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UNIT 4 Assignment: (Instructions) Please read carefully before your submission.
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Ch. 13
Bandura’s Theory
BIO: Albert Bandura was born in 1925 in Alberta, Canada. He
immigrated from Canada to America in hopes of getting a better
education. He graduated from the University of Iowa in 1952 with
a doctorate in clinical psychology. He began teaching at Stanford
University in the 1960s. Bandura is still alive today.
Define Reciprocal Determinism: Reciprocal Determinism
is a concept that recognizes that a person, environment
and behavior all influence one another. Behaviorism has
always stated that the environment influences behavior.
Behavior can also influence environment.
Explain Self-Regulation Processes: Self regulation of
behavior suggests that people have control over their
behavior. This all depends on who the person is and how
much they can exert this control. Bandura explains there
are two types of people: people who do not exceed their
full potential and people who do. This theory is used to
help people gain control of their lives.
Define Self-Efficacy: This means believing “that one can
organize and execute given courses of action required to
deal with prospective situations”. People who are
confident have high-self efficacy and people who are
insecure have low-self efficacy.
-Striving toward Goals: Everyone has different goals for
themselves, but we all strive for goals in similar ways.
People with high-self efficacy and low-self efficacy will
strive towards their goals with the same level of will.
Describe the Processes influencing Learning: Bandura
suggested a new theory based on people who learn
without reinforcement; a set of theoretical concepts used
to understand complex events that happen to people to
observe changes in performance.
Bandura: Social learning Theory
Bandura: Social learning Theory
Observational Learning and Modeling: To put it in
simple terms, Bandura states that humans learn by
observing. Observational learning messes with the
theory that people can only learn with reinforcement.
Bandura states we can separate the learning and
Modeling- Behavioral changes that result from
exposures to models.
Vicarious learning- New responses are based on the
models we see of situations in front of us.
Identification- Power VS. Status Effects: Power is
controller of rewards; status is the recipients of the
Examples: Children observing various models and
seeing which ones they are drawn to.
Modeling aggression- Researchers showed a video of
someone being aggressive to a doll to see if the
children would have aggressive behavior after the
Therapy: Efficacy Beliefs
How it works: Changing self efficacy
behaviors will help change fears and
avoidant behavior. If someone can
get over a fear or phobia, they will
see that life is a lot more tolerable.
What’s it good for? It is good for
people’s ability to cope with past
childhood traumas and other post
traumatic events.
How to change efficacy
expectations through therapy: Talk
therapy, behavioral therapy and
other techniques will help people
have breakthroughs in therapy.
These therapies help change
dysfunctional expectancies.
The Person in the Social
Collective Efficacy- Bandura suggest
collective efficacy takes place when
a group of people believe they can
achieve the goal they are after. If
everyone in the group can achieve
this, they will be able to move past
the obstacles and obtain what they
Moral Disengagement- Individuals
fail to keep themselves in check and
have very high standards for
themselves. Because of this, they
will engage in very immoral
standards. They do these acts and
then use it by saying the ends
justify the means.
Visual of Social Learning Theory
Carl Rogers
Bio: Carl Rogers was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1902. His family
was very Christian and strict. Rogers loved to read and was very
good at school. He graduated from college in 1924 with a
bachelors in history. He started to take classes at Columbia
University and did graduate work there in psychology.
The Actualizing Tendency: “The directional trend which is
evident in all organic and human life-the urge to expand, extend,
develop mature- the tendency to express and activate all the
capacities of the organism, or the self”.
Examples: People grow during this tendency and start to self
actualize themselves.
Organismic Valuing Process- Someone who is in touch with
their self actualization will continue to grow with their inner
experiences. A person is being guided by their subconscious.
Examples: Authenticity and autonomy are examples of this
because people will start being themselves and doing what they
The Fully Functioning Person:
-Openness to experience: A fully functioning person is open to
experience, ready to accept what the world has to offer.
-Existential living: A person open to experience is always willing to
try new things. They will appreciate every moment life gives them.
-Organismic trust: A person with organismic trust will rely on their
own experience to guide their behavior. This helps with their inner
needs and emotions.
-Experiential freedom: Fully functioning people experience the
freedom to choose. Their freedom to choose will never limit them
from the world.
-Creativity: Fully functioning people live creative lives. They always
try to evolve instead of focusing on the past.
Subjective Experience, values and science: Rogers was torn
between using science and using his own experience to view his
clients. He also used spirituality to help with techniques. Values are
also important to Rogers’ theory because he knows this emerges
from each individual.
