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ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f
/fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf, dfkb08 tyf plrt lgdf{0f k|ljlwsf] kfngf u/L
ejg lgdf{0f ugf{n] 3/df Go'gtd Iflt x'G5 . hLjg /Iff / dfgjLo
Iflt Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu of] ;a}eGbf sd vr{df ug{ ;lsg] pkfo xf] .
ejg ;+lxtf tyf dfkb08 kfngf u/f}+ M
s] tkfO{ gofF 3/ lgdf{0f ub}{ x'g'x'G5 <
s] tkfO{sf] 3/ e"sDk k|lt/f]wL 5 <
s] tkfO{n] 3/ plrt :yfgdf agfpg' ePsf] 5 <
e"sDk uPsf] cj:yfdf tkfO{ sxfF hfg'x'G5 <
ljkbsf] cj:yfdf tkfO{n] cfˆgf] ;d'bfonfO{ s;/L ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' x'G5 <
e"–pkof]u gLlt tyf of]hgf cg';f/ ;+/rgf lgdf{0f u/f}+ M
k|sf]kf]Gd'v If]qdf s'g} klg ;+/rgf lgdf{0f ug{ lgif]w ug'{kb{5 .
ckl/xfo{ cj:yfdf k|To'kfox¿ s8f ¿kdf kfngf u/L lgdf{0f
ug'{kb{5 . e"–pkof]u gLlt / of]hgfsf] kfngf gu/L cJojl:yt
lgdf{0f tyf ;x/Ls/0fdf k|ltaGw nufpg' kb{5 .
ljBdfg 3/x¿sf] e"sDkLo k|anLs/0f ug]{ M
clwsf+z lgld{t ejgx¿ e"sDk ;Í6f;Gg /x]sf] cj:yf 5 . ljBdfg
ejg ;+/rgfx¿sf] lgoldt e"sDkLo ljZn]if0f / k|anLs/0f u/L
xfd|f] hLjgsf] ;'/Iff ;'lglZrt ug{ ckl/xfo{ 5 .
v'nf :ynx?sf] ;+/If0f M
e"sDk uPsf] ;do / e"sDk kZrftsf] ;do b'j}df v'nf
:ynx?sf] w]/} dxTj x'G5 . cg's"lnt cf>o :ynsf]
;'lglZrttfsf] nflu v'nf :ynx?sf] ;+/If0f tyf ;+j4{gnfO{
k|f]T;fxg ug'{kb{5 .
ljkb hf]lvd hgr]tgf / Joj:yfkg M
s'g} klg ;d'bfodf ToxFfsf afl;Gbf ljkb hf]lvd / To;sf] Go"gLs/0f tyf
Joj:yfkgsf tl/sfx¿sf] af/]df ;r]t /xg' kb{5 . ljkb k"j{,
ljkbsf] ;dodf / ljkb kZrft k|efjsf/L k|ltsfo{ / ;|f]t;fwg tyf ;Lksf]
plrt k|of]u ug{sf] nflu ;d'bfox¿ aLr 1fg / hfgsf/Lsf] cfbfgk|bfg
x'g' cTofjZos x'G5 .
/fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf / dfkb08
e"–pkof]u gd"gf gS;f
DRR Carte
e"sDkLo k|anLs/0f lgb]{lzsf
v'nf :ynx?sf] gd"gf gS;f
sf7df08f} pkTosf e"sDk ljkb
hf]lvd d"NofÍg kl/of]hgfæsf7df8f}+ pkTosf e"sDk ljklQ hf]lvd d"NofÍg kl/of]hgfÆ JICA sf] ;xof]udf
sfof{Gjog ePsf] kl/of]hgf xf] . ljkb hf]lvd ljZn]if0fsf] cfwf/df k|efjsf/L tyf lbuf]
pkfox¿ k|of]u u/L ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f ug{' o;sf] d'Vo p2]Zo /x]sf] 5 . # jif{
;dofjlw /x]sf] o; kl/of]hgfsf] k|f/De @)&@ j}zfvdf ePsf] lyof] eg] @)&% j}zfvdf
;dfkg x'g]5 .
uf]/vf e"sDksf] k|efj / To;af6 >[lht cj:yfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL eljiodf cfpg ;Sg]
kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿sf] nflu e"sDkLo hf]lvd ljZn]if0f ug]{ / ljkb hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf
k|efjsf/L ;+j{wgsf] nflu :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgf th'{df ug]{ o;
kl/of]hgfsf] d'Vo nIo /x]sf] 5 .
