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BUS407 Week 6 Scenario Script: Selecting the Training Method
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Slide 1
Scene 1
Deborah’s Office
Deborah: Hello again!
Last week, all of our activities were focused on the design of
our training objective.
We reviewed the critical components of a good training
Remember, a good training objective must specify the desired
outcome, the conditions, and the standards.
Now, we have to decide what training method to use to
guarantee that we achieve our objective.
Slide 2
Scene 2
Taormina’s Conference Room
Deborah: We know we must implement this training
immediately. Remember, sales are slow and we must address the
call center’s communication problem. This will enhance the
performance of the employees.
We also know that Taormina is not willing to spend an excess of
money to fix this issue. So we have to review our options while
controlling the cost and time of execution.
I suggest reviewing the traditional training models first.
The traditional training methods are StraightLecture,
Lecture/Discussion, Games and Simulations, and On-the-job
Now we have to decide which one is the best option for us.
Let’s see…
Slide 3
This will be a tabbed interaction that describes each of the
training method options for Taormina. This includes Straight
Lecture, Lecture/Discussions, Games and Simulations, and On-
Slide 4
Check Your Understanding
Which of the following training method could be the best option
to deliver our training program?
Straight Lecture: Incorrect! The StraightLecture training
method is a presentation of information by the trainer. This is a
good training method when the objective is to inform about a
particular topic. When using this training method, only the
trainer has an active role. Participants remain passive.
Remember, we must address a communication issue among co-
workers. Therefore, we need a training method that allows
participants to take a more dynamic role during the training.
Lecture/Discussions: Correct! The Lecture/Discussion method
uses a lecturette to provide trainees with information that is
supported, reinforced, and expanded on through interactions
among the participants and the trainer. This training method
allows participants to practice lessons learned. The trainer can
achieve complex learning objectives using sequenced lectures
followed by immediate discussion and questioning sessions.
Games and Simulations: Incorrect! These training methods add
high level of interaction. However, the cost of implementation
might be a limitation here.
On-the-job training: Incorrect! On-the-job training is the
preferred method for training employees for new technology and
increasing skills in the use of existing technology. In our case,
we are in need of developing communication skills among
employees. Therefore, this is not the right answer.
Deborah’s Feedback: Incorrect! The StraightLecture training
method is a presentation of information by the trainer. This is a
good training method when the objective is to inform about a
particular topic. When using this training method, only the
trainer has an active role. Participants remain passive.
Remember, we must address a communication issue among co-
workers. Therefore, we need a training method that allows
participants to take a more dynamic role during the training.
Deborah’s Feedback: Correct! The Lecture/Discussion method
uses a lecturette to provide trainees with information that is
supported, reinforced, and expanded on through interactions
among the participants and the trainer. This training method
allows participants to practice lessons learned. The trainer can
achieve complex learning objectives using sequenced lectures
followed by immediate discussion and questioning sessions.
Deborah’s Feedback: Incorrect! These training methods add
high level of interaction. However, the cost of implementation
might be a limitation here.
Deborah’s Feedback: Incorrect! On-the-job training is the
preferred method for training employees for new technology and
increasing skills in the use of existing technology. In our case,
we are in need of developing communication skills among
employees. Therefore, this is not the right answer.
Slide 5
Scene 4
Deborah’s office
Deborah: Great job completing this activity.
I agree with you! Lecture/discussion is the most appropriate
traditional training method to use for the call center.
Remember, using the lecture/discussion training method you can
add questioning as a powerful tool for starting discussion.
Questioning helps the trainer determine whether trainees
understand the information correctly. It also helps create a
common understanding.
Deborah: Now, let’s tell Ron about the training method we have
Slide 6
Scene 5
Ron’s office
Ron: Hi Deborah! How are you?
Deborah: I’m great Ron, and you?
Ron: I’m fine too!
Deborah: We have some good news for you. We are planning to
deliver the training program for your people using a
lecture/discussion training method.
This method will keep your cost low and guarantee fast
Ron: Can you explain this a little more? I’m not familiar with
different types of training methods.
Deborah: Sure! The lecture/discussion method is a traditional
training method that uses a combination of lectures and
interactive group discussions. The cost will be controlled,
because everything will be managed in-house.
We are not going to have an external speaker, which can
sometimes become pricy. My training specialist will act as the
trainer for the program.
And best of all, we could conduct the training in just three
Ron: That’s sounds fantastic!
Deborah: I’m glad you think so. We’ll start developing the
training right away.
Slide 7
Scene 6
Deborah’s office
Deborah: Let’s review what we have done today.
