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Apache Mesos
An Introduction
Joe Stein
• Developer, Architect & Technologist
• Founder & Principal Consultant => Big Data Open Source Security LLC -
Big Data Open Source Security LLC provides professional services and product solutions for the collection,
storage, transfer, real-time analytics, batch processing and reporting for complex data streams, data sets and
distributed systems. BDOSS is all about the "glue" and helping companies to not only figure out what Big Data
Infrastructure Components to use but also how to change their existing (or build new) systems to work with
• Apache Kafka Committer & PMC member
• Blog & Podcast -
• Twitter @allthingshadoop
• Where
• Why
• What
• How
• Configurations
• Tools
• Frameworks
Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center
2011 GAFS Omega John Wilkes
Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
Static Partitioning
Static Partitioning IS Bad
hard to utilize machines
(i.e., X GB RAM and Y CPUs)
Static Partitioning does NOT scale
hard to scale elastically
(to take advantage of statistical multiplexing)
Failures === Downtime
hard to deal with failures
It doesn’t have to be that way
Operating System === Datacenter
Mesos => data center “kernel”
Mesos is node abstraction
Master and Slave Configuration
--ip=VALUE IP address to listen on
--[no-]help Prints this help message (default: false)
--log_dir=VALUE Location to put log files (no default, nothing is written to disk unless
specified; does not affect logging to stderr)
--logbufsecs=VALUE How many seconds to buffer log messages for (default: 0)
--logging_level=VALUE Log message at or above this level; possible values: 'INFO',
'WARNING', 'ERROR'; if quiet flag is used, this will affect just the
logs from log_dir (if specified) (default: INFO)
--port=VALUE Port to listen on (default: 5051)
--[no-]quiet Disable logging to stderr (default: false)
--[no-]version Show version and exit. (default: false)
Master Configurations (required)
--quorum=VALUE The size of the quorum of replicas when
using 'replicated_log' based registry. It is
imperative to set this value to be a majority
of masters i.e., quorum > (number of
--work_dir=VALUE Where to store the persistent information
stored in the Registry.
--zk=VALUE ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst
masters) May be one of: zk://host1
:port1,host2:port2,../path or zk://username:password
@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path file://path/to/file
(where file contains one of the above)
Master Configurations (optional)
Way too many for a slide
Slave Configuration (required)
--master=VALUE May be one of:
rt2,.../path file://path/to/file (where file contains
one of the above)
Slave Configuration (optional)
Way too many for a slide
Organizations using Mesos (Public)
UC Berkeley
Magine TV
Tools to setup and run Mesos
• collectd plugin to collect Mesos cluster metrics.
• Deploy scripts for launching a Mesos cluster on a set of machines.
• EC2 scripts for launching a Mesos cluster on Amazon EC2.
• Chef cookbook by Everpeace Install Mesos and configure master and slave. This
cookbook supports installation from source or the Mesosphere packages.
• Chef cookbook by Mdsol Application cookbook for installing the Apache Mesos cluster
manager. This cookbook installs Mesos via packages provided by Mesosphere.
• Puppet Module by Deric This is a Puppet module for managing Mesos nodes in a cluster.
• Vagrant setup by Everpeace Spin up your Mesos Cluster with Vagrant!
• Vagrant setup by Mesosphere Quickly build Mesos sandbox environments using Vagrant.
Sample Frameworks
C++ -
Java -
Python -
Scala -
Go -
* Invoked when the scheduler successfully registers with a Mesos
* master. A unique ID (generated by the master) used for
* distinguishing this framework from others and MasterInfo
* with the ip and port of the current master are provided as arguments.
def registered(
driver: SchedulerDriver,
frameworkId: FrameworkID,
masterInfo: MasterInfo): Unit = {"Scheduler.registered")"FrameworkID:n%s" format frameworkId)"MasterInfo:n%s" format masterInfo)
* Invoked when the scheduler re-registers with a newly elected Mesos master.
* This is only called when the scheduler has previously been registered.
