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The New Rules of Selling 
How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
A U T H O R O F T H E “ N E W R U L E S O F S A L E S A N D S E R V I C E ”
This presentation is based on content from… 
The New Rules of Sales and Service 
How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer " 
Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling " 
to Grow Your Business 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Bestselling sales and marketing genius David 
Meerman Scott is back with the long-awaited 
follow-up to The New Rules of Marketing and PR. 
In this book he looks at how sales and service are 
being radically redefined like never before and how, 
now, online content can be more targeted to reach 
buyers one at a time instead of all at once. Just as 
online content is the primary driver for successful 
marketing and public relations today, online content 
is quickly becoming a dominant driver for sales and 
service as well. 
Praise for David Meerman Scott" 
and his books 
“Like all the best teachers, this book inspires" 
you to do your own thinking in your own way... 
enlightening and liberating.” - The Financial Times 
“It is the new rules. A whole new world.” - MSNBC 
“one of those select few people who saw and 
understood the social media phenomenon as" 
it began” - Forbes 
“Gets it right.” - New York Times Magazine 
“Lessons that should resonate” - Entrepreneur 
“A fresh take.” - NBC
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
If you run a small company," 
then you’re in sales. 
If you’re a doctor or lawyer or 
accountant, you’re in sales.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
are in sales too.
Everybody who lives by their wits by 
going independent or starting something 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
new or running an established 
organization is in SALES.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
has changed!
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Do you blindly visit" 
the dealership to ask the" 
salesperson for advice? 
“Do you have any" 
compact SUVs?”
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Or do you spend hours on" 
the web learning as much as" 
you can and ONLY visit the dealer" 
when you are ready to buy 
because you already know 
everything you need 
to get a good deal?
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Compact SUV
“Anyone own" 
a compact SUV?" 
What model?" 
Do you like it?” 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
We live in the era of" 
not a sales situation" 
stacked against us.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
If YOU understand" 
the NEW REALITIES, you can" 
make your business" 
fantastically successful (!!)
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Now, BUYERS are in charge" 
of relationships with 
companies they choose 
to do business with.
We research someone online " 
before agreeing to a first date—" 
is he a creep? 
We fire up LinkedIn an hour before " 
an initial business meeting—does she" 
have anyone I know in her network? 
We watch an on-demand movie trailer " 
before deciding which film to see that " 
night at the theater. 
We check out restaurant reviews " 
and browse menus before booking " 
a reservation. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
the sales process IS OVER. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The Traditional" 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Many salespeople are" 
so BUSY SELLING that they" 
don’t have time to actually" 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
“I’m fed up," 
and I won’t tolerate 
this anymore!”
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
We’re fed up with unwanted phone calls" 
interrupting us at home and at work. 
We hate wading through hundreds" 
of unsolicited emails. 
We’ve had it with intrusive social media messages. 
We’re tired of poor service from companies that" 
don’t treat us with respect or that send us into" 
a phone mail maze that wastes minutes of our time" 
and never connects us with a living person.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
“There’s a ROBOCALL" 
on Line One." 
It Says It’s URGENT.”
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
An estimated 72% of Americans" 
have signed up for the" 
National Do Not Call Registry. 
So WHY do companies" 
think cold calling is still" 
a good idea?
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Just because you have my email address," 
it doesn’t mean you should email me your sales message. 
Just because you have my phone number," 
it doesn’t mean you should call me with your sales pitch. 
Just because we’re connected on LinkedIn," 
it doesn’t mean you can add me to your distribution list. 
Just because I follow you on Twitter," 
it doesn’t mean you can try to sell me something" 
via Direct Message.
Intrusive, interruption-based sales 
techniques frequently do much 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
more HARM than good.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
many organizations are still 
operating as if it were 1986," 
and they continue to focus 
massive investments on 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
nearly all companies are" 
still operating in a world as if" 
their salespeople are king" 
of the information kingdom.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
In the days BEFORE REAL-TIME online communications…" 
• It was very difficult for buyers to find independent information " 
about the products and services that interested them. 
• There was no easy way for unhappy customers to voice " 
disapproval of a company in public. 
• Both buyers and existing customers couldn’t communicate " 
instantly with the companies they did business with. 
• Customers had little say in the products and services they " 
wanted to buy.
…therefore the OLD RULES of sales & service applied:" 
• Sellers delivered only proprietary information such" 
as their company’s white papers and research reports. 
• The sales process was generic, and buyers needed to fit into a 
one-size-fits-all culture. 
• Buyers needed to ask the right questions. 
• The seller had more knowledge and therefore had the upper" 
hand in negotiations. 
• Sellers had little incentive to tell the truth about their offerings. 
• Cold-calling solicitations were among the most common " 
methods for salespeople to contact prospective clients. 
• The seller was in charge of the sales cycle, parsing out details to 
buyers on the seller’s timetable. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
(but in the old days they had no choice)
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
understand that people have choices" 
of whom to do business with, and they" 
are transforming the way they sell " 
to customers.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The biggest barrier to success" 
with the new rules of selling is…
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
(The four-letter word that begins with “F”)
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling 
1. Authentic storytelling sets the tone 
2. Content is the link between companies" 
and customers 
3. Big data enables a more scientific 
approach to sales 
4. Agile selling brings new business" 
to your company 
5. Real-time engagement keeps" 
customers happy 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
people LIKE TO BUY because" 
they have far more choices" 
than in the past!
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
• People want authenticity, not spin. 
• People want participation, not propaganda. 
• Your organizational story cannot be dreamed" 
up by an agency. 
• The individual at the top of the company" 
is the master storyteller, the conductor of" 
the organizational orchestra. 
• With social networks, every employee has a role" 
in sales and must sing from the same hymnal. 
• Buyers want information in language they 
understand, not gobbledygook-laden jargon.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Restoring the Human Touch: 
The Compelling Power" 
of Authenticity
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
People want to do business with other people." 
That’s been true since the beginning of time. 
A hundred years ago our great-grandparents" 
knew the people who sold them hardware or shoes" 
or chickens. There was a personal touch. 