All of our activities focused on determining the best training
method to deliver our training program.
We reviewed the traditional training methods.
We determined the most appropriate training method based on
the two initial variables- cost and time of execution.
Well done!
Please participate in discussions about the topics we covered
today, as well as completing relevant e-Activities.
See you soon!
The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
W.E.B. Du Bois
I have seen a land right merry with the sun, where children sing,
and rolling hills lie like passioned women wanton with harvest.
And there in the King's Highways sat and sits a figure veiled
and bowed, by which the traveller's footsteps hasten as they go.
On the tainted air broods fear. Three centuries' thought has
been the raising and unveiling of
that bowed human heart, and now behold a century new for the
duty and the deed. The problem of the Twentieth Century is the
problem of the color-line.
On the word
Historical Context:
Writing in the Wake of a failed Reconstruction
1868 and 1870: The fourteenth and fifteenth amendments pass
to recognize black Americans as U.S. citizens, to grant the right
to vote, and to provide equal protection under the law.
1865: Freedman's Bureau Bill, which created the Freedman's
Bureau, was initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was
intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War. It
was passed on March 3, 1865, by Congress to aid former slaves
through legal food and housing, oversight, education, health
care, and employment contracts with private landowners. It
became a key agency during Reconstruction, assisting freedmen
in the South. The Bureau was part of the Unit. Headed by Union
Army General Oliver Howard, the Bureau was operational from
1865 to 1872. It was disbanded under President Ulysses S.
Grant. At the end of the war, the Bureau's main role was
providing emergency food, housing, and medical aid to
refugees, though it also helped reunite families. Later, it
focused its work on helping the freedmen adjust to their
conditions of freedom. Its main job was setting up work
opportunities and supervising labor contracts. It soon became,
in effect, a military court that handled legal issues.
1872: The modest gains of Reconstruction begin to be violently
curtailed, racial terrorism and local politics conspired to keep
blacks from the polls, limitations are placed on black
employment opportunities and property ownership, and
interracial marriages are made illegal.
1884-1900- Over 2000 Blacks are lynched in systematic
attempts to deny the voting franchise.
1895- Booker T. Washington delivers his “Atlanta Compromise”
1896- Plessy vs Ferguson- The Supreme Court’s decision marks
the abysmal failures of the promises of Reconstruction
Note his dissertation
The Failure of Reconstruction Part I
“The Dawn of Freedom” and
the Promise of the Freedmen’s Bureau
The passing of a great human institution before its work is
done, like the untimely passing of a single soul, but leaves a
legacy of striving for other men. The legacy of the Freedmen's
Bureau is the heavy heritage of this generation. To-day, when
new and vaster problems are destined to strain every fibre of the
national mind and soul, would it not be well to count this legacy
honestly and carefully? For this much all men know: despite
compromise, war, and struggle, the Negro is not free. In the
backwoods of the Gulf States, for miles and miles, he may not
leave the plantation of his birth; in well-nigh the whole rural
South the black farmers are peons, bound by law and custom to
an economic slavery, from which the only escape is death or the
penitentiary. In the most cultured sections and cities of the
South the Negroes are a segregated servile caste, with restricted
rights and privileges. Before the courts, both in law and
custom, they stand on a different and peculiar basis. Taxation
without representation is the rule of their political life. And the
result of all this is, and in nature must have been, lawlessness
and crime. That is the large legacy of the Freedmen's Bureau,
the work it did not do because it could not.
*The Success and Failures of the Freedmen’s Bureau as the
“heavy heritage” of the New Negro.From slavery to peonage
and second-class citizenship
“The Atlanta Compromise” (1895)
Gentlemen of the Exposition, as we present to you our humble
effort at an exhibition of our progress, you must not expect
overmuch. Starting thirty years ago with ownership here and
there in a few quilts and pumpkins and chickens (gathered from
miscellaneous sources), remember the path that has led from
these to the inventions and production of agricultural
implements, buggies, steam-engines, newspapers, books,
statuary, carving, paintings, the management of drug stores and
banks, has not been trodden without contact with thorns and
thistles. While we take pride in what we exhibit as a result of
our independent efforts, we do not for a moment forget that our
part in this exhibition would fall far short of your expectations
but for the constant help that has come to our educational life,
not only from the Southern states, but especially from Northern
philanthropists, who have made their gifts a constant stream of
blessing and encouragement. The wisest among my race
understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is
the extremist folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the
privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and
constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing. No race that
has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in
any degree ostracized. It is important and right that all
privileges of the law be ours, but it is vastly more important
that we be prepared for the exercise of these privileges. The
opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth
infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an
Talking points,
National hero
Industrial education
Difficult position
Radical scapegoat/ sellout/ or American hero- Here- he is
though advocating first and foremost
“Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others” and “The Atlanta
Compromise” (1895)
Mr. Washington distinctly asks that black people give up, at
least for the present, three things,--
First, political power,
Second, insistence on civil rights,Third, higher education of
Negro youth,--and concentrate all their energies on industrial
education, and accumulation of wealth, and the conciliation of
the South. This policy has been courageously and insistently
advocated for over fifteen years, and has been triumphant for
perhaps ten years. As a result of this tender of the palm-branch,
what has been the return? In these years there have occurred:
