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Legalizing Gay Marriages
Marriage is a way that many people express their love to each other, showing how strong a commitment one can have towards another person. In
recent years, the idea of what constitutes a married couple has changed. Traditionally, a man and a woman get married and live happily ever after.
Over time, we have seen men and women of different colors and get married, as well as people of the same gender. Marriage has changed and has
become such a huge topic of conversation and debate. Homosexual marriages have now become legal in all the U.S. I do not support gay marriages
because homosexual couples should not have the right to get married, homosexual couples should not adopt without being judged, and also should not
have the same financial benefits ... Show more content on ...
Whenever a gay couple adopts a child, the couple should think about the child's stability. Adopting a child while being homosexual can have many
effects on the child and how the child view things. A child that grows up in a gay house hold may grow up and think that it is okay to date someone
of the same gender. Homosexual couples cannot produce children, so therefore they must adopt if they want children. A homosexual couple who
adopts children does not take the children in consideration. In the article, In the Best Interests of the (Silenced) Child, the author says, "to include
children's voices would be to acknowledge children's agency and individuality and in doing so would undermine the figure of the passive, innocent
and powerless child which sustains the 'best interests' rhetoric." The author is basically saying that a child that is for adoption does not have a voice
and no one takes in consideration of the child's feelings. A gay couple that adopts does this for their satisfaction instead of the child. Many
heterosexual couples would argue that a child needs a male figure in their life as well as a female
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Summary Of The Gay Option
The Gay Option is an excerpt from "Choice as Strategy: Homosexuality and the Politics of Pity," written by Stephanie Fairyington. Stephanie
Fairyington is the Cofounder and Editor for a freelance New York journalist, which means that she has a lot of experience in writing and is well
credited. This excerpt was written from Fairyington own experience as part of the LGBT community and her take on the outward view on gays.
Fairyington starts the excerpt in a very strong way, although it at first seems somewhat contradictory to her claim that being gay or liking the same
gender, is not a biological illness but a conscious choice. The article excerpt talks about the way that the LGBT community is viewed by
Conservatives and people in Politics in general. People in the LGBT community feel forced to stick a hand out for pity, as this is the only way
they'll be accepted. Farrington's writing suggests that the people of the LGBT community are not even accepted as much as tolerated by
something that is considered to be out of their control. Her first supporting example is writing to her mom "I was born this way... if there were a
straight pill, ... I'd swallow it faster than you can say the word gay," (Pg. 50) She goes on to clarify that this was a tactic used in order to be
accepted for her sexuality. Which, unfortunately, many another member of the LGBT community feel forced to use the "born gay pity" in order to
feel even somewhat accepted and ease the concern that their "gay" is the fault of their parents. This is a great tactic using Pathos to not only
appeal to her mother but also to the readers. She gets the readers to recognize some of the struggles and negativity from conservatives. Not just the
Conservatives in her family but also the ones in Politics. However, it also shows how Fairyington could feel conflicted. Vouching for one thing and
then feeling forced to say another, being gay is a choice... unless it's talking about it to people in Politics and or conservative family members. With
Conservatives and in this case Fairyington family, the only real acceptance of being gay is by saying it wasn't a choice but playing on their own idea
of it being a biologic affliction. Stephanie Fairyington gives us
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Should Gay Be A Racist?
If you think that by merely not agreeing with the gay lifestyle it 's bigotry comparable to racism think again. You do realize that 's a slap in the face
of all those cultures you 're referencing calling all they fought for frivolous right? There is definitely a smear agenda going on. As soon as the whole
gays–getting–equal–rights thing came into the spotlight all of a sudden christians are being called bigots because we don 't support being gay. the funny
thing is, homosexuality is not genetic in any way shape or form. a person can 'get off ' on a man or woman...or inanimate object. therefore the idea
that gays can 't help it because they aren 't attracted to the opposite sex and that not supporting their lifestyle choice is the same as being a racist is a
misconception. It would seem therefore being gay is more of a hobby than something you can compare to racial rights no different than collecting
bottle caps or sports cards. therefore for christians to be so hated for believing homosexuality to be unrighteous as per the bible 's teachings is
ridiculous. To better understand this situation, it is the same thing as a republican not being welcome in the democratic party nor their meetings. it is
not biggotry for the democrat to refuse to let the republican attend their meetings because they have different interests. therefore what is the big deal?
the big deal is that gays can 't get it out of their head that being gay is not genetic but is a choice. they can help it and
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Is The Word Gay?
As culture changes, so does language. English words can have a variety of meanings based on cultural shifts that cause words to lose their original
meanings or become associated with vastly different ideas. Such changes retain the power to baffle one unfamiliar with an extensive etymological
history of the word. For example, gay has confusing origins, particularly the farther one looks back. The word gay has possessed vastly different
definitions throughout its history, both positive and negative, a duality that continues to this day. In today's culture, the word gay has developed three
distinct definitions: jovial, happy, or good spirited, a homosexual individual, or something stupid, mostly by younger males (Anonymous). Today, the
word gay primarily refers to a homosexual individual, having utilization as both a noun and an adjective to describe individuals attracted to the same
sex. The alternative definition of carefree joy has gradually disappeared, the relic of another time. However, the pejorative use of describing something
stupid or non–masculine endures, especially in the Anglosphere (Contributors). The word gay first appeared during the 12th century (Contributors).
The English word gay comes from the Middle English gai, meaning lighthearted, brightly colored, which comes from Old French, possibly of
Germanic origin. More specifically, from Old French gai, "joyful, laughing, merry", probably a borrowing of Old Provençal gai, "impetuous, lively".
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Gay Discrimination
Throughout the years, the acceptance of homosexuality has been a widely debated topic between common citizens and with America's laws. Should
society welcome or outcast them? This was the question on everyone's mind, to which most people before the late 1960's would favor the latter. In fact,
during the mid–1960's, it was against the law to provide service to someone of gay orientation (Clendinen 22). People of homosexual orientation
would not allow others to restrict their rights because of religious belief or hierarchy ideals. To disrupt the somewhat successful oppression that the
law was assisting in, they would fight back when police came to raid a bar in search of illegal activity. This often caused the media to get involved
and report their findings, assisting in spreading the word of gay persecution.
Few people were willing to stand up for homosexuals as they were presumed to be flawed, sinners, outcasts and even categorized as mentally ill. This
was due to the fact that, unlike different ethnicities with defining skin colors, gays had no markings to identify them as a group (Clendinnen 22).
However, homosexuals were almost all a part of a discourse community and shared many ideas about equal rights for everyone. Since they were
confronted with declarations that they posed a threat to America, the activists needed to reassure the media of their dedication to the country. They had
to "appeal frequently to the nation's founding ideals of liberty and equality" (Hall,
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Argumentative Essay Gay
Have you ever walked through the halls and heard the term "gay" or "fag" followed by a couple giggles? When these terms are thrown out there no one
understands how insulting they may be. Many may use the words without even thinking twice about it. For most of us it just slips out since it's an easy,
short and funny sounding insult. It's almost a habit, right? None of this is justification for accidentally using these offensive terms! To begin, the main
conflict is that the term gay isn't even used in the proper sense! I'm sick of being tired and wanting to stay home when the boys want to go out
because all I hear is "Why're you being gay and staying in?" or "That's so gay Ahmad come out with us.". There is nothing gay about staying in.
What my friends mean to say is "Why're you being so lazy, lame?". Out of the entire English vocabulary we chose to use the most politically incorrect
terms in a complete wrong concept just to try to prove our point!
It's not okay to follow up your misuse of these derogatory terms with "I didn't mean it like that". Not only does it show ignorance, but it also shows a
concerning lack of intellect.
Our biggest issue is what you're implying when you use these terms! In these cases the terms are thrown at each other demeaning and often insulting
manner. How often do you hear "This guy is so good at hockey, he's such a homo!". Now of course we don't have to absolutely diminish these terms
because they still have meaning ; you can't attack others
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Gay, Gay Bisexual And Transgender Community
When it comes to the topic stereotyping homosexuals, some people of the gay community will immediately agree that homosexuals act like the
stereotypical gay person. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether gays are denying their sexuality and disregarding
the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community (LGBT). While some homosexuals are convinced that they are true to their gender, others
believe that they should identify with the LGBT community and act like the opposite sex. In my own view men world wide have different
personalities, those who are different tend to dress, talk, and act like the opposite sex these are the imperfect genders who 's sexual identities are
mistaken. It's expected for a homosexual to take pride in their sexuality; for some homosexuals, they see labeling as an identity rather than a
sexuality. There are many gay men who seem "too gay" and there are men who are labeled "cool gay". For those who are "too gay" they tend to be
glared at from other gays and those who are the "cool gay" are also looked at with envy. Author Simon Peter Fuller wrote, "What angers us in
another person is more often than not an unhealed aspect of ourselves. If we had already resolved that particular issue, we would not be irritated by
its reflection back to us." When a masculine gay says he doesn 't affiliate with that rambunctious gay; he secludes himself and hides his deeper feelings
towards that one individual because he 's afraid
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Gay And Gay Rights
Gay Rights Gays should be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else. They used to not be allowed to adopt children in some states. They get
abused verbally, mentally, and physically by their family and friends. There are some people who disagree with the thought of gays getting married.
They can't get jobs because of their sexual orientation. Some people accept the fact that they want to love who they want to love. What's important is
that gays are mistreated wherever they go. Gays should be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else. Homosexual people do not want to have
special privileges. They just want to have the same rights as heterosexuals, nothing more and nothing less. Homosexuals are a growing minority with ...
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That is the saddest thing to me because I would hate, absolutely hate it if someone called me dirty names like the ones they get called. For example,
they get called queer, homo, fag, gay, and many more cruel names. The people do not want gays to get married. Homosexual couples will love each
other no matter what happens, whether they get married or not, so trying to stop them from what they want the most, is definitely not going to make
them go away. They will be more outspoken because they want to feel like they are in the United States. People will argue that they shouldn't get
married because marriage is a religious ceremony and should be only for straight people. For example, according to the constitution, marriage doesn't
have to be between a male and a female. I think that people just underestimate homosexuals all the time and that they don't think about their actions and
what they are saying. Homosexuals have just as much privacy as any other person. Homosexuals can not get jobs because of their sexual orientation.
Discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transsexuals is widespread throughout America. They have always been targets for discrimination.
This discrimination is based on a hostile attitude toward a specific group, in this case, is the minority. Because of this, many of them go to work in fear
of rejection or causing them
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Gays In The 1960's
During the 1960's to be gay in the United States was essentially a crime. It was the time of the "Lavender Scare," in which thousands of people were
fired from the federal government for no other reason than their sexuality. The fear stemmed from Cold War concerns that homosexuals would be a
"security risk," exploitable by communists (Sherouse) (Sears). Dozens of anti–gay legislation was in existence, specifically prohibiting employment of
"homosexuals and other sex perverts" in civil service positions, and subsequently creating a president of discrimination throughout the country (Sears).
Discriminatory laws were not limited to employment. They also prohibited serving alcohol to gay people, showing signs of homosexuality in public,
and gay people dancing together. It were these laws which specifically affected bars serving gay... Show more content on ...
The Genovese Family was known to have paid off the police many times to tip them off before raids were to occur or look the other way entirely.
One raid they were not prepared for however, occurred at 1:30 AM on Saturday, June 28, 1969. This raid seemed standard at first, however it
quickly escalated to violence as the patrons and onlookers fought back against the police. The riot is suspected to have started when one woman,
and drag king who was being arrested, StormГ© DeLarverie fought back and yelled at onlookers "Why don't you guys do something." The resulting
riots lasted from June 28 to July 3, and are viewed as a defining moment in the rise of LGBT rights, after which many gay rights groups formed (NYC
LGBT Historic Sites
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The Struggle Of Gay Rights
The struggle between Edward and Bella in the "Twilight Saga" can be closely related to the struggle of gay right's in today's society. During the
whole entire saga Edward and Bella have to fight to keep their relationship with one another. This is similar to what the LGBT community has been
doing for many years now. In the "Twilight Saga" some of the characters do not believe that Edward and Bella should be with one another because he
is a vampire and she is a human. Similarly in today's society some people do not believe that people of the same–sex should be in a relationship or
marry one another. The biggest factor that plays into why people believe and think this way is because of the unknown factor of it all, they have it very
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The fact that they thought that this was a mental disorder was very wrong, and it also shows how close–minded people are. Just because one is
different, or loves differently than another person, does not mean that they have a mental illness. If it did, we would be claiming that a lot of people
have mental illnesses. More recently things that have happened for the LGBT community is that on April 1st of 1998, Coretta Scott King who was
formally Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife, now a widow, stood up and called on the civil rights community to help her join the struggle for the LGBT
community ("PBS"). She received lots of criticism for this because she was comparing civil rights to gay rights. The representatives of the black civil
rights movement thought that this was wrong of her ("PBS"). The stance of the African American Community is hard to believe. One would assume
that African Americans might be somewhat more accepting of others considering that they too have gone through the struggle and know what it feels
like to be treated unfairly, but in this case that was not necessarily true.