If there was good service at a fair price and" 
maybe a kind word and a smile, you had a business 
relationship that lasted for many years.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Today, you can do the same. Just like Larry.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Larry communicates with his customers every day!
“We offer a marked contrast 
from the hard sell that 
everyone else uses. 
When we go in with a 
consultative, educational 
approach, people rapidly 
understand they get more 
benefits the more they spend.” 
Larry Janesky 
CEO, Basement Systems, Inc. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Larry has built Basement Systems" 
to be the world leader in his industry.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
• You are what you publish. 
• Companies must drive people into the purchasing 
process with great content. 
• Blogs, online video, e-books, infographics, and the 
like let organizations communicate directly with 
buyers in a form they appreciate. 
• Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and 
LinkedIn allow people all over the world to share 
content and connect with the companies they" 
want to do business with. 
• Smart sellers now not only deliver proprietary 
information such as their company’s white papers 
and research reports, but also curate information 
from other sources on the World Wide Web.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
(instead of interrupt and sell)
MARKETING generates attention of the" 
many people who make up a buyer persona, 
whereas SALES communicates with one 
potential customer at a time, putting the 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
buying process into context.
In the e-marketplace of ideas 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
highlight their expertise by sharing videos," 
content-rich websites, social streams, blogs, e-books, 
and images rather than using the old sales playbook" 
of hoarding information and letting it drip out.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
SALESPEOPLE add context" 
to the company’s expertise," 
products, and services. 
Through them, the MARKETER’S" 
content fulfills its potential at" 
the precise moment the" 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Now you’ve got to be on the" 
BUYER’S TIMETABLE, not yours. 
The key is to focus on the" 
buyer’s needs, not your own ego.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
TEACH people something." 
SHARE your expertise.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Ocean Frontiers Dive Resort delivers excellent content
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Ocean Frontiers engages with customers on social networks
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Ocean Frontiers has a real-time reef cam!
“You couldn’t ask for a more 
loyal and dedicated customer 
base than what we’re building. 
You humanize what your 
business does.” 
Steve Broadbelt" 
CEO, Ocean Frontiers 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
When I speak with entrepreneurs and 
business owners, many of them push back 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
on content creation. 
“I’m just a _____________” they say." 
(Fill in any occupation—lawyer, doctor, restaurant owner, " 
software entrepreneur, whatever.) 
“There’s nothing interesting about" 
my business that I can write about" 
or show on a video.”
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
There’s always something interesting that offers 
opportunities for creative content if you keep" 
your mind open. 
Have your smartphone ready." 
Interview a customer. Make a short film about 
something interesting in your market. 
It has never been easier to tell interesting" 
stories to your marketplace.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The next time" 
you create a sales strategy," 
think about how you would approach it" 
if you were trying to DATE the buyer" 
instead of SELL to them.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
when great online content and" 
an educated and interested buyer" 
meet a skillful salesperson" 
who understands the new realities" 
of the buying process.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
• The best organizations customize the buying 
experience for each customer. 
• Because of the infinite amount of information available 
on the web, buyers now have more information than 
sellers and therefore buyers have the upper hand in 
• With a plethora of independent information available to 
buyers, sellers must tell the truth about their offerings. 
• Online communications are infinitely measurable.
When buyers express interest," 
they expect contact right away. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Not tomorrow. Not this afternoon. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Using BIG DATA to predict your PROSPECT is 
moving towards a decision to BUY
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The alert, a SALES SIGNAL," 
instantly pulls up information on" 
the buyer’s company. 
Are they already a client? 
Have others from this company" 
visited the site before? 
Even the buyer’s LinkedIn & Twitter" 
profiles appear.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
When a buyer clicks on a link on your site," 
When a buyer is on your site right now," 
When your buyer" 
just changed their job title on LinkedIn," 
that’s a SALES SIGNAL. 
If your buyer tweets using your" 
company’s keyword, it’s a SALES SIGNAL.
A buyer visiting your site" 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Image: HubSpot Signals
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
An opened email" 
Image: HubSpot Signals
Viewing shared content" 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
A new job 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
If you are enjoying this presentation so far, 
please check out THE BOOK. 
The New Rules of 
Sales and Service 
How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time 
Customer Engagement, Big Data, 
Content, and Storytelling 
to Grow Your Business
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
• Buyers actively use search engines and social networks 
to find companies to do business with. 
• The buyer is now in charge of the sales process, and 
wants to buy on his or her own personal timetable. 
• When a buyer is ready to buy, the company must 
respond with lightning speed. 
• Instead of causing one-way interruption, making sales 
is now about delivering content at the precise moment 
each buyer needs it. 
• Companies must treat people as individuals. 
• When buyers have valuable information at the" 
click of a mouse, it is sellers who need to ask the" 
right questions.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Now, buyers interact with anyone who is active in" 
social media. They can see what companies are doing.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Organizations filled with people who " 
take the time to UNDERSTAND the needs of" 
buyers they wish to reach, and then develop" 
information to educate & inform those " 
buyers, are more successful than" 
organizations that just " 
make stuff up.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
With buyers having access to much more 
information, SALESPEOPLE now enter" 
the buying process later, at a moment of" 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Dr. Natasha Burgert connects with her patients 
and the community in real-time
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Dr. Natasha Burgert blogs about" 
issues that affect her patients
“My blog is to respond to 
specific things that I see in my 
day-to-day practice. That’s 
how my brand is marketed and " 
how people find the clinic.” 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Dr. Natasha Burgert 
Pediatric Associates
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
a Real-Time Mind-Set 
The real-time mind-set recognizes" 
the importance of SPEED. It is an attitude" 
to BUSINESS—and to LIFE—" 
that emphasizes moving quickly" 
when the TIME IS RIGHT.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
should assume that they are the" 
LAST place a buyer goes, not the first. 
They must assume that very little of" 
their knowledge is proprietary. 
They need to FACILITATE the sale," 
not control the information.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
• In our always-on world, buyers expect instant," 
24/7 service. 
• Because of independent product reviews," 
there is now a huge incentive to fix problems" 
and make customers happy so they don’t" 
complain publicly. 
