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Geotechnical Engineering IGeotechnical Engineering - I
Soil water, Permeability,
Shear StrengthShear Strength
Dr. Rajesh K. N.
Assistant Professor in Civil EngineeringAssistant Professor in Civil Engineering
Govt. College of Engineering, Kannur
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Module II
Occurrence adsorbed and capillary water types effective stress total
Module II
Soil water
Occurrence - adsorbed and capillary water types - effective stress - total
stress - pore pressure - pressure diagrams
Definition - Darcy's law - factors affecting permeability - laboratory
determination stratified soils average permeability Seepagedetermination - stratified soils - average permeability. Seepage –
downward and upward flow -quick sand
Shear Strength
Definition - Mohr-Coulomb strength theory - Measurement of shear
strength – Types of Triaxial compression tests - measurement of pore
l d ff i U fi d C i
Shear Strength
pressure - total and effective stress – Unconfined Compression test - vane
shear tests –Direct shear test- strength parameters - choice of test
conditions for field problems.
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Soil water
Modes of occurrence –
Effective stress - total stress - pore pressure –p p
Pressure diagrams under various conditions –
Flow of water through soil -
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Modes of occurrence of soil water
Free water (Gravitational water)
• Water that is free to move through soil mass under gravity
Held water
• Structural water – chemically combined in the soil mineraly
• Adsorbed water (Hygroscopic, contact moisture or surface bound
moisture) – held by adhesion
• Capillary waterp y
Pore water
• Water that is free of strong soil attractive forces
• Capillary water and free water are pore waters
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Stress conditions in soilSt ess co d t o s so
Effective and neutral pressures
• At any plane of soil mass, the total pressure is the total load per unit
• Pressure due to:
• Self-weight
• Over-burden
• Inter-granular pressure (effective pressure) and neutral pressure (pore
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
I t l ( ff ti ) ′Inter-granular pressure (effective pressure)
• Pressure transmitted from particle to particle through their contact
points, through the soil mass above the plane
points, through the soil mass above the plane
• Effective in decreasing the voids ratio and in mobilising the shear
Neutral pressure (pore pressure) u w wu h= γ
• Pressure transmitted through pore fluid
• Equal to water load per unit area above the plane• Equal to water load per unit area above the plane
• No influence on voids ratio or shear strength
u′σ = σ +Hence, total pressure
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Effective pressure under different conditions of soil-
water system
1. Submerged soil mass1. Submerged soil mass
u′σ = σ − WaterEffective pressure
1sat w w wz z h′σ = γ + γ − γAt A,
( )1 1sat w wz z z z= γ + γ − + γ B
z( )sat wz= γ − γ
z ′= γzγ
Here, effective pressure does not depend on 1z
Saturated soil
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
1 1 0w wu z z′σ = σ − = γ − γ =At B,
Saturated soil
+ =
z ′γ
Eff ti P
( )1 wz z+ γ
T t l
1sat wz zγ + γ
Effective pressure
Pore pressure
Total pressure
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
2. Soil mass with surcharge
u′σ = σ −Effective pressure
1 sat wq z z z′σ = + γ + γ − γAt A,
Surcharge, q
1 sat wq γ γ γ
1q z z ′= + γ + γ
B1 10q z q z′σ = + γ − = + γAt B,
z whSaturated
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
q q
1z γ
Eff ti
( )1 sat wq z z+ γ + γ − γ
T t l
1 satq z z+ γ + γ
Pore pressure
Effective pressure
Total pressure
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
3. Saturated soil with capillary fringe
u′σ = σ −
( )1 sat wz z z′σ = + γ − γ 1 satz z′= γ + γAt A,
Effective pressure
( )1 sat wγ γ 1 satγ γ
fringeAt x1,
z1x( ){ }1 1 1sat w
x z x
′σ = σ −
′σ = γ − − − γ
1( ){ }
( )
1 1 1
1 1 1
sat w
sat wx z x
γ γ
′σ = γ + − γ
z whSaturated
′ ′
Capillarity induces downward pressure
due to weight of water hanging below.
( )1sat wx x z′σ = γ − − γAt x,
1 1 wx z′ ′∴σ = γ + γ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
1 satz′σ = γAt B,
( )1sat w
1 wx z′= γ + γ
x xσ = γ = γz γ
( )1 1 wz x− − γ
1 wz− γ
1 sat satx xσ = γ = γ1 wz γ
+ ( )1 wx z− γ
S t t d
x z
′σ =
′γ + γz Saturated
satxσ = γ
1 wx zγ + γ
Pore pressure
T t l
( )1 satz z+ γ1 satz z′γ + γ
( )z z z′= + γ + γ diagram Total pressure
( )1 sat wz z z= + γ − γ
( )1 1 wz z z= + γ + γ
Effective pressure
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
4. When flow takes place through soil
u′σ σ
a. Flow from top to bottom
Effective pressure uσ = σ −
( )1 wu z z h= + − γAt A,
Effective pressure
Pore pressure
z zσ = γ + γ 1z h
Total pressure
1sat wz zσ = γ + γ
S t t d
Effective pressure
( )1 1sat w wz z z z h= γ + γ − + − γ
z Saturated
( )sat w wz h= γ − γ + γ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
wz h′= γ + γ Increase in effective pressure (downward seepage pressure)
1 wu z= γAt B, Pore pressure
1 wzσ = γ
1 wγp
Total pressure
1 1 0w wz z′σ = γ − γ =Effective pressure h
x h
′ ′σ = γ + γAt x from B,
wx ix′= γ + γ Hydraulic gradient
1z h
x ′γ
z Saturated
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKNPressure diagram
z ′γwhγ A
b. Flow from bottom to top
u′σ σ
Effective pressure uσ = σ −
( )1 wu z z h= + + γAt A,
Effective pressure
Pore pressure h
z zσ = γ + γ
Total pressure
h1sat wz zσ = γ + γ
Effective pressure
S t t d
( )1 1sat w wz z z z h= γ + γ − + + γ
z Saturated
( )sat w wz h= γ − γ + γ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
wz h′= γ − γ Decrease in effective pressure (upward seepage pressure)
1 wu z= γAt B, Pore pressure
1 wzσ = γ
1 wγp
Total pressure
1 1 0w wz z′σ = γ − γ =Effective pressure
x h
′ ′σ = γ − γAt x from B,
wx ix′= γ − γ
x h
′γ − γ
x z
Satu ated
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Pressure diagram
wz h′γ − γwhγ
x ′γWhen submerged soil pressure balances seepage pressure ,ixγγWhen submerged soil pressure balances seepage pressure ,wixγ
0′σ =
wx ix′γ = γ c
i i
⇒ = =
hydraulic gradient
When , cohesionless soils loose their shear strength, and a visible
it ti (b ili lik h ) h > i k d
ci i=
agitation (boiling-like phenomenon) happens => quick sand.
( )1Gγ 1
∴ =
( )1
w G
γ −
′γ =
We have,
• To prevent quick sand during excavations below water table, pumping
can be done before excavation, to lower water table.
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• Quick sand doesn’t occur in clays, since cohesive forces prevent boiling.
• Problem 1: Water table is located at a
d h f 3 b l d f idepth of 3m below ground surface in a
deposit of sand of 11m thickness. A
capillary fringe is present above water
t bl t d l l S t t d it
Water table
3 m
table, upto ground level. Saturated unit
weight of sand is 20kN/m3. Calculate
the effective pressure at depths 0, 3, 7 and
11m from ground surface
4 m
11m from ground surface.
4 m
Depth Total pressure Porewater
Effective pressure
0 0 –3x9.81= – 29.43 29.430 0 3x9.81 29.43 29.43
3 3x20=60 0 60
7 7x20=140 4x9.81=39.24 140 – 39.24=100.76
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
11 11x20=220 8x9.81=78.48 220 – 78.48=141.52
z Saturated
– = 60
39.24 100.76
Total pressure
Pore pressure
Effective pressure
diagram diagram diagram
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• Problem 2: For the given soil profile, compute the effective pressure at a
depth of 12 mdepth of 12 m.
