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Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory
and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles
(“Cuantex” Model)
Juan Carlos Alcerro Mena
Department of Mathematics, Universidad Cristiana Evangélica Nuevo Milenio
Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Jesús de Nazareth.
Department of Mathematics, Universidad de San Pedro Sula.
This document communicates some of the main results obtained from a theoretical work which
performs a type of Wick’s rotation, where Lorentz’s group is connected in the resulting Euclidean
metric, and as a consequence models the particles with rest mass as photons in a compacted
additional dimension (for a photon of the ordinary 3-dimensional space, they do not go through
the 4-dimension due to null angle in this dimension). Among its reported results are new
explanations, much more elegant than the current ones, of the material waves of De Broglie, the
uncertainty principle, the dilation of the proper time, the Higgs field, the existence of the
antiparticles and specifically of the electron-positron annihilation, among others. It also leaves
open the possibility of unifying at least three of the fundamental forces and the different types of
particles under a single model of photon and compact dimension. Additionally, two experimental
results are proposed that can only currently be explained by this theory.
Key words: Wick’s rotation, Lorentz’s group, Special relativity, Photons, Elementary Particles, Four-vectors, Space-time,
Higgs’ boson, Compact dimension.
Minkowski’s space-time theory is a mathematical
mechanism that provides a metric to special theory of
relativity. However, this abstract reality is based in a metric
of complex values, causing that in various theoretical
topics in physics, you need to perform Wick’s rotation.
Although Minkowski’s metric works mathematically, this
does not provide a complete physical comprehension
concerning its meaning. For example, the spatial
components of the four-vector velocity in an ordinary three
dimensions space, presents an unavoidable incoherence
with the ordinary ones used in physics1, it also happens
with the components in an ordinary three dimensions
space of the four-vector force. On the other hand, the
Einstein wrote “it is the only four-vector that can be formed with the
velocity components of the matter particle…” in his book “The meaning
of relativity”.
theory of relativity and the wave-particle duality of quantum
mechanics are theoretical constructs that although
compatible, are independent of each other, leaving open
the problem of finding a more general theoretical
framework that deduces both. The above are just some of
the needs that the present work tries to solve, but it also
introduces the discovery that all elementary particles with
rest mass can be modeled like a photon traveling in a
fourth compact spatial dimension, in such a way that the
corpuscular existence in ordinary space of these particles
(with mass) happens instantaneously and intermittently2
and with a defined frequency.
Hence the name of the cuantex model, which is the abbreviation of the
phrase "quanta of existence".
Journal of Physics and Astronomy Research
Vol. 4(1), pp. 079-086, September, 2018. ©, ISSN: 9098-7709
Research Article
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
Alcerro-Mena 080
With the purpose of clearly developing the communication
of this theoretical work, this document is composed of
three sections. The current section 1 gives a brief
introduction of the two concepts involved (Wick’s rotation
and Lorentz’s group), it also introduces the formalism of
the main proposed hypothesis and develops the metric
and the resulting elementary particle model3. Section 2
communicates some of the consequences of adopting
particles model implicit in the proposed hypothesis and,
finally, section 3 shows some of the final conclusions of
this work and experimental predictions. It is also important
to mention that this analysis is made under the special
relativity theory (Lorentz group), pending the development
of the corresponding general relativity theory.
Wick Rotation
(A) It is a method to find a solution on a mathematical
problem on Minkowski´s space-time, starting from the
solution of an analog problem on a Euclidean space,
through the transformation that substitutes an imaginary
variable a real one. Specifically talking, in this work, the
replacement of “t” for “it”, is studied. This is the variable of
(B) In quantum theory of fields, it is the rotation from a real
time axis to an imaginary time axis on a complex time level
(Liu, 1997).
Lorentz group. It refers to the group of all the
transformations in Minkowski’s space-time.
ds2 = -c2dt2 + dx1
2 + dx2
2 + dx3
2 (1)
The distance measurements of Minkowski’s space-time
(Stephani, 2004), that in tensor form is:
 dx
Where c is the speed of light in the vacuum and:
-10 0
 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
If Wick’s rotation is applied (tw= i t), with the special
condition that Lorentz’s group is compatible with the
Euclidean metric4, then we have as result the following
metric structure:
Cuantex model.
The reasoning of this condition will be seen in section 1.3.
ds2 = c2dt2 + dx1
2 + dx2
2 + dx3
2 + dx4
2 (2)
Which in tensor form:
UV dxV
10 0 0
UV  0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
Lorentz’s group connection in this Euclidean metric
and its four-vectors in x1-x2-x3-x4.
This development was made apart from the ct dimension
in the metric of the expression (2).
The following figure 1 shows the connection of
Minkowski’s coordenate axes rotation5 with the metric (2):
Figure 1. Connection of the rotating space-time axes of
Minkowski with the metric of the expression (2).
Notice that, it is only feasible to represent the dimensions
x1, ict and x4.
As you can see, the invariant in the rotating space-time
axes of Minkowski correspond themselves with the
absence of effective rotation of the axe x4, since this axe
rotates only around itself. Keeping in consideration only ict,
x1 and x4, it was found that the coordinate transforming
matrix, for this system, is:
cos sin 0
sincos (3)
0 0 1
Where: is the complex angle for a reference frame
rotates with respect of the other in Minkowski’s space-
time, cos = 1 / (1-v2/c2)1/2, sin= i(v/c) / (1-v2/c2)1/2 and v
is the speed of the frame of reference in relative movement
(along x1) in respect of the one in relative rest.
Do not confuse with Wick’s rotation.
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
J. Phys. Astron. Res. 081
Coordinates transformation in the system (ict, x1, x4)
and four-vector of displacement in x1-x2-x3-x4.
When applying the transformation coordinates of the
expressions (3) we found the following result6:
x1´ = (x1-vt)/(1-v2
ict´= i(ct-x1v/c) /(1-v2
x4´= x4
We can appreciate that the transformations for x1´ and ict´
are the same of the space-time of Minkowski.
On the other hand, the four-vector of a particle’s
displacement observed in the space x1-x4, it was
reasoned7 that the component for x4 needed to have the
same magnitude of the invariant interval in the space-time
of Minkowski and we obtained:
x = x1 i + ct/ 
The infinitesimal form for the space x1-x2-x3-x4 is:
dx = dx1 i + dx2 j + dx3k +cdt/
Where i, j, k and  are unit vectors, = 1/(1-u2/c2)1/2 and u
is the speed of the observed particle.
This and the following four-vectors are spatial and should
not be confused with the common four-vectors of space-
Four-vector of velocity in x1-x2-x3-x4
Of the expression (5-B) the following four-vector U was
deducted for the velocity of a particle observed in the
space x1-x2-x3-x4:
U = u1 i + u2 j + u3 k + c/  (6-A)
When squaring the magnitude of this four-vector, it
|U |2
= c2
This states that the magnitude of the four-vector of velocity
U is the speed of light, in other words, the particle with rest
mass is a photon transiting in the fourth spatial dimension.
