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Critical Appraisal Example 2020-2022 - Fill And Sign Critical Appraisal Example 2020-2022 - Fill And Sign
The Assassin Essay
It was a dark and stormy night. The rain came down in torrents, soaking the solitary man to the skin.
He stood alone, silent, still enveloped by the black of the night; he stood at the top of his drive which
led to his mansion.
Had the sun been glowing, this lonely man would have seen the car parked up about half a mile from
him, with its engine and lights off, there was no cover for the car either as the man and his mansion
was surrounded by lots of fields and meandering roads.
Unaware to the man, the cars engine started but the lights didn t go on, yet the dark restricted the man
s vision so he didn t see the car slowly crept up on him.
The car stopped and a man dressed in nothing but ... Show more content on ...
The buzzing became louder yet it seemed further away as if…..that s it! He realised suddenly. The
buzzing is in my head! As this though crossed his mind, terror crossed his face. The terror turned to
anger as he hit himself over the head, hoping to drive out the unknown buzzing. One thought, and one
thought only crossed his mind. Get it out. Over and over he heard these words, infuriating him but yet
he listened.
Like a man possessed, he put both hands to his head and shook it, but still the continuous high pitched
buzzing still rang through his skull. He clawed at his face, his nails leaving trails of blood in his
Then he fell clumsily to the ground, silent, still. Dead. In a puddle of red liquid.
On looking closer, a passer by may have seen the deep scars in the man s face and the dried blood
under his nails.
Two people went walking by, a girl and her boyfriend; at first they thought it was a homeless person
but as they got closer they realised there was something seriously wrong.
When the girl saw his face the first thing she did was let out a tremendous scream, compared to her
boyfriend, whose first reaction was to see if the man was still alive,
Softly her boyfriend said He s dead ,
The girl broke down in tears whilst the boy reached for his phone.
Ambulance please. And the police.
The boy stood up with the sun shining fiercely in
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Heart And Peripheral Vascular System
Heart and Peripheral Vascular System Chest pain is a symptom that can represent several different
diseases from different organ systems. It is essential to determine which system is responsible for the
pain and state the severity of the patient s condition (Longo et al., 2011). When considering pain, there
are eleven different criteria one must consider and evaluate. These include the duration of the pain,
onset, localization, irradiation, character, intensity, alleviating factors, aggravating factors, triggering
factors, regularity and accompanying signs (Longo et al., 2011). These are all useful in determining
the etiology of the pain and taking the appropriate therapeutic steps. The causes of chest pain are
divided into ... Show more content on ...
The disease is usually associated with a viral infection before the pain occurs. The pain is sharp and
positional with a pleuritic nature (Longo et al., 2011). The pain is relieved by leaning forward and
worse when the patient is lying down. In addition, the pain is associated with a pericardial rub.
Another pain that is specific is that of aortic dissection. The condition is life threatening and could be
worsened by thrombolytics or anti aggregates, hence it is necessary to detect. The pain is sharp,
tearing, and severe and radiates to the back. The pain is pleuritic in nature and associated with a loss
of pulses (Longo et al., 2011). Non cardiovascular causes of chest pain include musculoskeletal
conditions such as costochondritis. The pain is usually localized and the patient is able to pin point the
exact location of the pain. The pain is increased by inspiration and can be reproduced through
palpitation of the chest wall. Gastrointestinal causes of chest pain include GERD, which is due to an
incompetent lower esophageal sphincter. The pain is relieved by antacids and is exacerbated by the
consumption of chocolates and fatty foods. There are also pulmonary causes of chest pain and these
include pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is a sharp, sudden chest pain that is usually
pleuritic. In addition, the pain is accompanied by dyspnea, tachypnea, and hemoptysis (Longo et al.,
2011). Hence, the above information illustrates the
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Alcoholism Addiction And An Addiction Essay
Traditionally speaking, alcoholism is an addiction to consuming alcohol. There are some organizations
and people out there that would combat that widely accepted thought, and consider it a disease over an
addiction. What is the difference between a disease and an addiction? To determine the appropriate
label, both definitions and the actions that give them that specific definition must be examined. There
is a line that separates what is a disease and what is an addiction and there are many different forms of
each. Alcoholism is one that is categorized as both, but often it falls into the category of an addiction.
According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Addiction is characterized by the inability
to consistently Abstain, Impairment in Behavioral control; Craving; or increased hunger for drugs or
rewarding experiences, diminished recognition of significant problems with one s behaviors and
interpersonal relationships; and a dysfunctional emotional response. On the contrary the definition of a
disease, according to Oxford Dictionary, is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or
plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not
simply a direct result of physical injury. Both definitions can greatly relate to what alcoholism is and
as to why it is so closely related to both. Many believe that alcoholism is a disease. Something that
relates to genetics and the person who has the disease
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People With Mental Illnesses
Throughout history people with mental illnesses were considered to be weird, strange, a witch, or even
possessed up until now. So many people have fought for the rights of these people to be considered
normal and welcomed. Still, many other people around the world do not agree with this. It s not fair
for the people who are considered different to be left out and almost completely thrown to the curb
with little to no sympathy. Many of them try to commit suicide to get rid of all the pain and suffering,
but others help them get back up and help them realize that their life is not worth throwing away. Even
though some of these issues have been resolved, people need to be more aware about some of these
mental illnesses and the research scientists are doing to help them. ... Show more content on ...
This might be because people are not aware of what is really going on with the people around them.
So many illegal incidents have happened throughout the United States because these criminals had
untreated mental illnesses. The article, Mental Illness Awareness and Research states, The infamous
2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado; the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School attack in
Newtown, Connecticut; and the 2015 gun attack at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, (Michael
Auerbach). It is sad to find out that a lot of these incidents are due to the lack of care for people.
Another article, Funding for Research, Not Public Awareness Campaigns, Will Do More for the
Support and Treatment of Mental Illness states, According to the National Institute of Mental Health,
it is likely that tens of millions of Americans each year experience mental illness but only half of those
people seek treatment. This is the reason why people need to be aware of the people around them.
Many of them go through the pain everyday and they don t speak up and then one day they just decide
to end it. It s just
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Role Of Religion In Ancient Egyptian Culture
For starters, how many of us actually realize how different the role of religion varies in each culture.
In Egypt, religion importance is not the same for someone else, for example what may be a factor in
one s culture may not be a factor in another culture that one embrace. Unlike other cultures beliefs,
Egyptian cultures consisted of a list of things, for example medicine, art, laws, agriculture and more
are all tied into their religious beliefs.
Also, Most aspects of Egyptian religion can be traced to the people s observation of the environment.
Fundamental was the love of sunlight, the solar cycle and the comfort brought by the regular rhythms
of nature, and the agricultural cycle surrounding the rise and fall of the Nile. (Brewer, ... Show more
content on ...
Each and every god Egyptians worshiped had more than one power in the eyes of the believers as well
as sometimes some gods had a combination of what individual gods already had. It is very hard to
establish the number of gods that were praised by Ancient Egyptians. Also, Gods in ancient Egypt
were always superior to humans, they would live their life like humans. The only difference between a
human and a God was the standing possibility to be able to live again. Unlike humans, Gods were
forever immortal. Also, unlike humans gods came in different forms. The early gods is the fact that a
single deity could be represented in human form, in zoomorphic form, or in a mixed animal human
form. Although the animal forms and therianthropic (i.e., part human, part animal) forms slightly
predate anthropoid manifestations. (Brewer, Teeter, 1). Ancient Egyptians believed in more than one
practice, but it is unlikely that the gods were derived from totemic animals or that the Egyptians
practiced zoolatry (i.e., worship of animals). Rather, animal forms were probably used to suggest
metaphorically something about the characteristics of the god. (Brewer, Teeter, 1). Some of the things
we despise of now wasn t frowned upon ancient Egyptians religion. For example, The King of the
Underworld Osiris was married to his sister, where he was killed by his brother and brought back to
life by his wife to conceive a son. The son then despised the Uncle and set out his death wish. ( List of
15 Most Worshiped Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses , 1.) In societies today, being with a
member of your family is very frowned upon and consider unapporiate. Whereas in ancient Egyptian
culture the importance of keeping the bloodline very pure was more than
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Grammar, History, Development And Prescriptive Grammar
Introduction Do you think grammar is important? Do you know the function of grammar? Can you
imagine living a life without grammar? Grammar is a set of rules for language. In this chapter, we will
cover general ideas of grammar, including the definition, history, development, syntax, and how
learners learn grammar. 3.1 Definition of Grammar Grammar is certainly a common word, it may be a
boring subject to you or an explorative subject that you want to probe for. No matter what, grammar
has been a long established academic term and it is an imperative part of language. First, get to know
the word grammar . The term grammar is derived from the Greek word grammatikē, where gram
meant something written. The part tikē is derived from technē and ... Show more content on ...
Its content is rich and complex. It includes: 1) Syntax(how words are ordered to form sentences; study
of different sentence types); 2) Morphology(how letters/sounds combine to make meaningful units);
3) Phonology(study of sounds/significant sounds (phonemes)); 4) Semantics(the study of meaning)
and Pragmatics(how to understand other speakers intended meaning) 3.1.1 Descriptive grammar and
Prescriptive grammar One basic distinction of grammar is between Descriptive grammar and
Prescriptive grammar. Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as it is actually used
by speakers and writers, it is from living language and up to date. The language in descriptive
grammar is constantly changing, fluid and organic, it also describes reality from authentic data.
Prescriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as certain people (usually learned scholars)
think it should be used, it emphasis on correctness. It is the unchanging set of rules, which is seen as
the idealised perfection . 3.1.2 Different Types of Grammar There are different varieties of grammar,
which is the different ways of describing and analyzing the structures and functions of language. Apart
from the basic distinction of grammar between descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar, there
are ten more types of
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Offensive Lyrics Essay
Offensive Lyrics Intro
Ben, a child no more than the age of eight, adores his older brother James. James is in his mid teens
and is a huge fan of rap music. One of his favorites is Eminem. Ben, wanting to be as much like his
brother as possible, does everything to become a complete copy of James. Ben dresses like him, eats
the same food as he does, and even tries to mimic the way he walks. Ben even tries to listen to the
same music that the older brother does. He asks his mom to buy one of the CDs that James has. His
mother objects by telling him that the music that his brother listens to is not appropriate for someone
his age. Ben, not knowing the meaning of what his mother says dismisses her comment and heads
home with ... Show more content on ...
Their lyrics influence children everyday and they should be regulated in some shape or form. Overall
Young people should not have to listen to violent lyrics and vulgar music being produced by
musicians and record producers. That modest warning label on the corner of the CD cover is not as
effective as one would think. If the musicians would cut those offensive lyrics out of the music, young
people would not have the idea of running into a school and shooting random people just to feel better
about themselves. They would not get the idea to kill themselves from their favorite band. They would
not be bombarded with ideas and mental pictures of raping women. Vulgar lyrics are all around in all
types of music genres, from country, to rap, to rock n roll, to alternative. Musicians should not have to
write music about drugs and alcohol, and sex, and violence to sell their albums. Violent lyrics are a
major problem in today s society. Solving this problem will be very difficult but according to
American Academy of Pediatrics there are a few ways to help control the problem:
Parents are strongly encouraged to take an active role in monitoring music that their children and
adolescents are exposed to and which they purchase.
