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Dialogue Like a Pro to Level
Up Your UX:
All the communication best practices in a
simple model
Nicholas Johnson
UXPA International 2023
1. Conclusion
2. Setting the stage
a. Definition: dialogue
b. Who is this guy?
c. Why communication matters
3. My (failure) story
4. Seeking answers: a lit review
5. Building the one model to rule them all
6. Putting it into practice!
7. Your homework
8. Q & A
Be aware of your progress through this dialogue
model to level up your ability to:
1. Reach agreement
2. Understand different viewpoints
3. Navigate conflicting opinions
Try out all the strategies later, but first work on
your awareness!
Dia • logue
The roots come from Greek
- Dia means through
- Logos means word or meaning
Fundamentally, dialogue is “meaning flowing through.”
Two useful, more specific definitions:
1. The free flow of meaning into a pool of shared meaning7
2. A conversation in which people think together in relationship9
About Nicholas
Practicing UX for almost 20 years, including leading numerous UX
design projects in private- and public-sector organizations of various
sizes and missions, has taught Nicholas a few things about having
productive dialogues about design.
Nicholas does UX design, research, IA, and strategy at ChannelAdvisor
(now part of CommerceHub), a leading eCommerce SaaS company.
Our ability to achieve understanding and
agreement across the relevant stakeholders is
what ultimately determines how effective the
resulting user experience is.
My story — The year was 2009
4 7
An icon that was born in 1981 and forgotten in 1985…
was coming back
The hamburger icon
4 10
If we knew then what we know now…
4 14
Seeking answers
How to handle disagreements in difficult situations?
Luckily there are books that go deep into this very
Lots of books. Just to name a few:
So much good advice!
● Clarify what you really want.7
● Start with intention13
● Have a “we” orientation13
● Rephrase “why” into “what” or “how” questions13
● Find the “and”7
● Lead with “yes” (the most praised point from the
● Be alert to topic changes7
● Choose the right topic7
● Make it safe7
● Dialogue is free flow of meaning7
● Detach yourself from the feedback7
● Be curious and ask for examples7
● Contrasting to clarify your intent7
● If you do nothing else, watch for when you fall out of
● Seek to understand before being understood 7H
● People don’t care how much you know until they
know how much you care1
● Manager with a greater hand in creating a product
liked it more (IKEA Effect), and furthermore
attributed it to greater employee expertise too1
● The more people identify with an idea, the harder it
is to change the idea1
● Share your facts7
● Focus on interests, not positions5
● Your ego becomes identified with your position5
● Appeal to a nobler motive6
● Focus on what works/doesn’t instead of what you
● What is focal is causal1
● Orient yourself toward others6
● Check your ego at the door6
● Our role is to facilitate a conversation about design6
● Don’t take yourself so seriously6
● People want to know they are being heard6
● Include the why6
● “What problem are you trying to solve?”6
● Arguing over positions is inefficient and endangers
● Involve the other party in the process of drafting the
● The cheapest concession you can make is to let
them know they’ve been heard5
● Effective communication between the parties is all
but impossible if each plays to the gallery5
● Ask their advice5, 1
● Put yourself in the role of a judge working out a joint
● The best time for handle people problems is before
they become people problems5
● Face the problem, not the people5
● People listen better if they feel that you have
understood them5
● Put the problem before your answer5
● Be hard on the problem, soft on the people5, 11
● Do not push back, instead sidestep their attack and
deflect it against the problem5
● One of the greatest powers you have is to reframe
– to interests, options, or standards5
● Put yourself in their shoes5
● Be 200% responsible for the conversation9
● First understand fully, even if you don’t want to hear
● Don’t deduce their intentions from your fears5
● “What concerns of yours would this proposal fail to
take into account?”5
● People tend to think people who have understood
them are intelligent5
● Know your micro-BATNA5
● Critique is different from feedback. Feedback is
reaction, direction, and critical thinking…Critique is
the critical thinking aspect, which is most important2
● Think before you speak2, 13
● Give the quiet ones a voice11
● Critique is about making a work product better, not
tearing it down2, 11
● Be both candid and compassionate11
● With people, slow is fast and fast is slow3
● Creative synergy is the next level of communication
after mutual understanding3
● Insist on win-win or no deal, avoid win-lose ego
● To understand all sides’ interests, try arguing the
other side1
● The synergistic position of high trust produces the
best solutions3
● The 5 why’s to get the underlying values and
interests of a situation6, 1, 12, 13
● Don’t resist difficult questions, but leap into them
and turn them into opportunities12
● Empathy is seeing through the eye of the other and
the most crucial skill12
● Empathy absorbs tension12
● “Let me be sure I heard what you just said.”12
● Find the common purpose and face the problem
The next challenge:
How to remember and use it all in real-time?