This conclusion will be taken up later.
An alternate way to get to the same result, it is through the reference
frame translation x1´-x4´ respect of x1-x4, when the ict dimension is
eliminated in the coordinate system of the figure 1.
Figure 2: Representation in the plane x1-x4 of the four-
vector of velocity U, which can also be called C because it
is the same speed of light in a vacuum.  is the angle
between said vector and the x1 axis.
Based on the component for x4 of the expression (6-A) and
the component on x4 of Figure 2, the following equation is
From which it follows that:
And therefore (5-B) can be rewritten as:
dx = dx1 i + dx2 j + dx3k +cdt sin
Where  is the angle formed between the vector x or dx
and the axe x1 (the direction of 4D-motion). This symbol
must not be confused with Lorentz velocity factor β=v/c, in
fact, in this document  means inverse cosine of v/c.
On the other hand, (6-A) can be rewritten as:
U = u1 i + u2 j + u3 k +c sen  (6-B)
Four-momentum in x1-x2-x3-x4
When applying the transformation matrix (3) to the linear
momentum measured by the two frames of reference for
x1-ict and x1´-ict´ in the system of the figure 1 and
reasoning that the component of the lineal moment in x4
should have the same magnitude of the invariant space-
time of Minkowski, the following four-vector was obtained
for the linear moment in x1-x2-x3-x4:
P = m0u1i + m0u2j + m0u3k +m0c
Where mo is mass in rest of the observed particle.
Reasoning based on the existing correspondence between the
invariance of the rotation of axes of the space time of Minkowski and
the absence of rotation of the axis x4.
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
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Four-vector of current density
When applying the transformation matrix (3) to the current
density measured by the frames of reference for x1-ict and
x1´-ict´ in system of figure 1 and reasoning that the
component in x4 of the current density should have the
same magnitude of the invariant in the space-time of
Minkowski, the following four-vector of current density was
obtained for x1-x2-x3-x4:
cj1 i + j2 j + j3k c
Where and  are the volumetric density of electric
charge in motion and resting respectively and j1, j2 and j3
are the current densities in x1, x2, and x3 respectively.
Space time topology and cuantex model of the
elementary particle
All of the above proposed the following physical-
mathematical properties:
(A) It was found that when u=0 and therefore  is /2 in
the expressions (6-A) and (6-B), then U = c(and
generally when squared the magnitude of the four-
vector 6-A result |U|2
= c2 ), which takes us to the
conclusion that all elementary8 particle with mass at
rest is a photon in the space defined by the metric (2).
And where u = c cos. The implicit reasoning9 in the
conclusion above deducted that the topology in space
–time results to be M4 x S1, this is a Cartesian product
between an Euclidean space-time M4 (the first four
dimensions, ct-x1-x2-x3, of the metric 2) and a circle
S1 (the fifth dimension, x4, of the metric 2) of radius R.
This is to have a cylindrical space-time, where for the
metric (2) dx4 = RdBeing dthe angular
infinitesimal displacement around the cylinder and
where -2< < 2In other words, the dimension x4
is compact (see figure 4).
(B) Since all particle with mass at rest m0 must be treated
as a photon that moves through the cylindrical surface
defined by M4 x S1, then it was found that the length
of the trajectory of any elementary particle, in M3x S1
(x1-x2-x3-R), is defined by :
+ 𝑑𝑥2
+ 𝑑𝑥3
+ 𝑅2
= 𝑐 ∫ 𝒅𝒕 (9)
Where – Infinite < < + Infinite. (S1 it is rolled up, but
the orthogonal nature is the same as if it were an
extended dimension).
And therefore in M4 x S1 by:
c ∫ dt = ∫ dL (10)
One of the reasons why the reference is to elementary particles, is that
photons are elementary particles.
If all elementary particle with mass at rest in the ordinary space, is
equivalent to a photon going through the dimension x4, then this
dimension should be compact, so that this particle keeps its existence
Notice that the photons of the ordinary tridimensional
space M3 (the commonly known) it has to be =0 and
therefore d= 0, thus they do not go through the
dimension x4= R.
(C) With the intension to define the value of R, the path
(world line) of the equivalent photons were visualized
over the cylindrical space M3xS1 (by simplicity the
temporal dimension was omitted), as if they were on
an extended equivalent plane (see figure 3). When
you assume this, then the periodicity over S1 of the
photon’s path, was replaced by a continuous
emission of equivalent photons of a same elementary
On this basis, it was easy to calculate the wavelength
 (distance between two flat waves) of these photons,
giving as result:
 = h (1-u2
/m0c = h / (γm0c) (11)
Where h is the Planck constant.
Here it is supposed10 that = h/p, where p is the
lineal moment of the photon. The perimeter of S1
must match the wavelength of the equivalent photon
of the particle observed when in rest, by which if it is
supposed u = 0 then:
R = u=0 
Therefore: R= (1/2) (h/m0c) (12)
This means that the radius R of the cylinder
circumference must depend of the mass at rest of the
elementary particle observed. This is so that each type
of elementary particle, according to its mass at rest,
must exist a proper cylindrical Surface, but keeping the
space-time M4 in common.
Figure 3: Equivalent extended space to M3
(x1-x2-x3-R), that
shows two fronts of flat waves of the equivalent photon of an
elementary particle with mass at rest, which has a lineal moment
P, and a wavelength . This also shows a geometrical
interpretation of the wavelength of De Broglie DB of the
elementary particle with mass at rest.
(although instantaneously and intermittently) in the ordinary space x1-x2-
Although it is not shown here, this relation and the constant of Planck
may be rigorously deducted in this proposed model.
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
J. Phys. Astron. Res. 083
(E) Graphic interpretation of the cylindrical space
The following figure 4 illustrates a segment of the path
of the equivalent photon of any elementary particle:
Figure 4: Representation of M3xS1 where only x1-R
(that is x1-x4) is shown. (A) Angular view.
(B) Transverse view, here the vertical and horizontal
axes refer to the geometry of the circle
(1) For this illustration it is supposed that the spatial
displacement, of the elementary particle, is only in the
axe x1. However, its equivalent photon should also
have a trip in S1, it means the compact axe x4.
(2) Notice in figure 4-A that commonly a fourth spatial axe
would be noticed as extended (pointed lines), but this
model refers to a rolled up or compact as it is seen in
the figure.
(3) The trip of the equivalent photon (drawn as an arrow)
is made on a cylindrical surface.
