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Drug-Resistance and nosocomial
Section 1 Drug-Resistance
Antibiotics :powerful medicines that fight
bacterial infection
Literal translation
• anti – against
• biotic – living things
Alexander Fleming in 1928
– He was an extremely messy
– Came back from holiday to see
a mould growing on his
Staphylococcus agar plates
– Noticed that the
Staphylococcus couldn’t grow
anywhere near the mould
– The mould prevented bacterial
How antibiotics work
Antibiotics can be either
• Broad Spectrum
– Kill a wide range of bacteria e.g.
• Narrow Spectrum
– Kill a specific type or group of
bacteria e.g. Isoniazid
Antibiotics work in one of two ways
• Bactericidal
– Kills the bacteria
• Bacteriostatic
– Prevents the bacteria from dividing
Miracle Cure?
– Before the 1930s there were no treatments
for bacterial infections
– Following the discovery of penicillin
industry started searching for more
antibiotics in nature
– Streptomycin was the first drug to have an
effect on tuberculosis – a condition
previously untreatable
– Surgeons could attempt more dangerous
Sources of Antibiotics
[ v 'mekt n]ɪ ə ɪ 伊维菌素
[ p li 'm ks n]ˌ ɒ ː ɪ ɪ 多粘菌素 [ bˌ æs 'tre s n]ɪ ɪ ɪ 杆菌肽素
[ ks z 'la d nw nz]ɒ ə ɒ ɪ ɪ ʌ 恶唑烷酮类 [la 'nez l d]ɪ ɒ ɪ 利奈唑胺
Miracle Cure?
– Many antibiotics prescribed
by the doctor are broad
– These kill the body’s good
bacteria as well as the bad
– With the good bacteria gone
there is more room for bad
microbes to invade!
Overuse of antibiotics can damage our
normal/good bacteria.
Miracle Cure?
Antibiotics resistance
– Many bacteria have
developed the ability to
become resistant to
– These bacteria are now a
major threat in our hospitals.
– Antibiotic resistant bacteria
include Methicillin 甲氧苯青
霉素 Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
Antibiotic Resistance
The Causes
– Overuse
• Antibiotics used to treat infections when they are
not needed or not effective i.e. for the flu
– Misuse
• Not completing a prescribed course
• Using antibiotics not prescribed for you
How antibiotic resistance can be
– Antibiotics should be the last line of defence NOT the first
• Most common infections will get better by themselves through
time, bed rest, liquid intake and healthy living.
– Only take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor
– If prescribed antibiotics, finish the course.
– Do not use other peoples or leftover antibiotics
• they be specific for some other infection
Antibiotic Resistance
Penicillin 1943 1946
Streptomycin 1945 1959
Tetracycline 1948 1953
Erythromycin 1952 1988
Vancomycin 1956 1988
Methicillin 1960 1961
Ampicillin 1961 1973
Cephalosporins 1964 late 1960’s
Origins of Resistance
Drug resistance is a natural by-product of the evolutionary process:
natural selection acting on pre-existing genetic variation
400 microbial strains were isolated from natural sources and sealed
into vials in 1917, long before the clinical introduction of antibiotics
- Recent analysis: 11 of these 400 strains had antibiotic resistance
(at a low level)
Origins of Resistance
Nearly all clinically useful antibiotics are natural products, or their
synthetic derivatives; most were isolated from other microbes
- Fungi (penicillins, cephalosporins)
- Soil bacteria of genus Streptomyces (erythromycin, streptomycin,
tetracycline, vancomycin)
In 1999, only 1 class of antibiotic was totally synthetic (Ciprofloxacin)
Antibiotics are an ancient weapon...
[d 'rev t vz]ə ə ɪ
Origins of Resistance
What does the antiquity [æn't kw ti]ɪ ə 古代 of antibiotic resistance tell
- There is likely to be considerable genetic variation in natural
populations for genes that can potentially confer drug resistance
(i.e., the raw genetic material is there)
- Strong selection will quickly lead to the explosive growth of
resistant individuals, especially when most cells are susceptible
Widespread antibiotic use =
- nukes their competition[nu k]ː 以核武器攻击
- the fittest survive and reproduce, passing on their resistance both
to clonal offspring and to other unrelated bacteria
Inherent Resistance
• Darwinian evolution:
– Bacteria that resist an antibiotic's effects are better
suited to survive in an environment that contains
the antibiotic.
– Genes that confer resistance are transferred to the
bacterial progeny.
• Bacteria naturally resistant (e.g., Gram-
negative bacteria resistant to penicillins).
• Bacteria may be resistant because
– They have no mechanism to transport the drug into
the cell.
– they do not contain or rely on the antibiotic’s target
process or protein.
