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A Laboratory Method for Studying Activity Awareness
Gregorio Convertino (1)
, Dennis C. Neale (2)
, Laurian Hobby (2)
John M. Carroll (1)
and Mary Beth Rosson (1)
School of Information Science and Technology,
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
{gconvertino, jcarroll, mrosson}
+1 814 863 2476
Center for Human-Computer Interaction,
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
{dneale, lhobby}
+1 540 231 7542
Many failures in long-term collaboration occur because of a
lack of activity awareness. Activity awareness is a broad
concept that involves awareness of synchronous and
asynchronous interactions over extended time periods. We
describe a procedure to evaluate activity awareness and
collaborative activities in a controlled setting. The activities
used are modeled on real-world collaborations documented
earlier in a field study. We developed an experimental
method to study these activity awareness problems in the
laboratory. Participants worked on a simulated long-term
project in the laboratory over multiple experimental
sessions with a confederate, who partially scripted activities
and probes. We present evidence showing that this method
represents a valid model of real collaboration, based on
participants' active engagement, lively negotiation, and
awareness difficulties. We found that having the ability to
define, reproduce, and systematically manipulate
collaborative situations allowed us to assess the effect of
realistic conditions on activity awareness in remote
Author Keywords
Awareness, activity awareness, coordination, CSCW
ACM Classification Keywords
H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):
Evaluation is crucial to both designers and researchers: it
allows the former to verify that a design proposal meets
users’ requirements, and gives the latter an opportunity to
formulate and refine their theories and models of human-
computer interaction (HCI). For user-centered design in
general, design and evaluation methods have evolved in
parallel. However, in computer-supported cooperative work
(CSCW), considerable effort has been put into the design of
new systems, with much less attention to the systematic
evaluation of CSCW systems [26]. This deficiency in
methodology may be due to the intrinsic complexity that
characterizes processes, products, and contexts of
collaboration [13]. Additionally, a fundamental limitation
of existing approaches to evaluate distributed CSCW
systems is that they tend to be method-driven rather than
theory-driven. Consequently, they do not sufficiently
inform researchers about how specific methods map to
specific constructs in CSCW, and what critical questions
should be answered [21].
Researchers in HCI have developed precise methods for
evaluating interactions between an individual and a
computer — for example: controlled experiments, time and
error studies of human performance, and mathematical
models of human behavior (e.g. Fitts’ Law). But for
CSCW researchers, there remain many open questions
concerning how if at all collaboration can be studied with
cost-effective methods and in controlled settings without
compromising the ecological validity of the studied
In this paper, we describe a method developed to evaluate
collaborative activities in a controlled setting. The activities
invoked are modeled on real world collaborations
documented earlier in a field study. More specifically, we
developed the laboratory methods to study a pervasive
collaborative phenomenon that impacts the success of
CSCW systems - activity awareness [4]. Activity awareness
subsumes the prior notions of awareness in collaboration
(e.g., workspace awareness or awareness of asynchronous
collaboration) and refers to the understanding that
collaborators have of prior, current, and future activity.
Although we designed and implemented a method to study
activity awareness, this approach can be used to study other
aspects of collaboration that are heavily dependent on
context and that arise during extended collaboration
Typically, the rich interactions of collaborative work are
examined through field studies and ethnographic methods.
On one hand, these observational methods are essential for
understanding authentic practices, but on the other they
demand large investments of resources and time.
Additionally, field methods do not lend themselves to direct
manipulation or control of the studied phenomena (a field
study may allow for process or system changes to be
studied, but it is often indirect, uncontrolled, and slow to
produce results). To investigate the relationships between
specific contextual events, such as collaborative
breakdowns and their effect on collaborative phenomena
(awareness, coordination, common ground, and planning),
we need research methods that allow systematic
investigation of such relationships within semi-naturalistic
controlled settings.
Researchers emphasize that CSCW evaluation should occur
in the context of actual use [31, 25]. Unfortunately,
fieldwork evaluation does not mesh well with fast paced
system development lifecycles. The procedures adopted in
the field are often opportunistic and based on informal
evaluation sessions [31]. As a result, CSCW systems have
failed to a much greater degree than single-user systems
due to inadequate usability feedback, and more importantly,
feedback concerning the proposed functionality.
One approach to more systematic CSCW evaluation is to
simulate real usage conditions: evaluate functionality and
usability in semi-controlled conditions designed to mirror
real-world contexts. Given the difficulty of reproducing
such a realistic setting, researchers in CSCW have recently
developed discount evaluation methods extending the
methods developed for individual-based applications to
collaborative systems (basic inspection [29]; cognitive
walkthrough [23]; heuristic evaluation [2]). Specifically,
some authors [14, 2] have advocated the use of heuristic
evaluation methods customized for groupware systems.
Instead of studying real work situations, groupware systems
can be evaluated by experts with reference to a set of
CSCW usability principles – usage issues influencing the
mechanics of collaboration [2]. Others have proposed new
modeling techniques, such as Collaboration Usability
Analysis [24] (a task analysis technique for studying
teamwork), to provide evaluators with new analysis
schemes that are appropriate for groupware usability
Discount evaluation methods are an important
methodological contribution because they promote savings
in costs and allow evaluation to take place during early
development, when there is no operational prototype for
users to test in real work settings [24]. However, they are
unlikely to be sufficient to support the full evaluation
“lifecycle” of CSCW systems. For example, Cockton and
Woolrych have discussed several methodological problems
with discount usability evaluation methods [6]. They
suggest that evaluation methods should be judged not
simply for their benefits (e.g., rapid feedback), but also for
their cost and risk of error (e.g., poor ecological validity).
Continuing this general argument, we propose that
controlled laboratory methods should be judged with
respect to both their benefits (control and precision) and
risks (poor ecological validity). More specifically, we argue
that by modeling laboratory tasks on field observations and
simulating them in controlled settings, we can obtain the
benefits of a laboratory study, while at the same time
reduce our risk of missing important properties relevant to
real system usage.
To address CSCW evaluation in all stages of development,
we present a laboratory method that was conceived as part
of a larger research paradigm to study collaborative
activities through both field and laboratory studies.
Although the laboratory methods are grounded in the results
of field research, ultimately we propose a research
paradigm that is bidirectional: laboratory studies should be
able to inform field studies and vice versa. We believe that
doing research on collaboration by interleaving lab and
field studies will increase the heuristic potential of both
methodologies, offset the drawbacks of individual methods
[19, 3], and reveal new important aspects of the studied
phenomena – in this case activity awareness. In this paper,
we describe our first instantiation of the laboratory method
and show that it is a valid CSCW experimental approach.
The CSCW problem domain we used to instantiate and
validate our laboratory methods was the study of the high-
level and complex collaborative phenomenon of activity
awareness [4].
Adopting the notion of activity to study awareness in
collaborative work requires a conceptual shift from a
knowledge-centered to an activity-centered perspective.
Several studies that have investigated awareness in
individuals and teams have focused on knowledge
representations that underlie awareness (e.g., theorizations
on situation awareness by Endsley [9] and Salas [27]).
These studies have focuses on individual and shared mental
models as precursor products of team’s awareness. We
argue that the notion of shared mental models attributes
more emphasis to convergence than divergence among
team members [20] and characterizes teamwork through its
products (knowledge) rather than group process. This
reduces the explanatory power that this theoretic approach
has on the complex and dynamic phenomenon of
awareness. In fact, awareness is not only dependent on
shared knowledge and common ground, but is also directly
related to members’ coping with divergent views, resolving
conflicts and uncertainty, adapting to changes over time,
and understanding how current activities fit with prior
activities, future plans, members’ roles, norms in the group,
and in the larger socio-organizational context.
Understanding, defining, and operationalizing the many
roles of awareness in collaboration is a key problem for the
success of CSCW systems [16]. Much of the research in
this area has focused on social (who is present) and action
(what is s/he doing) awareness. However, field observations
have shown that even when social and action awareness are
supported, many disruptive awareness breakdowns still
occur. Most of these problems can be attributed to the lack
of activity awareness [4]. Activity awareness refers to
people’s ability to get and maintain “the big picture” about
the ongoing collaboration while they are working together
on long-term projects. Activity awareness is a precondition
for effective communication, planning, coordination,
decision-making, and actions during long-term
With respect to the other concerns about awareness in
CSCW research (e.g., workspace and social awareness),
activity awareness is articulated at a higher level of
analysis. Thus, it has a larger scope since it pertains to the
understanding of the overall activity being performed in the
collaboration. Drawing from the conceptualization of
activity in activity theory [18], we consider an activity as a
sequence of actions, directed towards a goal or object,
mediated by tools, and situated in many embedded contexts
(e.g., work practices, culture, organizational structures,
interpersonal relations). Activity awareness pertains to
group activity that takes place over an extended period of
time. This implies that in order to maintain awareness of the
entire activity, the group members need to develop and
maintain common understanding of shared goals, plans,
norms and roles; monitor the resources over time; and
remain aware of the actual status of the execution of the
group activity and its relationship with the prior aspects.
