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Kick start your new year with this fat burning plan!

           By Emma Constable- Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
Zest for Life!
Kick start your 2013 with our Zest for Life healthy eating and fat loss program. If you
have overindulged this festive season, this is the first step to getting that body you have dreamed of.
Why not make 2013 the best year ever!

You are taking the first step to enjoying optimal health and getting the body of your dreams.

Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness have put together some of the most important healthy eating and fat
loss tips for you to try. We are providing you with the knowledge, but you have to do the hard work!
To achieve goals and to get where you want to be, you have to change what you have always done.

Before you start on this new lifestyle, decide what your goals are. It may be to fit into those jeans
you haven’t worn for years, or to fit into that work shirt that is getting slightly too tight, it may just
be to have more energy.

Whatever your goals are, take some pictures. These pictures are for you to look back at when you’re
looking FAB! They are great to see how far you have come and to help motivate you!

So, enjoy your journey and GOOD LUCK!
Zest for Life!
10 key FAT LOSS tips!

   1. Eat every 3 hours- Eating small meals/snacks regularly keeps your blood sugar levels stable
      and is a great way to keep your metabolism fired up! It ensures there is a steady release of
      glucose from the blood stream, therefore a steady release of energy (no afternoon
      tiredness!) and will prevent cravings for chocolate and coffee which are used as a pick me
      up! Don’t be worried about eating too much, most people don’t eat enough!

   2. Have protein with every meal and snack- Protein is so important. Almost everything in your
      body is made of protein. It is a really good fat loss tool and helps you to stay fuller for longer.
      Protein comes in the form of chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish. It also come from beans,
      nuts, seeds, chickpeas, lentils, tofu and eggs, so if you were to have a salad, make sure you
      get these in.

   3. Drink Green tea- It is great for detoxifying the body and has been proven to have fat burning
      properties in it! Catechins in green tea have been found to increase metabolic rate and
       decrease appetite as well as reduce belly fat. Drink a cup of hot green tea after each meal to
       promote digestion and boost metabolism.

   4. Avoid fruit juices- they contain so much sugar (more than you would consume if you were
      to eat the fruit itself!), they give you a huge insulin (a fat storing hormone) spike, which not
      only means you will store more fat, but you are also more likely to crave bad food an hour or
      two after.

   5. Avoid sugar- Sugar is very toxic and gets stored as fat very easily. You find sugar in most
      processed foods, sauces, etc, so always read the label! Natural sugar is ok in moderation,
      such as fruit, raw honey, stevia and brown rice syrup, however, all sugars get stored as fat if
      you eat them with the wrong foods, eat too much and at the wrong times (EVEN FRUIT!!), so
      chose wisely! Try to just stick to 1-2 servings of fruit a day but eat unlimited amount of

   6. Eat breakfast- This is fundamental to losing weight as it kick starts your metabolism in the
      morning. Many clients say ‘if I eat breakfast, I am hungrier than if I don’t’. This is a GOOD
      thing! It means your metabolism has woken up, so you are burning more calories and
      therefore fat! But try not to have a processed breakfast cereal. It is so important to include
      protein in your breakfast if you want to burn fat. This means including some meat, fish
      and/or eggs. You could also have some nuts or ground flaxseeds, or if you can’t stomach
      these for breakfast, try a protein shake.

   7. Eat fat to lose fat- Your body needs fat! Fat is not the enemy, sugar is! Good fats come from
      fish, nuts, seeds and olives. When you normally use low fat spread or low fat cheese, now go
      for the full fat options, e.g. butter, but lower your portions. To make something low fat, they
Zest for Life!
    put in lots of sugar and chemicals, so it is actually worse for you than the so called ‘healthier’
    option! Add a sliver of avocado to your sandwich or a small handful of nuts to your oats and
    you’ll increase your fat-burning potential.

