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Sample Items From the Multifactor Leadership
(Transformational Leadership questionnaire)
Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short
These questions provide examples of the items that are used to
leadership style. The MLQ is provided in both Self and Rater
forms. The Self
form measures self-perception of leadership behaviors. The
Rater form is
used to measure leadership. By thinking about the leadership
styles as exemplified
below, you can get a sense of your own belief about your
Key: 0 = Not 1 = Once in 2 = Sometimes 3 = Fairly 4 =
at all a while often if not always
Transformational Leadership Styles
Idealized Influence I go beyond self-interest for the good 0 1 2
3 4
(Attributes) of the group.
Idealized Influence I consider the moral and ethical 0 1 2 3 4
(Behaviors) consequences of decisions.
Inspirational I talk optimistically about 0 1 2 3 4
Motivation the future.
Intellectual I reexamine critical assumptions 0 1 2 3 4
Stimulation to question whether they
are appropriate.
Individualized I help others to develop 0 1 2 3 4
Consideration their strengths.
Transactional Leadership Styles
Contingent Reward I make clear what one can expect 0 1 2 3 4
to receive when performance
goals are achieved.
Management by I keep track of all mistakes. 0 1 2 3 4
Exception: Active
Passive/Avoidant Leadership Styles
Management by I wait for things to go wrong before 0 1 2 3 4
Exception: Passive taking action.
Laissez-Faire I avoid making decisions. 0 1 2 3 4
Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Instructions: This questionnaire contains items about different
dimensions of
authentic leadership. There are no right or wrong responses, so
please answer
honestly. Use the following scale when responding to each
statement by writing
the number from the scale below that you feel most accurately
your response to the statement.
Key: 1 = Strongly 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 =
disagree agree
1. I can list my three greatest weaknesses. 1 2 3 4 5
2. My actions reflect my core values. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I seek others’ opinions before making up my own mind. 1 2 3
4 5
4. I openly share my feelings with others. 1 2 3 4 5
5. I can list my three greatest strengths. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I do not allow group pressure to control me. 1 2 3 4 5
7. I listen closely to the ideas of those who disagree with me. 1
2 3 4 5
8. I let others know who I truly am as a person. 1 2 3 4 5
9. I seek feedback as a way of understanding who I really am 1
2 3 4 5
as a person.
10. O ther people know where I stand on controversial issues. 1
2 3 4 5
11. I do not emphasize my own point of view at the expense 1 2
3 4 5
of others.
12. I rarely present a “false” front to others. 1 2 3 4 5
13. I accept the feelings I have about myself. 1 2 3 4 5
14. My morals guide what I do as a leader. 1 2 3 4 5
15. I listen very carefully to the ideas of others before 1 2 3 4 5
making decisions.
16. I admit my mistakes to others. 1 2 3 4 5
1. S um the responses on items 1, 5, 9, and 13 (self-awareness).
2. Sum the responses on items 2, 6, 10, and 14 (internalized
moral perspective).
3. Sum the responses on items 3, 7, 11, and 15 (balanced
4. Sum the responses on items 4, 8, 12, and 16 (relational
Total Scores
Self-Awareness: ______
Internalized Moral Perspective: _____
Balanced Processing: _____
Relational Transparency: _____
Scoring Interpretation
This self-assessment questionnaire is designed to measure your
authentic leadership
by assessing four components of the process: self-awareness,
moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational
transparency. By
comparing your scores on each of these components, you can
which are your stronger and which are your weaker components
in each category.
You can interpret your authentic leadership scores using the
guideline: high = 16–20 and low = 15 and below. Scores in the
upper range
indicate stronger authentic leadership, whereas scores in the
lower range
indicate weaker authentic leadership.
Team Excellence and Collaborative
Team Leader Questionnaire
Instructions: This questionnaire contains questions about your
team and the
leadership within this team. Indicate whether you feel each
statement is true
or not true of your team. Use the following scale:
Key: 1 = False 2 = More false than true 3 = More true than false
4 = True
1. There is a clearly defined need—a goal to be achieved 1 2 3 4
or a purpose to be served—that justifies the existence
of our team. (team: clear, elevating goal)
2. We have an established method for monitoring 1 2 3 4
individual performance and providing feedback.
(team: results-driven structure)
3. Team members possess the essential skills and abilities 1 2 3
to accomplish the team’s objectives.
(team: competent team members)
4. A chieving our team goal is a higher priority than any 1 2 3 4
individual objective. (team: unified commitment)
5. We trust each other sufficiently to accurately share 1 2 3 4
information, perceptions, and feedback.
(team: collaborative climate)
6. O ur team exerts pressure on itself to improve performance. 1
2 3 4
(team: standards of excellence)
7. O ur team is given the resources it needs to get the job done.
1 2 3 4
(team: external support and recognition)
8. I f it’s necessary to adjust the team’s goal, our team leader 1
2 3 4
makes sure we understand why. (leadership: focus
on the goal)
9. O ur team leader creates a safe climate for team members 1 2
3 4
to openly and supportively discuss any issue related to
the team’s success. (leadership: ensure collaborative climate)
10. O ur team leader looks for and acknowledges contributions
1 2 3 4
by team members. (leadership: build confidence)
11. O ur team leader understands the technical issues we must 1
2 3 4
face in achieving our goal. (leadership: demonstrate sufficient
technical know-how)
12. O ur team leader does not dilute our team’s effort with too 1
2 3 4
many priorities. (leadership: set priorities)
ur team leader is willing to confront and resolve issues 1 2 3 4
associated with inadequate performance by team members.
(leadership: manage performance)
SOURCES: Questions 1–7: Adapted from the Team Excellence
Survey (copyright 1987
LaFasto and Larson; portions reprinted with permission of
Profact). Questions 8–13:
Adapted from the Collaborative Team Leader Instrument
(copyright 1996 LaFasto and
Larson; portions reprinted with permission).