Little empirical research has been conducted on activity
awareness. Several authors have proposed different
categories of awareness: peripheral, situational, informal,
group, social, workspace, etc. However, in order to
efficiently support synchronous and asynchronous
collaboration within long-term planned activities, we need a
broader view of awareness that interprets the multiple
categories of awareness and their evolution in the larger
context of activities. Because activity awareness implies an
extended collaboration process, it was an ideal candidate
for exploring our new laboratory methods. In this initial
investigation, we began by modeling and studying activity
awareness breakdowns observed from a field setting [4].
The field study that grounded our laboratory work involved
inter-classroom collaboration in a long-term school project.
Small groups of middle school students, typically 3 students
using one computer, were paired across two different
classrooms (6th
and 8th
grades) and collaborated remotely on
a science project. The remote collaboration was supported
through the BRIDGE software, a Java-based collaborative
system [11], which provided the users with planning tools
(calendar and timeline) and a collaborative multimedia
notebook [4]. A multifaceted evaluation framework was
adopted to identify factors that disrupted or contributed to
activity awareness, and data was collected about the process
and outcomes of collaboration [22].
We analyzed our field study records to categorize the
circumstances under which activity awareness breakdowns
occurred. On this basis, we developed a set of collaborative
scenarios to be used in our laboratory study. For example,
we found that collaborative breakdowns are distributed
across collaborators and contexts and often involve multiple
people and actions to identify and repair. They inherently
involve events with interdependencies and multiple
consequences for different collaborators. Situation, group,
task, and tool factors were identified as four fundamental
categories classifying activity awareness problems.
Leveraging this framework and its ability to identify
activity awareness problems occurring in similar contexts,
we modeled the scenarios used in this research on these
four factors.
A total of seven scenarios were used in the lab study (Table
1). Each involved the participation of a confederate [7, 33]
who was a trained research assistant playing the part of a
remote collaborator. In the first scenario, Tool Use, the
confederate simply encouraged the participant to use a
planning tool. Each of the remaining scenarios then
“implemented” a typical awareness breakdown observed in
the field [4], and corresponded to one of the factors
identified in the fieldwork analysis: situation, group, task,
and tool (Table 1, second column). The scenario introduced
the breakdowns through a combination of instructions to the
confederate and changes made to the collaborative
environment (i.e., before beginning a given session).
Additional Work and Task Data Changes were determined
by alterations in the length and the content of the task
respectively (task factors); Schedule Changes and
Completion Failure were motivated by changes in the class
schedule and unavailability of internet connection
(situational factors); Role Changes was implemented as the
partner’s tendency to work alone combined with
uncertainty about the partner’s abilities (group dynamics);
Tool Changes was determined by the individual decision of
putting data in a different tool (tool factors). These
scenarios describe unexpected changes occurring within
specific collaborative contexts.
Based on the data collected from the field study, we
developed a method that allows simulating and
manipulating authentic collaborative situations in a
laboratory setting. This method is characterized by three
major properties:
1. The use of authentic tasks and collaborative situations
2. The use of a confederate
3. The use of multiple collaborative sessions over time
The first characteristic refers to collaborative scenarios that
were developed from field observations. This aspect of the
lab method directly supports ecologic validity of the
collaborative context and the realism of the tasks performed
during the collaboration. The second characteristic was
introduced to reduce the sources of variability in the
laboratory setting and to control and manipulate the setting
systematically. The third characteristic was motivated by
the necessity to study realistic long-term activities and the
factors that influence the way these activities unfold. By
using realistic long-term activities, we can investigate the
evolution of complex phenomena (i.e. planning and activity
awareness). In fact, long-term collaboration requires users
to be aware of state information about the workspace and
the shared plans that constantly change within and between
the collaborative sessions.
Participants and laboratory setting
The participants were six 7th and 8th graders (P1… P6):
three females and three males. They participated in four
weekly laboratory sessions in which they had to collaborate
through a CSCW system (described below, see Figure 1)
with another student (the confederate) on a group project.
During the four sessions they had to complete an
environmental project (Environmental Quality by NeoSCI
Corporation). Each session lasted approximately one hour.
The laboratory setting is an important component of our
method. The participant and the confederate were located in
separate rooms. Both were able to talk to the experimenter
through a microphone and a video camera, and they were
both able to hear the experimenter through computer
speakers. The experimenter had visual and auditory access
to both participant and confederate, and was able to switch
the audio communication between the two. Through the use
of four screens (two displaying the participant’s and
confederate’s collaborative workspace, and two showing
their interaction captured from the video cameras), the
experimenter could give personalized instructions, take
time-stamped notes, and guide the sessions. The
experimenter also had his own computer station running a
Groove client (Figure 1). This allowed the experimenter to
access the collaborative workspace and intervene when
necessary. The confederate and participant could not see or
hear each other, and both were physically separated from
the experimenter. In the context of a realistic collaborative
situation, this setting allows the experimenter to monitor
and influence the participant or confederate individually
without impacting the other.
Figure 1. Groove workspace [12]. The major components of
the user interface: buddy list (A), planning tool (B), the actual
set of tools hierarchically organized within a large tabbed
panel (C), and the chat tool (D). Several awareness features
are supported (e.g., small pop-ups and notifications inform the
user about partners' movements through the workspace or
when they are typing a new message (E)).
Scenario Breakdown
What the confederate (C)
does in the scenario
Tool Use
Tool factors:
the planning
tool is used
The confederate (C) encourages
the use of a planning tool
Task factors:
the task is
C completes additional work
because of new teachers’
instructions: 3 additional
vocabulary terms were added
factors: the
class schedule
C changes the dates in the
planning tool: two dates were
changed in the planning tool
because the class schedule
of the internet
C fails to complete a task
because of local contingencies:
additional information was not
gathered from the Web
dynamics: a
task is executed
ahead of
C executes a task ahead of
schedule because of his habit to
work alone and uncertainty
with the partner’s abilities
Task Data
Task factors:
the content of
the task
C executes a task because of
new teachers’ instructions: the
levels of pollutant considered
were different from what is
listed in the activity guide
Tool Change
Tool factors:
the task is
completed in a
different tool
C completes a task in a tool that
is different from the one they
had previously agreed on
Table 1. Scenarios summarized by breakdown factor and
confederate’s activities.
Tool and tasks
The participants collaborated on a long-term project
through Groove, a computer-supported collaborative tool.
This is a groupware system that supports asynchronous and
synchronous collaboration through a shared workspace [12]
(Figure 1).
The group project included the following collaborative
activities that were conducted in the Groove workspace:
Getting Acquainted (responding to questions about personal
experiences with environmental problems); Identifying the
Problem (identifying the overall goal of the project);
Developing a Plan (planning the activities for the entire
project); Vocabulary (defining a small set of scientific
terms); Research Questions (identifying the questions to be
investigated); Web Research (collecting relevant
information from the Web); Develop and Conduct two lab
studies (collecting lab data about acid rain and water);
Organize, Graph, and Analyze Data (presenting the data
collected in the laboratories studies and from the Web);
Draw Conclusions and Final Report (reporting about the
whole project).
Based on the categorization of activity awareness problems
that emerged from the fieldwork [4], we developed a set of
scenarios that modeled the circumstances in which
awareness breakdowns occurred (see the section “Modeling
real-world context”). The scenarios were simulated through
the confederate, who followed loosely scripted activities
during the four collaborative sessions. The confederate
played the role of a middle school student of the same age
and gender. The use of pairs of the same gender allowed
mitigating any confounding dynamics that could occur
among males and females students of this age group.
Here we provide an example of a script used by the
confederate to simulate the scenario ‘Schedule Changes’.
Scenario: Schedule Changes. Because of a change in the teacher’s
planning of class activities, the dates of two activities in the project
manager have been changed.
The day after your meeting with your partner, your teacher has decided
to swap the order of two class activities. Both of these activities are
related to the work you are doing in the project. Since she requires you
to perform the project task in parallel with the related class activity, she
has asked you to adjust the plan about the lab activities. Following her
suggestion, you have changed the schedule regarding the two activities
in the Project Manager.
Experimental procedure
This section describes the organization of the four sessions
(Table 2). In the first session, after signing the informed
consent, the participant was informed that s/he was going to
work with another middle school student who was located
in a neighboring school. The participant then read a
description of the experimental procedure and a brief
outline of the project activities. After s/he was trained on
how to use the workspace, s/he was given a demonstration
on how to think-aloud during the session.
The tasks to be accomplished during the first collaborative
session included three activities: Getting Acquainted,
Identifying the Problem, and Developing a Plan.
During the other three collaborative sessions, the
participants and the confederate had to plan their work for
the week and perform the scheduled activities. In the time
interval between the collaborative sessions, the participants
did not have to actually do the work. Instead, they received
all their work for each session when they arrived. This
simulated the work and allowed for a greater level of
control. The schedule followed during the four sessions is
summarized in Table 2.