8. Ditch the fizzy pop- Get rid of the high sugar drinks and don’t be fooled by diet sodas; they,
   too, can wreak havoc on your waistline. The active ingredient in pop is phosphoric acid. This
   leaches calcium out of out bones and is a major contribution to the increase in osteoporosis.
   Also, the carbonation in soda can cause water retention and bloat— something we all could
   do without!

9. Treat, Don’t Cheat- Allowing yourself one or two treat meals each week will keep your mind
   sane and your body burning fat. You won’t cause harm as long as you stick to your diet for all
   other meals of the week.

10. Kick the booze!- Alcohol is NOT good for fat burning! It contains 7kcal per gram and it is
    WASTED calories! It contains not beneficial nutrients at all. The worst culprits are beer,
    larger and sugary alco-pops. If you wanted a drink, opt for a good quality red wine or a white
    spirit with soda and a slice of fresh lime (no fizzy mixers!).
Zest for Life!
10 tips for OPTIMUM HEALTH

  1. Stick to natural foods- Make sure the food you are eating is in the same state as when it was
     picked or killed, or it has gone through minimal processing. For example rice, potatoes,
     vegetables, nuts, seeds, butter (instead of ANY spreadable alternative!!) and chicken! This
     means the food has been as little processed as possible, meaning the body can get the
     nutrients from it quicker and easier, putting the body under less stress and toxic load.

  2. Avoid sweeteners- Any artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, have a huge list of long
     term side effects including neurological diseases, plus trick your brain into thinking it is having
     sugar. When your brain realises it isn’t sugar, it starts to crave it even more! Most ‘diet’ and
     ‘low sugar’ options have these in (for example chewing gum, coke, cordials etc), most of the
     time you would be better having the ‘full fat’ option!! Best option is obviously…AVOID!

  3. Wholegrains- Eating wholegrain carbohydrates instead of the refined versions are a lot more
     nutrient dense. When white rice, pasta or bread is made, they strip them of all their
     goodness and therefore nutrients. They are also turned into a very high GI food, as any
     refined white carbohydrate acts like sugar in the body. Stick to brown rice, quinoa, rye bread,
     rolled oats etc.

  4. Eat organic- All vegetables unless they are organic or home grown have been sprayed with
     pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. These are all chemicals that are toxic to our body and
     our health. They cause our body to become toxic, which means we have more inflammation
     in our body. These chemicals can also affect our hormones. If you didn’t want to spend the
     extra cash on organic foods, attached in this e-book is a list of the ‘Dirty Dozen’. These are the
     foods that are most affected by the chemicals, so therefore avoid if not organic!

  5. Ramp up the veggies- They are alkaline producing, which can help preserve bone mass and
     muscle tissue, they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, healthy fats,
     and phytonutrients. Deficiencies in vitamin and minerals can lead to many symptoms such as
     dry and puffy skin, weak and brittle nails, puffy and inflamed skin, acne, and many more!
     They are building blocks for our teeth, bones, cells, enzymes, growth, reproduction,
     hormones, etc. and can help to protect us from diseases. Try to get as many in the day as
     possible, in smoothies, juices, soups etc.

  6. Cooking oil- Meals such as stir-fry’s can be a very healthy dinner, however, if you are using
     huge amounts of vegetable oils in the cooking process, it turns a healthy meal into an
     unhealthy meal. So dry frying would be an option, but you don’t want your foods to ruin your
     cookware! So a great oil to cook with is coconut oil. This is a solid oil that turns to liquid when
     heated. It is very stable to heat, so doesn’t turn rancid (unlike olive oil!). Coconut oil also
     contains some very healthy fats and some great anti-microbial properties.
Zest for Life!
7. Hydrate- Water and hydration is so important. Even a 2% drop in hydration can affect
   concentration levels, difficulty focusing and memory. Even just mild dehydration brings on
   fatigue and lowers metabolism as much as 3%. Water can also significantly ease back and
   joint pain in sufferers. Try to keep a bottle with you all the time and constantly swig it
   throughout the day. Herbal teas also contribute to hydration, however, breakfast tea, coffee,
   pop etc don’t. If you don’t like the taste of water, add some lime, orange, lemon, kiwi, melon,
   etc. to add a bit of flavour.