• Customers expect employees of the companies" 
they do business with to support them via" 
social networks.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
has fundamentally changed" 
the PACE of BUSINESS, compressing" 
time & rewarding SPEED.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Now everyone has the real-time information" 
once only found on the trading floor. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Image: Jeffries LLC
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
about a subject that you know intimately," 
you have an amazing opportunity to SEIZE" 
the moment in REAL TIME and SHARE" 
your knowledge with THE WORLD.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Mitch Jackson operates in real-time" 
(and he’s a lawyer).
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Mitch comments on the news in real-time.
“My goal is to continue 
enjoying an expanded sphere 
of influence through sharing 
my expertise on social media.” 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Mitch Jackson 
Jackson & Wilson, Inc. "
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The SECRET to building a following on" 
social networks is that there is no secret. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
nearly 20 years into the revolution," 
many organizations still aren’t" 
communicating in real time on the web. 
Their sales organizations" 
remain STUCK in the past.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
June 6, 2014:" 
Two movies premiere with very" 
different sales strategies
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Tom Cruise sells his film Edge of Tomorrow" 
by talking it up on mainstream media
While John Green sells The Fault in our Stars, the 
film based on his book, by connecting directly" 
to people via the Web and social networks. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
John Green thumps Tom Cruise
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Once you start to develop your" 
PERSONAL BRAND on social media, " 
you’re taking the first step toward" 
building an asset that can help you" 
for the rest of your life. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Finding the time to participate in" 
social media is much like exercise; you" 
need to make it an important part of your life." 
If it is important to you, you don’t even" 
think about it anymore. IT JUST IS. 
You have a choice." 
You can choose to exercise regularly in" 
order to stay fit. OR NOT. 
And you can choose to participate" 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
I recommend that you DON’T even" 
try to find the time to create content" 
and participate in social media." 
YOU’LL FAIL, just like finding the time" 
to exercise leads to failure and wasted" 
money on health club memberships. 
INSTEAD, make exercise & social media" 
important parts of your life. If you still cannot" 
fit exercise & social media into your life," 
cut out television completely. 
You will be AMAZED at how much" 
time you will FREE UP!
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Go to your favorite SEARCH ENGINE and enter your name" 
together with the name of your current employer. 
If you’ve recently left your job, GOOGLE" 
your name and that of your most recent employer. 
If you’re a student," 
then try it with YOUR NAME and the NAME of your SCHOOL. 
This is what many people do to LEARN MORE ABOUT YOU.
If you’re publishing great content online, then congratulations, 
Whatever comes up is your PERSONAL BRAND." 
because you’ve got a great personal brand! 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
ALREADY If you’re publishing ONLINE 
then you’re leaving your personal brand to others who create 
content about you (like that arrest record from a wild night when 
you were in college). 
And if you’re publishing lousy information on the web," 
then you’re creating a lousy personal brand.
what business you’re in" 
or what job function you have," 
you need to take control of your" 
by jumping into SOCIAL NETWORKING. 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Your Twitter bio, your LinkedIn profile," 
your blog’s “about” page, and the other places you" 
interact are great opportunities to say who you are. 
This is an essential element of" PERSONAL BRANDING. " 
Don’t ignore the opportunity to tell the world about yourself.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
As a way to introduce" 
this important concept, let’s turn our" 
attention to your Twitter profile. 
While each social network is different," 
the concepts of PERSONAL BRANDING" 
are similar and can be carried over" 
from one network to another.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Most Twitter profiles don’t say enough," 
and most have LOUSY DESIGN. 
While that’s fine if you’re just" 
communicating with friends, if you’re" 
using your Twitter feed for your" 
business, you need to pay attention.
Twitter ID: (Mine is @dmscott.) 
Choose an appropriate ID. Try to have a Twitter ID 
that resembles your name so when people see you 
pop up in their feed they know who you are. 
Because there are hundreds of millions of people 
on Twitter, you are unlikely to get your first choice 
(or second or third for that matter), so you might 
need to add a number to the letters. 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Name: (Mine is David Meerman Scott.) 
Use your real name. Don’t just default to your" 
user ID, which so many people seem to do. " 
And don’t just use a nickname like Pookie." 
You can put your nickname in quotation marks 
inside your real name if you want to. If you" 
really care about your personal brand, you’ll" 
want people to know who you really are.
Location: (Mine is Boston, MA.) 
Use the town or nearest city that makes sense" 
for you. While I actually live in one of the Boston 
suburbs, my business is global so I use Boston" 
as my location. Saying something cute like “Earth” 
or “somewhere in Canada” turns people off who 
don’t know you. Besides, the location is a good way 
to make local contacts. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Web: (My URL is 
If you have a blog or site, put the URL here. Or 
maybe your profile on a company website makes 
sense for you. This should be somewhere people 
can go to learn more about you. If you don’t have" 
a blog or site, I recommend that you create a public 
Google profile ( with your 
contact information, and link to that. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Your 160 character biography: 
This is where you say something about yourself. As 
a component of personal branding, this is a critical 
section. Don’t leave it blank. And don’t make a 
mini-resume from a laundry list of attributes like 
this: “father, husband, surfer, economics major, 
world traveler, marketer, and rock star 
wannabe.” (I confess, that would be" 
my list.) Instead be descriptive and specific. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Header image: 
Your personal brand on Twitter 
can also include a header photo 
for your profile, which serves" 
as a background for your bio." 
A header photo is a great way" 
to show your personal brand," 
but don’t try to sell. Many 
salespeople add an advertising 
message to this real estate," 
but I think that’s a mistake" 
and recommend resisting this 
tendency. Adding your messages 
or heavy-handed branding 
detracts. Your header photo" 
will show up on your Twitter" 
web page as well as on" 
mobile devices. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
If you care about your personal brand, you should use" 
a representative photo of you on social networks. If you 
don’t upload a photo, you’ll just be assigned the default" 
by the social network, which makes it appear as if you" 
are hiding. The default on LinkedIn is a creepy sort of 
shadow image of a person, and the default on Twitter is the 
image of an egg. The photo you choose to represent you 
says a great deal about who you are as an individual. 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
…use a cartoon avatar to represent themselves." 