Acquired Resistance
• Bacteria that don’t begin life resistant to a
certain antibiotic can acquire that resistance.
• Horizontal evolution:
– Resistance genes pass from a resistant strain to a
nonresistant strain, conferring resistance on the
– Presence of an antibiotic is a selective pressure.
• Gene transfer mechanisms:
– Conjugation.
– Transduction.
– Transformation.
• Transmission of
resistance genes via
plasmid exchange.
• Resistance spreads
much faster than
simple mutation and
vertical evolution
would permit.
Transduction and Transformation
• Transduction:
Virus transfers
• Transformation:
DNA released
from a bacterium
is picked up by a
new cell.
Antibiotic Mechanisms
Antibiotic Targets
The major classes of antibiotics affect 1 of 3 targets in bacteria cells:
(1) Cell wall biosynthesis
vancomycin (non-ribosomal peptide)
(2) Protein synthesis
erythromycin (macrolide ['mækro la d]ʊ ɪ 大环内酯物 polyketides)
tetracycline (aromatic [ˌær 'mə æt k]ɪ 芳香的 polyketides 聚酮化合物 )
streptomycin, kanamycin (aminoglycosides)
(3) DNA replication
quinolones (Cipro) 盐酸环丙沙星制剂
Antibiotic Targets
Antibiotics work by exploiting biochemical differences between
our eukaryotic cells and the prokaryotic cells of bacteria
(1) Cell wall biosynthesis
- block synthesis of peptidoglycan, the covalently cross-linked
peptide/glycan network, which imparts osmotic resistance to cell
(2) Protein synthesis
- target 23S rRNA + associated proteins in peptidyl transferase
center of bacterial ribosome
(3) DNA replication
- inhibit gyrase, essential enzyme that uncoils intertwined circles of
DNA after replication of the circular bacterial chromosome
Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall
Cell wall is peptidoglycan, a repeating polymer of di-saccharide,
tetra-peptide repeats cross-linked into a 3D matrix
β-lactam antibiotics interfere with cell wall biosynthesis of
Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococci, Streptococci)
Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall
Bacterial transpeptidase enzyme forms crosslinking amide bonds
between #3 L-Lysine and #4 D-Alanine residues
TPase cuts off #5
D-Ala residue,
then links L-Lys
side chain to the
remaining D-Ala
Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall
Catalytic Serine -OH forms a temporary bond to the substrate
- when Lysine side-chain attacks the temp. ester linkage,
the Serine is restored to normal
Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall
β-lactams: Mechanism of Action
β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by mimicking its substrate,
the terminal D-Ala—D-Ala
Transpeptidase attacks the β-lactam ring of penicillin, forms a
covalent bond that is slow to hydrolyze; enzyme is deactivated
Normally, the enzyme forms a temporary bond with D-Ala that
is rapidly broken by the side chain of Lysine
Resistance: β-lactamase Enzymes
Bacteria produce enzymes to hydrolyze the β-lactam ring before
drugs can reach inner membrane where PG synthesis occcurs
Overcoming β-lactam Resistance
Augmentin combines β-lactam antibiotic w/ clavulanate 克拉
维酸钾 , a
“suicide” β-lactam that occupies the β-lactamase enzymes
- Allows active drug (amoxacillin, [ m ks 's l n]ə ɒ ɪ ɪ ɪ 阿莫西林 )
(resistance) slow to
(cell wall enz.)
Vancomycin: Mechanism of Action
Vancomycin, the crucial “drug of last resort,” inhibits PG synth
by binding directly to the D-Ala—D-Ala end of the peptide
- forms a cap over the end of the chain; blocks cross-linking
Vancomycin: Mechanism of Action
Completely surrounds its target peptide, preventing enzymes
from reacting with the end of the peptidoglycan chain
3D model of Vancomycin in
complex with D-Ala—D-Ala
note “cup-like”
shape of Van
A cell may produce 100,000 lactamase enzymes, each of which
can destroy 1,000 penicillins per second
100 million molecules of drug destroyed per second
Resistance: β-lactamase Enzymes
Vancomycin makes 5 H-bonds with the
D-Ala—D-Ala cap of the PG peptide
D-Ala D-Ala
Van Resistance: D-Ala-D-Lactate
Vancomycin-resistant bacteria have peptidoglycan chains that end
in D-Ala—D-Lactate, instead of the usual D-Ala—D-Ala
(A) What genes are necessary to make this change?
(B) How does this confer resistance?
