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The Best Day Of My Life Essay
Thinking back on an event or a day that I would entitle the best day of my life was more of a
challenge because to me I feel I had so many, but there was this one day that kept haunting my
brain, not letting me suppress it. The memory of my 16th birthday. Now I know you may wonder
why I choose this particular day to be my top choice out my 17 years of life, but it was just
something about this time that makes it different than any other ordinary day.
It all started early morning on the twenty–sixth day of May 2016, when my mom came into my room
and sung to me the "black version" of the birthday song. After, listening and laughing at her belt out
her high notes for a song that is primarily sung in a low to more content...
As I was observing my new phone, my eyes started to become full of tears of joy, because I was
asking for this gift for the longest but she would never budge to buy it for me, not knowing she
was just waiting for the perfect time to give to me. At this point my day could not get any better
than this. Still yet, her work wasn't done! She rushed me out of the house and drove two hours
and 32 minutes to be exact towards our destination, Myrtle Beach. On our ride there we did your
normal car dues such as karaoke where we would assign each other's parts to sing, we even took
pleasure at laughing at people's facial expressions as they passed by. There was also a point when
we participated in a stoplight race, which by the way was 100 percent safe, because we just wanted
to see whose car had the fastest takeoff.
Now that we were just an hour away from where we were going we stopped at a little corner store
on the edge of Tuberville to gas up and buy some snacks since we were getting hungry. As I was
walking towards the store with $30.00 in hand, I saw a little glare from the ground. Nearing the
suspicious flash, I bent down and right beside the broken glass was $200.00
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The Best Day Of My Life
There are many times in one's life in which one day can considered to be the best day of their life.
The phrase is often used, "This is the best day ever!" I too have used the phrase once or twice. But
the one time that I consider the best day ever was the moment I took a trip to the Keys. It was
amazing, I honestly have never had that much fun and it's a time I'm going to remember for the
rest of my life. If I could go back and do it over, I would, in a heartbeat.
Let me start by saying, who doesn't enjoy a getaway? It's so nice to get away from all your
worries and stress. Spending some quality time with your loved ones really makes you realize how
much time you never get to spend with them. In a way, it makes you want to spend even more time
with them. In that moment of my life, I was so caught up with school, and sports. I barely got to
spend any time with my family. So, when I heard my mother had planned a one–week trip to the
Keys, I was so excited! Not only was I going to the Keys with my family, my cousin and best friend
in the whole entire world, Emely, and her family was also coming along with us.
Besides the fact that we were stuck sitting in the car for a whole seven hours, it was worth it once
we got to the Keys. My family rented out a condo which included a huge outdoor pool along with a
hot jacuzzi with a beautiful view of the beach which was right across the street from where we
were staying. I had never seen a view so beautiful. The air was so fresh and the environment was
so peaceful. As soon as we arrived, we got situated into our condos. Soon after that, we were quick
to jump into our swimsuits and straight into the pool. My cousin, Emely and I were jumping in and
out of the pool and then into the jacuzzi. The first night there was already amazing. I was so
excited to see what else our parents had in mind, for more fun had yet to come.
The next morning, we got up bright and early. I remember my mom telling us all to pack our
swimsuits and towels with a change of clothes. We ate and then we all got into the car. My dad
started driving us to a place filled with boats. Curious to know why we were pulling up to a place
like this. We got out with all of our belongings
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My Best Day Of My Life
Can't wait, it's going to be my biggest day of my life. Thursday yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Dad walk in
and asked "why are you so excited?"
I said, "It's going to be the best day in the world"
He asked "What school?" I told him "Oh it's tomorrow after school." But now I have to wait until
tomorrow for the Nascar race. I walk down stair and mom asks me have you been studying, then I
answered "yes" but, I was lying, she told me I had to pass the math test tomorrow to go to the
Nascar race after school. Hi, I'm bob Jr and i'm not realy smart but people think i'm smart because i
look like a nered and only have a couple frind like billy but i'm going to the Nascar race with billy
but he really, realy, realy, realy need to pass that math text . well i'm going down stair thup tap the
up the stair are really old then I saw whisky my dog I yelled WHISKY and he darted straight at me.
He jumps up and landed in my arms , I said he the best dog ever. Going down stair and dad said you
better pass that math text or else you can't go to the Nascar race with billy. At school Bob Jr and
billy met up at their locker and they both said "can you help me". We need really, really good help.
"Ooll we should help each other." "good idea," ok what 9+20=39 right what 9+10=21 ya but we
need someone that smart who can help us. Because I do not have a clue about math. Maybe we
should ask sally the smartest person in class, but won't that be weird because we will be studying
with a girl, no
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The Day Of The Best Days Of My Life
This summer was possibly, no, most definitely the greatest in all my sixteen years of existence.
Although I moved into a completely new town, my friends from back home still gave me three of
the best days of my life. My friends and I waited all year for summer to come, and once it did, we
were ready to have the greatest adventures of our lives, and believe me, we did. The air was hot,
the water was warm, and we didn't put just put our feet in the pool of summer; we dived right in.
The "day of the balloons," the Fourth of July, and my Sweet 16 were three of the most amazing
days of my 2013 summer experience. I woke up at about noon on "the day of the balloons"
because I had fell asleep at about the crack of dawn. Unfortunately, I awoke to sheets being torn
off me with the kind of force that one might rip off a band aid. My best friend, Maria, stood above
me and clapped her hands as if she'd just received some spectacular news, but it turned out she had
just figured out how to make her first meal. I later found out the meal was eggs and bacon; I
congratulated her on the... accomplishment. I rolled out of bed, fell, but managed to get up
without anyone seeing, my pride still intact. We got ready for the day, I vaguely remember my
outfit, but do remember Maria was wearing a white dress; she looked somewhat like a fairy
princess, and come to think of it, she always looks like a fairy princess. We sat and contemplated
our plans for the day, and after much contemplation, we
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My Best Days Of My Life
Wednesday, December 16th, or as I like to call it, one of the best days of my life. Is it clichГ© to
call my first concert experience one of the best days of my life? Probably. But it was just such a
surreal experience. I went to go see The 1975 at Club Nokia in Los Angeles, California. My best
friend knew that I had never been to a concert before, so on my Birthday she gave me tickets to go
see The 1975 as a gift. I had been looking forward to the concert for months, and when the day
finally came, I felt both nervous and excited to go see one of my favorite bands. The 1975 is an
alternative rock/indie rock/pop music band who I had heard of due to another band that decided to
cover one of their songs. The first song I heard was called "Medicine." It was two in the morning
and I was driving to Arizona. Such a beautiful song, something about it was almost therapeutic for
me. I fell in love with it instantly. After my trip to Arizona, I finally had time to do my research. I
listened to The 1975's entire discography and they immediately became one of my favorite bands. I
was glad that The 1975 would be my first concert experience ever.
