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Topic: History of Philosophy
Presented to: Mr. Riaz Khan Dasti
Presented by: Malik Muhammad Ali
Roll No. : BSENL-17-25
Course: Philosophy (Phil 201)
Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan – Bahadur Sub Campus Layyah
History of Philosophy:
Philosophy is basically derived from two words “Philo” and “Sophy”. “Philo” means “to love” and
“Sophy” means “wisdom or knowledge”. In history of philosophy we will basically derive the terms in
chronological order.
The history of philosophy is basically started from Greek mythology and it flourishes and moves from one
step to another.
Works Contributions
I- Greek Philosophers
(600-500 BC.)
Thales (624-546 BC.) Thalestheorem.
Sevensage of Greece
He proposedthatall thingsare made
up of water.Source of all thingsis
of GreekCosmology
Apeiron an
the originand Functionof
Metaphysical Ideas.
Original source of all thingsisa
boundless intermediate element. He
proposedthatuniverse originatesin
separationof opposite matterand
dyingthingsare returningtothe
came.He saw universe asakindof
organism, supportedby“pneuma”
Airisthe Arche
All livingthingsare made upof vapor.
Source of all livingthingsmustbe air
or vapor. He proposedthateverything
isair and source of all thingsin
universe isair.He wasthe firstto
Pythagoras (580-500 BC.) Harmonyof Spheres
The Orderand Doctrine
The Secrethistory of
He believedthatall thingsare
numbers.The worldcan be
Innumerabilityconstitutesthe true
nature of things.He believedt5hat
soul residesinbrainandisimmortal
and itgoesintotransmigrationfrom
one beingtoanothersometimesfrom
humanto animal andthenit becomes
pure.He alsobelievedthatworld
dependsoninteractionof opposite
Xenophanesof Colophon
(570-480 BC.)
Xenophanes of
Buried his own son
He stressed unity rather than diversity
and viewed the separate existence of
material things as apparentrather than
Heraclitus ofEphesus OnPolitics “Everythingflows”.He proposedthat
(540-460 BC.) OnUniverse nature is in continuousflux.Lifeislike
a river. The peaksand troughsare all
the part of ride.
Epicharmus of Kos (530-
450 BC.)
52 comedies that are
now lost and in fragments.
AgrostinosGa Kai
Thalassa (Earth and Sea)
Elpis (Hope) & Ploutos
He wasof the view thatthe
contionousexercise of virtue could
overcome heredity,sothatanyone
had potential tobe a goodperson
regardlessof birth.
500-400 BC.
ParmenidesofElea (540-
? BC.)
The way of truth
Parmenides of Elia :
Fragments : A Text and
translation with Introduction.
“Nothingcan come from nothing”.He
assertedthatchange is impossible,
and that comingintoexistence or
ceasingto existare likewise
permanent, ingenerated,indestructible
and unchanging.
Anaxagoras (500-428
Simpliciusof Cilicus
everything” orthe universe was a
mixture of al,itsingredients,although
the mixture istrulyuniformandthese
ingredientsvariesfromtime totime
and place to place.Andthisisa
natural processwithoutthe helpof
any god.
Zenoof Elea (490-430
Reductio ad
The Paradoxes
Fatherof stoicism. He devisedseveral
paradoxesseemingtoshow that
motionisimpossible. He proposed that
motionisnothingjustan illusion.
Theoriesof Causation
Worldis consistof more than one
single substance.(earth,air,fire and
Gorgias(483-374 BC.) Ecomiumof Helen
Defense of Palamades
He believedthatthere wasno
absolute formof virtue butthat if was
relative toeachsituation.He believed
that rhetoricwaskingof all other
sciencesbecause itwascapable of
persuadinganycourse of action.
Protagoras of Abdera
(481-420 BC.)
Onthe Gods
He believedinanobjectivestandard
of truthwhicheveryone needsto
to live afull life.
Sophist Onthe Non-Existent (Protagoras,Antiphon,Herodes
Dissoi Logoi) were professional
teachersof Greece. Theyattackedon
traditional moral valuesmarksthe
beginningof ethical philosophy.
Socrates (470-399 B.C.) Socraticmethod
The gadflyof Athens
Trial andExecution
The onlythingI know is thatI know
nothing.He elaboratedthe question
All thingsare composedof indivisible
external particles.
Epicurus (448-370 B.C.) Calistolos
Onthe Criterion
Epicureanschool of thought. He held
the notion that highestobjective isto
leada pleasantlife throughmoderate
400-300 BC.
Tragica& Homerica
Theoryof Ethics.
Theoryof Logic
True happinessis notfoundin
external advantages.Itisin
everyone’sreach. He isthe founderof
Aristippus(440-366 BC.) Phaedo(bookonsoul)
The highest aimof lifeis to gain possible
sensory enjoyment.
Hippocrates (430-377
Vismedicatrix nature
He wasthe firstmedical practitioner.
He foundedthe CoanSchool of
Medicine.He removedthe stance of
disease aspunishment
Aesara of Luciana
(around 350 B.C.)
Archytasof Tarentum
Morality& Natural laws
Greekphilosopher.She introspecting
aboutthe nature of nature and
structure of humansoul we can
identifyastandardof personal and
Plato (428-347 B.C.) Apology
Theoryof forms
Lawsof nature
He wasconcernedwiththe relation
between “whatisimmutable” and
“what flows”.He proposed“theoryof
ideas. Bestwayof state isclass
philosopher-kings. The formof Good
the ultimate source of realityand
Xenophon(427-355 BC.) Anabasis
He wasa political philosopherandhe
proposedaview thata man should
live alife ina state not accordingto
state will butaccordingto hisownwill
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Lyceum
The unmovedmover
200 dialogueswere
He stressedthathighestdegreeof
realityisthathow we perceive things.
The distinguishedbetweenformand
substance.Andthese are the facts
aboutnatural world. Happinessisour
highestgood. State providesagood
life toitscitizens onthe basisof
II- Hellenistic andChrist Era
300-200 BC.
Theophrastus (371-287
Peri PhytonHistoria
He basicallystrengthen the beliefsof
people onthe systematicunity andto
reduce the transcendental elements
Pyrrho (360-270 BC.) Stoics& Skeptics
Everytheorycan be opposedbyan
equal validcontradictorytheory;we
mustsuspend judgmentonall issues.
Epicurus (341-270 BC.) Calistolos
Onthe Criterion
Epicureanschool of thought. He held
the notion that highestobjective isto
leada pleasantlife throughmoderate
Strato of Lampsacus
(340-268 BC.)
Of kingship
Of justice
Of Goods
Of gods
Onthe Void
He wasof the materialisticbelieved
that everythinginuniverseismade
composedof matterand energy.He
formulatesasecularview inwhich
God ismerelythe unconscious force
of nature.
Timon (320-230 BC.) The Silloi
He wasthe kingof the state andhe
embarkeduponthe sarcastic
approach towardsthe dogmaticviews
of philosophers.
200-100 BC.
Carnaeades(214-129 BC.) Cleitomachus
To Pithanon
He workedonhumanfreedom,
gave the bivalence principle that(only
statementP,eitherPistrue or false)
III- Roman Era Philosopher
100 BC-01 AD
Lucretius (99-55 BC.) De rarum natura He proposed a view that death is nothing
to means that when we became
dead our bodies remain dead but our soul
are always alive,they are immortal
01 – 100 AD
Cicero(106-43 B.C.) Adatticum
De Orate
He formedthe conceptof
Philo(20 BC – 40 AD) EveryGoodMan isFree
Onthe Eternity
Onthe Providence
He synthesizesthe revealedfaithand
philosophical reason.He occupiesa
unique positioninthe historyof
philosophy.He isalsoregardedby
fore-runnerof Christiantheology.
Senecathe younger(4 BC
– 65 AD)
Proposedasloganfor humanism
school of thought “to mankind,
mankind is holy”
100-200 AD
Epictetus(55-133 AD.) The Discourses
He proposedaview thatnature of
(Inclusive(health,wealth,fame) and
Exclusive (judgment,impulse) power).
To become successful inlifewe must
control overexternal things.Sothatis
improvesthe innerjudgmentand
Marcus Aurelius(121-180
The Essential
He wasthe emperor.He hasno faith
on afterlifeandhismotivesabout
desire are verycorrupt.He
encouragedGreekculture inRome.
200-400 AD
SextusEmpiricus (3rd
Outline of Pyrrhonism
He wasfamousskeptic. He argued
that we shouldsuspendjudgment
aboutvirtuallyall beliefs.Thatis,we
shouldneitheraffirmanybelief as
true nor denyany beliefasfalse.
Plotinus(205-270 AD.) Enneads
Six booksof nine
All thatexistisGod. Soul isilluminated
by the lightfromthe God, while
matteris the darknessthathas no real
Hypatia (350-415 AD.) Almagest
Proposedthe importance of
mathematicsin life.She wasthe most
conceptof circle,triangle and
Augustine of Hippo(354-
430 AD.)
De Civitate Dei
De Trinitate
He arguedthat skepticshave nobasis
for claimingtoknow thatthere is no
knowledge,andhe believedthat
genuine humanknowledge canbe
believedreasontobe a uniquely
humancognitive capacity that
comprehends deductive truthandlogic.
IV- Medieval Philosophers
500—800 AD
Boethius(480-524 AD.) Consolationof
He arguedaboutacceptance of
hardshipina spiritof philosophical
The Metresof Boethius detachmentfrommisfortune.He
arguedthat fortune all happens with
the will of god.
John Philoponus(490-
570 AD.)
Onthe Eternityof
Theoryof Impetus
He arguedthat motionisintrinsic
propertyof the movingobjectitself.
John of Dasmascus (680-
750 AD.)
Pege gnoseos
Philosophyisthe knowledge of things
(divine andhumanthings) whichare
inso far as theyare, thatis,
knowledge of the nature of things
whichhave beingboth. (Visibleand
800-900 AD
Al-Kundi (801-873 AD.) Al-Falsafahal-ulafima
He laidthe foundationforexplaining
the problemof free will ina
philosophical way.Real actionsare
not the resultof intentionorwill and
that the will of manis a psychological
God as an absolute andtranscendent
John the Scot (815-877
De Predestinations
De divisione
He arguedthat God isthe beginning
and endof all beingsandthe dual
mode of existence of thingsare
intelligibleandsensible nature.
900-100 AD
Al-Razi (865-925 AD.) Alchemy
He developedthe theoryof five
producedoutof an interaction
Al-Farabi (870-950 AD.) al-ijtima’al-fadil
He acclaimedGodto be Absolute
beingasthe firstcause.He regarded
the ideal state governedbyImam.The
virtuoussocietywhere people
cooperate togain happiness.Society
errant people.
1000-1100 AD
The bookof Healing
That there isa parallelismbetween
Anselm(1034-1109 AD.) De grammatico
The De Veritate
The Monologion
He arguedthat withoutthe absolute
truth (God),andwithoutthisabsolute
truth or belief ourbasicfaithisin
trouble.He use the priori to
understandthe basicconceptsof
absolute truth.
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111
Tuhafatul al-Falsifah
He arguedthat philosophyis
incomplete withoutreligion.He
furtherarguedthat God knowsby
essence notbyknowledge.Ethicsis
aroundthe control of soul and body
and rewardsare spiritual notbodily.
1100-1200 AD
PeterAbelard (1079-1160
Sicet Non(Yesor No)
The philosophyof Peter
Medieval philosopher.
Carefullyanalyzesthe moralityof
intent. Moral goodnessliesin
intendingtoshow love of Godand
He saidmaterialismandintellectis
same for whole mankind.He accepted
Aristotle viewthatmanisa social
animal andhe can’tlive ina solitary
life. He believedintwo separate
truths,that of religionandthatof
Guide forPerpexed
It isimpossiblefortrutharrivedat by
revealedbyGod.He alsoproves
Aristotle viewthatGodcare is always
St. Francis of Assisi
(1182-1226 AD.)
