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agile agile459 japan xpjug pattern matsuyama workshop 松山 xp lt sawaman japanese kkd 愛媛 patternlanguage goyattom agileconf oblove natureoforder healthyprog healthhackconf ehime xpfestival2014 agilejapan agilejapan2013 agpa 2011 agileshimane aj11 aj11ehime visualthinking alexander agilist note waistreel memo tool lightningtalk scrumosaka.459 scrumosaka career ikigai metaphor workstyle lifestyle running hhconf health diy permaculture sgt2014 ipa lean startup scrum okayama agilejapan2011 projectfacilitation pf sustainability xpfesta2008 xpmatsuri2008 kosugilt objectclub oblove2008summer いきいき agile health management devsummit2022 ソーシャルチェンジ メンタルモデル agile software development xpjug2021 technicaldebt 技術的負債 メタファー agile459_10th_anniversary agile community agilejapan2020 report utmb ccc trailrunning transformation agilejapan2019 学び方 ライフハック learning ソフトウェア開発 software development ネイチャーオブオーダー パタン・ランゲージ アジャイル アジャイルジャパン 高知 四国 agilejapan2018 happiness 2017 jawsfesta design training building healthhack プレステ event fitness lifehack community myj xpmatsuri2015 xpfesta2015 design sprint process presentation template story xpe urban and regional planning small business entrepreneurship portland agileto2014 esmcon startup rocketstove business services start up business model pfpkanto pfp retrospective aj13 idea dev459 hiranabe facilitation introduction tdd olojp ruby matsue oblove2011summer agileadoptionpatterns softwaredevelopment metahor kyoto swest9 xpfestival2007 userstorymapping agileto2010 oblove2010alexander devlove2009 ssm systemsthinking tork02 lightningtalks ruby xpmatsuri2009 wikibana oblove2009summer thebackofthenapkin agile2009 goagileconf selenium 2009 jasst oblove2008winter lego agile2008 buglego devsummit2009 devsumi2009
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