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Elephant Poaching Research Paper
ARTICLE: DNA From Elephant Dung, Tusks Reveals Poaching Hot Spots
AUTHOR (S): Brooke Jarvis
DATE: June 18, 2015
WEBSITE ADDRESS:–elephants–ivory–dna–poaching–africa–science–world/
Samuel Wasser, from the Center for Conservation Biology at the University of Washington in Seattle, has spent the past 15 years comparing and
matching DNA samples from elephant ivory and dung in an attempt to locate where the most poaching and smuggling is happening. This research led
Wasser and his team to report that since 2006, the smuggled ivory has come from predominantly two areas: the combined region of southeast Tanzania
and southwest ... Show more content on ...
African elephant ivory trading has been banned for twenty five years yet there is still a large market in Asia. Populations in Tanzania and
Mozambique are still decreasing and the African forest elephants face extinction within the next ten years. But Wasser is not alone in the fight
against the ivory trade; the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and other international focused bureaus and agencies have taken this issue on, and those
agencies are using his research to put traffickers behind bars. The Seattle team received the ivory from Kilindi, and the sheer of amount of ivory
means that it must have been distributed by organized crime networks. Because the ivory is professionally smuggled, there is no evidence to point to
where the ivory comes from. Wasser knew that they needed to find out where this ivory was being poached, so he created contacts that would send
him the dung of elephants. This gave them DNA of different elephant populations which they could compare to the ivory, and allowed him to discover
the two places where they
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Elephant Research Paper
800,000 seems like a huge number until it becomes clear that it used to be several million ("Basic Facts About Elephants"). Most would never guess
that these numbers are those of the elephant population. Everyday the population gets smaller and smaller, and humans are the reason why, but also the
only way to get those numbers back up. The elephant population has decreased immensely and could vanish if steps are not taken, humans are the only
hope for seizing the poaching, ivory trade, and habitat takeover.
The population consists of two main species of Elephant, the Asian and the African. The Asian elephant is divided into three subspecies: the Indian,
Sumatran, and the Sri Lankan ("Asian Elephant"). African elephants are split into ... Show more content on ...
A clothing company by the name of Ivory Ella donates 10% of their profits to save the elephants. They just want to bring the globe together to save
the animals that cannot save themselves. Ivory Ella creates shirts and other accessories with elephants on them and sells them to acquire money for
their cause. They have donated nearly one million dollars so far to elephant organizations, and are still on the rise ("About Us"). With the help of
loyal customers millions more could go towards the cause. Ivory Ella followed shortly after another clothing company with similar intentions. In
2014 another company by the name The Elephant Pants was created with similar ideas to Ivory Ella.The two founders of this company were
travelling and found themselves absolutely awestruck by the elephants they encountered, they finally understood why people loved them so much,
travelled so far to see them, and most importantly why they needed to help save them so others could come to the same realization. So two men set
out to create a company which would donate money to elephant organizations, by selling comfortable pants online. "Since The Elephant Pants opened
it's doors in 2014, it has sold more than 400,000 pairs of pants and donated more than $127,000 to organizations looking to make the world a safer
place for elephants" ("Our Story"). Without donors like these, the population could drop and organizations would have to close down due to
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Global Ivory Research Paper
Viewing with appreciation the efforts made by the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) to create much needed national parks,
Reminding all nations of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) that was formed in 1973.
That was formed as an international agreement to protect animals in trade so their survival is not threatened, and that many countries have banned
/lessened ivory sales,
Alarmed by the fact that 100 000 elephants have been killed by poachers in Central Africa over the last three years because of the ivory trade,
Fully aware of the global ivory ban that was created by the CITES as an effort to reduce poaching,
Bearing in mind the IUCN (International ... Show more content on ...
Encourages MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) to help support the decline of ivory demand to ensure that animals facing extinction
such as elephants and rhinos are protected and kept alive in ways such as but not limited to: the promotion of sustainable jewelry and trinkets that are
not made out of ivory to decrease the popularity of products that use ivory promoting campaigns conducted to decrease ivory demand, similar to the
one started by IFAW, (the International Fund for Animal Welfare), in ways such as but not limited to: advertisements on social media, and popular
used sites articles in the news or newspaper educating and re–instating of the ivory trade ban that commenced in 1989 in hopes that it will inform
people about how to sustain the environment and ecosystems;
Further requests for visits to the national parks to be regulated to ensure nothing illegal is being brought in or out into further ensure that animals aren't
being harmed in, ways such as not limited to: collection of data such as but not limited to: passport or ID details such as but not limited to: name date
of birth citizenship place of stay in the respective state information booklets to be distributed at the entrance of the natural
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Why Elephants Should Be Banned
A small herd of elephants spends the afternoon grazing on the wind swept grass of the savannah in the sweltering African sun. A few young calves
playfully bounce around their mother's legs. This peaceful vision is just a time of quiet before a bloody scene unfolds. What this small herd is
blissfully unaware of is that poachers are quietly stalking them with murderous intent. This herd of elephants has a plethora of "white gold". These
poachers are after only one thing from the elephants, they are after their tusk made of ivory. By the end of the day the herd will practically be obliterated
with only a small number of lucky survivors. Unfortunately, poaching elephants is not an atypical event throughout man African countries.... Show
more content on ...
The US provided aid to those countries who stood to lose the most from the ban. Countries like Botswana, Kenya, and Namibia had successfully
managed the elephant populations within their boundaries.
On a few occasions the ban has been lifted in order to allow countries to sell, for profit, the large stocks of ivory tusks that have been accumulated
from elephants who either died from natural causes, poaching, or had to be destroyed. CITES has voted to lift the ban twice. Once in 1999 which
resulted in a one–time sale of 60 tons of ivory and another lift was authorized in 2002 ("CITES revises ivory trade policy." and Randerson, James 2).
The administration of President William J. Clinton supported the lifting the ban to allow the countries to sell remaining stocks of ivory as long as
there was an agreement to use a portion of the proceeds to fund conservation and preservation programs (Clinton "Statement on Proposals To Reopen
Trade in Elephant Ivory and Whale Products.").
There are 37 countries or "range states" through out sub–Saharan Africa in which elephants are found (Poilecot, N'Gakoutou, and Taloua 9). To many
indigenous people elephants are a source of bush meat, but their 'white gold' can prove to be a substantial reward for poachers. For example in Kenya
and uncarved piece of ivory in 1969 was worth
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Ivory Poaching Research Paper
Ivory Poaching: Are Elephants Becoming Extinct? Poaching for the ivory tusks from elephants has become a more prominent idea within the past
twenty years. Elephants are killed for their tusks made of ivory. These are typically used for jewelry, ornamental carvings, and art objects. (Perlez,
1989, n.p.). The elephant population has slowly dwindled down throughout the years because of the poaching for ivory and it has caused elephants in
some countries to become extinct.
The poaching of elephants for their tusks has driven the animal in some countries – such as Sierra Leone and Senegal – to the point of extinction. More
than 30,000 elephants were slaughtered in Africa last year alone, 382 of them in Kenya. (Stewart, 2013n n.p.).
Killing elephants ... Show more content on ...
Poachers have the biggest risk involved in this, due to them actually having to kill the elephant. They can earn $50–$100 per kilogram. The higher up
the chain that the ivory moves, the more the price raises and the poacher will make more money. By the time that the ivory reaches its highest
level, it can earn up to $3,000 per kilogram. (Stewart, 2013, n.p.). The risks of killing elephants for their ivory tusks might be a risky job, but many
poachers believe that it is worth the effort. One poacher was interviewed and he revealed that his motivation behind poaching elephants was because
he was jobless. He said "I was jobless. Our family had nothing. A friend lured me into it. He said if we killed an elephant, we could sell its tusks. I did
that and got money. So I decided that would be my full–time job." (Mutiga, 2014, n.p.). Although the benefits of poaching an elephant for their ivory
tusks might seem high, they are not. These poachers are endangering the elephant population and could eventually cause them to become completely
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Can Realists Save Elephants From Extinction?
Can Realists Save Elephants from Extinction? Elephants are being poached at a horrific rate, and their population has dropped over thirty percent in
just seven years. For realists, this trend will continue as more pressing issues take precedence over the future of elephants. Realists believe states are the
primary actors in international politics and that the international system is anarchic. International politics is thus a power struggle between
self–interested states., This crisis is occurring because states cannot reach a consensus on how to resolve the issue. States are currently more focused on
other challenges and are overlooking the dire situation elephants are facing. For example, Kenya and Tanzania are more concerned with combating
Al–Shabaab, and Botswana and Namibia are more worried about human welfare than they are about the existence of elephants. For realists, the harsh
reality is that states are focused on survival and not on elephants. Because realists do not believe in supranational organizations, it will be impossible to
resolve poaching internationally and to recognize the heroic efforts that animal–related nongovernmental organizations are involved in to save them.
Organizations such as CITES, IUCN, UNEP, and WWF are working tirelessly on wildlife conservation. However, these organizations are rejected by
realists who believe international organizations are useless. To further complicate measures, the threat level to African elephants is currently split
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Poachers Kill Magnificent Animals for Profit Essay
"Lions and tigers, oh my!" Some know animals such as these to be scary; other people understand these animals to be a beautiful creation of Earth.
Whether you are afraid of mighty beasts or simply in awe of them, it astonishes many people when they realize how few of them are still alive.
Rhinoceroses, elephants, leopards, tigers, African lions, and many more creatures are all considered an endangered species, and we are the reason
they are deemed that way. The one element all of those animals have in common is that they are valuable. Rhinoceroses are treasured for their horns;
Elephants for their tusks. Lions, tigers, and leopards are all wanted for their skins. These magnificent beings are some of the main sources for
poachers. Before... Show more content on ...
If any main predator species were to become extinct then prey species would no longer have any factors regulating their population. Therefore, the
prey would have an overproduction of offspring which would cause a decrease in the plant life and have continuous damage down to the bottom of the
food chain. Eventually, the major disaster that would occur is the exhaustion of the food supply. Even though poaching may seem unstoppable because
of its 'supply and demand' methods, many people and countries have banded together to help stop the destruction of species and the detriments that
follow. One organization that is attempting to stop poaching is the Environmental Investigation Agency. The EIA has spread awareness to many
different areas and has been informing the public about how vulnerable ecosystems are and the repercussions that will result if poaching continues. It
also educates people on the simple ways they can help reduce poaching such as refusing any illegal animal items or parts offered to them. The United
States, Canada, Taiwan, and Australia have also participated in the plan to prevent poaching. All four countries have laws against finning sharks, or the
process of removing a shark's fins and then 'throwing back' the body. Fisherman are allowed to catch sharks in these countries, but they must retrieve
all of the shark and keep it intact. Nearly all countries and major
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Research Paper On Ivory
Ivory–Is it worth it?
Everyday elephants and rhinos are being poached in order to get their tusks and horns. These tusks and horns are made of ivory which is sold for very
large sums. Many things are being done to stop poaching but elephants and rhinos are still being poached.
People in Asia mainly China are the main buyers of ivory from illegally poached rhinos and elephants. The ivory business is a multi million dollar
business. They buy elephant tusks for $1,500 per pound. Rhino horns are $45,000 per pound, or $6,000 for 100 grams. Many things are trying to be
done but there is still illegal ivory trading. There is a near total ban on ivory in the US. The Chinese government has become stricter so people trade
in Vietnam and Laos where there is a less strict government. The main buyers of ivory are in Asia but people don't want to change their ways so many
people still participate in the business of ivory trading.
Elephants and rhinos are disappearing at an alarming rate due to illegal poaching. Many elephants are being killed everyday and they could soon be
extinct. Tanzania's elephant population decreased by two thirds and Mozambique's fell by 40%. Elephants have dropped in population from more than
10 million to only 479,000 today. ... Show more content on ...
Even though people are helping these animals are still being poached and could be extinct very soon. So I ask you, is ivory worth it? Works Cited
Meyer, Micheal. "Pressuring the Poachers. Newsela. Web. 4–15–16
Sherwell, Philip. "Revealed:the Laos market selling ivory carvings and 'medicinal' rhino horn from slaughtered wildlife to Chinese buyers." Web. 4–22–16
Kaplan, Sarah. "One of the Last four Rare White Rhinos Euthanized". Newsela. Web. 4–20–16
Hussain, Wasbir. "As British Royals Arrive, Rhino Killed". Newsela. Web. 4
"How Drones are Helping Stop Poachers in Africa". Abc news. Video.
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Research Paper On The Ivory Trade
The ivory trade is a big problem all around the world, China and the USA are major issues in this, being the top two buyers in the world of illegal
ivory. Hong Kong was a major buyer in illegal trade, and accumulated 779 pounds of ivory, or six tons. After CITES banned ivory trade, they did in
fact let some countries take some ivory legally. Hong Kong was one that scooped it up a lot of it and sold it. Even after CITES rebanned it, saying that
any ivory must be at least 100 years old. However, it is really easy to make it look old, so that rules was one that was easily broken. Ivory is a valuable
thing, and many people want it. However, people who are standing up for the elephants are burning, or want to burn things made of ivory. From an
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Ivory Poaching Research Paper
Almost all elephants face habitat loss. When they lose their habitats, they are forced to move to another area which can lead them to dying because
they are not used to that certain habitat. Hotter and drier climates make it harder to forage or find food, and threatens calf survival. People cause
conflict with elephant population and ivory poaching. Ivory poaching is when someone kills an elephant for its tusk for sale. There are people that
help stop the sale of ivory. These people are called the Defenders of Wildlife. They also work on regulations to protect elephants. Back in the early
20th century, there were millions of African elephants and 100,000 Asian elephants. Now days there are only 450,000– 700,000 African elephants and
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Elephant Poaching
The complexity surrounding conservation is a theme that I found both important and compelling. This topic came up during the "Class within a
Class" on the Illegal Wildlife Trade. One of the readings assigned was a New York Times article about elephant poaching. After working at a charity
focusing on wildlife preservation in Africa last summer, I had become passionate about elephant conservation. I had learned about the rapid decline of
elephants along with the threat of poaching based on the ivory trade. Yet after completing the readings, I realized that the issue was more complicated
than I had previously appreciated. For example, I was unaware of the complex geopolitical elements of the issue: the ivory demands of middle–class
China, the ... Show more content on ...