Wavelength of De Broglie explained by this cuantex
At applying a simple geometrical analysis on an extended
equivalent plane to M3xS1 (x1-x2-x3-R in figure 3 and
assuming an angle between the equivalent photons
direction and M3 (this is that the elementary particle
equivalent to these photons, is in movement), then the
formation of a composed triangle rectangle by three sides
can be verified (see the zoom): the wavelength of the
equivalent photons, a flat wave front of the equivalent
photons and, forming an angle with the first one, the
wavelength of De Broglie DB. This last one results to be
the length between the flat waves fronts of the equivalent
photons, but measured in M3. It can be verified that from
the analysis of this triangle it is obtained that:
DB = / cos 
And therefore
DB = h (1-u2
/(m0 u) = h /(γm0 u)
Where u is the speed of the particle.
Notice that this expression is the same for the wave length
of De Broglie, however, it only applies to elementary
particles, unlike what the current theory assumes since
Louis V. de Broglie (De Broglie, 1924). This is because
replacing mo, in that expression, by the total mass of a
composite particle would imply the existence of its own
compact dimension, calculated by the expression (12). All
this implies the observable fact that, if the wavelength of a
composite particle was accurately measured, then it would
be observed that it does not exactly match the de Broglie
Particle-antiparticle annihilation explained by cuantex
Consider the following ratios
dx4/dx = dp4/dp = cc= -sin
This is now combined to expressions (7), (8) and
(5-B) respectively:
-m0c / P = (-cdt sin) / dx = -cc= -sin
Where P, dx and care the magnitudes of the
corresponding four-vectors.
This suggests that the change of signal in the charge,
implies to change the sense to the component of the fourth
axis in the four-momentum (7) it also involves a change in
the sense for the displacement of the photon along S1.
Considering this, and if we proceed to verify what happens
when an electron (e-) collides against its antiparticle, the
positron (e+), being these the negative and positive charge
and if we suppose the movement of the equivalent
photons only on the axis x1 and x4=Rand on opposite
senses (in the axis x4 due to opposite charges) therefore
the following system of equation of momentum and
energy is deduced (before and after the collision):
x1 axis Pe
i1 - Pe
i1 = Pe
f1 - Pe
f1 = 0
x4 axis Pe
i4 - Pe
i4 = Pe
f 4 - Pe
f 4 = 0
Energy ((Pe
i4)2)1/2c + ((Pe
i4)2)1/2c =
f 4)2 )1/2c + ((Pe
f 4)2 )1/2c
Where Pe
i1, Pe
f1 y Pe
f1 are the components on the
axis x1 of the four-momentum initial and final for the
equivalent photons from the positron and the electron
respectively; Pe
i4, Pe
f4 and Pe
f4 are the four-
momentum first and final in the axis x4 of the equivalent
photons from the electron and positron respectively.
It is observed that the system permits the solution where:
f 4 = Pe
f 4 = 0
Which implies the reaction:
+ e+
 +
Here symbolizes the ordinary space photon M3.
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
Alcerro-Mena 084
This expresses that the result of the collision is the two
contained photons (gamma rays) in the tridimensional
ordinary space, storing all the initial energy, something
that is experimentally observed (and it is also predicted by
the current physics).
Intrinsic magnetic moment from the electron
explained by cuantex model
Something interesting from the structure of this particle
model, is that the path from the equivalent photon of a
particle with reposed mass, through de S1, implies a fixed
and determined angular moment that does not disappear
although this particle is in repose on the ordinary space
x1-x2-x3. On the electron case, the value of the magnetic
moment can be obtained, if the following aspects are
(a) The magnetic momentum for an “I” current around
the A area, is given by:
= I A
(b) The identity generally used for the total charge
density is:
 = n e
Where “n” is the number of electrons per volume unit
and “e” is the electric charge of an electron.
(c ) When the electron is reposed, the expression (8) has
the following form:
c= c0
This is the current density of the equivalent photon,
when the electron is in repose.
(d) The rotation radius of the equivalent photon is the same
R radius, which validity is given by the expression (12).
Therefore, at mixing these four expressions, the following
intrinsic magnetic momentum from the electron is obtained:
= e h_
  m0
This is the same expression for the magnetic moment of
the electron intrinsic spin, foretold by the relativist quantum
physics. Notice that the signal is positive or negative
depending the value of the charge and, therefore, the path
sense of the equivalent photon on S1. If the case of moving
electron is analyzed, then we get to the conclusion that this
magnetic moment stays fixed.
Dilatation of proper time explained by the cuantex
By making the expression (5-B) correspond with (9) and
figure 4, it is obtained:
∫ 𝑑𝑥4 = 𝑐/𝛾 ∫ 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑅 ∫ 𝑑𝜃 = 𝑛(2𝜋𝑅)
Where “n” is the number of crosses the equivalent photon
of the elementary particle has in the ordinary space x1-x2-
The above expression can be rewritten as follows:
 = t / = R /c= n(2R)/c (13)
Where is the proper time of the observed elementary
This means that  = n(2R)/c is the proper time of the
elementary particle with mass at rest and corresponds to
the frequency of crosses with the ordinary space x1-x2-x3,
of the equivalent photon of the particle mentioned,
composes its temporal flow. It was deducted from here
that the time dilatation from a particle moving at vi,
velocity, it is the fact that this crossing frequency with the
ordinary space x1-x2-x3 is reduced, due to the  angle
takes different values of /2, since 1/= sen.
In figure 4, the crossing with x1-x2-x3 will be given when
the path of the photon intercept the x1 axis
Uncertainty principle explained by the cuantex model
Consider the following aspects:
(A) If in the expression (13) it is assumed that n = 1, then
it follows that any elementary particle representative of
any clock is associated with a period of time T0:
T0 = h/(m0c2)
It is the sensitivity or the minimum uncertainty in the
measurement of time, because on that period the matter
of the clock is not registering events in the tridimensional
ordinary space, because its equivalent photons is not
having contact with the ordinary space x1-x2-x3. In the
case represented by figure 4 this last is illustrated, but for
the equivalent photon of a moving particle on x1.
(B) According to quantum physics, any energy
measurement of a system can finally be reduced to the
frequency measurement of the waves associated to that
quantum system (Serway, 2002).
Considering that and proceeding to calculate the energy
that is measured, from a reference frame added to a clock,
to a wave that intercepts the location of that clock, then
the following results are obtained:
(1) The time interval t taken to measure the wave
frequency, is given by: t = nT0. Where n is a whole
(2) The frequency (fwave) of the wave in study is:
fwave = (s/n) m0 c2 /h
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
J. Phys. Astron. Res. 085
Where m0 is the reposed mass from the representative
elementary particle of the clock and s is the number of
cycles or waves that are registered during the t time.
(3) From that it derives that the energy of the wave is
given by:
Ewave = (s/n) E0
Which can be rewritten as:
Ewave = E0/n + E0/n + E0/n +…+ E0/n
It means, the sum of s times E0/n.
(4) The previous series means that E0/n is the sensibility
or the uncertainty in the measurement of energy from
any wave, or along a time interval t = nT0.
(5) If this uncertainty in the energy measurement is called
Em= E0/n and the identities are conveniently
replaced, then we have that:
Em t = h
It is the minimum uncertainty in the energy measurement
of a wave and therefore any E energetic uncertainty will
E t > h
Which is the same uncertainty principle for the energy
measurement used by the quantum physics.