Scoring Interpretation
In addition to such targeted questions on each of the criteria of
the complete surveys also ask open-ended questions to allow
team members
to comment on issues that might not be specifically covered in
directed questions, such as strengths and weaknesses of the
team and its
leadership, necessary changes, problematic norms, or issues that
need to be
addressed. The complete version of the survey is given to team
and the team leader, and all are involved in the diagnosis and
the resulting
action planning. Such a method is clearly consistent with the
movement in organizational teams and helps address the
enormous complexity
involved in making teams effective
Negotiation Plan Development
Negotiation Plan Development
Elements of business negotiations
The amount of time and quality planning that goes into the
negotiation process will ultimately dictate the level of success
achieved. The basic elements of business negotiations are as
1. Develop specific deliverables (or outcomes) desired as a
result of the negotiation.
2. Gather appropriate data.
3. Layout the facts of the situation.
4. Determine issues and address disagreements.
5. Analyze supplier strengths, capacity, and profitability. Set
realistic expectations and establish negotiation points.
6. Discuss the position of each issue from both the buyer and
seller perspective. Prepare counter arguments and determine
whose position is stronger. Estimate the range of mutually
acceptable results.
7. Plan a negotiation strategy including an itinerary, a list of
people who will make up the negotiation team, and reasonable
targets for each objective.
8. Ensure all parties of the negotiation team have been briefed
on expectations.
9. Conduct actual negotiations.
Specific negotiation tactics pertaining to purchasing
Though managers today have a wide range software platforms,
e-sourcing, and technology tools at their disposal, most
purchasing professionals can (and will) attest to the fact that
success in supply chain management, in large part, is due to
strategic supplier alliances. For such relationships to exist,
however, much of the negotiation process should involve
preparation activities such as developing a strategy and
reviewing supplier proposals. Some specific negotiation tactics
to use are as follows:
1. Research the supplier company. Familiarize the negotiation
team with the supplier’s website, operational facilities, business
lines, growth plans and company history.
2. Reach out to the supplier ahead of time to request a list of
attendees and discussion topics they expect to cover during
negotiation phases.
3. Review and assess the supplier’s performance history.
4. Set objectives. Layout a formal negotiation strategy in
writing and do a structured run through well in advance of the
meeting with suppliers.
Importance of supplier relationship management in negotiations
The process of strategically planning and managing interactions
with third party organizations to maximize supply chain value is
commonly referred to as supplier relationship management. The
importance and purpose behind supplier relationship
management (SRM) is to ensure organizations are properly
aligned in a way that will optimize company performance and
improve value. Since success in the sector of supply chain
management is highly dependent on relationships, adopting a
strategic approach to relationship management can result in
huge long-term benefits. For example:
1. Vendors typically offer better pricing to loyal customers thus
maintaining great relationships can potentially help reduce
company spend.
2. Strong supplier relationship management can improve value
since maintaining long term relationships can provide insight
and visibility into supplier performance including behavioral
patterns so that businesses can address potential issues before
they arise.
3. SRM also helps with problem resolution because solid
relationships with clear lines of open communication reduce
availability problems and results in swifter resolution when
problems arise.
By recognizing vendors as strategic partners with aligned goals
and objectives, businesses can alleviate restrictive procurement
and supply chain practices and find ways to add value.
Additionally, by aligning businesses goals, businesses are more
likely to understand the needs of their suppliers and
communicate from a place of mutual understanding as opposed
to contention.
Example of successful negotiation
Over the years, there have been several disputes among
businesses that are noteworthy enough to demonstrate the
importance of negotiation in business. One such example was
back in 1996 when Microsoft won a bid against browser market
leader Netscape to partner with AOL. Despite the fact that
Netscape was a bigger brand and possibly more financially
stable than Microsoft at the time, top Microsoft negotiators
concentrated on value add services that Netscape could not
math; then put together a creative strategy that enhanced their
position and weakened their competitors in the process.
As a result of the successful negotiation, AOL expanded its
marketing reach by an additional fifty million people per year
and Microsoft met its goal of gaining significant market share
in the browser market.
Pitfalls to consider when entering supplier negotiations
Another really important factor in negotiations is to seek out the
positives in every objective or circumstance. If a compromise
can be found by trading off issues, a value transaction is
created. However, oftentimes professional negotiators walk
away leaving resources on the table because they can’t seem to
arrive at a place of mutual acceptance. Some key drawbacks that
result in failed negotiations include:
1. Poor planning.
2. Assuming an offer or suggestion is inflexible.
3. Failing to actively listen or pay attention.
4. Negotiating from a negative perspective or from a position of
5. Being overly eager and making decisions too quickly in the
The type of negotiations team that the company should develop
(i.e. key members)
Once the company has successfully developed a strategy, the
next crucial step is assembling a team to ensure all necessary
skillsets are covered and that all seniority levels of supplier
representatives are sufficiently matched up. For example, if
after research, you find the supplier party has listed a managing
director as a participant in the negotiations, it’s crucial that a c
level executive also be in attendance for the internal negotiation
team. Each team member should be well versed on negotiation
strategies and aware of anticipated or expected deliverables.
The negotiation team within any organization is a very
important component of the company realizing success. The
team should include members with varied backgrounds and
diverse skillsets. Ideally, we would like to see at least one
member for each of the following knowledge areas:
1. A support team member or anyone with technical knowledge
in the suppliers’ line of business.
2. A Behavioral analyst.
3. A software vendor.
4. An IT representative.
5. A member of procurement or pricing.
6. A member of the legal team.
7. A decision maker or C-level executive.
The most important thing is that the team work together to keep
everyone informed. A lead or spokesperson, preferably from
procurement, should be identified prior to the meeting. Only by
working together in unison can the team maneuver through a
successful negotiation.
Financial outlook - the impact on financial results
Entering a negotiation without properly preparing or going into
it lacking the necessary confidence can lead to team members
agreeing to terms and pricing services that are not in the best
interest of the company. Simply put, a negotiation is a
compromise; and, while they’re usually not easy conversations
to have, they get easier with planning and practice.
By following the strategies outlined here, you are prepared and
positioned to make a clear and concise argument with
confidence, because you’ve done the background work and have
identified your non-negotiables for each situation. Areas to
negotiate include loan terms, interest rates, lease agreements,
salaries, and supplier relationships.