Genetics of Van Resistance
5 gene products are required to produce Lac-terminal PG
- 2 “sensor” genes detect Van, turn on other 3 genes
- 2 synthesize the critical D-Ala—D-Lactate piece
- 1 destroys the pool of D-Ala—D-Ala in the cell (equilibrium)
hydrolysis 1,000 fold lower
affinity for Van
Vancomycin: Mechanism of Action
D-Ala—D-Ala cap makes 5 H-bonds with Vancomycin
D-Ala—D-Lac makes 1 less H-bond Resistance You die
Genetics of Van Resistance
Why did penicillin resistance appear in 2 years, but Van resistance
take 30 years to become a major health hazzard?
One answer: genetic complexity of resistance mechanism
Penicillin resistance requires the activity of one gene product
(β-lactamase enzyme)
- usually 2-4 year lag when only 1 gene is involved
Van resistance takes 5 gene products
- apparently delays development of infectious, highly resistant
strains when multiple gene products are involved
Overcoming Van Resistance
Approach #1: Screening of semi-synthetic analogues of Van
found that hydrophobic derivatives restore potentcy 100-fold
- Partitions drug to membrane surface, thus altering activity
and availability to target enzymes
Overcoming Van Resistance
Approach #2: Screening combinatorial libraries for novel small
molecules that cleave the D-Ala—D-Lac depsipeptide
[dep'saipepta d]ɪ 缩酚酸肽
- Look for drugs that can effectively function like an enzyme
Combinatorial library of 300,000 tripeptide derivatives yielded
3 hits, all w/ an N-terminal serine & an intramolecular H-bond
Pharmacophore deduced from computer modeling studies
SProC5 “resensitized” bacteria
with Van-resistance, by cleaving
their D-Ala—D-Lac depsipeptide
Chiosis & Boneca, Science 2001
Protein Synthesis Inhibitors
(macrolide polyketide)
(aromatic polyketide)
Resistance to Aminoglycosides
Chemical modification of the drug lowers its
binding affinity for RNA target in the ribosome
(formerly a
protein kinase?)
MultiDrug Resistance Pumps
Bacteria use ATP-powered membrane proteins to pump any
lipophilic molecule out of the cell
- common in antibiotic-producing bacteria, to get drugs out
of their cells without poisoning themselves
Powerful method of resistance, because many different drugs
will be equally affected by these efflux pumps
MultiDrug Resistance Pumps
(1) substrate binding:
lipophilic drug binds
inside cone-shaped
chamber; triggers
ATP hydrolysis
(2) chamber
then closes,
substrate flips
to opposite
(3) chamber then
opens, substrate
is expelled to
outer face of
outside cell
Erythromycin Resistance
In addition to efflux pumps, erthyromycin resistance can arise
from reprogramming the target (akin[ 'k n]ə ɪ 近似的 to Van
Methylation of a specific adenine ['æd n n]ə ɪ on the 23S rRNA
component of the ribosome
- decreases binding affinity of erythromycin-class drugs
- does not impair protein synthesis
- present as a self-immunity mechanism in erythromycin-
producing bacteria
Overcoming Erythromycin Resistance
Introduction of a 3-keto ['ki to ]ː ʊ 氧化 group into macrolide
ring of erythromycin class antibiotics alters conformation
- no induction of ribosome-methylating genes
- lower susceptibility to efflux by pumps
Selection favoring Resistance
What causes the rapid occurrence of widespread resistance?
(1) Incomplete treatment: people fail to finish the full course of their
- in the 1980’s, tuberculosis was almost wiped out w/ antibiotics
- in 1990’s, came back with a vengence['vend ns]ʒə 复仇 , due to
resistant strains
- 25% of previously-treated tuberculosis patients relapsed with drug
resistant strains; most had failed to complete their initial course
(2) Livestock doping['do p ]ʊ ɪŋ 服用禁药 : 50% of antibiotics used
by livestock farmers to increase yield of chicken, beef, pork
- high levels of antibiotics used in livestock result in strongly
resistant bacterial strains, which can then infect humans
Selection favoring Resistance
What causes the rapid occurrence of widespread resistance?
(3) Mis-prescription: my mom demands antibiotics for a cold
- widespread inappropriate use: up to 50% of prescriptions in
developing countries are for viral infections that cannot respond
(4) Gene transfer & multi-drug resistance
(a) genes encoding resistance accumulate on plasmids, transposons
confer simultaneous resistance to multiple drugs
(b) DNA is easily exchanged between unrelated bacteria
- vancomycin-resistant gut bacteria known since 1987
- resistance genes finally transferred to deadly infectious
Staphylococcus aureus in a Michigan hospital in 2002
Loss of Resistance...?
Resistance carries a cost: resistant bacteria grow more slowly under
normal conditions, pay a 10-20% fitness cost
- Replicating extra plasmid DNA is costly to the cell
- Ribosomal mutations that confer resistance slow protein production
When we stop using an antibiotic, does resistance go away?