Finally, in 2008 on May 18th, Massachusetts became the very first state to legalize gay marriage in the United States of America. The court finally was
able to see that denying the LGBT community the right to marry was unconstitutional because it denied people their dignity as well as
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Gay Observation
Gay and Straight Alliance Club, a memorable experience where I got to talk to various LGBT people who were such outgoing and humorous people,
they really demonstrate on how people that have a considerable difference with each other should really act. I was a lucky I had an extremely helpful
friend that recommended to come over to Gay and Straight Alliance on Friday at lunch, she said that they were held every Friday and that it would
be a great place to go for my observation. I was skeptical at first because I don't like to take on new experiences plus that fact that it might really not be
the best place to go for my observation, but either way I still chose to go. On Friday, February 14, I was in a frenzy to try and find someone I would ...
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I observed the atmosphere and looked to see who inhabited the assembly. People sat together with their group of friends, they all were yelling and
enjoying their time although, there were a few people who chose to sit alone and enjoy their quiet, secluded time. They did activities in there that
related to LGBT people,but my friend said that they hardly do any activities, but on that day the chose to do one. The activity they were doing was to
create a person, where their heart, brain, and "private parts" didn't matter, the person either thought and in their heart felt like they were male, but had
a woman's genitalia, or they thought and felt in their heart that they were female but, had a male genitalia.They asked the crowed what the person
should want to be identified generally, but one boy yelled out "Can he be identified as a Pigeon?" which was very amusing, he kept on insisting that
we was identified as a Pigeon. The classroom was interesting, walls had posters and flags that showed history, psychology topics, and even a rainbow
flag. That made me feel extremely optimistic because most teachers don't put up items that relate to LGBT people. It shows that Mrs. Lahey, the
teacher that thought in room 35, strongly believes in the LGBT Movement and she wants to subtly show her students that they should also treat LGBT
students equally and to not make fun of their
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Gay Rights Media
We live in a world where society does not generally accept the participation of human being within certain context. There are certain issues the media
sources chose not to cover for different reasons. Some are worried about their reputation while some are bias towards society. Also, we have those
media sources that are used to only affect the faith of the audience. The faith of the audience can be affected for the good and the bad. The media can
choose to target a specific population of society to present hate or to show the specific population that they are supportive. One of the main issues that
can affect the the faith of the audience would be based on Gay Rights. We have some media stations that just chooses not to cover this topic in order
not to loose their audiences. They believe that covering a sensitive topic would hinder the media business. In regards to gay rights movement the media
have made significant coverages to outweighs those media coverages whose goal is mainly ... Show more content on ...
Conwell's stated, "stories with more statements supporting same–sex marriage outweighed those with more statements opposing it by a margin of
roughly 5–to–1". From that statement society is able to conclude that the media are more understanding and supportive towards the gay rights
movement. However, some individuals who carries a different mentality voiced their opinion and stated that same sex marriage would hurt society and
the institution of traditional marriage. On the bright side Colwell, stated that the "study confirms what most of us already suspected: that the surge in
public support for gay marriage has been a phenomenon largely driven by the media". The media had a large influence on society. Not only the media
but the individual who spoke in favor or not in favor in regards to gay rights
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Gay Identity And Identity
The world does not work like a digital clock where a discrete set of numbers is presented and one must accept what is shown. The world is more
similar to an analog clock, where all possibilities are present and one can only assume one is correct based on approximation but is never entirely
sure of said approximation. For someone who lives in such a world, I have had to learn to embrace the contradictions both society and myself
impose upon my different identities as well as my position in respect to them. I am an Hispanic immigrant, born and raised in El Salvador who
moved to the United States way too late in his life to consider it his home but early enough to embrace the good aspects of its culture. I am also a gay
cis–gendered male who is beginning to explore his role as a member of the gay community. Lastly, both my embodiment and my attitudes are not that
of a "masculine guy" (I am not particularly muscular, my jawline is rather soft and I am one of the unlucky few who is never able to grow decent
facial hair). All of those elements of my identity affect me as they all shape my life and experience in different ways. It is the adaptability needed to be
an immigrant, the survival instinct and mentality that come from being gay, and the defiance of traditional narratives of masculinity through my refusal
to change my personality and embodiment to conform to it that have shaped me into the individual I am today. Those aspects of my identities have
shaped the way I move
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The Rights Of Gay Rights
Gay Rights has always been a controversial topic. People have fought and argued over this simple human right for years and now we are finally
seeing progress. The Gay Rights Movement started on 1924 by Henry Gerber, founder of The Society for Human Rights, the first documented Gay
Rights organization according to CNN news. From the start homosexuality was considered a "sociopathic personality disturbance" which was diagnosed
by the American Psychiatric Association in April 1952. When homosexuality became a hot topic, PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower singed an executive
order that banned all homosexuals from working for the Federal Government saying" they are a security risk." Which I can see why it was signed,
homosexuals are very sassy and can put you in check which the government wouldn't like. Fast forward to 2005, the state of California was one of the
first states to pass a bill allowing same–sex marriage and on June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot ban same–sex marriage which
handed the best victory for gay advocates everywhere in America. Although Gay Rights have come a long way in America there is always room for
more improvement such as discrimination on getting a job or adopting just because of your sexual orientation.
As the LGBT community still faces laws that discriminate the LGBT community from equal opportunities. Anti–LGBT organizations make it known
they do not want them to succeed. One major Anti–Gay Rights Organization is Abiding Truth
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Negative Stereotypes Of Gay Bars And Gay Nightclubs
Since The 1930s, gay bars and gay nightclubs have been around. The bar called the White Horse, in Oakland, California, has been opened since
1933. It is known to be the first gay bar to be opened here in America. Being gay in the 1930s was brutal. "Same gender sex was a felony, and being
caught in a gay bar could cost someone their job... In a society that viewed gays as barley human, the White Horse allowed a level of freedom that
in the 1940s or 1950s was liberating" (Duffy 2016). With time changes and people being more accepted, gay bars and gay nightclubs started opening
all across America. One of the many gay nightclubs here in Denver is known as Tracks. It was opened in 1980. On October 5th, 2017, an experiential
observation at the Tracks nightclub was made. During this experience, it was observed that these people that identified as either gay, lesbian, or
bisexual were acting as normal human beings in a heterosexual nightclub. Although the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender movement acts have
been created to allow this community to be more open and unafraid, it has had a history of negative stereotypes against LGBT nightclubs which actually
benefit this community within psychological components, social components, and dealing with hate crimes towards this community community.
Psychological component Gay nightclubs are a healthy haven for the psychological well–being of the Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, trans community.
Because it allows the LGBT community
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Gay-Sex And Homosexuality
Homosexuality has been a subject of much worry for debaters everywhere throughout the world. Despite the fact that the idea of homosexuality and the
activities required with it are not new and it has been honed everywhere throughout the world all through different phases of our history, individuals
still discover it a general thought hard to acknowledge. Many individuals hate upon the thoughts and view gay people as irregularities of nature. This
can't be further from reality since it has been watched that numerous types of different creatures, for example, certain types of reindeer and dolphins,
likewise display gay conduct. Subsequently, homosexuality is an extremely normal thing and it ought not be limited as it is in many spots and gay
relational unions ought to be permitted. Despite the fact that many states in the United States have totally sanctioned gay/lesbian relational unions and
numerous others are running comparative suits, there are as yet numerous who restrict them. In the event that gay/lesbian relational unions were to be
permitted in each state, it would realize an extremely noteworthy change in our way of life and society.
At present, a considerable lot of the hetero individuals see homosexuality as something that is threatening to their own particular sexuality. They are
unreliable about their own introduction and are frightened that homosexuality may antagonistically influence them or their youngsters. This is on the
grounds that homosexuality isn't
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Gay Rights Australia
MHIS109 Analysis
1)"Gay rights have come a long way, but there's more to do" by Greg Waters, Sydney Morning Herald (2018), outlines a national journey but also
personal journey of the author. Waters highlights how as a nation, Australia has come so far since the 20th century in terms ofgay rights, yet there is
still more work that needs to be done, to ensure all discrimination stops. Waters uses evidence from 1972 to highlight how inhumanely gay people
were treated, including being dismissed from employment for being gay and that protestors against these practices were not looked upon favourably
. In 2018 however, a big win for gay rights was the legalisation of gay marriage in 2017. Yet, he argues there is still so far to go, as in 2018,... Show
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Willett argues that the world view has changed, with the help of so many activists, bringing about fundamental changes in society's attitudes. Willett
talks about the changes made up until 1997, however since then attitudes and legislation relating to homosexual people has become even more
understanding and tolerant. In the early 20th century, gay and lesbian people were marginalised to the point of invisibility and demonization . He
argues that before 1975, homosexual laws were some of the harshest laws that the government introduced. This was because there was a general sense
of homophobia after the 1960's, calling homosexual behaviour, sexual depravity. He cites Barry York demanding conjugal rights for prisoners to
prevent prisons from being "breeding grounds" for homosexuality . He also draws on the homosexual attitudes in the paper, such as the Tribune in
1973 which states how John Sendy wanted the government "to oppose gay liberation". However, Willett also uses evidence of people trying to
change this law and fight for gay rights, such as Whitlam in 1970, who expressed support for decriminalisation of homosexual acts, and how in 1972,
Lex Watson set out law reform abolishing all laws regarding discrimination against gay couples and sexual orientation, race and marriage status. He
demanded public education campaign in schools to eradicate anti–gay attitudes. Willett suggests these actions helped to reshape Australian society
creating more understanding. By 1997 there was wider public acceptance and tolerance of homosexual people, with Mardi Gras parade being
popularised, the decriminalisation of male homosexual behaviour, acceptance of lesbians and the recognition of gay custody rights in families and
much stronger anti–discrimination laws, all creating a powerful sense
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Gays And Homosexuality
Throughout history, people who identified as homosexual have experienced many obstacles such as discrimination, and abuse. It has required many
protests, riots and even acts of violence for them to be at the point where they are today. Although it has taken many years for the acceptance of
homosexuality in society, we now live in a world where gays and lesbians are equally integrated. Those who pushed for the advancement of gay and
lesbian rights were successful because gays and lesbians are now able to be legally married.
In history being homosexuality was taboo and uncommon; homosexuality was known as a mental illness. Homosexuals weren't able to publicly be
with a person of the same sex. People who were homosexual have had to ... Show more content on ...
Through the hardships that gays and lesbians have had to face The gay rights movement began. these movements are the reason why gays and
lesbians are equally accepted in society. During the time of the civil rights movements where people were trying to get social reform, being gay was
basically the new black. Inspired by the African–American civil rights movement, homosexuals began to organize themselves and fight for the
equality and justice they did not have yet. (The history of gay rights Minh T. Nguyen) The Stonewall uprising in 1969 was a watershed moment in
gay pride when homosexuals fought against police who raided their street bar. The uprising at Stonewall represented power, the people were tired of
being ridiculed for being who they are so they resisted. "The crowd began to get out of hand, eye witnesses said. Then, without warning, Queen Power
exploded with all the fury of a gay atomic bomb." (Jerry Lisker) after years of unfair treatment, the homosexual community Sought the opportunity to
stand up for themselves. The violence and attention that the Stonewall uprising brought would be one of the main reasons why homosexuality is now
legal and mostly accepted. Although the Stonewall uprising is one of the most recognized movements regarding gay rights it is not the only one. On
June 27, 1970, The first gay pride parades were held on the anniversary
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Gays in the Military
"Gays in the Military, is it right"?
For nearly 50 years, it has been the U.S. military's official policy to exclude homosexuals from service. In November 1992, President – elect Clinton
told Americans that he planned to lift the military's long – standing ban on gays and lesbians. Homosexual men and women, he said, should not be
prevented from serving their country based on their sexual orientation. Soon after taking office in 1993, Clinton faced powerful military and
congressional opposition to lifting the ban. General Colin Powell, then – chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Senator Sam Nunn, who was
chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee between 1987 an 1994 and left Congress in 1996, announced that they would seek to ... Show more
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Throughout the 1980s, concerns about the spread of AIDS further solidified some military leaders' opposition to allowing gay people to serve. The
directive remained in place until 1994, when it was supersede by the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Between 1980 and 1990, the armed forces
discharged an average of 1,500 service members annually because of their homosexuality. Defenders of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy argue that the
military must do what it needs to maintain the strongest possible fighting force. In order to carry out that obligation, they say, military leaders must
have the authority and discretion to set rules as they see fit to keep up morale and maintain order. On the issue of gay people's service, they say, if
military commanders maintain that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be detrimental to morale and discipline, then courts and public
should respect that decision. Defenders of the ban and of the military's current policy dispute the notion that military personnel should be afforded the
same constitutional protections as civilians. Policy supporters maintain that the military is a unique institution with its own set of rules. Opponents of
the current policy believe that while the military may have a
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Gays in the Military
Gays In the Military
Very often political institutions reflect the will of society and set the precedent for norms that will be expected of its members. The United States
Military is still enforcing archaic policies which threaten to harm the principles our nation was founded upon. The principles of freedom and equality
are those that every American holds closest to their heart, that is unless you are in the military and are gay. The issue of gays in the military has
developed into a case of whether our country should discriminate against a group merely because of involuntary sexual orientation. Two persistent
principles are evident within this topic: that homosexuals are ever present throughout all branches of the military and a ... Show more content on ...
