the kids and the teachers,” Mr. Murdock states. “The only thing that bothers me is that when I see the potential PTHS has the ability to possess, and when they fail to meet these standards, it’s upsetting.” Older teachers develop bonds with students, as did Mr. Murdock, and have a strong passion towards the students’ efforts. Mr. Murdock laughs when asked about the craziest situation ever presented to him while in the school. “I’m the wrestling coach here, “ he says, “And in 1986, we had to sue the WPIAL for claiming that a match we won didn’t count. If we had won that match, we would Averi Clements have moved on to the championship. I was forced to testify on the stand.” It is always refreshing to see teachers getting involved in extracurricular activities such as wrestling, as it shows their dedication to the school and the lives of the students. “I bet a lot of people didn’t know that I’m the President of an Internet company,” describes Mr. Murdock. “After retiring, I plan to work on this business and maybe expand a bit- after getting in some much-needed travel, of course.” His future plans seem typical in regards to vacationing, and his pleasant attitude demonstrates that he will most likely be sad to leave, but excited for his busy upcoming agenda. Tapping Out Staff Writer Who/what inspired you to become a band director? Many people were very influential, but I would have to say that it came from my first great hero, the late Mr. Warren Mercer. He was my high school band director, After 34 years of drilling students and he somehow convinced me to pursue the same profession. I was the Drum Major in gym class, Mr. John Buckley is throwing of my school’s marching band, and music had always been my comfort zone. in the towel. He will be retiring at the end of the year from his position as one of the Do you have any pets? physical education teachers of PTHS. Yes, my six-year-old Siberian husky, Koda, In addition to his tasks as a teacher, Mr. and Tye, a 23-years-young Palomino horse. Buckley also took on the responsibility of She’s my second horse, actually. Riding was coach for the junior high wrestling team, one of the things I used to do back in the day. I’ll encouraging many young wrestlers to probably get back to that. I used to be a bit of a continue their careers through the high cowboy – for five summers straight, I went on a school level. Although Mr. Buckley’s gym horse-packing venture through the Allegheny students will breathe a sigh of relief knowing Mountains. The landscape was just gorgeous! that their daily regimen of pushups will be I also used to give a life skills class once a eliminated, there will be no such luck for year, back when I was a principal. It was for the junior high wrestlers; the coach will be special needs children in the area. I would returning during the wrestling season to load them up onto my horse and give them uphold the junior-high team’s continually rides. It was one of my greatest experiences! successful reputation. “I e n j o y coaching the wrestlers and What were some of the obstacles you/ seeing them develop into the band faced during it’s early years? accomplished athletes. I’ve The first year was a bit rough because the organization made a commitment to the was new. Marching Band has always been an extra curricular activity, wrestlers, parents, and my which means that its level of excellence depends on how much the students and fellow coaches, and I want directors are willing to put in. Despite some early adversity to the program, I have to uphold it for a little while always given the band 110%, and I believe the kids have too. The “original 42” [the longer”, said Mr. Buckley first members of the Mighty Indian Marching Band] kept it together. They showed a on his decision to keep dedication that surprised so many, and every year, the new students continue that legacy. coaching. Mr. Buckley intends to give up his Have you ever experienced deja-vu? coaching position at When I came back to the band and to the Music Department after being a the end of next year’s principal. But I knew what I was getting back into, as well as what to expect. wrestling season. Although How do you feel about this year’s upcoming leadership team and the graduating plans of cycling to class of 2009? Washington DC after Terrific! Of course, my heartstrings are being pulled retirement bring a constantly. I am so confident with the upcoming seniors smile to Mr. Buckley’s and the leadership that they are bringing to the next season. I’m not face, there are still surprised really, but I can’t help but be amazed at this group. They never miss a beat! many fond memories that he holds from If you could give one piece of advice for an individual who WASNT directly his time at the high involved in music, what would it be? school “There were a lot of Don’t be afraid to just get into it. You are never too old, never too far in life sports championships that I was a part of. to start appreciating the beauty around you that really is music. Even listening can provide an understanding that no other field can cover. How can you loose? If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say? “Band is my life, let us march!” Those hold some memories that won’t soon be forgotten,” he recalled. Buckley says that the number things he will miss most about teaching is great – The students and staff have become a significant part of his life. But, he says, the time to bring his career to an end is appropriate; there are still many things he wants to do that will be enabled by his retirement, including future jobs and seeing one of his son’s concerts in San Diego, California. Overall, Mr. Buckley is one of those teachers that is, in a way, immortal – the idea of his absence in future years is practically unthinkable. Although the time has come for him to leave the high school and enjoy some time to himself, he will miss his students and colleagues… and chances are, the feeling will be mutual.
  • 16. Voices in the Hall What Is Your Favorite Summer Memory? Tim Fitzgerald ‘08 “Watching Galloway walk down the street in a bathing suit.” Brahim Shettima ‘09 “The time I fell asleep in a tree.” Jeff Lioon ‘10 “Fly fishing in Utah.” Jason Lewis ‘11 “When I broke my ankle.” What Marks The Offical Start Of Summer? Jon Stewart ‘08 Drew Williams ‘09 “2nd semester.” “Whenever Gary Roberts says it starts.” Max Maszle‘10 “After baseball season.” Zach Darlington‘11 “July.” What The Teachers Have To Say... Mrs. Kazalas “The Last Day of School.” P T Mr. Perote “When I get to wear my Hawaiian shirts in the sunshine!” Mrs. Kuhn “Going to the Outer Banks.” Elle Goozdich ‘08 John Krak ‘08 What summer movie are you most looking forward to seeing? “Sex in the City, of course.” What are your summer plans? “I’m going to St. Simons island with Megan Carone.” What’s your favorite summer food? “Strawberries.” If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go? ”Spain.” Whats the craziest thing you’ve done during summer? “Jumping off a cliff into water!” What summer movie are you most looking forward to seeing? “Batman: The Dark Knight.” What are your summer plans? “Going to the beach in North Carolina and relaxing.” What’s your favorite summer food? “Cherry popcicles.” If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go? ”Italy.” Whats the craziest thing you are doing this summer? “Fun with Mr. Galloway.” Minute the Ms. Hamilton “Being evacuated from North Carolina!”