- Can we reverse selection, and favor the vulnerable bacteria instead
Experiments show bacteria quickly evolve compensatory mutations
that lower the costs of resistance, instead of just losing resistance
Levin et al. 2000, Genetics 154: 985-997
• We overuse antibiotics and often neglect to
complete a full course of antibiotics once it
has been prescribed, leading to the spread of
antibiotic resistance.
• Resistance can disappear if there is no
selective pressure to maintain resistance.
Section 2 Nosocomial infections
• The word derives from the Greek
nosokomeian, meaning hospital
• These days the terms hospital acquired –
and healthcare associated – are used
• A very emotive subject with the public,
driven by the press
• Do hospitals really deserve to be blamed for
all cases of hospital infection?
Nosocomial infections are…
• Infections that are acquired in hospital (48
hours or more after admission)
• Approx 7% of patients will suffer from an
infection whilst in hospital – the risk increases
with length of stay
• A significant financial burden on NHS
Impact of nosocomial infections
• Possibly up to100,000 infections per year in
• A cause of ~5,000 deaths with nosocomial
infections playing a role in ~15,000 others
• Costs the NHS £1 billion – 9% of its in-
patient budget
• Cannot be eradicated but it’s thought they
could be reduced by up to 30%
Impact of nosocomial infections
• Longer stays in hospital – bed occupancy
• Outbreaks leading to ward closures
especially norovirus and C. difficile
• Pain and anxiety for patients and families
• Loss of earnings
Why are we more likely to get an
infection in hospital?
Consider 4 important factors…
1. The host
2. The microbes
3. The environment
4. Treatment
The host 1
• People in hospital are already sick!
• They may have poor general resistance to
• Lack of immunity
– Extremes of age
– Immunocompromised (eg cancer
The host 2
• Reduced immunity
– Diabetes, severe burns
• Poor local resistance
– Poor blood supply to tissues
• Surgery
– Wounds, sutures
• Medical devices
– Catheters, prostheses, tubing etc
The microbes
• Virtually any infection can be acquired in
• However a number of “usual suspects”
• What are they, where do they come from and
why do they cause nosocomial infection?
Opportunistic infections
• Nosocomial infections are often caused by
opportunistic pathogens i.e. those which
do not normally cause infection in healthy
• May be a reflection of reduced defences of
host or access to sites not normally
colonised by organisms
• May be from normal flora or environment
• Antibiotic resistance is a problem
Opportunistic pathogens
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• staphylococci
• E. coli and other coliforms
• streptococci and enterococci
• Bacteroides fragilis
• Candida albicans
• Herpes simplex virus
• Cytomegalovirus
• Biofilms are microbial communities (cities)
living attached to a solid support eg
catheters/ other medical devices
• Biofilms are involved in up to 60% of
nosocomial infections
• Antibiotics are less effective at killing
bacteria when part of a biofilm
The Environment
• There are many different sources of
pathogens when in hospital
– Our own normal flora (endogenous infection)
– Infected patients
– Movement of staff and visitors
– Environment e.g. fungi, Legionella
– Blood products (v. rare)
– Surgical instruments eg vCJD (v. rare)
Source Bacteria Viruses Fungi
Air Gram-positive cocci (originating from skin)
Varicella zoster
Water (tap
and bath)
Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Aeromonas hydrophilia, Burkholderia
cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Serratia
marcescens, Flavobacterium meningosepticum,
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and Legionella
pneumophila) Mycobacteria (Mycobacterium
xenopi, Mycobacterium chelonae, or
Mycobacterium avium-intracellularae)
Molluscum contagiosum
Human papillomavirus
(bath water)
Food Salmonella species, Staphylococcus aureus,
Clostridium perfringens,
Clostridium botulinum, Bacilluscereus and other
aerobic spore-forming bacilli Escherichia coli
Campylobacter jejuni ,Yersinia enterocolitica,
Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae,
• There is continuous usage of antibiotics in
hospitals especially in ICU
• As a result there will be a natural selection for
strains that are antibiotic resistant – infections are
getting harder to treat
• This has led to problems with multi-resistant
bacteria e.g. MRSA, VRE, ESBLs
• Antibiotic treatment can also lead to alterations in
normal flora and allow pathogens cause infection
eg C. difficile
Inherent Resistance
Acquired Resistance
MultiDrug Resistance Pumps
Briefly describe the main antibiotic mechanisms?

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8 drug resistance

  • 2. Section 1 Drug-Resistance Antibiotics :powerful medicines that fight bacterial infection Literal translation • anti – against • biotic – living things
  • 3. Discovery Alexander Fleming in 1928 – He was an extremely messy scientist – Came back from holiday to see a mould growing on his Staphylococcus agar plates – Noticed that the Staphylococcus couldn’t grow anywhere near the mould – The mould prevented bacterial growth!