Sessions Activities within and
between sessions
Session 1:
1. the participant received:
a) detailed information
about the project,
b) basic training on how to
use Groove workspace and
the think-aloud technique.
2. collaborative session
All participants were
exposed to the scenario Tool
The participant received the
tasks already accomplished
by email and read it
The workspace was modified
according to the scenarios
run in the second session.
Session 2:
1. the participant was asked
to insert her/his work in the
workspace and then explore
whole the content
2. collaborative session
All participants but P1 were
exposed to the scenarios:
Task Expands a n d
Schedule Changes
The participant received the
tasks already accomplished
by email and read it
The workspace was modified
according to the scenarios
run in the third session.
Session 3:
1. the participant was asked
to insert her/his work in the
workspace and then explore
the whole content.
2. collaborative session
All participants were
exposed to one or more of
the scenarios Completion
Failure, Role Changes, and
Task Data Changes
The participant received the
tasks already accomplished
by email and read it
The workspace was modified
according to the scenarios
run in the fourth session.
Session 4:
1. the participant was asked
to insert her/his work in the
workspace and then explore
the whole content.
2. collaborative session
3. questionnaire, interview
All participants were
exposed to one or both the
scenarios C o m p l e t i o n
Failure and Role Changes.
after the
The participant was paid
and was informed about the
Table 2. Collaborative sessions and scenarios schedule. The
table summarizes the schedule of activities performed (second
column) and scenarios run (third column) by session.
At the end of each session the participants were asked for
informal feedback regarding the recent session. At the end
of the experiment, the participants filled out a questionnaire
and participated in an interview. Finally, participants were
compensated $20 for their participation and were debriefed.
Before the experiment, the confederate was trained to
simulate the scripted scenarios using Groove, (i.e. the
experimenter acted as a subject and the confederate worked
with the system to complete the script). Moreover, before
each collaborative session the confederate reviewed the
scripts for each scenario (Table 1) scheduled and then
discussed with the experimenter how to flexibly adapt the
scripts to the specific participant. Except for the first
scenario, each scenario was scheduled in accordance with
the plan of the activities defined by the participant and
confederate dyad (see third column on Table 2).
Data collection and analysis
Multiple data collection techniques were used. During each
session, the interaction between participant and confederate
was synchronously monitored and recorded using video
cameras and a screen-capture tool. Both participant and
confederate used the think-aloud method to inform the
experimenter about what was occurring during the session.
A session-by-session logging captured changes to the
workspace and the tasks assigned. The confederate also
made notes during the experiment. Finally, a small
questionnaire (Table 3) was given and a semi-structured
interview was administered at the end of the last session.
We also used contextual inquiry to interview the
participants during the collaborative sessions.
We conducted three different types of analysis on the data
collected: analysis by scenarios, questionnaire and
interview, and breakdown analysis.
In the analysis by scenario, the participant’s activity
awareness was assessed with respect to the changes (related
to situation, people, task, and tool) occurring in each
collaborative scenario. Two judges, both graduate HCI
researchers, conducted the assessment for the level of
awareness in participants by adhering to the following
coding scheme:
1. Participants were evaluated ‘fully aware’ when they
had spontaneously noticed the inconsistencies.
2. They were evaluated ‘partially aware’ if they noticed
the inconsistencies after being prompted by the
confederate or the experimenter.
3. They were considered ‘unaware’ in all remaining
In the case of ‘fully aware’, the participant directly (e.g.
through explicit statements) or indirectly (e.g. through
related comments or actions) showed that s/he was
conscious of the changes that occurred in a specific
scenario. In the second and third cases, the participant did
not become spontaneously aware after being exposed to the
change. It was only after s/he moved on to another activity
that was unrelated to the scenario, that s/he was given one
prompt (through a comment or a question) from either the
experimenter or the confederate (directed by the
experimenter). If the participant then provided any direct or
indirect signs of being aware then s/he was evaluated as
‘partially aware’. Otherwise, the participant was considered
The questionnaire (Table 3) contains thirteen statements
about activity awareness using a 7-point Likert-type scale
modeled on the rating scales proposed by Watts et al. [31].
A follow-up semi-structured interview was also used to
collect qualitative data from the questionnaire
(interpretation and reasons for the answers to each item)
and to gather some additional issues that had emerged
during the experiment.
The breakdown analysis was conducted with explicit
definitions of breakdown and critical incident. A
collaborative breakdown occurs in an interaction when the
expectations of one participant do not match with the action
of another [34, 8]. Partially overlapping with this concept,
we consider critical incidents as behaviors and experiences
leading to surprisingly bad or good results [10].
Consistently with the evaluation framework used for the
analysis of the breakdown in fieldwork [4], we considered
that these breakdowns might be determined by different
classes of factors: situational (environment), group (users
and their roles), task (plans), and tool (tools and
workspace). Using this evaluation framework, the two
judges analyzed the communication transcripts to identify
instances of collaborative breakdowns and critical incidents
and to classify them according to the framework. Then the
judges compared, discussed, and agreed upon each case.
In this section we present a collection of results that support
the validity of this laboratory method for studying activity
awareness. The validity of the method is assessed by
comparing the results of our study (collected through the
three types of analyses) to what we observed in the field. If
the results of this method are representative of what occurs
in the field, then the initial stages of validating the method
will have been achieved. From the scenario analysis, we
observed several attributes of real collaboration occurring
across the four sessions. The participants appeared visibly
interested in the activities and generally motivated to work
with their partner (only one participant was noticeably less
interested in the topic, but this appeared to be due to
personal factors of the participant). For example, in
response to the Tool Use scenario, all the participants
agreed to use one of the planning tools, and continued to
use it during the remaining sessions. The participants did
not need to be prompted to keep using the planning tools
after being exposed to the Tool Use scenario, demonstrating
that they were highly engaged over the four sessions.
In all the remaining scenarios, several activity awareness
problems were observed. In more than half of the situations
(18/31), participants did not become aware of the changes
introduced by the scenarios. Even among the situations in
which participants were aware (13/31), only in 30% of the
situations (4/13) were changes noticed after being prompted
by the experimenter or the confederate. In several
situations, the participants were not fully aware of the
changes made to the content, workspace, and the tasks that
they had agreed to perform.
Other awareness problems appeared to be caused by the
lack of a clear overview of the shared plan. In fact, in
several cases participants appeared to not fully understand
the duration of tasks, and tended to underestimate the time
needed for the whole project. They tended to refine their
plans more during multiple sessions, negotiating decisions
with their partner as the work unfolded. For example, P1,
P3, and P6 kept readjusting their plan until the third or
fourth session. Defining a clear shared plan during the
collaboration and maintaining a constant awareness of the
plan and time needed for each activity are difficult in real
collaborations, and the results from our laboratory method
confirm this. These activity awareness difficulties assessed
during the experiment appear representative of ones
observed in real collaborative contexts and with theoretic
accounts for the importance of opportunistic aspects of the
planning activity [17, 30].
Examples A. Negotiation and collaborative problem solving
• P1 discusses with the partner how to split the work and how to
realize each activity. Later, he will propose to assign a priority
value to each one of them.
• P3, after noticing that they did not have enough time to complete
the project, invites the partner to re-examine the plan.
• P5 actively debates with her partner about the organization of the
final report until they reach an agreement.
• P6 evaluates with the partner about the time to be assigned to the
final report.
Examples B. Creativity
• P1, when adding the tasks to the planning tool, proposes to
distinguish and assign different roles so that one can add the tasks
to the tool and the other evaluates the accuracy and suggests
• P3 and P5 decided to use both Calendar and Project Manager,
and, in order to transfer the data from one tool to another, they
strategically coordinated the work of the pair so that one of them
would read and type in the chat the tasks and the other would
insert the tasks into the planning tool.
Another aspect that confirms the validity of our method is
that during the collaborative sessions, the participants
engaged in lively negotiation and collaborative problem
solving with their partner (see examples above). We also
observed several cases in which the pairs of collaborators
accomplished some tasks creatively by defining their own
strategy (see examples above). This shows that the
experimental procedure was flexible enough to allow the
pair to organize the work creatively, as students are often
encouraged to do in school contexts.
Finally, the analysis of the different data collected during
the interaction (videos, the chat history, and think-aloud
verbalizations) showed that the level of engagement of the
participants clearly increased when they had non-task
related communication with the partner. For example, with
P6 the confederate engaged in a conversation about Harry
Potter and with P5 about a recent movie. When the
confederate promoted more interpersonal and informal
communication with three participants, they appeared to
enjoy the opportunity to communicate informally and were
more engaged in the activities. Being more familiar with
their partner seemed to help.
Questionnaire Av. s.d.
1. I found it difficult to tell what work my partner had
done after being absent from the workspace for a week.
2.8 1.7
2. It was easy to find what my partner had worked on in
the collaborative space.