Parents should join with educators and other parents in local and national coalitions to discuss the
effects of music lyrics on children and adolescents.
The public, and parents
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Lamborghini And Defendant s Impressions
C. Lamborghini and Defendant s marks are similar because the two marks give off the same overall
impression when examining them in their market and also because neither mark has any distinctive
features to set them apart. The more similar the marks are, the more likely it is that relevant consumers
will confuse their sources. Kibler v. Hall, 843 F.3d 1068, 1077 (6th Cir. 2016). When comparing two
marks, the courts view the marks in their entirety and focus on the marks overall impressions, opposed
to dissecting the marks and focusing on their individual features. AutoZone, Inc. v. Tandy Corp., 373
F.3d 786, 798 (6th Cir. 2004). Specifically, the court looks to the mark s overall impression in the light
of what occurs in the marketplace ... Show more content on ...
Maker s Mark, 679 F.3d at 422. Because the plaintiff s (bourbon distiller) consumers are unaware of
the connections between different brands of distilled spirits, and that some companies produce
multiple types of distilled spirits, the court in Maker s Mark, concluded that the house mark was not
important. Id. In short, the court concluded that while the Maker s Mark s name might be on a product,
it could just be sponsoring the product or have some association with it, therefore not diminishing the
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Lead Poisoning In Prenatal Development
The prenatal affects of lead poisoning greatly influence the child s early life from mental disorders to
poor health. According to one of my sources, high Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) around 350 micro
grams in infants during pregnancy can result in various birth defects such as reduced gestational age,
weight at birth, and facial deformities. As well as other various mental affects ranging from, anaemia,
impaired visual and motor functions, hearing loss, mild mental developmental delay, attention spans,
and reading and learning disabilities (Ronchetti, Van Den Hazel, Schoeters, Hanke, Rennezova,
Barreto, Villa, M. P. 2006). Lead poisoning in prenatal development is an unexpected and unfavorable
outcome. While children can t grasp the dire consequences ... Show more content on
While Flint has a significant industrial history, the location of possibly manufacturing plants that used
lead at one point n production did not correspond with the exposure of lead in water. Since there is no
known alternative source for the increased lead exposure during this time period, the innate corrosive
properties of the Flint River water, and lack of corrosion control, strongly suggest the change in water
source as the apparent cause of the increase in EBLL percentage. Children in Flint Michigan already
suffer from risk factors that increase their lead exposure such as poor nutrition, and poverty. Due to
limited means of protection such as scarce resources for alternatives to water, lead in water in addition
exacerbates the preexisting risk factors. Increased levels of lead poisoning rates have significant
meaning for the development of an entire generation of Flint children, already inflicted with teratogen
stress contributors (Hanna Attisha, LaChance, Casey Sadler, Champney Schnepp
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The Characters Play A Significant Role In Doctor s Wife
The characters play a significant role in the novel because they each have a different role they are to
play. For example, Dora seems like a strict mother because in her restaurant, bear flag, no one is
allowed to drink hard liquor or use profanity. She is seen as generous because of the way she spends
her money. She is willing to paid peoples grocery bills when needed and feed others as needed. On the
other hand, Doc seems like a gentle human being because he is interesting helping the victims and
delivering food. I see him as a person that puts others first before himself. Doc is a popular man and
everyone comes to him because of him going to college. I believe the characters come together as a
whole to help the reader better understand
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Importance Of Formative And Summative Assessment
Assessment According to (Georgiou Pavlou 2003) it includes all methods to collect information about
children s general performance, ability, attitude and knowledge. It s also used to diagnose students
weak areas (Nikolic and Cabaj 1999) 4.1 Formative assessment tools and rational There are 2 types of
assessment: Formative and summative. For (Baxter 1997) Formative assessments are not limited only
to mini tests during the course, but also to a continuous mutual feedback between students and their
teacher. They can be done in a form of setting homework tasks and monitoring effectively in class.
This way, they address students preferences/NA questionnaire (Apps 3.1, 3.2) i.e. I want the teacher to
tell me how I m doing.. 1 Tool procedure: For example, in lesson 3, students will correct their own
short stories by comparing them to some authentic samples and a correction code sheet and not to their
peers. Sts underline their key errors/slips with a highlighter then they rate themselves using a self
assessment grid (App. 6.5) Course objectives: CO3, CO4, CO5. Rational: Most students are concerned
with marks and rarely check the quality of their writing (Harris McCann 1994). From my experience,
this often happens in parent s meetings unless a student gets very low marks so parents become
concerned. Students will increase their autonomy (KI 1.2.3) and become aware of their strengths and
weaknesses in writing as Cram (1995:282 cited in Nunan2004 , p.149). This is done
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Empire Plumbing Company Case
Millionaire John Johnson arrived at his new Florida mansion flooded on Friday morning after having
his pipelines changed the day before. Empire Plumbing Company is now expected to pay thousands of
dollars in damages to the home. The two story house at 6010 N Bay Road near Miami Beach Florida,
was drenched in water after a main pipe burst inside the home on Friday at 9:00 a.m. The owner of the
home, CEO John Johnson, arrived at his mansion around 11: 00 a.m and was shocked to learn his
multi million dollar estate was flooded. After recently purchasing the 5.2 Million dollar home, 41 year
old John Johnson noticed one of the plumbing fixtures needed to be replaced after a house inspection.
Mr. Johnson asked the reputable Empire Plumbing Company ... Show more content on ...
The $10 pipe they used instead was too small to fit the sink, so when they turned the water back on the
pipe failed as it was unable to withstand the water pressure. This was confirmed to be the main cause
of the pipe bursting. Empire Plumbing Company released a statement saying, We apologize for the
recent accidents that have occurred. The plumbers on site searched for a cheaper alternative to the pipe
needed to fit the sink to keep more money for labor. This should not reflect our company and the
employees have been suspended. Mr. Johnson and the CEO of Empire Plumbing company appeared in
court Monday morning where the company was sued for fraud. Empire Plumbing Company was
ordered to reimburse Mr. Johnson for the damages caused to his home as well as cover the court costs.
The extent of the damages is pretty bad, Mr. Johnson s private contractor began, This can be
distressing to any homeowner and I feel sorry for the other seven homeowners involved in this
situation. When asked how he felt about the whole situation, Mr. Johnson said, I am happy with the
judge s ruling and I know to never deal with this company
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Total Quality Management Guru s
One of the foremost and well known philosophers of Total Quality Management is W. E. Deming.
Deming attended Yale University and received his PhD in Physics in 1928 and was a well trained
statistician. In 1950 he was invited to Japan by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers
(JUSE), where he preformed several lectures for executive, managers and researchers. This was a
difficult time for Japan, the war had just ended and the county was struggling to keep its people
employed. Through Deming s training, flailing Japanese industry was able to compete on a global
level and became one of the countries best known for quality products. Deming is credited with
establishing the axiom, work smarter, not harder. His teachings promoted ... Show more content on ...
This show included an interview with some of the Japanese clients Deming s had worked with where
they described the cost savings and high profit margin they had mostly due to Deming s principles.
The show created an interest in Deming s and his Total Quality Management Principles. Utilizing his
philosophy, Deming s was able to assist several of largest businesses in America in becoming the
companies that truly valued what the customer wanted and delivered appropriately.
Along with Deming , Joseph Juran was another well known TQM philosopher and has been called the
Father of quality . ( Feo, n.d) In 1937 he conceptualize the Pareto principle that stated that the over
80% of quality defects are caused by factors controllable by management. (Lewis, Goodman, Fandt,
Michlitsch, 2007). Juran s philosophy revolved around the customer s perspective, believing that ;
higher quality means a greater number of features that meet the customers need, and higher quality
consist of fewer defects. Juran is responsible for the management principle of Quality Trilogy . This
management ideas identifies three quality principles; quality planning, quality Improvements and
quality control (Skymark, 2007)
Quality Planning includes identifying who the customers are, determining their needs, translating
those needs into a product that can meet those needs and optimizing the product to meet both the
customers and the industries needs. Quality
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How Gambling Can Kill You Faster Than Drug Abuse Or Alcohol
There are a lot of dangers when it comes to gambling, since gambling is a legal vice with a profitable
basis that drives the development of the industry. Usually, a gambling addiction is commonly
considered a hidden problem; a gambling addict does not display the obvious physical signs and
symptoms of a drug or alcohol addict. Loved ones are often blindsided by the consequences of a
gambling addiction, realizing the problem only after the person has spent huge sums of money and
incurred significant debts. In the Article How Gambling Can Kill You Faster Than Drug Abuse or
Alcoholism from the website AlterNet, Author Chris Write claims The suicide rates among gambling
addicts are staggeringly high. The National Council on Problem Gambling
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Steam Engines By Katelyn Warga 2nd Period
Steam Engines
By Katelyn Warga 2nd Period
Being around for over 2000 years, the steam engine has proved its worth. Invented in the industrial
revolution, this heat engine performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Throughout
its time the steam engine has had many uses, and been modified many times to change its pronounced
task. This had led to the steam engine being a very important invention in the industrial revolution,
changing life in social and economic ways that still impact today. The steam engine drove the world
into an era of big business and production that is still evident today.
What is a Steam Engine?
A steam engine is a type of engine known as external combustion. In general, water is heated into
steam ... Show more content on ...
The condensed steam would create a vacuum, and add pressurized steam to move water. In 1712,
Thomas Newcomen took this idea and built on it, creating the atmospheric engine . It was the first
engine that used a piston, and was made for pumping in mines. But the first moving steam engine
came into play when James Watt patented a continuous rotary motion steam engine. It could be fueled
by water, coal, or wood. It had the capability to power manufacturing machines. This allowed factories
to locate in areas where no constant water source was available. Later, they could be applied to
locomotives and traction engines.
Why was the Steam Engine Invented?
The steam engine s initial use was for pumping mines back in the 1700 s. As technology evolved and
rotaries were applied, the engine was capable of much more. They could power factory machines such
as power looms and spinning mules. They later in the 1900 s powered modes of transportation such as
steamboats, railway locomotives, and cars. They lead to the widespread use of looms in factories,
driving change and the industrial revolution. The steam engine s overall use was to power things.
How does the Steam Engine Change Our Lives Today?
The steam engine has had major impacts on society, and not just during the industrial revolution. It s
creation still affects us even today. Back then, the invention of the steam locomotive spread fast and
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Pros And Cons Of The Ban On Tobacco Advertising
Ban on Tobacco Ads by the Government of India
Tobacco advertising refers to promotion display of tobacco products in media such as; radio,
television, print, billboards and at retail stores. The ban on tobacco advertising by the Indian
Government has many effects on the people as well as their ethics and freedom of choice. This paper
will provide a summary argument in favour of the ban as well as opposing the ban. And to conclude
with my opinions on what the government should do with tobacco advertising.
