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The Conflict Between Ethnic Entrepreneurs And Rwanda
In the 1900s, two large massacres occurred in different parts of the world leading the events to be
known as genocides. A genocide took place in Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The events that took place
in both countries lead to massive death for both the victimized and the oppressors. This essay
focuses on Yugoslavia from 1991 – 2001 and Rwanda from April to May 1994. Although ethnic
entrepreneurs influence society in both countries on the base of cultural for political gain, ordinary
citizens carry out mass killing of their fellow countrymen and women. Ordinary citizens found
cultural and political reason influential due to the lack of national identity and unity. Before
providing analysis and insight for reasons why genocide was committed in ... Show more content on ...
Hutus would be given terrible land to farm, while Tutsis were given good land for grazing cattle.
From Hutus' perspective, they felt discriminated against from Tutsis due to their ethnic counterpart
receiving many rewards from the village leaders. Political disadvantage for Hutus continued when
Germans enter the country in 1897. When the German soldiers arrived in Rwanda, the soldiers left
Tutsi' Chieftains in charge of the country while they proceeded to take of advantage of the raw
material found in the country. German only further the rage that Hutus felt toward Tutsis. German's
leaders influence Tutsi leader to follow a system called Carveé. Carveé is a system in which an
ethnic group is forced into remedial labor in Rwanda Hutus was the labor force enslaved. Hutus
hatred against Tutsis grew as Carveé was implemented into society because the system aided in
showing that Tutsis and Hutus were more distinctive from each other than alike. Tutsi' Chieftain
with the aid of German soldiers to help prevent a national identity in Rwanda. Due to German
intervention into Tutsis and Hutus political issues, relation between the two ethnic groups could not
improve. After German's soldiers left in 1916 and Belgians took over as Rwanda's owner, racial
tensions and hatred heated greatly. Belgian enter Rwanda in 1916 and lead to worse racial tensions
between Hutus and Tutsis through race papers.
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Ethnic Conflicts In Sudan
According to Africa News, 45 people have died as a result of ethnic fighting, The attack against the
Ruop was carried out by the Pakem fighters in retaliation for the attacks that were carried out by a
group of Ruop youths. The fighting was very heavy, it left more than 45 people dead and many
more injured. The military has since been deployed from the state capital to try and stop the
violence that has seen the burning down of houses and property.
These tribal clashes are not new in Sudan for example, the Ma'alya and Rizergat ethnic groups had
multiple clashes throughout 2014 that turned into an all–out war in the oil–rich region of Darfur.
This left a lot of people dead and many more injured from both ethnic groups. The conflicts were
about land rights and shared resources have lasted for more than ten years. The conflict in South
Sudan has seen people flee Sudan into neighboring countries and Sudan itself. There have been nine
big refugee camps that have been created but to According to Rev. Michael Didi, the fighting
follows them even in the refugee camps. And because of this, each ethnic group are put separately
even in the camps.
This ethnic fighting is not confined to Sudan, almost everyone will remember the genocide in
Rwanda where members of the Hutu majority murdered about 800,000 Tutsi minorities. Ordinary
people were incited by local officials to take arms against there neighbor. The brutality spread
throughout the country with shocking speed, no one spared
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Ethnic Conflict : The British And French
Ethnic Conflict
The British and French had essentially lived by different systems of ethnic European power that still
had competition between each other. Both of these systems had wider areas control yet they had
completely different systems of ethnic stratification. Europeans had imposed territorial boundaries
throughout Africa in 1885 that divided many groups. Colonies were built under a direct or indirect
rule of countries colonizing the colonies. The levels of governments were controlled by the colonial
masters in the direct rule as opposed to the indirect rule where governors and council advisors were
appointed through colonial's countries. If there were leaders who resisted the colonization,
traditional leaders that were loyal to governors would be appointed leadership. Certain areas of
Africa were divided up and given to different colonies. This broke up a lot of boundaries that were
already in place and placing new boundaries on top of this forced groups to merge together
regardless of their tribes. This created a lot of tension amongst the African groups that had different
cultural beliefs, peace treaties and any other boundaries that were set. With these two systems in
place. There became a centralization of territories having no central government or, where
centralization already existed there was already domination of a pre–colonial central government.
Limited Manufacturing
During the Colonial era Africa was seen to have the best land for European settlers or
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Wars Caused By Ethnic Conflicts : Wars Caused By Ethnic...
The following wars have been divided between 1.) Wars caused by ethnic issues and 2.) Wars not
caused by ethnic issues. After determining the cause of war, I will focus on particular aspects of the
war predominantly the death toll, how long the war lasted, if core states got involved in the conflict
and if so how far removed were they from the region of conflict. Finally and most importantly, I will
compare and contrast the two types of wars (1.) Wars caused by ethnic conflict and 2.) Wars not
caused by ethnic conflict) and determine how these wars were ultimately resolved. More
specifically, I am determining if wars caused by ethic issues are resolved by internal means or
whether they are resolved by external factors such as core states or states that have an invested
interest in the matter.
Wars Due To Ethnic Conflict
The Rwandan genocide was targeted towards the Tutsi population in April to July in 1994. This
genocidal mass slaughter of the Tutsi was carried out by the Hutu majority. At the end of the one
hundred day genocide about 800,000 Rwandans were pronounced dead. In the publication "How
many perpetrators were there in the Rwandan genocide? An estimate," Straus accounts for the
detailed precision that the Hutu's implemented in preparation to exterminate the Tutsi's. The Hutu's
preparation combined with the collapse of a failed state set the Hutu's up with the ability to strike
the Tutsi effectively. According to Straus, the collapse of the state created a power
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Ethnic Conflicts in Nigeria
The military elites made the situation even worse by staging coups and making a mockery of
democracy in Nigeria. The military era was marked by corruption, ineptitude and confusion. It
drove Nigeria into many problems including economic problems, poverty, and ethno–religious
conflicts until the 1990s. The military continued intervening because they believed the civilian
leaders were inept and indecisive.
Ethnic conflicts continued to escalate through the democratic transition in Nigeria, as various ethnic
groups demanded political restructuring. The federal structure has developed deep cracks and
demands urgent action to fix it. What is most worrisome in Nigeria is the religious dimension of
ethnic conflict and competition for power and oil wealth. The numerous ethno–religious conflicts
that the northern cities of Kaduna, Kano, Jos and Zamfara have witnessed, came about from the
introduction of Muslim Sharia courts, in addition to the South's demands for autonomy. The
continuing conflict is a sign Nigeria's lack of effective mechanisms to manage ethnic conflicts.
The intense ethnic conflicts that rocked Nigeria and South Africa have pushed them to develop
constitutionally backed institutions for conflict management. In South Africa, the state has
prevented further conflicts by developing multiple democratic approaches to create a foundation for
peace and security. The new constitution crafted an impressive document aimed to heal the wounds
of the past and to build a
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Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Nigeria
Analysis of the challenges of religion and ethnicity on political stability in Nigeria's fourth republic
Background to the Study
Basically, Nigeria is a plural society and heterogeneous in virtually all the facet of life. The custom
and tradition of Nigerians is so diverse to the extent that Nigeria as a country is now confronted with
the problem of religion and ethnicity towards their political stability.
The origin and history of ethnic conflict (societal wars and violence) can be traced from eternal
(internal) state rivalry to external (physical). And its root cause is not very far from power
competition and decision making over economic resources and other important human factor, like
position. The ... Show more content on ...
This article is focused on the historical incidents of ethnic conflicts in within Nigeria societies, the
cause of the conflicts and perhaps, the government actions towards ethnic conflict in the country. In
conclusion, this paper will explore into decision–making (by the elites and those in authority)
process has contributed immensely in generating the syndromes of conflict in the said state.
The Nigerian political situation has witnessed more breaking of heads, than counting them. In fact,
even when it has been convenient for heads to be counted, the outcome has always been the
breaking of heads instead. Conflict in Nigeria is so intense because of lack of democratic behaviour.
The head of the individual in the democratic context signifies citizenship. So when heads are broken
in the Nigerian political community, the issue in respect of broken heads is citizenship. If conflict in
Nigeria means the absence of democratic behaviour, it follows, therefore, that conflict in Nigeria is
interwoven with the absence of democratic governance. Gurr (2000): has also shown that the
incidence of conflicts at the global level declined in recent years with the deepening of
democratisation. Nation–states where conflicts persist are those where what obtains is the
democratisation of disempowerment (Ake 1996). Beyond the veneer of elections, the state remains
ambushed, privatised, repressive and unpopular. The people who were tantalised by the
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The Importance Of Ethnic Conflict In Tangerines
Tangerines is a movie about finding humanity and respect during a time of ethnic conflict. Ethnicity
is the major focus of this film, with the smaller scale hatred and resentment between the Chechen
Ahmed and Georgian Nika set in the context of the war between Georgia and Abkhazia for
Abkhazian separation. The Estonian Ivo helps Ahmed and Nika set aside their ethnic differences to
realize that they are both human beings. This film shows the Soviet Legacies on ethnic conflict
within the current Post–Soviet space. Tangerines opens on Ivo, an Estonian living in Abkhazia is
one of two men left in his village. Most Estonians returned to Estonia after the war in Abkhazia
broke out. Abkhazia is a region in Georgia that wanted to rejoin Russia. A war broke out with
Georgians on one side, Abkhazians, and Russians on the other. In the movie, Ivo makes wooden
crates to put tangerines in that his neighbor Margus picks. One day, two Chechen mercenaries, hired
by the Russian government, drop by looking for food. They go on their way but soon get into a
skirmish with three Georgians in front of Margus' house. One Chechen, Ahmed, and one Georgian,
Nika, survive the firefight, and Ivo brings them both to his home to heal. Both the Chechen and the
Georgian hate each other and want to kill one another, but Ivo makes them promise not to kill one
another inside his house. Over time, they begin to respect each other. At one point, an Abkhazian
military regiment comes to the house, and
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The First Chechnya's Ethnic Conflicts
One of the largest, on–going ethnic conflicts is the First Chechen War. To learn why this is one of
the largest ethnic conflicts, we must learn about Chechnya's past, why it is geographically
important, as well as why the conflict has arisen. Chechnya is a small republic, located in the
Caucasus region, located southwest of Russia. Chechnya was first taken by Russia during the
Caucasian War, in a peace treaty, ending the Ottoman Empire rebellion in 1785. However, the
victory was short–lived. As Russians tried to spread Christianity throughout the predominantly
Muslim region, the rebellions had started again. Russia managed to maintain hold of the region, and
kept it, even under the extreme circumstances. In 1917, the Chechens gained independence ... Show
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Technological advancement stopped, as all of the Russian, Armenian, and Georgian engineers left.
Schooling was practically non–existent, as Russia no longer supplied teachers or money to teach.
The country as a whole was in shambles. Dudayev, the dictator at the time, needed to be kicked out
of office, as he was ruining everything the Chechens had fought for. But, Russia had seeked to use
this as an opportunity to regain control of the area, similarly to what happened in the recent Ukraine
crisis. In 1994, under the promise to establish a new government, there was a Russian invasion.
They attacked from 3 separate fronts, heading straight for the capital of Grozny. The Chechen
military was in shambles, using outdated Soviet technology. Their Air Force and multiple airfields
were ruined in air strikes, just hours into the war. Their non–existent army was now merely
untrained rebels, with old Soviet weaponry, and little to no knowledge of battlefield tactics. The
Russian troops weren't too happy about this either, many of which weren't even told where they are
going, and
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The Major Causes Of Ethnic Conflict?
A. Causes of Ethnic Conflict According to Wallerstein (1979), ethnic genocide, cleansing, hatred
and dynamics are seen as struggles by the oppressed and dominated groups for greater autonomy
and the protection of their rights (p. 205). Violence can begin when these groups see no other way of
looking for redress and getting justice. It can also be said that internal factors are more determinant
than the external ones. Donald L. Horowitz argues that this kinship "makes it possible for ethnic
groups to think in terms of family resemblances". In time with repeated conflict, essential ties to
one's ethnicity will interfere with ties to civil society. There are a number of factors that scholars
have found to cause ethnic conflict. 1. Cultural factors As stated above about ethnicities sharing the
same common belief and etc can also be a cause of ethnic conflict. Culture is the set of beliefs,
moral values, traditions, language, and laws held in common by a nation. From the premise that
sameness leads to peaceful relations whereas difference produces disorder and conflict, Huntington
argues that cultural and ethnic differences between "civilizations," namely, states or groups of states
that distinguish themselves by cultural traits, will lead to conflict. 2. Economic and social factors
Economic factors have been identified as one of the major causes of conflict in Africa. Slowdowns,
stagnation, deterioration, and complete collapse are sources of state destabilization and can lead
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Ethnic Group Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Social perception is powerfully mediated by cultural conformity, especially when it concerns
religious beliefs. The Israeli–Palestinian conflict demonstrates this concept vividly. Both sides
harbor antagonistic social perceptions against each other. Only by changing these perceptions can a
reconciliation be reached. The opposing views result in a biased lens, which only serves to uphold
the traditionally held generalities each culture has of the other. Even though religion is a primary
theme in the conflict between these two groups, it may only be the bridge that transcends all the
differences of the two ethnic groups. The concept of peace building may help to change perceptions
and cultivate positive interactions when it emphasizes ... Show more content on ...
These two ethnic group engage in war with each other because of long–held stereotypical beliefs
about each other which is the result of a biased perspective. For example, the Israeli people believe
that the Palestinians are using peace seeking strategies as a temporary scheme, and that their true
objective is to conquer and control Palestine. On the other hand, many of the Palestinians perceive
that Israel does not wish to achieve a peaceful resolution with Israeli citizens, but instead desires to
remain in control of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. It is challenging
to understand the precise demands of either side of this conflict because of the differing
interpretations and opinions. However, there are many people on each side who disagree with the
political issues of these warring groups.