1. The disfranchisement of the Negro.
2. The legal creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority
forthe Negro.
3. The steady withdrawal of aid from institutions for the higher
training of the Negro.
The question then comes: Is it possible, and probable, that nine
millions of men can make effective progress in economic lines
if they are deprived of political rights,made a servile caste, and
allowed only the most meagre chance for developing their
exceptional men? If history and reason give any distinct answer
to these questions, it is an emphatic NO. And Mr.Washington
thus faces the triple paradox of his career.
Talking Points
(Du Bois’ retorts)EnfranchisementCivic EqualityEducation
according to ability
The Failure of Reconstruction Part II :
“The Nation has not yet found peace from its sins; the freedman
has not yet found in freedom his promised land.”
The bright ideals of the past,--physical freedom, political
power, the training of brains and the training of hands,--all
these in turn have waxed and waned, until even the last grows
dim and overcast. Are they all wrong,--all false? No, not that,
but each alone was over-simple and incomplete,--the dreams of
a credulous race-childhood, or the fond imaginings of the other
world which does not know and does not want to know our
power. To be really true, all these ideals must be melted and
welded into one. The training of the schools we need to-day
more than ever,--the training of deft hands, quick eyes and ears,
and above all the broader, deeper, higher culture of gifted minds
and pure hearts. The power of the ballot we need in sheer self-
defence,--else what shall save us from a second slavery?
Freedom, too, the long-sought, we still seek,--the freedom of
life and limb, the freedom to work and think, the freedom to
love and aspire. Work, culture, liberty,--all these we need, not
singly but together, not successively but together, each growing
and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that
swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood,
gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering
and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in
opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large
conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic, in
order that some day on American soil two world-races may give
each to each those characteristics both so sadly lack.
Talking Points:The BallotThe Negro Problem as a test of the
RepublicThe partnership of Work, Culture, and LibertyCompare
Du Bois’s concerns with Hegel’s nationalist progression
towards “Absolute Spirit.”Du Bois’s second and third ideal
states? From Athens to Germany.The American Republic as
unrealized synthesis
Langston Hughes
Master/Slave Then-Dialecical-History-reconfrontation,
Who else is being refashioned
Blindness of the master, does it compar to they’re blindness?
Eat-wel-go strong- Dialectic
Beauty/ Shame (virtue- Plato
Double Consciounsess
National Synthesis (Hegel) in Beauty (Plato)
America juxtaposed against dr brother, making it continental,
not pre historu
Why look at black/white mixing?
Barometer of race relations in US
Fears of and desire for the product of race mixing
Historically used as justification for slavery, immigration
To understand Barak’s portrayal in the media – or more
precisely, how he’s hailed, interpellated, produced (Althusser) –
have to understand m-r in US
For example, How has Obama been described?
African American
Kenyan father, white mother
Note on the term “mulatto”
OED (Spanish and Portuguese etymology)
animalism: “mulatto young mule, hence one of mixed race”
sickness like “mulatto jack” meaning “a term for yellow fever”
“mulatto complexion”: unfortunately “tawny” in color
Antiquated term still in limited circulation
Is NOT considered a neutral descriptor
In popular circles “mulatto” has regained popularity and
circulates throughout US culture. On the sitcom Will and
Grace, a racist character is mocked for lamenting the existence
of his “bastard mulatto grandson.” On the sitcom Scrubs, a
white character JD is enticed by black and white Milano
cookies, which he lovingly and mistakenly calls “mulattoes”
before being reprimanded by his Black best friend, Turk, and
Turk’s Latina wife Carla. On NPR the Asian American novelist
Don Lee casually described his Black/white female character in
Country of Origin (2004) as “a mulatto.”
