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Leader's Self-Insight 3.1. T–P Leadership Questionnaire: An
Assessment of Style
Instructions: The following items describe aspects of leadership
behavior. Assume you are the appointed leader of a student
group and
feel the pressure for performance improvements to succeed.
Respond to
each item according to the way you would most likely act in
this pressure
situation. Indicate whether each item below is Mostly False or
True for you as a work-group leader.
1 I would hold members personally
accountable for their performance.
2 I would assign members to specific roles
and tasks.
3 I would ask the members to work harder.
4 I would check on people to know how they
are doing.
5 I would focus more on execution than on
being pleasant with members.
6 I would try to make members' work more
Scoring and Interpretation
The T–P Leadership Questionnaire is scored as follows: Your T
represents task orientation and is the number of Mostly True
answers for
questions 1–5. Your P score represents your people or
orientation and is the number of Mostly True answers for
questions 6–
10. A score of 4 or 5 would be considered high for either T or P.
A score
of 0 or 1 would be considered low. T = _ _ _. P = _ _ _.
Some leaders focus on people needs, leaving task concerns to
Other leaders focus on task details with the expectation that
will carry out instructions. Depending on the situation, both
may be effective. The important issue is the ability to identify
dimensions of the situation and behave accordingly. Through
questionnaire, you can identify your relative emphasis on the
dimensions of task orientation (T) and people orientation (P).
These are
not opposite approaches, and an individual can rate high or low
on either
or both.
What is your leadership orientation? Compare your results from
assignment to your result from the quiz in Leader's Self-Insight
2.2 in
Chapter 2. What would you consider an ideal leader situation
for your
7 I would focus on maintaining a pleasant
atmosphere on the team.
8 I would let members do their work the way
they think best.
9 I would be concerned with people's
personal feelings and welfare.
10 I would go out of my way to be helpful to
Source: Based on the T–P Leadership Questionnaire as
published in “Toward a
Particularistic Approach to Leadership Style: Some Findings,”
by T. J.
Sergiovanni, R. Metzcus, and L. Burden, American Educational
Research Journal
6, no. 1 (1969), pp. 62–79.
Leader's Self-Insight 3.2. Are You Ready?
Instructions: A leader's style can be contingent upon the
readiness level
of followers. Think of yourself working in your current or
former job.
Answer the following questions based on how you are on that
Please answer whether each item is Mostly False or Mostly True
for you
in that job.
1 I typically do the exact work required of
me, nothing more or less.
2 I am often bored and uninterested in the
tasks I have to perform.
3 I take extended breaks whenever I can.
4 I have great interest and enthusiasm for the
5 I am recognized as an expert by colleagues
and coworkers.
Scoring and Interpretation
In the situational theory of leadership, the higher the follower's
readiness, the more participative and delegating the leader can
be. Give
yourself one point for each Mostly False answer to items 1–3
and one
point for each Mostly True answer to items 4–9. A score of 8–9
would suggest a “very high” readiness level. A score of 7–8
would indicate a “high” readiness level. A score of 4–6 points
suggest “moderate” readiness, and 0–3 points would indicate
readiness. What is the appropriate leadership style for your
level? What leadership style did your supervisor use with you?
What do
you think accounted for your supervisor's style? Discuss your
with other students to explore which leadership styles are
actually used
with subordinates who are at different readiness levels.
6 I have a need to perform to the best of my
7 I have a great deal of relevant education and
experience for this type of work.
8 I am involved in “extra-work” activities
such as committees.
9 I prioritize my work and manage my time
Leader's Self-Insight 3.3. Measuring Substitutes for
Instructions: Think about your current job or a job you have
held in the
past. Please answer whether each of the following items is
Mostly False
or Mostly True for you in that job.
1 Because of the nature of the tasks I perform,
there is little doubt about the best way to do
2 My job duties are so simple that almost
anyone could perform them well after a
little instruction.
3 It is difficult to figure out the best way to do
many of my tasks and activities.
4 There is really only one correct way to
perform most of the tasks I do.
Scoring and Interpretation
For your task structure score, give yourself one point for Mostly
answers to items 1, 2, and 4, and for a Mostly False answer to
item 3.
