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           AND AMERICA
                          Thian Lim - 1260022
                                   Ger Bruens
                              Ton Hoogerwerf
INTRODUCTION                 3
ZEN                          4
JAPAN                        6
  Zen Buddhism               6
  Opposites in harmony       6
  Chanoyu                    7
  Japanese dining            9
  Twentieth Century         10

  Preserving the past       11
  Tatami                    12

AMERICAN ZEN                16
  D.T. Suzuki               16
  Loewy’s Streamline        18
  Modernistic movement      18
  The International Style   19
  Christopher Dresser       20
  Frank Lloyd Wright        21
  Final words               22

SOURCE LIST                 23
                          Zen has been around for a very
                     long time and has steadily been
                     making its way to the West. The men
                     and women of the modern world are
                     becoming increasingly busy and they
                     are multitasking away. Answering
                     the phone while typing an e-mail,
                     people are constantly in touch with
                     each other. After a while you realize
                     you have to get in touch with yourself
                     and create a moment of peace
                     and reflection. This might be the

 Statue of Buddha.   reason that Zen design has become
                     so popular in the Western world.

                           In this essay I will talk about Zen
                     influences in Japanese product design
                     and how this translated into American
                     product design. Eastern culture has
                     inspired and influenced the Western
                     world for a long time and in a lot of
                     different ways. It is more than natural
                     that the design world would notice
                     the arts and crafts of the East as well.
      What is Zen? I have found that it
is very hard to formulate an accurate
and concise definition. I think Zen is
a philosophy which helps people to
get rid of the stuff you don’t need;
your worries, fears, preconceptions
and attachments so you can lead
your life without pain and sorrow.

      What does Zen have to do
with design? Zen is a philosophy
which the Japanese artists and

people in common, all embrace             Zen garden (karesansui) with typical
and express through their products         rippling sand, which represents the
and actions. “No ceramic artist, can                                      sea.
attain excellence without intense
concentration      and       complete
sharpness of mind. Technique is
important, but keen mental awareness
is the most important of all.” Quoted
from Hajime Kato, a potter who is one
of the 33 Living National Treasures
of Japan. This is exactly what Zen
is about. Sharpness of mind and
mental awareness are fundamental
elements of Zen philosophy. By
embracing Zen and it’s teachings,
artists are able to create works of
art which combine exuberance and
simplicity into a harmonious whole.
Traditionally Zen design always
                            has a sense of elegance and peace
                            around it. It is the harmony that the
                            design forms with its surroundings.
                            Zen inspired buildings for example,
                            always fit in the environment and
                            complements it, rather than occupying
                            it. Zen design has come a long way
                            and today it can be seen everywhere,
                            from architecture to electronics.

 Creative Zen MP3 player.
Zen Buddhism

     Buddhism was introduced in
Japan in the sixth century. In this time
a lot of monasteries were made and
countless paintings and sculptures were
made. Zen Buddhism was introduced
in Japan during the Kamakura
period (1185-1333). The search for
enlightenment “in the moment” led to
the development of other derivative
arts, such as the “Chanoyu” tea

ceremony or the “Ikebana” art of             Gonroku Matsuda - Lacquer box.
flower arrangement. This evolution
went as far as considering almost any
human activity as a form of art with a
strong spiritual and aesthetic content.

                                           Handscroll: ink and color on paper.
Opposites in harmony                                Night Attack on the Sanjo
                                             Palace from the Illustrated Scrolls
     Its dedication to the beauty of             of the Events of the Heiji Era.
simplicity had a profound influence
on the handicrafts arts of Japan.
During my literary research, I found
that although Zen is all about modesty
and simplicity, many Japanese designs
contained       ornamental     features.
You might think that ornamental
and simplistic design could never
coexist, but the Japanese prove us
otherwise. The products from Japan
                                    always carry a sense of elegance
                                    and simplicity, bringing the two
                                    opposites   together  in   harmony.

                                          In the lacquer box, you can see
 Raku, Shino and Oribe tea bowls.   that the ornamental features are in
                                    harmony with the rest of the box. You
                                    can also see that only natural things
                                    are portrayed on the lacquer box.
                                    This is something you see throughout
                                    Japanese design. Often things like

                                    flowers birds and other aspects of
                                    nature are used as decoration. This
                                    love for nature can be attributed
                                    to the Zen philosophy. A lot of Zen
                                    principles     concerning    aesthetics,
                                    embrace        nature   as   inspiration.
                                    “Shizen”      (naturalness),   “Fukinsei”
                                    (asymmetry) and “Shin, Gyo, So”
                                    (harmony between man-made and
                                    nature) are principles based on nature.