8. Oily fish- These include salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna, sardines, anchovies etc. All of these fish
   contain the essential fatty acid Omega 3. These are so important of every part of our bodies.
   Hair, skin, nails, joints, energy, memory, concentration, fat burning, etc. They are very anti-
   inflammatory so are really good at reducing symptoms of muscle and joint aches, as well as
   reducing symptoms of some diseases.

9. Probiotics- These are the good bacteria in our guts. 80% of our immune system is in our gut,
   and if you are lacking the good bacteria, we are compromising our immune systems.
   Antibiotics are designed to kill all bacteria (that is why they are so good at killing infections!),
   however they also kill off our good bacteria. So if you have ever had a course of antibiotics, it
   is important to have a course of probiotcs. These come in a capsule form, rather than in a
   yoghurt form, as they are more effective.

10. Enjoy- The most important thing is to enjoy life. So never give up what you love! If you love
    chocolate, try to just have it once a week. If you tell yourself you are never going to have
    these unhealthy foods again, you are more likely to give up! Turn this into a lifestyle and
    gradually change and make new habits.
Zest for Life!
   7 Day Meal Plan

               Monday                  Tuesday               Wednesday                  Thursday               Friday            Saturday               Sunday
            Scrambled eggs           Spinach shake-         Omelette filled with       Spinach shake-       Scrambled eggs      Homemade protein      Scrambled egg and
Breakfast   Jumbo rolled oats with   natural whey           spinach, pepper, tomato,   natural whey         Jumbo rolled oats   pancakes- eggs,       smoked salmon on
            handful of blueberries   protein, spinach,      onion                      protein, spinach,    with handful of     oats, unsweetened     rye bread
                                     almond butter,         Jumbo rolled oats          almond butter,       blueberries         almond milk, stevia
                                     coconut milk and                                  coconut milk and                         and blueberries.
                                     oats.                                             oats.
            Hummus with celery,      2 boiled eggs          Almond butter with apple   2 boiled eggs        Hummus with         Almond butter with    Hummus with
  Mid-      cucumber or carrot                                                                              celery, cucumber    apple                 celery, cucumber or
                                                                                                            or carrot                                 carrot
            Salmon salad with        Leftover- lentil and   Chicken and sweet          Leftover- Thai       Leftover- lentils   Leftover-vegetable    Anchovies, rocket
 Lunch      brown basmati rice.      butternut squash       potato salad               noodle soup with     and rice with       and mixed bean        and red cabbage
                                     curry                                             prawns               vegetables          soup with rye bread   salad

            Spinach shake- natural   Handful of             Spinach shake- natural     Handful of           Spinach shake-      Handful of            Spinach shake-
   Mid-     whey protein, spinach,   blueberries, mixed     whey protein, spinach,     blueberries, mixed   natural whey        blueberries, mixed    natural whey
            almond butter,           nuts and seeds         almond butter, coconut     nuts and seeds       protein, spinach,   nuts and seeds        protein, spinach,
afternoon   coconut milk                                    milk                                            almond butter,                            almond butter,
                                                                                                            coconut milk                              coconut milk
            Lentil and butternut     Tuna steak with        Thai noodle soup with      Spicy cod and rice   Vegetable and       MEAL OUT AT           3 bean chilli with
 Dinner     squash curry             brown basmati rice     prawns                     with vegetables      mixed bean soup     RESTARANT ZEST!       brown basmati rice
                                     and vegetables                                                         with rye bread      Opt for one of our    and vegetables
                                                                                                                                BLF approved
Zest for Life!

     Thai noodle Soup

            Water.
            Thai curry selection (you can normally get these from super markets. They contain ginger,
             garlic, shallots, chilli and lemon grass).
            Chicken/prawns.
            Rice noodles.
            Veg- sugar snap peas, broccoli, beans, mange tout, baby sweet corn etc.