This is your score for Task Structure: ______
For your task feedback score, give yourself one point for Mostly
answers to items 5 and 7, and for a Mostly False answer to item
6. This
is your score for Task Feedback: ______
For your intrinsic satisfaction score, score one point for Mostly
answers to items 8 and 10, and for a Mostly False answer to
item 9. This
is your score for Intrinsic Satisfaction: ______
5 After I've completed a task, I can tell right
away from the results I get whether I have
performed it correctly.
6 My job is the kind where you can finish a
task and not know if you've made a mistake
or error.
7 Because of the nature of the tasks I do, it is
easy for me to see when I have done
something exceptionally well.
8 I get lots of satisfaction from the work I do.
9 It is hard to imagine that anyone could
enjoy performing the tasks I have
performed on my job.
10 My job satisfaction depends primarily on
the nature of the tasks and activities I
A high score (3 or 4) for Task Structure or Task Feedback
indicates a
high potential for those elements to act as a substitute for task-
leadership. A high score (3) for Intrinsic Satisfaction indicates
potential to be a substitute for people-oriented leadership. Does
leader adopt a style that is complementary to the task situation,
or is the
leader guilty of leadership overkill? How can you apply this
understanding to your own actions as a leader?
Source: Based on “Questionnaire Items for the Measurement of
Substitutes for
Leadership,” Table 2 in Steven Kerr and John M. Jermier,
“Substitutes for
Leadership: Their Meaning and Measurement,” Organizational
Behavior and
Human Performance 22 (1978), pp. 375–403.
Leader's Self-Insight 4.1. The Big Five Personality
Instructions: Each individual's collection of personality traits is
different; it is what makes us unique. But, although each
collection of
traits varies, we all share many common traits. The following
describe various traits and behaviors. Rate how accurately each
statement describes you, based on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being
inaccurate and 5 very accurate. Describe yourself as you are
now, not as
you wish to be. There are no right or wrong answers.
I love large parties. 1 2 3 4 5
I feel comfortable around people. 1 2 3 4 5
I talk to a lot of different people at social
1 2 3 4 5
I like being the center of attention. 1 2 3 4 5
Neuroticism (Low Emotional Stability)
I often feel critical of myself. 1 2 3 4 5
I often envy others. 1 2 3 4 5
I am temperamental. 1 2 3 4 5
I am easily bothered by things. 1 2 3 4 5
I am kind and sympathetic. 1 2 3 4 5
I have a good word for everyone. 1 2 3 4 5
I never insult people. 1 2 3 4 5
I put others first. 1 2 3 4 5
Openness to New Experiences
I am imaginative. 1 2 3 4 5
I see beauty in many things. 1 2 3 4 5
Which are your most prominent traits? For fun and discussion,
your responses with those of classmates.
Source: These questions were adapted from a variety of sources.
Leader's Self-Insight 4.2. Measuring Locus of Control
Instructions: For each of these 10 questions, indicate the extent
which you agree or disagree using the following scale:
• 1 = Strongly disagree
• 2 = Disagree
• 3 = Slightly disagree
• 4 = Neither agree nor disagree
• 5 = Slightly agree
• 6 = Agree
• 7 = Strongly agree
I really like art. 1 2 3 4 5
I love to learn new things. 1 2 3 4 5
I am systematic and efficient. 1 2 3 4 5
I pay attention to details. 1 2 3 4 5
I am always prepared for class. 1 2 3 4 5
I put things back where they belong. 1 2 3 4 5
Scoring and Interpretation
To determine your score, reverse the values you selected for
questions 3,
6, 7, 8, and 10 (1 = 7, 2 = 6, 3 = 5, 4 = 4, 5 = 3, 6 = 2, 7 = 1).
1 When I get what I want, it's usually
because I worked hard for it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 When I make plans, I am almost certain
to make them work.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 I prefer games involving some luck over
games requiring pure skill.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 I can learn almost anything if I set my
mind to it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 My major accomplishments are entirely
due to my hard work and ability.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 I usually don't set goals, because I have
a hard time following through on them.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Competition discourages excellence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Often people get ahead just by being
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 On any sort of exam or competition, I
like to know how well I do relative to
everyone else.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 It's pointless to keep working on
something that's too difficult for me.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
example, if you strongly disagreed with the statement in
question 3, you
would have given it a value of 1. Change this value to a 7.