The Self
Ideal VS Real
The ideal self is who Who a person really
you want to be and who is. This includes the
some people think they are. actualizing tendency.
Incongruence- The conflict between the ideal self and the
real self.
Conditions of Worth: Children trying to live up to their parents'
expectations of them. They try to get rid of the “bad” things about
themselves so their parents will love or praise them.
UPR- Unconditional positive regard is a parent loving their child
regardless of how they behave. The child gets to explore
themselves more freely. Children raised this way end up being fully
functioning people.
Development of Creativity: Creativity arises from a
healthy development. Rogers believed, “openness to
experience, an internal locus of evaluation and the ability
to toy with elements and concepts” were key to
3 Factors that contribute to
Therapeutic Success:
1. UPR- unconditional positive regard:
Rogers believed if a client felt more
accepted by the therapist, they will be
willing to make more progress
2. Congruence- if the therapist has been
through a similar experience as the
client, this is another way they can make
3. Empathic Understanding- even if
the therapist has not been through what
the client has, as long as they are
empathetic towards them, they will
Research on Therapy-
Does research confirm or discredit
Rogers? Rogers’ theories were hard to study
scientifically, but he was committed to doing
research regardless. Rogers was able to
develop instruments to do this and was able
to code behaviors, tone of voice and use
scales to assess therapy outcomes.
+ Therapeutic Outcomes
With the techniques used to measure and
model therapies, the outcomes were great.
People were having greater self acceptance
and knowing their real self vs ideal self.
Other Applications:
1. Humanistic Education-Rogers felt
that people's feelings were who they were,
and teachers should not dismiss this.
2. Marriage & Relationships: Rogers
advocated for a relationship that has trust
separate and shared interests, and the
uniqueness of the partner.
3. Business: Rogers believed if a business
was run like a teacher to student or
therapist to client, the business would have
more success.
4. Political Conflict, War & Peace:
Psychology can help reduce tension and
conflict, even in political affiliations.
7 Stage Process:
1. The client has little to no self awareness
2. The client blames other for problems
3. Opens up a little bit about problems and
4. Starts to take responsibility for themselves
5. Starts to be in the present
6. Has a breakthrough about being stuck in
the past
7. Starts to feel values in place of worth
Criticisms of Rogers theory:
Though Rogers has some good points
about therapy, there are of course
other ways to achieve growth in
yourself and in relationships.
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions:
If conditions (unconditional positive
regard, congruence and empathetic
understanding) were present, there
would be progress. Also, having a client
focus on their goals is necessary to
their progress.
Cartoon of Fully Functioning
Ch. 15
Abraham Maslow
Humanism (Maslow)
Discuss Maslow’s Bio
Abraham Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1908. His
parents were Russian immigrants and had a hard time raising him
financially. Maslow was very smart and had a high IQ of 195. He
studied at University of Wisconsin and Columbia University. He was
sough after psychotherapy while experiencing anxiety and died of a
heart attack shortly after.
Maslow’s Vision of Psych
“Maslow believed there are different levels beyond self-
actualization and proposed transpersonal psychology as a
fourth force, after behaviorism and psychoanalysis, and as
an outgrowth of humanistic psychology.”
Deficiency Motivation:
These are the first four levels of the hierarchy of needs.
This is motivation to overcome the feeling od deficiency. If
any of these 4 basic needs are not met, the person will
feel unfulfilled.
Physiological Needs: The lowest level of needs, they are
food, water, sleep and sex.
Being Motivation: When the deficiency needs are met, this
is being motivation.
Need to Self-Actualize: This is the highest level of needs
and where a person decides to reach their potential.
Safety Needs: The next motivation is for a person to feel
safe in a situation.
Belongingness & Love Needs: If safety and physiological
needs are met, a person will seek love and friendship.
Esteem Needs: This is the need for self respect and the
esteem of others.
Differences between D-Motivation and B-Motivation:
Metamotivated: People at the level of self actualization.
B-Love: The B stands for “becoming”. People at this level
want psychological freedom, Maslow describes them as
non-possessive and enjoyable.
D-Love: Full of jealousy and anxiety. This is described as
deficiency levels being low.
Maslow Continued…
Research Testing Need Hierarchy:
The Maslow Art Test was used to test intuition and
7. Freshness of Appreciation: Awe and gratitude remain for self
actualized people.
8. Peak Experiences: This occurs when a self-actualized person is seeking
a mystical experience. This can be religious, nature, sexual etc.