So I attempted to make order out of chaos
Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance
1. Start with your intention
2. Then develop conversational awareness:
a. Are we actually in “dialogue”?
b. Do you fully understand the other
3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue
4. Seek to understand before being
5. Always aim for win-win
Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance
1. Start with your intention
2. Then develop conversational awareness:
a. Are we actually in “dialogue”?
b. Do you fully understand the other
3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue
4. Seek to understand before being
5. Always aim for win-win
Step #1
Final step
Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance
1. Start with your intention
2. Then develop conversational awareness:
a. Are we actually in “dialogue”?
b. Do you fully understand the other
3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue
4. Seek to understand before being
5. Always aim for win-win
Step #1
Final step
Other milestones
Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance
1. Start with your intention
2. Then develop conversational awareness:
a. Are we actually in “dialogue”?
b. Do you fully understand the other
3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue
4. Seek to understand before being
5. Always aim for win-win
Step #1
Final step
Other milestones
Things that come before
those milestones
But what visual shape should it take?
Progression toward a goal
Conditions necessary for
progress toward the goal
A multi-level building:
A multi-level building
4 Levels
- Ground = Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Roof = Level 4
The levels represent our progress…
1. Intention
Start with your
“Tell me what you want, what you
really, really want”
The levels represent our progress…
4. Win-win
1. Intention
Always aim for win-win
The levels represent our progress…
4. Win-win
1. Intention
Dialogue is the
free flow of
precursor to any
other progress
2. Dialogue
Now we’re talking
The levels represent our progress…
4. Win-win
1. Intention
Fully understanding the other
viewpoints is essential to find
a win-win agreement
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
I see where you’re
Pillars support each level
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
2 Pillars support
each level above
level 1
Ex. These pillars
must be stable for
level 2 to be
Pillars support each level
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Pillars on the left give
guidance on how to
show up to get to the
next level
Pillars on the right give guidance on
what to clarify & focus on to get to the
next level
Pillars supporting dialogue (free flow of meaning)
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Ensure psychological
Ensure clarity of meaning.
Components of meaning:
- Intent
- Topic
- Message
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
Pillars supporting understanding
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
First ensure you have
an open mindset.
Then help them
follow suit.
Build safety
Clarify and focus on interests, not positions.
not positions
Positions vs. Interests
Positions: What one party asks for
Interests: The desires or concerns that
caused them to ask for it
- The form of navigation is a position
- Desires for discoverability or minimalism
are interests
● Intent
● Topic
● Message
Pillars supporting win-win agreements
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Ensure you have an
open canvas where all
may engage in the
drafting process
Build safety
Clarify and focus on:
- Options
- Standards by which they will be
not positions
● Options
● Standards
● Intent
● Topic
● Message
But how to put this model into practice?
Start with awareness from the ground up
First, think of it like a checklist
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Use the model to understand:
1. What level the conversation has achieved
2. What supporting conditions need to be
improved to reach the next level
Awareness — Level 1: Intention
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Do I know what I really want (in terms of interests)?
- For the project?
- For the team dynamic?
“Tell me what you want, what you
really, really want”
Awareness — Level 2: Dialogue
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Is there free flow of clear meaning?
- Is anyone clamming up for blowing up?
- Is anyoneʼs meaning not clear?
Now we’re talking
Awareness — Level 3: Understanding
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Do I understand the other viewpoints?
- So well that I could fairly represent them?
- Do I understand the interests behind the
- Am I open to new ways of thinking?
- Am I demonstrating curiosity?
Only then: Do others understand my viewpoint?
I see where you’re
coming from
Awareness — Level 4: Win-win
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Did we reach a win-win agreement?
