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Understanding the principal methods and techniques used in marketing and public relationships
Whyis it important in marketing to understandingyour clientsand their requirements?
It is importantinmarketingtounderstandyourclientsandthe requirementsbecause itisthe first
stepintocreatingmarketingrelationships.A clientwill have anideaanda directioninwhichtheywill
wantand it isyour jobto produce this.If youdon’t getit rightand how the clientwantsitthenyou
may be breachinga contract and maynot get paid.Youwill notbe recommendedanditcouldgive
youbad promotion.Itisimportantthat youunderstandwhatthe clientwantsandwhattheyrequire
because youare doinga jobfor themandtheyare payingyouto do somethingthattheywant.If you
didnot thenthe workyou producedmaynot be takenforwardand youwould have justwastedyour
An example of thisisinclasswhenwe geta brief of a clientandwe have to designsomethingthat
theywant.Thiswas mosteffective withenergydrinks.We hadtocreate an energydrinkthat
appealedtoanaudience thatwas differenttoanythingonthe market.Itwas importantwe carried
out the requirementsand didresearchtounderstandwhatwasalreadyoutthere.Thiswasso we did
the right thingforthe clientandtheywouldcarry our workforward.
Whyis understandingthe market you are working in important? What techniquesandtools could
be usedto helpsomeone understandtheir market?
It isimportantto understandthe marketyouare workinginbecause ithelpsyougetthe businessyou
needforyour product/service tosucceed.Understandingthe marketallowsyoutoestablishyour
competitionandconsumers.Ithelpswithplacingyourproductinthe marketplace.If youdid not
understandthe marketthatyou were tryingtobreakintothenyou wouldnotknow whoyourtarget
audience was.Thisissomethingvital.
There are manytechniquesandtoolsthatcan be usedto understandthe marketthatyouare trying
to getinto.Market strategyisusedhere. Techniquescanbe usedsuchas focusgroups,
questionnaires,unknowncalling,andinterviews.These all are interactingwithpotential consumersof
that marketand gettingtoknowwhattheythinkaboutthe product/serviceyouare tryingto getout
Toolscan also be usedsuchas differentmediaplatforms.One reallyeffective mediaplatformissocial
media.Thiswouldbe averygood tool to use as youget a verybroad/bigverityof people thatyoucan
researchand explore.Youcan postand share contentthat youcan get feedbackfor.
What is a SWOT analysis?Why are theyare theya useful tool?
SWOT analysisstandsforstrengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreats.Thisisa tool that isa
wayof lookingatyour ideasandassessingthem.Itaverystructuredway of assessingyourideas. It
givesyoua balance of the positive andnegatives.Thisgivesyouachance to lookat your ideawith
twoperspectives.Itgivesyouachance to assessthe strengthsof yourpositionandalsoconsiderthe
weaknessesaswell. Youcanlookat the opportunitiesyouhave withinaprojectbutalsothe things
that couldthreatenitssuccess.Thisreallyhelpswithmakingyourproductbetter,asexposingyour
weaknessesandthreatsallowsyoutotackle thembefore theycome abigissue.Itallowsyoutosee
whatneedschangingtolimitthe weaknessesthatyourproductmay have.
Google Images.
Thisis an example of Swotanalysis.Thisisthe forminwhichyouwouldcarry it out.So as youcan see
itslaidout ina square formand eachpart of the square representsapart of ‘SWOT’
Thisis a veryuseful andeffective waytomake productsthe besttheycan be.
What is audience profiling?Whatsort of informationmight be includedin an audience profile?
Audience profile isstraightforward.Itisall aboutbuildingupthe knowledgeaboutorganisations
typical clients.Itisall aboutunderstandingwhomyourtypical clientsare.The factorsinvolvedwith
profilingare age,location,life-stage,incomeband, property valueandlifestyle choices. These are all
factors thatyou needtolookat whenprofilingtypical clients.Itisvital thatyouknow these.
It isalso aboutinteracting.Youneedtobuildanunderstandingof how theyare interactingwithyour
productsand services.There ismanyfactorsinthisarea that youneedtothinkabout as well;How
oftendotheypurchase,howmuch andwhen.These are importanttothinkaboutas youneedto
knowwhatis sellingandhowtomake that better.
Anothermainpointinprofilingisyouneedtoestablishthe wayclientscurrentlyperceiveyour
productsand services.Thiswill includefactorslike if the productisluxurythe necessities,adefault
option.These factorshelpwithknowingif youneedtochange how yourclientsare seeingyour
For example;
Selecta magazine and findtheir audience profile:
The magazine Ifoundthe audience profile forisVogue.Ifoundthisona mediapackon a website
that givesthe demographicsforhighfashionmagazines.
Vogue Demographics,Condenastmediapack.
Thisshowsthe audience profilingof the publicationorganisationVogue.Itshowsthe typical clients
and showsthatthe clientsare typicallyintofashionandare oldertypesof women.Thisgivesyou
statisticslike 92%of Vogue readersbuyhighfashion. The average vogue readerthatreadsthe print
versionis33 yearsof age.
The average Vogue readerisinthe age range between28-35. Thisshowsthatis aimedat more
mature women.Vogue isonmultimediaplatformsthisshowswhatage range readswhatkindof
platform.Asyoucan the youngerage range of 28 readthe internetversion.
These are the entire Vogue’saroundthe worldandforeach Vogue the audience profilesare goingto
be differentbecauseof the countryandwhat that societyislike.ChinaandIndiaare goingtohave a
lotdifferentaudience profilesthanthe UKand Americabecause of the wealthandsocietiesof that
country.As inIndiathe people are notas wealthyasthe people inthe USA so thiswill affectwhois
goingto by the magazine andIndia’stypical consumers.
Explainin detail the 4 differentelementsofthe marketing mix.