Reverse the
scores in a similar manner for questions 6, 7, 8, and 10. Now
add the
point values from all 10 questions together.
Your score:
This questionnaire is designed to measure locus of control
Researchers using this questionnaire in a study of college
students found
a mean of 51.8 for men and 52.2 for women, with a standard
of 6 for each. The higher your score on this questionnaire, the
more you
tend to believe that you are generally responsible for what
happens to
you; in other words, high scores are associated with internal
locus of
control. Low scores are associated with external locus of
Scoring low indicates that you tend to believe that forces
beyond your
control, such as powerful other people, fate, or chance, are
for what happens to you.
Source: Adapted from J. M. Burger, Personality: Theory and
Research (Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth, 1986), pp. 400–401. Original source for
Burger's questionnaire is
D. L. Paulhus, “Sphere-Specific Measures of Perceived
Control,” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 44 (1983), pp. 1253–1265.
Leader's Self-Insight 4.5. Personality Assessment: Jung's
Instructions: For each item below, circle either “a” or “b.” In
cases, both “a” and “b” may apply to you. You should decide
which is
more like you, even if it is only slightly more true.
1 I would rather
a Solve a new and complicated problem
b Work on something that I have done before
2 I like to
a Work alone in a quiet place
b Be where “the action” is
3 I want a boss who
a Establishes and applies criteria in decisions
b Considers individual needs and makes exceptions
4 When I work on a project, I
a Like to finish it and get some closure
b Often leave it open for possible change
5 When making a decision, the most important considerations
a Rational thoughts, ideas, and data
b People's feelings and values
6 On a project, I tend to
a Think it over and over before deciding how to proceed
b Start working on it right away, thinking about it as I go along
7 When working on a project, I prefer to
a Maintain as much control as possible
b Explore various options
8 In my work, I prefer to
a Work on several projects at a time, and learn as much as
possible about each one
b Have one project that is challenging and keeps me busy
9 I often
a Make lists and plans whenever I start something and may
hate to seriously alter my plans
b Avoid plans and just let things progress as I work on them
10 When discussing a problem with colleagues, it is easy for me
a To see “the big picture”
b To grasp the specifics of the situation
11 When the phone rings in my office or at home, I usually
a Consider it an interruption
b Don't mind answering it
12 The word that describes me better is
a Analytical
b Empathetic
13 When I am working on an assignment, I tend to
a Work steadily and consistently
b Work in bursts of energy with “down time” in between
14 When I listen to someone talk on a subject, I usually try to
a Relate it to my own experience and see if it fits
b Assess and analyze the message
15 When I come up with new ideas, I generally
a “Go for it”
b Like to contemplate the ideas some more
16 When working on a project, I prefer to
a Narrow the scope so it is clearly defined
b Broaden the scope to include related aspects
17 When I read something, I usually
a Confine my thoughts to what is written there
b Read between the lines and relate the words to other ideas
18 When I have to make a decision in a hurry, I often
a Feel uncomfortable and wish I had more information
b Am able to do so with available data
19 In a meeting, I tend to
a Continue formulating my ideas as I talk about them
b Only speak out after I have carefully thought the issue
20 In work, I prefer spending a great deal of time on issues of
a Ideas
b People
21 In meetings, I am most often annoyed with people who
a Come up with many sketchy ideas
b Lengthen the meeting with many practical details
22 I tend to be
a A morning person
b A night owl
23 My style in preparing for a meeting is
a To be willing to go in and be responsive
b To be fully prepared and sketch out an outline of the meeting
24 In meetings, I would prefer for people to
a Display a fuller range of emotions
b Be more task oriented
25 I would rather work for an organization where
a My job was intellectually stimulating
b I was committed to its goals and mission
26 On weekends, I tend to
a Plan what I will do
b Just see what happens and decide as I go along
27 I am more
a Outgoing
b Contemplative
28 I would rather work for a boss who is
a Full of new ideas
b Practical
29 In the following, choose the word in each pair that appeals to
a Social
b Theoretical
a Ingenuity
b Practicality
a Organized
b Adaptable
a Activity
b Concentration
Count one point for each item listed below that you circled in
Scoring and Interpretation
The scores above measure variables similar to the MBTI™
based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung. The MBTI™
which was described in this chapter, identifies four dimensions
and 16
different “types.” The dominant characteristics associated with
dimension and each type are shown below. Remember that no
one is a
pure type; however, each person has preferences for
introversion versus
extroversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling,
judging versus perceiving. Based on your scores on the survey,
read the
description of your dimension and type in the chart. Do you
believe the
description fits your personality?