To get here, we likely needed the following
- Everyone able to engage in the drafting
- Good options to choose from
- Standards by which to choose
A case study in conversational awareness
Fully visible navigation vs. hamburger menu
1. Intention (interests):
● Known: Usability and discoverability
● Partially: Avoiding rework
● Not known: Team harmony
2. Dialogue:
● Meaning was clear but
● Included periods of clamming up and blowing up
3. Understanding:
● I did not fully understand the other partyʼs interests
4. Win-win:
● We did not reach a win-win agreement
▢ 1. Do I know what I want (interests)?
▢ 2. Is there free flow of clear meaning?
▢ 3. Do I understand the other viewpoints
▢ 4. Have we reached a win-win agreement?
Your turn
Think of a conversation you had recently where you were trying to
reach understanding or win-win.
Mine: The great sponge debate
Your turn — Level 1: Intention
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Do I know what I really want (in terms of interests)?
- For the project?
- For the team dynamic?
“Tell me what you want, what you
really, really want”
Your turn — Level 2: Dialogue
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Is there free flow of clear meaning?
- Is anyone clamming up for blowing up?
- Is anyoneʼs meaning not clear?
Now we’re talking
Your turn — Level 3: Understanding
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Do I understand the other viewpoints?
- So well that I could fairly represent them?
- Do I understand the interests behind the
- Am I open to new ways of thinking?
- Am I demonstrating curiosity?
Only then: Do others understand my viewpoint?
I see where you’re
coming from
Your turn — Level 4: Win-win
4. Win-win
1. Intention
2. Dialogue
3. Understanding
Build safety ● Intent
● Topic
● Message
not positions
● Options
● Standards
Did we reach a win-win agreement?
To get here, we likely needed the following
- Everyone able to engage in the drafting
- Good options to choose from
- Standards by which to choose
Your homework
Assignment #1:
● Be aware of your progress through the four levels of
dialogue during 5 of your own conversations .
● Which levels have you achieved?
● Which pillars need attention?
Assignment #2:
1. Then try the strategies on the handout to strengthen
the pillars needing attention
2. Reach out and let me know what does and doesnʼt
works in your own dialogues!
Thank you!
My final ask:
● Any ideas for what to name the model?
Q & A
1. Cialdini, R. B. (2016). Pre-suasion: A revolutionary way to influence and persuade. Simon & Schuster.
2. Connor, A., Irizarry, A. (2015). Discussing design: Improving communication and collaboration through critique. OʼReilly Media.
3. Covey, S. R. (2020). The 7 habits of highly effective people: 30th anniversary edition. Simon & Schuster.
4. De Dreu, C. K. W., & van Knippenberg, D. (2005). The possessive self as a barrier to conflict resolution: Effects of mere ownership, process
accountability, and self-concept clarity on competitive cognitions and behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89(3), 345–357.
5. Fisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in (3rd ed., rev. ed.). Penguin Books.
6. Greever, T. (2020). Articulating design decisions: Communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and deliver the best user experience. OʼReilly
7. Grenny, J., Patterson, K., McMillan, R., Switzler, A., & Gregory, E. (2022). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high (3rd ed.).
McGraw-Hill Education.
8. Isaacs, W. (2008). Dialogue: The art of thinking together. Random House Audio.
9. Kofman, F. (2013). Conscious business: How to build value through values. Sounds True.
10. Pfeffer J., Cialdini R.B., Hanna, B. & Knopoff, K. (1998) Faith in supervision and the self-enhancement bias: Two psychological reasons why managers
don't empower workers. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 20(4), 313-321.
11. Scott, K. (2019). Radical candor: Fully revised & updated edition: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. St. Martin's Press.
12. Thompson, G. J., & Jenkins, J. B. (2013). Verbal judo: The gentle art of persuasion, updated edition. William Morrow.