Marketingmix isthe combinationof product,prince,place andpromotion.Thisisusedcommonlyin
any businessventure.Thisisalsousedinorganisations.Itisaneffective andhelpfulforthemto
There a four elementstothisas I have mentionedabove

Product- thisinvolvesthe featuresandappearance of the product;Itchallengesthe servicesand
Price- Thisinvolvesthinkingabouthowmuchcustomersare goingto payfor the product.This isa
vital aspectof the marketingmix asthisiswhere profitsand businesswill be made.
Promotion- Promotioninvolvesthe customersandhow theyare goingto be informedabout
products.Thisinvolvesaspectslike advertisingandhow the brandisgoingto get outthere.
Place- Thisisaboutwhere productsare made available tothe customers.Sowhatshopstheyare
goingto be soldin.
Google images,
Thisis typicallywhataMarketingmix graph will looklikeandittypicallywill surroundthe fourP’s
Selecta publication, product or audience and explainthe range of marketing materialsthat they
This isthe range of differentwaysthatanorginisationcanmarke itself.Largerorginisationswilla
range of marketingmediaandhiswill be acrossa range of mediaplatforms. Thisistogaincross
mediacoverage andincrease brandawareness.
Coca-colaare one of the biggestadvertisersinGreatBritianproducingdrinks.Theyuse arange of
marketingmaterialswhentargettingtheiraudience andadvertisingtheirbrand.Theyuse print,video,
interactive andsocial mediatoadvertsisetheirbrand.
Overa range of differentpublicationslike comsmopolitan,Glamour,NME,chat,home&gardencoca-
cola will be advertisedthroughprint.Thisisbecause ithassucha wide targetaudience.The different
typesof coke so diet,coke zero,vainnillacoke isadvertisedinthe differentpublicationsdepending
whatthe yargetaudience is.Cosmoadvertisersalotof dietcoke as theirreadersare mostlyfemale.
Coke isalsoadvertisedonbillboards,onthe side of busesandbusstops.These are a lot bigger
advertisementsthatare print.
Coca-colaisalso knownfortheirfamousvideoadvertisementthatisbroadcastedonTV. Thisiswith
the coca-cola truck.Theyadvertise thisatchirstmas whichisreallyeffective asitgetspeople hyped
for christmas.
Theythenbringthisto life throughinterationanduse the marketingmaterial of interaction.They
bringthe coca-cola truck to life.Theygoaroundthe countrypromotingthe brandand givingaway
coke withthe helpof people thatworkfor coca-cola.Thisisinteractive withtheirtargetaudience.
Social Mediaplaysanotherbigpart of advertistemntastheyalwaysare promotingontwitterabout
competitionsthattheyrunof theirtwitterpage andalsofacebook.Theyare cosntastlygaining
followersandtweetingaboutupcomingeventswhere theycan interactwiththeiraudience.
Provide your own definitionofadvertising.
Advertisingisprettystraightforwarditisa formof communication.Advertisingiscommunicating
withthe target audience of the publication,productoraudience.Itisused topersuade peopleinto
product.The resultistoget people tobuya product.Thisis the outcome of advertising.Advertisingis
veryimportantbecause withoutitthennothingwouldreallygetbought.Itisimportantfor
businesses,asit’samassive wayinwhichtheygettheirproductof there.
What is the purpose ofsponsorship?Support your answer with detailedexamples.
Companieswill use sponsorshiptopromote themselves.Thishappenswithalotof broadcasting
medialike TV showsforexample The OnlyWayisEssex doesthis.WKDsponsorthemthisisgetting
theirbrandacross. The onlyway isEssex isall about partyingandgoingout sohavingan alcoholic
drinkadvertisingthemisappropriatebecause the type of people whowill watchTOWIEwill be into
partyingandgoingout. So promotinganalcoholicbrandto themisaimingitat a targetaudience.
What is the purpose ofendorsements?Explaina range of differenttypesofendorsementsand use
This iswhere people make positive statementsaboutaproduct/service oruse the product/servicein
a positive way.Thiscanbe through advertisingorthroughpublications.Productscanbe endorsedin
manyways.Some celebritiesare usedtoendorse productswiththe hope thattheywill influence the
audience tobuythe product.A lot of celebrityendorsementisdone throughsocial mediaand
advertising.Anexampleof thisisonthe social networksite Instagrama lotof realityTV starssuch as
Charlotte CrosbyfromGeordie shore endorse alotof productsso the audience will seethatshe is
usingthemandwant to use themto. Cocoteethwhiteningproductsdojustthisas getthe celebrities
to take picturesof themholdingthe productandhashtag the brand andtell everyone tocheckout
the website.Thisiscelebrityendorsementandthishappensalotwithproductsand celebsonsocial
media.Inhope the audience willcheckoutthe website andpurchase aproduct.Anothertype of
endorsementiswhentheygetanexpertformthe fieldtotalkaboutthe productand tell people that
theyshoulduse it.Thishappensalot withproductslike toothpaste forexample Oral Bthe toothpaste
brand dothison theiradvertsonTV. Theyhave a dentistor someone pretendingtobe a dentist
tellingthe audience thattheyrecommendthis product, asit’sverygoodinthe dental world.Thisgets
the audience thinkingthata dentist recommendedthe productsoitobviouslymustbe agodproduct.
Sometimesordinarypeople will dothisaswell andbe a subjectof endorsingthe producttothe
audience.Ordinarypeople willtryandmirror the audience.Thisgetsthe audience tothinkthat
someone like themusesthe productsothat meanstheyshoulduse itto.An example of thisissmart
insurance thatis advertised of TV throughthe dayan ordinaryman withyoungchildrenwholooks
like yourtypical fartherfigure sitsandtalksabouthislife afterhavingsmartinsurance andhow much
he neededitandhe sitsin a typical Englishhome kitchenandhe ismirrorthe audience who
potentiallywouldbe interestedinthisinsurance.
Whycould holdingan eventbe a good marketingstrategy? What are some ofthe opportunitiesand
threats of holdingan event?
