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GLORIA I. REYES DÍAZ, Cod. 63307587
GROUP 551037_3
July 16, 2018
1. TASK 1
Traducción del Párrafo 1
El arte de la perfumería tiene una herencia antigua y universal. Este arte
floreció en la antigua Roma en donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban
en esencias. Después de la caída de Roma, muchos de los conocimientos se
perdieron, pero sobrevivieron en civilizaciones Islámicas en la edad media. Los
farmaceutas árabes y persas desarrollaron aceites esenciales de plantas
aromáticas de la península India. Desarrollaron el proceso de destilación y
suspensión en alcohol, lo que permitió que se usará menores cantidades de
materia prima que en el proceso antiguo en el cual, los pétalos de flores eran
remojados en aceite caliente. Este conocimiento fue traído a monasterios de
Europa durante las Cruzadas.
Traducción del Párrafo 2
Al principio, el uso de fragancias fue principalmente asociada con la curación. Aguas
aromáticas con alcohol fueron ingeridas tanto como usadas externamente. Las fragancias
fueron usadas para purificar el aire, para propósitos espirituales y de salud. Durante “la
muerte negra”, se pensó que la peste bubónica provenía de los malos olores, los cuales
pudieron ser evitados inhalando fragancias agradables como la canela. “La muerte negra”
dio paso a la aversión de lavarse con agua, y así el perfume fue comúnmente usado como
un agente de limpieza.
Más tarde, el arte del perfume reingresó a Europa, y se centró en Venecia,
principalmente porque era una importante ruta comercial y un centro de la industria del
vidrio. Teniendo estos materiales a manos fue esencial para el proceso de destilación. A
finales del siglo XVII, el comercio aumentó en Francia, cuando Luis XIV trajo políticas de
proteccionismo y patrocinio las cuales estimularon la venta de mercancías de lujo. Aquí, la
perfumería fue la preserva de la industria de guantes. La conexión aumentó desde que la
teñida del cuero requirió sustancias putrefactas. Consecuentemente, los guantes fueron
perfumados antes de ser vendidos y usados. Un gremio de los fabricantes de guantes y
perfumes existió aquí desde 1190. Ingresar al gremio requería de 7 años de entrenamiento
formal bajo la tutela de un perfumero maestro.
Traducción del párrafo 3
El comercio de perfumes floreció durante el reinado de Luis XV, ya que los maestros
fabricantes de guantes y perfumes, particularmente los que comerciaban en París, recibían
patrocinio de la corte real, donde se dice que cada semana se usaba un perfume diferente.
Los fabricantes de perfumes se diversificaron hacia la producción de otros cosméticos,
incluidos jabones, polvos, pinturas blancas para ojos y tintes para el cabello. Ellos no eran
los únicos vendedores de productos de belleza, los vendedores de textiles y de especias,
fabricantes de vinagres y de pelucas también estaban aprovechando la popularidad de los
productos perfumados. Incluso simples tenderos estaban inventando sus propios brebajes
para vender.
Durante el siglo XVIII, comenzó a surgir la industria del perfume más moderna y
capitalista, particularmente en Gran Bretaña, donde existía una sociedad floreciente de
consumo. En Francia, la revolución interrumpió inicialmente el comercio de perfumes
debido a su asociación con la aristocracia, sin embargo, recuperó su impulso más tarde a
medida que se buscaba una variedad más amplia de mercados tanto en el mercado nacional
como en el extranjero. El sistema de gremios fue abolido en 1791, permitiendo abrir nuevas
tiendas de perfumería de alto nivel en París.
Traducción del párrafo 4
El perfume llegó a ser menos asociado con salud en 1810 con una ordenanza
napoleónica que requería a los perfumistas declarar los ingredientes de todos los productos
para el consumo interno. No dispuestos a divulgar sus secretos, los comerciantes se
concentraron en productos para uso externo. Napoleón afectó a la industria de otras
maneras también. Con los puertos franceses bloqueados por los británicos durante las
guerras napoleónicas, los perfumistas de Londres fueron capaces de dominar los mercados
durante algún tiempo.
Uno de los cambios significativos en el siglo XIX fue la idea de incluir una marca del
fabricante. Hasta entonces, las marcas habían tenido poca importancia en la perfumería
donde los productos eran consumidos localmente, aunque tenían una larga historia en otras
industrias. Uno de los pioneros en este campo fue Rimmel, quien fue nacionalizado como
ciudadano británico en 1857. Él se aprovechó de la expansión de los ferrocarriles para
llegar a clientes en mercados más amplios. Para hacer esto, él construyó una marca que
transmitía prestigio y calidad, y valía la pena pagar un bono adicional por ella. Él reconoció
el papel del diseño en la mejora del valor de sus productos, contratando a un litógrafo
francés para crear las etiquetas de sus botellas de perfume.
Traducción del párrafo 5
Las fragancias lujosas estaban fuertemente asociadas con las ricas y prestigiosas
ciudades de Londres y Paris. Los elaboradores de perfumes de diferentes lugares atendían o
vendían los productos más baratos e imitaciones de marcas de Londres y Paris. La industria
Americana de perfumes, quienes desarrollaban en los alrededores en los muelles de Nueva
York, donde aceites franceses había sido importados, empezaron de esta manera. Muchas
firmas Americanas fueron encontradas por inmigrantes, así como William Colgate, quien
llego en 1806. En este momento, Colgate fue conocido como perfumería. Su marca
Cashmere Bouquet tenía 625 variedades de perfumes en los inicios del siglo XX.
2. TASK 2
This translation task was very interesting, I enjoyed this exercise, because I could practice
reading, comprehension, vocabulary and also I could learn a little about this.
subject: Perfume.
During the translation process, I used both direct translations and oblique translation
techniques in the different sentences such as Literal translation (Using Word for Word
translation) For example: “They developed the processes of distillation” <Ellos
desarrollaron el proceso de destilación>. Borrowing: (Using the same word without
translation) the word “Perfume”, for example.
I also used Transposition, (changing the sequence) for example in “Ancient and global
heritage” <Herencia Antigua y universal> Modulation (changing the phrase in a little
different way to express the same) for example: “Emperors were said to bathe in
scent”. <Se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en esencias> And so on.
Translation is a craft where are mixed both curiosity and desire of learning. These
feelings become translator a researcher.
When you are going to translate must be opened to learn something new, this a way to
Then, you look the title to have an idea of topic and to do a initial reading underlining
unknown words and to look for in the dictionary to have a better idea on it. This can do it
paragraph by paragraph and re-read it again to structure it.
When I was reading and translating “Perfume” found difficult words to make sense to the
translation. In the beginning, separated words without sense, took form becoming
themselves in a theme.
These are some unknown words: craft, dealer, raw, soak, odor (it was bad written),
avert, inhale, soar, putrid, scent, guild, patronage, dye, sole, Mercers, spicer, wig, cashing,
concoctions, disrupt, high-end, Brand, Premium, spread, enhance, convey, knock off, dock,
twenty eight in total.
I love learning new words, but when I wanted structure the final text, I had to think a
Little more and to make a new phrase more according to the topic “perfume”.
I found personal names, such as: Louis XIV/XV, The United States, New York, , which
could be translated, without change their meaning and contextual idea.
Another phrase was translated, too, e.g. “Black Death” for “muerte negra”
These personal names were not translated: William Colgate, Napoleon, Rimmel,
The phrase “Cashmere Bouquet Brand”, I did not consider translate it because I did not
want change its sense.
On phrases, such as: “where the emperors were said to bathe in scent” I considered re-
make the sentence because literally it was not accurate, stating as: donde se decía que los
emperadores se bañaban en perfumes.” (Paragraph 1.)
During the Black Death, the bubonic plague was thought to have resulted from a bad odors,
which could be averted by inhaling pleasant fragances” for Durante “la muerte negra”, se
pensó que la peste bubónica provenía de malos olores, los cuales pudieron ser evitados
inhalando fragancias agradables” (paragraph 2)
Finally, I can affirm that “a translator is a researcher.”
Since, I already have a couple of years of experience in the translation field, I did not
have much trouble doing it. But, I still find new concept that are necessary to investigate, as
for I only hold a C1, and the translation take place into so many environments. For
example, I have to investigate about Mercer and Spicer words, their root is from another
Mercer: Comerciantes de textiles, from the old french Word Mercier, most used in UK.
Spicer = palabra del Francés antiguo. Species seller.
Something that translators need to take into account is that there are words called false
friends, meaning, that they do not represent what we think, just because they are close to
words used in our language. Like embarrassed vs Embarazada. They have to be careful
also with the literal translation. Not always, it is possible or proper doing so, like this
White face paints (pearl white, UV whites, standard whites, and opaque whites to mention
some. It will be wrong to translate “Pinturas para caras blancas”
While I translate, something that I am currently doing, I use many tools, even google
translation, but, as I said, only as a tool. I always try to find synonyms or antonyms, as for
not always the first word of a translation (language target) is enough for the translation of
the language source. Example, in “it regained momentum later as a wider range of markets
were sought both in the domestic and overseas markets.”
Recuperó su impulso más tarde a medida que se buscaba una gama más amplia de
mercados tanto en el mercado nacional como en el extranjero.
It may looks fine, but the right translation will be “variedad más amplia de mercados…”
Something that I do is to reread and compare both, the language source and the language
target, many times, that way, I make sure to reach the best translation possible. I am
always aware that there are many times where a word do not have a proper translation, so I
try to find the closes idea, without changing the meaning and that many words from the
source language need more than two words to reach the meaning. Example, “The
perfumers diversified into other cosmetics…” Los fabricantes de perfumes se
diversificaron hacia la producción de otros cosméticos, It won’t be proper to say
As far as translation, I think that it is a nice profession; I will love to keep going into this
direction and become an excellent translator in the future. With regard to methods,
strategies, and techniques, I can say that as in any pedagogical teaching process, we need a
mix of them, as for not one fulfils the need.
Said that, I can say that I use word-by-word translation, as I used Literal translation,
Faithful translation, Adaptation, Semantic and Idiomatic translation as methods. As for
allusions, I use retention of the name most times. As for strategy, I used Translation
without interruption for as long as possible then I reread and correct mistakes. In this
work, I use Literal translation, word by word, transposition, and modulation as well.
As a few teachers, I am the kind of English teacher who has quit his previous profession
and professional career to teach English for a living. That being said, I enjoy learning
English so I like to use different sources of English language mainly in readings from
novels and audios from movies or songs. So then, considering what I have mentioned, I
should not have any problem translating a simple text like the paragraph I have chosen,
nevertheless the activity made me realize that I am not very used to translate texts.
When my English learning process started some years ago, I used to translate what I
heard and read into Spanish basically because I was not able to understand the source of
information directly in English so I had to translate everything. It is widely known that
translating what you read or listen while you are reading or listening to something is not the
best way or method to improve in the English language. That brings me to the current level
of English proficiency I have these days where I do not translate what I hear or read into
Spanish considering that I have spent quite a long time working in order to be able to think
in English.
Thus, when I first looked at the fourth paragraph I did not have any trouble to understand
everything including the gist of the text as well as particular details. However and
considering that this was a translation activity, when I started the translation process writing
in Spanish I could not glimpse when was the last time I had translated something into
Spanish because I do not do that nowadays for my classes nor do I need it to understand the
The thing is that although I did not face any trouble to understand the text, I had to think
hard to write the proper translation for a couple of words that I know what they mean but I
was not sure how to translate them. For instance, when I had to translate the verb branding,
I decided to use a couple of words instead of just one, so the translation of words like that,
where the meaning is easy but I had to take a moment to find the best translation, slowed
me down. In conclusion, my only concern was figuring out the finest translation for a
couple of words, not because the understanding in English but because of the Spanish
words that best represent the same meaning.
Regarding the techniques, I have realized that I prefer to use the one of the direct
translation techniques, which is the Literal translation, which is something I do because I
really like to be as accurate as possible. Nevertheless, considering that it is not always easy
or possible to translate word for word, I could use the Modulation strategy, which is one of
the Oblique translation techniques, as a way to complement the literal translation.
Furthermore, I was able to be more efficient when I could see the original text in English
and the text I was writing in Spanish at the same time. It was a little bit tough for me
because of my small laptop, but it was something that worked for me and from my
perspective, the combination of those mentioned techniques turned out in a good
About my individual activity, I took the liberty of carrying out the translation to my
paragraph, according to what I understood quickly, without the use of translators or a
dictionary. I did it this way because in the course of reading it makes their understanding
and interpretation at times obvious, but that's what the exercise takes us to, to make an
improved validity to the definitions of words, to that they contain more meaningful
information I consciously omitted some words that I did not recognize in order to make
them clear of my reflection and proceed to correct them. I also take advantage of my
colleagues for noticing, for example Cashmere Bouquet, is a proper name, is the name of a
brand and does not take the appropriate value.
Other drawbacks, is that I take some words that are for my family as affluent, and I use
it in my translation with a synonym that for me still made sense, but my partner had a better
option for this word. I had to read my text again, so that I would make sense of it and
convince myself that it was much better that way than mine.
In my translation exercise, use several techniques:
Direct Translation Techiniques:
• Borrowing: with the example of the Cashmere Boutique brand, because it is a proper
name, the expression of the original text was written as such.
• Literal Translation: In many cases I used this technique, the comprehension of the text led
me to read and be able to translate word by word while preserving its syntax. This is one of
the many examples: which developed around the docks in New York where French oils
were being imported, began in this way - who developed in the vicinity of the docks in New
York, where French oils had been imported, started from this way.
 Oblique Translation Techiniques
• TRANSPOSITION: With the example of Luxury fragrances - Las fragancias lujosas, Las
fragancias de lujo, Lujosas fragancias… Although its grammatical structure was changed
when translated, the meaning of the text was not altered.
3. TASK 3
Chart about the differences between method, strategy and technique and its example
Methods, Strategies, and Technique differences in Translation
Method "[W]hile translation methods relate to whole texts, translation
procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language"
Newmark (1988b, p.81).
As a technique, a method can be seen as a way of doing something.
However, translation methods are related the way of translating
complete texts. Therefore, some translation methods are so similar to
some strategies, although there are some additional methods or
different specifications regarding other methods.
*Word by Word translation: the word order is preserved and the words
are translated singly. Example, The students are learning about
translation = Los estudiantes están aprendiendo sobre traducción.
*Literal Translation: the grammatical constructions are translated to
their nearest. Example, The smartest students are getting better scores =
Los estudiantes inteligentes estan logrando los mejores puntajes.
*Faithful translation: the contextual meaning of the original language
keeping the grammatical structures. Example, teaching from the back
of the room = Enseñando desde la parte de atrás del salón.
*Adaptation: the meaning in the source culture is converted to the
target culture while the text is rewritten. Example, teaching from the
back of the room = Dejando a los alumnos aprender por si mismos.
* Semantic Translation: considers the aesthetic value of the source text
while keeps the meaning. Example, Sorrow licks my hand; at my feet,
it is lying. = La pena mi mano lame y echada a mis pies esta.
*Free translation: the result in the target language has not style, form,
or content of the original. Example, The perfume maker is rich = El
perfumero es rico.
*Idiomatic Translation: it has the original idea of the message but
tends to distort nuances of meaning.
*Communicative Translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual
meaning of the source language (Ordudari, 2007; Newmark, 1988b).
Strategy "Translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete
translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task,"
Krings (1986:18)
Taking into account the process and product of translation,
Jaaskelainen (2005) divides strategies into two major categories: some
strategies relate to what happens to texts, while other strategies relate to
what happens in the process.
He also divide the strategies into Global translation (whole context,
and Local translation (text segments).
According to him, there are three major global strategies.
*Translation without interruption for as long as possible
*Correcting surfaces error immediately
*Leaving the monitoring for qualitative or stylistic error in the text to
the revision stage.
Furthermore, another author defines strategy as “a potentially
conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or
any segment of it” (Ordudari, 2007).
There are two other ways to classified strategies:
 According to what happens to texts (product related strategies):
basic tasks of choosing the source language text and developing
a method to translate it.
 According to what happens in the process (process related
strategies): a set of rules or principles, which a translator uses to
achieve the purpose according to the translating situation.
Allusions “A passing reference, without explicit identification, to a
literary or historical person, place or event or to another literary work
or passage.” Abrams (1999, p. 9).
Leppihalme (1997:79) proposed a set of strategies for translating the
proper name allusions:
I. Retention of the name:
a. Using the name as such. Example, The man was acting
like Romeo = El hombre estaba actuando como Romeo
b. Using the name, adding some guidance. Example, Noe
(from the Bibly)
c. Using the name, adding a detailed explanation, for
instance, a footnote. You are more lost than the
Lindbergh’s son (Lindbergh’s son was a men named
Charles Jr. who was kidnaped when he was only 19
months old. He was never found.)
II. Replacement of the name by another:
a. Replacing the name by another SL name.
b. Replacing the name by a TL name Mary for Maria.
III. Omission of the name:
a. Omitting the name, but transferring the sense by other
means, for instance by a common noun. Mary was
smart, but lost her path. The beautiful and young Mary
die too soon = Mary fue inteligente, pero perdió su
camino. La hermosa joven murió muy pronto.
b. Omitting the name and the allusion together.
Technique 1) Direct translation Techniques
A technique is a way of doing or performing an activity that
requires certain skill. So then, translation techniques are the ways
that are used to translate sentences or small unites of language into
another language. Therefore, the translator could use more than one
technique per text. In addition, translation techniques could be
direct or oblique.
It is used when structural and conceptual elements of the SL can
be transferred into the TL.
 Borrowing: words from the LS used into the TL without
translation. Example, El burrito, is a Mexican food.
 Calque: Or loan translation, Phrase borrowed from another
language and translated word by word. Example, the
handball is an American game = El balonmano es un juego
A calque is not always the way to translate a phrase and
wrong calque could indicate lack of skill by the translator.
 Literal translation or word by word translation: When the
LS has the same structured than the TL
The bird is singing = El pajaro esta cantando
2) Oblique Translation Techniques
Used when structural or conceptual elements of the SL cannot
be directly translated without altering the meaning or upsetting the
grammatical and stylistic elements of the TL.
 Transposition: when parts of the speech changes their
sequence when they are translated
Example: the beautiful and stylist woman into “La mujer
hermosa y moderna.
 Modulation: When using a phrase that is different in the SL
and the TL to convey the same idea.
Example, at a snail’s pace = a paso de tortuga.
 Reformulation or Equivalent: To express something in a
completely different way. Idioms or slangs.
Example, It is raining cats and dogs = llueve a cantaros.
 Adaptation: when something specific to one language
culture is expressed in a very different way that is familiar
or appropriate to another language culture. Example, yours
faithfully = Le Saluda atentamente.
 Compensation: When something cannot be translated, and
the meaning that is lost is expressed somewhere else in the
translated text. Example, the cat is sick. How in Spanish is
not possible to know if the cat is female or male, the la or el
should be added according to the reading.
La gata está enferma, o el gato está enfermo.
Net industries (Education- Knowledge – Information) (n.d) Translation - The Concept of
Translation and Its Complexity. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation
Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
Newmark, P. (1988b). Approaches to Translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall. Retrieved

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Gloria reyes task3_551037_3

  • 2. 1. TASK 1 PERFUME BIBIANA PATRICIA MOLINARES Traducción del Párrafo 1 El arte de la perfumería tiene una herencia antigua y universal. Este arte floreció en la antigua Roma en donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en esencias. Después de la caída de Roma, muchos de los conocimientos se perdieron, pero sobrevivieron en civilizaciones Islámicas en la edad media. Los farmaceutas árabes y persas desarrollaron aceites esenciales de plantas aromáticas de la península India. Desarrollaron el proceso de destilación y suspensión en alcohol, lo que permitió que se usará menores cantidades de materia prima que en el proceso antiguo en el cual, los pétalos de flores eran remojados en aceite caliente. Este conocimiento fue traído a monasterios de Europa durante las Cruzadas. MILDRED GUTIÉRREZ DE PIÑERES Traducción del Párrafo 2 Al principio, el uso de fragancias fue principalmente asociada con la curación. Aguas aromáticas con alcohol fueron ingeridas tanto como usadas externamente. Las fragancias fueron usadas para purificar el aire, para propósitos espirituales y de salud. Durante “la muerte negra”, se pensó que la peste bubónica provenía de los malos olores, los cuales pudieron ser evitados inhalando fragancias agradables como la canela. “La muerte negra” dio paso a la aversión de lavarse con agua, y así el perfume fue comúnmente usado como un agente de limpieza. Más tarde, el arte del perfume reingresó a Europa, y se centró en Venecia, principalmente porque era una importante ruta comercial y un centro de la industria del vidrio. Teniendo estos materiales a manos fue esencial para el proceso de destilación. A finales del siglo XVII, el comercio aumentó en Francia, cuando Luis XIV trajo políticas de proteccionismo y patrocinio las cuales estimularon la venta de mercancías de lujo. Aquí, la
  • 3. perfumería fue la preserva de la industria de guantes. La conexión aumentó desde que la teñida del cuero requirió sustancias putrefactas. Consecuentemente, los guantes fueron perfumados antes de ser vendidos y usados. Un gremio de los fabricantes de guantes y perfumes existió aquí desde 1190. Ingresar al gremio requería de 7 años de entrenamiento formal bajo la tutela de un perfumero maestro. GLORIA INÉS REYES DÍAZ Traducción del párrafo 3 El comercio de perfumes floreció durante el reinado de Luis XV, ya que los maestros fabricantes de guantes y perfumes, particularmente los que comerciaban en París, recibían patrocinio de la corte real, donde se dice que cada semana se usaba un perfume diferente. Los fabricantes de perfumes se diversificaron hacia la producción de otros cosméticos, incluidos jabones, polvos, pinturas blancas para ojos y tintes para el cabello. Ellos no eran los únicos vendedores de productos de belleza, los vendedores de textiles y de especias, fabricantes de vinagres y de pelucas también estaban aprovechando la popularidad de los productos perfumados. Incluso simples tenderos estaban inventando sus propios brebajes para vender. Durante el siglo XVIII, comenzó a surgir la industria del perfume más moderna y capitalista, particularmente en Gran Bretaña, donde existía una sociedad floreciente de consumo. En Francia, la revolución interrumpió inicialmente el comercio de perfumes debido a su asociación con la aristocracia, sin embargo, recuperó su impulso más tarde a medida que se buscaba una variedad más amplia de mercados tanto en el mercado nacional como en el extranjero. El sistema de gremios fue abolido en 1791, permitiendo abrir nuevas tiendas de perfumería de alto nivel en París. CARLOS ANDRÉS PATINO Traducción del párrafo 4 El perfume llegó a ser menos asociado con salud en 1810 con una ordenanza napoleónica que requería a los perfumistas declarar los ingredientes de todos los productos para el consumo interno. No dispuestos a divulgar sus secretos, los comerciantes se
  • 4. concentraron en productos para uso externo. Napoleón afectó a la industria de otras maneras también. Con los puertos franceses bloqueados por los británicos durante las guerras napoleónicas, los perfumistas de Londres fueron capaces de dominar los mercados durante algún tiempo. Uno de los cambios significativos en el siglo XIX fue la idea de incluir una marca del fabricante. Hasta entonces, las marcas habían tenido poca importancia en la perfumería donde los productos eran consumidos localmente, aunque tenían una larga historia en otras industrias. Uno de los pioneros en este campo fue Rimmel, quien fue nacionalizado como ciudadano británico en 1857. Él se aprovechó de la expansión de los ferrocarriles para llegar a clientes en mercados más amplios. Para hacer esto, él construyó una marca que transmitía prestigio y calidad, y valía la pena pagar un bono adicional por ella. Él reconoció el papel del diseño en la mejora del valor de sus productos, contratando a un litógrafo francés para crear las etiquetas de sus botellas de perfume. PATRICIA DEL PILAR ARARAT Traducción del párrafo 5 Las fragancias lujosas estaban fuertemente asociadas con las ricas y prestigiosas ciudades de Londres y Paris. Los elaboradores de perfumes de diferentes lugares atendían o vendían los productos más baratos e imitaciones de marcas de Londres y Paris. La industria Americana de perfumes, quienes desarrollaban en los alrededores en los muelles de Nueva York, donde aceites franceses había sido importados, empezaron de esta manera. Muchas firmas Americanas fueron encontradas por inmigrantes, así como William Colgate, quien llego en 1806. En este momento, Colgate fue conocido como perfumería. Su marca Cashmere Bouquet tenía 625 variedades de perfumes en los inicios del siglo XX. 2. TASK 2 REFLECTIONS BIBIANA PATRICIA MOLINARES
  • 5. This translation task was very interesting, I enjoyed this exercise, because I could practice reading, comprehension, vocabulary and also I could learn a little about this. subject: Perfume. During the translation process, I used both direct translations and oblique translation techniques in the different sentences such as Literal translation (Using Word for Word translation) For example: “They developed the processes of distillation” <Ellos desarrollaron el proceso de destilación>. Borrowing: (Using the same word without translation) the word “Perfume”, for example. I also used Transposition, (changing the sequence) for example in “Ancient and global heritage” <Herencia Antigua y universal> Modulation (changing the phrase in a little different way to express the same) for example: “Emperors were said to bathe in scent”. <Se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en esencias> And so on. MILDRED GUTIÉRREZ DE PIÑERES THE CRAFT OF TRASLATION Translation is a craft where are mixed both curiosity and desire of learning. These feelings become translator a researcher. When you are going to translate must be opened to learn something new, this a way to learning. Then, you look the title to have an idea of topic and to do a initial reading underlining unknown words and to look for in the dictionary to have a better idea on it. This can do it paragraph by paragraph and re-read it again to structure it. When I was reading and translating “Perfume” found difficult words to make sense to the translation. In the beginning, separated words without sense, took form becoming themselves in a theme. These are some unknown words: craft, dealer, raw, soak, odor (it was bad written), avert, inhale, soar, putrid, scent, guild, patronage, dye, sole, Mercers, spicer, wig, cashing, concoctions, disrupt, high-end, Brand, Premium, spread, enhance, convey, knock off, dock, twenty eight in total. I love learning new words, but when I wanted structure the final text, I had to think a Little more and to make a new phrase more according to the topic “perfume”.
  • 6. I found personal names, such as: Louis XIV/XV, The United States, New York, , which could be translated, without change their meaning and contextual idea. Another phrase was translated, too, e.g. “Black Death” for “muerte negra” These personal names were not translated: William Colgate, Napoleon, Rimmel, The phrase “Cashmere Bouquet Brand”, I did not consider translate it because I did not want change its sense. On phrases, such as: “where the emperors were said to bathe in scent” I considered re- make the sentence because literally it was not accurate, stating as: donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en perfumes.” (Paragraph 1.) During the Black Death, the bubonic plague was thought to have resulted from a bad odors, which could be averted by inhaling pleasant fragances” for Durante “la muerte negra”, se pensó que la peste bubónica provenía de malos olores, los cuales pudieron ser evitados inhalando fragancias agradables” (paragraph 2) Finally, I can affirm that “a translator is a researcher.” GLORIA INÉS REYES DÍAZ Since, I already have a couple of years of experience in the translation field, I did not have much trouble doing it. But, I still find new concept that are necessary to investigate, as for I only hold a C1, and the translation take place into so many environments. For example, I have to investigate about Mercer and Spicer words, their root is from another languages. Mercer: Comerciantes de textiles, from the old french Word Mercier, most used in UK. Spicer = palabra del Francés antiguo. Species seller. Something that translators need to take into account is that there are words called false friends, meaning, that they do not represent what we think, just because they are close to words used in our language. Like embarrassed vs Embarazada. They have to be careful also with the literal translation. Not always, it is possible or proper doing so, like this example: White face paints (pearl white, UV whites, standard whites, and opaque whites to mention some. It will be wrong to translate “Pinturas para caras blancas”
  • 7. While I translate, something that I am currently doing, I use many tools, even google translation, but, as I said, only as a tool. I always try to find synonyms or antonyms, as for not always the first word of a translation (language target) is enough for the translation of the language source. Example, in “it regained momentum later as a wider range of markets were sought both in the domestic and overseas markets.” Recuperó su impulso más tarde a medida que se buscaba una gama más amplia de mercados tanto en el mercado nacional como en el extranjero. It may looks fine, but the right translation will be “variedad más amplia de mercados…” Something that I do is to reread and compare both, the language source and the language target, many times, that way, I make sure to reach the best translation possible. I am always aware that there are many times where a word do not have a proper translation, so I try to find the closes idea, without changing the meaning and that many words from the source language need more than two words to reach the meaning. Example, “The perfumers diversified into other cosmetics…” Los fabricantes de perfumes se diversificaron hacia la producción de otros cosméticos, It won’t be proper to say “perfumeros” As far as translation, I think that it is a nice profession; I will love to keep going into this direction and become an excellent translator in the future. With regard to methods, strategies, and techniques, I can say that as in any pedagogical teaching process, we need a mix of them, as for not one fulfils the need. Said that, I can say that I use word-by-word translation, as I used Literal translation, Faithful translation, Adaptation, Semantic and Idiomatic translation as methods. As for allusions, I use retention of the name most times. As for strategy, I used Translation without interruption for as long as possible then I reread and correct mistakes. In this work, I use Literal translation, word by word, transposition, and modulation as well. CARLOS ANDRÉS PATINO As a few teachers, I am the kind of English teacher who has quit his previous profession and professional career to teach English for a living. That being said, I enjoy learning English so I like to use different sources of English language mainly in readings from novels and audios from movies or songs. So then, considering what I have mentioned, I
  • 8. should not have any problem translating a simple text like the paragraph I have chosen, nevertheless the activity made me realize that I am not very used to translate texts. When my English learning process started some years ago, I used to translate what I heard and read into Spanish basically because I was not able to understand the source of information directly in English so I had to translate everything. It is widely known that translating what you read or listen while you are reading or listening to something is not the best way or method to improve in the English language. That brings me to the current level of English proficiency I have these days where I do not translate what I hear or read into Spanish considering that I have spent quite a long time working in order to be able to think in English. Thus, when I first looked at the fourth paragraph I did not have any trouble to understand everything including the gist of the text as well as particular details. However and considering that this was a translation activity, when I started the translation process writing in Spanish I could not glimpse when was the last time I had translated something into Spanish because I do not do that nowadays for my classes nor do I need it to understand the meaning. The thing is that although I did not face any trouble to understand the text, I had to think hard to write the proper translation for a couple of words that I know what they mean but I was not sure how to translate them. For instance, when I had to translate the verb branding, I decided to use a couple of words instead of just one, so the translation of words like that, where the meaning is easy but I had to take a moment to find the best translation, slowed me down. In conclusion, my only concern was figuring out the finest translation for a couple of words, not because the understanding in English but because of the Spanish words that best represent the same meaning. Regarding the techniques, I have realized that I prefer to use the one of the direct translation techniques, which is the Literal translation, which is something I do because I really like to be as accurate as possible. Nevertheless, considering that it is not always easy or possible to translate word for word, I could use the Modulation strategy, which is one of the Oblique translation techniques, as a way to complement the literal translation. Furthermore, I was able to be more efficient when I could see the original text in English and the text I was writing in Spanish at the same time. It was a little bit tough for me
  • 9. because of my small laptop, but it was something that worked for me and from my perspective, the combination of those mentioned techniques turned out in a good translation. PATRICIA DEL PILAR ARARAT About my individual activity, I took the liberty of carrying out the translation to my paragraph, according to what I understood quickly, without the use of translators or a dictionary. I did it this way because in the course of reading it makes their understanding and interpretation at times obvious, but that's what the exercise takes us to, to make an improved validity to the definitions of words, to that they contain more meaningful information I consciously omitted some words that I did not recognize in order to make them clear of my reflection and proceed to correct them. I also take advantage of my colleagues for noticing, for example Cashmere Bouquet, is a proper name, is the name of a brand and does not take the appropriate value. Other drawbacks, is that I take some words that are for my family as affluent, and I use it in my translation with a synonym that for me still made sense, but my partner had a better option for this word. I had to read my text again, so that I would make sense of it and convince myself that it was much better that way than mine. In my translation exercise, use several techniques: Direct Translation Techiniques: • Borrowing: with the example of the Cashmere Boutique brand, because it is a proper name, the expression of the original text was written as such. • Literal Translation: In many cases I used this technique, the comprehension of the text led me to read and be able to translate word by word while preserving its syntax. This is one of the many examples: which developed around the docks in New York where French oils were being imported, began in this way - who developed in the vicinity of the docks in New York, where French oils had been imported, started from this way.
  • 10.  Oblique Translation Techiniques • TRANSPOSITION: With the example of Luxury fragrances - Las fragancias lujosas, Las fragancias de lujo, Lujosas fragancias… Although its grammatical structure was changed when translated, the meaning of the text was not altered. 3. TASK 3 Chart about the differences between method, strategy and technique and its example Methods, Strategies, and Technique differences in Translation Method "[W]hile translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language" Newmark (1988b, p.81). As a technique, a method can be seen as a way of doing something. However, translation methods are related the way of translating complete texts. Therefore, some translation methods are so similar to some strategies, although there are some additional methods or different specifications regarding other methods. *Word by Word translation: the word order is preserved and the words are translated singly. Example, The students are learning about translation = Los estudiantes están aprendiendo sobre traducción. *Literal Translation: the grammatical constructions are translated to their nearest. Example, The smartest students are getting better scores = Los estudiantes inteligentes estan logrando los mejores puntajes. *Faithful translation: the contextual meaning of the original language keeping the grammatical structures. Example, teaching from the back of the room = Enseñando desde la parte de atrás del salón. *Adaptation: the meaning in the source culture is converted to the target culture while the text is rewritten. Example, teaching from the back of the room = Dejando a los alumnos aprender por si mismos.
  • 11. * Semantic Translation: considers the aesthetic value of the source text while keeps the meaning. Example, Sorrow licks my hand; at my feet, it is lying. = La pena mi mano lame y echada a mis pies esta. *Free translation: the result in the target language has not style, form, or content of the original. Example, The perfume maker is rich = El perfumero es rico. *Idiomatic Translation: it has the original idea of the message but tends to distort nuances of meaning. *Communicative Translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the source language (Ordudari, 2007; Newmark, 1988b). Strategy "Translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task," Krings (1986:18) Taking into account the process and product of translation, Jaaskelainen (2005) divides strategies into two major categories: some strategies relate to what happens to texts, while other strategies relate to what happens in the process. He also divide the strategies into Global translation (whole context, and Local translation (text segments). According to him, there are three major global strategies. *Translation without interruption for as long as possible *Correcting surfaces error immediately *Leaving the monitoring for qualitative or stylistic error in the text to the revision stage. Furthermore, another author defines strategy as “a potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it” (Ordudari, 2007). There are two other ways to classified strategies:
  • 12.  According to what happens to texts (product related strategies): basic tasks of choosing the source language text and developing a method to translate it.  According to what happens in the process (process related strategies): a set of rules or principles, which a translator uses to achieve the purpose according to the translating situation. Allusions “A passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place or event or to another literary work or passage.” Abrams (1999, p. 9). Leppihalme (1997:79) proposed a set of strategies for translating the proper name allusions: I. Retention of the name: a. Using the name as such. Example, The man was acting like Romeo = El hombre estaba actuando como Romeo b. Using the name, adding some guidance. Example, Noe (from the Bibly) c. Using the name, adding a detailed explanation, for instance, a footnote. You are more lost than the Lindbergh’s son (Lindbergh’s son was a men named Charles Jr. who was kidnaped when he was only 19 months old. He was never found.) II. Replacement of the name by another: a. Replacing the name by another SL name. b. Replacing the name by a TL name Mary for Maria. III. Omission of the name: a. Omitting the name, but transferring the sense by other means, for instance by a common noun. Mary was
  • 13. smart, but lost her path. The beautiful and young Mary die too soon = Mary fue inteligente, pero perdió su camino. La hermosa joven murió muy pronto. b. Omitting the name and the allusion together. Technique 1) Direct translation Techniques A technique is a way of doing or performing an activity that requires certain skill. So then, translation techniques are the ways that are used to translate sentences or small unites of language into another language. Therefore, the translator could use more than one technique per text. In addition, translation techniques could be direct or oblique. It is used when structural and conceptual elements of the SL can be transferred into the TL.  Borrowing: words from the LS used into the TL without translation. Example, El burrito, is a Mexican food.  Calque: Or loan translation, Phrase borrowed from another language and translated word by word. Example, the handball is an American game = El balonmano es un juego Americano. A calque is not always the way to translate a phrase and wrong calque could indicate lack of skill by the translator.  Literal translation or word by word translation: When the LS has the same structured than the TL The bird is singing = El pajaro esta cantando 2) Oblique Translation Techniques Used when structural or conceptual elements of the SL cannot be directly translated without altering the meaning or upsetting the grammatical and stylistic elements of the TL.
  • 14.  Transposition: when parts of the speech changes their sequence when they are translated Example: the beautiful and stylist woman into “La mujer hermosa y moderna.  Modulation: When using a phrase that is different in the SL and the TL to convey the same idea. Example, at a snail’s pace = a paso de tortuga.  Reformulation or Equivalent: To express something in a completely different way. Idioms or slangs. Example, It is raining cats and dogs = llueve a cantaros.  Adaptation: when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a very different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture. Example, yours faithfully = Le Saluda atentamente.  Compensation: When something cannot be translated, and the meaning that is lost is expressed somewhere else in the translated text. Example, the cat is sick. How in Spanish is not possible to know if the cat is female or male, the la or el should be added according to the reading. La gata está enferma, o el gato está enfermo.
  • 15. References Net industries (Education- Knowledge – Information) (n.d) Translation - The Concept of Translation and Its Complexity. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Newmark, P. (1988b). Approaches to Translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall. Retrieved from 20by%20Peter%20Ne