To find the total pressure:
L 1 0 t 3
n 0 4
Layer 1: 0 to 3 m.
1 0.4
= =
γ =
32.65 9.81kN m
15.595kN m
1 0.667
= =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
( )G e+ γ ( ) 3
2 65 0 667 9 81kN m+ ×( )
G e
+ γ
γ =
( ) 32.65 0.667 9.81kN m
19.52kN m
1 0.667
+ ×
= =
( )d r sat dSγ = γ + γ − γ ( ) 3
15.595 0.3 19.52 15.595 16.772kN m= + × − =
L r 2 3m to 4mLayer 2: 3m to 4m.
γ =
32.68 9.8kN m
16.432kN m
= =
( ) 3
32.68 0.6 9.81kN m
20 111kN
+ ×
+ 1 0.6+
( ) 3
20.111kN m
1 0.6
satγ = =
( )S ( ) 3
16 432 0 8 20 111 16 432 19 375kN( )d r sat dSγ = γ + γ − γ ( ) 3
16.432 0.8 20.111 16.432 19.375kN m= + × − =
Layer 3: 4m to 6m
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Layer 3: 4m to 6m. 3
20.111kN msatγ =
Layer 4: 6m to 9m.
( ) 3
32.1 3 9.8kN m
12.508kN m
1 3
+ ×
γ = =
+1 3+
Layer 5: 9m to 12m.
sate w G= 0.35 2.7 0.945= × =
( ) 3
32.7 0.945 9.81kN m
18.384kN m
1 0.945
+ ×
γ = =
Total pressure at a depth of 12 m 3 16.772 1 19.375 2 20.111= × + × + ×
3 12.508 3 18.384 202.59kN m+ × + × =
Effective pressure at a depth of 12 m 2
202 59 8 9 8 124 11kN m= × =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Effective pressure at a depth of 12 m 202.59 8 9.8 124.11kN m= − × =
• Problem 3:
Bottom heave, when effective
stress at top of gravel layer isp g y
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
( ) wG e+ γ ( )2.7 1.2 9.81+ × 3
( )
γ =
( )
1 1.2
17.39kN m=For the clay layer,
At the top of gravel strata, 12 17.39 15 9.81′σ = × − × 2
61.53kN m=
Let the bottom of excavation be h m above the top of gravel layer, so
that the effective stress at top of gravel layer is zero.
0u′σ = σ − =
p g y
17.39 15 9.81u h∴σ = ⇒ = ×
8 5 mh∴ = 8.5 mh∴ =
12 8.5 3.5md∴ = − =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Property of porous material that permits passage of water
through interconnecting voids
• Material having continuous voids - permeable
• Gravels - highly permeable; stiff clays - impermeable
• Mostly in soils flow is laminar• Mostly in soils, flow is laminar
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Head, gradient and potential, g p
When water flows through soil, the total head consists of:
1. Piezometric head or pressure head
2. Velocity head
3. Position head Negligible, for flow through soil
Rise of water in piezometric tube
3. Position head g g , g
With respect to any datum
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
( )h
( )w a
( )w b
Point Piezo
head head head
a (hw)a za H
b (hw)b zb 0
H: Initial hydraulic head
h: Hydraulic head (potential)
at any point h h z= ±
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
( w)b b
c hw z hw – z i=h/l: hydraulic gradient
at any point wh h z= ±
Darcy's law
Quantity of water q flowing through a cross sectional area of soil
mass under a hydraulic gradient can be expressed as:
Darcy s law
q kiA= (1)
Hydraulic gradient
Coefficient of permeability Darcy, 1856
Total area of cross section
Hydraulic gradienti
• Greater k, greater is the flow through soil
• Average discharge velocity
v ki= = (2)v ki
= =
Coefficient of permeability is the average discharge velocity under
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
p y g g y
unit hydraulic gradient
Discharge and Seepage VelocityDischarge and Seepage Velocity
• In eqn. (1), is the Total area of cross sectionA
Actual velocity s
q q
= >
Seepage velocity
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
VOIDSq vA v A= = s VOIDSq vA v A
A v A V
v v
A n A V n
⎧ ⎫
= = = =⎨ ⎬
⎩ ⎭
k i (3)
s pv k i= (3)Also,
Coefficient of percolation
1p ps
k i kv k
v ki k n n
= = = ∴ =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
v ki k n n
Coefficient of permeability influences:
• Water retaining capacity and stability of earth dams
• Capacity of pumping installations for the lowering of ground waterp y p p g g g
table during excavations
• Rate of settlement of buildingsg
• etc.
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Factors affecting permeability
1. Effect of size and shape of particles:
( )
Permeability Grain size∝
10.k C D=
A constant
Coefficient of permeability
in cm/s
Effective size, in cm
(= 100, if D10 is in cm)
Allen Hazen 1892Allen Hazen, 1892
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
2. Effect of property of pore fluid
Coefficient of permeability is directly proportional to unit weight
f fl id d i l ti l t it i it
of fluid and inversely proportional to its viscosity
( )
0 1wC
k e
= C is a constant( )0.1k e= −
3. Effect of voids ratio
Taylor, 1948
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
4. Effect of structural arrangement of particles & stratificationg p
• Horizontal flow:• Horizontal flow:
is same for all stratai
1 1 2 2 3 3hQ k iZ k iz k iz k iz= = + + +
( )1 1 2 2 3 3
hk k iz k iz k iz
∴ = + + +
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• Vertical flow:
From principle of continuity of flow
For the same area,
1 1 2 2Av A v= =
1 2v v= =
i.e., downward velocity is same for all stratav
1 1 2 2 3 3
vk h
v k z k z k z
= = = = =
Total loss of head, 1 2 3
1 1 2 2 3 3
h h h h
z i z i z i
= + + +
= + + +
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
1 1 2 2 3 3z i z i z i+ + +
( )v
k v
= =
1 2 3
z z z
k k k
⎛ ⎞
+ + +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
That is,
1 2 3k k k⎝ ⎠
5. Effect of Degree of saturation: More entrapped air causesg pp
less permeability
6. Effect of Adsorbed water: Reduces permeabilityp y
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Thus, coefficient of permeability can be expressed as:
. . .
k D C
η +
D i th di t f h i l i hi h h th ti f
sD is the diameter of spherical grain which has the same ratio of
volume to surface area collectively for the grains in a soil
is a shape constantC
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Determination of permeability
Constant head test
Falling head test
Laboratory methods
Falling head test
Pumping testsField methods p g
Bore hole tests
Indirect method
C t ti f i i di t ib tiComputation from grain size distribution
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Constant head test:
Suitable for coarse grained soils
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Suitable for coarse grained soils
C t t h d t i t f t b t t i il lConstant head permeameter consists of a tube to contain soil sample
Tube can be of any convenient dimension
The head h is kept a constant during the test
S il i t t d b f i th t tSoil is saturated before commencing the test
Test is performed by allowing water to flow through the soil sample
Measure the quantity of discharge Q in time t
k iA
1Q L
q k iA
= =
t h A
∴ =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Falling head test Suitable for fine grained soils
Soil sample is kept in a vertical
A transparent stand pipe of cross-
sectional area a is attached to thesectional area a is attached to the
Soil is saturated before commencingSoil is saturated before commencing
the test
Test is performed by allowing waterp y g
to flow through the soil sample
Measure the elapsed time t2 – t1 for theMeasure the elapsed time t2 t1 for the
head to fall from initial h1 to final h2
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• Let -dh be the change in head during a small time interval dt.
.dQ kiA dt=From Darcy’s Law,
kiA dt dh Adt dh
.dQ a dh= −Also,
i =∵. . .kiA dt a dh Adt a dh
= − ⇒ = −
Integrating both sides,
2 2t hAk dh
L h
= −∫ ∫
g g ,
1 1t haL h∫ ∫
aL h
aL h
( )
2 1 2
lo. gi.e , k
A t t h
−( )
2 1 2
A t t h
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Constant head test was used to find coefficient of permeability of a
sand sample Diameter of sample = 10 cm length of sample = 20 cm
Problem 1:
sand sample. Diameter of sample = 10 cm, length of sample = 20 cm,
head of water = 35 cm, 110 cm3 of water was collected in 1 min 20 s,
determine coefficient of permeability.