o; kl/of]hgfsf] g]kfn ;/sf/sf tkm{af6 k|d'v ;dsIfLsf] ¿kdf ;x/L ljsf; dGqfno,
u[x dGqfno , ;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno / vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefu
/x]sf 5g eg] nlntk'/ dxfgu/kflnsf , eQmk'/ gu/kflnsf / a'9flgns07 gu/kflnsf
kl/of]hgfsf] kfOn6 ultljlwsf nflu nlIft # j6f kfOn6 gu/kflnsf x'g .
o; kl/of]hgfsf d"Vo pknlAwx¿ lgDgfg';f/ 5g M
◆ sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo k|sf]k d"NofÍg
◆ sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo hf]lvd d"NofÍg
◆ # j6f kfOn6 gu/kflnsfx¿sf] nflu æcem /fd|f] / alnof] (Build Back Better –
BBB) k'glg{df{0f of]hgfÆ , æ:yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgfÆ, æcfwf/e"t
sfo{;~rfng ljlwÆ sf] th'{df / “;d'bfodf cfwfl/t ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f tyf
Joj:yfkg ultljlwx?” ;~rfng
◆ g]kfnsf] ;Dk"0f{ :yfgLo lgsfox?sf] nflu :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn
of]hgfsf] k|fljlws lgb]{lzsfsf] th'{df
kl/of]hgfsf] ¿k/]vf / pknlAw
kl/of]hgfsf laifoa:t'x?
kl/of]hgfsf] cWoog If]q
cTolws ejg Ifltsf] cg'kft
:yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgf tyf k|fljlws lgb]{lzsf
ljkb hf]lvdaf/] a'emfO,
lbuf] ljsf;sf nflu ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f
sf7df08f} pkTosf e"sDk ljkb
hf]lvd d"NofÍg kl/of]hgf
hfkfg cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]u lgof]u -hfOsf_
g]kfn ;/sf/
;x/L ljsf; dGqfno
u[x dGqfno
;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno
vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefu
e"sDk hfg] k|ls|of
jf:tljs cj:yf
3;{0fsf] cj:yf
e"sDk hfFbfsf] cj:yf
kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿
P]ltxfl;s e"sDk, e"sDkLo cj:yf, rnfodfg Kn]6sf ultljlw / ;ls|o b/f/x?sf] cWoogaf6 ul/g] ;Defljt e"sDkx?sf] k|fljlws cg'dfg g} kl/b[Zo
e"sDk xf] . sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo hf]lvd cg'dfgsf ;fy;fy} :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgf th'{dfsf nflu ;'b"/–dWo klZrd g]kfn,
klZrd g]kfn / dWo blIf0f g]kfn gfdsf tLg kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿ k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 .
e"sDksf] DoflUgRo'8 / >f]taf6 :ynsf] b"/L cg';f/ hdLgsf] xNnfOdf km/s kb{5 . klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] dfqf uf]/vf e"sDksf] dfqf hlts}
/x]sf] 5 eg] dWo blIf0f g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDkn] uf]/vf e"sDksf] eGbf a9L xNnfO lgDTofpFb5 . sf7df08f} pkTosfaf6 ;a}eGbf glhs /x]sf] dWo blIf0f
g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] ;Defljt xNnfOnfO{ tLg lsl;dsf] (CNS-1, CNS-2 and CNS-3) cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . uf]/vf e"sDksf] xNnfOnfO{
j}1flgs ljZn]if0f u/L cfPsf] glthfsf cfwf/df pQm lsl;dx? to ul/Psf] xf] . ;fdfGo ejgx¿sf] ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu CNS-1 sf] cg'dfg
k|of]u ug{] ;'emfj ul/Psf] 5 eg] cTofjZos k"jf{wf/ h:t} ljBfno, c:ktfn, ;/sf/L ejgx¿ / b}lgs hLljsf]kfh{gsf nflu cfjZos ;'ljwfx¿sf] ljkb
hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu CNS-2 sf] cg'dfg k|of]u ug{] ;Nnfx lbOPsf] 5 .