* MasterInfo containing the updated information about the elected master
* is provided as an argument.
def reregistered(
driver: SchedulerDriver,
masterInfo: MasterInfo): Unit = {"Scheduler.reregistered")"MasterInfo:n%s" format masterInfo)
/**Invoked when resources have been offered to this framework. A single offer will only contain resources from a
single slave. Resources associated with an offer will not be re-offered to _this_ framework until either (a) this
framework has rejected those resources or (b) those resources have been rescinded.Note that resources may be
concurrently offered to more than one framework at a time (depending on the allocator being used). In that case,
the first framework to launch tasks using those resources will be able to use them while the other frameworks will
have those resources rescinded (or if a framework has already launched tasks with those resources then those
tasks will fail with a TASK_LOST status and a message saying as much).*/
def resourceOffers(
driver: SchedulerDriver, offers: JList[Offer]): Unit = {"Scheduler.resourceOffers")
// print and decline all received offers
offers foreach { offer =>
driver declineOffer offer.getId
* Invoked when an offer is no longer valid (e.g., the slave was
* lost or another framework used resources in the offer). If for
* whatever reason an offer is never rescinded (e.g., dropped
* message, failing over framework, etc.), a framwork that attempts
* to launch tasks using an invalid offer will receive TASK_LOST
* status updats for those tasks.
def offerRescinded(
driver: SchedulerDriver,
offerId: OfferID): Unit = {"Scheduler.offerRescinded [%s]" format offerId.getValue)
* Invoked when the status of a task has changed (e.g., a slave is
* lost and so the task is lost, a task finishes and an executor
* sends a status update saying so, etc). Note that returning from
* this callback _acknowledges_ receipt of this status update! If
* for whatever reason the scheduler aborts during this callback (or
* the process exits) another status update will be delivered (note,
* however, that this is currently not true if the slave sending the
* status update is lost/fails during that time).
def statusUpdate(
driver: SchedulerDriver, status: TaskStatus): Unit = {"Scheduler.statusUpdate:n%s" format status)
* Invoked when an executor sends a message. These messages are best
* effort; do not expect a framework message to be retransmitted in
* any reliable fashion.
def frameworkMessage(
driver: SchedulerDriver,
executorId: ExecutorID,
slaveId: SlaveID,
data: Array[Byte]): Unit = {"Scheduler.frameworkMessage")
* Invoked when the scheduler becomes "disconnected" from the master
* (e.g., the master fails and another is taking over).
def disconnected(driver: SchedulerDriver): Unit = {"Scheduler.disconnected")
* Invoked when a slave has been determined unreachable (e.g.,
* machine failure, network partition). Most frameworks will need to
* reschedule any tasks launched on this slave on a new slave.
def slaveLost(
driver: SchedulerDriver,
slaveId: SlaveID): Unit = {"Scheduler.slaveLost: [%s]" format slaveId.getValue)
* Invoked when an executor has exited/terminated. Note that any
* tasks running will have TASK_LOST status updates automagically
* generated.
def executorLost(
driver: SchedulerDriver,executorId: ExecutorID, slaveId: SlaveID,
status: Int): Unit = {"Scheduler.executorLost: [%s]" format executorId.getValue)
* Invoked when there is an unrecoverable error in the scheduler or
* scheduler driver. The driver will be aborted BEFORE invoking this
* callback.
def error(driver: SchedulerDriver, message: String): Unit = {"Scheduler.error: [%s]" format message)
* Invoked once the executor driver has been able to successfully
* connect with Mesos. In particular, a scheduler can pass some
* data to it's executors through the
* field.
def registered(
driver: ExecutorDriver,
executorInfo: ExecutorInfo,
frameworkInfo: FrameworkInfo,
slaveInfo: SlaveInfo): Unit = {"Executor.registered")
* Invoked when the executor re-registers with a restarted slave.
def reregistered(
driver: ExecutorDriver,
slaveInfo: SlaveInfo): Unit = {"Executor.reregistered")
/** Invoked when the executor becomes "disconnected" from the slave
* (e.g., the slave is being restarted due to an upgrade).
def disconnected(driver: ExecutorDriver): Unit = {"Executor.disconnected")
* Invoked when a task has been launched on this executor (initiated
* via Scheduler.launchTasks. Note that this task can be
* realized with a thread, a process, or some simple computation,
* however, no other callbacks will be invoked on this executor
* until this callback has returned.