It was a cold Wednesday morning, I woke up at around six and waited for my friends to pick me up
so we could go eat breakfast at IHOP before we made our way to Los Angeles. Upon arrival we
decided to make a few stops before heading to the venue. We decided to do some shopping at The
Grove. Being the huge book nerd that I am, I of course had to
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Narrative Essay On Field Trip
The rain was beginning to slack up, but the wind was blowing at ten miles per hour. I thought this
was going to be one of the best days of my life. I remember telling my parents, three weeks in
advance that I was going on a field trip with my class to the Memphis zoo and I would like for
them both to come. I was so excited the night before the field trip, I couldn't stop thinking about
all the animals I wanted to see and take pictures of. Unfortunately, my mother had to work the day
of the field trip and my father had been sick with the flu for nearly two weeks. I was very
disappointed that my parents couldn't make the field trip with me and my classmates. All my
classmates' parents attended the field trip except of Kyle parents. Kyle hardly talked to anyone in
the class, including Mr. Jefferson who was absent the day of the field trip. Mr. Jefferson was tall and
built like a professional football player. In class he talks a lot about his college experience at Ohio
State University, where he played college football for four years and earned his bachelor degree in
Education. I remember this because he would always wear his Ohio State Buckeyes sweatshirt on
Fridays. The day of the field trip was on a Friday, so I was looking forward to Mr. Jefferson wearing
his Buckeyes sweatshirt, but he was absent, instead we had a substitute teacher for his replacement.
Her name was Miss. Taylor, she wasn't as tall as Mr. Jefferson, but she was nicer. She passed out
stickers and gave
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Best Day of my Life Essay
Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from
being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones
that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my
drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I
received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received
from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never
forget. Just knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the
open sky with no real place to go, just a desire more content...
My drivers' license brought me great feelings and let me do more with my life than I could ever
do before. As well as giving me those feelings and that type of freedom, having my drivers' license
opened up a new image of the community for me. I could see more of the city, gain experience
with directions and I could improve my driving abilities all with my drivers' license. I also became
very interested in the way the automobile works and eventually looking more into what makes it
go faster. Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed
gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made
the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the
drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest
of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this
new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up
such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers'
license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings,
experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but
the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive
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The Most Important Day Of My Life
The Next Step
Throughout my life, there were many days that were significant; however there is only one day
that stands from the rest. The most important day of my life is the day I graduated high school.
Graduating high school was an emotional day because I felt prepared to exit one stage of my life
and optimistic for the next step in my life.
The day I graduated high school is the most important day of my life because I experienced a
euphoric feeling. The excessive weight on my shoulders was released and I felt relieved.
Throughout high school, I endured many sleepless nights due to homework that piled up because I
was horrible at time–management. Also, procrastination always got the best of me and I spent
many late nights drinking coffee to stay awake in order to study for quizzes and finals. High school
definitely challenged me and I developed into a new version of myself after I graduated. My
graduation day was a rollercoaster of emotions because I was anxious on the drive to school
because of the tremendous amount of traffic. Naturally, stress came over me as I was about to
arrive late to my own graduation. Truthfully, I was running late because I spent so much time
straightening my thick, curly hair and applying makeup. After I applied some dark pink eyeshadow
throughout my eyelids using a soft synthetic brush, I quickly applied a muted pink lipstick and
rushed out of my room. Unfortunately, the time I spent applying my makeup was wasted because as
soon as I
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The Best Day Of My Life
There are many times in one's life in which can be considered to be the best day of
anyone's life. The phrase is often used, "This is the best day ever!" I too have used the phrase
once or twice. But the one time that I consider the best day ever was the moment I took a trip
to the Keys. It was amazing, I honestly have never had that much fun, it's a time I'm going to
remember for the rest of my life. If I could go back and do it over, I would, in a
Let me start by saying, who doesn't enjoy a getaway? It's so nice to get away from all your
worries and stress. Spending some quality time with your loved ones really makes you
realize how much time you never get to spend with them. In a way it makes you want to
spend even more time with them. In that moment of my life, I was so caught up
with school, and sports. I barely got to spend any time with my family. So, when I heard my
mother had planned a one–week trip to the keys, I was so excited! Not only was I going to the
Keys with my family, my cousin and best friend in the whole entire world was also
coming along with us and her family.
Besides the fact that we were stuck sitting in the car for a whole seven hours, it was worth
it once we got to the Keys. My family rented out a condo which included a huge outdoor
pool along with a hot Jacuzzi with a beautiful view of the beach which was right across the
street from where we were staying. I had never seen a view so beautiful. The air was so
fresh and the environment was so peaceful. As soon as we arrived, we got situated into
our condos. Soon after that, we were quick to jump into our swimsuits and straight into the pool. My
cousin, Emely, and I were jumping in and out of the pool and then into the Jacuzzi.
The first night there was already amazing, I was so excited to see what else our parents had in
mind. For more fun had yet to come.
The next morning, we got up bright and early. I remember my mom telling us all to pack
our swimsuits and towels with a change of clothes. We ate and we all got into the car. My
dad started driving us to a place filled with boats. Curious as to know why we were pulling
up to a place like
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The Best Day Of My Life Essay
The best day of my life became the worst in a split instant. November 11, 2016; remember the day
in and day out. It started from an early morning of excitement because it was the first round of
football playoffs , and our team had a very good season and were ready to make it far into playoffs. I
was involved in student council and I attended every game. Taping gigantic posters and cheering
the boys on from the sidelines was what I loved most. I got to school in the early morning to help
ensure everything was ready for the playoff game. As I went to class to class I realized finally I
made it to the end of the day. Before every game the flag runners and sponsors would go out to eat a
pre–game meal.
After getting super full and several corny jokes later it was time to get ready to load up the buses.
Getting the mascot , the run through , flags plus the poles , rally towels and our cooler was really
a chore. We shared the bus with cheerleaders and being a past cheerleader I had a relationship with
the team. We loaded the bus with much confidence and joy as we were on the way to Keller Central
High School. As the 45 minute drive took longer than expect due to traffic , I received a text from
my boss at the time , Mr.Wayne. I worked at the Dry Cleaners Super Center near Bowie and I
worked everyday except Fridays & Sundays. " Where are you , you were suppose to be here at
3:00pm , what happened ?" . I told my boss about the playoffs coming up the week before , but he
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Best Day of My Life Essay
Best Day of My Life
I remember that day well. It was just another match day at the coliseum but this was different
because that day I was going. I woke early that day with anticipation. I raced down the stairs
putting my clothes on as I went even though I knew that the battle wasn't on for another two
hours. I could see that day would be a day I would never forget because crowds of people were
already walking past the door, there had never been that amount of people that early before. A truck
rolled past carrying bloodthirsty tigers which was heading for the abnormally large arena, I thought
these must be for another battle but I was later proved wrong.