Social psychologists Fritz Heider formed the balance theory, in which he states that people look for
consistency among their attitudes (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). In other words, a person feels balanced if
he or she and a person he or she likes agree on a topic, or if he or she and a person he or she dislikes
disagrees on a topic (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). According to Heider (1959), individuals often overrate
the positive attributes of those they like and undervalue positive attributes in those they dislike.
People also tend to emphasize the negative attributes of those people
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Essay about Nationalism and Ethnic conflict
After Suharto ended his long dictatorial reign in 1998 there was a substantial increase in religious
and ethnic conflict in Indonesia. Author Jacques Bertrand claims religious and ethnic conflict
defined Indonesia's national model. This resulted in three critical junctures during Suharto's
retirement of his sovereign rule. The three critical junctures defined Indonesia's "terms of
citizenship, and give meaning to the structure and procedures of an institution" (Bertrand, 20).
When Suharto left as dictator, major political and social changes consumed Indonesia, which
threatened the Indonesian realm. The people of Indonesia struggled to define their sense of
nationalism. The national model of Indonesia was a set of standards on the nature ... Show more
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Ethnic violence in the late 1990s broke out due to the sudden emergence of a political space to
contest this national model. Bertrand argues that complete legitimacy was not achieved because of
the emergence of a narrow ethnic conception of the nation. Two factors of this were the strife in
Kalimantan, and another in the role of Islam in Indonesia's political institutions. This began to
threaten Christian minorities in Indonesia. These conflicts between Muslims and Christians situate
the violence in Maluku in relation to the evolving role of Islam in Indonesia's national model.
Indonesia complained of their lack of autonomy In regions such as Maluku or other areas of Eastern
Indonesia, "a low capacity for generating local revenue restricted the ability to adapt projects and
development to local conditions" (Bertrand, 198).). The scanty amounts of funds were unable to
support the poor and other problems. Bertrand states, "Faced with the New Order regime introduced
mild reforms that were designed to address some technical issues while avoiding political
decentralization" (Bertrand, 198). In 1995 the Minister of Home Affairs selected 26 districts were
used to evaluate the measures designed to increase autonomy. They noticed an increase in Indonesia
budget, but they still failed to support the poor, which resulted in
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Ethnic Conflict In The Bosnian Genocide
"Bosnia is a complicated country: three religions, three nations and those 'others'. Nationalism is
strong in all three nations; in two of them there are a lot of racism, chauvinism, separatism; and now
we are supposed to make a state out of that" ("Alija Izetbegovic Quote"). This quote clearly reflects
the Bosnian ethnic conflict. It states seemingly that there is a lot of racism between each ethics and
they want their own state. The ethnic conflict occurred in a really long time since Bosnian separated
from Yugoslavia. Then, there is Bosnian Genocide that took place between 1992 and 1995. The
Bosnian Genocide was the conflict between Serbs and Bosnian Muslims, the ethnic conflict, was
stopped by the NATO and United Nation.
Bosnia had the ethnic conflict that continued from the Yugoslavia, "The Socialist Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia was one of the more liberal communist regimes, led by the enigmatic dictator Josip
Broz Tito" (Krkljes, Sandro). After Tito died, the ethnic conflicts started to raise. The main ethnic
groups that fought each other were Serbs, Bosnian Muslims, and Croats. The Bosnian genocide
involved two main groups: Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. The conflict between these two ethnic
groups were increasing the damage by Serbian, who was supported the Serbs because of the nation.
At that time, Serbia was ... Show more content on ...
The victims were Bosnian Muslim. The Serbs were taken away many rights of the Bosnian Muslim,
"... curfews, forced relocations, rape, castration, imprisonment in concentration camps, and killings"
(Krkljes, Sandro). These actions were not acceptable and blamed. If nationalism was the reason for
this genocide, people should love and respect the nation as everyone in the same country. It is not
about he is Serbs or she is Bosnian Muslim, but it is about they are Bosnian. The victims must be
protected. Everyone must start to be an open minded person in order to keep the peace in their
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The Conflict Between The Rwandan And Tutsi Ethnic Conflict
In Rwanda, the Hutu has come into much conflict since the 1990s. As the Germans and the Belgians
colonized Rwanda, the favoritism of the colonizers created great ethnic divides within the country.
These partitions ultimately became so profound that a violent genocide took place, turning
countrymen against each other. The Congo was a nearby place for the violence between the Hutu
and Tutsi to continue, while also becoming an important economic factor to the wealth of other
nations. The colonization, genocide, and conflicts in the Congo all contributed to the major issue of
racial segregation faced by the modern Hutus.
The early colonization of Rwanda by the Germans and Belgians created the major internal conflict
between the Hutu and the Tutsi. At the time of the Europeans arrival, Rwanda was made up of 85%
Hutu, who were farmers, 14% Tutsi, who were cattle herders, and 1% Twa, the aboriginal people
(Chrétien 69). In 1890, Rwanda first became a colony of Germany, lasting until the end of World
War I, when power was transferred to Belgium. Both of these colonies favored the Tutsi population
(Staff ¶2), because they believed that the Tutsi were more Caucasian and therefore superior in
intelligence to the Hutu (Jones 17). During this time, the Belgians oversaw a land reform process by
the Tutsi, which seized control of farmland that had been under the control of the Hutu, without
providing them with substantial compensation (Prunier 28). This favoritism planted the seed for the
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The Importance Of Ethnic Conflict
Moreover, it is this security dilemma that suggests the need for partition according to Kaufmann, as
at a certain point of tension opposing ethnic groups have reached a point where they no longer can
live in agreement together under a common administration (Pischedda 104). Regardless of typical
ethnic conflict remedies such as power–sharing, federalism, consociationalism, or state building (Tir
270). These security dilemmas will persist as these groups will constantly be in fear of the other(s)
and attempt to protect themselves and the interests of the group (Tir 270). Therefore, as each group
continues to protect itself, it only furthers the security dilemma and proceeds to create a spiral of
suspicion and mutual anxiousness (Tir 270). Thus, if these groups cannot coexist, they must be
divided as that is the only measure to ensure the population's safety (Tir 270). This train of thought
is categorized as the "last resort" argument by partitionists, suggesting that partition needs to be
implemented to avoid the worst possible outcomes (O'Leary 2). Additionally, there exists the
historicist argument, which states that partition is inevitable as ethnic communities once engaged in
a conflict will not be able to find a resolution (O'Leary 2). History illustrates for us that societal
segregation, in employment, education and residential demographics establish the base for ethnic
conflict (O'Leary 2). As well, there is the cost–benefit argument, which argues that partition
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African American Ethnic Conflict
Could the conflict of the deaths of African Americans shot by white officers be solved? Police
officers are on high alert and may use excessive force. But if they can aid the wounded they should.
The conflict involving African American deaths from the shooting of white officers cannot be
completely resolved because weather or not if the police officer is racist, if the police officer feels
endanger they may use excessive force, but what they can do is at least aid the victim and the police
officers don't need to shoot them multiple times to take them down. The police officers may believe
their life is endangered so they may use excessive force. "The officer, Michael T. Slager, 33, said he
had feared for his life because the man had
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Ethnic Conflicts : Iran Ethnic Conflict
Iran Ethnic Conflicts 1
Iran Ethnic Conflicts
Ehsan Rahmanian
Professor Tariq Amin–Khan
Nov 27 2015
Iran Ethnic Conflicts 2
Persians are Iran 's biggest ethnic group, however almost twelve different ethnicities represent well
over 33% of the seventy nine million population. The biggest ethnic groups, which are main
considerations for Iranian governmental issues are Azeris, Turkish, Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis,
Armenians, Lors, and Turkomen. Other smaller ethnic groups are Qashqai, Mazandarani, Talysh and
Gilaki. They hold many of the seats in the current parliament. Ethnic minorities are a delicate
political issue, which is one reason precise numbers in legislative issues and the military are not
effortlessly ... Show more content on ...
A quarter to a third of the population of Tehran comprises of migrants of Azerbaijani inception and
their first or second era relatives. The Azerbaijani minority 's impression of the central government
in Tehran and of Persians as the dominant ethnic group in Iran are straightforwardly identified with
their own verifiable experience of conjunction with the Persians. Phonetic and religious affiliations
and their advancement inside of the Iranian setting assume an especially essential part here. The
Azerbaijanis of Iran speak a Turkic dialect which is a piece of the Oghuz dialect group. Apart from a
rather large number of lexical borrowings from Persian and Arabic, their dialect is indistinguishable
to the dialect of the supposed Northern (Soviet or Caucasian) Azerbaijanis. It is similar to the dialect
spoken in Turkey. The two dialects Azerbaijani and Anatolian Turkish are commonly intelligible.
The dialects are normally spoken among Azerbaijanis occupying northwestern Iran, however
Azerbaijani Turkish is banned at all levels in the country–inconsistent with Iran 's constitution. The
boycott occurs in all levels of the educational system and applies to direction in the Turkish dialect,
as well as to teaching that dialect as a subject. Consequently, for instance, at the University of
Tabriz, where seven different dialects are taught, the local dialect of the larger part of understudies
may not be taught (Aweworthy, 2008).
Most of Azerbaijanis,
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Cause Of Conflict: The Four Causes Of Ethnic Conflict
Causes of Ethnic Conflict
Huntington argues in his book "clash of civilization" that cultural and ethnic differences between
"civilizations," namely, states or groups of states that distinguish themselves by cultural traits, will
lead to conflict (1993). Throughout history, ethnic conflicts have long been a component of
international politics. Even today, ethnic wars continue to be the most common form of armed
conflicts around the world. In the recent past for example, there have been numerous instances of
ethnic conflict including ethnic war in Somalia, Kurdish struggle for autonomy in Iraq, Iran and
Turkey, guerilla wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, insurrection in Chechnya, and the conflict
between Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda to name a ... Show more content on ...
Brown (2001a, 2001b) identifies four main types of proximate causes of internal conflict. First,
internal mass–level factors create bad domestic problems such as rapid economic development,
modernization, patterns of political or economic discrimination, and internal migration like
urbanization. Refugees or fighters from neighboring countries who cross the border often bring
violence and turmoil with them. Second, radicalized politics can lead to contamination, diffusion,
and spillover effects and create "bad neighborhoods". For instance, the Hutu refugee camps in Zaire
became prime recruitment zones for rebel forces. Third, internal elite–level aspects include power
struggles by leaders of different groups, ideological contests over the way a country should be
organized, and criminal assaults. Leaders have the ability to "play the ethnic card," which can lead
to increased tensions between ethnic groups. Milosevic's policies in the former Yugoslavia are a
good example. By using the national media, Milosevic fueled nationalist movements and hate
toward non–Serbian groups, which led to ethnic cleansing and gross human rights violations
committed during the wars in the 1990s.And finally, external, elite–level factors are the results of
decisions by governments to trigger conflicts in weak neighboring states for political, economic,
security, or ideological reasons; an example is Russian involvement in Georgia (Abkhazia and South
Ossetia). In addition, ethnic minorities in some cases decide to wage a violent struggle in the hope
of political gains and international support. Ethnic groups assume the willingness of the
international community to react and to provide a political forum to support negotiation, arbitration,
and the settlement of disputes. The assumption of intervention by the
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Ethnic Conflict In Rwanda
Ethnicity means belonging to a group of people that have the same cultural traditions in common. In
this case, two of the largest ethnic groups in Rwanda are the Tutsis which take about 15% of the
population, and the Hutus which take about 84% of the population. There has always been
disagreements between the Tutsis and the Hutus. Although some may think that these conflicts come
from the fact that they both share the same language and religion, this tension comes from their
ethnic differences. Ethnic tension has always been an issue between the Tutsis and the Hutus, but it
all worsened when the Belgians embraced the idea that the Tutsis were superior. Certain changes
have been made to deal with the ethnic tension, such as the Tutsi–led government invading much of
the neighborhood to finish with the Hutu forces. Although, the war is over, there are still conflicts
that have led to a countless amount of deaths. Tutsis have always been known for being superior to
the Hutus. They have been noted for having greater wealth, social status, and even because they are
taller and thinner. This is because the Belgians embraced this idea of superiority. Since then, up to
the next 20 years, the Tutsis have enjoyed a better life quality in terms of jobs, opportunities, and
educational possibilities. Bitterness between the Hutus and Tutsis started to build up around 1959.
This is when the source of ethnic tension began in Rwanda. It all started to develop when the
president of Rwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana, was killed on April 6 1994 when his plane got shot
down above Kigali International Airport. The Hutu president, Cyprien Ntaryamira, was also killed
during this attack. During this period, more than 20,000 Tutsis were killed and many others were
seen forced to move to their neighbour countries such as Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda (BBC,
2011). The Hutus took back their place around 1962. Which is when Belgium gave up their power
and handed over the Independence to Rwanda. Because of this tragedy, the Tutsis have been blamed
for all the crisis that have occurred since then. This wave of slaughter was organized by politicians,
military officials, businessmen, and even civilians joined the chaos. It was such an atrocious
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Inter Ethnic Conflict And Ethnic Conflicts
Underlying Causes of Inter–Ethnic Conflict in Samburu County, Kenya
Inter–ethnic conflict is one of the major problems facing most Kenya community and mostly the
nomadic communities. Inter–ethnic conflicts involving pastoralists have become widespread and
increasingly severe in the northern region of Kenya. Conflict has often resulted in severe disruption
of social and economic development. It has also constrained efforts to reduce or end poverty and
sustain basic human rights. There has been a recurrence of violence where peace agreements have
been sealed and an escalation of violence where conflicts have hitherto been latent.