5.0 1.5
3. I could tell what my partner was doing while we
were collaborating online.
6.2 0.8
4. I always knew what my partner was going to work on
over the week.
6.3 0.8
5. It was always clear what my partner was going to do. 5.7 0.5
6. I became more aware of my partner’s plans over
6.2 1.2
7. My partner and I planned adequately. 5.8 0.8
8. My partner and I communicated well with each
6.5 0.5
9. My partner collaborated with me to complete the
6.5 0.5
10. My partner contributed equally to this project. 7.0 0.0
11. I enjoyed collaborating with a partner online. 6.5 0.5
12. I would enjoy interacting with others in the
community (outside of the school system with interest
or knowledge in science) on my group science project.
4.8 1.8
13. I would prefer to work on group projects over other
types of school learning activities.
4.2 1.5
Table 3. Questionnaire results with average rankings and
standard deviation. The 7-points Likert-type scales range
from: 1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree.
These results are also confirmed by data from the
questionnaire (see Table 3) and the interview. Specifically,
the results from the questionnaire show that participants felt
they were collaborating during the experiment, enjoyed the
experience, and were satisfied about the work and their
partner. Moreover, the same participants who had engaged
in non-task related communications appeared to enjoy the
collaboration with their partner more. During the interview
they explicitly stated that communicating informally with
their partner had made the other person more familiar and
intimate (a student like them), and created a more realistic
and informal context of collaboration. This supports the
ecologic validity of the method since in the real world
social behavior and work are always interleaved.
Using the evaluation framework defined in the analysis of
the breakdowns within the prior fieldwork (see sub-section
“Experimental procedure”), we conducted both a qualitative
and a quantitative analysis of the data about breakdowns
extracted by the two judges. We found that breakdowns and
critical incidents occurred during all four sessions and did
not appear to be directly related to the manipulation
introduced through the scenarios. For example, in the first
session, although the scenario Tool Use did not expose the
participants to any inconsistencies, at least one third of the
total breakdowns occurred within this session.
The analysis of the breakdowns by category has shown that
in more than one third of the cases (37%) the breakdowns
occurred because of problems related to communication,
roles, and the relationship between partners. About another
third (32%) of the breakdowns were determined by task
factors. Less that one fourth (23%) were related to tool
factors and a small portion (7%) were caused by situational
factors. We observed that the number of cases of
breakdowns tended to decrease along the four sessions
(44%, 22%, 19%, 15%). This trend is easily explained by
the fact that the participants gradually became more
familiar with the tool, the task, and the partner.
The problems related to communication, roles and
relationship between partners have been well acknowledged
by studies of computer mediated communication in real
settings, and have been considered to be a consequence of
the restrictions imposed by the medium of communication
(e.g., limited support for non-verbal communication,
reduced number of auditory cues, deictic and spatial co-
references that are difficult to resolve). Collaborators need
to constantly repair or remediate miscommunications and
undertake explicit actions to maintain common ground [5]
and reciprocal awareness among the collaborators.
The category of breakdowns related to tasks and plans
appeared strictly associated with participants’ problems in
activity awareness. Several breakdowns that we identified
as part of this category occurred when participants noticed
that their plan was inappropriate because various
constraints (e.g., duration or order of the activities) had not
been considered (P1, P3). Moreover, in some conditions the
participants were not able to predict what they needed to do
next, and they appeared confused (P4, P6). These types of
breakdowns reveal that in these situations the participants
were unable to maintain a clear overview of the plan and of
the time available, and were not fully aware of the current
status of the work. This essentially reveals that they were
lacking activity awareness.
The results obtained through the three different types of
analysis show that this laboratory method was a valid
model of real collaboration. In fact, this method was able to
promote engagement, lively discussion, autonomous
initiatives, collaborative problem-solving, and activity
awareness difficulties, which are representative attributes of
real collaboration, and that were also observed in field
studies conducted in similar conditions.
In the previous section we presented data and arguments in
support of the validity of our laboratory method. Our
purpose was to provide evidence of ecological validity; that
is, the extent to which our results were comparable to what
happens in the “real world”. Integrating the data from the
three different types of analyses shows that several
attributes of real collaboration were exhibited during the
experimental simulations: engagement, lively discussion,
autonomous initiatives, collaborative problem solving, and
activity awareness difficulties.
This method also has provided us with relevant information
about activity awareness. It allowed us to assess the
participant’s level of activity awareness within the
collaborative scenarios simulated through the confederate.
Moreover, by systematically manipulating the collaborative
conditions, we were able to identify possible factors that
affect participant’s activity awareness. Our analysis by
scenario has shown that the participants’ level of awareness
varied for the different scenarios and across the four
sessions. The difference between scenarios is particularly
evident if we compare the scenario Completion Failure and
Additional Work. While all the participants were aware of
the inconsistencies that occurred in the Completion Failure,
none of them were aware of the breakdowns introduced
during the Additional Work scenario. This difference
suggests that participants were generally more aware of
macroscopic changes occurring to objects in the workspace
(Completion Failure, Role Changes, and Tool Changes)
rather that of changes of “smaller granularity” occurring to
symbols (Additional Work, Task Data Changes) within the
workspace. Another possible factor affecting participants’
level of awareness is the growing familiarity with the
workspace, partner, and tasks during the experiment. We
also observed that as participants advanced through the four
sessions there was an increase in the number of cases of
participants’ awareness of said inconsistencies. This finding
was confirmed by all three type of data analysis. For
example, the breakdown analysis had shown that the
number of cases of breakdowns tended to decrease along
the four sessions.
Based on our systematic manipulation of the experimental
conditions, we observed an increased trend in the subjects’
level of activity awareness over the four sessions. This
trend can be explained by general explanatory concepts
used in HCI and CSCW such as expertise, familiarity [15],
and increasing common ground [5]. However, future
investigations are needed to evaluate the specific role that
these factors play in activity awareness. Further
investigation of these issues will require settings where
factors such as familiarity and common ground can be
manipulated. Since these background factors are difficult to
control in field studies, a valid and cost-effective method
for research in this area would be the laboratory method we
have presented.
Having the ability to design, reproduce, and systematically
manipulate collaborative situations in semi-naturalistic
settings means researchers can develop ad hoc
implementations of this method suited to study complex
collaborative phenomena. This can be accomplished by
using a limited investment of resources and time. The
method of manipulating the experimental setting and using
collaborative scenarios makes this method categorically
different from field studies, yet complementary to them. For
example, contextual factors cannot be controlled within the
field studies, but they may have very complex influences on
the variable of measurement in the field. At the same time
manipulation is possible in a lab simulation, but the
contextual factors would be modeled using criteria and
results derived by empirical studies in the field. In
agreement with other authors [1, 32], our research paradigm
to study collaboration combines methods from different
research traditions in order to provide richer and broader
contributions to our understanding of groups as complex
systems. In fact, in our line of research we investigate
activity awareness by interleaving lab and field studies.
The use of a multiplicity of data collection techniques in an
integrated fashion allows maximization of the amount of
knowledge extracted from the phenomena investigated by
triangulating or mediating [3, 28] multiple types of data and
interpretations. In our study, on several occasions, we were
able to integrate and triangulate data from the different data
collection techniques to increase our understanding of the
data and test the validity of the method. For example, the
fact that the participants’ behavior evolved along the four
sessions was confirmed by different types of data: the
increasing trend in the number cases of participants’
awareness of inconsistencies and the decreasing trend in the
number of breakdowns occurred.
Our results show the possibility for more articulated
investigations of the contrasting impacts that contextual
factors have on people’s overt and covert behaviors.
Specifically, we observed that in some cases the data
collected through direct observation of overt behaviors
were inconsistent with the participants’ individual
experiences. Through alternative active investigation
techniques (through contextual inquiry, think-aloud
protocol and interviews), we were able to investigate
underlying experiences of the participants (e.g., personal
reaction to the partner’s behavior) that would not be
observable from their overt behavior during the session. An
example of this phenomenon was P2’s reaction to the
scenario Role Changes, where the confederate had
completed additional work without any prior agreement
with her. During the collaborative session with her partner,
she appeared pleased that her partner had accomplished
some extra work ahead of time. However, after the session,
when she was asked to comment on this specific situation,
she expressed that she had felt disappointed. These types of
inconsistencies would have been difficult to study in the
real world. People, in fact, tend to conform to the norms
and constraints of the context (e.g., social rules); for
example, the participants avoided to express personal
concern about their collaborators and their work (e.g. see
results for the 10th
item of the questionnaire, Table 3).
Although we designed and implemented the method to
study activity awareness, this laboratory method might also
be used to study other aspects of collaboration arising in
real contexts and during extended collaboration activities.
For example, from our data analysis we were able to
observe phenomena related with social and action
awareness, planning, common ground, familiarity, learning,
etc. We believe that this method may offer a new
opportunity to study these phenomena in the laboratory
using valid methods.