1Q L
t h A
=Coefficient of permeability
110Discharge, cmQ = 1min,20 80Time, s st = =g
20Length of sample, cmL = 35Constant water head, cmh =
1 110 20 1Q L
k 0 01009 8 648 d2
80 35 10
t h A
∴ = = × × =
⎛ ⎞π ×
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
0.01009 8.648cm s m day= =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Falling head test was used to find coefficient of permeability.
Diameter of sample = 6 cm diameter of stand pipe = 2 cm initial
Problem 2:
Diameter of sample = 6 cm, diameter of stand pipe = 2 cm, initial
head = 45 cm, final head after 2 min = 30 cm. Determine coefficient
of permeability. 15Length of sample, cmL =
( )
2 1 2
aL h
A t t h
Coefficient of permeability
Area of stand pipe, cma
π ×
( )
Area of sample, cmA
π ×
2 1 2 mint t− =
1 245 , 30cm cmh h= =
aL h
k i
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
( )
2 1 2
A t t h
∴ = =
cm min 5.5 ?m day=
Problem 3:
4 cm has k3=7×10-4 cm/s. Assume that the flow is taking place perpendicular to the layers.
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
k =
1 2 3
1 2 3
z z z
k k k
⎛ ⎞
+ + +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
4 4 4
8 8 4
2 10 5 10 7 10− − −
⎛ ⎞
+ + +⎜ ⎟
× × ×⎝ ⎠
3.24 10 cm s−
= ×
( )
aL h
A t t h
Coefficient of permeability
( )2 1 2A t t h
( ) 1
2 1 10
aL h
t t
kA h
− =( ) 0
104 2
2.3 2cm 20cm 25
3 24 10 cm s 24cm 12
kA h
× ×
× ×3.24 10 cm s 24cm 12× ×
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
=1hr, 2min, 55.37s
• Assignment!
Explain field tests for determination of permeability (pumpingExplain field tests for determination of permeability (pumping
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Shear Strength
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• Ability to resist sliding along an internal surface within a soil mass:
A very important property that determines the strength of a soile y po ta t p ope ty t at dete es t e st e gt o a so
• Stability of foundations, slopes, embankments
etc. depend on shear strength
Shear strength consists of:g
– Frictional resistance
– Cohesion
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Mohr-Coulomb failure theoryy
• Material fails essentially by shear
• Shearing stress on the failure plane is a unique function of the normal
stress acting on that plane
( )F
i i
( )s F σ=
tanF N= φ
= φ
= μtans = σ φ (1)
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
tans = σ φ for purely granular soils(1)
• If cohesion also present,
for purely granular soils(1)
tans c= +σ φ (2) Coulomb Equation
experimentally determined
i i l t
c ⎫
E (2) th t i i d d t fc σ
empirical parametersφ
At zero σ s c=
Eqn. (2) assumes that is independent ofc σ
At zero ,σ s c
That is, cohesion is the shear resistance at zero
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
normal pressure
Plot between s and σ at failure (Coulomb envelope)
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s s
Coulomb envelope for ideal (pure)
friction material
Coulomb envelope for purely
cohesive material
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Mohr’s stress circle
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
y xσ σ>
cos2 sin2
2 2
y x y x
n xy
σ σ σ σ
σ α τ α
− +⎛ ⎞
= + +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠
sin2 cos2
y x
n xy
σ σ
τ α τ α
= −
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
n xy
0 sin2 cos2 0
y x
n xy
σ σ
τ α τ α
= ⇒ − =
tan2 xy
y x
σ σ
1 3
2 2
y x y x
σ σ σ σ
σ τ
+ −⎛ ⎞
= ± +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
2 2
xy⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
2 2
2 2y x y xσ σ σ σ
σ τ τ
+ −⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
+ +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟2 2
y y
n n xyσ τ τ− + = +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
y xσ σ+⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
y x
σ σ
−⎛ ⎞
+⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
⎝ ⎠ 2⎝ ⎠
( ),σ τ
2y xσ σ−⎛ ⎞
( ),y xyσ τ
y x
⎛ ⎞
+⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
σx σσ σσ σ+
σσ3 σ1
y xσ σ+
( )( ),x xyσ τ−
1 2
tan 2xy
y x
θ α
σ σ
= =
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
( )
σ σ
( ),σ τ
1 3
σ σ−
1 3
σ σ
σσ3 σ1
σσ3 σ1
1 3
σ σ+ 1 3
σ σ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
1 3 1 3σ σ σ σ+ −1 3 1 3
1 3
2 2
σ σ σ σ
σ α
σ σ
τ α
= +
Stresses on any plane in terms of
principal stresses
01 3−σ σ
τ α=
01 3
max , 45
when= =
σ σ
τ α
1 3
on this pla e., n
σ σ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Coulomb envelope
σ 1σ3σ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
φ′ ′ ′ Shearing strength based on
effective stress
( )
s c
s c u
σ φ
σ φ
′ ′ ′= +
′ ′= + −
tanu us c σ φ= +
Shearing strength based on total
uc Apparent cohesion based on total stress
Apparent angle of shearing resistance
based on total stress
u Apparent cohesion based on total stress
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
′ ′ ′ ′1 3 1 3
2 2
σ σ σ σ
σ α
′ ′ ′ ′+ −
′ = +
′ ′
Stresses on any plane in terms
of principal stresses
1 3
σ σ
τ α
′ ′−
p p
tans c σ φ′ ′ ′+ (3)
s is the shear strength
tans c σ φ= + (3)
τ is the shear stress on a planeg
s τ− is a minimum on the plane of failure
( ) 0
d s
1 3 1 3 1 3
cos2 tan sin2
2 2 2
s c
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′+ − −
′ ′− = + + −⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
σ σ σ σ σ σ
τ α φ α
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
2 2 2⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
( )d s ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞′ ′ ′ ′− − −
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
τ σ σ σ σ( ) 1 3 1 3
0 tan 2sin2 2cos2 0
2 2
d s
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
′= ⇒ − − =⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
τ σ σ σ σ
φ α α
( ) ( )( ) ( )1 3 1 3tan sin2 cos2 0′ ′ ′ ′′⇒ − − − − =σ σ φ α σ σ α
tan sin2 cos2′⇒ − =φ α α
t t 2 2 9 450′ ′+
φφtan cot 2 2 9 450
′ ′⇒ − = ⇒ = + ⇒ = ′=+
αα α φ αφ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Failure stress and maximum stress
•Failure plane doesn’t carry maximum shear stress
•Plane that has maximum shear stress is not the failure plane
Coulomb envelope
σ 1σ3σ
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Measurement of shear strengthMeasurement of shear strength
• Direct shear test
• Triaxial compression test
• Unconfined compression test
• Vane shear test• Vane shear test
Based on drainage conditions,
• Undrained test – no drainage allowed – no dissipation of pore
pressure during the test
• Consolidated undrained test – drainage allowed only with initial
normal stress
• Drained test - drainage allowed throughout the testDrained test - drainage allowed throughout the test
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Disadvantages of direct shear test
• Shear and normal stress distribution along failure surface is not
if ti t th f il i t bili d if luniform entire strength of soil is not mobilised uniformly
• Plane of shear failure is pre-determined it may not be the weakest
• Effect of lateral restraint by the side walls of the shear boxy
• No control over drainage
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Direct shear test
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• Strain controlled test
• At failure, shear force F corresponding to the normal force N is
• Repeated for a number of identical samples
• From the set of values of σ and τ at failure, envelope is drawnFrom the set of values of σ and τ at failure, envelope is drawn
• Slope of the envelope represents angle of shearing resistance
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Triaxial compression test
Casagrande & Terzaghi – 1936
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
σ1- σ3 Deviator stress
σ3 σ3 Cell pressure
σ1- σ3
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
• The cylindrical soil specimen is subjected to an all round pressure
(cell pressure,σ3) initially and then to a vertical pressure, σ1(cell pressure,σ3) initially and then to a vertical pressure, σ1.