1.   Add lots of water to a pan
2.   Crush the Thai selection, no need to take skin etc off, and place into the water to flavour
3.   Once you feel the liquid has flavoured enough, add the chicken if using chicken (if using prawns, add
     at the last minute)
4.   When the chicken looks like it’s almost cooked, add the vegetables and rice noodles
5.   If you wish, remove the ‘Thai selection’ before serving.

     Vegetable and bean soup

            Lots of left over vegetables, e.g. onions, garlic, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
             courgette etc.
            Water.
            1 can beans- black eyed beans, cannellini beans, kidney beans etc.
            Pepper.

1. Chop up all the vegetables into small pieces and add to a large pan. Cover with water, add the
   pepper and leave to simmer until soft.
2. Blend in a blender until smooth.
3. Add the beans and heat for 2 min
Zest for Life!
  Lentil & Squash Curry

       1 tbsp mild or medium (not extra virgin) olive oil
       2 red onions, chopped
       4 garlic cloves, crushed
       1 medium butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cubed
       2 tbsp curry powder
       600ml (1pt) vegetable stock
       100g (4oz) dried split red lentils, rinsed and drained
       400g can chopped tomatoes
       4 tbsp baby leaf spinach
       2 tsp sea salt
       Freshly ground black pepper
       Handful of coriander, finely chopped
1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and gently sweat the onion and garlic for around 5 minutes to soften
2. Stir in the butternut squash and curry powder, then pour in the stock, lentils and tomatoes, and
   bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for around an hour, stirring occasionally, to let the squash
   soften and the sauce reduce.
3. Stir in the spinach, cover for a few minutes while it wilts, then season to taste with the salt, pepper
   and coriander.

  Grilled Salmon with Garlic, Ginger & Coriander

         2 salmon fillets
         1 garlic clove
         2.5 cm piece ginger
         1tbsp chopped fresh coriander
         1 tbsp olive oil
         1 tbsp lemon juice
         Salt and pepper

1. Line a baking tray with foil. Dry the fish and place it on the foil
2. Press the garlic clove, finely grate the ginger and combine these with the coriander and olive oil –
   pour over the fish. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Grill the fish on full power for approximately 10 minutes. The length of time required will depend
   upon the thickness of the fish. Paste the fish with juices while it is cooking and turn down the heat
   if the fish is browning too quickly.
4. Serve immediately with salad or cooked vegetables.
Zest for Life!
                              The Dirty Dozen!

This picture shows the foods with the highest amount of pesticides used, plus
              the food with the least amount of pesticides used.

               Always keep this in mind when your shopping!
Zest for Life!
The next step!
Now, at this point you are probably wondering why I haven’t mentioned any exercise. Well, 80% of
reaching any goal is diet, so it is important to start there. The other 20% is exercise. You can only go
so far with one or the other, but when they are put together, great things can be achieved!

In this e-book we will be including a couple of full body exercise programs you can do at home, with
a limited amount of kit. Try and do these 4 times a week, with a day’s rest in the middle. This is
based at beginners, so if you are used to exercise, you may have to crank it up a notch! Do these
plans for 1 month, then change it. If you don’t, your body will get used to the plan and the exercises
and you will start to plateau.

Day 1 & 2

Exercise                            Reps                                Sets
Squats                              12                                  3
Press ups                           12
Reverse lunges                      12 each leg                         3
Rows (with weights or               12
resistance bands)
Shoulder press (with weights or     12                                  3
resistance bands)
Ab crunch                           20

Day 4 & 5

Exercise                            Reps                                Sets
Split squats                        12                                  3
Bicep curls (with weights or        12
resistance bands)
1 leg step ups                      12 each leg                         3
Plank (feet walking out and in)     10
Burpees                             12                                  3
Tricep dips                         12

As well as these workouts, we always advise you add some cardio into your week. Start off with one
interval session (sprint for 40sec, rest for 120sec, 6-10 times) and one steady session (30min) a
week. This will help speed up the fat burning effect!
Zest for Life!
 This e-book was written by Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness who have teamed
             up with Restaurant Zest to promote healthy eating.

  Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness is a private Personal Training and Wellness
   centre in Derby. All services are 1-1 and offer the highest quality service.

If you would like to learn more, or if you have any questions about this e-book,
                 please contact Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness.

                             Bottom Line Fitness
                                 Main Road
                                 DE72 3EQ
                               01332 664836

Follow us:-

                 BottomLineFitnessPT              @BottomLineFit
         Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness               Bottom Line Fitness
                          Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness

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Zest e book

  • 1. Kick start your new year with this fat burning plan! By Emma Constable- Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
  • 2. Zest for Life! Kick start your 2013 with our Zest for Life healthy eating and fat loss program. If you have overindulged this festive season, this is the first step to getting that body you have dreamed of. Why not make 2013 the best year ever! You are taking the first step to enjoying optimal health and getting the body of your dreams. Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness have put together some of the most important healthy eating and fat loss tips for you to try. We are providing you with the knowledge, but you have to do the hard work! To achieve goals and to get where you want to be, you have to change what you have always done. Before you start on this new lifestyle, decide what your goals are. It may be to fit into those jeans you haven’t worn for years, or to fit into that work shirt that is getting slightly too tight, it may just be to have more energy. Whatever your goals are, take some pictures. These pictures are for you to look back at when you’re looking FAB! They are great to see how far you have come and to help motivate you! So, enjoy your journey and GOOD LUCK!
  • 3. Zest for Life! 10 key FAT LOSS tips! 1. Eat every 3 hours- Eating small meals/snacks regularly keeps your blood sugar levels stable and is a great way to keep your metabolism fired up! It ensures there is a steady release of glucose from the blood stream, therefore a steady release of energy (no afternoon tiredness!) and will prevent cravings for chocolate and coffee which are used as a pick me up! Don’t be worried about eating too much, most people don’t eat enough! 2. Have protein with every meal and snack- Protein is so important. Almost everything in your body is made of protein. It is a really good fat loss tool and helps you to stay fuller for longer. Protein comes in the form of chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish. It also come from beans, nuts, seeds, chickpeas, lentils, tofu and eggs, so if you were to have a salad, make sure you get these in. 3. Drink Green tea- It is great for detoxifying the body and has been proven to have fat burning properties in it! Catechins in green tea have been found to increase metabolic rate and decrease appetite as well as reduce belly fat. Drink a cup of hot green tea after each meal to promote digestion and boost metabolism. 4. Avoid fruit juices- they contain so much sugar (more than you would consume if you were to eat the fruit itself!), they give you a huge insulin (a fat storing hormone) spike, which not only means you will store more fat, but you are also more likely to crave bad food an hour or two after. 5. Avoid sugar- Sugar is very toxic and gets stored as fat very easily. You find sugar in most processed foods, sauces, etc, so always read the label! Natural sugar is ok in moderation, such as fruit, raw honey, stevia and brown rice syrup, however, all sugars get stored as fat if you eat them with the wrong foods, eat too much and at the wrong times (EVEN FRUIT!!), so chose wisely! Try to just stick to 1-2 servings of fruit a day but eat unlimited amount of vegetables! 6. Eat breakfast- This is fundamental to losing weight as it kick starts your metabolism in the morning. Many clients say ‘if I eat breakfast, I am hungrier than if I don’t’. This is a GOOD thing! It means your metabolism has woken up, so you are burning more calories and therefore fat! But try not to have a processed breakfast cereal. It is so important to include protein in your breakfast if you want to burn fat. This means including some meat, fish and/or eggs. You could also have some nuts or ground flaxseeds, or if you can’t stomach these for breakfast, try a protein shake. 7. Eat fat to lose fat- Your body needs fat! Fat is not the enemy, sugar is! Good fats come from fish, nuts, seeds and olives. When you normally use low fat spread or low fat cheese, now go for the full fat options, e.g. butter, but lower your portions. To make something low fat, they