13. Wise, W., & Littlefield, C. (2019). Ask powerful questions: Create conversations that matter. We and Me, Inc.

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UXPA 2023: Dialogue Like a Pro to Level Up Your UX

  • 1. Dialogue Like a Pro to Level Up Your UX: All the communication best practices in a simple model Nicholas Johnson UXPA International 2023
  • 2. Agenda 1. Conclusion 2. Setting the stage a. Definition: dialogue b. Who is this guy? c. Why communication matters 3. My (failure) story 4. Seeking answers: a lit review 5. Building the one model to rule them all 6. Putting it into practice! 7. Your homework 8. Q & A 2
  • 3. Conclusion Be aware of your progress through this dialogue model to level up your ability to: 1. Reach agreement 2. Understand different viewpoints 3. Navigate conflicting opinions Try out all the strategies later, but first work on your awareness! 3
  • 4. 4 Dia • logue The roots come from Greek - Dia means through - Logos means word or meaning Fundamentally, dialogue is “meaning flowing through.” Two useful, more specific definitions: 1. The free flow of meaning into a pool of shared meaning7 2. A conversation in which people think together in relationship9
  • 5. About Nicholas Practicing UX for almost 20 years, including leading numerous UX design projects in private- and public-sector organizations of various sizes and missions, has taught Nicholas a few things about having productive dialogues about design. Nicholas does UX design, research, IA, and strategy at ChannelAdvisor (now part of CommerceHub), a leading eCommerce SaaS company. 5
  • 6. Our ability to achieve understanding and agreement across the relevant stakeholders is what ultimately determines how effective the resulting user experience is. 6
  • 7. My story — The year was 2009 4 7
  • 8. An icon that was born in 1981 and forgotten in 1985… was coming back 8
  • 10. 4 10
  • 11. 11
  • 15. Seeking answers How to handle disagreements in difficult situations? 15
  • 16. Luckily there are books that go deep into this very topic 16
  • 17. Lots of books. Just to name a few: 10 17
  • 18. So much good advice! ● Clarify what you really want.7 ● Start with intention13 ● Have a “we” orientation13 ● Rephrase “why” into “what” or “how” questions13 ● Find the “and”7 ● Lead with “yes” (the most praised point from the book)6 ● Be alert to topic changes7 ● Choose the right topic7 ● Make it safe7 ● Dialogue is free flow of meaning7 ● Detach yourself from the feedback7 ● Be curious and ask for examples7 ● Contrasting to clarify your intent7 ● If you do nothing else, watch for when you fall out of dialogue7 ● Seek to understand before being understood 7H ● People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care1 ● Manager with a greater hand in creating a product liked it more (IKEA Effect), and furthermore attributed it to greater employee expertise too1 ● The more people identify with an idea, the harder it is to change the idea1 ● Share your facts7 ● Focus on interests, not positions5 ● Your ego becomes identified with your position5 ● Appeal to a nobler motive6 ● Focus on what works/doesn’t instead of what you like/don’t6 ● What is focal is causal1 ● Orient yourself toward others6 ● Check your ego at the door6 ● Our role is to facilitate a conversation about design6 ● Don’t take yourself so seriously6 ● People want to know they are being heard6 ● Include the why6 ● “What problem are you trying to solve?”6 ● Arguing over positions is inefficient and endangers relationships5 ● Involve the other party in the process of drafting the agreement5 ● The cheapest concession you can make is to let them know they’ve been heard5 ● Effective communication between the parties is all but impossible if each plays to the gallery5 ● Ask their advice5, 1 ● Put yourself in the role of a judge working out a joint opinion5 ● The best time for handle people problems is before they become people problems5 ● Face the problem, not the people5 ● People listen better if they feel that you have understood them5 ● Put the problem before your answer5 ● Be hard on the problem, soft on the people5, 11 ● Do not push back, instead sidestep their attack and deflect it against the problem5 ● One of the greatest powers you have is to reframe – to interests, options, or standards5 ● Put yourself in their shoes5 ● Be 200% responsible for the conversation9 ● First understand fully, even if you don’t want to hear it9 ● Don’t deduce their intentions from your fears5 ● “What concerns of yours would this proposal fail to take into account?”5 ● People tend to think people who have understood them are intelligent5 ● Know your micro-BATNA5 ● Critique is different from feedback. Feedback is reaction, direction, and critical thinking…Critique is the critical thinking aspect, which is most important2 ● Think before you speak2, 13 ● Give the quiet ones a voice11 ● Critique is about making a work product better, not tearing it down2, 11 ● Be both candid and compassionate11 ● With people, slow is fast and fast is slow3 ● Creative synergy is the next level of communication after mutual understanding3 ● Insist on win-win or no deal, avoid win-lose ego battles3 ● To understand all sides’ interests, try arguing the other side1 ● The synergistic position of high trust produces the best solutions3 ● The 5 why’s to get the underlying values and interests of a situation6, 1, 12, 13 ● Don’t resist difficult questions, but leap into them and turn them into opportunities12 ● Empathy is seeing through the eye of the other and the most crucial skill12 ● Empathy absorbs tension12 ● “Let me be sure I heard what you just said.”12 ● Find the common purpose and face the problem together9 18