I joined the bloodthirsty, more content...
I quickly took my seat because the stadium was filling up fast. The music was already playing so I
knew the action was about to begin. The stadium was filled with people all here to witness this
spectacular event. Many people were wearing red gowns and giant silk scarf's, it looked like a sea
of red. I could smell freshly baked bread, I didn't know why though. At one point I had to cover my
ears with the sheer volume coming from the impatient crowd.
The animal hunt was up first, I had only ever heard about this, I had never actually seen it. Ten
people where put in with a pack of wild bears they were only given one sword each, they where
totally hopeless because the ripped them apart. It was quite enjoyable because they were only slaves.
Now was the time I was waiting for, Caesar came out and introduced the big match and gave us a
big surprise, he got his servants to throw out bread and fruit from a cart. This must have been
what I could smell earlier. I caught an apple many people lost out though. Luckily it tasted nice
because I was hungry. Tigras came out on a horse drawn carriage pulled by 4 horse decorated with
flowers, the crowd went silent obviously the crowd supported Maximus. A short time later Maximus
casually strolled out the crowd went wild knocking the apple straight out of my hand. Maximus
waved to us all he was a true
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Best Day of My Life Essay
Our lives are surprising. We can't always predict what will happen to us, and what will have a
profound impact on our future. Time is liquid, spilling between our fingers as we try to hold on to
it. Significant moments of our own journey through the time we were given, mark us in a
distinguished ways. Some scar us because of the traumatic events, inflicting pain and breaking our
spirit. Other moments we hold on to dearly in our hearts and cherish, for the happiness they brought
us. As humans we are more likely to remember the happy times.
It is difficult to pin point what day was exactly the happiest in my life. Was it the day I met my
future husband? The day I married him? Or the day I became a mother? All of these were extremely more content...
It was just a regular dinner, or so I thought. But that evening, Pavel presented me with a beautiful
ring and asked me to become his wife. I accepted and we began planning our wedding.
Pavel originally came from Southern Highlands of Poland. Polish Highlander's share Polish
patriotism, however they have their own dialect and customs. We decided we will observe
Highland customs at our wedding. Pavel and I decided to wed in October, since Autumn is my
favorite time of year. After a year of planning and preparing The Day had finally arrived. Both my
parents flew to Chicago from Poland to help us celebrate. This was a truly a special day for me. I
felt like a princess. I had the most beautiful, white wedding gown with long train, veil, angelic
make–up and my hair was braided in an intricate up–do. Indeed, this was my day.
Before we set off for church, we came to see our parents for blessing. Per Polish Highlander's
tradition, we both knelt in front of Pavel and mine parents as they blessed us and sprinkled the top
of our heads with Holy Water, while the Highland's Folk Band played on their instruments ancient
wedding songs.
The Church was magnificent, dressed in white ribbons and flower's fragrance permeating the air
inside it. The soft light of the candles radiated throughout the church from the altar. Polish Priest,
who wed Pavel and I, honored Pavel's heritage and wore old Polish Highlander's clothing reserved
for occasions such as
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One hot and sunny day my parents, little brother, and I wanted to get out of the house. So we
decided to got to the park and play on the playground. It was so hot outside that we were sweating
just from standing but it was a great day. Not only was it was a great day but it was also a great day
because it was the day I was going to ask my parents if we could get a dog. I was so excited to ask
that I was getting goosebumps. I began to walk towards my parents and when I reached them I
asked the question." Can we get a dog please?" Both my mama and dad looked at each other and
said one day we will be able to. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no, so I knew that there was a chance
that I could get one.
The next day became one of the best days of my life and soon one of the saddest days. When I
was 5 years old I got one of the best gifts any kid good ask for. I've always wanted one and was so
glad when I laid eyes on her. Before I go into detail why not just start from the very beginning. One
evening, my little brother and I was watching tv with my mama when I heard my mama talking to
my dad on the phone saying "what you mean you have a surprise?" When I heard that, I knew that
It had to be something really intriguing. Minutes later I could hear the sound of the tires running
over rocks and an engine running. It turns out that It was my daddy pulling into the driveway, so I
had gotten even more anxious to find out exactly what the surprise was. My mama, brother, and I all
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My Greatest Day Of My Life
ld meet someone who will always be there for me and love me for who I am. Every time I think
of that day it reminds me of how lucky I am. My greatest love was to be a mother and have a
loving and devoted husband who gives me support in difficult times. I wanted someone who had
strength, knowledge, and compassion. This is the reason I married my husband, Sergey, who did
all those things for me and more. He is a good person with great attributes. I am also grateful that I
had parents who took care of me when I left to go to America. They were my support when I
needed it. It was hard leaving them because I had lived with them throughout my life. My parents
made me who I am today. I know they raised me well and I am thankful for all they have done. My
husband's parents have given me compassion and welcomed me with open arms. For that I will
always be reminded of how I should raise my children. I wanted to have a baby, which would be the
greatest day of my life. When I gave birth to my daughter, Rosie, I felt as if something in my life
forever changed. The day she looked at me was a day I will never forget. For a mother it was as if
the world was an entirely different place. It felt like I was in heaven.
I met Sergey in Armenia at a party with our friends and family. Sergey came from America. The
place we met was in Zovachen. It was very beautiful there. The place had many flowers. It also
had animals which made the place very unique. When I met Sergey I was shy and nervous. I
wanted to approach him, but I couldn't because he already made that decision for me and went
first. I was shy because I had never met someone that I had feelings for in just one moment. I will
never forget how we met. He was very handsome and strong. We sat down and had some amazing
Armenian food. We were talking around the table and he asked me or a dance. I told him I wouldlove
to dance with you. After the dance, he wanted to know more about me. We started talking and
became friends. He told me that I was pretty and would love to know more about me. After that, he
took my phone number and asked me if he could call me. We then started talking about each other.