While that’s okay for some, I do think it communicates that the" 
person doesn’t like his or her real self for some reason. " 
I definitely urge you to avoid using stand-ins for your photo. 
I don’t think you should use your company logo instead" 
of your photo on your personal social networks either." 
I also suggest that you avoid the random images" 
that many people seem to favor. 
You know, things like their cat. Or Bart Simpson. Or a snowboard. 
If you use these sorts of images rather than your photo," 
you’re limiting what you want people to think of you.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
There are many choices when it comes to a photo to use." 
You can use a casual shot taken by a friend." 
This is a great option for many people. 
But there are many different approaches, and each says " 
something important about you. 
Are you in a casual setting, such as at a restaurant?" 
Or someplace more formal, like an office? 
What are you wearing? A hat? 
Is it an image of you taken on a vacation with a beer in your hand? 
Or a formal head-and-shoulders portrait in business attire taken " 
by a professional photographer? 
Smile, or no smile? 
How close do you crop? 
While there is no absolute right or wrong about photos in social media, " 
do keep in mind that each of these choices says a great deal about you.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
“It doesn’t become a choice of ‘Do I do social, " 
or do I do something else?’ They need to ask, 
‘How do I work this into my selling process?’” 
Matt Petitjean 
VP marketing 
ADP, Inc. 
(With more than 5,000 salespeople located around the world.)
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
“We’ve looked at a group of sales associates 
who used social… 
We found that the group that incorporated 
social media in their work consistently out 
performed the control group, as well as the 
sales organization as a whole.” 
Matt Petitjean, VP marketing, ADP, Inc.
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Manage your fear of something new!
The New Rules of 
Sales and Service 
How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time 
Customer Engagement, Big Data, 
Content, and Storytelling 
to Grow Your Business 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Please consider buying 
THE BOOK. Thank you!
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
Generating Attention & Growing Business in a Real-Time World 
Have David Meerman Scott" 
speak at your next event! 
As a speaker, Scott’s high-energy presentations are a treat for the senses. 
He’s informative, entertaining, and inspiring. That he has spoken on all seven continents 
and in 40 countries to audiences of the most respected firms,organizations, and 
associations underscores the value he brings to audiences. Scott’s keynotes and 
master classes are an urgent call to action. " 
Scale and media buying power are no longer a decisive advantage; what counts today 
is speed and agility. Real-time is the mind-set for the future—and content rules! His 
tailored presentations delve deep—offering strategies and tactics that help audiences 
seize the initiative, open new channels, and grow their brand. 
All of David’s presentations are a combination of three things:" 
education, entertainment, and motivation. 
Visit to see videos of David in action " 
or for information on booking him to speak at your event.
David Meerman Scott | Marketing & Sales Strategist 
@dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
About the Author 
Our always-on, Web-driven world has new rules for competing and 
growing business. Advance planning is out – agile is IN! Those who 
embrace new ways will be far more successful than those who stay who 
stay stuck and afraid to change. No one knows more about using the new 
Real-Time tools and strategies to spread ideas, influence minds and build 
business than David Meerman Scott. 
It’s his specialty. 
David is author or co-author of ten books – three are international 
bestsellers. The New Rules of Marketing & PR, now in its 4th edition, has 
been translated into 26 languages and is used as a text in hundreds of 
universities and business schools worldwide. It is a modern business 
classic with over 350,000 copies sold so far. He also authored Real-Time 
Marketing & PR, a Wall Street Journal bestseller, Newsjacking, and The 
New Rules of Sales & Service (on which this presentation is based). 
David is co-author of Marketing the Moon (with Rich Jurek) and Marketing 
Lessons from The Grateful Dead (with HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan). 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 
The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 

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The New Rules of Selling

  • 1. The New Rules of Selling How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now A U T H O R O F T H E “ N E W R U L E S O F S A L E S A N D S E R V I C E ”
  • 2. This presentation is based on content from… The New Rules of Sales and Service How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer " Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling " to Grow Your Business @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 2 Bestselling sales and marketing genius David Meerman Scott is back with the long-awaited follow-up to The New Rules of Marketing and PR. In this book he looks at how sales and service are being radically redefined like never before and how, now, online content can be more targeted to reach buyers one at a time instead of all at once. Just as online content is the primary driver for successful marketing and public relations today, online content is quickly becoming a dominant driver for sales and service as well. Praise for David Meerman Scott" and his books “Like all the best teachers, this book inspires" you to do your own thinking in your own way... enlightening and liberating.” - The Financial Times “It is the new rules. A whole new world.” - MSNBC “one of those select few people who saw and understood the social media phenomenon as" it began” - Forbes “Gets it right.” - New York Times Magazine “Lessons that should resonate” - Entrepreneur “A fresh take.” - NBC
  • 3. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 3 If you run a small company," then you’re in sales. If you’re a doctor or lawyer or accountant, you’re in sales.
  • 4. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 4 ENTREPRENEURS are in sales too.
  • 5. Everybody who lives by their wits by going independent or starting something @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 5 new or running an established organization is in SALES.
  • 6. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 6 EVERYONE IS SELLING
  • 7. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 7 HOW PEOPLE BUY has changed!
  • 8. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 8 HOW" DO YOU" BUY A CAR?
  • 9. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 9 Do you blindly visit" the dealership to ask the" salesperson for advice? “Do you have any" compact SUVs?”
  • 10. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 10 Or do you spend hours on" the web learning as much as" you can and ONLY visit the dealer" when you are ready to buy because you already know everything you need to get a good deal?
  • 11. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 11 Compact SUV
  • 12. “Anyone own" a compact SUV?" What model?" Do you like it?” @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 12
  • 13. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 13
  • 14. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 14
  • 15. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 15 We live in the era of" A BUYING PROCESS" CONTROLLED BY CONSUMERS," not a sales situation" stacked against us.
  • 16. THE GOOD NEWS! @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 16
  • 17. THE GOOD NEWS! @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 17 If YOU understand" the NEW REALITIES, you can" make your business" fantastically successful (!!)
  • 18. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 18
  • 19. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 19 Now, BUYERS are in charge" of relationships with companies they choose to do business with.