• (σ1- σ3) is known as deviatoric stress
• During the test the deviatoric stress and vertical deformation of the
sample are measured till failure
• Deviatoric stress and pore pressure corresponding to failure are noted
• Failure: at max value of stress or 20% axial strainFailure: at max value of stress or 20% axial strain
• A number of Mohr’s circles can be drawn from different sets of
observations (σ1 and σ3)from which the failure envelope can beobservations (σ1 and σ3)from which the failure envelope can be
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Coulomb envelope
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Stress state in soil specimen during triaxial compression
tanc′ ′ ′= +τ σ φ
tanf c= +τ σ φ
′φ 45
′ = +
C A sin
φ′ =
σ′ 1
′σK O
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
But FC = Radius of Mohr’s circle
M i h t ( )1 ′ ′= Maximum shear stress ( )1 3
σ σ′ ′= −
( )1
φ ′ ′′ ′
( )1 3
FC σ σ′ ′−
Also, KC=KO+OC ( )1 3
c φ σ σ′ ′′ ′= + +
( )
( )
1 3
1 3
KC c
σ σ
φ σ σ
′∴ = =
′ ′′ ′+ +
1 3 tan 45 2 tan 45
2 2
′ ′⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞′ ′ ′= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
φ φ
σ σSimplifying,
1 3 tan 2 tanf fcσ σ α α′ ′ ′ ′ ′= +
2 2⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
1 3 2N c Nφ φσ σ′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + 2 2 0
tan tan 45where, fNφ
′⎛ ⎞′ ′= = +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
1 3 φ φ
, fφ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Stress state during triaxial compression …g p
I t f t t lI t f ff ti In terms of total
In terms of effective
1 3 tan 2 tanf fcσ σ α α′ ′ ′ ′ ′= +
1 3 tan 2 tanf u fcσ σ α α= +
2N N
1 3 2N c Nφ φσ σ′ ′ ′ ′ ′= +
2 2 0
tan tan 45
′⎛ ⎞′ ′= = +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
1 3 2 uN c Nφ φσ σ= +
2 2 0
tan tan 45
⎛ ⎞
= = +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
fφ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
fφ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Advantages of triaxial test
Sh h ll h 3 d i di i b d i h• Shear strengths at all the 3 drainage conditions can be done with
complete control
• Stress distribution on the failure plane is uniform
• State of stress at any stage of test is determinabley g
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Unconfined compression test
3 0σ =• A special case of triaxial test in which
11 3 2 tan 45
2 u
uN c N cφ φ σσ
⎛ ⎞
=′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + ⇒ +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Only one value of σ1 . Therefore, only one Mohr’s circle
So, this test can be applied only for saturated clays ( )0uφ =
, for saturated clays10 2u ucφ σ= ⇒ =
2 2
∴ = = qu Unconfined compressive strength at failure
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Coulomb envelope
2 2
failu e
uq σ
= =
σ 1σ3 0σ =
2 2
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Problem 1. An unconfined cylindrical specimen of clay fails under an axial
f 240 kN/ 2 Th f il l i li d l f 550 hstress of 240 kN/m2. The failure plane was inclined at an angle of 550 to the
horizontal. Find the shear strength parameters c and ϕ for the soil.
tan 2 tancσ σ α α= +1 3 tan 2 tanf u fcσ σ α α= +
3 0σ = 1 2 tanu fcσ α∴ =
α = + ( )0
2 45fφ α∴ = −
2 ( )f
1 2 tanu f uc c
σ α= ⇒ =
84 kN m=1
u f u
fα 2tan55
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Problem 2. Two identical specimens of dry sand are tested in the triaxial
apparatus with confining pressure of 150 N/mm2 and 250 N/mm2 respectivelyapparatus with confining pressure of 150 N/mm2 and 250 N/mm2 respectively.
If the angle of friction for sand is 350 what are the values of axial stresses at
failure of the specimens?
1 3 tan 2 tanf u fcσ σ α α= +
For cohesionless dry sand, 0uc =
2 2 0
1 3 3tan tan 45
σ σ α σ
⎛ ⎞
∴ = = +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
2 0
150tan 45
⎛ ⎞
= +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
2⎝ ⎠
553.53 N mm=
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
2 0 35⎛ ⎞2 0
250tan 45
⎛ ⎞
= +⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
922.543 N mm=
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Problem 3. Two identical specimens of a soil were tested in the triaxial
Fi i f il d d i f 770 kN/ 2 h h llapparatus. First specimen failed at a deviator stress of 770 kN/m2 when the cell
pressure was 200 kN/m2. Second specimen failed at a deviator stress of 1370
kN/m2 when the cell pressure was 400 kN/m2. Find c and ϕ for the soil.
1 3 tan 45 2 tan 45
2 2
φ φ
σ σ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
We have,
First specimen
1 3 770 kN mσ σ− = 2
3 200 kN mσ =
1 970 kN mσ∴ =
970 200tan 45 2 tan 45
2 2
φ φ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
2 2⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Second specimen
1370 kN 2
400 kN
1770 kN mσ∴ =2
1 3 1370 kN mσ σ− = 2
3 400 kN mσ = 1 1770 kN mσ∴ =
1770 400tan 45 2 tan 45c
φ φ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
+ + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ (2)
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
1770 400tan 45 2 tan 45
2 2
c= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
From (1) and (2)From (1) and (2),
42.5 kN mc = 0
36.87φ =
Problem 4. The same soil as in the previous problem if tested in a direct shear
apparatus estimate the shear stress at which sample will fail under a normalapparatus, estimate the shear stress at which sample will fail under a normal
stress of 600 kN/m2.
tanf cτ σ φ= +
42 5 600tan36 87τ = +
492 5 kN m=42.5 600tan36.87fτ = + 492.5 kN m
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Assignment: Vane shear testAssignment: Vane shear test
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
Soil water
Occurrence - adsorbed and capillary water types - effective stress - total
stress - pore pressure - pressure diagrams
Soil water
Definition - Darcy's law - factors affecting permeability - laboratoryDefinition Darcy s law factors affecting permeability laboratory
determination - stratified soils - average permeability. Seepage –
downward and upward flow -quick sand
Definition - Mohr-Coulomb strength theory - Measurement of shear
strength Types of Triaxial compression tests measurement of pore
Shear Strength
strength – Types of Triaxial compression tests - measurement of pore
pressure - total and effective stress – Unconfined Compression test - vane
shear tests –Direct shear test- strength parameters - choice of test
conditions for field problems
Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
conditions for field problems.