9. Human Kinship: Self-actualized people feel very connected with
humans. They have no prejudice towards others.
10. Humility and Respect: They are humble, love to learn from others,
and are on the democratic or left leaning side of politics.
11. Interpersonal Relationships: Self-actualized people seek out
relationships with other self-actualized people to form a strong bond.
12. Ethics and Values: They have strong ethical standards and embrace
uniqueness of others.
13. Discrimination between Means and Ends: Self-actualized people
are focused on their goals. They still do appreciate the pleasure of
14. Sense of Humor: Though self-actualized people are mor serious,
they do laugh at lots of things but do not have a dark sense of humor.
15. Creativity: Maslow claimed this trait was present in all the self-
actualized people he saw. They might not have been creative in the
traditional sense, but still creative.
16. Resistance to Enculturation: Self-actualized people will not change
who they are for everybody else. They will always be who they are.
17. Resolution of Dichotomies: They no longer see in black or white,
there is a gray area for them. They will always see what is good for the
1. Efficient Perception of Reality: Self actualized
people have a very high intuition. They are never
misled by other people.
2. Acceptance: Self actualized people have a better
acceptance towards themselves and eat better, sleep
better, have better sex and generally enjoy life more.
3. Spontaneity: People that have reached self
actualization are more spontaneous and live more
4. Problem-Centered: These people are more problem
centered than self centered.
5. Need for Privacy: Self actualized people are more
private and do not let others make decisions for them.
6. Independence of Culture and Environment: Self
actualized people do not depend on people or the
world in order to feel fulfilled.
Self-Actualization: Maslow describes this as the full
potential of a human being.
Maslow Continued…
Measurement & Research Self-Actualization:
Maslow did lots of observing in order to determine
if someone is self-actualized. These were all purely
Personal Orientation Inventory (POI)- A 150 item
multiple choice that gives two scores based on
Maslow’s theory.
Inner Directed Supports Scale- This measures the
degree in which the person provides their own
Time Competence Scale-This scale measures the
degree of which the person using this lives in the
Obstacles to Self-Actualization:
Instinctoid- Maslow created this term to
differentiate actual needs vs wants. Instinctoid is
actual needs like food, water, and shelter.
Jonah complex- This is another term created by
Maslow. It means someone being afraid of reaching
their full potential by being successful.
Applications and Implications of Maslow’s Theory
Therapy: Some therapists base their work off Maslow’s work using
transpersonal therapy. They also use spiritual and religious practices as
techniques in therapy. This is done because of Maslow’s emphasis of higher
human functions.
Growth Centers: Growth centers are used for people seeking their highest
potential. An examples is the Insalen Institute in Big Sur, California.
Workplace: Maslow encouraged enlightened management to have happy
and healthier work environments and workers. If an employer takes account
of their workers hierarchy of needs, it will be beneficial to everybody.
Consumerism: Food fulfills physiological needs, but it also can help with
self esteem, so if suppliers are aware of this they will sell more.
Religion and Spirituality: Maslow used a spiritual approach in
psychology and cooperated with other spiritual psychotherapists. Though
they are a little similar, spirituality and self-actualizations are not correlated.
Education: Educational goals are “the self-actualization of a person”
according to Maslow. He wanted teachers to be more empathetic to
Gender: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is not limited to one gender. Any
gender can reach self-actualization.
Self-Determination: This theory proposes that there are 3
important physiological needs. Competence, autonomy, and
relatedness. Self motivation is enhanced when these needs are
Intrinsic Motivation: This theory is described as “doing an activity
for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself”.
Positive Psychology: Positive psychology focuses on healthy
functioning. This focuses on healthy emotions, physical health
and incorporates spirituality as well.