  • 20. @dmscott We research someone online " before agreeing to a first date—" is he a creep? We fire up LinkedIn an hour before " an initial business meeting—does she" have anyone I know in her network? We watch an on-demand movie trailer " before deciding which film to see that " night at the theater. We check out restaurant reviews " and browse menus before booking " a reservation. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 20
  • 21. WE’RE IN A NEW WORLD! @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 21
  • 22. WEA’RndE wINe nAee Nd ENEWW WRUOLERSL"D! @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 22 for SELLING.
  • 23. WE’TRhEe iIdNea A o fN MEYWST EWRYO iRn"LD! the sales process IS OVER. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 23
  • 24. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 24 The Traditional" SALES MODEL is Broken
  • 25. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 25 Many salespeople are" so BUSY SELLING that they" don’t have time to actually" BE HELPFUL.
  • 26. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 26 “I’m fed up," and I won’t tolerate this anymore!”
  • 27. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 27 We’re fed up with unwanted phone calls" interrupting us at home and at work. We hate wading through hundreds" of unsolicited emails. We’ve had it with intrusive social media messages. We’re tired of poor service from companies that" don’t treat us with respect or that send us into" a phone mail maze that wastes minutes of our time" and never connects us with a living person.
  • 28. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 28 “There’s a ROBOCALL" on Line One." It Says It’s URGENT.”
  • 29. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 29 An estimated 72% of Americans" have signed up for the" National Do Not Call Registry. So WHY do companies" think cold calling is still" a good idea?
  • 30. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 30 Just because you have my email address," it doesn’t mean you should email me your sales message. Just because you have my phone number," it doesn’t mean you should call me with your sales pitch. Just because we’re connected on LinkedIn," it doesn’t mean you can add me to your distribution list. Just because I follow you on Twitter," it doesn’t mean you can try to sell me something" via Direct Message.
  • 31. Intrusive, interruption-based sales techniques frequently do much @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 31 more HARM than good.
  • 32. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 32 UNFORTUNATELY," many organizations are still operating as if it were 1986," and they continue to focus massive investments on INTERRUPTING PEOPLE.
  • 33. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 33 Remarkably," nearly all companies are" still operating in a world as if" their salespeople are king" of the information kingdom.
  • 34. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 34 In the days BEFORE REAL-TIME online communications…" • It was very difficult for buyers to find independent information " about the products and services that interested them. • There was no easy way for unhappy customers to voice " disapproval of a company in public. • Both buyers and existing customers couldn’t communicate " instantly with the companies they did business with. • Customers had little say in the products and services they " wanted to buy.
  • 35. …therefore the OLD RULES of sales & service applied:" • Sellers delivered only proprietary information such" as their company’s white papers and research reports. • The sales process was generic, and buyers needed to fit into a one-size-fits-all culture. • Buyers needed to ask the right questions. • The seller had more knowledge and therefore had the upper" hand in negotiations. • Sellers had little incentive to tell the truth about their offerings. • Cold-calling solicitations were among the most common " methods for salespeople to contact prospective clients. • The seller was in charge of the sales cycle, parsing out details to buyers on the seller’s timetable. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 35
  • 36. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 36 PEOPLE HATE" TO BE SOLD TO (but in the old days they had no choice)
  • 37. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 37 NOW THEY DO.
  • 38. THE BIGGEST COMMUNICATIONS REVOLUTION IN HUMAN" HISTORY MEANS YOUR MARKETPLACE" @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 38 HAS CHANGED.
  • 39. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 39 GET FOUND!
  • 40. ENCOURAGE" SHARING @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 40
  • 41. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 41 SMART COMPANIES" understand that people have choices" of whom to do business with, and they" are transforming the way they sell " to customers.
  • 42. YOU ARE WHAT YOU PUBLISH @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 42 ON THE WEB
  • 43. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 43 The biggest barrier to success" with the new rules of selling is…
  • 44. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 44 (The four-letter word that begins with “F”)
  • 45. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 45 THE NEW" RULES OF SELLING
  • 46. The New Rules of Selling 1. Authentic storytelling sets the tone 2. Content is the link between companies" and customers 3. Big data enables a more scientific approach to sales 4. Agile selling brings new business" to your company 5. Real-time engagement keeps" customers happy @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 46 THE NEW" RULES OF SELLING
  • 47. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 47 Today," people LIKE TO BUY because" they have far more choices" than in the past!
  • 48. 1 AUTHENTIC STORYTELLING @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 48 SETS THE TONE
  • 49. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 49 • People want authenticity, not spin. • People want participation, not propaganda. • Your organizational story cannot be dreamed" up by an agency. • The individual at the top of the company" is the master storyteller, the conductor of" the organizational orchestra. • With social networks, every employee has a role" in sales and must sing from the same hymnal. • Buyers want information in language they understand, not gobbledygook-laden jargon.
  • 50. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 50 Restoring the Human Touch: The Compelling Power" of Authenticity
  • 51. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 51 People want to do business with other people." That’s been true since the beginning of time. A hundred years ago our great-grandparents" knew the people who sold them hardware or shoes" or chickens. There was a personal touch. If there was good service at a fair price and" maybe a kind word and a smile, you had a business relationship that lasted for many years.
  • 52. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 52 Today, you can do the same. Just like Larry.
  • 53. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 53 Larry communicates with his customers every day!
  • 54. @dmscott “We offer a marked contrast from the hard sell that everyone else uses. When we go in with a consultative, educational approach, people rapidly understand they get more benefits the more they spend.” Larry Janesky CEO, Basement Systems, Inc. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 54
  • 55. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 55 Larry has built Basement Systems" to be the world leader in his industry.
  • 56. YOU CAN ACHIEVE" SIMILAR SUCCESS. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 56
  • 57. @dmscott 2 The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 57 CONTENT IS THE LINK BETWEEN COMPANIES & CUSTOMERS
  • 58. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 58 • You are what you publish. • Companies must drive people into the purchasing process with great content. • Blogs, online video, e-books, infographics, and the like let organizations communicate directly with buyers in a form they appreciate. • Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn allow people all over the world to share content and connect with the companies they" want to do business with. • Smart sellers now not only deliver proprietary information such as their company’s white papers and research reports, but also curate information from other sources on the World Wide Web.