Bottom line is that negotiating saves money for the business.
Developing and following the negotiation plan will allow
companies to control costs through awareness and management.
Not only will companies generate more of a profit from day to
day operations, buy they’ll also be positioned to save on regular
monthly expenses such as internet and phone bill.
Johnson, P. F., Flynn, A. Purchasing and Supply Management.
[University of Phoenix]. Retrieved
Ch.14 Questions August 8, 2016
14-1 Identify which level(s) of government regulate(s) NFP
organizations and identify the source of authority.
Not-for-profit organizations have strict regulations and must
follow these set in place by multiple levels of governances. The
three main governances for NFP organizations are State,
Federal, and Internal. The State, level of government, regulates
the laws that NFP organizations must follow, along with license
to solicit contributions, local tax exemption, and lobbying or
political activity. The Federal government determines their
corporate tax exempt status, monitor their annual reporting to
ensure compliance, determine unrelated business tax income,
excessive benefits transactions, and the reorganization and
dissolution of the NFP organization.
14-4 What are the distinguishing characteristics between a
public charity and a private foundation? What is a public
support test and how does it relate to public charities and
private foundations?
If NFP organizations qualifies under IRC Section 501 (c) (3), it
is considered a private foundation unless it can be excluded per
IRC Section 509 (a), due to the nature of organizational
mission, or it meets the support test requirement. The public
support test factors where the organization received the
majority of its funding. Private foundations receive the primary
amount of their support from investment income, corporations
or a few select individuals. Public charities receive the most of
their funding from the general public. Meaning they pass the
support test.
Leadership Self-Assessment Paper
Scan the Northouse text. You will note Chapters 2 through 16
explore multiple approaches to the study of leadership. Each
chapter represents a leadership theory. Identify three theories of
leadership from these chapters and complete the questionnaire
at the end of your selected chapters. Develop your formal paper
by using the elements of the Leadership Self-Assessment
Outline as the headings for your paper (see grading rubric). The
content within each of the headings should address all of the
elements outlined in each section. The paper should be three
pages in length, excluding the cover page and reference page
(not to exceed 4 pages – maximum points will be deducted for
exceeding 4 pages, refer to grading rubric). See the Course
Schedule for the assignment deadline.
Leadership Self-Assessment Paper Outline
I.Introductory Paragraph
A. Identify three theories presented in the Northouse text
(each chapter represents one leadership theory) that
you decided to use to evaluate yourself.
B. Explain why you chose the three theories.
II.First Leadership Theory
A. Succinctly discuss the primary concepts of your first
selected leadership theory.
B. Describe your results (be specific) from taking the
test/questionnaire associated with your first selected
theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about
your scores.
C. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
improvement that you discovered in your leadership
style based on taking the test/questionnaire
associated with the first theory you chose to evaluate yourself.
III. Second Leadership Theory
A. Succinctly discuss the primary concepts of your second
selected leadership theory.
B. Describe your results (be specific) from taking the
test/questionnaire associated with your second
selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects
about your scores.
C. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
improvement that you discovered in your leadership
style based on taking the test/questionnaire
associated with the second theory you chose to evaluate
IV. Third Leadership Theory
A. Succinctly discuss the primary concepts of your third
selected leadership theory.
B. Describe your results (be specific) from taking the
test/questionnaire associated with your third
selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects
about your scores.
C. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities
for improvement that you discovered in your
leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire
associated with the third theory you chose to evaluate
V. Conclusion - summarizing paragraph
VI. Reference Page
Plagiarism is considered cheating and is a violation of academic
integrity as outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who
plagiarizes any portion of the assignment may receive a grade
of zero on the assignment.
Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended
deadline, ten points will be deducted per day if submitted late.
Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days
late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero).
4344 Leadership Self Assessment Grading Rubric.pdf
4344 Leadership Self-Assessment Grading Rubric
4344 Leadership Self-Assessment Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent:
Introductory Paragraph
Identify what three theories (from the Northouse text) you
decided to use to evaluate yourself. Explain why you chose
these three theories.
5.0 pts
Introduction section exceeds meeting stated objectives as
evidenced by: - three theories identified - explanation of why
these theories were chosen
4.0 pts
Introduction section meets stated objectives with accurate and
relevant information related to: - three theories identified -
explanation of why these three theories were chosen
3.0 pts
Introduction section minimally meets objectives as evidenced
by three theories identified, but no explanation given for
selecting theories.
2.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Introduction section meets objectives with only one or two
theories identified and explanation for choosing the selected
0.0 pts
No introductory paragraph found in paper.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
1 Primary Concepts
Explain the primary concepts of your first selected theory
5.0 pts
Primary concepts of the first selected theory exceeds objectives
with clear and concise explanation and description of the
primary concepts.
4.0 pts
Primary concepts of the first selected theory meet stated
3.0 pts
Primary concepts of the first selected theory minimally meet
objectives. Concepts are partially defined and explained.
2.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Primary concepts of the first selected theory do not meet
0.0 pts
Primary concepts of the first selected theory are not found in
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
1 Discussion of Results
Describe your results (be specific) from taking the
test/questionnaire associated with your first selected theory.
Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores.
7.0 pts
Discussion of results exceeds objectives with clear and concise
description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
6.0 pts
Discussion of results meets objectives with description of: - the
theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the
score interpretation of your answers
5.0 pts
Discussion of results meets objectives with minimal or absent
description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
4.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Discussion of results does not meet objectives with minimal or
absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of
theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
0.0 pts
Discussion of results of the following are missing from the
paper: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
7.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
1 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement
Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based
on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the first theory
you chose to evaluate yourself.
6.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section exceeds stated
objectives with clear and concise discussion of: - strengths
discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses
discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for
personal improvement discovered in your leadership style
5.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section meets stated
objectives with discussion of: - strengths discovered in your
personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your
personal leadership style - opportunities for personal
improvement discovered in your leadership style
4.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section includes
minimal or absent information in relation to 1 of the 3 areas: -
strengths discovered in your personal leadership style -
weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your
leadership style.