We as a country can see the foolishness and downright prejudice that was involved in the opposition of integration of minorities into our military, one
which in 20 years we may equate with the current arguments involving gays in the military ( Wornsop 195–
212 , Schlueter 393–432).
In his article , "Not Asking or Telling: No remedy," in the March 25, 1995, edition of the National Journal, David Morrison suggests that President
Clinton 's policy of "Don 't ask , Don 't Tell, Don 't Pursue" has done little to end the controversy. The new policy is nothing more than a reworded
version of the old policy. The new policy forbids inquiries based on "rumor, suspicion, or capricious claims regarding a member 's sexual orientation."
But in reality this has not stopped some commanders. The Service Members Legal Defense Network cites these cases: a service member investigated
after an anonymous phone call, and another investigated because he had taken notes for a class on homosexuality.
These cases show clearly how military leaders blatantly violate both current policy and individual rights (Morrison 748–749).
Defense Department officials say that the policy appears to be working because the number of discharges is down. There appears to be a distinct
conflict between the cases that are reported and the Pentagons statements that center around the premise that there have been no violations of the
policy. In her book , Homosexuals And
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Equality For Gay Athletes
Some read in dismay while others read in pleasure when Jason Collins decided to express his sexual orientation in the May edition of Sports
Illustrated. It heralded the beginning the gay rights movement in professional basketball. Little did anyone know how tough the struggle for equality
would be. The rise of homosexual athletes is a well–documented journey through the years. Their struggle and perseverance is a key component in
their battle and their everlasting courage is inspirational. The fight for equality (to be treated equally among peers without any discrimination) is a
daily battle amongst these professional athletes. Even if they are very talented, gay athletes are discriminated against by both fans and media. Until
professional ... Show more content on ...
The Gay Rights Movement was instituted in 1988 and fought for equality for homosexual people. While equality for gays and lesbians expanded,
sports grew in popularity and emerged as an avenue to combat these new social upheavals. Gay male athletes, therefore, were not openly accepted on
the court, diamond or field by teammates, coaches, and fans. Accordingly, gay men in professional sports largely remained closeted, fearful of violent
and/or professional retribution (Pieper). Pro athletes who expressed their homosexuality were not accepted in the eyes of the public. The media
wouldn't take their eyes off of them and recorded their every move. For example, when Michael Sam expressed Professional athletes should be treated
equally, the Constitution calls it 'self–evident.' There is no reason to purposely abuse homosexiual athletes just because their sexual preference. "You
can't welcome dog killers, child beaters, and rapists while claiming some moral objection to a teammate loving another man" (Ziegler). In the eyes of
teammates across the country, gay athletes were viewed in the same regard as people who did horrible acts in our society, such as rape and murder.
This belief is a result of the decades of mistrust and it feeds of the vulnerability of the athletes. The correspondence bias in professional sports, the
tendency to draw inferences about a person's unique and enduring dispositions from behaviors that can be entirely explained by the situations in which
they occur. Other athletes complain about the presence of other gay athletes even though they have no negative experiences with them. Unfortunately,
this circumstance occurred way too often. For example, Glenn Burke made it known to his teammates at the beginning of his career that he was
attracted to men. He continuously felt scrutiny since exposing his true
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Gay Rights, Gay, Lesbian, And Society
Over the past decades, being gay was something no one talked about. It was a subject that was very taboo and society didn't accept. People saw it as a
stage one goes through and something unnatural. Thanks to the media, more and more celebrities have come out of the closet over the years. Soon
people became accepting of the gay community and their life style. Being openly gay, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual in the workforce can lead to
discrimination. Gay mirages are also frowned upon by society. Unfortunately, there aren't many laws that protect gay rights. Everyday in America,
gay people are being fired, denied a job, refused promotion, or some other form of discrimination. It's not because they don 't qualify for the job it's
because they are gay. 21/50 states in the US have rights set to protect them from facing this discrimination (Eisenberg, Rebecca). 18 out of those 21
states it is illegal to fire transgenders (Eidelson, Josh). So far there are about 28 million workers unemployed because of their sexuality (Bendery, 2014).
1.Tom Harkin, former Democrat U.S Senate, has a mission to pass a Paycheck Fairness Act, Fair Pay Act, and an Equal Pay Act. Harkin had
expressed his views on the issue on last years Equal Pay Day. He felt that there is a big pay gap between men and women. Women are paid less then
men simply because of their gender. Even though the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963 (Harkin, 2014), people are not following the act. By passing
the Paycheck
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Evil Stereotypes Of Gay Marriage And Gay Rights
It wasn't until my best friend and I sat on the empty curb of a recently closed Baskin Robbins that I realized all of my preconceptions of homosexual
marriage and gay rights were miserably wrong and that from then on, my beliefs on the topic were going to change drastically.
That night, my best friend confessed he was gay and his revelation was something my Catholic morals could not digest. I was born into a
homophobic family and raised into believing that homosexuals were associated with evil. But how could this be? One of the nicest people I knew was
gay? His words were so alien I felt like I was somewhere else and later, I pitied him for being gay. I pitied him so much I would pray for him, treating
homosexuality like it was an illness because that was what I was raised to believe. ... Show more content on ...
My best friend was still the same person–– just with a different sexuality. He was still the same nerdy, kind, and funny Michael I spent brunch, lunch,
and many classes with. He had no evil intentions nor did he commit any sins. I thought his only flaw was his homosexuality but God never confirmed
my beliefs. Instead, I became more confused because later, more of my kindest friends began coming out to me and I came to befriend many
homosexuals. In the end, I concluded that all of my homosexual friends were perfect–– they had amazing personalities and completely contradicted
what my parents and many other Christians had told me. What was I praying
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Acknowledging Domestic Violence In Gay And Gay Relationship
In the past, intimate partner violence was only defined as abuse in a heterosexual relationship. Scholars and researchers did not take into account that
abuse can happen in any relationship regardless if the relationship consist of two heterosexuals or homosexuals. Acknowledging domestic violence in
gay and lesbian relationships is a new concept that has allowed researchers to understand the different dynamics that may occur in a homosexual
relationship in comparison to a heterosexual one. There has not been a significant amount of research done on domestic violence occurring in same–sex
relationship due to the generalization that it does not occur, when in actuality, 1 in 4 homosexual partners will experience domesticviolence in their
lifetime (Lehmann). As a result of this generalization, gays and lesbians are less likely to seek help in domestic violence situations. 62% of 1,024
survivors reported they knew their perpetrator (Kemp 331). Acknowledging abuse among sexual minorities is the first step in spreading awareness that
the LGBT community experiences domestic violence just like others. In "Gender–based violence: the lesbian and gay experience" Evashnee Naidu and
Nonhlanhla analyze gender–based violence in same–sex relationships. Naidu ad Nonhlanhla examine this type of abuse that occur in same–sex
relationships and the nature of them. Physical abuse in LGBT usually includes hitting, choking, slapping, burning, use of a weapon, etc. Kemp explains
that "the CDC
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Legalization Of Gay Adoption
Around last year one of the most controversial law was passed by the Supreme Court. This law is legalizing gay marriage. There are a lot of mixed
feeling between people about this topic. Some people were very happy about gay marriage being legalized, most of whom are gay. However, there are
also a lot of people unhappy, and they have some very good reasons on why to be angry. Withgay marriage, say the couple wants a child so they adopt.
The child that they adopt will not only be deprived of his real parents, but he will also have the lack of both a mother and father role model. The
child will be raised by one party and they will lack the lessons the other party could teach them. Gay marriage will hurt children with the way they are
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The Violence Of Gay Teenagers
Jody Dobrowski aged 24, was brutally murdered in South London in 2005 by two men who believed him to be homosexual. After such a severe,
barbaric, inhumane act of homophobic violence, his own mother could not identify him, and his fingerprints had to be used. The judge described this
as 'homophobic thuggery'. Ian Baynham aged 62.Viciously assaulted by a young girl and boy; he punched him, whilst she repeatedly stamped and
kicked him screaming 'faggot'. His injuries were later fatal and he tragically died in hospital 18 days later. Christopher Schliach, Henry Bright, Jaap
Bornkamp, Geoffrey Windsor, Daniel Jenkinson and a shocking many more, are all clear examples of hate crimes being metered out on gay men.
Homophobia does kill, and isn't reducing in frequency.
Society kills homosexuals in ways other than murder. Due to the societal pressures, suicide rates amongst LGB individuals are skyrocketed compared
to heterosexuals. Gay youths are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide. Gay teens are 3 times more likely. Gay men are 6 times more likely. 30% of
the total suicides globally are made up by LGB individuals. Treating homosexuals as abhorrent and inferior, and societal persecution is exactly what
causes these shocking statistics.
My first experience of homophobia was at the age of 10, when I was labeled 'gay' (derogatorily), for choosing to play 'tag' with girls, rather than
football with boys. In my innocence, I did not understand why this was a bad thing, as I only knew
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The Meaning Of Gay, And The Homosexuality
The word "gay" has gone through drastic changes. Traditionally, it was a positive term that meant to be "happily excited" or "jolly" (Merriam
Webster, "Gay"). It was used regularly to express one's feelings about life. Today, it has a far different meaning. Now people use the word gay to
label homosexuals, those with feminine qualities, or those who do something thought to be outside of the norm for their gender. "Being gay" went
from expressing someone's happiness to describing his sexual preference. The definition of gay has changed so much that its original meaning has
become archaic and lost to the times. Few people today know the true meaning of the word gay. Even fewer use it in its original context. To be gay
was once a common and positive expression. When describing one's mood, it meant that they were feeling lively and carefree. Gay could even be
used to describe something that was "brightly colored" or "showy" (Merriam Webster, "Gay"). No one thought twice about it when people said they
were "feeling gay" or "the sunset was gay." However, this word is rarely used in that context in today's society. Instead, it has taken on a completely
different meaning and connotation. While gay had become something of a euphemism for prostitutes and their clients throughout the 19th century, it
was ever changing. This change was gradual and began in the 1920s and 1930s. By this time, a "gay man" was no longer just a man that was
promiscuous with women, but also one who was
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What It Means To Be Gay
"The music you're listening to is gay!" exclaims my best friend.
Feeling embarrassed, I turned the music off. I didn't think my music was lame.
"It was on the radio. It's not really the usual music I listen to." Do you see the problem with the usage of the word gay here? Gay used to mean bright
and happy but now it has become an insult. The term today literally refers to a male homosexual person. After many years the wordgay has changed its
meaning and its meaning continues to constantly change today. When gay first came to be a word it meant bright or showy, like a rainbow. The
word presently and popularly is used to as an insult but the word's actual meaning refers to a homosexual male. Presently, people use gay in two
different meanings, some use it literally and some use it as profanity or insult. Unfortunately, as a society by using a term in this way it shows that as a
society we aren't as acceptable, judgmental, homophobic people. ... Show more content on ...
Gay became a word in the twelfth century in England. Again the original meaning behind gay was, something "joyful" or "full of mirth." Flash
forward to five centuries later, in the 17th century, gay refered to being good or bad. In the Oxford dictionary during the 17th century gay meant
"addicted to pleasures and dissipations. Often euphemistically: Of loose and immoral life". Moving on to the nineteenth century, the word gay
developed an even more negative meaning. It became known as female prostitute and a male that had an abundance of sex. Even with the word
changing meanings and definitions, it was still not a word that people used regularly to describe prostitutes. Further into time, gay became to mean a
male having sexual intercourse with another male. In 1995 gays new definition was put into the dictionary. This definition had lasted until present time.
While the word has changed its meaning, it is most commonly defined as a homosexual
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Gay Rights
Feeling the warmth when they hold a loved one is something for which people should not be judged. It should not matter what sex their partner is
because, put simply, they are in love. The gay rights movement is a continuing procession that fights for their rights. The gay rights movement actually
begins on November 11, 1950 when gay rights activist Harry Hay founds America's first national gay rights organization by the name of Mattachine
Society, according to the "Timeline: Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement". Their leaders or people who advanced their purpose are
Harvey Milk, Harry Hay, LGBT, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual groups. This purpose is to stop intolerance and, ultimately, gain the right of
and ... Show more content on ...
