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Amy Foster
• For my story I have chosen to use the haunting of hill house in which it is set in America and
is a story about a family who once lived in a haunted house and how it will stay with them for
ever. I decided to use this story as I think it will draw a younger audience as well as the horror
theme into it. The family are grown up now but it is all about how the house that they briefly
lived in will stay with them forever. It starts with the two young children who are twins who
see things that the rest of the family don’t for example the little boy called Luke sees a little
girl everyday called Abigail however when asking his parents about it, there is no one that
lives around them. Luke and nelly are twins and feel whatever the other one is feeling this is
shown throughout the whole story. We also learn that they left the house without their
mother and it is unclear whether she was alive or dead when they left. The whole of the
story gives us flashback memory's to their childhood however it is set when they are older
and really shows us how much of a negative impact the house had on the rest of their life.
Existing Products Research
• The beach soundscape
In this video there are many different sounds such as birds chirping which makes a lot of people think of a
beach scenery or around the sea side as well as the crashing as the waves which also relate towards the beach
vibe. I think that they have used these common sounds as it will make people think about the beach even if it
isn’t actually a beach it makes you feel as if you are there. There is a lot of background chatter which could also
relate towards the beach scenery as there tends to be a lot of people at the beach, all these factors add
towards the end audio of a beach.
• The haunted house soundscape
In this video there are many sounds which add to the feeling of making you think that you are in a haunted
house, firstly there are sounds of what seems to be a storm this makes the listener feel as if they are in a
cold/dark environment already then some angry bird squawking which also relates to the dim dark scary feel
that this video is giving off already, we then hear some footsteps which sound very loud and singled out this
makes the listener feel as if they are the one who is actually walking themselves, after this we hear a high
pitched gate open slowly signifying that we are moving, throughout this audio clip there are many different
sounds signifying that the person is scared as there are loads of loud gasps and sudden movement that
someone would do if they had just been frightened.
Existing Products Research
– Millennium falcon soundscape
In this audio clip there are a lot of sounds that contribute towards a end result of you
feeling like you are there and living through that for example it starts with a lot of high
pitched airy sounds along with like timers going off as if you were in some kind of
spaceship/airplane, there is a full background noise that is a high pitch buzzing that can
make the listener feel as if they are moving.
A day in school soundscape
This audio clip makes the listener feel as if they are in school, it starts off with footsteps and
then a loud bell ring I think a lot of people can relate to the bell sound as it signifies school
for a lot of people and makes them feel as if they are actually there. It then leads to a
drawing or scraping along the chalk board another signal that they are in school sat in front
of a board being taught.
1. .
2. .
marie. (2013). beach soundscape. Available: Last accessed
8/11/18.katie whelan. (2017). haunted house soundscape. Available: Last
accessed 8/11/18.
asmr weekly. (2018). millenium falcon soundscape. Available: Last
accessed 8/11/18.
tin yan chan. (2017). a day in school soundscape. Available: Last accessed
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
For my idea I have decided to do a horror story as if I was at a police station and it
had been recorded what I was saying. I will be creating and thinking of my own
sound effects when in the story. In my story I will talk about a haunted house that
the person was stuck in for 1 night and in which it changed there life I think that if
I make my story as if it has just happened it will feel more realistic towards the
listener rather than telling a story about a few years ago. I will make my story as if
when I am saying about things that happened there will be flashbacks and the
noises will be happening when the things are happening.
Sound effects.
Bats flying
Blood and guts being torn out
Rat shrieks
Stone coffin opening
Spirits screaming
Old gate opening
Loud knocks at door
Quiet children's music
Breeze through the house
Storm outside
Windows crashing
Working Title:
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
my audience is going to be 16 year olds and over because I hope that my audio will be quite
scary and I don’t want to offend anyone however I still feel that it will be listenable and enjoyable
to my audience. I wont have a specific gender for my video as I feel that it wont really be aimed
towards one certain person as I feel that it can be anyone who will like to listen to it.