3.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section does not meet
objectives with minimal or absent information in 2 of the 3
areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style -
weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
opportunities for personal improvement discovered in leadership
0.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section not found in
6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
2 Primary Concepts
Explain the primary concepts of your first selected theory
5.0 pts
Primary concepts of the second selected theory exceeds
objectives with clear and concise explanation and description of
the primary concepts.
4.0 pts
Primary concepts of the second selected theory meet stated
3.0 pts
Primary concepts of the second selected theory minimally meet
objectives. Concepts are partially defined and explained.
2.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Primary concepts of the second selected theory do not meet
0.0 pts
Primary concepts of the second selected theory are not found in
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
2 Discussion of Results
Describe your results (be specific) from taking the
test/questionnaire associated with your second selected theory.
Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores.
7.0 pts
Discussion of results exceeds objectives with clear and concise
description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
6.0 pts
Discussion of results meets objectives with description of: - the
theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the
score interpretation of your answers
5.0 pts
Discussion of results meets objectives with minimal or absent
description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
4.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Discussion of results does not meet objectives with minimal or
absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of
theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
0.0 pts
Discussion of results of the following are missing from the
paper: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
7.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
2 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement
Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based
on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the second
theory you chose to evaluate yourself.
6.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section exceeds stated
objectives with clear and concise discussion of: - strengths
discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses
discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for
personal improvement discovered in your leadership style
5.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section meets stated
objectives with discussion of: - strengths discovered in your
personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your
personal leadership style - opportunities for personal
improvement discovered in your leadership style
4.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section includes
minimal or absent information in relation to 1 of the 3 areas: -
strengths discovered in your personal leadership style -
weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your
leadership style.
3.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section does not meet
objectives with minimal or absent information in 2 of the 3
areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style -
weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
opportunities for personal improvement discovered in leadership
0.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section not found in
6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
3 Primary Concepts
Explain the primary concepts of your third selected theory
5.0 pts
Primary concepts of the third selected theory exceeds objectives
with clear and concise explanation and description of the
primary concepts.
4.0 pts
Primary concepts of the third selected theory meet stated
3.0 pts
Primary concepts of the third selected theory minimally meet
objectives. Concepts are partially defined and explained.
2.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Primary concepts of the third selected theory do not meet
0.0 pts
Primary concepts of the third selected theory are not found in
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
3 Discussion of Results
Describe your results (be specific) from taking the
test/questionnaire associated with your third selected theory.
Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores.
7.0 pts
Discussion of results exceeds objectives with clear and concise
description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
6.0 pts
Discussion of results meets objectives with description of: - the
theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the
score interpretation of your answers
5.0 pts
Discussion of results meets objectives with minimal or absent
description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
4.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Discussion of results does not meet objectives with minimal or
absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of
theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
0.0 pts
Discussion of results of the following are missing from the
paper: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory
questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers
7.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory
3 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement
Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based
on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the third theory
you chose to evaluate yourself.
6.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section exceeds stated
objectives with clear and concise discussion of: - strengths
discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses
discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for
personal improvement discovered in your leadership style
5.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section meets stated
objectives with discussion of: - strengths discovered in your
personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your
personal leadership style - opportunities for personal
improvement discovered in your leadership style
4.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section includes
minimal or absent information in relation to 1 of the 3 areas: -
strengths discovered in your personal leadership style -
weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your
leadership style.
3.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section does not meet
objectives with minimal or absent information in 2 of the 3
areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style -
weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
opportunities for personal improvement discovered in leadership
0.0 pts
Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section not found in
6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent:
Summarizing paragraph.
6.0 pts
Conclusion summary exceeds objectives with clear and concise
information related to leadership self-assessments. Conclusion
demonstrates critical thinking.
5.0 pts
Conclusion summary meets objectives with accurate and
relevant information related to leadership self- assessments.
Conclusion demonstrates critical thinking.
4.0 pts
Conclusion summary meets objectives with minimal information
related to leadership self-assessments.
3.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Conclusion summary does not meet objectives - no information
related to leadership self- assessments found.
0.0 pts
Conclusion not found in paper.
6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
Minimum of three references for paper. (One reference should
be the Northouse text)
References should be peer-reviewed, scholarly, and
professional. References should not be older than 5 years.
5.0 pts
Provides four or more references, one of which is the Northouse
Text. All references peer-reviewed, scholarly, and professional.
Current within 5 years.
4.0 pts
Provides three references, one of which is the Northouse text.
All references peer-reviewed, scholarly, and professional.
Current within 5 years.
3.0 pts
Provides two references, one of which is the Northouse text.
Some references are not peer-reviewed, scholarly, professional
and/or current within 5 years.
2.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Provides one reference which is the Northouse text. And/or One
reference provided and is not peer-reviewed or current within
last 5 years.
0.0 pts
No references provided.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly
Scholarly Presentation
Key concepts of scholarly presentation include communication
and professionalism. Writing style allows for clear
communication of thoughts through logical presentation of ideas
with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Paper meets
stated minimum/maximum word requirement.
***Note: Maximum points will be deducted for papers that
exceed 4 pages
15.0 pts
Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level without
errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Paper meets stated
minimum/maximum length
13.0 pts
Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level with no
more than three errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.
Paper meets stated minimum/ maximum length.
12.0 pts
Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level with no
more than six errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Paper
meets stated minimum/maximum length.
8.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
Thoughts show minimal organization at the paragraph level with
no more than nine errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.
Paper meets stated minimum/maximum length.
0.0 pts
Thoughts show no logical organization at the paragraph level.
Contains more than ten errors in spelling, grammar, or
punctuation <and/or> Paper does not meet the stated minimum
(3 pages) or maximum length (4 pages).
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style
APA formatting – includes cover page, heading, running head,
double spaced, explanation of abbreviations given, in-text
citations, and reference page.