Holdingan eventisa goodwayto builduppublicity.Businessesdo thisalot because itisa good way
for themto marketthemselvesandcreate abuzzabout that particularbrand. Eventshappeninmany
differentways.Itpurelydependsonthatbusinessonwhattheydo.Retail brandsholdeventsalotas
it’seasyfor themto holdeventsatstores.Apple make eventswhenInew store isopeningtheymake
an overthe top deal outof it andhave people thatentertaincrowdsoutsideandgive outoffersfor
the first100 people atthe store.Thisbecomesanew event.Hollister the clothingbrandalsodothis
whennewstoresopen.Theyhave muscle menstoodoutsidethe store withtheirtopsoff handingout
offersandfree drinkstothe target audience of teenage girlsandboys.Thisisalwayshottopicof
conversationasitdifferentfromanyotherstore sothat’show theymarketthemselves.Eventslike
thisare goodopportunitiesforboththe customersandthe client.The businessholdingthe eventsget
the opportunitytomarketthe brand how theywantand has the opportunityto make a lotof money
inthat eventas theywill have offersthatare exclusive.A lotof moneywill be made whichmaynot
normallyhappenona normal day.Theyget the opportunity toputthemselves outthere andbecome
popularagainstthe otherbrandslike them. Howeverthere canbe some threatswithevents.There is
the threat of competitionbetweenbrandslikethatsuchas Samsungand apple.Asapple hasthese
huge shop-openingeventsSamsungsee apple asathreat andtheyneedto dosomethinglike thisto
gainbusinesslike theywill.Anotherthreatisthatsome people maytake these eventsoutof control
and itwill endupwithpeople gettinginjured.Anexample of thisis LGheldand eventtogive outfree
vouchersforproducts,which were inside helium balloons.People came armedwithBBgunsand
knivesonstickstoget at the prizes.20 people were injuredascrowdsbattledforthe vouchers.
What is merchandising?Use detailedexamplestohelpexplain.
Merchandise can have manydifferentmeaningstoit.It isuseda lot in retail.Inretail theyuse
merchandisingisusedtocreate a displayof productssothat the rightkindof customerswill see it.
For example Hollisterisaretail store andtheyuse theirHollisterandcreate products(merchandise)
that theircustomers14-25 yearoldmale and females(the rightkindof people) will buy.Merchandise
alsousesone brand to sell otheritems.FilmsandTV showswill oftencreate merchandisewithquotes
on, characters and logos.Fanswill buythismerchandiseandthisisa great wayto promote and
advertise the filmandTV show. The popularTV show Games of Thronesdoesthisas ithas loadsof
productssuch as TV shows,hoodies,cups,phone casesandlaptop skinswithcharactersonand
quotesandimagesfromthe TV show.Thisispromotingthe TV show throughthe fansand advertising
it to otherpeople inpublic.Thisisa goodway to use merchandise.
What is the purpose ofa pressrelease?Whatsort of thingsshould a good press release contain?
A pressrelease isatype of communicationaimedatthe newsmedia. A pressrelease isusedto
announce somethingthatisnewsworthy.Itisa goodform of communicationbetweenpeople and
the news.It’san effectivewaytoletthe publicknow somethingstraightfromthe people thatare
involvedinthe stories.Theycanbe posted,faxedornow theyare normallyemailedbecause thatisa
moderndayof sendingdocuments.Theyare emailedtothe editorsatprintpublication,radio
stations,andtelevisionorganisations.Thentheyare usedinpublishingandbroadcastingtocreate
news.Theyare a good wayfor celebritiestogetinformationoutwithoutthe informationbeing
twistedtowhatthe mediawant to say. Beyoncé broughtouta pressrelease forheralbumBeyoncé
thiswas a goodway to getthe informationacrossabouthernew albumactuallyfromBeyoncĂ©.It’sa
wayof Beyoncé communicatingtothe publicthroughthe press.
What is the purpose ofan electronicmediapack? What sort of things shoulda good electronic
mediapack contain?
An electronicmediapackisa useful thingforabusinesstodo.These can be usedto sendoutto
people that couldbenefitthe business/companyoryourself. ForexampleIf someonewastoowna
publicationcompanywithamagazine theymaysendoutan electronicmediapackto a certain
photographerwhoyouwantand couldbe useful forcreatingthe cover.A good electronicpackshould
containthe followingelementsapressrelease,abiographyof youoryour company,testimonialsand
articlesandphotographs.All thisisdesigntopromote youoryour business. These elementsare all
keyitemstomake the businessthe better.Theyare a goodpromotiontool forcompaniestobranch
out andcollecthighprofiledotherbusinessesandpeople tomake the magazine/whateverother
What is the purpose ofa PR briefing?Whyshouldyou create one?Explain some of the areas a brief
Whena PR campaignismade a brief isdesigned.Thisbrief isdesignedtosetoutthe requirements of
the PR campaign.It isimportantto create a PR brief fora campaignbecause itallowspeople toknow
exactlywhatthe campaignisabout.It givesa biggerunderstandingaboutwhatthe campaignwill be
aboutand whothe audience isforthe campaignthat’swhya brief isan importantaspectto a
campaign. It shouldestablishthe goalsof campaignsoit shouldstate aboutwhatthe campaign
wantsto achieve.Sowhatthe campaignis there todo. The mainaudience.Sothe targetaudience of
the campaign.The effectof wantthe campaignwantsto make and thisisimportantbecause there is
no pointmakinga campaignwhenthere isnoeffecttowardsanyone oranythingbyit.Thenthe
budgetsothe costsof the campaignand how much there willingtospendonit.These are all
requirementsthata PRbrief shouldcontainabouta PR campaign.
What is the purpose ofa pressconference?Whymight you holdone? Use specificexamplestohelp
you with your response.