Future work should focus on the research method, the data
collection, the data analysis, and the domain of study. To
improve our research method in the future, specifically the
collaborative setting, we plan to increase engagement and
ecological validity: increase realism by making the
participants actually complete the assigned work, which has
a cost-benefit tradeoffs; construct multiple session
scenarios, which would assent to observing how scenarios
affect collaboration in the long term; and, encourage
informal communication between participant and
confederate before and after each session, which can
become a motivational factor that induces engagement and
intimacy. Another area that has potential for improvement
is the think-aloud method, specifically as a formative data
collection technique for activity awareness. By asking the
participants to think-aloud about what they think their
partner knows, we could increase our ability to monitor
their awareness knowledge level. Our study also allows for
future work in the area of awareness-sensible designs for
CSCW systems within education. Particularly, the issues of
human-computer interaction associated with middle and
high school students’ use of technology and their
developing meta-cognitive and meta-communication
abilities could be further developed.
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A Laboratory Method For Studying Activity Awareness

  • 1. A Laboratory Method for Studying Activity Awareness Gregorio Convertino (1) , Dennis C. Neale (2) , Laurian Hobby (2) , John M. Carroll (1) and Mary Beth Rosson (1) (1) School of Information Science and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 {gconvertino, jcarroll, mrosson} +1 814 863 2476 (2) Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 {dneale, lhobby} +1 540 231 7542 ABSTRACT Many failures in long-term collaboration occur because of a lack of activity awareness. Activity awareness is a broad concept that involves awareness of synchronous and asynchronous interactions over extended time periods. We describe a procedure to evaluate activity awareness and collaborative activities in a controlled setting. The activities used are modeled on real-world collaborations documented earlier in a field study. We developed an experimental method to study these activity awareness problems in the laboratory. Participants worked on a simulated long-term project in the laboratory over multiple experimental sessions with a confederate, who partially scripted activities and probes. We present evidence showing that this method represents a valid model of real collaboration, based on participants' active engagement, lively negotiation, and awareness difficulties. We found that having the ability to define, reproduce, and systematically manipulate collaborative situations allowed us to assess the effect of realistic conditions on activity awareness in remote collaboration. Author Keywords Awareness, activity awareness, coordination, CSCW ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous. INTRODUCTION Evaluation is crucial to both designers and researchers: it allows the former to verify that a design proposal meets users’ requirements, and gives the latter an opportunity to formulate and refine their theories and models of human- computer interaction (HCI). For user-centered design in general, design and evaluation methods have evolved in parallel. However, in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), considerable effort has been put into the design of new systems, with much less attention to the systematic evaluation of CSCW systems [26]. This deficiency in methodology may be due to the intrinsic complexity that characterizes processes, products, and contexts of collaboration [13]. Additionally, a fundamental limitation of existing approaches to evaluate distributed CSCW systems is that they tend to be method-driven rather than theory-driven. Consequently, they do not sufficiently inform researchers about how specific methods map to specific constructs in CSCW, and what critical questions should be answered [21]. Researchers in HCI have developed precise methods for evaluating interactions between an individual and a computer — for example: controlled experiments, time and error studies of human performance, and mathematical models of human behavior (e.g. Fitts’ Law). But for CSCW researchers, there remain many open questions concerning how if at all collaboration can be studied with cost-effective methods and in controlled settings without compromising the ecological validity of the studied phenomena. In this paper, we describe a method developed to evaluate collaborative activities in a controlled setting. The activities invoked are modeled on real world collaborations documented earlier in a field study. More specifically, we developed the laboratory methods to study a pervasive collaborative phenomenon that impacts the success of CSCW systems - activity awareness [4]. Activity awareness subsumes the prior notions of awareness in collaboration (e.g., workspace awareness or awareness of asynchronous collaboration) and refers to the understanding that collaborators have of prior, current, and future activity. Although we designed and implemented a method to study activity awareness, this approach can be used to study other aspects of collaboration that are heavily dependent on context and that arise during extended collaboration activities.
  • 2. Typically, the rich interactions of collaborative work are examined through field studies and ethnographic methods. On one hand, these observational methods are essential for understanding authentic practices, but on the other they demand large investments of resources and time. Additionally, field methods do not lend themselves to direct manipulation or control of the studied phenomena (a field study may allow for process or system changes to be studied, but it is often indirect, uncontrolled, and slow to produce results). To investigate the relationships between specific contextual events, such as collaborative breakdowns and their effect on collaborative phenomena (awareness, coordination, common ground, and planning), we need research methods that allow systematic investigation of such relationships within semi-naturalistic controlled settings. Researchers emphasize that CSCW evaluation should occur in the context of actual use [31, 25]. Unfortunately, fieldwork evaluation does not mesh well with fast paced system development lifecycles. The procedures adopted in the field are often opportunistic and based on informal evaluation sessions [31]. As a result, CSCW systems have failed to a much greater degree than single-user systems due to inadequate usability feedback, and more importantly, feedback concerning the proposed functionality. One approach to more systematic CSCW evaluation is to simulate real usage conditions: evaluate functionality and usability in semi-controlled conditions designed to mirror real-world contexts. Given the difficulty of reproducing such a realistic setting, researchers in CSCW have recently developed discount evaluation methods extending the methods developed for individual-based applications to collaborative systems (basic inspection [29]; cognitive walkthrough [23]; heuristic evaluation [2]). Specifically, some authors [14, 2] have advocated the use of heuristic evaluation methods customized for groupware systems. Instead of studying real work situations, groupware systems can be evaluated by experts with reference to a set of CSCW usability principles – usage issues influencing the mechanics of collaboration [2]. Others have proposed new modeling techniques, such as Collaboration Usability Analysis [24] (a task analysis technique for studying teamwork), to provide evaluators with new analysis schemes that are appropriate for groupware usability evaluation. Discount evaluation methods are an important methodological contribution because they promote savings in costs and allow evaluation to take place during early development, when there is no operational prototype for users to test in real work settings [24]. However, they are unlikely to be sufficient to support the full evaluation “lifecycle” of CSCW systems. For example, Cockton and Woolrych have discussed several methodological problems with discount usability evaluation methods [6]. They suggest that evaluation methods should be judged not simply for their benefits (e.g., rapid feedback), but also for their cost and risk of error (e.g., poor ecological validity). Continuing this general argument, we propose that controlled laboratory methods should be judged with respect to both their benefits (control and precision) and risks (poor ecological validity). More specifically, we argue that by modeling laboratory tasks on field observations and simulating them in controlled settings, we can obtain the benefits of a laboratory study, while at the same time reduce our risk of missing important properties relevant to real system usage. To address CSCW evaluation in all stages of development, we present a laboratory method that was conceived as part of a larger research paradigm to study collaborative activities through both field and laboratory studies. Although the laboratory methods are grounded in the results of field research, ultimately we propose a research paradigm that is bidirectional: laboratory studies should be able to inform field studies and vice versa. We believe that doing research on collaboration by interleaving lab and field studies will increase the heuristic potential of both methodologies, offset the drawbacks of individual methods [19, 3], and reveal new important aspects of the studied phenomena – in this case activity awareness. In this paper, we describe our first instantiation of the laboratory method and show that it is a valid CSCW experimental approach. ACTIVITY AWARENESS The CSCW problem domain we used to instantiate and validate our laboratory methods was the study of the high- level and complex collaborative phenomenon of activity awareness [4]. Adopting the notion of activity to study awareness in collaborative work requires a conceptual shift from a knowledge-centered to an activity-centered perspective. Several studies that have investigated awareness in individuals and teams have focused on knowledge representations that underlie awareness (e.g., theorizations on situation awareness by Endsley [9] and Salas [27]). These studies have focuses on individual and shared mental models as precursor products of team’s awareness. We argue that the notion of shared mental models attributes more emphasis to convergence than divergence among team members [20] and characterizes teamwork through its products (knowledge) rather than group process. This reduces the explanatory power that this theoretic approach has on the complex and dynamic phenomenon of awareness. In fact, awareness is not only dependent on shared knowledge and common ground, but is also directly related to members’ coping with divergent views, resolving conflicts and uncertainty, adapting to changes over time, and understanding how current activities fit with prior activities, future plans, members’ roles, norms in the group, and in the larger socio-organizational context. Understanding, defining, and operationalizing the many roles of awareness in collaboration is a key problem for the success of CSCW systems [16]. Much of the research in
  • 3. this area has focused on social (who is present) and action (what is s/he doing) awareness. However, field observations have shown that even when social and action awareness are supported, many disruptive awareness breakdowns still occur. Most of these problems can be attributed to the lack of activity awareness [4]. Activity awareness refers to people’s ability to get and maintain “the big picture” about the ongoing collaboration while they are working together on long-term projects. Activity awareness is a precondition for effective communication, planning, coordination, decision-making, and actions during long-term collaboration. With respect to the other concerns about awareness in CSCW research (e.g., workspace and social awareness), activity awareness is articulated at a higher level of analysis. Thus, it has a larger scope since it pertains to the understanding of the overall activity being performed in the collaboration. Drawing from the conceptualization of activity in activity theory [18], we consider an activity as a sequence of actions, directed towards a goal or object, mediated by tools, and situated in many embedded contexts (e.g., work practices, culture, organizational structures, interpersonal relations). Activity awareness pertains to group activity that takes place over an extended period of time. This implies that in order to maintain awareness of the entire activity, the group members need to develop and maintain common understanding of shared goals, plans, norms and roles; monitor the resources over time; and remain aware of the actual status of the execution of the group activity and its relationship with the prior aspects. Little empirical research has been conducted on activity awareness. Several authors have proposed different categories of awareness: peripheral, situational, informal, group, social, workspace, etc. However, in order to efficiently support synchronous and asynchronous collaboration within long-term planned activities, we need a broader view of awareness that interprets the multiple categories of awareness and their evolution in the larger context of activities. Because activity awareness implies an extended