We learned we were very alike. He liked many of the things I did. He loved
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The Best Day Of My Life
Whoosh! I can still see the moment he hit the water. The moment sometimes plays in my head
like it happened in real life slow motion. I knew I would never forget it. You should know a few
things about me before you read about the best day of my life. Before today I thought that if I
didn't start stressing about my future, I would never end up getting anywhere. This is the day
everything changed. AAAHHHH!! That morning started like any other, my small obnoxious
mutt of a dog licking my face like it was its job. I saw a bright and youthful sun, like the old one
retired and this one took its place, warm and new. I wasn't mad this time, I laughed and played
with her a few minutes before running upstairs for breakfast. On my way up the stairs I could
hear the small birds chirping songs of joy, right before I heard my mom yell, "Oh no, something
wicked this way comes!" I swear she loves me, but I quietly shot back with a, "good morning to
you too." I shot pancakes into my throat, I felt like I hadn't eaten in ages, the hunger rose inside of
me like a demon. After I ate, I felt like I had a ton of cement in my stomach, I swore to my mom I
would never eat again, but of course I did. That morning my mom and I sat at the table talking
about our days so far. My mom and I talked about what I would do that day, "I really don't know," I
lied as we talked. I knew that today would be a good day I just didn't know how good it really would
be. Once I got picked up to go to
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Best Day Of My Life Essay
Best Day of Her Life October 27, 2008 was the start of the best day of her life as she would soon
find out. Her younger sister named Shawneequa, 14 months, her younger brother named Vern,
three years old, and of course Marion, only 5 years old. T'was the night when her mother and
father were consuming lots of alcohol with friends who even, she did not recognize and she
knows her parents have a lot of friends. They were in a disagreement and murmuring about each
other, about who is doing what and what was happening. There were lots screeching and chaos
going on that was coming from our house. Her mom's aunt, who was a neighbor at the time, was
getting very apprehensive and decided to call the police to come over and see what was happening.
Then, all of a sudden, she could hear the sirens get louder and louder as she saw them pulling up in
the driveway. The blue and red lights were submerging through the curtains and reflecting off the
mirror. Marion and her brother were getting scared so we shut the curtains and her mother
attempted to turn off all of the lights. After asking her mom's aunt, her mother, and Marion a few
questions and then shortly after apprehending her dad, the police told all the children to get outside
and stay in this one little spot on the cement by their driveway. The police officers there took her
siblings, her mother, and Marion in the cop car with her dad in the cop car behind them. They were
driving to Eagle Butte, but at the meantime she
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Life Essay : The Best Day Of My Life
Everything started on a beautiful sunny day, I was nine months pregnant with the most beautiful
belly shape, but also it was ready to pop. That morning I woke up feeling different, it was an
unexplainable type of excitement running through my body. I wanted to get dolled up, so I curled
my hair, put some makeup on and wore my long blue dress. My husband and I decided to have a
little date, so we went to town and had lunch together at a restaurant, and also went last minute
shopping for our baby. Everything just felt magical that day, and I just couldn't understand why. We
arrived home late in the evening, and suddenly my contractions started, as time went by they were
getting worse and worse. I refused to go more content...
Luckily, my doctor was on call, nurses started coming in the room, and they set me up in no time.
Another doctor came and done my epidural, everything was going great, I was not feeling any
pain, but suddenly I stopped dilating at four o'clock. I was five centimeters and at nine o'clock I
was only seven centimeters. My contractions were getting ridiculous, my epidural was no longer
working. My doctor was no longer on call, and no–one bothered to tell me so. Everything just went
down the hill for me; Every second was an eternity from there, my pain was unbearable to the
point where I just felt blood coming out of my face, but finally there was 11:10 a.m. it was time
to push. I have never felt so motivated in my life to do something while being in so much pain at
the same time. It was 11:20 a.m., and I swear I never once shed a tear during my entire labor, but
once I saw that little tiny angel like face I was bawling of joy. My heart melted, my eyes were
brightened of sunshine, I went up to the stars and came back, the entire world just stopped for a
while and it felt like it was just me and him. I slowly and carefully looked at him. I saw his little
feet and hands, his tiny finger and toes, his perfect pink lips. He had the prettiest brown round
eyes, chubby cheeks and a head full of dark hair. I knew then I was in love, the most pure and
beautiful love I have ever felt in my heart. That was love at first sight. I turned around and saw my
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The Best Day Of My Life Essay
Music, hats, and cowboy boots, all these things made me feel that it was the best day of my life.
Melody and I went to a music festival in the heart of Las Vegas, because our parents were out of
the town on the trip to Europe. Everything changed when I heard the first gunshot and the crowd
screamed in terror, so I grabbed Melody's hand and we started to run. Suddenly, I felt Melody's
palm slipping away and she fell to the ground. She gasped for air as a spot of blood started to
form on her chest. I fell to my knees and screamed for help. When I looked around, I saw people
running away trying to safe their own lives, so I closed my eyes and started to pray. The sound of
approaching sirens startled me and as I opened my eyes, I saw several men picking my sister up to
place her in an ambulance. As if instinctively, I grabbed onto the stretches and followed them, despite
their protests. As we drove to the hospital, I stared at the monitor showing Melody's pulse. Knowing
that her heart was still beating gave me peace and made me feel not alone.
I woke up because my sister was brought to the ward. She spent the whole night on the operating
table. When the nurse left the room, I approached Melody's bed and put my head on her chest to
hear how her heart was beating to feel that she was alive. Suddenly, a tall man with a white coat
appeared in the doorway and introduced himself as a doctor Linvic. He invited me to his cabinet to
discuss Melody's condition. As I followed him, I was
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My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day
Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get
annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day off. At the moment, my routine is to wake
up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I
get home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing
homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day off and relax, with having no worries. The
idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day.
As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always
dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at more content...
In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the
dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got delivered I went back into my bed and started
eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a
sudden it was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now
it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the Halloween series. I turned my tv off and
started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might
complain, but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs
specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My eyes began to close so I turned my
speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different
from any ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not
something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was one of the best days I've ever had
because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a
regular day, but for me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress
out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day, but for me is all about being
comfortable. As long as, I have a day off
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Essay On The Best Day Of My Life
My family and I, went for leisure to New York for a period of 5 days, in July of 2016. I had never
been in New York before, but the day we arrived, on a warm afternoon, I found it beautiful,
fulfilling and diverse. I had never seen a place so unique as this one before.
The best day of my life was the day after my 14th birthday, on July 4th of 2016, which was our third
day in Manhattan.
The day started as we strolled together across the streets, with our "I love New York" matching
t–shirts, without having a clue on where to have our breakfast. This was a warm and sunny day,
where the streets were quiet and birds flew everywhere around the apple, as it was 10 A.M. After
walking for a while, without knowing where to go, we found an more content...
Thinking that there was going to be a high difficulty level on finding a nice place to eat at 10 P.M
in the 4th of July, my mom made a move and reserved a restaurant. Later, when we went to the
place, we discovered that after 10 P.M, minors were not allowed, as the restaurant became a bar at
this time. When we left the place, without knowing where to go, an interesting option glanced our
eyes across the street: It was a restaurant of species.
I had never seen a restaurant as romantic and beautiful before. Every item inside the room had a
purpose that made the design look fantastic. We ate a series of unknown things, which turned out to
taste magnificent and different.