This sad event shows but one example of a hate crime against a person of gay orientation. Matthew Shepard then goes on to become one reason to
cause the HCPA, Hate Crimes Prevention Act, to be signed into law on October 28, 2009. These groups say that "the struggles of the peoples of
the world are our fight as well; their victories are our victories and our victories are theirs. Our freedom will come only with their freedom" ("What
We Want, What We Believe" 600). They are trying to abolish hate against all which is why they did not stop at creating a hate crimes prevention
act against gays law, but a prevention to protect everyone. It is to prevent anyone having to suffer what the people of the LGBT community
constantly face every day. To take these things lightly is one thing; however, to completely act as though they do not exist in plain sight is unlawful
or even disgraceful.As a nation, everyone should band together, every race, every group, and every individual, to fight against this true act of
treason. The intended audience of the manifesto, "What We Want, What We Believe" is everyone to say their goal is for only them is to say that
they will settle for only their rights. For they fight for all, no matter for whom their true goal, is equality for all. "It's up to CDC [Centers for Disease
Control] to put the pressure on
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Gay Bars And Gay Nightclubs
Introduction Since the 1930s, gay bars and gay nightclubs have been around. The bar called White Horse, in Oakland, California, has been opened
since 1933. It is known to be the first gay bar to be opened here in America. Being gay in the 1930s was brutal. Same gender sex was a felony, and
being caught in a gay bar could cost someone their job. "In a society that viewed gays as barley human, the White Horse allowed a level of freedom
that in the 1940s or 1950s was liberating" (Duffy 2016). With time changes and people being more accepted, gay bars and gay nightclubs started
opening all across America. One of the many gay nightclubs here in Denver is known as Tracks. It was opened in 1980. On October 5th, 2017, an
experimental observation at the Tracks nightclub was made. During this experience, it was observed that these people that identified as either gay,
lesbian, or bisexual were acting as normal human beings in a heterosexual nightclub. Although the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender movement
acts have been created to allow this community to be more opened and unafraid, it has had a history of having psychological components such as
depression, and social components such as relationships with one another, and of course the history within hate crimes towards the LGBT community.
Psychological component Gay nightclubs are a healthy heaven for the psychological well–being of the Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, trans community. (Also
known as the LGBT community) Because
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Gay Rights Essay
Fighting for Gay Rights In our society we should protect LGBT rights it's unfair that we treat them differently. We should make more changes about
how we treat them they should be allowed to go as they please or shop at places they want to shop at. Without being told they can not go in a certain
restaurant because the way they are. People should not discriminate the reason being is you never know what that person been through or why they
are like that. And it's hard for a person to actually be themselves without people telling them that it's a phase or they are corrupt. In our society we
should not have to fight for our rights or act accordingly to what people think of us. In the LGBT community they have a high rate for ... Show more
content on ...
Which is not true they will love they child just like the opposite sex. We support other things that are going on in the world but why not supportgay
marriage ? or fight for they rights?. They are high risk for suicide rates the reason being they feel like they could not please everyone. They feel
like they failed to make everyone happy and reach their standards. My concern are the innocent people that are going through this. The LGBT
community already go through enough some of their families disown them because of who they are which is ridiculous. People make them feel
guilty because loving another sex is a sin which it is not. Our society thinks children needs a mother and father not a two mothers or two fathers.
They are not allowed to serve our country which is heartbreaking because the government feel like they are not fit to do so. Many states still have a
ban on gay marriage until this day. Before President Obama left office he promised to help the LGBT community to gain their rights and also appeal
the DADT. Our government should take more procession with their rights we have hateful people out there and would like to terminate them. In
2016 the military lifted the ban on transgender people. Which is a start I feel that it should not be a option to pick and choose who to fight for our
country. Also I feel that if a person love someone no matter what color , shape , size , gender , etc you should not stop them from finding their true love.
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Gay, Gay And Lesbian
One of the latest genres of the visual arts, photography has had a close association with gay and lesbian culture since its establishment in the nineteenth
century. Queer by definition means strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different. But then again as a slang word in the LGBT
community it means homosexual or noting or relating to a person who does not conform to a normative sexual orientation or gender identity. The
concept of gay photography is enigmatic. While a person can be described as homosexuals by sexual preference or gay consciousness, an inanimate
object such as a photograph cannot. I will be exploring how gay and lesbian themes are influencing photography though looking at pinnacle
photographers at the ... Show more content on ...
In figure one the image does show two men holding each other in an intimate way, certainly not how two straight men would pose for a photo. They
look blissful and content, this is probably the first photo they would have taken together and I believe this is one of the first images every produced of
a gay couple. It creates an unusual warmth to the image. The background in the image reminds me of a forbidden forest, I'm unsure of the photographer
but I like to think that there's controversial meaning to the background and the couple present. Wilhelm Von Gloeden (1836
–1931) was one of the first
to treat photography as an independent art form and share his own private view of heaven with cultured networks and fellow homosexuals across the
world. "With a clearly defined aesthetic and a sure sense of his own artistry, von Gloeden abandoned scenic postcard photography to become the
foremost proponent of a kind of purely pictorial photography which, for its day, was revolutionary." (Haggerty, 2000, pp. 687–687). Using
photography for own artist expression is natural and encouraged in these days, but back in that time, the 'real' artists ignored this form of photography.
But by 1887, the public and critics began to understand real pictorial photography and understand what the photographer was trying to relate to whether
a feeling or a story or a lifestyle. The development of this kind of photography lead the documentary artists like Berenice Abbott to photograph gay,
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Gay Parents
There is the misconception that people of the LGBT community are " unfit " to raise children and be parents. This, however, is not true, and there
have been many studies done that prove the sexuality of parents does not harm a child's development in any way. It has also been recognized that gay
parents tend to be more attentive, and are very helpful to the world when finding children homes. This goes to show that, queer people are just as
qualified to be parents as anyone else.
Some people in this world have this idea that gay people are bad parents. They say that children suffer more in the care of LGBT parents; that children
end up being less intelligent than their peers, and that they have a higher chance of being bullied. Some people also believe that gay parents push their
" lifestyle " on to their children, and that it could potentially turn them gay. Both of these beliefs are wrong, and only show how close–minded society
can be at times. There has been no correlation found that says the sexual orientation of parents affects children negatively. As for children who are
being bullied for having LGBT+ parents, it only goes to show that people need to teach their children to respect the differences of others. Also,
bullying in general is an issue that needs to be addressed, and gay parents should not be at fault for any teasing that may occur. These " concerns " that
people have on queer parenting, aren't actually very concerning things. It's been proven time and time
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Counseling Challenges For Gays And Gays
Counseling Challenges for Gays and Lesbians
Rodney B. Platthy
Marshall University
In order to effectively treat members of the LGBT community, we must look at historical, political, and personal history to help us understand the fears
and secret issues the individual or group may have and how it evolved.
Historical records indicate homosexuality has existed since the dawn of creation.
However, it was not known by the same name, nor was it as controversial as it is today.
Interestingly, homosexual men are referred to as gay, while women are usually referred to as lesbians. The etymology of the word stems from old
French, gai. ... Show more content on ...
Some religions approved of the practice of homosexuality, and others did not.
Certainly it would serve well for counselors to be well versed on the spiritual abuse aspects that some LGBT persons may have experienced and be
sensitive to those issues. In doing a history, be aware of the beliefs the client has been exposed to.
More recently, LGBE members have new (or newly reinforced) fears of openly practicing the lifestyle they identify with. As I write this, a clear
indication of radical
Islam law was acted out in Orlando, FL. Omar Mateen, while claiming allegiance to
ISIS, (i.e. removing the homosexual infidels from the face of the earth) killed 49 people and wounded 53 in a gay bar.
Counselors need to be aware of the mental and emotional trauma and fears events like this place on the LGBT community, and find effective ways to
help them cope with those fears. It may take time to build up trust in order to get them to open up and we need to be understanding through the process.
The fears that
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The Film On Being Gay
The film On Being Gay gave me new ways to look at and understand what it means to be gay. It was filled to the brim with thought–provoking
discussion and exercises that allowed it to get its message through loud and clear. These being, the prevalence of homophobia in our culture and what
causes it, learning to perceive the world as if it were predominantly filled with homosexuals, confronting the stereotypes society maintains about
homosexuals, the differences between being gay or lesbian and coming from another minority group, and using Alfred Kinsey's theory to look at
sexuality as being on a continuum. From these topics and exercises, I feel that I now better understand not only the overall topic of homophobia within
the context of American society, and have also learned a bit more about myself as well.
Brian McNaught brought the conversation of homosexuality to a personal level. He explained how being gay has impacted his life, and how he had
to hide who he was and act like a straight man out due to his own ignorance of his sexuality and fear of being rejected for being gay. When he did
finally come to terms with himself and begin to reveal himself to others, his fear that he would be rejected due to his sexuality was confirmed. This
is a fear that I share about coming out, and to be honest, I am not quite sure why. I know my family would accept it without a second thought, my
friends would not care, and my coworkers would not care. I do not have to fear that I will be
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The Meaning Of Gay And Homosexuality
Our world changes day by day. Humans grow, evolve, and adjust to the modern world. As our world advances, our language and terminology
progresses along with it. A word that has changed completely in definition is "gay", it has two completely different meanings. Today "gay" means,
"of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex; homosexual" (The Definition of Gay). and
in the 12th century "gay" meant "happy or carefree" (How Gay) How did the definition of this word change so greatly over the years?
Gay came about in the 12th century, with the meaning of "carefree", "joyful", or "bright and showy" (How Gay)."The word is first recorded in
English c.1325, with the meaning of beautiful, in a poem titled Blow, Northerne Wind, which appears in the manuscript British Library MS Harley
2253." "The English word comes from the French gai, but where this French word comes from is uncertain" (Word The first meaning
of gay was once meant to have a meaning of happiness. People woke up hoping to have a "gay" day.
By the 17th century "gay" started to change from meaning bright and showy to mean "immorality". "By the mid 17th century, according to an Oxford
dictionary definition at the time, the meaning of the word had changed to mean "addicted to pleasures and dissipations. Often euphemistically: Of
loose and immoral life" (How Gay). In the span of five – hundred years this word began to greatly change from
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Gay Bashing
In 2008, 190 homosexuals were killed in Brazil, one every two days, known as a 55 percent increase on the previous year. The annual report on
murders of homosexuals, according to the Grupo Gay da Bahia from Brazil, says that 64 percent of the victims were gay men, 32 percent were
transvestites, and four percent were lesbians. This is absolutely astonishing. Even though homosexuals have chosen an alternative lifestyle, they still
deserve to live a normal life without being victimized of physical harm for their choices. Homosexuality is not "normal" in biological terms. If it were
normal, then everybody would be homosexual and that is self–evident. Homosexuals are actively striving to convince us that homosexuality is
"normal," but they ... Show more content on ...
The one used for the gay man is a common expression. It 's familiar in schools, comedy routines, the media, and on street corners all across
America.There is the perception that homosexuals are a socially acceptable target. Therefore, when young people are asked, they will justify and
defend targeting gay people as inferior. "Gaybashing is the most socially acceptable, and probably the most common, type of hate crime, especially
among male teenagers and young adults" (Matzner). There 's a belief nowadays that it 's not so cool to assault racial minorities. It 's not so cool to
assault women, Blacks or Jews. But assaulting gays is actually something humorous to a lot of young people. It 's probably the last socially
acceptable group to assault. Part of it is related to the fact that discrimination against gays is still legalized and encoded. That sends a message to young
people that, if gays don 't have equal rights in employment, housing, child custody, the military, or marriage, then there 's something wrong with them,
and nobody 's going to mind if we have some fun at their expense. According to statistics released by the FBI, hate crimes that are specifically
committed in relation to the victims sexual orientation have risen over the past three years. There were 1,017 reported in 2005, 1,195 in 2006 and 1,265
in 2007. The FBI reported a 6 % increase in hate crimes against gay, lesbian and
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Against Gay Marriage
So many people in America and around the world are against Gay Marriage and Gay Rights in general. Why can't the LGBT community feel
comfortable with who they are? Also, why can't people around the world be happy for them? Why is being gay wrong if it's something that makes
that person happy? It upsets me how much cruelty there is around us, especially with people who want to love others of the same gender as them.
Honestly if someone is a part of the LGBT community it is perfectly fine in my opinion. If you judge a person for being themselves before getting to
know them first, then don't get mad if decides to judge you. Everyone should be able to live their lives the way they what to instead of worrying what
people think of you and what they might call you. ... Show more content on ...
What doesn't make sense is why can't people be happy for them? Being gay doesn't affect the world in a negative way. It's not like if you're gay you're
a threat to society, you just love who you love. "I think all consenting adults who want to commit to a life partner ought to be treated the same way."
(John Stossel). This quote from this author is really well said and I agree with it. If everyone was treated the same and not judge other people for
who they are then there would be less hate in the world. "Even though in religions it is frowned upon for two people of the same gender to get
married, it is still the union of two souls, whether it be man and man, woman and woman, or man and woman – an expression of love and commitment
to each other as well as the rest of the world." (Carrie Gilleand). I also agree with this statement because love is love no matter who you end up loving
whether it be the same gender or
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Pro Gay Equality
"To deny people their human rights, is to challenge their very humanity" (Nelson Mandela). As a result, the start of gay equality was seen when
same–sex marriage became legal on June 26 2015. Peaceful protests were popular during 2015 to allow equality for homosexuals. However
homosexuals still face opposition in America as these groups are becoming unemployed due to sexual discrimination; as well as denied basic
accommodations and inadequate health care. Yet other American's feel that oppression is necessary because people feel uncomfortable and believe
homosexuality is unnatural. However, we as Americans should move on from this form of thinking because it makes us think backwards instead of
forwards. While homosexuals endorse the fight for equality as it should be considered as a natural basic human right, ... Show more content on ...
