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Assessment Of Lymphatic
Arul Monisha
Overview of the Lymphatic
The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune
system, along with the thymus, bone marrow, spleen,
tonsils, appendix, and Peyer patches in the small
Like the venous system, the lymphatic
system transports fluids throughout the body. The
lymphatic system consists of
 Thin-walled lymphatic vessels
 Lymph nodes
 Two collecting ducts
Lymphatic vessels, located throughout the body, are
larger than capillaries (the smallest blood vessels, which
connect arteries and veins), and most are smaller than
the smallest veins. Most of the lymphatic vessels have
valves like those in veins to keep the lymph, which can
clot, flowing in the one direction (toward the heart).
Lymphatic vessels drain fluid called lymph from tissues
throughout the body.
Lymph begins as fluid that has diffused through the
very thin walls of capillaries into the space between
cells. Most of the fluid is reabsorbed into the
capillaries and the rest is drained into the lymphatic
vessels, which eventually return it to the veins.
Lymph also contains many other substances
Proteins, minerals, nutrients, and other substances,
which provide nourishment to tissues
Damaged cells, cancer cells, and foreign particles
(such as bacteria and viruses) that may have entered
the tissue fluids
Lymph nodes are collection centers for lymph. All
lymph passes through strategically placed lymph
nodes, which filter damaged cells, cancer cells, and
foreign particles out of the lymph. Lymph nodes also
contain specialized white blood cells (for example,
lymphocytes and macrophages) designed to engulf
and destroy damaged cells, cancer cells, infectious
organisms, and foreign particles. Thus, important
functions of the lymphatic system are to remove
damaged cells from the body and to provide
protection against the spread of infection and cancer.
The lymphatic vessels drain into collecting
ducts, which empty their contents into the two
subclavian veins, located under the collarbones. These
veins join to form the superior vena cava, the large
vein that drains blood from the upper body into the
The Lymphatic System
A circulatory system for fluids
Returns fluid to the blood
Removes antigens from the body
Exposes antigens to the immune system
Main structures of the lymphatic system
Lymphatic vessels
Lymph nodes
Diffuse Lymphoid tissue, Eg: tonsils
Lymphoid organs, Eg: spleen
Bone marrow
Lymph is a clear watery fluid, similar in composition to
plasma , with important exception of plasma proteins and
identical in composition to interstitial fluid.
Transports the plasma proteins that seep out of the
capillary beds back to the bloodstream.
It also carries away larger particles, Eg. Bacteria, Cell
debris etc.
Contains lymphocytes which circulates in the lymphatic
system allowing them to patrol the different regions of
the body.
The Lymphatic System
Lymphatic vessels
collect tissue fluid
from loose connective
Carry fluid to
great veins in the
Fluid flows
only toward the
Collect excess tissue
fluid and blood
Orders of Lymphatic Vessels
Lymph capillaries
Smallest lymph vessels
First to receive lymph
Lymphatic collecting vessels
Collect from lymph capillaries
Lymph nodes
Scattered along collecting
Lymph trunks
Collect lymph from collecting
Lymph ducts
Empty into veins of the neck
Lymphatic Capillaries
Located near blood capillaries
Receive tissue fluid from CT
Increased volume of tissue fluid
Minivalve flaps open and allow fluid to enter
Highly permeability allows entrance of
Tissue fluid
Bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells
Lacteals – specialized lymphatic capillaries
Located in the villi of the small intestines
Receive digested fats
Fatty lymph – chyle
Location and Structure of Lymphatic Capillaries
Figure 20.2a, b
Lymphatic Collecting Vessels
Accompany blood vessels
Composed of the same three tunics as blood
Contain more valves than veins do
Helps direct the flow of blood
Lymph propelled by
Bulging of skeletal muscles
Pulsing of nearby arteries
Tunica media of the lymph vessels
Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes are bean shaped organs along with
lymphatic collecting vessels
Up to 1 inch in size
Cleanse the lymph of pathogens
Human body contains around 500
Lymph nodes are organized in clusters
These nodes are considerably in size: some are as small
as a pin head & the largest are about the size of an
Lymph Nodes
Microscopic Anatomy of a Lymph Node
Outer Fibrous capsule – surrounds lymph nodes
Trabeculae – connective tissue strands
The main substance of the node consists of reticular and
lymphatic tissue containing many lymphocytes and
Each node has a concave surface called hilum, where an
artery enters & a vein and efferent vessel leaves.