Several facts have been advanced to explain the main causes of inter–ethnic conflicts between most
nomadic tribes. Most of these issues revolve around livestock ownership and to get access to scarce
natural resources such as water. Although the pastoral conflicts have deep roots in history, culture
and are generally attributed to their retrogressive and outdated practices, there is more to their
current nature and dynamics. In recent years it is mainly due to the proliferation of modern small
arms, banditry and predation, commercialization of livestock raiding, dispute over land tenure
rights. According to many authors, the cattle raiding which is a cultural practice has become a
widespread, sophisticated, more violent, and destructive among pastoral communities in northern
Kenya (Kumssa, 2009; Leff, 2009; Mahmoud, 2011; Mkutu, 2008;
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The Conflict Of Ethnic Civil War
In the following I will assess the methodologies both studies employ and the way they proceed with
the differing datasets as this forms another part of the reason why they reach different conclusions.
In his analysis Kaufmann finds that eight ethnic civil wars have been resolved by negotiated
agreements other than partition. This would ultimately speak against his finding that no ethnic civil
war has ever been resolved by a power–sharing agreement. However, he contends that all these
eight cases have in fact depended on grants of full or partial autonomy to a regionally concentrated
ethnic group and were therefore based on physical separation rather than shared power. For this
assertion however, he does not try to find any proof and thus, it is hard to follow Kaufmann's
argument in this matter. In contrast to that, Mason & Fett view such cases as negotiated settlements.
This indicates the fundamental theoretical disagreement between the two studies whether negotiated
settlements must be based on granting autonomy to geographically concentrated ethnic minorities.
Whereas Kaufmann definitely accepts this as being true, Mason & Fett are not quite as certain. They
say that negotiated settlements "can take the form of federal or consociational arrangements..."
(Mason & Fett, 1996:554) and thereby acknowledging that partition and regional autonomy does not
have to be the ultimate solution.
This disagreement is quite interesting and simultaneously controversial. However even though
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Ethnic Identity, And Ethnic Conflict In Africa
Ethnic conflict is the dominant security issue of our time, 75 percent of all new conflicts are ethnic.
Since 1989, ethnic conflict has killed at least 3.5 million and displaced 26 million people. Almost all
ethnic conflicts, especially in the 21st century, occur in post–colonial settings. Colonialism is why
we have ethnic conflicts, especially in Africa. There are many factors contributing to post–colonial
ethnic conflict, however some have more influence over the others. I argue that during colonialism,
the intraethnic and interethnic divisions that led to the creation of different types of ethnic groups,
and unequal treatment by colonial rule led to ethnic conflict in post–colonial settings.
Definition of ethnic identity and ethnic conflict are important for this paper. Ethnic identities are a
subset of identity categories in which eligibility for membership is determined by attributes
associated with, or believed to be associated with, descent (described here simply as descent–based
attributes) (Chandra, 2006). Ethnic conflict is a competing claim for legitimacy between two or
more contending ethnic groups. Ethnic conflict is caused mainly by social and political systems that
lead to inequality and grievances. In this paper, we see ethnic conflict as an outcome of colonialism.
My argument is during colonialism, there are multiple factors contributed to the ethnic conflict in
the post–colonial period. However, some factors shaped post–colonial ethnic conflict more than
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Ethnic Conflict : Kosovo : Spatial Context
Ethnic Conflict: Kosovo
Spatial Context: The Kosovo war took place in the Southern part of Yugoslavia, which is located in
Europe. Neighboring states of Kosovo include; Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and
Bulgaria, as you're able to see in Image A. Kosovo is part of a region known as Western Balkans,
which was of course also known as the former Yugoslavia. Image A Image B
In one of my sources, it is mentioned that Kosovo is "home to a predominantly ethnic Albanian
(Kosovar) population." That being said, the demographic makeup of ethnicities comprised of about
90% of Albanians, Serbs consisted an estimated amount of 10% of the population, Roma (Gypsies)
constituted 3%, and ... Show more content on ...
For example, in 1974 a new constitution was made in the Constitution of the Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia that gave equal standing between Serbs and Albanians, thus causing a shift
of power and nationalism in which what was labeled "Albanianization." During this time, many
Serbs argued that Albanians were trying to make Kosovo "ethnically pure" by using "discrimination,
intimidation, and violence to drive Serbs out of the area" (FAS); many Albanians said it was due to
"the Serbs' discomfort at the shift in power from the Serbian minority to the ethnic Albanian
majority" (FAS), thus indulging a disliking against one another especially because in 1961 Serbs
made up nearly 30% of the population, but by the time of the Kosovo conflict (1998), they only
made up 10%. There were a vast variety of differences between the two ethnicities but Josip Broz
Tito held Yugoslavia together through dictatorship and the promotion of togetherness between all
ethnicities during his presidential term which lasted from 1953 until his death. After his death in
May 1980, the states began to push for further independency and the political system he made to
keep slight peace between all ethnicities began to fall apart. By 1981, "massive student
demonstrations erupted in Kosovo" (Scribd), beginning with issues such as universities being in
poor conditions (i.e. Pristina University, University of Kosovo, etc.), it quickly
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The Ethnic Conflict Between India And Pakistan
The ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan has been the subject of speculation and study by
political scientists and historians for a number of years. The ethnic conflict seems to have been
sparked at the very beginning in 1947, when the British used Muslim and Hindu mercenaries against
each other before the area finally split into today's countries of India and Pakistan (Spiegel et al.
2015, 185). The timeline since then has been full of conflicts, both major and minor. Brutal tactics
used by security forces and a high rate of unemployment have added to the issue (BBC News 2016).
The conflict between the two states has involved many non–state and state actors. For example,
besides the two main states, the UN Security Council has been involved. Specific state actors
include Japan, the United States, and several European countries, many of whom had ordered
sanctions against both India and Pakistan for nuclear testing and other issues (BBC News 2017a).
Militant groups such as the anti–India terror group, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF),
became involved relatively early on with the conflict and ran entire terror campaigns (Mohan 1992,
299). Peaceful groups such as the Red Cross have provided aid to India and Pakistan at different
points in the conflict. The origins of the conflict can be traced back most clearly to 1947. The Indian
Independence Bill went into effect in August of that year, resulting in the split of the area into two
separate states: India and
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Ethnic Diversity Inherently Conflicts
Before taking part in my SLT, my opinion was that ethnic diversity inherently conflict. Looking
back on the discussion now, I can still say that the opinion I held prior still stands as it was. I greatly
appreciated, however, the new perspectives that were brought to my attention through the discussion
I arbitrated. The discussion that was facilitated throughout my SLT was interesting and intelligent, if
not a tad too idealistic for my liking. Some points contention recurred throughout the seminar's
small group discussion, spurring meaningful debate within the group. One of these was the idea of a
balance between integration and assimilation in a society. We discussed the difficulties of culture
clashes; the divide between the values of
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Ethnic And Ethnic Conflict In The Rwanda's Genocide
Rwanda is a small landlocked East African country with a rich cultural background and tightly knit
community it was a small country primarily surviving as an agricultural economy, with one of the
highest population densities in Africa. Rwanda had previously gained independence from Belgium
on July first, 1962, but as tensions rose between the majority population the Hutu, and the minority
population the Tutsi, violence broke out leading to the beginning of a full fledged genocide that
began on April 6, 1994, and would take between 500,000 to 1 million lives of the Rwandan people.
The sociological perspective that lead to the beginning of this genocide is extremely unique, as most
ethnic conflict and violence in history has occurred due to a conflict within two ethnic groups
beliefs and cultures, yet in the case of the Tutsi and Hutu, they had very similar racial and cultural
traits. It was rather a division of socio–economic status between the pastoralists being the Tutsi, and
the agriculturists representing the Hutu. Even more, this difference between the Tutsi and Hutu is a
open class system, as a Hutu could become a Tutsi if they acquired cattle and vice versa. This class
mobility and lack of ethnic and cultural conflict makes this situation so unique given its sociological
perspective. Ethnic identity became so powerful in the Rwandan culture because "Under Belgian
rule, the difference in status between the Hutu and Tutsi became socially fixed, the entire
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Ethnic Conflict In The Rwanda Genocide
The Rwanda genocide began in 1994 when an airplane that was carrying the presidents of Rwanda
and Burundi crashed, which triggered an organized campaign of violence against the Tutsi
minorities across the country that was supported by the military and government. Even ordinary
citizens were incited by local officials and the Hutu controlled government to take up arms against
them. The Rwandan genocide can be classified as an ethnic conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi, but
research has failed to find significant ethnic differences between the two groups. The one thing that
can be said to be different is there physical appearance. The exact origins of the Hutus and Tutsis
were unknown, because both groups shared the same language (Kinyarwanda) territory, some
cultural practices, they intermarried and acknowledged the same king. Hence the Hutu and the Tutsi
could not be described correctly as two different ethnic groups.
In Rwanda, about 85 percent of its population was Hutu and the rest was Tutsi, not including one
small percentage of another group. The Hutu was said to have "travelled up from the south perhaps
some two thousand years ago and that the Tutsi were possibly a southern Ethiopian tribe who
immigrated into Rwanda around the fifteenth century or several centuries before this. Some of these
early accounts support the theory of a peaceful migration with Tutsi winning the Hutu over through
a complex cattle relationship" (Wielenga, 2011). The majority of Rwandans are
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Public State Formation And Stimulation Of Increased Ethnic...
Michael Snyder
State Building
Sovereign State Formation and Stimulation of Increased Ethnic Conflict
This paper looks to examine parallels in the rise of ethnic tensions that have followed state building
efforts of multiple forms in regions that had legacies of colonial rule, traditionally independent
states, and newly independent states. In considering the potential for ethnic conflicts to become
violent we must consider the fact that the ethnic divisions have evolved in a longer running
historical context that includes the colonial and post–colonial periods. As modern states have
become institutionalized across the Third World, the politicization and conflicting nature of ethnic
divisions have taken on new dimensions as the newly created states have taken up the mantles of
aspiring to represent the "entire nation." (Wimmer, 1997) The role of ethnicity has played varying
degrees of importance in either solidifying or fragmenting the creation of national identities. Ethnic
wars became increasingly common in numbers in the years from 1950–1999, comprising 55 percent
to 72 percent of all civil wars during the period. Additionally, in the 1990s alone, more than 200
ethnic minorities and subordinate majorities throughout the world were contesting their political
status. (Johnson, 2008). As new nations develop, ethnic conflict is often a key source of division
within states for a variety of causes.
To clarify the linkages between state formation and ethnic conflict
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Summary: Ethnic Conflict Genocide
RASHED Alrashed
Id; 820814
Ethnic conflict Genocide
Expanding on Fearon and Laitin, who surrender in–gathering policing, could be abused for
genocidal purposes as opposed to directing interethnic dangers, the creators try to clarify variety in
the size of ethnic conflict, utilizing information from Rwanda and Burundi. Their computational
model accept people shift in their affinity to take part in viciousness, structure autonomous
convictions about others, and respond to open messages about current levels of ethnic animosity.
Furthermore, the overwhelming ethnic gathering is liable to genocidal standards–defectors who
neglect to take part in ethnic savagery face sanctions. Their outcomes show that the size of
viciousness fluctuates significantly crosswise over scenes, interethnic conflicts are not basically
deterministic yet rather reflect endogenous communications, interethnic trust impacts examples of
conflict–groups displaying high degrees of trust by and large experience extreme brutality that dies
down quickly, as opposed to the diligent, moderate savagery normal ... Show more content on ...
Not only did Rwanda suffer more massacres (some directed at Hutu) between 1995 and 1998, but
Burundi's civil war continued until 2006. Perhaps worst of all, Eastern Congo after 1996 became the
epicenter of what many scholars have dubbed "Africa's World War The 1994 genocide took the lives
of an estimated 800,000 Rwandans, the vast majority of them Tutsi. This genocide–and the world's
utter abandonment of the Rwandan people–should never be forgotten. But nor should we overlook
the political and ethnic violence that preceded and followed the genocide, whether in Rwanda,
Burundi, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One can only hope that the next 20 years will be
kinder to a region that has suffered so much over the past
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Ethnic Conflict: Kashmir
The conflict in Kashmir dates all the way back to 1947 and still continues to this day. Kashmir is an
85,806 square mile territory North of India and East of Pakistan. Kashmir was one of the many
states governed by British rule before gaining its independence in 1947. This independence was not
truly meant to be permanent; the ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh, was meant to join Kashmir to either
India or Pakistan. The majority of Kashmir's population was Muslim, so Pakistan, being a Muslim
nation, expected Kashmir to cede to them. Unfortunately, Maharaja was Hindu, so he remained
neutral in the decision. This sent Pakistan into an uproar, and in October of 1947, Pakistan sent
Muslim troops into Kashmir. Maharaja appealed to the Indian government for military assistance
and signed the Instrument of Accession, ceding Kashmir to India; the first Indo–Pakistan war
begins. This is the first of three wars to occur between India and Pakistan, none with a winner. India
referred the conflict to the UN who asked Pakistan and India to remove their forces, although
neither did. It finally ended in 1949 when a ceasefire agreement was made and the Line of Control
was established. The LOC was meant to be temporary, but it continues to be the border between and
India and Pakistan today, giving 65% of the territory to India and 35% to Pakistan. The second war
occurred in 1965 when Pakistan crossed the LOC, thinking India was unable to defend their territory
and that the Kashmir people
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The Conflict of the Ethnic Groups
Ethnic groups' conflict
Pastoralist Community Initiative And Development Assistance (PACIDA )highlights the insecurity
as a consequence of race for the limited water and pasture in Marsabit area of Kenya (East Africa).