As the gay community comes together from massive pride parades to give a message about speaking up and catching ahold of everyone's attention on
the debate whether equality should engage in the gay community or to allow homosexuals to be discriminated and have no say in today's world. As far
as the anti–gay American's, they are to still protect their children from other American's disobeying decisions from god's say about homosexuals and to
embrace god's settlement between same sex American's liberty. As the fight for homosexual equality rights still continue, it's essential to recognize that
great things start with small beginnings. "Hope will never be silent" (Milk). In the gay community's situation currently, hope is key to courage. Unless
you believe that the future will be better, you are responsible for making sure it is so. Courage enables you to fight for the impossible, you never
thought would be
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Legalizing Gay Marriages

  • 1. Legalizing Gay Marriages Marriage is a way that many people express their love to each other, showing how strong a commitment one can have towards another person. In recent years, the idea of what constitutes a married couple has changed. Traditionally, a man and a woman get married and live happily ever after. Over time, we have seen men and women of different colors and get married, as well as people of the same gender. Marriage has changed and has become such a huge topic of conversation and debate. Homosexual marriages have now become legal in all the U.S. I do not support gay marriages because homosexual couples should not have the right to get married, homosexual couples should not adopt without being judged, and also should not have the same financial benefits ... Show more content on ... Whenever a gay couple adopts a child, the couple should think about the child's stability. Adopting a child while being homosexual can have many effects on the child and how the child view things. A child that grows up in a gay house hold may grow up and think that it is okay to date someone of the same gender. Homosexual couples cannot produce children, so therefore they must adopt if they want children. A homosexual couple who adopts children does not take the children in consideration. In the article, In the Best Interests of the (Silenced) Child, the author says, "to include children's voices would be to acknowledge children's agency and individuality and in doing so would undermine the figure of the passive, innocent and powerless child which sustains the 'best interests' rhetoric." The author is basically saying that a child that is for adoption does not have a voice and no one takes in consideration of the child's feelings. A gay couple that adopts does this for their satisfaction instead of the child. Many heterosexual couples would argue that a child needs a male figure in their life as well as a female ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Summary Of The Gay Option The Gay Option is an excerpt from "Choice as Strategy: Homosexuality and the Politics of Pity," written by Stephanie Fairyington. Stephanie Fairyington is the Cofounder and Editor for a freelance New York journalist, which means that she has a lot of experience in writing and is well credited. This excerpt was written from Fairyington own experience as part of the LGBT community and her take on the outward view on gays. Fairyington starts the excerpt in a very strong way, although it at first seems somewhat contradictory to her claim that being gay or liking the same gender, is not a biological illness but a conscious choice. The article excerpt talks about the way that the LGBT community is viewed by Conservatives and people in Politics in general. People in the LGBT community feel forced to stick a hand out for pity, as this is the only way they'll be accepted. Farrington's writing suggests that the people of the LGBT community are not even accepted as much as tolerated by something that is considered to be out of their control. Her first supporting example is writing to her mom "I was born this way... if there were a straight pill, ... I'd swallow it faster than you can say the word gay," (Pg. 50) She goes on to clarify that this was a tactic used in order to be accepted for her sexuality. Which, unfortunately, many another member of the LGBT community feel forced to use the "born gay pity" in order to feel even somewhat accepted and ease the concern that their "gay" is the fault of their parents. This is a great tactic using Pathos to not only appeal to her mother but also to the readers. She gets the readers to recognize some of the struggles and negativity from conservatives. Not just the Conservatives in her family but also the ones in Politics. However, it also shows how Fairyington could feel conflicted. Vouching for one thing and then feeling forced to say another, being gay is a choice... unless it's talking about it to people in Politics and or conservative family members. With Conservatives and in this case Fairyington family, the only real acceptance of being gay is by saying it wasn't a choice but playing on their own idea of it being a biologic affliction. Stephanie Fairyington gives us ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Should Gay Be A Racist? If you think that by merely not agreeing with the gay lifestyle it 's bigotry comparable to racism think again. You do realize that 's a slap in the face of all those cultures you 're referencing calling all they fought for frivolous right? There is definitely a smear agenda going on. As soon as the whole gays–getting–equal–rights thing came into the spotlight all of a sudden christians are being called bigots because we don 't support being gay. the funny thing is, homosexuality is not genetic in any way shape or form. a person can 'get off ' on a man or woman...or inanimate object. therefore the idea that gays can 't help it because they aren 't attracted to the opposite sex and that not supporting their lifestyle choice is the same as being a racist is a misconception. It would seem therefore being gay is more of a hobby than something you can compare to racial rights no different than collecting bottle caps or sports cards. therefore for christians to be so hated for believing homosexuality to be unrighteous as per the bible 's teachings is ridiculous. To better understand this situation, it is the same thing as a republican not being welcome in the democratic party nor their meetings. it is not biggotry for the democrat to refuse to let the republican attend their meetings because they have different interests. therefore what is the big deal? the big deal is that gays can 't get it out of their head that being gay is not genetic but is a choice. they can help it and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Is The Word Gay? As culture changes, so does language. English words can have a variety of meanings based on cultural shifts that cause words to lose their original meanings or become associated with vastly different ideas. Such changes retain the power to baffle one unfamiliar with an extensive etymological history of the word. For example, gay has confusing origins, particularly the farther one looks back. The word gay has possessed vastly different definitions throughout its history, both positive and negative, a duality that continues to this day. In today's culture, the word gay has developed three distinct definitions: jovial, happy, or good spirited, a homosexual individual, or something stupid, mostly by younger males (Anonymous). Today, the word gay primarily refers to a homosexual individual, having utilization as both a noun and an adjective to describe individuals attracted to the same sex. The alternative definition of carefree joy has gradually disappeared, the relic of another time. However, the pejorative use of describing something stupid or non–masculine endures, especially in the Anglosphere (Contributors). The word gay first appeared during the 12th century (Contributors). The English word gay comes from the Middle English gai, meaning lighthearted, brightly colored, which comes from Old French, possibly of Germanic origin. More specifically, from Old French gai, "joyful, laughing, merry", probably a borrowing of Old ProvenГ§al gai, "impetuous, lively". The ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Gay Discrimination Throughout the years, the acceptance of homosexuality has been a widely debated topic between common citizens and with America's laws. Should society welcome or outcast them? This was the question on everyone's mind, to which most people before the late 1960's would favor the latter. In fact, during the mid–1960's, it was against the law to provide service to someone of gay orientation (Clendinen 22). People of homosexual orientation would not allow others to restrict their rights because of religious belief or hierarchy ideals. To disrupt the somewhat successful oppression that the law was assisting in, they would fight back when police came to raid a bar in search of illegal activity. This often caused the media to get involved and report their findings, assisting in spreading the word of gay persecution. Few people were willing to stand up for homosexuals as they were presumed to be flawed, sinners, outcasts and even categorized as mentally ill. This was due to the fact that, unlike different ethnicities with defining skin colors, gays had no markings to identify them as a group (Clendinnen 22). However, homosexuals were almost all a part of a discourse community and shared many ideas about equal rights for everyone. Since they were confronted with declarations that they posed a threat to America, the activists needed to reassure the media of their dedication to the country. They had to "appeal frequently to the nation's founding ideals of liberty and equality" (Hall, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Argumentative Essay Gay Have you ever walked through the halls and heard the term "gay" or "fag" followed by a couple giggles? When these terms are thrown out there no one understands how insulting they may be. Many may use the words without even thinking twice about it. For most of us it just slips out since it's an easy, short and funny sounding insult. It's almost a habit, right? None of this is justification for accidentally using these offensive terms! To begin, the main conflict is that the term gay isn't even used in the proper sense! I'm sick of being tired and wanting to stay home when the boys want to go out because all I hear is "Why're you being gay and staying in?" or "That's so gay Ahmad come out with us.". There is nothing gay about staying in. What my friends mean to say is "Why're you being so lazy, lame?". Out of the entire English vocabulary we chose to use the most politically incorrect terms in a complete wrong concept just to try to prove our point! It's not okay to follow up your misuse of these derogatory terms with "I didn't mean it like that". Not only does it show ignorance, but it also shows a concerning lack of intellect. Our biggest issue is what you're implying when you use these terms! In these cases the terms are thrown at each other demeaning and often insulting manner. How often do you hear "This guy is so good at hockey, he's such a homo!". Now of course we don't have to absolutely diminish these terms because they still have meaning ; you can't attack others ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Gay, Gay Bisexual And Transgender Community When it comes to the topic stereotyping homosexuals, some people of the gay community will immediately agree that homosexuals act like the stereotypical gay person. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether gays are denying their sexuality and disregarding the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community (LGBT). While some homosexuals are convinced that they are true to their gender, others believe that they should identify with the LGBT community and act like the opposite sex. In my own view men world wide have different personalities, those who are different tend to dress, talk, and act like the opposite sex these are the imperfect genders who 's sexual identities are mistaken. It's expected for a homosexual to take pride in their sexuality; for some homosexuals, they see labeling as an identity rather than a sexuality. There are many gay men who seem "too gay" and there are men who are labeled "cool gay". For those who are "too gay" they tend to be glared at from other gays and those who are the "cool gay" are also looked at with envy. Author Simon Peter Fuller wrote, "What angers us in another person is more often than not an unhealed aspect of ourselves. If we had already resolved that particular issue, we would not be irritated by its reflection back to us." When a masculine gay says he doesn 't affiliate with that rambunctious gay; he secludes himself and hides his deeper feelings towards that one individual because he 's afraid ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Gay And Gay Rights Gay Rights Gays should be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else. They used to not be allowed to adopt children in some states. They get abused verbally, mentally, and physically by their family and friends. There are some people who disagree with the thought of gays getting married. They can't get jobs because of their sexual orientation. Some people accept the fact that they want to love who they want to love. What's important is that gays are mistreated wherever they go. Gays should be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else. Homosexual people do not want to have special privileges. They just want to have the same rights as heterosexuals, nothing more and nothing less. Homosexuals are a growing minority with ... Show more content on ... That is the saddest thing to me because I would hate, absolutely hate it if someone called me dirty names like the ones they get called. For example, they get called queer, homo, fag, gay, and many more cruel names. The people do not want gays to get married. Homosexual couples will love each other no matter what happens, whether they get married or not, so trying to stop them from what they want the most, is definitely not going to make them go away. They will be more outspoken because they want to feel like they are in the United States. People will argue that they shouldn't get married because marriage is a religious ceremony and should be only for straight people. For example, according to the constitution, marriage doesn't have to be between a male and a female. I think that people just underestimate homosexuals all the time and that they don't think about their actions and what they are saying. Homosexuals have just as much privacy as any other person. Homosexuals can not get jobs because of their sexual orientation. Discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transsexuals is widespread throughout America. They have always been targets for discrimination. This discrimination is based on a hostile attitude toward a specific group, in this case, is the minority. Because of this, many of them go to work in fear of rejection or causing them ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Gays In The 1960's During the 1960's to be gay in the United States was essentially a crime. It was the time of the "Lavender Scare," in which thousands of people were fired from the federal government for no other reason than their sexuality. The fear stemmed from Cold War concerns that homosexuals would be a "security risk," exploitable by communists (Sherouse) (Sears). Dozens of anti–gay legislation was in existence, specifically prohibiting employment of "homosexuals and other sex perverts" in civil service positions, and subsequently creating a president of discrimination throughout the country (Sears). Discriminatory laws were not limited to employment. They also prohibited serving alcohol to gay people, showing signs of homosexuality in public, and gay people dancing together. It were these laws which specifically affected bars serving gay... Show more content on ... The Genovese Family was known to have paid off the police many times to tip them off before raids were to occur or look the other way entirely. One raid they were not prepared for however, occurred at 1:30 AM on Saturday, June 28, 1969. This raid seemed standard at first, however it quickly escalated to violence as the patrons and onlookers fought back against the police. The riot is suspected to have started when one woman, and drag king who was being arrested, StormГ© DeLarverie fought back and yelled at onlookers "Why don't you guys do something." The resulting riots lasted from June 28 to July 3, and