def launchTask(driver: ExecutorDriver, task: TaskInfo): Unit = {"Executor.launchTask")
* Invoked when a task running within this executor has been killed
* (via SchedulerDriver.killTask). Note that no status
* update will be sent on behalf of the executor, the executor is
* responsible for creating a new TaskStatus (i.e., with
* TASK_KILLED) and invoking ExecutorDriver.sendStatusUpdate.
def killTask(driver: ExecutorDriver, taskId: TaskID): Unit = {"Executor.killTask")
* Invoked when a framework message has arrived for this
* executor. These messages are best effort; do not expect a
* framework message to be retransmitted in any reliable fashion.
def frameworkMessage(driver: ExecutorDriver, data: Array[Byte]): Unit = {"Executor.frameworkMessage")
* Invoked when the executor should terminate all of it's currently
* running tasks. Note that after a Mesos has determined that an
* executor has terminated any tasks that the executor did not send
* terminal status updates for (e.g., TASK_KILLED, TASK_FINISHED,
* TASK_FAILED, etc) a TASK_LOST status update will be created.
def shutdown(driver: ExecutorDriver): Unit = {"Executor.shutdown")
* Invoked when a fatal error has occured with the executor and/or
* executor driver. The driver will be aborted BEFORE invoking this
* callback.
def error(driver: ExecutorDriver, message: String): Unit = {"Executor.error")
Apache Aurora
Apache Aurora is a service scheduler that runs on top of
Mesos, enabling you to run long-running services that
take advantage of Mesos' scalability, fault-tolerance, and
resource isolation. Apache Aurora is currently part of the
Apache Incubator.
Cluster-wide init and control system for
services in cgroups or docker based on
Apache Mesos
Fault tolerant job scheduler that
handles dependencies and iso8601
based schedules.
Apache Spark
Spark can run on hardware clusters managed by Apache Mesos. The advantages of deploying
Spark with Mesos include: dynamic partitioning between Spark and other frameworks
scalable partitioning between multiple instances of Spark
Apache Storm
Storm is a distributed realtime computation system.
Similar to how Hadoop provides a set of general
primitives for doing batch processing, Storm provides a
set of general primitives for doing realtime computation
on a stream. This tutorial shows you how to install Storm
on a Mesos cluster and run a sample topology on it.
Apache Kafka (and Zookeeper)
Using Apache Aurora 
Apache Cassandra
This project allows you to utilize your Mesos cluster to run
Cassandra. The scheduler (aka the bin/cassandra-
mesos process) will do all the heavy lifting like
downloading Cassandra to the worker nodes, distributing
the configuration and monitoring the instances. It will
automatically modify the cassandra.yaml file to include
the selected nodes running Cassandra as seed nodes
through a template variable.
Mesos containerizer hooks for Docker
… native support coming soon …
Google Kubernetes
Kubernetes and Mesos are a match made in heaven. Kubernetes enables the Pod (group of containers) abstraction,
along with Pod labels for service discovery, load-balancing, and replication control. Mesos provides the fine-
grained resource allocations for pods across nodes in a cluster, and can make Kubernetes play nicely with other
frameworks running on the same cluster resources. With the Kubernetes framework for Mesos, the framework
scheduler will register Kubernetes with Mesos, and then Mesos will begin offering Kubernetes sets of available
resources from the cluster nodes (slaves/minions). The framework scheduler will match Mesos' resource offers to
Kubernetes pods to run, and then send a launchTasks message to the Mesos master, which will forward the
request onto the appropriate slaves. The slave will then fetch the kubelet/executor and the pod/task to run, start
running the pod, and send a TASK_RUNNING update back to the Kubernetes framework scheduler. Once the
pods are running on the slaves/minions, they can make use of Kubernetes' pod labels to register themselves in
etcd for service discovery, load-balancing, and replication control.