The severity of these political and economic factors often impacts the success of a given convention's outcomes. We surveyed a variety of
conservation treaties, from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
to the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS). Some of these, such as EUROBATS, were more successful,
with a smaller group of countries being able to work in close cooperation through this treaty. Most European countries are relatively politically and
economically stable and have a network of NGOs that can assist in conservation efforts. This contributed heavily to the success of EUROBATS.
Conversely, CITES is an agreement that spans the globe, requiring the needs and interests of the global North and South be taken into account. As
seen with the elephant poaching case study, some countries lack the ability to enforce the rules of CITES, even if they are a party to the convention.
Without the cooperation of these countries, the impact of CITES on wildlife conservation has been weakened. The complexity surrounding
conservation highlights the difficulties in creating an effective conservation regime for a given species and the problems in designing a treaty
acceptable to all global States. Yet it also stands as a reminder of the necessity of global cooperation for solving trans–boundary environmental
problems–an overarching theme of this course that is applicable to almost every issue we
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The Elephant, Ivory And Trade
For many years, the population of mammals has been declining. One mammal in particular that caught my eye was the elephant. The elephant
population has been decreasing significantly. One elephant species in exact has suffered more than others, which is the African elephant. In Gao and
Clark's words "African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are in great danger" (Gao & Clark, 23). This essay will review the factors that triggers humans
to kill African elephants and the main cause humans are killing Africanelephant's for. Although, humans might have valid reasons as to why they kill
innocent elephants, the killing of mammals doesn't service the circumstance that the planet is losing that specific specie, which is something that it 's
hard to ... Show more content on ...
After, iron tools were invented, which started increasing the human densities in forest zones (Barnes, 179). According to Barnes, human densities were
low until the16th century, right before iron tools were seen (Barnes, 179). These tools helped farmer clear their way in the forests, making it easier for
them to farm (Barnes, 179). After the ivory demand from the Roman's, the Chinese started doing the same thing, demanding for ivory which is still
currently growing (Barnes, 178, Gao & Clark, 23).
In more recent years, the ivory used has expanded in China (Gao & Clark, 24). The most common way ivory is used in China is for carving as a
traditional art (Gao & Clark, 24). Ivory carving wasn't well–known in the Chinese culture until later in the 1950's, when ivory factories started
establishing (Gao &Clark, 24). Afterwards, ivory carving became a major foreign–currency–generating industry in cities around China (Gao & Clark,
24). The industries failed a little after the Cultural Revolution that occurred in the years between 1966 and 1976 (Gao & Clark, 24). Ivory is used in
many things but the most common way the Chinese culture uses it is by the following: figuring, ornaments, scholar's articles, and vessels (Gao &
Clark, 24).
As ivory started to get popular in the Chinese culture, new stores started selling ivory. In around 1936, there has been calculated around 126 ivory
facilities in "Da Xin" (Gao & Clark, 24). "Da Xin" is an ivory specialty street
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Animal Poaching Research Paper
Poaching is a problem around the entire world. The Anti–poaching Foundation is trying to protect the endangered animals. Anti–poaching reported that
modern day poachers use military equipment to kill high–target species such as elephants , rhinos , gorillas,whales and dolphin. The elephant
population has dropped to 62% over the last decade. Poaching is caused by many things. Buyers think the ivory from elephants and rhinos are a type
of medicine or cure but it's not . Poachers want money for the animal parts. Big horned sheep antlers can cost $20,000 dollars on the black market. A
rhino horn cost $2 million dollars, so this is a regular job for a poacher. I do not understand why poachers can't just get a job like everyone ,and just
save money in the bank instead of killing helpless animals About hundred african elephant are killed every single day by poachers seeking ivory meat
,other body parts , according to World of Elephants. ... Show more content on ...
Back in the early part of the 20th century there may have been as many as three million african elephants. Now there are only 470,000 elephants
left in Africa,and the number is declining each day.(wwf, Since 1984, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has been dedicated to
protecting endangered species using investigations to help polices and actions that protect animals that are endangered like whales, elephants,
rhinos, whales, and dolphins . EIA is exposing illegal ivory trade routes and advocates to stop the trade and to protect elephants.Poachers are
killing a lot of rhinos because the profit from the rapidly growing demand for Rhino horn in Asia. Poachers are killing whales for their blubber and for
fat, and,also for lamp oil. Gorillas can be pets for some people,so they just take the gorillas out the wild. Also gorillas are poached for trophies and their
body parts. I am so upset how people kill harmless animals just for sport and just for pure
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Ivory Poaching Research Paper
Ivory Poaching
Every 14 minutes one elephant is poached for its tusks. Hopefully we can keep these elephants alive. Poachers in Africa illegally kill elephants to sell
in the black market.
1st paragraph– "Elephants population declining because of ivory poaching."
An article from states "President Uhuru Kenyatta set fire in March to a giant pile of 15 tones of elephant ivory, which conservationists said
then was the largest ever burned in Africa. The average weight of the elephant's pair of tusks was around 36 kilos, meaning the stockpile represents the
death of some 3,820 animals." ("Kenya to destroy vast Ivory stock pile from thousands of elephants". Nov. 16 2015)
Poachers have killed very many elephants. Including one of Africa's most beloved elephants, was also killed by a poisoned arrow by poachers, who
cut off his face to remove his massive tusks. All of these slaughters have killed off most of Africa's elephant population, and for what? For statues.
More than 100,000 African elephants were killed for their tusks during a three–year period. These murders have to be stopped. Rampant poaching
between 1979 and 1989 ... Show more content on ...
However, hundreds of people have brought attention to the subject. Very many campaigns have been made, items inspired have been made and the
money goes to save elephants this goes from clothing items to notepads made of elephant feces. Most of the poached ivory is taken to China, where
it is sold in the black market. To take a stand from ivory poaching, the Chinese government destroyed 6 tons, and Hong Kong authorities say they
will destroy their 30 ton stockpile, one of the largest in the world. ("Tragic Price of Ivory" Nov. 10 2015). An article in states; Under
preasure from some member nations, CITIES refuses to institute a complete ban on ivory trade. Authorities have also made ivory, received by an
elephant that died from a natural cause or not, is
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Reasons For Ivory Phoaching
Ivory poaching is the main reason why elephants are being heavily hunted. However; even though it is illegal in many countries, poachers still
manage to supply the illegal ivory trade. According to National Geographic, every year the elephants population decreases by 8 percent. This is about
27,000 elephants slaughtered by poachers year after year. In order to help stop the declining of the elephants population, in 1989 CITES (Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species) put in place a global ban on ivory trading that significantly stopped poaching at first, but twice since
then, in 1999 and 2008, some southern African countries were allowed to sell ivory from their stockpiles. These sales widely believed to have
boosted ivory demand in Asia and stimulated poaching and ivory smuggling. Despite being banned, ivory poachers still manage to illegally sell the
elephants tusks all around the country. There are many ways and reasons as to why poachers kill elephants for their ivory tusks. According to EleAid,
elephants have two tusks that grow continuously throughout their lives. They use their tusks for a variety of tasks such as defense, digging, lifting
objects, gathering food, and stripping bark to eat from trees. These tusks are in embedded within the skull of the animal which this part is a pulpy
cavity that contains nerves, tissue, and blood vessels; however, it is also ivory. In order to remove this section, the tooth must be carved out of the
skull; thus,
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Stand Against Ivory Trade
Citizens from around the world are taking a stand against the ivory trade: New York
and Sri Lanka–sri–lanka–elephants–buddhism–ivory–stockpile–cites/ recently destroyed ivory and
Hong Kong is working towards a domestic ivory trade ban.
/great–news–as–hong–kong–finally–moves–to–ban–ivory–trade.html Elephants need our help urgently. According to iWorry, one
elephant is killed every 15 minutes; at this rate, none will be left in the wild in 2025. But new information shows that not everyone is on board to
save our elephants. Between 2012 and 2014, 12 tons of elephant ivory were sold on Yahoo Japan.
Majestic Elephants Reduced to Letter Writing Personal Seals
As reported in The Guardian,–japan–sold–12–tons–elephant–ivory–activists–claim for as
little as $20 (and as much as $60,000) ... Show more content on ...
By its inaction, Yahoo is an accomplice in these deaths and in funding and profiting from the illegal wildlife trade. While it's obvious how the wildlife
trade hurts animals, it also hurts people. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF),
/illegal_trade/wildlife_trade_campaign/wildlife_trafficking_report/ the $19 billion industry is the "fourth largest global illegal trade after narcotics,
counterfeiting of products and currency, and human trafficking." Given its low risk, the illegal trade is also a magnet for criminal activity and
organizations, e.g. Boko Haram,–ivory/article.html While the trade stumps social and economic
development, it also threatens the environment and (national and international)
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How To Hurt An Elephant
Date of Article or News Report: August 10, 2017
Title: Wooly Mammoth Ivory is On the Rise– And It's Hurting Elephants
Type: printed article viewable media, podcast, TED talk other, describe:
One sentence topic summary:
Elephant extinction is on the rise because poachers constantly kill them for their tusks.
Citation (MLA format):
Danzeisen, Eve. "Wooly Mammoth Ivory Is On the Rise – And It's Hurting Elephants." Lady Freethinker, African Wildlife Foundation
Description of how this story impacts Economics, Society, Politics, and the ENvironment.
People have hunted for elephant tusks for years and they sell them for a lot of money. Although this increases the African
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Ivory Destruction
Just a few decades ago, there were over 4 million elephants across the world. Today, there are fewer than 500,000. This enormous loss within the
elephant population has been largely due to excessive, illegal poaching for their tusks. In the year 1989, two major revelations occurred for the
elephants–first, the International Ivory Trade Ban had been accepted worldwide in hopes of slowing down the rapidly depleting elephant population.
Second, Kenya's president at the time, Daniel Arap Moi initiated the first major public act of ivory destruction. Since that year, governments have been
taking their seized ivory from traffickers and either crushing or burning their stockpiles in a way that conservation groups hoped would dissuade
potential black ... Show more content on ...
This strategy may possess the potential power needed to drive the poached ivory out of business. First, the gangs who traffic and sell their ivory
loots will begin to lose money once consumers realize that suddenly, ivory is not as valuable to the world as it once seemed to be. Instead, they will
buy within the government market where they will be less worried about being punished for their purchases. If the economic theory holds that
"destroying stockpiles of smuggled ivory reduces the amount that enters the market and thus increases the value of available stocks. This increases the
expected gain from poaching and thus more poaching is bound to be the result" (Kimenyi) then, releasing legal ivory will do just the opposite and
decrease the value of the poachers stockpiles, therefore leading to less incentive to kill elephants for money. Secondly, if this method is adopted,
governments won't be benefiting from the profits; these are planned to be sent to conservation efforts throughout Africa. Since many governments that
are leaders of the land that elephants still exist on are poorly constructed and don't have many reinforcements or resources on foot, the ability for
governments to send profits to these African governments should be a tremendous step towards saving the elephant population and it will also make
poaching harder for
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Summary : ' The Scourge Of The Ivory Trade '
Killing for Teeth? Doesn't Seem Right
In, "The Scourge of the Ivory Trade" the editorial board discusses the need to put a ban on the importing and exporting of illegal ivory into China.
Over the last decade, the demand for ivory has skyrocketed in China. The board explains that there have been some strides made in the right direction,
but not nearly enough has been done. The population of elephants in Tanzania alone has lost nearly ninety percent of their population (The Editorial
Board). The tragedy does not end there, all over Africa elephants are being murdered for nothing more than their teeth. There need to be more sanctions
placed in China and Africa to ban the illegal import and export of ivory. China has become the highest ... Show more content on ...
If there are more people that go through licensing procedures and pay taxes and tagging for each piece of ivory that is received then more people
will buy legit pieces and from animals that are registered to have died of natural causes. Most people do not think about the implication of buying a
harmless piece of jewelry. Most people do not think about what a person has to do or kill to get a trinket that is pretty. Together, the United Nations
need to put pressure on Africa and China to regulate the flow of ivory leaving Africa and going into China. Almost ninety percent of ivory sold in
South Asia is of African origins (Ives 39–43). The problem starts in Africa. The African government has not done its job to protect its wildlife. The
African government needs to give the conservation groups the funding or access they need to help save these animals; it would help to take a huge
stride forward. As it stands the groups have a hard time. Africa should give licenses to the conservation groups so that when anelephant dies it can me
tagged and then harvested. The groups could, in turn, offer small finders fees, but they would have to be able to show where the elephant died. This
would help to bring communities together to save the elephants lives. Furthermore, the African
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Ivory Trade Persuasive Essay
Approximately 100 elephants are killed every day most purely for ivory but the african government has started to conduct the burning of ivory how
ever some suspect that this is all just a clever ploy so the people running the destruction of ivory are just stealing ivory and getting rich/richer, that is
essentially what but it's a bit crazy to think so but we should be cautious if we continue to tread down this path just in case somes worries are true.
It takes 1800 degrees to burn .25 ounces of ivory , Fuel burns from 800 to 1500 degrees so large quantities of ivory would theoretically take weeks to
burn meaning it is effectively ineffective yet the african and many other governments continue to do so and it seems kinda fishy .
As any other ... Show more content on ...
There are just a ton of documented cases of corruption including ivory so it would be ridiculous to be ignorant to the fact that it might have already
found its way to the burning of stockpiles.
These are just some facts i'm pointing out.
Some people (simon jenkins http://goo. gl/CDQPl6 ) want to farm these majestic animals to ensure they don't go extinct as they claim to have only the
best motives.