Anti-Miscegenation Laws
Jamestown: “mulattoes” – “spurious issue” and “abominable
First anti-miscegenation laws in VA and MD in 1660s
First the laws criminalized marriages b/t whites and black
indentured servants and slaves
then in 1690s b/t all whites and blacks, slave, free, or
indentured. Based on RACE not servitude.
Justifications: religion, eugenics, economics
All states except CT, NH, NY, NJ, VT, DC, WI, MN, HI, AL
Loving V. Virginia, 1967
Ruled down centuries of anti-miscegenation laws
Cited civil rights advances to argue that “antimiscegenation
laws unconstitutionally discriminated on the basis of race in
violation of equal protection and that they interfered with the
fundamental right to marry under the due process clause”
Sixteen states had on books at time
One drop rule/hypodescent
Anyone with any amount of black blood is considered black
Aided chattel slavery (reproduction of more slaves), Jim Crow
(clarification of segregation), and consolidation of white power
and privilege
Can be seen as a positive thing because helped draw strength in
numbers for Black Americans
1896, Plessy v. Ferguson
Homer Plessy (an “octoroon” could not ride in white railway
Separate but equal
One drop rule of hypodescent
Crow laws
1954, Brown v. Board of Education
"separate educational facilities are inherently unequal"
Actual desegregation occurred through Civil Rights Act of 1964
(title II)
Representation of the Tragic Mulatto
Overly emotional
Largely female (or feminized)
Prone to insanity
Seen throughout popular culture: some date to Lydia Marie
Child’s novels The Quadroons (1842) and Slavery’s Pleasant
Homes (1843)
Eugenics, scientific racism, and the mulatto
Mulattoes used to discern biological distance or proximity
between blacks and whites
Civil war anthropometric studies (of virtually every body part):
result that blacks inferior to whites and mulattoes inferior to
both “parent” groups
Hybrid degeneracy theory
“mulattoes – like mules – tend to be barren…[as]…no species of
animals in the natural world was known to have developed from
the union of two separate species”
Part of biological determinism – different races are different
Greatest popularity from late 1800s until around 1910
Edward Reuter, The Mulatto in the United States (1918)
“Psychologically the mulatto is an unstable type [because]
between these two groups, one admiring and the other
despising, stand the mixed bloods…They are uncertain of their
own worth; conscious of their superiority to the native they are
nowhere sure of their equality with the superior group.”
“narrative of tragedy”: “[mulattos] envy the white, aspire to
equality with them, and are embittered when the realization of
such ambition is denied them. They are a dissatisfied and an
unhappy group.”
Everett Stonequist, The Marginal Man (1937)
“mixed blood’s” liminal position, being “torn between two
courses of action,” results in a psychological dysfunction with a
“nervous strain,” self-absorption, and hypersensitivity because
of “racial disharmony,” “clash of blood” and an “unstable
genetic constitution.”
Note the biological, and hence unchangeable, nature of this
Park celebrated marginal man as “modern” creation whose
cosmopolitan nature allowed him to move between identity
Robert Park’s theory of taxonomically in-between “marginal
man,” originally devised for Jews and other white ethnics
Extends to “racially hybridized people” (“Mulattoes of the
United States,” “Eurasians/Anglo-Indians of India,” “Cape
Coloured of South Africa,” “Coloured Peoples of Jamaica,”
“Indo-Europeans of Java,” “Part Hawaiians,” “Metis of Brazil”)
Theories of Multiracial Exceptionalism
Proximity to whiteness gives value
Race mixture = progress
Novelist Charles Chestnutt (“The Future American,” House
Behind the Cedars, 1900)
U.S. Census
First U.S. Census taken in 1790
Taken every 10 yrs; 22 taken
Enumerate population for congressional seats, government
Highly political, always contested
Census categories on race and ethnicity shift virtually every
Census 2000:
EX: Changing Census Categories for “Black” individuals
1790: Slave (3/5 of a person)
1850: Black, Mulatto
1890: Black, Mulatto, Quadroon, Octoroon
1900: Negro
1910: Black, Mulatto
1930: Negro
2000: Check All That Apply
In the 1980s, civil rights gains spurred a conservative backlash
mixed-race bodies began to be celebrated and politically
Multiracial Category (to Check all that apply): Census 2000
“What does race mean when so many Americans cannot fill out
their census forms because they’re an amalgam of races?”
Newt Gingrich, May 21, 1997
2.4% of U.S. Pop “Check All”
Twice as many children under 18
Hawaii (21%), OK (5%), CA (5%)
63 combinations
White and some other race (32%)
White and American Indian (16%)
White and Asian (13%)
White and Black (12%)
Black and some other race (6%)
Marketing Multiracials as Commodities
Multicultural Utopias in Benneton
New Challenges to Civil Rights Legislation?