15.0 pts
APA format used with no errors in: - cover page - headings -
running head - double spacing - explanation of abbreviations -
in-text citations - references list
13.0 pts
No more than 2 APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page -
headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of
abbreviations - in-text citations - references list
12.0 pts
No more than 4 APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page -
headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of
abbreviations - in-text citations - references list
8.0 pts
Substantial Areas for Improvement
No more than six APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page -
headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of
abbreviations - in-text citations - reference list
0.0 pts
Seven or more APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page -
headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of
abbreviations - in-text citations - reference list
15.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
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Sample Items From the Multifactor Leadership (Transformational Le.docx

  • 1. Sample Items From the Multifactor Leadership (Transformational Leadership questionnaire) Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short These questions provide examples of the items that are used to evaluate leadership style. The MLQ is provided in both Self and Rater forms. The Self form measures self-perception of leadership behaviors. The Rater form is used to measure leadership. By thinking about the leadership styles as exemplified below, you can get a sense of your own belief about your leadership. Key: 0 = Not 1 = Once in 2 = Sometimes 3 = Fairly 4 = Frequently, at all a while often if not always Transformational Leadership Styles Idealized Influence I go beyond self-interest for the good 0 1 2 3 4 (Attributes) of the group. Idealized Influence I consider the moral and ethical 0 1 2 3 4 (Behaviors) consequences of decisions. Inspirational I talk optimistically about 0 1 2 3 4 Motivation the future. Intellectual I reexamine critical assumptions 0 1 2 3 4 Stimulation to question whether they are appropriate. Individualized I help others to develop 0 1 2 3 4 Consideration their strengths. Transactional Leadership Styles Contingent Reward I make clear what one can expect 0 1 2 3 4 to receive when performance goals are achieved. Management by I keep track of all mistakes. 0 1 2 3 4
  • 2. Exception: Active Passive/Avoidant Leadership Styles Management by I wait for things to go wrong before 0 1 2 3 4 Exception: Passive taking action. Laissez-Faire I avoid making decisions. 0 1 2 3 4 Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire Instructions: This questionnaire contains items about different dimensions of authentic leadership. There are no right or wrong responses, so please answer honestly. Use the following scale when responding to each statement by writing the number from the scale below that you feel most accurately characterizes your response to the statement. Key: 1 = Strongly 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly disagree agree 1. I can list my three greatest weaknesses. 1 2 3 4 5 2. My actions reflect my core values. 1 2 3 4 5 3. I seek others’ opinions before making up my own mind. 1 2 3 4 5 4. I openly share my feelings with others. 1 2 3 4 5 5. I can list my three greatest strengths. 1 2 3 4 5 6. I do not allow group pressure to control me. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I listen closely to the ideas of those who disagree with me. 1 2 3 4 5 8. I let others know who I truly am as a person. 1 2 3 4 5 9. I seek feedback as a way of understanding who I really am 1 2 3 4 5 as a person. 10. O ther people know where I stand on controversial issues. 1 2 3 4 5 11. I do not emphasize my own point of view at the expense 1 2 3 4 5
  • 3. of others. 12. I rarely present a “false” front to others. 1 2 3 4 5 13. I accept the feelings I have about myself. 1 2 3 4 5 14. My morals guide what I do as a leader. 1 2 3 4 5 15. I listen very carefully to the ideas of others before 1 2 3 4 5 making decisions. 16. I admit my mistakes to others. 1 2 3 4 5 Scoring 1. S um the responses on items 1, 5, 9, and 13 (self-awareness). 2. Sum the responses on items 2, 6, 10, and 14 (internalized moral perspective). 3. Sum the responses on items 3, 7, 11, and 15 (balanced processing). 4. Sum the responses on items 4, 8, 12, and 16 (relational transparency). Total Scores Self-Awareness: ______ Internalized Moral Perspective: _____ Balanced Processing: _____ Relational Transparency: _____ Scoring Interpretation This self-assessment questionnaire is designed to measure your authentic leadership by assessing four components of the process: self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. By comparing your scores on each of these components, you can determine which are your stronger and which are your weaker components in each category. You can interpret your authentic leadership scores using the following guideline: high = 16–20 and low = 15 and below. Scores in the upper range indicate stronger authentic leadership, whereas scores in the
  • 4. lower range indicate weaker authentic leadership. Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire Instructions: This questionnaire contains questions about your team and the leadership within this team. Indicate whether you feel each statement is true or not true of your team. Use the following scale: Key: 1 = False 2 = More false than true 3 = More true than false 4 = True 1. There is a clearly defined need—a goal to be achieved 1 2 3 4 or a purpose to be served—that justifies the existence of our team. (team: clear, elevating goal) 2. We have an established method for monitoring 1 2 3 4 individual performance and providing feedback. (team: results-driven structure) 3. Team members possess the essential skills and abilities 1 2 3 4 to accomplish the team’s objectives. (team: competent team members) 4. A chieving our team goal is a higher priority than any 1 2 3 4 individual objective. (team: unified commitment) 5. We trust each other sufficiently to accurately share 1 2 3 4 information, perceptions, and feedback. (team: collaborative climate) 6. O ur team exerts pressure on itself to improve performance. 1 2 3 4 (team: standards of excellence) 7. O ur team is given the resources it needs to get the job done. 1 2 3 4 (team: external support and recognition) 8. I f it’s necessary to adjust the team’s goal, our team leader 1 2 3 4 makes sure we understand why. (leadership: focus on the goal)
  • 5. 9. O ur team leader creates a safe climate for team members 1 2 3 4 to openly and supportively discuss any issue related to the team’s success. (leadership: ensure collaborative climate) 10. O ur team leader looks for and acknowledges contributions 1 2 3 4 by team members. (leadership: build confidence) 11. O ur team leader understands the technical issues we must 1 2 3 4 face in achieving our goal. (leadership: demonstrate sufficient technical know-how) 12. O ur team leader does not dilute our team’s effort with too 1 2 3 4 many priorities. (leadership: set priorities) ur team leader is willing to confront and resolve issues 1 2 3 4 associated with inadequate performance by team members. (leadership: manage performance) SOURCES: Questions 1–7: Adapted from the Team Excellence Survey (copyright 1987 LaFasto and Larson; portions reprinted with permission of Profact). Questions 8–13: Adapted from the Collaborative Team Leader Instrument (copyright 1996 LaFasto and Larson; portions reprinted with permission). Scoring Interpretation In addition to such targeted questions on each of the criteria of excellence, the complete surveys also ask open-ended questions to allow team members to comment on issues that might not be specifically covered in the directed questions, such as strengths and weaknesses of the team and its leadership, necessary changes, problematic norms, or issues that need to be addressed. The complete version of the survey is given to team
  • 6. members and the team leader, and all are involved in the diagnosis and the resulting action planning. Such a method is clearly consistent with the empowerment movement in organizational teams and helps address the enormous complexity involved in making teams effective 2 Negotiation Plan Development ISCOM/361 Negotiation Plan Development Elements of business negotiations The amount of time and quality planning that goes into the negotiation process will ultimately dictate the level of success achieved. The basic elements of business negotiations are as follows: 1. Develop specific deliverables (or outcomes) desired as a result of the negotiation.