Hierarchy of Needs
Resourceful Videos
• Bandura Social Learning Theory:
• Rogers Fully Functioning Person:
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

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Unit 4 assignment

  • 1. UNIT 4 Assignment: (Instructions) Please read carefully before your submission. This is the UNIT 4 Assignment consisting of Chapters (13, 14, & 15) You are to fill in each section with as much detail as possible. Answer all prompts, define all key terms, explain all theories and give as much support as possible. Because it is based on several chapters, this assignment can take between 6 – 8 hours to complete. Be sure to provide AS MUCH support as possible, you are trying to show me that you have excellent understanding of the material. All sections must be answered with depth and detail. If you rush through your assignments, it shows me that you are not understanding the material which will negatively affect your score. Assignments are graded from 0 – 10 points per unit, so it is best to maximize your score for each unit. You should CUSTOMIZE this assignment by including pictures, charts and supplemental support such as video links, article links, and websites. You can also ADD SLIDES, extend boxes, change background, attach clip art, video links, ANYTHING to show me that you understand the material, including your own examples as well. FILL in ALL sections and leave nothing blank, since points are deducted for incomplete assignments. Some students prefer to answer questions on Word, which is fine. Leaving ANYTHING BLANK can drop your score to a 4 point score or lower. *Because it is your first assignment, please feel free to submit the first chapter as a practice chapter so as to get some feedback and ensure that you know how to upload and attach your assignment. Don’t like this assignment? There are other alternatives (outlines, Original YouTube Videos & Ted Talks, Podcasts, are accepted in substitute for this assignment, but you must submit a proposal to me in advance. The original content from all 3 chapters must still be included and they are graded using the same criteria. Your assignments should always display complete understanding of the material. Where do I submit this Assignment? Scroll your cursor over the assignment download where it says “**Submit Here**” this will allow you to attach your completed assignment so that I can grade it. Do NOT e-mail your assignments since they are not linked to gradebook and NO credit will be awarded for e-mailed assignments.
  • 3. BIO: Albert Bandura was born in 1925 in Alberta, Canada. He immigrated from Canada to America in hopes of getting a better education. He graduated from the University of Iowa in 1952 with a doctorate in clinical psychology. He began teaching at Stanford University in the 1960s. Bandura is still alive today. Define Reciprocal Determinism: Reciprocal Determinism is a concept that recognizes that a person, environment and behavior all influence one another. Behaviorism has always stated that the environment influences behavior. Behavior can also influence environment. Explain Self-Regulation Processes: Self regulation of behavior suggests that people have control over their behavior. This all depends on who the person is and how much they can exert this control. Bandura explains there are two types of people: people who do not exceed their full potential and people who do. This theory is used to help people gain control of their lives. Define Self-Efficacy: This means believing “that one can organize and execute given courses of action required to deal with prospective situations”. People who are confident have high-self efficacy and people who are insecure have low-self efficacy. -Striving toward Goals: Everyone has different goals for themselves, but we all strive for goals in similar ways. People with high-self efficacy and low-self efficacy will strive towards their goals with the same level of will. Describe the Processes influencing Learning: Bandura suggested a new theory based on people who learn without reinforcement; a set of theoretical concepts used to understand complex events that happen to people to observe changes in performance. Bandura: Social learning Theory
  • 4. Bandura: Social learning Theory (continued) Observational Learning and Modeling: To put it in simple terms, Bandura states that humans learn by observing. Observational learning messes with the theory that people can only learn with reinforcement. Bandura states we can separate the learning and performance. Modeling- Behavioral changes that result from exposures to models. Vicarious learning- New responses are based on the models we see of situations in front of us. Identification- Power VS. Status Effects: Power is controller of rewards; status is the recipients of the rewards. Examples: Children observing various models and seeing which ones they are drawn to. Modeling aggression- Researchers showed a video of someone being aggressive to a doll to see if the children would have aggressive behavior after the video. Therapy: Efficacy Beliefs How it works: Changing self efficacy behaviors will help change fears and avoidant behavior. If someone can get over a fear or phobia, they will see that life is a lot more tolerable. What’s it good for? It is good for people’s ability to cope with past childhood traumas and other post traumatic events. How to change efficacy expectations through therapy: Talk therapy, behavioral therapy and other techniques will help people have breakthroughs in therapy. These therapies help change dysfunctional expectancies. The Person in the Social Environment: Collective Efficacy- Bandura suggest collective efficacy takes place when a group of people believe they can achieve the goal they are after. If everyone in the group can achieve this, they will be able to move past the obstacles and obtain what they wish. Moral Disengagement- Individuals fail to keep themselves in check and have very high standards for themselves. Because of this, they will engage in very immoral standards. They do these acts and then use it by saying the ends justify the means.