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BUS407 Week 6 Scenario Script Selecting the Training MethodSlid.docx

  • 1. BUS407 Week 6 Scenario Script: Selecting the Training Method Slide # Scene/Interaction Narration Slide 1 Scene 1 Deborah’s Office Deborah: Hello again! Last week, all of our activities were focused on the design of our training objective. We reviewed the critical components of a good training objective. Remember, a good training objective must specify the desired outcome, the conditions, and the standards. Now, we have to decide what training method to use to guarantee that we achieve our objective. Slide 2 Scene 2 Taormina’s Conference Room Deborah: We know we must implement this training immediately. Remember, sales are slow and we must address the call center’s communication problem. This will enhance the performance of the employees. We also know that Taormina is not willing to spend an excess of money to fix this issue. So we have to review our options while controlling the cost and time of execution. I suggest reviewing the traditional training models first.
  • 2. The traditional training methods are StraightLecture, Lecture/Discussion, Games and Simulations, and On-the-job training. Now we have to decide which one is the best option for us. Let’s see… Slide 3 Interaction This will be a tabbed interaction that describes each of the training method options for Taormina. This includes Straight Lecture, Lecture/Discussions, Games and Simulations, and On- The-Job-Training. Slide 4 Check Your Understanding Which of the following training method could be the best option to deliver our training program? Straight Lecture: Incorrect! The StraightLecture training method is a presentation of information by the trainer. This is a good training method when the objective is to inform about a particular topic. When using this training method, only the trainer has an active role. Participants remain passive. Remember, we must address a communication issue among co- workers. Therefore, we need a training method that allows participants to take a more dynamic role during the training. Lecture/Discussions: Correct! The Lecture/Discussion method uses a lecturette to provide trainees with information that is supported, reinforced, and expanded on through interactions among the participants and the trainer. This training method allows participants to practice lessons learned. The trainer can achieve complex learning objectives using sequenced lectures followed by immediate discussion and questioning sessions. Games and Simulations: Incorrect! These training methods add high level of interaction. However, the cost of implementation
  • 3. might be a limitation here. On-the-job training: Incorrect! On-the-job training is the preferred method for training employees for new technology and increasing skills in the use of existing technology. In our case, we are in need of developing communication skills among employees. Therefore, this is not the right answer. Deborah’s Feedback: Incorrect! The StraightLecture training method is a presentation of information by the trainer. This is a good training method when the objective is to inform about a particular topic. When using this training method, only the trainer has an active role. Participants remain passive. Remember, we must address a communication issue among co- workers. Therefore, we need a training method that allows participants to take a more dynamic role during the training. Deborah’s Feedback: Correct! The Lecture/Discussion method uses a lecturette to provide trainees with information that is supported, reinforced, and expanded on through interactions among the participants and the trainer. This training method allows participants to practice lessons learned. The trainer can achieve complex learning objectives using sequenced lectures followed by immediate discussion and questioning sessions. Deborah’s Feedback: Incorrect! These training methods add high level of interaction. However, the cost of implementation might be a limitation here. Deborah’s Feedback: Incorrect! On-the-job training is the preferred method for training employees for new technology and increasing skills in the use of existing technology. In our case, we are in need of developing communication skills among employees. Therefore, this is not the right answer. Slide 5 Scene 4 Deborah’s office Deborah: Great job completing this activity.
  • 4. I agree with you! Lecture/discussion is the most appropriate traditional training method to use for the call center. Remember, using the lecture/discussion training method you can add questioning as a powerful tool for starting discussion. Questioning helps the trainer determine whether trainees understand the information correctly. It also helps create a common understanding. Deborah: Now, let’s tell Ron about the training method we have chosen. Slide 6 Scene 5 Ron’s office Ron: Hi Deborah! How are you? Deborah: I’m great Ron, and you? Ron: I’m fine too! Deborah: We have some good news for you. We are planning to deliver the training program for your people using a lecture/discussion training method. This method will keep your cost low and guarantee fast execution. Ron: Can you explain this a little more? I’m not familiar with different types of training methods. Deborah: Sure! The lecture/discussion method is a traditional training method that uses a combination of lectures and interactive group discussions. The cost will be controlled, because everything will be managed in-house. We are not going to have an external speaker, which can sometimes become pricy. My training specialist will act as the trainer for the program. And best of all, we could conduct the training in just three
  • 5. weeks! Ron: That’s sounds fantastic! Deborah: I’m glad you think so. We’ll start developing the training right away. Slide 7 Scene 6 Deborah’s office Deborah: Let’s review what we have done today. All of our activities focused on determining the best training method to deliver our training program. We reviewed the traditional training methods. We determined the most appropriate training method based on the two initial variables- cost and time of execution. Well done! Please participate in discussions about the topics we covered today, as well as completing relevant e-Activities. See you soon! The Souls of Black Folk (1903) By W.E.B. Du Bois I have seen a land right merry with the sun, where children sing, and rolling hills lie like passioned women wanton with harvest. And there in the King's Highways sat and sits a figure veiled and bowed, by which the traveller's footsteps hasten as they go.