Notice that if T0=0, then we have not discrete, but
continuous, registration of the elapsed time, in that case,
there would not exist an unavoidable minimum uncertainty
in the energy measurement from any system.
Higgs field explained by the cuantex model
The topology of S1 implies a field of central force that is in
function of R and where the force of its magnitude FH can
be obtained if the following aspects are considered:
(a) A definition of force is: F = dpx/dt i + dpy/dt j
Where i and j are unitary vectors of the x and y axis
respectively, px and py are the components in x and y
respectively, from the P momentum of the equivalent
(b) The component of the momentum in the equivalent
photon that interferes in this calculation is the one of
the projection from the total moment of the photon, on
the transversal section of the cylinder in figure 4-B, this
is P4 (see figure 4-B).
(c) The angle that forms p4 with the axis x is where
is the angle of rotation on S1. See figure 4-B.
(d) From the expression (11), it is p4= h/λ.
From the previous it is deduced that the magnitude of F is:
FH = c h / (2R2
) (14)
Or also:
FH = 2 mo
2c3 / (h)
This field force corresponds to the called Higgs field from
the particles standard model. This is that if a photon does
not enter in S1 then it is perceived as an ordinary space
photon, it means that Higgs field does not interact with it.
But if a photon travels to S1 then it is perceived as a
particle with reposed mass from the ordinary space which
reposed mass is obtained from the expression (12), this is
a particle that interacts with Higgs field.
On the other hand, FH does not manifest itself as force on
the ordinary space but as something underlying the mass
from the elementary particles.
Four-force of the cuantex model
The four-vector of force F4R of the space-time of
Minkowski is given by:
F4R = F1 i + F2 j + F3 k + iF1 (u/c) 
Where F1, F2 and F3 are the components in x1, x2 and x3
respectively,  is the corresponding unit vector to the
axis ict and x1 is the axis of motion.
When applying the transformation matrix (3) to this
relativistic four-vector of force and reasoning that the
component of the four-vector of force of the cuantex model
in x4 should have the same magnitude of the invariant in
the space-time of Minkowski, the following four-vector F
was obtained for x1-x2-x3-x4:
F = F1i + F2j + F3k + (F1
(1) The present work is the only one in all the literature of
theoretical physics that models the elementary particle
with mass at rest, as a photon traveling a compact fifth
dimension. There have only been a few approaches to the
idea, for example, according to J.G. Williamson and M.B.
Van der Mark (1997), the electron can be modeled as a
photon confined in a space with toroidal topology, and
however, that space would always be within the three
dimensions of ordinary space. On the other hand, F. G.
Arregui (1989) proposed that any elementary particle with
mass at rest can be modeled as a packet of energy
rotating in a compact axis, however, this particle was not
treated as a photon but as an entity called "energion",
besides that said compact axis was temporary and non-
spatial. This means that the Cuantex model is a whole
land to be explored.
Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)
Alcerro-Mena 086
(2) Considering that the quantum theory of fields assigns
a particle for each considered force field, therefore from
the expression (14) it is deduced that there must exist an
particle associated to the field of this force, from the
exposed on the previous section, this particle must be
Higgs boson.
(4) This elementary particle model proposed, predicts that
the movement inside the tridimensional ordinary
space of an elementary particle, with reposed mass, is
given through “jumps” (as consequence from the
equivalent photon trip on S1), in such way that the
length between these jumps is given by:
d = ____h u_____
m0 c2
This results from including the factors u and and also
assuming that n = 1 in expression (13). This is that with n
= 1, the corpuscular absence of the elementary particle
with mass at rest, is modeled in the ordinary three-
dimensional space.
Now, for an electron each one of these spatial intervals
will be of 1 (nm) when it keeps a velocity corresponding
99.99970611% from the one of the light and which is
related to the injection of a kinetic energy of
3.36894484x10-11 joules. Up to date there is already
enough technology to access an experimental verification
of this scale, however the means used that show the
“prints” of the electron must be refined so that the diameter
of these, does not match or precisely overcome the length
of the space that corresponds the period of absence from
that particle, which is exactly what would be in search for
(4) From the four-vector force of the cuantex model,
expression (16), it derives the four-vector impulse of the
cuantex model. This implies that the model predicts the
experimental possibility to transmute the elementary
particles through the component in x4 from some four-
vector impulse resulting, due to the modification of the
mass at rest of the particle affected as long as this
connects to any radius R (expression 12) existing in the
Cosmos. At the moment this is written, the author of this
article is in patenting process of a system that would show
its conclusion and, therefore the validity of this whole
(5) According to Overduin and Wesson (1998), the five
dimension theory from Kaluza-Klein was mainly
abandoned because it assigns reposed mass values
m0highly elevated to loaded particles as the electron. This
happens because in that theory, the mass is inversely
proportional to the radius values from the compact
Related to this, it is very important to observe that in this
proposed model for an equivalent photon, the compact
dimension radius R, given by the expression (12), also
keeping an inverse relationship with m0, however, it
permits mass values in the order of the ones observed in
reality, due to factor h (Planck’s constant), which are very
(6) Although it is not shown in this document, it is possible
to get to the same equivalent photon model from a
different analysis made on the special relativity and the
hypothesis of De Broglie.
To Arbab Ibrahim Arbab, Ph.D, for his endorsement.
The reviewers of this work, who kindly suggested
De Broglie L.V. (1924), “Recherches sur la théorie des
quanta”, Ann. de Phys., 10e serie.
F. G. Arregui (1989), Los cuatro principios metaempíricos
del ser material: en las fronteras de la física”,
Newbook, 1997, ISBN: 8489648336, 9788489648333.
Lide D. R. ed. (2009),´´CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics´´ 89th Edition (Internet Version). CRC
Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 6-8.
Liu Chien-Hao (1997), ´´Remarks on the Geometry of
Wick Rotation in QFT and its Localization on
Manifolds´´, arXiv:hep-th/9707196v1.
Overduin J.M. and Wesson P.S. (1998), ´´Kaluza-Klein
Gravity´´, arXiv:gr-qc/9805018v1.
Serway R. (2002), “Physics for scientists and engineers”,
Pag. 1329, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 970-10-
Stephani H. (2004), ´´An introduction to special and
general relativity´´, Third Edition, Cambridge University
Press. ISBN 10: 0521010691 / ISBN
13: 9780521010696
Williamson J.G. and Van der Mark M.B. (1997), “Is the
electron a photon with toroidal topology?”, Annales de
la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 22, no.2, 133
Accepted 19 July 2018
Citation: Alcerro-Mena JC (2018). Euclidean equivalent of
Minkowski’s space-time theory and the corresponding
model of elementary particles (“cuantex” model). Journal
of Physics and Astronomy Research, 4(1): 079-086.