Lymph vessels
Afferent lymphatic vessels
Efferent lymphatic vessels
Microscopic Anatomy of a Lymph Node
1.Filtering and phagocytosis
2.Proliferation of lymphocytes.
Lymph Trunks
Lymphatic collecting vessels converge
Five major lymph trunks
Lumbar trunks
Receives lymph from lower limbs
Intestinal trunk
Receives chyle from digestive organs
Bronchomediastinal trunks
Collects lymph from thoracic viscera
Subclavian trunks
Receive lymph from upper limbs and thoracic
Jugular trunks
Drain lymph from the head and neck
Overview of the Lymph Nodes, Trunks, and Ducts
The Lymphatic Trunks
Lymph Ducts
Cisterna chyli
Located at the union of lumbar and intestinal trunks
Thoracic duct
Ascends along vertebral bodies
Empties into venous circulation
Junction of left internal jugular and left subclavian veins
Drains three quarters of the body
Right lymphatic duct
Empties into right internal jugular and subclavian veins
Largest lymphoid tissue; is in left hypochondriac region in
between the fundus of stomach and the diaphragm.
Purple in color, 12 cm long, 7cm wide and 2.5 cm thick and
weighs about 200 g.
Removal of blood-borne antigens: “white pulp”
Removal & destruction of aged or defective blood cells: “red pulp”
Stores platelets
In fetus: site of hematopoiesis
Lies in the upper part of the medistinum behind the sternum &
extends upwards into the root of the neck.
Weighs about 10-15 g at birth and grows until the individual
reaches puberty. 30-40g by middle age .
Prominent in newborns, almost disappears by old age
Function: T lymphocyte maturation (immunocompetence)
Has no follicles because no B cells
Consists of two lobes joined by areolar tissue.
Lobes are enclosed by a fibrous capsule which dips into their
substances, dividing them into lobules that consist of an irregular
branching framework of epithelial cells and lymphocytes.
Palatine (usual
Lingual (tongue)
* Pharyngeal*
swellings of
mucosa, form a
Crypts get
Aggregated lymphoid
nodules (“Peyer’s Patches”)
About 40 follicles, 1 cm
Distal small
intestine (ileum)
Parts of the intestine are so densely packed with
MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) that
they are considered lymphoid organs
Lymph Node Assessment
Palpate the regional lymph nodes of the head and neck, axillae,
arms, and groin. Use firm, circular movements of the finger pads
and note size, shape, symmetry, consistency, delineation,
mobility, tenderness, sensation, and condition of overlying skin.
Nodes should not be enlarged or painful
 Lymphadenopathy refers to the enlargement of lymph nodes
(over 1 cm) with or without tenderness. It may be caused by
inflammation, infection, or malignancy of the nodes or the
regions drained by the nodes.
 Lymph node enlargement with tenderness suggests
inflammation (lymphadenitis). With bacterial
infection, the nodes may be warm and matted with
localized swelling.
 Malignant or metastatic nodes may be hard,
indicating lymphoma; rubbery, indicating Hodgkin’s
disease; or fixed to adjacent structures. Usually they
are not tender.
 •Ear infections and scalp and facial lesions, such as
acne, may cause enlargement of the preauricular and
cervical nodes.
 Anterior cervical nodes are enlarged and infected
with streptococcal pharyngitis and mononucleosis.
 Lymphadenitis of the cervical and submandibular
nodes occurs with herpes simplex lesions.
 Enlargement of supraclavicular nodes, especially
the left, is highly suggestive of metastatic disease
from abdominal and thoracic cancer.
 Axillary lymphadenopathy is associated with breast
 Lesions of the genitals may produce enlargement of
the inguinal nodes.
 Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy is
associated with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex.
Spleen Assessment:
Palpate for the spleen, in the upper
left quadrant of the abdomen. The spleen is normally
not palpable. A palpable spleen in the left upper
abdominal quadrant of an adult may indicate abnormal
enlargement (splenomegaly) and may be associated
with cancer, blood dyscrasias, and viral infection, such
as mononucleosis
A dull percussion note in the lowest left ICS at the
anterior axillary line or below the tenth rib at the
midaxillary line suggests splenic enlargement
Percuss for splenic dullness in the
lowest left intercostal space (ICS) at the anterior
axillary line or in the 9th to 10th ICS at the midaxillary
line . Normally, tympany is heard.