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Ge i-module2-rajesh sir

  • 1. Geotechnical Engineering IGeotechnical Engineering - I Soil water, Permeability, Shear StrengthShear Strength Dr. Rajesh K. N. Assistant Professor in Civil EngineeringAssistant Professor in Civil Engineering Govt. College of Engineering, Kannur Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 1
  • 2. Module II Occurrence adsorbed and capillary water types effective stress total Module II Soil water Occurrence - adsorbed and capillary water types - effective stress - total stress - pore pressure - pressure diagrams Permeability Definition - Darcy's law - factors affecting permeability - laboratory determination stratified soils average permeability Seepagedetermination - stratified soils - average permeability. Seepage – downward and upward flow -quick sand Shear Strength Definition - Mohr-Coulomb strength theory - Measurement of shear strength – Types of Triaxial compression tests - measurement of pore l d ff i U fi d C i Shear Strength pressure - total and effective stress – Unconfined Compression test - vane shear tests –Direct shear test- strength parameters - choice of test conditions for field problems. Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 3. Soil water Modes of occurrence – Effective stress - total stress - pore pressure –p p Pressure diagrams under various conditions – Flow of water through soil - Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 4. Modes of occurrence of soil water Free water (Gravitational water) • Water that is free to move through soil mass under gravity Held water • Structural water – chemically combined in the soil mineraly • Adsorbed water (Hygroscopic, contact moisture or surface bound moisture) – held by adhesion • Capillary waterp y Pore water • Water that is free of strong soil attractive forces • Capillary water and free water are pore waters Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 5. Stress conditions in soilSt ess co d t o s so Effective and neutral pressures • At any plane of soil mass, the total pressure is the total load per unit area • Pressure due to: • Self-weight • Over-burden • Inter-granular pressure (effective pressure) and neutral pressure (pore )pressure) Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 6. I t l ( ff ti ) ′Inter-granular pressure (effective pressure) • Pressure transmitted from particle to particle through their contact points, through the soil mass above the plane ′σ points, through the soil mass above the plane • Effective in decreasing the voids ratio and in mobilising the shear strengthg Neutral pressure (pore pressure) u w wu h= γ • Pressure transmitted through pore fluid • Equal to water load per unit area above the plane• Equal to water load per unit area above the plane • No influence on voids ratio or shear strength u′σ = σ +Hence, total pressure Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 7. Effective pressure under different conditions of soil- water system 1. Submerged soil mass1. Submerged soil mass u′σ = σ − WaterEffective pressure z 1sat w w wz z h′σ = γ + γ − γAt A, 1z wh ( )1 1sat w wz z z z= γ + γ − + γ B z( )sat wz= γ − γ z ′= γzγ A Here, effective pressure does not depend on 1z Saturated soil Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 1 1 0w wu z z′σ = σ − = γ − γ =At B, Saturated soil
  • 8. 1z1 wh B + = z A z ′γ Eff ti P ( )1 wz z+ γ T t l 1sat wz zγ + γ Effective pressure diagram Pore pressure diagram Total pressure diagram Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 9. 2. Soil mass with surcharge u′σ = σ −Effective pressure 1 sat wq z z z′σ = + γ + γ − γAt A, Surcharge, q z 1 sat wq γ γ γ 1q z z ′= + γ + γ Moist 1z B1 10q z q z′σ = + γ − = + γAt B, Moist soil z whSaturated soil A Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 10. q Moist l 1z q q + soil 1 B = 1z γ Saturated soil zwh wzγ P A Eff ti ( )1 sat wq z z+ γ + γ − γ T t l 1 satq z z+ γ + γ Pore pressure diagram Effective pressure diagram Total pressure diagram Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 11. 3. Saturated soil with capillary fringe u′σ = σ − ( )1 sat wz z z′σ = + γ − γ 1 satz z′= γ + γAt A, Effective pressure ( )1 sat wγ γ 1 satγ γ Capillary fringeAt x1, z1x( ){ }1 1 1sat w u x z x ′σ = σ − ′σ = γ − − − γ 1z Bx 1( ){ } ( ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 sat w sat wx z x γ γ ′σ = γ + − γ z whSaturated soil ′ ′ Capillarity induces downward pressure due to weight of water hanging below. A ( )1sat wx x z′σ = γ − − γAt x, 1 1 wx z′ ′∴σ = γ + γ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 1 satz′σ = γAt B, ( )1sat w 1 wx z′= γ + γ
  • 12. x xσ = γ = γz γ ( )1 1 wz x− − γ 1 wz− γ 1z 1 sat satx xσ = γ = γ1 wz γ x + ( )1 wx z− γ S t t d B = x z ′σ = ′γ + γz Saturated soil satxσ = γ 1 wx zγ + γ Pore pressure wzγ A T t l ( )1 satz z+ γ1 satz z′γ + γ ( )z z z′= + γ + γ diagram Total pressure diagram ( )1 sat wz z z= + γ − γ ( )1 1 wz z z= + γ + γ Effective pressure diagram Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 13. 4. When flow takes place through soil u′σ σ a. Flow from top to bottom Effective pressure uσ = σ − ( )1 wu z z h= + − γAt A, Effective pressure Pore pressure z zσ = γ + γ 1z h w Total pressure 1sat wz zσ = γ + γ B S t t d Flow h Effective pressure ( )1 1sat w wz z z z h= γ + γ − + − γ z Saturated soil wh A ( )sat w wz h= γ − γ + γ h′ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN wz h′= γ + γ Increase in effective pressure (downward seepage pressure)
  • 14. 1 wu z= γAt B, Pore pressure 1 wzσ = γ 1 wγp Total pressure 1 1 0w wz z′σ = γ − γ =Effective pressure h i z = w x x h z ′ ′σ = γ + γAt x from B, wx ix′= γ + γ Hydraulic gradient z 1z h w x h z γ 1 B Flow h x x ′γ z Saturated soil wh Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKNPressure diagram z ′γwhγ A
  • 15. b. Flow from bottom to top u′σ σ p Effective pressure uσ = σ − ( )1 wu z z h= + + γAt A, Effective pressure Pore pressure h z zσ = γ + γ Total pressure 1z h1sat wz zσ = γ + γ Effective pressure B S t t d Flow wh ( )1 1sat w wz z z z h= γ + γ − + + γ z Saturated soil ( )sat w wz h= γ − γ + γ h′ A Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN wz h′= γ − γ Decrease in effective pressure (upward seepage pressure)
  • 16. 1 wu z= γAt B, Pore pressure 1 wzσ = γ 1 wγp Total pressure 1 1 0w wz z′σ = γ − γ =Effective pressure w x x h z ′ ′σ = γ − γAt x from B, wx ix′= γ − γ h 1z w whx ′ z B Saturated Flow x w x x h z ′γ − γ x z A Satu ated soilw x h z γ h′h Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN A Pressure diagram wz h′γ − γwhγ
  • 17. x ′γWhen submerged soil pressure balances seepage pressure ,ixγγWhen submerged soil pressure balances seepage pressure ,wixγ 0′σ = ′γ wx ix′γ = γ c w i i γ ⇒ = = γ Critical hydraulic gradient When , cohesionless soils loose their shear strength, and a visible it ti (b ili lik h ) h > i k d ci i= 1G agitation (boiling-like phenomenon) happens => quick sand. ( )1Gγ 1 1 c G i e − ∴ = + ( )1 1 w G e γ − ′γ = + We have, • To prevent quick sand during excavations below water table, pumping can be done before excavation, to lower water table. Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN • Quick sand doesn’t occur in clays, since cohesive forces prevent boiling.