Copyright: © 2018 Alcerro-Mena. This is an open-access
article distributed under the terms of the creative commons
attribution license, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and the source are cited.

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Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model)

  • 1. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) JPAR Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) Juan Carlos Alcerro Mena Department of Mathematics, Universidad Cristiana Evangélica Nuevo Milenio Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Jesús de Nazareth. Department of Mathematics, Universidad de San Pedro Sula. Email:, This document communicates some of the main results obtained from a theoretical work which performs a type of Wick’s rotation, where Lorentz’s group is connected in the resulting Euclidean metric, and as a consequence models the particles with rest mass as photons in a compacted additional dimension (for a photon of the ordinary 3-dimensional space, they do not go through the 4-dimension due to null angle in this dimension). Among its reported results are new explanations, much more elegant than the current ones, of the material waves of De Broglie, the uncertainty principle, the dilation of the proper time, the Higgs field, the existence of the antiparticles and specifically of the electron-positron annihilation, among others. It also leaves open the possibility of unifying at least three of the fundamental forces and the different types of particles under a single model of photon and compact dimension. Additionally, two experimental results are proposed that can only currently be explained by this theory. Key words: Wick’s rotation, Lorentz’s group, Special relativity, Photons, Elementary Particles, Four-vectors, Space-time, Higgs’ boson, Compact dimension. INTRODUCTION Minkowski’s space-time theory is a mathematical mechanism that provides a metric to special theory of relativity. However, this abstract reality is based in a metric of complex values, causing that in various theoretical topics in physics, you need to perform Wick’s rotation. Although Minkowski’s metric works mathematically, this does not provide a complete physical comprehension concerning its meaning. For example, the spatial components of the four-vector velocity in an ordinary three dimensions space, presents an unavoidable incoherence with the ordinary ones used in physics1, it also happens with the components in an ordinary three dimensions space of the four-vector force. On the other hand, the 1 Einstein wrote “it is the only four-vector that can be formed with the velocity components of the matter particle…” in his book “The meaning of relativity”. theory of relativity and the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics are theoretical constructs that although compatible, are independent of each other, leaving open the problem of finding a more general theoretical framework that deduces both. The above are just some of the needs that the present work tries to solve, but it also introduces the discovery that all elementary particles with rest mass can be modeled like a photon traveling in a fourth compact spatial dimension, in such a way that the corpuscular existence in ordinary space of these particles (with mass) happens instantaneously and intermittently2 and with a defined frequency. 2 Hence the name of the cuantex model, which is the abbreviation of the phrase "quanta of existence". Journal of Physics and Astronomy Research Vol. 4(1), pp. 079-086, September, 2018. ©, ISSN: 9098-7709 Research Article
  • 2. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) Alcerro-Mena 080 With the purpose of clearly developing the communication of this theoretical work, this document is composed of three sections. The current section 1 gives a brief introduction of the two concepts involved (Wick’s rotation and Lorentz’s group), it also introduces the formalism of the main proposed hypothesis and develops the metric and the resulting elementary particle model3. Section 2 communicates some of the consequences of adopting particles model implicit in the proposed hypothesis and, finally, section 3 shows some of the final conclusions of this work and experimental predictions. It is also important to mention that this analysis is made under the special relativity theory (Lorentz group), pending the development of the corresponding general relativity theory. CONCEPTS Wick Rotation (A) It is a method to find a solution on a mathematical problem on Minkowski´s space-time, starting from the solution of an analog problem on a Euclidean space, through the transformation that substitutes an imaginary variable a real one. Specifically talking, in this work, the replacement of “t” for “it”, is studied. This is the variable of time. (B) In quantum theory of fields, it is the rotation from a real time axis to an imaginary time axis on a complex time level (Liu, 1997). Lorentz group. It refers to the group of all the transformations in Minkowski’s space-time. HYPOTHESIS FORMALISM Being: ds2 = -c2dt2 + dx1 2 + dx2 2 + dx3 2 (1) The distance measurements of Minkowski’s space-time (Stephani, 2004), that in tensor form is: ds2 =dx  dx Where c is the speed of light in the vacuum and: -10 0   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 If Wick’s rotation is applied (tw= i t), with the special condition that Lorentz’s group is compatible with the Euclidean metric4, then we have as result the following metric structure: 3 Cuantex model. 4 The reasoning of this condition will be seen in section 1.3. ds2 = c2dt2 + dx1 2 + dx2 2 + dx3 2 + dx4 2 (2) Which in tensor form: ds2 =dxU UV dxV Where: 10 0 0  UV  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lorentz’s group connection in this Euclidean metric and its four-vectors in x1-x2-x3-x4. This development was made apart from the ct dimension in the metric of the expression (2). The following figure 1 shows the connection of Minkowski’s coordenate axes rotation5 with the metric (2): Figure 1. Connection of the rotating space-time axes of Minkowski with the metric of the expression (2). Notice that, it is only feasible to represent the dimensions x1, ict and x4. As you can see, the invariant in the rotating space-time axes of Minkowski correspond themselves with the absence of effective rotation of the axe x4, since this axe rotates only around itself. Keeping in consideration only ict, x1 and x4, it was found that the coordinate transforming matrix, for this system, is: cos sin 0 sincos (3) 0 0 1 Where: is the complex angle for a reference frame rotates with respect of the other in Minkowski’s space- time, cos = 1 / (1-v2/c2)1/2, sin= i(v/c) / (1-v2/c2)1/2 and v is the speed of the frame of reference in relative movement (along x1) in respect of the one in relative rest. 5 Do not confuse with Wick’s rotation.
