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Argumentative Essay : Summer Is The Best
The four seasons, winter, summer, autumn and spring fly by like Lightning Mcqueen from the
movie Cars, racing to the finish line. When you talk about the seasons everybody has a different
perspective to it. Some might say summer is the best, due to there being no school, also the hot
weather. Many may argue that Spring is the best, because of the plants coming back to life after
months in the grave. Finally, some people believe that autumn is the best, because of the fact that it
has comfortable weather and the colors of the trees. All the seasons are great, but after you're done
reading this you'll know that winter is the best season in my opinion. For instance, winter is MVP
due to the outdoor activities, beautiful scenery it brings, more content...
When all's said and done winter offers variety of sports and activities you can play and just have
fun. In addition, winter has such beautiful scenery you would think you are in a museum. For
example, when snow hits ground and forms the endless, angelic sheet of white crystal it is unlike
any feeling anyone has ever felt. Think about it, you wake up one day to see snow fluttering
around outside and it is an amazing sight. So, you ask to go outside, sure you have to get a snow
suit on or something to keep you warm but, it's all worth it once you go outside and you feel the
icy crystals float around you. You will feel like Elsa., Ok, I'm done with the references. Besides the
point, When people go outside and they see this god–like work of art they want to take pictures of it
and the landscape just looks so awesome with the sunset in the background with snow falling
creating this masterpiece that can only be recreated during the awesome season of winter. As a
human and a teenager, I can tell you that when you go outside after a snowstorm it is the most
breathtaking experience ever, due to the painting of white splashed around every corner. As a final
note, winter is one of the only season's that give us a "Paesaggio Fantastico". It's italian for
Awesome Landscape and it describes this season very well. As a final point, when winter comes
around, holidays flood in like water into a bathtub. Just some examples, New Years eve/Day,
Christmas and, the winter solstice.
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My Summer Holidays
t was the first of June. The sun was shining brightly and there was the flavor of joy, happiness, and
vacations in the air. I breathed it and truly felt how my body overwhelmed with the freedom and
desire to move the mountains in the pursuit of great vacations. I planned my summer holidays
during the whole year, and I knew for sure that it had to be a marvelous time spent with friends,
ocean, sunshine, fresh fruits, and disco parties. My mother has changed everything that day. She
decided that charity was the best thing, which I could do in the summer, and enrolled me to the
special program, aimed at attending the elderly homes and assisting senior people there. Saying that
I was disappointed is nothing. I was truly furious, because it meant that I would be obliged to spend
half of the week helping some old grannies. This activity was not included in my summer to–do list.
I felt rage because during the whole year I worked a lot to pass the exams, to receive excellent
marks and to get the appreciation of teachers. I did everything I was told to, and as a result,
obtained the punishment in the form of geriatric homes visiting. Today, I understand that it was
God's blessing. It was a chance to look at my life from a different angle and to understand its gist
and essence. However, at that time, I considered myself to be the victim of my mother's cruelty. My
first visits of the geriatric home did not make any impression on me. Old wrinkled people were
sitting and chatting about
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My Summer Fun At The Family Farm
My Summer Fun at the Family Farm
Childhood is the most important phase of any person's life. It is when we start to improve our
personality. I had many childhood memories, but the ones that I judge to be most important in my
life were my summer times with my family on the family farm. Every summer my father planned
our trip for weeks, and always a threatened to not let me go if my grades were low, but I knew that
even with low grades I was going. My memories were great not just because my family, but the
environment, and the people of the places we went.. When I was about 8 years old my family and
I used to go spent the summer at the family farm. This farm was about 12 hours driving from our
home. We used to start our trip in the night time and see the sunrise on the half way to the
destination. My dad used to stop every year in the same restaurants to get breakfast and lunch. I
remember that from year to year the food had the same taste and the place the same strong coffee
smell in the air. I remember that I used to order a plate of scrambled eggs topped with cheese and
French toasted that came out the stove melting accompanied with the butter that I never tasted on
any place else. The closest city was 10 miles from the farm, so before getting to the farm, we
needed to stop to get provisions. That city has the name of Flores and it is a little city with about 5
thousand people living in, and it is a beautiful city with a few businesses and an antique
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My Summer Vacation At Toronto
Two summers ago in 2014 I took my annual summer vacation to Toronto. I spent two months with
my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Around that time everyone had the World Cup fever, rooting for their
country or other countries. For much of the beginning of my stay I sequestered myself in my room
surrounded only by my electronic companions. By mid–July I adapted to a daily routine of afternoon
wake up, brunch, and returning back to my room to scroll through Instagram and check my
Snapchat. Occasionally I would participate in the family ritual of lounging lazily in the evening in
the family room watching the latest Big Brother episode after the adults' long day of work. On one
of those days in about the last week of June my older cousin, Feben, more content...
That morning I assumed Nylah felt troublesome and Navaeha felt bored as well. They plotted a
wicked scheme to have fun. They decided to take turns popping in and out of my room and
robbed me of a half an hour of sweet sweet sleep. I, of course stayed up later than I should have, so
they weren 't fully to blame. I groggily got ready and lumbered with my suitcase down the steps.
The little ones finished getting ready and Feben and I managed to find the missing items. I knew
that this trip to Niagara would differ from my other two trips because it had a spontaneous aspect.
The sun shined timidly through the windows as my little cousins finished up getting ready. We
finally got loaded in the car by mid–morning on a early August Saturday. The drive lasted two hours.
However, with two energetic little people in addition to traveling on an endless highway it felt
like an eternity. I can 't even remember how many times the phrases "Are we there yet?" and
"Can we have candy?" escaped Navaeha and Nylah's mouth. By the thirty minute mark, I looked
up to the welkin and begged God for mercy. About an hour into the trip, we pulled into a parking
lot for bathroom breaks and snack distributions. I stepped out to grab some fresh air and next to
me I saw a grand peach tree hovering over my side of the car. I thought to myself how the peaches
probably tasted really good And my appetite suddenly whetted. I grabbed the fruit
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The Worst Vacation Of My Life Essay
I used to spend the last part of my summer vacation with my uncle and aunt. As a continuation of a
long–ago–established tradition we decided going to York– a small, picturesque tourist town at the
seaside, located in the southeastern part of Maine. On the 27th of August, early in the morning we
went to my uncle's car with the entire luggage, prepared to leave and spend a nice, relaxing
vacation, far away from the problems of the city. Unfortunately the unpleasant surprises started from
the first second of our vacation. To our great disbelief the two front tires of the car were missing,
and as later became clear, stolen during the night so at this moment the car was lying on the
pavement, like a big wounded animal. I remember that more content...
Our mood was bad, because we were tired from the hours spend in the car and the accidents, that
happened to us. As far as I remember we had another problem with the reservation of our hotel
rooms, but after such an exhausting day those things seemed almost normal, too easily–predicted to
make us an impression.
The very first days of our vacation passed smoothly, without any sign that our bad luck will follow
us. We started to enjoy our rest, making jokes from the strange situations that happened to us the
previous days. Then the event that changes my life happened. It was the fourth day of our
vacation and we had already forgotten the events from our departure. As usual, after breakfast we
went directly to the beach with the intent to stay there till late afternoon. This time my uncle
proposed us to change the place and go to some more quiet and far from the crowd one. We of
course accepted the idea. This new beach was exactly what I was dreaming for – beautiful shore,
clear and calm sea, clean sand. I was really excited. This magnificent "heaven" was naturally
surrounded by high cliffs, which separated us from the rest of the beach, that is, from the crowd.