Their report of the situation in Marsabit in 2009 indicated that within Marsabit, "security has been a
major problem. Over the past months in the cause of the year, series of cattle rustling and loss of
human lives was quiet frequent, especially in Marsabit. Over range of four month 10 human lives
claimed in the process of raid between the Borans and the Samburus. In fact this has been long
outstanding conflict in the District." This indicates that some of the conflicts are well organized
banditry executions. The different communities organize themselves to go raid others homesteads,
particularly from another ethnic group and get livestock. This occurs majorly during the driest times
when livestock die in large numbers. To restock their herds, the different communities go for raids
in the other communities. The office of the prime minister of Kenya adds that, "Security remained
precarious for several areas in larger Marsabit district. Incidences of armed conflicts were reported
along Loiyangalani and North Horr Divisions and along Marsabit and Laisamais district border."
These are regions within the Marsabit District and region.
The frequency of cattle rustling between the Samburu and Isiolo communities in particular raises a
lot of concern. In these
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Security Dillemma & Ethnic Conflict Essay
The security dilemma can be used explain and predict ethnic conflict within a given state. Posen's
argument is supported by the belief that the basic tenets of realism provide a clear view of the
security dilemma and its relationship with ethnic conflict. I believe the security dilemma in general
is largely based in realist theory, and therefore fails to view international relations fairly. I believe
that liberalism offers important insight into dealing with conflict that Posen fails to address.
Realist theory believes that one states military improvements are undistinguishable as offensive or
defensive, and are seen as threats to another state. This, in turn, requires the opposing state to
improve its ... Show more content on ...
Cooperation can occur between groups, if they can see the security it will provide. Mutual
agreements can be reached by ethnic groups to cooperate prior to conflict, which can secure their
self interest.
Posen feels agreements are often reached after conflicts have already began with cease–fires. He
also contends a cease–fire only occurs when one side feels successful and the opposing side fears
the result of continued conflict. Posen argues that a cease–fire does not mean peace, and often
comes too far along in the conflict, proving international organizations are unable to diminish the
security dilemma. This idea further presupposes the ideas of realist. Realist are traditionally
skeptical of the ability of international organizations to act as planned. Realist feel that states will
not place their self interest the hands of other countries.
I contend that international organizations can play a major role in ameliorating conflict between
ethnic groups. If an international organization, acting as a mediating third party, can take steps to
clear misperceptions between competing groups, conflict can be avoided. Also international
organizations provide other countries the opportunity to take collective action.
Posen argues that strong group identity and military power are viewed always as threats by
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The Frontier as a Place of Ethnic and Religion Conflict by...
The Frontier Patricia Nelson Limerick describes the frontier as being a place of where racial tension
predominately exists. In her essay, "The Frontier as a Place of Ethnic and Religion Conflict,"
Limerick says that the frontier wasn't the place where everyone got to escape from their problems
from previous locations before; instead she suggested that it was the place in which we all met. The
frontier gave many the opportunities to find a better life from all over the world. But because this
chance for a new life attracted millions of people from different countries across the seas, the United
States experienced an influx of immigrants. Since the east was already preoccupied by settlers, the
west was available to new settlement and that ... Show more content on ...
The frontier became the place where many races blamed others for their problems. Such as when
after the gold rush in California happened and many men started to pour in in hopes to find riches
and jobs (53). But when they arrived, there were no riches, and what little jobs were available,
immigrants from Asia had already taken it, such as the Chinese. This caused the men who came
looking for riches and jobs to become violent. In "Wyoming Gunfight: An attack on Chinatown,
1885," Hon. Huang Sih Chuen reported on how there was a group of white men who formed the
Rock Springs wanted to rid the land of all Chinamen started to kill and rob Chinese men in the
streets of Chinatown, and murdering others by burning them alive in buildings (46). The Rock
Springs were the many people who blamed the Chinese for the lack of availability for jobs. They
claimed that the Chinese are willing to work for less than the whites do; therefore no strikes can be
done so that wages can be raised. However, Hon. Huang Sih Chuen states that in the beginning they
joined with the whites to go into strike with whites, and yet the whites still blame them and start to
murder the Chinese (46). The tension of the whites being unable to find jobs with good pay rose and
caused them to act out and blame the Chinese for all of their misfortune. This lead to the irradiation
of the Chinese in Chinatown and caused
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Ethnic and Class Conflicts in Turkestan Essay
Despite the fact that the Russian mobilization of human and material sources during World War I
impressed for its self–discipline, there was a considerable crisis in manipulating the civil industry.
Russia concentrated its main workforce on the military munitions, therefore, the railway system
paralysed, which meant a fail in military transportation. Administration needed to do something to
compensate the labour shortage. The problem was solved, though not decisively; by the issuing of
decree to conscribe a local "tuzemcy" for defence works. The local population of Central Asia
started to rebel soon after the issuing of decree. There was an uncertainty in whether the decree was
issued correctly or not; Russian officials were already ... Show more content on ...
This essay will attempt to emphasize the possible reasons of the rebellion and the motives of the
rebels of 1916 revolt in different areas, mainly in Turkestan and Semirechie oblast, providing deep
analysis of the primary and secondary sources.
At the beginning of the rebel of 1916 was considered as a minor one by Russian authorities. In
reality, it led to prolonged consequences. Question on whether the suppression of a revolt was
prepared or not is a source for debate amongst historians. While some of them seem to have
reasonable arguments on the preparedness of the Tsarist administration, others try to persuade the
contrary. The Ryskulov`s work "Vosstanie Kirgizov i Kazakhov v 1916 godu. Sbornik Materialov"
can be taken as an example that have quite reasonable arguments on that the suppression was
already planned. Ryskulov interprets a detailed analysis of business correspondence between the
General Governors of Turkestan and Semirechie Oblast` Folbaum and Kuropatkin, who were
corresponding on the plan of suppression. He claims that Kuropatkin has already prepared a plan for
the suppression before the rebel had started and accuses Folbaum of making an account to military
forces and of arranging military force in places where Kazakh–Kyzgyzs might escape. Ryskulov
argues that arming the local Russian settlers with weapon (rifle) was a demonstration of
extermination of
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Ethnic Conflict in the United States
Ethnic Conflict in the United States
The United States is considered a melting pot because of the vast array of different cultures,
ethnicities, and religious groups who all live within its borders. Other countries with fewer cultural
differences have been torn apart by the conflicts that arise between these differing groups. It is
believed by some that the United States has been able to avoid such ethical conflicts as have brought
down other nations but looking at American history it is evident that this is not true. America's
history is one of ethnic conflict because of religion, nationalistic, and particularly ethnic differences.
The two centuries that the United States has existed has been a history of racial marginalization
particularly against African Americans which culminated with the Civil Rights Movement of the
1950s and 1960s. In the present, the United States likes to claim that as a nation, we are color blind
but evidence exists to the contrary. The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) still exists, hate crimes are
committed based on ethnicity, and stereotypes are perpetuated in order to minimize and ostracize.
Despite these instances, the country has held strong largely because although these instances occur,
they are not approved of by the government or those involved in criminal justice. The United States
is made up of peoples from all over the world but that does not mean we have not had to deal with
ethnic conflict. The most obvious has been the history of
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The Rwandan Genocide And Ethnic Conflict
1.0 Introduction
The Rwandan genocide has been a topic of discussion and study by many scholars, researchers and
humanitarian bodies seeking to find the root cause of its happening. Some found out that
deterioration in the political climate was the possible cause. Others argued that the Hutu elite were
only safeguarding their political power from the Tutsis who had, under the colonial rule, oppressed
the Hutus. The genocide was seen to be the best platform for settling scores between the two ethnic
The purpose of the study is to find out whether the Rwandan genocide was as a result of ethnic
hostilities or other underlying reasons while focusing on its impact on the country's economic,
social, cultural as well as political spheres. It will also seek to fill the gap of knowledge on what
could be done to reduce the occurrence of such conflicts.
The African governments play a critical role in ensuring that policies are put in place to promote
cohesion among the different ethnic groups that constitute the nation. The role might not have been
well played hence the occurrence of the Rwanda genocide which was a massive blow on the African
country. Ethnic difference might occur but how the leaders deal with them paves way for either
peace of conflict. Leaders are the starting point, form the remarks they make during political rallies
to their postings on social media.
The international humanitarian bodies have a role to play in peacekeeping,
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Ethnic Conflict Of The Soviet Union
Ethnic Conflict
With a long stemming past of ethnic conflict within Yugoslavia, the country at long last
disassembled over what historians would argue was "The bloodiest war in Europe since World War
II" (Multi–Ethnic Conflict: Yugoslavia.). Yugoslavia was a country composed of six republics– The
socialist republic of Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia–Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia.
The country was created after world war one in 1929 and was under the control of the Soviet Union
up until 1991 when the Soviet Union broke apart. With the fall of the Soviet Union came the
inevitable turmoil, violence and destruction within Yugoslavia– the country began to fall apart.
Ethnic conflict had been the root of war and violence through out numerous countries all around the
world for centuries. The ethnic conflict of Yugoslavia was caused by differences in religion and
ethnicity, different perspectives on government and politics, and disagreements over territory.
Yugoslavia was just far too small for the different nationalities and government structures within it.
Yugoslavia has long suffered with problems concerning religion and ethnicity. There was always a
back– and– fourth tension between the ethnic groups. "During the 1930s it became apparent that the
ethnic groups were unwilling to blend and merge together. The Serbs who made up about 40 percent
of the population dominated politics. The Croats and Slovenes resented Serbian aggressiveness.
These ethnic groups lived an
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The Conflict Of Indigenous Fijians And Indo Fijians :...
The Conflict of Indigenous–Fijians and Indo–Fijians:
Ethnic Conflict With Political Consequences
Belva Barringer
October 6, 2016
World Empires–104
Professor Browning
Fiji is composed of 332 islands in which approximately a third are inhabited. The two main and
largest islands are Vanua Levu and Viti Levu. Fiji is very multicultural due to a variety of different
settlers throughout the centuries as well as the indentured slave trade system introduced in the late
1900's. European settlers in the early 19th century made a large impact on Fiji's economic trade and
fueled Fiji's political tension between indigenous Fijians and Indo–Fijians for decades to come.
Fiji has had several waves of settlers, the first starting as early as 3500 BP. It is believed that both
the Melanesians and the Polynesians, referred to as Lapitas , were the first to inhabit Fiji, coming
from close by islands. Melanesians, known as the dark skinned and fuzzy–haired people, originally
came from western Melanesia and began settling on Fiji's largest island, Viti Levu. Polynesians had
lighter skin and straight hair, and were known to dominate the ocean with their great navigational
skills. Ancestors of both Polynesian and Melanesian people began moving to the islands of Tongoa
and Samoa. The islands had distinctive characteristics, but the Polynesian and Melanesian
characteristics also began to blend as well. The indigenous iTaukei represent 56.8 percent of Fiji's
population. Many
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Nigeria: Ethnic Conflict Essay
Ethnicity is how individuals perceive themselves, and unlike race it can be changed. There are
countries in which there are several different types of ethnic groups, and in some cases that could
lead to conflict within a country, but as research will show it is not the only cause, and in some cases
the conflict was purposely organized. In such cases it is usually in a developing country, which is
"defined according to their Gross National Income (GNI) per capita per year. Countries with GNI of
US$ 11,905 and less and less are defined as developing (specified by the World Bank, 2012)."
(CITATION) Developing countries that have established themselves as democracies tend to have
weak institutions, where elections are more about connections ... Show more content on ...
The first was the weak sense of nationalism caused by all the ethnic groups where religion played a
major part of the division. The main three ethnicities in Nigeria are Hausa–Fulani, Yoruba, and
Igbo; the former is Muslim while the two latter are Christians. The second cause mentioned was the
"divide and rule" which was a British tactic to employ ethnic groups against one another, and thus
"helped ensure that ethnicity would be the main line of political cleavage after Nigeria became an
independent country." The third cause is the personal rule system based on "big men" and what this
means is that Nigerian's who worked for the British used their personal relationships to gain power
and wealth, and in a certain way it is still used today in the Nigerian government. The fourth
devastating cause was the "creation of an increasingly active and interventionist state during WWII
and after until its independence in 1960, but that opened the doors to patronage, which would be
used to gain political power and wealth. The past reveals the problems Nigeria has had for several
decades, some of which have not disappeared but seem to get progressively worse. (CITATION)
It has been establish that a country with abundant ethnicity does not mean that it is fated to be in
conflict. Nigeria
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Rwandan Genocide And Ethnic Conflict
I. Introduction
On April 6 1994, following the death of president Juvenal Habyarimana, the state of Rwanda was
hurled into chaos as genocides took the lives of 800,000 people . Began by the Hutu political elite
and its military support, their main targets were the Tutsi, and Hutu moderates. Many have claimed
"ethnic hatred" as the reason of the Rwanda Genocide and while an ethnic split existed in Rwanda
during the conflict, the causes for the genocide are numerous and complicated. In examining the
Rwanda Genocide as an ethnic conflict it is crucial that ethnicity be inspected as it affected and was
affected by economic, political and social elements. The problem for explaining the brutality in
Rwanda as an ethnic conflict is that as the ... Show more content on ...