  • 3. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) J. Phys. Astron. Res. 081 Coordinates transformation in the system (ict, x1, x4) and four-vector of displacement in x1-x2-x3-x4. When applying the transformation coordinates of the expressions (3) we found the following result6: x1´ = (x1-vt)/(1-v2 /c2 )1/2  ict´= i(ct-x1v/c) /(1-v2 /c2 )1/2 (4) x4´= x4 We can appreciate that the transformations for x1´ and ict´ are the same of the space-time of Minkowski. On the other hand, the four-vector of a particle’s displacement observed in the space x1-x4, it was reasoned7 that the component for x4 needed to have the same magnitude of the invariant interval in the space-time of Minkowski and we obtained:  x = x1 i + ct/  The infinitesimal form for the space x1-x2-x3-x4 is: dx = dx1 i + dx2 j + dx3k +cdt/ Where i, j, k and  are unit vectors, = 1/(1-u2/c2)1/2 and u is the speed of the observed particle. This and the following four-vectors are spatial and should not be confused with the common four-vectors of space- time. Four-vector of velocity in x1-x2-x3-x4 Of the expression (5-B) the following four-vector U was deducted for the velocity of a particle observed in the space x1-x2-x3-x4: U = u1 i + u2 j + u3 k + c/  (6-A) When squaring the magnitude of this four-vector, it results: |U |2 = c2 This states that the magnitude of the four-vector of velocity U is the speed of light, in other words, the particle with rest mass is a photon transiting in the fourth spatial dimension. This conclusion will be taken up later. 6 An alternate way to get to the same result, it is through the reference frame translation x1´-x4´ respect of x1-x4, when the ict dimension is eliminated in the coordinate system of the figure 1. Figure 2: Representation in the plane x1-x4 of the four- vector of velocity U, which can also be called C because it is the same speed of light in a vacuum.  is the angle between said vector and the x1 axis. Based on the component for x4 of the expression (6-A) and the component on x4 of Figure 2, the following equation is valid: c/csen From which it follows that: 1/sen And therefore (5-B) can be rewritten as: dx = dx1 i + dx2 j + dx3k +cdt sin Where  is the angle formed between the vector x or dx and the axe x1 (the direction of 4D-motion). This symbol must not be confused with Lorentz velocity factor β=v/c, in fact, in this document  means inverse cosine of v/c. On the other hand, (6-A) can be rewritten as: U = u1 i + u2 j + u3 k +c sen  (6-B) Four-momentum in x1-x2-x3-x4 When applying the transformation matrix (3) to the linear momentum measured by the two frames of reference for x1-ict and x1´-ict´ in the system of the figure 1 and reasoning that the component of the lineal moment in x4 should have the same magnitude of the invariant space- time of Minkowski, the following four-vector was obtained for the linear moment in x1-x2-x3-x4: P = m0u1i + m0u2j + m0u3k +m0c Where mo is mass in rest of the observed particle. 7 Reasoning based on the existing correspondence between the invariance of the rotation of axes of the space time of Minkowski and the absence of rotation of the axis x4.
  • 4. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) Alcerro-Mena 082 Four-vector of current density When applying the transformation matrix (3) to the current density measured by the frames of reference for x1-ict and x1´-ict´ in system of figure 1 and reasoning that the component in x4 of the current density should have the same magnitude of the invariant in the space-time of Minkowski, the following four-vector of current density was obtained for x1-x2-x3-x4: cj1 i + j2 j + j3k c Where and  are the volumetric density of electric charge in motion and resting respectively and j1, j2 and j3 are the current densities in x1, x2, and x3 respectively. Space time topology and cuantex model of the elementary particle All of the above proposed the following physical- mathematical properties: (A) It was found that when u=0 and therefore  is /2 in the expressions (6-A) and (6-B), then U = c(and generally when squared the magnitude of the four- vector 6-A result |U|2 = c2 ), which takes us to the conclusion that all elementary8 particle with mass at rest is a photon in the space defined by the metric (2). And where u = c cos. The implicit reasoning9 in the conclusion above deducted that the topology in space –time results to be M4 x S1, this is a Cartesian product between an Euclidean space-time M4 (the first four dimensions, ct-x1-x2-x3, of the metric 2) and a circle S1 (the fifth dimension, x4, of the metric 2) of radius R. This is to have a cylindrical space-time, where for the metric (2) dx4 = RdBeing dthe angular infinitesimal displacement around the cylinder and where -2< < 2In other words, the dimension x4 is compact (see figure 4). (B) Since all particle with mass at rest m0 must be treated as a photon that moves through the cylindrical surface defined by M4 x S1, then it was found that the length of the trajectory of any elementary particle, in M3x S1 (x1-x2-x3-R), is defined by : ∫(𝑑𝑥1 2 + 𝑑𝑥2 2 + 𝑑𝑥3 2 + 𝑅2 𝑑𝜃2 )( 1 2 ) = 𝑐 ∫ 𝒅𝒕 (9) Where – Infinite < < + Infinite. (S1 it is rolled up, but the orthogonal nature is the same as if it were an extended dimension). And therefore in M4 x S1 by: 21/2 c ∫ dt = ∫ dL (10) 8 One of the reasons why the reference is to elementary particles, is that photons are elementary particles. 9 If all elementary particle with mass at rest in the ordinary space, is equivalent to a photon going through the dimension x4, then this dimension should be compact, so that this particle keeps its existence Notice that the photons of the ordinary tridimensional space M3 (the commonly known) it has to be =0 and therefore d= 0, thus they do not go through the dimension x4= R. (C) With the intension to define the value of R, the path (world line) of the equivalent photons were visualized over the cylindrical space M3xS1 (by simplicity the temporal dimension was omitted), as if they were on an extended equivalent plane (see figure 3). When you assume this, then the periodicity over S1 of the photon’s path, was replaced by a continuous emission of equivalent photons of a same elementary particle. On this basis, it was easy to calculate the wavelength  (distance between two flat waves) of these photons, giving as result:  = h (1-u2 /c2 )1/2 /m0c = h / (γm0c) (11) Where h is the Planck constant. Here it is supposed10 that = h/p, where p is the lineal moment of the photon. The perimeter of S1 must match the wavelength of the equivalent photon of the particle observed when in rest, by which if it is supposed u = 0 then: R = u=0  Therefore: R= (1/2) (h/m0c) (12) This means that the radius R of the cylinder circumference must depend of the mass at rest of the elementary particle observed. This is so that each type of elementary particle, according to its mass at rest, must exist a proper cylindrical Surface, but keeping the space-time M4 in common. Figure 3: Equivalent extended space to M3 xS1 (x1-x2-x3-R), that shows two fronts of flat waves of the equivalent photon of an elementary particle with mass at rest, which has a lineal moment P, and a wavelength . This also shows a geometrical interpretation of the wavelength of De Broglie DB of the elementary particle with mass at rest. (although instantaneously and intermittently) in the ordinary space x1-x2- x3. 10 Although it is not shown here, this relation and the constant of Planck may be rigorously deducted in this proposed model.