  • 4. How antibiotics work Antibiotics can be either • Broad Spectrum – Kill a wide range of bacteria e.g. Penicillin • Narrow Spectrum – Kill a specific type or group of bacteria e.g. Isoniazid Antibiotics work in one of two ways • Bactericidal – Kills the bacteria • Bacteriostatic – Prevents the bacteria from dividing
  • 5. Miracle Cure? – Before the 1930s there were no treatments for bacterial infections – Following the discovery of penicillin industry started searching for more antibiotics in nature – Streptomycin was the first drug to have an effect on tuberculosis – a condition previously untreatable – Surgeons could attempt more dangerous operations
  • 6. Sources of Antibiotics [ v 'mekt n]ɪ ə ɪ 伊维菌素 利福霉素类 [ p li 'm ks n]ˌ ɒ ː ɪ ɪ 多粘菌素 [ bˌ æs 'tre s n]ɪ ɪ ɪ 杆菌肽素 双效菌素 [ ks z 'la d nw nz]ɒ ə ɒ ɪ ɪ ʌ 恶唑烷酮类 [la 'nez l d]ɪ ɒ ɪ 利奈唑胺
  • 7. Miracle Cure? – Many antibiotics prescribed by the doctor are broad spectrum – These kill the body’s good bacteria as well as the bad – With the good bacteria gone there is more room for bad microbes to invade! Overuse of antibiotics can damage our normal/good bacteria.
  • 8. Miracle Cure? Antibiotics resistance – Many bacteria have developed the ability to become resistant to antibiotics. – These bacteria are now a major threat in our hospitals. – Antibiotic resistant bacteria include Methicillin 甲氧苯青 霉素 Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  • 9. Antibiotic Resistance The Causes – Overuse • Antibiotics used to treat infections when they are not needed or not effective i.e. for the flu – Misuse • Not completing a prescribed course • Using antibiotics not prescribed for you
  • 10. How antibiotic resistance can be prevented – Antibiotics should be the last line of defence NOT the first • Most common infections will get better by themselves through time, bed rest, liquid intake and healthy living. – Only take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor – If prescribed antibiotics, finish the course. – Do not use other peoples or leftover antibiotics • they be specific for some other infection
  • 11. Antibiotic Resistance APPEARANCE DRUG INTRODUCTION OF RESISTANCE Penicillin 1943 1946 Streptomycin 1945 1959 Tetracycline 1948 1953 Erythromycin 1952 1988 Vancomycin 1956 1988 Methicillin 1960 1961 Ampicillin 1961 1973 Cephalosporins 1964 late 1960’s
  • 12. Origins of Resistance Drug resistance is a natural by-product of the evolutionary process: natural selection acting on pre-existing genetic variation 400 microbial strains were isolated from natural sources and sealed into vials in 1917, long before the clinical introduction of antibiotics - Recent analysis: 11 of these 400 strains had antibiotic resistance (at a low level) -
  • 13. Origins of Resistance Nearly all clinically useful antibiotics are natural products, or their synthetic derivatives; most were isolated from other microbes - Fungi (penicillins, cephalosporins) - Soil bacteria of genus Streptomyces (erythromycin, streptomycin, tetracycline, vancomycin) In 1999, only 1 class of antibiotic was totally synthetic (Ciprofloxacin) Antibiotics are an ancient weapon... [d 'rev t vz]ə ə ɪ 环丙沙星
  • 14. Origins of Resistance What does the antiquity [æn't kw ti]ɪ ə 古代 of antibiotic resistance tell us? - There is likely to be considerable genetic variation in natural populations for genes that can potentially confer drug resistance (i.e., the raw genetic material is there) - Strong selection will quickly lead to the explosive growth of resistant individuals, especially when most cells are susceptible Widespread antibiotic use = - nukes their competition[nu k]ː 以核武器攻击 - the fittest survive and reproduce, passing on their resistance both to clonal offspring and to other unrelated bacteria
  • 15. Inherent Resistance • Darwinian evolution: – Bacteria that resist an antibiotic's effects are better suited to survive in an environment that contains the antibiotic. – Genes that confer resistance are transferred to the bacterial progeny. • Bacteria naturally resistant (e.g., Gram- negative bacteria resistant to penicillins). • Bacteria may be resistant because – They have no mechanism to transport the drug into the cell. – they do not contain or rely on the antibiotic’s target process or protein.
  • 16. Acquired Resistance • Bacteria that don’t begin life resistant to a certain antibiotic can acquire that resistance. • Horizontal evolution: – Resistance genes pass from a resistant strain to a nonresistant strain, conferring resistance on the latter. – Presence of an antibiotic is a selective pressure. • Gene transfer mechanisms: – Conjugation. – Transduction. – Transformation.