II. Ethnicity in Conflict
Although some ethnic identities were founded on "inherent biological, cultural, or racial traits"
dividing lines have mostly changed. On the contrary, the characteristics of ethnic groups are
enormously personal and have undertaken a "presumed identity" . As much as ethnicity is
distinguished by a mutual identity inside a specific group, it is concurrently explained by its
differences with other groups. While constituents of an ethnic group take part in an identity founded
on a mutual characteristic or opinion, their ethnic attributes (such as language, race, religion) are
normally not all the same, and if they are, these characteristics independently are not distinct to that
group. The difference in the amalgamation of characteristics that shapes an "ethnic identity"
signifies that a person normally shares mutuality with more than one ethnic group. Moreover, what
are the fixed dividing lines that determine an ethnic group when its constituents have mutual
characteristics with one other, but as well with other groups? "The ethnic label subsumes a number
of simultaneous characteristics which no doubt cluster statistically, but which are not absolutely
interdependent and connected" .
As the discussion on ethnic conflict proceeds to grow, it has possibly grown more and more onerous
to establish a
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The Conflict Between Ethnic Entrepreneurs And Rwanda

  • 1. The Conflict Between Ethnic Entrepreneurs And Rwanda In the 1900s, two large massacres occurred in different parts of the world leading the events to be known as genocides. A genocide took place in Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The events that took place in both countries lead to massive death for both the victimized and the oppressors. This essay focuses on Yugoslavia from 1991 – 2001 and Rwanda from April to May 1994. Although ethnic entrepreneurs influence society in both countries on the base of cultural for political gain, ordinary citizens carry out mass killing of their fellow countrymen and women. Ordinary citizens found cultural and political reason influential due to the lack of national identity and unity. Before providing analysis and insight for reasons why genocide was committed in ... Show more content on ... Hutus would be given terrible land to farm, while Tutsis were given good land for grazing cattle. From Hutus' perspective, they felt discriminated against from Tutsis due to their ethnic counterpart receiving many rewards from the village leaders. Political disadvantage for Hutus continued when Germans enter the country in 1897. When the German soldiers arrived in Rwanda, the soldiers left Tutsi' Chieftains in charge of the country while they proceeded to take of advantage of the raw material found in the country. German only further the rage that Hutus felt toward Tutsis. German's leaders influence Tutsi leader to follow a system called Carveé. Carveé is a system in which an ethnic group is forced into remedial labor in Rwanda Hutus was the labor force enslaved. Hutus hatred against Tutsis grew as Carveé was implemented into society because the system aided in showing that Tutsis and Hutus were more distinctive from each other than alike. Tutsi' Chieftain with the aid of German soldiers to help prevent a national identity in Rwanda. Due to German intervention into Tutsis and Hutus political issues, relation between the two ethnic groups could not improve. After German's soldiers left in 1916 and Belgians took over as Rwanda's owner, racial tensions and hatred heated greatly. Belgian enter Rwanda in 1916 and lead to worse racial tensions between Hutus and Tutsis through race papers. ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Ethnic Conflicts In Sudan According to Africa News, 45 people have died as a result of ethnic fighting, The attack against the Ruop was carried out by the Pakem fighters in retaliation for the attacks that were carried out by a group of Ruop youths. The fighting was very heavy, it left more than 45 people dead and many more injured. The military has since been deployed from the state capital to try and stop the violence that has seen the burning down of houses and property. These tribal clashes are not new in Sudan for example, the Ma'alya and Rizergat ethnic groups had multiple clashes throughout 2014 that turned into an all–out war in the oil–rich region of Darfur. This left a lot of people dead and many more injured from both ethnic groups. The conflicts were about land rights and shared resources have lasted for more than ten years. The conflict in South Sudan has seen people flee Sudan into neighboring countries and Sudan itself. There have been nine big refugee camps that have been created but to According to Rev. Michael Didi, the fighting follows them even in the refugee camps. And because of this, each ethnic group are put separately even in the camps. This ethnic fighting is not confined to Sudan, almost everyone will remember the genocide in Rwanda where members of the Hutu majority murdered about 800,000 Tutsi minorities. Ordinary people were incited by local officials to take arms against there neighbor. The brutality spread throughout the country with shocking speed, no one spared ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Ethnic Conflict : The British And French Ethnic Conflict The British and French had essentially lived by different systems of ethnic European power that still had competition between each other. Both of these systems had wider areas control yet they had completely different systems of ethnic stratification. Europeans had imposed territorial boundaries throughout Africa in 1885 that divided many groups. Colonies were built under a direct or indirect rule of countries colonizing the colonies. The levels of governments were controlled by the colonial masters in the direct rule as opposed to the indirect rule where governors and council advisors were appointed through colonial's countries. If there were leaders who resisted the colonization, traditional leaders that were loyal to governors would be appointed leadership. Certain areas of Africa were divided up and given to different colonies. This broke up a lot of boundaries that were already in place and placing new boundaries on top of this forced groups to merge together regardless of their tribes. This created a lot of tension amongst the African groups that had different cultural beliefs, peace treaties and any other boundaries that were set. With these two systems in place. There became a centralization of territories having no central government or, where centralization already existed there was already domination of a pre–colonial central government. Limited Manufacturing During the Colonial era Africa was seen to have the best land for European settlers or ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Wars Caused By Ethnic Conflicts : Wars Caused By Ethnic... The following wars have been divided between 1.) Wars caused by ethnic issues and 2.) Wars not caused by ethnic issues. After determining the cause of war, I will focus on particular aspects of the war predominantly the death toll, how long the war lasted, if core states got involved in the conflict and if so how far removed were they from the region of conflict. Finally and most importantly, I will compare and contrast the two types of wars (1.) Wars caused by ethnic conflict and 2.) Wars not caused by ethnic conflict) and determine how these wars were ultimately resolved. More specifically, I am determining if wars caused by ethic issues are resolved by internal means or whether they are resolved by external factors such as core states or states that have an invested interest in the matter. Wars Due To Ethnic Conflict The Rwandan genocide was targeted towards the Tutsi population in April to July in 1994. This genocidal mass slaughter of the Tutsi was carried out by the Hutu majority. At the end of the one hundred day genocide about 800,000 Rwandans were pronounced dead. In the publication "How many perpetrators were there in the Rwandan genocide? An estimate," Straus accounts for the detailed precision that the Hutu's implemented in preparation to exterminate the Tutsi's. The Hutu's preparation combined with the collapse of a failed state set the Hutu's up with the ability to strike the Tutsi effectively. According to Straus, the collapse of the state created a power ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Ethnic Conflicts in Nigeria The military elites made the situation even worse by staging coups and making a mockery of democracy in Nigeria. The military era was marked by corruption, ineptitude and confusion. It drove Nigeria into many problems including economic problems, poverty, and ethno–religious conflicts until the 1990s. The military continued intervening because they believed the civilian leaders were inept and indecisive. Ethnic conflicts continued to escalate through the democratic transition in Nigeria, as various ethnic groups demanded political restructuring. The federal structure has developed deep cracks and demands urgent action to fix it. What is most worrisome in Nigeria is the religious dimension of ethnic conflict and competition for power and oil wealth. The numerous ethno–religious conflicts that the northern cities of Kaduna, Kano, Jos and Zamfara have witnessed, came about from the introduction of Muslim Sharia courts, in addition to the South's demands for autonomy. The continuing conflict is a sign Nigeria's lack of effective mechanisms to manage ethnic conflicts. The intense ethnic conflicts that rocked Nigeria and South Africa have pushed them to develop constitutionally backed institutions for conflict management. In South Africa, the state has prevented further conflicts by developing multiple democratic approaches to create a foundation for peace and security. The new constitution crafted an impressive document aimed to heal the wounds of the past and to build a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Nigeria Analysis of the challenges of religion and ethnicity on political stability in Nigeria's fourth republic (1999–2011) INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Basically, Nigeria is a plural society and heterogeneous in virtually all the facet of life. The custom and tradition of Nigerians is so diverse to the extent that Nigeria as a country is now confronted with the problem of religion and ethnicity towards their political stability. The origin and history of ethnic conflict (societal wars and violence) can be traced from eternal (internal) state rivalry to external (physical). And its root cause is not very far from power competition and decision making over economic resources and other important human factor, like position. The ... Show more content on ... This article is focused on the historical incidents of ethnic conflicts in within Nigeria societies, the cause of the conflicts and perhaps, the government actions towards ethnic conflict in the country. In conclusion, this paper will explore into decision–making (by the elites and those in authority) process has contributed immensely in generating the syndromes of conflict in the said state. The Nigerian political situation has witnessed more breaking of heads, than counting them. In fact, even when it has been convenient for heads to be counted, the outcome has always been the breaking of heads instead. Conflict in Nigeria is so intense because of lack of democratic behaviour. The head of the individual in the democratic context signifies citizenship. So when heads are broken in the Nigerian political community, the issue in respect of broken heads is citizenship. If conflict in Nigeria means the absence of democratic behaviour, it follows, therefore, that conflict in Nigeria is interwoven with the absence of democratic governance. Gurr (2000): has also shown that the incidence of conflicts at the global level declined in recent years with the deepening of democratisation. Nation–states where conflicts persist are those where what obtains is the democratisation of disempowerment (Ake 1996). Beyond the veneer of elections, the state remains ambushed, privatised, repressive and unpopular. The people who were tantalised by the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Importance Of Ethnic Conflict In Tangerines Tangerines is a movie about finding humanity and respect during a time of ethnic conflict. Ethnicity is the major focus of this film, with the smaller scale hatred and resentment between the Chechen Ahmed and Georgian Nika set in the context of the war between Georgia and Abkhazia for Abkhazian separation. The Estonian Ivo helps Ahmed and Nika set aside their ethnic differences to realize that they are both human beings. This film shows the Soviet Legacies on ethnic conflict within the current Post–Soviet space. Tangerines opens on Ivo, an Estonian living in Abkhazia is one of two men left in his village. Most Estonians returned to Estonia after the war in Abkhazia broke out. Abkhazia is a region in Georgia that wanted to rejoin Russia. A war broke out with Georgians on one side, Abkhazians, and Russians on the other. In the movie, Ivo makes wooden crates to put tangerines in that his neighbor Margus picks. One day, two Chechen mercenaries, hired by the Russian government, drop by looking for food. They go on their way but soon get into a skirmish with three Georgians in front of Margus' house. One Chechen, Ahmed, and one Georgian, Nika, survive the firefight, and Ivo brings them both to his home to heal. Both the Chechen and the Georgian hate each other and want to kill one another, but Ivo makes them promise not to kill one another inside his house. Over time, they begin to respect each other. At one point, an Abkhazian military regiment comes to the house, and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The First Chechnya's Ethnic Conflicts One of the largest, on–going ethnic conflicts is the First Chechen War. To learn why this is one of the largest ethnic conflicts, we must learn about Chechnya's past, why it is geographically important, as well as why the conflict has arisen. Chechnya is a small republic, located in the Caucasus region, located southwest of Russia. Chechnya was first taken by Russia during the Caucasian War, in a peace treaty, ending the Ottoman Empire rebellion in 1785. However, the victory was short–lived. As Russians tried to spread Christianity throughout the predominantly Muslim region, the rebellions had started again. Russia managed to maintain hold of the region, and kept it, even under the extreme circumstances. In 1917, the Chechens gained independence ... Show more content on ... Technological advancement stopped, as all of the Russian, Armenian, and Georgian engineers left. Schooling was practically non–existent, as Russia no longer supplied teachers or money to teach. The country as a whole was in shambles. Dudayev, the dictator at the time, needed to be kicked out of office, as he was ruining everything the Chechens had fought for. But, Russia had seeked to use this as an opportunity to regain control of the area, similarly to what happened in the recent Ukraine crisis. In 1994, under the promise to establish a new government, there was a Russian invasion. They attacked from 3 separate fronts, heading straight for the capital of Grozny. The Chechen military was in shambles, using outdated Soviet technology. Their Air Force and multiple airfields were ruined in air strikes, just hours into the war. Their non–existent army was now merely untrained rebels, with old Soviet weaponry, and little to no knowledge of battlefield tactics. The Russian troops weren't too happy about this either, many of which weren't even told where they are going, and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Major Causes Of Ethnic Conflict? A. Causes of Ethnic Conflict According to Wallerstein (1979), ethnic genocide, cleansing, hatred and dynamics are seen as struggles by the oppressed and dominated groups for greater autonomy and the protection of their rights (p. 205). Violence can begin when these groups see no other way of looking for redress and getting justice. It can also be said that internal factors are more determinant than the external ones. Donald L. Horowitz argues that this kinship "makes it possible for ethnic groups to think in terms of family resemblances". In time with repeated conflict, essential ties to one's ethnicity will interfere with ties to civil society. There are a number of factors that scholars have found to cause ethnic conflict. 1. Cultural factors As stated above about ethnicities sharing the same common belief and etc can also be a cause of ethnic conflict. Culture is the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, and laws held in common by a nation. From the premise that sameness leads to peaceful relations whereas difference produces disorder and conflict, Huntington argues that cultural and ethnic differences between "civilizations," namely, states or groups of states that distinguish themselves by cultural traits, will lead to conflict. 