Characteristics Associated with Each Dimension
Characteristics Associated with Each Type
Extroversion: Energized by
outer world of people and
objects, broad interests, thinks
while speaking.
Introversion: Energized by
inner world of thoughts and
ideas, deep interests, thinks
before speaking.
Sensing: Likes facts, details,
and practical solutions.
Intuition: Likes meanings,
theory, associations among
data, and possibilities.
Thinking: Makes decisions by
analysis, logic, and impersonal
Feeling: Makes decisions
based on values, beliefs, and
concern for others.
Judging: Lives life organized,
stable, systematic, and under
Perceiving: Lets life happen,
spontaneous, open-ended, last
good trustee
or inspector.
ISFJ: Quiet,
s, devoted,
detail, good
quiet caring
for others,
Source: From Organizational Behavior: Experience and Cases,
4th ed., by
Dorothy Marcic. © 1995. Reprinted with permission of South-
Western, a division
of Thomson Learning: Fax:
ISTP: Cool,
team player,
good artist.
values, likes
good at
, gregarious,
good at
solving and
makes things
fun, good as
routine, tests
limits, good
does things
for people,
good host.
active, good
takes charge,

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Leaders Self-Insight 3.1. T–P Leadership Questionnaire An .docx

  • 1. Leader's Self-Insight 3.1. T–P Leadership Questionnaire: An Assessment of Style Instructions: The following items describe aspects of leadership behavior. Assume you are the appointed leader of a student group and feel the pressure for performance improvements to succeed. Respond to each item according to the way you would most likely act in this pressure situation. Indicate whether each item below is Mostly False or Mostly True for you as a work-group leader. Mos tly Fals e Mos tly Tru e 1 I would hold members personally accountable for their performance. 2 I would assign members to specific roles and tasks. 3 I would ask the members to work harder. 4 I would check on people to know how they
  • 2. are doing. 5 I would focus more on execution than on being pleasant with members. 6 I would try to make members' work more pleasant. Scoring and Interpretation The T–P Leadership Questionnaire is scored as follows: Your T score represents task orientation and is the number of Mostly True answers for questions 1–5. Your P score represents your people or relationship orientation and is the number of Mostly True answers for questions 6– 10. A score of 4 or 5 would be considered high for either T or P. A score of 0 or 1 would be considered low. T = _ _ _. P = _ _ _. Some leaders focus on people needs, leaving task concerns to followers. Other leaders focus on task details with the expectation that followers will carry out instructions. Depending on the situation, both approaches may be effective. The important issue is the ability to identify relevant dimensions of the situation and behave accordingly. Through this questionnaire, you can identify your relative emphasis on the two dimensions of task orientation (T) and people orientation (P). These are
  • 3. not opposite approaches, and an individual can rate high or low on either or both. What is your leadership orientation? Compare your results from this assignment to your result from the quiz in Leader's Self-Insight 2.2 in Chapter 2. What would you consider an ideal leader situation for your style? 7 I would focus on maintaining a pleasant atmosphere on the team. 8 I would let members do their work the way they think best. 9 I would be concerned with people's personal feelings and welfare. 10 I would go out of my way to be helpful to members. Source: Based on the T–P Leadership Questionnaire as published in “Toward a Particularistic Approach to Leadership Style: Some Findings,” by T. J. Sergiovanni, R. Metzcus, and L. Burden, American Educational Research Journal 6, no. 1 (1969), pp. 62–79. Leader's Self-Insight 3.2. Are You Ready? Instructions: A leader's style can be contingent upon the readiness level
  • 4. of followers. Think of yourself working in your current or former job. Answer the following questions based on how you are on that job. Please answer whether each item is Mostly False or Mostly True for you in that job. Mos tly Fals e Mos tly Tru e 1 I typically do the exact work required of me, nothing more or less. 2 I am often bored and uninterested in the tasks I have to perform. 3 I take extended breaks whenever I can. 4 I have great interest and enthusiasm for the job. 5 I am recognized as an expert by colleagues and coworkers. Scoring and Interpretation In the situational theory of leadership, the higher the follower's
  • 5. readiness, the more participative and delegating the leader can be. Give yourself one point for each Mostly False answer to items 1–3 and one point for each Mostly True answer to items 4–9. A score of 8–9 points would suggest a “very high” readiness level. A score of 7–8 points would indicate a “high” readiness level. A score of 4–6 points would suggest “moderate” readiness, and 0–3 points would indicate “low” readiness. What is the appropriate leadership style for your readiness level? What leadership style did your supervisor use with you? What do you think accounted for your supervisor's style? Discuss your results with other students to explore which leadership styles are actually used with subordinates who are at different readiness levels. 6 I have a need to perform to the best of my ability. 7 I have a great deal of relevant education and experience for this type of work. 8 I am involved in “extra-work” activities such as committees. 9 I prioritize my work and manage my time well.