  • 19. The next challenge: How to remember and use it all in real-time? 19
  • 20. So I attempted to make order out of chaos 20
  • 21. Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance 1. Start with your intention 2. Then develop conversational awareness: a. Are we actually in “dialogue”? b. Do you fully understand the other perspectives? 3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue 4. Seek to understand before being understood 5. Always aim for win-win 21
  • 22. Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance 1. Start with your intention 2. Then develop conversational awareness: a. Are we actually in “dialogue”? b. Do you fully understand the other perspectives? 3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue 4. Seek to understand before being understood 5. Always aim for win-win 22 Step #1 Final step
  • 23. Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance 1. Start with your intention 2. Then develop conversational awareness: a. Are we actually in “dialogue”? b. Do you fully understand the other perspectives? 3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue 4. Seek to understand before being understood 5. Always aim for win-win 23 Step #1 Final step Other milestones
  • 24. Just the highest-level prescriptive guidance 1. Start with your intention 2. Then develop conversational awareness: a. Are we actually in “dialogue”? b. Do you fully understand the other perspectives? 3. Make it safe so you can have dialogue 4. Seek to understand before being understood 5. Always aim for win-win 24 Step #1 Final step Other milestones Things that come before those milestones
  • 25. But what visual shape should it take? Progression toward a goal Conditions necessary for progress toward the goal ✓ ✓ 25 A multi-level building:
  • 26. A multi-level building 4 Levels - Ground = Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3 - Roof = Level 4 1 2 3 4 26
  • 27. The levels represent our progress… 2 3 1. Intention Start with your intention 4 27 “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want”
  • 28. The levels represent our progress… 2 3 4. Win-win 1. Intention Always aim for win-win 28 Mission accomplished
  • 29. The levels represent our progress… 4. Win-win 1. Intention Dialogue is the free flow of meaning, precursor to any other progress 2. Dialogue 3 29 Now we’re talking
  • 30. The levels represent our progress… 4. Win-win 1. Intention Fully understanding the other viewpoints is essential to find a win-win agreement 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding 30 I see where you’re coming from
  • 31. Pillars support each level 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding 31 2 Pillars support each level above level 1 Ex. These pillars must be stable for level 2 to be stable
  • 32. Pillars support each level 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding 32 Pillars on the left give guidance on how to show up to get to the next level Pillars on the right give guidance on what to clarify & focus on to get to the next level
  • 33. Pillars supporting dialogue (free flow of meaning) 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Ensure psychological safety Ensure clarity of meaning. Components of meaning: - Intent - Topic - Message 33 Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message
  • 34. Pillars supporting understanding 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding First ensure you have an open mindset. Then help them follow suit. Build safety Clarify and focus on interests, not positions. Open mindset Interests not positions 34 Positions vs. Interests Positions: What one party asks for Interests: The desires or concerns that caused them to ask for it Example: - The form of navigation is a position - Desires for discoverability or minimalism are interests ● Intent ● Topic ● Message
  • 35. Pillars supporting win-win agreements 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Ensure you have an open canvas where all stakeholders may engage in the drafting process Build safety Clarify and focus on: - Options - Standards by which they will be chosen Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards 35 ● Intent ● Topic ● Message
  • 36. But how to put this model into practice? Start with awareness from the ground up 36
  • 37. First, think of it like a checklist 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards ✓ ✓ Use the model to understand: 1. What level the conversation has achieved 2. What supporting conditions need to be improved to reach the next level 37
  • 38. Awareness — Level 1: Intention 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards Do I know what I really want (in terms of interests)? - For the project? - For the team dynamic? “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want” 38
  • 39. Awareness — Level 2: Dialogue 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards Is there free flow of clear meaning? - Is anyone clamming up for blowing up? - Is anyoneʼs meaning not clear? ✓ Now we’re talking 39