Lymphatic system
Mechanism and causes of lymphadenopathy
Approach to lymphadenopathy: Hx,P/E, Lab
Causes of splenomegaly
Evaluation of splenomegaly: Hx,P/E, Labstudies,
Evaluation of swellings (Lumps)
it is responsible for the removal ofinterstitial
fluid from tissues
it absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as
chyle from the digestive system
it transports white blood cells to and fromthe
lymph nodes into the bones
The lymph transports antigen-presenting cells
(APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph
nodes where an immune response is
Diagnostic dilemma
Various causes with spectrum of clinical
Localized or Generalized
Normal size of LNs
Larger in adolescents
Inguinal and submandibular
Recurrent trauma and infection
Benign proliferation of residential cells
Infiltration by inflammatory cells
Infection –lymphadenitis
Auto-immune conditions- SLE
Insitu proliferation of Malignant
Infiltration of lymph nodes by metastatic
malignant cells
Breast cancer
Colorectal cancer
Lung cancer
Infiltration of lymph nodes by metabolite-
laden macrophages:
Lipid storage diseases
Immunologic diseases
Malignant diseases
Lipid storage diseases
Endocrine diseases
Other disorders
Focused history
Sx of anemia
Duration of lymphadenopathy
Acute vs Chronic
Progression of the lymphadenopathy
Waxing & weaning
Slow vs fast
Involvement of adjacent or distant LN
Associated symptoms
Fever, hotness
Sx of obstruction
Localizing symptoms of infections and
Draining sinus
Hotness and local pain
Other agents: pets
Constitutional symptoms
Travel history
Endemic areas
Medications associated with LAP
Drugs which cause LAPwith serum sickness
Complete physical examination is vital
Features characteristic of the lymph node
• Components
Various laboratory and serologic tests
Lymph node biopsy
Bone Marrow study
Other biopsies.
?Empirical treatment
• Depend on various factors
Epidemiology and the clinical setting
Laboratory tests
CBC& Peripheral Smear
Heterophile Antibody tests
LDH& other tests according to the setting as
well as importance
Imaging study for the purpose of
Defining size & distribution more precisely
Distinguishing from other similar structure
Guiding for FNA
Imaging study includes
Chest X-Ray
Ultrasonography & Doppler
Nuclear/Isotope scans
• Types of biopsy
Open biopsy
Fine Needle Aspiration
Core Needle Biopsy
• Choice of LN& type of biopsy
The most diseased
Ifsingle go for open biopsy as much as possible
• Possible studies from thespecimen
Genetic/molecular studies
Spleen is one of the lymphoid organs which is also
called reticuloendothelial system.
Splenomegaly is common clinical condition & it is
never normal
Various causes with diagnostic challenge
Other condition
Massive splenomegaly
Splenic infarction
Ruptured spleen
Splenic abscess
Functional hyposplenism/ asplenia
Lies in the Peritoneal cavity in the left upper
Adjacent to 9th-11th rib, stomach, colon and
Female= 70-180g
Average =150g (0.2% of Body Weight)
Palpability and size
Not palpable normal ( children, adolescents, thin
Soft organ unless infiltrated
Participates in cellular and humoral immunity
Removes senescent and/or poorly deformable
red cells, bacteria, and other particulates from
the circulation
Under abnormal circumstances the spleen may
become the site of extramedullary
Approximately one-third of circulating
platelets are sequestered in the spleen,where
they are in equilibrium with circulating
Splenic abnormalities can include
Increased function (hypersplenism)
Decreased to absent function (hyposplenism,
Abscess, infarction, calcification, cysts
Traumatic or atraumatic rupture
Enlargement (Splenomegaly)
Splenic engorgement with sequestration
Chronic inflammation or infection
Lipid deposition
Congenital condition
Splenic infiltration
Heart Failure
Thrombosis of portal, hepatic and splenic veins
Lymphomas, usually indolent
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Primary splenic tumours
Metastatic solid tumours
3. Infections
Viral - hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis,
Bacterial - salmonella, brucella, tuberculosis
Parasitic - malaria,
schistosomiasis,toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis
Infective endocarditis
Serum sickness
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Rheumatoid arthritis (Felty syndrome)
5.Infiltrative ( Non-Malignant)
Glycogen storage disease
6.Hematological ( Hypersplenic) states
Acute and chronic hemolytic anemias, all etiologies
Sickle cell disease (children)