  • 6. Leader's Self-Insight 3.3. Measuring Substitutes for Leadership Instructions: Think about your current job or a job you have held in the past. Please answer whether each of the following items is Mostly False or Mostly True for you in that job. Mos tly Fals e Mos tly Tru e 1 Because of the nature of the tasks I perform, there is little doubt about the best way to do them. 2 My job duties are so simple that almost anyone could perform them well after a little instruction. 3 It is difficult to figure out the best way to do many of my tasks and activities. 4 There is really only one correct way to perform most of the tasks I do. Scoring and Interpretation For your task structure score, give yourself one point for Mostly
  • 7. True answers to items 1, 2, and 4, and for a Mostly False answer to item 3. This is your score for Task Structure: ______ For your task feedback score, give yourself one point for Mostly True answers to items 5 and 7, and for a Mostly False answer to item 6. This is your score for Task Feedback: ______ For your intrinsic satisfaction score, score one point for Mostly True answers to items 8 and 10, and for a Mostly False answer to item 9. This is your score for Intrinsic Satisfaction: ______ 5 After I've completed a task, I can tell right away from the results I get whether I have performed it correctly. 6 My job is the kind where you can finish a task and not know if you've made a mistake or error. 7 Because of the nature of the tasks I do, it is easy for me to see when I have done something exceptionally well. 8 I get lots of satisfaction from the work I do. 9 It is hard to imagine that anyone could enjoy performing the tasks I have performed on my job. 10 My job satisfaction depends primarily on the nature of the tasks and activities I perform.
  • 8. A high score (3 or 4) for Task Structure or Task Feedback indicates a high potential for those elements to act as a substitute for task- oriented leadership. A high score (3) for Intrinsic Satisfaction indicates the potential to be a substitute for people-oriented leadership. Does your leader adopt a style that is complementary to the task situation, or is the leader guilty of leadership overkill? How can you apply this understanding to your own actions as a leader? Source: Based on “Questionnaire Items for the Measurement of Substitutes for Leadership,” Table 2 in Steven Kerr and John M. Jermier, “Substitutes for Leadership: Their Meaning and Measurement,” Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 22 (1978), pp. 375–403. Leader's Self-Insight 4.1. The Big Five Personality Dimensions Instructions: Each individual's collection of personality traits is different; it is what makes us unique. But, although each collection of traits varies, we all share many common traits. The following phrases describe various traits and behaviors. Rate how accurately each statement describes you, based on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very inaccurate and 5 very accurate. Describe yourself as you are now, not as you wish to be. There are no right or wrong answers.
