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Alam Nuzhathalam
Personality Introduction
ī‚¨ Originates from the Latin word Persona which means Mask. In
the ancient world, a persona was a mask worn by an actor.
ī‚¨ Different qualities of a person’s character that makes him/her
different from other people.
ī‚¨ Personality refers to individual differences in characteristics
pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving.
ī‚¨ Good Personality: Respect for life, person needs are satisfied
and so that the person will grow in awareness, competence,
and capacity to love the self, natural environment and other
Alam Nuzhathalam
Define Personality?
According to Watson
ī‚¨ A sum of activities that can be discovered by actual
observations over a long period of time to give reliable
ī‚¨ Personality describes the unique patterns of thoughts,
feelings, and behaviours that distinguish a person from
Alam Nuzhathalam
Nature of Personality
ī‚¨ Personality is relatively stable but dynamic in nature
ī‚¨ Personality helps in adjusting the individual with the
ī‚¨ Personality is consistent
ī‚¨ Personality is unique
Alam Nuzhathalam
Determinants of Personality
ī‚¨ 1. Personal & Environmental Factors
ī‚¨ 2. Biological, Psychological, Social & Cultural Factors
ī‚¨ 3. Physical, Social, Psychological & Intellectual
ī‚¨ Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were
determined at conception. Physical stature, facial
attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and
reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are
characteristics that are considered to be inherent from one’s
Alam Nuzhathalam
Determinants of Personality
Alam Nuzhathalam
ī‚¨ Environment: The culture in which people are brought up in their
lives and they type of socialization process such as family’s child
rearing practices, socio economic status of the family, number of
children in a family, birth order, education of the parents, friends
and peer group pressures, religious practices, the type of
schooling and recreational activities.
ī‚¨ Cultural Factors: Among the factors that influence personality
formation is the culture in which we are raised, early conditioning,
norms prevailing within the family, friends and social groups and
other miscellaneous experiences that impact us.
ī‚¨ Social Factors: There is increasing recognition given to the role of
other relevant persons, groups and especially organisations,
which greatly influence an individual’s personality.
Types of Personality
Alam Nuzhathalam
ī‚¨ Psychologists have attempted to study personality in their
own way. They have formulated various theories to explain
ī‚¨ These are divided into two types
Types and Trait Theories.
ī‚¨ Both these theories of personality focus on people’s personal
characteristics. The type theorists and trait theorists differ in
the ways they use characteristics to describe people.
Type Theory of Personality
Jung’s Classification
Kretschmers’s Classification
Sheldons’s Classification
Friedman & Rosenman’s Classification
Alam Nuzhathalam
Jung’s Classification
CG Jung has classified on the basis of sociability character as
Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert.
ī‚¨ Introvert: Characteristics such as shyness, social withdrawal
and tendency to talk less. People appear to be self centered,
unable to adjust easily in the environment. They are not easily
ī‚¨ Extravert: Tendency to be outgoing, friendly, talkative, and
social in nature. They prefer social contacts, sportive &
courageous. They express their feeling openly.
ī‚¨ Ambiverts: There are only few people who are pure introverts
or pure extraverts. The remaining majority of the people
possess both qualities of introverts and extraverts.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Kretschmer’s Classification
ī‚¨ Kretschmer has classified personality into 4 types
ī‚¤ 1. Pyknic type
ī‚¤ 2. Asthenic type
ī‚¤ 3. Athletic type
ī‚¤ 4. Dysplastic type
īą Pyknic Type: In pykinc type, people who are short and having
round body type. They will have the personality trait of extrovert.
īą Asthenic Type: In asthenic type, people who have slender or
slim body. They will have the personality trait of introvert.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Kretschmer’s Classification
īą Athletic Type: In athletic type, people who have strong
body. They are more energetic and aggressive. They will be
strong enough, determined, adventurous and balanced.
They are comparable with ambiverts.