Following use of recombinant human granulocyte
colony-stimulating factor
Definition –splenomegaly >8cm BLCM
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Myelofibrosis, idiopathic or post-polycythemic
Gaucher disease
Lymphoma, usually indolent
Hairy cell leukemia
Kala-azar (visceral leishmaniasis)
Hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly
syndrome(tropical splenomegaly syndrome )
Thalassemia major
AIDSwith Mycobacterium avium complex
Physical Examination
Laboratory studies
Additional studies
Symptoms of splenomegaly
Pain, a sense of fullness, or discomfort in the left
upper quadrant
Pain referred to the left shoulder
Early satiety, due to encroachment onthe
adjacent stomach
Focused history
Underlying conditions
Constitutional symptoms
Travel history
Complete physical examination
Cardinal steps in spleen/ abdominal exam
Middleton’s method ( palpation fromabove)
Nixon’s Method
Castell’s Method
Percussion of the Traube’s semilunar space
CBC& Peripheral Smear
Heterophile Antibody tests
other tests according to the setting as wellas
CT scanning
magnetic resonance imaging
Tc-99m sulfur colloid scintigraphy
Other sites
Splenic Biopsy
Following splenectomy
Liver biopsy
Bone Marrow Aspiration/Bone Marrow
Biopsy from other sites
If there is an unusual lump anywhere in the
body note the following
– Site/appearance Size in
Shape & nature of surface skin Fixation
Pulsation & bruit(auscultation) Transillumination
in a darkened room

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Assessment of lymphatic system

  • 2. Overview of the Lymphatic System
  • 3. The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system, along with the thymus, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, appendix, and Peyer patches in the small intestine. Like the venous system, the lymphatic system transports fluids throughout the body. The lymphatic system consists of  Thin-walled lymphatic vessels  Lymph nodes  Two collecting ducts
  • 4. Lymphatic vessels, located throughout the body, are larger than capillaries (the smallest blood vessels, which connect arteries and veins), and most are smaller than the smallest veins. Most of the lymphatic vessels have valves like those in veins to keep the lymph, which can clot, flowing in the one direction (toward the heart). Lymphatic vessels drain fluid called lymph from tissues throughout the body.
  • 5. Lymph begins as fluid that has diffused through the very thin walls of capillaries into the space between cells. Most of the fluid is reabsorbed into the capillaries and the rest is drained into the lymphatic vessels, which eventually return it to the veins. Lymph also contains many other substances including Proteins, minerals, nutrients, and other substances, which provide nourishment to tissues Damaged cells, cancer cells, and foreign particles (such as bacteria and viruses) that may have entered the tissue fluids
  • 6. Lymph nodes are collection centers for lymph. All lymph passes through strategically placed lymph nodes, which filter damaged cells, cancer cells, and foreign particles out of the lymph. Lymph nodes also contain specialized white blood cells (for example, lymphocytes and macrophages) designed to engulf and destroy damaged cells, cancer cells, infectious organisms, and foreign particles. Thus, important functions of the lymphatic system are to remove damaged cells from the body and to provide protection against the spread of infection and cancer.
  • 7. The lymphatic vessels drain into collecting ducts, which empty their contents into the two subclavian veins, located under the collarbones. These veins join to form the superior vena cava, the large vein that drains blood from the upper body into the heart.
  • 8. The Lymphatic System A circulatory system for fluids Returns fluid to the blood Removes antigens from the body Exposes antigens to the immune system Main structures of the lymphatic system Lymph Lymphatic vessels Lymph nodes Diffuse Lymphoid tissue, Eg: tonsils Lymphoid organs, Eg: spleen &Thymus Bone marrow
  • 9. Lymph Lymph is a clear watery fluid, similar in composition to plasma , with important exception of plasma proteins and identical in composition to interstitial fluid. Transports the plasma proteins that seep out of the capillary beds back to the bloodstream. It also carries away larger particles, Eg. Bacteria, Cell debris etc. Contains lymphocytes which circulates in the lymphatic system allowing them to patrol the different regions of the body.