                                         Along with Zen the custom of
                                    drinking tea came to Japan. The
                                    Japanese were introduced with tea
                                    by China in the Nara period, but they
                                    haven’t developed a passion for it
until the Kamakura period. This means
that tea-drinking had become more
popular now and so are the tea utensils
and equipment. This development
led       to   an    encouragement
of      the   Japanese     craftsmen.

      In particular the potters and the
makers of iron teakettles improved
their techniques. Iron was considered
the plainest of metals and thus it would
fit perfectly into the Zen tradition.      Traditional Japanese tearoom.

It’s texture harmonized with that of
the pottery tea bowls. The tea bowls
were the main accessories, but they
were no more decorative than the
teakettle or the room itself. So due to
the influence of Zen the bowls were
mostly sober of color. Also, perfect
symmetry was never a goal (Fukinsei),
the more rustic in fact, the better.
                                                  Tea ceremony utensils.
      The Japanese tea tradition
exhibits a lot of Zen influences. The
traditional arts and crafts of Japan
reflect a sense of beauty and the
essential element of this beauty is the
harmony between the apparently
individual parts. The tearoom is a very
good example of this. There are a
lot of different separate things to be
seen in such a room; there may be
                                         a painting, flowers, utensils and tea
                                         bowls. All these parts are beautiful by
                                         themselves, but they come together in
                                         a broader and more spiritual design.

                                         Japanese dining

                                               Another good example of this
                                         kind of harmony is seen at a Japanese
 Typical Western porcelain dinner set.   meal. The primary attraction for

                                         foreigners at such a meal is usually
                                         the ritual of serving the food, and not
                                         the food itself. At a traditional Western
                                         dinner, all the dishes are of the same
                                         pattern and shape. They unmistakably
                                         belong to a set and any dish that
                                         looks different will seem like an intruder
         Typical Japanese dinner set.    to the set. At a Japanese dinner
                                         however, there is a variety of designs,
                                         colors and shapes. The craftsman
                                         adds a touch of richness and gives
                                         the objects their own identity. The
                                         harmonizing factor here is the “spirit”
                                         of the craftsman that the dishes
                                         express. The pictures seen on this page
                                         show the difference between the two
                                         styles. The Western style is very clean
                                         and the dishes do not exhibit any
                                         emotion or identity. The Japanese style
however is very rustic and full of spirit.

     Japanese        products     always
possess a beautiful balance between
the exuberantly decorative and
the elegantly simple. This approach
of    creating    balanced      products
has a strong connection with Zen
tradition. Zen is all about finding your
balance in life and living the middle
way. The Japanese have perfected
the expression of this idea in their

products. Sometimes they did tend                           Modern Tokyo.
to go towards decadence, but the
Japanese always found their balance
in the end and sought their true
refinement in quiet elegant design.

Twentieth Century                            Asakusa Shrine pagoda, Tokyo.

     In the Twentieth century up till
now the Japanese design changed
with time. In the past you had the
more traditional arts and crafts which
were based on the strong links that
exist in Japanese culture between
aesthetics, religion and everyday life.
These traditional arts & crafts include
ceramics,     architecture,   paintings,
swords and many more. On the
opposite side of these more traditional
                                            arts are the consumer products of
                                            post-war Japan. These products are
                                            the result of the enormous success
                                            of Japan as a mass-producer.
                                            Using imported techniques, they
                                            developed a range of new products
                                            which competed with the rest of
 Sony TR55 transistor radio (first export
                                            the world. These Japanese products
                  product from Sony).
                                            were based on low costs and
                                            functionality and this is exactly why
                                            these products were so successful.

                                            The appearance of these products
                                            did not come from a specific visual
                                            scheme thought up by manufacturers.
                                            Instead,    the    technological   and
                                            economic        effectiveness    aimed
                                            at    foreign    markets    determined
                                            the appearance of the products.