  • 5. Visual of Social Learning Theory
  • 7. Bio: Carl Rogers was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1902. His family was very Christian and strict. Rogers loved to read and was very good at school. He graduated from college in 1924 with a bachelors in history. He started to take classes at Columbia University and did graduate work there in psychology. Rogers The Actualizing Tendency: “The directional trend which is evident in all organic and human life-the urge to expand, extend, develop mature- the tendency to express and activate all the capacities of the organism, or the self”. Examples: People grow during this tendency and start to self actualize themselves. Organismic Valuing Process- Someone who is in touch with their self actualization will continue to grow with their inner experiences. A person is being guided by their subconscious. Examples: Authenticity and autonomy are examples of this because people will start being themselves and doing what they want. The Fully Functioning Person: -Openness to experience: A fully functioning person is open to experience, ready to accept what the world has to offer. -Existential living: A person open to experience is always willing to try new things. They will appreciate every moment life gives them. -Organismic trust: A person with organismic trust will rely on their own experience to guide their behavior. This helps with their inner needs and emotions. -Experiential freedom: Fully functioning people experience the freedom to choose. Their freedom to choose will never limit them from the world. -Creativity: Fully functioning people live creative lives. They always try to evolve instead of focusing on the past. Subjective Experience, values and science: Rogers was torn between using science and using his own experience to view his clients. He also used spirituality to help with techniques. Values are also important to Rogers’ theory because he knows this emerges from each individual. The Self Ideal VS Real The ideal self is who Who a person really you want to be and who is. This includes the some people think they are. actualizing tendency. Incongruence- The conflict between the ideal self and the real self. Development Conditions of Worth: Children trying to live up to their parents' expectations of them. They try to get rid of the “bad” things about themselves so their parents will love or praise them. UPR- Unconditional positive regard is a parent loving their child regardless of how they behave. The child gets to explore themselves more freely. Children raised this way end up being fully functioning people. Development of Creativity: Creativity arises from a healthy development. Rogers believed, “openness to experience, an internal locus of evaluation and the ability to toy with elements and concepts” were key to creativity.
  • 8. 3 Factors that contribute to Therapeutic Success: 1. UPR- unconditional positive regard: Rogers believed if a client felt more accepted by the therapist, they will be willing to make more progress 2. Congruence- if the therapist has been through a similar experience as the client, this is another way they can make progress 3. Empathic Understanding- even if the therapist has not been through what the client has, as long as they are empathetic towards them, they will cooperate. Research on Therapy- Does research confirm or discredit Rogers? Rogers’ theories were hard to study scientifically, but he was committed to doing research regardless. Rogers was able to develop instruments to do this and was able to code behaviors, tone of voice and use scales to assess therapy outcomes. + Therapeutic Outcomes With the techniques used to measure and model therapies, the outcomes were great. People were having greater self acceptance and knowing their real self vs ideal self. Other Applications: 1. Humanistic Education-Rogers felt that people's feelings were who they were, and teachers should not dismiss this. 2. Marriage & Relationships: Rogers advocated for a relationship that has trust separate and shared interests, and the uniqueness of the partner. 3. Business: Rogers believed if a business was run like a teacher to student or therapist to client, the business would have more success. 4. Political Conflict, War & Peace: Psychology can help reduce tension and conflict, even in political affiliations. 7 Stage Process: 1. The client has little to no self awareness 2. The client blames other for problems 3. Opens up a little bit about problems and feelings 4. Starts to take responsibility for themselves 5. Starts to be in the present 6. Has a breakthrough about being stuck in the past 7. Starts to feel values in place of worth Criticisms of Rogers theory: Though Rogers has some good points about therapy, there are of course other ways to achieve growth in yourself and in relationships. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions: If conditions (unconditional positive regard, congruence and empathetic understanding) were present, there would be progress. Also, having a client focus on their goals is necessary to their progress. Rogers
  • 9. Cartoon of Fully Functioning Person
  • 11. Humanism (Maslow) Discuss Maslow’s Bio Abraham Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1908. His parents were Russian immigrants and had a hard time raising him financially. Maslow was very smart and had a high IQ of 195. He studied at University of Wisconsin and Columbia University. He was sough after psychotherapy while experiencing anxiety and died of a heart attack shortly after. Maslow’s Vision of Psych “Maslow believed there are different levels beyond self- actualization and proposed transpersonal psychology as a fourth force, after behaviorism and psychoanalysis, and as an outgrowth of humanistic psychology.” Deficiency Motivation: These are the first four levels of the hierarchy of needs. This is motivation to overcome the feeling od deficiency. If any of these 4 basic needs are not met, the person will feel unfulfilled. Physiological Needs: The lowest level of needs, they are food, water, sleep and sex. Being Motivation: When the deficiency needs are met, this is being motivation. Need to Self-Actualize: This is the highest level of needs and where a person decides to reach their potential. Safety Needs: The next motivation is for a person to feel safe in a situation. Belongingness & Love Needs: If safety and physiological needs are met, a person will seek love and friendship. Esteem Needs: This is the need for self respect and the esteem of others. Differences between D-Motivation and B-Motivation: Metamotivated: People at the level of self actualization. B-Love: The B stands for “becoming”. People at this level want psychological freedom, Maslow describes them as non-possessive and enjoyable. D-Love: Full of jealousy and anxiety. This is described as deficiency levels being low.