  • 9. Extroversion I love large parties. 1 2 3 4 5 I feel comfortable around people. 1 2 3 4 5 I talk to a lot of different people at social gatherings. 1 2 3 4 5 I like being the center of attention. 1 2 3 4 5 Neuroticism (Low Emotional Stability) I often feel critical of myself. 1 2 3 4 5 I often envy others. 1 2 3 4 5 I am temperamental. 1 2 3 4 5 I am easily bothered by things. 1 2 3 4 5 Agreeableness I am kind and sympathetic. 1 2 3 4 5 I have a good word for everyone. 1 2 3 4 5 I never insult people. 1 2 3 4 5 I put others first. 1 2 3 4 5
  • 10. Openness to New Experiences I am imaginative. 1 2 3 4 5 I see beauty in many things. 1 2 3 4 5 Which are your most prominent traits? For fun and discussion, compare your responses with those of classmates. Source: These questions were adapted from a variety of sources. Leader's Self-Insight 4.2. Measuring Locus of Control Instructions: For each of these 10 questions, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree using the following scale: • 1 = Strongly disagree • 2 = Disagree • 3 = Slightly disagree • 4 = Neither agree nor disagree • 5 = Slightly agree • 6 = Agree • 7 = Strongly agree I really like art. 1 2 3 4 5 I love to learn new things. 1 2 3 4 5 Conscientiousness I am systematic and efficient. 1 2 3 4 5 I pay attention to details. 1 2 3 4 5
  • 11. I am always prepared for class. 1 2 3 4 5 I put things back where they belong. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Strong ly Agree Scoring and Interpretation To determine your score, reverse the values you selected for questions 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10 (1 = 7, 2 = 6, 3 = 5, 4 = 4, 5 = 3, 6 = 2, 7 = 1). For 1 When I get what I want, it's usually because I worked hard for it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 When I make plans, I am almost certain to make them work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 I prefer games involving some luck over games requiring pure skill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 I can learn almost anything if I set my mind to it.
  • 12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 My major accomplishments are entirely due to my hard work and ability. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 I usually don't set goals, because I have a hard time following through on them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Competition discourages excellence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Often people get ahead just by being lucky. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 On any sort of exam or competition, I like to know how well I do relative to everyone else. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 It's pointless to keep working on something that's too difficult for me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 example, if you strongly disagreed with the statement in question 3, you would have given it a value of 1. Change this value to a 7.
  • 13. Reverse the scores in a similar manner for questions 6, 7, 8, and 10. Now add the point values from all 10 questions together. Your score: This questionnaire is designed to measure locus of control beliefs. Researchers using this questionnaire in a study of college students found a mean of 51.8 for men and 52.2 for women, with a standard deviation of 6 for each. The higher your score on this questionnaire, the more you tend to believe that you are generally responsible for what happens to you; in other words, high scores are associated with internal locus of control. Low scores are associated with external locus of control. Scoring low indicates that you tend to believe that forces beyond your control, such as powerful other people, fate, or chance, are responsible for what happens to you. Source: Adapted from J. M. Burger, Personality: Theory and Research (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1986), pp. 400–401. Original source for Burger's questionnaire is D. L. Paulhus, “Sphere-Specific Measures of Perceived Control,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 44 (1983), pp. 1253–1265. Leader's Self-Insight 4.5. Personality Assessment: Jung's Typology Instructions: For each item below, circle either “a” or “b.” In some
  • 14. cases, both “a” and “b” may apply to you. You should decide which is more like you, even if it is only slightly more true. 1 I would rather a Solve a new and complicated problem b Work on something that I have done before 2 I like to a Work alone in a quiet place b Be where “the action” is 3 I want a boss who a Establishes and applies criteria in decisions b Considers individual needs and makes exceptions 4 When I work on a project, I a Like to finish it and get some closure b Often leave it open for possible change 5 When making a decision, the most important considerations are a Rational thoughts, ideas, and data b People's feelings and values 6 On a project, I tend to a Think it over and over before deciding how to proceed b Start working on it right away, thinking about it as I go along 7 When working on a project, I prefer to a Maintain as much control as possible b Explore various options 8 In my work, I prefer to