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What research did you need to conduct and how will it help you make your project?
• P1- it is the 12th of October, 12.52pm in Knaresborough police station, room 4 , today we are investigating the death of Olivia Wills
• P2- please state your name and age
• Luke – Luke wills and 22
• P1 so where were you on the night of 12th October 2018?
• Luke- so I was at home when I got the call to come into hospital
• P2- and was anyone with you that can vouch for you
• Luke – no
• P1 – back to what you were doing on the night
• Luke – I mean I had a normal day at work and drove home and stayed in for the rest of the night it wasn’t until later that I got the call about mum
• P2 – how long had it been since you had last seen Olivia wills
• Luke- I mean it was quite a while ago, I cant really remember but maybe like 5 months ago
• P1 – and was there anything that would make you think that Olivia Wills was not feeling too well or normal?
• Luke – I mean we’ve never really been close since the old house but no she seemed fine
• P2- towards the end people said Olivia was talking about the house did anything significant happen there?
• Luke – when I was 5 we moved into Harland house for 8 months before we left , my mum always believed that the house was different that it lived ,
breathed and needed loving, we thought she was crazy but I don’t know.
• P1 – and did you ever experience anything that you would deem paranormal?
• Luke – I never saw or felt anything however my sister saw scary things I remember she would get so scared and she really did believe that there were
other people there
• P2 – Samantha Wills?
• Luke – yes
• P1 – do you think that the death of Samantha Wills effected Olivia Wills
• Luke – yes
• P2- why?
• Luke – my mum lost her only daughter it effected us all
• P1 – back to the house, how come you never saw anything but everyone else did?
• Luke- I guess I never really wanted to see anything, I never let myself however looking back there are some unexplainable things that happened in
Harland House.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Doors slamming Finding creaky doors and moving them to
make the specific sounds I need
Footsteps Go up some stairs so that I can achieve a
echo sound of footsteps
Chairs moving Find a metal/plastic chair so that I can
recreate a police chair sound
Heavy breathing Breathing close to the microphone to get
a really loud and intense breathing sound
Rain/storm sounds Use water drops as well as trees rustling
to make a specific storm noise
Loud bangs Use the ground/walls to make a loud and
singular bang
Chopping/slicing noises Use a gilatine to create a fast and sharp
cutting noise
Quite muttering in the background I will record people walking and talking in
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Doors / walls Owned Creaking of doors as well as loud
bangs against the walls
Water fountain Owned To create a rain/water drop effect
Metal and plastic chairs Owned To make sounds that create the
effect that people are sitting
People to make
breathing/heart beating noises
Owned To create really heavy breathing as
well as skin noises
Clock Owned To make a repetitive ticking noise
Guillotine Owned To make fast cutting sounds
Band Name Track Name Link
Asap rocky Fukk sleep
Brockhampton Saturation 111
Yung lean Ski mask
Daily Reflection Day 1
• Today I used the audio recorders to record all the speaking and sound effects that I made
myself. I found it hard to make sound effects properly and get them to actually sound like
they are real for example I wanted to get a rain sound effect however I used a water
effect to create this but when I listened back to it, it literally just sounded like a tap and
not actually like a rain storm. I also found it hard to get each scene of lines to sound like
they had just carried on from each other as I found that they sounded as if it had just
been stopped as the recorder had moved a little bit each time so it sounded
quieter/louder. Once I had recorder everything I needed to I decided to go through each
of the recordings and put which ones I was going to use into a folder, and then started to
put them into adobe audition and started playing around with what I wanted to do with
them for example cutting, slowing and hearing.
Daily Reflection Day 2
Today I looked for background music as well
As sound effects as I found that it was hard to
Actually make some specific sounds I needed
therefore I used YouTube to find them and then
converted them to Mp3, I then put each of the
sounds in separately so that I could edit them to
make them exactly how I wanted them and ready
for my audio.