2. Economic and social factors Economic factors have been identified as one of the major causes of conflict in Africa. Slowdowns, stagnation, deterioration, and complete collapse are sources of state destabilization and can lead ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Ethnic Group Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Social perception is powerfully mediated by cultural conformity, especially when it concerns religious beliefs. The Israeli–Palestinian conflict demonstrates this concept vividly. Both sides harbor antagonistic social perceptions against each other. Only by changing these perceptions can a reconciliation be reached. The opposing views result in a biased lens, which only serves to uphold the traditionally held generalities each culture has of the other. Even though religion is a primary theme in the conflict between these two groups, it may only be the bridge that transcends all the differences of the two ethnic groups. The concept of peace building may help to change perceptions and cultivate positive interactions when it emphasizes ... Show more content on ... These two ethnic group engage in war with each other because of long–held stereotypical beliefs about each other which is the result of a biased perspective. For example, the Israeli people believe that the Palestinians are using peace seeking strategies as a temporary scheme, and that their true objective is to conquer and control Palestine. On the other hand, many of the Palestinians perceive that Israel does not wish to achieve a peaceful resolution with Israeli citizens, but instead desires to remain in control of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. It is challenging to understand the precise demands of either side of this conflict because of the differing interpretations and opinions. However, there are many people on each side who disagree with the political issues of these warring groups. Social psychologists Fritz Heider formed the balance theory, in which he states that people look for consistency among their attitudes (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). In other words, a person feels balanced if he or she and a person he or she likes agree on a topic, or if he or she and a person he or she dislikes disagrees on a topic (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). According to Heider (1959), individuals often overrate the positive attributes of those they like and undervalue positive attributes in those they dislike. People also tend to emphasize the negative attributes of those people ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay about Nationalism and Ethnic conflict After Suharto ended his long dictatorial reign in 1998 there was a substantial increase in religious and ethnic conflict in Indonesia. Author Jacques Bertrand claims religious and ethnic conflict defined Indonesia's national model. This resulted in three critical junctures during Suharto's retirement of his sovereign rule. The three critical junctures defined Indonesia's "terms of citizenship, and give meaning to the structure and procedures of an institution" (Bertrand, 20). When Suharto left as dictator, major political and social changes consumed Indonesia, which threatened the Indonesian realm. The people of Indonesia struggled to define their sense of nationalism. The national model of Indonesia was a set of standards on the nature ... Show more content on ... Ethnic violence in the late 1990s broke out due to the sudden emergence of a political space to contest this national model. Bertrand argues that complete legitimacy was not achieved because of the emergence of a narrow ethnic conception of the nation. Two factors of this were the strife in Kalimantan, and another in the role of Islam in Indonesia's political institutions. This began to threaten Christian minorities in Indonesia. These conflicts between Muslims and Christians situate the violence in Maluku in relation to the evolving role of Islam in Indonesia's national model. Indonesia complained of their lack of autonomy In regions such as Maluku or other areas of Eastern Indonesia, "a low capacity for generating local revenue restricted the ability to adapt projects and development to local conditions" (Bertrand, 198).). The scanty amounts of funds were unable to support the poor and other problems. Bertrand states, "Faced with the New Order regime introduced mild reforms that were designed to address some technical issues while avoiding political decentralization" (Bertrand, 198). In 1995 the Minister of Home Affairs selected 26 districts were used to evaluate the measures designed to increase autonomy. They noticed an increase in Indonesia budget, but they still failed to support the poor, which resulted in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Ethnic Conflict In The Bosnian Genocide "Bosnia is a complicated country: three religions, three nations and those 'others'. Nationalism is strong in all three nations; in two of them there are a lot of racism, chauvinism, separatism; and now we are supposed to make a state out of that" ("Alija Izetbegovic Quote"). This quote clearly reflects the Bosnian ethnic conflict. It states seemingly that there is a lot of racism between each ethics and they want their own state. The ethnic conflict occurred in a really long time since Bosnian separated from Yugoslavia. Then, there is Bosnian Genocide that took place between 1992 and 1995. The Bosnian Genocide was the conflict between Serbs and Bosnian Muslims, the ethnic conflict, was stopped by the NATO and United Nation. Bosnia had the ethnic conflict that continued from the Yugoslavia, "The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was one of the more liberal communist regimes, led by the enigmatic dictator Josip Broz Tito" (Krkljes, Sandro). After Tito died, the ethnic conflicts started to raise. The main ethnic groups that fought each other were Serbs, Bosnian Muslims, and Croats. The Bosnian genocide involved two main groups: Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. The conflict between these two ethnic groups were increasing the damage by Serbian, who was supported the Serbs because of the nation. At that time, Serbia was ... Show more content on ... The victims were Bosnian Muslim. The Serbs were taken away many rights of the Bosnian Muslim, "... curfews, forced relocations, rape, castration, imprisonment in concentration camps, and killings" (Krkljes, Sandro). These actions were not acceptable and blamed. If nationalism was the reason for this genocide, people should love and respect the nation as everyone in the same country. It is not about he is Serbs or she is Bosnian Muslim, but it is about they are Bosnian. The victims must be protected. Everyone must start to be an open minded person in order to keep the peace in their ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Conflict Between The Rwandan And Tutsi Ethnic Conflict In Rwanda, the Hutu has come into much conflict since the 1990s. As the Germans and the Belgians colonized Rwanda, the favoritism of the colonizers created great ethnic divides within the country. These partitions ultimately became so profound that a violent genocide took place, turning countrymen against each other. The Congo was a nearby place for the violence between the Hutu and Tutsi to continue, while also becoming an important economic factor to the wealth of other nations. The colonization, genocide, and conflicts in the Congo all contributed to the major issue of racial segregation faced by the modern Hutus. The early colonization of Rwanda by the Germans and Belgians created the major internal conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi. At the time of the Europeans arrival, Rwanda was made up of 85% Hutu, who were farmers, 14% Tutsi, who were cattle herders, and 1% Twa, the aboriginal people (Chrétien 69). In 1890, Rwanda first became a colony of Germany, lasting until the end of World War I, when power was transferred to Belgium. Both of these colonies favored the Tutsi population (Staff ¶2), because they believed that the Tutsi were more Caucasian and therefore superior in intelligence to the Hutu (Jones 17). During this time, the Belgians oversaw a land reform process by the Tutsi, which seized control of farmland that had been under the control of the Hutu, without providing them with substantial compensation (Prunier 28). This favoritism planted the seed for the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Importance Of Ethnic Conflict Moreover, it is this security dilemma that suggests the need for partition according to Kaufmann, as at a certain point of tension opposing ethnic groups have reached a point where they no longer can live in agreement together under a common administration (Pischedda 104). Regardless of typical ethnic conflict remedies such as power–sharing, federalism, consociationalism, or state building (Tir 270). These security dilemmas will persist as these groups will constantly be in fear of the other(s) and attempt to protect themselves and the interests of the group (Tir 270). Therefore, as each group continues to protect itself, it only furthers the security dilemma and proceeds to create a spiral of suspicion and mutual anxiousness (Tir 270). Thus, if these groups cannot coexist, they must be divided as that is the only measure to ensure the population's safety (Tir 270). This train of thought is categorized as the "last resort" argument by partitionists, suggesting that partition needs to be implemented to avoid the worst possible outcomes (O'Leary 2). Additionally, there exists the historicist argument, which states that partition is inevitable as ethnic communities once engaged in a conflict will not be able to find a resolution (O'Leary 2). History illustrates for us that societal segregation, in employment, education and residential demographics establish the base for ethnic conflict (O'Leary 2). As well, there is the cost–benefit argument, which argues that partition ... Get more on ...
  • 15. African American Ethnic Conflict Could the conflict of the deaths of African Americans shot by white officers be solved? Police officers are on high alert and may use excessive force. But if they can aid the wounded they should. The conflict involving African American deaths from the shooting of white officers cannot be completely resolved because weather or not if the police officer is racist, if the police officer feels endanger they may use excessive force, but what they can do is at least aid the victim and the police officers don't need to shoot them multiple times to take them down. The police officers may believe their life is endangered so they may use excessive force. "The officer, Michael T. Slager, 33, said he had feared for his life because the man had ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Ethnic Conflicts : Iran Ethnic Conflict Iran Ethnic Conflicts 1 Iran Ethnic Conflicts Ehsan Rahmanian Professor Tariq Amin–Khan Nov 27 2015 Iran Ethnic Conflicts 2 Persians are Iran 's biggest ethnic group, however almost twelve different ethnicities represent well over 33% of the seventy nine million population. The biggest ethnic groups, which are main considerations for Iranian governmental issues are Azeris, Turkish, Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis, Armenians, Lors, and Turkomen. Other smaller ethnic groups are Qashqai, Mazandarani, Talysh and Gilaki. They hold many of the seats in the current parliament. Ethnic minorities are a delicate political issue, which is one reason precise numbers in legislative issues and the military are not effortlessly ... Show more content on ... A quarter to a third of the population of Tehran comprises of migrants of Azerbaijani inception and their first or second era relatives. The Azerbaijani minority 's impression of the central government in Tehran and of Persians as the dominant ethnic group in Iran are straightforwardly identified with their own verifiable experience of conjunction with the Persians. Phonetic and religious affiliations and their advancement inside of the Iranian setting assume an especially essential part here. The Azerbaijanis of Iran speak a Turkic dialect which is a piece of the Oghuz dialect group. Apart from a rather large number of lexical borrowings from Persian and Arabic, their dialect is indistinguishable to the dialect of the supposed Northern (Soviet or Caucasian) Azerbaijanis. It is similar to the dialect spoken in Turkey. The two dialects Azerbaijani and Anatolian Turkish are commonly intelligible. The dialects are normally spoken among Azerbaijanis occupying northwestern Iran, however Azerbaijani Turkish is banned at all levels in the country–inconsistent with Iran 's constitution. The boycott occurs in all levels of the educational system and applies to direction in the Turkish dialect, as well as to teaching that dialect as a subject. Consequently, for instance, at the University of Tabriz, where seven different dialects are taught, the local dialect of the larger part of understudies may not be taught (Aweworthy, 2008). Most of Azerbaijanis, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Cause Of Conflict: The Four Causes Of Ethnic Conflict Causes of Ethnic Conflict Huntington argues in his book "clash of civilization" that cultural and ethnic differences between "civilizations," namely, states or groups of states that distinguish themselves by cultural traits, will lead to conflict (1993). Throughout history, ethnic conflicts have long been a component of international politics. Even today, ethnic wars continue to be the most common form of armed conflicts around the world. In the recent past for example, there have been numerous instances of ethnic conflict including ethnic war in Somalia, Kurdish struggle for autonomy in Iraq, Iran and Turkey, guerilla wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, insurrection in Chechnya, and the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda to name a ... Show more content on ... Brown (2001a, 2001b) identifies four main types of proximate causes of internal conflict. First, internal mass–level factors create bad domestic problems such as rapid economic development, modernization, patterns of political or economic discrimination, and internal migration like urbanization. Refugees or fighters from neighboring countries who cross the border often bring violence and turmoil with them. Second, radicalized politics can lead to contamination, diffusion, and spillover effects and create "bad neighborhoods". For instance, the Hutu refugee camps in Zaire became prime recruitment zones for rebel forces. Third, internal elite–level aspects include power struggles by leaders of different groups, ideological contests over the way a country should be organized, and criminal assaults. Leaders have the ability to "play the ethnic card," which can lead to increased tensions between ethnic groups. Milosevic's policies in the former Yugoslavia are a good example. By using the national media, Milosevic fueled nationalist movements and hate toward non–Serbian groups, which led to ethnic cleansing and gross human rights violations committed during the wars in the 1990s.And finally, external, elite–level factors are the results of decisions by governments to trigger conflicts in weak neighboring states for political, economic, security, or ideological reasons; an example is Russian involvement in Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia). In addition, ethnic minorities in some cases decide to wage a violent struggle in the hope of political gains and international support. Ethnic groups assume the willingness of the international community to react and to provide a political forum to support negotiation, arbitration, and the settlement of disputes. The assumption of intervention by the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Ethnic Conflict In Rwanda Ethnicity means belonging to a group of people that have the same cultural traditions in common. In this case, two of the largest ethnic groups in Rwanda are the Tutsis which take about 15% of the population, and the Hutus which take about 84% of the population. There has always been disagreements between the Tutsis and the Hutus. Although some may think that these conflicts come from the fact that they both share the same language and religion, this tension comes from their ethnic differences. Ethnic tension has always been an issue between the Tutsis and the Hutus, but it all worsened when the Belgians embraced the idea that the Tutsis were superior. Certain changes have been made to deal with the ethnic tension, such as the Tutsi–led government invading much of the neighborhood to finish with the Hutu forces. Although, the war is over, there are still conflicts that have led to a countless amount of deaths. Tutsis have always been known for being superior to the Hutus. They have been noted for having greater wealth, social status, and even because they are taller and thinner. This is because the Belgians embraced this idea of superiority. Since then, up to the next 20 years, the Tutsis have enjoyed a better life quality in terms of jobs, opportunities, and educational possibilities. Bitterness between the Hutus and Tutsis started to build up around 1959. This is when the source of ethnic tension began in Rwanda. It all started to develop when the president of Rwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana, was killed on April 6 1994 when his plane got shot down above Kigali International Airport. The Hutu president, Cyprien Ntaryamira, was also killed during this attack. During this period, more than 20,000 Tutsis were killed and many others were seen forced to move to their neighbour countries such as Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda (BBC, 2011). The Hutus took back their place around 1962. Which is when Belgium gave up their power and handed over the Independence to Rwanda. Because of this tragedy, the Tutsis have been blamed for all the crisis that have occurred since then. This wave of slaughter was organized by politicians, military officials, businessmen, and even civilians joined the chaos. It was such an atrocious ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Inter Ethnic Conflict And Ethnic Conflicts Topic Underlying Causes of Inter–Ethnic Conflict in Samburu County, Kenya Background Inter–ethnic conflict is one of the major problems facing most Kenya community and mostly the nomadic communities. Inter–ethnic conflicts involving pastoralists have become widespread and increasingly severe in the northern region of Kenya. Conflict has often resulted in severe disruption of social and economic development. It has also constrained efforts to reduce or end poverty and sustain basic human rights. There has been a recurrence of violence where peace agreements have