Summarize the arguments in favour of the ban on tobacco advertising in India
Smoking kills! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco industry is the only
industry that kills around 5 million of its customers every year, additionally 600,000 people dies due
to exposure to second hand smoke (WHO, 2016). This death toll is estimated to reach 8.4 million by
2020, and to 10 million by 2030. Developing countries are exposed to a much higher risks than those
of developed countries. 60% of the world wide 5.7 ... Show more content on ...
Company has the freedom of speech, they are free to advertise and inform consumers about their
products. Consumers have the right to make choices for their own life, by preventing them this choice
is against the meaning of freedom and democratic society. If it were legal to manufacture and sell
tobacco products, it should be legal to advertise it as well (IBS Center, n.d.).
Tobacco advertising was merely used to influence existing smokers to switch brands and to create
brand loyalty and does not encourage new smokers (Hammond Rowell, 2001). Banning of tobacco
advertising in India will only hurt India tobacco industry. Tobacco advertising will continue to exist in
international event like Formula One (F1) and are broadcasted globally. India tobacco industry
contributed 12% of the total excise revenue of Rs. 8000 crores in the year 2000 2001 and employs up
to 26 million people direct and
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Resistance to Change in Organizations
It s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive
to change. ~ Charles Darwin Organizational changes are changes that are made in the overall
framework of a company, such as restructuring in departments, changes in policies, or changes in
culture. It directly affects all departments, from the entry level employee to management. Any
business in today s fast moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to
be sorely disappointed. In fact, businesses should embrace change. Change is important for any
organization because, without change, businesses would ... Show more content on ...
Aside from individual resistance, organizations as a whole also resist changes. Some organizations are
so designed that they resist new ideas. The major reasons for this type of resistance are : threat to
power; upper management considers change a threat to their power, authority and position. They fear
that new policies imposed for instance by the government, may result in them losing their status. Also
implementations such as participative decision making and self managed work teams affect their
Additionally, companies resist change in their organizational structure. Especially bureaucratic
structures where jobs are narrowly defined and flow of information is stressed to from top to bottom.
This is usually because change in one part of these structures cant happen without causing disruption
in all levels.
Other popular reasons to resist change are resource constraints and sunk costs. If employees do accept
change, organizations must have the resources to accommodate the new changes. For example if
training agents are hired, the company needs to have sufficient financial resources to pay them and
also pay their employees. If they are not equipped with enough resources, they will resist change.
Also, it creates a problem for top management because a lot of capital would have already been
invested in fixed assets and training for employees for their current jobs.
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Crown Castle International Corporation Business Analysis
The company that I chose to carry out this assignment is called Crown Castle International
Corporation. It is currently located at 1220 Augusta Dr Ste 600. Houston, TX, 77057. Its website is
found at us.aspx. This company s mision statement is as follows:
To deliver the highest level of service to our customers at all times striving to be their critical partner
as we assist them in growing efficient, ubiquitous wireless networks. This is a wireless network
provider which happens to be the largest of its kind in the United States. This is not be confused with
as ISP or Internet Services Provider, which are companies such as Orange, AT T, Skyriver or
Earthlink. This company is in the business of providing
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Old Right Movement Analysis
The United States developed over time as a strong power throughout the world. The States constantly
battled with foreign policy and waged war to help their allies but the major struggle that the States
faced was the transition that occurred between the Old Left New Left and Old Right New Right. The
Democratic Party and Republican Party were once a single group of people fighting to deal with the
same issues. Over time more issues arose causing a divide to occur and the creation of two separate
parties were created. The Democratic Party dominated American politics between 1828 and 1860 and
once again during 1932 and 2000. During the time of the Democratic Party the views of the party
changed from president to president because of the obstacles ... Show more content on
The Republican Party during this time is known as the old left. During the 1800s the Republican Party
focused on equality and abolishing slavery. Over time the Old left began to change and develop but
first to understand the old left, the Old Republican Party must be defined. There was one main
argument that forced the creation of the Republican Party. The debate about the slavery issues caused
the creation of the Republican Party because majority of its members were against slaver or against
expanding slavery. The Republican Party became the party that focused on principles, positions on a
variety of issues and promised to change the laws in fundamental ways. Abraham Lincoln became
president as a Republican candidate and created the 13th amendment which abolished slavery. Aside
from the slavery issue, the Republican Party had the support of northern businessmen, especially the
owners of railroad and manufacturing corporations. The southerner plantation owners and cotton
growers feared higher protective tariffs on imported manufactured goods because the south was
already deeply indebted to northern bankers and merchants and did not want to deal with more
economic struggles. The Republican Party favoured a centralized national government over state and
local governance. The Republican Party focused on their war effort which required high taxes to pay
for men and their supplies,
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The Economic Background Of A Student
The economic background of a student has an impact on where he or she decides to live after school.
Even if a student does not move out after high school, there is a chance that they will move out of a
parent s house after college. Research shows that 85% of students returned home after college
especially during the time of recession back in 2011. This information is from Boomerang kids: 85%
of college grads move home by Jessica Dickler, who is a staff writer for CNNMoney.
Today a college graduate has really slim chances of finding a job as soon as graduating from college.
College Graduates Tackle Depressed Job Market by David Faulk stated, when the economy is poor,
the trend would be to try to stay near one s support system, students already have their friends and
family to rely on, and moving is expensive, Faulk states. This shows that when times are tough it is
easier to rely on your family and loved ones to help support you which is why students move back
home after graduation.
In the Opinion article, Growing Up, Then Going Home, The New York Times revolves around various
college graduates stories about moving back home after graduating. All the stories revolve around the
same concept, how one feels after being independent in college but moving back in with your parents
after graduating. All had the same feeling, as if they were a burden to their parents and questioned if
their parents even wanted them there. One writer, Rachel, writes At 22, being taken
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What Are The Sales Promotion Objectives Of Club Med
1. What are the sales promotion objectives? ( 50 words 1 or 2 objectives ) According to Mahmoud
(2017), hotels need to attain their minimum occupancy levels in order to achieve average sales. By
offering Malaysian consumers up to 40% discount, the objective of this promotion is to increase
occupancy rate by 5% during the off peak period of 2014 in the select destinations stated.
2. Do you think it will accomplish its objectives? (Yes/No/Yes and No 2 points 100 words each)
No, it was not advertised in the right channel and the duration was too short to maximise reach.
Firstly, the promotion was not highly advertised through the right channels; it could only be found on
their website and at the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel ... Show more content on ...
Resort hotels business is highly contingent on the season. For example, in Sahoro, which is a famous
destination to enjoy ski, peak period is winter, and non peak is summer. According to the annual report
on 2013, Club Med kept the average occupancy rate of 68.7% on 2012, which tells that Club Med did
not perform well. On that year, they did not have the same type of promotion, which might have
caused them to have such low occupancy rate. However if they can get more customers during a low
peak season by having a promotional package like this during off season, they might bring figures up
... Get more on ...
Horticulture Personal Statement
My interest in participating as a horticulture intern at The Polly Hill Arboretum is interwoven in my
desire to acquire hands on experience with plant material and expand my knowledge on what it takes
to manage and maintain an Arboretum. Polly Hill s devotion to education, plant conservation, and
research resonates with my personal and educational experiences as a native New Yorker and
Landscape Architecture major at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. The practice
of horticulture is fundamental in sustaining beautiful landscapes and I wish to develop that notion
through landscape maintenance and greenhouse/nursery management.
My experience working for Park Avenue Armory, a nonprofit arts institution, provided me with
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Anita Desai, A Modern Indo English Writer Essay
Anita Desai, a noteworthy woman novelist, is a modern Indo English writer, widely acclaimed not
only in India but also in the world of fiction writing. She emerged after independence, deliberating on
the highly debatable contemporary issues. Anita Desai is a keen observer of the society and the
position of the women in the contemporary society draws her special attention. The novels of Anita
Desai are noted for the profound probing into the inner life and feelings of the women, bounded by the
shackles of the middle class. They are the explorations of the family problems, which perhaps is the
chief cause behind the estrangement of the women from their family. Literature for her is not a means
of escaping reality but an exploration and an inquiry. She prefers the private to the public world and
avoids the traditional grooves of external reality and physical world. In fact, her real concern is the
thorough investigation of human psyche, inner climate, and she unravels the mystery of the inner life
of her characters. Her main engagement is to study human existence and human predicament, her
exploration being a quest for self. Anita s main focus, in this way, is to depict the psychic states of her
protagonists at some crucial juncture of their lives.
The uniqueness of Anita Desai s fiction, however, lies in her exploration of feminine sensibility. In
Desai s novels, the love encounters explode into marital disputes as the result of devastating post
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I Don t Believe There
I don t believe there is one person in this room that doesn t want the same thing a quality education for
their love ones. Isn t that the reason we re all here. Isn t that what we re all fighting for, Miriam asked
the crowd as she walked forward. Lowering her voice she continued to speak, How can I deny my
nieces the right to go to a school simply because they live in a different neighborhood? I recently read
an article of these two gifted straight A students who are only nine years old, and are slated to be
featured at Madison Square Garden in a few months. They attend one of the Academy s we are talking
about. Are these the kinds of students we re trying to keep out of the school my father longed to build?
Some of you may want that, but I don t, Miriam said. She stood in front of Clara as they both stared
into each other s eyes. I ve been so foolish, she whispered. The room stood still with the only noise
coming from the news reporters scurrying about capturing every word. There, now you see, the mayor
said, as he eased his way into the conversation. I have been successful bringing these two sides
together just as I expected, he said, clasping his hands. Oh, sit down, Mildred demanded. No, you sit
down. In fact, why don t you excuse yourself from this committee, permanently. he whispered,
wrapping his hand around the microphone.
Mildred clutched her chest.
He quickly glued a grin back on his face and smiled at the audience. Your mayor
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Sherman Alexie The Joy Of Reading
Academic Blog Post: EJ Goings (9/4/2015)
Thinking back on all of the academic posts that we have worked on, I believe that there is some sort of
pattern between Villanueva, Mellix, and Alexie stories. All have been able to overcome struggle, face
adversity, and strive and maintain excellence in mastering English and literacy skills. Their adversity
allowed them to grow internally, allowing their external layer to be polished and perfected. In the
Alexie piece, Alexie believed that Indian children were expected to be stupid . (Sherman Alexie, The
Joy of Reading and Writing) When a child expectations are low and they are told they will not amount
to anything, they begin to believe and process those thoughts. Thus, making it very hard for a child to
learn at their own rate. I highly believe that a support system is needed in order to become successful
in not only a school system, but life as well. Alexie also talked about how Indian children excelled
outside school. ... Show more content on ...
In my eyes, I see this as the turning point in Alexie s life. Alexie was a child who was not expected to
live, grew up poor ( living on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope fear, and government
surplus food ) and began to experience his first literacy experience at the age of three. Although some
would not see this as a turning point in their lives, this signified that he was on the path of discovering
his inner self and beginning to add layers to his life to become a successful
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Improvements in the Quality of Life of the Hearing...
Improvements in the Quality of Life of the Hearing Impaired: Modern Technologies Impact
Improvements in the Quality of Life of the Hearing Impaired: Modern Technologies Impact
The hearing impaired, including people who are deaf and are hard of hearing, have a wide variety of
technology presented to them to improve their lifestyles. Researchers and manufacturers have
improved their products and psychologists, who specialize in deaf studies, have improved techniques
to expand the possibilities the hearing impaired have. While speech therapy and psychological therapy
have had an impact, modern technology has had the largest impact of the lives of the hearing
impaired. These advancements are very important ... Show more content on ...