collaboration process, it was an ideal candidate for exploring our new laboratory methods. In this initial investigation, we began by modeling and studying activity awareness breakdowns observed from a field setting [4]. MODELING REAL-WORLD CONTEXTS The field study that grounded our laboratory work involved inter-classroom collaboration in a long-term school project. Small groups of middle school students, typically 3 students using one computer, were paired across two different classrooms (6th and 8th grades) and collaborated remotely on a science project. The remote collaboration was supported through the BRIDGE software, a Java-based collaborative system [11], which provided the users with planning tools (calendar and timeline) and a collaborative multimedia notebook [4]. A multifaceted evaluation framework was adopted to identify factors that disrupted or contributed to activity awareness, and data was collected about the process and outcomes of collaboration [22]. We analyzed our field study records to categorize the circumstances under which activity awareness breakdowns occurred. On this basis, we developed a set of collaborative scenarios to be used in our laboratory study. For example, we found that collaborative breakdowns are distributed across collaborators and contexts and often involve multiple people and actions to identify and repair. They inherently involve events with interdependencies and multiple consequences for different collaborators. Situation, group, task, and tool factors were identified as four fundamental categories classifying activity awareness problems. Leveraging this framework and its ability to identify activity awareness problems occurring in similar contexts, we modeled the scenarios used in this research on these four factors. A total of seven scenarios were used in the lab study (Table 1). Each involved the participation of a confederate [7, 33] who was a trained research assistant playing the part of a remote collaborator. In the first scenario, Tool Use, the confederate simply encouraged the participant to use a planning tool. Each of the remaining scenarios then “implemented” a typical awareness breakdown observed in the field [4], and corresponded to one of the factors identified in the fieldwork analysis: situation, group, task, and tool (Table 1, second column). The scenario introduced the breakdowns through a combination of instructions to the confederate and changes made to the collaborative environment (i.e., before beginning a given session). Additional Work and Task Data Changes were determined by alterations in the length and the content of the task respectively (task factors); Schedule Changes and Completion Failure were motivated by changes in the class schedule and unavailability of internet connection (situational factors); Role Changes was implemented as the partner’s tendency to work alone combined with uncertainty about the partner’s abilities (group dynamics); Tool Changes was determined by the individual decision of putting data in a different tool (tool factors). These scenarios describe unexpected changes occurring within specific collaborative contexts.
  • 4. THE LABORATORY METHOD Based on the data collected from the field study, we developed a method that allows simulating and manipulating authentic collaborative situations in a laboratory setting. This method is characterized by three major properties: 1. The use of authentic tasks and collaborative situations 2. The use of a confederate 3. The use of multiple collaborative sessions over time The first characteristic refers to collaborative scenarios that were developed from field observations. This aspect of the lab method directly supports ecologic validity of the collaborative context and the realism of the tasks performed during the collaboration. The second characteristic was introduced to reduce the sources of variability in the laboratory setting and to control and manipulate the setting systematically. The third characteristic was motivated by the necessity to study realistic long-term activities and the factors that influence the way these activities unfold. By using realistic long-term activities, we can investigate the evolution of complex phenomena (i.e. planning and activity awareness). In fact, long-term collaboration requires users to be aware of state information about the workspace and the shared plans that constantly change within and between the collaborative sessions. Participants and laboratory setting The participants were six 7th and 8th graders (P1… P6): three females and three males. They participated in four weekly laboratory sessions in which they had to collaborate through a CSCW system (described below, see Figure 1) with another student (the confederate) on a group project. During the four sessions they had to complete an environmental project (Environmental Quality by NeoSCI Corporation). Each session lasted approximately one hour. The laboratory setting is an important component of our method. The participant and the confederate were located in separate rooms. Both were able to talk to the experimenter through a microphone and a video camera, and they were both able to hear the experimenter through computer speakers. The experimenter had visual and auditory access to both participant and confederate, and was able to switch the audio communication between the two. Through the use of four screens (two displaying the participant’s and confederate’s collaborative workspace, and two showing their interaction captured from the video cameras), the experimenter could give personalized instructions, take time-stamped notes, and guide the sessions. The experimenter also had his own computer station running a Groove client (Figure 1). This allowed the experimenter to access the collaborative workspace and intervene when necessary. The confederate and participant could not see or hear each other, and both were physically separated from the experimenter. In the context of a realistic collaborative situation, this setting allows the experimenter to monitor and influence the participant or confederate individually without impacting the other. Figure 1. Groove workspace [12]. The major components of the user interface: buddy list (A), planning tool (B), the actual set of tools hierarchically organized within a large tabbed panel (C), and the chat tool (D). Several awareness features are supported (e.g., small pop-ups and notifications inform the user about partners' movements through the workspace or when they are typing a new message (E)). Scenario Breakdown factor What the confederate (C) does in the scenario Tool Use Tool factors: the planning tool is used The confederate (C) encourages the use of a planning tool Additional Work Task factors: the task is extended C completes additional work because of new teachers’ instructions: 3 additional vocabulary terms were added Schedule Changes Situational factors: the class schedule changes C changes the dates in the planning tool: two dates were changed in the planning tool because the class schedule changes Completion Failure Situational factors: unavailability of the internet connection C fails to complete a task because of local contingencies: additional information was not gathered from the Web Role Changes Group dynamics: a task is executed ahead of schedule C executes a task ahead of schedule because of his habit to work alone and uncertainty with the partner’s abilities Task Data Changes Task factors: the content of the task changes C executes a task because of new teachers’ instructions: the levels of pollutant considered were different from what is listed in the activity guide Tool Change Tool factors: the task is completed in a different tool C completes a task in a tool that is different from the one they had previously agreed on Table 1. Scenarios summarized by breakdown factor and confederate’s activities. A D E C B
  • 5. Tool and tasks The participants collaborated on a long-term project through Groove, a computer-supported collaborative tool. This is a groupware system that supports asynchronous and synchronous collaboration through a shared workspace [12] (Figure 1). The group project included the following collaborative activities that were conducted in the Groove workspace: Getting Acquainted (responding to questions about personal experiences with environmental problems); Identifying the Problem (identifying the overall goal of the project); Developing a Plan (planning the activities for the entire project); Vocabulary (defining a small set of scientific terms); Research Questions (identifying the questions to be investigated); Web Research (collecting relevant information from the Web); Develop and Conduct two lab studies (collecting lab data about acid rain and water); Organize, Graph, and Analyze Data (presenting the data collected in the laboratories studies and from the Web); Draw Conclusions and Final Report (reporting about the whole project). Based on the categorization of activity awareness problems that emerged from the fieldwork [4], we developed a set of scenarios that modeled the circumstances in which awareness breakdowns occurred (see the section “Modeling real-world context”). The scenarios were simulated through the confederate, who followed loosely scripted activities during the four collaborative sessions. The confederate played the role of a middle school student of the same age and gender. The use of pairs of the same gender allowed mitigating any confounding dynamics that could occur among males and females students of this age group. Here we provide an example of a script used by the confederate to simulate the scenario ‘Schedule Changes’. Scenario: Schedule Changes. Because of a change in the teacher’s planning of class activities, the dates of two activities in the project manager have been changed. The day after your meeting with your partner, your teacher has decided to swap the order of two class activities. Both of these activities are related to the work you are doing in the project. Since she requires you to perform the project task in parallel with the related class activity, she has asked you to adjust the plan about the lab activities. Following her suggestion, you have changed the schedule regarding the two activities in the Project Manager. Experimental procedure This section describes the organization of the four sessions (Table 2). In the first session, after signing the informed consent, the participant was informed that s/he was going to work with another middle school student who was located in a neighboring school. The participant then read a description of the experimental procedure and a brief outline of the project activities. After s/he was trained on how to use the workspace, s/he was given a demonstration on how to think-aloud during the session. The tasks to be accomplished during the first collaborative session included three activities: Getting Acquainted, Identifying the Problem, and Developing a Plan. During the other three collaborative sessions, the participants and the confederate had to plan their work for the week and perform the scheduled activities. In the time interval between the collaborative sessions, the participants did not have to actually do the work. Instead, they received all their work for each session when they arrived. This simulated the work and allowed for a greater level of control. The schedule followed during the four sessions is summarized in Table 2. Sessions Activities within and between sessions Scenarios Session 1: 1. the participant received: a) detailed information about the project, b) basic training on how to use Groove workspace and the think-aloud technique. 2. collaborative session All participants were exposed to the scenario Tool Use between sessions The participant received the tasks already accomplished by email and read it The workspace was modified according to the scenarios run in the second session. Session 2: 1. the participant was asked to insert her/his work in the workspace and then explore whole the content 2. collaborative session All participants but P1 were exposed to the scenarios: Task Expands a n d Schedule Changes between sessions The participant received the tasks already accomplished by email and read it The workspace was modified according to the scenarios run in the third session. Session 3: 1. the participant was asked to insert her/his work in the workspace and then explore the whole content. 2. collaborative session All participants were exposed to one or more of the scenarios Completion Failure, Role Changes, and Task Data Changes between sessions The participant received the tasks already accomplished by email and read it The workspace was modified according to the scenarios run in the fourth session. Session 4: 1. the participant was asked to insert her/his work in the workspace and then explore the whole content. 2. collaborative session 3. questionnaire, interview All participants were exposed to one or both the scenarios C o m p l e t i o n Failure and Role Changes. after the fourth session The participant was paid and was informed about the simulation Table 2. Collaborative sessions and scenarios schedule. The table summarizes the schedule of activities performed (second column) and scenarios run (third column) by session. At the end of each session the participants were asked for informal feedback regarding the recent session. At the end of the experiment, the participants filled out a questionnaire and participated in an interview. Finally, participants were compensated $20 for their participation and were debriefed.