  • 18. • Problem 1: Water table is located at a d h f 3 b l d f idepth of 3m below ground surface in a deposit of sand of 11m thickness. A capillary fringe is present above water t bl t d l l S t t d it Water table 3 m Sa table, upto ground level. Saturated unit weight of sand is 20kN/m3. Calculate the effective pressure at depths 0, 3, 7 and 11m from ground surface 4 m anddepo 11m from ground surface. 4 m osit Depth Total pressure Porewater pressure Effective pressure 0 0 –3x9.81= – 29.43 29.430 0 3x9.81 29.43 29.43 3 3x20=60 0 60 7 7x20=140 4x9.81=39.24 140 – 39.24=100.76 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 11 11x20=220 8x9.81=78.48 220 – 78.48=141.52
  • 19. 29.43− 1z 3m 29.43 29.43 z Saturated 60 3m 7m – = 60 soil 11m 140 220 39.24 100.76 11m Total pressure di 220 Pore pressure diagram 78.48 Effective pressure 141.52 diagram diagram diagram Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 20. • Problem 2: For the given soil profile, compute the effective pressure at a depth of 12 mdepth of 12 m. To find the total pressure: L 1 0 t 3 n 0 4 Layer 1: 0 to 3 m. 1 n e n = − 0.4 0.667 1 0.4 = = − Gγ 1 w d G e γ γ = + 3 32.65 9.81kN m 15.595kN m 1 0.667 × = = + Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 21. ( )G e+ γ ( ) 3 2 65 0 667 9 81kN m+ ×( ) 1 w sat G e e + γ γ = + ( ) 32.65 0.667 9.81kN m 19.52kN m 1 0.667 + × = = + ( )d r sat dSγ = γ + γ − γ ( ) 3 15.595 0.3 19.52 15.595 16.772kN m= + × − = L r 2 3m to 4mLayer 2: 3m to 4m. w d Gγ γ = 3 32.68 9.8kN m 16.432kN m × = = ( ) 3 32.68 0.6 9.81kN m 20 111kN + × 1 d e γ + 1 0.6+ ( ) 3 20.111kN m 1 0.6 satγ = = + ( )S ( ) 3 16 432 0 8 20 111 16 432 19 375kN( )d r sat dSγ = γ + γ − γ ( ) 3 16.432 0.8 20.111 16.432 19.375kN m= + × − = Layer 3: 4m to 6m Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN Layer 3: 4m to 6m. 3 20.111kN msatγ =
  • 22. Layer 4: 6m to 9m. ( ) 3 32.1 3 9.8kN m 12.508kN m 1 3 sat + × γ = = +1 3+ Layer 5: 9m to 12m. sate w G= 0.35 2.7 0.945= × = ( ) 3 32.7 0.945 9.81kN m 18.384kN m 1 0.945 sat + × γ = = + Total pressure at a depth of 12 m 3 16.772 1 19.375 2 20.111= × + × + × 2 3 12.508 3 18.384 202.59kN m+ × + × = Effective pressure at a depth of 12 m 2 202 59 8 9 8 124 11kN m= × = Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN Effective pressure at a depth of 12 m 202.59 8 9.8 124.11kN m= − × =
  • 23. • Problem 3: Bottom heave, when effective stress at top of gravel layer isp g y zero Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 24. ( ) wG e+ γ ( )2.7 1.2 9.81+ × 3 ( ) 1 w sat e γ γ = + ( ) 1 1.2 = + 3 17.39kN m=For the clay layer, At the top of gravel strata, 12 17.39 15 9.81′σ = × − × 2 61.53kN m= Let the bottom of excavation be h m above the top of gravel layer, so that the effective stress at top of gravel layer is zero. 0u′σ = σ − = p g y 17.39 15 9.81u h∴σ = ⇒ = × 8 5 mh∴ = 8.5 mh∴ = 12 8.5 3.5md∴ = − = Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 25. Permeability Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 26. Definition Property of porous material that permits passage of water through interconnecting voids • Material having continuous voids - permeable • Gravels - highly permeable; stiff clays - impermeable • Mostly in soils flow is laminar• Mostly in soils, flow is laminar Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 27. Head, gradient and potential, g p When water flows through soil, the total head consists of: 1. Piezometric head or pressure head 2. Velocity head 3. Position head Negligible, for flow through soil Rise of water in piezometric tube 3. Position head g g , g With respect to any datum Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 28. A ( )h A H wh ( )w a h B DATUM H h az z w ( )w b h a bz b b Point Piezo head Position head Total head b head head head a (hw)a za H b (hw)b zb 0 H: Initial hydraulic head h: Hydraulic head (potential) at any point h h z= ± Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN ( w)b b c hw z hw – z i=h/l: hydraulic gradient at any point wh h z= ±
  • 29. Darcy's law Quantity of water q flowing through a cross sectional area of soil mass under a hydraulic gradient can be expressed as: Darcy s law q kiA= (1) Hydraulic gradient k i Coefficient of permeability Darcy, 1856 Total area of cross section Hydraulic gradienti A • Greater k, greater is the flow through soil • Average discharge velocity q v ki= = (2)v ki A = = Coefficient of permeability is the average discharge velocity under (2) Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN p y g g y unit hydraulic gradient
  • 30. Discharge and Seepage VelocityDischarge and Seepage Velocity • In eqn. (1), is the Total area of cross sectionA VOIDS SOLIDSA A A= +VOIDS SOLIDS VOIDSA A< Actual velocity s VOIDS q q v A A = > Seepage velocity Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 31. VOIDSq vA v A= = s VOIDSq vA v A 1 s VOIDS VOIDS VOIDS A v A V v v A n A V n ⎧ ⎫ = = = =⎨ ⎬ ⎩ ⎭ ∵ VOIDS VOIDS VOIDS⎩ ⎭ k i (3) s pv k i= (3)Also, Coefficient of percolation 1p ps p k i kv k k v ki k n n = = = ∴ = Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN v ki k n n
  • 32. Coefficient of permeability influences: • Water retaining capacity and stability of earth dams • Capacity of pumping installations for the lowering of ground waterp y p p g g g table during excavations • Rate of settlement of buildingsg • etc. Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 33. Factors affecting permeability 1. Effect of size and shape of particles: ( ) 2 Permeability Grain size∝ k 2 10.k C D= A constant k C Coefficient of permeability in cm/s Effective size, in cm (= 100, if D10 is in cm) C 10D Allen Hazen 1892Allen Hazen, 1892 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 34. 2. Effect of property of pore fluid Coefficient of permeability is directly proportional to unit weight f fl id d i l ti l t it i it w k γ ∝ of fluid and inversely proportional to its viscosity η ( ) 2. 0 1wC k e γ = C is a constant( )0.1k e= − η C 3. Effect of voids ratio 3 e 1 e k e ∝ + Taylor, 1948 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 35. 4. Effect of structural arrangement of particles & stratificationg p • Horizontal flow:• Horizontal flow: is same for all stratai 1 1 2 2 3 3hQ k iZ k iz k iz k iz= = + + + ( )1 1 2 2 3 3 1 hk k iz k iz k iz Z ∴ = + + + Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN Z
  • 36. • Vertical flow: From principle of continuity of flow For the same area, 1 1 2 2Av A v= = , 1 2v v= = i.e., downward velocity is same for all stratav 1 1 2 2 3 3 vk h v k z k z k z Z = = = = = Total loss of head, 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 h h h h z i z i z i = + + + = + + + Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 1 1 2 2 3 3z i z i z i+ + +
  • 37. Z Z Z ( )v Z Z k v hh v = = 1 2 3 v Z k z z z k k k = ⎛ ⎞ + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ That is, 1 2 3k k k⎝ ⎠ 5. Effect of Degree of saturation: More entrapped air causesg pp less permeability 6. Effect of Adsorbed water: Reduces permeabilityp y Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 38. Thus, coefficient of permeability can be expressed as: 3 2 . . . 1 w s e k D C e γ = η + (4) D i th di t f h i l i hi h h th ti f sD is the diameter of spherical grain which has the same ratio of volume to surface area collectively for the grains in a soil is a shape constantC Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 39. Determination of permeability Constant head test Falling head test Laboratory methods Falling head test Pumping testsField methods p g Bore hole tests Indirect method C t ti f i i di t ib tiComputation from grain size distribution Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 40. Constant head test: Suitable for coarse grained soils Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN Suitable for coarse grained soils