A purpose of a pressconference isforthe person (somainlysomeone whoisthe newsora celebrity)
to give outa statementtothe pressandthenbe askedquestions.Theydopressconferencesinmany
differentareasof eventsandnews.Theyare heldfordifferenteventssuchascriminal investigations,
sportingevents,electionsandpoliticiansamongst manyothereventssuchaspeople inaband and
realitystartsto pressconferenceswhenbringingoutperfumesandclothinglines.A pressconference
that has recentlyhappenedinthe mediaisthe LaurenPope SS15clothingline withinthe style UK.
LaurenPope isa realitystarthat has createda clothingline withinthe style UK thatis a designerand
she recentlydidherspringsummer2015 clothingline pressconference atthe Birminghamclothes
show.Theypressaskedherquestionswhereshe gotherspringsummerinspirationfrom.Whyshe
chose herdifferentstylesof clothesandwhatmade herdecide togo white andfloral.Inanotherway
a pressconference isusedisrecentlythe bigvote ishappeninginthe UKand the publicwantto know
aboutwhat politicianincharge of a party hasto offerto themto run thiscounty.Sooverthe board
manypressconferencesare setupwiththe pressaskingeachparty leadersuchas Ed Milliband
questionsaboutwhattheywill doforthe countryinhope people are goingtovote for them.So
recentlyIwatcheda pressrelease withEdMillibandinLondontalkingandansweringquestionsabout
himwantingto change the universityfees.The presswere satinfrontof Millibandwheretheyhad
recordersandtheywere recordingwhathe was sayingaskinghimwhyhe wantsto cut feesetc

Whycould handouts be useful whenmanaging a PR event?
Handoutsare anothertool inthe PR industrytoallow youtomanage the message forpeople.
Managing the message forpeople isveryimportantinthisindustrysotheyare any toolstohelpthis
be effective. Youcan combine these withpressconferences,pressreleasesandmediapacksfor
people totake away.It’sa reallygoodwayto promote inan event.Itallowsthe company/people that
are hostingthe eventtoforegroundthe keyideasthattheywanttopromote.Creatingpromotionina
package that people cantake awayfrom an eventissoeffective asdocumentsandmediathatare
promotingthe company/businesscanbe passedaroundotherpeople andtheyare there tolookback
on.Having a hard copyof somethingisreallyeffectiveasitmakesthe handoutsinteractive atan
What are some of the advantages of holdingan interviewinsteadof a press conference?
The advantagesof holdinganinterview insteadof apressconference are alot more personal.There
isn’ta bigcrowd of people thatcouldbe intimidatingthere isjustaninterviewandthe persongetting
interviewedsoyoucan ask more personal andintimate questionsthatprobablywouldnotbe
answeredason a stage in frontof a bigcrowd of people.Youcanrespondto questionsone onone
and thiscan gainmore accurate informationastheypersonbeinginterviewedcanspendmore time
answeringthe questions.Theyare betterforthe personbeinginterviewedthanapressconference is
because normallypeople being interviewed will insistonquestionlistsbeingshowntothemfirstso
theycan be preparedof what to answerandtheydo not needtoansweranything.Theycannot
answerquestionsthattheydonotwant to answerandtell the personinterviewingthem.Youcan’t
do thisina pressconference becausethe crowdjustbombardyouwithquestionsthatyoudon’t
knowthat there goingtoask. That isthe advantagesof an interview comparedtoapressconference.
Whydo people setup filmand picture opportunities?Use examplestohelp our response.
Overall filmandpicture opportunitiesare reallygoodpromotional material.Theyare goodfor
differentcompaniesandevencelebstohave anduse withthe hope of gainingsome goodPRfor
themselvesaswell aspromotingotherthings.People setfilmandpicture opportunitiesupbecause it
isa goodway of promotion.Asitcomesin a verityof formatsand across a range of platformsit’sa
verywide andbigway of promotingandis ita lotmore popular.Aspeople are constantlyusingdigital
productswhichthiskindof promotionispromotedonlike social mediaandthroughthe TV
(broadcasting).Peoplewhosetthese upare people likemanysportstars,celebritiesandpoliticians.
An example of thisispoliticiansusingfilmtopromote theircampaignsinthisyear’selection.
Politicianshave recentlycreatedfilmtopromote theircampaignssuchasthe greenpartyhave
createda short filmandtheyhave usedthistobroadcast it on social mediaandon the TV to get
people tovote forthem.Theyhave made funof othermembersof otherparties. Thisisthere wayof
usingthisopportunitytogetacross to a lotof people othermediasources.
Whyare contacts and networkingimportant in marketingand PR? What kindsof contacts couldbe
useful?Provide detailsofa PR contact from at leastone organisation.
Contacts andnetworkingare importantinmarketingandPRbecause ithelpsmanagingyourPR
successfully.Youneedtoknowa range of people like celebritiesandtheiragentsaswell asTV
bookers,editors,bloggersandpeoplealongthe linesof thatsoyour able to mange the message and
are able tokeepupa goodPR businessandgoodreputation. Youneedtohave contactsand network
to gainnewcontacts to keepupa good PR businessandforthe businesstobe successful.Gaining
newcontacts makesthe networkmore money. The contactsthatcouldbe useful inaPR companyare
celebs,agents,TV bookers,editors,publishersandbloggersthese are the kindof people thatare
goingto needPRand needthistoboostthemas well asthe PRcompany. These can be the people in
charge of managingthe PR for a companyor individual. Theywillbe the onesdealingwithrequests
for pressreleases,conferences,interviewsandsoon. Itis theirjobto manage these elementsto
ensure the bestoutcomes. Forexample Roosterisaglobal PRcampaignthat dealswiththe PR of
brandsand theyhave manycontacts, as theyare a global company.One of theircontacts is a
publishingcompanyof a magazine FamilyTraveller.FamilyTravellerisamagazine andRoosterhas
tookthispublicationonandhelpedpromote itandhelpeditgainitsreadersthroughPR.A quote
fromtheirwebsite is. “Increasing awarenessof Family TravellerMagazineand as
the go-to resourcesforall thingsfamily and travel, weworked to syndicatethemagazine’shigh-end
contentto key targetmarket publications.”Theyhave increasedthe awarenessof thismagazineby
7.5 millionpeoplebyusingPRto promote itworldwide.