īą Dysplastic Type: In dysplastic type, people who have
unproportionate body and do not belongs to any of the
three types. This disproportion is due to hormonal
Alam Nuzhathalam
Sheldon’s Classification
Sheldon has divided people into 3 types
ī‚¤ 1. Endomorphic
ī‚¤ 2. Ectomorphic
ī‚¤ 3. Mesomorphic
īą Endomorphic: People who are soft, fat and round body and
having predominance of abdominal region. They are sociable
and relaxed.
īą Ectomorphic: People who are tall, thin and flat chested. They
are shy and reserved.
īą Mesomorphic: People who are well build with heavy muscles
and strong muscles appear predominantly. They are physically
active and adventurous by nature.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Friedman & Rosenman’s Classification
ī‚¨ Personality theory describes two contrasting types, Type-A
& Type-B.
Type A Personality
ī‚¨ The theory describes Type-A Individuals (High achieving
Workaholic’s) are rude, ambitious, rigidly organized, impatient,
anxious, proactive and concerned with time management.
Type B Personality
ī‚¨ Type B individuals are noted to live low stress levels. They
typically work steadily and may enjoy achievement. People are
sometimes attracted to careers of creativity: writer, therapist,
counsellor, actor.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Trait Theories
ī‚¨ Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurements of
traits which can be defined as habitual patterns of behaviour,
thought and emotion. According to this perspective, traits are
relatively stable over time, differ across individuals
ī‚¤ E.g. some people are out going whereas others as shy.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Allport’s Trait Theory
ī‚¨ Allport organized traits into a hierarchy of 3 levels i.e.,
cardinal, central and secondary traits
ī‚¨ Cardinal Traits:
ī‚¤ The top of the hierarchy known as Individuals Master
Control. They are considered to be an individuals ruling
ī‚¤ Cardinal traits are powerful. It often develop later in life
and serve shape almost all aspects of an individual’s
purpose, behaviour, and attitudes.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Allport’s Trait Theory
ī‚¨ Central traits:
ī‚¤ These traits comes next in the hierarchy. These are general
characteristics found in varying degrees in every person
such as
īŽ Loyality
īŽ Kindness
īŽ Friendliness.
ī‚¨ Secondary traits
ī‚¤ Secondary traits exist at the bottom of the hierarchy and
not quite as obvious or consistent as central traits. For
example, a friendly person gets angry when people try to
tickle him; another is anxious person but always feels
nervous speaking publicly.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Cattell’s Trait Theories
ī‚¨ The most recent advance theory of personality based on
trait approach has been developed by Cattell.
ī‚¨ A structure of the personality inferred from behaviour in
different situations and describes 4 types of Traits.
ī‚¤ 1. Common traits
ī‚¤ 2. Unique traits
ī‚¤ 3. Surface traits
ī‚¤ 4. Source traits
Alam Nuzhathalam
Cattell’s Trait Theories
ī‚¨ Common traits:
ī‚¤ The trait found widely distributed in general population like
honesty, aggression, and cooperation.
ī‚¨ Unique traits:
ī‚¤ It’s unique to a person as temperamental traits, emotional
ī‚¨ Surface traits:
ī‚¤ It’s recognized by our manifestation of behaviour like
curiosity, dependability, tactfulness.
ī‚¨ Source traits:
ī‚¤ It determine one’s behaviour such as dominance, submission,
emotionally etc. Alam Nuzhathalam
Type cum Trait Theories
ī‚¨ Type cum trait theories has both characteristics feature of
type approach as well as trait approach. Hence it is called
Type cum Trait approach.
ī‚¨ Eysenck has classified the personality by having
coordination between type and trait approach.
ī‚¨ Fours levels of behaviour organization
ī‚¤ 1. Lowest Level
ī‚¤ 2. Second Level
ī‚¤ 3. Third Level
ī‚¤ 4. Fourth Level
Alam Nuzhathalam
Type cum Trait Theories
ī‚¨ Lowest Level:
ī‚¤ At the lowest level we have some specific responses. For
eg: Red face/Blushing in a certain situation.
ī‚¨ Second Level:
ī‚¤ We have some habitual responses. People react in similar
fashion when the same situation reoccurs. Example, not
easily picking up the friendships, hesitant to talk to
ī‚¨ Third Level:
ī‚¤ People have organization of habitual acts into traits.