Papers and Presentations
First Ever #MesosCon
Joe Stein
Founder, Principal Consultant
Big Data Open Source Security LLC
Twitter: @allthingshadoop

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Introduction to Apache Mesos

  • 2. Joe Stein • Developer, Architect & Technologist • Founder & Principal Consultant => Big Data Open Source Security LLC - Big Data Open Source Security LLC provides professional services and product solutions for the collection, storage, transfer, real-time analytics, batch processing and reporting for complex data streams, data sets and distributed systems. BDOSS is all about the "glue" and helping companies to not only figure out what Big Data Infrastructure Components to use but also how to change their existing (or build new) systems to work with them. • Apache Kafka Committer & PMC member • Blog & Podcast - • Twitter @allthingshadoop
  • 3. Overview • Where • Why • What • How • Configurations • Tools • Frameworks
  • 4. Origins Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center 2011 GAFS Omega John Wilkes Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters content/uploads/2013/paper/Schwarzkopf.pdf
  • 6. Static Partitioning IS Bad hard to utilize machines (i.e., X GB RAM and Y CPUs)
  • 7. Static Partitioning does NOT scale hard to scale elastically (to take advantage of statistical multiplexing)
  • 8. Failures === Downtime hard to deal with failures
  • 9. It doesn’t have to be that way
  • 10. Operating System === Datacenter
  • 11. Mesos => data center “kernel”
  • 12. Mesos is node abstraction
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 16. Master and Slave Configuration --ip=VALUE IP address to listen on --[no-]help Prints this help message (default: false) --log_dir=VALUE Location to put log files (no default, nothing is written to disk unless specified; does not affect logging to stderr) --logbufsecs=VALUE How many seconds to buffer log messages for (default: 0) --logging_level=VALUE Log message at or above this level; possible values: 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'; if quiet flag is used, this will affect just the logs from log_dir (if specified) (default: INFO) --port=VALUE Port to listen on (default: 5051) --[no-]quiet Disable logging to stderr (default: false) --[no-]version Show version and exit. (default: false)
  • 17. Master Configurations (required) --quorum=VALUE The size of the quorum of replicas when using 'replicated_log' based registry. It is imperative to set this value to be a majority of masters i.e., quorum > (number of masters)/2. --work_dir=VALUE Where to store the persistent information stored in the Registry. --zk=VALUE ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst masters) May be one of: zk://host1 :port1,host2:port2,../path or zk://username:password @host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path file://path/to/file (where file contains one of the above)
  • 18. Master Configurations (optional) Way too many for a slide
  • 19. Slave Configuration (required) --master=VALUE May be one of: zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:po rt2,.../path file://path/to/file (where file contains one of the above)
  • 20. Slave Configuration (optional) Way too many for a slide
  • 21. Organizations using Mesos (Public) Airbnb Conviva Ignidata MediaCrossing Pinkbike UCSF Virdata Atigeo eBay iQIYI Mesosphere Sharethrough UC Berkeley Yieldbot Atlassian Devicescape Magine TV Netflix Sigmoid URX Xogito Categorize DueDil Medidata OpenTable SiQueries Viadeo CloudPhysics HubSpot Meemo PayPal Twitter Vimeo
  • 22. Tools to setup and run Mesos • collectd plugin to collect Mesos cluster metrics. • Deploy scripts for launching a Mesos cluster on a set of machines. • EC2 scripts for launching a Mesos cluster on Amazon EC2. • Chef cookbook by Everpeace Install Mesos and configure master and slave. This cookbook supports installation from source or the Mesosphere packages. • Chef cookbook by Mdsol Application cookbook for installing the Apache Mesos cluster manager. This cookbook installs Mesos via packages provided by Mesosphere. • Puppet Module by Deric This is a Puppet module for managing Mesos nodes in a cluster. • Vagrant setup by Everpeace Spin up your Mesos Cluster with Vagrant! • Vagrant setup by Mesosphere Quickly build Mesos sandbox environments using Vagrant.