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Understanding marketing techniques like SWOT analysis, audience profiling and the 4 Ps

  • 1. Understanding the principal methods and techniques used in marketing and public relationships Marketing: Whyis it important in marketing to understandingyour clientsand their requirements? It is importantinmarketingtounderstandyourclientsandthe requirementsbecause itisthe first stepintocreatingmarketingrelationships.A clientwill have anideaanda directioninwhichtheywill wantand it isyour jobto produce this.If youdon’t getit rightand how the clientwantsitthenyou may be breachinga contract and maynot get paid.Youwill notbe recommendedanditcouldgive youbad promotion.Itisimportantthat youunderstandwhatthe clientwantsandwhattheyrequire because youare doinga jobfor themandtheyare payingyouto do somethingthattheywant.If you didnot thenthe workyou producedmaynot be takenforwardand youwould have justwastedyour time. An example of thisisinclasswhenwe geta brief of a clientandwe have to designsomethingthat theywant.Thiswas mosteffective withenergydrinks.We hadtocreate an energydrinkthat appealedtoanaudience thatwas differenttoanythingonthe market.Itwas importantwe carried out the requirementsand didresearchtounderstandwhatwasalreadyoutthere.Thiswasso we did the right thingforthe clientandtheywouldcarry our workforward. Whyis understandingthe market you are working in important? What techniquesandtools could be usedto helpsomeone understandtheir market? It isimportantto understandthe marketyouare workinginbecause ithelpsyougetthe businessyou needforyour product/service tosucceed.Understandingthe marketallowsyoutoestablishyour competitionandconsumers.Ithelpswithplacingyourproductinthe marketplace.If youdid not understandthe marketthatyou were tryingtobreakintothenyou wouldnotknow whoyourtarget audience was.Thisissomethingvital. There are manytechniquesandtoolsthatcan be usedto understandthe marketthatyouare trying to getinto.Market strategyisusedhere. Techniquescanbe usedsuchas focusgroups, questionnaires,unknowncalling,andinterviews.These all are interactingwithpotential consumersof that marketand gettingtoknowwhattheythinkaboutthe product/serviceyouare tryingto getout their. Toolscan also be usedsuchas differentmediaplatforms.One reallyeffective mediaplatformissocial media.Thiswouldbe averygood tool to use as youget a verybroad/bigverityof people thatyoucan researchand explore.Youcan postand share contentthat youcan get feedbackfor. What is a SWOT analysis?Why are theyare theya useful tool? SWOT analysisstandsforstrengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreats.Thisisa tool that isa wayof lookingatyour ideasandassessingthem.Itaverystructuredway of assessingyourideas. It givesyoua balance of the positive andnegatives.Thisgivesyouachance to lookat your ideawith twoperspectives.Itgivesyouachance to assessthe strengthsof yourpositionandalsoconsiderthe weaknessesaswell. Youcanlookat the opportunitiesyouhave withinaprojectbutalsothe things that couldthreatenitssuccess.Thisreallyhelpswithmakingyourproductbetter,asexposingyour weaknessesandthreatsallowsyoutotackle thembefore theycome abigissue.Itallowsyoutosee whatneedschangingtolimitthe weaknessesthatyourproductmay have.
  • 2. Google Images. Thisis an example of Swotanalysis.Thisisthe forminwhichyouwouldcarry it out.So as youcan see itslaidout ina square formand eachpart of the square representsapart of ‘SWOT’ Thisis a veryuseful andeffective waytomake productsthe besttheycan be. What is audience profiling?Whatsort of informationmight be includedin an audience profile? Audience profile isstraightforward.Itisall aboutbuildingupthe knowledgeaboutorganisations typical clients.Itisall aboutunderstandingwhomyourtypical clientsare.The factorsinvolvedwith profilingare age,location,life-stage,incomeband, property valueandlifestyle choices. These are all factors thatyou needtolookat whenprofilingtypical clients.Itisvital thatyouknow these. It isalso aboutinteracting.Youneedtobuildanunderstandingof how theyare interactingwithyour productsand services.There ismanyfactorsinthisarea that youneedtothinkabout as well;How oftendotheypurchase,howmuch andwhen.These are importanttothinkaboutas youneedto knowwhatis sellingandhowtomake that better. Anothermainpointinprofilingisyouneedtoestablishthe wayclientscurrentlyperceiveyour productsand services.Thiswill includefactorslike if the productisluxurythe necessities,adefault option.These factorshelpwithknowingif youneedtochange how yourclientsare seeingyour product. For example; Selecta magazine and findtheir audience profile: The magazine Ifoundthe audience profile forisVogue.Ifoundthisona mediapackon a website that givesthe demographicsforhighfashionmagazines.