The day passed very smoothly. At the end of it we were even slightly bored from those sunbathes.
Then my aunt proposed me to climb up one of the cliffs that surrounded the beach. I grinned broadly
and accepted the idea with enthusiasm –, as all kids will do when proposing
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The minute that everybody has been expecting for has at long last arrived. The people are inclining
toward the edge of their seats, listening for the last chime to ring to unleash them to freedom. We all
love it when summer vacation has arrived, but the time just passes by so fast. A high percentage of
the students want there to be a longer summer vacation, but are there really any benefits? Well yes in
fact a longer vacation will be associated with many benefits such as increased social life, health
benefits, and educational plus financial gains.
Students need time to relax and de–stress. With the accumulation of homework, projects,
assignments, tests and quizzes, students are constantly working and have no time to relax. This can
be overwhelming, but students still put in the effort just to make it through the year because they
know they can rest in the summer. Furthermore, this could cause students to become unmotivated
because they will think that they are trapped in a prison in which they are boundlessly doing
work and will never meet their own goals. A longer vacation will allow us to clear our minds and
open them to new possibilities that would not be possible if we were to follow the same routine
every day. Likewise, it is not only the students that need this vacation, but it is also the staff and
faculty as well who would definitely rather see their family and friends instead of the students for a
whole year. Most of these families go on holidays, but sometimes
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Summer Holidays
Summary The article, "Should children study in the summer holidays?" (Jackson, 2017) discusses
the pros and cons of continuing a child's education throughout their summer vacation. In favor of
this idea was Vivien Stiles, a professional tutor for Kumon, who argued that studying over the
summer would help children ease back into a full school year. Stiles continued to explain the
program as a two day school week which teaches Mathematics and English. The average time it takes
for each student to complete their homework for their class is between 15 and 90 minutes. Others,
like Tanith Carey, fear that extending classroom education into thesummer may overwhelm some
young minds. She explained how her daughter felt so overwhelmed by her education experience
she tried to deny an award she won because there was too much that surrounded the acceptance of
that award. Once Carey realized how much stress the extra schooling during the summer was
causing her daughter, she removed her from the tutoring program so she could play and experience
a stress free childhood. Over years the results have been quite positive for Carey and her two
daughters as they have both found passions in the arts and are leading healthy happy lives. She
stresses the importance of learning not only in classrooms, but through nature, exploring, and
experiencing the natural environment around them. According to Carey some parents are
overlooking how much their children really learn when they are able to explore
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How I Will Spend My Summer Vacation
How I will Spend My Summer Vacation
There is an old proverb that goes, 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' I agree. For me, the
summer vacation will provide me with a rare opportunity to take a well–deserved rest after a year of
hard work. Last summer, I chose to engage in activities that would help me relax my mind and recoup
not only my health but also my vitality. Thissummer will be no different. Towards this end, I plan to
tour a number of amazing locations, read at least two interesting and/or informative books, and
reflect on my accomplishments and failures so far.
The relevance of visiting places or locations one has never visited before cannot be overstated. In
addition to helping relax the mind, travelling also carries with it some educational value. This
summer, I plan to visit two major locations. These include the Niagara Falls and the National Mall
and Memorial Parks. It is important to note that I settled on these two major travel destinations after
undertaking a laborious research on the key attractions on–site. The National Mall and Memorial
Parks is an amazing place to visit. According to the National Park Foundation (2012), "the National
Mall is America's front yard where the Washington Monument, WWII and Lincoln Memorials
stand." I have to admit that part of my desire to visit the National Mall and Memorial Parks stems
from the great respect I have for Abraham Lincoln. In that regard, the Lincoln Memorial remains one
of the places I plan to
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Pros And Disadvantages Of Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation Sept. 14, 2017 Summer break is one of the very few things teachers and
students look forward to, so is it fair to have it cut short and will it be a disadvantage? For starters,
when students start their vacation, the first two things in their mind is; no more sleeping early,
and video games, which both of those will occupy them for at least half of the summer, if not
more. In some countries like China and Germany, Summer breaks last around 6 weeks and those
countries tend to have higher IQ marks with Germany having a total average IQ score of 102 and
China with 105. In the end, children will still have to review what they've learned over the past
few school years when they get back to school, so basically, having more yet shorter breaks
during the school year is more convenient and less time will be wasted for not only students, but
teachers and principals too. In conclusion, the logical answer is; summer vacation should last for
only about 6 weeks as it will help students more than playing video games and watching TV.
Summer vacation is labelled a time in between two school years in which you may take a break
from studying and focus on sports... well expected to focus on sports and extra summer activities,
but 2 months is quite a long time to be away from school considering only 1 in 10 students will
study and review what they have learned over the previous school years and more. For example,
Pabla Amandeep, 13, says if she weren't in school she'd just be
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My Last Summer
My Last Summer She turned round and suddenly she knew, this was it. All she could do was
laugh, what else could she do? Swim, she would never make it. It was right in front of her, there
was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide she was in the open. She closed her eyes and hoped it
wouldn't hurt, when suddenly she saw the light. We had been driving for what felt like hours,
even though I knew it was only for 3. We were almost there. The final summer together. Our final
journey as a family to the place that feels more like home than the house we lived in. My mother
turned up the radio as her favourite summer song was on, "I got my first real six string, bought it
at the five and dime...." She sang at the top of her lungs. We passed the little variety store in town
and I realized that this was the last time I was going to be here, I was moving to England. Like
really my dad couldn 't have gotten a job anywhere else? It has to be England!! That was not my
main focus right now, the beach was. I couldn 't wait to get out and lay on the beach and soak up
the sun, it 's my specialty, the boys are always jealous of how amazing my tan is at the end of
summer. We pulled into the drive of the summer house and the boys came running out like little
kids, Jeremy was 18, one year older than me, and Nate was 19. They both ran for Matt. My older
brother, who was 19 just like Nate. I waited for their little bromance to be over then made my way
out of the car, Jeremy ran over and picked me up
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French Essays About Holidays
During my last vacation I went to France. My mum arranged this tour for me and my friends. We
travelled there by plane. We went France last summer. So the weather was bright and hot around 23–
30 degrees. It was the best weather for camping but we stayed in Champs Elysees hotel. It was the
most luxurious hotel I ever been. There was an attached toilet, TV lounge, bed room, balcony and
wardrobes in my room.
We visited Eiffel tower. The view of the Paris from Eiffel tower is fantastic because I saw taller
buildings as ants. on the second day we went walked in world's most famous avenue
Champs–ELysees. It was a great street to those who love walking and shopping. I bought few
souvenirs for my family and friends in England.
We more content...
Donc le temps Г©tait brillant et chaud environ 23–30 degrГ©s. C'Г©tait le meilleur temps pour le
camping mais Nous sommes restГ©s dans l'hГґtel de Champions Elysees. C'Г©tait l'hГґtel le plus
luxueux je jamais Г©tГ©. Il y avait des toilettes attachГ©es, t.v le bar, la piГЁce de lit, le balcon et
les garde–robes dans ma piГЁce. nous avons visitГ© la tour Eiffel. La vue du Paris de la tour Eiffel
est fantastique parce que le j'ai vu de plus grandes fourmis d'Гўne de bГўtiments aussi petits que les
Sur le deuxiГЁme jour nous sommes allГ©s a promenade dans les Champions–ELysees d'avenue les
plus rГ©putГ©s de monde. C'Г©tait une grande rue pour ceux qui aiment promenade et faire des
J'ai achetГ© peu de souvenirs pour ma famille et amis en Angleterre. nous avons visitГ© la seine de
riviГЁre qui coulent Г travers Paris. C'est aussi la frontiГЁre de Paris. J'ai apprГ©ciГ© le trajet du
bateau le plus pendant la visite de seine de riviГЁre. Bien que mes amis l'aient trouvГ© fatigant.