Influencedbymystical tendenciesin
Neo-Platonism, soughtareturnto the
firstprinciple of being.
1200-1300 AD
Albertthe great (1193-
1280 AD.)
He wasneo-platonism.He basically
arguedon the doctrine of church and
discussedabout the matter of music
as it effectsonsoul.
Thomas Aquinas (1214-
1274 AD.)
Onthe Truth of Catholic
Quinquae viae
He proposedthe ideathat God is
rational explanation.Reconciled
Aristotelianethical naturalismwith
lawsfor state to relate betweenstate
and church.
Roger Bacon (1214-1294
The mirrorof Alchemy
He wasa medievalEnglish
placedemphasisonthe studyof
nature throughempiricism.
Siger(1240-1280 AD.) De unitate intellectus Hebembarkeduponthe church of
that time andtalkedforthe well being
of the people.He criticallyevaluate
the philosophyof ThomasAquinas
1300-1400 AD
Marsiliusof Padua (1270-
1342 AD.)
The Defenderof Pence
He basicallycriticizespope andgave
the three foldview of state,firstis
Aristotle wayof state,secondone is
church and thirdone isthe wayof
people forminggovernment.
(1288-1348 AD.)
He devisedthe viewsof divine
omnipotence,grace andjustification
as well asethics
Jean Buridan (1300-1358
He workedbasicallyonmathematics
and natural philosophy.He arguedon
theoryof motionthat onlyaninternal
motive force,transmittedfromthe
moverto the projectile,couldexplain
John Wycliffe (1320-1384
De eucharistia
De apostasia
Thingsare placedinextra-ordinary
worldand we basicallyperceive the
thingsonthe basisof perceptionand
theirphysical appearancesandwe
perceive themonthe basisof two
genre substancesandqualities.
Nicole Oresme (1320-
1382 AD.)
De origine,natura,jure
et mutationibus
He workedupontheoryof motion.He
proposedthatmotionisa fluxus,a
successive entityof itsownthatexists
inaddition tothe mobile andthe
thingsthat are acquiredduring
motion. This isa clear departure from
1400-1500 AD
Nicholasof Cusa (1401-
1464 AD.)
He basicallygave the political theory
throughwhicha state can be run. He
arguedboththe church andthe state
shouldworktogetherina wayfor the
basicwell-beingof people.
Lorenzo Valla(1407-1457
De voluptate
De Professione
He isbestknownforhis textual
analysisthatprovedthe donationof
Constantine wasaforgery.
Pico dellaMirandola
(1463-1494 AD.)
Dignityof Man
De ente etuno
He talkedaboutthe dignityof man
that how man differfromother
creaturesas man isa creationwith
unique andimportanttrait,free will.
V- Early ModernPhilosophers
1500-1550 AD
(1466-1536 AD.)
He wasthe memberof churchand he
devisedthe doctrine of free will of
(1469-1527 AD.)
The Prince
Discorsi sopralaprima
deca di TitoLivio
He devisedthe relationshipbetween
ethicsandpowerina society.His
mean”.If bloodsheddingforathe
sake of societyisnota bad thing.
Martin Luthur (1483-
1546 AD.)
The Law and the Gospel
Theologyof the Cross
He believed,rather,thatphilosophy
and reasonhadimportantrolesto
playinour livesandinthe livesof
1550-1600 AD
John Calvin(1509-1564
Michael Servetus
He helpedpopularizethe beliefinthe
sovereigntyof Godinall areasof life,
as well asthe doctrine of
Francisco Suarez (1548-
1617 AD.)
De Incarnatione
De sacramentis
De religione
De operasex dierum
He isthe eminentrepresentative of
Scholasticism.;he adheredtoa
moderate formof Thomismand
GiordanoBruno (1548-
1600 AD.)
Operalatine Conscripta
Bruno burnedatthe stake fora
stubbornadherence tohisthen
unorthodox beliefs –includingthe
ideasthatthe universe isinfinite and
that othersolarsystemexist
1600-1650 AD
Francis Bacon (1561-1626
He proposedthatthe defectsof all
previoussystemsof beliefsabout
nature,he argued,layin the
inadequate treatmentof the general
deductionwere made.
GalileoGalilei (1564-1642
He proposed fundamental conceptsin
gave the “Law ofInertia”.
Hugo Grotius(1583-1645
De IndisandMare
De Jure Belli acPacis
He proposedthe basicpolitical
thoughtsandmoral theoriesof
Rene Descartes (1596-
1650 AD.)
Discourse onmethod
Philosophyshouldgofromsimple to
the complex toconstructa new
insight.Proposedthe conceptof
dualism, andsaid “Ithink therefore I
1650-1700 AD
Thomas Hobbeps (1588-
1679 AD.)
Elementsof Law
He isthe firstgreat modern
materialist.He heldthatall thatexists
isbodiesinmotion.“Good”and “evil”
denote whata person“desires”or
“hate”.A sense of transferof power
shouldbe inpeople tolive honorable
&peaceful life.
Jacques Rohault (1617-
1672 AD.)
Traite de physique
He gave the qualifiedsupporttoits
corpuscular oratomicformof
figuredbodies”were the underlying
physical reality.
1684 AD.)
Discourse de l’action
Discourse psychiae de la
He basicallyworkedontheoriesof
language.He proposedthe notion
that the mainconcern of the beingis
liesinlanguage anditremain
Richard Cumberland
(1631-1718 AD.)
De legibusnaturae He proposedthe view thatself-
advantage isnot the chief concernof
thingsbutthe advantageof whole
societyisthe mainconcernof the
John Locke (1632-1704
AnEssay concerning
Anessay concerning
We perceive objectsindirectlyby
meansof perceptionof them.
God gave natural rightsand state is
createdfor the protectionof that
Baruch Spinoza(1632-
1677 AD.)
Correspondence of
Benedictde Spinoza
bothlove of God and love of
humanity.Everythinginthe material
Issac Newton(1643-1727
He proposed “Lawof Gravitation”.He
arguedthat by law of gravitation
thingsfall ongroundand things
1700-1750 AD
1716 AD.)
Discouse on
The CalsulusWar
The ultimate realityof thingsisnon
material,invisible unitsof force.
John Norris (1657-1711
A collectionof
The root of liberty
He believedthatgodtruthand love is
ineveryaspectof life,andthat the
purpose of educationandknowledge
be onlyto betterunderstandgodand
1754 AD.)
de alogrithmo
infinitesimali differentiali
He proposesthatthe purpose of
knowledge shouldnotbe rootedin
whathe calls“the puristof the
knowledge of truth”butalsoinits
utilityandpractical valuesithasfor
humanin everydaylife.He workedon
George Berkeley(1685-
1753 AD.)
A Treatise Concerning
the purpose of human
AnEssay towardneew
theoryof vision.
Material realitydoesn’texist.We
perceive onlyideas. Everythingwe see
and feel is‘aneffectof God’spower.
David Hartley (1705-1757
HisDuty andHis
He soughtto explainnotonly the
phenomenaof memory,whichother
had similarlyexplainedbefore him,
but alsothe phenomenaof reasoning,
and of voluntaryandinvoluntary
1750-1800 AD
Thomas Reid (1710-1796
Essayon the intellectual
powerof man
Essayon the active
powerof Human Mind
He believedthatcommonsense
shouldbe or at leastisthe foundation
of all philosophical inquiry.The
we are inthisworld.
David Hume (1711-1776
A Treatise toHuman
Natural Religion
Each elementwasonce sensed,and
enteredthe theatre of the mindinthe
formof a real ‘impression’.The act
that pleasesourmoral sensibility is
one that reflectsthe agent’s
(1712-1778 AD.)
The Social Contract
Discourse of Inequality
Emile oron education
He believedthatpeople neithergive
up theirrightsto the state nor entrust
them.People shouldunite instate for
creatingsocial impact.
Adam Smith (1723-1790
Wealthof Nation
The Theory76 of Moral
He talkedaboutCapitalism. He talked
aboutfree marketeconomyanda
Immanuel Kant (1724-
1804 AD.)
Critique of Pure Reason
Critique of Practical
All ourknowledge of the worldcomes
fromour sensationandinsensation
by experience.Butinour reasonthere
Critique of Judgment are decisive factorsthatdetermine
how we perceive the worldaroundus.
A part of happinessmustbe measured
interm of qualityandquantity.
Edmund Burke (1729-
1797 AD.)
A philosophical enquiry
A vindicationof Natural
His political principleswererootedin
moral and natural lawsand western
traditions.He believedinprescriptive
rightsand that those rightswere God-
Thomas Jefferson(1743-
1824 AD.)
Note4sonthe state of
A Manual of Parliament
The Portable
He outlinednew political principles
that launchedanew nation.Asa
framerof the VirginiaStatue of
ReligiousLiberty,he spearheaded
earlyeffortstoseparate churchand
JeremyBentham (1748-
1832 AD.)
El Panoptico
A fragmenton
The bookof fallacies
A utilitarian.Pleasure canbe
aboutnatural rightsas meaningless.
G. W.F. Hegel (1770-
1831 AD.)
The Phenomenologyof
Science of Logic
Philosophyof Rights
Realityisthe expressionof thought
and reason.There are three stagesof
knowledge (thesis,antithesisand
VI- Modernphilosophers
1800-1850 AD
F. W. J. von Schelling
(1775-1854 AD.)
Onthe essence of
the Abyssof Freedom
The Indivisible
All of nature – boththe human soul
and physical reality –isthe expression
of one Absolute,orworldspirit,he
believed.He wantedtounite mind
and matter.
Ralph WaldoEmerson
Self Reliance
The essaysof Ralph
He believedinremainingthe divineas
somethinglarge andvisible,whichhe
referredtoas nature:such an ideais
knownas transdentalism, inwhich
one perceivesanew Godand their
body,and becomesone with their
Alexisde Tocquevillie
the OldRegime and
Tocqueville inAmerica
He believe thatAmericanjurysystem
was particularlyimportantin
educatingcitizeninself-government and
rule of law.He oftenexpressedthat
how the civil jurysystemwasone of
the most effective showcaseof
democracybecause itconnected
citizenswiththe true spiritof the
justice system
John Stuart Mill (1806-
The Subjectionon
Principlesof Political
A utilitarian.Pleasure –a part of
happiness –mustbe measuredin
termof qualityandquantity.The
functionof state isto promote
general happiness.
Augustus De Morgan
A budgetof Paradoxes
Memiorof AugustusDe
His majorcontributionare in
mathematicswhere he induced
Morgan lawsand workleadingtothe
developmentof the theoryof
relationsandthe rise of modern
CharlesDarwin (1809-
Origionof Species
The Voyage of the
“Theoryof evolution”. He made a
“bridge” betweentworealmsof
Soren Kierkegaard(1813-
Fearand Trembling
He proposedthree stagesof life
(aestheticstage,ethical stage,
Max Stirner (1816-1856) The egoand itsown
All thingsare nothingto
He claimsthatphilosophydoesn’t
botheritself withwithobjects
(Religion),nordoesit“make anobject
(Art).Itis basicallyadifferential
Henry David Thoreau
(1817-1862 AD.)
A weekonthe Concord
He gave the view inhisessayto civil
shouldbe disobedienttowardthe
1850-1900 CE
Karl Marx (1818-1883) Capital
The Communist
The Germanideology
He gave the view of capitalismandhe
alsoprovidedthe view of labortheory
of value includingthe capital profit
and surplusvalue.Hismajor
contributionsare ineconomicsand
Herbert Spencer(1820-
The Godwulf manuscript
Godsave the Child
He heldthe notionthatthe life of
humanin a societywasa struggle for
existence ruledbysurvival of the
fittest.Heblateracceptedthe theory
that natural lawswere one of the
causesof biological evolution.