are viewed as a defining moment in the rise of LGBT rights, after which many gay rights groups formed (NYC LGBT Historic Sites ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Struggle Of Gay Rights The struggle between Edward and Bella in the "Twilight Saga" can be closely related to the struggle of gay right's in today's society. During the whole entire saga Edward and Bella have to fight to keep their relationship with one another. This is similar to what the LGBT community has been doing for many years now. In the "Twilight Saga" some of the characters do not believe that Edward and Bella should be with one another because he is a vampire and she is a human. Similarly in today's society some people do not believe that people of the same–sex should be in a relationship or marry one another. The biggest factor that plays into why people believe and think this way is because of the unknown factor of it all, they have it very ... Show more content on ... The fact that they thought that this was a mental disorder was very wrong, and it also shows how close–minded people are. Just because one is different, or loves differently than another person, does not mean that they have a mental illness. If it did, we would be claiming that a lot of people have mental illnesses. More recently things that have happened for the LGBT community is that on April 1st of 1998, Coretta Scott King who was formally Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife, now a widow, stood up and called on the civil rights community to help her join the struggle for the LGBT community ("PBS"). She received lots of criticism for this because she was comparing civil rights to gay rights. The representatives of the black civil rights movement thought that this was wrong of her ("PBS"). The stance of the African American Community is hard to believe. One would assume that African Americans might be somewhat more accepting of others considering that they too have gone through the struggle and know what it feels like to be treated unfairly, but in this case that was not necessarily true. Finally, in 2008 on May 18th, Massachusetts became the very first state to legalize gay marriage in the United States of America. The court finally was able to see that denying the LGBT community the right to marry was unconstitutional because it denied people their dignity as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Gay Observation Gay and Straight Alliance Club, a memorable experience where I got to talk to various LGBT people who were such outgoing and humorous people, they really demonstrate on how people that have a considerable difference with each other should really act. I was a lucky I had an extremely helpful friend that recommended to come over to Gay and Straight Alliance on Friday at lunch, she said that they were held every Friday and that it would be a great place to go for my observation. I was skeptical at first because I don't like to take on new experiences plus that fact that it might really not be the best place to go for my observation, but either way I still chose to go. On Friday, February 14, I was in a frenzy to try and find someone I would ... Show more content on ... I observed the atmosphere and looked to see who inhabited the assembly. People sat together with their group of friends, they all were yelling and enjoying their time although, there were a few people who chose to sit alone and enjoy their quiet, secluded time. They did activities in there that related to LGBT people,but my friend said that they hardly do any activities, but on that day the chose to do one. The activity they were doing was to create a person, where their heart, brain, and "private parts" didn't matter, the person either thought and in their heart felt like they were male, but had a woman's genitalia, or they thought and felt in their heart that they were female but, had a male genitalia.They asked the crowed what the person should want to be identified generally, but one boy yelled out "Can he be identified as a Pigeon?" which was very amusing, he kept on insisting that we was identified as a Pigeon. The classroom was interesting, walls had posters and flags that showed history, psychology topics, and even a rainbow flag. That made me feel extremely optimistic because most teachers don't put up items that relate to LGBT people. It shows that Mrs. Lahey, the teacher that thought in room 35, strongly believes in the LGBT Movement and she wants to subtly show her students that they should also treat LGBT students equally and to not make fun of their ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Gay Rights Media We live in a world where society does not generally accept the participation of human being within certain context. There are certain issues the media sources chose not to cover for different reasons. Some are worried about their reputation while some are bias towards society. Also, we have those media sources that are used to only affect the faith of the audience. The faith of the audience can be affected for the good and the bad. The media can choose to target a specific population of society to present hate or to show the specific population that they are supportive. One of the main issues that can affect the the faith of the audience would be based on Gay Rights. We have some media stations that just chooses not to cover this topic in order not to loose their audiences. They believe that covering a sensitive topic would hinder the media business. In regards to gay rights movement the media have made significant coverages to outweighs those media coverages whose goal is mainly ... Show more content on ... Conwell's stated, "stories with more statements supporting same–sex marriage outweighed those with more statements opposing it by a margin of roughly 5–to–1". From that statement society is able to conclude that the media are more understanding and supportive towards the gay rights movement. However, some individuals who carries a different mentality voiced their opinion and stated that same sex marriage would hurt society and the institution of traditional marriage. On the bright side Colwell, stated that the "study confirms what most of us already suspected: that the surge in public support for gay marriage has been a phenomenon largely driven by the media". The media had a large influence on society. Not only the media but the individual who spoke in favor or not in favor in regards to gay rights ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Gay Identity And Identity The world does not work like a digital clock where a discrete set of numbers is presented and one must accept what is shown. The world is more similar to an analog clock, where all possibilities are present and one can only assume one is correct based on approximation but is never entirely sure of said approximation. For someone who lives in such a world, I have had to learn to embrace the contradictions both society and myself impose upon my different identities as well as my position in respect to them. I am an Hispanic immigrant, born and raised in El Salvador who moved to the United States way too late in his life to consider it his home but early enough to embrace the good aspects of its culture. I am also a gay cis–gendered male who is beginning to explore his role as a member of the gay community. Lastly, both my embodiment and my attitudes are not that of a "masculine guy" (I am not particularly muscular, my jawline is rather soft and I am one of the unlucky few who is never able to grow decent facial hair). All of those elements of my identity affect me as they all shape my life and experience in different ways. It is the adaptability needed to be an immigrant, the survival instinct and mentality that come from being gay, and the defiance of traditional narratives of masculinity through my refusal to change my personality and embodiment to conform to it that have shaped me into the individual I am today. Those aspects of my identities have shaped the way I move ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Rights Of Gay Rights Gay Rights has always been a controversial topic. People have fought and argued over this simple human right for years and now we are finally seeing progress. The Gay Rights Movement started on 1924 by Henry Gerber, founder of The Society for Human Rights, the first documented Gay Rights organization according to CNN news. From the start homosexuality was considered a "sociopathic personality disturbance" which was diagnosed by the American Psychiatric Association in April 1952. When homosexuality became a hot topic, PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower singed an executive order that banned all homosexuals from working for the Federal Government saying" they are a security risk." Which I can see why it was signed, homosexuals are very sassy and can put you in check which the government wouldn't like. Fast forward to 2005, the state of California was one of the first states to pass a bill allowing same–sex marriage and on June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot ban same–sex marriage which handed the best victory for gay advocates everywhere in America. Although Gay Rights have come a long way in America there is always room for more improvement such as discrimination on getting a job or adopting just because of your sexual orientation. As the LGBT community still faces laws that discriminate the LGBT community from equal opportunities. Anti–LGBT organizations make it known they do not want them to succeed. One major Anti–Gay Rights Organization is Abiding Truth ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Negative Stereotypes Of Gay Bars And Gay Nightclubs Introduction Since The 1930s, gay bars and gay nightclubs have been around. The bar called the White Horse, in Oakland, California, has been opened since 1933. It is known to be the first gay bar to be opened here in America. Being gay in the 1930s was brutal. "Same gender sex was a felony, and being caught in a gay bar could cost someone their job... In a society that viewed gays as barley human, the White Horse allowed a level of freedom that in the 1940s or 1950s was liberating" (Duffy 2016). With time changes and people being more accepted, gay bars and gay nightclubs started opening all across America. One of the many gay nightclubs here in Denver is known as Tracks. It was opened in 1980. On October 5th, 2017, an experiential observation at the Tracks nightclub was made. During this experience, it was observed that these people that identified as either gay, lesbian, or bisexual were acting as normal human beings in a heterosexual nightclub. Although the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender movement acts have been created to allow this community to be more open and unafraid, it has had a history of negative stereotypes against LGBT nightclubs which actually benefit this community within psychological components, social components, and dealing with hate crimes towards this community community. Psychological component Gay nightclubs are a healthy haven for the psychological well–being of the Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, trans community. Because it allows the LGBT community ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Gay-Sex And Homosexuality Homosexuality has been a subject of much worry for debaters everywhere throughout the world. Despite the fact that the idea of homosexuality and the activities required with it are not new and it has been honed everywhere throughout the world all through different phases of our history, individuals still discover it a general thought hard to acknowledge. Many individuals hate upon the thoughts and view gay people as irregularities of nature. This can't be further from reality since it has been watched that numerous types of different creatures, for example, certain types of reindeer and dolphins, likewise display gay conduct. Subsequently, homosexuality is an extremely normal thing and it ought not be limited as it is in many spots and gay relational unions ought to be permitted. Despite the fact that many states in the United States have totally sanctioned gay/lesbian relational unions and numerous others are running comparative suits, there are as yet numerous who restrict them. In the event that gay/lesbian relational unions were to be permitted in each state, it would realize an extremely noteworthy change in our way of life and society. At present, a considerable lot of the hetero individuals see homosexuality as something that is threatening to their own particular sexuality. They are unreliable about their own introduction and are frightened that homosexuality may antagonistically influence them or their youngsters. This is on the grounds that homosexuality isn't ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Gay Rights Australia MHIS109 Analysis 1)"Gay rights have come a long way, but there's more to do" by Greg Waters, Sydney Morning Herald (2018), outlines a national journey but also personal journey of the author. Waters highlights how as a nation, Australia has come so far since the 20th century in terms ofgay rights, yet there is still more work that needs to be done, to ensure all discrimination stops. Waters uses evidence from 1972 to highlight how inhumanely gay people were treated, including being dismissed from employment for being gay and that protestors against these practices were not looked upon favourably . In 2018 however, a big win for gay rights was the legalisation of gay marriage in 2017. Yet, he argues there is still so far to go, as in 2018,... Show more content on ... Willett argues that the world view has changed, with the help of so many activists, bringing about fundamental changes in society's attitudes. Willett talks about the changes made up until 1997, however since then attitudes and legislation relating to homosexual people has become even more understanding and tolerant. In the early 20th century, gay and lesbian people were marginalised to the point of invisibility and demonization . He argues that before 1975, homosexual laws were some of the harshest laws that the government introduced. This was because there was a general sense of homophobia after the 1960's, calling homosexual behaviour, sexual depravity. He cites Barry York demanding conjugal rights for prisoners to prevent prisons from being "breeding grounds" for homosexuality . He also draws on the homosexual attitudes in the paper, such as the Tribune in 1973 which states how John Sendy wanted the government "to oppose gay liberation". However, Willett also uses evidence of people trying to change this law and fight for gay rights, such as Whitlam in 1970, who expressed support for decriminalisation of homosexual acts, and how in 1972, Lex Watson set out law reform abolishing all laws regarding discrimination against gay couples and sexual orientation, race and marriage status. He demanded public education campaign in schools to eradicate anti–gay attitudes. Willett suggests these actions helped to reshape Australian society creating more understanding. By 1997 there was wider public acceptance and tolerance of homosexual people, with Mardi Gras parade being popularised, the decriminalisation of male homosexual behaviour, acceptance of lesbians and the recognition of gay custody rights in families and much stronger anti–discrimination laws, all creating a powerful sense ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Gays And Homosexuality Throughout history, people who identified as homosexual have experienced many obstacles such as discrimination, and abuse. It has required many protests, riots and even acts of violence for them to be at the point where they are today. Although it has taken many years for the acceptance of homosexuality in society, we now live in a world where gays and lesbians are equally integrated. Those who pushed for the advancement of gay and lesbian rights were successful because gays and lesbians are now able to be legally married. In history being homosexuality was taboo and uncommon; homosexuality was known as a mental illness. Homosexuals weren't able to publicly be with a person of the same sex. People who were homosexual have had to ... Show more content on ... Through the hardships that gays and lesbians have had to face The gay rights movement began. these movements are the reason why gays and lesbians are equally accepted in society. During the time of the civil rights movements where people were trying to get social reform, being gay was basically the new black. Inspired by the African–American civil rights movement, homosexuals began to organize themselves and fight for the equality and justice they did not have yet. (The history of gay