  • 15. a Work on several projects at a time, and learn as much as possible about each one b Have one project that is challenging and keeps me busy 9 I often a Make lists and plans whenever I start something and may hate to seriously alter my plans b Avoid plans and just let things progress as I work on them 10 When discussing a problem with colleagues, it is easy for me a To see “the big picture” b To grasp the specifics of the situation 11 When the phone rings in my office or at home, I usually a Consider it an interruption b Don't mind answering it 12 The word that describes me better is a Analytical b Empathetic 13 When I am working on an assignment, I tend to a Work steadily and consistently b Work in bursts of energy with “down time” in between 14 When I listen to someone talk on a subject, I usually try to a Relate it to my own experience and see if it fits b Assess and analyze the message 15 When I come up with new ideas, I generally a “Go for it”
  • 16. b Like to contemplate the ideas some more 16 When working on a project, I prefer to a Narrow the scope so it is clearly defined b Broaden the scope to include related aspects 17 When I read something, I usually a Confine my thoughts to what is written there b Read between the lines and relate the words to other ideas 18 When I have to make a decision in a hurry, I often a Feel uncomfortable and wish I had more information b Am able to do so with available data 19 In a meeting, I tend to a Continue formulating my ideas as I talk about them b Only speak out after I have carefully thought the issue through 20 In work, I prefer spending a great deal of time on issues of a Ideas b People 21 In meetings, I am most often annoyed with people who a Come up with many sketchy ideas b Lengthen the meeting with many practical details 22 I tend to be a A morning person b A night owl 23 My style in preparing for a meeting is a To be willing to go in and be responsive b To be fully prepared and sketch out an outline of the meeting
  • 17. 24 In meetings, I would prefer for people to a Display a fuller range of emotions b Be more task oriented 25 I would rather work for an organization where a My job was intellectually stimulating b I was committed to its goals and mission 26 On weekends, I tend to a Plan what I will do b Just see what happens and decide as I go along 27 I am more a Outgoing b Contemplative 28 I would rather work for a boss who is a Full of new ideas b Practical 29 In the following, choose the word in each pair that appeals to you more: a Social b Theoretical a Ingenuity b Practicality a Organized b Adaptable a Activity b Concentration
  • 18. Scoring Count one point for each item listed below that you circled in the inventory. Scoring and Interpretation The scores above measure variables similar to the MBTI™ assessment based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung. The MBTI™ assessment, which was described in this chapter, identifies four dimensions and 16 different “types.” The dominant characteristics associated with each dimension and each type are shown below. Remember that no one is a pure type; however, each person has preferences for introversion versus extroversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving. Based on your scores on the survey, read the description of your dimension and type in the chart. Do you believe the description fits your personality? Characteristics Associated with Each Dimension Characteristics Associated with Each Type Extroversion: Energized by outer world of people and objects, broad interests, thinks
  • 19. while speaking. Introversion: Energized by inner world of thoughts and ideas, deep interests, thinks before speaking. Sensing: Likes facts, details, and practical solutions. Intuition: Likes meanings, theory, associations among data, and possibilities. Thinking: Makes decisions by analysis, logic, and impersonal criteria. Feeling: Makes decisions based on values, beliefs, and concern for others. Judging: Lives life organized, stable, systematic, and under control. Perceiving: Lets life happen, spontaneous, open-ended, last minute. ISTJ: Organizer, trustworthy, responsible, good trustee or inspector.
  • 20. ISFJ: Quiet, conscientiou s, devoted, handles detail, good conservator. INFJ: Perseveres, inspirational, quiet caring for others, good counselor. INTJ: Independent thinker, skeptical, theory, competence, good scientist. Source: From Organizational Behavior: Experience and Cases, 4th ed., by Dorothy Marcic. © 1995. Reprinted with permission of South- Western, a division of Thomson Learning: Fax: 800-730-2215. ISTP: Cool, observant,
  • 21. easy-going, good craftsperson. ISFP: Warm, sensitive, team player, avoids conflict, good artist. INFP: Idealistic, strong values, likes learning, good at noble service. INTP: Designer, logical, conceptual, likes challenges, good architect. ESTP: Spontaneous , gregarious, good at problem solving and
  • 22. promoting. ESFP: Sociable, generous, makes things fun, good as entertainer. ENFP: Imaginative, enthusiastic, starts projects, good champion. ENTP: Resourceful, stimulating, dislikes routine, tests limits, good inventor. ESTJ: Order, structure, practical, good administrator or supervisor. ESFJ: People
  • 23. skills, harmonizer, popular, does things for people, good host. ENFJ: Charismatic, persuasive, fluent presenter, sociable, active, good teacher. ENTJ: Visionary planner, takes charge, hearty speaker, natural leader.