CharlesSanders Peirce
The essential Pierce
The Fixationof Belief
The sum of consequenceswill
constitute the entire meaningof the
The Principlesof
The varitiesof Religious
What differentiatebetweenyouand
me and presentedworld-formulabe
true one.
ThusSpoke Zaratushtra
He anticipatedimportantthemesof
slave moralityandmastermorality.
Ferdinandde Saussure
Course inGeneral
Melangesde Linguistics
He isconsideredasfatherof
linguistics.He wasthe firstwho
emphasisonthe studyof language for
use of language ina properway.
Edmund HusserI (1859-
Logical Investigation
The crisisof European
Firstgreat phenomenologist. He gave
the procedure bywhichthe realityof
objectsandeventsare perceivedin
John Dewey(1859-1952) Democracyand
How we think
Experience and
Think isnot a search fortruth but is
aimedat solvingpractical problems.
Rabindranath Tagore
UnitedIndiatradition thathow Indian
culture isacquiringconditionsof
Max Weber(1864-1920) The Protestant
Science asa Vocation
He gave rationalizationtheorywhich
referstothe processbywhichmodern
the maximumresultswithaminimum
amountof effort
G. E. Moore (1873-1958) PrincipiaEthica
The Nature of Judgment
Some judgmentsof
A deference of Common
He assertedthatphilosophical
argumentscan sufferfromconfusion
betweenthe use of aterm ina
particularargumentandthe definition
of thatterm.He namedthisconfusion
naturalisticfallacy.One saygoodand
othersay beautiful thanitmeansboth
are true because the value of
goodnesscanneverbe judged.
1900-1950 AD
George Santayana (1863-
The Sense of Beauty
The Life of Reason
The Last Purtin
He basicallycontributedinphilosophy
interm of beautyand the beautyin
sense of aesthetics.He moveda
notionthat“those whocannot
rememberthe pastare condemnedto
H. A. Prichard (1871-
Moral Obligations
Moral Writings
He wasfamousethical intuitionism.
He arguedthat moral obligations
cannot be reducedtoanythingelse,
but isperceivedbydirectintuition.
Bertrand Russell (1872-
Historyof Western
Philosophyisthe wayof thinking
aboutthe world,universe,and
The Problemsof
society.Itworksby askingverybasic
questionsaboutthe nature of human
thoughts,the nature of universe and
the connectionbetweenthem.Butit
doesnotmean thatphilosophyisnot
aboutthe real world
Max Scheler(1874-1928
The HumanPlace in the
Onthe Eternal in Man
He studiedthe structure of mental
concepts.he movedthe notionthat
everyconsciousexperience Irelated
to man
Ernst Cassirer(1874-1945
The Philosophyof
AnEssay onMan
The mythsof the State
He arguedthat man issymbolic
animal,whereasanimalsperceive the
experience andsensoryperceptions,
humancreatesthe universe of
Pierre Theilhardde
Chardin (1881-1955 AD.)
The Phenomenonof
The Future of Man
He gave the theorythat if the world
the center,thencosmogenesis
processthat formsthe Total Christ.
Jacques Maritain (1882-
1973 AD.)
The Degree of
Man and State
He proposedthe notionthat“Lacked
knowledge of humanity’sultimate
Ludwig Wittgenstein
(1889-1951 AD.)
He saidthat ethicsisthe code of life
by whichwe live inthisworld.
Gabriel Marcel (1889-
1973 AD.)
The Mysteryof Being
He wasexistentialismanditsviewfor
Martin Heidegger(1889-
1976 AD.)
Whatis calledthinking
He showsthathuman realityisoften
But humanbeingcan alsofindhis
authenticityandopenthe mysteryof
the Being,source of all things
1940 AD.)
He wasof the view thatphilosopher
and critical theoristcanbe gaugedby
the diversityof hisintellectual
influenceandthe continuing
productivityof histhoughts.
Karl Popper (1902-1994
The OpenSocietyand
He arguedthat scientifictheoriesare
theoriesandpseudo-science bybeing
falsifiable claimsaboutthe world.
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-
1980 AD.)
The Wall
Emphasizedthe significance of
Karl Jaspers (1905-1982
Wayto Wiosdom
The question of
“Individual freedompermeateshis
VII- Post Colonial Thoughts
LeopoldSedar Senghor
(1906 - )
The CollectedPoetry
Formulatedthe conceptof negritude,
whichassertsan essential uniqueness
Hannah Arendt(1906-
1975 AD.)
The HumanCondition
The Originof
She talkedaboutfreedomof will,
freedomof choice anddecides
betweentwothingsthe goodandthe
evil andwhose choice ispre-
determinedbymotive whichhasonly
to be arguedto start its opration.
Simon de Beauvoir
The SecondSex
The Maridians
Extendedthe discussionof feminism
intoall areas of intellectual endeavor.
Claude Levi-Strauss(1908
- )
The Savage mind
The elementaryKinship
AlbertCamus (1913-
The Stranger
The Plague
He emphasizedonthe absurdityof
worldand the inabilityof the
Francisco Miro
Quesada (1918 - )
Notedforhiswork intheoryof
knowledge andpolitical theory,which
avoidsmetaphysical solutionsto
Chaikh Anta Diop (1923-
The AfricianOriginof
The Cultural Unityof
Black Africa
ArguedblackAfricawasthe originof
Zygmunt Bauman (1925-
He talkedonmodernitythatitcontrol
overour nature,hierarchical
bureaucracy,rulesandregulations –
all of whichattemptedtoremove
graduallypersonal insecurities,
makingchaoticconceptof humanlife
ina well order.
Michel Foulcast(1926-
Discipline andPunish
The Orderof Things
Providedacritique of conventional
social madnessandsexuality.
Noam Chomsky (born
Hegemonyof Survival
He isthe linguist,whogenerative
conceptof transformational
generative grammarwhichisfounded
on mentalistphilosophy.
Jaakko Hintikka (1929-
The Principlesof
He isone of the modern philosopher
whoemphasisonthe value of truth
and logicandby logicw basically
determinesthe things
Martin Luthur Jr.(1929-
IHave a Dream
Where DoWe Go From
Ledthe AfricanAmericansdrive for
equal civil rights.
Jacques Derrida (1930-
Of grammatology
Spectersof Marx
Influential Frenchdeconstructionalist.
Desmond Tutu (1931 - ) The Bookof forgiving
NoFuture Without
moral leadershipinthe successful
struggle againstapartheid.
Richard Rorty (1931-
Mirror of True
througha pragmatic perspective.
Val Plumwood(1939-
Environmental Culture
The Eye of Crocodile
Findsthe inferiorizationof women
and nature to be linkedandgrounded
inthe rationalistconceptionof human
nature and the liberal conceptsof the
Carol Gilligan(1936- ) Ina different
The birthof Pleasure
Arguesthatmen andwomenhave
characteristicallydifferent waysof
reasoningaboutmoral issues.
Cornel West(1953 - ) Race Matters
Bestknownfor hisanalysisof depth
dimensionsof racial issues
VIII- Feminist philosophers
1950-2000 CE
Bell Hooks (1955 - ) All aboutLbove
Ain’tIa women
Her critical analysisof typesof
feminismthatfail todojustice tothe
needsof minoritywomen.
GloriaSteinem(1934 - ) My Life onthe Road
She broughtfeministissuestothe
Kate Millett(1934-1947) Sexual politics
Arguesthatpatriarchy extendstoall
areas of life.
Sara Ruddick (1935-2011) Maternal thinking Experience of beingamotheris
influencesone’s moral perceptions.
Ann Ferguson (1938- ) Sexual Democracy
Bloodatthe Root
We shouldpursue amono-
androgynoussocietytoensure that
we are all fullyhuman.
Joyce Trebilcot Dyke Ideas The androgynoussocietyshould
include asmanyoptionsas possible,
includingtraditionallymale typesand
traditional female types.
Marilyn Frye (1941- ) The Politicsof Reality
Of masculine andfeminine are shaped
by ideasof dominance and
Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak (born 1942)
Outside the teaching
She basicallyembarkedonthe rights
of womeninsucha way that they
shouldbe place at equal status
accordingto men
Nancy Chordorow (1944-
The Reproduction
Difference betweenmenandwomen
can be tracedto the psychodynamics
of the nuclearfamily.
(1945 - 2012)
The Dialecticof Sex
Arguedthatnew reproductive
technologiescouldfree womenfrom
Susan MollerOkin (1946-
Criticize the traditionalthemesof
IX - EasternPhilosophy
Before 256 BC
Guan Zhong (diedin645
Romancesof Three
He proposedthe notion “balancing
the lightand the heavy”. He wasthe
chancellorof the state and he
proposedthe social lawsinsucha
waysthat everyone isequal and
everyone shouldgetthingsaccording
to theirnecessities.
Confucius(551-479 BC.) The Bookof document
The Doctrine of the
Mean and the Great
Empasizedthe perfectibilityof people
as well astheirabilitytoeffectthings
for the better.
Sun Tazu (544-496 BC.) The Art of War He basicallywrote philosophyabout
the militarystrategiesinsuchaway
by militaryrule we canrule the world
ina goodway otherwise itisgoodfor
475-221 BC.
Laozi (4th
CenturyBC.) Tao Te ching
He isthe basicproponentof Taoism.
In Chinese Taoismisawayof life (the
Chinese word“Dao”or “Tao” means
“way”). Its fundamental meaningis
that simplicityorselflessness,means
leadingalife of spontaneity.
Mencius(372-289 BC.) Confuciusdescribedanethical Heaven
and ethical humanbeingthat
correspondedtoandwas supervised
by Heaven,forMencius,anethical
humanbeingisa moral universe on
hisown.He gave the theorythat
“humannature is good.”
Yang Chu (370-319 BC.) The Gardenof Pleasure He wasthe firsttostudy philosophyof
humantendencies.He gave
philosophyof deaththatdeathis
natural and everyone shouldneither
have the fearnor awe about death.
Xun Zi (310-237 BC.) Discourse onMusic
He gave the notionthat heartshould
be the lordof the body,andusingthe
heartto directdesiresanddecide on
rightand wrongaccords withthe way.
Zou Yan (305-240 BC.) Bizarre Transformations
Endand Renewal
He isa naturalistphilosopherandhe
gave the view thateverythingin
universe isthe combinationof five
basicelements (Wood,Fire,Earth,
Metal and Water) and all thingsare
the combinationof these things.
GongsunLongzi (300 BC.) GongsunLongzi and
The worksof Kung –Sun
He gave the notionthat twothingsare
not alwaysequal inanysense if we
have the conceptof horse and a white
horse thenwe can clearlysaythat a
horse isa basicand general concept
but a white specifyaspecificcolorso
the term horse andwhite horse isnot
221 BC - 220 CE
Huai Nun Tzu (179-122
Bookof Han
Recordsof Great
He wasthe Taoistphilosopherswho
gave the concept of way of life that
one shouldlive alife asitis because
Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 CE.) Tai xuan
He saidthat humannature is a
mixture of goodand evil.One
the good andan evil personby
enhancingthe evil.
Wang Chong(27-97 CE.) Lun-heng
The Philosophical
thoughtsof Wang Chong
There wasa notioninpastthat nature
occurrence isdue to mans actionsbut
He opposedthatview thathuman
actionshave no effectof natural
inuniverse naturally.