  • 17. Conjugation • Transmission of resistance genes via plasmid exchange. • Resistance spreads much faster than simple mutation and vertical evolution would permit.
  • 18. Transduction and Transformation • Transduction: Virus transfers gene. • Transformation: DNA released from a bacterium is picked up by a new cell.
  • 20. Antibiotic Targets The major classes of antibiotics affect 1 of 3 targets in bacteria cells: (1) Cell wall biosynthesis penicillins cephalosporins vancomycin (non-ribosomal peptide) (2) Protein synthesis erythromycin (macrolide ['mækro la d]ʊ ɪ 大环内酯物 polyketides) tetracycline (aromatic [ˌær 'mə æt k]ɪ 芳香的 polyketides 聚酮化合物 ) streptomycin, kanamycin (aminoglycosides) (3) DNA replication quinolones (Cipro) 盐酸环丙沙星制剂 (β-lactams)
  • 21. Antibiotic Targets Antibiotics work by exploiting biochemical differences between our eukaryotic cells and the prokaryotic cells of bacteria (1) Cell wall biosynthesis - block synthesis of peptidoglycan, the covalently cross-linked peptide/glycan network, which imparts osmotic resistance to cell (2) Protein synthesis - target 23S rRNA + associated proteins in peptidyl transferase center of bacterial ribosome - (3) DNA replication - inhibit gyrase, essential enzyme that uncoils intertwined circles of DNA after replication of the circular bacterial chromosome
  • 22. Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall Cell wall is peptidoglycan, a repeating polymer of di-saccharide, tetra-peptide repeats cross-linked into a 3D matrix β-lactam antibiotics interfere with cell wall biosynthesis of Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococci, Streptococci) -
  • 23. Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall Bacterial transpeptidase enzyme forms crosslinking amide bonds between #3 L-Lysine and #4 D-Alanine residues TPase cuts off #5 D-Ala residue, then links L-Lys side chain to the remaining D-Ala
  • 24. Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall Catalytic Serine -OH forms a temporary bond to the substrate - when Lysine side-chain attacks the temp. ester linkage, the Serine is restored to normal -
  • 25. Antibiotic Target 1: Cell Wall
  • 26. β-lactams: Mechanism of Action β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by mimicking its substrate, the terminal D-Ala—D-Ala Transpeptidase attacks the β-lactam ring of penicillin, forms a covalent bond that is slow to hydrolyze; enzyme is deactivated Normally, the enzyme forms a temporary bond with D-Ala that is rapidly broken by the side chain of Lysine
  • 27.
  • 28. Resistance: β-lactamase Enzymes Bacteria produce enzymes to hydrolyze the β-lactam ring before drugs can reach inner membrane where PG synthesis occcurs
  • 29. Overcoming β-lactam Resistance Augmentin combines β-lactam antibiotic w/ clavulanate 克拉 维酸钾 , a “suicide” β-lactam that occupies the β-lactamase enzymes - Allows active drug (amoxacillin, [ m ks 's l n]ə ɒ ɪ ɪ ɪ 阿莫西林 ) (resistance) slow to hydrolyze (cell wall enz.)
  • 30. Vancomycin: Mechanism of Action Vancomycin, the crucial “drug of last resort,” inhibits PG synth by binding directly to the D-Ala—D-Ala end of the peptide - forms a cap over the end of the chain; blocks cross-linking
  • 31. Vancomycin: Mechanism of Action Completely surrounds its target peptide, preventing enzymes from reacting with the end of the peptidoglycan chain 3D model of Vancomycin in complex with D-Ala—D-Ala note “cup-like” shape of Van
  • 32. A cell may produce 100,000 lactamase enzymes, each of which can destroy 1,000 penicillins per second 100 million molecules of drug destroyed per second Resistance: β-lactamase Enzymes
  • 33. Vancomycin makes 5 H-bonds with the D-Ala—D-Ala cap of the PG peptide - - Vancomycin D-Ala D-Ala
  • 34. Van Resistance: D-Ala-D-Lactate Vancomycin-resistant bacteria have peptidoglycan chains that end in D-Ala—D-Lactate, instead of the usual D-Ala—D-Ala (A) What genes are necessary to make this change? (B) How does this confer resistance? D-Ala—D-Ala D-Ala—D-Lactate
  • 35. Genetics of Van Resistance VanAVanH VanX 5 gene products are required to produce Lac-terminal PG - 2 “sensor” genes detect Van, turn on other 3 genes - 2 synthesize the critical D-Ala—D-Lactate piece - 1 destroys the pool of D-Ala—D-Ala in the cell (equilibrium) reduction hydrolysis 1,000 fold lower affinity for Van
  • 36. Vancomycin: Mechanism of Action D-Ala—D-Ala cap makes 5 H-bonds with Vancomycin D-Ala—D-Lac makes 1 less H-bond Resistance You die
  • 37. Genetics of Van Resistance Why did penicillin resistance appear in 2 years, but Van resistance take 30 years to become a major health hazzard? One answer: genetic complexity of resistance mechanism Penicillin resistance requires the activity of one gene product (β-lactamase enzyme) - usually 2-4 year lag when only 1 gene is involved Van resistance takes 5 gene products - apparently delays development of infectious, highly resistant strains when multiple gene products are involved