  • 5. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) J. Phys. Astron. Res. 083 (E) Graphic interpretation of the cylindrical space proposed. The following figure 4 illustrates a segment of the path of the equivalent photon of any elementary particle: A B Figure 4: Representation of M3xS1 where only x1-R (that is x1-x4) is shown. (A) Angular view. (B) Transverse view, here the vertical and horizontal axes refer to the geometry of the circle Observations: (1) For this illustration it is supposed that the spatial displacement, of the elementary particle, is only in the axe x1. However, its equivalent photon should also have a trip in S1, it means the compact axe x4. (2) Notice in figure 4-A that commonly a fourth spatial axe would be noticed as extended (pointed lines), but this model refers to a rolled up or compact as it is seen in the figure. (3) The trip of the equivalent photon (drawn as an arrow) is made on a cylindrical surface. RESULTS AND PREDICTIONS OF THE CUANTEX MODEL OF AN ELEMENTARY PARTICLE Wavelength of De Broglie explained by this cuantex model At applying a simple geometrical analysis on an extended equivalent plane to M3xS1 (x1-x2-x3-R in figure 3 and assuming an angle between the equivalent photons direction and M3 (this is that the elementary particle equivalent to these photons, is in movement), then the formation of a composed triangle rectangle by three sides can be verified (see the zoom): the wavelength of the equivalent photons, a flat wave front of the equivalent photons and, forming an angle with the first one, the wavelength of De Broglie DB. This last one results to be the length between the flat waves fronts of the equivalent photons, but measured in M3. It can be verified that from the analysis of this triangle it is obtained that: DB = / cos  And therefore DB = h (1-u2 /c2 )1/2 /(m0 u) = h /(γm0 u) Where u is the speed of the particle. Notice that this expression is the same for the wave length of De Broglie, however, it only applies to elementary particles, unlike what the current theory assumes since Louis V. de Broglie (De Broglie, 1924). This is because replacing mo, in that expression, by the total mass of a composite particle would imply the existence of its own compact dimension, calculated by the expression (12). All this implies the observable fact that, if the wavelength of a composite particle was accurately measured, then it would be observed that it does not exactly match the de Broglie wavelength. Particle-antiparticle annihilation explained by cuantex model Consider the following ratios dx4/dx = dp4/dp = cc= -sin This is now combined to expressions (7), (8) and (5-B) respectively: -m0c / P = (-cdt sin) / dx = -cc= -sin Where P, dx and care the magnitudes of the corresponding four-vectors. This suggests that the change of signal in the charge, implies to change the sense to the component of the fourth axis in the four-momentum (7) it also involves a change in the sense for the displacement of the photon along S1. Considering this, and if we proceed to verify what happens when an electron (e-) collides against its antiparticle, the positron (e+), being these the negative and positive charge and if we suppose the movement of the equivalent photons only on the axis x1 and x4=Rand on opposite senses (in the axis x4 due to opposite charges) therefore the following system of equation of momentum and energy is deduced (before and after the collision): x1 axis Pe - i1 - Pe + i1 = Pe - f1 - Pe + f1 = 0 x4 axis Pe - i4 - Pe + i4 = Pe - f 4 - Pe + f 4 = 0 Energy ((Pe - i1)2+(Pe - i4)2)1/2c + ((Pe + i1)2+(Pe + i4)2)1/2c = ((Pe - f1)2+(Pe - f 4)2 )1/2c + ((Pe + f1)2+(Pe + f 4)2 )1/2c Where Pe - i1, Pe + i1,Pe - f1 y Pe + f1 are the components on the axis x1 of the four-momentum initial and final for the equivalent photons from the positron and the electron respectively; Pe - i4, Pe + i4,Pe - f4 and Pe + f4 are the four- momentum first and final in the axis x4 of the equivalent photons from the electron and positron respectively. It is observed that the system permits the solution where: Pe - f 4 = Pe + f 4 = 0 Which implies the reaction: e- + e+  + Here symbolizes the ordinary space photon M3.
  • 6. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) Alcerro-Mena 084 This expresses that the result of the collision is the two contained photons (gamma rays) in the tridimensional ordinary space, storing all the initial energy, something that is experimentally observed (and it is also predicted by the current physics). Intrinsic magnetic moment from the electron explained by cuantex model Something interesting from the structure of this particle model, is that the path from the equivalent photon of a particle with reposed mass, through de S1, implies a fixed and determined angular moment that does not disappear although this particle is in repose on the ordinary space x1-x2-x3. On the electron case, the value of the magnetic moment can be obtained, if the following aspects are considered: (a) The magnetic momentum for an “I” current around the A area, is given by: = I A (b) The identity generally used for the total charge density is:  = n e Where “n” is the number of electrons per volume unit and “e” is the electric charge of an electron. (c ) When the electron is reposed, the expression (8) has the following form: c= c0 This is the current density of the equivalent photon, when the electron is in repose. (d) The rotation radius of the equivalent photon is the same R radius, which validity is given by the expression (12). Therefore, at mixing these four expressions, the following intrinsic magnetic momentum from the electron is obtained: = e h_   m0 This is the same expression for the magnetic moment of the electron intrinsic spin, foretold by the relativist quantum physics. Notice that the signal is positive or negative depending the value of the charge and, therefore, the path sense of the equivalent photon on S1. If the case of moving electron is analyzed, then we get to the conclusion that this magnetic moment stays fixed. Dilatation of proper time explained by the cuantex model By making the expression (5-B) correspond with (9) and figure 4, it is obtained: ∫ 𝑑𝑥4 = 𝑐/𝛾 ∫ 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑅 ∫ 𝑑𝜃 = 𝑛(2𝜋𝑅) Where “n” is the number of crosses the equivalent photon of the elementary particle has in the ordinary space x1-x2- x3. The above expression can be rewritten as follows:  = t / = R /c= n(2R)/c (13) Where is the proper time of the observed elementary particle. This means that  = n(2R)/c is the proper time of the elementary particle with mass at rest and corresponds to the frequency of crosses with the ordinary space x1-x2-x3, of the equivalent photon of the particle mentioned, composes its temporal flow. It was deducted from here that the time dilatation from a particle moving at vi, velocity, it is the fact that this crossing frequency with the ordinary space x1-x2-x3 is reduced, due to the  angle takes different values of /2, since 1/= sen. In figure 4, the crossing with x1-x2-x3 will be given when the path of the photon intercept the x1 axis Uncertainty principle explained by the cuantex model Consider the following aspects: (A) If in the expression (13) it is assumed that n = 1, then it follows that any elementary particle representative of any clock is associated with a period of time T0: T0 = h/(m0c2) It is the sensitivity or the minimum uncertainty in the measurement of time, because on that period the matter of the clock is not registering events in the tridimensional ordinary space, because its equivalent photons is not having contact with the ordinary space x1-x2-x3. In the case represented by figure 4 this last is illustrated, but for the equivalent photon of a moving particle on x1. (B) According to quantum physics, any energy measurement of a system can finally be reduced to the frequency measurement of the waves associated to that quantum system (Serway, 2002). Considering that and proceeding to calculate the energy that is measured, from a reference frame added to a clock, to a wave that intercepts the location of that clock, then the following results are obtained: (1) The time interval t taken to measure the wave frequency, is given by: t = nT0. Where n is a whole number. (2) The frequency (fwave) of the wave in study is: fwave = (s/n) m0 c2 /h