Daily Reflection Day 3
On day 3 I edited and finalized my actual
final product, to do this is used adobe
audition to edit the audio, I didn't’t have
much experience with adobe audition in the
beginning however found it very easy to get
used to and get the hang off. The first thing
that I did was put all the clips of audio that I
was going to use into it and then use the
razor tool to go in and clip all the bits out
that I didn't’t need or that weren't suppose
to be in it. I found this easy however I soon
found out that one you had cut abit out you
couldn't’t go back, this then resulted in me
going back and repeating this many times.
After I had all my final bits of audio ready I
started to ensemble them in the correct
places so that after that I could listen back
just to make sure that there wasn’t
something that didn't’t sound right or so
that any of the audio overlapped itself. I
then added the music and sound effects
onto a separate layer and began playing with
the volume and sound effects of these.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed Link
A clock repetitively clicking
• Some of the strengths of my research is that I feel as if I really searched for real existing
products therefore I saw how people actually use these and how they should really sound, I
really considered each factor that went into each soundscape for example I mentioned the
background noise as well as the obvious sounds and why they are there and what they really
add to the audio and how different it would be without one specific sound. I think that my
product research helped my to create my own audio as I found out how people can create a
picture in someone's head from just hearing a sound. One of the products I researched was
actually a horror house and this one helped me as it gave me lots of ideas for my own audio,
for example in the actual one there was a lot of singled noises and I used this effect to create
a spookier effect.
• Some of the weaknesses of my product research is that I think I really only looked at one
genre of soundscape where as I feel that it would have been good to listen to ones that were
more related towards my own production for example if I listened to some more talking ones
or one that involved a police / interrogation. I think that if I researched this more this would
make my final product easier to make as I found it difficult as I have never been interrogated
therefore I wasn’t really that familiar about what is really said and done and what would be
the best approach.
• Some of the strengths of my planning is that I did plan a lot out for example I made a list of all
scary sound effects and then went through and decided which ones I would actually be using
in my own production and then found the links so that when it came to the actual production
I wasn’t wasting time on finding specific ones. I also went through different music options
that I wanted and then I chose three as I felt like I didn’t want to just choose one and then
find out that it didn't’t really suit my end product so I found three that I thought would
actually work then I made sure that I could actually use them and then put the links in so I
could find them easily when it came to the production. I think that planning links and
decisions ahead helped me as I think that it meant I wasn’t spending ages later looking for
what suits my kind of audio.
• Some of the weaknesses are that when I was planning different things I don’t think that I had
a wide range of difference as I just found one thing and then stuck to that style and found
others that were really like it therefore if I were to do the planning again I would definitely
experiment with different things for example different styles and moods that would make my
end product different just so that I could try even if I didn’t use it in the end. I think that this
would effect my final product as maybe if I had widened my looking I would of chosen a
completely different approach towards the approach of my production.
Time Management
• In my opinion I think that i did not manage my time very well as I feel like in my production I
was very rushed and maybe didn't’t get as much time as I would like to off to ensure that my
production was as good as it possibly could be, I think that I spent too much time on the
research and planning of my production that I didn’t leave enough time for the actual
production itself. However I don’t think that my time management was too bad as I still got
everything done just not in the specific set days as I feel like one I had recorded my audio I
then went back to some written work and then after that I then went on to the editing of the
audio. I think that my final product would definitely of improved with additional time and I
think that it would definitely be at a higher level of quality if I spent more time on it. If I did
get the chance to redo this project I definitely would of considered how much time I left for
everything and made sure that it is a better outcome of the product.