  • 4. Zest for Life! put in lots of sugar and chemicals, so it is actually worse for you than the so called ‘healthier’ option! Add a sliver of avocado to your sandwich or a small handful of nuts to your oats and you’ll increase your fat-burning potential. 8. Ditch the fizzy pop- Get rid of the high sugar drinks and don’t be fooled by diet sodas; they, too, can wreak havoc on your waistline. The active ingredient in pop is phosphoric acid. This leaches calcium out of out bones and is a major contribution to the increase in osteoporosis. Also, the carbonation in soda can cause water retention and bloat— something we all could do without! 9. Treat, Don’t Cheat- Allowing yourself one or two treat meals each week will keep your mind sane and your body burning fat. You won’t cause harm as long as you stick to your diet for all other meals of the week. 10. Kick the booze!- Alcohol is NOT good for fat burning! It contains 7kcal per gram and it is WASTED calories! It contains not beneficial nutrients at all. The worst culprits are beer, larger and sugary alco-pops. If you wanted a drink, opt for a good quality red wine or a white spirit with soda and a slice of fresh lime (no fizzy mixers!).
  • 5. Zest for Life! 10 tips for OPTIMUM HEALTH 1. Stick to natural foods- Make sure the food you are eating is in the same state as when it was picked or killed, or it has gone through minimal processing. For example rice, potatoes, vegetables, nuts, seeds, butter (instead of ANY spreadable alternative!!) and chicken! This means the food has been as little processed as possible, meaning the body can get the nutrients from it quicker and easier, putting the body under less stress and toxic load. 2. Avoid sweeteners- Any artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, have a huge list of long term side effects including neurological diseases, plus trick your brain into thinking it is having sugar. When your brain realises it isn’t sugar, it starts to crave it even more! Most ‘diet’ and ‘low sugar’ options have these in (for example chewing gum, coke, cordials etc), most of the time you would be better having the ‘full fat’ option!! Best option is obviously…AVOID! 3. Wholegrains- Eating wholegrain carbohydrates instead of the refined versions are a lot more nutrient dense. When white rice, pasta or bread is made, they strip them of all their goodness and therefore nutrients. They are also turned into a very high GI food, as any refined white carbohydrate acts like sugar in the body. Stick to brown rice, quinoa, rye bread, rolled oats etc. 4. Eat organic- All vegetables unless they are organic or home grown have been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. These are all chemicals that are toxic to our body and our health. They cause our body to become toxic, which means we have more inflammation in our body. These chemicals can also affect our hormones. If you didn’t want to spend the extra cash on organic foods, attached in this e-book is a list of the ‘Dirty Dozen’. These are the foods that are most affected by the chemicals, so therefore avoid if not organic! 5. Ramp up the veggies- They are alkaline producing, which can help preserve bone mass and muscle tissue, they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, healthy fats, and phytonutrients. Deficiencies in vitamin and minerals can lead to many symptoms such as dry and puffy skin, weak and brittle nails, puffy and inflamed skin, acne, and many more! They are building blocks for our teeth, bones, cells, enzymes, growth, reproduction, hormones, etc. and can help to protect us from diseases. Try to get as many in the day as possible, in smoothies, juices, soups etc. 6. Cooking oil- Meals such as stir-fry’s can be a very healthy dinner, however, if you are using huge amounts of vegetable oils in the cooking process, it turns a healthy meal into an unhealthy meal. So dry frying would be an option, but you don’t want your foods to ruin your cookware! So a great oil to cook with is coconut oil. This is a solid oil that turns to liquid when heated. It is very stable to heat, so doesn’t turn rancid (unlike olive oil!). Coconut oil also contains some very healthy fats and some great anti-microbial properties.