  • 41. C t t h d t i t f t b t t i il lConstant head permeameter consists of a tube to contain soil sample Tube can be of any convenient dimension The head h is kept a constant during the test S il i t t d b f i th t tSoil is saturated before commencing the test Test is performed by allowing water to flow through the soil sample Measure the quantity of discharge Q in time t Q k iA 1Q L k Q q k iA t = = Q k t h A ∴ = Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 42. Falling head test Suitable for fine grained soils Soil sample is kept in a vertical cylindercylinder A transparent stand pipe of cross- sectional area a is attached to thesectional area a is attached to the cylinder Soil is saturated before commencingSoil is saturated before commencing the test Test is performed by allowing waterp y g to flow through the soil sample Measure the elapsed time t2 – t1 for theMeasure the elapsed time t2 t1 for the head to fall from initial h1 to final h2 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 43. • Let -dh be the change in head during a small time interval dt. .dQ kiA dt=From Darcy’s Law, kh kiA dt dh Adt dh .dQ a dh= −Also, h i =∵. . .kiA dt a dh Adt a dh L = − ⇒ = − Integrating both sides, i L =∵ 2 2t hAk dh dt L h = −∫ ∫ g g , 1 1t haL h∫ ∫ 12.3 li aL h k1 l aL h k ( ) 1 10 2 1 2 lo. gi.e , k A t t h = −( ) 1 2 1 2 logek A t t h = − Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 44. Constant head test was used to find coefficient of permeability of a sand sample Diameter of sample = 10 cm length of sample = 20 cm Problem 1: sand sample. Diameter of sample = 10 cm, length of sample = 20 cm, head of water = 35 cm, 110 cm3 of water was collected in 1 min 20 s, determine coefficient of permeability. 1Q L k t h A =Coefficient of permeability 3 110Discharge, cmQ = 1min,20 80Time, s st = =g 20Length of sample, cmL = 35Constant water head, cmh = 1 110 20 1Q L k 0 01009 8 648 d2 80 35 10 4 Q k t h A ∴ = = × × = ⎛ ⎞π × ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 0.01009 8.648cm s m day= = Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 45. Falling head test was used to find coefficient of permeability. Diameter of sample = 6 cm diameter of stand pipe = 2 cm initial Problem 2: Diameter of sample = 6 cm, diameter of stand pipe = 2 cm, initial head = 45 cm, final head after 2 min = 30 cm. Determine coefficient of permeability. 15Length of sample, cmL = ( ) 1 10 2 1 2 2.3 log aL h k A t t h = − Coefficient of permeability 2 22 4 Area of stand pipe, cma π × = ( ) 4 2 26 4 Area of sample, cmA π × = 4 2 1 2 mint t− = 1 245 , 30cm cmh h= = 12.3 l aL h k i Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN ( ) 1 10 2 1 2 logk A t t h ∴ = = − cm min 5.5 ?m day=
  • 46. Problem 3: 4 cm has k3=7×10-4 cm/s. Assume that the flow is taking place perpendicular to the layers. Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 47. Z k = 20 = 1 2 3 1 2 3 vk z z z k k k = ⎛ ⎞ + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 4 4 4 8 8 4 2 10 5 10 7 10− − − = ⎛ ⎞ + + +⎜ ⎟ × × ×⎝ ⎠ 4 3.24 10 cm s− = × ( ) 1 10 2.3 log aL h k A t t h = − Coefficient of permeability ( )2 1 2A t t h ( ) 1 2 1 10 2.3 log aL h t t kA h − =( ) 0 2 2 104 2 2.3 2cm 20cm 25 log 3 24 10 cm s 24cm 12 kA h − × × = × ×3.24 10 cm s 24cm 12× × 3775.37s= Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN =1hr, 2min, 55.37s
  • 48. • Assignment! Explain field tests for determination of permeability (pumpingExplain field tests for determination of permeability (pumping tests). Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 49. Shear Strength Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 50. Definition • Ability to resist sliding along an internal surface within a soil mass: A very important property that determines the strength of a soile y po ta t p ope ty t at dete es t e st e gt o a so mass • Stability of foundations, slopes, embankments etc. depend on shear strength Shear strength consists of:g – Frictional resistance – Cohesion Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 50
  • 51. Mohr-Coulomb failure theoryy • Material fails essentially by shear • Shearing stress on the failure plane is a unique function of the normal stress acting on that plane ( )F i i ( )s F σ= 51Friction tanF N= φ tan F N A A = φ F N F N ∝ = μtans = σ φ (1) Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 52. tans = σ φ for purely granular soils(1) • If cohesion also present, for purely granular soils(1) tans c= +σ φ (2) Coulomb Equation experimentally determined i i l t c ⎫ ⎬ E (2) th t i i d d t fc σ empirical parametersφ ⎬ ⎭ At zero σ s c= Eqn. (2) assumes that is independent ofc σ At zero ,σ s c That is, cohesion is the shear resistance at zero l Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 52 normal pressure
  • 53. Plot between s and σ at failure (Coulomb envelope) Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 53
  • 54. s s φ c σ φ σ Coulomb envelope for ideal (pure) friction material Coulomb envelope for purely cohesive material Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 54
  • 55. Mohr’s stress circle Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 55
  • 56. σy τxyτxy τyxσn σx σx τyx τn α σ τxy yx y xσ σ> σy cos2 sin2 2 2 y x y x n xy σ σ σ σ σ α τ α − +⎛ ⎞ = + +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ sin2 cos2 2 y x n xy σ σ τ α τ α − = − Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 56 2 n xy
  • 57. 2 0 sin2 cos2 0 2 y x n xy σ σ τ α τ α − = ⇒ − = 2 tan2 xy y x τ α σ σ = − 2 2 1 3 2 2 y x y x xy σ σ σ σ σ τ + −⎛ ⎞ = ± +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Principal stresses1,3 2 2 xy⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ stresses 2 2 2 2y x y xσ σ σ σ σ τ τ + −⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟2 2 y y n n xyσ τ τ− + = +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ,0 2 y xσ σ+⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 2 2 2 y x xy σ σ τ −⎛ ⎞ +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 57 ⎝ ⎠ 2⎝ ⎠
  • 58. ( ),σ τ 2 2y xσ σ−⎛ ⎞ ( ),y xyσ τ τxyτ 2 2 y x xyτ ⎛ ⎞ +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ σy σx σσ σσ σ+ θ τ σσ3 σ1 2 y xσ σ+ τxy ( )( ),x xyσ τ− 1 2 tan 2xy y x τ θ α σ σ − = = − Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 59. ( ) σ σ ( ),σ τ τ 1 3 2 σ σ− 1 3 sin2 2 σ σ α − σσ3 σ1 2α 2 σσ3 σ1 1 3 2 σ σ+ 1 3 cos2 2 σ σ α − σ1 σ3 σ33 σ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 59 σ1
  • 60. 1 3 1 3σ σ σ σ+ −1 3 1 3 1 3 cos2 2 2 sin2 σ σ σ σ σ α σ σ τ α + = + − = Stresses on any plane in terms of principal stresses 01 3−σ σ sin2 2 τ α= 01 3 max , 45 2 when= = σ σ τ α 1 3 2 on this pla e., n + = σ σ σ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 60
  • 62. φ′ ′ ′ Shearing strength based on effective stress ( ) tan tan s c s c u σ φ σ φ ′ ′ ′= + ′ ′= + − (3) tanu us c σ φ= + Shearing strength based on total stress (4) uc Apparent cohesion based on total stress Apparent angle of shearing resistance based on total stress uφ u Apparent cohesion based on total stress Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 62
  • 63. ′ ′ ′ ′1 3 1 3 cos2 2 2 σ σ σ σ σ α ′ ′ ′ ′+ − ′ = + ′ ′ Stresses on any plane in terms of principal stresses (5) 1 3 sin2 2 σ σ τ α ′ ′− = p p tans c σ φ′ ′ ′+ (3) (6) s is the shear strength tans c σ φ= + (3) τ is the shear stress on a planeg s τ− is a minimum on the plane of failure p ( ) 0 d s d − = τ αdα 1 3 1 3 1 3 cos2 tan sin2 2 2 2 s c ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′+ − − ′ ′− = + + −⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ σ σ σ σ σ σ τ α φ α Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 63 2 2 2⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ φ
  • 64. ( )d s ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞′ ′ ′ ′− − − ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ τ σ σ σ σ( ) 1 3 1 3 0 tan 2sin2 2cos2 0 2 2 d s d ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ′= ⇒ − − =⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ τ σ σ σ σ φ α α α ( ) ( )( ) ( )1 3 1 3tan sin2 cos2 0′ ′ ′ ′′⇒ − − − − =σ σ φ α σ σ α tan sin2 cos2′⇒ − =φ α α t t 2 2 9 450′ ′+ ′ ′+ φ φφtan cot 2 2 9 450 2 f ′ ′⇒ − = ⇒ = + ⇒ = ′=+ φ αα α φ αφ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 65. Failure stress and maximum stress •Failure plane doesn’t carry maximum shear stress •Plane that has maximum shear stress is not the failure plane Coulomb envelope failureτ maxτ s φ c σ 1σ3σ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 65
  • 66. Measurement of shear strengthMeasurement of shear strength • Direct shear test • Triaxial compression test • Unconfined compression test • Vane shear test• Vane shear test Based on drainage conditions, • Undrained test – no drainage allowed – no dissipation of pore pressure during the test • Consolidated undrained test – drainage allowed only with initial normal stress • Drained test - drainage allowed throughout the testDrained test - drainage allowed throughout the test Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 66