At 11 P.M, already done for the day, we walked back to our hotel room. I changed, showered and got
ready for bed, the place on which the best day of my life came to a sweet end.
The best day of your life doesn't just include the place you were or what you did, but also the
company you had. The company of my family was a big influence, aside from what I did and where
I was, that made this day one of the best days of my
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My Best Day Of My Life Essay

  • 1. The Best Day Of My Life Essay Thinking back on an event or a day that I would entitle the best day of my life was more of a challenge because to me I feel I had so many, but there was this one day that kept haunting my brain, not letting me suppress it. The memory of my 16th birthday. Now I know you may wonder why I choose this particular day to be my top choice out my 17 years of life, but it was just something about this time that makes it different than any other ordinary day. It all started early morning on the twenty–sixth day of May 2016, when my mom came into my room and sung to me the "black version" of the birthday song. After, listening and laughing at her belt out her high notes for a song that is primarily sung in a low to more content... As I was observing my new phone, my eyes started to become full of tears of joy, because I was asking for this gift for the longest but she would never budge to buy it for me, not knowing she was just waiting for the perfect time to give to me. At this point my day could not get any better than this. Still yet, her work wasn't done! She rushed me out of the house and drove two hours and 32 minutes to be exact towards our destination, Myrtle Beach. On our ride there we did your normal car dues such as karaoke where we would assign each other's parts to sing, we even took pleasure at laughing at people's facial expressions as they passed by. There was also a point when we participated in a stoplight race, which by the way was 100 percent safe, because we just wanted to see whose car had the fastest takeoff. Now that we were just an hour away from where we were going we stopped at a little corner store on the edge of Tuberville to gas up and buy some snacks since we were getting hungry. As I was walking towards the store with $30.00 in hand, I saw a little glare from the ground. Nearing the suspicious flash, I bent down and right beside the broken glass was $200.00 Get more content on
  • 2. The Best Day Of My Life There are many times in one's life in which one day can considered to be the best day of their life. The phrase is often used, "This is the best day ever!" I too have used the phrase once or twice. But the one time that I consider the best day ever was the moment I took a trip to the Keys. It was amazing, I honestly have never had that much fun and it's a time I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. If I could go back and do it over, I would, in a heartbeat. Let me start by saying, who doesn't enjoy a getaway? It's so nice to get away from all your worries and stress. Spending some quality time with your loved ones really makes you realize how much time you never get to spend with them. In a way, it makes you want to spend even more time with them. In that moment of my life, I was so caught up with school, and sports. I barely got to spend any time with my family. So, when I heard my mother had planned a one–week trip to the Keys, I was so excited! Not only was I going to the Keys with my family, my cousin and best friend in the whole entire world, Emely, and her family was also coming along with us. Besides the fact that we were stuck sitting in the car for a whole seven hours, it was worth it once we got to the Keys. My family rented out a condo which included a huge outdoor pool along with a hot jacuzzi with a beautiful view of the beach which was right across the street from where we were staying. I had never seen a view so beautiful. The air was so fresh and the environment was so peaceful. As soon as we arrived, we got situated into our condos. Soon after that, we were quick to jump into our swimsuits and straight into the pool. My cousin, Emely and I were jumping in and out of the pool and then into the jacuzzi. The first night there was already amazing. I was so excited to see what else our parents had in mind, for more fun had yet to come. The next morning, we got up bright and early. I remember my mom telling us all to pack our swimsuits and towels with a change of clothes. We ate and then we all got into the car. My dad started driving us to a place filled with boats. Curious to know why we were pulling up to a place like this. We got out with all of our belongings Get more content on
  • 3. My Best Day Of My Life Can't wait, it's going to be my biggest day of my life. Thursday yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Dad walk in and asked "why are you so excited?" I said, "It's going to be the best day in the world" He asked "What school?" I told him "Oh it's tomorrow after school." But now I have to wait until tomorrow for the Nascar race. I walk down stair and mom asks me have you been studying, then I answered "yes" but, I was lying, she told me I had to pass the math test tomorrow to go to the Nascar race after school. Hi, I'm bob Jr and i'm not realy smart but people think i'm smart because i look like a nered and only have a couple frind like billy but i'm going to the Nascar race with billy but he really, realy, realy, realy need to pass that math text . well i'm going down stair thup tap the up the stair are really old then I saw whisky my dog I yelled WHISKY and he darted straight at me. He jumps up and landed in my arms , I said he the best dog ever. Going down stair and dad said you better pass that math text or else you can't go to the Nascar race with billy. At school Bob Jr and billy met up at their locker and they both said "can you help me". We need really, really good help. "Ooll we should help each other." "good idea," ok what 9+20=39 right what 9+10=21 ya but we need someone that smart who can help us. Because I do not have a clue about math. Maybe we should ask sally the smartest person in class, but won't that be weird because we will be studying with a girl, no Get more content on
  • 4. The Day Of The Best Days Of My Life This summer was possibly, no, most definitely the greatest in all my sixteen years of existence. Although I moved into a completely new town, my friends from back home still gave me three of the best days of my life. My friends and I waited all year for summer to come, and once it did, we were ready to have the greatest adventures of our lives, and believe me, we did. The air was hot, the water was warm, and we didn't put just put our feet in the pool of summer; we dived right in. The "day of the balloons," the Fourth of July, and my Sweet 16 were three of the most amazing days of my 2013 summer experience. I woke up at about noon on "the day of the balloons" because I had fell asleep at about the crack of dawn. Unfortunately, I awoke to sheets being torn off me with the kind of force that one might rip off a band aid. My best friend, Maria, stood above me and clapped her hands as if she'd just received some spectacular news, but it turned out she had just figured out how to make her first meal. I later found out the meal was eggs and bacon; I congratulated her on the... accomplishment. I rolled out of bed, fell, but managed to get up without anyone seeing, my pride still intact. We got ready for the day, I vaguely remember my outfit, but do remember Maria was wearing a white dress; she looked somewhat like a fairy princess, and come to think of it, she always looks like a fairy princess. We sat and contemplated our plans for the day, and after much contemplation, we Get more content on