  • 38. Overcoming Van Resistance Approach #1: Screening of semi-synthetic analogues of Van found that hydrophobic derivatives restore potentcy 100-fold - Partitions drug to membrane surface, thus altering activity and availability to target enzymes chlorinated bi-phenyl substituent
  • 39. Overcoming Van Resistance Approach #2: Screening combinatorial libraries for novel small molecules that cleave the D-Ala—D-Lac depsipeptide [dep'saipepta d]ɪ 缩酚酸肽 - Look for drugs that can effectively function like an enzyme Combinatorial library of 300,000 tripeptide derivatives yielded 3 hits, all w/ an N-terminal serine & an intramolecular H-bond Pharmacophore deduced from computer modeling studies N HO NH2 O SProC5 “resensitized” bacteria with Van-resistance, by cleaving their D-Ala—D-Lac depsipeptide SProC5 Chiosis & Boneca, Science 2001
  • 40. Protein Synthesis Inhibitors Erythromycin (macrolide polyketide) Tetracycline (aromatic polyketide) Kanamycin (aminoglycoside)
  • 41. Resistance to Aminoglycosides Chemical modification of the drug lowers its binding affinity for RNA target in the ribosome - (formerly a protein kinase?)
  • 42. MultiDrug Resistance Pumps Bacteria use ATP-powered membrane proteins to pump any lipophilic molecule out of the cell - common in antibiotic-producing bacteria, to get drugs out of their cells without poisoning themselves Powerful method of resistance, because many different drugs will be equally affected by these efflux pumps
  • 43. MultiDrug Resistance Pumps (1) substrate binding: lipophilic drug binds inside cone-shaped chamber; triggers ATP hydrolysis (2) chamber then closes, substrate flips to opposite orientation (3) chamber then opens, substrate is expelled to outer face of membrane outside cell
  • 44. Erythromycin Resistance In addition to efflux pumps, erthyromycin resistance can arise from reprogramming the target (akin[ 'k n]ə ɪ 近似的 to Van resistance) Methylation of a specific adenine ['æd n n]ə ɪ on the 23S rRNA component of the ribosome - decreases binding affinity of erythromycin-class drugs - does not impair protein synthesis - present as a self-immunity mechanism in erythromycin- producing bacteria
  • 45. Overcoming Erythromycin Resistance Introduction of a 3-keto ['ki to ]ː ʊ 氧化 group into macrolide ring of erythromycin class antibiotics alters conformation - no induction of ribosome-methylating genes - lower susceptibility to efflux by pumps Erythromycin
  • 46. Selection favoring Resistance What causes the rapid occurrence of widespread resistance? (1) Incomplete treatment: people fail to finish the full course of their medication - in the 1980’s, tuberculosis was almost wiped out w/ antibiotics - in 1990’s, came back with a vengence['vend ns]ʒə 复仇 , due to resistant strains - 25% of previously-treated tuberculosis patients relapsed with drug resistant strains; most had failed to complete their initial course (2) Livestock doping['do p ]ʊ ɪŋ 服用禁药 : 50% of antibiotics used by livestock farmers to increase yield of chicken, beef, pork - high levels of antibiotics used in livestock result in strongly resistant bacterial strains, which can then infect humans
  • 47. Selection favoring Resistance What causes the rapid occurrence of widespread resistance? (3) Mis-prescription: my mom demands antibiotics for a cold - widespread inappropriate use: up to 50% of prescriptions in developing countries are for viral infections that cannot respond (4) Gene transfer & multi-drug resistance (a) genes encoding resistance accumulate on plasmids, transposons confer simultaneous resistance to multiple drugs (b) DNA is easily exchanged between unrelated bacteria - vancomycin-resistant gut bacteria known since 1987 - resistance genes finally transferred to deadly infectious Staphylococcus aureus in a Michigan hospital in 2002
  • 48. Loss of Resistance...? Resistance carries a cost: resistant bacteria grow more slowly under normal conditions, pay a 10-20% fitness cost - Replicating extra plasmid DNA is costly to the cell - Ribosomal mutations that confer resistance slow protein production When we stop using an antibiotic, does resistance go away? - Can we reverse selection, and favor the vulnerable bacteria instead Experiments show bacteria quickly evolve compensatory mutations that lower the costs of resistance, instead of just losing resistance - Levin et al. 2000, Genetics 154: 985-997
  • 49. Conclusion • We overuse antibiotics and often neglect to complete a full course of antibiotics once it has been prescribed, leading to the spread of antibiotic resistance. • Resistance can disappear if there is no selective pressure to maintain resistance.