  • 59. THE SALES" CYCLE IS NOW" THE BUYING CYCLE @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 59
  • 60. EDUCATE+INFORM @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 60 (instead of interrupt and sell)
  • 61. MARKETING generates attention of the" many people who make up a buyer persona, whereas SALES communicates with one potential customer at a time, putting the @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 61 buying process into context.
  • 62. @dmscott In the e-marketplace of ideas The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 62 SUCCESSFUL SALESPEOPLE highlight their expertise by sharing videos," content-rich websites, social streams, blogs, e-books, and images rather than using the old sales playbook" of hoarding information and letting it drip out.
  • 63. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 63 SALESPEOPLE add context" to the company’s expertise," products, and services. Through them, the MARKETER’S" content fulfills its potential at" the precise moment the" BUYER NEEDS IT.
  • 64. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 64 Now you’ve got to be on the" BUYER’S TIMETABLE, not yours. The key is to focus on the" buyer’s needs, not your own ego.
  • 65. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 65 Although it SOUNDS COUNTERINTUITIVE, YOU SELL MORE" WHEN YOU" STOP SELLING.
  • 66. PUSH PRODUCT. @dmscott DON’T" The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 66 TEACH people something." SHARE your expertise.
  • 67. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 67 Ocean Frontiers Dive Resort delivers excellent content
  • 68. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 68 Ocean Frontiers engages with customers on social networks
  • 69. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 69 Ocean Frontiers has a real-time reef cam!
  • 70. @dmscott “You couldn’t ask for a more loyal and dedicated customer base than what we’re building. You humanize what your business does.” Steve Broadbelt" CEO, Ocean Frontiers The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 70
  • 71. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 71
  • 72. YOU CAN ACHIEVE" SIMILAR SUCCESS. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 72
  • 73. When I speak with entrepreneurs and business owners, many of them push back @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 73 on content creation. “I’m just a _____________” they say." (Fill in any occupation—lawyer, doctor, restaurant owner, " software entrepreneur, whatever.) “There’s nothing interesting about" my business that I can write about" or show on a video.”
  • 74. NONSENSE @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 74 There’s always something interesting that offers opportunities for creative content if you keep" your mind open. Have your smartphone ready." Interview a customer. Make a short film about something interesting in your market. It has never been easier to tell interesting" stories to your marketplace.
  • 75. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 75 The next time" you create a sales strategy," think about how you would approach it" if you were trying to DATE the buyer" instead of SELL to them.
  • 76. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 76 TREMENDOUS SUCCESS comes" when great online content and" an educated and interested buyer" meet a skillful salesperson" who understands the new realities" of the buying process.
  • 77. @dmscott 3 The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 77 BIG DATA ENABLES A MORE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO SALES
  • 78. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 78 • The best organizations customize the buying experience for each customer. • Because of the infinite amount of information available on the web, buyers now have more information than sellers and therefore buyers have the upper hand in negotiations. • With a plethora of independent information available to buyers, sellers must tell the truth about their offerings. • Online communications are infinitely measurable.
  • 79. @dmscott When buyers express interest," they expect contact right away. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 79 NOW. Not tomorrow. Not this afternoon. NOW!
  • 80. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 80 SALES SIGNALS Using BIG DATA to predict your PROSPECT is moving towards a decision to BUY
  • 81. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 81 The alert, a SALES SIGNAL," instantly pulls up information on" the buyer’s company. Are they already a client? Have others from this company" visited the site before? Even the buyer’s LinkedIn & Twitter" profiles appear.
  • 82. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 82 When a buyer clicks on a link on your site," it’s a SALES SIGNAL. When a buyer is on your site right now," it is a REAL-TIME SALES SIGNAL. When your buyer" just changed their job title on LinkedIn," that’s a SALES SIGNAL. If your buyer tweets using your" company’s keyword, it’s a SALES SIGNAL.
  • 83. @dmscott A buyer visiting your site" is a SALES SIGNAL The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 83 Image: HubSpot Signals
  • 84. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 84 An opened email" is a SALES SIGNAL Image: HubSpot Signals
  • 85. Viewing shared content" is a SALES SIGNAL @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 85
  • 86. A new job is a SALES SIGNAL @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 86
  • 87. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 87 If you are enjoying this presentation so far, please check out THE BOOK. The New Rules of Sales and Service How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling to Grow Your Business
  • 88. @dmscott 4 The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 88 AGILE SELLING BRINGS NEW BUSINESS TO YOUR COMPANY
  • 89. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 89 • Buyers actively use search engines and social networks to find companies to do business with. • The buyer is now in charge of the sales process, and wants to buy on his or her own personal timetable. • When a buyer is ready to buy, the company must respond with lightning speed. • Instead of causing one-way interruption, making sales is now about delivering content at the precise moment each buyer needs it. • Companies must treat people as individuals. • When buyers have valuable information at the" click of a mouse, it is sellers who need to ask the" right questions.
  • 90. WHO IS ENGAGED?" WHO WILL TALK TO ME?" DOES ANYONE CARE? @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 90 Now, buyers interact with anyone who is active in" social media. They can see what companies are doing.
  • 91. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 91 Organizations filled with people who " take the time to UNDERSTAND the needs of" buyers they wish to reach, and then develop" information to educate & inform those " buyers, are more successful than" organizations that just " make stuff up.
  • 92. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 92 With buyers having access to much more information, SALESPEOPLE now enter" the buying process later, at a moment of" ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY.
  • 93. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 93 THE DECISIVE ADVANTAGE:" SPEED
  • 94. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 94 Dr. Natasha Burgert connects with her patients and the community in real-time
  • 95. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 95 Dr. Natasha Burgert blogs about" issues that affect her patients
  • 96. @dmscott “My blog is to respond to specific things that I see in my day-to-day practice. That’s how my brand is marketed and " how people find the clinic.” The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 96 Dr. Natasha Burgert Pediatric Associates
  • 97. YOU CAN ACHIEVE" SIMILAR SUCCESS. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 97
  • 98. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 98 AGILE SALES Require" a Real-Time Mind-Set The real-time mind-set recognizes" the importance of SPEED. It is an attitude" to BUSINESS—and to LIFE—" that emphasizes moving quickly" when the TIME IS RIGHT.