rights Minh T. Nguyen) The Stonewall uprising in 1969 was a watershed moment in gay pride when homosexuals fought against police who raided their street bar. The uprising at Stonewall represented power, the people were tired of being ridiculed for being who they are so they resisted. "The crowd began to get out of hand, eye witnesses said. Then, without warning, Queen Power exploded with all the fury of a gay atomic bomb." (Jerry Lisker) after years of unfair treatment, the homosexual community Sought the opportunity to stand up for themselves. The violence and attention that the Stonewall uprising brought would be one of the main reasons why homosexuality is now legal and mostly accepted. Although the Stonewall uprising is one of the most recognized movements regarding gay rights it is not the only one. On June 27, 1970, The first gay pride parades were held on the anniversary ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Gays in the Military "Gays in the Military, is it right"? For nearly 50 years, it has been the U.S. military's official policy to exclude homosexuals from service. In November 1992, President – elect Clinton told Americans that he planned to lift the military's long – standing ban on gays and lesbians. Homosexual men and women, he said, should not be prevented from serving their country based on their sexual orientation. Soon after taking office in 1993, Clinton faced powerful military and congressional opposition to lifting the ban. General Colin Powell, then – chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Senator Sam Nunn, who was chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee between 1987 an 1994 and left Congress in 1996, announced that they would seek to ... Show more content on ... Throughout the 1980s, concerns about the spread of AIDS further solidified some military leaders' opposition to allowing gay people to serve. The directive remained in place until 1994, when it was supersede by the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Between 1980 and 1990, the armed forces discharged an average of 1,500 service members annually because of their homosexuality. Defenders of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy argue that the military must do what it needs to maintain the strongest possible fighting force. In order to carry out that obligation, they say, military leaders must have the authority and discretion to set rules as they see fit to keep up morale and maintain order. On the issue of gay people's service, they say, if military commanders maintain that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be detrimental to morale and discipline, then courts and public should respect that decision. Defenders of the ban and of the military's current policy dispute the notion that military personnel should be afforded the same constitutional protections as civilians. Policy supporters maintain that the military is a unique institution with its own set of rules. Opponents of the current policy believe that while the military may have a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Gays in the Military Gays In the Military Very often political institutions reflect the will of society and set the precedent for norms that will be expected of its members. The United States Military is still enforcing archaic policies which threaten to harm the principles our nation was founded upon. The principles of freedom and equality are those that every American holds closest to their heart, that is unless you are in the military and are gay. The issue of gays in the military has developed into a case of whether our country should discriminate against a group merely because of involuntary sexual orientation. Two persistent principles are evident within this topic: that homosexuals are ever present throughout all branches of the military and a ... Show more content on ... We as a country can see the foolishness and downright prejudice that was involved in the opposition of integration of minorities into our military, one which in 20 years we may equate with the current arguments involving gays in the military ( Wornsop 195– 212 , Schlueter 393–432). In his article , "Not Asking or Telling: No remedy," in the March 25, 1995, edition of the National Journal, David Morrison suggests that President Clinton 's policy of "Don 't ask , Don 't Tell, Don 't Pursue" has done little to end the controversy. The new policy is nothing more than a reworded version of the old policy. The new policy forbids inquiries based on "rumor, suspicion, or capricious claims regarding a member 's sexual orientation." But in reality this has not stopped some commanders. The Service Members Legal Defense Network cites these cases: a service member investigated after an anonymous phone call, and another investigated because he had taken notes for a class on homosexuality. These cases show clearly how military leaders blatantly violate both current policy and individual rights (Morrison 748–749). Defense Department officials say that the policy appears to be working because the number of discharges is down. There appears to be a distinct conflict between the cases that are reported and the Pentagons statements that center around the premise that there have been no violations of the policy. In her book , Homosexuals And ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Equality For Gay Athletes Some read in dismay while others read in pleasure when Jason Collins decided to express his sexual orientation in the May edition of Sports Illustrated. It heralded the beginning the gay rights movement in professional basketball. Little did anyone know how tough the struggle for equality would be. The rise of homosexual athletes is a well–documented journey through the years. Their struggle and perseverance is a key component in their battle and their everlasting courage is inspirational. The fight for equality (to be treated equally among peers without any discrimination) is a daily battle amongst these professional athletes. Even if they are very talented, gay athletes are discriminated against by both fans and media. Until professional ... Show more content on ... The Gay Rights Movement was instituted in 1988 and fought for equality for homosexual people. While equality for gays and lesbians expanded, sports grew in popularity and emerged as an avenue to combat these new social upheavals. Gay male athletes, therefore, were not openly accepted on the court, diamond or field by teammates, coaches, and fans. Accordingly, gay men in professional sports largely remained closeted, fearful of violent and/or professional retribution (Pieper). Pro athletes who expressed their homosexuality were not accepted in the eyes of the public. The media wouldn't take their eyes off of them and recorded their every move. For example, when Michael Sam expressed Professional athletes should be treated equally, the Constitution calls it 'self–evident.' There is no reason to purposely abuse homosexiual athletes just because their sexual preference. "You can't welcome dog killers, child beaters, and rapists while claiming some moral objection to a teammate loving another man" (Ziegler). In the eyes of teammates across the country, gay athletes were viewed in the same regard as people who did horrible acts in our society, such as rape and murder. This belief is a result of the decades of mistrust and it feeds of the vulnerability of the athletes. The correspondence bias in professional sports, the tendency to draw inferences about a person's unique and enduring dispositions from behaviors that can be entirely explained by the situations in which they occur. Other athletes complain about the presence of other gay athletes even though they have no negative experiences with them. Unfortunately, this circumstance occurred way too often. For example, Glenn Burke made it known to his teammates at the beginning of his career that he was attracted to men. He continuously felt scrutiny since exposing his true ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Gay Rights, Gay, Lesbian, And Society Over the past decades, being gay was something no one talked about. It was a subject that was very taboo and society didn't accept. People saw it as a stage one goes through and something unnatural. Thanks to the media, more and more celebrities have come out of the closet over the years. Soon people became accepting of the gay community and their life style. Being openly gay, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual in the workforce can lead to discrimination. Gay mirages are also frowned upon by society. Unfortunately, there aren't many laws that protect gay rights. Everyday in America, gay people are being fired, denied a job, refused promotion, or some other form of discrimination. It's not because they don 't qualify for the job it's because they are gay. 21/50 states in the US have rights set to protect them from facing this discrimination (Eisenberg, Rebecca). 18 out of those 21 states it is illegal to fire transgenders (Eidelson, Josh). So far there are about 28 million workers unemployed because of their sexuality (Bendery, 2014). Pros: 1.Tom Harkin, former Democrat U.S Senate, has a mission to pass a Paycheck Fairness Act, Fair Pay Act, and an Equal Pay Act. Harkin had expressed his views on the issue on last years Equal Pay Day. He felt that there is a big pay gap between men and women. Women are paid less then men simply because of their gender. Even though the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963 (Harkin, 2014), people are not following the act. By passing the Paycheck ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Evil Stereotypes Of Gay Marriage And Gay Rights It wasn't until my best friend and I sat on the empty curb of a recently closed Baskin Robbins that I realized all of my preconceptions of homosexual marriage and gay rights were miserably wrong and that from then on, my beliefs on the topic were going to change drastically. That night, my best friend confessed he was gay and his revelation was something my Catholic morals could not digest. I was born into a homophobic family and raised into believing that homosexuals were associated with evil. But how could this be? One of the nicest people I knew was gay? His words were so alien I felt like I was somewhere else and later, I pitied him for being gay. I pitied him so much I would pray for him, treating homosexuality like it was an illness because that was what I was raised to believe. ... Show more content on ... My best friend was still the same person–– just with a different sexuality. He was still the same nerdy, kind, and funny Michael I spent brunch, lunch, and many classes with. He had no evil intentions nor did he commit any sins. I thought his only flaw was his homosexuality but God never confirmed my beliefs. Instead, I became more confused because later, more of my kindest friends began coming out to me and I came to befriend many homosexuals. In the end, I concluded that all of my homosexual friends were perfect–– they had amazing personalities and completely contradicted what my parents and many other Christians had told me. What was I praying ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Acknowledging Domestic Violence In Gay And Gay Relationship In the past, intimate partner violence was only defined as abuse in a heterosexual relationship. Scholars and researchers did not take into account that abuse can happen in any relationship regardless if the relationship consist of two heterosexuals or homosexuals. Acknowledging domestic violence in gay and lesbian relationships is a new concept that has allowed researchers to understand the different dynamics that may occur in a homosexual relationship in comparison to a heterosexual one. There has not been a significant amount of research done on domestic violence occurring in same–sex relationship due to the generalization that it does not occur, when in actuality, 1 in 4 homosexual partners will experience domesticviolence in their lifetime (Lehmann). As a result of this generalization, gays and lesbians are less likely to seek help in domestic violence situations. 62% of 1,024 survivors reported they knew their perpetrator (Kemp 331). Acknowledging abuse among sexual minorities is the first step in spreading awareness that the LGBT community experiences domestic violence just like others. In "Gender–based violence: the lesbian and gay experience" Evashnee Naidu and Nonhlanhla analyze gender–based violence in same–sex relationships. Naidu ad Nonhlanhla examine this type of abuse that occur in same–sex relationships and the nature of them. Physical abuse in LGBT usually includes hitting, choking, slapping, burning, use of a weapon, etc. Kemp explains that "the CDC ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Legalization Of Gay Adoption Around last year one of the most controversial law was passed by the Supreme Court. This law is legalizing gay marriage. There are a lot of mixed feeling between people about this topic. Some people were very happy about gay marriage being legalized, most of whom are gay. However, there are also a lot of people unhappy, and they have some very good reasons on why to be angry. Withgay marriage, say the couple wants a child so they adopt. The child that they adopt will not only be deprived of his real parents, but he will also have the lack of both a mother and father role model. The child will be raised by one party and they will lack the lessons the other party could teach them. Gay marriage will hurt children with the way they are raised ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Violence Of Gay Teenagers Jody Dobrowski aged 24, was brutally murdered in South London in 2005 by two men who believed him to be homosexual. After such a severe, barbaric, inhumane act of homophobic violence, his own mother could not identify him, and his fingerprints had to be used. The judge described this as 'homophobic thuggery'. Ian Baynham aged 62.Viciously assaulted by a young girl and boy; he punched him, whilst she repeatedly stamped and kicked him screaming 'faggot'. His injuries were later fatal and he tragically died in hospital 18 days later. Christopher Schliach, Henry Bright, Jaap Bornkamp, Geoffrey Windsor, Daniel Jenkinson and a shocking many more, are all clear examples of hate crimes being metered out on gay men. Homophobia does kill, and isn't reducing in frequency. Society kills homosexuals in ways other than murder. Due to the societal pressures, suicide rates amongst LGB individuals are skyrocketed compared to heterosexuals. Gay youths are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide. Gay teens are 3 times more likely. Gay men are 6 times more likely. 30% of the total suicides globally are made up by LGB individuals. Treating homosexuals as abhorrent and inferior, and societal persecution is exactly what causes these shocking statistics. My first experience of homophobia was at the age of 10, when I was labeled 'gay' (derogatorily), for choosing to play 'tag' with girls, rather than football with boys. In my innocence, I did not understand why this was a bad thing, as I only knew ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Meaning Of Gay, And The Homosexuality The word "gay" has gone through drastic changes. Traditionally, it was a positive term that meant to be "happily excited" or "jolly" (Merriam Webster, "Gay"). It was used regularly to express one's feelings about life. Today, it has a far different meaning. Now people use the word gay to label homosexuals, those with feminine qualities, or those who do something thought to be outside of the norm for their gender. "Being gay" went from expressing someone's happiness to describing his sexual preference. The definition of gay has changed so much that its original meaning has become archaic and lost to the times. Few people today know the true meaning of the word gay. Even fewer use it in its original context. To be gay was once a common and positive expression. When describing one's mood, it meant that they were feeling lively and carefree. Gay could even be used to describe something that was "brightly colored" or "showy" (Merriam Webster, "Gay"). No one thought twice about it when people said they were "feeling gay" or "the sunset was gay." However, this word is rarely used in that context in today's society. Instead, it has taken on a completely different meaning and connotation. While gay had become something of a euphemism for prostitutes and their clients throughout the 19th century, it was ever changing. This change was gradual and began in the 1920s and 1930s. By this time, a "gay man" was no longer just a man that was promiscuous with women, but also one who was ... Get more on ...