Technical Qualities
I found this audio horror reading of a real police interview online and I think that it is
similar to mine that I created however there are a few similarities and differences for
example I think that in the real one that the spaces between answers in the audio
sounded very realistic however in mine because people were reading it off a script I
believe that mine sounds very quick and like it is just read out from a piece of paper. I
think that the real audio does sound a lot scarier than mine because it really does
sound more realistic and more chilling. A similarity is that in both audio there are
similar sound effects such as a loud breathing as I think that this really makes the
listener feel as if they are actually there and feeling scared throughout it. However I
think that in my audio it Is clear that I have made my audio myself whereas in the actual
audio you can tell that it fits well as well as that maybe its fake or just very well done.
Aural Qualities
In my opinion I think that my final production does sound good however I feel like if
I did get a chance to redo it I would possibly change a lot of aspects to make it
better, for example I think that my idea was creative but my idea and what really
came out of it were two very different things therefore I feel that maybe the final
product wasn’t as creative because it didn't’t really get across what I was really
trying to achieve. In my opinion I think that my audio could be better however with
all the factors and the time and editing I think that it is good for everything I had. If I
had another chance to improve it I would definitely spend more time on the actual
audio and the the script to make it better to make it seem less like they have just
read it right off a piece of paper. A weakness of my audio is that I think that my
audio doesn't’t sound realistic and sounds as if I have just put each of the sounds
together and places on top of each other and very not useable. Overall I think that
my audio could be improved if I had more time and more resources.
Audience Appeal
I have aimed my audio towards my target audience which was 16 years old and I feel
like I have achieved this as the music I used in the background is aimed at a teenage
and younger audience as it will draw that age range in. I also think that my actual
story line attracts my age range as it is scary but not unlistenable however in my
planning I said 16 years old as I thought that my final production would be a lot
scarier than it turned out to be therefore I feel that there would need to be a
minimum age range that could listen to my audio. I think I advertised well to my
audience as I think that the story is aimed at a teenager range as it is very mysterious
without giving too much away therefore I think I chose the right audience as any
higher and older people might not reach to listen to it as much as younger people.

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Audio 1

  • 2. Story • For my story I have chosen to use the haunting of hill house in which it is set in America and is a story about a family who once lived in a haunted house and how it will stay with them for ever. I decided to use this story as I think it will draw a younger audience as well as the horror theme into it. The family are grown up now but it is all about how the house that they briefly lived in will stay with them forever. It starts with the two young children who are twins who see things that the rest of the family don’t for example the little boy called Luke sees a little girl everyday called Abigail however when asking his parents about it, there is no one that lives around them. Luke and nelly are twins and feel whatever the other one is feeling this is shown throughout the whole story. We also learn that they left the house without their mother and it is unclear whether she was alive or dead when they left. The whole of the story gives us flashback memory's to their childhood however it is set when they are older and really shows us how much of a negative impact the house had on the rest of their life.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • The beach soundscape In this video there are many different sounds such as birds chirping which makes a lot of people think of a beach scenery or around the sea side as well as the crashing as the waves which also relate towards the beach vibe. I think that they have used these common sounds as it will make people think about the beach even if it isn’t actually a beach it makes you feel as if you are there. There is a lot of background chatter which could also relate towards the beach scenery as there tends to be a lot of people at the beach, all these factors add towards the end audio of a beach. • The haunted house soundscape In this video there are many sounds which add to the feeling of making you think that you are in a haunted house, firstly there are sounds of what seems to be a storm this makes the listener feel as if they are in a cold/dark environment already then some angry bird squawking which also relates to the dim dark scary feel that this video is giving off already, we then hear some footsteps which sound very loud and singled out this makes the listener feel as if they are the one who is actually walking themselves, after this we hear a high pitched gate open slowly signifying that we are moving, throughout this audio clip there are many different sounds signifying that the person is scared as there are loads of loud gasps and sudden movement that someone would do if they had just been frightened.