  • 6. Before the experiment, the confederate was trained to simulate the scripted scenarios using Groove, (i.e. the experimenter acted as a subject and the confederate worked with the system to complete the script). Moreover, before each collaborative session the confederate reviewed the scripts for each scenario (Table 1) scheduled and then discussed with the experimenter how to flexibly adapt the scripts to the specific participant. Except for the first scenario, each scenario was scheduled in accordance with the plan of the activities defined by the participant and confederate dyad (see third column on Table 2). Data collection and analysis Multiple data collection techniques were used. During each session, the interaction between participant and confederate was synchronously monitored and recorded using video cameras and a screen-capture tool. Both participant and confederate used the think-aloud method to inform the experimenter about what was occurring during the session. A session-by-session logging captured changes to the workspace and the tasks assigned. The confederate also made notes during the experiment. Finally, a small questionnaire (Table 3) was given and a semi-structured interview was administered at the end of the last session. We also used contextual inquiry to interview the participants during the collaborative sessions. We conducted three different types of analysis on the data collected: analysis by scenarios, questionnaire and interview, and breakdown analysis. In the analysis by scenario, the participant’s activity awareness was assessed with respect to the changes (related to situation, people, task, and tool) occurring in each collaborative scenario. Two judges, both graduate HCI researchers, conducted the assessment for the level of awareness in participants by adhering to the following coding scheme: 1. Participants were evaluated ‘fully aware’ when they had spontaneously noticed the inconsistencies. 2. They were evaluated ‘partially aware’ if they noticed the inconsistencies after being prompted by the confederate or the experimenter. 3. They were considered ‘unaware’ in all remaining cases. In the case of ‘fully aware’, the participant directly (e.g. through explicit statements) or indirectly (e.g. through related comments or actions) showed that s/he was conscious of the changes that occurred in a specific scenario. In the second and third cases, the participant did not become spontaneously aware after being exposed to the change. It was only after s/he moved on to another activity that was unrelated to the scenario, that s/he was given one prompt (through a comment or a question) from either the experimenter or the confederate (directed by the experimenter). If the participant then provided any direct or indirect signs of being aware then s/he was evaluated as ‘partially aware’. Otherwise, the participant was considered ‘unaware’. The questionnaire (Table 3) contains thirteen statements about activity awareness using a 7-point Likert-type scale modeled on the rating scales proposed by Watts et al. [31]. A follow-up semi-structured interview was also used to collect qualitative data from the questionnaire (interpretation and reasons for the answers to each item) and to gather some additional issues that had emerged during the experiment. The breakdown analysis was conducted with explicit definitions of breakdown and critical incident. A collaborative breakdown occurs in an interaction when the expectations of one participant do not match with the action of another [34, 8]. Partially overlapping with this concept, we consider critical incidents as behaviors and experiences leading to surprisingly bad or good results [10]. Consistently with the evaluation framework used for the analysis of the breakdown in fieldwork [4], we considered that these breakdowns might be determined by different classes of factors: situational (environment), group (users and their roles), task (plans), and tool (tools and workspace). Using this evaluation framework, the two judges analyzed the communication transcripts to identify instances of collaborative breakdowns and critical incidents and to classify them according to the framework. Then the judges compared, discussed, and agreed upon each case. RESULTS: A VALID LABORATORY METHOD OF ACTIVITY AWARENESS In this section we present a collection of results that support the validity of this laboratory method for studying activity awareness. The validity of the method is assessed by comparing the results of our study (collected through the three types of analyses) to what we observed in the field. If the results of this method are representative of what occurs in the field, then the initial stages of validating the method will have been achieved. From the scenario analysis, we observed several attributes of real collaboration occurring across the four sessions. The participants appeared visibly interested in the activities and generally motivated to work with their partner (only one participant was noticeably less interested in the topic, but this appeared to be due to personal factors of the participant). For example, in response to the Tool Use scenario, all the participants agreed to use one of the planning tools, and continued to use it during the remaining sessions. The participants did not need to be prompted to keep using the planning tools after being exposed to the Tool Use scenario, demonstrating that they were highly engaged over the four sessions. In all the remaining scenarios, several activity awareness problems were observed. In more than half of the situations (18/31), participants did not become aware of the changes introduced by the scenarios. Even among the situations in which participants were aware (13/31), only in 30% of the
  • 7. situations (4/13) were changes noticed after being prompted by the experimenter or the confederate. In several situations, the participants were not fully aware of the changes made to the content, workspace, and the tasks that they had agreed to perform. Other awareness problems appeared to be caused by the lack of a clear overview of the shared plan. In fact, in several cases participants appeared to not fully understand the duration of tasks, and tended to underestimate the time needed for the whole project. They tended to refine their plans more during multiple sessions, negotiating decisions with their partner as the work unfolded. For example, P1, P3, and P6 kept readjusting their plan until the third or fourth session. Defining a clear shared plan during the collaboration and maintaining a constant awareness of the plan and time needed for each activity are difficult in real collaborations, and the results from our laboratory method confirm this. These activity awareness difficulties assessed during the experiment appear representative of ones observed in real collaborative contexts and with theoretic accounts for the importance of opportunistic aspects of the planning activity [17, 30]. Examples A. Negotiation and collaborative problem solving • P1 discusses with the partner how to split the work and how to realize each activity. Later, he will propose to assign a priority value to each one of them. • P3, after noticing that they did not have enough time to complete the project, invites the partner to re-examine the plan. • P5 actively debates with her partner about the organization of the final report until they reach an agreement. • P6 evaluates with the partner about the time to be assigned to the final report. Examples B. Creativity • P1, when adding the tasks to the planning tool, proposes to distinguish and assign different roles so that one can add the tasks to the tool and the other evaluates the accuracy and suggests changes. • P3 and P5 decided to use both Calendar and Project Manager, and, in order to transfer the data from one tool to another, they strategically coordinated the work of the pair so that one of them would read and type in the chat the tasks and the other would insert the tasks into the planning tool. Another aspect that confirms the validity of our method is that during the collaborative sessions, the participants engaged in lively negotiation and collaborative problem solving with their partner (see examples above). We also observed several cases in which the pairs of collaborators accomplished some tasks creatively by defining their own strategy (see examples above). This shows that the experimental procedure was flexible enough to allow the pair to organize the work creatively, as students are often encouraged to do in school contexts. Finally, the analysis of the different data collected during the interaction (videos, the chat history, and think-aloud verbalizations) showed that the level of engagement of the participants clearly increased when they had non-task related communication with the partner. For example, with P6 the confederate engaged in a conversation about Harry Potter and with P5 about a recent movie. When the confederate promoted more interpersonal and informal communication with three participants, they appeared to enjoy the opportunity to communicate informally and were more engaged in the activities. Being more familiar with their partner seemed to help. Questionnaire Av. s.d. 1. I found it difficult to tell what work my partner had done after being absent from the workspace for a week. 2.8 1.7 2. It was easy to find what my partner had worked on in the collaborative space. 5.0 1.5 3. I could tell what my partner was doing while we were collaborating online. 6.2 0.8 4. I always knew what my partner was going to work on over the week. 6.3 0.8 5. It was always clear what my partner was going to do. 5.7 0.5 6. I became more aware of my partner’s plans over time. 6.2 1.2 7. My partner and I planned adequately. 5.8 0.8 8. My partner and I communicated well with each other. 6.5 0.5 9. My partner collaborated with me to complete the project. 6.5 0.5 10. My partner contributed equally to this project. 7.0 0.0 11. I enjoyed collaborating with a partner online. 6.5 0.5 12. I would enjoy interacting with others in the community (outside of the school system with interest or knowledge in science) on my group science project. 4.8 1.8 13. I would prefer to work on group projects over other types of school learning activities. 4.2 1.5 Table 3. Questionnaire results with average rankings and standard deviation. The 7-points Likert-type scales range from: 1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree. These results are also confirmed by data from the questionnaire (see Table 3) and the interview. Specifically, the results from the questionnaire show that participants felt they were collaborating during the experiment, enjoyed the experience, and were satisfied about the work and their partner. Moreover, the same participants who had engaged in non-task related communications appeared to enjoy the collaboration with their partner more. During the interview they explicitly stated that communicating informally with their partner had made the other person more familiar and intimate (a student like them), and created a more realistic and informal context of collaboration. This supports the ecologic validity of the method since in the real world social behavior and work are always interleaved.