  • 5. My Best Days Of My Life Wednesday, December 16th, or as I like to call it, one of the best days of my life. Is it clichГ© to call my first concert experience one of the best days of my life? Probably. But it was just such a surreal experience. I went to go see The 1975 at Club Nokia in Los Angeles, California. My best friend knew that I had never been to a concert before, so on my Birthday she gave me tickets to go see The 1975 as a gift. I had been looking forward to the concert for months, and when the day finally came, I felt both nervous and excited to go see one of my favorite bands. The 1975 is an alternative rock/indie rock/pop music band who I had heard of due to another band that decided to cover one of their songs. The first song I heard was called "Medicine." It was two in the morning and I was driving to Arizona. Such a beautiful song, something about it was almost therapeutic for me. I fell in love with it instantly. After my trip to Arizona, I finally had time to do my research. I listened to The 1975's entire discography and they immediately became one of my favorite bands. I was glad that The 1975 would be my first concert experience ever. It was a cold Wednesday morning, I woke up at around six and waited for my friends to pick me up so we could go eat breakfast at IHOP before we made our way to Los Angeles. Upon arrival we decided to make a few stops before heading to the venue. We decided to do some shopping at The Grove. Being the huge book nerd that I am, I of course had to Get more content on
  • 6. Narrative Essay On Field Trip The rain was beginning to slack up, but the wind was blowing at ten miles per hour. I thought this was going to be one of the best days of my life. I remember telling my parents, three weeks in advance that I was going on a field trip with my class to the Memphis zoo and I would like for them both to come. I was so excited the night before the field trip, I couldn't stop thinking about all the animals I wanted to see and take pictures of. Unfortunately, my mother had to work the day of the field trip and my father had been sick with the flu for nearly two weeks. I was very disappointed that my parents couldn't make the field trip with me and my classmates. All my classmates' parents attended the field trip except of Kyle parents. Kyle hardly talked to anyone in the class, including Mr. Jefferson who was absent the day of the field trip. Mr. Jefferson was tall and built like a professional football player. In class he talks a lot about his college experience at Ohio State University, where he played college football for four years and earned his bachelor degree in Education. I remember this because he would always wear his Ohio State Buckeyes sweatshirt on Fridays. The day of the field trip was on a Friday, so I was looking forward to Mr. Jefferson wearing his Buckeyes sweatshirt, but he was absent, instead we had a substitute teacher for his replacement. Her name was Miss. Taylor, she wasn't as tall as Mr. Jefferson, but she was nicer. She passed out stickers and gave Get more content on
  • 7. Best Day of my Life Essay Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire more content... My drivers' license brought me great feelings and let me do more with my life than I could ever do before. As well as giving me those feelings and that type of freedom, having my drivers' license opened up a new image of the community for me. I could see more of the city, gain experience with directions and I could improve my driving abilities all with my drivers' license. I also became very interested in the way the automobile works and eventually looking more into what makes it go faster. Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive Get more content on
  • 8. The Most Important Day Of My Life The Next Step Throughout my life, there were many days that were significant; however there is only one day that stands from the rest. The most important day of my life is the day I graduated high school. Graduating high school was an emotional day because I felt prepared to exit one stage of my life and optimistic for the next step in my life. The day I graduated high school is the most important day of my life because I experienced a euphoric feeling. The excessive weight on my shoulders was released and I felt relieved. Throughout high school, I endured many sleepless nights due to homework that piled up because I was horrible at time–management. Also, procrastination always got the best of me and I spent many late nights drinking coffee to stay awake in order to study for quizzes and finals. High school definitely challenged me and I developed into a new version of myself after I graduated. My graduation day was a rollercoaster of emotions because I was anxious on the drive to school because of the tremendous amount of traffic. Naturally, stress came over me as I was about to arrive late to my own graduation. Truthfully, I was running late because I spent so much time straightening my thick, curly hair and applying makeup. After I applied some dark pink eyeshadow throughout my eyelids using a soft synthetic brush, I quickly applied a muted pink lipstick and rushed out of my room. Unfortunately, the time I spent applying my makeup was wasted because as soon as I Get more content on
  • 9. The Best Day Of My Life There are many times in one's life in which can be considered to be the best day of anyone's life. The phrase is often used, "This is the best day ever!" I too have used the phrase once or twice. But the one time that I consider the best day ever was the moment I took a trip to the Keys. It was amazing, I honestly have never had that much fun, it's a time I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. If I could go back and do it over, I would, in a heartbeat. Let me start by saying, who doesn't enjoy a getaway? It's so nice to get away from all your worries and stress. Spending some quality time with your loved ones really makes you realize how much time you never get to spend with them. In a way it makes you want to spend even more time with them. In that moment of my life, I was so caught up with school, and sports. I barely got to spend any time with my family. So, when I heard my mother had planned a one–week trip to the keys, I was so excited! Not only was I going to the Keys with my family, my cousin and best friend in the whole entire world was also coming along with us and her family. Besides the fact that we were stuck sitting in the car for a whole seven hours, it was worth it once we got to the Keys. My family rented out a condo which included a huge outdoor pool along with a hot Jacuzzi with a beautiful view of the beach which was right across the street from where we were staying. I had never seen a view so beautiful. The air was so fresh and the environment was so peaceful. As soon as we arrived, we got situated into our condos. Soon after that, we were quick to jump into our swimsuits and straight into the pool. My cousin, Emely, and I were jumping in and out of the pool and then into the Jacuzzi.
  • 10. The first night there was already amazing, I was so excited to see what else our parents had in mind. For more fun had yet to come. The next morning, we got up bright and early. I remember my mom telling us all to pack our swimsuits and towels with a change of clothes. We ate and we all got into the car. My dad started driving us to a place filled with boats. Curious as to know why we were pulling up to a place like Get more content on
  • 11. The Best Day Of My Life Essay The best day of my life became the worst in a split instant. November 11, 2016; remember the day in and day out. It started from an early morning of excitement because it was the first round of football playoffs , and our team had a very good season and were ready to make it far into playoffs. I was involved in student council and I attended every game. Taping gigantic posters and cheering the boys on from the sidelines was what I loved most. I got to school in the early morning to help ensure everything was ready for the playoff game. As I went to class to class I realized finally I made it to the end of the day. Before every game the flag runners and sponsors would go out to eat a pre–game meal. After getting super full and several corny jokes later it was time to get ready to load up the buses. Getting the mascot , the run through , flags plus the poles , rally towels and our cooler was really a chore. We shared the bus with cheerleaders and being a past cheerleader I had a relationship with the team. We loaded the bus with much confidence and joy as we were on the way to Keller Central High School. As the 45 minute drive took longer than expect due to traffic , I received a text from my boss at the time , Mr.Wayne. I worked at the Dry Cleaners Super Center near Bowie and I worked everyday except Fridays & Sundays. " Where are you , you were suppose to be here at 3:00pm , what happened ?" . I told my boss about the playoffs coming up the week before , but he Get more content on
  • 12. Best Day of My Life Essay Best Day of My Life I remember that day well. It was just another match day at the coliseum but this was different because that day I was going. I woke early that day with anticipation. I raced down the stairs putting my clothes on as I went even though I knew that the battle wasn't on for another two hours. I could see that day would be a day I would never forget because crowds of people were already walking past the door, there had never been that amount of people that early before. A truck rolled past carrying bloodthirsty tigers which was heading for the abnormally large arena, I thought these must be for another battle but I was later proved wrong. I joined the bloodthirsty, more content... I quickly took my seat because the stadium was filling up fast. The music was already playing so I knew the action was about to begin. The stadium was filled with people all here to witness this spectacular event. Many people were wearing red gowns and giant silk scarf's, it looked like a sea of red. I could smell freshly baked bread, I didn't know why though. At one point I had to cover my ears with the sheer volume coming from the impatient crowd. The animal hunt was up first, I had only ever heard about this, I had never actually seen it. Ten people where put in with a pack of wild bears they were only given one sword each, they where totally hopeless because the ripped them apart. It was quite enjoyable because they were only slaves. Now was the time I was waiting for, Caesar came out and introduced the big match and gave us a big surprise, he got his servants to throw out bread and fruit from a cart. This must have been what I could smell earlier. I caught an apple many people lost out though. Luckily it tasted nice because I was hungry. Tigras came out on a horse drawn carriage pulled by 4 horse decorated with flowers, the crowd went silent obviously the crowd supported Maximus. A short time later Maximus casually strolled out the crowd went wild knocking the apple straight out of my hand. Maximus waved to us all he was a true Get more content on
  • 13. Best Day of My Life Essay Our lives are surprising. We can't always predict what will happen to us, and what will have a profound impact on our future. Time is liquid, spilling between our fingers as we try to hold on to it. Significant moments of our own journey through the time we were given, mark us in a distinguished ways. Some scar us because of the traumatic events, inflicting pain and breaking our spirit. Other moments we hold on to dearly in our hearts and cherish, for the happiness they brought us. As humans we are more likely to remember the happy times. It is difficult to pin point what day was exactly the happiest in my life. Was it the day I met my future husband? The day I married him? Or the day I became a mother? All of these were extremely more content... It was just a regular dinner, or so I thought. But that evening, Pavel presented me with a beautiful ring and asked me to become his wife. I accepted and we began planning our wedding. Pavel originally came from Southern Highlands of Poland. Polish Highlander's share Polish patriotism, however they have their own dialect and customs. We decided we will observe Highland customs at our wedding. Pavel and I decided to wed in October, since Autumn is my favorite time of year. After a year of planning and preparing The Day had finally arrived. Both my parents flew to Chicago from Poland to help us celebrate. This was a truly a special day for me. I felt like a princess. I had the most beautiful, white wedding gown with long train, veil, angelic make–up and my hair was braided in an intricate up–do. Indeed, this was my day. Before we set off for church, we came to see our parents for blessing. Per Polish Highlander's tradition, we both knelt in front of Pavel and mine parents as they blessed us and sprinkled the top of our heads with Holy Water, while the Highland's Folk Band played on their instruments ancient wedding songs. The Church was magnificent, dressed in white ribbons and flower's fragrance permeating the air inside it. The soft light of the candles radiated throughout the church from the altar. Polish Priest, who wed Pavel and I, honored Pavel's heritage and wore old Polish Highlander's clothing reserved for occasions such as Get more content on
  • 14. One hot and sunny day my parents, little brother, and I wanted to get out of the house. So we decided to got to the park and play on the playground. It was so hot outside that we were sweating just from standing but it was a great day. Not only was it was a great day but it was also a great day because it was the day I was going to ask my parents if we could get a dog. I was so excited to ask that I was getting goosebumps. I began to walk towards my parents and when I reached them I asked the question." Can we get a dog please?" Both my mama and dad looked at each other and said one day we will be able to. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no, so I knew that there was a chance that I could get one. The next day became one of the best days of my life and soon one of the saddest days. When I was 5 years old I got one of the best gifts any kid good ask for. I've always wanted one and was so glad when I laid eyes on her. Before I go into detail why not just start from the very beginning. One evening, my little brother and I was watching tv with my mama when I heard my mama talking to my dad on the phone saying "what you mean you have a surprise?" When I heard that, I knew that It had to be something really intriguing. Minutes later I could hear the sound of the tires running over rocks and an engine running. It turns out that It was my daddy pulling into the driveway, so I had gotten even more anxious to find out exactly what the surprise was. My mama, brother, and I all waited Get more content on
  • 15. My Greatest Day Of My Life ld meet someone who will always be there for me and love me for who I am. Every time I think of that day it reminds me of how lucky I am. My greatest love was to be a mother and have a loving and devoted husband who gives me support in difficult times. I wanted someone who had strength, knowledge, and compassion. This is the reason I married my husband, Sergey, who did all those things for me and more. He is a good person with great attributes. I am also grateful that I had parents who took care of me when I left to go to America. They were my support when I needed it. It was hard leaving them because I had lived with them throughout my life. My parents made me who I am today. I know they raised me well and I am thankful for all they have done. My husband's parents have given me compassion and welcomed me with open arms. For that I will always be reminded of how I should raise my children. I wanted to have a baby, which would be the greatest day of my life. When I gave birth to my daughter, Rosie, I felt as if something in my life forever changed. The day she looked at me was a day I will never forget. For a mother it was as if the world was an entirely different place. It felt like I was in heaven. I met Sergey in Armenia at a party with our friends and family. Sergey came from America. The place we met was in Zovachen. It was very beautiful there. The place had many flowers. It also had animals which made the place very unique. When I met Sergey I was shy and nervous. I wanted to approach him, but I couldn't because he already made that decision for me and went first. I was shy because I had never met someone that I had feelings for in just one moment. I will never forget how we met. He was very handsome and strong. We sat down and had some amazing Armenian food. We were talking around the table and he asked me or a dance. I told him I wouldlove to dance with you. After the dance, he wanted to know more about me. We started talking and became friends. He told me that I was pretty and would love to know more about me. After that, he took my phone number and asked me if he could call me. We then started talking about each other. We learned we were very alike. He liked many of the things I did. He loved Get more content on