ChengHsuan (127-200
Tao-Te-Ching He wasthe Chinese religious
philosopherwhogave the conceptof
goodand evil inthisuniverse and
220 – 907 CE
Wang Pi (226-249 CE.) Daodejing
He wasof the view thateverythingis
governedbyitsownprinciple;there is
no ultimate principle thatunderlies
and unitiesall things.
Zhiyi (538-597 CE.) The Essentialistsof
The Six Dharma Gatesto
the Sublime
He claimthat humannature contains
evil andthat evenBuddhacannotbe
completelyridof hisevil nature
Li Ao (722-841 CE.) Martyrs’Shrine
He gave the view thathumannature
iswhat that isbestoweduponhimby
nature and all people share same
nature.The reasonwhyhardly
everyone becomeasage isthat
people ‘emotions’.
907 – 1368 CE
Shao Yang (1011-1077
He proposedthatthere are two basic
factor that effectsthe happeningof
thingsthat are one negative darkor
feminineandone positivebrightor
masculine,whoinfluence the
destiniesof creaturesandthings
Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073
In the universe everythingischanging
but the one thingthat isdoinga work
to unite all procedure thatisunityand
stabilitywithinthe vastwhole.
Zhu Xi (1130-1200 CE.) The Reflectionof things
at ZhuXi
Learningtobe a sage
He gave the notionthat human
for a man to be a sage otherwise
ChengYi (1033-1107 CE.) IChing
The Yi River
He gave the view thathumannature
isgood and everyactionthatisdone
by humannature isdue to the process
of hisgoodwill andpositive thinking.
1368 – 1912 CE
Liu Tsung-Chou(1578-
1645 CE.)
The Reconstructionof
Ming Philosophy
New dimensionsto
He isa Neo-Confucianism.He basically
workedonthe nature of humanbeing
that how he acts ona certain
situationsinaway due to hisintellect.
He gave the theoryof hsin(mind) and
hsing(nature) todeterminethe
Huang Zongxi (1610-1695
He basicallygave the political reforms
that the autocratic rule isselfishand
SelectingGoodMen he condemneditanddeclaresthat
people have equal righttolive their
lives&theyhave equal rightsin
Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692
Yijing(Bookof chnges)
He workon ethicsandarguedthat no
are assignedtoobjectsandactionsby
humanbeings.Inshorthuman being
isnot inherentof evil doingbutitis
natural course and it happensandthe
basicmoral nature of humanbeingsis
YenYuan (1635-1804 CE.) The Analetsof
Some T’angand Pre
T’ang text
He promotedthe ideathateverything
inthe authenticConfucianwayhad
aimat whata personshouldbe and
Sun Yet-Sen(1866-1925
The International
Developmentof China
Three Principlesof the
He gave three principlesof people
that make Chinaa free,prosperous
and powerful nationandthatare
nationalism, democracyandlivelihood
of people.
Liang Qichao (1873-1929
Onthe Young China
Intellectual Trendsin
the Ch’ingPeriod
In hisperiodhe gave the formula of
hundredday’sreformswhere he
steppedintothe stage of
growthand spreadof the theoryof
evolutionandof humanism.
X - ModernChinese Philosophers
1912 – 1950 CE
Hsiung Shih-li (1885-1963
The Sumof Our Follies
He gave ontological theoriesthat
cosmosis one greatwhole.Itsbasic
nature,whichisthat of mind,will,and
consciousness, isconstantand
continuous.Itisdynamica vast ever-
runningcurrentsof changes,ina
processof perceptual transformation,
producingall thingsandtwofactors
are contributinginthiscurrentthatis
closing& opening.
Liang Sou-ming(1893-
1988 CE.)
He gave the conceptof rural
basicway of rural reconstructionis
cultivationof groupunity,
developmentof science and
technology,andthe eliminationof
T’ang Chun-I (1909-1970
Poemsof the Late
The Courtof the Lion
He proposedthe notionthatmessage
of Confucianismwasthe affirmation
of humanlife asitexists.He
contractedthat withBuddhism,
humantranscendence overthe
physical worldorthe acceptance as
the physical worldasa illusion.
XI- Indian Philosophers
Ancient Philosophers
Yajnavalkya (7th
His basicconceptissoul,self andfree.
He proposedthatlove isdrivenbya
1000 – 600 BC
Parshva (872-772 BC.) ParshvaBhoomi
He proposedthata personisfree in
hiswill andthe basicay to leada life is
non-violence principle (ahimsa)
600 – 400 BC
Siddhartha Gautama
(663-483 BC)
Teachingsof the
He isthe foundingfatherof Buddhism
school of thoughtand he has a believe
that he proposedthatway that
humansufferingscanbe cure and that
can be cure in a waywhentheyhave a
spiritual relationshipwithgodand
theywill follow the principle of
ahimsaor patience
Carvaka (around 600 BC.) BarhaspatyaSutras
It’san ancientIndianmaterialism that
and conditional inference asproper
sourcesof knowledge,embraces
philosophical skepticismandrejects
321 – 184 BC
Chanakya (350-275 BC.) Arthashastra
He wasa philosopherandapolitical
reformerandhe proposedthe
conceptof internal andexternal
securityof the state and the rightsof
the people inhabitinginthe state.
184 BC – 100 CE
Patanjali (around 2nd
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
He gave the Yoga philosophyyogais
basicallymeansunion,mergingof soul
and mindinthe divine elementwithin
us whichiscalledconcentration.Itisa
wayto gain higherspiritual level
100 – 300 CE
Nagarjuna (150-250 CE.) Parajnaparamita
He arguedthat ignorance isthe basic
wayof all sufferingof mankind. There
isa midwaybetweenexistence and
300-550 CE
Buddhaghosa (5th
He wasreputedlyresponsible foran
extensive projectof synthesizingand
translatingalarge bodyof Sinhala
commentaries. Inhiscommentaries
he gave the conceptof human
understandingof conceptof yogacare,
the conceptof mindandsoul with
Dignaga (480 540 CE.) PramanaSamuccaya
He holdsa view thatthere are only
twoinstrumentsof knowledge or valid
and Inference orreasoning.
Uddyotakara (5th
/ 7th
The Veshishika
He criticizedthe Dignagatheoryof
perception,the Buddhistdenialof
soul and mindconcentration.
600 – 900 CE
Dharmakirti (7th
Centruy) Foundationof
He gave the philosophythat
perception,inference andword
reliabilityisthe basicsource of
1100 – 1500 CE
Shri Madhvacharya
(1238-1317 CE.)
He is the Indian philosopher who gave the
concept that soul and body areseparated
from each other and Vishnu sect is the
highest in this universean accordingto
him. Heb basically advocated realismand
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(1486-1534 CE.)
He was the proponent of Vishnu sect andhe
advocatedthe policyVaishnavism that
promoteda notationthat lordVishnuis the
supreme soul
1500 – 1800 CE
Vallabhacharya (1497-1531
Adhyaya I
He is from the monismschool of thought
accordingto him body and soul is the
singleone. He gave the concept of
Shah Wali Ullah (1703-1772
Hujja-tul Ballagha
The conclusiveargument
from God
He was the philosopher who gave the
concept of economic welfare of the stare
he argued that the economy of the state
1- http:/>doc> The-History-of-Philosophy
2- http:/> attachments> articles_on_philosophy(20/3/19)
3- http:/>Philosophy>introduction(24/3/19)
4- http:/>Historyof Philosophy(4/4/19)
5- Gaarder, J (1996). Sophie’sWorld,The BerkleyPublishingGroup,New York,USA.
6- http:/>history_of_philosophy_timeline_view (15/4/19)
7- http:/>History+of+philosophy(12/4/19)
8- Bruder,K. & Noel,B.(FifthEdition).Philosophythe powerof ideas,CaliforniaState Press,
9- http:/
is basically thecapital and reso9uces
available.And he said thatshelter, food,
social security and sex arethe basic need
of an individual.
XII- ModernIndian Philosophers
Swami Vivekanand
(1863-1902 CE.)
He gave the view of education that it is
rooted in traditional Indian Philosophy
that nurtures the ideals of harmony,
compassion,tolerance,and peace; and
where man-making and character-
buildingarebasic objectives.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-
1948 CE.)
Indiaof myDreams
He gave the theory of non-violence (that
we can take revenge by peace if someone
slaps on your facethen again presenthis
face to him) and he as the one who
provideIndia’s Independence from Great
Osho (1931-1990 CE.) Book of Secrets
Tarot Zen
He said that(I understand) that we all are
born a pure soul (likemirror) and then we
gather dirt from well-intentioned but
conditioned society,parents, school;and
priests and looseconnection between our
true selves so we must “remove the dirt.
Amartya Sen(1933- CE.) Developmentas
The Argumentative
He is the economist philosopher and he
gave the theory that Capital ability in
which he gave the notion that all the
things in economy depends on its demand
and supply.

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History of Philosophy

  • 1. Topic: History of Philosophy Presented to: Mr. Riaz Khan Dasti Presented by: Malik Muhammad Ali Roll No. : BSENL-17-25 Course: Philosophy (Phil 201) Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan – Bahadur Sub Campus Layyah
  • 2. History of Philosophy: Philosophy is basically derived from two words “Philo” and “Sophy”. “Philo” means “to love” and “Sophy” means “wisdom or knowledge”. In history of philosophy we will basically derive the terms in chronological order. The history of philosophy is basically started from Greek mythology and it flourishes and moves from one step to another. Important Contributors Works Contributions I- Greek Philosophers (600-500 BC.) Thales (624-546 BC.) Thalestheorem. Sevensage of Greece He proposedthatall thingsare made up of water.Source of all thingsis water. Anaximander(611-547 BC.) OnNature AnaximanderandOrigin of GreekCosmology Apeiron an Anaximander:astudyin the originand Functionof Metaphysical Ideas. Original source of all thingsisa boundless intermediate element. He proposedthatuniverse originatesin separationof opposite matterand dyingthingsare returningtothe boundlesselementsfromwhichthey came.He saw universe asakindof organism, supportedby“pneuma” (CosmicBreath). Anaximenes(599-524 BC.) Philipicca Airisthe Arche All livingthingsare made upof vapor. Source of all livingthingsmustbe air or vapor. He proposedthateverything isair and source of all thingsin universe isair.He wasthe firstto distinguishbetweenstarandplanets. Pythagoras (580-500 BC.) Harmonyof Spheres Pythagorastheorem The Orderand Doctrine The Secrethistory of Pythagoras He believedthatall thingsare numbers.The worldcan be understoodthroughmathematics. Innumerabilityconstitutesthe true nature of things.He believedt5hat soul residesinbrainandisimmortal and itgoesintotransmigrationfrom one beingtoanothersometimesfrom humanto animal andthenit becomes pure.He alsobelievedthatworld dependsoninteractionof opposite betweenmalesandfemale,lightand darkness. Xenophanesof Colophon (570-480 BC.) Xenophanes of Colophon Fragments Buried his own son He stressed unity rather than diversity and viewed the separate existence of material things as apparentrather than real. Heraclitus ofEphesus OnPolitics “Everythingflows”.He proposedthat
  • 3. (540-460 BC.) OnUniverse nature is in continuousflux.Lifeislike a river. The peaksand troughsare all the part of ride. Epicharmus of Kos (530- 450 BC.) 52 comedies that are now lost and in fragments. AgrostinosGa Kai Thalassa (Earth and Sea) Elpis (Hope) & Ploutos (Wealth) He wasof the view thatthe contionousexercise of virtue could overcome heredity,sothatanyone had potential tobe a goodperson regardlessof birth. 500-400 BC. ParmenidesofElea (540- ? BC.) The way of truth Proem Parmenides of Elia : Fragments : A Text and translation with Introduction. “Nothingcan come from nothing”.He assertedthatchange is impossible, and that comingintoexistence or ceasingto existare likewise impossible,sothateverythingis permanent, ingenerated,indestructible and unchanging. Anaxagoras (500-428 B.C.) Cosmologytheory Simpliciusof Cilicus “Somethingofeverythingin everything” orthe universe was a mixture of al,itsingredients,although the mixture istrulyuniformandthese ingredientsvariesfromtime totime and place to place.Andthisisa natural processwithoutthe helpof any god. Zenoof Elea (490-430 BC.) Reductio ad absurdum The Paradoxes Fatherof stoicism. He devisedseveral paradoxesseemingtoshow that motionisimpossible. He proposed that motionisnothingjustan illusion. Empedocles(490-430 B.C.) StrasbourgPapyrus Theoriesof Causation Worldis consistof more than one single substance.(earth,air,fire and water) Gorgias(483-374 BC.) Ecomiumof Helen Defense of Palamades Technai He believedthatthere wasno absolute formof virtue butthat if was relative toeachsituation.He believed that rhetoricwaskingof all other sciencesbecause itwascapable of persuadinganycourse of action. Protagoras of Abdera (481-420 BC.) Alethia Paretheon Onthe Gods He believedinanobjectivestandard of truthwhicheveryone needsto apprehendandacknowledgeinorder to live afull life. Sophist Onthe Non-Existent (Protagoras,Antiphon,Herodes Atticus,Gorgias,SextusEmpiricus, Dissoi Logoi) were professional teachersof Greece. Theyattackedon traditional moral valuesmarksthe beginningof ethical philosophy.