His ulterior motive is quite different the fact is you can capitalize on them and make a lot of money the only problem with that is that elephants would
become domesticated like cows and not be suitable to survive in the wild again.
One of mr. Jenkins main arguments is that it would make more money than tourism ever would how ever it is wrong to put money before the survival
of an entire species .
At this point there is no clear option to saving the elephants but this one does not preserve elephants it makes them a cattle to be sold distributed and
These are just some points i'm empathizing on
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Elephant Slaughter Research Paper
Elephant Slaughter In this lesson we watched a video about elephant slaughter and how people sale the Ivory illegally, and for a high price. Ivory is
not only beautiful in its own nature but it is very expensive. But unfortunately if we don't stop killing elephants for their ivory they will be extinct in
the next 10 years. We also read an article about the same topic, each one has different information about the same topic. The video helps you visualize
the article, and the article gives you more information about the video. Multimedia has both pros and cons but both have all the information on the
topic. There are advantages and disadvantage to both the video and article. The advantages of the video is that it gives you a lot of
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Effects Of Animal Poaching
What if animal poaching came to an end? The world would be a better place and the ecosystem and animal species would not be in danger. Animal
poaching holds the number one spot for wild animal deaths, resulting in more than 50 percent of all deaths. Some people argue that animal poaching
is a life style and should not be stopped. Majority of the population argues that it is wrong and steps need to be taking to end it. Big game animals such
as tigers, elephants, and rhinos are facing serious danger. They are being pushed to extinction in many countries.Animal poaching is bad for the
environment and food chains, its gruesome, operates on the black market and is making animals go extinct. Animal poaching has nothing good about
it. It ruins many of things and changes people's way of life. It makes it harder for animal populations to stay healthy and not extinct. Animal poaching
needs to be put to an end. Poaching is defined as "the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's
permission" ( Many animals including elephants, tigers, rhinos, and snub–nosed monkeys are on the verge of extinction due to
humans poaching them for felt, ivory, etc. According to, Legal, Moral and Biological Implications of Poaching and Illegal Animal Tracking on an
International Scale, the loss of animals will endanger the ecosystem and therefore hurt the entire world. We need flora and fauna in our ecosystems to
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Ivory Artifacts of The Israelietes
Imagine in your minds eye you are back in time during age of Israelites. Now imagine yourself walking the halls of palace. As you walk you see
what seems to be a small fortune of art decorating the halls. You eventually stop walk and you find yourself in the throne room and right before you
see a chair but, not just not any chair the most elegant chair you have ever see with your own two eyes. This chair glistens with jewels and some sort
of white material you are not familiar with. The white material seems almost alien in nature and yet it is beautiful and makes the thrones seem as if
from another world. That white on that throne would be ivory. Ivory items are peculiar items when one thinks about them for long enough. One starts to
think ... Show more content on ...
Now think that other countries are trying to win your favor to help them battle neighboring countries for land. So they try and win your favor with
gifts, and there is no better gift back in the time of pharoses and king than Ivory. Ivory back in those times symbolized many things but the most
important on was wealth so as a result everyone wanted it. So you have your scribe write down who give you the best piece of ivory or any other
type of material good. In the end whom ever has given you the best gifts has won your favor as result you go out and help them conquer their
enemy. Their enemy may have tried to buy your favor as well, but since their gift was not as good as your new ally's gift they dictated their own
fate. Kings would have written records of these times of war and bribery so they could in the end know who they should support. As a result this
is textual evidence that we can tell where ivories could have come from. Now the reason the style of the piece by which I mean the motifs on the
pieces give away where the ivory is from is because what a motif is. A motif essentially means the themes of the work and message that the artists are
trying to convey. Generally motifs of work are indigenous to areas where the artists are from for example. You are not going to see on Egyptian art
depictions of Thor the thunder god of Nordic mythology because that does not pertain to the artist. The motifs of
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What Is Elephant Poaching?
Africa's elephant population suffers 25 year decline as more poachers kill for their ivory tusks. (Durando) The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), has
been an organization for over 61 years concerning the protection of native African animals. Elephant poaching has become a more increasing issue over
the past years. Hunting is used for control of population, but poaching can threaten the African elephants, and could cause the species to need to be
protected. Many organizations have been made to benefit the elephants with protective measures. The AWF is there to ensure that through projects and
activities, they can aid the species in need. "Another highly successful AWF program is theElephant Awareness Campaign. Its slogan, 'only elephants...
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"Governments in Africa vary in their ability to control poaching, and conflict certainly does not help" (Plumer) The government has not supported
the acts or helped to take protective measurements for the wildlife of Africa. This is causing more poaching and a dying loss of a species that is
being harmed severely by not taking control over this spiraling situation. "'If wildlife could talk, it would take humans to court,' said Nyokabi Gitahi,
an AWF lawyer" (Africa News Service) As of 2005, the AWF has decided to save a habitat for wildlife in African country known for its elephants and
other large wildlife. This means, since then, they have tried to help with the conservation of the elephants and other animals in the area of Africa.
"Grant agreements have been written with 6 African governments (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia) and 21
non–governmental organizations," (Phillips) According to the article, in reference to 1998, there were many countries and organizations all for the
help of elephant conservation. The protection and support from all these governments and organizations will ultimately help the population of the
elephants strive and become a populated species again. Congress passed in 1988, an elephant protection grant that suports, "(1) a review of African
elephant conservation programs in each range country and a moratorium on the importation of ivory from any country that fails to maintain an adequate
elephant conservation program, and (2) a grant program to support research, conservation, management, and protection of African elephants." (Phillips)
The United States supported this grant by monitoring ivory imports, but other countries cannot fully commit because they can only control the internal
trade, but not the international
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Elephant Poaching Essay
Elephant Poaching
"We are experiencing what is likely to be the greatest percentage loss of elephants in history," said Richard G. Ruggiero, an official with the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service (Ney York Times; December 3, 2012). The poaching of elephants started in the late 1800's and is still happening today.
People are slaughtering these majestic animals for their ivory tusks. Ivory has been sold on the black market for millions of dollars. Before the start of
ivory poaching there were millions of elephants in the world in both Africa and India, but today because of the hunting for ivory, there are barely any
of these giants left in the wild. Throughout history Europeans have been moving in on central African states to make... Show more content on ...
"It is a tragedy beyond reckoning and humanity needs to pay attention to the plight of the elephants before it is too late" said Cyril Christo (CNN;
February3, 2013). This world–wide known tragedy has probed other countries to donate money, campaign, and educate to create an avenue for the
awareness of Save the Elephants (
There are organizations around the globe designed to stop elephant poaching. Their intent is to sway people's opinions to help with the world–wide
problem. Only a global ban on the sale of ivory would take the heat off of these massive creatures. Solutions might include, addressing the involvement
of international criminal institutes by means of strong law enforcement at both national and international levels along the full extent of the supply.
Closing down domestic (national) markets in ivory, would also be beneficial. Countries could embrace the trade ban, and educate consumers in order
to stem the demand for ivory (Bloody Ivory; January 11, 2013).
Just imagine life without any elephants, wiped out just like the dinosaurs. In the early 1980's, there were more than a million reported elephants in
Africa. Tragically, during that decade, 600,000 elephants were destroyed for ivory products. Today, conceivably no more than 400,000 elephants
remain across the continent. Elephants are facing a very real threat of extinction; In fact, the African elephants are listed on the
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Ivory Horn And Blood Analysis
In the nonfiction book Ivory, Horn, and Blood by Ronald Orenstein, the author discusses his opinions on the topic of poaching elephants and rhinos.
Orenstein believes that poaching is morally wrong, unnecessary, and should be stopped. He refrains from using emotional words, instead focusing on
and providing startling statistics and horrifying facts. Many people believe that poaching is wrong, but what most people do not realize is that
poaching animals is an illegal crime in most places. Orenstein, proving his assertions, stated that, "Perhaps it is stating the obvious, but poachers,
whatever drives them to poach, are breaking the law...The media often confuse matters by talking about 'illegal poaching' as though there were such a
thing as
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The Ivory Trade Is An Important Issue
In the world today, the global ivory trade is one of the most profitable and complex areas of poaching. The range and impact of the ivory trade is vast
and devastating as it encompasses many countries in Africa, Asia, and even the United States. Thousands of elephants are being threatened and killed
everyday for their tusks to be sold and be used for ornaments and carvings. While the issue may seem easy to understand, beneath the surface is a crisis
that extends to many spectrums such as cultural, social, political, and economic areas. The ivory trade raises ethical issues on whether it is morally
correct for humans to slaughter elephants for their tusk to be sold for commercial purposes. Therefore, the global ivory trade is an important ... Show
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In Chinese culture, ivory represents a symbol of status in that "giving a trinket carved from elephant tusk confers the highest honor" (Levine 2013).
What makes the ivory trade problem a complex issue in China is that the ivory trade is legal with "150 legal, government–licensed ivory shops" (BBC
2014) and that the Chinese government says that "ivory carving is an ancient art it wants to keep alive" (BBC 2014) With a growing economy comes
a growing middle class emerging in China, more and more individuals seek to obtain ivory as to symbolize their wealth.This highlights the cultural
problem with the global ivory trade because countries like China struggle to suppress the trade of ivory due to many cultural ties it historically had with
it and it's citizens are so obsessed with it's value that they lack "any potential concerns over its provenance." (Levin 2013) When discussing about the
global ivory trade one must consider the social issues that impacts the common people who share the same land as the elephants. A major
misconception that people have is the belief that elephants only live on game reserves. In reality, elephants inhabit the same lands with their human
neighbors. Because of this fact, the elephant population sometimes pose as a nuisance to human life and activities. As their population because more
populated, elephants can sometimes wander out of the natural parks boundaries and into human communities which can create
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The Pros And Cons Of Ivory Ban In China
CHINA AND HONG KONG China is banning all ivory trade and processing activities by the end of 2017 signaling an end to the world's primary
legal ivory market and a major boost to international efforts to tackle the elephant–poaching crisis. 23wAfter China made the announcement last year;
the price of ivory in Asia fell. This made the ivory business unprofitable. Some wanted to get rid of the stock but others are waiting for prices to go
up again. When the price falls, the poaching doesn't stop as the sellers continue to slaughter more elephants to replace the missing income. Some
are questioning whether the ivory ban in China could make the elephants life worse. Dan Stiles, an independent consultant who has been
investigating ivory markets for 15 years, states, "I think there will be an increase in illegal selling to cover the gap made by the closure of legal
markets". There is also no sign of a corresponding decline in poaching. "I see no decline," said Stiles. "That to me means a drop in price is actually
bad for elephants because these guys can buy more ivory for the same amount of money as before. As long as the poaching continues at these high
rates, it looks like there are still quite high volumes of ivory in spite of the seizures that have been made," he added. However, Stiles is keen to
stress that it is still too early to see the full impact on poaching across Africa from China's domestic ivory ban, which will be fully enforced at the
end of this year. "Let's see where we are at the beginning of 2019. If poaching rates haven't gone down significantly by then, then elephants are in real
trouble". Many conservationists believe that the ban is pointing in the right direction for elephants, with Verheij from the WJC saying, "It's really
encouraging". Vigne agrees and points out that in the future this ban will have an impact on the big trading networks. "If they have any sense they
won't want to trade if the prices are dropping like that," she said. But ultimately, she added, the key is law enforcement. "Punishment is the biggest
deterrent. That's what has to be focused, so the illegal markets will slowly become marginalised".
France is another country that introduced a "near complete ban"
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The Dangers Of Phoaching In Africa In West Africa
Elephants are the "keepers of the savannas and gardeners of the forest" and are one of the most intelligent and unique animals on the planet. Much like
humans they have the ability to feel emotion and create kinship bonds with other elephants, so much so that they grieve over the deaths of other
elephants (The Ivory Game). This is something that very few other animals have the capability of doing. Not only are they unique in their behavior,
but also in the precious cargo they carry, known as ivory. A few hundred years ago millions of elephants roamed the sub
– Saharan and the rainforest of
Central and West Africa, but less than 400,000 African Elephants exist today. If poaching continues at its current rate the African Elephants are well
on their way to becoming extinct. In the last 20 years there has been a serious increase in demand for ivory in Asia and in the Middle East, which has
led to a serious poaching problem in Africa and an increase in black market activity across Asia.
Despite the international ban on trading ivory introduced in 1989 by CITES, (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora) elephants are still being poached in large numbers. While the ban offered a temporary solution and the opportunity for some
populations to recover, all of that was reversed in 1999 when CITES allowed Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to sell 50 tons of stockpiled ivory to
Japan. This was supposed to be "one–time sale", but China was granted the
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The Ivory Trade And Its Effect On The Trade
Throughout the course of history, humans have long used the exchange of goods as a way to socially interact and provide for themselves. Trading is
a cornerstone of modern society and it is how materials and objects can be transferred around the world. The ivory trade is a practice that has been in
place for centuries. In the last one to two hundred years, the negative impacts of the trade have begun to surface. The elephant populations, specifically
in Africa, are rapidly declining with the illegal trade taking place today. The ban on the ivory trade was put into place in order to save the elephant
populations and reduce the harmful environmental impacts. The use of international law in the creation of the ban on the trade and the current ... Show
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In the 19th century, most of the elephants in Southern Africa were wiped out, and then a large reduction of the animals in West Africa took place by
the end of the 20th century. These huge reductions in the elephant populations meant that ivory was becoming scarcer. In the first half of the 20th
century, the world was ravaged by large wars including both of the World Wars. The trade slowed a great deal, until the economic prosperity in the
1960s and 1970s sparked a new emergence of ivory demand (Underwood 8). Reports show that in the beginning of the 1970s, Japan was the largest
global consumer of ivory, with about 40% consumption. Europe and North America were the next largest consumers, with another 40% being split
between them (Underwood 8). An analysis of the trade shows that around this time, the elephant populations were under great stress. African elephants
were at their lowest numbers ever, and they continued to decline with no real international efforts to stop the trade. While ivory may have been an
important commodity in the world, the impacts that the trade had on the elephants and their environments was devastating. If the ivory trade was so
significant back in the middle of the 20th century, then what changed in order to result in a ban on it? The international community brought attention to
this issue and began to implement international law with the introduction of CITES, or the Convention on International Trade
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Effects Of Imperialism
time of the 1800's and force Europe to implies Africa (Kerridge, n.p.). The word "imperialism" means the period of colonization of Afri can and Asian
countries by European states, the USA and Japan in the 19th century, on the other hand it means an idea that was disseminated since the beginning of
the modern times around the 16th century: The people of the mighty European countries thought to be the first race of the world (Hawkins, n.p.). With
new creation such as new ships, printing, weapons, Europe was excellent to the other continents (Adams, n.p.). Driven by the church's idea of mission,
the necessary for resources and greed for treasure, first the Spanish and the Portuguese, later all valuable countries started to take expand and important
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A another resource that they made money off of was oil. This was use to paint, as shown in Kurtz's paintings from the novella. ''Then I noticed a
small sketch in oils, on a panel, representing a woman draped and blindfolded carrying a lighted torch. The background was somber almost black.