  • 4. Existing Products Research – Millennium falcon soundscape In this audio clip there are a lot of sounds that contribute towards a end result of you feeling like you are there and living through that for example it starts with a lot of high pitched airy sounds along with like timers going off as if you were in some kind of spaceship/airplane, there is a full background noise that is a high pitch buzzing that can make the listener feel as if they are moving. A day in school soundscape This audio clip makes the listener feel as if they are in school, it starts off with footsteps and then a loud bell ring I think a lot of people can relate to the bell sound as it signifies school for a lot of people and makes them feel as if they are actually there. It then leads to a drawing or scraping along the chalk board another signal that they are in school sat in front of a board being taught.
  • 5. Bibliography 1. . 2. . marie. (2013). beach soundscape. Available: Last accessed 8/11/18.katie whelan. (2017). haunted house soundscape. Available: Last accessed 8/11/18. asmr weekly. (2018). millenium falcon soundscape. Available: Last accessed 8/11/18. tin yan chan. (2017). a day in school soundscape. Available: Last accessed 8/11/18.
  • 7. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction For my idea I have decided to do a horror story as if I was at a police station and it had been recorded what I was saying. I will be creating and thinking of my own sound effects when in the story. In my story I will talk about a haunted house that the person was stuck in for 1 night and in which it changed there life I think that if I make my story as if it has just happened it will feel more realistic towards the listener rather than telling a story about a few years ago. I will make my story as if when I am saying about things that happened there will be flashbacks and the noises will be happening when the things are happening. Sound effects. Bats flying Blood and guts being torn out Rat shrieks Stone coffin opening Spirits screaming Old gate opening Loud knocks at door Footsteps Screams Quiet children's music Breeze through the house Storm outside Windows crashing
  • 8. Proposal Working Title: What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: my audience is going to be 16 year olds and over because I hope that my audio will be quite scary and I don’t want to offend anyone however I still feel that it will be listenable and enjoyable to my audience. I wont have a specific gender for my video as I feel that it wont really be aimed towards one certain person as I feel that it can be anyone who will like to listen to it. Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) Project Concept (approx. 200 words) What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What research did you need to conduct and how will it help you make your project?
  • 9. Script • P1- it is the 12th of October, 12.52pm in Knaresborough police station, room 4 , today we are investigating the death of Olivia Wills • P2- please state your name and age • Luke – Luke wills and 22 • P1 so where were you on the night of 12th October 2018? • Luke- so I was at home when I got the call to come into hospital • P2- and was anyone with you that can vouch for you • Luke – no • P1 – back to what you were doing on the night • Luke – I mean I had a normal day at work and drove home and stayed in for the rest of the night it wasn’t until later that I got the call about mum • P2 – how long had it been since you had last seen Olivia wills • Luke- I mean it was quite a while ago, I cant really remember but maybe like 5 months ago • P1 – and was there anything that would make you think that Olivia Wills was not feeling too well or normal? • Luke – I mean we’ve never really been close since the old house but no she seemed fine • P2- towards the end people said Olivia was talking about the house did anything significant happen there? • Luke – when I was 5 we moved into Harland house for 8 months before we left , my mum always believed that the house was different that it lived , breathed and needed loving, we thought she was crazy but I don’t know. • P1 – and did you ever experience anything that you would deem paranormal? • Luke – I never saw or felt anything however my sister saw scary things I remember she would get so scared and she really did believe that there were other people there • P2 – Samantha Wills? • Luke – yes • P1 – do you think that the death of Samantha Wills effected Olivia Wills • Luke – yes • P2- why? • Luke – my mum lost her only daughter it effected us all • P1 – back to the house, how come you never saw anything but everyone else did? • Luke- I guess I never really wanted to see anything, I never let myself however looking back there are some unexplainable things that happened in Harland House.