  • 40. Awareness — Level 3: Understanding 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards Do I understand the other viewpoints? - So well that I could fairly represent them? - Do I understand the interests behind the positions? - Am I open to new ways of thinking? - Am I demonstrating curiosity? Only then: Do others understand my viewpoint? ✓ ✓ I see where you’re coming from 40
  • 41. Awareness — Level 4: Win-win 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards Did we reach a win-win agreement? To get here, we likely needed the following conditions - Everyone able to engage in the drafting process - Good options to choose from - Standards by which to choose ✓ ✓ Mission accomplished ✓ 41
  • 42. A case study in conversational awareness Fully visible navigation vs. hamburger menu 1. Intention (interests): ● Known: Usability and discoverability ● Partially: Avoiding rework ● Not known: Team harmony 2. Dialogue: ● Meaning was clear but ● Included periods of clamming up and blowing up 3. Understanding: ● I did not fully understand the other partyʼs interests 4. Win-win: ● We did not reach a win-win agreement ▢ 1. Do I know what I want (interests)? ▢ 2. Is there free flow of clear meaning? ▢ 3. Do I understand the other viewpoints (interests)? ▢ 4. Have we reached a win-win agreement? ~ Checklist ✗ ✗ 42
  • 43. Your turn Think of a conversation you had recently where you were trying to reach understanding or win-win. Mine: The great sponge debate 43
  • 44. Your turn — Level 1: Intention 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Interests not positions ● Options ● Standards Do I know what I really want (in terms of interests)? - For the project? - For the team dynamic? “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want” 44 Open mindset Open canvas
  • 45. Your turn — Level 2: Dialogue 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Open mindset Interests not positions Open canvas ● Options ● Standards Is there free flow of clear meaning? - Is anyone clamming up for blowing up? - Is anyoneʼs meaning not clear? Now we’re talking 45
  • 46. Your turn — Level 3: Understanding 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Interests not positions ● Options ● Standards Do I understand the other viewpoints? - So well that I could fairly represent them? - Do I understand the interests behind the positions? - Am I open to new ways of thinking? - Am I demonstrating curiosity? Only then: Do others understand my viewpoint? I see where you’re coming from 46 Open mindset Open canvas
  • 47. Your turn — Level 4: Win-win 4. Win-win 1. Intention 2. Dialogue 3. Understanding Build safety ● Intent ● Topic ● Message Interests not positions ● Options ● Standards Did we reach a win-win agreement? To get here, we likely needed the following conditions - Everyone able to engage in the drafting process - Good options to choose from - Standards by which to choose Mission accomplished 47 Open mindset Open canvas
  • 48. Your homework Assignment #1: ● Be aware of your progress through the four levels of dialogue during 5 of your own conversations . ● Which levels have you achieved? ● Which pillars need attention? Assignment #2: 1. Then try the strategies on the handout to strengthen the pillars needing attention 2. Reach out and let me know what does and doesnʼt works in your own dialogues! ○ ○ 48
  • 50. Thank you! My final ask: ● Any ideas for what to name the model? 50
  • 52. References 1. Cialdini, R. B. (2016). Pre-suasion: A revolutionary way to influence and persuade. Simon & Schuster. 2. Connor, A., Irizarry, A. (2015). Discussing design: Improving communication and collaboration through critique. OʼReilly Media. 3. Covey, S. R. (2020). The 7 habits of highly effective people: 30th anniversary edition. Simon & Schuster. 4. De Dreu, C. K. W., & van Knippenberg, D. (2005). The possessive self as a barrier to conflict resolution: Effects of mere ownership, process accountability, and self-concept clarity on competitive cognitions and behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89(3), 345–357. 5. Fisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in (3rd ed., rev. ed.). Penguin Books. 6. Greever, T. (2020). Articulating design decisions: Communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and deliver the best user experience. OʼReilly Media. 7. Grenny, J., Patterson, K., McMillan, R., Switzler, A., & Gregory, E. (2022). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. 8. Isaacs, W. (2008). Dialogue: The art of thinking together. Random House Audio. 9. Kofman, F. (2013). Conscious business: How to build value through values. Sounds True. 10. Pfeffer J., Cialdini R.B., Hanna, B. & Knopoff, K. (1998) Faith in supervision and the self-enhancement bias: Two psychological reasons why managers don't empower workers. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 20(4), 313-321. 11. Scott, K. (2019). Radical candor: Fully revised & updated edition: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. St. Martin's Press. 12. Thompson, G. J., & Jenkins, J. B. (2013). Verbal judo: The gentle art of persuasion, updated edition. William Morrow. 13. Wise, W., & Littlefield, C. (2019). Ask powerful questions: Create conversations that matter. We and Me, Inc. 52