  • 7. 2. Gather appropriate data. 3. Layout the facts of the situation. 4. Determine issues and address disagreements. 5. Analyze supplier strengths, capacity, and profitability. Set realistic expectations and establish negotiation points. 6. Discuss the position of each issue from both the buyer and seller perspective. Prepare counter arguments and determine whose position is stronger. Estimate the range of mutually acceptable results. 7. Plan a negotiation strategy including an itinerary, a list of people who will make up the negotiation team, and reasonable targets for each objective. 8. Ensure all parties of the negotiation team have been briefed on expectations. 9. Conduct actual negotiations. Specific negotiation tactics pertaining to purchasing relationships Though managers today have a wide range software platforms, e-sourcing, and technology tools at their disposal, most purchasing professionals can (and will) attest to the fact that success in supply chain management, in large part, is due to strategic supplier alliances. For such relationships to exist, however, much of the negotiation process should involve preparation activities such as developing a strategy and reviewing supplier proposals. Some specific negotiation tactics to use are as follows: 1. Research the supplier company. Familiarize the negotiation team with the supplier’s website, operational facilities, business lines, growth plans and company history. 2. Reach out to the supplier ahead of time to request a list of attendees and discussion topics they expect to cover during negotiation phases. 3. Review and assess the supplier’s performance history. 4. Set objectives. Layout a formal negotiation strategy in writing and do a structured run through well in advance of the
  • 8. meeting with suppliers. Importance of supplier relationship management in negotiations The process of strategically planning and managing interactions with third party organizations to maximize supply chain value is commonly referred to as supplier relationship management. The importance and purpose behind supplier relationship management (SRM) is to ensure organizations are properly aligned in a way that will optimize company performance and improve value. Since success in the sector of supply chain management is highly dependent on relationships, adopting a strategic approach to relationship management can result in huge long-term benefits. For example: 1. Vendors typically offer better pricing to loyal customers thus maintaining great relationships can potentially help reduce company spend. 2. Strong supplier relationship management can improve value since maintaining long term relationships can provide insight and visibility into supplier performance including behavioral patterns so that businesses can address potential issues before they arise. 3. SRM also helps with problem resolution because solid relationships with clear lines of open communication reduce availability problems and results in swifter resolution when problems arise. By recognizing vendors as strategic partners with aligned goals and objectives, businesses can alleviate restrictive procurement and supply chain practices and find ways to add value. Additionally, by aligning businesses goals, businesses are more likely to understand the needs of their suppliers and communicate from a place of mutual understanding as opposed to contention. Example of successful negotiation Over the years, there have been several disputes among
  • 9. businesses that are noteworthy enough to demonstrate the importance of negotiation in business. One such example was back in 1996 when Microsoft won a bid against browser market leader Netscape to partner with AOL. Despite the fact that Netscape was a bigger brand and possibly more financially stable than Microsoft at the time, top Microsoft negotiators concentrated on value add services that Netscape could not math; then put together a creative strategy that enhanced their position and weakened their competitors in the process. As a result of the successful negotiation, AOL expanded its marketing reach by an additional fifty million people per year and Microsoft met its goal of gaining significant market share in the browser market. Pitfalls to consider when entering supplier negotiations Another really important factor in negotiations is to seek out the positives in every objective or circumstance. If a compromise can be found by trading off issues, a value transaction is created. However, oftentimes professional negotiators walk away leaving resources on the table because they can’t seem to arrive at a place of mutual acceptance. Some key drawbacks that result in failed negotiations include: 1. Poor planning. 2. Assuming an offer or suggestion is inflexible. 3. Failing to actively listen or pay attention. 4. Negotiating from a negative perspective or from a position of lack. 5. Being overly eager and making decisions too quickly in the process. The type of negotiations team that the company should develop (i.e. key members) Once the company has successfully developed a strategy, the next crucial step is assembling a team to ensure all necessary skillsets are covered and that all seniority levels of supplier representatives are sufficiently matched up. For example, if
  • 10. after research, you find the supplier party has listed a managing director as a participant in the negotiations, it’s crucial that a c level executive also be in attendance for the internal negotiation team. Each team member should be well versed on negotiation strategies and aware of anticipated or expected deliverables. The negotiation team within any organization is a very important component of the company realizing success. The team should include members with varied backgrounds and diverse skillsets. Ideally, we would like to see at least one member for each of the following knowledge areas: 1. A support team member or anyone with technical knowledge in the suppliers’ line of business. 2. A Behavioral analyst. 3. A software vendor. 4. An IT representative. 5. A member of procurement or pricing. 6. A member of the legal team. 7. A decision maker or C-level executive. The most important thing is that the team work together to keep everyone informed. A lead or spokesperson, preferably from procurement, should be identified prior to the meeting. Only by working together in unison can the team maneuver through a successful negotiation. Financial outlook - the impact on financial results Entering a negotiation without properly preparing or going into it lacking the necessary confidence can lead to team members agreeing to terms and pricing services that are not in the best interest of the company. Simply put, a negotiation is a compromise; and, while they’re usually not easy conversations to have, they get easier with planning and practice. By following the strategies outlined here, you are prepared and positioned to make a clear and concise argument with confidence, because you’ve done the background work and have
  • 11. identified your non-negotiables for each situation. Areas to negotiate include loan terms, interest rates, lease agreements, salaries, and supplier relationships. Bottom line is that negotiating saves money for the business. Developing and following the negotiation plan will allow companies to control costs through awareness and management. Not only will companies generate more of a profit from day to day operations, buy they’ll also be positioned to save on regular monthly expenses such as internet and phone bill. References: right-deal-with-suppliers/#4 Johnson, P. F., Flynn, A. Purchasing and Supply Management. [University of Phoenix]. Retrieved from Ch.14 Questions August 8, 2016 14-1 Identify which level(s) of government regulate(s) NFP organizations and identify the source of authority. Not-for-profit organizations have strict regulations and must follow these set in place by multiple levels of governances. The
  • 12. three main governances for NFP organizations are State, Federal, and Internal. The State, level of government, regulates the laws that NFP organizations must follow, along with license to solicit contributions, local tax exemption, and lobbying or political activity. The Federal government determines their corporate tax exempt status, monitor their annual reporting to ensure compliance, determine unrelated business tax income, excessive benefits transactions, and the reorganization and dissolution of the NFP organization. 14-4 What are the distinguishing characteristics between a public charity and a private foundation? What is a public support test and how does it relate to public charities and private foundations? If NFP organizations qualifies under IRC Section 501 (c) (3), it is considered a private foundation unless it can be excluded per IRC Section 509 (a), due to the nature of organizational mission, or it meets the support test requirement. The public support test factors where the organization received the majority of its funding. Private foundations receive the primary amount of their support from investment income, corporations or a few select individuals. Public charities receive the most of their funding from the general public. Meaning they pass the support test. Leadership Self-Assessment Paper Scan the Northouse text. You will note Chapters 2 through 16 explore multiple approaches to the study of leadership. Each chapter represents a leadership theory. Identify three theories of leadership from these chapters and complete the questionnaire at the end of your selected chapters. Develop your formal paper