  • 6. On the tainted air broods fear. Three centuries' thought has been the raising and unveiling of that bowed human heart, and now behold a century new for the duty and the deed. The problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color-line. * On the word Historical Context: Writing in the Wake of a failed Reconstruction 1868 and 1870: The fourteenth and fifteenth amendments pass to recognize black Americans as U.S. citizens, to grant the right to vote, and to provide equal protection under the law. 1865: Freedman's Bureau Bill, which created the Freedman's Bureau, was initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War. It was passed on March 3, 1865, by Congress to aid former slaves through legal food and housing, oversight, education, health care, and employment contracts with private landowners. It became a key agency during Reconstruction, assisting freedmen in the South. The Bureau was part of the Unit. Headed by Union Army General Oliver Howard, the Bureau was operational from 1865 to 1872. It was disbanded under President Ulysses S. Grant. At the end of the war, the Bureau's main role was providing emergency food, housing, and medical aid to refugees, though it also helped reunite families. Later, it focused its work on helping the freedmen adjust to their conditions of freedom. Its main job was setting up work opportunities and supervising labor contracts. It soon became, in effect, a military court that handled legal issues. 1872: The modest gains of Reconstruction begin to be violently
  • 7. curtailed, racial terrorism and local politics conspired to keep blacks from the polls, limitations are placed on black employment opportunities and property ownership, and interracial marriages are made illegal. 1884-1900- Over 2000 Blacks are lynched in systematic attempts to deny the voting franchise. 1895- Booker T. Washington delivers his “Atlanta Compromise” 1896- Plessy vs Ferguson- The Supreme Court’s decision marks the abysmal failures of the promises of Reconstruction * Note his dissertation The Failure of Reconstruction Part I “The Dawn of Freedom” and the Promise of the Freedmen’s Bureau The passing of a great human institution before its work is done, like the untimely passing of a single soul, but leaves a legacy of striving for other men. The legacy of the Freedmen's Bureau is the heavy heritage of this generation. To-day, when new and vaster problems are destined to strain every fibre of the national mind and soul, would it not be well to count this legacy honestly and carefully? For this much all men know: despite compromise, war, and struggle, the Negro is not free. In the backwoods of the Gulf States, for miles and miles, he may not leave the plantation of his birth; in well-nigh the whole rural South the black farmers are peons, bound by law and custom to an economic slavery, from which the only escape is death or the penitentiary. In the most cultured sections and cities of the South the Negroes are a segregated servile caste, with restricted
  • 8. rights and privileges. Before the courts, both in law and custom, they stand on a different and peculiar basis. Taxation without representation is the rule of their political life. And the result of all this is, and in nature must have been, lawlessness and crime. That is the large legacy of the Freedmen's Bureau, the work it did not do because it could not. *The Success and Failures of the Freedmen’s Bureau as the “heavy heritage” of the New Negro.From slavery to peonage and second-class citizenship “The Atlanta Compromise” (1895) Gentlemen of the Exposition, as we present to you our humble effort at an exhibition of our progress, you must not expect overmuch. Starting thirty years ago with ownership here and there in a few quilts and pumpkins and chickens (gathered from miscellaneous sources), remember the path that has led from these to the inventions and production of agricultural implements, buggies, steam-engines, newspapers, books, statuary, carving, paintings, the management of drug stores and banks, has not been trodden without contact with thorns and thistles. While we take pride in what we exhibit as a result of our independent efforts, we do not for a moment forget that our part in this exhibition would fall far short of your expectations but for the constant help that has come to our educational life, not only from the Southern states, but especially from Northern philanthropists, who have made their gifts a constant stream of blessing and encouragement. The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing. No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in
  • 9. any degree ostracized. It is important and right that all privileges of the law be ours, but it is vastly more important that we be prepared for the exercise of these privileges. The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera-house. * Talking points, National hero Industrial education Difficult position Radical scapegoat/ sellout/ or American hero- Here- he is though advocating first and foremost WORK-Servan-Hehel “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others” and “The Atlanta Compromise” (1895) Mr. Washington distinctly asks that black people give up, at least for the present, three things,-- First, political power, Second, insistence on civil rights,Third, higher education of Negro youth,--and concentrate all their energies on industrial education, and accumulation of wealth, and the conciliation of the South. This policy has been courageously and insistently advocated for over fifteen years, and has been triumphant for perhaps ten years. As a result of this tender of the palm-branch, what has been the return? In these years there have occurred: 1. The disfranchisement of the Negro. 2. The legal creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority forthe Negro. 3. The steady withdrawal of aid from institutions for the higher training of the Negro.