Example Shyness
Alam Nuzhathalam
Type cum Trait Theories
ī‚¨ Fourth level:
ī‚¤ It is defined as a group of correlated traits. Example
shyness make the person introvert.
ī‚¨ He describes four types based on the aspects as
ī‚¤ Introversion
ī‚¤ Extroversion
ī‚¤ Neuroticism (Negative emotions)
ī‚¤ Psychoticism (Aggressive, Anger)
Alam Nuzhathalam
Developmental Theories
ī‚¨ Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
ī‚¨ Adler’s Personality Theory
ī‚¨ Carl Rogers Theory
ī‚¨ Learning Theories
Alam Nuzhathalam
Sigmund Freud Theory
Alam Nuzhathalam
Sigmund Freud Theory
ī‚¨ Freud proposed that the mind is divided into three
components: id, ego, and superego, and that the
interactions and conflicts among the components create
ī‚¨ According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the id is the
primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual
and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego
operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic
part that mediates between the desires of the id and the
Alam Nuzhathalam
Sigmund Freud Theory
Alam Nuzhathalam
Adler’s Theory
ī‚¨ Adler's Personality theory was created by Alfred Adler
ī‚¨ Adler called his theory Individual Psychology because he
believed that people were unique and that no theory to be
applied to all people.
ī‚¨ Adler Personality theory is similar to that of Freud’s
Personality Theory except that Adler's drive for human
behaviour is the need to overcome the feelings of inferiority.
ī‚¨ Inferiority is a feeling that humans feel since they are born.
It is humans drive to overcome inferiority and become
superior which causes human to act.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Adler’s Theory
ī‚¨ His theory also contains the effects of the order of the
family. Children who are the only child will get pampered
which cause the child to feel inferior when left to do things
on their own.
ī‚¨ Those who are firstborn get all the attention at first but then
all that attention goes towards the middle child. Now
firstborn feels neglected and inferior and develops to
reserved and conservative.
ī‚¨ The middle child will be competitive and constantly try to
beat the first born.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Adler’s Theory
ī‚¨ Ruling type
ī‚¤ a person with little social interest but high energy may take a
dominating approach to society.
ī‚¨ Learning type
ī‚¤ A person with sensitive and build a shell around themselves. They
are dependent on others to help them with life difficulties.
ī‚¨ Avoiding type
ī‚¤ A person with low social interest and energy may avoid failure
by avoiding involvement with friends, occupation, and family.
ī‚¨ Socially Useful type
ī‚¤ a person with high social interest and energy may like to help
Alam Nuzhathalam
Carl Roger’s Theory
ī‚¨ Roger believed that a person's behaviour is a factor
motivated by self-actualization tendencies to work and
achieve the highest level of their potential and
ī‚¨ During this process, a person forms a structure of self or
self-concept. A positive self-concept is associated with
feeling good and safe.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Type-A vs Type-B vs Type-C vs Type-D
Alam Nuzhathalam
Measurement of Personality
ī‚¨ 1. Subjective Methods
ī‚¤ Observation
ī‚¤ Interview
ī‚¤ Case Study
ī‚¤ Autobiography
ī‚¨ 2. Objective Methods
ī‚¤ Rating Scale
ī‚¤ Inventory or Questionnaire
ī‚¤ Situation Test
Alam Nuzhathalam
Measurement of Personality
ī‚¨ 3. Projective Methods
ī‚¤ Association Technique
ī‚¤ Construction Technique
ī‚¤ Completion Technique
ī‚¤ Expression Technique
Alam Nuzhathalam
Subjective Methods
ī‚¨ Observation: Observation of behaviour of a person over a
long period is one of the techniques of assessing personality
ī‚¨ Interview: t is a process of communication or interaction in
which the interviewee gives the needed information verbally to
the interviewer in a face-to-face situation or one-to-one
ī‚¨ Case Study Method: In this method the case history has to be
re-organized and re-written from infancy upto adulthood.