  • 10. The Lymphatic System Lymphatic vessels collect tissue fluid from loose connective tissue Carry fluid to great veins in the neck Fluid flows only toward the heart Collect excess tissue fluid and blood proteins
  • 11. Orders of Lymphatic Vessels Lymph capillaries Smallest lymph vessels First to receive lymph Lymphatic collecting vessels Collect from lymph capillaries Lymph nodes Scattered along collecting vessels Lymph trunks Collect lymph from collecting vessels Lymph ducts Empty into veins of the neck
  • 12. Lymphatic Capillaries Located near blood capillaries Receive tissue fluid from CT Increased volume of tissue fluid Minivalve flaps open and allow fluid to enter Highly permeability allows entrance of Tissue fluid Bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells Lacteals – specialized lymphatic capillaries Located in the villi of the small intestines Receive digested fats Fatty lymph – chyle
  • 13. Location and Structure of Lymphatic Capillaries Figure 20.2a, b
  • 14. Lymphatic Collecting Vessels Accompany blood vessels Composed of the same three tunics as blood vessels Contain more valves than veins do Helps direct the flow of blood Lymph propelled by Bulging of skeletal muscles Pulsing of nearby arteries Tunica media of the lymph vessels
  • 15. Lymph Nodes Lymph nodes are bean shaped organs along with lymphatic collecting vessels Up to 1 inch in size Cleanse the lymph of pathogens Human body contains around 500 Lymph nodes are organized in clusters These nodes are considerably in size: some are as small as a pin head & the largest are about the size of an almond
  • 17. Microscopic Anatomy of a Lymph Node Outer Fibrous capsule – surrounds lymph nodes Trabeculae – connective tissue strands The main substance of the node consists of reticular and lymphatic tissue containing many lymphocytes and macrophages. Each node has a concave surface called hilum, where an artery enters & a vein and efferent vessel leaves. Lymph vessels Afferent lymphatic vessels Efferent lymphatic vessels
  • 18. Microscopic Anatomy of a Lymph Node Functions: 1.Filtering and phagocytosis 2.Proliferation of lymphocytes.
  • 19. Lymph Trunks Lymphatic collecting vessels converge Five major lymph trunks Lumbar trunks Receives lymph from lower limbs Intestinal trunk Receives chyle from digestive organs Bronchomediastinal trunks Collects lymph from thoracic viscera Subclavian trunks Receive lymph from upper limbs and thoracic wall Jugular trunks Drain lymph from the head and neck
  • 20. Overview of the Lymph Nodes, Trunks, and Ducts
  • 22. Lymph Ducts Cisterna chyli Located at the union of lumbar and intestinal trunks Thoracic duct Ascends along vertebral bodies Empties into venous circulation Junction of left internal jugular and left subclavian veins Drains three quarters of the body Right lymphatic duct Empties into right internal jugular and subclavian veins
  • 23. Spleen Largest lymphoid tissue; is in left hypochondriac region in between the fundus of stomach and the diaphragm. Purple in color, 12 cm long, 7cm wide and 2.5 cm thick and weighs about 200 g. Functions Removal of blood-borne antigens: “white pulp” Removal & destruction of aged or defective blood cells: “red pulp” Stores platelets In fetus: site of hematopoiesis
  • 25. Lies in the upper part of the medistinum behind the sternum & extends upwards into the root of the neck. Weighs about 10-15 g at birth and grows until the individual reaches puberty. 30-40g by middle age . Prominent in newborns, almost disappears by old age Function: T lymphocyte maturation (immunocompetence) Has no follicles because no B cells Structure: Consists of two lobes joined by areolar tissue. Lobes are enclosed by a fibrous capsule which dips into their substances, dividing them into lobules that consist of an irregular branching framework of epithelial cells and lymphocytes. 19 Thymus
  • 26.
  • 27. Palatine (usual tonsillitis) Lingual (tongue) (“adenoids”) Tubal Tonsils * * Pharyngeal* Simplest lymphoid tissue: swellings of mucosa, form a circle Crypts get infected in childhood
  • 28.
  • 29. Aggregated lymphoid nodules (“Peyer’s Patches”) About 40 follicles, 1 cm wide Distal small intestine (ileum) Appendix Parts of the intestine are so densely packed with MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) that they are considered lymphoid organs
  • 30. Lymph Node Assessment Palpate the regional lymph nodes of the head and neck, axillae, arms, and groin. Use firm, circular movements of the finger pads and note size, shape, symmetry, consistency, delineation, mobility, tenderness, sensation, and condition of overlying skin. Nodes should not be enlarged or painful  Lymphadenopathy refers to the enlargement of lymph nodes (over 1 cm) with or without tenderness. It may be caused by inflammation, infection, or malignancy of the nodes or the regions drained by the nodes.