  • 10. The question then comes: Is it possible, and probable, that nine millions of men can make effective progress in economic lines if they are deprived of political rights,made a servile caste, and allowed only the most meagre chance for developing their exceptional men? If history and reason give any distinct answer to these questions, it is an emphatic NO. And Mr.Washington thus faces the triple paradox of his career. * Talking Points (Du Bois’ retorts)EnfranchisementCivic EqualityEducation according to ability The Failure of Reconstruction Part II : “The Nation has not yet found peace from its sins; the freedman has not yet found in freedom his promised land.” The bright ideals of the past,--physical freedom, political power, the training of brains and the training of hands,--all these in turn have waxed and waned, until even the last grows dim and overcast. Are they all wrong,--all false? No, not that, but each alone was over-simple and incomplete,--the dreams of a credulous race-childhood, or the fond imaginings of the other world which does not know and does not want to know our power. To be really true, all these ideals must be melted and welded into one. The training of the schools we need to-day more than ever,--the training of deft hands, quick eyes and ears, and above all the broader, deeper, higher culture of gifted minds and pure hearts. The power of the ballot we need in sheer self-
  • 11. defence,--else what shall save us from a second slavery? Freedom, too, the long-sought, we still seek,--the freedom of life and limb, the freedom to work and think, the freedom to love and aspire. Work, culture, liberty,--all these we need, not singly but together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic, in order that some day on American soil two world-races may give each to each those characteristics both so sadly lack. * Talking Points:The BallotThe Negro Problem as a test of the RepublicThe partnership of Work, Culture, and LibertyCompare Du Bois’s concerns with Hegel’s nationalist progression towards “Absolute Spirit.”Du Bois’s second and third ideal states? From Athens to Germany.The American Republic as unrealized synthesis Langston Hughes * 2 Master/Slave Then-Dialecical-History-reconfrontation, Who else is being refashioned Blindness of the master, does it compar to they’re blindness? Eat-wel-go strong- Dialectic Beauty/ Shame (virtue- Plato Double Consciounsess
  • 12. National Synthesis (Hegel) in Beauty (Plato) America juxtaposed against dr brother, making it continental, not pre historu 2 Why look at black/white mixing? Barometer of race relations in US Fears of and desire for the product of race mixing Historically used as justification for slavery, immigration legislation 2 To understand Barak’s portrayal in the media – or more precisely, how he’s hailed, interpellated, produced (Althusser) – have to understand m-r in US 3 4 For example, How has Obama been described? Black African American Kenyan father, white mother Biracial
  • 13. Mixed-race Post-racial Colorblind 5 Note on the term “mulatto” OED (Spanish and Portuguese etymology) animalism: “mulatto young mule, hence one of mixed race” sickness like “mulatto jack” meaning “a term for yellow fever” “mulatto complexion”: unfortunately “tawny” in color Antiquated term still in limited circulation Is NOT considered a neutral descriptor 5 In popular circles “mulatto” has regained popularity and circulates throughout US culture. On the sitcom Will and Grace, a racist character is mocked for lamenting the existence of his “bastard mulatto grandson.” On the sitcom Scrubs, a white character JD is enticed by black and white Milano cookies, which he lovingly and mistakenly calls “mulattoes” before being reprimanded by his Black best friend, Turk, and Turk’s Latina wife Carla. On NPR the Asian American novelist Don Lee casually described his Black/white female character in Country of Origin (2004) as “a mulatto.” 6 Anti-Miscegenation Laws Jamestown: “mulattoes” – “spurious issue” and “abominable mixture” First anti-miscegenation laws in VA and MD in 1660s First the laws criminalized marriages b/t whites and black indentured servants and slaves then in 1690s b/t all whites and blacks, slave, free, or