  • 13. by using the elements of the Leadership Self-Assessment Outline as the headings for your paper (see grading rubric). The content within each of the headings should address all of the elements outlined in each section. The paper should be three pages in length, excluding the cover page and reference page (not to exceed 4 pages – maximum points will be deducted for exceeding 4 pages, refer to grading rubric). See the Course Schedule for the assignment deadline. Leadership Self-Assessment Paper Outline I.Introductory Paragraph A. Identify three theories presented in the Northouse text (each chapter represents one leadership theory) that you decided to use to evaluate yourself. B. Explain why you chose the three theories. II.First Leadership Theory A. Succinctly discuss the primary concepts of your first selected leadership theory. B. Describe your results (be specific) from taking the test/questionnaire associated with your first selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores. C. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the first theory you chose to evaluate yourself. III. Second Leadership Theory A. Succinctly discuss the primary concepts of your second selected leadership theory. B. Describe your results (be specific) from taking the test/questionnaire associated with your second selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores. C. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the second theory you chose to evaluate
  • 14. yourself. IV. Third Leadership Theory A. Succinctly discuss the primary concepts of your third selected leadership theory. B. Describe your results (be specific) from taking the test/questionnaire associated with your third selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores. C. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the third theory you chose to evaluate yourself. V. Conclusion - summarizing paragraph VI. Reference Page PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is considered cheating and is a violation of academic integrity as outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who plagiarizes any portion of the assignment may receive a grade of zero on the assignment. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended deadline, ten points will be deducted per day if submitted late. Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero). 4344 Leadership Self Assessment Grading Rubric.pdf Rubric 4344 Leadership Self-Assessment Grading Rubric 4344 Leadership Self-Assessment Grading Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Introductory Paragraph Identify what three theories (from the Northouse text) you decided to use to evaluate yourself. Explain why you chose
  • 15. these three theories. 5.0 pts Exemplary Introduction section exceeds meeting stated objectives as evidenced by: - three theories identified - explanation of why these theories were chosen 4.0 pts Proficient Introduction section meets stated objectives with accurate and relevant information related to: - three theories identified - explanation of why these three theories were chosen 3.0 pts Competent Introduction section minimally meets objectives as evidenced by three theories identified, but no explanation given for selecting theories. 2.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Introduction section meets objectives with only one or two theories identified and explanation for choosing the selected theories. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory No introductory paragraph found in paper. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 1 Primary Concepts Explain the primary concepts of your first selected theory 5.0 pts Exemplary Primary concepts of the first selected theory exceeds objectives with clear and concise explanation and description of the primary concepts. 4.0 pts
  • 16. Proficient Primary concepts of the first selected theory meet stated objectives. 3.0 pts Competent Primary concepts of the first selected theory minimally meet objectives. Concepts are partially defined and explained. 2.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Primary concepts of the first selected theory do not meet objectives. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Primary concepts of the first selected theory are not found in paper. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 1 Discussion of Results Describe your results (be specific) from taking the test/questionnaire associated with your first selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores. 7.0 pts Expemplary Discussion of results exceeds objectives with clear and concise description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 6.0 pts Proficient Discussion of results meets objectives with description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 5.0 pts Competent Discussion of results meets objectives with minimal or absent
  • 17. description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 4.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Discussion of results does not meet objectives with minimal or absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Discussion of results of the following are missing from the paper: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 7.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 1 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the first theory you chose to evaluate yourself. 6.0 pts Expemplary Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section exceeds stated objectives with clear and concise discussion of: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style 5.0 pts Proficient Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section meets stated objectives with discussion of: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style 4.0 pts
  • 18. Competent Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section includes minimal or absent information in relation to 1 of the 3 areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style. 3.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section does not meet objectives with minimal or absent information in 2 of the 3 areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in leadership style 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section not found in paper. 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 2 Primary Concepts Explain the primary concepts of your first selected theory 5.0 pts Exemplary Primary concepts of the second selected theory exceeds objectives with clear and concise explanation and description of the primary concepts. 4.0 pts Proficient Primary concepts of the second selected theory meet stated objectives. 3.0 pts Competent
  • 19. Primary concepts of the second selected theory minimally meet objectives. Concepts are partially defined and explained. 2.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Primary concepts of the second selected theory do not meet objectives. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Primary concepts of the second selected theory are not found in paper. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 2 Discussion of Results Describe your results (be specific) from taking the test/questionnaire associated with your second selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores. 7.0 pts Exemplary Discussion of results exceeds objectives with clear and concise description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 6.0 pts Proficient Discussion of results meets objectives with description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 5.0 pts Competent Discussion of results meets objectives with minimal or absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 4.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Discussion of results does not meet objectives with minimal or