  • 28. What It Means To Be Gay "The music you're listening to is gay!" exclaims my best friend. Feeling embarrassed, I turned the music off. I didn't think my music was lame. "It was on the radio. It's not really the usual music I listen to." Do you see the problem with the usage of the word gay here? Gay used to mean bright and happy but now it has become an insult. The term today literally refers to a male homosexual person. After many years the wordgay has changed its meaning and its meaning continues to constantly change today. When gay first came to be a word it meant bright or showy, like a rainbow. The word presently and popularly is used to as an insult but the word's actual meaning refers to a homosexual male. Presently, people use gay in two different meanings, some use it literally and some use it as profanity or insult. Unfortunately, as a society by using a term in this way it shows that as a society we aren't as acceptable, judgmental, homophobic people. ... Show more content on ... Gay became a word in the twelfth century in England. Again the original meaning behind gay was, something "joyful" or "full of mirth." Flash forward to five centuries later, in the 17th century, gay refered to being good or bad. In the Oxford dictionary during the 17th century gay meant "addicted to pleasures and dissipations. Often euphemistically: Of loose and immoral life". Moving on to the nineteenth century, the word gay developed an even more negative meaning. It became known as female prostitute and a male that had an abundance of sex. Even with the word changing meanings and definitions, it was still not a word that people used regularly to describe prostitutes. Further into time, gay became to mean a male having sexual intercourse with another male. In 1995 gays new definition was put into the dictionary. This definition had lasted until present time. While the word has changed its meaning, it is most commonly defined as a homosexual ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Gay Rights Feeling the warmth when they hold a loved one is something for which people should not be judged. It should not matter what sex their partner is because, put simply, they are in love. The gay rights movement is a continuing procession that fights for their rights. The gay rights movement actually begins on November 11, 1950 when gay rights activist Harry Hay founds America's first national gay rights organization by the name of Mattachine Society, according to the "Timeline: Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement". Their leaders or people who advanced their purpose are Harvey Milk, Harry Hay, LGBT, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual groups. This purpose is to stop intolerance and, ultimately, gain the right of and ... Show more content on ... This sad event shows but one example of a hate crime against a person of gay orientation. Matthew Shepard then goes on to become one reason to cause the HCPA, Hate Crimes Prevention Act, to be signed into law on October 28, 2009. These groups say that "the struggles of the peoples of the world are our fight as well; their victories are our victories and our victories are theirs. Our freedom will come only with their freedom" ("What We Want, What We Believe" 600). They are trying to abolish hate against all which is why they did not stop at creating a hate crimes prevention act against gays law, but a prevention to protect everyone. It is to prevent anyone having to suffer what the people of the LGBT community constantly face every day. To take these things lightly is one thing; however, to completely act as though they do not exist in plain sight is unlawful or even disgraceful.As a nation, everyone should band together, every race, every group, and every individual, to fight against this true act of treason. The intended audience of the manifesto, "What We Want, What We Believe" is everyone to say their goal is for only them is to say that they will settle for only their rights. For they fight for all, no matter for whom their true goal, is equality for all. "It's up to CDC [Centers for Disease Control] to put the pressure on ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Gay Bars And Gay Nightclubs Introduction Since the 1930s, gay bars and gay nightclubs have been around. The bar called White Horse, in Oakland, California, has been opened since 1933. It is known to be the first gay bar to be opened here in America. Being gay in the 1930s was brutal. Same gender sex was a felony, and being caught in a gay bar could cost someone their job. "In a society that viewed gays as barley human, the White Horse allowed a level of freedom that in the 1940s or 1950s was liberating" (Duffy 2016). With time changes and people being more accepted, gay bars and gay nightclubs started opening all across America. One of the many gay nightclubs here in Denver is known as Tracks. It was opened in 1980. On October 5th, 2017, an experimental observation at the Tracks nightclub was made. During this experience, it was observed that these people that identified as either gay, lesbian, or bisexual were acting as normal human beings in a heterosexual nightclub. Although the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender movement acts have been created to allow this community to be more opened and unafraid, it has had a history of having psychological components such as depression, and social components such as relationships with one another, and of course the history within hate crimes towards the LGBT community. Psychological component Gay nightclubs are a healthy heaven for the psychological well–being of the Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, trans community. (Also known as the LGBT community) Because ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Gay Rights Essay Fighting for Gay Rights In our society we should protect LGBT rights it's unfair that we treat them differently. We should make more changes about how we treat them they should be allowed to go as they please or shop at places they want to shop at. Without being told they can not go in a certain restaurant because the way they are. People should not discriminate the reason being is you never know what that person been through or why they are like that. And it's hard for a person to actually be themselves without people telling them that it's a phase or they are corrupt. In our society we should not have to fight for our rights or act accordingly to what people think of us. In the LGBT community they have a high rate for ... Show more content on ... Which is not true they will love they child just like the opposite sex. We support other things that are going on in the world but why not supportgay marriage ? or fight for they rights?. They are high risk for suicide rates the reason being they feel like they could not please everyone. They feel like they failed to make everyone happy and reach their standards. My concern are the innocent people that are going through this. The LGBT community already go through enough some of their families disown them because of who they are which is ridiculous. People make them feel guilty because loving another sex is a sin which it is not. Our society thinks children needs a mother and father not a two mothers or two fathers. They are not allowed to serve our country which is heartbreaking because the government feel like they are not fit to do so. Many states still have a ban on gay marriage until this day. Before President Obama left office he promised to help the LGBT community to gain their rights and also appeal the DADT. Our government should take more procession with their rights we have hateful people out there and would like to terminate them. In 2016 the military lifted the ban on transgender people. Which is a start I feel that it should not be a option to pick and choose who to fight for our country. Also I feel that if a person love someone no matter what color , shape , size , gender , etc you should not stop them from finding their true love. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Gay, Gay And Lesbian One of the latest genres of the visual arts, photography has had a close association with gay and lesbian culture since its establishment in the nineteenth century. Queer by definition means strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different. But then again as a slang word in the LGBT community it means homosexual or noting or relating to a person who does not conform to a normative sexual orientation or gender identity. The concept of gay photography is enigmatic. While a person can be described as homosexuals by sexual preference or gay consciousness, an inanimate object such as a photograph cannot. I will be exploring how gay and lesbian themes are influencing photography though looking at pinnacle photographers at the ... Show more content on ... In figure one the image does show two men holding each other in an intimate way, certainly not how two straight men would pose for a photo. They look blissful and content, this is probably the first photo they would have taken together and I believe this is one of the first images every produced of a gay couple. It creates an unusual warmth to the image. The background in the image reminds me of a forbidden forest, I'm unsure of the photographer but I like to think that there's controversial meaning to the background and the couple present. Wilhelm Von Gloeden (1836 –1931) was one of the first to treat photography as an independent art form and share his own private view of heaven with cultured networks and fellow homosexuals across the world. "With a clearly defined aesthetic and a sure sense of his own artistry, von Gloeden abandoned scenic postcard photography to become the foremost proponent of a kind of purely pictorial photography which, for its day, was revolutionary." (Haggerty, 2000, pp. 687–687). Using photography for own artist expression is natural and encouraged in these days, but back in that time, the 'real' artists ignored this form of photography. But by 1887, the public and critics began to understand real pictorial photography and understand what the photographer was trying to relate to whether a feeling or a story or a lifestyle. The development of this kind of photography lead the documentary artists like Berenice Abbott to photograph gay, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Gay Parents There is the misconception that people of the LGBT community are " unfit " to raise children and be parents. This, however, is not true, and there have been many studies done that prove the sexuality of parents does not harm a child's development in any way. It has also been recognized that gay parents tend to be more attentive, and are very helpful to the world when finding children homes. This goes to show that, queer people are just as qualified to be parents as anyone else. Some people in this world have this idea that gay people are bad parents. They say that children suffer more in the care of LGBT parents; that children end up being less intelligent than their peers, and that they have a higher chance of being bullied. Some people also believe that gay parents push their " lifestyle " on to their children, and that it could potentially turn them gay. Both of these beliefs are wrong, and only show how close–minded society can be at times. There has been no correlation found that says the sexual orientation of parents affects children negatively. As for children who are being bullied for having LGBT+ parents, it only goes to show that people need to teach their children to respect the differences of others. Also, bullying in general is an issue that needs to be addressed, and gay parents should not be at fault for any teasing that may occur. These " concerns " that people have on queer parenting, aren't actually very concerning things. It's been proven time and time ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Counseling Challenges For Gays And Gays Running Head: COUNSELING CHALLENGES FOR GAYS AND LESBIANS 1 Counseling Challenges for Gays and Lesbians Rodney B. Platthy Marshall University COUNSELING CHALLENGES FOR GAYS AND LESBIANS 2 In order to effectively treat members of the LGBT community, we must look at historical, political, and personal history to help us understand the fears and secret issues the individual or group may have and how it evolved. Historical records indicate homosexuality has existed since the dawn of creation. However, it was not known by the same name, nor was it as controversial as it is today. Interestingly, homosexual men are referred to as gay, while women are usually referred to as lesbians. The etymology of the word stems from old French, gai. ... Show more content on ... Some religions approved of the practice of homosexuality, and others did not. COUNSELING CHALLENGES FOR GAYS AND LESBIANS 3 Certainly it would serve well for counselors to be well versed on the spiritual abuse aspects that some LGBT persons may have experienced and be sensitive to those issues. In doing a history, be aware of the beliefs the client has been exposed to. More recently, LGBE members have new (or newly reinforced) fears of openly practicing the lifestyle they identify with. As I write this, a clear indication of radical Islam law was acted out in Orlando, FL. Omar Mateen, while claiming allegiance to ISIS, (i.e. removing the homosexual infidels from the face of the earth) killed 49 people and wounded 53 in a gay bar. Counselors need to be aware of the mental and emotional trauma and fears events like this place on the LGBT community, and find effective ways to help them cope with those fears. It may take time to build up trust in order to get them to open up and we need to be understanding through the process. The fears that
  • 35. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Film On Being Gay The film On Being Gay gave me new ways to look at and understand what it means to be gay. It was filled to the brim with thought–provoking discussion and exercises that allowed it to get its message through loud and clear. These being, the prevalence of homophobia in our culture and what causes it, learning to perceive the world as if it were predominantly filled with homosexuals, confronting the stereotypes society maintains about homosexuals, the differences between being gay or lesbian and coming from another minority group, and using Alfred Kinsey's theory to look at sexuality as being on a continuum. From these topics and exercises, I feel that I now better understand not only the overall topic of homophobia within the context of American society, and have also learned a bit more about myself as well. Brian McNaught brought the conversation of homosexuality to a personal level. He explained how being gay has impacted his life, and how he had to hide who he was and act like a straight man out due to his own ignorance of his sexuality and fear of being rejected for being gay. When he did finally come to terms with himself and begin to reveal himself to others, his fear that he would be rejected due to his sexuality was confirmed. This is a fear that I share about coming out, and to be honest, I am not quite sure why. I know my family would accept it without a second thought, my friends would not care, and my coworkers would not care. I do not have to fear that I will be ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Meaning Of Gay And Homosexuality Our world changes day by day. Humans grow, evolve, and adjust to the modern world. As our world advances, our language and terminology progresses along with it. A word that has changed completely in definition is "gay", it has two completely different meanings. Today "gay" means, "of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex; homosexual" (The Definition of Gay). and in the 12th century "gay" meant "happy or carefree" (How Gay) How did the definition of this word change so greatly over the years? Gay came about in the 12th century, with the meaning of "carefree", "joyful", or "bright and showy" (How Gay)."The word is first recorded in English c.1325, with the meaning of beautiful, in a poem titled Blow, Northerne Wind, which appears in the manuscript British Library MS Harley 2253." "The English word comes from the French gai, but where this French word comes from is uncertain" (Word The first meaning of gay was once meant to have a meaning of happiness. People woke up hoping to have a "gay" day. By the 17th century "gay" started to change from meaning bright and showy to mean "immorality". "By the mid 17th century, according to an Oxford dictionary definition at the time, the meaning of the word had changed to mean "addicted to pleasures and dissipations. Often euphemistically: Of loose and immoral life" (How Gay). In the span of five – hundred years this word began to greatly change from ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Gay Bashing In 2008, 190 homosexuals were killed in Brazil, one every two days, known as a 55 percent increase on the previous year. The annual report on murders of homosexuals, according to the Grupo Gay da Bahia from Brazil, says that 64 percent of the victims were gay men, 32 percent were transvestites, and four percent were lesbians. This is absolutely astonishing. Even though homosexuals have chosen an alternative lifestyle, they still deserve to live a normal life without being victimized of physical harm for their choices. Homosexuality is not "normal" in biological terms. If it were normal, then everybody would be homosexual and that is self–evident. Homosexuals are actively striving to convince us that homosexuality is "normal," but they ... Show more content on ... The one used for the gay man is a common expression. It 's familiar in schools, comedy routines, the media, and on street corners all across America.There is the perception that homosexuals are a socially acceptable target. Therefore, when young people are asked, they will justify and defend targeting gay people as inferior. "Gaybashing is the most socially acceptable, and probably the most common, type of hate crime, especially among male teenagers and young adults" (Matzner). There 's a belief nowadays that it 's not so cool to assault racial minorities. It 's not so cool to assault women, Blacks or Jews. But assaulting gays is actually something humorous to a lot of young people. It 's probably the last socially acceptable group to assault. Part of it is related to the fact that discrimination against gays is still legalized and encoded. That sends a message to young people that, if gays don 't have equal rights in employment, housing, child custody, the military, or marriage, then there 's something wrong with them, and nobody 's going to mind if we have some fun at their expense. According to statistics released by the FBI, hate crimes that are specifically committed in relation to the victims sexual orientation have risen over the past three years. There were 1,017 reported in 2005, 1,195 in 2006 and 1,265 in 2007. The FBI reported a 6 % increase in hate crimes against gay, lesbian and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Against Gay Marriage So many people in America and around the world are against Gay Marriage and Gay Rights in general. Why can't the LGBT community feel comfortable with who they are? Also, why can't people around the world be happy for them? Why is being gay wrong if it's something that makes that person happy? It upsets me how much cruelty there is around us, especially with people who want to love others of the same gender as them. Honestly if someone is a part of the LGBT community it is perfectly fine in my opinion. If you judge a person for being themselves before getting to know them first, then don't get mad if decides to judge you. Everyone should be able to live their lives the way they what to instead of worrying what people think of you and what they might call you. ... Show more content on ... What doesn't make sense is why can't people be happy for them? Being gay doesn't affect the world in a negative way. It's not like if you're gay you're a threat to society, you just love who you love. "I think all consenting adults who want to commit to a life partner ought to be treated the same way." (John Stossel). This quote from this author is really well said and I agree with it. If everyone was treated the same and not judge other people for who they are then there would be less hate in the world. "Even though in religions it is frowned upon for two people of the same gender to get married, it is still the union of two souls, whether it be man and man, woman and woman, or man and woman – an expression of love and commitment to each other as well as the rest of the world." (Carrie Gilleand). I also agree with this statement because love is love no matter who you end up loving whether it be the same gender or ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Pro Gay Equality "To deny people their human rights, is to challenge their very humanity" (Nelson Mandela). As a result, the start of gay equality was seen when same–sex marriage became legal on June 26 2015. Peaceful protests were popular during 2015 to allow equality for homosexuals. However homosexuals still face opposition in America as these groups are becoming unemployed due to sexual discrimination; as well as denied basic accommodations and inadequate health care. Yet other American's feel that oppression is necessary because people feel uncomfortable and believe homosexuality is unnatural. However, we as Americans should move on from this form of thinking because it makes us think backwards instead of forwards. While homosexuals endorse the fight for equality as it should be considered as a natural basic human right, ... Show more content on ... As the gay community comes together from massive pride parades to give a message about speaking up and catching ahold of everyone's attention on the debate whether equality should engage in the gay community or to allow homosexuals to be discriminated and have no say in today's world. As far as the anti–gay American's, they are to still protect their children from other American's disobeying decisions from god's say about homosexuals and to embrace god's settlement between same sex American's liberty. As the fight for homosexual equality rights still continue, it's essential to recognize that great things start with small beginnings. "Hope will never be silent" (Milk). In the gay community's situation currently, hope is key to courage. Unless you believe that the future will be better, you are responsible for making sure it is so. Courage enables you to fight for the impossible, you never thought would be ... Get more on ...