Really speaking, on the basis of this method, the reality of the
personality is found out.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Subjective Methods
ī‚¨ Autobiography: Autobiography method is also used to assess
personality. The child is asked to write his own autobiography
and certain personality characteristics can be studied from
Alam Nuzhathalam
Objective Methods
ī‚¨ Rating Scales: Rating scales are used to rate the various
personality traits, adjustment, emotions, interests, attitudes
performance on a task.
ī‚¨ Inventories: Individual’s written account of the past behaviour,
feelings and wishes can be a good source of information about
his personality. Self-ratings can be done through personality
inventories and paper and pencil test.
ī‚¨ Situation Test:
ī‚¤ Sociometric - social acceptance (i.e., how much an individual is
liked by peers)
ī‚¤ Psychodrama - action-based type of psychotherapy that
involves acting out scenes from a person's life in order to gain
insight Alam Nuzhathalam
Projective Methods
ī‚¨ Children’s Apperception Test (CAT):
ī‚¤ It was developed by Leopold Bellak. The test consists of ten
pictures meant for children of the age group 3 to 10.
Pictures are shown one after another and reactions
(responses) are noted and interpreted.
ī‚¨ Thematic Apperception Test (TAT):
ī‚¤ The TAT was developed by Morgan and Murray in 1935. It
requires the subject to look at the picture and to interpret it
by telling a story. He is invited to say what led up to the
scene in the picture.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Projective Methods
ī‚¨ Rorschach’s Ink-Blot Test:
ī‚¤ This test was developed by Hermann Rorschach in 1921. It
uses ten irregular-ink-blots standing against a white
background. Each inkblot is shown in a fixed number of
ways and the testee is asked to report what he sees.
Alam Nuzhathalam
Alam Nuzhathalam
ī‚¨ R. Sreevani, Applied psychology for nurses
ī‚¨ Robert S Feidman, Understanding psychology
ī‚¨ SK Mangal, Applied psychology for nursing
ī‚¨ Jacob Anthikad, Psychology and sociology for GNM
& BPT Students
Alam Nuzhathalam

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  • 2. Personality Introduction Introduction: ī‚¨ Originates from the Latin word Persona which means Mask. In the ancient world, a persona was a mask worn by an actor. ī‚¨ Different qualities of a person’s character that makes him/her different from other people. ī‚¨ Personality refers to individual differences in characteristics pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving. ī‚¨ Good Personality: Respect for life, person needs are satisfied and so that the person will grow in awareness, competence, and capacity to love the self, natural environment and other people. Alam Nuzhathalam 2
  • 3. Define Personality? According to Watson ī‚¨ A sum of activities that can be discovered by actual observations over a long period of time to give reliable information. ī‚¨ Personality describes the unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that distinguish a person from others. Alam Nuzhathalam 3
  • 4. Nature of Personality ī‚¨ Personality is relatively stable but dynamic in nature ī‚¨ Personality helps in adjusting the individual with the environment ī‚¨ Personality is consistent ī‚¨ Personality is unique Alam Nuzhathalam 4
  • 5. Determinants of Personality ī‚¨ 1. Personal & Environmental Factors ī‚¨ 2. Biological, Psychological, Social & Cultural Factors ī‚¨ 3. Physical, Social, Psychological & Intellectual ī‚¨ Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are considered to be inherent from one’s parents. Alam Nuzhathalam 5
  • 6. Determinants of Personality Alam Nuzhathalam 6 ī‚¨ Environment: The culture in which people are brought up in their lives and they type of socialization process such as family’s child rearing practices, socio economic status of the family, number of children in a family, birth order, education of the parents, friends and peer group pressures, religious practices, the type of schooling and recreational activities. ī‚¨ Cultural Factors: Among the factors that influence personality formation is the culture in which we are raised, early conditioning, norms prevailing within the family, friends and social groups and other miscellaneous experiences that impact us. ī‚¨ Social Factors: There is increasing recognition given to the role of other relevant persons, groups and especially organisations, which greatly influence an individual’s personality.