  • 20. absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Discussion of results of the following are missing from the paper: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 7.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 2 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the second theory you chose to evaluate yourself. 6.0 pts Exemplary Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section exceeds stated objectives with clear and concise discussion of: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style 5.0 pts Proficient Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section meets stated objectives with discussion of: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style 4.0 pts Competent Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section includes minimal or absent information in relation to 1 of the 3 areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style -
  • 21. opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style. 3.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section does not meet objectives with minimal or absent information in 2 of the 3 areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in leadership style 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section not found in paper. 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 3 Primary Concepts Explain the primary concepts of your third selected theory 5.0 pts Exemplary Primary concepts of the third selected theory exceeds objectives with clear and concise explanation and description of the primary concepts. 4.0 pts Proficient Primary concepts of the third selected theory meet stated objectives. 3.0 pts Competent Primary concepts of the third selected theory minimally meet objectives. Concepts are partially defined and explained. 2.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Primary concepts of the third selected theory do not meet
  • 22. objectives. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Primary concepts of the third selected theory are not found in paper. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 3 Discussion of Results Describe your results (be specific) from taking the test/questionnaire associated with your third selected theory. Share what the score interpretation reflects about your scores. 7.0 pts Exemplary Discussion of results exceeds objectives with clear and concise description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 6.0 pts Proficient Discussion of results meets objectives with description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 5.0 pts Competent Discussion of results meets objectives with minimal or absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 4.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Discussion of results does not meet objectives with minimal or absent description of: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Discussion of results of the following are missing from the
  • 23. paper: - the theory measurement tool - results of theory questionnaire - the score interpretation of your answers 7.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Theory 3 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities for Improvement Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement that you discovered in your leadership style based on taking the test/questionnaire associated with the third theory you chose to evaluate yourself. 6.0 pts Exemplary Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section exceeds stated objectives with clear and concise discussion of: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style 5.0 pts Proficient Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section meets stated objectives with discussion of: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style 4.0 pts Competent Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section includes minimal or absent information in relation to 1 of the 3 areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in your leadership style. 3.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section does not meet
  • 24. objectives with minimal or absent information in 2 of the 3 areas: - strengths discovered in your personal leadership style - weaknesses discovered in your personal leadership style - opportunities for personal improvement discovered in leadership style 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities section not found in paper. 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Conclusion Summarizing paragraph. 6.0 pts Exemplary Conclusion summary exceeds objectives with clear and concise information related to leadership self-assessments. Conclusion demonstrates critical thinking. 5.0 pts Proficient Conclusion summary meets objectives with accurate and relevant information related to leadership self- assessments. Conclusion demonstrates critical thinking. 4.0 pts Competent Conclusion summary meets objectives with minimal information related to leadership self-assessments. 3.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Conclusion summary does not meet objectives - no information related to leadership self- assessments found. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Conclusion not found in paper.
  • 25. 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence Minimum of three references for paper. (One reference should be the Northouse text) References should be peer-reviewed, scholarly, and professional. References should not be older than 5 years. 5.0 pts Exemplary Provides four or more references, one of which is the Northouse Text. All references peer-reviewed, scholarly, and professional. Current within 5 years. 4.0 pts Proficient Provides three references, one of which is the Northouse text. All references peer-reviewed, scholarly, and professional. Current within 5 years. 3.0 pts Competent Provides two references, one of which is the Northouse text. Some references are not peer-reviewed, scholarly, professional and/or current within 5 years. 2.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Provides one reference which is the Northouse text. And/or One reference provided and is not peer-reviewed or current within last 5 years. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory No references provided. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Presentation
  • 26. Scholarly Presentation Key concepts of scholarly presentation include communication and professionalism. Writing style allows for clear communication of thoughts through logical presentation of ideas with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Paper meets stated minimum/maximum word requirement. ***Note: Maximum points will be deducted for papers that exceed 4 pages 15.0 pts Exemplary Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level without errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Paper meets stated minimum/maximum length 13.0 pts Proficient Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level with no more than three errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Paper meets stated minimum/ maximum length. 12.0 pts Competent Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level with no more than six errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Paper meets stated minimum/maximum length. 8.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement Thoughts show minimal organization at the paragraph level with no more than nine errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Paper meets stated minimum/maximum length. 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Thoughts show no logical organization at the paragraph level. Contains more than ten errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation <and/or> Paper does not meet the stated minimum (3 pages) or maximum length (4 pages). 15.0 pts
  • 27. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style APA formatting – includes cover page, heading, running head, double spaced, explanation of abbreviations given, in-text citations, and reference page. 15.0 pts Exemplary APA format used with no errors in: - cover page - headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of abbreviations - in-text citations - references list 13.0 pts Proficient No more than 2 APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page - headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of abbreviations - in-text citations - references list 12.0 pts Competent No more than 4 APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page - headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of abbreviations - in-text citations - references list 8.0 pts Substantial Areas for Improvement No more than six APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page - headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of abbreviations - in-text citations - reference list 0.0 pts Unsatisfactory Seven or more APA formatting errors noted in: - cover page - headings - running head - double spacing - explanation of abbreviations - in-text citations - reference list 15.0 pts Total Points: 100.0