  • 8. Using the evaluation framework defined in the analysis of the breakdowns within the prior fieldwork (see sub-section “Experimental procedure”), we conducted both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of the data about breakdowns extracted by the two judges. We found that breakdowns and critical incidents occurred during all four sessions and did not appear to be directly related to the manipulation introduced through the scenarios. For example, in the first session, although the scenario Tool Use did not expose the participants to any inconsistencies, at least one third of the total breakdowns occurred within this session. The analysis of the breakdowns by category has shown that in more than one third of the cases (37%) the breakdowns occurred because of problems related to communication, roles, and the relationship between partners. About another third (32%) of the breakdowns were determined by task factors. Less that one fourth (23%) were related to tool factors and a small portion (7%) were caused by situational factors. We observed that the number of cases of breakdowns tended to decrease along the four sessions (44%, 22%, 19%, 15%). This trend is easily explained by the fact that the participants gradually became more familiar with the tool, the task, and the partner. The problems related to communication, roles and relationship between partners have been well acknowledged by studies of computer mediated communication in real settings, and have been considered to be a consequence of the restrictions imposed by the medium of communication (e.g., limited support for non-verbal communication, reduced number of auditory cues, deictic and spatial co- references that are difficult to resolve). Collaborators need to constantly repair or remediate miscommunications and undertake explicit actions to maintain common ground [5] and reciprocal awareness among the collaborators. The category of breakdowns related to tasks and plans appeared strictly associated with participants’ problems in activity awareness. Several breakdowns that we identified as part of this category occurred when participants noticed that their plan was inappropriate because various constraints (e.g., duration or order of the activities) had not been considered (P1, P3). Moreover, in some conditions the participants were not able to predict what they needed to do next, and they appeared confused (P4, P6). These types of breakdowns reveal that in these situations the participants were unable to maintain a clear overview of the plan and of the time available, and were not fully aware of the current status of the work. This essentially reveals that they were lacking activity awareness. The results obtained through the three different types of analysis show that this laboratory method was a valid model of real collaboration. In fact, this method was able to promote engagement, lively discussion, autonomous initiatives, collaborative problem-solving, and activity awareness difficulties, which are representative attributes of real collaboration, and that were also observed in field studies conducted in similar conditions. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In the previous section we presented data and arguments in support of the validity of our laboratory method. Our purpose was to provide evidence of ecological validity; that is, the extent to which our results were comparable to what happens in the “real world”. Integrating the data from the three different types of analyses shows that several attributes of real collaboration were exhibited during the experimental simulations: engagement, lively discussion, autonomous initiatives, collaborative problem solving, and activity awareness difficulties. This method also has provided us with relevant information about activity awareness. It allowed us to assess the participant’s level of activity awareness within the collaborative scenarios simulated through the confederate. Moreover, by systematically manipulating the collaborative conditions, we were able to identify possible factors that affect participant’s activity awareness. Our analysis by scenario has shown that the participants’ level of awareness varied for the different scenarios and across the four sessions. The difference between scenarios is particularly evident if we compare the scenario Completion Failure and Additional Work. While all the participants were aware of the inconsistencies that occurred in the Completion Failure, none of them were aware of the breakdowns introduced during the Additional Work scenario. This difference suggests that participants were generally more aware of macroscopic changes occurring to objects in the workspace (Completion Failure, Role Changes, and Tool Changes) rather that of changes of “smaller granularity” occurring to symbols (Additional Work, Task Data Changes) within the workspace. Another possible factor affecting participants’ level of awareness is the growing familiarity with the workspace, partner, and tasks during the experiment. We also observed that as participants advanced through the four sessions there was an increase in the number of cases of participants’ awareness of said inconsistencies. This finding was confirmed by all three type of data analysis. For example, the breakdown analysis had shown that the number of cases of breakdowns tended to decrease along the four sessions. Based on our systematic manipulation of the experimental conditions, we observed an increased trend in the subjects’ level of activity awareness over the four sessions. This trend can be explained by general explanatory concepts used in HCI and CSCW such as expertise, familiarity [15], and increasing common ground [5]. However, future investigations are needed to evaluate the specific role that these factors play in activity awareness. Further investigation of these issues will require settings where factors such as familiarity and common ground can be manipulated. Since these background factors are difficult to control in field studies, a valid and cost-effective method
  • 9. for research in this area would be the laboratory method we have presented. Having the ability to design, reproduce, and systematically manipulate collaborative situations in semi-naturalistic settings means researchers can develop ad hoc implementations of this method suited to study complex collaborative phenomena. This can be accomplished by using a limited investment of resources and time. The method of manipulating the experimental setting and using collaborative scenarios makes this method categorically different from field studies, yet complementary to them. For example, contextual factors cannot be controlled within the field studies, but they may have very complex influences on the variable of measurement in the field. At the same time manipulation is possible in a lab simulation, but the contextual factors would be modeled using criteria and results derived by empirical studies in the field. In agreement with other authors [1, 32], our research paradigm to study collaboration combines methods from different research traditions in order to provide richer and broader contributions to our understanding of groups as complex systems. In fact, in our line of research we investigate activity awareness by interleaving lab and field studies. The use of a multiplicity of data collection techniques in an integrated fashion allows maximization of the amount of knowledge extracted from the phenomena investigated by triangulating or mediating [3, 28] multiple types of data and interpretations. In our study, on several occasions, we were able to integrate and triangulate data from the different data collection techniques to increase our understanding of the data and test the validity of the method. For example, the fact that the participants’ behavior evolved along the four sessions was confirmed by different types of data: the increasing trend in the number cases of participants’ awareness of inconsistencies and the decreasing trend in the number of breakdowns occurred. Our results show the possibility for more articulated investigations of the contrasting impacts that contextual factors have on people’s overt and covert behaviors. Specifically, we observed that in some cases the data collected through direct observation of overt behaviors were inconsistent with the participants’ individual experiences. Through alternative active investigation techniques (through contextual inquiry, think-aloud protocol and interviews), we were able to investigate underlying experiences of the participants (e.g., personal reaction to the partner’s behavior) that would not be observable from their overt behavior during the session. An example of this phenomenon was P2’s reaction to the scenario Role Changes, where the confederate had completed additional work without any prior agreement with her. During the collaborative session with her partner, she appeared pleased that her partner had accomplished some extra work ahead of time. However, after the session, when she was asked to comment on this specific situation, she expressed that she had felt disappointed. These types of inconsistencies would have been difficult to study in the real world. People, in fact, tend to conform to the norms and constraints of the context (e.g., social rules); for example, the participants avoided to express personal concern about their collaborators and their work (e.g. see results for the 10th item of the questionnaire, Table 3). Although we designed and implemented the method to study activity awareness, this laboratory method might also be used to study other aspects of collaboration arising in real contexts and during extended collaboration activities. For example, from our data analysis we were able to observe phenomena related with social and action awareness, planning, common ground, familiarity, learning, etc. We believe that this method may offer a new opportunity to study these phenomena in the laboratory using valid methods. FUTURE WORK Future work should focus on the research method, the data collection, the data analysis, and the domain of study. To improve our research method in the future, specifically the collaborative setting, we plan to increase engagement and ecological validity: increase realism by making the participants actually complete the assigned work, which has a cost-benefit tradeoffs; construct multiple session scenarios, which would assent to observing how scenarios affect collaboration in the long term; and, encourage informal communication between participant and confederate before and after each session, which can become a motivational factor that induces engagement and intimacy. Another area that has potential for improvement is the think-aloud method, specifically as a formative data collection technique for activity awareness. By asking the participants to think-aloud about what they think their partner knows, we could increase our ability to monitor their awareness knowledge level. Our study also allows for future work in the area of awareness-sensible designs for CSCW systems within education. 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