  • 7. Types of Personality Alam Nuzhathalam 7 ī‚¨ Psychologists have attempted to study personality in their own way. They have formulated various theories to explain personality. ī‚¨ These are divided into two types Types and Trait Theories. ī‚¨ Both these theories of personality focus on people’s personal characteristics. The type theorists and trait theorists differ in the ways they use characteristics to describe people.
  • 8. Type Theory of Personality Jung’s Classification Kretschmers’s Classification Sheldons’s Classification Friedman & Rosenman’s Classification Alam Nuzhathalam 8
  • 9. Jung’s Classification CG Jung has classified on the basis of sociability character as Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert. ī‚¨ Introvert: Characteristics such as shyness, social withdrawal and tendency to talk less. People appear to be self centered, unable to adjust easily in the environment. They are not easily suggestible ī‚¨ Extravert: Tendency to be outgoing, friendly, talkative, and social in nature. They prefer social contacts, sportive & courageous. They express their feeling openly. ī‚¨ Ambiverts: There are only few people who are pure introverts or pure extraverts. The remaining majority of the people possess both qualities of introverts and extraverts. Alam Nuzhathalam 9
  • 10. Kretschmer’s Classification ī‚¨ Kretschmer has classified personality into 4 types ī‚¤ 1. Pyknic type ī‚¤ 2. Asthenic type ī‚¤ 3. Athletic type ī‚¤ 4. Dysplastic type īą Pyknic Type: In pykinc type, people who are short and having round body type. They will have the personality trait of extrovert. īą Asthenic Type: In asthenic type, people who have slender or slim body. They will have the personality trait of introvert. Alam Nuzhathalam 10
  • 11. Kretschmer’s Classification īą Athletic Type: In athletic type, people who have strong body. They are more energetic and aggressive. They will be strong enough, determined, adventurous and balanced. They are comparable with ambiverts. īą Dysplastic Type: In dysplastic type, people who have unproportionate body and do not belongs to any of the three types. This disproportion is due to hormonal imbalance. Alam Nuzhathalam 11
  • 12. Sheldon’s Classification Sheldon has divided people into 3 types ī‚¤ 1. Endomorphic ī‚¤ 2. Ectomorphic ī‚¤ 3. Mesomorphic īą Endomorphic: People who are soft, fat and round body and having predominance of abdominal region. They are sociable and relaxed. īą Ectomorphic: People who are tall, thin and flat chested. They are shy and reserved. īą Mesomorphic: People who are well build with heavy muscles and strong muscles appear predominantly. They are physically active and adventurous by nature. Alam Nuzhathalam 12
  • 13. Friedman & Rosenman’s Classification ī‚¨ Personality theory describes two contrasting types, Type-A & Type-B. Type A Personality ī‚¨ The theory describes Type-A Individuals (High achieving Workaholic’s) are rude, ambitious, rigidly organized, impatient, anxious, proactive and concerned with time management. Type B Personality ī‚¨ Type B individuals are noted to live low stress levels. They typically work steadily and may enjoy achievement. People are sometimes attracted to careers of creativity: writer, therapist, counsellor, actor. Alam Nuzhathalam 13
  • 14. Trait Theories ī‚¨ Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurements of traits which can be defined as habitual patterns of behaviour, thought and emotion. According to this perspective, traits are relatively stable over time, differ across individuals ī‚¤ E.g. some people are out going whereas others as shy. Alam Nuzhathalam 14
  • 15. Allport’s Trait Theory ī‚¨ Allport organized traits into a hierarchy of 3 levels i.e., cardinal, central and secondary traits ī‚¨ Cardinal Traits: ī‚¤ The top of the hierarchy known as Individuals Master Control. They are considered to be an individuals ruling passions. ī‚¤ Cardinal traits are powerful. It often develop later in life and serve shape almost all aspects of an individual’s purpose, behaviour, and attitudes. Alam Nuzhathalam 15