  • 6. Zest for Life! 7. Hydrate- Water and hydration is so important. Even a 2% drop in hydration can affect concentration levels, difficulty focusing and memory. Even just mild dehydration brings on fatigue and lowers metabolism as much as 3%. Water can also significantly ease back and joint pain in sufferers. Try to keep a bottle with you all the time and constantly swig it throughout the day. Herbal teas also contribute to hydration, however, breakfast tea, coffee, pop etc don’t. If you don’t like the taste of water, add some lime, orange, lemon, kiwi, melon, etc. to add a bit of flavour. 8. Oily fish- These include salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna, sardines, anchovies etc. All of these fish contain the essential fatty acid Omega 3. These are so important of every part of our bodies. Hair, skin, nails, joints, energy, memory, concentration, fat burning, etc. They are very anti- inflammatory so are really good at reducing symptoms of muscle and joint aches, as well as reducing symptoms of some diseases. 9. Probiotics- These are the good bacteria in our guts. 80% of our immune system is in our gut, and if you are lacking the good bacteria, we are compromising our immune systems. Antibiotics are designed to kill all bacteria (that is why they are so good at killing infections!), however they also kill off our good bacteria. So if you have ever had a course of antibiotics, it is important to have a course of probiotcs. These come in a capsule form, rather than in a yoghurt form, as they are more effective. 10. Enjoy- The most important thing is to enjoy life. So never give up what you love! If you love chocolate, try to just have it once a week. If you tell yourself you are never going to have these unhealthy foods again, you are more likely to give up! Turn this into a lifestyle and gradually change and make new habits.
  • 7. Zest for Life! 7 Day Meal Plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Scrambled eggs Spinach shake- Omelette filled with Spinach shake- Scrambled eggs Homemade protein Scrambled egg and Breakfast Jumbo rolled oats with natural whey spinach, pepper, tomato, natural whey Jumbo rolled oats pancakes- eggs, smoked salmon on handful of blueberries protein, spinach, onion protein, spinach, with handful of oats, unsweetened rye bread almond butter, Jumbo rolled oats almond butter, blueberries almond milk, stevia coconut milk and coconut milk and and blueberries. oats. oats. Hummus with celery, 2 boiled eggs Almond butter with apple 2 boiled eggs Hummus with Almond butter with Hummus with Mid- cucumber or carrot celery, cucumber apple celery, cucumber or or carrot carrot morning Salmon salad with Leftover- lentil and Chicken and sweet Leftover- Thai Leftover- lentils Leftover-vegetable Anchovies, rocket Lunch brown basmati rice. butternut squash potato salad noodle soup with and rice with and mixed bean and red cabbage curry prawns vegetables soup with rye bread salad Spinach shake- natural Handful of Spinach shake- natural Handful of Spinach shake- Handful of Spinach shake- Mid- whey protein, spinach, blueberries, mixed whey protein, spinach, blueberries, mixed natural whey blueberries, mixed natural whey almond butter, nuts and seeds almond butter, coconut nuts and seeds protein, spinach, nuts and seeds protein, spinach, afternoon coconut milk milk almond butter, almond butter, coconut milk coconut milk Lentil and butternut Tuna steak with Thai noodle soup with Spicy cod and rice Vegetable and MEAL OUT AT 3 bean chilli with Dinner squash curry brown basmati rice prawns with vegetables mixed bean soup RESTARANT ZEST! brown basmati rice and vegetables with rye bread Opt for one of our and vegetables BLF approved dishes!
  • 8. Zest for Life! Recipes Thai noodle Soup  Water.  Thai curry selection (you can normally get these from super markets. They contain ginger, garlic, shallots, chilli and lemon grass).  Chicken/prawns.  Rice noodles.  Veg- sugar snap peas, broccoli, beans, mange tout, baby sweet corn etc. 1. Add lots of water to a pan 2. Crush the Thai selection, no need to take skin etc off, and place into the water to flavour 3. Once you feel the liquid has flavoured enough, add the chicken if using chicken (if using prawns, add at the last minute) 4. When the chicken looks like it’s almost cooked, add the vegetables and rice noodles 5. If you wish, remove the ‘Thai selection’ before serving. Vegetable and bean soup  Lots of left over vegetables, e.g. onions, garlic, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, courgette etc.  Water.  1 can beans- black eyed beans, cannellini beans, kidney beans etc.  Pepper. 1. Chop up all the vegetables into small pieces and add to a large pan. Cover with water, add the pepper and leave to simmer until soft. 2. Blend in a blender until smooth. 3. Add the beans and heat for 2 min