  • 10. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Doors slamming Finding creaky doors and moving them to make the specific sounds I need Footsteps Go up some stairs so that I can achieve a echo sound of footsteps Chairs moving Find a metal/plastic chair so that I can recreate a police chair sound Heavy breathing Breathing close to the microphone to get a really loud and intense breathing sound Rain/storm sounds Use water drops as well as trees rustling to make a specific storm noise Loud bangs Use the ground/walls to make a loud and singular bang Chopping/slicing noises Use a gilatine to create a fast and sharp cutting noise Quite muttering in the background I will record people walking and talking in
  • 11. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Doors / walls Owned Creaking of doors as well as loud bangs against the walls Water fountain Owned To create a rain/water drop effect Metal and plastic chairs Owned To make sounds that create the effect that people are sitting down/moving People to make breathing/heart beating noises Owned To create really heavy breathing as well as skin noises Clock Owned To make a repetitive ticking noise Guillotine Owned To make fast cutting sounds
  • 12. Music Band Name Track Name Link Asap rocky Fukk sleep Brockhampton Saturation 111 Yung lean Ski mask
  • 14. Daily Reflection Day 1 • Today I used the audio recorders to record all the speaking and sound effects that I made myself. I found it hard to make sound effects properly and get them to actually sound like they are real for example I wanted to get a rain sound effect however I used a water effect to create this but when I listened back to it, it literally just sounded like a tap and not actually like a rain storm. I also found it hard to get each scene of lines to sound like they had just carried on from each other as I found that they sounded as if it had just been stopped as the recorder had moved a little bit each time so it sounded quieter/louder. Once I had recorder everything I needed to I decided to go through each of the recordings and put which ones I was going to use into a folder, and then started to put them into adobe audition and started playing around with what I wanted to do with them for example cutting, slowing and hearing.
  • 15. Daily Reflection Day 2 Today I looked for background music as well As sound effects as I found that it was hard to Actually make some specific sounds I needed therefore I used YouTube to find them and then converted them to Mp3, I then put each of the sounds in separately so that I could edit them to make them exactly how I wanted them and ready for my audio.
  • 16. Daily Reflection Day 3 On day 3 I edited and finalized my actual final product, to do this is used adobe audition to edit the audio, I didn't’t have much experience with adobe audition in the beginning however found it very easy to get used to and get the hang off. The first thing that I did was put all the clips of audio that I was going to use into it and then use the razor tool to go in and clip all the bits out that I didn't’t need or that weren't suppose to be in it. I found this easy however I soon found out that one you had cut abit out you couldn't’t go back, this then resulted in me going back and repeating this many times. After I had all my final bits of audio ready I started to ensemble them in the correct places so that after that I could listen back just to make sure that there wasn’t something that didn't’t sound right or so that any of the audio overlapped itself. I then added the music and sound effects onto a separate layer and began playing with the volume and sound effects of these.
  • 17. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed Link A clock repetitively clicking jn9nOwU
  • 19. Research • Some of the strengths of my research is that I feel as if I really searched for real existing products therefore I saw how people actually use these and how they should really sound, I really considered each factor that went into each soundscape for example I mentioned the background noise as well as the obvious sounds and why they are there and what they really add to the audio and how different it would be without one specific sound. I think that my product research helped my to create my own audio as I found out how people can create a picture in someone's head from just hearing a sound. One of the products I researched was actually a horror house and this one helped me as it gave me lots of ideas for my own audio, for example in the actual one there was a lot of singled noises and I used this effect to create a spookier effect. • Some of the weaknesses of my product research is that I think I really only looked at one genre of soundscape where as I feel that it would have been good to listen to ones that were more related towards my own production for example if I listened to some more talking ones or one that involved a police / interrogation. I think that if I researched this more this would make my final product easier to make as I found it difficult as I have never been interrogated therefore I wasn’t really that familiar about what is really said and done and what would be the best approach.