  • 14. indentured. Based on RACE not servitude. Justifications: religion, eugenics, economics All states except CT, NH, NY, NJ, VT, DC, WI, MN, HI, AL 7 Loving V. Virginia, 1967 Ruled down centuries of anti-miscegenation laws Cited civil rights advances to argue that “antimiscegenation laws unconstitutionally discriminated on the basis of race in violation of equal protection and that they interfered with the fundamental right to marry under the due process clause” Sixteen states had on books at time 8 One drop rule/hypodescent Anyone with any amount of black blood is considered black Aided chattel slavery (reproduction of more slaves), Jim Crow (clarification of segregation), and consolidation of white power and privilege Can be seen as a positive thing because helped draw strength in numbers for Black Americans 9 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson Homer Plessy (an “octoroon” could not ride in white railway car) Separate but equal One drop rule of hypodescent Crow laws
  • 15. 10 1954, Brown v. Board of Education "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal" Actual desegregation occurred through Civil Rights Act of 1964 (title II) 11 Representation of the Tragic Mulatto Hypersexual Desirable Overly emotional Largely female (or feminized) Irrational Cunning Prone to insanity Seen throughout popular culture: some date to Lydia Marie Child’s novels The Quadroons (1842) and Slavery’s Pleasant Homes (1843) 12 Eugenics, scientific racism, and the mulatto Mulattoes used to discern biological distance or proximity between blacks and whites Civil war anthropometric studies (of virtually every body part): result that blacks inferior to whites and mulattoes inferior to both “parent” groups 13 Hybrid degeneracy theory “mulattoes – like mules – tend to be barren…[as]…no species of animals in the natural world was known to have developed from the union of two separate species” Part of biological determinism – different races are different
  • 16. species Greatest popularity from late 1800s until around 1910 14 Edward Reuter, The Mulatto in the United States (1918) “Psychologically the mulatto is an unstable type [because] between these two groups, one admiring and the other despising, stand the mixed bloods…They are uncertain of their own worth; conscious of their superiority to the native they are nowhere sure of their equality with the superior group.” “narrative of tragedy”: “[mulattos] envy the white, aspire to equality with them, and are embittered when the realization of such ambition is denied them. They are a dissatisfied and an unhappy group.” 15 Everett Stonequist, The Marginal Man (1937) “mixed blood’s” liminal position, being “torn between two courses of action,” results in a psychological dysfunction with a “nervous strain,” self-absorption, and hypersensitivity because of “racial disharmony,” “clash of blood” and an “unstable genetic constitution.” Note the biological, and hence unchangeable, nature of this description. Park celebrated marginal man as “modern” creation whose cosmopolitan nature allowed him to move between identity categories 15 Robert Park’s theory of taxonomically in-between “marginal man,” originally devised for Jews and other white ethnics
  • 17. Extends to “racially hybridized people” (“Mulattoes of the United States,” “Eurasians/Anglo-Indians of India,” “Cape Coloured of South Africa,” “Coloured Peoples of Jamaica,” “Indo-Europeans of Java,” “Part Hawaiians,” “Metis of Brazil”) 16 Theories of Multiracial Exceptionalism Proximity to whiteness gives value Race mixture = progress Novelist Charles Chestnutt (“The Future American,” House Behind the Cedars, 1900) 17 U.S. Census First U.S. Census taken in 1790 Taken every 10 yrs; 22 taken Enumerate population for congressional seats, government programs Highly political, always contested Census categories on race and ethnicity shift virtually every census Census 2000: 18 EX: Changing Census Categories for “Black” individuals 1790: Slave (3/5 of a person) 1850: Black, Mulatto 1890: Black, Mulatto, Quadroon, Octoroon 1900: Negro 1910: Black, Mulatto 1930: Negro 2000: Check All That Apply
  • 18. 19 In the 1980s, civil rights gains spurred a conservative backlash mixed-race bodies began to be celebrated and politically recognized 20 Multiracial Category (to Check all that apply): Census 2000 “What does race mean when so many Americans cannot fill out their census forms because they’re an amalgam of races?” Newt Gingrich, May 21, 1997 21 2.4% of U.S. Pop “Check All” Twice as many children under 18 Hawaii (21%), OK (5%), CA (5%) 63 combinations White and some other race (32%) White and American Indian (16%) White and Asian (13%) White and Black (12%) Black and some other race (6%) Marketing Multiracials as Commodities
  • 19. Multicultural Utopias in Benneton New Challenges to Civil Rights Legislation?