  • 50. Section 2 Nosocomial infections • The word derives from the Greek nosokomeian, meaning hospital • These days the terms hospital acquired – and healthcare associated – are used • A very emotive subject with the public, driven by the press • Do hospitals really deserve to be blamed for all cases of hospital infection?
  • 51. Nosocomial infections are… • Infections that are acquired in hospital (48 hours or more after admission) • Approx 7% of patients will suffer from an infection whilst in hospital – the risk increases with length of stay • A significant financial burden on NHS
  • 52. Impact of nosocomial infections • Possibly up to100,000 infections per year in UK • A cause of ~5,000 deaths with nosocomial infections playing a role in ~15,000 others • Costs the NHS £1 billion – 9% of its in- patient budget • Cannot be eradicated but it’s thought they could be reduced by up to 30%
  • 53. Impact of nosocomial infections • Longer stays in hospital – bed occupancy • Outbreaks leading to ward closures especially norovirus and C. difficile • Pain and anxiety for patients and families • Loss of earnings
  • 54. Why are we more likely to get an infection in hospital? Consider 4 important factors… 1. The host 2. The microbes 3. The environment 4. Treatment
  • 55. The host 1 • People in hospital are already sick! • They may have poor general resistance to infection • Lack of immunity – Extremes of age – Immunocompromised (eg cancer chemotherapy)
  • 56. The host 2 • Reduced immunity – Diabetes, severe burns • Poor local resistance – Poor blood supply to tissues • Surgery – Wounds, sutures • Medical devices – Catheters, prostheses, tubing etc
  • 57. The microbes • Virtually any infection can be acquired in hospital • However a number of “usual suspects” predominate • What are they, where do they come from and why do they cause nosocomial infection?
  • 58. Opportunistic infections • Nosocomial infections are often caused by opportunistic pathogens i.e. those which do not normally cause infection in healthy people • May be a reflection of reduced defences of host or access to sites not normally colonised by organisms • May be from normal flora or environment • Antibiotic resistance is a problem
  • 59. Opportunistic pathogens • Pseudomonas aeruginosa • staphylococci • E. coli and other coliforms • streptococci and enterococci • Bacteroides fragilis • Candida albicans • Herpes simplex virus • Cytomegalovirus
  • 60. Biofilms • Biofilms are microbial communities (cities) living attached to a solid support eg catheters/ other medical devices • Biofilms are involved in up to 60% of nosocomial infections • Antibiotics are less effective at killing bacteria when part of a biofilm
  • 61. The Environment • There are many different sources of pathogens when in hospital – Our own normal flora (endogenous infection) – Infected patients – Movement of staff and visitors – Environment e.g. fungi, Legionella – Blood products (v. rare) – Surgical instruments eg vCJD (v. rare)
  • 62. ENVIRONMENTAL SOURCES OF PATHOGENS IN THE HEALTHCARE SETTING Source Bacteria Viruses Fungi Air Gram-positive cocci (originating from skin) Tuberculosis Varicella zoster (chickenpox), Influenza Aspergillus Water (tap and bath) Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aeromonas hydrophilia, Burkholderia cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Serratia marcescens, Flavobacterium meningosepticum, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and Legionella pneumophila) Mycobacteria (Mycobacterium xenopi, Mycobacterium chelonae, or Mycobacterium avium-intracellularae) Molluscum contagiosum Human papillomavirus (bath water) Noroviruses Aspergillus Exophiala jeanselmei Food Salmonella species, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Bacilluscereus and other aerobic spore-forming bacilli Escherichia coli Campylobacter jejuni ,Yersinia enterocolitica, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae, Rotavirus Caliciviruses
  • 63. Treatment • There is continuous usage of antibiotics in hospitals especially in ICU • As a result there will be a natural selection for strains that are antibiotic resistant – infections are getting harder to treat • This has led to problems with multi-resistant bacteria e.g. MRSA, VRE, ESBLs • Antibiotic treatment can also lead to alterations in normal flora and allow pathogens cause infection eg C. difficile
  • 64. Summary Definitions: Inherent Resistance Acquired Resistance MultiDrug Resistance Pumps Briefly describe the main antibiotic mechanisms?