been sealed and an escalation of violence where conflicts have hitherto been latent. Several facts have been advanced to explain the main causes of inter–ethnic conflicts between most nomadic tribes. Most of these issues revolve around livestock ownership and to get access to scarce natural resources such as water. Although the pastoral conflicts have deep roots in history, culture and are generally attributed to their retrogressive and outdated practices, there is more to their current nature and dynamics. In recent years it is mainly due to the proliferation of modern small arms, banditry and predation, commercialization of livestock raiding, dispute over land tenure rights. According to many authors, the cattle raiding which is a cultural practice has become a widespread, sophisticated, more violent, and destructive among pastoral communities in northern Kenya (Kumssa, 2009; Leff, 2009; Mahmoud, 2011; Mkutu, 2008; ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Conflict Of Ethnic Civil War In the following I will assess the methodologies both studies employ and the way they proceed with the differing datasets as this forms another part of the reason why they reach different conclusions. In his analysis Kaufmann finds that eight ethnic civil wars have been resolved by negotiated agreements other than partition. This would ultimately speak against his finding that no ethnic civil war has ever been resolved by a power–sharing agreement. However, he contends that all these eight cases have in fact depended on grants of full or partial autonomy to a regionally concentrated ethnic group and were therefore based on physical separation rather than shared power. For this assertion however, he does not try to find any proof and thus, it is hard to follow Kaufmann's argument in this matter. In contrast to that, Mason & Fett view such cases as negotiated settlements. This indicates the fundamental theoretical disagreement between the two studies whether negotiated settlements must be based on granting autonomy to geographically concentrated ethnic minorities. Whereas Kaufmann definitely accepts this as being true, Mason & Fett are not quite as certain. They say that negotiated settlements "can take the form of federal or consociational arrangements..." (Mason & Fett, 1996:554) and thereby acknowledging that partition and regional autonomy does not have to be the ultimate solution. This disagreement is quite interesting and simultaneously controversial. However even though ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Ethnic Identity, And Ethnic Conflict In Africa Ethnic conflict is the dominant security issue of our time, 75 percent of all new conflicts are ethnic. Since 1989, ethnic conflict has killed at least 3.5 million and displaced 26 million people. Almost all ethnic conflicts, especially in the 21st century, occur in post–colonial settings. Colonialism is why we have ethnic conflicts, especially in Africa. There are many factors contributing to post–colonial ethnic conflict, however some have more influence over the others. I argue that during colonialism, the intraethnic and interethnic divisions that led to the creation of different types of ethnic groups, and unequal treatment by colonial rule led to ethnic conflict in post–colonial settings. Definition of ethnic identity and ethnic conflict are important for this paper. Ethnic identities are a subset of identity categories in which eligibility for membership is determined by attributes associated with, or believed to be associated with, descent (described here simply as descent–based attributes) (Chandra, 2006). Ethnic conflict is a competing claim for legitimacy between two or more contending ethnic groups. Ethnic conflict is caused mainly by social and political systems that lead to inequality and grievances. In this paper, we see ethnic conflict as an outcome of colonialism. My argument is during colonialism, there are multiple factors contributed to the ethnic conflict in the post–colonial period. However, some factors shaped post–colonial ethnic conflict more than ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Ethnic Conflict : Kosovo : Spatial Context Ethnic Conflict: Kosovo Spatial Context: The Kosovo war took place in the Southern part of Yugoslavia, which is located in Europe. Neighboring states of Kosovo include; Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bulgaria, as you're able to see in Image A. Kosovo is part of a region known as Western Balkans, which was of course also known as the former Yugoslavia. Image A Image B Demographics: In one of my sources, it is mentioned that Kosovo is "home to a predominantly ethnic Albanian (Kosovar) population." That being said, the demographic makeup of ethnicities comprised of about 90% of Albanians, Serbs consisted an estimated amount of 10% of the population, Roma (Gypsies) constituted 3%, and ... Show more content on ... For example, in 1974 a new constitution was made in the Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that gave equal standing between Serbs and Albanians, thus causing a shift of power and nationalism in which what was labeled "Albanianization." During this time, many Serbs argued that Albanians were trying to make Kosovo "ethnically pure" by using "discrimination, intimidation, and violence to drive Serbs out of the area" (FAS); many Albanians said it was due to "the Serbs' discomfort at the shift in power from the Serbian minority to the ethnic Albanian majority" (FAS), thus indulging a disliking against one another especially because in 1961 Serbs made up nearly 30% of the population, but by the time of the Kosovo conflict (1998), they only made up 10%. There were a vast variety of differences between the two ethnicities but Josip Broz Tito held Yugoslavia together through dictatorship and the promotion of togetherness between all ethnicities during his presidential term which lasted from 1953 until his death. After his death in May 1980, the states began to push for further independency and the political system he made to keep slight peace between all ethnicities began to fall apart. By 1981, "massive student demonstrations erupted in Kosovo" (Scribd), beginning with issues such as universities being in poor conditions (i.e. Pristina University, University of Kosovo, etc.), it quickly ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Ethnic Conflict Between India And Pakistan The ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan has been the subject of speculation and study by political scientists and historians for a number of years. The ethnic conflict seems to have been sparked at the very beginning in 1947, when the British used Muslim and Hindu mercenaries against each other before the area finally split into today's countries of India and Pakistan (Spiegel et al. 2015, 185). The timeline since then has been full of conflicts, both major and minor. Brutal tactics used by security forces and a high rate of unemployment have added to the issue (BBC News 2016). The conflict between the two states has involved many non–state and state actors. For example, besides the two main states, the UN Security Council has been involved. Specific state actors include Japan, the United States, and several European countries, many of whom had ordered sanctions against both India and Pakistan for nuclear testing and other issues (BBC News 2017a). Militant groups such as the anti–India terror group, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), became involved relatively early on with the conflict and ran entire terror campaigns (Mohan 1992, 299). Peaceful groups such as the Red Cross have provided aid to India and Pakistan at different points in the conflict. The origins of the conflict can be traced back most clearly to 1947. The Indian Independence Bill went into effect in August of that year, resulting in the split of the area into two separate states: India and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Ethnic Diversity Inherently Conflicts Before taking part in my SLT, my opinion was that ethnic diversity inherently conflict. Looking back on the discussion now, I can still say that the opinion I held prior still stands as it was. I greatly appreciated, however, the new perspectives that were brought to my attention through the discussion I arbitrated. The discussion that was facilitated throughout my SLT was interesting and intelligent, if not a tad too idealistic for my liking. Some points contention recurred throughout the seminar's small group discussion, spurring meaningful debate within the group. One of these was the idea of a balance between integration and assimilation in a society. We discussed the difficulties of culture clashes; the divide between the values of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Ethnic And Ethnic Conflict In The Rwanda's Genocide Rwanda is a small landlocked East African country with a rich cultural background and tightly knit community it was a small country primarily surviving as an agricultural economy, with one of the highest population densities in Africa. Rwanda had previously gained independence from Belgium on July first, 1962, but as tensions rose between the majority population the Hutu, and the minority population the Tutsi, violence broke out leading to the beginning of a full fledged genocide that began on April 6, 1994, and would take between 500,000 to 1 million lives of the Rwandan people. The sociological perspective that lead to the beginning of this genocide is extremely unique, as most ethnic conflict and violence in history has occurred due to a conflict within two ethnic groups beliefs and cultures, yet in the case of the Tutsi and Hutu, they had very similar racial and cultural traits. It was rather a division of socio–economic status between the pastoralists being the Tutsi, and the agriculturists representing the Hutu. Even more, this difference between the Tutsi and Hutu is a open class system, as a Hutu could become a Tutsi if they acquired cattle and vice versa. This class mobility and lack of ethnic and cultural conflict makes this situation so unique given its sociological perspective. Ethnic identity became so powerful in the Rwandan culture because "Under Belgian rule, the difference in status between the Hutu and Tutsi became socially fixed, the entire ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Ethnic Conflict In The Rwanda Genocide The Rwanda genocide began in 1994 when an airplane that was carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi crashed, which triggered an organized campaign of violence against the Tutsi minorities across the country that was supported by the military and government. Even ordinary citizens were incited by local officials and the Hutu controlled government to take up arms against them. The Rwandan genocide can be classified as an ethnic conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi, but research has failed to find significant ethnic differences between the two groups. The one thing that can be said to be different is there physical appearance. The exact origins of the Hutus and Tutsis were unknown, because both groups shared the same language (Kinyarwanda) territory, some cultural practices, they intermarried and acknowledged the same king. Hence the Hutu and the Tutsi could not be described correctly as two different ethnic groups. In Rwanda, about 85 percent of its population was Hutu and the rest was Tutsi, not including one small percentage of another group. The Hutu was said to have "travelled up from the south perhaps some two thousand years ago and that the Tutsi were possibly a southern Ethiopian tribe who immigrated into Rwanda around the fifteenth century or several centuries before this. Some of these early accounts support the theory of a peaceful migration with Tutsi winning the Hutu over through a complex cattle relationship" (Wielenga, 2011). The majority of Rwandans are ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Public State Formation And Stimulation Of Increased Ethnic... Michael Snyder State Building Sovereign State Formation and Stimulation of Increased Ethnic Conflict This paper looks to examine parallels in the rise of ethnic tensions that have followed state building efforts of multiple forms in regions that had legacies of colonial rule, traditionally independent states, and newly independent states. In considering the potential for ethnic conflicts to become violent we must consider the fact that the ethnic divisions have evolved in a longer running historical context that includes the colonial and post–colonial periods. As modern states have become institutionalized across the Third World, the politicization and conflicting nature of ethnic divisions have taken on new dimensions as the newly created states have taken up the mantles of aspiring to represent the "entire nation." (Wimmer, 1997) The role of ethnicity has played varying degrees of importance in either solidifying or fragmenting the creation of national identities. Ethnic wars became increasingly common in numbers in the years from 1950–1999, comprising 55 percent to 72 percent of all civil wars during the period. Additionally, in the 1990s alone, more than 200 ethnic minorities and subordinate majorities throughout the world were contesting their political status. (Johnson, 2008). As new nations develop, ethnic conflict is often a key source of division within states for a variety of causes. To clarify the linkages between state formation and ethnic conflict ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Summary: Ethnic Conflict Genocide RASHED Alrashed Id; 820814 Ethnic conflict Genocide Expanding on Fearon and Laitin, who surrender in–gathering policing, could be abused for genocidal purposes as opposed to directing interethnic dangers, the creators try to clarify variety in the size of ethnic conflict, utilizing information from Rwanda and Burundi. Their computational model accept people shift in their affinity to take part in viciousness, structure autonomous convictions about others, and respond to open messages about current levels of ethnic animosity. Furthermore, the overwhelming ethnic gathering is liable to genocidal standards–defectors who neglect to take part in ethnic savagery face sanctions. Their outcomes show that the size of viciousness fluctuates significantly crosswise over scenes, interethnic conflicts are not basically deterministic yet rather reflect endogenous communications, interethnic trust impacts examples of conflict–groups displaying high degrees of trust by and large experience extreme brutality that dies down quickly, as opposed to the diligent, moderate savagery normal ... Show more content on ... Not only did Rwanda suffer more massacres (some directed at Hutu) between 1995 and 1998, but Burundi's civil war continued until 2006. Perhaps worst of all, Eastern Congo after 1996 became the epicenter of what many scholars have dubbed "Africa's World War The 1994 genocide took the lives of an estimated 800,000 Rwandans, the vast majority of them Tutsi. This genocide–and the world's utter abandonment of the Rwandan people–should never be forgotten. But nor should we overlook the political and ethnic violence that preceded and followed the genocide, whether in Rwanda, Burundi, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One can only hope that the next 20 years will be kinder to a region that has suffered so much over the past ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Ethnic Conflict: Kashmir The conflict in Kashmir dates all the way back to 1947 and still continues to this day. Kashmir is an 85,806 square mile territory North of India and East of Pakistan. Kashmir was one of the many states governed by British rule before gaining its independence in 1947. This independence was not truly meant to be permanent; the ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh, was meant to join Kashmir to either India or Pakistan. The majority of Kashmir's population was Muslim, so Pakistan, being a Muslim nation, expected Kashmir to cede to them. Unfortunately, Maharaja was Hindu, so he remained neutral in the decision. This sent Pakistan into an uproar, and in October of 1947, Pakistan sent Muslim troops into Kashmir. Maharaja appealed to the Indian government for military assistance and signed the Instrument of Accession, ceding Kashmir to India; the first Indo–Pakistan war begins. This is the first of three wars to occur between India and Pakistan, none with a winner. India referred the conflict to the UN who asked Pakistan and India to remove their forces, although neither did. It finally ended in 1949 when a ceasefire agreement was made and the Line of Control was established. The LOC was meant to be temporary, but it continues to be the border between and India and Pakistan today, giving 65% of the territory to India and 35% to Pakistan. The second war occurred in 1965 when Pakistan crossed the LOC, thinking India was unable to defend their territory and that the Kashmir people ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Conflict of the Ethnic Groups Ethnic groups' conflict Pastoralist Community Initiative And Development Assistance (PACIDA )highlights the insecurity as a consequence of race for the limited water and pasture in Marsabit area of Kenya (East Africa). Their report of the situation in Marsabit in 2009 indicated that within Marsabit, "security has been a major problem. Over the past months in the cause of the year, series of cattle rustling and loss of human lives was quiet frequent, especially in Marsabit. Over range of four month 10 human lives claimed in the process of raid between the Borans and the Samburus. In fact this has been long outstanding conflict in the District." This indicates that some of the conflicts are well organized banditry executions. The different communities organize themselves to go raid others homesteads, particularly from another ethnic group and get livestock. This occurs majorly