  • 99. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 99 YOUR SALESPEOPLE" should assume that they are the" LAST place a buyer goes, not the first. They must assume that very little of" their knowledge is proprietary. They need to FACILITATE the sale," not control the information.
  • 100. 5 REAL-TIME ENGAGEMENT @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 100 KEEPS CUSTOMERS HAPPY
  • 101. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 101 • In our always-on world, buyers expect instant," 24/7 service. • Because of independent product reviews," there is now a huge incentive to fix problems" and make customers happy so they don’t" complain publicly. • Customers expect employees of the companies" they do business with to support them via" social networks.
  • 102. @dmscott THE INTERNET The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 102 has fundamentally changed" the PACE of BUSINESS, compressing" time & rewarding SPEED.
  • 103. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 103
  • 104. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 104 SPEED+AGILITY ARE DECISIVE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES.
  • 105. Now everyone has the real-time information" once only found on the trading floor. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 105 Image: Jeffries LLC
  • 106. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 106 When NEWS BREAKS " about a subject that you know intimately," you have an amazing opportunity to SEIZE" the moment in REAL TIME and SHARE" your knowledge with THE WORLD.
  • 107. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 107 Mitch Jackson operates in real-time" (and he’s a lawyer).
  • 108. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 108 Mitch comments on the news in real-time.
  • 109. @dmscott “My goal is to continue enjoying an expanded sphere of influence through sharing my expertise on social media.” The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 109 Mitch Jackson Jackson & Wilson, Inc. "
  • 110. YOU CAN ACHIEVE" SIMILAR SUCCESS. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 110
  • 111. @dmscott SOCIAL MEDIA ARE TOOLS. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 111 REAL-TIME" IS A MINDSET
  • 112. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 112 The SECRET to building a following on" social networks is that there is no secret. YOU MUST PARTICIPATE.
  • 113. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 113 EVEN NOW, " nearly 20 years into the revolution," many organizations still aren’t" communicating in real time on the web. Their sales organizations" remain STUCK in the past.
  • 114. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 114 THE SOCIAL YOU
  • 115. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 115 June 6, 2014:" Two movies premiere with very" different sales strategies
  • 116. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 116 Tom Cruise sells his film Edge of Tomorrow" by talking it up on mainstream media
  • 117. While John Green sells The Fault in our Stars, the film based on his book, by connecting directly" to people via the Web and social networks. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 117
  • 118. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 118 John Green thumps Tom Cruise
  • 119. YOU CAN ACHIEVE" SIMILAR SUCCESS. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 119
  • 120. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 120 Once you start to develop your" PERSONAL BRAND on social media, " you’re taking the first step toward" building an asset that can help you" for the rest of your life. REALLY.
  • 121. WHY SOCIAL NETWORKING " IS LIKE EXERCISE @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 121
  • 122. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 122 Finding the time to participate in" social media is much like exercise; you" need to make it an important part of your life." If it is important to you, you don’t even" think about it anymore. IT JUST IS. You have a choice." You can choose to exercise regularly in" order to stay fit. OR NOT. And you can choose to participate" in SOCIAL NETWORKS.
  • 123. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 123 I recommend that you DON’T even" try to find the time to create content" and participate in social media." YOU’LL FAIL, just like finding the time" to exercise leads to failure and wasted" money on health club memberships. INSTEAD, make exercise & social media" important parts of your life. If you still cannot" fit exercise & social media into your life," cut out television completely. You will be AMAZED at how much" time you will FREE UP!
  • 124. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 124 YOU ARE ALREADY ONLINE
  • 125. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 125 Go to your favorite SEARCH ENGINE and enter your name" together with the name of your current employer. If you’ve recently left your job, GOOGLE" your name and that of your most recent employer. If you’re a student," then try it with YOUR NAME and the NAME of your SCHOOL. This is what many people do to LEARN MORE ABOUT YOU.
  • 126. If you’re publishing great content online, then congratulations, @dmscott Whatever comes up is your PERSONAL BRAND." because you’ve got a great personal brand! The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 126 YOU ARE ALREADY If you’re publishing ONLINE nothing," then you’re leaving your personal brand to others who create content about you (like that arrest record from a wild night when you were in college). And if you’re publishing lousy information on the web," then you’re creating a lousy personal brand.
  • 127. NO MATTER what business you’re in" or what job function you have," you need to take control of your" PERSONAL BRAND by jumping into SOCIAL NETWORKING. @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 127
  • 128. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 128 Your Twitter bio, your LinkedIn profile," your blog’s “about” page, and the other places you" interact are great opportunities to say who you are. This is an essential element of" PERSONAL BRANDING. " Don’t ignore the opportunity to tell the world about yourself.
  • 129. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 129 HOW TO STAND OUT IN A SOCIAL NETWORK
  • 130. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 130 As a way to introduce" this important concept, let’s turn our" attention to your Twitter profile. While each social network is different," the concepts of PERSONAL BRANDING" are similar and can be carried over" from one network to another.
  • 131. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 131 Most Twitter profiles don’t say enough," and most have LOUSY DESIGN. While that’s fine if you’re just" communicating with friends, if you’re" using your Twitter feed for your" business, you need to pay attention.
  • 132. Twitter ID: (Mine is @dmscott.) Choose an appropriate ID. Try to have a Twitter ID that resembles your name so when people see you pop up in their feed they know who you are. Because there are hundreds of millions of people on Twitter, you are unlikely to get your first choice (or second or third for that matter), so you might need to add a number to the letters. @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 132
  • 133. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 133 Name: (Mine is David Meerman Scott.) Use your real name. Don’t just default to your" user ID, which so many people seem to do. " And don’t just use a nickname like Pookie." You can put your nickname in quotation marks inside your real name if you want to. If you" really care about your personal brand, you’ll" want people to know who you really are.