  • 7. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) J. Phys. Astron. Res. 085 Where m0 is the reposed mass from the representative elementary particle of the clock and s is the number of cycles or waves that are registered during the t time. (3) From that it derives that the energy of the wave is given by: Ewave = (s/n) E0 Which can be rewritten as: Ewave = E0/n + E0/n + E0/n +…+ E0/n It means, the sum of s times E0/n. (4) The previous series means that E0/n is the sensibility or the uncertainty in the measurement of energy from any wave, or along a time interval t = nT0. (5) If this uncertainty in the energy measurement is called Em= E0/n and the identities are conveniently replaced, then we have that: Em t = h It is the minimum uncertainty in the energy measurement of a wave and therefore any E energetic uncertainty will be: E t > h Which is the same uncertainty principle for the energy measurement used by the quantum physics. Notice that if T0=0, then we have not discrete, but continuous, registration of the elapsed time, in that case, there would not exist an unavoidable minimum uncertainty in the energy measurement from any system. Higgs field explained by the cuantex model The topology of S1 implies a field of central force that is in function of R and where the force of its magnitude FH can be obtained if the following aspects are considered: (a) A definition of force is: F = dpx/dt i + dpy/dt j Where i and j are unitary vectors of the x and y axis respectively, px and py are the components in x and y respectively, from the P momentum of the equivalent photon (b) The component of the momentum in the equivalent photon that interferes in this calculation is the one of the projection from the total moment of the photon, on the transversal section of the cylinder in figure 4-B, this is P4 (see figure 4-B). (c) The angle that forms p4 with the axis x is where is the angle of rotation on S1. See figure 4-B. (d) From the expression (11), it is p4= h/λ. From the previous it is deduced that the magnitude of F is: FH = c h / (2R2 ) (14) Or also: FH = 2 mo 2c3 / (h) This field force corresponds to the called Higgs field from the particles standard model. This is that if a photon does not enter in S1 then it is perceived as an ordinary space photon, it means that Higgs field does not interact with it. But if a photon travels to S1 then it is perceived as a particle with reposed mass from the ordinary space which reposed mass is obtained from the expression (12), this is a particle that interacts with Higgs field. On the other hand, FH does not manifest itself as force on the ordinary space but as something underlying the mass from the elementary particles. Four-force of the cuantex model The four-vector of force F4R of the space-time of Minkowski is given by: F4R = F1 i + F2 j + F3 k + iF1 (u/c)  Where F1, F2 and F3 are the components in x1, x2 and x3 respectively,  is the corresponding unit vector to the axis ict and x1 is the axis of motion. When applying the transformation matrix (3) to this relativistic four-vector of force and reasoning that the component of the four-vector of force of the cuantex model in x4 should have the same magnitude of the invariant in the space-time of Minkowski, the following four-vector F was obtained for x1-x2-x3-x4: F = F1i + F2j + F3k + (F1 2 /2 +F2 2 +F3 2 )1/2  CONCLUSIONS AND EXPERIMENTAL PREDICTIONS (1) The present work is the only one in all the literature of theoretical physics that models the elementary particle with mass at rest, as a photon traveling a compact fifth dimension. There have only been a few approaches to the idea, for example, according to J.G. Williamson and M.B. Van der Mark (1997), the electron can be modeled as a photon confined in a space with toroidal topology, and however, that space would always be within the three dimensions of ordinary space. On the other hand, F. G. Arregui (1989) proposed that any elementary particle with mass at rest can be modeled as a packet of energy rotating in a compact axis, however, this particle was not treated as a photon but as an entity called "energion", besides that said compact axis was temporary and non- spatial. This means that the Cuantex model is a whole land to be explored.
  • 8. Euclidean Equivalent of Minkowski’s Space-Time Theory and the Corresponding Model of Elementary Particles (“Cuantex” Model) Alcerro-Mena 086 (2) Considering that the quantum theory of fields assigns a particle for each considered force field, therefore from the expression (14) it is deduced that there must exist an particle associated to the field of this force, from the exposed on the previous section, this particle must be Higgs boson. (4) This elementary particle model proposed, predicts that the movement inside the tridimensional ordinary space of an elementary particle, with reposed mass, is given through “jumps” (as consequence from the equivalent photon trip on S1), in such way that the length between these jumps is given by: d = ____h u_____ m0 c2 (1-u2 /c2 )1/2 This results from including the factors u and and also assuming that n = 1 in expression (13). This is that with n = 1, the corpuscular absence of the elementary particle with mass at rest, is modeled in the ordinary three- dimensional space. Now, for an electron each one of these spatial intervals will be of 1 (nm) when it keeps a velocity corresponding 99.99970611% from the one of the light and which is related to the injection of a kinetic energy of 3.36894484x10-11 joules. Up to date there is already enough technology to access an experimental verification of this scale, however the means used that show the “prints” of the electron must be refined so that the diameter of these, does not match or precisely overcome the length of the space that corresponds the period of absence from that particle, which is exactly what would be in search for verification. (4) From the four-vector force of the cuantex model, expression (16), it derives the four-vector impulse of the cuantex model. This implies that the model predicts the experimental possibility to transmute the elementary particles through the component in x4 from some four- vector impulse resulting, due to the modification of the mass at rest of the particle affected as long as this connects to any radius R (expression 12) existing in the Cosmos. At the moment this is written, the author of this article is in patenting process of a system that would show its conclusion and, therefore the validity of this whole theory. (5) According to Overduin and Wesson (1998), the five dimension theory from Kaluza-Klein was mainly abandoned because it assigns reposed mass values m0highly elevated to loaded particles as the electron. This happens because in that theory, the mass is inversely proportional to the radius values from the compact dimension. Related to this, it is very important to observe that in this proposed model for an equivalent photon, the compact dimension radius R, given by the expression (12), also keeping an inverse relationship with m0, however, it permits mass values in the order of the ones observed in reality, due to factor h (Planck’s constant), which are very reduced. (6) Although it is not shown in this document, it is possible to get to the same equivalent photon model from a different analysis made on the special relativity and the hypothesis of De Broglie. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To Arbab Ibrahim Arbab, Ph.D, for his endorsement. The reviewers of this work, who kindly suggested improvements. REFERENCES De Broglie L.V. (1924), “Recherches sur la théorie des quanta”, Ann. de Phys., 10e serie. F. G. Arregui (1989), Los cuatro principios metaempíricos del ser material: en las fronteras de la física”, Newbook, 1997, ISBN: 8489648336, 9788489648333. Lide D. R. ed. (2009),´´CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics´´ 89th Edition (Internet Version). CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 6-8. Liu Chien-Hao (1997), ´´Remarks on the Geometry of Wick Rotation in QFT and its Localization on Manifolds´´, arXiv:hep-th/9707196v1. Overduin J.M. and Wesson P.S. (1998), ´´Kaluza-Klein Gravity´´, arXiv:gr-qc/9805018v1. Serway R. (2002), “Physics for scientists and engineers”, Pag. 1329, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 970-10- 3580-1. Stephani H. (2004), ´´An introduction to special and general relativity´´, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 10: 0521010691 / ISBN 13: 9780521010696 Williamson J.G. and Van der Mark M.B. (1997), “Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology?”, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 22, no.2, 133 (1997). Accepted 19 July 2018 Citation: Alcerro-Mena JC (2018). Euclidean equivalent of Minkowski’s space-time theory and the corresponding model of elementary particles (“cuantex” model). Journal of Physics and Astronomy Research, 4(1): 079-086. Copyright: © 2018 Alcerro-Mena. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and the source are cited.