e"sDk M Oltxf;, jt{dfg / eljio
g]kfnsf] e"efu blIf0fdf Ol08og Kn]6 / pQ/tkm{ ltAatLo Kn]6 dfly cjl:yt 5 . OlG8og Kn]6 s|lds ?kdf ltAAtLo Kn]6df 3'l;|b} hfFbf ;l~rt
x'g] zlSt pT;u{ x'Fbf o; e"efudf e"sDk hfG5 . o;/L zlSt ;~rosf] cjlw hlt nfdf] ;do;Dd x'G5 Tolt g} 7"nf] DoflUgRo'8sf] / ljgfzsf/L
e"sDk hfG5 .
lxdfno >[+vnfsf] cf;kf;df /x]sf] g]kfnsf] clwsf+z e"efu e"sDk k|sf]khGo If]qdf kb{5 . P]ltxfl;s n]v, lznfkq / kl5Nnf] ;dosf] ljleGg
cWoog cg';Gwfg cg';f/ o; If]qdf Oltxf;sf] ljleGg sfnv08df e"sDk uPsf] b]lvG5 .
kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿ PGA ljt/0f
uf]/vf{ e"sDksf] t"ngfdf hdLgsf]
xNnfOsf] tx
;"b"/–dWo klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDk
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klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo (WN) (M=&=*) (!-#)# nueu plts}
dWo blIf0f g]kfn (CNS)
CNS-1 (!-%!( nueu !=% u'0ff a9L
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CNS-3 !*!-!)%% nueu @=&% u'0ff a9L
>f]t M
Modified Mercalli Intensity. (MMI) distribution- CNS-2;
sf7df08f} pkTosfsf] cg'dflgt Iflt (CNS-2)
kl/b[Zo e"sDk eljiodf hfg] e"sDksf]
eljiojf0fL xf]Og
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ljBfno ejg
dfgjLo Iflt
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;/sf/L ejg
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-dWo /ftdf e"sDk uPdf_
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RC= Reinforced Concrete
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cfly{s Iflt
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pknAw tYofÍx? / k"j{wf/0ffsf cfwf/df cg'dflgt Iflt k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . t;y{, oyfy{ Iflt cg'dflgt Ifltadf]lhd gx'g ;S5 .
jif{ -O{=;+_
!@)) !#)) !$)) !%)) !^)) !&)) !*)) !()) @))) @@))
Ambraseys and Douglas (2004), Bilham and Ambraseys (2005), Bilham et al. (1995), Szeliga et al. (2010), UNDP (2013)
DoflUgRo'8 yfxf ePsf] P]ltxfl;s e"sDk
DoflUgRo'8 yfxf gePsf] P]ltxfl;s e"sDk
uf]/vf e"sDk;Fu kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] t'ngf
sf7df08f} pkTosf;"b"/–dWo klZrd g]kfn
e"sDk (MÖ*=^)
klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo
dWo blIf0f g]kfn
uf]/vf e"sDk
!(() ;fnsf] e"sDk

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Erakv project pamphlet_nepali_version

  • 1. hf]lvdk|zf;g bLuf]ljsf; hf]lvdljZn]if0fhf]lvdpkrf/ ljkbk"j{ ljkbkZrft kl/xf/ Go"gLs/0f :yfgfGt/0f k|sf]k ;+s6f;Ggtf ;+:yfutJoj:yf ;xsfo{ sfg"g,lgodfjnL ;Dd’vtf ljkbsf ];do df ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf, dfkb08 tyf plrt lgdf{0f k|ljlwsf] kfngf u/L ejg lgdf{0f ugf{n] 3/df Go'gtd Iflt x'G5 . hLjg /Iff / dfgjLo Iflt Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu of] ;a}eGbf sd vr{df ug{ ;lsg] pkfo xf] . ejg ;+lxtf tyf dfkb08 kfngf u/f}+ M s] tkfO{ gofF 3/ lgdf{0f ub}{ x'g'x'G5 < s] tkfO{sf] 3/ e"sDk k|lt/f]wL 5 < s] tkfO{n] 3/ plrt :yfgdf agfpg' ePsf] 5 < e"sDk uPsf] cj:yfdf tkfO{ sxfF hfg'x'G5 < ljkbsf] cj:yfdf tkfO{n] cfˆgf] ;d'bfonfO{ s;/L ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' x'G5 < e"–pkof]u gLlt tyf of]hgf cg';f/ ;+/rgf lgdf{0f u/f}+ M k|sf]kf]Gd'v If]qdf s'g} klg ;+/rgf lgdf{0f ug{ lgif]w ug'{kb{5 . ckl/xfo{ cj:yfdf k|To'kfox¿ s8f ¿kdf kfngf u/L lgdf{0f ug'{kb{5 . e"–pkof]u gLlt / of]hgfsf] kfngf gu/L cJojl:yt lgdf{0f tyf ;x/Ls/0fdf k|ltaGw nufpg' kb{5 . ljBdfg 3/x¿sf] e"sDkLo k|anLs/0f ug]{ M clwsf+z lgld{t ejgx¿ e"sDk ;Í6f;Gg /x]sf] cj:yf 5 . ljBdfg ejg ;+/rgfx¿sf] lgoldt e"sDkLo ljZn]if0f / k|anLs/0f u/L xfd|f] hLjgsf] ;'/Iff ;'lglZrt ug{ ckl/xfo{ 5 . v'nf :ynx?sf] ;+/If0f M e"sDk uPsf] ;do / e"sDk kZrftsf] ;do b'j}df v'nf :ynx?sf] w]/} dxTj x'G5 . cg's"lnt cf>o :ynsf] ;'lglZrttfsf] nflu v'nf :ynx?sf] ;+/If0f tyf ;+j4{gnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug'{kb{5 . ljkb hf]lvd hgr]tgf / Joj:yfkg M s'g} klg ;d'bfodf ToxFfsf afl;Gbf ljkb hf]lvd / To;sf] Go"gLs/0f tyf Joj:yfkgsf tl/sfx¿sf] af/]df ;r]t /xg' kb{5 . ljkb k"j{, ljkbsf] ;dodf / ljkb kZrft k|efjsf/L k|ltsfo{ / ;|f]t;fwg tyf ;Lksf] plrt k|of]u ug{sf] nflu ;d'bfox¿ aLr 1fg / hfgsf/Lsf] cfbfgk|bfg x'g' cTofjZos x'G5 . /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf / dfkb08 e"–pkof]u gd"gf gS;f DRR Carte e"sDkLo k|anLs/0f lgb]{lzsf v'nf :ynx?sf] gd"gf gS;f sf7df08f} pkTosf e"sDk ljkb hf]lvd d"NofÍg kl/of]hgfæsf7df8f}+ pkTosf e"sDk ljklQ hf]lvd d"NofÍg kl/of]hgfÆ JICA sf] ;xof]udf sfof{Gjog ePsf] kl/of]hgf xf] . ljkb hf]lvd ljZn]if0fsf] cfwf/df k|efjsf/L tyf lbuf] pkfox¿ k|of]u u/L ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f ug{' o;sf] d'Vo p2]Zo /x]sf] 5 . # jif{ ;dofjlw /x]sf] o; kl/of]hgfsf] k|f/De @)&@ j}zfvdf ePsf] lyof] eg] @)&% j}zfvdf ;dfkg x'g]5 . uf]/vf e"sDksf] k|efj / To;af6 >[lht cj:yfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL eljiodf cfpg ;Sg] kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿sf] nflu e"sDkLo hf]lvd ljZn]if0f ug]{ / ljkb hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf k|efjsf/L ;+j{wgsf] nflu :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgf th'{df ug]{ o; kl/of]hgfsf] d'Vo nIo /x]sf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgfsf] g]kfn ;/sf/sf tkm{af6 k|d'v ;dsIfLsf] ¿kdf ;x/L ljsf; dGqfno, u[x dGqfno , ;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno / vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefu /x]sf 5g eg] nlntk'/ dxfgu/kflnsf , eQmk'/ gu/kflnsf / a'9flgns07 gu/kflnsf kl/of]hgfsf] kfOn6 ultljlwsf nflu nlIft # j6f kfOn6 gu/kflnsf x'g . o; kl/of]hgfsf d"Vo pknlAwx¿ lgDgfg';f/ 5g M ◆ sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo k|sf]k d"NofÍg ◆ sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo hf]lvd d"NofÍg ◆ # j6f