  • 31.  Lymph node enlargement with tenderness suggests inflammation (lymphadenitis). With bacterial infection, the nodes may be warm and matted with localized swelling.  Malignant or metastatic nodes may be hard, indicating lymphoma; rubbery, indicating Hodgkin’s disease; or fixed to adjacent structures. Usually they are not tender.  •Ear infections and scalp and facial lesions, such as acne, may cause enlargement of the preauricular and cervical nodes.
  • 32.  Anterior cervical nodes are enlarged and infected with streptococcal pharyngitis and mononucleosis.  Lymphadenitis of the cervical and submandibular nodes occurs with herpes simplex lesions.  Enlargement of supraclavicular nodes, especially the left, is highly suggestive of metastatic disease from abdominal and thoracic cancer.  Axillary lymphadenopathy is associated with breast cancer.  Lesions of the genitals may produce enlargement of the inguinal nodes.
  • 33.  Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy is associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Spleen Assessment: Palpate for the spleen, in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. The spleen is normally not palpable. A palpable spleen in the left upper abdominal quadrant of an adult may indicate abnormal enlargement (splenomegaly) and may be associated with cancer, blood dyscrasias, and viral infection, such as mononucleosis
  • 34. A dull percussion note in the lowest left ICS at the anterior axillary line or below the tenth rib at the midaxillary line suggests splenic enlargement Percuss for splenic dullness in the lowest left intercostal space (ICS) at the anterior axillary line or in the 9th to 10th ICS at the midaxillary line . Normally, tympany is heard.
  • 35. Lymphatic system Introduction Mechanism and causes of lymphadenopathy Approach to lymphadenopathy: Hx,P/E, Lab Splenomegaly Introduction Causes of splenomegaly Evaluation of splenomegaly: Hx,P/E, Labstudies, Imaging... Evaluation of swellings (Lumps)
  • 36. it is responsible for the removal ofinterstitial fluid from tissues it absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the digestive system it transports white blood cells to and fromthe lymph nodes into the bones The lymph transports antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph nodes where an immune response is stimulated
  • 37. Diagnostic dilemma Various causes with spectrum of clinical course Localized or Generalized Normal size of LNs Larger in adolescents Inguinal and submandibular Recurrent trauma and infection
  • 38. Benign proliferation of residential cells HIVInfection Infiltration by inflammatory cells Infection –lymphadenitis Auto-immune conditions- SLE Insitu proliferation of Malignant lymphocytes Lymphomas
  • 39. Infiltration of lymph nodes by metastatic malignant cells Breast cancer Colorectal cancer Lung cancer Infiltration of lymph nodes by metabolite- laden macrophages: Lipid storage diseases
  • 41. Focused history Sx of anemia Infection Bleeding Duration of lymphadenopathy Acute vs Chronic Progression of the lymphadenopathy Waxing & weaning Slow vs fast Involvement of adjacent or distant LN
  • 42. Associated symptoms Pain Fever, hotness Sx of obstruction Localizing symptoms of infections and malignancy Draining sinus Hotness and local pain Exposures Radiation Chemotherapy Other agents: pets
  • 43. Constitutional symptoms Travel history Endemic areas Medications associated with LAP Anticonvulsants Drugs which cause LAPwith serum sickness
  • 44. Complete physical examination is vital Distribution Localized Regional generalized Symmetry
  • 45. Features characteristic of the lymph node Location Size Consistency Fixation Tenderness Splenomegaly hepatomegaly
  • 46. • Components – – – – – – Various laboratory and serologic tests Imaging Lymph node biopsy Bone Marrow study Other biopsies. ?Empirical treatment • Depend on various factors – – – – Age Duration Localized/regional/generalized Epidemiology and the clinical setting
  • 47. Laboratory tests CBC& Peripheral Smear ESR HIV RPR/VDR L ANA Heterophile Antibody tests LDH& other tests according to the setting as well as importance
  • 48. Imaging study for the purpose of Defining size & distribution more precisely Distinguishing from other similar structure Staging Guiding for FNA