  • 12. Maslow Continued… Research Testing Need Hierarchy: The Maslow Art Test was used to test intuition and perception. 7. Freshness of Appreciation: Awe and gratitude remain for self actualized people. 8. Peak Experiences: This occurs when a self-actualized person is seeking a mystical experience. This can be religious, nature, sexual etc. 9. Human Kinship: Self-actualized people feel very connected with humans. They have no prejudice towards others. 10. Humility and Respect: They are humble, love to learn from others, and are on the democratic or left leaning side of politics. 11. Interpersonal Relationships: Self-actualized people seek out relationships with other self-actualized people to form a strong bond. 12. Ethics and Values: They have strong ethical standards and embrace uniqueness of others. 13. Discrimination between Means and Ends: Self-actualized people are focused on their goals. They still do appreciate the pleasure of means. 14. Sense of Humor: Though self-actualized people are mor serious, they do laugh at lots of things but do not have a dark sense of humor. 15. Creativity: Maslow claimed this trait was present in all the self- actualized people he saw. They might not have been creative in the traditional sense, but still creative. 16. Resistance to Enculturation: Self-actualized people will not change who they are for everybody else. They will always be who they are. 17. Resolution of Dichotomies: They no longer see in black or white, there is a gray area for them. They will always see what is good for the people. 1. Efficient Perception of Reality: Self actualized people have a very high intuition. They are never misled by other people. 2. Acceptance: Self actualized people have a better acceptance towards themselves and eat better, sleep better, have better sex and generally enjoy life more. 3. Spontaneity: People that have reached self actualization are more spontaneous and live more natural. 4. Problem-Centered: These people are more problem centered than self centered. 5. Need for Privacy: Self actualized people are more private and do not let others make decisions for them. 6. Independence of Culture and Environment: Self actualized people do not depend on people or the world in order to feel fulfilled. Self-Actualization: Maslow describes this as the full potential of a human being.
  • 13. Maslow Continued… Measurement & Research Self-Actualization: Maslow did lots of observing in order to determine if someone is self-actualized. These were all purely hypotheses. Personal Orientation Inventory (POI)- A 150 item multiple choice that gives two scores based on Maslow’s theory. Inner Directed Supports Scale- This measures the degree in which the person provides their own support. Time Competence Scale-This scale measures the degree of which the person using this lives in the present. Obstacles to Self-Actualization: Instinctoid- Maslow created this term to differentiate actual needs vs wants. Instinctoid is actual needs like food, water, and shelter. Jonah complex- This is another term created by Maslow. It means someone being afraid of reaching their full potential by being successful. Applications and Implications of Maslow’s Theory Therapy: Some therapists base their work off Maslow’s work using transpersonal therapy. They also use spiritual and religious practices as techniques in therapy. This is done because of Maslow’s emphasis of higher human functions. Growth Centers: Growth centers are used for people seeking their highest potential. An examples is the Insalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Workplace: Maslow encouraged enlightened management to have happy and healthier work environments and workers. If an employer takes account of their workers hierarchy of needs, it will be beneficial to everybody. Consumerism: Food fulfills physiological needs, but it also can help with self esteem, so if suppliers are aware of this they will sell more. Religion and Spirituality: Maslow used a spiritual approach in psychology and cooperated with other spiritual psychotherapists. Though they are a little similar, spirituality and self-actualizations are not correlated. Education: Educational goals are “the self-actualization of a person” according to Maslow. He wanted teachers to be more empathetic to students. Gender: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is not limited to one gender. Any gender can reach self-actualization. Self-Determination: This theory proposes that there are 3 important physiological needs. Competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Self motivation is enhanced when these needs are met. Intrinsic Motivation: This theory is described as “doing an activity for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself”. Positive Psychology: Positive psychology focuses on healthy functioning. This focuses on healthy emotions, physical health and incorporates spirituality as well.
  • 15. Resourceful Videos • Bandura Social Learning Theory: • Rogers Fully Functioning Person: • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: •