The organization states that this implant can not restore normal hearing, instead it can give the person
a useful representation of sounds in the environment and help them to understand speech. With all of
these pieces the cochlear implant works very different from a hearing aid. Hearing aids amplify sound
so they may be detected by damaged ears, while cochlear implants bypass the damages and directly
stimulate the auditory nerve. The signals generated by the implant are sent to the auditory nerve,
which then send the signals to the brain. The brain then recognizes the signals as sound. According to
the NIDCD (2013a) the cochlear implant can be helpful to many different people. Both children and
adults can be fitted for cochlear implants and as stated by the Food and Drug Administration, as of
December 2012, approximately 324,000 people have cochlear implants worldwide. In the U.S. alone,
about 58,000 adults and 38,000 children have them. Adults who have lost their hearing often benefit
from cochlear implants due to the signs they receive can easily be associated with sounds they have
heard before with practice. Children who receive implants also strive, especially when the implant is
paired with sign language and post implantation therapy. The organization says most get their implants
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Soundcloud In The Movie Industry
Everywhere people look, there is a screen. Whether it s a laptop, television, phone, tablet, or a cinema,
screens encompass society. Additionally, the content we watch on these devices is growing at a
prolific rate. This is due to easy access of programs, like Final Cut, Premiere Pro, and iMovie, that
allow basically anyone to make their own video or movie. Some say that this ability to produce
movies easier than ever before poses a threat to the integrity of the movie industry, claiming streaming
sites, legitimate or otherwise, are shifting people away from the theater and moving them toward
home entertainment. However, I believe this change in film production is only creating more sub
genres of film, and not actually degrading Cinema s good ... Show more content on ...
Soundcloud is a relatively new music streaming site that enables up and coming rappers to easily
release their content to a large audience. Many rappers, now referred to as soundcloud rappers, use
this site to increase their chances of stardom in an otherwise competitive enterprise. Artists such as Lil
Yachty, XXX Tentacion, Lil Pump, Lil Uzi Vert, and Jay Critch, all became famous by utilizing the
streaming sites fan base to gain followers. This rise in Soundcloud rappers created a subgenre of hip
hop music, known as soundcloud rap, without degrading the integrity of hip hop. While this subgenre
has increased in popularity in the past year significantly, artists that represent the gems of hip hop, like
Kendrick Lamar, Joey Bada$$, J Cole, Jay Z, and Schoolboy Q, all still play a major role in
mainstream hip hop, maintaining the fundamentals of genre. In addition, many of these notably artist
of the hip hop industry use their celebrity status to bolster the growth of the Soundcloud rappers. For
Instance, Chance the Rapper, who won three awards at the 59th Grammy Award, promoted the use of
free music to enable new artists to show their talent to a large audience, and also supported
Soundcloud when their finances were limited. Ultimately, when easy access to recording and releasing
music was introduced to rising
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Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Analysis
Philip K. Dick s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? provides a deep, insightful commentary
on the real meaning of humanity through the refreshing context of a disconcerting depiction of the
future. By utilizing the internal conflict of android bounty hunter Rick Deckard, the novel is able to
bring into question the very way humans define humanity, suggesting that society s moral principles
apply even to non living beings. Primarily, Deckard s changing thoughts concerning the humanity of
the androids he sought to kill portray to the reader that the sanctity of life is not limited to biological
creatures alone. In the novel s beginning, Deckard had little reason to question the morality of his job
of retiring androids. Through the
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What Are The Stereotypes In The Little Mermaid
In the film, The Little Mermaid Ariel, the heroin of the film, is perceived as a delicate girl who cannot
protect herself and has to rely on a man to be rescued. An analysis a child may have is that beautiful
women usually must have a small waist. The villain of the film, Ursula, is a woman that is overweight
and has animal traits in her figure; therefore, creating a demining perception about overweight
females. Males are typically in the films of Disney thin and muscular; this gives a perception that boys
should grow up like them to be wanted by women. In the article, The Egg and the Sperm: How
Science ... Emily Martin mentions many points on how society stereotypes the reproductive system.
Similar to The Little Mermaid the male is said
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Art Form For The Digital Age Summary
Art Form For The Digital Age Summary Art Form For The Digital Age, by Henry Jenkins is about
gaming expanding and how it s being considered a digital art. The growing game industry is said to be
the most growing form of art in the economy today. The gaming industry has grown tremendously in
the past century. It went from silent pong games to intense story plot and mind blowing real life
graphics like Final Fantasy. Games are becoming more and more realistic, characters can talk, and
blink, jump, wave and every part of the body moves like a real person can. Parental advisory is a big
part of these games. In this new generation of video games, players can blow up enemies and rip them
apart. Games are so realistic that some ... Show more content on ...
Purchase weapons in gun stores, take a trip to the strip clubs and spend money on prostitues late at
night. Video games like GTA, Assassin Creed, Call Of Duty Series creates criminals. I understand that
gaming industry is trying to show the artistic view point of what the creator s vision and they should
continue but they should take this a bit of consideration to the younger audience. The gaming industry
will never die and continue to grow as a digital art. Not only are they used for fun, they are making
more simulations for training some jobs like air plane simulations and criminal justice scenarios for
shooting. The industry is becoming more popular than cinemas and even the internet. More and more
young adults are going towards game designing instead of producing movies. Videos games is
growing tremendously that its becoming the main entertainment. Amazing story plot that you can only
see in the movies and mind blowing real life graphics. Games are becoming more realistic that
characters can do any kind of gestures and move every part of the body like a real person can. Its
amazing to see and incredible to play. After reading this article i considered videos games as digital art
and i cannot wait whats going to happen
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The Importance Of Body Worn Cameras
Body Worn Cameras are spreading worldwide, under the assumption that police performance,
conduct, accountability, and legitimacy, in the eyes of the public, are enhanced as a result of using
these devices. Also, suspects demeanor during police public engagements is hypothesized to change as
a consequence of the video recording of the encounter (Ariel, 2016, para.1). Research has shown that
body worn cameras by law enforcement officers dramatically reduces both civilian complaints against
officers and the use of force by officers. Since the beginning of using the body worn cameras by law
enforcement officers, behavior has improved, and de escalation on both sides of the cameras that
happen during the interactions with the public has decreased. The body worn cameras provide
members of the public, the media, and researchers with vital information about the quality of police
public interactions; especially the relatively small, but critical, minority that involves officer use of
force. (Kiernan, 2016) These videos will not resolve all debates about the propriety of the officer s
behaviors they portray, but the information they do reveal can advance empirically grounded policing
reform. (Kiernan, 2016, para. 6)
The advantages of wearing the body worn for both police officers and citizens are to record every
encounter with members of the public to minimize complaints and unnecessary use of force. The
video can be utilized for shreds of evidence of decisions made by police
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Taobao s Success
Taobao s Success 1
Taobao s Success
The most successful C2C E business platform in China
Chenlei Shi
IT IS 600
Professor Robert Testa, Jr.
September, 18, 2010
Taobao s Success 2
With the great speed of economic globalization, E Business is developing in a surprising speed
through the wide spread of information technology. Nowadays, there are a lot of big E business
corporations such as Amazon, E bay focus on different E business model and field. However when
these international companies carving up the global market, some local enterprises also growing up
and want to share this big cake.
Taobao (, a Chinese based company which is a leading platform for C2C personal
transactions, was founded in 2003 ... Show more content on ...
Until 2005, this
Taobao s Success 5 problem was solved by eBay Each, but without doubt, eBay Each lost its
advantage in credit transaction.
Third, eBay Each used advertisement blocking tactics to fight Taobao. In 2003, the biggest three portal
in China (Sohu, Sina, 163) made a deal with e Bay that they would never use Taobao s advertisement.
To fix this problem, Taobao use a lot of traditional medium such as newspaper, TV or subway stops,
bus, road advertising. Moreover, Taobao also made a co operation with Yahoo, using Yahoo s search
bid, investing 2 million keywords. Then Taobao increased the keywords to 3 million, and the hits up to
6million in one day. That made Taobao beyond its opponent in two key indicators, accounting for the
initiative in future competition. Furthermore, another difference in Taobao s advertisements, their
membership in the trading process could feel lively culture of family. Fourth, eBay Each and Taobao
had a significant understianding gap in market positioning. EBay Each have their global strategy and
want to do business with the people who are 30 40years old. While Taobao s strategy is localization,
and its target population was also younger than its counterpart. Last but not least, Taobao encouraged
their buyer and seller makes private transaction, and supported a convenient platform. One example is
the communication tool for members in a timely manner Live Messenger. If the user enters a shop,
just the owner is also
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Marketing Strategy of Ethiad Airways
Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 External Environment Analysis 3 2.1 Porter s Five Forces
Analysis 3 2.2 SWOT Analysis 5 3.0 Marketing Strategy Analysis 6 3.1 Segmentation, Targeting and
Positioning 6 3.1.1 Segmentation 6 3.1.2 Targeting 6 3.1.3 Positioning 7 4.0 Strategic Alliances 8 5.0
Sponsorship 9 6.0 Contribution to the Competitive Advantage and its Sustainability 10 6.1
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 10 6.2 Strategic Alliances and Sponsorship 10 7.0
Conclusion 11 8.0 References 12 Word Count: 3282
1.0 Introduction
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, has in just eight years established
itself as the world s leading airline. Set up by ... Show more content on ...
The brand loyalty is another very important barrier to entry. When choosing the airlines, customers,
especially the high profile ones, are being very careful about health and safety, comfort and other
details, therefore tend to choose companies with the brand they trust. Overall, the threat of new
entrants is low, because there is a number of very hard to overcome barriers to entry, and if the small
company appears on the market, it tends to be absorbed by one of the major players in the industry.
* Threat of substitutes low
Airlines industry being an important sector of travel and tourism industry will have such potential
substitutes as the sea, railway and road types of transportation. However, as Etihad is operating in an
upper class prices level, the threat of substitutes would be fairly low. In terms of potential business
travellers, the time would be more important than money for them. In terms of leisure tourists, the
prices may matter, however, cruise ships tickets tend to be more expensive than the planes ones.
Therefore, if the experience of cruising is not extremely important for the customers, they would
prefer travelling by air.