  • 49. Imaging study includes Chest X-Ray Ultrasonography & Doppler Nuclear/Isotope scans CT-Scan MRI PET/SPECT
  • 50. • Types of biopsy – – – Open biopsy Fine Needle Aspiration Core Needle Biopsy • Choice of LN& type of biopsy – – – – The most diseased Supraclavicular/cervical/axillary/inguinal Ifsingle go for open biopsy as much as possible accessability • Possible studies from thespecimen – – – Pathological Immunochemistry/immunophenotype Genetic/molecular studies
  • 52. Spleen is one of the lymphoid organs which is also called reticuloendothelial system. Splenomegaly is common clinical condition & it is never normal Various causes with diagnostic challenge Other condition Massive splenomegaly Splenic infarction Ruptured spleen Splenic abscess Functional hyposplenism/ asplenia Hypersplenism
  • 53. Lies in the Peritoneal cavity in the left upper quadrant. Adjacent to 9th-11th rib, stomach, colon and pancreas. Weight Male=80-200g Female= 70-180g Average =150g (0.2% of Body Weight) Palpability and size Not palpable normal ( children, adolescents, thin adults) Soft organ unless infiltrated
  • 54. Participates in cellular and humoral immunity Removes senescent and/or poorly deformable red cells, bacteria, and other particulates from the circulation Under abnormal circumstances the spleen may become the site of extramedullary hematopoiesis Approximately one-third of circulating platelets are sequestered in the spleen,where they are in equilibrium with circulating platelets
  • 55. Splenic abnormalities can include Increased function (hypersplenism) Decreased to absent function (hyposplenism, asplenia) Abscess, infarction, calcification, cysts Traumatic or atraumatic rupture Enlargement (Splenomegaly)
  • 56. Splenic engorgement with sequestration Chronic inflammation or infection Lipid deposition Congenital condition Splenic infiltration
  • 57. 1.Congestive Cirrhosis Heart Failure Thrombosis of portal, hepatic and splenic veins 2.Malignancy Lymphomas, usually indolent Leukemias Myeloproliferative Disorders Primary splenic tumours Metastatic solid tumours
  • 58. 3. Infections Viral - hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus Bacterial - salmonella, brucella, tuberculosis Parasitic - malaria, schistosomiasis,toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis Infective endocarditis Fungal
  • 59. 4.Inflammation Sarcoid Serum sickness Systemic lupus erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis (Felty syndrome) 5.Infiltrative ( Non-Malignant) Gaucher’s Glycogen storage disease Amyloidosis 6.Hematological ( Hypersplenic) states Acute and chronic hemolytic anemias, all etiologies Sickle cell disease (children) Following use of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
  • 60. Definition –splenomegaly >8cm BLCM Causes Chronic myeloid leukemia Myelofibrosis, idiopathic or post-polycythemic Gaucher disease Lymphoma, usually indolent Hairy cell leukemia Kala-azar (visceral leishmaniasis) Hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly syndrome(tropical splenomegaly syndrome ) Thalassemia major AIDSwith Mycobacterium avium complex
  • 62. Symptoms of splenomegaly Pain, a sense of fullness, or discomfort in the left upper quadrant Pain referred to the left shoulder Early satiety, due to encroachment onthe adjacent stomach Focused history Underlying conditions Constitutional symptoms Travel history
  • 63. Complete physical examination Cardinal steps in spleen/ abdominal exam Inspection Palpation Bimanual Ballottement Middleton’s method ( palpation fromabove) Percussion Nixon’s Method Castell’s Method Percussion of the Traube’s semilunar space Auscultation
  • 64. CBC& Peripheral Smear ESR HIV RPR/VDRL ANA, RF Heterophile Antibody tests LDH& other tests according to the setting as wellas importance
  • 65. Spleen CT scanning magnetic resonance imaging ultrasound Tc-99m sulfur colloid scintigraphy 18F-FDG PET Other sites CXR CHESTCT
  • 66. Splenic Biopsy Aspiration Following splenectomy Laparascopy Liver biopsy Bone Marrow Aspiration/Bone Marrow Biopsy Biopsy from other sites
  • 67. • If there is an unusual lump anywhere in the body note the following – – – – – – – – Site/appearance Size in diameter Shape & nature of surface skin Fixation Consistency Tenderness Pulsation & bruit(auscultation) Transillumination in a darkened room