  • 23. Sample Frameworks C++ - Java - Python - Scala - Go -
  • 24. Scheduler /** * Invoked when the scheduler successfully registers with a Mesos * master. A unique ID (generated by the master) used for * distinguishing this framework from others and MasterInfo * with the ip and port of the current master are provided as arguments. */ def registered( driver: SchedulerDriver, frameworkId: FrameworkID, masterInfo: MasterInfo): Unit = {"Scheduler.registered")"FrameworkID:n%s" format frameworkId)"MasterInfo:n%s" format masterInfo) }
  • 25. Scheduler /** * Invoked when the scheduler re-registers with a newly elected Mesos master. * This is only called when the scheduler has previously been registered. * MasterInfo containing the updated information about the elected master * is provided as an argument. */ def reregistered( driver: SchedulerDriver, masterInfo: MasterInfo): Unit = {"Scheduler.reregistered")"MasterInfo:n%s" format masterInfo) }
  • 26. Scheduler /**Invoked when resources have been offered to this framework. A single offer will only contain resources from a single slave. Resources associated with an offer will not be re-offered to _this_ framework until either (a) this framework has rejected those resources or (b) those resources have been rescinded.Note that resources may be concurrently offered to more than one framework at a time (depending on the allocator being used). In that case, the first framework to launch tasks using those resources will be able to use them while the other frameworks will have those resources rescinded (or if a framework has already launched tasks with those resources then those tasks will fail with a TASK_LOST status and a message saying as much).*/ def resourceOffers( driver: SchedulerDriver, offers: JList[Offer]): Unit = {"Scheduler.resourceOffers") // print and decline all received offers offers foreach { offer => driver declineOffer offer.getId } }
  • 27. Scheduler /** * Invoked when an offer is no longer valid (e.g., the slave was * lost or another framework used resources in the offer). If for * whatever reason an offer is never rescinded (e.g., dropped * message, failing over framework, etc.), a framwork that attempts * to launch tasks using an invalid offer will receive TASK_LOST * status updats for those tasks. */ def offerRescinded( driver: SchedulerDriver, offerId: OfferID): Unit = {"Scheduler.offerRescinded [%s]" format offerId.getValue) }
  • 28. Scheduler /** * Invoked when the status of a task has changed (e.g., a slave is * lost and so the task is lost, a task finishes and an executor * sends a status update saying so, etc). Note that returning from * this callback _acknowledges_ receipt of this status update! If * for whatever reason the scheduler aborts during this callback (or * the process exits) another status update will be delivered (note, * however, that this is currently not true if the slave sending the * status update is lost/fails during that time). */ def statusUpdate( driver: SchedulerDriver, status: TaskStatus): Unit = {"Scheduler.statusUpdate:n%s" format status) }
  • 29. Scheduler /** * Invoked when an executor sends a message. These messages are best * effort; do not expect a framework message to be retransmitted in * any reliable fashion. */ def frameworkMessage( driver: SchedulerDriver, executorId: ExecutorID, slaveId: SlaveID, data: Array[Byte]): Unit = {"Scheduler.frameworkMessage") }
  • 30. Scheduler ** * Invoked when the scheduler becomes "disconnected" from the master * (e.g., the master fails and another is taking over). */ def disconnected(driver: SchedulerDriver): Unit = {"Scheduler.disconnected") } /** * Invoked when a slave has been determined unreachable (e.g., * machine failure, network partition). Most frameworks will need to * reschedule any tasks launched on this slave on a new slave. */ def slaveLost( driver: SchedulerDriver, slaveId: SlaveID): Unit = {"Scheduler.slaveLost: [%s]" format slaveId.getValue) }
  • 31. Scheduler /** * Invoked when an executor has exited/terminated. Note that any * tasks running will have TASK_LOST status updates automagically * generated. */ def executorLost( driver: SchedulerDriver,executorId: ExecutorID, slaveId: SlaveID, status: Int): Unit = {"Scheduler.executorLost: [%s]" format executorId.getValue) } /** * Invoked when there is an unrecoverable error in the scheduler or * scheduler driver. The driver will be aborted BEFORE invoking this * callback. */ def error(driver: SchedulerDriver, message: String): Unit = {"Scheduler.error: [%s]" format message) }
  • 32. Executor /** * Invoked once the executor driver has been able to successfully * connect with Mesos. In particular, a scheduler can pass some * data to it's executors through the * field. */ def registered( driver: ExecutorDriver, executorInfo: ExecutorInfo, frameworkInfo: FrameworkInfo, slaveInfo: SlaveInfo): Unit = {"Executor.registered") }