  • 3. Vogue Demographics,Condenastmediapack. Thisshowsthe audience profilingof the publicationorganisationVogue.Itshowsthe typical clients and showsthatthe clientsare typicallyintofashionandare oldertypesof women.Thisgivesyou statisticslike 92%of Vogue readersbuyhighfashion. The average vogue readerthatreadsthe print versionis33 yearsof age. The average Vogue readerisinthe age range between28-35. Thisshowsthatis aimedat more mature women.Vogue isonmultimediaplatformsthisshowswhatage range readswhatkindof platform.Asyoucan the youngerage range of 28 readthe internetversion. These are the entire Vogue’saroundthe worldandforeach Vogue the audience profilesare goingto
  • 4. be differentbecauseof the countryandwhat that societyislike.ChinaandIndiaare goingtohave a lotdifferentaudience profilesthanthe UKand Americabecause of the wealthandsocietiesof that country.As inIndiathe people are notas wealthyasthe people inthe USA so thiswill affectwhois goingto by the magazine andIndia’stypical consumers. Explainin detail the 4 differentelementsofthe marketing mix. Marketingmix isthe combinationof product,prince,place andpromotion.Thisisusedcommonlyin any businessventure.Thisisalsousedinorganisations.Itisaneffective andhelpfulforthemto markettheirproducts. There a four elementstothisas I have mentionedabove
 Product- thisinvolvesthe featuresandappearance of the product;Itchallengesthe servicesand goods. Price- Thisinvolvesthinkingabouthowmuchcustomersare goingto payfor the product.This isa vital aspectof the marketingmix asthisiswhere profitsand businesswill be made. Promotion- Promotioninvolvesthe customersandhow theyare goingto be informedabout products.Thisinvolvesaspectslike advertisingandhow the brandisgoingto get outthere. Place- Thisisaboutwhere productsare made available tothe customers.Sowhatshopstheyare goingto be soldin. Google images, Thisis typicallywhataMarketingmix graph will looklikeandittypicallywill surroundthe fourP’s
  • 5. Selecta publication, product or audience and explainthe range of marketing materialsthat they use. This isthe range of differentwaysthatanorginisationcanmarke itself.Largerorginisationswilla range of marketingmediaandhiswill be acrossa range of mediaplatforms. Thisistogaincross mediacoverage andincrease brandawareness. Coca-colaare one of the biggestadvertisersinGreatBritianproducingdrinks.Theyuse arange of marketingmaterialswhentargettingtheiraudience andadvertisingtheirbrand.Theyuse print,video, interactive andsocial mediatoadvertsisetheirbrand. Overa range of differentpublicationslike comsmopolitan,Glamour,NME,chat,home&gardencoca- cola will be advertisedthroughprint.Thisisbecause ithassucha wide targetaudience.The different typesof coke so diet,coke zero,vainnillacoke isadvertisedinthe differentpublicationsdepending whatthe yargetaudience is.Cosmoadvertisersalotof dietcoke as theirreadersare mostlyfemale. Coke isalsoadvertisedonbillboards,onthe side of busesandbusstops.These are a lot bigger advertisementsthatare print. Coca-colaisalso knownfortheirfamousvideoadvertisementthatisbroadcastedonTV. Thisiswith the coca-cola truck.Theyadvertise thisatchirstmas whichisreallyeffective asitgetspeople hyped for christmas. Theythenbringthisto life throughinterationanduse the marketingmaterial of interaction.They bringthe coca-cola truck to life.Theygoaroundthe countrypromotingthe brandand givingaway coke withthe helpof people thatworkfor coca-cola.Thisisinteractive withtheirtargetaudience. Social Mediaplaysanotherbigpart of advertistemntastheyalwaysare promotingontwitterabout competitionsthattheyrunof theirtwitterpage andalsofacebook.Theyare cosntastlygaining followersandtweetingaboutupcomingeventswhere theycan interactwiththeiraudience. Provide your own definitionofadvertising. Advertisingisprettystraightforwarditisa formof communication.Advertisingiscommunicating withthe target audience of the publication,productoraudience.Itisused topersuade peopleinto investinginwhatisbeingadvertised.Itoftenmanipulatespeopleintothinkingthattheyneedthat product.The resultistoget people tobuya product.Thisis the outcome of advertising.Advertisingis veryimportantbecause withoutitthennothingwouldreallygetbought.Itisimportantfor businesses,asit’samassive wayinwhichtheygettheirproductof there. What is the purpose ofsponsorship?Support your answer with detailedexamples. Companieswill use sponsorshiptopromote themselves.Thishappenswithalotof broadcasting medialike TV showsforexample The OnlyWayisEssex doesthis.WKDsponsorthemthisisgetting theirbrandacross. The onlyway isEssex isall about partyingandgoingout sohavingan alcoholic drinkadvertisingthemisappropriatebecause the type of people whowill watchTOWIEwill be into partyingandgoingout. So promotinganalcoholicbrandto themisaimingitat a targetaudience. What is the purpose ofendorsements?Explaina range of differenttypesofendorsementsand use examples. This iswhere people make positive statementsaboutaproduct/service oruse the product/servicein a positive way.Thiscanbe through advertisingorthroughpublications.Productscanbe endorsedin manyways.Some celebritiesare usedtoendorse productswiththe hope thattheywill influence the audience tobuythe product.A lot of celebrityendorsementisdone throughsocial mediaand advertising.Anexampleof thisisonthe social networksite Instagrama lotof realityTV starssuch as Charlotte CrosbyfromGeordie shore endorse alotof productsso the audience will seethatshe is usingthemandwant to use themto. Cocoteethwhiteningproductsdojustthisas getthe celebrities to take picturesof themholdingthe productandhashtag the brand andtell everyone tocheckout