The movement of the woman was stately and the effect of the torchlight was sinister" (Conrad, pp. 25) According to Conrad's novel, one in many
particular scratches Kurtz's sketch of a blindfolded woman carrying a lighted torch was used painted with oils. The women represents Liberty and
Justice (Conrad, pp.25). While the torch and having her blindfolded represents seriously powerless (Conrad, pp.25). In the "Heart of Darkness",
Marlow discovers the oil painting in the Station(Conrad, pp.25). Marlow attention towards the painting shows his intelligence of the artist's
name(Conrad, pp.25). It is because of the oil image that Marlow desire to get to know Kurtz (Conrad, pp.26). After ivory and palm oil were discovered
at the Congo then rubber was invented. Everyone wanted this product because it made a excellent
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Technology Being Used Is Camera Traps
well known technology being used is camera traps. For decades, camera traps have been used to monitor wildlife without endangering the lives of
humans, but today highly sophisticated digital cameras are even more helpful because some of the cameras now come with automatic triggers, heat
sensing, vibration detection, infrared detection, video feeds, and acoustic elements (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Similarly to camera traps, radio
collars that have been used for tracking wildlife has also gone through technological advances in terms of their use with satellite technology.
Advancements in the sizes and costs of the collars now allow elephants to be collared.
Even something as common as a database is being advanced in the fight to protect ... Show more content on ...
The last form of technology that Cress and Zommers (2014) describe is DNA testing. Genetic sequencing can be used to identify wildlife body parts
such as ivory tusks. Once identified, it can confirm a sub–species, region of origin, or other useful data. DNA testing is a constantly growing filed that
will continue to have uses in the fight to end illegal ivory trading and poaching.
With all these different types of technology, there is more hope for scientists and policy makers to be able to not only identify species that are at risk,
but to take measures to protect such species from extinction. Even countries that are not as involved in the ivory trade can use technologies to help
stop illegal poaching and trading of ivory. For example, in 2014 the United States Government launched the Technology Challenge on Wildlife
Trafficking through the USAID (United States Agency for International Development). This is a grant program that is intended to encourage the best
and smartest scientists and entrepreneurs to use technological solutions to fight against illegal wildlife trade (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Cress and
Zommers (2014) quote from the China Government Network (2013) when they describe how China, who is a country largely involved with ivory
trade launched "Skynet Action" in 2013 which is a key component of which to stop the
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Understanding Elephant Poaching
The Elephants
Did you know that that 35,000 elephants are dying each year? We are poaching them, usually for a price. Poaching is different from hunting.
Hunting is when you kill for sport, and it's completely legal. You still need a permit. Poaching is when you kill an animal without a permit. Sadly, 30
elephants are lost a day in Tanzania. Imagine if that was you and your herd was getting killed with no end in sight. We need to take some
responsibility, because I would want to be killed just because a poacher had a permit. In order to understand elephant poaching you need to know why
they're being poached, the perspectives of the poachers, and the organisations, how they're becoming extinct, what we can do to help and what is being
done to help. Elephants are being poached for their ivory. Countries around the world are increasing ivory buying. This is because more elephants have
been poached and ... Show more content on ...
A website called is a website with a petition you can sign. Your signature will help pass a law saying that ivory trading is illegal in
Colorado. 18+ will be able to help this cause. If this website expands it could ban ivory trading in other countries also. Another organization is
taking action too. A new has new laws impacting the penalties of killing a rhino or an elephant. This is embedded by the Parks and Wildlife
Management Authority. According to, "Any person who is convicted for unlawful killing of a rhinoceros or an elephant is
expected to be sentenced to nine years for a first offender or eleven years for a second or subsequent offender," she said. This is telling us, if you
kill these listed animals, you are sentenced nine years of prison. Also that you will be sentenced 11 years of prison if you have done this crime twice
or you are a company or an organisation that will get sued, or accused of poaching in a court. Join in on these arguments and support
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Ivory Poachers
Imagine this: An elephant, unaware of what's going on, was killed. Leaving her children behind. All for one thing, Ivory.
Poachers have been moving through West Africa and have taken down multiple elephant species. Many are urging the people who live there to arrest
any poachers that they may see. Eastern Africa has lost almost half of their elephants due to ivory hunters.
With help the population of elephants has increased, and has been stable for the past couple of years. Due to new laws, these elephants can now live
in peace. " There are 415,000 elephants across the 37 range states in Africa," (WWF)
Though poaching can happen all over the world. The main area that it occurs in is Africa. Though there were many elephants, due to the amount ...
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"Consumer demand for ivory cannot persist if we hope to secure a safe future for elephants," reported Ginette Hemley. (WWF)
With the increase in elephants it has brought up the population which can help with the growth of the community's.
As researchers find out more and more about elephants and their ivory, they have also been able to find out why people are hunting for ivory.
Poachers have always been hunting ivory for a long time, but it was never a big problem. But as the amount of elephants decreased the restrictions
have became more strict. And it is now illegal all over the world and many have been arrested while being caught in the act.
They have been able to reduce the amount of deaths all with some help with the World Wildlife Fund.
All with the help of the World Wildlife Fund, elephants have been able to live in a better environment. With their help the amount of poaching in
Africa has decreased greatly in the past few years.
Though poaching has not been put to an end, there have been ways to help save the elephants. And through new and reformed laws, it has decreased
greatly.With the WWF's help, Elephants all over the world can live in better
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Persuasive Essay On Ivory Trade
Bloody Ivory Last year 35,000 elephants were killed because of poaching and ivory trade. Elephants are poached for the ivory in their tusks. The ivory
is mostly used for jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Ivory can also be used for the making of piano keys. I believe that the world
needs to make a stop to poaching and the ivory trade. With that i will share with you my arguments on why i think we should stop poaching elephants.
Elephants are being killed by the hundreds every day, just for their ivory. According to a book called "Ivory, horn, And Blood", the use ofelephant
ivory goes all the way back to the Egyptian times.
Having ivory showed power and wisdom. An Egyptian king back in the day, made his servants carve his throne entirely of ivory, to show his
power and strength. I find that since people have been killing elephants for ages, it will be a hard habit to break, but i also feel like it must be done.
I believe that we can replace ivory jewelry with gold or silver, because those elements are just material, while when you are wearing ivory, you are
wearing the part of an animal that was brutally massacred, just for the pleasure of ... Show more content on ...
According to an article published by Upfront Magazines, " In Mozambique, the number of people living inside one of the country's national parks
grew to about 35,000 in 2012 from about 21,000 in 2001. The explanation is that the elephants are destroying crops and the only way to stop them is
to, you know, destroy them, aka kill the elephants. I think that there should be other ways the farmers take care of the problem. I think they need to
think of the big picture when they are about to put the final blow on the elephants. I believe that this is just one thing to add on to the pile for the
struggle of surviving for the elephants. But what the real reason the elephants are going extinct is because of poaching,
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The Ivory Trade and the Slaughter of Elephants
The Ivory Trade and the Slaughter of Elephants
It is hard to equate an austere piano recital with the murder of hundreds of thousands of wild animals. For that matter, it is equally as difficult to relate
that horrific scene with my grandmother's antique hairpins, but the fact of the matter is that the creamy ivory that is so cherished as a sign of wealth,
culture, and tradition is really the result of the work of poachers. How can those delicate hairpins be the topic of international debate and black market
trade? The answer is rooted in the history of one of the world's oldest markets: the ivory trade.
Ivory is a form of dentin, the same material that is in human teeth. Since the time of the sixth dynasty of ancient Egypt, ivory ... Show more content on ...
Between the years of 1979 and 1989 the African elephant population had declined from 1.3 million to 625,000, and the price had doubled per
kilogram (Nave 1). The ban shut down all legal trade of the commodity, but black markets in ivory began to flourish. According to Kreuter, "poaching
has increased in at least five of the nine countries studied by the African Elephant Specialist Group in 1994." In a few countries, such as Zimbabwe,
Zambia, and South Africa, programs have been put in place to give people incentives to maintain the elephant population (Kreuter 1). These incentives
have placed a value on live elephants for the Africans who have therefore helped to maintain the numbers of these endangered creatures.
The above–mentioned programs are only in place in a few African countries. In many others, the ban is an often side stepped nuisance in the illegal
trade of ivory. Over the past several years, the illegal ivory of over one thousand African and thirty nine Asian elephants has been recovered en route
to Japan alone. The ivory of over three thousand elephants has been recovered worldwide (Kioko 1). In 1997, in an attempt to stop the illegal trade,
MIKE (Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants) and ETIS (Elephant Trade Information System) have been organized. There efforts, although well
planned and well funded are still ineffective (Kioko 2). With continued funding and support, the hope is that these organizations well be able to greatly
reduce the
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Persuasive Essay On Elephant
Many people aren't aware of how many elephants are killed each year by poachers. These poachers want to kill elephants for their tusks which contain
ivory. I believe that elephants should not be poached for the ivory that their tusks contain. The elephant population has decreased tremendously, and in
1997, only about 600,000 elephants were left. Poachers are killing about 35,000 elephants every year, and this should stop right away. Elephants are on
the verge of becoming extinct. Knowing this, some of you might be sad, while others might think that this has no effect on you personally. Well, as a
matter of fact, if they become extinct, it might have a bigger effect on you then you would think. Actually, "There is a stark correlation between... Show
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I strongly believe this should stop immediately. The amount of elephants on this earth is slowly decreasing, and there will eventually be none left.
Would you rather have a nice keychain and fancy piano keys, or would you rather have a smart creature go extinct and never be seen again? If
possible, there are many organizations you could donate to that help elephants. They are wonderful creatures, and the species deserves to live a long
life on this planet.
Works Cited
"About CITES." Bloody Ivory. 2016. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
"About Us." Ivory Ella. 2016. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
Armstrong, Franette. "The Truth About Tusks." The Dodo. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
"Elephants are intelligent." ElephantVoices. 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
"Elephant Ivory Trade Ban." TED Case Studies. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
Good, Kate. "When Elephants Go Extinct, They Will Take the Trees With Them." One Green Planet. 14 Dec. 2014. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
Messenger, Stephan. "Exclusive Interview With An Elephant Poacher." The Dodo. 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
Pilipili Creative Ltd. "Our Mission." Save The Elephants. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
"33,000 Elephants Are Killed Every Year For Their Ivory." Wildaid. Web. 8 Mar.
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Black Ivory Research Paper
Outside of the potential cooperation problems between local and national governments, there is also the cultural issue that many farmers and villagers
do not respect elephants. Because elephants are creatures of habit, they follow the same migration paths that their ancestors have for decades. Due to
the increased agriculture in African villages, elephants often cross right through small farms or villages, destroying crops and small structures. Many
African villagers who have had these encounters with elephants do not understand the Western fascination and obsession with saving an animal they
perceive as a large, more destructive cockroach.
Another issue is the perspective of those in Asia. Ivory has always been a symbol of wealth in Asia. Those who can afford to buy full tusks often
commission experienced artists to carve intricate scenes and designs into the tusk for display in their homes. Although the resulting artwork is beautiful
and the preservation of tradition is important, another medium should be used in order to create these art pieces, one that does not result in the
decimation of a keystone species.
The other purpose of buying ivory is medicinal. The rhino horn and ... Show more content on ...
African national governments have mostly chosen to ignore the issue due to the extensive corruption present in police forces, business leaders, and
influential politicians. Tanzanian intelligence agencies provided President Jakaya Kikwete with a list of corrupted businessmen and politicians
involved in the black ivory market; however, this list has disappeared, according to The Guardian journalist Hannah McNeish (2015). Politicians have
been fired for naming corrupt officials in Tanzanian government, and nationwide laws were passed that criminalize the publication of elephant
population statistics so as not to influence upcoming national elections in
... Get more on ...
International Union For Conservation Of Nature
Imagine you are this beautiful elephant peacefully drinking water from the waterhole among other African animals and then you hear gun shots firing
everywhere. You are running for your life when suddenly everything becomes pitch black, then you open your eyes and see a man with a gun pointing
at your head laughing as you lay dying. The general point is that almost all animals are getting to the brink of extinction or are either being tagged as an
endangered species by the IUCN Red List. The IUCN "International Union for Conservation of Nature" Red List is a list of millions of species and
subspecies from all over the world that are currently losing its population due to poaching. This is a powerful tool that helps push the government to ...
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This policy provides what is causing animal extinction, how is it going to benefit the environment and business corporations and how this policy will
make more of an impact than other animal related policies. This policy could be the best policy of all animal rights policies but the chances of it
working to eliminate this threat is slim, since most humans don't care for its inhabitants as long as they get more "green" meaning money.