2.2 SWOT Analysis
After looking at the overall external environment, it is important to evaluate Etihad s main strengths
and weaknesses, suggesting what opportunities and threats
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Ancient Medicine And Western Medicine
Since the beginning of civilization healing has been influenced by many different issues, such as
religion, politics of the time, different philosophies, and vested interest such as money. There has been
conflicts between Eastern and WEstern medicine for a long time. Eastern medicine is viewed by many
people in the West as having no validity and makes little sense to those who view the body in parts
and pieces. Eastern medicine has long viewed the body as mind, body, and spirit as one entity. To
understand the ideas of Eastern and Western medicines the history of each has to be taken into
consideration. Very often when we think of the evolution of medicine, or as we refer to it as Western
Medicine, we think as far back as 2000 year ago with Galen in Rome or perhaps 2500 years ago with
Hippocrates in Greece. We often sit back and think of how ancient that was... and how primitive that
must have been (Grozs). Hippocrates, a physician in Greece, believed in scientific reasoning and the
power of healing. His belief continued until the 19th century for 2,300 years. During the second
century Galan, another Greek physician, was the first to promote the key to healing and soon every
health problem was fit into a classification as it is today. His ways were strict, and only doctors had
access to the healing knowledge (everygreenherb). During the dark ages natural healing was embraced
once more. The Arabs brought alchemy and pharmacy into Western medicine. They introduced new
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Critical Appraisal Example 2020-2022 - Fill And Sign

  • 1. Critical Appraisal Example 2020- 2022 - Fill And Sign 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Critical Appraisal Example 2020-2022 - Fill And Sign Critical Appraisal Example 2020-2022 - Fill And Sign
  • 2. The Assassin Essay It was a dark and stormy night. The rain came down in torrents, soaking the solitary man to the skin. He stood alone, silent, still enveloped by the black of the night; he stood at the top of his drive which led to his mansion. Had the sun been glowing, this lonely man would have seen the car parked up about half a mile from him, with its engine and lights off, there was no cover for the car either as the man and his mansion was surrounded by lots of fields and meandering roads. Unaware to the man, the cars engine started but the lights didn t go on, yet the dark restricted the man s vision so he didn t see the car slowly crept up on him. The car stopped and a man dressed in nothing but ... Show more content on ... The buzzing became louder yet it seemed further away as if…..that s it! He realised suddenly. The buzzing is in my head! As this though crossed his mind, terror crossed his face. The terror turned to anger as he hit himself over the head, hoping to drive out the unknown buzzing. One thought, and one thought only crossed his mind. Get it out. Over and over he heard these words, infuriating him but yet he listened. Like a man possessed, he put both hands to his head and shook it, but still the continuous high pitched buzzing still rang through his skull. He clawed at his face, his nails leaving trails of blood in his cheeks. Then he fell clumsily to the ground, silent, still. Dead. In a puddle of red liquid. On looking closer, a passer by may have seen the deep scars in the man s face and the dried blood under his nails. Two people went walking by, a girl and her boyfriend; at first they thought it was a homeless person but as they got closer they realised there was something seriously wrong. When the girl saw his face the first thing she did was let out a tremendous scream, compared to her boyfriend, whose first reaction was to see if the man was still alive, Softly her boyfriend said He s dead , The girl broke down in tears whilst the boy reached for his phone. Ambulance please. And the police.
  • 3. The boy stood up with the sun shining fiercely in ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Heart And Peripheral Vascular System Heart and Peripheral Vascular System Chest pain is a symptom that can represent several different diseases from different organ systems. It is essential to determine which system is responsible for the pain and state the severity of the patient s condition (Longo et al., 2011). When considering pain, there are eleven different criteria one must consider and evaluate. These include the duration of the pain, onset, localization, irradiation, character, intensity, alleviating factors, aggravating factors, triggering factors, regularity and accompanying signs (Longo et al., 2011). These are all useful in determining the etiology of the pain and taking the appropriate therapeutic steps. The causes of chest pain are divided into ... Show more content on ... The disease is usually associated with a viral infection before the pain occurs. The pain is sharp and positional with a pleuritic nature (Longo et al., 2011). The pain is relieved by leaning forward and worse when the patient is lying down. In addition, the pain is associated with a pericardial rub. Another pain that is specific is that of aortic dissection. The condition is life threatening and could be worsened by thrombolytics or anti aggregates, hence it is necessary to detect. The pain is sharp, tearing, and severe and radiates to the back. The pain is pleuritic in nature and associated with a loss of pulses (Longo et al., 2011). Non cardiovascular causes of chest pain include musculoskeletal conditions such as costochondritis. The pain is usually localized and the patient is able to pin point the exact location of the pain. The pain is increased by inspiration and can be reproduced through palpitation of the chest wall. Gastrointestinal causes of chest pain include GERD, which is due to an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter. The pain is relieved by antacids and is exacerbated by the consumption of chocolates and fatty foods. There are also pulmonary causes of chest pain and these include pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is a sharp, sudden chest pain that is usually pleuritic. In addition, the pain is accompanied by dyspnea, tachypnea, and hemoptysis (Longo et al., 2011). Hence, the above information illustrates the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Alcoholism Addiction And An Addiction Essay Traditionally speaking, alcoholism is an addiction to consuming alcohol. There are some organizations and people out there that would combat that widely accepted thought, and consider it a disease over an addiction. What is the difference between a disease and an addiction? To determine the appropriate label, both definitions and the actions that give them that specific definition must be examined. There is a line that separates what is a disease and what is an addiction and there are many different forms of each. Alcoholism is one that is categorized as both, but often it falls into the category of an addiction. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Addiction is characterized by the inability to consistently Abstain, Impairment in Behavioral control; Craving; or increased hunger for drugs or rewarding experiences, diminished recognition of significant problems with one s behaviors and interpersonal relationships; and a dysfunctional emotional response. On the contrary the definition of a disease, according to Oxford Dictionary, is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. Both definitions can greatly relate to what alcoholism is and as to why it is so closely related to both. Many believe that alcoholism is a disease. Something that relates to genetics and the person who has the disease ... Get more on ...
  • 6. People With Mental Illnesses Throughout history people with mental illnesses were considered to be weird, strange, a witch, or even possessed up until now. So many people have fought for the rights of these people to be considered normal and welcomed. Still, many other people around the world do not agree with this. It s not fair for the people who are considered different to be left out and almost completely thrown to the curb with little to no sympathy. Many of them try to commit suicide to get rid of all the pain and suffering, but others help them get back up and help them realize that their life is not worth throwing away. Even though some of these issues have been resolved, people need to be more aware about some of these mental illnesses and the research scientists are doing to help them. ... Show more content on ... This might be because people are not aware of what is really going on with the people around them. So many illegal incidents have happened throughout the United States because these criminals had untreated mental illnesses. The article, Mental Illness Awareness and Research states, The infamous 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado; the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School attack in Newtown, Connecticut; and the 2015 gun attack at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, (Michael Auerbach). It is sad to find out that a lot of these incidents are due to the lack of care for people. Another article, Funding for Research, Not Public Awareness Campaigns, Will Do More for the Support and Treatment of Mental Illness states, According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it is likely that tens of millions of Americans each year experience mental illness but only half of those people seek treatment. This is the reason why people need to be aware of the people around them. Many of them go through the pain everyday and they don t speak up and then one day they just decide to end it. It s just ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Role Of Religion In Ancient Egyptian Culture For starters, how many of us actually realize how different the role of religion varies in each culture. In Egypt, religion importance is not the same for someone else, for example what may be a factor in one s culture may not be a factor in another culture that one embrace. Unlike other cultures beliefs, Egyptian cultures consisted of a list of things, for example medicine, art, laws, agriculture and more are all tied into their religious beliefs. Also, Most aspects of Egyptian religion can be traced to the people s observation of the environment. Fundamental was the love of sunlight, the solar cycle and the comfort brought by the regular rhythms of nature, and the agricultural cycle surrounding the rise and fall of the Nile. (Brewer, ... Show more content on ... Each and every god Egyptians worshiped had more than one power in the eyes of the believers as well as sometimes some gods had a combination of what individual gods already had. It is very hard to establish the number of gods that were praised by Ancient Egyptians. Also, Gods in ancient Egypt were always superior to humans, they would live their life like humans. The only difference between a human and a God was the standing possibility to be able to live again. Unlike humans, Gods were forever immortal. Also, unlike humans gods came in different forms. The early gods is the fact that a single deity could be represented in human form, in zoomorphic form, or in a mixed animal human form. Although the animal forms and therianthropic (i.e., part human, part animal) forms slightly predate anthropoid manifestations. (Brewer, Teeter, 1). Ancient Egyptians believed in more than one practice, but it is unlikely that the gods were derived from totemic animals or that the Egyptians practiced zoolatry (i.e., worship of animals). Rather, animal forms were probably used to suggest metaphorically something about the characteristics of the god. (Brewer, Teeter, 1). Some of the things we despise of now wasn t frowned upon ancient Egyptians religion. For example, The King of the Underworld Osiris was married to his sister, where he was killed by his brother and brought back to life by his wife to conceive a son. The son then despised the Uncle and set out his death wish. ( List of 15 Most Worshiped Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses , 1.) In societies today, being with a member of your family is very frowned upon and consider unapporiate. Whereas in ancient Egyptian culture the importance of keeping the bloodline very pure was more than ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Grammar, History, Development And Prescriptive Grammar Introduction Do you think grammar is important? Do you know the function of grammar? Can you imagine living a life without grammar? Grammar is a set of rules for language. In this chapter, we will cover general ideas of grammar, including the definition, history, development, syntax, and how learners learn grammar. 3.1 Definition of Grammar Grammar is certainly a common word, it may be a boring subject to you or an explorative subject that you want to probe for. No matter what, grammar has been a long established academic term and it is an imperative part of language. First, get to know the word grammar . The term grammar is derived from the Greek word grammatikē, where gram meant something written. The part tikē is derived from technē and ... Show more content on ... Its content is rich and complex. It includes: 1) Syntax(how words are ordered to form sentences; study of different sentence types); 2) Morphology(how letters/sounds combine to make meaningful units); 3) Phonology(study of sounds/significant sounds (phonemes)); 4) Semantics(the study of meaning) and Pragmatics(how to understand other speakers intended meaning) 3.1.1 Descriptive grammar and Prescriptive grammar One basic distinction of grammar is between Descriptive grammar and Prescriptive grammar. Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as it is actually used by speakers and writers, it is from living language and up to date. The language in descriptive grammar is constantly changing, fluid and organic, it also describes reality from authentic data. Prescriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as certain people (usually learned scholars) think it should be used, it emphasis on correctness. It is the unchanging set of rules, which is seen as the idealised perfection . 3.1.2 Different Types of Grammar There are different varieties of grammar, which is the different ways of describing and analyzing the structures and functions of language. Apart from the basic distinction of grammar between descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar, there are ten more types of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Offensive Lyrics Essay Offensive Lyrics Intro Ben, a child no more than the age of eight, adores his older brother James. James is in his mid teens and is a huge fan of rap music. One of his favorites is Eminem. Ben, wanting to be as much like his brother as possible, does everything to become a complete copy of James. Ben dresses like him, eats the same food as he does, and even tries to mimic the way he walks. Ben even tries to listen to the same music that the older brother does. He asks his mom to buy one of the CDs that James has. His mother objects by telling him that the music that his brother listens to is not appropriate for someone his age. Ben, not knowing the meaning of what his mother says dismisses her comment and heads home with ... Show more content on ... Their lyrics influence children everyday and they should be regulated in some shape or form. Overall Young people should not have to listen to violent lyrics and vulgar music being produced by musicians and record producers. That modest warning label on the corner of the CD cover is not as effective as one would think. If the musicians would cut those offensive lyrics out of the music, young people would not have the idea of running into a school and shooting random people just to feel better about themselves. They would not get the idea to kill themselves from their favorite band. They would not be bombarded with ideas and mental pictures of raping women. Vulgar lyrics are all around in all types of music genres, from country, to rap, to rock n roll, to alternative. Musicians should not have to write music about drugs and alcohol, and sex, and violence to sell their albums. Violent lyrics are a major problem in today s society. Solving this problem will be very difficult but according to American Academy of Pediatrics there are a few ways to help control the problem: Parents are strongly encouraged to take an active role in monitoring music that their children and adolescents are exposed to and which they purchase. Parents should join with educators and other parents in local and national coalitions to discuss the effects of music lyrics on children and adolescents. The public, and parents ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Lamborghini And Defendant s Impressions C. Lamborghini and Defendant s marks are similar because the two marks give off the same overall impression when examining them in their market and also because neither mark has any distinctive features to set them apart. The more similar the marks are, the more likely it is that relevant consumers will confuse their sources. Kibler v. Hall, 843 F.3d 1068, 1077 (6th Cir. 2016). When comparing two marks, the courts view the marks in their entirety and focus on the marks overall impressions, opposed to dissecting the marks and focusing on their individual features. AutoZone, Inc. v. Tandy Corp., 373 F.3d 786, 798 (6th Cir. 2004). Specifically, the court looks to the mark s overall impression in the light of what occurs in the marketplace ... Show more content on ... Maker s Mark, 679 F.3d at 422. Because the plaintiff s (bourbon distiller) consumers are unaware of the connections between different brands of distilled spirits, and that some companies produce multiple types of distilled spirits, the court in Maker s Mark, concluded that the house mark was not important. Id. In short, the court concluded that while the Maker s Mark s name might be on a product, it could just be sponsoring the product or have some association with it, therefore not diminishing the mark. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Lead Poisoning In Prenatal Development The prenatal affects of lead poisoning greatly influence the child s early life from mental disorders to poor health. According to one of my sources, high Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) around 350 micro grams in infants during pregnancy can result in various birth defects such as reduced gestational age, weight at birth, and facial deformities. As well as other various mental affects ranging from, anaemia, impaired visual and motor functions, hearing loss, mild mental developmental delay, attention spans, and reading and learning disabilities (Ronchetti, Van Den Hazel, Schoeters, Hanke, Rennezova, Barreto, Villa, M. P. 2006). Lead poisoning in prenatal development is an unexpected and unfavorable outcome. While children can t grasp the dire consequences ... Show more content on ... While Flint has a significant industrial history, the location of possibly manufacturing plants that used lead at one point n production did not correspond with the exposure of lead in water. Since there is no known alternative source for the increased lead exposure during this time period, the innate corrosive properties of the Flint River water, and lack of corrosion control, strongly suggest the change in water source as the apparent cause of the increase in EBLL percentage. Children in Flint Michigan already suffer from risk factors that increase their lead exposure such as poor nutrition, and poverty. Due to limited means of protection such as scarce resources for alternatives to water, lead in water in addition exacerbates the preexisting risk factors. Increased levels of lead poisoning rates have significant meaning for the development of an entire generation of Flint children, already inflicted with teratogen stress contributors (Hanna Attisha, LaChance, Casey Sadler, Champney Schnepp ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Characters Play A Significant Role In Doctor s Wife The characters play a significant role in the novel because they each have a different role they are to play. For example, Dora seems like a strict mother because in her restaurant, bear flag, no one is allowed to drink hard liquor or use profanity. She is seen as generous because of the way she spends her money. She is willing to paid peoples grocery bills when needed and feed others as needed. On the other hand, Doc seems like a gentle human being because he is interesting helping the victims and delivering food. I see him as a person that puts others first before himself. Doc is a popular man and everyone comes to him because of him going to college. I believe the characters come together as a whole to help the reader better understand ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Importance Of Formative And Summative Assessment Assessment According to (Georgiou Pavlou 2003) it includes all methods to collect information about children s general performance, ability, attitude and knowledge. It s also used to diagnose students weak areas (Nikolic and Cabaj 1999) 4.1 Formative assessment tools and rational There are 2 types of assessment: Formative and summative. For (Baxter 1997) Formative assessments are not limited only to mini tests during the course, but also to a continuous mutual feedback between students and their teacher. They can be done in a form of setting homework tasks and monitoring effectively in class. This way, they address students preferences/NA questionnaire (Apps 3.1, 3.2) i.e. I want the teacher to tell me how I m doing.. 1 Tool procedure: For example, in lesson 3, students will correct their own short stories by comparing them to some authentic samples and a correction code sheet and not to their peers. Sts underline their key errors/slips with a highlighter then they rate themselves using a self assessment grid (App. 6.5) Course objectives: CO3, CO4, CO5. Rational: Most students are concerned with marks and rarely check the quality of their writing (Harris McCann 1994). From my experience, this often happens in parent s meetings unless a student gets very low marks so parents become concerned. Students will increase their autonomy (KI 1.2.3) and become aware of their strengths and weaknesses in writing as Cram (1995:282 cited in Nunan2004 , p.149). This is done ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Empire Plumbing Company Case Millionaire John Johnson arrived at his new Florida mansion flooded on Friday morning after having his pipelines changed the day before. Empire Plumbing Company is now expected to pay thousands of dollars in damages to the home. The two story house at 6010 N Bay Road near Miami Beach Florida, was drenched in water after a main pipe burst inside the home on Friday at 9:00 a.m. The owner of the home, CEO John Johnson, arrived at his mansion around 11: 00 a.m and was shocked to learn his multi million dollar estate was flooded. After recently purchasing the 5.2 Million dollar home, 41 year old John Johnson noticed one of the plumbing fixtures needed to be replaced after a house inspection. Mr. Johnson asked the reputable Empire Plumbing Company ... Show more content on ... The $10 pipe they used instead was too small to fit the sink, so when they turned the water back on the pipe failed as it was unable to withstand the water pressure. This was confirmed to be the main cause of the pipe bursting. Empire Plumbing Company released a statement saying, We apologize for the recent accidents that have occurred. The plumbers on site searched for a cheaper alternative to the pipe needed to fit the sink to keep more money for labor. This should not reflect our company and the employees have been suspended. Mr. Johnson and the CEO of Empire Plumbing company appeared in court Monday morning where the company was sued for fraud. Empire Plumbing Company was ordered to reimburse Mr. Johnson for the damages caused to his home as well as cover the court costs. The extent of the damages is pretty bad, Mr. Johnson s private contractor began, This can be distressing to any homeowner and I feel sorry for the other seven homeowners involved in this situation. When asked how he felt about the whole situation, Mr. Johnson said, I am happy with the judge s ruling and I know to never deal with this company ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Total Quality Management Guru s One of the foremost and well known philosophers of Total Quality Management is W. E. Deming. Deming attended Yale University and received his PhD in Physics in 1928 and was a well trained statistician. In 1950 he was invited to Japan by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE), where he preformed several lectures for executive, managers and researchers. This was a difficult time for Japan, the war had just ended and the county was struggling to keep its people employed. Through Deming s training, flailing Japanese industry was able to compete on a global level and became one of the countries best known for quality products. Deming is credited with establishing the axiom, work smarter, not harder. His teachings promoted ... Show more content on ... This show included an interview with some of the Japanese clients Deming s had worked with where they described the cost savings and high profit margin they had mostly due to Deming s principles. The show created an interest in Deming s and his Total Quality Management Principles. Utilizing his philosophy, Deming s was able to assist several of largest businesses in America in becoming the companies that truly valued what the customer wanted and delivered appropriately. Along with Deming , Joseph Juran was another well known TQM philosopher and has been called the Father of quality . ( Feo, n.d) In 1937 he conceptualize the Pareto principle that stated that the over 80% of quality defects are caused by factors controllable by management. (Lewis, Goodman, Fandt, Michlitsch, 2007). Juran s philosophy revolved around the customer s perspective, believing that ; higher quality means a greater number of features that meet the customers need, and higher quality consist of fewer defects. Juran is responsible for the management principle of Quality Trilogy . This management ideas identifies three quality principles; quality planning, quality Improvements and quality control (Skymark, 2007) Quality Planning includes identifying who the customers are, determining their needs, translating those needs into a product that can meet those needs and optimizing the product to meet both the customers and the industries needs. Quality ... Get more on ...