during the driest times when livestock die in large numbers. To restock their herds, the different communities go for raids in the other communities. The office of the prime minister of Kenya adds that, "Security remained precarious for several areas in larger Marsabit district. Incidences of armed conflicts were reported along Loiyangalani and North Horr Divisions and along Marsabit and Laisamais district border." These are regions within the Marsabit District and region. The frequency of cattle rustling between the Samburu and Isiolo communities in particular raises a lot of concern. In these ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Security Dillemma & Ethnic Conflict Essay The security dilemma can be used explain and predict ethnic conflict within a given state. Posen's argument is supported by the belief that the basic tenets of realism provide a clear view of the security dilemma and its relationship with ethnic conflict. I believe the security dilemma in general is largely based in realist theory, and therefore fails to view international relations fairly. I believe that liberalism offers important insight into dealing with conflict that Posen fails to address. Realist theory believes that one states military improvements are undistinguishable as offensive or defensive, and are seen as threats to another state. This, in turn, requires the opposing state to improve its ... Show more content on ... Cooperation can occur between groups, if they can see the security it will provide. Mutual agreements can be reached by ethnic groups to cooperate prior to conflict, which can secure their self interest. Posen feels agreements are often reached after conflicts have already began with cease–fires. He also contends a cease–fire only occurs when one side feels successful and the opposing side fears the result of continued conflict. Posen argues that a cease–fire does not mean peace, and often comes too far along in the conflict, proving international organizations are unable to diminish the security dilemma. This idea further presupposes the ideas of realist. Realist are traditionally skeptical of the ability of international organizations to act as planned. Realist feel that states will not place their self interest the hands of other countries. I contend that international organizations can play a major role in ameliorating conflict between ethnic groups. If an international organization, acting as a mediating third party, can take steps to clear misperceptions between competing groups, conflict can be avoided. Also international organizations provide other countries the opportunity to take collective action. Posen argues that strong group identity and military power are viewed always as threats by ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Frontier as a Place of Ethnic and Religion Conflict by... The Frontier Patricia Nelson Limerick describes the frontier as being a place of where racial tension predominately exists. In her essay, "The Frontier as a Place of Ethnic and Religion Conflict," Limerick says that the frontier wasn't the place where everyone got to escape from their problems from previous locations before; instead she suggested that it was the place in which we all met. The frontier gave many the opportunities to find a better life from all over the world. But because this chance for a new life attracted millions of people from different countries across the seas, the United States experienced an influx of immigrants. Since the east was already preoccupied by settlers, the west was available to new settlement and that ... Show more content on ... The frontier became the place where many races blamed others for their problems. Such as when after the gold rush in California happened and many men started to pour in in hopes to find riches and jobs (53). But when they arrived, there were no riches, and what little jobs were available, immigrants from Asia had already taken it, such as the Chinese. This caused the men who came looking for riches and jobs to become violent. In "Wyoming Gunfight: An attack on Chinatown, 1885," Hon. Huang Sih Chuen reported on how there was a group of white men who formed the Rock Springs wanted to rid the land of all Chinamen started to kill and rob Chinese men in the streets of Chinatown, and murdering others by burning them alive in buildings (46). The Rock Springs were the many people who blamed the Chinese for the lack of availability for jobs. They claimed that the Chinese are willing to work for less than the whites do; therefore no strikes can be done so that wages can be raised. However, Hon. Huang Sih Chuen states that in the beginning they joined with the whites to go into strike with whites, and yet the whites still blame them and start to murder the Chinese (46). The tension of the whites being unable to find jobs with good pay rose and caused them to act out and blame the Chinese for all of their misfortune. This lead to the irradiation of the Chinese in Chinatown and caused ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Ethnic and Class Conflicts in Turkestan Essay Despite the fact that the Russian mobilization of human and material sources during World War I impressed for its self–discipline, there was a considerable crisis in manipulating the civil industry. Russia concentrated its main workforce on the military munitions, therefore, the railway system paralysed, which meant a fail in military transportation. Administration needed to do something to compensate the labour shortage. The problem was solved, though not decisively; by the issuing of decree to conscribe a local "tuzemcy" for defence works. The local population of Central Asia started to rebel soon after the issuing of decree. There was an uncertainty in whether the decree was issued correctly or not; Russian officials were already ... Show more content on ... This essay will attempt to emphasize the possible reasons of the rebellion and the motives of the rebels of 1916 revolt in different areas, mainly in Turkestan and Semirechie oblast, providing deep analysis of the primary and secondary sources. At the beginning of the rebel of 1916 was considered as a minor one by Russian authorities. In reality, it led to prolonged consequences. Question on whether the suppression of a revolt was prepared or not is a source for debate amongst historians. While some of them seem to have reasonable arguments on the preparedness of the Tsarist administration, others try to persuade the contrary. The Ryskulov`s work "Vosstanie Kirgizov i Kazakhov v 1916 godu. Sbornik Materialov" can be taken as an example that have quite reasonable arguments on that the suppression was already planned. Ryskulov interprets a detailed analysis of business correspondence between the General Governors of Turkestan and Semirechie Oblast` Folbaum and Kuropatkin, who were corresponding on the plan of suppression. He claims that Kuropatkin has already prepared a plan for the suppression before the rebel had started and accuses Folbaum of making an account to military forces and of arranging military force in places where Kazakh–Kyzgyzs might escape. Ryskulov argues that arming the local Russian settlers with weapon (rifle) was a demonstration of extermination of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Ethnic Conflict in the United States Ethnic Conflict in the United States The United States is considered a melting pot because of the vast array of different cultures, ethnicities, and religious groups who all live within its borders. Other countries with fewer cultural differences have been torn apart by the conflicts that arise between these differing groups. It is believed by some that the United States has been able to avoid such ethical conflicts as have brought down other nations but looking at American history it is evident that this is not true. America's history is one of ethnic conflict because of religion, nationalistic, and particularly ethnic differences. The two centuries that the United States has existed has been a history of racial marginalization particularly against African Americans which culminated with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. In the present, the United States likes to claim that as a nation, we are color blind but evidence exists to the contrary. The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) still exists, hate crimes are committed based on ethnicity, and stereotypes are perpetuated in order to minimize and ostracize. Despite these instances, the country has held strong largely because although these instances occur, they are not approved of by the government or those involved in criminal justice. The United States is made up of peoples from all over the world but that does not mean we have not had to deal with ethnic conflict. The most obvious has been the history of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Rwandan Genocide And Ethnic Conflict INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.0 Introduction The Rwandan genocide has been a topic of discussion and study by many scholars, researchers and humanitarian bodies seeking to find the root cause of its happening. Some found out that deterioration in the political climate was the possible cause. Others argued that the Hutu elite were only safeguarding their political power from the Tutsis who had, under the colonial rule, oppressed the Hutus. The genocide was seen to be the best platform for settling scores between the two ethnic groups. The purpose of the study is to find out whether the Rwandan genocide was as a result of ethnic hostilities or other underlying reasons while focusing on its impact on the country's economic, social, cultural as well as political spheres. It will also seek to fill the gap of knowledge on what could be done to reduce the occurrence of such conflicts. The African governments play a critical role in ensuring that policies are put in place to promote cohesion among the different ethnic groups that constitute the nation. The role might not have been well played hence the occurrence of the Rwanda genocide which was a massive blow on the African country. Ethnic difference might occur but how the leaders deal with them paves way for either peace of conflict. Leaders are the starting point, form the remarks they make during political rallies to their postings on social media. The international humanitarian bodies have a role to play in peacekeeping, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ethnic Conflict Of The Soviet Union Ethnic Conflict With a long stemming past of ethnic conflict within Yugoslavia, the country at long last disassembled over what historians would argue was "The bloodiest war in Europe since World War II" (Multi–Ethnic Conflict: Yugoslavia.). Yugoslavia was a country composed of six republics– The socialist republic of Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia–Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia. The country was created after world war one in 1929 and was under the control of the Soviet Union up until 1991 when the Soviet Union broke apart. With the fall of the Soviet Union came the inevitable turmoil, violence and destruction within Yugoslavia– the country began to fall apart. Ethnic conflict had been the root of war and violence through out numerous countries all around the world for centuries. The ethnic conflict of Yugoslavia was caused by differences in religion and ethnicity, different perspectives on government and politics, and disagreements over territory. Yugoslavia was just far too small for the different nationalities and government structures within it. Yugoslavia has long suffered with problems concerning religion and ethnicity. There was always a back– and– fourth tension between the ethnic groups. "During the 1930s it became apparent that the ethnic groups were unwilling to blend and merge together. The Serbs who made up about 40 percent of the population dominated politics. The Croats and Slovenes resented Serbian aggressiveness. These ethnic groups lived an ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Conflict Of Indigenous Fijians And Indo Fijians :... The Conflict of Indigenous–Fijians and Indo–Fijians: Ethnic Conflict With Political Consequences Belva Barringer October 6, 2016 World Empires–104 Professor Browning Fiji is composed of 332 islands in which approximately a third are inhabited. The two main and largest islands are Vanua Levu and Viti Levu. Fiji is very multicultural due to a variety of different settlers throughout the centuries as well as the indentured slave trade system introduced in the late 1900's. European settlers in the early 19th century made a large impact on Fiji's economic trade and fueled Fiji's political tension between indigenous Fijians and Indo–Fijians for decades to come. Fiji has had several waves of settlers, the first starting as early as 3500 BP. It is believed that both the Melanesians and the Polynesians, referred to as Lapitas , were the first to inhabit Fiji, coming from close by islands. Melanesians, known as the dark skinned and fuzzy–haired people, originally came from western Melanesia and began settling on Fiji's largest island, Viti Levu. Polynesians had lighter skin and straight hair, and were known to dominate the ocean with their great navigational skills. Ancestors of both Polynesian and Melanesian people began moving to the islands of Tongoa and Samoa. The islands had distinctive characteristics, but the Polynesian and Melanesian characteristics also began to blend as well. The indigenous iTaukei represent 56.8 percent of Fiji's population. Many ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Nigeria: Ethnic Conflict Essay Ethnicity is how individuals perceive themselves, and unlike race it can be changed. There are countries in which there are several different types of ethnic groups, and in some cases that could lead to conflict within a country, but as research will show it is not the only cause, and in some cases the conflict was purposely organized. In such cases it is usually in a developing country, which is "defined according to their Gross National Income (GNI) per capita per year. Countries with GNI of US$ 11,905 and less and less are defined as developing (specified by the World Bank, 2012)." (CITATION) Developing countries that have established themselves as democracies tend to have weak institutions, where elections are more about connections ... Show more content on ... The first was the weak sense of nationalism caused by all the ethnic groups where religion played a major part of the division. The main three ethnicities in Nigeria are Hausa–Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo; the former is Muslim while the two latter are Christians. The second cause mentioned was the "divide and rule" which was a British tactic to employ ethnic groups against one another, and thus "helped ensure that ethnicity would be the main line of political cleavage after Nigeria became an independent country." The third cause is the personal rule system based on "big men" and what this means is that Nigerian's who worked for the British used their personal relationships to gain power and wealth, and in a certain way it is still used today in the Nigerian government. The fourth devastating cause was the "creation of an increasingly active and interventionist state during WWII and after until its independence in 1960, but that opened the doors to patronage, which would be used to gain political power and wealth. The past reveals the problems Nigeria has had for several decades, some of which have not disappeared but seem to get progressively worse. (CITATION) It has been establish that a country with abundant ethnicity does not mean that it is fated to be in conflict. Nigeria ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Rwandan Genocide And Ethnic Conflict I. Introduction On April 6 1994, following the death of president Juvenal Habyarimana, the state of Rwanda was hurled into chaos as genocides took the lives of 800,000 people . Began by the Hutu political elite and its military support, their main targets were the Tutsi, and Hutu moderates. Many have claimed "ethnic hatred" as the reason of the Rwanda Genocide and while an ethnic split existed in Rwanda during the conflict, the causes for the genocide are numerous and complicated. In examining the Rwanda Genocide as an ethnic conflict it is crucial that ethnicity be inspected as it affected and was affected by economic, political and social elements. The problem for explaining the brutality in Rwanda as an ethnic conflict is that as the ... Show more content on ... II. Ethnicity in Conflict Although some ethnic identities were founded on "inherent biological, cultural, or racial traits" dividing lines have mostly changed. On the contrary, the characteristics of ethnic groups are enormously personal and have undertaken a "presumed identity" . As much as ethnicity is distinguished by a mutual identity inside a specific group, it is concurrently explained by its differences with other groups. While constituents of an ethnic group take part in an identity founded on a mutual characteristic or opinion, their ethnic attributes (such as language, race, religion) are normally not all the same, and if they are, these characteristics independently are not distinct to that group. The difference in the amalgamation of characteristics that shapes an "ethnic identity" signifies that a person normally shares mutuality with more than one ethnic group. Moreover, what are the fixed dividing lines that determine an ethnic group when its constituents have mutual characteristics with one other, but as well with other groups? "The ethnic label subsumes a number of simultaneous characteristics which no doubt cluster statistically, but which are not absolutely interdependent and connected" . As the discussion on ethnic conflict proceeds to grow, it has possibly grown more and more onerous to establish a ... Get more on ...