  • 16. Allport’s Trait Theory ī‚¨ Central traits: ī‚¤ These traits comes next in the hierarchy. These are general characteristics found in varying degrees in every person such as īŽ Loyality īŽ Kindness īŽ Friendliness. ī‚¨ Secondary traits ī‚¤ Secondary traits exist at the bottom of the hierarchy and not quite as obvious or consistent as central traits. For example, a friendly person gets angry when people try to tickle him; another is anxious person but always feels nervous speaking publicly. Alam Nuzhathalam 16
  • 17. Cattell’s Trait Theories ī‚¨ The most recent advance theory of personality based on trait approach has been developed by Cattell. ī‚¨ A structure of the personality inferred from behaviour in different situations and describes 4 types of Traits. ī‚¤ 1. Common traits ī‚¤ 2. Unique traits ī‚¤ 3. Surface traits ī‚¤ 4. Source traits Alam Nuzhathalam 17
  • 18. Cattell’s Trait Theories ī‚¨ Common traits: ī‚¤ The trait found widely distributed in general population like honesty, aggression, and cooperation. ī‚¨ Unique traits: ī‚¤ It’s unique to a person as temperamental traits, emotional reactions. ī‚¨ Surface traits: ī‚¤ It’s recognized by our manifestation of behaviour like curiosity, dependability, tactfulness. ī‚¨ Source traits: ī‚¤ It determine one’s behaviour such as dominance, submission, emotionally etc. Alam Nuzhathalam 18
  • 19. Type cum Trait Theories ī‚¨ Type cum trait theories has both characteristics feature of type approach as well as trait approach. Hence it is called Type cum Trait approach. ī‚¨ Eysenck has classified the personality by having coordination between type and trait approach. ī‚¨ Fours levels of behaviour organization ī‚¤ 1. Lowest Level ī‚¤ 2. Second Level ī‚¤ 3. Third Level ī‚¤ 4. Fourth Level Alam Nuzhathalam 19
  • 20. Type cum Trait Theories ī‚¨ Lowest Level: ī‚¤ At the lowest level we have some specific responses. For eg: Red face/Blushing in a certain situation. ī‚¨ Second Level: ī‚¤ We have some habitual responses. People react in similar fashion when the same situation reoccurs. Example, not easily picking up the friendships, hesitant to talk to strangers. ī‚¨ Third Level: ī‚¤ People have organization of habitual acts into traits. Example Shyness Alam Nuzhathalam 20
  • 21. Type cum Trait Theories ī‚¨ Fourth level: ī‚¤ It is defined as a group of correlated traits. Example shyness make the person introvert. ī‚¨ He describes four types based on the aspects as ī‚¤ Introversion ī‚¤ Extroversion ī‚¤ Neuroticism (Negative emotions) ī‚¤ Psychoticism (Aggressive, Anger) Alam Nuzhathalam 21
  • 22. Developmental Theories ī‚¨ Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory ī‚¨ Adler’s Personality Theory ī‚¨ Carl Rogers Theory ī‚¨ Learning Theories Alam Nuzhathalam 22
  • 23. Sigmund Freud Theory Alam Nuzhathalam 23
  • 24. Sigmund Freud Theory ī‚¨ Freud proposed that the mind is divided into three components: id, ego, and superego, and that the interactions and conflicts among the components create personality. ī‚¨ According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. Alam Nuzhathalam 24
  • 25. Sigmund Freud Theory Alam Nuzhathalam 25
  • 26. Adler’s Theory ī‚¨ Adler's Personality theory was created by Alfred Adler (1870-1937) ī‚¨ Adler called his theory Individual Psychology because he believed that people were unique and that no theory to be applied to all people. ī‚¨ Adler Personality theory is similar to that of Freud’s Personality Theory except that Adler's drive for human behaviour is the need to overcome the feelings of inferiority. ī‚¨ Inferiority is a feeling that humans feel since they are born. It is humans drive to overcome inferiority and become superior which causes human to act. Alam Nuzhathalam 26
  • 27. Adler’s Theory ī‚¨ His theory also contains the effects of the order of the family. Children who are the only child will get pampered which cause the child to feel inferior when left to do things on their own. ī‚¨ Those who are firstborn get all the attention at first but then all that attention goes towards the middle child. Now firstborn feels neglected and inferior and develops to reserved and conservative. ī‚¨ The middle child will be competitive and constantly try to beat the first born. Alam Nuzhathalam 27