  • 9. Zest for Life! Lentil & Squash Curry  1 tbsp mild or medium (not extra virgin) olive oil  2 red onions, chopped  4 garlic cloves, crushed  1 medium butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cubed  2 tbsp curry powder  600ml (1pt) vegetable stock  100g (4oz) dried split red lentils, rinsed and drained  400g can chopped tomatoes  4 tbsp baby leaf spinach  2 tsp sea salt  Freshly ground black pepper  Handful of coriander, finely chopped 1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and gently sweat the onion and garlic for around 5 minutes to soften them. 2. Stir in the butternut squash and curry powder, then pour in the stock, lentils and tomatoes, and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for around an hour, stirring occasionally, to let the squash soften and the sauce reduce. 3. Stir in the spinach, cover for a few minutes while it wilts, then season to taste with the salt, pepper and coriander. Grilled Salmon with Garlic, Ginger & Coriander  2 salmon fillets  1 garlic clove  2.5 cm piece ginger  1tbsp chopped fresh coriander  1 tbsp olive oil  1 tbsp lemon juice  Salt and pepper 1. Line a baking tray with foil. Dry the fish and place it on the foil 2. Press the garlic clove, finely grate the ginger and combine these with the coriander and olive oil – pour over the fish. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Grill the fish on full power for approximately 10 minutes. The length of time required will depend upon the thickness of the fish. Paste the fish with juices while it is cooking and turn down the heat if the fish is browning too quickly. 4. Serve immediately with salad or cooked vegetables.
  • 10. Zest for Life! The Dirty Dozen! This picture shows the foods with the highest amount of pesticides used, plus the food with the least amount of pesticides used. Always keep this in mind when your shopping!
  • 11. Zest for Life! The next step! Now, at this point you are probably wondering why I haven’t mentioned any exercise. Well, 80% of reaching any goal is diet, so it is important to start there. The other 20% is exercise. You can only go so far with one or the other, but when they are put together, great things can be achieved! In this e-book we will be including a couple of full body exercise programs you can do at home, with a limited amount of kit. Try and do these 4 times a week, with a day’s rest in the middle. This is based at beginners, so if you are used to exercise, you may have to crank it up a notch! Do these plans for 1 month, then change it. If you don’t, your body will get used to the plan and the exercises and you will start to plateau. Day 1 & 2 Exercise Reps Sets Squats 12 3 Press ups 12 Reverse lunges 12 each leg 3 Rows (with weights or 12 resistance bands) Shoulder press (with weights or 12 3 resistance bands) Ab crunch 20 Day 4 & 5 Exercise Reps Sets Split squats 12 3 Bicep curls (with weights or 12 resistance bands) 1 leg step ups 12 each leg 3 Plank (feet walking out and in) 10 Burpees 12 3 Tricep dips 12 As well as these workouts, we always advise you add some cardio into your week. Start off with one interval session (sprint for 40sec, rest for 120sec, 6-10 times) and one steady session (30min) a week. This will help speed up the fat burning effect!
  • 12. Zest for Life! This e-book was written by Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness who have teamed up with Restaurant Zest to promote healthy eating. Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness is a private Personal Training and Wellness centre in Derby. All services are 1-1 and offer the highest quality service. If you would like to learn more, or if you have any questions about this e-book, please contact Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness. Bottom Line Fitness Main Road Elvaston Derby DE72 3EQ 01332 664836 Follow us:- BottomLineFitnessPT @BottomLineFit Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness Bottom Line Fitness Bottom Line Lifestyle & Fitness