  • 16. How Gambling Can Kill You Faster Than Drug Abuse Or Alcohol There are a lot of dangers when it comes to gambling, since gambling is a legal vice with a profitable basis that drives the development of the industry. Usually, a gambling addiction is commonly considered a hidden problem; a gambling addict does not display the obvious physical signs and symptoms of a drug or alcohol addict. Loved ones are often blindsided by the consequences of a gambling addiction, realizing the problem only after the person has spent huge sums of money and incurred significant debts. In the Article How Gambling Can Kill You Faster Than Drug Abuse or Alcoholism from the website AlterNet, Author Chris Write claims The suicide rates among gambling addicts are staggeringly high. The National Council on Problem Gambling ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Steam Engines By Katelyn Warga 2nd Period Steam Engines By Katelyn Warga 2nd Period Being around for over 2000 years, the steam engine has proved its worth. Invented in the industrial revolution, this heat engine performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Throughout its time the steam engine has had many uses, and been modified many times to change its pronounced task. This had led to the steam engine being a very important invention in the industrial revolution, changing life in social and economic ways that still impact today. The steam engine drove the world into an era of big business and production that is still evident today. What is a Steam Engine? A steam engine is a type of engine known as external combustion. In general, water is heated into steam ... Show more content on ... The condensed steam would create a vacuum, and add pressurized steam to move water. In 1712, Thomas Newcomen took this idea and built on it, creating the atmospheric engine . It was the first engine that used a piston, and was made for pumping in mines. But the first moving steam engine came into play when James Watt patented a continuous rotary motion steam engine. It could be fueled by water, coal, or wood. It had the capability to power manufacturing machines. This allowed factories to locate in areas where no constant water source was available. Later, they could be applied to locomotives and traction engines. Why was the Steam Engine Invented? The steam engine s initial use was for pumping mines back in the 1700 s. As technology evolved and rotaries were applied, the engine was capable of much more. They could power factory machines such as power looms and spinning mules. They later in the 1900 s powered modes of transportation such as steamboats, railway locomotives, and cars. They lead to the widespread use of looms in factories, driving change and the industrial revolution. The steam engine s overall use was to power things. How does the Steam Engine Change Our Lives Today? The steam engine has had major impacts on society, and not just during the industrial revolution. It s creation still affects us even today. Back then, the invention of the steam locomotive spread fast and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Pros And Cons Of The Ban On Tobacco Advertising Ban on Tobacco Ads by the Government of India Tobacco advertising refers to promotion display of tobacco products in media such as; radio, television, print, billboards and at retail stores. The ban on tobacco advertising by the Indian Government has many effects on the people as well as their ethics and freedom of choice. This paper will provide a summary argument in favour of the ban as well as opposing the ban. And to conclude with my opinions on what the government should do with tobacco advertising. Summarize the arguments in favour of the ban on tobacco advertising in India Smoking kills! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco industry is the only industry that kills around 5 million of its customers every year, additionally 600,000 people dies due to exposure to second hand smoke (WHO, 2016). This death toll is estimated to reach 8.4 million by 2020, and to 10 million by 2030. Developing countries are exposed to a much higher risks than those of developed countries. 60% of the world wide 5.7 ... Show more content on ... Company has the freedom of speech, they are free to advertise and inform consumers about their products. Consumers have the right to make choices for their own life, by preventing them this choice is against the meaning of freedom and democratic society. If it were legal to manufacture and sell tobacco products, it should be legal to advertise it as well (IBS Center, n.d.). Tobacco advertising was merely used to influence existing smokers to switch brands and to create brand loyalty and does not encourage new smokers (Hammond Rowell, 2001). Banning of tobacco advertising in India will only hurt India tobacco industry. Tobacco advertising will continue to exist in international event like Formula One (F1) and are broadcasted globally. India tobacco industry contributed 12% of the total excise revenue of Rs. 8000 crores in the year 2000 2001 and employs up to 26 million people direct and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Resistance to Change in Organizations BOTH ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS RESIST CHANGE. WHAT CAN BE DONE TO OVERCOME THIS RESISTANCE? It s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. ~ Charles Darwin Organizational changes are changes that are made in the overall framework of a company, such as restructuring in departments, changes in policies, or changes in culture. It directly affects all departments, from the entry level employee to management. Any business in today s fast moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to be sorely disappointed. In fact, businesses should embrace change. Change is important for any organization because, without change, businesses would ... Show more content on ... Aside from individual resistance, organizations as a whole also resist changes. Some organizations are so designed that they resist new ideas. The major reasons for this type of resistance are : threat to power; upper management considers change a threat to their power, authority and position. They fear that new policies imposed for instance by the government, may result in them losing their status. Also implementations such as participative decision making and self managed work teams affect their purpose. Additionally, companies resist change in their organizational structure. Especially bureaucratic structures where jobs are narrowly defined and flow of information is stressed to from top to bottom. This is usually because change in one part of these structures cant happen without causing disruption in all levels. Other popular reasons to resist change are resource constraints and sunk costs. If employees do accept change, organizations must have the resources to accommodate the new changes. For example if training agents are hired, the company needs to have sufficient financial resources to pay them and also pay their employees. If they are not equipped with enough resources, they will resist change. Also, it creates a problem for top management because a lot of capital would have already been invested in fixed assets and training for employees for their current jobs. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Crown Castle International Corporation Business Analysis The company that I chose to carry out this assignment is called Crown Castle International Corporation. It is currently located at 1220 Augusta Dr Ste 600. Houston, TX, 77057. Its website is found at us.aspx. This company s mision statement is as follows: To deliver the highest level of service to our customers at all times striving to be their critical partner as we assist them in growing efficient, ubiquitous wireless networks. This is a wireless network provider which happens to be the largest of its kind in the United States. This is not be confused with as ISP or Internet Services Provider, which are companies such as Orange, AT T, Skyriver or Earthlink. This company is in the business of providing ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Old Right Movement Analysis The United States developed over time as a strong power throughout the world. The States constantly battled with foreign policy and waged war to help their allies but the major struggle that the States faced was the transition that occurred between the Old Left New Left and Old Right New Right. The Democratic Party and Republican Party were once a single group of people fighting to deal with the same issues. Over time more issues arose causing a divide to occur and the creation of two separate parties were created. The Democratic Party dominated American politics between 1828 and 1860 and once again during 1932 and 2000. During the time of the Democratic Party the views of the party changed from president to president because of the obstacles ... Show more content on ... The Republican Party during this time is known as the old left. During the 1800s the Republican Party focused on equality and abolishing slavery. Over time the Old left began to change and develop but first to understand the old left, the Old Republican Party must be defined. There was one main argument that forced the creation of the Republican Party. The debate about the slavery issues caused the creation of the Republican Party because majority of its members were against slaver or against expanding slavery. The Republican Party became the party that focused on principles, positions on a variety of issues and promised to change the laws in fundamental ways. Abraham Lincoln became president as a Republican candidate and created the 13th amendment which abolished slavery. Aside from the slavery issue, the Republican Party had the support of northern businessmen, especially the owners of railroad and manufacturing corporations. The southerner plantation owners and cotton growers feared higher protective tariffs on imported manufactured goods because the south was already deeply indebted to northern bankers and merchants and did not want to deal with more economic struggles. The Republican Party favoured a centralized national government over state and local governance. The Republican Party focused on their war effort which required high taxes to pay for men and their supplies, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Economic Background Of A Student Economics: The economic background of a student has an impact on where he or she decides to live after school. Even if a student does not move out after high school, there is a chance that they will move out of a parent s house after college. Research shows that 85% of students returned home after college especially during the time of recession back in 2011. This information is from Boomerang kids: 85% of college grads move home by Jessica Dickler, who is a staff writer for CNNMoney. Today a college graduate has really slim chances of finding a job as soon as graduating from college. College Graduates Tackle Depressed Job Market by David Faulk stated, when the economy is poor, the trend would be to try to stay near one s support system, students already have their friends and family to rely on, and moving is expensive, Faulk states. This shows that when times are tough it is easier to rely on your family and loved ones to help support you which is why students move back home after graduation. In the Opinion article, Growing Up, Then Going Home, The New York Times revolves around various college graduates stories about moving back home after graduating. All the stories revolve around the same concept, how one feels after being independent in college but moving back in with your parents after graduating. All had the same feeling, as if they were a burden to their parents and questioned if their parents even wanted them there. One writer, Rachel, writes At 22, being taken ... Get more on ...
  • 23. What Are The Sales Promotion Objectives Of Club Med 1. What are the sales promotion objectives? ( 50 words 1 or 2 objectives ) According to Mahmoud (2017), hotels need to attain their minimum occupancy levels in order to achieve average sales. By offering Malaysian consumers up to 40% discount, the objective of this promotion is to increase occupancy rate by 5% during the off peak period of 2014 in the select destinations stated. 2. Do you think it will accomplish its objectives? (Yes/No/Yes and No 2 points 100 words each) No, it was not advertised in the right channel and the duration was too short to maximise reach. Firstly, the promotion was not highly advertised through the right channels; it could only be found on their website and at the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel ... Show more content on ... Resort hotels business is highly contingent on the season. For example, in Sahoro, which is a famous destination to enjoy ski, peak period is winter, and non peak is summer. According to the annual report on 2013, Club Med kept the average occupancy rate of 68.7% on 2012, which tells that Club Med did not perform well. On that year, they did not have the same type of promotion, which might have caused them to have such low occupancy rate. However if they can get more customers during a low peak season by having a promotional package like this during off season, they might bring figures up to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Horticulture Personal Statement My interest in participating as a horticulture intern at The Polly Hill Arboretum is interwoven in my desire to acquire hands on experience with plant material and expand my knowledge on what it takes to manage and maintain an Arboretum. Polly Hill s devotion to education, plant conservation, and research resonates with my personal and educational experiences as a native New Yorker and Landscape Architecture major at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. The practice of horticulture is fundamental in sustaining beautiful landscapes and I wish to develop that notion through landscape maintenance and greenhouse/nursery management. My experience working for Park Avenue Armory, a nonprofit arts institution, provided me with opportunities ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Anita Desai, A Modern Indo English Writer Essay INTRODUCTION Anita Desai, a noteworthy woman novelist, is a modern Indo English writer, widely acclaimed not only in India but also in the world of fiction writing. She emerged after independence, deliberating on the highly debatable contemporary issues. Anita Desai is a keen observer of the society and the position of the women in the contemporary society draws her special attention. The novels of Anita Desai are noted for the profound probing into the inner life and feelings of the women, bounded by the shackles of the middle class. They are the explorations of the family problems, which perhaps is the chief cause behind the estrangement of the women from their family. Literature for her is not a means of escaping reality but an exploration and an inquiry. She prefers the private to the public world and avoids the traditional grooves of external reality and physical world. In fact, her real concern is the thorough investigation of human psyche, inner climate, and she unravels the mystery of the inner life of her characters. Her main engagement is to study human existence and human predicament, her exploration being a quest for self. Anita s main focus, in this way, is to depict the psychic states of her protagonists at some crucial juncture of their lives. The uniqueness of Anita Desai s fiction, however, lies in her exploration of feminine sensibility. In Desai s novels, the love encounters explode into marital disputes as the result of devastating post marriage ... Get more on ...