  • 4. Socrates (470-399 B.C.) Socraticmethod The gadflyof Athens Trial andExecution The onlythingI know is thatI know nothing.He elaboratedthe question answeringmethod. Leucippus(5th Century BC.) AtomistDoctrine Greatworldsystem All thingsare composedof indivisible external particles. Epicurus (448-370 B.C.) Calistolos Antidorus Timocrates Hgisianax Onthe Criterion Epicureanschool of thought. He held the notion that highestobjective isto leada pleasantlife throughmoderate living. 400-300 BC. Antisthenes(444-365 BC.) DialogicaVaria Tragica& Homerica Theoryof Ethics. Theoryof Logic True happinessis notfoundin external advantages.Itisin everyone’sreach. He isthe founderof Cynicism. Aristippus(440-366 BC.) Phaedo(bookonsoul) Cleombrotus The highest aimof lifeis to gain possible sensory enjoyment. Hippocrates (430-377 B.C.) HippocratesOath Vismedicatrix nature HippocraticCorpus He wasthe firstmedical practitioner. He foundedthe CoanSchool of Medicine.He removedthe stance of disease aspunishment Aesara of Luciana (around 350 B.C.) Archytasof Tarentum Morality& Natural laws Greekphilosopher.She introspecting aboutthe nature of nature and structure of humansoul we can identifyastandardof personal and publicmorality. Plato (428-347 B.C.) Apology Theoryof forms HapicusMajor Lawsof nature He wasconcernedwiththe relation between “whatisimmutable” and “what flows”.He proposed“theoryof ideas. Bestwayof state isclass structuredaristocracyruledby philosopher-kings. The formof Good the ultimate source of realityand value Xenophon(427-355 BC.) Anabasis Memorobilia Hiero Oeconomicus He wasa political philosopherandhe proposedaview thata man should live alife ina state not accordingto state will butaccordingto hisownwill Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Lyceum The unmovedmover 200 dialogueswere writtenbyhim He stressedthathighestdegreeof realityisthathow we perceive things. The distinguishedbetweenformand substance.Andthese are the facts
  • 5. aboutnatural world. Happinessisour highestgood. State providesagood life toitscitizens onthe basisof circumstances. II- Hellenistic andChrist Era 300-200 BC. Theophrastus (371-287 BC.) Peri PhytonHistoria Physikondoxai He basicallystrengthen the beliefsof people onthe systematicunity andto reduce the transcendental elements Pyrrho (360-270 BC.) Stoics& Skeptics Pyrrho,His Antecedents,andHis Legacy Everytheorycan be opposedbyan equal validcontradictorytheory;we mustsuspend judgmentonall issues. Epicurus (341-270 BC.) Calistolos Antidorus Timocrates Hgisianax Onthe Criterion Epicureanschool of thought. He held the notion that highestobjective isto leada pleasantlife throughmoderate living. Strato of Lampsacus (340-268 BC.) Of kingship Of justice Of Goods Of gods Onthe Void OnHappiness He wasof the materialisticbelieved that everythinginuniverseismade composedof matterand energy.He formulatesasecularview inwhich God ismerelythe unconscious force of nature. Timon (320-230 BC.) The Silloi Indalmoi He wasthe kingof the state andhe embarkeduponthe sarcastic approach towardsthe dogmaticviews of philosophers. 200-100 BC. Carnaeades(214-129 BC.) Cleitomachus To Pithanon He workedonhumanfreedom, determinismandtruthvalues.He gave the bivalence principle that(only statementP,eitherPistrue or false) III- Roman Era Philosopher 100 BC-01 AD Lucretius (99-55 BC.) De rarum natura He proposed a view that death is nothing to means that when we became dead our bodies remain dead but our soul are always alive,they are immortal 01 – 100 AD Cicero(106-43 B.C.) Adatticum De Orate He formedthe conceptof “humanism”. Philo(20 BC – 40 AD) EveryGoodMan isFree Onthe Eternity Onthe Providence He synthesizesthe revealedfaithand philosophical reason.He occupiesa unique positioninthe historyof philosophy.He isalsoregardedby
  • 6. fore-runnerof Christiantheology. Senecathe younger(4 BC – 65 AD) Adluccilium Naturalesquaestiones Proposedasloganfor humanism school of thought “to mankind, mankind is holy” 100-200 AD Epictetus(55-133 AD.) The Discourses Enchiridion He proposedaview thatnature of thingsalwaysbasedontwothings (Inclusive(health,wealth,fame) and Exclusive (judgment,impulse) power). To become successful inlifewe must control overexternal things.Sothatis improvesthe innerjudgmentand innercalmness. Marcus Aurelius(121-180 AD.) Meditations The Essential He wasthe emperor.He hasno faith on afterlifeandhismotivesabout desire are verycorrupt.He encouragedGreekculture inRome. 200-400 AD SextusEmpiricus (3rd century) Outline of Pyrrhonism Againstthe Mathematicians He wasfamousskeptic. He argued that we shouldsuspendjudgment aboutvirtuallyall beliefs.Thatis,we shouldneitheraffirmanybelief as true nor denyany beliefasfalse. Plotinus(205-270 AD.) Enneads Six booksof nine treatises Timaeus All thatexistisGod. Soul isilluminated by the lightfromthe God, while matteris the darknessthathas no real existence. Hypatia (350-415 AD.) Almagest Plotemaicmodel Proposedthe importance of mathematicsin life.She wasthe most prominentladywhoworkedin mathematics,whoencouragedthe conceptof circle,triangle and hyperbola. Augustine of Hippo(354- 430 AD.) Confesssions De Civitate Dei De Trinitate He arguedthat skepticshave nobasis for claimingtoknow thatthere is no knowledge,andhe believedthat genuine humanknowledge canbe establishedwithcertainty.He believedreasontobe a uniquely humancognitive capacity that comprehends deductive truthandlogic. IV- Medieval Philosophers 500—800 AD Boethius(480-524 AD.) Consolationof Philosophy He arguedaboutacceptance of hardshipina spiritof philosophical
  • 7. The Metresof Boethius detachmentfrommisfortune.He arguedthat fortune all happens with the will of god. John Philoponus(490- 570 AD.) Onthe Eternityof Worlds Theoryof Impetus He arguedthat motionisintrinsic propertyof the movingobjectitself. John of Dasmascus (680- 750 AD.) Isogogue Panarion Pege gnoseos Philosophyisthe knowledge of things (divine andhumanthings) whichare inso far as theyare, thatis, knowledge of the nature of things whichhave beingboth. (Visibleand Invisible). 800-900 AD Al-Kundi (801-873 AD.) Al-Falsafahal-ulafima dunal-tabi’yatwaal- tawhid He laidthe foundationforexplaining the problemof free will ina philosophical way.Real actionsare not the resultof intentionorwill and that the will of manis a psychological powermovedbythoughts.Defined God as an absolute andtranscendent being. John the Scot (815-877 AD.) De Predestinations De divisione He arguedthat God isthe beginning and endof all beingsandthe dual mode of existence of thingsare intelligibleandsensible nature. 900-100 AD Al-Razi (865-925 AD.) Alchemy Kitabal-hawi He developedthe theoryof five eternals,accordingtowghichworldis producedoutof an interaction betweenGodandfourothereternal principles(soul,matter,timeand place). Al-Farabi (870-950 AD.) al-ijtima’al-fadil al-madinaal-fadila He acclaimedGodto be Absolute beingasthe firstcause.He regarded the ideal state governedbyImam.The virtuoussocietywhere people cooperate togain happiness.Society isdividedintowicked,ignorantand errant people. 1000-1100 AD Ibn-Sina(980-1037 AD.) Maqalafi’l-nafs The bookof Healing al-Hikmaal’Arudiya That there isa parallelismbetween philosophyandtheology.
  • 8. Anselm(1034-1109 AD.) De grammatico The De Veritate The Monologion He arguedthat withoutthe absolute truth (God),andwithoutthisabsolute truth or belief ourbasicfaithisin trouble.He use the priori to understandthe basicconceptsof absolute truth. Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 AD.) Tuhafatul al-Falsifah Ihyaal-‘Uiumal-Islamia He arguedthat philosophyis incomplete withoutreligion.He furtherarguedthat God knowsby essence notbyknowledge.Ethicsis aroundthe control of soul and body and rewardsare spiritual notbodily. 1100-1200 AD PeterAbelard (1079-1160 AD.) Sicet Non(Yesor No) The philosophyof Peter Albelard Medieval philosopher. Carefullyanalyzesthe moralityof intent. Moral goodnessliesin intendingtoshow love of Godand neighborandbeingcorrectinthat intension. Averroes(1126-1198 AD.) TAHFUL AL-TAHAFAT Kitabal-Falsafa He saidmaterialismandintellectis same for whole mankind.He accepted Aristotle viewthatmanisa social animal andhe can’tlive ina solitary life. He believedintwo separate truths,that of religionandthatof philosophy. Maimonides(1135-1204 AD.) Guide forPerpexed Mishnah It isimpossiblefortrutharrivedat by humanintellecttocontradictthose revealedbyGod.He alsoproves Aristotle viewthatGodcare is always providenttohumanitynotindividual. St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226 AD.) CantciumFratrisSolis RgullaBullata Admonites Influencedbymystical tendenciesin Neo-Platonism, soughtareturnto the firstprinciple of being. 1200-1300 AD Albertthe great (1193- 1280 AD.) SummaTheologiae OnCleavingtoGod OnUnionwithGod He wasneo-platonism.He basically arguedon the doctrine of church and discussedabout the matter of music as it effectsonsoul. Thomas Aquinas (1214- 1274 AD.) SummaContraGentiles Onthe Truth of Catholic Faith SummaTheologica Quinquae viae He proposedthe ideathat God is alwaysverifiedthroughreasonand rational explanation.Reconciled Aristotelianethical naturalismwith Christianity.Proposedfourkindsof lawsfor state to relate betweenstate and church.
  • 9. Roger Bacon (1214-1294 AD.) OpusMajus OpusMinus OpusTertium SpeculumAlchemiae The mirrorof Alchemy He wasa medievalEnglish philosopherandFranciscanfriarwho placedemphasisonthe studyof nature throughempiricism. Siger(1240-1280 AD.) De unitate intellectus Hebembarkeduponthe church of that time andtalkedforthe well being of the people.He criticallyevaluate the philosophyof ThomasAquinas 1300-1400 AD Marsiliusof Padua (1270- 1342 AD.) The Defenderof Pence DefensorPacis He basicallycriticizespope andgave the three foldview of state,firstis Aristotle wayof state,secondone is church and thirdone isthe wayof people forminggovernment. WilliamofOckham (1288-1348 AD.) OckhamRazor Entianonsunt multiplicandaor necessitate He devisedthe viewsof divine omnipotence,grace andjustification as well asethics Jean Buridan (1300-1358 AD.) OnHeavens ParvaNaturalia He workedbasicallyonmathematics and natural philosophy.He arguedon theoryof motionthat onlyaninternal motive force,transmittedfromthe moverto the projectile,couldexplain itsmotion. John Wycliffe (1320-1384 AD.) De eucharistia De apostasia ContinuatioLogicae Thingsare placedinextra-ordinary worldand we basicallyperceive the thingsonthe basisof perceptionand theirphysical appearancesandwe perceive themonthe basisof two genre substancesandqualities. Nicole Oresme (1320- 1382 AD.) Condiciotheoryof accidents De origine,natura,jure et mutationibus momentarum He workedupontheoryof motion.He proposedthatmotionisa fluxus,a successive entityof itsownthatexists inaddition tothe mobile andthe thingsthat are acquiredduring motion. This isa clear departure from nominalisticposition. 1400-1500 AD Nicholasof Cusa (1401- 1464 AD.) ImagoDei SolaScriptura He basicallygave the political theory throughwhicha state can be run. He arguedboththe church andthe state shouldworktogetherina wayfor the basicwell-beingof people. Lorenzo Valla(1407-1457 AD.) De voluptate De Professione religiosorum He isbestknownforhis textual analysisthatprovedthe donationof Constantine wasaforgery.
  • 10. Pico dellaMirandola (1463-1494 AD.) Dignityof Man De ente etuno He talkedaboutthe dignityof man that how man differfromother creaturesas man isa creationwith unique andimportanttrait,free will. V- Early ModernPhilosophers 1500-1550 AD DesideriusErasmus (1466-1536 AD.) QurelaPacis Copia,Eramus He wasthe memberof churchand he devisedthe doctrine of free will of CatholicChurch. NicholoMachiavelli (1469-1527 AD.) The Prince Discorsi sopralaprima deca di TitoLivio He devisedthe relationshipbetween ethicsandpowerina society.His famousquotationis“endjustifiesthe mean”.If bloodsheddingforathe sake of societyisnota bad thing. Martin Luthur (1483- 1546 AD.) The Law and the Gospel Theologyof the Cross He believed,rather,thatphilosophy and reasonhadimportantrolesto playinour livesandinthe livesof community. 1550-1600 AD John Calvin(1509-1564 AD.) Michael Servetus ReformsinGeneva He helpedpopularizethe beliefinthe sovereigntyof Godinall areasof life, as well asthe doctrine of predestination. Francisco Suarez (1548- 1617 AD.) De Incarnatione De sacramentis De religione De operasex dierum He isthe eminentrepresentative of Scholasticism.;he adheredtoa moderate formof Thomismand developedmetaphysicsasa systematicenquiry. GiordanoBruno (1548- 1600 AD.) Operalatine Conscripta Operamagiche Bruno burnedatthe stake fora stubbornadherence tohisthen unorthodox beliefs –includingthe ideasthatthe universe isinfinite and that othersolarsystemexist 1600-1650 AD Francis Bacon (1561-1626 AD.) NovumOrganum Advancementof Learning He proposedthatthe defectsof all previoussystemsof beliefsabout nature,he argued,layin the inadequate treatmentof the general propositionsfromwhichthe deductionwere made. GalileoGalilei (1564-1642 AD.) Dialoguesconvcerning twoworldsystem He proposed fundamental conceptsin kinematics,dynamicsandballistics.He gave the “Law ofInertia”. Hugo Grotius(1583-1645 AD.) De IndisandMare Liberum De Jure Belli acPacis He proposedthe basicpolitical thoughtsandmoral theoriesof enlightenment
  • 11. Rene Descartes (1596- 1650 AD.) Discourse onmethod --.MeditationsonFirst Philosophy Philosophyshouldgofromsimple to the complex toconstructa new insight.Proposedthe conceptof dualism, andsaid “Ithink therefore I am”. 1650-1700 AD Thomas Hobbeps (1588- 1679 AD.) Levianthan Elementsof Law He isthe firstgreat modern materialist.He heldthatall thatexists isbodiesinmotion.“Good”and “evil” denote whata person“desires”or “hate”.A sense of transferof power shouldbe inpeople tolive honorable &peaceful life. Jacques Rohault (1617- 1672 AD.) Traite de physique Cartesianmodel He gave the qualifiedsupporttoits corpuscular oratomicformof explanation,assumingthat“small figuredbodies”were the underlying physical reality. GeraudCordemoy(1626- 1684 AD.) Discourse de l’action descorps Discourse psychiae de la parole He basicallyworkedontheoriesof language.He proposedthe notion that the mainconcern of the beingis liesinlanguage anditremain Cartesianwiththoughts. Richard Cumberland (1631-1718 AD.) De legibusnaturae He proposedthe view thatself- advantage isnot the chief concernof thingsbutthe advantageof whole societyisthe mainconcernof the state John Locke (1632-1704 AD.) AnEssay concerning humaneducation Anessay concerning toleration We perceive objectsindirectlyby meansof perceptionof them. God gave natural rightsand state is createdfor the protectionof that rights Baruch Spinoza(1632- 1677 AD.) Improvementto understanding:Ethicsand Correspondence of Benedictde Spinoza Tratadopolitico Spinozainterpretedthisasmeaning bothlove of God and love of humanity.Everythinginthe material worldhappensthroughnecessity. Issac Newton(1643-1727 AD.) PhilosphiaePrincipia Mathematica He proposed “Lawof Gravitation”.He arguedthat by law of gravitation thingsfall ongroundand things movesonground. 1700-1750 AD GottfriedLeibniz(1646- 1716 AD.) Discouse on Metaphysics The CalsulusWar The ultimate realityof thingsisnon material,invisible unitsof force.
  • 12. John Norris (1657-1711 AD.) A collectionof Miscellanies The root of liberty He believedthatgodtruthand love is ineveryaspectof life,andthat the purpose of educationandknowledge be onlyto betterunderstandgodand religion(Christianity) ChristianWolff(1679- 1754 AD.) Dissertatioalgebracia de alogrithmo infinitesimali differentiali Psychologiaempirica He proposesthatthe purpose of knowledge shouldnotbe rootedin whathe calls“the puristof the knowledge of truth”butalsoinits utilityandpractical valuesithasfor humanin everydaylife.He workedon logic. George Berkeley(1685- 1753 AD.) A Treatise Concerning the purpose of human knowledge AnEssay towardneew theoryof vision. Material realitydoesn’texist.We perceive onlyideas. Everythingwe see and feel is‘aneffectof God’spower. David Hartley (1705-1757 AD.) ObservationonMan HisFrame HisDuty andHis Expectations He soughtto explainnotonly the phenomenaof memory,whichother had similarlyexplainedbefore him, but alsothe phenomenaof reasoning, and of voluntaryandinvoluntary action. 1750-1800 AD Thomas Reid (1710-1796 AD.) Essayon the intellectual powerof man Essayon the active powerof Human Mind He believedthatcommonsense shouldbe or at leastisthe foundation of all philosophical inquiry.The foundationinoursensesshowsthat we are inthisworld. David Hume (1711-1776 AD.) A Treatise toHuman Nature AnEnquiryconcerning humanunderstanding Dialoguesconcerning Natural Religion Each elementwasonce sensed,and enteredthe theatre of the mindinthe formof a real ‘impression’.The act that pleasesourmoral sensibility is one that reflectsthe agent’s benevolentcharacter. Jean-JacquesRousseau (1712-1778 AD.) The Social Contract Discourse of Inequality Emile oron education He believedthatpeople neithergive up theirrightsto the state nor entrust them.People shouldunite instate for creatingsocial impact. Adam Smith (1723-1790 AD.) Wealthof Nation The Theory76 of Moral Sentiments Lectureson Jurisprudence He talkedaboutCapitalism. He talked aboutfree marketeconomyanda laissez-faireeconomy. Immanuel Kant (1724- 1804 AD.) Critique of Pure Reason Critique of Practical Reason All ourknowledge of the worldcomes fromour sensationandinsensation by experience.Butinour reasonthere
  • 13. Critique of Judgment are decisive factorsthatdetermine how we perceive the worldaroundus. A part of happinessmustbe measured interm of qualityandquantity. Edmund Burke (1729- 1797 AD.) ReflectionsonFrench Revolution A philosophical enquiry A vindicationof Natural Theory His political principleswererootedin moral and natural lawsand western traditions.He believedinprescriptive rightsand that those rightswere God- given. Thomas Jefferson(1743- 1824 AD.) Note4sonthe state of Virginia A Manual of Parliament The Portable He outlinednew political principles that launchedanew nation.Asa framerof the VirginiaStatue of ReligiousLiberty,he spearheaded earlyeffortstoseparate churchand state. JeremyBentham (1748- 1832 AD.) El Panoptico A fragmenton government The bookof fallacies A utilitarian.Pleasure canbe evaluatedquantatively.Dismissedtalk aboutnatural rightsas meaningless. G. W.F. Hegel (1770- 1831 AD.) The Phenomenologyof mind Science of Logic Philosophyof Rights Realityisthe expressionof thought and reason.There are three stagesof knowledge (thesis,antithesisand synthesis). VI- Modernphilosophers 1800-1850 AD F. W. J. von Schelling (1775-1854 AD.) Onthe essence of hiumanfreedom the Abyssof Freedom The Indivisible Remainder All of nature – boththe human soul and physical reality –isthe expression of one Absolute,orworldspirit,he believed.He wantedtounite mind and matter. Ralph WaldoEmerson (1803-1832) Self Reliance Nature The essaysof Ralph Waldo He believedinremainingthe divineas somethinglarge andvisible,whichhe referredtoas nature:such an ideais knownas transdentalism, inwhich one perceivesanew Godand their body,and becomesone with their surroundings Alexisde Tocquevillie (1805-1859) DemocracyinAmerica the OldRegime and Resolution Tocqueville inAmerica He believe thatAmericanjurysystem was particularlyimportantin educatingcitizeninself-government and rule of law.He oftenexpressedthat how the civil jurysystemwasone of the most effective showcaseof democracybecause itconnected citizenswiththe true spiritof the justice system
  • 14. John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873) OnLiberty The Subjectionon Women Principlesof Political Economy A utilitarian.Pleasure –a part of happiness –mustbe measuredin termof qualityandquantity.The functionof state isto promote general happiness. Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871) A budgetof Paradoxes Memiorof AugustusDe Morgan His majorcontributionare in mathematicswhere he induced Morgan lawsand workleadingtothe developmentof the theoryof relationsandthe rise of modern symbolicorlogic. CharlesDarwin (1809- 1882) Origionof Species The Voyage of the Beogle “Theoryof evolution”. He made a “bridge” betweentworealmsof thoughts. Soren Kierkegaard(1813- 1855) Either/Or Fearand Trembling He proposedthree stagesof life (aestheticstage,ethical stage, religiousstage). Max Stirner (1816-1856) The egoand itsown Stirner’scritics All thingsare nothingto me He claimsthatphilosophydoesn’t botheritself withwithobjects (Religion),nordoesit“make anobject (Art).Itis basicallyadifferential betweenartandreligion. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862 AD.) Walden Walking A weekonthe Concord He gave the view inhisessayto civil disobedience,whichshowsthatwe shouldbe disobedienttowardthe unjuststate 1850-1900 CE Karl Marx (1818-1883) Capital The Communist The Germanideology He gave the view of capitalismandhe alsoprovidedthe view of labortheory of value includingthe capital profit and surplusvalue.Hismajor contributionsare ineconomicsand politics. Herbert Spencer(1820- 1903) The Godwulf manuscript Godsave the Child He heldthe notionthatthe life of humanin a societywasa struggle for existence ruledbysurvival of the fittest.Heblateracceptedthe theory that natural lawswere one of the causesof biological evolution. CharlesSanders Peirce (1839-1914) The essential Pierce Collectedpapersof Pierce The Fixationof Belief The sum of consequenceswill constitute the entire meaningof the conception WilliamJames(1842- 1910) The Principlesof Philosophy The varitiesof Religious Experience What differentiatebetweenyouand me and presentedworld-formulabe true one.
  • 15. FriedrichNietzsche (1844-1900) BeyondGoodandevil ThusSpoke Zaratushtra He anticipatedimportantthemesof existentialism.Distinguishbetween slave moralityandmastermorality. Ferdinandde Saussure (1857-1913) Course inGeneral Linguistics Melangesde Linguistics He isconsideredasfatherof linguistics.He wasthe firstwho emphasisonthe studyof language for use of language ina properway. Edmund HusserI (1859- 1938) Logical Investigation The crisisof European sciences Firstgreat phenomenologist. He gave the procedure bywhichthe realityof objectsandeventsare perceivedin humanconsciousness. John Dewey(1859-1952) Democracyand Education How we think Experience and Education Think isnot a search fortruth but is aimedat solvingpractical problems. Rabindranath Tagore (1861- Gitanjli Kubiwala Gora UnitedIndiatradition thathow Indian culture isacquiringconditionsof modernworld. Max Weber(1864-1920) The Protestant PoliticsasaVocation Science asa Vocation He gave rationalizationtheorywhich referstothe processbywhichmodern societyhasincreasinglybecome concernedwithEfficiency:achieving the maximumresultswithaminimum amountof effort G. E. Moore (1873-1958) PrincipiaEthica The Nature of Judgment Some judgmentsof Perceptions A deference of Common Sense He assertedthatphilosophical argumentscan sufferfromconfusion betweenthe use of aterm ina particularargumentandthe definition of thatterm.He namedthisconfusion naturalisticfallacy.One saygoodand othersay beautiful thanitmeansboth are true because the value of goodnesscanneverbe judged. 1900-1950 AD George Santayana (1863- 1952) The Sense of Beauty The Life of Reason The Last Purtin He basicallycontributedinphilosophy interm of beautyand the beautyin sense of aesthetics.He moveda notionthat“those whocannot rememberthe pastare condemnedto repeatit” H. A. Prichard (1871- 1947) Moral Obligations Kanttheoryof Knowledge Moral Writings He wasfamousethical intuitionism. He arguedthat moral obligations cannot be reducedtoanythingelse, but isperceivedbydirectintuition. Bertrand Russell (1872- 1970) Historyof Western Philosophy Philosophyisthe wayof thinking aboutthe world,universe,and
  • 16. The Problemsof Philosophy society.Itworksby askingverybasic questionsaboutthe nature of human thoughts,the nature of universe and the connectionbetweenthem.Butit doesnotmean thatphilosophyisnot aboutthe real world Max Scheler(1874-1928 AD.) The HumanPlace in the Cosmos Onthe Eternal in Man He studiedthe structure of mental experiencestoencompassit judgmentswithvalues,moralityand concepts.he movedthe notionthat everyconsciousexperience Irelated to man Ernst Cassirer(1874-1945 AD.) The Philosophyof SymbolicForms AnEssay onMan The mythsof the State He arguedthat man issymbolic animal,whereasanimalsperceive the worldbyinstinctanddirect experience andsensoryperceptions, humancreatesthe universe of symbolicmeaning. Pierre Theilhardde Chardin (1881-1955 AD.) The Phenomenonof Man The Future of Man Christianityand Evolution He gave the theorythat if the world evolutionisconvergentandChristis the center,thencosmogenesis becomesaChristogenesis“meaninga processthat formsthe Total Christ. Jacques Maritain (1882- 1973 AD.) The Degree of Knowledge Man and State AnIntroductionto Philosophy He proposedthe notionthat“Lacked knowledge of humanity’sultimate end” Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951 AD.) OnCertainty TractatusLogico- Philosophicus He saidthat ethicsisthe code of life by whichwe live inthisworld. Gabriel Marcel (1889- 1973 AD.) The Mysteryof Being BeingandHaving He wasexistentialismanditsviewfor life’sexperiencesandinteractionsre meaningless Martin Heidegger(1889- 1976 AD.) Beingandtime Whatis calledthinking He showsthathuman realityisoften lostininauthenticandeverydaylife. But humanbeingcan alsofindhis authenticityandopenthe mysteryof the Being,source of all things WalterBenjamin(1892- 1940 AD.) ArcadesProject Illuminations He wasof the view thatphilosopher and critical theoristcanbe gaugedby the diversityof hisintellectual influenceandthe continuing productivityof histhoughts. Karl Popper (1902-1994 AD.) The OpenSocietyand itsEnemies Objectiveknowledge He arguedthat scientifictheoriesare distinguishedfromnon-scientific theoriesandpseudo-science bybeing
  • 17. falsifiable claimsaboutthe world. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905- 1980 AD.) Nausea BeingandNothingness The Wall Emphasizedthe significance of abandonmentanditsimplications. Karl Jaspers (1905-1982 AD.) Wayto Wiosdom The question of GermanGuilt “Individual freedompermeateshis work” VII- Post Colonial Thoughts LeopoldSedar Senghor (1906 - ) The CollectedPoetry Ethiopiques Formulatedthe conceptof negritude, whichassertsan essential uniqueness inAfricanculture. Hannah Arendt(1906- 1975 AD.) The HumanCondition The Originof Totalitarianism She talkedaboutfreedomof will, freedomof choice anddecides betweentwothingsthe goodandthe evil andwhose choice ispre- determinedbymotive whichhasonly to be arguedto start its opration. Simon de Beauvoir (1908-1986) The SecondSex The Maridians Extendedthe discussionof feminism intoall areas of intellectual endeavor. Claude Levi-Strauss(1908 - ) The Savage mind The elementaryKinship AdaptedandappliedSaussure’s structuralismapproachto ethnographicresearch. AlbertCamus (1913- 1960) The Stranger The Plague He emphasizedonthe absurdityof worldand the inabilityof the individualtomeetgenuinehuman needswithinit Francisco Miro Quesada (1918 - ) LecionesCoraje LessoninCourage Notedforhiswork intheoryof knowledge andpolitical theory,which avoidsmetaphysical solutionsto problems. Chaikh Anta Diop (1923- 1986) The AfricianOriginof Civilization The Cultural Unityof Black Africa ArguedblackAfricawasthe originof EgyptianCivilization. Zygmunt Bauman (1925- 2017) LiquidModernity LiquidLove He talkedonmodernitythatitcontrol overour nature,hierarchical bureaucracy,rulesandregulations – all of whichattemptedtoremove graduallypersonal insecurities, makingchaoticconceptof humanlife ina well order. Michel Foulcast(1926- 1984) Discipline andPunish The Orderof Things Providedacritique of conventional social madnessandsexuality.
  • 18. Noam Chomsky (born 1928) SyntatcticStructures Hegemonyof Survival He isthe linguist,whogenerative conceptof transformational generative grammarwhichisfounded on mentalistphilosophy. Jaakko Hintikka (1929- 2015) The Principlesof Mathematics Language,Truthand Logic He isone of the modern philosopher whoemphasisonthe value of truth and logicandby logicw basically determinesthe things Martin Luthur Jr.(1929- 1968) IHave a Dream Where DoWe Go From Here Ledthe AfricanAmericansdrive for equal civil rights. Jacques Derrida (1930- 2004) Of grammatology Spectersof Marx Influential Frenchdeconstructionalist. Desmond Tutu (1931 - ) The Bookof forgiving NoFuture Without Forgiveness Providedsignificantspiritualand moral leadershipinthe successful struggle againstapartheid. Richard Rorty (1931- 2007) Philosophyandthe Mirror of True Achievingourcountry Interpretedcontinentalphilosophy througha pragmatic perspective. Val Plumwood(1939- 2080) Environmental Culture The Eye of Crocodile Findsthe inferiorizationof women and nature to be linkedandgrounded inthe rationalistconceptionof human nature and the liberal conceptsof the individual. Carol Gilligan(1936- ) Ina different The birthof Pleasure Arguesthatmen andwomenhave characteristicallydifferent waysof reasoningaboutmoral issues. Cornel West(1953 - ) Race Matters Democracymatters Bestknownfor hisanalysisof depth dimensionsof racial issues VIII- Feminist philosophers 1950-2000 CE Bell Hooks (1955 - ) All aboutLbove Ain’tIa women Her critical analysisof typesof feminismthatfail todojustice tothe needsof minoritywomen. GloriaSteinem(1934 - ) My Life onthe Road revolutionfromWithin She broughtfeministissuestothe public’sattention. Kate Millett(1934-1947) Sexual politics Flying Arguesthatpatriarchy extendstoall areas of life. Sara Ruddick (1935-2011) Maternal thinking Experience of beingamotheris influencesone’s moral perceptions. Ann Ferguson (1938- ) Sexual Democracy Bloodatthe Root We shouldpursue amono- androgynoussocietytoensure that we are all fullyhuman. Joyce Trebilcot Dyke Ideas The androgynoussocietyshould include asmanyoptionsas possible,
  • 19. includingtraditionallymale typesand traditional female types. Marilyn Frye (1941- ) The Politicsof Reality WillfulVirgin Of masculine andfeminine are shaped by ideasof dominance and subordination. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (born 1942) InotherWorld Outside the teaching Machine She basicallyembarkedonthe rights of womeninsucha way that they shouldbe place at equal status accordingto men Nancy Chordorow (1944- ) The Reproduction Feminismand Psychology Difference betweenmenandwomen can be tracedto the psychodynamics of the nuclearfamily. ShulamithFirestone (1945 - 2012) The Dialecticof Sex AirlessSpaces Arguedthatnew reproductive technologiescouldfree womenfrom oppression. Susan MollerOkin (1946- 2004) Justice,genderand Family WomeninWestern Philosophy Criticize the traditionalthemesof justice. IX - EasternPhilosophy Before 256 BC Guan Zhong (diedin645 BC.) Guanzi Romancesof Three Kingdoms Economicsdialoguesin ancientchina He proposedthe notion “balancing the lightand the heavy”. He wasthe chancellorof the state and he proposedthe social lawsinsucha waysthat everyone isequal and everyone shouldgetthingsaccording to theirnecessities. Confucius(551-479 BC.) The Bookof document The Doctrine of the Mean and the Great Learning Empasizedthe perfectibilityof people as well astheirabilitytoeffectthings for the better. Sun Tazu (544-496 BC.) The Art of War He basicallywrote philosophyabout the militarystrategiesinsuchaway by militaryrule we canrule the world ina goodway otherwise itisgoodfor nothing. 475-221 BC. Laozi (4th CenturyBC.) Tao Te ching Zhuangzi He isthe basicproponentof Taoism. In Chinese Taoismisawayof life (the Chinese word“Dao”or “Tao” means “way”). Its fundamental meaningis that simplicityorselflessness,means leadingalife of spontaneity. Mencius(372-289 BC.) Confuciusdescribedanethical Heaven and ethical humanbeingthat