  • 134. @dmscott Location: (Mine is Boston, MA.) Use the town or nearest city that makes sense" for you. While I actually live in one of the Boston suburbs, my business is global so I use Boston" as my location. Saying something cute like “Earth” or “somewhere in Canada” turns people off who don’t know you. Besides, the location is a good way to make local contacts. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 134
  • 135. @dmscott Web: (My URL is If you have a blog or site, put the URL here. Or maybe your profile on a company website makes sense for you. This should be somewhere people can go to learn more about you. If you don’t have" a blog or site, I recommend that you create a public Google profile ( with your contact information, and link to that. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 135
  • 136. @dmscott Your 160 character biography: This is where you say something about yourself. As a component of personal branding, this is a critical section. Don’t leave it blank. And don’t make a mini-resume from a laundry list of attributes like this: “father, husband, surfer, economics major, world traveler, marketer, and rock star wannabe.” (I confess, that would be" my list.) Instead be descriptive and specific. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 136
  • 137. @dmscott Header image: Your personal brand on Twitter can also include a header photo for your profile, which serves" as a background for your bio." A header photo is a great way" to show your personal brand," but don’t try to sell. Many salespeople add an advertising message to this real estate," but I think that’s a mistake" and recommend resisting this tendency. Adding your messages or heavy-handed branding detracts. Your header photo" will show up on your Twitter" web page as well as on" mobile devices. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 137
  • 138. @dmscott Photo: If you care about your personal brand, you should use" a representative photo of you on social networks. If you don’t upload a photo, you’ll just be assigned the default" by the social network, which makes it appear as if you" are hiding. The default on LinkedIn is a creepy sort of shadow image of a person, and the default on Twitter is the image of an egg. The photo you choose to represent you says a great deal about who you are as an individual. The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 138
  • 139. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 139 YOUR PHOTO
  • 140. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 140 YOU ARE" NOT A CAT
  • 141. SOME PEOPLE… @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 141 …use a cartoon avatar to represent themselves." While that’s okay for some, I do think it communicates that the" person doesn’t like his or her real self for some reason. " I definitely urge you to avoid using stand-ins for your photo. I don’t think you should use your company logo instead" of your photo on your personal social networks either." I also suggest that you avoid the random images" that many people seem to favor. You know, things like their cat. Or Bart Simpson. Or a snowboard. If you use these sorts of images rather than your photo," you’re limiting what you want people to think of you.
  • 142. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 142 There are many choices when it comes to a photo to use." You can use a casual shot taken by a friend." This is a great option for many people. But there are many different approaches, and each says " something important about you. Are you in a casual setting, such as at a restaurant?" Or someplace more formal, like an office? What are you wearing? A hat? Is it an image of you taken on a vacation with a beer in your hand? Or a formal head-and-shoulders portrait in business attire taken " by a professional photographer? Smile, or no smile? How close do you crop? While there is no absolute right or wrong about photos in social media, " do keep in mind that each of these choices says a great deal about you.
  • 143. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 143 THERE’S NO BETTER" CALLING CARD THAN A VIRTUAL ONE.
  • 144. THE SOCIAL COMPANY @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 144
  • 145. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 145 “It doesn’t become a choice of ‘Do I do social, " or do I do something else?’ They need to ask, ‘How do I work this into my selling process?’” Matt Petitjean VP marketing ADP, Inc. (With more than 5,000 salespeople located around the world.)
  • 146. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 146
  • 147. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 147
  • 148. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 148 “We’ve looked at a group of sales associates who used social… We found that the group that incorporated social media in their work consistently out performed the control group, as well as the sales organization as a whole.” Matt Petitjean, VP marketing, ADP, Inc.
  • 149. YOU CAN ACHIEVE" SIMILAR SUCCESS. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 149
  • 150. WE’RE BUYING." SO STOP SELLING @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 150
  • 151. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 151 THE END OF THE" HIGH PRESSURE SALES ZONE
  • 152. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 152 STOP MAKING EXCUSES
  • 153. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 153 Manage your fear of something new!
  • 154. @dmscott The New Rules of Sales and Service How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling to Grow Your Business The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 154 Please consider buying THE BOOK. Thank you!
  • 155. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 155 Generating Attention & Growing Business in a Real-Time World Have David Meerman Scott" speak at your next event! As a speaker, Scott’s high-energy presentations are a treat for the senses. He’s informative, entertaining, and inspiring. That he has spoken on all seven continents and in 40 countries to audiences of the most respected firms,organizations, and associations underscores the value he brings to audiences. Scott’s keynotes and master classes are an urgent call to action. " Scale and media buying power are no longer a decisive advantage; what counts today is speed and agility. Real-time is the mind-set for the future—and content rules! His tailored presentations delve deep—offering strategies and tactics that help audiences seize the initiative, open new channels, and grow their brand. All of David’s presentations are a combination of three things:" education, entertainment, and motivation. Visit to see videos of David in action " or for information on booking him to speak at your event.
  • 156. David Meerman Scott | Marketing & Sales Strategist @dmscottThe New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 156 About the Author Our always-on, Web-driven world has new rules for competing and growing business. Advance planning is out – agile is IN! Those who embrace new ways will be far more successful than those who stay who stay stuck and afraid to change. No one knows more about using the new Real-Time tools and strategies to spread ideas, influence minds and build business than David Meerman Scott. It’s his specialty. David is author or co-author of ten books – three are international bestsellers. The New Rules of Marketing & PR, now in its 4th edition, has been translated into 26 languages and is used as a text in hundreds of universities and business schools worldwide. It is a modern business classic with over 350,000 copies sold so far. He also authored Real-Time Marketing & PR, a Wall Street Journal bestseller, Newsjacking, and The New Rules of Sales & Service (on which this presentation is based). David is co-author of Marketing the Moon (with Rich Jurek) and Marketing Lessons from The Grateful Dead (with HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan). BLOG" WEBSITE " Twitter" @dmscott"
  • 157. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 157 THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR!
  • 158. @dmscott The New Rules of Selling: How Agile and Real-Time Sales Grow Your Business Now 158 NOW… IT IS YOUR TURN!