The House Bill 248 bill was set into action because of animal extinction that is being caused by illegal poaching. People poach animals, mostly on
the endangered species list, and sell them to high buyers on the black market, which are then sold to business corporations to make clothes, jewelry
and unnecessary natural medicine. The whole point of this policy is to eliminate ivory and rhinoceros horns trading sales because both animal
species are on the IUCN Red List. This policy mentions that in order to make this bill work in Pennsylvania, some laws are going to be needed in
order fulfill this salvation and to spread the word around the world. An example of an additional law that could be issued would be to reinforce the
NSCWT [National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking]. "The three practical preferences this law uses to establish its duty is
... Get more on ...

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Elephant Poaching Research Paper

  • 1. Elephant Poaching Research Paper CURRENT EVENTS IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SUMMER 2015 ARTICLE: DNA From Elephant Dung, Tusks Reveals Poaching Hot Spots AUTHOR (S): Brooke Jarvis PERIODICAL: N/A DATE: June 18, 2015 WEBSITE ADDRESS:–elephants–ivory–dna–poaching–africa–science–world/ SUMMARY: Samuel Wasser, from the Center for Conservation Biology at the University of Washington in Seattle, has spent the past 15 years comparing and matching DNA samples from elephant ivory and dung in an attempt to locate where the most poaching and smuggling is happening. This research led Wasser and his team to report that since 2006, the smuggled ivory has come from predominantly two areas: the combined region of southeast Tanzania and southwest ... Show more content on ... African elephant ivory trading has been banned for twenty five years yet there is still a large market in Asia. Populations in Tanzania and Mozambique are still decreasing and the African forest elephants face extinction within the next ten years. But Wasser is not alone in the fight against the ivory trade; the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and other international focused bureaus and agencies have taken this issue on, and those agencies are using his research to put traffickers behind bars. The Seattle team received the ivory from Kilindi, and the sheer of amount of ivory means that it must have been distributed by organized crime networks. Because the ivory is professionally smuggled, there is no evidence to point to where the ivory comes from. Wasser knew that they needed to find out where this ivory was being poached, so he created contacts that would send him the dung of elephants. This gave them DNA of different elephant populations which they could compare to the ivory, and allowed him to discover the two places where they ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Elephant Research Paper Elephants 800,000 seems like a huge number until it becomes clear that it used to be several million ("Basic Facts About Elephants"). Most would never guess that these numbers are those of the elephant population. Everyday the population gets smaller and smaller, and humans are the reason why, but also the only way to get those numbers back up. The elephant population has decreased immensely and could vanish if steps are not taken, humans are the only hope for seizing the poaching, ivory trade, and habitat takeover. The population consists of two main species of Elephant, the Asian and the African. The Asian elephant is divided into three subspecies: the Indian, Sumatran, and the Sri Lankan ("Asian Elephant"). African elephants are split into ... Show more content on ... A clothing company by the name of Ivory Ella donates 10% of their profits to save the elephants. They just want to bring the globe together to save the animals that cannot save themselves. Ivory Ella creates shirts and other accessories with elephants on them and sells them to acquire money for their cause. They have donated nearly one million dollars so far to elephant organizations, and are still on the rise ("About Us"). With the help of loyal customers millions more could go towards the cause. Ivory Ella followed shortly after another clothing company with similar intentions. In 2014 another company by the name The Elephant Pants was created with similar ideas to Ivory Ella.The two founders of this company were travelling and found themselves absolutely awestruck by the elephants they encountered, they finally understood why people loved them so much, travelled so far to see them, and most importantly why they needed to help save them so others could come to the same realization. So two men set out to create a company which would donate money to elephant organizations, by selling comfortable pants online. "Since The Elephant Pants opened it's doors in 2014, it has sold more than 400,000 pairs of pants and donated more than $127,000 to organizations looking to make the world a safer place for elephants" ("Our Story"). Without donors like these, the population could drop and organizations would have to close down due to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Global Ivory Research Paper THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FIRST COMMITTEE, Viewing with appreciation the efforts made by the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) to create much needed national parks, Reminding all nations of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) that was formed in 1973. That was formed as an international agreement to protect animals in trade so their survival is not threatened, and that many countries have banned /lessened ivory sales, Alarmed by the fact that 100 000 elephants have been killed by poachers in Central Africa over the last three years because of the ivory trade, Fully aware of the global ivory ban that was created by the CITES as an effort to reduce poaching, Bearing in mind the IUCN (International ... Show more content on ... Encourages MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) to help support the decline of ivory demand to ensure that animals facing extinction such as elephants and rhinos are protected and kept alive in ways such as but not limited to: the promotion of sustainable jewelry and trinkets that are not made out of ivory to decrease the popularity of products that use ivory promoting campaigns conducted to decrease ivory demand, similar to the one started by IFAW, (the International Fund for Animal Welfare), in ways such as but not limited to: advertisements on social media, and popular used sites articles in the news or newspaper educating and re–instating of the ivory trade ban that commenced in 1989 in hopes that it will inform people about how to sustain the environment and ecosystems; Further requests for visits to the national parks to be regulated to ensure nothing illegal is being brought in or out into further ensure that animals aren't being harmed in, ways such as not limited to: collection of data such as but not limited to: passport or ID details such as but not limited to: name date of birth citizenship place of stay in the respective state information booklets to be distributed at the entrance of the natural ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Why Elephants Should Be Banned A small herd of elephants spends the afternoon grazing on the wind swept grass of the savannah in the sweltering African sun. A few young calves playfully bounce around their mother's legs. This peaceful vision is just a time of quiet before a bloody scene unfolds. What this small herd is blissfully unaware of is that poachers are quietly stalking them with murderous intent. This herd of elephants has a plethora of "white gold". These poachers are after only one thing from the elephants, they are after their tusk made of ivory. By the end of the day the herd will practically be obliterated with only a small number of lucky survivors. Unfortunately, poaching elephants is not an atypical event throughout man African countries.... Show more content on ... The US provided aid to those countries who stood to lose the most from the ban. Countries like Botswana, Kenya, and Namibia had successfully managed the elephant populations within their boundaries. On a few occasions the ban has been lifted in order to allow countries to sell, for profit, the large stocks of ivory tusks that have been accumulated from elephants who either died from natural causes, poaching, or had to be destroyed. CITES has voted to lift the ban twice. Once in 1999 which resulted in a one–time sale of 60 tons of ivory and another lift was authorized in 2002 ("CITES revises ivory trade policy." and Randerson, James 2). The administration of President William J. Clinton supported the lifting the ban to allow the countries to sell remaining stocks of ivory as long as there was an agreement to use a portion of the proceeds to fund conservation and preservation programs (Clinton "Statement on Proposals To Reopen Trade in Elephant Ivory and Whale Products."). There are 37 countries or "range states" through out sub–Saharan Africa in which elephants are found (Poilecot, N'Gakoutou, and Taloua 9). To many indigenous people elephants are a source of bush meat, but their 'white gold' can prove to be a substantial reward for poachers. For example in Kenya and uncarved piece of ivory in 1969 was worth ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Ivory Poaching Research Paper Ivory Poaching: Are Elephants Becoming Extinct? Poaching for the ivory tusks from elephants has become a more prominent idea within the past twenty years. Elephants are killed for their tusks made of ivory. These are typically used for jewelry, ornamental carvings, and art objects. (Perlez, 1989, n.p.). The elephant population has slowly dwindled down throughout the years because of the poaching for ivory and it has caused elephants in some countries to become extinct. The poaching of elephants for their tusks has driven the animal in some countries – such as Sierra Leone and Senegal – to the point of extinction. More than 30,000 elephants were slaughtered in Africa last year alone, 382 of them in Kenya. (Stewart, 2013n n.p.). Killing elephants ... Show more content on ... Poachers have the biggest risk involved in this, due to them actually having to kill the elephant. They can earn $50–$100 per kilogram. The higher up the chain that the ivory moves, the more the price raises and the poacher will make more money. By the time that the ivory reaches its highest level, it can earn up to $3,000 per kilogram. (Stewart, 2013, n.p.). The risks of killing elephants for their ivory tusks might be a risky job, but many poachers believe that it is worth the effort. One poacher was interviewed and he revealed that his motivation behind poaching elephants was because he was jobless. He said "I was jobless. Our family had nothing. A friend lured me into it. He said if we killed an elephant, we could sell its tusks. I did that and got money. So I decided that would be my full–time job." (Mutiga, 2014, n.p.). Although the benefits of poaching an elephant for their ivory tusks might seem high, they are not. These poachers are endangering the elephant population and could eventually cause them to become completely ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Can Realists Save Elephants From Extinction? Can Realists Save Elephants from Extinction? Elephants are being poached at a horrific rate, and their population has dropped over thirty percent in just seven years. For realists, this trend will continue as more pressing issues take precedence over the future of elephants. Realists believe states are the primary actors in international politics and that the international system is anarchic. International politics is thus a power struggle between self–interested states., This crisis is occurring because states cannot reach a consensus on how to resolve the issue. States are currently more focused on other challenges and are overlooking the dire situation elephants are facing. For example, Kenya and Tanzania are more concerned with combating Al–Shabaab, and Botswana and Namibia are more worried about human welfare than they are about the existence of elephants. For realists, the harsh reality is that states are focused on survival and not on elephants. Because realists do not believe in supranational organizations, it will be impossible to resolve poaching internationally and to recognize the heroic efforts that animal–related nongovernmental organizations are involved in to save them. Organizations such as CITES, IUCN, UNEP, and WWF are working tirelessly on wildlife conservation. However, these organizations are rejected by realists who believe international organizations are useless. To further complicate measures, the threat level to African elephants is currently split ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Poachers Kill Magnificent Animals for Profit Essay "Lions and tigers, oh my!" Some know animals such as these to be scary; other people understand these animals to be a beautiful creation of Earth. Whether you are afraid of mighty beasts or simply in awe of them, it astonishes many people when they realize how few of them are still alive. Rhinoceroses, elephants, leopards, tigers, African lions, and many more creatures are all considered an endangered species, and we are the reason they are deemed that way. The one element all of those animals have in common is that they are valuable. Rhinoceroses are treasured for their horns; Elephants for their tusks. Lions, tigers, and leopards are all wanted for their skins. These magnificent beings are some of the main sources for poachers. Before... Show more content on ... If any main predator species were to become extinct then prey species would no longer have any factors regulating their population. Therefore, the prey would have an overproduction of offspring which would cause a decrease in the plant life and have continuous damage down to the bottom of the food chain. Eventually, the major disaster that would occur is the exhaustion of the food supply. Even though poaching may seem unstoppable because of its 'supply and demand' methods, many people and countries have banded together to help stop the destruction of species and the detriments that follow. One organization that is attempting to stop poaching is the Environmental Investigation Agency. The EIA has spread awareness to many different areas and has been informing the public about how vulnerable ecosystems are and the repercussions that will result if poaching continues. It also educates people on the simple ways they can help reduce poaching such as refusing any illegal animal items or parts offered to them. The United States, Canada, Taiwan, and Australia have also participated in the plan to prevent poaching. All four countries have laws against finning sharks, or the process of removing a shark's fins and then 'throwing back' the body. Fisherman are allowed to catch sharks in these countries, but they must retrieve all of the shark and keep it intact. Nearly all countries and major ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Research Paper On Ivory Ivory–Is it worth it? Everyday elephants and rhinos are being poached in order to get their tusks and horns. These tusks and horns are made of ivory which is sold for very large sums. Many things are being done to stop poaching but elephants and rhinos are still being poached. People in Asia mainly China are the main buyers of ivory from illegally poached rhinos and elephants. The ivory business is a multi million dollar business. They buy elephant tusks for $1,500 per pound. Rhino horns are $45,000 per pound, or $6,000 for 100 grams. Many things are trying to be done but there is still illegal ivory trading. There is a near total ban on ivory in the US. The Chinese government has become stricter so people trade in Vietnam and Laos where there is a less strict government. The main buyers of ivory are in Asia but people don't want to change their ways so many people still participate in the business of ivory trading. Elephants and rhinos are disappearing at an alarming rate due to illegal poaching. Many elephants are being killed everyday and they could soon be extinct. Tanzania's elephant population decreased by two thirds and Mozambique's fell by 40%. Elephants have dropped in population from more than 10 million to only 479,000 today. ... Show more content on ... Even though people are helping these animals are still being poached and could be extinct very soon. So I ask you, is ivory worth it? Works Cited Meyer, Micheal. "Pressuring the Poachers. Newsela. Web. 4–15–16 Sherwell, Philip. "Revealed:the Laos market selling ivory carvings and 'medicinal' rhino horn from slaughtered wildlife to Chinese buyers." Web. 4–22–16 Kaplan, Sarah. "One of the Last four Rare White Rhinos Euthanized". Newsela. Web. 4–20–16 Hussain, Wasbir. "As British Royals Arrive, Rhino Killed". Newsela. Web. 4 –19–16 "How Drones are Helping Stop Poachers in Africa". Abc news. Video. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Research Paper On The Ivory Trade The ivory trade is a big problem all around the world, China and the USA are major issues in this, being the top two buyers in the world of illegal ivory. Hong Kong was a major buyer in illegal trade, and accumulated 779 pounds of ivory, or six tons. After CITES banned ivory trade, they did in fact let some countries take some ivory legally. Hong Kong was one that scooped it up a lot of it and sold it. Even after CITES rebanned it, saying that any ivory must be at least 100 years old. However, it is really easy to make it look old, so that rules was one that was easily broken. Ivory is a valuable thing, and many people want it. However, people who are standing up for the elephants are burning, or want to burn things made of ivory. From an article ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Ivory Poaching Research Paper Almost all elephants face habitat loss. When they lose their habitats, they are forced to move to another area which can lead them to dying because they are not used to that certain habitat. Hotter and drier climates make it harder to forage or find food, and threatens calf survival. People cause conflict with elephant population and ivory poaching. Ivory poaching is when someone kills an elephant for its tusk for sale. There are people that help stop the sale of ivory. These people are called the Defenders of Wildlife. They also work on regulations to protect elephants. Back in the early 20th century, there were millions of African elephants and 100,000 Asian elephants. Now days there are only 450,000– 700,000 African elephants and only ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Elephant Poaching The complexity surrounding conservation is a theme that I found both important and compelling. This topic came up during the "Class within a Class" on the Illegal Wildlife Trade. One of the readings assigned was a New York Times article about elephant poaching. After working at a charity focusing on wildlife preservation in Africa last summer, I had become passionate about elephant conservation. I had learned about the rapid decline of elephants along with the threat of poaching based on the ivory trade. Yet after completing the readings, I realized that the issue was more complicated than I had previously appreciated. For example, I was unaware of the complex geopolitical elements of the issue: the ivory demands of middle–class China, the ... Show more content on ... The severity of these political and economic factors often impacts the success of a given convention's outcomes. We surveyed a variety of conservation treaties, from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS). Some of these, such as EUROBATS, were more successful, with a smaller group of countries being able to work in close cooperation through this treaty. Most European countries are relatively politically and economically stable and have a network of NGOs that can assist in conservation efforts. This contributed heavily to the success of EUROBATS. Conversely, CITES is an agreement that spans the globe, requiring the needs and interests of the global North and South be taken into account. As seen with the elephant poaching case study, some countries lack the ability to enforce the rules of CITES, even if they are a party to the convention. Without the cooperation of these countries, the impact of CITES on wildlife conservation has been weakened. The complexity surrounding conservation highlights the difficulties in creating an effective conservation regime for a given species and the problems in designing a treaty acceptable to all global States. Yet it also stands as a reminder of the necessity of global cooperation for solving trans–boundary environmental problems–an overarching theme of this course that is applicable to almost every issue we ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Elephant, Ivory And Trade For many years, the population of mammals has been declining. One mammal in particular that caught my eye was the elephant. The elephant population has been decreasing significantly. One elephant species in exact has suffered more than others, which is the African elephant. In Gao and Clark's words "African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are in great danger" (Gao & Clark, 23). This essay will review the factors that triggers humans to kill African elephants and the main cause humans are killing Africanelephant's for. Although, humans might have valid reasons as to why they kill innocent elephants, the killing of mammals doesn't service the circumstance that the planet is losing that specific specie, which is something that it 's hard to ... Show more content on ... After, iron tools were invented, which started increasing the human densities in forest zones (Barnes, 179). According to Barnes, human densities were low until the16th century, right before iron tools were seen (Barnes, 179). These tools helped farmer clear their way in the forests, making it easier for them to farm (Barnes, 179). After the ivory demand from the Roman's, the Chinese started doing the same thing, demanding for ivory which is still currently growing (Barnes, 178, Gao & Clark, 23). In more recent years, the ivory used has expanded in China (Gao & Clark, 24). The most common way ivory is used in China is for carving as a traditional art (Gao & Clark, 24). Ivory carving wasn't well–known in the Chinese culture until later in the 1950's, when ivory factories started establishing (Gao &Clark, 24). Afterwards, ivory carving became a major foreign–currency–generating industry in cities around China (Gao & Clark, 24). The industries failed a little after the Cultural Revolution that occurred in the years between 1966 and 1976 (Gao & Clark, 24). Ivory is used in many things but the most common way the Chinese culture uses it is by the following: figuring, ornaments, scholar's articles, and vessels (Gao & Clark, 24). As ivory started to get popular in the Chinese culture, new stores started selling ivory. In around 1936, there has been calculated around 126 ivory facilities in "Da Xin" (Gao & Clark, 24). "Da Xin" is an ivory specialty street ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Animal Poaching Research Paper Poaching is a problem around the entire world. The Anti–poaching Foundation is trying to protect the endangered animals. Anti–poaching reported that modern day poachers use military equipment to kill high–target species such as elephants , rhinos , gorillas,whales and dolphin. The elephant population has dropped to 62% over the last decade. Poaching is caused by many things. Buyers think the ivory from elephants and rhinos are a type of medicine or cure but it's not . Poachers want money for the animal parts. Big horned sheep antlers can cost $20,000 dollars on the black market. A rhino horn cost $2 million dollars, so this is a regular job for a poacher. I do not understand why poachers can't just get a job like everyone ,and just save money in the bank instead of killing helpless animals About hundred african elephant are killed every single day by poachers seeking ivory meat ,other body parts , according to World of Elephants. ... Show more content on ... Back in the early part of the 20th century there may have been as many as three million african elephants. Now there are only 470,000 elephants left in Africa,and the number is declining each day.(wwf, Since 1984, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has been dedicated to protecting endangered species using investigations to help polices and actions that protect animals that are endangered like whales, elephants, rhinos, whales, and dolphins . EIA is exposing illegal ivory trade routes and advocates to stop the trade and to protect elephants.Poachers are killing a lot of rhinos because the profit from the rapidly growing demand for Rhino horn in Asia. Poachers are killing whales for their blubber and for fat, and,also for lamp oil. Gorillas can be pets for some people,so they just take the gorillas out the wild. Also gorillas are poached for trophies and their body parts. I am so upset how people kill harmless animals just for sport and just for pure ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Ivory Poaching Research Paper Ivory Poaching Introduction– Every 14 minutes one elephant is poached for its tusks. Hopefully we can keep these elephants alive. Poachers in Africa illegally kill elephants to sell in the black market. 1st paragraph– "Elephants population declining because of ivory poaching." An article from states "President Uhuru Kenyatta set fire in March to a giant pile of 15 tones of elephant ivory, which conservationists said then was the largest ever burned in Africa. The average weight of the elephant's pair of tusks was around 36 kilos, meaning the stockpile represents the death of some 3,820 animals." ("Kenya to destroy vast Ivory stock pile from thousands of elephants". Nov. 16 2015) Poachers have killed very many elephants. Including one of Africa's most beloved elephants, was also killed by a poisoned arrow by poachers, who cut off his face to remove his massive tusks. All of these slaughters have killed off most of Africa's elephant population, and for what? For statues. More than 100,000 African elephants were killed for their tusks during a three–year period. These murders have to be stopped. Rampant poaching between 1979 and 1989 ... Show more content on ... However, hundreds of people have brought attention to the subject. Very many campaigns have been made, items inspired have been made and the money goes to save elephants this goes from clothing items to notepads made of elephant feces. Most of the poached ivory is taken to China, where it is sold in the black market. To take a stand from ivory poaching, the Chinese government destroyed 6 tons, and Hong Kong authorities say they will destroy their 30 ton stockpile, one of the largest in the world. ("Tragic Price of Ivory" Nov. 10 2015). An article in states; Under preasure from some member nations, CITIES refuses to institute a complete ban on ivory trade. Authorities have also made ivory, received by an elephant that died from a natural cause or not, is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Reasons For Ivory Phoaching Ivory poaching is the main reason why elephants are being heavily hunted. However; even though it is illegal in many countries, poachers still manage to supply the illegal ivory trade. According to National Geographic, every year the elephants population decreases by 8 percent. This is about 27,000 elephants slaughtered by poachers year after year. In order to help stop the declining of the elephants population, in 1989 CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) put in place a global ban on ivory trading that significantly stopped poaching at first, but twice since then, in 1999 and 2008, some southern African countries were allowed to sell ivory from their stockpiles. These sales widely believed to have boosted ivory demand in Asia and stimulated poaching and ivory smuggling. Despite being banned, ivory poachers still manage to illegally sell the elephants tusks all around the country. There are many ways and reasons as to why poachers kill elephants for their ivory tusks. According to EleAid, elephants have two tusks that grow continuously throughout their lives. They use their tusks for a variety of tasks such as defense, digging, lifting objects, gathering food, and stripping bark to eat from trees. These tusks are in embedded within the skull of the animal which this part is a pulpy cavity that contains nerves, tissue, and blood vessels; however, it is also ivory. In order to remove this section, the tooth must be carved out of the skull; thus, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Stand Against Ivory Trade Citizens from around the world are taking a stand against the ivory trade: New York /were–crushing–one–ton–of–ivory–in–times–square–this–week.html and Sri Lanka–sri–lanka–elephants–buddhism–ivory–stockpile–cites/ recently destroyed ivory and Hong Kong is working towards a domestic ivory trade ban. /great–news–as–hong–kong–finally–moves–to–ban–ivory–trade.html Elephants need our help urgently. According to iWorry, one elephant is killed every 15 minutes; at this rate, none will be left in the wild in 2025. But new information shows that not everyone is on board to save our elephants. Between 2012 and 2014, 12 tons of elephant ivory were sold on Yahoo Japan. Majestic Elephants Reduced to Letter Writing Personal Seals As reported in The Guardian,–japan–sold–12–tons–elephant–ivory–activists–claim for as little as $20 (and as much as $60,000) ... Show more content on ... By its inaction, Yahoo is an accomplice in these deaths and in funding and profiting from the illegal wildlife trade. While it's obvious how the wildlife trade hurts animals, it also hurts people. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), /illegal_trade/wildlife_trade_campaign/wildlife_trafficking_report/ the $19 billion industry is the "fourth largest global illegal trade after narcotics, counterfeiting of products and currency, and human trafficking." Given its low risk, the illegal trade is also a magnet for criminal activity and organizations, e.g. Boko Haram,–ivory/article.html While the trade stumps social and economic development, it also threatens the environment and (national and international) ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How To Hurt An Elephant Date of Article or News Report: August 10, 2017 Title: Wooly Mammoth Ivory is On the Rise– And It's Hurting Elephants Type: printed article viewable media, podcast, TED talk other, describe: One sentence topic summary: Elephant extinction is on the rise because poachers constantly kill them for their tusks. Citation (MLA format): Danzeisen, Eve. "Wooly Mammoth Ivory Is On the Rise – And It's Hurting Elephants." Lady Freethinker, African Wildlife Foundation Description of how this story impacts Economics, Society, Politics, and the ENvironment. E People have hunted for elephant tusks for years and they sell them for a lot of money. Although this increases the African ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Ivory Destruction Just a few decades ago, there were over 4 million elephants across the world. Today, there are fewer than 500,000. This enormous loss within the elephant population has been largely due to excessive, illegal poaching for their tusks. In the year 1989, two major revelations occurred for the elephants–first, the International Ivory Trade Ban had been accepted worldwide in hopes of slowing down the rapidly depleting elephant population. Second, Kenya's president at the time, Daniel Arap Moi initiated the first major public act of ivory destruction. Since that year, governments have been taking their seized ivory from traffickers and either crushing or burning their stockpiles in a way that conservation groups hoped would dissuade potential black ... Show more content on ... This strategy may possess the potential power needed to drive the poached ivory out of business. First, the gangs who traffic and sell their ivory loots will begin to lose money once consumers realize that suddenly, ivory is not as valuable to the world as it once seemed to be. Instead, they will buy within the government market where they will be less worried about being punished for their purchases. If the economic theory holds that "destroying stockpiles of smuggled ivory reduces the amount that enters the market and thus increases the value of available stocks. This increases the expected gain from poaching and thus more poaching is bound to be the result" (Kimenyi) then, releasing legal ivory will do just the opposite and decrease the value of the poachers stockpiles, therefore leading to less incentive to kill elephants for money. Secondly, if this method is adopted, governments won't be benefiting from the profits; these are planned to be sent to conservation efforts throughout Africa. Since many governments that are leaders of the land that elephants still exist on are poorly constructed and don't have many reinforcements or resources on foot, the ability for governments to send profits to these African governments should be a tremendous step towards saving the elephant population and it will also make poaching harder for ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Summary : ' The Scourge Of The Ivory Trade ' Killing for Teeth? Doesn't Seem Right In, "The Scourge of the Ivory Trade" the editorial board discusses the need to put a ban on the importing and exporting of illegal ivory into China. Over the last decade, the demand for ivory has skyrocketed in China. The board explains that there have been some strides made in the right direction, but not nearly enough has been done. The population of elephants in Tanzania alone has lost nearly ninety percent of their population (The Editorial Board). The tragedy does not end there, all over Africa elephants are being murdered for nothing more than their teeth. There need to be more sanctions placed in China and Africa to ban the illegal import and export of ivory. China has become the highest ... Show more content on ... If there are more people that go through licensing procedures and pay taxes and tagging for each piece of ivory that is received then more people will buy legit pieces and from animals that are registered to have died of natural causes. Most people do not think about the implication of buying a harmless piece of jewelry. Most people do not think about what a person has to do or kill to get a trinket that is pretty. Together, the United Nations need to put pressure on Africa and China to regulate the flow of ivory leaving Africa and going into China. Almost ninety percent of ivory sold in South Asia is of African origins (Ives 39–43). The problem starts in Africa. The African government has not done its job to protect its wildlife. The African government needs to give the conservation groups the funding or access they need to help save these animals; it would help to take a huge stride forward. As it stands the groups have a hard time. Africa should give licenses to the conservation groups so that when anelephant dies it can me tagged and then harvested. The groups could, in turn, offer small finders fees, but they would have to be able to show where the elephant died. This would help to bring communities together to save the elephants lives. Furthermore, the African ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Ivory Trade Persuasive Essay Approximately 100 elephants are killed every day most purely for ivory but the african government has started to conduct the burning of ivory how ever some suspect that this is all just a clever ploy so the people running the destruction of ivory are just stealing ivory and getting rich/richer, that is essentially what but it's a bit crazy to think so but we should be cautious if we continue to tread down this path just in case somes worries are true. It takes 1800 degrees to burn .25 ounces of ivory , Fuel burns from 800 to 1500 degrees so large quantities of ivory would theoretically take weeks to burn meaning it is effectively ineffective yet the african and many other governments continue to do so and it seems kinda fishy . As any other ... Show more content on ... There are just a ton of documented cases of corruption including ivory so it would be ridiculous to be ignorant to the fact that it might have already found its way to the burning of stockpiles. These are just some facts i'm pointing out. Some people (simon jenkins http://goo. gl/CDQPl6 ) want to farm these majestic animals to ensure they don't go extinct as they claim to have only the best motives. His ulterior motive is quite different the fact is you can capitalize on them and make a lot of money the only problem with that is that elephants would become domesticated like cows and not be suitable to survive in the wild again. One of mr. Jenkins main arguments is that it would make more money than tourism ever would how ever it is wrong to put money before the survival of an entire species . At this point there is no clear option to saving the elephants but this one does not preserve elephants it makes them a cattle to be sold distributed and slaughtered. These are just some points i'm empathizing on ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Elephant