  • 6. the website.Thisiscelebrityendorsementandthishappensalotwithproductsand celebsonsocial media.Inhope the audience willcheckoutthe website andpurchase aproduct.Anothertype of endorsementiswhentheygetanexpertformthe fieldtotalkaboutthe productand tell people that theyshoulduse it.Thishappensalot withproductslike toothpaste forexample Oral Bthe toothpaste brand dothison theiradvertsonTV. Theyhave a dentistor someone pretendingtobe a dentist tellingthe audience thattheyrecommendthis product, asit’sverygoodinthe dental world.Thisgets the audience thinkingthata dentist recommendedthe productsoitobviouslymustbe agodproduct. Sometimesordinarypeople will dothisaswell andbe a subjectof endorsingthe producttothe audience.Ordinarypeople willtryandmirror the audience.Thisgetsthe audience tothinkthat someone like themusesthe productsothat meanstheyshoulduse itto.An example of thisissmart insurance thatis advertised of TV throughthe dayan ordinaryman withyoungchildrenwholooks like yourtypical fartherfigure sitsandtalksabouthislife afterhavingsmartinsurance andhow much he neededitandhe sitsin a typical Englishhome kitchenandhe ismirrorthe audience who potentiallywouldbe interestedinthisinsurance. Whycould holdingan eventbe a good marketingstrategy? What are some ofthe opportunitiesand threats of holdingan event? Holdingan eventisa goodwayto builduppublicity.Businessesdo thisalot because itisa good way for themto marketthemselvesandcreate abuzzabout that particularbrand. Eventshappeninmany differentways.Itpurelydependsonthatbusinessonwhattheydo.Retail brandsholdeventsalotas it’seasyfor themto holdeventsatstores.Apple make eventswhenInew store isopeningtheymake an overthe top deal outof it andhave people thatentertaincrowdsoutsideandgive outoffersfor the first100 people atthe store.Thisbecomesanew event.Hollister the clothingbrandalsodothis whennewstoresopen.Theyhave muscle menstoodoutsidethe store withtheirtopsoff handingout offersandfree drinkstothe target audience of teenage girlsandboys.Thisisalwayshottopicof conversationasitdifferentfromanyotherstore sothat’show theymarketthemselves.Eventslike thisare goodopportunitiesforboththe customersandthe client.The businessholdingthe eventsget the opportunitytomarketthe brand how theywantand has the opportunityto make a lotof money inthat eventas theywill have offersthatare exclusive.A lotof moneywill be made whichmaynot normallyhappenona normal day.Theyget the opportunity toputthemselves outthere andbecome popularagainstthe otherbrandslike them. Howeverthere canbe some threatswithevents.There is the threat of competitionbetweenbrandslikethatsuchas Samsungand apple.Asapple hasthese huge shop-openingeventsSamsungsee apple asathreat andtheyneedto dosomethinglike thisto gainbusinesslike theywill.Anotherthreatisthatsome people maytake these eventsoutof control and itwill endupwithpeople gettinginjured.Anexample of thisis LGheldand eventtogive outfree vouchersforproducts,which were inside helium balloons.People came armedwithBBgunsand knivesonstickstoget at the prizes.20 people were injuredascrowdsbattledforthe vouchers. What is merchandising?Use detailedexamplestohelpexplain. Merchandise can have manydifferentmeaningstoit.It isuseda lot in retail.Inretail theyuse merchandisingisusedtocreate a displayof productssothat the rightkindof customerswill see it. For example Hollisterisaretail store andtheyuse theirHollisterandcreate products(merchandise) that theircustomers14-25 yearoldmale and females(the rightkindof people) will buy.Merchandise alsousesone brand to sell otheritems.FilmsandTV showswill oftencreate merchandisewithquotes on, characters and logos.Fanswill buythismerchandiseandthisisa great wayto promote and
  • 7. advertise the filmandTV show. The popularTV show Games of Thronesdoesthisas ithas loadsof productssuch as TV shows,hoodies,cups,phone casesandlaptop skinswithcharactersonand quotesandimagesfromthe TV show.Thisispromotingthe TV show throughthe fansand advertising it to otherpeople inpublic.Thisisa goodway to use merchandise. PublicRelations: What is the purpose ofa pressrelease?Whatsort of thingsshould a good press release contain? A pressrelease isatype of communicationaimedatthe newsmedia. A pressrelease isusedto announce somethingthatisnewsworthy.Itisa goodform of communicationbetweenpeople and the news.It’san effectivewaytoletthe publicknow somethingstraightfromthe people thatare involvedinthe stories.Theycanbe posted,faxedornow theyare normallyemailedbecause thatisa moderndayof sendingdocuments.Theyare emailedtothe editorsatprintpublication,radio stations,andtelevisionorganisations.Thentheyare usedinpublishingandbroadcastingtocreate news.Theyare a good wayfor celebritiestogetinformationoutwithoutthe informationbeing twistedtowhatthe mediawant to say. BeyoncĂ© broughtouta pressrelease forheralbumBeyoncĂ© thiswas a goodway to getthe informationacrossabouthernew albumactuallyfromBeyoncĂ©.It’sa wayof BeyoncĂ© communicatingtothe publicthroughthe press. What is the purpose ofan electronicmediapack? What sort of things shoulda good electronic mediapack contain? An electronicmediapackisa useful thingforabusinesstodo.These can be usedto sendoutto people that couldbenefitthe business/companyoryourself. ForexampleIf someonewastoowna publicationcompanywithamagazine theymaysendoutan electronicmediapackto a certain photographerwhoyouwantand couldbe useful forcreatingthe cover.A good electronicpackshould containthe followingelementsapressrelease,abiographyof youoryour company,testimonialsand articlesandphotographs.All thisisdesigntopromote youoryour business. These elementsare all keyitemstomake the businessthe better.Theyare a goodpromotiontool forcompaniestobranch out andcollecthighprofiledotherbusinessesandpeople tomake the magazine/whateverother businessesbetter. What is the purpose ofa PR briefing?Whyshouldyou create one?Explain some of the areas a brief shouldcover. Whena PR campaignismade a brief isdesigned.Thisbrief isdesignedtosetoutthe requirements of the PR campaign.It isimportantto create a PR brief fora campaignbecause itallowspeople toknow exactlywhatthe campaignisabout.It givesa biggerunderstandingaboutwhatthe campaignwill be aboutand whothe audience isforthe campaignthat’swhya brief isan importantaspectto a campaign. It shouldestablishthe goalsof campaignsoit shouldstate aboutwhatthe campaign wantsto achieve.Sowhatthe campaignis there todo. The mainaudience.Sothe targetaudience of the campaign.The effectof wantthe campaignwantsto make and thisisimportantbecause there is no pointmakinga campaignwhenthere isnoeffecttowardsanyone oranythingbyit.Thenthe budgetsothe costsof the campaignand how much there willingtospendonit.These are all requirementsthata PRbrief shouldcontainabouta PR campaign.