  • 20. Planning • Some of the strengths of my planning is that I did plan a lot out for example I made a list of all scary sound effects and then went through and decided which ones I would actually be using in my own production and then found the links so that when it came to the actual production I wasn’t wasting time on finding specific ones. I also went through different music options that I wanted and then I chose three as I felt like I didn’t want to just choose one and then find out that it didn't’t really suit my end product so I found three that I thought would actually work then I made sure that I could actually use them and then put the links in so I could find them easily when it came to the production. I think that planning links and decisions ahead helped me as I think that it meant I wasn’t spending ages later looking for what suits my kind of audio. • Some of the weaknesses are that when I was planning different things I don’t think that I had a wide range of difference as I just found one thing and then stuck to that style and found others that were really like it therefore if I were to do the planning again I would definitely experiment with different things for example different styles and moods that would make my end product different just so that I could try even if I didn’t use it in the end. I think that this would effect my final product as maybe if I had widened my looking I would of chosen a completely different approach towards the approach of my production.
  • 21. Time Management • In my opinion I think that i did not manage my time very well as I feel like in my production I was very rushed and maybe didn't’t get as much time as I would like to off to ensure that my production was as good as it possibly could be, I think that I spent too much time on the research and planning of my production that I didn’t leave enough time for the actual production itself. However I don’t think that my time management was too bad as I still got everything done just not in the specific set days as I feel like one I had recorded my audio I then went back to some written work and then after that I then went on to the editing of the audio. I think that my final product would definitely of improved with additional time and I think that it would definitely be at a higher level of quality if I spent more time on it. If I did get the chance to redo this project I definitely would of considered how much time I left for everything and made sure that it is a better outcome of the product.
  • 22. Technical Qualities 4VY I found this audio horror reading of a real police interview online and I think that it is similar to mine that I created however there are a few similarities and differences for example I think that in the real one that the spaces between answers in the audio sounded very realistic however in mine because people were reading it off a script I believe that mine sounds very quick and like it is just read out from a piece of paper. I think that the real audio does sound a lot scarier than mine because it really does sound more realistic and more chilling. A similarity is that in both audio there are similar sound effects such as a loud breathing as I think that this really makes the listener feel as if they are actually there and feeling scared throughout it. However I think that in my audio it Is clear that I have made my audio myself whereas in the actual audio you can tell that it fits well as well as that maybe its fake or just very well done.
  • 23. Aural Qualities In my opinion I think that my final production does sound good however I feel like if I did get a chance to redo it I would possibly change a lot of aspects to make it better, for example I think that my idea was creative but my idea and what really came out of it were two very different things therefore I feel that maybe the final product wasn’t as creative because it didn't’t really get across what I was really trying to achieve. In my opinion I think that my audio could be better however with all the factors and the time and editing I think that it is good for everything I had. If I had another chance to improve it I would definitely spend more time on the actual audio and the the script to make it better to make it seem less like they have just read it right off a piece of paper. A weakness of my audio is that I think that my audio doesn't’t sound realistic and sounds as if I have just put each of the sounds together and places on top of each other and very not useable. Overall I think that my audio could be improved if I had more time and more resources.
  • 24. Audience Appeal I have aimed my audio towards my target audience which was 16 years old and I feel like I have achieved this as the music I used in the background is aimed at a teenage and younger audience as it will draw that age range in. I also think that my actual story line attracts my age range as it is scary but not unlistenable however in my planning I said 16 years old as I thought that my final production would be a lot scarier than it turned out to be therefore I feel that there would need to be a minimum age range that could listen to my audio. I think I advertised well to my audience as I think that the story is aimed at a teenager range as it is very mysterious without giving too much away therefore I think I chose the right audience as any higher and older people might not reach to listen to it as much as younger people.

Editor's Notes

  1. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel. Reference audience appeal.
  4. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  5. Log your Thoughts and feelings for this project. Reference ideas for your concept and any aspects of construction. Consider mind maps, mood boards, lists, paragraphed text etc.
  6. Write out dialogue/sound effects/list of events as a script, detailing what will happen in chronological order
  7. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  8. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  9. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. The majority of sound effects must be made by you. If you have had to use existing effects, log them here
  12. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  13. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  14. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  15. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  16. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  17. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows