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I n t r o d u c t i o n t o L e a r n i n g
M a t e r i a l P r e p a r a t i o n
L e a r n i n g m a t e r i a l p r e p a r a t i o n
Instructional Design
Content Organization
Writing Styles
Visual and Multimedia
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l P r e p a r a t i o n
Educational instructors frequently employ various educational and linguistic tools and methods to
engage students and provide high quality instruction. To enhance the learning experience, educators can
leverage teaching learning materials, commonly known as TLMs. This presentation aims to provide
comprehensive insights into teaching learning materials and related aspects.
Teachers can elevate the appeal and significance of their classes by incorporating diverse articles or
resources to complement their verbal explanations. The utilization of a wide array of materials has been
proven to enhance conceptual understanding and make the learning process more compelling. Teaching
learning materials are interchangeably referred to as instructional materials or teaching aids.
In the contemporary educational landscape, where a student centric approach is prioritized, students
require an expanding array of materials to enhance their collaborative or independent learning
endeavours. The acronym 'TLM' assumes a pivotal role in fostering a deeper comprehension of the subject
Ty p e s o f Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l
Teaching learning materials (TLM) are instructional aids that support the teaching and learning
process. The types of TLM can vary based on the grade level of students, their cognitive
development, and the subject being taught. Here are some common types of teaching learning
materials categorized by grade level
E a r l y C h i l d h o o d E d u c a t i o n ( P r e s c h o o l a n d
K i n d e r g a r t e n )
Colourful and visually appealing flashcards for numbers, letters, shapes, and colours.
E a r l y C h i l d h o o d E d u c a t i o n ( P r e s c h o o l a n d
K i n d e r g a r t e n ) . . .
Simple and colourful storybooks to develop language skills and creativity.
Basic puzzles for fine motor skill development and problem solving.
For hands on activities and sensory play.
P r i m a r y G r a d e s ( 1 s t t o 5 t h G r a d e )
Charts and Posters:
Educational charts for subjects like mathematics, science, and language
Math manipulatives like counters, base ten blocks, and geometric shapes.
Models and Kits:
Science kits and models for hands on experiments and demonstrations.
Interactive Whiteboard Activities:
Educational software and interactive activities for smartboards..
M i d d l e S c h o o l ( 6 t h t o 8 t h G r a d e )
Lab Equipment:
Science lab equipment for more advanced experiments.
Maps and Globes:
Geography maps and globes for social studies..
Graphing Calculators:
Math tools for more complex mathematical concepts.
Educational Games:
Games that reinforce learning in various subjects..
H i g h S c h o o l ( 9 t h t o 1 2 t h G r a d e )
Text books:
Comprehensive textbooks for in depth study of subjects..
Reference Materials:
Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and other reference books..
Digital Resources:
Online simulations, videos, and eBooks for enhanced learning..
Advanced Lab Equipment:
Specialized equipment for advanced science experiments..
C o l l e g e a n d H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n
Research Journals:
Academic journals and research articles for in depth study.
Online Learning
Learning management systems and online courses.
Simulation Software:
Online simulations, videos, and eBooks for enhanced learning.
Library Resources:
Specialized equipment for advanced science experiments..
W h y D o W e N e e d Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l ?
Listed below are reasons why the use of Teaching Learning Materials is essential for the learning process:
1. Acquiring new concepts becomes more straightforward when students are provided with familiar
materials that are connected to the subject matter.
2. Young children are typically attracted to objects of different colors and sizes, expressing their interest
in manipulating these items in various ways. When introduced carefully, this contributes to the
development of a tendency to engage with a variety of objects, thereby enhancing creativity.
3. Teaching Learning Materials are indispensable for effective self-learning. Through the use of
appropriate materials, individuals can autonomously learn, maintaining complete control over the pace
of their learning.
4. The incorporation of Teaching Learning Materials makes teachers approachable, fostering a friendly
environment that significantly aids the learning process.
Q u a l i t i e s o f E f f e c t i v e Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g
R e s o u r c e s
• Outlined below are several characteristics indicative of wellcrafted Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs):
• TLMs ought to captivate the interest of children, employing aspects like size, vibrant colors (multicolored or vivid
and appealing color combinations), motion (such as moving toys), and, in some instances, incorporating sensory
elements like scent, taste, or sound to engage students.
• Familiarity with TLMs facilitates the introduction of new concepts, enabling children to manipulate these materials
adeptly for a meaningful grasp of novel ideas.
• The allure of TLMs is enhanced by their novelty, whether through unconventional materials or innovative
applications of common resources, rendering them more captivating.
• Practical utility is a crucial criterion; it is the effective application of the material that determines its efficacy.
• Versatile materials like dice, sticks, marbles, cubes, and flashcards can find applications across various subjects in
elementary school curricula, thereby increasing their popularity as TLMs in educational settings.
• The ease of handling materials, encompassing attributes such as durability, light weight, and safety (non-hazardous
for children), constitutes a pivotal trait, making such materials preferable in the teaching learning process.
M a n a g e m e n t o f Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l
( T L M )
Outlined below are various strategies for effectively overseeing Teaching Learning Material:
• Ensure the availability of a sufficient number of TLMs for students to freely use.
• If opting for locally available materials, assign a group of students to collect them and bring them to the classroom.
• Prior to the commencement of the session, gather all materials from the school store or other relevant sources.
• Utilize wall displays, floor activities, and materials positioned both inside and outside the classroom, such as gardens
and playgrounds, as learning resources.
• Establish a small team of students within your class who will take the lead in collecting, preparing, and maintaining
TLMs in the classroom. They should be entrusted with the responsibility of identifying the necessary TLMs before the
session starts and returning the materials to their designated storage places after the session concludes. The
composition of this group can be changed on a monthly basis.
• To facilitate proper upkeep, maintain a record (inventory book) of TLMs in your class. This will aid in identifying
damaged or lost items for prompt replacement.
• Conduct a monthly check of the TLM inventory and ensure that the storage area is appropriately organized and cleaned.
Learning Material Preparation Template
I. Introduction
Clearly define the purpose
and objectives of the learning
Target Audience
Identify the intended
audience and their background
Title of Learning Material
II. Learning Objectives
Main Objectives
Enumerate the overarching
goals of the learning material.
Specific Objectives
Break down main objectives
into specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, and
timebound (SMART) goals.
III. Content Outline
Module 1:[Topic]
1. Subtopic 1
2. Subtopic 2
Module 2: [Topic]
1. Subtopic 1
2. Subtopic 2
Required Materials
List any books, articles,
videos, or other resources
Supplementary Resources
Optional materials for further
Title of Learning Material...
VII. Schedule/Timeline
Week 1: [Topic]
Reading assignments
Online lectures
Week 2: [Topic]
Group activities
Assessment 1
V. Activities and Assessments
Interactive Activities
Include group discussions,
case studies, or hands on
Assessment Methods
Specify how learners'
understanding will be assessed
(quizzes, assignments,
Include rubrics or grading
IV. Learning Resources
VI. Instructional Design
Pedagogical Approach
Choose the instructional
method(s) that align with the
content and objectives (e.g.,
lecture, discussion, experiential
Plan for any visual aids,
multimedia, or presentation
Feedback Mechanisms
How will you collect feedback
from learners during and after
the learning process?
Outline plans for updating the
material based on feedback
and changes in the field.
Title of Learning Material...
X. References
List all the references used in
creating the learning
VIII. Feedback and
IX. Conclusion
Summarize key takeaways.
Provide guidance on what
learners can do next for further
I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n
The groundwork for instructional design was established in World War II, a period marked by the imperative to rapidly train
large numbers of individuals in highly specific tasks. To facilitate comprehension, intricate components of these tasks were
systematically deconstructed, enabling soldiers to grasp each step more effectively. Subsequently, this methodology was
expanded upon, giving rise to the evolution of instructional design as a distinct field of study. Instructional design integrates
principles from education, psychology, and communication to formulate optimal teaching strategies tailored to particular
student groups. This is crucial as it guarantees that students receive instructions in a manner that is both effective and
meaningful, enhancing their grasp of the presented topics and concepts.
In simple terms, instructional design involves crafting educational materials. However, it extends beyond mere material creation,
encompassing a thoughtful analysis of how individuals learn and determining the most suitable materials and methods to aid
them in reaching their academic objectives. The guiding principles of instructional design delve into the design, creation, and
delivery of educational tools for diverse learning groups, spanning from elementary school students to adult professionals in
various industries.
For those seeking specialization in instructional design, pursuing a Master of Science in Education (MSEd) with a focus on
Learning Design and Technology is an excellent choice.
I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n
This program equips educators and administrators with the skills to design, implement, and assess effective instructional
materials tailored to various types of learners. The versatility of the program makes it wellsuited for individuals in academia
aspiring to work in diverse educational settings. Moreover, students are encouraged to draw upon their own professional
experiences to construct a pertinent framework for the MSEd program.
I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n i n t h e R e a l W o r l d
Instructional designers are tasked with crafting and dispensing educational and training materials to
diverse learners through various mediums. Their scope spans traditional materials like handouts and
manuals, as well as modern eLearning technologies and multimedia. Their impact is evident not only
in academic settings, ranging from elementary schools to universities, but also extends to adult
training facilities and various industries such as healthcare, retail, and the military. According to
eLearning consultant Justin Ferriman, the role of an instructional designer is deemed essential in
every company.
Within the corporate landscape, instructional design assumes a crucial role that is often overlooked.
I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n i n t h e R e a l W o r l d
As companies implement new training programs, instructional designers systematically gather, process,
and analyze data to assess the effectiveness of employee education on newly introduced topics. If any
aspect of the training falls short of preestablished standards, instructional designers are tasked with
redesigning the course to ensure that learners comprehensively grasp the subject matter. This iterative
process contributes to the efficient functioning of companies and the prudent use of resources.
While instructional designers frequently collaborate within a team, their significance cannot be
overstated. Take, for instance, the development of an eLearning course, where an instructional designer
collaborates with a multimedia designer, eLearning developer, and a quality assurance employee.
Despite being part of a collaborative effort, studies indicate that the instructional designer shoulders 30
to 40 percent of the project's success.
Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s
Instructional design refers to the process of creating educational experiences and materials in a
systematic and efficient manner to facilitate learning. There are various models and approaches
to instructional design, each with its own set of principles and methodologies. Here are some
common types of instructional design
Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s
1. ADDIE Model
Analysis Identify the learning needs and goals.
Design Develop the overall structure and content.
Development Create the instructional materials.
Implementation Roll out the materials in the learning environment.
Evaluation Assess the effectiveness of the instruction and make improvements.
2. Dick and Carey Model
Instructional Design Analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate.
Systems Components Identify entry behaviors, instructional events, and transfer of learning.
3. SAM (Successive Approximation Model)
Preparation Define the project plan and understand the audience.
Iteration Develop a prototype and gather feedback.
Iteration Revise and refine the prototype based on feedback.
Iteration Repeat the process until the final product is achieved.
Launch Implement the final product.
Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s
5. Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
Gain Attention Introduce the lesson in a way that grabs the learners' attention.
Inform Learners of the Objectives Clearly state what they will be able to do after the instruction.
Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning Activate relevant prior knowledge.
Present the Content Deliver the instructional material.
Provide Learning Guidance Assist learners as they try to understand new content.
Elicit Performance Have learners apply what they've learned.
Provide Feedback Give feedback on performance.
Assess Performance Evaluate the learners' performance.
Enhance Retention and Transfer Encourage the application of knowledge or skills in new situations.
6. Rapid Prototyping
Design Quickly create a prototype of the instructional material.
Develop Build the prototype.
Evaluate Gather feedback on the prototype.
Revise Make necessary changes based on feedback.
Implement Deploy the final product.
Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s
7. Constructivist Design Models
Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning is centered around solving complex problems.
Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Learners actively explore and investigate topics to construct knowledge.
8. Agile Design
Iterative Development Emphasizes flexibility and responsiveness to change.
Collaboration Involves close collaboration between designers, developers, and stakeholders.
Feedback Loops Regularly gather feedback and make adjustments throughout the development process.
C o n t e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n
Constructivist Design Models Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning is centered around solving complex problems. Inquiry Based
Learning (IBL) Learners actively explore and investigate topics to construct knowledge. 8. Agile Design Iterative Development
Emphasizes flexibility and responsiveness to change. Collaboration Involves close collaboration between designers, developers, and
stakeholders. Feedback Loops Regularly gather feedback and make adjustments throughout the development process.
1. Clear Hierarchy: Establish a clear hierarchy to guide users through the information. Use headings, subheadings, and
other formatting elements to visually represent the structure of your content.
2. Logical Flow: Arrange your content in a logical order. Information should unfold in a way that makes sense to the
audience. Consider chronological order, alphabetical order, or order of importance, depending on the nature of the content.
3. Consistent Formatting: Maintain consistency in formatting throughout your content. Use the same font, font size, and
color scheme. Consistency creates a professional and cohesive look, making it easier for users to focus on the content itself.
4. Whitespace: Utilize whitespace strategically to improve readability and highlight important elements. Avoid clutter, and
give your content room to breathe.
5. Bullet Points and Lists: Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex information into digestible chunks.
Lists make it easier for readers to scan and comprehend content.
6. Visual Elements: Incorporate relevant visuals, such as images, charts, graphs, and infographics, to enhance
understanding. Visual elements can break up text and make the content more engaging.
7. Navigation: If applicable, provide clear navigation options. For websites, this could include a well-organized menu. In
documents, use a table of contents and page numbers. Help users easily find what they're looking for.
C o n t e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n
8. Call to Action (CTA): Clearly define any desired actions that users should take. Whether it's to make a purchase, sign up
for a newsletter, or explore further, a well-placed call to action can guide users through their journey.
9. Responsive Design: If your content is presented on different devices (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile), ensure it's optimized
for each. Responsive design adapts the layout and formatting to provide an optimal user experience.
10. Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from users or stakeholders to continually improve content organization.
Analyze user behavior, track metrics, and be open to making adjustments based on the data and feedback received.
11. Accessibility: Ensure that your content is accessible to users with disabilities. This includes providing alternative text for
images, using proper heading structures, and designing with consideration for various assistive technologies.
C o n t e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n
W r i t i n g S t y l e s
Writing styles encompass a wide range of approaches to expressing ideas, conveying information, or telling a story. Different
purposes, audiences, and contexts often call for distinct writing styles. Here are several common writing styles:
1. Descriptive:
- Purpose: To paint a vivid picture using sensory details.
- Example: The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the tranquil lake.
2. Narrative:
- Purpose: To tell a story with a clear plot and characters.
- Example: Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a curious young girl named Emily.
3. Expository:
- Purpose: To inform, explain, or describe a concept or topic.
- Example: The process of photosynthesis is crucial for the production of oxygen in plants.
4. Persuasive:
- Purpose: To convince the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action.
- Example: Renewable energy sources are essential for a sustainable future; let's invest in solar and wind power.
5. Argumentative:
- Purpose: Similar to persuasive, but with a focus on presenting and defending a specific argument.
- Example: The government should implement stricter regulations on carbon emissions to combat climate change.
W r i t i n g S t y l e s
6. Technical:
- Purpose: To communicate technical information clearly and concisely.
- Example: The software update enhances system stability and addresses security vulnerabilities.
7. Journalistic:
- Purpose: To report news in a concise, objective manner.
- Example: In a press release issued today, the company announced a merger with a leading technology firm.
8. Academic:
- Purpose: To present research findings or academic arguments.
- Example: The study's findings suggest a strong correlation between exercise and mental well-being.
9. Creative:
- Purpose: To express artistic or imaginative ideas.
- Example: The moon whispered secrets to the night, and the stars danced in response.
10. Formal:
- Purpose: To maintain a professional tone and adhere to conventions.
- Example: The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the document.
W r i t i n g S t y l e s
11. Informal:
- Purpose: To communicate in a casual, conversational manner.
- Example: Hey, wanna grab coffee later?
12. Poetic:
- Purpose: To evoke emotions and create a rhythmic, expressive language.
- Example: The autumn leaves whispered tales of change in the crisp, morning breeze.
13. Instructional:
- Purpose: To provide step-by-step guidance or directions.
- Example: To assemble the furniture, first, connect part A to part B using the provided screws.
W r i t i n g S t y l e s
V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
Visual and multimedia integration refer to the incorporation of various visual elements and multimedia components into a
larger context, such as a presentation, website, application, or any other form of communication. This integration aims to
enhance the overall user experience and convey information in a more engaging and effective manner. Here are some key
aspects to consider in visual and multimedia integration:
1. Graphics and Images:
- Utilize high-quality images, graphics, and illustrations to support and complement textual content.
- Ensure that visuals are relevant to the topic and help convey the intended message.
- Maintain a consistent visual style for a cohesive and professional appearance.
2. Videos and Animations:
- Incorporate videos and animations to explain complex concepts or demonstrate processes.
- Use multimedia elements strategically to capture and retain the audience's attention.
- Ensure that multimedia content is optimized for different devices and internet speeds.
3. Interactive Elements:
- Integrate interactive elements, such as clickable buttons, sliders, or quizzes, to actively engage users.
- Consider user feedback and interactions to enhance the overall user experience.
4. Color and Typography:
- Choose a color scheme that complements the overall theme and conveys the intended mood or message.
- Pay attention to font styles and sizes to ensure readability, especially across different devices.
V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
1. Graphics and Images:
- Utilize high-quality images, graphics, and illustrations to support and complement textual content.
- Ensure that visuals are relevant to the topic and help convey the intended message.
- Maintain a consistent visual style for a cohesive and professional appearance.
2. Videos and Animations:
- Incorporate videos and animations to explain complex concepts or demonstrate processes.
- Use multimedia elements strategically to capture and retain the audience's attention.
- Ensure that multimedia content is optimized for different devices and internet speeds.
3. Interactive Elements:
- Integrate interactive elements, such as clickable buttons, sliders, or quizzes, to actively engage users.
- Consider user feedback and interactions to enhance the overall user experience.
4. Color and Typography:
- Choose a color scheme that complements the overall theme and conveys the intended mood or message.
- Pay attention to font styles and sizes to ensure readability, especially across different devices.
V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
5. Data Visualization:
- Use charts, graphs, and other visualizations to present data in a clear and understandable format.
- Ensure that data visualizations are accurate and provide meaningful insights.
6. Responsive Design:
- Optimize visual and multimedia elements for different screen sizes and resolutions.
- Implement responsive design principles to create a seamless experience across various devices.
7. Accessibility:
- Ensure that multimedia content is accessible to individuals with disabilities.
- Provide alternative text for images, captions for videos, and other accessibility features.
8. Brand Consistency:
- Maintain consistency with your brand guidelines in terms of colors, logos, and overall visual identity.
- Create a unified and recognizable brand image across different platforms.
9. Loading Speed:
- Optimize multimedia elements to reduce loading times, ensuring a smooth user experience.
- Consider techniques like lazy loading for images and videos to prioritize critical content.
V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
10. Cross-Platform Compatibility:
- Test visual and multimedia elements on different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
- Address any issues related to responsiveness and performance.
V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
C o n t a c t u s :
h a f e e z k a u s a r. h a s h m i @ g m a i l . c o m
h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / k a u s a r 0 7 9 1
h t t p s : / / w w w. l i n k e d i n . c o m / i n / d r - h a f i z - k o s a r - 2 8 4 4 8 4 1 8 6 /
+ 9 2 - 3 1 4 - 3 2 0 5 5 7 1

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  • 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n t o L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l P r e p a r a t i o n DR.HAFIZ KOSAR
  • 2. 4 L e a r n i n g m a t e r i a l p r e p a r a t i o n Instructional Design Content Organization Writing Styles Visual and Multimedia Integration 3 2 1
  • 3. I n t r o d u c t i o n t o L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l P r e p a r a t i o n Educational instructors frequently employ various educational and linguistic tools and methods to engage students and provide high quality instruction. To enhance the learning experience, educators can leverage teaching learning materials, commonly known as TLMs. This presentation aims to provide comprehensive insights into teaching learning materials and related aspects. Teachers can elevate the appeal and significance of their classes by incorporating diverse articles or resources to complement their verbal explanations. The utilization of a wide array of materials has been proven to enhance conceptual understanding and make the learning process more compelling. Teaching learning materials are interchangeably referred to as instructional materials or teaching aids. In the contemporary educational landscape, where a student centric approach is prioritized, students require an expanding array of materials to enhance their collaborative or independent learning endeavours. The acronym 'TLM' assumes a pivotal role in fostering a deeper comprehension of the subject matter.
  • 4. Ty p e s o f Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l Teaching learning materials (TLM) are instructional aids that support the teaching and learning process. The types of TLM can vary based on the grade level of students, their cognitive development, and the subject being taught. Here are some common types of teaching learning materials categorized by grade level E a r l y C h i l d h o o d E d u c a t i o n ( P r e s c h o o l a n d K i n d e r g a r t e n ) Flashcards: 1 Colourful and visually appealing flashcards for numbers, letters, shapes, and colours.
  • 5. E a r l y C h i l d h o o d E d u c a t i o n ( P r e s c h o o l a n d K i n d e r g a r t e n ) . . . Storybooks: 2 Simple and colourful storybooks to develop language skills and creativity. Puzzles: 3 Basic puzzles for fine motor skill development and problem solving. Playdough: 4 For hands on activities and sensory play.
  • 6. P r i m a r y G r a d e s ( 1 s t t o 5 t h G r a d e ) Charts and Posters: 1 Educational charts for subjects like mathematics, science, and language arts.. Manipulatives: 2 Math manipulatives like counters, base ten blocks, and geometric shapes. Models and Kits: 3 Science kits and models for hands on experiments and demonstrations. Interactive Whiteboard Activities: 4 Educational software and interactive activities for smartboards..
  • 7. M i d d l e S c h o o l ( 6 t h t o 8 t h G r a d e ) Lab Equipment: 1 Science lab equipment for more advanced experiments. Maps and Globes: 2 Geography maps and globes for social studies.. Graphing Calculators: 3 Math tools for more complex mathematical concepts. Educational Games: 4 Games that reinforce learning in various subjects..
  • 8. H i g h S c h o o l ( 9 t h t o 1 2 t h G r a d e ) Text books: 1 Comprehensive textbooks for in depth study of subjects.. Reference Materials: 2 Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and other reference books.. Digital Resources: 3 Online simulations, videos, and eBooks for enhanced learning.. Advanced Lab Equipment: 4 Specialized equipment for advanced science experiments..
  • 9. C o l l e g e a n d H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n Research Journals: 1 Academic journals and research articles for in depth study. Online Learning Platforms: 2 Learning management systems and online courses. Simulation Software: 3 Online simulations, videos, and eBooks for enhanced learning. Library Resources: 4 Specialized equipment for advanced science experiments..
  • 10. W h y D o W e N e e d Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l ? Listed below are reasons why the use of Teaching Learning Materials is essential for the learning process: 1. Acquiring new concepts becomes more straightforward when students are provided with familiar materials that are connected to the subject matter. 2. Young children are typically attracted to objects of different colors and sizes, expressing their interest in manipulating these items in various ways. When introduced carefully, this contributes to the development of a tendency to engage with a variety of objects, thereby enhancing creativity. 3. Teaching Learning Materials are indispensable for effective self-learning. Through the use of appropriate materials, individuals can autonomously learn, maintaining complete control over the pace of their learning. 4. The incorporation of Teaching Learning Materials makes teachers approachable, fostering a friendly environment that significantly aids the learning process.
  • 11. Q u a l i t i e s o f E f f e c t i v e Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e s • Outlined below are several characteristics indicative of wellcrafted Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs): • TLMs ought to captivate the interest of children, employing aspects like size, vibrant colors (multicolored or vivid and appealing color combinations), motion (such as moving toys), and, in some instances, incorporating sensory elements like scent, taste, or sound to engage students. • Familiarity with TLMs facilitates the introduction of new concepts, enabling children to manipulate these materials adeptly for a meaningful grasp of novel ideas. • The allure of TLMs is enhanced by their novelty, whether through unconventional materials or innovative applications of common resources, rendering them more captivating. • Practical utility is a crucial criterion; it is the effective application of the material that determines its efficacy. • Versatile materials like dice, sticks, marbles, cubes, and flashcards can find applications across various subjects in elementary school curricula, thereby increasing their popularity as TLMs in educational settings. • The ease of handling materials, encompassing attributes such as durability, light weight, and safety (non-hazardous for children), constitutes a pivotal trait, making such materials preferable in the teaching learning process.
  • 12. M a n a g e m e n t o f Te a c h i n g L e a r n i n g M a t e r i a l ( T L M ) Outlined below are various strategies for effectively overseeing Teaching Learning Material: • Ensure the availability of a sufficient number of TLMs for students to freely use. • If opting for locally available materials, assign a group of students to collect them and bring them to the classroom. • Prior to the commencement of the session, gather all materials from the school store or other relevant sources. • Utilize wall displays, floor activities, and materials positioned both inside and outside the classroom, such as gardens and playgrounds, as learning resources. • Establish a small team of students within your class who will take the lead in collecting, preparing, and maintaining TLMs in the classroom. They should be entrusted with the responsibility of identifying the necessary TLMs before the session starts and returning the materials to their designated storage places after the session concludes. The composition of this group can be changed on a monthly basis. • To facilitate proper upkeep, maintain a record (inventory book) of TLMs in your class. This will aid in identifying damaged or lost items for prompt replacement. • Conduct a monthly check of the TLM inventory and ensure that the storage area is appropriately organized and cleaned.
  • 13. Learning Material Preparation Template I. Introduction Purpose: Clearly define the purpose and objectives of the learning material. Target Audience Identify the intended audience and their background knowledge. Title of Learning Material II. Learning Objectives Main Objectives Enumerate the overarching goals of the learning material. Specific Objectives Break down main objectives into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound (SMART) goals. III. Content Outline Module 1:[Topic] 1. Subtopic 1 Key concepts Examples Activities 2. Subtopic 2 Key concepts Examples Activities Module 2: [Topic] 1. Subtopic 1 Key concepts Examples Activities 2. Subtopic 2 Key concepts Examples Activities
  • 14. Required Materials List any books, articles, videos, or other resources needed. Supplementary Resources Optional materials for further exploration. Title of Learning Material... VII. Schedule/Timeline Week 1: [Topic] Reading assignments Online lectures Week 2: [Topic] Group activities Assessment 1 V. Activities and Assessments Interactive Activities Include group discussions, case studies, or hands on activities. Assessment Methods Specify how learners' understanding will be assessed (quizzes, assignments, projects). Include rubrics or grading criteria. IV. Learning Resources VI. Instructional Design Pedagogical Approach Choose the instructional method(s) that align with the content and objectives (e.g., lecture, discussion, experiential learning). Plan for any visual aids, multimedia, or presentation
  • 15. Feedback Mechanisms How will you collect feedback from learners during and after the learning process? Outline plans for updating the material based on feedback and changes in the field. Title of Learning Material... X. References List all the references used in creating the learning material. VIII. Feedback and Improvement IX. Conclusion Summary Summarize key takeaways. Provide guidance on what learners can do next for further learning.
  • 16. I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n The groundwork for instructional design was established in World War II, a period marked by the imperative to rapidly train large numbers of individuals in highly specific tasks. To facilitate comprehension, intricate components of these tasks were systematically deconstructed, enabling soldiers to grasp each step more effectively. Subsequently, this methodology was expanded upon, giving rise to the evolution of instructional design as a distinct field of study. Instructional design integrates principles from education, psychology, and communication to formulate optimal teaching strategies tailored to particular student groups. This is crucial as it guarantees that students receive instructions in a manner that is both effective and meaningful, enhancing their grasp of the presented topics and concepts. In simple terms, instructional design involves crafting educational materials. However, it extends beyond mere material creation, encompassing a thoughtful analysis of how individuals learn and determining the most suitable materials and methods to aid them in reaching their academic objectives. The guiding principles of instructional design delve into the design, creation, and delivery of educational tools for diverse learning groups, spanning from elementary school students to adult professionals in various industries. For those seeking specialization in instructional design, pursuing a Master of Science in Education (MSEd) with a focus on Learning Design and Technology is an excellent choice.
  • 17. I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n This program equips educators and administrators with the skills to design, implement, and assess effective instructional materials tailored to various types of learners. The versatility of the program makes it wellsuited for individuals in academia aspiring to work in diverse educational settings. Moreover, students are encouraged to draw upon their own professional experiences to construct a pertinent framework for the MSEd program. I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n i n t h e R e a l W o r l d Instructional designers are tasked with crafting and dispensing educational and training materials to diverse learners through various mediums. Their scope spans traditional materials like handouts and manuals, as well as modern eLearning technologies and multimedia. Their impact is evident not only in academic settings, ranging from elementary schools to universities, but also extends to adult training facilities and various industries such as healthcare, retail, and the military. According to eLearning consultant Justin Ferriman, the role of an instructional designer is deemed essential in every company. Within the corporate landscape, instructional design assumes a crucial role that is often overlooked.
  • 18. I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n i n t h e R e a l W o r l d As companies implement new training programs, instructional designers systematically gather, process, and analyze data to assess the effectiveness of employee education on newly introduced topics. If any aspect of the training falls short of preestablished standards, instructional designers are tasked with redesigning the course to ensure that learners comprehensively grasp the subject matter. This iterative process contributes to the efficient functioning of companies and the prudent use of resources. While instructional designers frequently collaborate within a team, their significance cannot be overstated. Take, for instance, the development of an eLearning course, where an instructional designer collaborates with a multimedia designer, eLearning developer, and a quality assurance employee. Despite being part of a collaborative effort, studies indicate that the instructional designer shoulders 30 to 40 percent of the project's success. Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s Instructional design refers to the process of creating educational experiences and materials in a systematic and efficient manner to facilitate learning. There are various models and approaches to instructional design, each with its own set of principles and methodologies. Here are some common types of instructional design
  • 19. Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s 1. ADDIE Model Analysis Identify the learning needs and goals. Design Develop the overall structure and content. Development Create the instructional materials. Implementation Roll out the materials in the learning environment. Evaluation Assess the effectiveness of the instruction and make improvements. 2. Dick and Carey Model Instructional Design Analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. Systems Components Identify entry behaviors, instructional events, and transfer of learning. 3. SAM (Successive Approximation Model) Preparation Define the project plan and understand the audience. Iteration Develop a prototype and gather feedback. Iteration Revise and refine the prototype based on feedback. Iteration Repeat the process until the final product is achieved. Launch Implement the final product.
  • 20. Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s 5. Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction Gain Attention Introduce the lesson in a way that grabs the learners' attention. Inform Learners of the Objectives Clearly state what they will be able to do after the instruction. Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning Activate relevant prior knowledge. Present the Content Deliver the instructional material. Provide Learning Guidance Assist learners as they try to understand new content. Elicit Performance Have learners apply what they've learned. Provide Feedback Give feedback on performance. Assess Performance Evaluate the learners' performance. Enhance Retention and Transfer Encourage the application of knowledge or skills in new situations. 6. Rapid Prototyping Design Quickly create a prototype of the instructional material. Develop Build the prototype. Evaluate Gather feedback on the prototype. Revise Make necessary changes based on feedback. Implement Deploy the final product.
  • 21. Ty p e s o f I n s t r u c t i o n a l D e s i g n s 7. Constructivist Design Models Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning is centered around solving complex problems. Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Learners actively explore and investigate topics to construct knowledge. 8. Agile Design Iterative Development Emphasizes flexibility and responsiveness to change. Collaboration Involves close collaboration between designers, developers, and stakeholders. Feedback Loops Regularly gather feedback and make adjustments throughout the development process. . C o n t e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n Constructivist Design Models Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning is centered around solving complex problems. Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Learners actively explore and investigate topics to construct knowledge. 8. Agile Design Iterative Development Emphasizes flexibility and responsiveness to change. Collaboration Involves close collaboration between designers, developers, and stakeholders. Feedback Loops Regularly gather feedback and make adjustments throughout the development process.
  • 22. 1. Clear Hierarchy: Establish a clear hierarchy to guide users through the information. Use headings, subheadings, and other formatting elements to visually represent the structure of your content. 2. Logical Flow: Arrange your content in a logical order. Information should unfold in a way that makes sense to the audience. Consider chronological order, alphabetical order, or order of importance, depending on the nature of the content. 3. Consistent Formatting: Maintain consistency in formatting throughout your content. Use the same font, font size, and color scheme. Consistency creates a professional and cohesive look, making it easier for users to focus on the content itself. 4. Whitespace: Utilize whitespace strategically to improve readability and highlight important elements. Avoid clutter, and give your content room to breathe. 5. Bullet Points and Lists: Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex information into digestible chunks. Lists make it easier for readers to scan and comprehend content. 6. Visual Elements: Incorporate relevant visuals, such as images, charts, graphs, and infographics, to enhance understanding. Visual elements can break up text and make the content more engaging. 7. Navigation: If applicable, provide clear navigation options. For websites, this could include a well-organized menu. In documents, use a table of contents and page numbers. Help users easily find what they're looking for. . C o n t e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n
  • 23. 8. Call to Action (CTA): Clearly define any desired actions that users should take. Whether it's to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or explore further, a well-placed call to action can guide users through their journey. 9. Responsive Design: If your content is presented on different devices (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile), ensure it's optimized for each. Responsive design adapts the layout and formatting to provide an optimal user experience. 10. Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from users or stakeholders to continually improve content organization. Analyze user behavior, track metrics, and be open to making adjustments based on the data and feedback received. 11. Accessibility: Ensure that your content is accessible to users with disabilities. This includes providing alternative text for images, using proper heading structures, and designing with consideration for various assistive technologies. . C o n t e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n W r i t i n g S t y l e s Writing styles encompass a wide range of approaches to expressing ideas, conveying information, or telling a story. Different purposes, audiences, and contexts often call for distinct writing styles. Here are several common writing styles:
  • 24. 1. Descriptive: - Purpose: To paint a vivid picture using sensory details. - Example: The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the tranquil lake. 2. Narrative: - Purpose: To tell a story with a clear plot and characters. - Example: Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a curious young girl named Emily. 3. Expository: - Purpose: To inform, explain, or describe a concept or topic. - Example: The process of photosynthesis is crucial for the production of oxygen in plants. 4. Persuasive: - Purpose: To convince the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. - Example: Renewable energy sources are essential for a sustainable future; let's invest in solar and wind power. 5. Argumentative: - Purpose: Similar to persuasive, but with a focus on presenting and defending a specific argument. - Example: The government should implement stricter regulations on carbon emissions to combat climate change. W r i t i n g S t y l e s
  • 25. 6. Technical: - Purpose: To communicate technical information clearly and concisely. - Example: The software update enhances system stability and addresses security vulnerabilities. 7. Journalistic: - Purpose: To report news in a concise, objective manner. - Example: In a press release issued today, the company announced a merger with a leading technology firm. 8. Academic: - Purpose: To present research findings or academic arguments. - Example: The study's findings suggest a strong correlation between exercise and mental well-being. 9. Creative: - Purpose: To express artistic or imaginative ideas. - Example: The moon whispered secrets to the night, and the stars danced in response. 10. Formal: - Purpose: To maintain a professional tone and adhere to conventions. - Example: The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the document. W r i t i n g S t y l e s
  • 26. 11. Informal: - Purpose: To communicate in a casual, conversational manner. - Example: Hey, wanna grab coffee later? 12. Poetic: - Purpose: To evoke emotions and create a rhythmic, expressive language. - Example: The autumn leaves whispered tales of change in the crisp, morning breeze. 13. Instructional: - Purpose: To provide step-by-step guidance or directions. - Example: To assemble the furniture, first, connect part A to part B using the provided screws. . W r i t i n g S t y l e s V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n Visual and multimedia integration refer to the incorporation of various visual elements and multimedia components into a larger context, such as a presentation, website, application, or any other form of communication. This integration aims to enhance the overall user experience and convey information in a more engaging and effective manner. Here are some key aspects to consider in visual and multimedia integration:
  • 27. 1. Graphics and Images: - Utilize high-quality images, graphics, and illustrations to support and complement textual content. - Ensure that visuals are relevant to the topic and help convey the intended message. - Maintain a consistent visual style for a cohesive and professional appearance. 2. Videos and Animations: - Incorporate videos and animations to explain complex concepts or demonstrate processes. - Use multimedia elements strategically to capture and retain the audience's attention. - Ensure that multimedia content is optimized for different devices and internet speeds. 3. Interactive Elements: - Integrate interactive elements, such as clickable buttons, sliders, or quizzes, to actively engage users. - Consider user feedback and interactions to enhance the overall user experience. 4. Color and Typography: - Choose a color scheme that complements the overall theme and conveys the intended mood or message. - Pay attention to font styles and sizes to ensure readability, especially across different devices. V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
  • 28. 1. Graphics and Images: - Utilize high-quality images, graphics, and illustrations to support and complement textual content. - Ensure that visuals are relevant to the topic and help convey the intended message. - Maintain a consistent visual style for a cohesive and professional appearance. 2. Videos and Animations: - Incorporate videos and animations to explain complex concepts or demonstrate processes. - Use multimedia elements strategically to capture and retain the audience's attention. - Ensure that multimedia content is optimized for different devices and internet speeds. 3. Interactive Elements: - Integrate interactive elements, such as clickable buttons, sliders, or quizzes, to actively engage users. - Consider user feedback and interactions to enhance the overall user experience. 4. Color and Typography: - Choose a color scheme that complements the overall theme and conveys the intended mood or message. - Pay attention to font styles and sizes to ensure readability, especially across different devices. V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
  • 29. 5. Data Visualization: - Use charts, graphs, and other visualizations to present data in a clear and understandable format. - Ensure that data visualizations are accurate and provide meaningful insights. 6. Responsive Design: - Optimize visual and multimedia elements for different screen sizes and resolutions. - Implement responsive design principles to create a seamless experience across various devices. 7. Accessibility: - Ensure that multimedia content is accessible to individuals with disabilities. - Provide alternative text for images, captions for videos, and other accessibility features. 8. Brand Consistency: - Maintain consistency with your brand guidelines in terms of colors, logos, and overall visual identity. - Create a unified and recognizable brand image across different platforms. 9. Loading Speed: - Optimize multimedia elements to reduce loading times, ensuring a smooth user experience. - Consider techniques like lazy loading for images and videos to prioritize critical content. V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
  • 30. 10. Cross-Platform Compatibility: - Test visual and multimedia elements on different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility. - Address any issues related to responsiveness and performance. V i s u a l A n d M u l t i m e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n
  • 31. THANK YOU C o n t a c t u s : h a f e e z k a u s a r. h a s h m i @ g m a i l . c o m h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / k a u s a r 0 7 9 1 h t t p s : / / w w w. l i n k e d i n . c o m / i n / d r - h a f i z - k o s a r - 2 8 4 4 8 4 1 8 6 / + 9 2 - 3 1 4 - 3 2 0 5 5 7 1