  • 16. The Best Day Of My Life Whoosh! I can still see the moment he hit the water. The moment sometimes plays in my head like it happened in real life slow motion. I knew I would never forget it. You should know a few things about me before you read about the best day of my life. Before today I thought that if I didn't start stressing about my future, I would never end up getting anywhere. This is the day everything changed. AAAHHHH!! That morning started like any other, my small obnoxious mutt of a dog licking my face like it was its job. I saw a bright and youthful sun, like the old one retired and this one took its place, warm and new. I wasn't mad this time, I laughed and played with her a few minutes before running upstairs for breakfast. On my way up the stairs I could hear the small birds chirping songs of joy, right before I heard my mom yell, "Oh no, something wicked this way comes!" I swear she loves me, but I quietly shot back with a, "good morning to you too." I shot pancakes into my throat, I felt like I hadn't eaten in ages, the hunger rose inside of me like a demon. After I ate, I felt like I had a ton of cement in my stomach, I swore to my mom I would never eat again, but of course I did. That morning my mom and I sat at the table talking about our days so far. My mom and I talked about what I would do that day, "I really don't know," I lied as we talked. I knew that today would be a good day I just didn't know how good it really would be. Once I got picked up to go to Get more content on
  • 17. Best Day Of My Life Essay Best Day of Her Life October 27, 2008 was the start of the best day of her life as she would soon find out. Her younger sister named Shawneequa, 14 months, her younger brother named Vern, three years old, and of course Marion, only 5 years old. T'was the night when her mother and father were consuming lots of alcohol with friends who even, she did not recognize and she knows her parents have a lot of friends. They were in a disagreement and murmuring about each other, about who is doing what and what was happening. There were lots screeching and chaos going on that was coming from our house. Her mom's aunt, who was a neighbor at the time, was getting very apprehensive and decided to call the police to come over and see what was happening. Then, all of a sudden, she could hear the sirens get louder and louder as she saw them pulling up in the driveway. The blue and red lights were submerging through the curtains and reflecting off the mirror. Marion and her brother were getting scared so we shut the curtains and her mother attempted to turn off all of the lights. After asking her mom's aunt, her mother, and Marion a few questions and then shortly after apprehending her dad, the police told all the children to get outside and stay in this one little spot on the cement by their driveway. The police officers there took her siblings, her mother, and Marion in the cop car with her dad in the cop car behind them. They were driving to Eagle Butte, but at the meantime she Get more content on
  • 18. Life Essay : The Best Day Of My Life THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE Everything started on a beautiful sunny day, I was nine months pregnant with the most beautiful belly shape, but also it was ready to pop. That morning I woke up feeling different, it was an unexplainable type of excitement running through my body. I wanted to get dolled up, so I curled my hair, put some makeup on and wore my long blue dress. My husband and I decided to have a little date, so we went to town and had lunch together at a restaurant, and also went last minute shopping for our baby. Everything just felt magical that day, and I just couldn't understand why. We arrived home late in the evening, and suddenly my contractions started, as time went by they were getting worse and worse. I refused to go more content... Luckily, my doctor was on call, nurses started coming in the room, and they set me up in no time. Another doctor came and done my epidural, everything was going great, I was not feeling any pain, but suddenly I stopped dilating at four o'clock. I was five centimeters and at nine o'clock I was only seven centimeters. My contractions were getting ridiculous, my epidural was no longer working. My doctor was no longer on call, and no–one bothered to tell me so. Everything just went down the hill for me; Every second was an eternity from there, my pain was unbearable to the point where I just felt blood coming out of my face, but finally there was 11:10 a.m. it was time to push. I have never felt so motivated in my life to do something while being in so much pain at the same time. It was 11:20 a.m., and I swear I never once shed a tear during my entire labor, but once I saw that little tiny angel like face I was bawling of joy. My heart melted, my eyes were brightened of sunshine, I went up to the stars and came back, the entire world just stopped for a while and it felt like it was just me and him. I slowly and carefully looked at him. I saw his little feet and hands, his tiny finger and toes, his perfect pink lips. He had the prettiest brown round eyes, chubby cheeks and a head full of dark hair. I knew then I was in love, the most pure and beautiful love I have ever felt in my heart. That was love at first sight. I turned around and saw my Get more content on
  • 19. The Best Day Of My Life Essay Music, hats, and cowboy boots, all these things made me feel that it was the best day of my life. Melody and I went to a music festival in the heart of Las Vegas, because our parents were out of the town on the trip to Europe. Everything changed when I heard the first gunshot and the crowd screamed in terror, so I grabbed Melody's hand and we started to run. Suddenly, I felt Melody's palm slipping away and she fell to the ground. She gasped for air as a spot of blood started to form on her chest. I fell to my knees and screamed for help. When I looked around, I saw people running away trying to safe their own lives, so I closed my eyes and started to pray. The sound of approaching sirens startled me and as I opened my eyes, I saw several men picking my sister up to place her in an ambulance. As if instinctively, I grabbed onto the stretches and followed them, despite their protests. As we drove to the hospital, I stared at the monitor showing Melody's pulse. Knowing that her heart was still beating gave me peace and made me feel not alone. I woke up because my sister was brought to the ward. She spent the whole night on the operating table. When the nurse left the room, I approached Melody's bed and put my head on her chest to hear how her heart was beating to feel that she was alive. Suddenly, a tall man with a white coat appeared in the doorway and introduced himself as a doctor Linvic. He invited me to his cabinet to discuss Melody's condition. As I followed him, I was Get more content on
  • 20. My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day off. At the moment, my routine is to wake up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I get home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day off and relax, with having no worries. The idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day. As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at more content... In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got delivered I went back into my bed and started eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a sudden it was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the Halloween series. I turned my tv off and started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might complain, but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My eyes began to close so I turned my speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different from any ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was one of the best days I've ever had because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a regular day, but for me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day, but for me is all about being comfortable. As long as, I have a day off Get more content on
  • 21. Essay On The Best Day Of My Life My family and I, went for leisure to New York for a period of 5 days, in July of 2016. I had never been in New York before, but the day we arrived, on a warm afternoon, I found it beautiful, fulfilling and diverse. I had never seen a place so unique as this one before. The best day of my life was the day after my 14th birthday, on July 4th of 2016, which was our third day in Manhattan. The day started as we strolled together across the streets, with our "I love New York" matching t–shirts, without having a clue on where to have our breakfast. This was a warm and sunny day, where the streets were quiet and birds flew everywhere around the apple, as it was 10 A.M. After walking for a while, without knowing where to go, we found an more content... Thinking that there was going to be a high difficulty level on finding a nice place to eat at 10 P.M in the 4th of July, my mom made a move and reserved a restaurant. Later, when we went to the place, we discovered that after 10 P.M, minors were not allowed, as the restaurant became a bar at this time. When we left the place, without knowing where to go, an interesting option glanced our eyes across the street: It was a restaurant of species. I had never seen a restaurant as romantic and beautiful before. Every item inside the room had a purpose that made the design look fantastic. We ate a series of unknown things, which turned out to taste magnificent and different. At 11 P.M, already done for the day, we walked back to our hotel room. I changed, showered and got ready for bed, the place on which the best day of my life came to a sweet end. The best day of your life doesn't just include the place you were or what you did, but also the company you had. The company of my family was a big influence, aside from what I did and where I was, that made this day one of the best days of my Get more content on