J'ai trouvГ© la ville commerciale visitante de France comme ennuyeuse parce qu'il est rempli des
Nous avons vu des yards de soleils dans la France Nord. c'Г©tait joli. Donc nous avons pris des plein
de peintures. Nous sommes aussi allГ©s Г la plage. Dans la plage nous avions un BBQ et nous
sommes allГ©s Г une foire d'amusement. Cestait amusant. J'ai apprГ©ciГ© le toboggan d'eau le
Mais nous partir pour aller Г notre hГґtel bientГґt. Parce que le jour suivant nous avons
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Thailand Vacation Essay
Thailand is the most preferred tourist place of many people. You will find there beautiful beaches,
seas, glitzy shopping malls, colorful markets and has rich culture. Thailand holidays package is
enticing mixture of establishing destination like Hua Hin and Phuket. Thailand appeals to many
different travelers, whether they are hippy chic or craving barefoot luxury. Thailand provides you
plenty of selections for every budget and taste. Pampering is an art form of this beautiful country and
throughout the country spas provide authentic treatments if it is in a 5 star resort or a beach side hut.
Package Thailand holidays provides you best sightseeing, variegated shopping, colorful history,
Thailand has an outstanding more content...
Chief northern cities are Khon Khen and Chiang Mai. Thailand country is full of fun and colors are
an outstanding destination to visit. Thailand holiday packages never fails for attracting and amazing
citizens of different age groups. Nonetheless, there are a number of stunning towns, shoreline and
isles as well as hospitality that people extend is beyond their imagination and it makes this city a
famous place with travelers. Few of the well known Thailand destinations during Package Thailand
holidays are Bangkok, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin and Phuket.
Bangkok is on the edge of river named Chao Phraya, which is the capital city of Thailand. It is the
largest city in the entire country with the almost 7,000,000 population. a worldwide well–known
seashore resort named Pattaya is positioned almost 170 km south of Bangkok. Pattaya is premier
beach resort of Thailand and annually fascinates happiness seeking people from all across the
world. Comfortable tropical ambience of Pattaya is the ideal for an unforgettable holiday
experience for couples, singles and families too. Pattaya beach really touches the shoreline in a four
km long arc. Southern beach is famous for its best night time activities. Streets are alive to crowd
and bustle of entertainment halls, restaurants as well as crowded bars. Northern beach is sedate
enough and best for Pattaya.
Pattaya is full of water sports too. For people of more sporting nature, outdoor or indoor,
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
Summer vacation! The beach! The mountains! Friends! Airplanes! Then, there was me with no
plans, just drawing and eating, and other monotonous things, very repetitive. If someone asked,
"What is something new and interesting you did this summer?" I would of had to reply with, "I
tasted a new potato chip flavor, it was good. What did you do?", but that wasn't the case, because
my parents then all of a sudden, in the very last minute scheduled a vacation, It was a three day
vacation. The vacation consisted my family going to New Hampshire, Maine, then Boston. First
of all, if you didn't know, New Hampshire is located South West from Maine. Go north, then wow!
Hello Canada! Next, Maine is located South and a little West from New Brunswick, one of the
provinces in Canada. Fun fact, Fredericton is the capital of News Brunswick! Lastly, Boston is
Massachusetts' capital and largest city. Another fun fact, it's one of the oldest cities in the U.S. The
people that are involved in the events are me, of course, others are my sister, mother, father, and the
people of the inn and hotel. A delightful and enjoyable summer vacation! Our first stop, New
Hampshire as I introduced it, it is South West from Maine, it's capital is Concord. When we first
entered New Hampshire, there were buildings, students, and workers walking everywhere in
different directions. It actually, sort of reminded me of New York City, of course New York City was
more crowded, had more large buildings, and different, but still it reminded me of New York
City. My family went to New Hampshire riding a car, so we had been in the car for seven hours.
Well we kept driving North, the outside started to change, the buildings became less more
common, then before I knew it there were trees in everywhere, just no trees on the path we drove
on. There were yellow deer crossing signs ornamented the tall and green trees. Then when we
arrived at the inn, I mean to go to the inn, we took like three stops to ask where this inn was. The
inn was around trees, were we had to park the car was not the parking lot you would see normally.
The parking lot had no lines to indicate where to park. It was just covered in small rocks as tiny
pebbles, gravel, sand, and etc. The
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My First Day Of Summer Vacation
It was a hot day and today was the day of the trip! I had school that day So I went to school and I
was very excited because after school, we also had our first day of summer vacation.When school
ended my dad came and picked me up,we had to get ready quick we had to leave In two hours. I ate
lunch and it was delicious, When I was done I speeded to my bathroom and took a shower in one
flash. When It was time I said good–bye to my mom and my siblings,sadly they couldn't go .We
went to Chicago first because my godfather was gonna drive. When we got to Chicago we slept
there for one day and we woke up around 4 or 5 in the morning so we could eat something and take
showers or whatever we had to do. We got done packing and taking showers more
The next day we went tubing but there was a bit of a problem, When my cousins were tubing i
tried to distract them so one of them would fall off.I decided to tell them that I was gonna take a
picture but I really wasn't.Until a bump came and one of my cousins fell, they were stopping the
boat and I was trying to get on the other side so I could go but the thing Is i didn't have a life
jacket on , i guess I forgot.I fell into the water and I felt like i was gonna drown right at that
moment, my cousin saw that I didn't have one on and she came and got me.I got back to the boat
and got a life jacket on i don't know what I was thinking.That day was a nightmare after that point,
It was the next day today and we had a family cookout because this was our third to last day we
were here. I kept thinking about how much i'm gonna miss this family, i wouldn't be able to see
them till next summer, maybe even 2 summers!!When the barbecue and the chicken and all that
good stuff was done I ate and spent the rest of the day taking photos and making memories for this
Texas trip.
Today was the last day that we were at Texas and tomorrow we had to leave so I don't know If that
counts as today is our final day here.I woke up around 9 and also to some good breakfast, oh man
that was delicious. We went shopping for our last day since there was a sale.I got so many stuff
and I really wanted to get a shirt that said "I traveled
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Compare And Contrast Summer And Summer Holidays
Traveling for holidays is something that most families and friends do it to enjoy. Most of the
members of the family get excited when it comes to traveling. Going for a trip is one of the most
activity that each person needs to get out from stress. Nowadays, traveling is becoming much
easier for people to travel. Travel agencies can help a lot in picking where to have a holiday and can
organize the whole trip whether it was for a summer trip or winter trip. They can book the hotel,
restaurant, and activities. Most families and group of friends argue on choosing where to travel.
Some enjoy having a summer trip because they enjoy going to the beach and some enjoy to take the
holiday for a winter trip because they like to ski and see the snow. There is a kind of people that like
to experience and travel all around the world whether it is a cold or hot country. Although both
summer trips and winter trips are similar in their extreme temperature, they differ in their length of
the day and their activities.
First, both summer and winter trips are similar in their extreme temperature. The country that each
group choose it will be either extremely hot or extremely cold. It is obvious that summer will be
very hot seasons and winter will be a freezing season. Both summer and winter trips require the
main tips. For example, they both require clothes that fits the climate. People cannot wear a coat on
summer days because it does not fit the weather nor wearing a short dress in winter.