  • 20. correspondedtoandwas supervised by Heaven,forMencius,anethical humanbeingisa moral universe on hisown.He gave the theorythat “humannature is good.” Yang Chu (370-319 BC.) The Gardenof Pleasure He wasthe firsttostudy philosophyof humantendencies.He gave philosophyof deaththatdeathis natural and everyone shouldneither have the fearnor awe about death. Xun Zi (310-237 BC.) Discourse onMusic UndoingFixation CorrectNaming He gave the notionthat heartshould be the lordof the body,andusingthe heartto directdesiresanddecide on rightand wrongaccords withthe way. Zou Yan (305-240 BC.) Bizarre Transformations Endand Renewal He isa naturalistphilosopherandhe gave the view thateverythingin universe isthe combinationof five basicelements (Wood,Fire,Earth, Metal and Water) and all thingsare the combinationof these things. GongsunLongzi (300 BC.) GongsunLongzi and otherNeglectedOnes The worksof Kung –Sun Lung-Tzu He gave the notionthat twothingsare not alwaysequal inanysense if we have the conceptof horse and a white horse thenwe can clearlysaythat a horse isa basicand general concept but a white specifyaspecificcolorso the term horse andwhite horse isnot same. 221 BC - 220 CE Huai Nun Tzu (179-122 BC.) Bookof Han Recordsof Great Historian He wasthe Taoistphilosopherswho gave the concept of way of life that one shouldlive alife asitis because manyincidentshappensinlifebutlife goeson. Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 CE.) Tai xuan Fayan He saidthat humannature is a mixture of goodand evil.One becomesgoodpersonbydeveloping the good andan evil personby enhancingthe evil. Wang Chong(27-97 CE.) Lun-heng The Philosophical thoughtsof Wang Chong There wasa notioninpastthat nature occurrence isdue to mans actionsbut He opposedthatview thathuman actionshave no effectof natural phenomenaandeverythinghappens inuniverse naturally. ChengHsuan (127-200 CE.) Tao-Te-Ching He wasthe Chinese religious philosopherwhogave the conceptof
  • 21. goodand evil inthisuniverse and bothdependsuponitscause. 220 – 907 CE Wang Pi (226-249 CE.) Daodejing TangJiyaoLegend He wasof the view thateverythingis governedbyitsownprinciple;there is no ultimate principle thatunderlies and unitiesall things. Zhiyi (538-597 CE.) The Essentialistsof BuddhistMeditations The Six Dharma Gatesto the Sublime He claimthat humannature contains evil andthat evenBuddhacannotbe completelyridof hisevil nature Li Ao (722-841 CE.) Martyrs’Shrine MountaintopLove He gave the view thathumannature iswhat that isbestoweduponhimby nature and all people share same nature.The reasonwhyhardly everyone becomeasage isthat people ‘emotions’. 907 – 1368 CE Shao Yang (1011-1077 CE.) IsangYan MoviesSlope He proposedthatthere are two basic factor that effectsthe happeningof thingsthat are one negative darkor feminineandone positivebrightor masculine,whoinfluence the destiniesof creaturesandthings Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073 CE.) TongShu Reconstructionthe ConfuscianDao In the universe everythingischanging but the one thingthat isdoinga work to unite all procedure thatisunityand stabilitywithinthe vastwhole. Zhu Xi (1130-1200 CE.) The Reflectionof things at ZhuXi Learningtobe a sage He gave the notionthat human emotionsandfeelingsplaysandrole for a man to be a sage otherwise everypersonissame. ChengYi (1033-1107 CE.) IChing The Yi River He gave the view thathumannature isgood and everyactionthatisdone by humannature isdue to the process of hisgoodwill andpositive thinking. 1368 – 1912 CE Liu Tsung-Chou(1578- 1645 CE.) The Reconstructionof Ming Philosophy New dimensionsto Confucianism He isa Neo-Confucianism.He basically workedonthe nature of humanbeing that how he acts ona certain situationsinaway due to hisintellect. He gave the theoryof hsin(mind) and hsing(nature) todeterminethe humannature. Huang Zongxi (1610-1695 CE.) OnLaws Schools He basicallygave the political reforms that the autocratic rule isselfishand
  • 22. SelectingGoodMen he condemneditanddeclaresthat worldshouldbelongtopeopleand people have equal righttolive their lives&theyhave equal rightsin society. Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692 CE.) ChuanshanYishuQuanji Yijing(Bookof chnges) He workon ethicsandarguedthat no valuesinnature;virtuesandvalues are assignedtoobjectsandactionsby humanbeings.Inshorthuman being isnot inherentof evil doingbutitis natural course and it happensandthe basicmoral nature of humanbeingsis groundedbyhisfeelingsforothers. YenYuan (1635-1804 CE.) The Analetsof Confucius Some T’angand Pre T’ang text He promotedthe ideathateverything inthe authenticConfucianwayhad direct,broad,clear,commonsense aimat whata personshouldbe and do. Sun Yet-Sen(1866-1925 CE.) The International Developmentof China Three Principlesof the People He gave three principlesof people that make Chinaa free,prosperous and powerful nationandthatare nationalism, democracyandlivelihood of people. Liang Qichao (1873-1929 CE.) Onthe Young China Intellectual Trendsin the Ch’ingPeriod In hisperiodhe gave the formula of hundredday’sreformswhere he steppedintothe stage of developmentcharacterizedbythe growthand spreadof the theoryof evolutionandof humanism. X - ModernChinese Philosophers 1912 – 1950 CE Hsiung Shih-li (1885-1963 CE.) Humanityandself cultivation The Sumof Our Follies He gave ontological theoriesthat cosmosis one greatwhole.Itsbasic nature,whichisthat of mind,will,and consciousness, isconstantand continuous.Itisdynamica vast ever- runningcurrentsof changes,ina processof perceptual transformation, producingall thingsandtwofactors are contributinginthiscurrentthatis closing& opening. Liang Sou-ming(1893- 1988 CE.) Xingyiquan Baguazhang He gave the conceptof rural reconstructionandproposedthatthe basicway of rural reconstructionis cultivationof groupunity, developmentof science and technology,andthe eliminationof
  • 23. outdatedtraditions. T’ang Chun-I (1909-1970 CE.) Poemsof the Late The Courtof the Lion He proposedthe notionthatmessage of Confucianismwasthe affirmation of humanlife asitexists.He contractedthat withBuddhism, Christianity,religionthatpromote humantranscendence overthe physical worldorthe acceptance as the physical worldasa illusion. XI- Indian Philosophers Ancient Philosophers Pre-History Yajnavalkya (7th Century BC.) Brihadaranyaka Upanishad His basicconceptissoul,self andfree. He proposedthatlove isdrivenbya person’ssoul 1000 – 600 BC Parshva (872-772 BC.) ParshvaBhoomi Parshvanathama He proposedthata personisfree in hiswill andthe basicay to leada life is non-violence principle (ahimsa) 600 – 400 BC Siddhartha Gautama (663-483 BC) Teachingsof the Buddha Dhammapada He isthe foundingfatherof Buddhism school of thoughtand he has a believe that he proposedthatway that humansufferingscanbe cure and that can be cure in a waywhentheyhave a spiritual relationshipwithgodand theywill follow the principle of ahimsaor patience Carvaka (around 600 BC.) BarhaspatyaSutras Carvaka/Lokayata It’san ancientIndianmaterialism that holdsdirectperception,empiricism, and conditional inference asproper sourcesof knowledge,embraces philosophical skepticismandrejects Vedas,Vedicritualismand Supernaturalism. 321 – 184 BC Chanakya (350-275 BC.) Arthashastra SampurnaChanakya Neeti He wasa philosopherandapolitical reformerandhe proposedthe conceptof internal andexternal securityof the state and the rightsof the people inhabitinginthe state. 184 BC – 100 CE Patanjali (around 2nd Century) Hatha Yoga Pradipika Rigveda He gave the Yoga philosophyyogais basicallymeansunion,mergingof soul
  • 24. and mindinthe divine elementwithin us whichiscalledconcentration.Itisa wayto gain higherspiritual level 100 – 300 CE Nagarjuna (150-250 CE.) Parajnaparamita Mulamadhyamakakarika He arguedthat ignorance isthe basic wayof all sufferingof mankind. There isa midwaybetweenexistence and annihilation. 300-550 CE Buddhaghosa (5th Century) Mahavashama Abhidharma He wasreputedlyresponsible foran extensive projectof synthesizingand translatingalarge bodyof Sinhala commentaries. Inhiscommentaries he gave the conceptof human understandingof conceptof yogacare, the conceptof mindandsoul with concentration. Dignaga (480 540 CE.) PramanaSamuccaya Hetucakra He holdsa view thatthere are only twoinstrumentsof knowledge or valid cognitions;perceptionorsensation and Inference orreasoning. Uddyotakara (5th / 7th Century) Kanada’sdoctrine The Veshishika He criticizedthe Dignagatheoryof perception,the Buddhistdenialof soul and mindconcentration. 600 – 900 CE Dharmakirti (7th Centruy) Foundationof Dharmakirti RecognizingReality He gave the philosophythat perception,inference andword reliabilityisthe basicsource of knowledge. 1100 – 1500 CE Shri Madhvacharya (1238-1317 CE.) SadacharaSrimuti Uddhavagita He is the Indian philosopher who gave the concept that soul and body areseparated from each other and Vishnu sect is the highest in this universean accordingto him. Heb basically advocated realismand dualism. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534 CE.) ChaitanyaCharitamirta BhagavataPurana He was the proponent of Vishnu sect andhe advocatedthe policyVaishnavism that promoteda notationthat lordVishnuis the supreme soul 1500 – 1800 CE Vallabhacharya (1497-1531 CE.) Adhyaya I Srimadanubhasyam He is from the monismschool of thought accordingto him body and soul is the singleone. He gave the concept of Nondualism. Shah Wali Ullah (1703-1772 CE.) Hujja-tul Ballagha The conclusiveargument from God He was the philosopher who gave the concept of economic welfare of the stare he argued that the economy of the state
  • 25. References: 1- http:/>doc> The-History-of-Philosophy (23/3/19) 2- http:/> attachments> articles_on_philosophy(20/3/19) 3- http:/>Philosophy>introduction(24/3/19) 4- http:/>Historyof Philosophy(4/4/19) 5- Gaarder, J (1996). Sophie’sWorld,The BerkleyPublishingGroup,New York,USA. 6- http:/>history_of_philosophy_timeline_view (15/4/19) 7- http:/>History+of+philosophy(12/4/19) 8- Bruder,K. & Noel,B.(FifthEdition).Philosophythe powerof ideas,CaliforniaState Press, California 9- http:/ http:/ is basically thecapital and reso9uces available.And he said thatshelter, food, social security and sex arethe basic need of an individual. XII- ModernIndian Philosophers 20th Century Swami Vivekanand (1863-1902 CE.) RajaYoga KarmaYoga He gave the view of education that it is rooted in traditional Indian Philosophy that nurtures the ideals of harmony, compassion,tolerance,and peace; and where man-making and character- buildingarebasic objectives. Mahatma Gandhi (1869- 1948 CE.) HindSawarj Indiaof myDreams He gave the theory of non-violence (that we can take revenge by peace if someone slaps on your facethen again presenthis face to him) and he as the one who provideIndia’s Independence from Great Britain Osho (1931-1990 CE.) Book of Secrets Tarot Zen He said that(I understand) that we all are born a pure soul (likemirror) and then we gather dirt from well-intentioned but conditioned society,parents, school;and priests and looseconnection between our true selves so we must “remove the dirt. Amartya Sen(1933- CE.) Developmentas Freedom The Argumentative India He is the economist philosopher and he gave the theory that Capital ability in which he gave the notion that all the things in economy depends on its demand and supply.