  • 67. Disadvantages of direct shear test • Shear and normal stress distribution along failure surface is not if ti t th f il i t bili d if luniform entire strength of soil is not mobilised uniformly • Plane of shear failure is pre-determined it may not be the weakest plane • Effect of lateral restraint by the side walls of the shear boxy • No control over drainage Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 67
  • 68. Direct shear test N F Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 68
  • 69. • Strain controlled test • At failure, shear force F corresponding to the normal force N is noted • Repeated for a number of identical samples • From the set of values of σ and τ at failure, envelope is drawnFrom the set of values of σ and τ at failure, envelope is drawn • Slope of the envelope represents angle of shearing resistance τ φφ c Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 69 σ
  • 70. Triaxial compression test Casagrande & Terzaghi – 1936 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 70
  • 71. σ1- σ3 Deviator stress σ1 σ3 σ3σ3 σ3 σ3 Cell pressure σ3 σ1 σ1- σ3 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 71
  • 72. • The cylindrical soil specimen is subjected to an all round pressure (cell pressure,σ3) initially and then to a vertical pressure, σ1(cell pressure,σ3) initially and then to a vertical pressure, σ1. • (σ1- σ3) is known as deviatoric stress • During the test the deviatoric stress and vertical deformation of the sample are measured till failure • Deviatoric stress and pore pressure corresponding to failure are noted • Failure: at max value of stress or 20% axial strainFailure: at max value of stress or 20% axial strain • A number of Mohr’s circles can be drawn from different sets of observations (σ1 and σ3)from which the failure envelope can beobservations (σ1 and σ3)from which the failure envelope can be determined Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 72
  • 73. Coulomb envelope ss φ c σ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 73
  • 74. Stress state in soil specimen during triaxial compression tanc′ ′ ′= +τ σ φ τ tanf c= +τ σ φ FF c’ ′φ 45 2 f φ α ′ ′ = + C A sin FC KC φ′ = σ′ 1 ′σ 3 ′σK O KC Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 74
  • 75. But FC = Radius of Mohr’s circle M i h t ( )1 ′ ′= Maximum shear stress ( )1 3 1 2 σ σ′ ′= − ( )1 φ ′ ′′ ′ ( )1 3 1 FC σ σ′ ′− Also, KC=KO+OC ( )1 3 1 cot 2 c φ σ σ′ ′′ ′= + + ( ) ( ) 1 3 1 3 2sin 1 cot 2 FC KC c σ σ φ φ σ σ ′∴ = = ′ ′′ ′+ + 2 1 3 tan 45 2 tan 45 2 2 c ′ ′⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞′ ′ ′= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ φ φ σ σSimplifying, 2 1 3 tan 2 tanf fcσ σ α α′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + 2 2⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 1 3 2N c Nφ φσ σ′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + 2 2 0 tan tan 45where, fNφ φ α ′⎛ ⎞′ ′= = +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 1 3 φ φ 2 , fφ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠
  • 76. Stress state during triaxial compression …g p I t f t t lI t f ff ti In terms of total stresses In terms of effective stresses 2 1 3 tan 2 tanf fcσ σ α α′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + 2 1 3 tan 2 tanf u fcσ σ α α= + 2N N 1 3 2N c Nφ φσ σ′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + 2 2 0 tan tan 45 2 fNφ φ α ′⎛ ⎞′ ′= = +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 1 3 2 uN c Nφ φσ σ= + 2 2 0 tan tan 45 2 u fNφ φ α ⎛ ⎞ = = +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (7) 2 fφ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (8) 2 fφ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 76
  • 77. Advantages of triaxial test Sh h ll h 3 d i di i b d i h• Shear strengths at all the 3 drainage conditions can be done with complete control • Stress distribution on the failure plane is uniform • State of stress at any stage of test is determinabley g Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 77
  • 78. Unconfined compression test 3 0σ =• A special case of triaxial test in which 11 3 2 tan 45 2 2 u uN c N cφ φ σσ φ σ ⎛ ⎞ =′ ′ ′ ′ ′= + ⇒ +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Hence, Only one value of σ1 . Therefore, only one Mohr’s circle So, this test can be applied only for saturated clays ( )0uφ = , for saturated clays10 2u ucφ σ= ⇒ = 1 2 2 u u q c σ ∴ = = qu Unconfined compressive strength at failure Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 78
  • 79. s Coulomb envelope failureτ cu 1 2 2 failu e uq σ = = σ 1σ3 0σ = 2 2 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 79
  • 80. Problem 1. An unconfined cylindrical specimen of clay fails under an axial f 240 kN/ 2 Th f il l i li d l f 550 hstress of 240 kN/m2. The failure plane was inclined at an angle of 550 to the horizontal. Find the shear strength parameters c and ϕ for the soil. 2 tan 2 tancσ σ α α= +1 3 tan 2 tanf u fcσ σ α α= + 3 0σ = 1 2 tanu fcσ α∴ = 0 45 2 f φ α = + ( )0 2 45fφ α∴ = − 0 20= 2 ( )f 1 1 2 tanu f uc c σ σ α= ⇒ = 240 = 2 84 kN m=1 2tan u f u fα 2tan55 Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 81. Problem 2. Two identical specimens of dry sand are tested in the triaxial apparatus with confining pressure of 150 N/mm2 and 250 N/mm2 respectivelyapparatus with confining pressure of 150 N/mm2 and 250 N/mm2 respectively. If the angle of friction for sand is 350 what are the values of axial stresses at failure of the specimens? 2 1 3 tan 2 tanf u fcσ σ α α= + For cohesionless dry sand, 0uc = 2 2 0 1 3 3tan tan 45 2 f φ σ σ α σ ⎛ ⎞ ∴ = = +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 0 2 0 1 35 150tan 45 2 σ ⎛ ⎞ = +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (1) 2⎝ ⎠ 2 553.53 N mm= Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 82. 0 2 0 35⎛ ⎞2 0 1 35 250tan 45 2 σ ⎛ ⎞ = +⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (2) 2 922.543 N mm= Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 83. Problem 3. Two identical specimens of a soil were tested in the triaxial Fi i f il d d i f 770 kN/ 2 h h llapparatus. First specimen failed at a deviator stress of 770 kN/m2 when the cell pressure was 200 kN/m2. Second specimen failed at a deviator stress of 1370 kN/m2 when the cell pressure was 400 kN/m2. Find c and ϕ for the soil. 2 1 3 tan 45 2 tan 45 2 2 c φ φ σ σ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ = + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ We have, First specimen 2 1 3 770 kN mσ σ− = 2 3 200 kN mσ = 2 1 970 kN mσ∴ = 2 970 200tan 45 2 tan 45 2 2 c φ φ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ = + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (1) 2 2⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ Second specimen 2 1370 kN 2 400 kN 2 1770 kN mσ∴ =2 1 3 1370 kN mσ σ− = 2 3 400 kN mσ = 1 1770 kN mσ∴ = 2 1770 400tan 45 2 tan 45c φ φ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ (2) Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 1770 400tan 45 2 tan 45 2 2 c= + + +⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (2)
  • 84. From (1) and (2)From (1) and (2), 2 42.5 kN mc = 0 36.87φ = Problem 4. The same soil as in the previous problem if tested in a direct shear apparatus estimate the shear stress at which sample will fail under a normalapparatus, estimate the shear stress at which sample will fail under a normal stress of 600 kN/m2. tanf cτ σ φ= + 42 5 600tan36 87τ = + 2 492 5 kN m=42.5 600tan36.87fτ = + 492.5 kN m Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN
  • 85. Assignment: Vane shear testAssignment: Vane shear test Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 85
  • 86. SummarySummary Soil water Occurrence - adsorbed and capillary water types - effective stress - total stress - pore pressure - pressure diagrams Soil water Permeability Definition - Darcy's law - factors affecting permeability - laboratoryDefinition Darcy s law factors affecting permeability laboratory determination - stratified soils - average permeability. Seepage – downward and upward flow -quick sand Definition - Mohr-Coulomb strength theory - Measurement of shear strength Types of Triaxial compression tests measurement of pore Shear Strength strength – Types of Triaxial compression tests - measurement of pore pressure - total and effective stress – Unconfined Compression test - vane shear tests –Direct shear test- strength parameters - choice of test conditions for field problems Dept. of CE, GCE Kannur Dr.RajeshKN 86 conditions for field problems.