  • 33. Executor /** * Invoked when the executor re-registers with a restarted slave. */ def reregistered( driver: ExecutorDriver, slaveInfo: SlaveInfo): Unit = {"Executor.reregistered") } /** Invoked when the executor becomes "disconnected" from the slave * (e.g., the slave is being restarted due to an upgrade). */ def disconnected(driver: ExecutorDriver): Unit = {"Executor.disconnected") }
  • 34. Executor /** * Invoked when a task has been launched on this executor (initiated * via Scheduler.launchTasks. Note that this task can be * realized with a thread, a process, or some simple computation, * however, no other callbacks will be invoked on this executor * until this callback has returned. */ def launchTask(driver: ExecutorDriver, task: TaskInfo): Unit = {"Executor.launchTask") }
  • 35. Executor /** * Invoked when a task running within this executor has been killed * (via SchedulerDriver.killTask). Note that no status * update will be sent on behalf of the executor, the executor is * responsible for creating a new TaskStatus (i.e., with * TASK_KILLED) and invoking ExecutorDriver.sendStatusUpdate. */ def killTask(driver: ExecutorDriver, taskId: TaskID): Unit = {"Executor.killTask") }
  • 36. Executor /** * Invoked when a framework message has arrived for this * executor. These messages are best effort; do not expect a * framework message to be retransmitted in any reliable fashion. */ def frameworkMessage(driver: ExecutorDriver, data: Array[Byte]): Unit = {"Executor.frameworkMessage") }
  • 37. Executor /** * Invoked when the executor should terminate all of it's currently * running tasks. Note that after a Mesos has determined that an * executor has terminated any tasks that the executor did not send * terminal status updates for (e.g., TASK_KILLED, TASK_FINISHED, * TASK_FAILED, etc) a TASK_LOST status update will be created. */ def shutdown(driver: ExecutorDriver): Unit = {"Executor.shutdown") }
  • 38. Executor /** * Invoked when a fatal error has occured with the executor and/or * executor driver. The driver will be aborted BEFORE invoking this * callback. */ def error(driver: ExecutorDriver, message: String): Unit = {"Executor.error") }
  • 39. Apache Aurora Apache Aurora is a service scheduler that runs on top of Mesos, enabling you to run long-running services that take advantage of Mesos' scalability, fault-tolerance, and resource isolation. Apache Aurora is currently part of the Apache Incubator.
  • 40. Marathon Cluster-wide init and control system for services in cgroups or docker based on Apache Mesos
  • 41. Chronos Fault tolerant job scheduler that handles dependencies and iso8601 based schedules.
  • 42. Apache Spark Spark can run on hardware clusters managed by Apache Mesos. The advantages of deploying Spark with Mesos include: dynamic partitioning between Spark and other frameworks scalable partitioning between multiple instances of Spark
  • 43. Apache Storm Storm is a distributed realtime computation system. Similar to how Hadoop provides a set of general primitives for doing batch processing, Storm provides a set of general primitives for doing realtime computation on a stream. This tutorial shows you how to install Storm on a Mesos cluster and run a sample topology on it.
  • 44. Apache Kafka (and Zookeeper) Using Apache Aurora 
  • 45. Apache Cassandra This project allows you to utilize your Mesos cluster to run Cassandra. The scheduler (aka the bin/cassandra- mesos process) will do all the heavy lifting like downloading Cassandra to the worker nodes, distributing the configuration and monitoring the instances. It will automatically modify the cassandra.yaml file to include the selected nodes running Cassandra as seed nodes through a template variable.
  • 46. Docker Mesos containerizer hooks for Docker … native support coming soon …
  • 47. Google Kubernetes Kubernetes and Mesos are a match made in heaven. Kubernetes enables the Pod (group of containers) abstraction, along with Pod labels for service discovery, load-balancing, and replication control. Mesos provides the fine- grained resource allocations for pods across nodes in a cluster, and can make Kubernetes play nicely with other frameworks running on the same cluster resources. With the Kubernetes framework for Mesos, the framework scheduler will register Kubernetes with Mesos, and then Mesos will begin offering Kubernetes sets of available resources from the cluster nodes (slaves/minions). The framework scheduler will match Mesos' resource offers to Kubernetes pods to run, and then send a launchTasks message to the Mesos master, which will forward the request onto the appropriate slaves. The slave will then fetch the kubelet/executor and the pod/task to run, start running the pod, and send a TASK_RUNNING update back to the Kubernetes framework scheduler. Once the pods are running on the slaves/minions, they can make use of Kubernetes' pod labels to register themselves in etcd for service discovery, load-balancing, and replication control.
  • 50. Questions? /******************************************* Joe Stein Founder, Principal Consultant Big Data Open Source Security LLC Twitter: @allthingshadoop ********************************************/