Slaughter Research Paper Elephant Slaughter In this lesson we watched a video about elephant slaughter and how people sale the Ivory illegally, and for a high price. Ivory is not only beautiful in its own nature but it is very expensive. But unfortunately if we don't stop killing elephants for their ivory they will be extinct in the next 10 years. We also read an article about the same topic, each one has different information about the same topic. The video helps you visualize the article, and the article gives you more information about the video. Multimedia has both pros and cons but both have all the information on the topic. There are advantages and disadvantage to both the video and article. The advantages of the video is that it gives you a lot of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Effects Of Animal Poaching What if animal poaching came to an end? The world would be a better place and the ecosystem and animal species would not be in danger. Animal poaching holds the number one spot for wild animal deaths, resulting in more than 50 percent of all deaths. Some people argue that animal poaching is a life style and should not be stopped. Majority of the population argues that it is wrong and steps need to be taking to end it. Big game animals such as tigers, elephants, and rhinos are facing serious danger. They are being pushed to extinction in many countries.Animal poaching is bad for the environment and food chains, its gruesome, operates on the black market and is making animals go extinct. Animal poaching has nothing good about it. It ruins many of things and changes people's way of life. It makes it harder for animal populations to stay healthy and not extinct. Animal poaching needs to be put to an end. Poaching is defined as "the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission" ( Many animals including elephants, tigers, rhinos, and snub–nosed monkeys are on the verge of extinction due to humans poaching them for felt, ivory, etc. According to, Legal, Moral and Biological Implications of Poaching and Illegal Animal Tracking on an International Scale, the loss of animals will endanger the ecosystem and therefore hurt the entire world. We need flora and fauna in our ecosystems to maintain ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Ivory Artifacts of The Israelietes Imagine in your minds eye you are back in time during age of Israelites. Now imagine yourself walking the halls of palace. As you walk you see what seems to be a small fortune of art decorating the halls. You eventually stop walk and you find yourself in the throne room and right before you see a chair but, not just not any chair the most elegant chair you have ever see with your own two eyes. This chair glistens with jewels and some sort of white material you are not familiar with. The white material seems almost alien in nature and yet it is beautiful and makes the thrones seem as if from another world. That white on that throne would be ivory. Ivory items are peculiar items when one thinks about them for long enough. One starts to think ... Show more content on ... Now think that other countries are trying to win your favor to help them battle neighboring countries for land. So they try and win your favor with gifts, and there is no better gift back in the time of pharoses and king than Ivory. Ivory back in those times symbolized many things but the most important on was wealth so as a result everyone wanted it. So you have your scribe write down who give you the best piece of ivory or any other type of material good. In the end whom ever has given you the best gifts has won your favor as result you go out and help them conquer their enemy. Their enemy may have tried to buy your favor as well, but since their gift was not as good as your new ally's gift they dictated their own fate. Kings would have written records of these times of war and bribery so they could in the end know who they should support. As a result this is textual evidence that we can tell where ivories could have come from. Now the reason the style of the piece by which I mean the motifs on the pieces give away where the ivory is from is because what a motif is. A motif essentially means the themes of the work and message that the artists are trying to convey. Generally motifs of work are indigenous to areas where the artists are from for example. You are not going to see on Egyptian art depictions of Thor the thunder god of Nordic mythology because that does not pertain to the artist. The motifs of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. What Is Elephant Poaching? Africa's elephant population suffers 25 year decline as more poachers kill for their ivory tusks. (Durando) The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), has been an organization for over 61 years concerning the protection of native African animals. Elephant poaching has become a more increasing issue over the past years. Hunting is used for control of population, but poaching can threaten the African elephants, and could cause the species to need to be protected. Many organizations have been made to benefit the elephants with protective measures. The AWF is there to ensure that through projects and activities, they can aid the species in need. "Another highly successful AWF program is theElephant Awareness Campaign. Its slogan, 'only elephants... Show more content on ... "Governments in Africa vary in their ability to control poaching, and conflict certainly does not help" (Plumer) The government has not supported the acts or helped to take protective measurements for the wildlife of Africa. This is causing more poaching and a dying loss of a species that is being harmed severely by not taking control over this spiraling situation. "'If wildlife could talk, it would take humans to court,' said Nyokabi Gitahi, an AWF lawyer" (Africa News Service) As of 2005, the AWF has decided to save a habitat for wildlife in African country known for its elephants and other large wildlife. This means, since then, they have tried to help with the conservation of the elephants and other animals in the area of Africa. "Grant agreements have been written with 6 African governments (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia) and 21 non–governmental organizations," (Phillips) According to the article, in reference to 1998, there were many countries and organizations all for the help of elephant conservation. The protection and support from all these governments and organizations will ultimately help the population of the elephants strive and become a populated species again. Congress passed in 1988, an elephant protection grant that suports, "(1) a review of African elephant conservation programs in each range country and a moratorium on the importation of ivory from any country that fails to maintain an adequate elephant conservation program, and (2) a grant program to support research, conservation, management, and protection of African elephants." (Phillips) The United States supported this grant by monitoring ivory imports, but other countries cannot fully commit because they can only control the internal trade, but not the international ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Elephant Poaching Essay Elephant Poaching "We are experiencing what is likely to be the greatest percentage loss of elephants in history," said Richard G. Ruggiero, an official with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Ney York Times; December 3, 2012). The poaching of elephants started in the late 1800's and is still happening today. People are slaughtering these majestic animals for their ivory tusks. Ivory has been sold on the black market for millions of dollars. Before the start of ivory poaching there were millions of elephants in the world in both Africa and India, but today because of the hunting for ivory, there are barely any of these giants left in the wild. Throughout history Europeans have been moving in on central African states to make... Show more content on ... "It is a tragedy beyond reckoning and humanity needs to pay attention to the plight of the elephants before it is too late" said Cyril Christo (CNN; February3, 2013). This world–wide known tragedy has probed other countries to donate money, campaign, and educate to create an avenue for the awareness of Save the Elephants ( There are organizations around the globe designed to stop elephant poaching. Their intent is to sway people's opinions to help with the world–wide problem. Only a global ban on the sale of ivory would take the heat off of these massive creatures. Solutions might include, addressing the involvement of international criminal institutes by means of strong law enforcement at both national and international levels along the full extent of the supply. Closing down domestic (national) markets in ivory, would also be beneficial. Countries could embrace the trade ban, and educate consumers in order to stem the demand for ivory (Bloody Ivory; January 11, 2013). Just imagine life without any elephants, wiped out just like the dinosaurs. In the early 1980's, there were more than a million reported elephants in Africa. Tragically, during that decade, 600,000 elephants were destroyed for ivory products. Today, conceivably no more than 400,000 elephants remain across the continent. Elephants are facing a very real threat of extinction; In fact, the African elephants are listed on the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Ivory Horn And Blood Analysis In the nonfiction book Ivory, Horn, and Blood by Ronald Orenstein, the author discusses his opinions on the topic of poaching elephants and rhinos. Orenstein believes that poaching is morally wrong, unnecessary, and should be stopped. He refrains from using emotional words, instead focusing on and providing startling statistics and horrifying facts. Many people believe that poaching is wrong, but what most people do not realize is that poaching animals is an illegal crime in most places. Orenstein, proving his assertions, stated that, "Perhaps it is stating the obvious, but poachers, whatever drives them to poach, are breaking the law...The media often confuse matters by talking about 'illegal poaching' as though there were such a thing as ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Ivory Trade Is An Important Issue In the world today, the global ivory trade is one of the most profitable and complex areas of poaching. The range and impact of the ivory trade is vast and devastating as it encompasses many countries in Africa, Asia, and even the United States. Thousands of elephants are being threatened and killed everyday for their tusks to be sold and be used for ornaments and carvings. While the issue may seem easy to understand, beneath the surface is a crisis that extends to many spectrums such as cultural, social, political, and economic areas. The ivory trade raises ethical issues on whether it is morally correct for humans to slaughter elephants for their tusk to be sold for commercial purposes. Therefore, the global ivory trade is an important ... Show more content on ... In Chinese culture, ivory represents a symbol of status in that "giving a trinket carved from elephant tusk confers the highest honor" (Levine 2013). What makes the ivory trade problem a complex issue in China is that the ivory trade is legal with "150 legal, government–licensed ivory shops" (BBC 2014) and that the Chinese government says that "ivory carving is an ancient art it wants to keep alive" (BBC 2014) With a growing economy comes a growing middle class emerging in China, more and more individuals seek to obtain ivory as to symbolize their wealth.This highlights the cultural problem with the global ivory trade because countries like China struggle to suppress the trade of ivory due to many cultural ties it historically had with it and it's citizens are so obsessed with it's value that they lack "any potential concerns over its provenance." (Levin 2013) When discussing about the global ivory trade one must consider the social issues that impacts the common people who share the same land as the elephants. A major misconception that people have is the belief that elephants only live on game reserves. In reality, elephants inhabit the same lands with their human neighbors. Because of this fact, the elephant population sometimes pose as a nuisance to human life and activities. As their population because more populated, elephants can sometimes wander out of the natural parks boundaries and into human communities which can create ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Pros And Cons Of Ivory Ban In China CHINA AND HONG KONG China is banning all ivory trade and processing activities by the end of 2017 signaling an end to the world's primary legal ivory market and a major boost to international efforts to tackle the elephant–poaching crisis. 23wAfter China made the announcement last year; the price of ivory in Asia fell. This made the ivory business unprofitable. Some wanted to get rid of the stock but others are waiting for prices to go up again. When the price falls, the poaching doesn't stop as the sellers continue to slaughter more elephants to replace the missing income. Some are questioning whether the ivory ban in China could make the elephants life worse. Dan Stiles, an independent consultant who has been investigating ivory markets for 15 years, states, "I think there will be an increase in illegal selling to cover the gap made by the closure of legal markets". There is also no sign of a corresponding decline in poaching. "I see no decline," said Stiles. "That to me means a drop in price is actually bad for elephants because these guys can buy more ivory for the same amount of money as before. As long as the poaching continues at these high rates, it looks like there are still quite high volumes of ivory in spite of the seizures that have been made," he added. However, Stiles is keen to stress that it is still too early to see the full impact on poaching across Africa from China's domestic ivory ban, which will be fully enforced at the end of this year. "Let's see where we are at the beginning of 2019. If poaching rates haven't gone down significantly by then, then elephants are in real trouble". Many conservationists believe that the ban is pointing in the right direction for elephants, with Verheij from the WJC saying, "It's really encouraging". Vigne agrees and points out that in the future this ban will have an impact on the big trading networks. "If they have any sense they won't want to trade if the prices are dropping like that," she said. But ultimately, she added, the key is law enforcement. "Punishment is the biggest deterrent. That's what has to be focused, so the illegal markets will slowly become marginalised". FRANCE France is another country that introduced a "near complete ban" ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Dangers Of Phoaching In Africa In West Africa Elephants are the "keepers of the savannas and gardeners of the forest" and are one of the most intelligent and unique animals on the planet. Much like humans they have the ability to feel emotion and create kinship bonds with other elephants, so much so that they grieve over the deaths of other elephants (The Ivory Game). This is something that very few other animals have the capability of doing. Not only are they unique in their behavior, but also in the precious cargo they carry, known as ivory. A few hundred years ago millions of elephants roamed the sub – Saharan and the rainforest of Central and West Africa, but less than 400,000 African Elephants exist today. If poaching continues at its current rate the African Elephants are well on their way to becoming extinct. In the last 20 years there has been a serious increase in demand for ivory in Asia and in the Middle East, which has led to a serious poaching problem in Africa and an increase in black market activity across Asia. Despite the international ban on trading ivory introduced in 1989 by CITES, (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) elephants are still being poached in large numbers. While the ban offered a temporary solution and the opportunity for some populations to recover, all of that was reversed in 1999 when CITES allowed Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to sell 50 tons of stockpiled ivory to Japan. This was supposed to be "one–time sale", but China was granted the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Ivory Trade And Its Effect On The Trade Throughout the course of history, humans have long used the exchange of goods as a way to socially interact and provide for themselves. Trading is a cornerstone of modern society and it is how materials and objects can be transferred around the world. The ivory trade is a practice that has been in place for centuries. In the last one to two hundred years, the negative impacts of the trade have begun to surface. The elephant populations, specifically in Africa, are rapidly declining with the illegal trade taking place today. The ban on the ivory trade was put into place in order to save the elephant populations and reduce the harmful environmental impacts. The use of international law in the creation of the ban on the trade and the current ... Show more content on ... In the 19th century, most of the elephants in Southern Africa were wiped out, and then a large reduction of the animals in West Africa took place by the end of the 20th century. These huge reductions in the elephant populations meant that ivory was becoming scarcer. In the first half of the 20th century, the world was ravaged by large wars including both of the World Wars. The trade slowed a great deal, until the economic prosperity in the 1960s and 1970s sparked a new emergence of ivory demand (Underwood 8). Reports show that in the beginning of the 1970s, Japan was the largest global consumer of ivory, with about 40% consumption. Europe and North America were the next largest consumers, with another 40% being split between them (Underwood 8). An analysis of the trade shows that around this time, the elephant populations were under great stress. African elephants were at their lowest numbers ever, and they continued to decline with no real international efforts to stop the trade. While ivory may have been an important commodity in the world, the impacts that the trade had on the elephants and their environments was devastating. If the ivory trade was so significant back in the middle of the 20th century, then what changed in order to result in a ban on it? The international community brought attention to this issue and began to implement international law with the introduction of CITES, or the Convention on International Trade ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Effects Of Imperialism time of the 1800's and force Europe to implies Africa (Kerridge, n.p.). The word "imperialism" means the period of colonization of Afri can and Asian countries by European states, the USA and Japan in the 19th century, on the other hand it means an idea that was disseminated since the beginning of the modern times around the 16th century: The people of the mighty European countries thought to be the first race of the world (Hawkins, n.p.). With new creation such as new ships, printing, weapons, Europe was excellent to the other continents (Adams, n.p.). Driven by the church's idea of mission, the necessary for resources and greed for treasure, first the Spanish and the Portuguese, later all valuable countries started to take expand and important ... Show more content on ... A another resource that they made money off of was oil. This was use to paint, as shown in Kurtz's paintings from the novella. ''Then I noticed a small sketch in oils, on a panel, representing a woman draped and blindfolded carrying a lighted torch. The background was somber almost black. The movement of the woman was stately and the effect of the torchlight was sinister" (Conrad, pp. 25) According to Conrad's novel, one in many particular scratches Kurtz's sketch of a blindfolded woman carrying a lighted torch was used painted with oils. The women represents Liberty and Justice (Conrad, pp.25). While the torch and having her blindfolded represents seriously powerless (Conrad, pp.25). In the "Heart of Darkness", Marlow discovers the oil painting in the Station(Conrad, pp.25). Marlow attention towards the painting shows his intelligence of the artist's name(Conrad, pp.25). It is because of the oil image that Marlow desire to get to know Kurtz (Conrad, pp.26). After ivory and palm oil were discovered at the Congo then rubber was invented. Everyone wanted this product because it made a excellent ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Technology Being Used Is Camera Traps well known technology being used is camera traps. For decades, camera traps have been used to monitor wildlife without endangering the lives of humans, but today highly sophisticated digital cameras are even more helpful because some of the cameras now come with automatic triggers, heat sensing, vibration detection, infrared detection, video feeds, and acoustic elements (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Similarly to camera traps, radio collars that have been used for tracking wildlife has also gone through technological advances in terms of their use with satellite technology. Advancements in the sizes and costs of the collars now allow elephants to be collared. Even something as common as a database is being advanced in the fight to protect ... Show more content on ... The last form of technology that Cress and Zommers (2014) describe is DNA testing. Genetic sequencing can be used to identify wildlife body parts such as ivory tusks. Once identified, it can confirm a sub–species, region of origin, or other useful data. DNA testing is a constantly growing filed that will continue to have uses in the fight to end illegal ivory trading and poaching. With all these different types of technology, there is more hope for scientists and policy makers to be able to not only identify species that are at risk, but to take measures to protect such species from extinction. Even countries that are not as involved in the ivory trade can use technologies to help stop illegal poaching and trading of ivory. For example, in 2014 the United States Government launched the Technology Challenge on Wildlife Trafficking through the USAID (United States Agency for International Development). This is a grant program that is intended to encourage the best and smartest scientists and entrepreneurs to use technological solutions to fight against illegal wildlife trade (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Cress and Zommers (2014) quote from the China Government Network (2013) when they describe how China, who is a country largely involved with ivory trade launched "Skynet Action" in 2013 which is a key component of which to stop the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Understanding Elephant Poaching The Elephants Did you know that that 35,000 elephants are dying each year? We are poaching them, usually for a price. Poaching is different from hunting. Hunting is when you kill for sport, and it's completely legal. You still need a permit. Poaching is when you kill an animal without a permit. Sadly, 30 elephants are lost a day in Tanzania. Imagine if that was you and your herd was getting killed with no end in sight. We need to take some responsibility, because I would want to be killed just because a poacher had a permit. In order to understand elephant poaching you need to know why they're being poached, the perspectives of the poachers, and the organisations, how they're becoming extinct, what we can do to help and what is being done to help. Elephants are being poached for their ivory. Countries around the world are increasing ivory buying. This is because more elephants have been poached and ... Show more content on ... A website called is a website with a petition you can sign. Your signature will help pass a law saying that ivory trading is illegal in Colorado. 18+ will be able to help this cause. If this website expands it could ban ivory trading in other countries also. Another organization is taking action too. A new has new laws impacting the penalties of killing a rhino or an elephant. This is embedded by the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. According to, "Any person who is convicted for unlawful killing of a rhinoceros or an elephant is expected to be sentenced to nine years for a first offender or eleven years for a second or subsequent offender," she said. This is telling us, if you kill these listed animals, you are sentenced nine years of prison. Also that you will be sentenced 11 years of prison if you have done this crime twice or you are a company or an organisation that will get sued, or accused of poaching in a court. Join in on these arguments and support ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Ivory Poachers Imagine this: An elephant, unaware of what's going on, was killed. Leaving her children behind. All for one thing, Ivory. Poachers have been moving through West Africa and have taken down multiple elephant species. Many are urging the people who live there to arrest any poachers that they may see. Eastern Africa has lost almost half of their elephants due to ivory hunters. With help the population of elephants has increased, and has been stable for the past couple of years. Due to new laws, these elephants can now live in peace. " There are 415,000 elephants across the 37 range states in Africa," (WWF) Though poaching can happen all over the world. The main area that it occurs in is Africa. Though there were many elephants, due to the amount ... Show more content on ... "Consumer demand for ivory cannot persist if we hope to secure a safe future for elephants," reported Ginette Hemley. (WWF) With the increase in elephants it has brought up the population which can help with the growth of the community's. As researchers find out more and more about elephants and their ivory, they have also been able to find out why people are hunting for ivory. Poachers have always been hunting ivory for a long time, but it was never a big problem. But as the amount of elephants decreased the restrictions have became more strict. And it is now illegal all over the world and many have been arrested while being caught in the act. They have been able to reduce the amount of deaths all with some help with the World Wildlife Fund. All with the help of the World Wildlife Fund, elephants have been able to live in a better environment. With their help the amount of poaching in Africa has decreased greatly in the past few years. Though poaching has not been put to an end, there have been ways to help save the elephants. And through new and reformed laws, it has decreased greatly.With the WWF's help, Elephants all over the world can live in better ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Persuasive Essay On Ivory Trade Bloody Ivory Last year 35,000 elephants were killed because of poaching and ivory trade. Elephants are poached for the ivory in their tusks. The ivory is mostly used for jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Ivory can also be used for the making of piano keys. I believe that the world needs to make a stop to poaching and the ivory trade. With that i will share with you my arguments on why i think we should stop poaching elephants. Elephants are being killed by the hundreds every day, just for their ivory. According to a book called "Ivory, horn, And Blood", the use ofelephant ivory goes all the way back to the Egyptian times. Having ivory showed power and wisdom. An Egyptian king back in the day, made his servants carve his throne entirely of ivory, to show his power and strength. I find that since people have been killing elephants for ages, it will be a hard habit to break, but i also feel like it must be done. I believe that we can replace ivory jewelry with gold or silver, because those elements are just material, while when you are wearing ivory, you are wearing the part of an animal that was brutally massacred, just for the pleasure of ... Show more content on ... According to an article published by Upfront Magazines, " In Mozambique, the number of people living inside one of the country's national parks grew to about 35,000 in 2012 from about 21,000 in 2001. The explanation is that the elephants are destroying crops and the only way to stop them is to, you know, destroy them, aka kill the elephants. I think that there should be other ways the farmers take care of the problem. I think they need to think of the big picture when they are about to put the final blow on the elephants. I believe that this is just one thing to add on to the pile for the struggle of surviving for the elephants. But what the real reason the elephants are going extinct is because of poaching, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Ivory Trade and the Slaughter of Elephants The Ivory Trade and the Slaughter of Elephants It is hard to equate an austere piano recital with the murder of hundreds of thousands of wild animals. For that matter, it is equally as difficult to relate that horrific scene with my grandmother's antique hairpins, but the fact of the matter is that the creamy ivory that is so cherished as a sign of wealth, culture, and tradition is really the result of the work of poachers. How can those delicate hairpins be the topic of international debate and black market trade? The answer is rooted in the history of one of the world's oldest markets: the ivory trade. Ivory is a form of dentin, the same material that is in human teeth. Since the time of the sixth dynasty of ancient Egypt, ivory ... Show more content on ... Between the years of 1979 and 1989 the African elephant population had declined from 1.3 million to 625,000, and the price had doubled per kilogram (Nave 1). The ban shut down all legal trade of the commodity, but black markets in ivory began to flourish. According to Kreuter, "poaching has increased in at least five of the nine countries studied by the African Elephant Specialist Group in 1994." In a few countries, such as Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa, programs have been put in place to give people incentives to maintain the elephant population (Kreuter 1). These incentives have placed a value on live elephants for the Africans who have therefore helped to maintain the numbers of these endangered creatures. The above–mentioned programs are only in place in a few African countries. In many others, the ban is an often side stepped nuisance in the illegal trade of ivory. Over the past several years, the illegal ivory of over one thousand African and thirty nine Asian elephants has been recovered en route to Japan alone. The ivory of over three thousand elephants has been recovered worldwide (Kioko 1). In 1997, in an attempt to stop the illegal trade, MIKE (Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants) and ETIS (Elephant Trade Information System) have been organized. There efforts, although well planned and well funded are still ineffective (Kioko 2). With continued funding and support, the hope is that these organizations well be able to greatly reduce the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Persuasive Essay On Elephant Many people aren't aware of how many elephants are killed each year by poachers. These poachers want to kill elephants for their tusks which contain ivory. I believe that elephants should not be poached for the ivory that their tusks contain. The elephant population has decreased tremendously, and in 1997, only about 600,000 elephants were left. Poachers are killing about 35,000 elephants every year, and this should stop right away. Elephants are on the verge of becoming extinct. Knowing this, some of you might be sad, while others might think that this has no effect on you personally. Well, as a matter of fact, if they become extinct, it might have a bigger effect on you then you would think. Actually, "There is a stark correlation between... Show more content on ... I strongly believe this should stop immediately. The amount of elephants on this earth is slowly decreasing, and there will eventually be none left. Would you rather have a nice keychain and fancy piano keys, or would you rather have a smart creature go extinct and never be seen again? If possible, there are many organizations you could donate to that help elephants. They are wonderful creatures, and the species deserves to live a long life on this planet. Works Cited "About CITES." Bloody Ivory. 2016. Web. 9 Mar. 2016. "About Us." Ivory Ella. 2016. Web. 8 Mar. 2016. Armstrong, Franette. "The Truth About Tusks." The Dodo. Web. 8 Mar. 2016. "Elephants are intelligent." ElephantVoices. 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2016. "Elephant Ivory Trade Ban." TED Case Studies. Web. 8 Mar. 2016. Good, Kate. "When Elephants Go Extinct, They Will Take the Trees With Them." One Green Planet. 14 Dec. 2014. Web. 9 Mar. 2016. Messenger, Stephan. "Exclusive Interview With An Elephant Poacher." The Dodo. 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2016. Pilipili Creative Ltd. "Our Mission." Save The Elephants. Web. 9 Mar. 2016. "33,000 Elephants Are Killed Every Year For Their Ivory." Wildaid. Web. 8 Mar.
  • 38. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Black Ivory Research Paper Outside of the potential cooperation problems between local and national governments, there is also the cultural issue that many farmers and villagers do not respect elephants. Because elephants are creatures of habit, they follow the same migration paths that their ancestors have for decades. Due to the increased agriculture in African villages, elephants often cross right through small farms or villages, destroying crops and small structures. Many African villagers who have had these encounters with elephants do not understand the Western fascination and obsession with saving an animal they perceive as a large, more destructive cockroach. Another issue is the perspective of those in Asia. Ivory has always been a symbol of wealth in Asia. Those who can afford to buy full tusks often commission experienced artists to carve intricate scenes and designs into the tusk for display in their homes. Although the resulting artwork is beautiful and the preservation of tradition is important, another medium should be used in order to create these art pieces, one that does not result in the decimation of a keystone species. The other purpose of buying ivory is medicinal. The rhino horn and ... Show more content on ... African national governments have mostly chosen to ignore the issue due to the extensive corruption present in police forces, business leaders, and influential politicians. Tanzanian intelligence agencies provided President Jakaya Kikwete with a list of corrupted businessmen and politicians involved in the black ivory market; however, this list has disappeared, according to The Guardian journalist Hannah McNeish (2015). Politicians have been fired for naming corrupt officials in Tanzanian government, and nationwide laws were passed that criminalize the publication of elephant population statistics so as not to influence upcoming national elections in ... Get more on ...
  • 40. International Union For Conservation Of Nature Imagine you are this beautiful elephant peacefully drinking water from the waterhole among other African animals and then you hear gun shots firing everywhere. You are running for your life when suddenly everything becomes pitch black, then you open your eyes and see a man with a gun pointing at your head laughing as you lay dying. The general point is that almost all animals are getting to the brink of extinction or are either being tagged as an endangered species by the IUCN Red List. The IUCN "International Union for Conservation of Nature" Red List is a list of millions of species and subspecies from all over the world that are currently losing its population due to poaching. This is a powerful tool that helps push the government to ... Show more content on ... This policy provides what is causing animal extinction, how is it going to benefit the environment and business corporations and how this policy will make more of an impact than other animal related policies. This policy could be the best policy of all animal rights policies but the chances of it working to eliminate this threat is slim, since most humans don't care for its inhabitants as long as they get more "green" meaning money. The House Bill 248 bill was set into action because of animal extinction that is being caused by illegal poaching. People poach animals, mostly on the endangered species list, and sell them to high buyers on the black market, which are then sold to business corporations to make clothes, jewelry and unnecessary natural medicine. The whole point of this policy is to eliminate ivory and rhinoceros horns trading sales because both animal species are on the IUCN Red List. This policy mentions that in order to make this bill work in Pennsylvania, some laws are going to be needed in order fulfill this salvation and to spread the word around the world. An example of an additional law that could be issued would be to reinforce the NSCWT [National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking]. "The three practical preferences this law uses to establish its duty is ... Get more on ...