                                            Preserving the past
  Canon PC20 mini copier machine.
                                                  At first glance you might think that
                                            these two periods can never come
                                            from the same culture and share no
                                            connections. But the Japanese kept
                                            a lot of their beauty standards despite
                                            influences from the West. This made
                                            sure the link with the past has not been
                                            broken and there can exist a cultural
continuity. This continuity is visible in
everyday Japanese life, for example
in the way traditional dishes are served
and the way small gifts are wrapped.
This is also noticeable in areas where
individual styling plays a big role,
like architecture, fashion, graphic
design and arts and crafts. This is not
so much the case with technological
products, where the designer is mostly
an anonymous member of a big
organization. Here, design is a part

of a very complex formula that also
consists of marketing and sales. But
even here the cultural values have
ensured the preservation of Japanese
aesthetic aspects, like compact             Packaging: traditional (above) and
design (see picture Canon PC20),                               modern (below).
mobility, multi-functionality, attention
for the smallest details and decorative
use     of    functional   components.


     This might sound like the West
has influenced Japan in a way so the
Japanese would produce products
that would fit in a Western setting. What
seemed like a Western influence on
Japanese culture, is in fact just another
way of Japan to put its traditional
                                           culture in an international context.

                                                 One of the most important
                                           trademarks of a Japanese house are
                                           the standard measurements, which
                                           originates from “tatami” floor mats.
                                           These tatami usually measure 180
                                           by 90 centimeters. In the time of the
                                           Shoguns, one tatami was the surface
                                           area that one samurai needed to put
                                           his possessions away and sleep on.

 Six-mat room with tatami flooring and     The measurements and proportions
                                  shoji.   of each room are defined by these
                                           tatami. This way of looking at design
                                           and shapes, looking from inside to
                                           the outside, from details to the bigger
                                           picture, had a direct impact on the
                                           products which contains a lot of
                                           parts. This means electronics like hi-
                                           fi equipment or cars for example are
                                           designed from another viewing point
                                           than the West was used to. Westerners
                                           are used to look at the whole
                                           product first and then the detailing.

                                                These standard measurements
                                           were also seen in for example the
                                           Kimono. In this context decoration
                                           is also important and in traditional
                                           Japanese design it has a symbolic
function. The rules of color symbolism
is very structured, for example only
children and youngsters are allowed
to wear light colors. The patterns and
designs on the kimonos are always
derived and then stylized from nature.
They are used for decoration as
well as alternating the strictness and
uniformity of shapes and proportions
and accentuating attractive shapes
of women’s bodies. During the
Edo period (1602-1867), when the

merchants became powerful, the use
of decoration and color increased. Art
forms like kabuki theater and ukiyo-e,
which gave a suitable expression
to the “bourgeois” mentality of the       Typical layout of a 4 1/2-mat tea room
merchants. Although the materialism       with attached Tokonoma and Mizuya.
of these art forms contradict with
the asceticism of Japanese life, this                             Pachinko hall.
became a very important aspect
of the twentieth century aesthetic.
In the contemporary urban setting
this is seen in the vast varieties of
billboards and neon signs and
the    complicated      “technological”
appearance of electronic products.

     The Edo     period had   two
important effects on the Japanese
cultural development. Firstly the
traditional    aesthetic    rules   were     coexistence of Western and Eastern
 carefully preserved as a result from         ideas. The existence of this originates
 the strictly controlled lifestyle of the     from the way cultural values are kept
 majority of the people. The second           and developed instead of replaced
 effect is the new flamboyant style           by others. When for example Buddhism
 which came to blossom when the               made its entry in Japan, Shintoism
 West was granted access to Japan             remained alive. Japan has always
 for the first time. This new style was       absorbed foreign elements and is used
 typical for all available merchandise        to make strange influences their own.
 like fans, kimono’s, lacquerwork
 and all kinds of luxury items. Today,
 both the austere and exuberant

 Japanese style directions are still alive.
 The simplistic style stems from the
 traditional culture; the exuberant style
 from the more popular aspects from
 contemporary Japanese urban life,
 like the “pachinko” halls (see picture).

      The    contemporary       Japanese
 design is still based on the traditional
 aesthetic. Although this is true, there
 is not just one style visible today. For
 centuries Japan has succeeded in
 combining two contrasting styles.
 One is very colorful, decorative,
 exuberant and inventive, the other is
 monochrome, contains straight lines,
 austere and sophisticated. Japan is a
 country of continuous dualism, which
 expresses itself in for example the
D.T. Suzuki

      In America, Zen is cool and it is
fashionable. The term is so frequently
used in popular culture, that it has
become part of the vocabulary of
the people. In 1983, Soyen Shaku
introduced Zen to America for the
first time. At the World Parliament
of Religions in Chicago, he among
some others talked about karma,
nonviolence, an end to war, and

tolerance of other religions. At this
conference, he met Dr. Paul Carus,
who asked him to send someone
knowledgeable about Zen Buddhism
to the United States. Shaku, asked his
student and Tokyo University scholar
D. T. Suzuki to go to the United States,   Soyen Shaku (1859-1919).
where he would eventually become
the leading academic on Zen
Buddhism in the West, and translator
for Carus’s publishing company.
Since then, Zen has gone through
                                       a Western evolution in America making
                                       American Zen a unique kind of Zen.
                                       One of the first and the one who would
                                       shape the modernistic movement, was
                                       Christopher Dresser. He succeeded
                                       in applying the Japanese Zen
                                       principles in the Western world.

 Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966).
Loewy’s Streamline

     Raymond Loewy was born in
1893 in France, and he spent most
of his professional career in the
United States where he became very
successful. One of his best-known
designs, are the works he did for the
Pennsylvania Railroad. To the right
you can see a series of locomotives
Raymond Loewy designed for the PRR.

     His designs would set the
standard     in     American     product
design. His streamlined design was
a hit in popular America, and you
would see it in almost every product
imaginable. I think it is this over
saturation of his streamline design, that
people wanted a new kind of design.

Modernistic movement

     People often overlook the fact
that the modernistic movement was
largely based on essential Japanese
principles. These principles were for
example their love for unprocessed
materials, a preference for open
spaces without partitioning walls,
showing the supporting structure
                                      and the use of standard parts.

                                           The Japanese emphasis on a
                                      standard unit as a base for repetition,
                                      and the economic use of parts, was
                                      of enormous value for the frontiers
                                      of the modernistic movement. In the
                                      Japanese culture they saw possibilities
                                      for a new aesthetic. The techniques
                                      that were involved with mass-
            Above: Japanese shoji     production led to a standardization of

 Below: Seagram building with glass   parts, which would fit the Japanese
 windows resembling the Japanese      methods of designing perfectly.
                          screens.    What these frontiers overlooked
                                      though, were the Japanese views
                                      on the importance of materials,
                                      craftsmanship and the spiritual and
                                      moral context of these aesthetic rules.

                                      The International Style

                                           As soon the West was introduced
                                      with Japanese Zen design principles,
                                      they embraced it immediately. The
                                      industrial revolution called for a new
                                      aesthetic that would fit the new way
                                      of making products. The term “less is
                                      more” that everyone probably knows
                                      about, comes from the Zen principle
called Kanso. This was very popular,
because people became more aware
of the environment and overdecoration
was put to a halt. Simplicity and
functionality     became        more
important terms in American design.

Christopher Dresser

       Christopher Dresser was one of the
first to really utilize the Zen principles

in a way it would fit in the Western
society. He was one of the fathers of
The International Style. Dresser was a
big fan of the Japanese culture and
has spread it’s principles in the artistic   Kettle (above) and teapot (below) by
circles during the 1880s. In 1876, he               Christopher Dresser (1834-1904).
became the first European designer to
be commissioned to visit Japan, which
had reopened its borders in 1854, in
order to view craft and manufacturing
techniques for the UK government.

      Dresser stressed the importance of
function, simplicity and mechanical skill,
believing that industrial and scientific
progress would lead to an entirely new
design aesthetic. He showed a lot of
influences from Japan, for example,
he promoted a rational attitude
to design, based on appropriate
                                         materials combined with suitable and
                                         restrained ornamentation. He was
                                         one of the first professionally trained
                                         designers for machine production. Also
                                         interesting is that Christopher Dresser
                                         was for an equal status between the
                                         designer and the manufacturer. He
                                         was one of the first designers to imprint
                                         his signature next to the maker’s mark.

                                         Frank Lloyd Wright
 House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
                                               Frank Lloyd Wright was born in
                                         1867 in America, in Wisconsin. His
                                         mother raised him and wanted him to
                                         become an architect, so she steered
                                         him into a career in architecture. He
                                         came in contact with engineering,
                                         at the University of Wisconsin, without
                                         finishing his high school. After he
                                         worked for Joseph Lee Silsbee, he
                                         joined the Adler and Sullivan firm,
                                         where he worked under Louis Sullivan.
                                         It is here that Frank Lloyd Wright
                                         really developed his own style which
                                         would be copied all over the world.
Final words

      I noticed that when I was
doing my research, Japanese and
Western design are fundamentally
different. While Japanese more or
less always had the same aesthetic
fundamental principles throughout
time, the Westerners follow each
other up with “better” design. Also
the Japanese people think more
alike, while the Westerners show a lot

of diversity and individual designers,
who influence the design world
in their own way. The Japanese
show a stronger common design
aesthetic. This may be the reason
why it was more difficult for me to find
information about American design
as a whole than Japanese design.

      Contemporary American design
and Western design in general has
all been influenced greatly by Zen
principles of Japan. It is a shame
that many people are not aware of
this fact and are oblivious to where
modern design came from. I was
also unaware of this, until I started
this course, and I am glad to know
about the origins of today’s design.

 Penny Sparke. Japanse vormgeving in de twintigste eeuw. 1st ed. De Bilt:
 Cantecleer, 1988.

 Ger Bruens. Form / color anatomy. The Hague: Lemma publishers, 2007.

 Gary R. McClain, Ph.D., and Eve Adamson. Zen Living. United States of America:
 Marie-Butler Knight, 2004.

 Masataka Ogawa. The enduring crafts of Japan - 33 Living National Treasures. 1st
 ed. Japan: John Weatherhill, 1968.

 Widar Halén. Christopher Dresser. 1st ed. Great Britain: BAS Printers Limited, 1990.



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Zen Thesis

  • 1. ZEN DESIGN IN JAPAN AND AMERICA Thian Lim - 1260022 Ger Bruens Ton Hoogerwerf ZEN EN DE KUNST VAN HET ONTWERPEN - IO3025
  • 2. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 ZEN 4 JAPAN 6 Zen Buddhism 6 Opposites in harmony 6 Chanoyu 7 Japanese dining 9 Twentieth Century 10 23 Preserving the past 11 Tatami 12 AMERICAN ZEN 16 D.T. Suzuki 16 Loewy’s Streamline 18 Modernistic movement 18 The International Style 19 Christopher Dresser 20 Frank Lloyd Wright 21 Final words 22 SOURCE LIST 23
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Zen has been around for a very long time and has steadily been making its way to the West. The men and women of the modern world are becoming increasingly busy and they are multitasking away. Answering the phone while typing an e-mail, people are constantly in touch with each other. After a while you realize you have to get in touch with yourself and create a moment of peace and reflection. This might be the 23 Statue of Buddha. reason that Zen design has become so popular in the Western world. In this essay I will talk about Zen influences in Japanese product design and how this translated into American product design. Eastern culture has inspired and influenced the Western world for a long time and in a lot of different ways. It is more than natural that the design world would notice the arts and crafts of the East as well.
  • 4. ZEN What is Zen? I have found that it is very hard to formulate an accurate and concise definition. I think Zen is a philosophy which helps people to get rid of the stuff you don’t need; your worries, fears, preconceptions and attachments so you can lead your life without pain and sorrow. What does Zen have to do with design? Zen is a philosophy which the Japanese artists and 45 people in common, all embrace Zen garden (karesansui) with typical and express through their products rippling sand, which represents the and actions. “No ceramic artist, can sea. attain excellence without intense concentration and complete sharpness of mind. Technique is important, but keen mental awareness is the most important of all.” Quoted from Hajime Kato, a potter who is one of the 33 Living National Treasures of Japan. This is exactly what Zen is about. Sharpness of mind and mental awareness are fundamental elements of Zen philosophy. By embracing Zen and it’s teachings, artists are able to create works of art which combine exuberance and simplicity into a harmonious whole.
  • 5. Traditionally Zen design always has a sense of elegance and peace around it. It is the harmony that the design forms with its surroundings. Zen inspired buildings for example, always fit in the environment and complements it, rather than occupying it. Zen design has come a long way and today it can be seen everywhere, from architecture to electronics. 45 Creative Zen MP3 player.
  • 6. JAPAN Zen Buddhism Buddhism was introduced in Japan in the sixth century. In this time a lot of monasteries were made and countless paintings and sculptures were made. Zen Buddhism was introduced in Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333). The search for enlightenment “in the moment” led to the development of other derivative arts, such as the “Chanoyu” tea 67 ceremony or the “Ikebana” art of Gonroku Matsuda - Lacquer box. flower arrangement. This evolution went as far as considering almost any human activity as a form of art with a strong spiritual and aesthetic content. Handscroll: ink and color on paper. Opposites in harmony Night Attack on the Sanjo Palace from the Illustrated Scrolls Its dedication to the beauty of of the Events of the Heiji Era. simplicity had a profound influence on the handicrafts arts of Japan. During my literary research, I found that although Zen is all about modesty and simplicity, many Japanese designs contained ornamental features. You might think that ornamental and simplistic design could never coexist, but the Japanese prove us
  • 7. otherwise. The products from Japan always carry a sense of elegance and simplicity, bringing the two opposites together in harmony. In the lacquer box, you can see Raku, Shino and Oribe tea bowls. that the ornamental features are in harmony with the rest of the box. You can also see that only natural things are portrayed on the lacquer box. This is something you see throughout Japanese design. Often things like 67 flowers birds and other aspects of nature are used as decoration. This love for nature can be attributed to the Zen philosophy. A lot of Zen principles concerning aesthetics, embrace nature as inspiration. “Shizen” (naturalness), “Fukinsei” (asymmetry) and “Shin, Gyo, So” (harmony between man-made and nature) are principles based on nature. Chanoyu Along with Zen the custom of drinking tea came to Japan. The Japanese were introduced with tea by China in the Nara period, but they haven’t developed a passion for it
  • 8. until the Kamakura period. This means that tea-drinking had become more popular now and so are the tea utensils and equipment. This development led to an encouragement of the Japanese craftsmen. In particular the potters and the makers of iron teakettles improved their techniques. Iron was considered the plainest of metals and thus it would fit perfectly into the Zen tradition. Traditional Japanese tearoom. 89 It’s texture harmonized with that of the pottery tea bowls. The tea bowls were the main accessories, but they were no more decorative than the teakettle or the room itself. So due to the influence of Zen the bowls were mostly sober of color. Also, perfect symmetry was never a goal (Fukinsei), the more rustic in fact, the better. Tea ceremony utensils. The Japanese tea tradition exhibits a lot of Zen influences. The traditional arts and crafts of Japan reflect a sense of beauty and the essential element of this beauty is the harmony between the apparently individual parts. The tearoom is a very good example of this. There are a lot of different separate things to be
  • 9. seen in such a room; there may be a painting, flowers, utensils and tea bowls. All these parts are beautiful by themselves, but they come together in a broader and more spiritual design. Japanese dining Another good example of this kind of harmony is seen at a Japanese Typical Western porcelain dinner set. meal. The primary attraction for 89 foreigners at such a meal is usually the ritual of serving the food, and not the food itself. At a traditional Western dinner, all the dishes are of the same pattern and shape. They unmistakably belong to a set and any dish that looks different will seem like an intruder Typical Japanese dinner set. to the set. At a Japanese dinner however, there is a variety of designs, colors and shapes. The craftsman adds a touch of richness and gives the objects their own identity. The harmonizing factor here is the “spirit” of the craftsman that the dishes express. The pictures seen on this page show the difference between the two styles. The Western style is very clean and the dishes do not exhibit any emotion or identity. The Japanese style
  • 10. however is very rustic and full of spirit. Japanese products always possess a beautiful balance between the exuberantly decorative and the elegantly simple. This approach of creating balanced products has a strong connection with Zen tradition. Zen is all about finding your balance in life and living the middle way. The Japanese have perfected the expression of this idea in their 101 products. Sometimes they did tend Modern Tokyo. to go towards decadence, but the Japanese always found their balance in the end and sought their true refinement in quiet elegant design. Twentieth Century Asakusa Shrine pagoda, Tokyo. In the Twentieth century up till now the Japanese design changed with time. In the past you had the more traditional arts and crafts which were based on the strong links that exist in Japanese culture between aesthetics, religion and everyday life. These traditional arts & crafts include ceramics, architecture, paintings, swords and many more. On the
  • 11. opposite side of these more traditional arts are the consumer products of post-war Japan. These products are the result of the enormous success of Japan as a mass-producer. Using imported techniques, they developed a range of new products which competed with the rest of Sony TR55 transistor radio (first export the world. These Japanese products product from Sony). were based on low costs and functionality and this is exactly why these products were so successful. 011 The appearance of these products did not come from a specific visual scheme thought up by manufacturers. Instead, the technological and economic effectiveness aimed at foreign markets determined the appearance of the products. Preserving the past Canon PC20 mini copier machine. At first glance you might think that these two periods can never come from the same culture and share no connections. But the Japanese kept a lot of their beauty standards despite influences from the West. This made sure the link with the past has not been broken and there can exist a cultural
  • 12. continuity. This continuity is visible in everyday Japanese life, for example in the way traditional dishes are served and the way small gifts are wrapped. This is also noticeable in areas where individual styling plays a big role, like architecture, fashion, graphic design and arts and crafts. This is not so much the case with technological products, where the designer is mostly an anonymous member of a big organization. Here, design is a part 121 of a very complex formula that also consists of marketing and sales. But even here the cultural values have ensured the preservation of Japanese aesthetic aspects, like compact Packaging: traditional (above) and design (see picture Canon PC20), modern (below). mobility, multi-functionality, attention for the smallest details and decorative use of functional components. Tatami This might sound like the West has influenced Japan in a way so the Japanese would produce products that would fit in a Western setting. What seemed like a Western influence on Japanese culture, is in fact just another
  • 13. way of Japan to put its traditional culture in an international context. One of the most important trademarks of a Japanese house are the standard measurements, which originates from “tatami” floor mats. These tatami usually measure 180 by 90 centimeters. In the time of the Shoguns, one tatami was the surface area that one samurai needed to put his possessions away and sleep on. 213 Six-mat room with tatami flooring and The measurements and proportions shoji. of each room are defined by these tatami. This way of looking at design and shapes, looking from inside to the outside, from details to the bigger picture, had a direct impact on the products which contains a lot of parts. This means electronics like hi- fi equipment or cars for example are designed from another viewing point than the West was used to. Westerners are used to look at the whole product first and then the detailing. These standard measurements were also seen in for example the Kimono. In this context decoration is also important and in traditional Japanese design it has a symbolic
  • 14. function. The rules of color symbolism is very structured, for example only children and youngsters are allowed to wear light colors. The patterns and designs on the kimonos are always derived and then stylized from nature. They are used for decoration as well as alternating the strictness and uniformity of shapes and proportions and accentuating attractive shapes of women’s bodies. During the Edo period (1602-1867), when the 141 merchants became powerful, the use of decoration and color increased. Art forms like kabuki theater and ukiyo-e, which gave a suitable expression to the “bourgeois” mentality of the Typical layout of a 4 1/2-mat tea room merchants. Although the materialism with attached Tokonoma and Mizuya. of these art forms contradict with the asceticism of Japanese life, this Pachinko hall. became a very important aspect of the twentieth century aesthetic. In the contemporary urban setting this is seen in the vast varieties of billboards and neon signs and the complicated “technological” appearance of electronic products. The Edo period had two important effects on the Japanese cultural development. Firstly the
  • 15. traditional aesthetic rules were coexistence of Western and Eastern carefully preserved as a result from ideas. The existence of this originates the strictly controlled lifestyle of the from the way cultural values are kept majority of the people. The second and developed instead of replaced effect is the new flamboyant style by others. When for example Buddhism which came to blossom when the made its entry in Japan, Shintoism West was granted access to Japan remained alive. Japan has always for the first time. This new style was absorbed foreign elements and is used typical for all available merchandise to make strange influences their own. like fans, kimono’s, lacquerwork and all kinds of luxury items. Today, both the austere and exuberant 415 Japanese style directions are still alive. The simplistic style stems from the traditional culture; the exuberant style from the more popular aspects from contemporary Japanese urban life, like the “pachinko” halls (see picture). The contemporary Japanese design is still based on the traditional aesthetic. Although this is true, there is not just one style visible today. For centuries Japan has succeeded in combining two contrasting styles. One is very colorful, decorative, exuberant and inventive, the other is monochrome, contains straight lines, austere and sophisticated. Japan is a country of continuous dualism, which expresses itself in for example the
  • 16. AMERICAN ZEN D.T. Suzuki In America, Zen is cool and it is fashionable. The term is so frequently used in popular culture, that it has become part of the vocabulary of the people. In 1983, Soyen Shaku introduced Zen to America for the first time. At the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, he among some others talked about karma, nonviolence, an end to war, and 161 tolerance of other religions. At this conference, he met Dr. Paul Carus, who asked him to send someone knowledgeable about Zen Buddhism to the United States. Shaku, asked his student and Tokyo University scholar D. T. Suzuki to go to the United States, Soyen Shaku (1859-1919). where he would eventually become the leading academic on Zen Buddhism in the West, and translator for Carus’s publishing company.
  • 17. Since then, Zen has gone through a Western evolution in America making American Zen a unique kind of Zen. One of the first and the one who would shape the modernistic movement, was Christopher Dresser. He succeeded in applying the Japanese Zen principles in the Western world. 617 Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966).
  • 18. Loewy’s Streamline Raymond Loewy was born in 1893 in France, and he spent most of his professional career in the United States where he became very successful. One of his best-known designs, are the works he did for the Pennsylvania Railroad. To the right you can see a series of locomotives Raymond Loewy designed for the PRR. 181 His designs would set the standard in American product design. His streamlined design was a hit in popular America, and you would see it in almost every product imaginable. I think it is this over saturation of his streamline design, that people wanted a new kind of design. Modernistic movement People often overlook the fact that the modernistic movement was largely based on essential Japanese principles. These principles were for example their love for unprocessed materials, a preference for open spaces without partitioning walls,
  • 19. showing the supporting structure and the use of standard parts. The Japanese emphasis on a standard unit as a base for repetition, and the economic use of parts, was of enormous value for the frontiers of the modernistic movement. In the Japanese culture they saw possibilities for a new aesthetic. The techniques that were involved with mass- Above: Japanese shoji production led to a standardization of 819 Below: Seagram building with glass parts, which would fit the Japanese windows resembling the Japanese methods of designing perfectly. screens. What these frontiers overlooked though, were the Japanese views on the importance of materials, craftsmanship and the spiritual and moral context of these aesthetic rules. The International Style As soon the West was introduced with Japanese Zen design principles, they embraced it immediately. The industrial revolution called for a new aesthetic that would fit the new way of making products. The term “less is more” that everyone probably knows about, comes from the Zen principle
  • 20. called Kanso. This was very popular, because people became more aware of the environment and overdecoration was put to a halt. Simplicity and functionality became more important terms in American design. Christopher Dresser Christopher Dresser was one of the first to really utilize the Zen principles 202 in a way it would fit in the Western society. He was one of the fathers of The International Style. Dresser was a big fan of the Japanese culture and has spread it’s principles in the artistic Kettle (above) and teapot (below) by circles during the 1880s. In 1876, he Christopher Dresser (1834-1904). became the first European designer to be commissioned to visit Japan, which had reopened its borders in 1854, in order to view craft and manufacturing techniques for the UK government. Dresser stressed the importance of function, simplicity and mechanical skill, believing that industrial and scientific progress would lead to an entirely new design aesthetic. He showed a lot of influences from Japan, for example, he promoted a rational attitude
  • 21. to design, based on appropriate materials combined with suitable and restrained ornamentation. He was one of the first professionally trained designers for machine production. Also interesting is that Christopher Dresser was for an equal status between the designer and the manufacturer. He was one of the first designers to imprint his signature next to the maker’s mark. 021 Frank Lloyd Wright House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright was born in 1867 in America, in Wisconsin. His mother raised him and wanted him to become an architect, so she steered him into a career in architecture. He came in contact with engineering, at the University of Wisconsin, without finishing his high school. After he worked for Joseph Lee Silsbee, he joined the Adler and Sullivan firm, where he worked under Louis Sullivan. It is here that Frank Lloyd Wright really developed his own style which would be copied all over the world.
  • 22. Final words I noticed that when I was doing my research, Japanese and Western design are fundamentally different. While Japanese more or less always had the same aesthetic fundamental principles throughout time, the Westerners follow each other up with “better” design. Also the Japanese people think more alike, while the Westerners show a lot 222 of diversity and individual designers, who influence the design world in their own way. The Japanese show a stronger common design aesthetic. This may be the reason why it was more difficult for me to find information about American design as a whole than Japanese design. Contemporary American design and Western design in general has all been influenced greatly by Zen principles of Japan. It is a shame that many people are not aware of this fact and are oblivious to where modern design came from. I was also unaware of this, until I started this course, and I am glad to know about the origins of today’s design.
  • 23. SOURCE LIST Literature Penny Sparke. Japanse vormgeving in de twintigste eeuw. 1st ed. De Bilt: Cantecleer, 1988. Ger Bruens. Form / color anatomy. The Hague: Lemma publishers, 2007. Gary R. McClain, Ph.D., and Eve Adamson. Zen Living. United States of America: Marie-Butler Knight, 2004. Masataka Ogawa. The enduring crafts of Japan - 33 Living National Treasures. 1st ed. Japan: John Weatherhill, 1968. 223 Widar Halén. Christopher Dresser. 1st ed. Great Britain: BAS Printers Limited, 1990. Internet TokyoDay/photo#5072332767182685474
  • 24. displayPicture.asp?id=285&venue=2 24 TorontoCanada/photo#5093948016882408082 fallingwater-pictures/F1SW-fallingwater-in-fall.html
  • 25.
  • 26. 26