kfOn6 gu/kflnsfx¿sf] nflu æcem /fd|f] / alnof] (Build Back Better – BBB) k'glg{df{0f of]hgfÆ , æ:yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgfÆ, æcfwf/e"t sfo{;~rfng ljlwÆ sf] th'{df / “;d'bfodf cfwfl/t ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f tyf Joj:yfkg ultljlwx?” ;~rfng ◆ g]kfnsf] ;Dk"0f{ :yfgLo lgsfox?sf] nflu :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgfsf] k|fljlws lgb]{lzsfsf] th'{df kl/of]hgfsf] ¿k/]vf / pknlAw kl/of]hgfsf laifoa:t'x? kl/of]hgfsf] cWoog If]q e"–gd"gf cTolws ejg Ifltsf] cg'kft :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgf tyf k|fljlws lgb]{lzsf ljkb hf]lvdaf/] a'emfO, lbuf] ljsf;sf nflu ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f Earthquake-Risk-Assessment-PJ-in-KV- Nepal-Community-690728411055174/ sf7df08f} pkTosf e"sDk ljkb hf]lvd d"NofÍg kl/of]hgf hfkfg cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]u lgof]u -hfOsf_ g]kfn ;/sf/ ;x/L ljsf; dGqfno u[x dGqfno ;+3Lo dfldnf tyf :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno vfgL tyf e"ue{ ljefu
  • 2. e"sDk hfg] k|ls|of jf:tljs cj:yf 3;{0fsf] cj:yf e"sDk hfFbfsf] cj:yf kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿ P]ltxfl;s e"sDk, e"sDkLo cj:yf, rnfodfg Kn]6sf ultljlw / ;ls|o b/f/x?sf] cWoogaf6 ul/g] ;Defljt e"sDkx?sf] k|fljlws cg'dfg g} kl/b[Zo e"sDk xf] . sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo hf]lvd cg'dfgsf ;fy;fy} :yfgLo ljkb tyf hnjfo' pTyfgzLn of]hgf th'{dfsf nflu ;'b"/–dWo klZrd g]kfn, klZrd g]kfn / dWo blIf0f g]kfn gfdsf tLg kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿ k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 . e"sDksf] DoflUgRo'8 / >f]taf6 :ynsf] b"/L cg';f/ hdLgsf] xNnfOdf km/s kb{5 . klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] dfqf uf]/vf e"sDksf] dfqf hlts} /x]sf] 5 eg] dWo blIf0f g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDkn] uf]/vf e"sDksf] eGbf a9L xNnfO lgDTofpFb5 . sf7df08f} pkTosfaf6 ;a}eGbf glhs /x]sf] dWo blIf0f g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] ;Defljt xNnfOnfO{ tLg lsl;dsf] (CNS-1, CNS-2 and CNS-3) cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 . uf]/vf e"sDksf] xNnfOnfO{ j}1flgs ljZn]if0f u/L cfPsf] glthfsf cfwf/df pQm lsl;dx? to ul/Psf] xf] . ;fdfGo ejgx¿sf] ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu CNS-1 sf] cg'dfg k|of]u ug{] ;'emfj ul/Psf] 5 eg] cTofjZos k"jf{wf/ h:t} ljBfno, c:ktfn, ;/sf/L ejgx¿ / b}lgs hLljsf]kfh{gsf nflu cfjZos ;'ljwfx¿sf] ljkb hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf] nflu CNS-2 sf] cg'dfg k|of]u ug{] ;Nnfx lbOPsf] 5 . e"sDk M Oltxf;, jt{dfg / eljio g]kfnsf] e"efu blIf0fdf Ol08og Kn]6 / pQ/tkm{ ltAatLo Kn]6 dfly cjl:yt 5 . OlG8og Kn]6 s|lds ?kdf ltAAtLo Kn]6df 3'l;|b} hfFbf ;l~rt x'g] zlSt pT;u{ x'Fbf o; e"efudf e"sDk hfG5 . o;/L zlSt ;~rosf] cjlw hlt nfdf] ;do;Dd x'G5 Tolt g} 7"nf] DoflUgRo'8sf] / ljgfzsf/L e"sDk hfG5 . lxdfno >[+vnfsf] cf;kf;df /x]sf] g]kfnsf] clwsf+z e"efu e"sDk k|sf]khGo If]qdf kb{5 . P]ltxfl;s n]v, lznfkq / kl5Nnf] ;dosf] ljleGg cWoog cg';Gwfg cg';f/ o; If]qdf Oltxf;sf] ljleGg sfnv08df e"sDk uPsf] b]lvG5 . kl/b[Zo e"sDkx¿ PGA ljt/0f (gal) xNnfOsf] cj:yf uf]/vf{ e"sDksf] t"ngfdf hdLgsf] xNnfOsf] tx ;"b"/–dWo klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo e"sDk (MÖ*=^) &@-@!# cGo kl/b[Zox¿ eGbf lgs} ;fgf] klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo (WN) (M=&=*) (!-#)# nueu plts} dWo blIf0f g]kfn (CNS) (M=&=*) CNS-1 (!-%!( nueu !=% u'0ff a9L CNS-2 !#^-&&& nueu @ u'0ff a9L CNS-3 !*!-!)%% nueu @=&% u'0ff a9L sdhf]/ zlQmzfnL >f]t M Modified Mercalli Intensity. (MMI) distribution- CNS-2; sf7df08f} pkTosfsf] cg'dflgt Iflt (CNS-2) kl/b[Zo e"sDk eljiodf hfg] e"sDksf] eljiojf0fL xf]Og “ “ kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] pTklQ If]q g]kfndf uPsf P]ltxfl;s ljgfzsf/L e"sDk vfg]kfgL -xfn hl8t kfOknfOg_ vfg]kfgL -k|:tfljt kfOknfOg_ ;fwf/0f ejg ljBfno ejg dfgjLo Iflt ejg Iflt ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tyf cTofjZos ;'ljwfdf Iflt ;/sf/L ejg 9n laB't ljt/0f k|0ffnL BTS df]afOn 6fj/ hDdf $,$$,%%$ hDdf %,&#! hDdf $&* hDdf @&,*^,(@( hDdf %,*!! ls=ld= hDdf !,!^& ls=ld= hDdf ^(( ls=ld= hDdf $% hDdf cfly{s Iflt Ö &^,%^,&*) hDdf %*$ hDdf !!(@ ls=ld= hDdf !,(),*%! kf]nx¿ hDdf !,)$# @@,!*) d[ts *^,*^) 3fOt] !,!(^,)*) lj:yflkt 6fj/ Ifltu|:t -#%=&Ü_ lah'nLsf kf]nx? Ifltu|:t Iflt -!=)Ü_ -$=*Ü_ #&@ (,!%^ !!=( ls=ld= k'n ;Defljt ;8s Iflt -dWo /ftdf e"sDk uPdf_ -RC Pier ePsf]_ RC= Reinforced Concrete ejg ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tyf cTofjZos ;'ljwf &^,!%,#$) $!,$$) cfly{s Iflt -? nfvdf_ -#=!@Ü_ -$@=(@Ü_ !,)%& -!*=$Ü_ -)=*)Ü_ *% -!&=*Ü_ klx/f]sf sf/0f t/nLs/0fsf sf/0f *!) -!$=!Ü_ (*=% ls=ld= -!=&Ü_ @&$=( ls=ld= -$=&Ü_ ^^ -!#=*Ü_ !,^%$ -@*=(Ü_ !@^ -@^=$Ü_ &&,&!# -!&=%Ü_ ;fdfGo ;fdfGo ;fdfGo ;fdfGo ;fdfGo ^@,^(! -!$=!Ü_ dWod dWod dWod dWod dWod cToflws cToflws cToflws cToflws cToflws!,#^,)^) -#)=^Ü_ :jf:Yo ;+:yf !)% -!*=)Ü_ *# -!$=@Ü_ !%# -@^=@Ü_ !@ -@^=&Ü_ #,$(^ $^) ^ -!#=#Ü_ @& -^Ü_ :yfgdf Iflt :yfgdf Iflt pknAw tYofÍx? / k"j{wf/0ffsf cfwf/df cg'dflgt Iflt k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . t;y{, oyfy{ Iflt cg'dflgt Ifltadf]lhd gx'g ;S5 . DoflUgRo'8 jif{ -O{=;+_ *=) &=) ^=) !@)) !#)) !$)) !%)) !^)) !&)) !*)) !()) @))) @@)) ;'rs Ambraseys and Douglas (2004), Bilham and Ambraseys (2005), Bilham et al. (1995), Szeliga et al. (2010), UNDP (2013) DoflUgRo'8 yfxf ePsf] P]ltxfl;s e"sDk DoflUgRo'8 yfxf gePsf] P]ltxfl;s e"sDk uf]/vf e"sDk;Fu kl/b[Zo e"sDksf] t'ngf sf7df08f} pkTosf;"b"/–dWo klZrd g]kfn e"sDk (MÖ*=^) klZrd g]kfn kl/b[Zo M=&=* dWo blIf0f g]kfn M=&=* uf]/vf e"sDk M=&=* !(() ;fnsf] e"sDk M=*=#