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Summer Holidays
It was the first of June. The sun was shining brightly and there was the flavor of joy, happiness, and
vacations in the air. I breathed it and truly felt how my body overwhelmed with the freedom and
desire to move the mountains in the pursuit of great vacations. I planned my summer holidays
during the whole year, and I knew for sure that it had to be a marvelous time spent with friends,
ocean, sunshine, fresh fruits, and disco parties. My mother has changed everything that day. She
decided that charity was the best thing, which I could do in summer, and enrolled me to the special
program, aimed at attending the elderly homes and assisting senior people there. Saying that I was
disappointed is nothing. I was truly furious, because more content...
Nothing interesting. For me, they were outdated people, who knew nothing about life in a real
world. But I smiled, made the things they asked me to, and counted minutes to return to my
joyful life with cool friends, jokes, cafes and parties. One day and one meeting have changed my
whole life. I was walking down the corridor, and accidentally glimpsed into the room, where sat
old woman. She resembled an exotic fluffy flower. She had light curly hair and sat near the
window. The sun was shining brightly that day, and her grey hair was full of sun flashes, and
there was such a feeling that there was a nimbus around her head. I stopped and started looking at
her. She was knitting and her fingers quickly did something with the stitches. There was nothing
particular about her, but her outer look caught my eye and immediately attracted attention. Her
skin resembled a baked apple. It was covered with wrinkles, but it did not distort her appearance.
The most amazing thing were her eyes. Blue, round, energetic. There was such a feeling that
these were the eyes of a kid, who wants to investigate the world. They eradiated kind miraculous
light, and this light made me come closer and closer... For the first time during the fortnight, I
approached the old woman because I wanted to do it, but not because I was obliged to so. It seemed
that she was not surprised at all, she looked at me, as if I came every single
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My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and
the endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it's the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor
activities. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is closed for two months.
During summer, you're free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up
early for school. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun
at a beach or simply having dinner together.
I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive into a fresh and cold pool. When summer
time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable. The weather allows
people to go outdoors more content...
The break calls for staying up late and waking up whenever you want to. Everyone works so hard
during the school year, so they deserve that free time. Summer times are stress free, relaxing, and
basically fun. You don't have to worry about homework, projects, and studying for a test. One of my
favorite summer pastimes is staying up late watching movies and eating junk food, and then waking
up late and having brunch.
Summer season is the best time for festivals and activities. You can never get bored on a summer
day or night. During the day, there are fun activities such as: swimming, sports, picnics, and
barbeques. Friends and family spend a lot of time together during the summer time. There is a lot
of good food, drinks, and fun music. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. Summer
evenings are the best time for concerts, movies, parties, and relaxing with friends. The summer
evenings are beautiful because of the sparkly and glittery city lights. One of the best events of the
year, July Fourth, happens during summer. The celebration of July fourth is very extravagant and
glamorous. People gather around to celebrate and watch the display of fireworks. The vibrant colors
and the loud sound of the fireworks are amazing.
Overall, summer is just a wonderful season with so much to offer. The best thing about this time of
the year is that everyone is so happy, whereas, compared to the winter, everyone is
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
In February during spring break, my Dad, nicknamed Moose, arranges a trip to stay on Seagull
Lake. This is not like your ordinary trip; this is winter camping in the Boundary Waters, which
requires hard work, the willingness to help out at all times, and a lot of preparation. This trip
consists of cross country skiing, pulling 300 lbs on a sled across a long frozen lake, sleeping in tents
in weather that is 20 degrees below zero, and portaging 2 miles to get the chance to fish on a secret
fishing lake. The people that go on this 5 day trip every year are Moose, my second cousin Paul
Gerten and his dog, my uncle Danny, their friend Sterling Black, and I, although Danny had knee
issues for a while which didn't allow him to come this trip. The year was 2016, and Sterling decided
to bring his nephew named Birkley, whose mother had just passed away. Also, Moose brought along
his work friend Brett Strand from Lifetime Fitness.
We start our trip by driving up to my cabin in Silver Bay, Minnesota. The first night is a Thursday
night without the old men's wives, so we go to a bar called the the Green Door where the men
drink a bunch of beers and watch the wild game. Birkley and I of course only drink Coca Cola.
Being the one out of the group that is too young to drink alcohol, and also the kid that can drive, I
have to sober cab for the men. When we get back to the cabin, many games of cribbage are played
and many more beers are finished by the men. Waking up in the morning is
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Narrative Essay About Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Do you know the reason why we have summer vacation? I believe that summer vacation is not just
about sleeping in and appreciating the time off, it includes spending time with your close friends and
family, and that is exactly what I did this summer break. There were many fascinating things I did
this summer and in this essay I will tell you a few of things I enjoyed doing.
Spending time with close relatives and is exactly what I did to kickoff my summer even though
massive amount of them lived out of the state Indiana going to Seattle, Mexico, Texas, and Virginia.
Somehow we accomplished the task to see my whopping 275 family members only on my mom's
side, we ended up putting on a huge family reunion more content...
For that rest of the day we went to a restaurant called Puckett's and apparently it is right down the
road from Justin Timberlake's recording studio/private house, All of the kids including me went
to his front and touched his door knob and I might of took a sneak peek inside his house. The last
day we were there we visited a beautiful waterfall, even though it was a lovely site the water part
was very deadly. The reason why it was deadly was there were big boulders everywhere you
stepped, and there were water moccasins which are venomous snakes that lurked around in the
water. When it was time to live the waterfall a water moccasin was about 20 feet in front of me and
my friends, thankfully another guy ran into the water scaring the snake away making it safe for me
and my buddies to get out. Honestly out of the whole entire summer this had to be my favorite
This next vacation isn't really a vacation it's more of an event but it was fun, hilarious, and
relaxing like a vacation. After Tennessee we went seven days later we went to Detroit, Michigan
for this thing called a muck fest. A muck fest is 5k with muddy obstacles that you run into on your
way to the finish line. The race only lasted 2 hours for my mom, dad, and other family members to
finish. The best part was when I was able to do the last three obstacles and get
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Essay on My Summer Vacation
When I was ten years old my Father took me to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida during summer
vacation. It is one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It was my first time on an airplane,
so I was a little nervous. It felt like forever while we sat in the plane waiting to take off. Finally, I
heard the pilot say "prepare for take off." I'll admit I was a little scared, but as the plane lifted off the
runway, I was ok. The plane ride there was three hours long. It was a little bumpy, but other then
that, everything went well. We landed in Orlando. The airport was gigantic. After walking for a
while, we found the baggage claim. It took us a while to find all of our suitcases. We rented a car
and drove to more content...
My cousin Audrey saw how many times it went upside–down and decided not go on. Brandon and I
made fun of her, but once I was strapped to my seat, I was having second thoughts myself. We
took off in what felt like a fraction of a second. Before I knew it, I was being whipped around
sharp turns and flipped around loops. It was so much fun! When we got off and walked toward
the exit, we saw a wall of television screens, which was showing candid shots of us on the ride.
We both looked terrified. It was hilarious. My mom still has the picture. We went on a few more
rides and then stopped to get something to eat. Now it was my turn to pick a ride. We walked to
one called Dr. Dooms Fear Fall. We sat down in a row of four, with our legs dangling. After a few
minutes, the voice of Dr. Doom was heard. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do
remember him saying " Prepare to Die!" All of a sudden we shot up 150 feet into the air and then
pushed back down faster then gravity. We thought it was over, but it shot us up again. It was a very
exhilarating experience. The day was coming to an end. Audrey picked the last ride. She chose the
Dueling Dragons. It was a double track, near–miss roller coaster. You had a choice between fire and
ice. My Dad and I chose fire, and My Uncle Joe, Brandon and Audrey chose ice. We started off fast,
going down a straightaway, heading right for each other. Then both coasters tore up with a series of
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Essay On My Summer Holidays

  • 1. Argumentative Essay : Summer Is The Best The four seasons, winter, summer, autumn and spring fly by like Lightning Mcqueen from the movie Cars, racing to the finish line. When you talk about the seasons everybody has a different perspective to it. Some might say summer is the best, due to there being no school, also the hot weather. Many may argue that Spring is the best, because of the plants coming back to life after months in the grave. Finally, some people believe that autumn is the best, because of the fact that it has comfortable weather and the colors of the trees. All the seasons are great, but after you're done reading this you'll know that winter is the best season in my opinion. For instance, winter is MVP due to the outdoor activities, beautiful scenery it brings, more content... When all's said and done winter offers variety of sports and activities you can play and just have fun. In addition, winter has such beautiful scenery you would think you are in a museum. For example, when snow hits ground and forms the endless, angelic sheet of white crystal it is unlike any feeling anyone has ever felt. Think about it, you wake up one day to see snow fluttering around outside and it is an amazing sight. So, you ask to go outside, sure you have to get a snow suit on or something to keep you warm but, it's all worth it once you go outside and you feel the icy crystals float around you. You will feel like Elsa., Ok, I'm done with the references. Besides the point, When people go outside and they see this god–like work of art they want to take pictures of it and the landscape just looks so awesome with the sunset in the background with snow falling creating this masterpiece that can only be recreated during the awesome season of winter. As a human and a teenager, I can tell you that when you go outside after a snowstorm it is the most breathtaking experience ever, due to the painting of white splashed around every corner. As a final note, winter is one of the only season's that give us a "Paesaggio Fantastico". It's italian for Awesome Landscape and it describes this season very well. As a final point, when winter comes around, holidays flood in like water into a bathtub. Just some examples, New Years eve/Day, Christmas and, the winter solstice. Get more content on
  • 2. My Summer Holidays t was the first of June. The sun was shining brightly and there was the flavor of joy, happiness, and vacations in the air. I breathed it and truly felt how my body overwhelmed with the freedom and desire to move the mountains in the pursuit of great vacations. I planned my summer holidays during the whole year, and I knew for sure that it had to be a marvelous time spent with friends, ocean, sunshine, fresh fruits, and disco parties. My mother has changed everything that day. She decided that charity was the best thing, which I could do in the summer, and enrolled me to the special program, aimed at attending the elderly homes and assisting senior people there. Saying that I was disappointed is nothing. I was truly furious, because it meant that I would be obliged to spend half of the week helping some old grannies. This activity was not included in my summer to–do list. I felt rage because during the whole year I worked a lot to pass the exams, to receive excellent marks and to get the appreciation of teachers. I did everything I was told to, and as a result, obtained the punishment in the form of geriatric homes visiting. Today, I understand that it was God's blessing. It was a chance to look at my life from a different angle and to understand its gist and essence. However, at that time, I considered myself to be the victim of my mother's cruelty. My first visits of the geriatric home did not make any impression on me. Old wrinkled people were sitting and chatting about Get more content on
  • 3. My Summer Fun At The Family Farm My Summer Fun at the Family Farm Childhood is the most important phase of any person's life. It is when we start to improve our personality. I had many childhood memories, but the ones that I judge to be most important in my life were my summer times with my family on the family farm. Every summer my father planned our trip for weeks, and always a threatened to not let me go if my grades were low, but I knew that even with low grades I was going. My memories were great not just because my family, but the environment, and the people of the places we went.. When I was about 8 years old my family and I used to go spent the summer at the family farm. This farm was about 12 hours driving from our home. We used to start our trip in the night time and see the sunrise on the half way to the destination. My dad used to stop every year in the same restaurants to get breakfast and lunch. I remember that from year to year the food had the same taste and the place the same strong coffee smell in the air. I remember that I used to order a plate of scrambled eggs topped with cheese and French toasted that came out the stove melting accompanied with the butter that I never tasted on any place else. The closest city was 10 miles from the farm, so before getting to the farm, we needed to stop to get provisions. That city has the name of Flores and it is a little city with about 5 thousand people living in, and it is a beautiful city with a few businesses and an antique Get more content on
  • 4. My Summer Vacation At Toronto Two summers ago in 2014 I took my annual summer vacation to Toronto. I spent two months with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Around that time everyone had the World Cup fever, rooting for their country or other countries. For much of the beginning of my stay I sequestered myself in my room surrounded only by my electronic companions. By mid–July I adapted to a daily routine of afternoon wake up, brunch, and returning back to my room to scroll through Instagram and check my Snapchat. Occasionally I would participate in the family ritual of lounging lazily in the evening in the family room watching the latest Big Brother episode after the adults' long day of work. On one of those days in about the last week of June my older cousin, Feben, more content... That morning I assumed Nylah felt troublesome and Navaeha felt bored as well. They plotted a wicked scheme to have fun. They decided to take turns popping in and out of my room and robbed me of a half an hour of sweet sweet sleep. I, of course stayed up later than I should have, so they weren 't fully to blame. I groggily got ready and lumbered with my suitcase down the steps. The little ones finished getting ready and Feben and I managed to find the missing items. I knew that this trip to Niagara would differ from my other two trips because it had a spontaneous aspect. The sun shined timidly through the windows as my little cousins finished up getting ready. We finally got loaded in the car by mid–morning on a early August Saturday. The drive lasted two hours. However, with two energetic little people in addition to traveling on an endless highway it felt like an eternity. I can 't even remember how many times the phrases "Are we there yet?" and "Can we have candy?" escaped Navaeha and Nylah's mouth. By the thirty minute mark, I looked up to the welkin and begged God for mercy. About an hour into the trip, we pulled into a parking lot for bathroom breaks and snack distributions. I stepped out to grab some fresh air and next to me I saw a grand peach tree hovering over my side of the car. I thought to myself how the peaches probably tasted really good And my appetite suddenly whetted. I grabbed the fruit Get more content on
  • 5. The Worst Vacation Of My Life Essay I used to spend the last part of my summer vacation with my uncle and aunt. As a continuation of a long–ago–established tradition we decided going to York– a small, picturesque tourist town at the seaside, located in the southeastern part of Maine. On the 27th of August, early in the morning we went to my uncle's car with the entire luggage, prepared to leave and spend a nice, relaxing vacation, far away from the problems of the city. Unfortunately the unpleasant surprises started from the first second of our vacation. To our great disbelief the two front tires of the car were missing, and as later became clear, stolen during the night so at this moment the car was lying on the pavement, like a big wounded animal. I remember that more content... Our mood was bad, because we were tired from the hours spend in the car and the accidents, that happened to us. As far as I remember we had another problem with the reservation of our hotel rooms, but after such an exhausting day those things seemed almost normal, too easily–predicted to make us an impression. The very first days of our vacation passed smoothly, without any sign that our bad luck will follow us. We started to enjoy our rest, making jokes from the strange situations that happened to us the previous days. Then the event that changes my life happened. It was the fourth day of our vacation and we had already forgotten the events from our departure. As usual, after breakfast we went directly to the beach with the intent to stay there till late afternoon. This time my uncle proposed us to change the place and go to some more quiet and far from the crowd one. We of course accepted the idea. This new beach was exactly what I was dreaming for – beautiful shore, clear and calm sea, clean sand. I was really excited. This magnificent "heaven" was naturally surrounded by high cliffs, which separated us from the rest of the beach, that is, from the crowd. The day passed very smoothly. At the end of it we were even slightly bored from those sunbathes. Then my aunt proposed me to climb up one of the cliffs that surrounded the beach. I grinned broadly and accepted the idea with enthusiasm –, as all kids will do when proposing Get more content on
  • 6. The minute that everybody has been expecting for has at long last arrived. The people are inclining toward the edge of their seats, listening for the last chime to ring to unleash them to freedom. We all love it when summer vacation has arrived, but the time just passes by so fast. A high percentage of the students want there to be a longer summer vacation, but are there really any benefits? Well yes in fact a longer vacation will be associated with many benefits such as increased social life, health benefits, and educational plus financial gains. Students need time to relax and de–stress. With the accumulation of homework, projects, assignments, tests and quizzes, students are constantly working and have no time to relax. This can be overwhelming, but students still put in the effort just to make it through the year because they know they can rest in the summer. Furthermore, this could cause students to become unmotivated because they will think that they are trapped in a prison in which they are boundlessly doing work and will never meet their own goals. A longer vacation will allow us to clear our minds and open them to new possibilities that would not be possible if we were to follow the same routine every day. Likewise, it is not only the students that need this vacation, but it is also the staff and faculty as well who would definitely rather see their family and friends instead of the students for a whole year. Most of these families go on holidays, but sometimes Get more content on
  • 7. Summer Holidays Summary The article, "Should children study in the summer holidays?" (Jackson, 2017) discusses the pros and cons of continuing a child's education throughout their summer vacation. In favor of this idea was Vivien Stiles, a professional tutor for Kumon, who argued that studying over the summer would help children ease back into a full school year. Stiles continued to explain the program as a two day school week which teaches Mathematics and English. The average time it takes for each student to complete their homework for their class is between 15 and 90 minutes. Others, like Tanith Carey, fear that extending classroom education into thesummer may overwhelm some young minds. She explained how her daughter felt so overwhelmed by her education experience she tried to deny an award she won because there was too much that surrounded the acceptance of that award. Once Carey realized how much stress the extra schooling during the summer was causing her daughter, she removed her from the tutoring program so she could play and experience a stress free childhood. Over years the results have been quite positive for Carey and her two daughters as they have both found passions in the arts and are leading healthy happy lives. She stresses the importance of learning not only in classrooms, but through nature, exploring, and experiencing the natural environment around them. According to Carey some parents are overlooking how much their children really learn when they are able to explore Get more content on
  • 8. How I Will Spend My Summer Vacation How I will Spend My Summer Vacation There is an old proverb that goes, 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' I agree. For me, the summer vacation will provide me with a rare opportunity to take a well–deserved rest after a year of hard work. Last summer, I chose to engage in activities that would help me relax my mind and recoup not only my health but also my vitality. Thissummer will be no different. Towards this end, I plan to tour a number of amazing locations, read at least two interesting and/or informative books, and reflect on my accomplishments and failures so far. The relevance of visiting places or locations one has never visited before cannot be overstated. In addition to helping relax the mind, travelling also carries with it some educational value. This summer, I plan to visit two major locations. These include the Niagara Falls and the National Mall and Memorial Parks. It is important to note that I settled on these two major travel destinations after undertaking a laborious research on the key attractions on–site. The National Mall and Memorial Parks is an amazing place to visit. According to the National Park Foundation (2012), "the National Mall is America's front yard where the Washington Monument, WWII and Lincoln Memorials stand." I have to admit that part of my desire to visit the National Mall and Memorial Parks stems from the great respect I have for Abraham Lincoln. In that regard, the Lincoln Memorial remains one of the places I plan to Get more content on
  • 9. Pros And Disadvantages Of Summer Vacation Summer Vacation Sept. 14, 2017 Summer break is one of the very few things teachers and students look forward to, so is it fair to have it cut short and will it be a disadvantage? For starters, when students start their vacation, the first two things in their mind is; no more sleeping early, and video games, which both of those will occupy them for at least half of the summer, if not more. In some countries like China and Germany, Summer breaks last around 6 weeks and those countries tend to have higher IQ marks with Germany having a total average IQ score of 102 and China with 105. In the end, children will still have to review what they've learned over the past few school years when they get back to school, so basically, having more yet shorter breaks during the school year is more convenient and less time will be wasted for not only students, but teachers and principals too. In conclusion, the logical answer is; summer vacation should last for only about 6 weeks as it will help students more than playing video games and watching TV. Summer vacation is labelled a time in between two school years in which you may take a break from studying and focus on sports... well expected to focus on sports and extra summer activities, but 2 months is quite a long time to be away from school considering only 1 in 10 students will study and review what they have learned over the previous school years and more. For example, Pabla Amandeep, 13, says if she weren't in school she'd just be Get more content on
  • 10. My Last Summer My Last Summer She turned round and suddenly she knew, this was it. All she could do was laugh, what else could she do? Swim, she would never make it. It was right in front of her, there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide she was in the open. She closed her eyes and hoped it wouldn't hurt, when suddenly she saw the light. We had been driving for what felt like hours, even though I knew it was only for 3. We were almost there. The final summer together. Our final journey as a family to the place that feels more like home than the house we lived in. My mother turned up the radio as her favourite summer song was on, "I got my first real six string, bought it at the five and dime...." She sang at the top of her lungs. We passed the little variety store in town and I realized that this was the last time I was going to be here, I was moving to England. Like really my dad couldn 't have gotten a job anywhere else? It has to be England!! That was not my main focus right now, the beach was. I couldn 't wait to get out and lay on the beach and soak up the sun, it 's my specialty, the boys are always jealous of how amazing my tan is at the end of summer. We pulled into the drive of the summer house and the boys came running out like little kids, Jeremy was 18, one year older than me, and Nate was 19. They both ran for Matt. My older brother, who was 19 just like Nate. I waited for their little bromance to be over then made my way out of the car, Jeremy ran over and picked me up Get more content on
  • 11. French Essays About Holidays During my last vacation I went to France. My mum arranged this tour for me and my friends. We travelled there by plane. We went France last summer. So the weather was bright and hot around 23– 30 degrees. It was the best weather for camping but we stayed in Champs Elysees hotel. It was the most luxurious hotel I ever been. There was an attached toilet, TV lounge, bed room, balcony and wardrobes in my room. We visited Eiffel tower. The view of the Paris from Eiffel tower is fantastic because I saw taller buildings as ants. on the second day we went walked in world's most famous avenue Champs–ELysees. It was a great street to those who love walking and shopping. I bought few souvenirs for my family and friends in England. We more content... Donc le temps Г©tait brillant et chaud environ 23–30 degrГ©s. C'Г©tait le meilleur temps pour le camping mais Nous sommes restГ©s dans l'hГґtel de Champions Elysees. C'Г©tait l'hГґtel le plus luxueux je jamais Г©tГ©. Il y avait des toilettes attachГ©es, t.v le bar, la piГЁce de lit, le balcon et les garde–robes dans ma piГЁce. nous avons visitГ© la tour Eiffel. La vue du Paris de la tour Eiffel est fantastique parce que le j'ai vu de plus grandes fourmis d'Гўne de bГўtiments aussi petits que les fourmis. Sur le deuxiГЁme jour nous sommes allГ©s a promenade dans les Champions–ELysees d'avenue les plus rГ©putГ©s de monde. C'Г©tait une grande rue pour ceux qui aiment promenade et faire des courses. J'ai achetГ© peu de souvenirs pour ma famille et amis en Angleterre. nous avons visitГ© la seine de riviГЁre qui coulent Г travers Paris. C'est aussi la frontiГЁre de Paris. J'ai apprГ©ciГ© le trajet du bateau le plus pendant la visite de seine de riviГЁre. Bien que mes amis l'aient trouvГ© fatigant. J'ai trouvГ© la ville commerciale visitante de France comme ennuyeuse parce qu'il est rempli des polluants. Nous avons vu des yards de soleils dans la France Nord. c'Г©tait joli. Donc nous avons pris des plein de peintures. Nous sommes aussi allГ©s Г la plage. Dans la plage nous avions un BBQ et nous sommes allГ©s Г une foire d'amusement. Cestait amusant. J'ai apprГ©ciГ© le toboggan d'eau le plus. Mais nous partir pour aller Г notre hГґtel bientГґt. Parce que le jour suivant nous avons Get more content on
  • 12. Thailand Vacation Essay Thailand is the most preferred tourist place of many people. You will find there beautiful beaches, seas, glitzy shopping malls, colorful markets and has rich culture. Thailand holidays package is enticing mixture of establishing destination like Hua Hin and Phuket. Thailand appeals to many different travelers, whether they are hippy chic or craving barefoot luxury. Thailand provides you plenty of selections for every budget and taste. Pampering is an art form of this beautiful country and throughout the country spas provide authentic treatments if it is in a 5 star resort or a beach side hut. Package Thailand holidays provides you best sightseeing, variegated shopping, colorful history, gourmet. Thailand has an outstanding more content... Chief northern cities are Khon Khen and Chiang Mai. Thailand country is full of fun and colors are an outstanding destination to visit. Thailand holiday packages never fails for attracting and amazing citizens of different age groups. Nonetheless, there are a number of stunning towns, shoreline and isles as well as hospitality that people extend is beyond their imagination and it makes this city a famous place with travelers. Few of the well known Thailand destinations during Package Thailand holidays are Bangkok, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin and Phuket. Bangkok is on the edge of river named Chao Phraya, which is the capital city of Thailand. It is the largest city in the entire country with the almost 7,000,000 population. a worldwide well–known seashore resort named Pattaya is positioned almost 170 km south of Bangkok. Pattaya is premier beach resort of Thailand and annually fascinates happiness seeking people from all across the world. Comfortable tropical ambience of Pattaya is the ideal for an unforgettable holiday experience for couples, singles and families too. Pattaya beach really touches the shoreline in a four km long arc. Southern beach is famous for its best night time activities. Streets are alive to crowd and bustle of entertainment halls, restaurants as well as crowded bars. Northern beach is sedate enough and best for Pattaya. Pattaya is full of water sports too. For people of more sporting nature, outdoor or indoor, Get more content on
  • 13. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation Summer vacation! The beach! The mountains! Friends! Airplanes! Then, there was me with no plans, just drawing and eating, and other monotonous things, very repetitive. If someone asked, "What is something new and interesting you did this summer?" I would of had to reply with, "I tasted a new potato chip flavor, it was good. What did you do?", but that wasn't the case, because my parents then all of a sudden, in the very last minute scheduled a vacation, It was a three day vacation. The vacation consisted my family going to New Hampshire, Maine, then Boston. First of all, if you didn't know, New Hampshire is located South West from Maine. Go north, then wow! Hello Canada! Next, Maine is located South and a little West from New Brunswick, one of the provinces in Canada. Fun fact, Fredericton is the capital of News Brunswick! Lastly, Boston is Massachusetts' capital and largest city. Another fun fact, it's one of the oldest cities in the U.S. The people that are involved in the events are me, of course, others are my sister, mother, father, and the people of the inn and hotel. A delightful and enjoyable summer vacation! Our first stop, New Hampshire as I introduced it, it is South West from Maine, it's capital is Concord. When we first entered New Hampshire, there were buildings, students, and workers walking everywhere in different directions. It actually, sort of reminded me of New York City, of course New York City was more crowded, had more large buildings, and different, but still it reminded me of New York City. My family went to New Hampshire riding a car, so we had been in the car for seven hours. Well we kept driving North, the outside started to change, the buildings became less more common, then before I knew it there were trees in everywhere, just no trees on the path we drove on. There were yellow deer crossing signs ornamented the tall and green trees. Then when we arrived at the inn, I mean to go to the inn, we took like three stops to ask where this inn was. The inn was around trees, were we had to park the car was not the parking lot you would see normally. The parking lot had no lines to indicate where to park. It was just covered in small rocks as tiny pebbles, gravel, sand, and etc. The Get more content on
  • 14. My First Day Of Summer Vacation It was a hot day and today was the day of the trip! I had school that day So I went to school and I was very excited because after school, we also had our first day of summer vacation.When school ended my dad came and picked me up,we had to get ready quick we had to leave In two hours. I ate lunch and it was delicious, When I was done I speeded to my bathroom and took a shower in one flash. When It was time I said good–bye to my mom and my siblings,sadly they couldn't go .We went to Chicago first because my godfather was gonna drive. When we got to Chicago we slept there for one day and we woke up around 4 or 5 in the morning so we could eat something and take showers or whatever we had to do. We got done packing and taking showers more content... The next day we went tubing but there was a bit of a problem, When my cousins were tubing i tried to distract them so one of them would fall off.I decided to tell them that I was gonna take a picture but I really wasn't.Until a bump came and one of my cousins fell, they were stopping the boat and I was trying to get on the other side so I could go but the thing Is i didn't have a life jacket on , i guess I forgot.I fell into the water and I felt like i was gonna drown right at that moment, my cousin saw that I didn't have one on and she came and got me.I got back to the boat and got a life jacket on i don't know what I was thinking.That day was a nightmare after that point, It was the next day today and we had a family cookout because this was our third to last day we were here. I kept thinking about how much i'm gonna miss this family, i wouldn't be able to see them till next summer, maybe even 2 summers!!When the barbecue and the chicken and all that good stuff was done I ate and spent the rest of the day taking photos and making memories for this Texas trip. Today was the last day that we were at Texas and tomorrow we had to leave so I don't know If that counts as today is our final day here.I woke up around 9 and also to some good breakfast, oh man that was delicious. We went shopping for our last day since there was a sale.I got so many stuff and I really wanted to get a shirt that said "I traveled Get more content on
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Summer And Summer Holidays Traveling for holidays is something that most families and friends do it to enjoy. Most of the members of the family get excited when it comes to traveling. Going for a trip is one of the most activity that each person needs to get out from stress. Nowadays, traveling is becoming much easier for people to travel. Travel agencies can help a lot in picking where to have a holiday and can organize the whole trip whether it was for a summer trip or winter trip. They can book the hotel, restaurant, and activities. Most families and group of friends argue on choosing where to travel. Some enjoy having a summer trip because they enjoy going to the beach and some enjoy to take the holiday for a winter trip because they like to ski and see the snow. There is a kind of people that like to experience and travel all around the world whether it is a cold or hot country. Although both summer trips and winter trips are similar in their extreme temperature, they differ in their length of the day and their activities. First, both summer and winter trips are similar in their extreme temperature. The country that each group choose it will be either extremely hot or extremely cold. It is obvious that summer will be very hot seasons and winter will be a freezing season. Both summer and winter trips require the main tips. For example, they both require clothes that fits the climate. People cannot wear a coat on summer days because it does not fit the weather nor wearing a short dress in winter. Get more content on