  • 8. What is the purpose ofa pressconference?Whymight you holdone? Use specificexamplestohelp you with your response. A purpose of a pressconference isforthe person (somainlysomeone whoisthe newsora celebrity) to give outa statementtothe pressandthenbe askedquestions.Theydopressconferencesinmany differentareasof eventsandnews.Theyare heldfordifferenteventssuchascriminal investigations, sportingevents,electionsandpoliticiansamongst manyothereventssuchaspeople inaband and realitystartsto pressconferenceswhenbringingoutperfumesandclothinglines.A pressconference that has recentlyhappenedinthe mediaisthe LaurenPope SS15clothingline withinthe style UK. LaurenPope isa realitystarthat has createda clothingline withinthe style UK thatis a designerand she recentlydidherspringsummer2015 clothingline pressconference atthe Birminghamclothes show.Theypressaskedherquestionswhereshe gotherspringsummerinspirationfrom.Whyshe chose herdifferentstylesof clothesandwhatmade herdecide togo white andfloral.Inanotherway a pressconference isusedisrecentlythe bigvote ishappeninginthe UKand the publicwantto know aboutwhat politicianincharge of a party hasto offerto themto run thiscounty.Sooverthe board manypressconferencesare setupwiththe pressaskingeachparty leadersuchas Ed Milliband questionsaboutwhattheywill doforthe countryinhope people are goingtovote for them.So recentlyIwatcheda pressrelease withEdMillibandinLondontalkingandansweringquestionsabout himwantingto change the universityfees.The presswere satinfrontof Millibandwheretheyhad recordersandtheywere recordingwhathe was sayingaskinghimwhyhe wantsto cut feesetc
 Whycould handouts be useful whenmanaging a PR event? Handoutsare anothertool inthe PR industrytoallow youtomanage the message forpeople. Managing the message forpeople isveryimportantinthisindustrysotheyare any toolstohelpthis be effective. Youcan combine these withpressconferences,pressreleasesandmediapacksfor people totake away.It’sa reallygoodwayto promote inan event.Itallowsthe company/people that are hostingthe eventtoforegroundthe keyideasthattheywanttopromote.Creatingpromotionina package that people cantake awayfrom an eventissoeffective asdocumentsandmediathatare promotingthe company/businesscanbe passedaroundotherpeople andtheyare there tolookback on.Having a hard copyof somethingisreallyeffectiveasitmakesthe handoutsinteractive atan event. What are some of the advantages of holdingan interviewinsteadof a press conference? The advantagesof holdinganinterview insteadof apressconference are alot more personal.There isn’ta bigcrowd of people thatcouldbe intimidatingthere isjustaninterviewandthe persongetting interviewedsoyoucan ask more personal andintimate questionsthatprobablywouldnotbe answeredason a stage in frontof a bigcrowd of people.Youcanrespondto questionsone onone and thiscan gainmore accurate informationastheypersonbeinginterviewedcanspendmore time answeringthe questions.Theyare betterforthe personbeinginterviewedthanapressconference is because normallypeople being interviewed will insistonquestionlistsbeingshowntothemfirstso theycan be preparedof what to answerandtheydo not needtoansweranything.Theycannot answerquestionsthattheydonotwant to answerandtell the personinterviewingthem.Youcan’t do thisina pressconference becausethe crowdjustbombardyouwithquestionsthatyoudon’t knowthat there goingtoask. That isthe advantagesof an interview comparedtoapressconference.
  • 9. Whydo people setup filmand picture opportunities?Use examplestohelp our response. Overall filmandpicture opportunitiesare reallygoodpromotional material.Theyare goodfor differentcompaniesandevencelebstohave anduse withthe hope of gainingsome goodPRfor themselvesaswell aspromotingotherthings.People setfilmandpicture opportunitiesupbecause it isa goodway of promotion.Asitcomesin a verityof formatsand across a range of platformsit’sa verywide andbigway of promotingandis ita lotmore popular.Aspeople are constantlyusingdigital productswhichthiskindof promotionispromotedonlike social mediaandthroughthe TV (broadcasting).Peoplewhosetthese upare people likemanysportstars,celebritiesandpoliticians. An example of thisispoliticiansusingfilmtopromote theircampaignsinthisyear’selection. Politicianshave recentlycreatedfilmtopromote theircampaignssuchasthe greenpartyhave createda short filmandtheyhave usedthistobroadcast it on social mediaandon the TV to get people tovote forthem.Theyhave made funof othermembersof otherparties. Thisisthere wayof usingthisopportunitytogetacross to a lotof people othermediasources. Whyare contacts and networkingimportant in marketingand PR? What kindsof contacts couldbe useful?Provide detailsofa PR contact from at leastone organisation. Contacts andnetworkingare importantinmarketingandPRbecause ithelpsmanagingyourPR successfully.Youneedtoknowa range of people like celebritiesandtheiragentsaswell asTV bookers,editors,bloggersandpeoplealongthe linesof thatsoyour able to mange the message and are able tokeepupa goodPR businessandgoodreputation. Youneedtohave contactsand network to gainnewcontacts to keepupa good PR businessandforthe businesstobe successful.Gaining newcontacts makesthe networkmore money. The contactsthatcouldbe useful inaPR companyare celebs,agents,TV bookers,editors,publishersandbloggersthese are the kindof people thatare goingto needPRand needthistoboostthemas well asthe PRcompany. These can be the people in charge of managingthe PR for a companyor individual. Theywillbe the onesdealingwithrequests for pressreleases,conferences,interviewsandsoon. Itis theirjobto manage these elementsto ensure the bestoutcomes. Forexample Roosterisaglobal PRcampaignthat dealswiththe PR of brandsand theyhave manycontacts, as theyare a global company.One of theircontacts is a publishingcompanyof a magazine FamilyTraveller.FamilyTravellerisamagazine andRoosterhas tookthispublicationonandhelpedpromote itandhelpeditgainitsreadersthroughPR.A quote fromtheirwebsite is. “Increasing awarenessof Family TravellerMagazineand as the go-to resourcesforall thingsfamily and travel, weworked to syndicatethemagazine’shigh-end contentto key targetmarket publications.”Theyhave increasedthe awarenessof thismagazineby 7.5 millionpeoplebyusingPRto promote itworldwide.