  • 28. Adler’s Theory ī‚¨ Ruling type ī‚¤ a person with little social interest but high energy may take a dominating approach to society. ī‚¨ Learning type ī‚¤ A person with sensitive and build a shell around themselves. They are dependent on others to help them with life difficulties. ī‚¨ Avoiding type ī‚¤ A person with low social interest and energy may avoid failure by avoiding involvement with friends, occupation, and family. ī‚¨ Socially Useful type ī‚¤ a person with high social interest and energy may like to help others. Alam Nuzhathalam 28
  • 29. Carl Roger’s Theory ī‚¨ Roger believed that a person's behaviour is a factor motivated by self-actualization tendencies to work and achieve the highest level of their potential and achievement. ī‚¨ During this process, a person forms a structure of self or self-concept. A positive self-concept is associated with feeling good and safe. Alam Nuzhathalam 29
  • 30. Type-A vs Type-B vs Type-C vs Type-D Alam Nuzhathalam 30
  • 31. Measurement of Personality ī‚¨ 1. Subjective Methods ī‚¤ Observation ī‚¤ Interview ī‚¤ Case Study ī‚¤ Autobiography ī‚¨ 2. Objective Methods ī‚¤ Rating Scale ī‚¤ Inventory or Questionnaire ī‚¤ Situation Test Alam Nuzhathalam 31
  • 32. Measurement of Personality ī‚¨ 3. Projective Methods ī‚¤ Association Technique ī‚¤ Construction Technique ī‚¤ Completion Technique ī‚¤ Expression Technique Alam Nuzhathalam 32
  • 33. Subjective Methods ī‚¨ Observation: Observation of behaviour of a person over a long period is one of the techniques of assessing personality traits. ī‚¨ Interview: t is a process of communication or interaction in which the interviewee gives the needed information verbally to the interviewer in a face-to-face situation or one-to-one situation. ī‚¨ Case Study Method: In this method the case history has to be re-organized and re-written from infancy upto adulthood. Really speaking, on the basis of this method, the reality of the personality is found out. Alam Nuzhathalam 33
  • 34. Subjective Methods ī‚¨ Autobiography: Autobiography method is also used to assess personality. The child is asked to write his own autobiography and certain personality characteristics can be studied from them. Alam Nuzhathalam 34
  • 35. Objective Methods ī‚¨ Rating Scales: Rating scales are used to rate the various personality traits, adjustment, emotions, interests, attitudes performance on a task. ī‚¨ Inventories: Individual’s written account of the past behaviour, feelings and wishes can be a good source of information about his personality. Self-ratings can be done through personality inventories and paper and pencil test. ī‚¨ Situation Test: ī‚¤ Sociometric - social acceptance (i.e., how much an individual is liked by peers) ī‚¤ Psychodrama - action-based type of psychotherapy that involves acting out scenes from a person's life in order to gain insight Alam Nuzhathalam 35
  • 36. Projective Methods ī‚¨ Children’s Apperception Test (CAT): ī‚¤ It was developed by Leopold Bellak. The test consists of ten pictures meant for children of the age group 3 to 10. Pictures are shown one after another and reactions (responses) are noted and interpreted. ī‚¨ Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): ī‚¤ The TAT was developed by Morgan and Murray in 1935. It requires the subject to look at the picture and to interpret it by telling a story. He is invited to say what led up to the scene in the picture. Alam Nuzhathalam 36
  • 37. Projective Methods ī‚¨ Rorschach’s Ink-Blot Test: ī‚¤ This test was developed by Hermann Rorschach in 1921. It uses ten irregular-ink-blots standing against a white background. Each inkblot is shown in a fixed number of ways and the testee is asked to report what he sees. Alam Nuzhathalam 37
  • 38. References Alam Nuzhathalam 38 ī‚¨ R. Sreevani, Applied psychology for nurses ī‚¨ Robert S Feidman, Understanding psychology ī‚¨ SK Mangal, Applied psychology for nursing ī‚¨ Jacob Anthikad, Psychology and sociology for GNM & BPT Students