  • 26. I Don t Believe There I don t believe there is one person in this room that doesn t want the same thing a quality education for their love ones. Isn t that the reason we re all here. Isn t that what we re all fighting for, Miriam asked the crowd as she walked forward. Lowering her voice she continued to speak, How can I deny my nieces the right to go to a school simply because they live in a different neighborhood? I recently read an article of these two gifted straight A students who are only nine years old, and are slated to be featured at Madison Square Garden in a few months. They attend one of the Academy s we are talking about. Are these the kinds of students we re trying to keep out of the school my father longed to build? Some of you may want that, but I don t, Miriam said. She stood in front of Clara as they both stared into each other s eyes. I ve been so foolish, she whispered. The room stood still with the only noise coming from the news reporters scurrying about capturing every word. There, now you see, the mayor said, as he eased his way into the conversation. I have been successful bringing these two sides together just as I expected, he said, clasping his hands. Oh, sit down, Mildred demanded. No, you sit down. In fact, why don t you excuse yourself from this committee, permanently. he whispered, wrapping his hand around the microphone. Mildred clutched her chest. He quickly glued a grin back on his face and smiled at the audience. Your mayor ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Sherman Alexie The Joy Of Reading Academic Blog Post: EJ Goings (9/4/2015) Thinking back on all of the academic posts that we have worked on, I believe that there is some sort of pattern between Villanueva, Mellix, and Alexie stories. All have been able to overcome struggle, face adversity, and strive and maintain excellence in mastering English and literacy skills. Their adversity allowed them to grow internally, allowing their external layer to be polished and perfected. In the Alexie piece, Alexie believed that Indian children were expected to be stupid . (Sherman Alexie, The Joy of Reading and Writing) When a child expectations are low and they are told they will not amount to anything, they begin to believe and process those thoughts. Thus, making it very hard for a child to learn at their own rate. I highly believe that a support system is needed in order to become successful in not only a school system, but life as well. Alexie also talked about how Indian children excelled outside school. ... Show more content on ... In my eyes, I see this as the turning point in Alexie s life. Alexie was a child who was not expected to live, grew up poor ( living on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope fear, and government surplus food ) and began to experience his first literacy experience at the age of three. Although some would not see this as a turning point in their lives, this signified that he was on the path of discovering his inner self and beginning to add layers to his life to become a successful ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Improvements in the Quality of Life of the Hearing... Improvements in the Quality of Life of the Hearing Impaired: Modern Technologies Impact Improvements in the Quality of Life of the Hearing Impaired: Modern Technologies Impact The hearing impaired, including people who are deaf and are hard of hearing, have a wide variety of technology presented to them to improve their lifestyles. Researchers and manufacturers have improved their products and psychologists, who specialize in deaf studies, have improved techniques to expand the possibilities the hearing impaired have. While speech therapy and psychological therapy have had an impact, modern technology has had the largest impact of the lives of the hearing impaired. These advancements are very important ... Show more content on ... The organization states that this implant can not restore normal hearing, instead it can give the person a useful representation of sounds in the environment and help them to understand speech. With all of these pieces the cochlear implant works very different from a hearing aid. Hearing aids amplify sound so they may be detected by damaged ears, while cochlear implants bypass the damages and directly stimulate the auditory nerve. The signals generated by the implant are sent to the auditory nerve, which then send the signals to the brain. The brain then recognizes the signals as sound. According to the NIDCD (2013a) the cochlear implant can be helpful to many different people. Both children and adults can be fitted for cochlear implants and as stated by the Food and Drug Administration, as of December 2012, approximately 324,000 people have cochlear implants worldwide. In the U.S. alone, about 58,000 adults and 38,000 children have them. Adults who have lost their hearing often benefit from cochlear implants due to the signs they receive can easily be associated with sounds they have heard before with practice. Children who receive implants also strive, especially when the implant is paired with sign language and post implantation therapy. The organization says most get their implants ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Soundcloud In The Movie Industry Everywhere people look, there is a screen. Whether it s a laptop, television, phone, tablet, or a cinema, screens encompass society. Additionally, the content we watch on these devices is growing at a prolific rate. This is due to easy access of programs, like Final Cut, Premiere Pro, and iMovie, that allow basically anyone to make their own video or movie. Some say that this ability to produce movies easier than ever before poses a threat to the integrity of the movie industry, claiming streaming sites, legitimate or otherwise, are shifting people away from the theater and moving them toward home entertainment. However, I believe this change in film production is only creating more sub genres of film, and not actually degrading Cinema s good ... Show more content on ... Soundcloud is a relatively new music streaming site that enables up and coming rappers to easily release their content to a large audience. Many rappers, now referred to as soundcloud rappers, use this site to increase their chances of stardom in an otherwise competitive enterprise. Artists such as Lil Yachty, XXX Tentacion, Lil Pump, Lil Uzi Vert, and Jay Critch, all became famous by utilizing the streaming sites fan base to gain followers. This rise in Soundcloud rappers created a subgenre of hip hop music, known as soundcloud rap, without degrading the integrity of hip hop. While this subgenre has increased in popularity in the past year significantly, artists that represent the gems of hip hop, like Kendrick Lamar, Joey Bada$$, J Cole, Jay Z, and Schoolboy Q, all still play a major role in mainstream hip hop, maintaining the fundamentals of genre. In addition, many of these notably artist of the hip hop industry use their celebrity status to bolster the growth of the Soundcloud rappers. For Instance, Chance the Rapper, who won three awards at the 59th Grammy Award, promoted the use of free music to enable new artists to show their talent to a large audience, and also supported Soundcloud when their finances were limited. Ultimately, when easy access to recording and releasing music was introduced to rising ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Analysis Philip K. Dick s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? provides a deep, insightful commentary on the real meaning of humanity through the refreshing context of a disconcerting depiction of the future. By utilizing the internal conflict of android bounty hunter Rick Deckard, the novel is able to bring into question the very way humans define humanity, suggesting that society s moral principles apply even to non living beings. Primarily, Deckard s changing thoughts concerning the humanity of the androids he sought to kill portray to the reader that the sanctity of life is not limited to biological creatures alone. In the novel s beginning, Deckard had little reason to question the morality of his job of retiring androids. Through the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. What Are The Stereotypes In The Little Mermaid In the film, The Little Mermaid Ariel, the heroin of the film, is perceived as a delicate girl who cannot protect herself and has to rely on a man to be rescued. An analysis a child may have is that beautiful women usually must have a small waist. The villain of the film, Ursula, is a woman that is overweight and has animal traits in her figure; therefore, creating a demining perception about overweight females. Males are typically in the films of Disney thin and muscular; this gives a perception that boys should grow up like them to be wanted by women. In the article, The Egg and the Sperm: How Science ... Emily Martin mentions many points on how society stereotypes the reproductive system. Similar to The Little Mermaid the male is said ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Art Form For The Digital Age Summary Art Form For The Digital Age Summary Art Form For The Digital Age, by Henry Jenkins is about gaming expanding and how it s being considered a digital art. The growing game industry is said to be the most growing form of art in the economy today. The gaming industry has grown tremendously in the past century. It went from silent pong games to intense story plot and mind blowing real life graphics like Final Fantasy. Games are becoming more and more realistic, characters can talk, and blink, jump, wave and every part of the body moves like a real person can. Parental advisory is a big part of these games. In this new generation of video games, players can blow up enemies and rip them apart. Games are so realistic that some ... Show more content on ... Purchase weapons in gun stores, take a trip to the strip clubs and spend money on prostitues late at night. Video games like GTA, Assassin Creed, Call Of Duty Series creates criminals. I understand that gaming industry is trying to show the artistic view point of what the creator s vision and they should continue but they should take this a bit of consideration to the younger audience. The gaming industry will never die and continue to grow as a digital art. Not only are they used for fun, they are making more simulations for training some jobs like air plane simulations and criminal justice scenarios for shooting. The industry is becoming more popular than cinemas and even the internet. More and more young adults are going towards game designing instead of producing movies. Videos games is growing tremendously that its becoming the main entertainment. Amazing story plot that you can only see in the movies and mind blowing real life graphics. Games are becoming more realistic that characters can do any kind of gestures and move every part of the body like a real person can. Its amazing to see and incredible to play. After reading this article i considered videos games as digital art and i cannot wait whats going to happen ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Importance Of Body Worn Cameras Body Worn Cameras are spreading worldwide, under the assumption that police performance, conduct, accountability, and legitimacy, in the eyes of the public, are enhanced as a result of using these devices. Also, suspects demeanor during police public engagements is hypothesized to change as a consequence of the video recording of the encounter (Ariel, 2016, para.1). Research has shown that body worn cameras by law enforcement officers dramatically reduces both civilian complaints against officers and the use of force by officers. Since the beginning of using the body worn cameras by law enforcement officers, behavior has improved, and de escalation on both sides of the cameras that happen during the interactions with the public has decreased. The body worn cameras provide members of the public, the media, and researchers with vital information about the quality of police public interactions; especially the relatively small, but critical, minority that involves officer use of force. (Kiernan, 2016) These videos will not resolve all debates about the propriety of the officer s behaviors they portray, but the information they do reveal can advance empirically grounded policing reform. (Kiernan, 2016, para. 6) The advantages of wearing the body worn for both police officers and citizens are to record every encounter with members of the public to minimize complaints and unnecessary use of force. The video can be utilized for shreds of evidence of decisions made by police ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Taobao s Success Taobao s Success 1 Taobao s Success The most successful C2C E business platform in China Chenlei Shi 865313 IT IS 600 Professor Robert Testa, Jr. September, 18, 2010 Taobao s Success 2 Abstract With the great speed of economic globalization, E Business is developing in a surprising speed through the wide spread of information technology. Nowadays, there are a lot of big E business corporations such as Amazon, E bay focus on different E business model and field. However when these international companies carving up the global market, some local enterprises also growing up and want to share this big cake. Taobao (, a Chinese based company which is a leading platform for C2C personal transactions, was founded in 2003 ... Show more content on ... Until 2005, this Taobao s Success 5 problem was solved by eBay Each, but without doubt, eBay Each lost its advantage in credit transaction. Third, eBay Each used advertisement blocking tactics to fight Taobao. In 2003, the biggest three portal in China (Sohu, Sina, 163) made a deal with e Bay that they would never use Taobao s advertisement. To fix this problem, Taobao use a lot of traditional medium such as newspaper, TV or subway stops, bus, road advertising. Moreover, Taobao also made a co operation with Yahoo, using Yahoo s search bid, investing 2 million keywords. Then Taobao increased the keywords to 3 million, and the hits up to 6million in one day. That made Taobao beyond its opponent in two key indicators, accounting for the initiative in future competition. Furthermore, another difference in Taobao s advertisements, their membership in the trading process could feel lively culture of family. Fourth, eBay Each and Taobao had a significant understianding gap in market positioning. EBay Each have their global strategy and want to do business with the people who are 30 40years old. While Taobao s strategy is localization, and its target population was also younger than its counterpart. Last but not least, Taobao encouraged their buyer and seller makes private transaction, and supported a convenient platform. One example is the communication tool for members in a timely manner Live Messenger. If the user enters a shop, just the owner is also
  • 35. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Marketing Strategy of Ethiad Airways Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 External Environment Analysis 3 2.1 Porter s Five Forces Analysis 3 2.2 SWOT Analysis 5 3.0 Marketing Strategy Analysis 6 3.1 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 6 3.1.1 Segmentation 6 3.1.2 Targeting 6 3.1.3 Positioning 7 4.0 Strategic Alliances 8 5.0 Sponsorship 9 6.0 Contribution to the Competitive Advantage and its Sustainability 10 6.1 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 10 6.2 Strategic Alliances and Sponsorship 10 7.0 Conclusion 11 8.0 References 12 Word Count: 3282 1.0 Introduction Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, has in just eight years established itself as the world s leading airline. Set up by ... Show more content on ... The brand loyalty is another very important barrier to entry. When choosing the airlines, customers, especially the high profile ones, are being very careful about health and safety, comfort and other details, therefore tend to choose companies with the brand they trust. Overall, the threat of new entrants is low, because there is a number of very hard to overcome barriers to entry, and if the small company appears on the market, it tends to be absorbed by one of the major players in the industry. * Threat of substitutes low Airlines industry being an important sector of travel and tourism industry will have such potential substitutes as the sea, railway and road types of transportation. However, as Etihad is operating in an upper class prices level, the threat of substitutes would be fairly low. In terms of potential business travellers, the time would be more important than money for them. In terms of leisure tourists, the prices may matter, however, cruise ships tickets tend to be more expensive than the planes ones. Therefore, if the experience of cruising is not extremely important for the customers, they would prefer travelling by air. 2.2 SWOT Analysis After looking at the overall external environment, it is important to evaluate Etihad s main strengths and weaknesses, suggesting what opportunities and threats ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Ancient Medicine And Western Medicine Since the beginning of civilization healing has been influenced by many different issues, such as religion, politics of the time, different philosophies, and vested interest such as money. There has been conflicts between Eastern and WEstern medicine for a long time. Eastern medicine is viewed by many people in the West as having no validity and makes little sense to those who view the body in parts and pieces. Eastern medicine has long viewed the body as mind, body, and spirit as one entity. To understand the ideas of Eastern and Western medicines the history of each has to be taken into consideration. Very often when we think of the evolution of medicine, or as we refer to it as Western Medicine, we think as far back as 2000 year ago with Galen in Rome or perhaps 2500 years ago with Hippocrates in Greece. We often sit back and think of how ancient that was... and how primitive that must have been (Grozs). Hippocrates, a physician in Greece, believed in scientific reasoning and the power of healing. His belief continued until the 19th century for 2,300 years. During the second century Galan, another Greek physician, was the first to promote the key to healing and soon every health problem was fit into a classification as it is today. His ways were strict, and only doctors had access to the healing knowledge (everygreenherb). During the dark ages natural healing was embraced once more. The Arabs brought alchemy and pharmacy into Western medicine. They introduced new ... Get more on ...