  • 16. Summer Holidays It was the first of June. The sun was shining brightly and there was the flavor of joy, happiness, and vacations in the air. I breathed it and truly felt how my body overwhelmed with the freedom and desire to move the mountains in the pursuit of great vacations. I planned my summer holidays during the whole year, and I knew for sure that it had to be a marvelous time spent with friends, ocean, sunshine, fresh fruits, and disco parties. My mother has changed everything that day. She decided that charity was the best thing, which I could do in summer, and enrolled me to the special program, aimed at attending the elderly homes and assisting senior people there. Saying that I was disappointed is nothing. I was truly furious, because more content... Nothing interesting. For me, they were outdated people, who knew nothing about life in a real world. But I smiled, made the things they asked me to, and counted minutes to return to my joyful life with cool friends, jokes, cafes and parties. One day and one meeting have changed my whole life. I was walking down the corridor, and accidentally glimpsed into the room, where sat old woman. She resembled an exotic fluffy flower. She had light curly hair and sat near the window. The sun was shining brightly that day, and her grey hair was full of sun flashes, and there was such a feeling that there was a nimbus around her head. I stopped and started looking at her. She was knitting and her fingers quickly did something with the stitches. There was nothing particular about her, but her outer look caught my eye and immediately attracted attention. Her skin resembled a baked apple. It was covered with wrinkles, but it did not distort her appearance. The most amazing thing were her eyes. Blue, round, energetic. There was such a feeling that these were the eyes of a kid, who wants to investigate the world. They eradiated kind miraculous light, and this light made me come closer and closer... For the first time during the fortnight, I approached the old woman because I wanted to do it, but not because I was obliged to so. It seemed that she was not surprised at all, she looked at me, as if I came every single Get more content on
  • 17. My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and the endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it's the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is closed for two months. During summer, you're free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up early for school. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun at a beach or simply having dinner together. I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive into a fresh and cold pool. When summer time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable. The weather allows people to go outdoors more content... The break calls for staying up late and waking up whenever you want to. Everyone works so hard during the school year, so they deserve that free time. Summer times are stress free, relaxing, and basically fun. You don't have to worry about homework, projects, and studying for a test. One of my favorite summer pastimes is staying up late watching movies and eating junk food, and then waking up late and having brunch. Summer season is the best time for festivals and activities. You can never get bored on a summer day or night. During the day, there are fun activities such as: swimming, sports, picnics, and barbeques. Friends and family spend a lot of time together during the summer time. There is a lot of good food, drinks, and fun music. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. Summer evenings are the best time for concerts, movies, parties, and relaxing with friends. The summer evenings are beautiful because of the sparkly and glittery city lights. One of the best events of the year, July Fourth, happens during summer. The celebration of July fourth is very extravagant and glamorous. People gather around to celebrate and watch the display of fireworks. The vibrant colors and the loud sound of the fireworks are amazing. Overall, summer is just a wonderful season with so much to offer. The best thing about this time of the year is that everyone is so happy, whereas, compared to the winter, everyone is Get more content on
  • 18. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation In February during spring break, my Dad, nicknamed Moose, arranges a trip to stay on Seagull Lake. This is not like your ordinary trip; this is winter camping in the Boundary Waters, which requires hard work, the willingness to help out at all times, and a lot of preparation. This trip consists of cross country skiing, pulling 300 lbs on a sled across a long frozen lake, sleeping in tents in weather that is 20 degrees below zero, and portaging 2 miles to get the chance to fish on a secret fishing lake. The people that go on this 5 day trip every year are Moose, my second cousin Paul Gerten and his dog, my uncle Danny, their friend Sterling Black, and I, although Danny had knee issues for a while which didn't allow him to come this trip. The year was 2016, and Sterling decided to bring his nephew named Birkley, whose mother had just passed away. Also, Moose brought along his work friend Brett Strand from Lifetime Fitness. We start our trip by driving up to my cabin in Silver Bay, Minnesota. The first night is a Thursday night without the old men's wives, so we go to a bar called the the Green Door where the men drink a bunch of beers and watch the wild game. Birkley and I of course only drink Coca Cola. Being the one out of the group that is too young to drink alcohol, and also the kid that can drive, I have to sober cab for the men. When we get back to the cabin, many games of cribbage are played and many more beers are finished by the men. Waking up in the morning is Get more content on
  • 19. Narrative Essay About Summer Vacation Summer Vacation Do you know the reason why we have summer vacation? I believe that summer vacation is not just about sleeping in and appreciating the time off, it includes spending time with your close friends and family, and that is exactly what I did this summer break. There were many fascinating things I did this summer and in this essay I will tell you a few of things I enjoyed doing. Spending time with close relatives and is exactly what I did to kickoff my summer even though massive amount of them lived out of the state Indiana going to Seattle, Mexico, Texas, and Virginia. Somehow we accomplished the task to see my whopping 275 family members only on my mom's side, we ended up putting on a huge family reunion more content... For that rest of the day we went to a restaurant called Puckett's and apparently it is right down the road from Justin Timberlake's recording studio/private house, All of the kids including me went to his front and touched his door knob and I might of took a sneak peek inside his house. The last day we were there we visited a beautiful waterfall, even though it was a lovely site the water part was very deadly. The reason why it was deadly was there were big boulders everywhere you stepped, and there were water moccasins which are venomous snakes that lurked around in the water. When it was time to live the waterfall a water moccasin was about 20 feet in front of me and my friends, thankfully another guy ran into the water scaring the snake away making it safe for me and my buddies to get out. Honestly out of the whole entire summer this had to be my favorite vacation. This next vacation isn't really a vacation it's more of an event but it was fun, hilarious, and relaxing like a vacation. After Tennessee we went seven days later we went to Detroit, Michigan for this thing called a muck fest. A muck fest is 5k with muddy obstacles that you run into on your way to the finish line. The race only lasted 2 hours for my mom, dad, and other family members to finish. The best part was when I was able to do the last three obstacles and get Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on My Summer Vacation When I was ten years old my Father took me to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida during summer vacation. It is one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It was my first time on an airplane, so I was a little nervous. It felt like forever while we sat in the plane waiting to take off. Finally, I heard the pilot say "prepare for take off." I'll admit I was a little scared, but as the plane lifted off the runway, I was ok. The plane ride there was three hours long. It was a little bumpy, but other then that, everything went well. We landed in Orlando. The airport was gigantic. After walking for a while, we found the baggage claim. It took us a while to find all of our suitcases. We rented a car and drove to more content... My cousin Audrey saw how many times it went upside–down and decided not go on. Brandon and I made fun of her, but once I was strapped to my seat, I was having second thoughts myself. We took off in what felt like a fraction of a second. Before I knew it, I was being whipped around sharp turns and flipped around loops. It was so much fun! When we got off and walked toward the exit, we saw a wall of television screens, which was showing candid shots of us on the ride. We both looked terrified. It was hilarious. My mom still has the picture. We went on a few more rides and then stopped to get something to eat. Now it was my turn to pick a ride. We walked to one called Dr. Dooms Fear Fall. We sat down in a row of four, with our legs dangling. After a few minutes, the voice of Dr. Doom was heard. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember him saying " Prepare to Die!" All of a sudden we shot up 150 feet into the air and then pushed back down faster then gravity. We thought it was over, but it shot us up again. It was a very exhilarating experience. The day was coming to an end. Audrey picked the last ride. She chose the Dueling Dragons. It was a double track, near–miss roller coaster. You had a choice between fire and ice. My Dad and I chose fire, and My Uncle Joe, Brandon and Audrey chose ice. We started off fast, going down a straightaway, heading right for each other. Then both coasters tore up with a series of twists, Get more content on