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Scale out using open source
Why HAProxy? 
High availability 
Powerful loadbalancer for websites due to its 
proxy nature 
Open Source 
Enterprise ready 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Enterprise options 
ALOHA HAProxy Loadbalancer Appliance 
HAProxy Enterprise Edition - HAPEE
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Who's using it?
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Content switching / filtering  
Asymetric load balancing  
Priority activation  
SSL offloading  
HTTP compression  
TCP buffering  
Priority queue / rate shaping  
Direct server return (DSR) 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Looks familiar?
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Fix your Single-Server Environment 
Congratulation, your whole 
environment is one Single Point 
Of Failure!
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Fix your Single-Server Environment 
Always try to follow the principle: 
One function per component 
Not anymore because it scales the best, more because it's 
the cleanest way to manage them. 
Configure Services, not Servers
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Make your application cluster capable 
You need to deploy to a various number of different 
Do not use something like NFS to workaround 
A CI will help you 
Session clustering 
Avoid to work on the filesystem to save data / user 
Use central technologies to save your data (e.g. 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 10
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Known procedure 
$ wget 
$ tar xvzf haproxy-1.5.6.tar.gz 
$ cd haproxy-1.5.6 
$ ./configure USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_PCRE=1 
$ make 
$ sudo make install
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 12
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Configuration sections 
# process wide and eventually OS specific 
# some have CLI equivalents 
[ .. ] 
# set default parameters for all following sections 
[ .. ] 
# describes a set of listening sockets accepting client connections 
[ .. ] 
# describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect 
# to forward incoming connections 
[ .. ] 
# defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section. 
# It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic 
[ .. ]
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
TCP vs HTTP loadbalancing 
mode tcp # Can balance everything, the default 
mode http # But you want that! 
Layer 7 loadbalancing advantages 
● Request inspection 
● Content switching 
● Header manipulation 
● Cookie persistence 
● Advanced health checks
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalance your nginx
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalance your nginx 
maxconn 4096 
mode http 
timeout connect 5000 
timeout client 50000 
timeout server 50000 
frontend www_fe 
bind :80 
# Close connection to server but keep open for client 
option http-server-close 
default_backend www 
backend www_be 
server nginx1 check 
server nginx2 check
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Still a single point of failure
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
HA with HAProxy & keepalived
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
HA with HAProxy & keepalived 
vrrp_script chk_haproxy { 
script "killall -0 haproxy" 
interval 2 
weight 2 
vrrp_instance VIRTUAL { 
interface eth0 
virtual_router_id 10 
state MASTER #state BACKUP 
priority 100 #priority 101 
advert_int 1 
virtual_ipaddress { 
track_script { 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
HA with public IPs
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
HA with public IPs - failover
The final step 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 22
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalance MySQL - TCP
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalance MySQL - TCP 
frontend mysql_fe 
bind :3306 
mode tcp 
default_backend mysql_be 
backend mysql_be 
mode tcp 
option mysql-check user haproxy 
server mysql1 check 
server mysql2 check backup 
mysql~> INSERT INTO mysql.user (Host,USER) VALUES 
('','haproxy'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 
mysql~> INSERT INTO mysql.user (Host,USER) VALUES 
('','haproxy'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalance MySQL - TCP
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalance MySQL - TCP
All about SSL 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 27
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Setup SSL Pass-Through 
frontend www_fe 
bind :80 
bind :443 
mode tcp 
default_backend www_be 
backend www_be 
mode tcp 
server nginx1 check 
server nginx2 check 
No HTTP mode possible – how to inspect encrypted headers?
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
SSL Termination – why you should offload 
Single configuration point for all certificates 
Certificates not widely spread across the 
Offload the decryption load 
Typically, your HAProxy will have a bit of CPU 
You need to decrypt to inspect the request information
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Setup SSL offloading 
frontend www_fe 
bind :80 
bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/sample.pem 
# Close connection to server but keep open for client 
option http-server-close 
default_backend www_be 
backend www_be 
server nginx1 check 
server nginx2 check 
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout  
ssl/sample.key -out ssl/sample.crt 
$ cat ssl/sample.key ssl/sample.crt > ssl/sample.pem
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
SNI – How it works 
● Multiple certificates per IP / frontend profile 
● Client and server need to support it
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Setup SNI 
frontend www_fe 
bind :80 
# sample.pem as default, other pem's based on host header 
bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/sample.pem crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ 
# Content switch based on certificate (and based on host) 
use_backend sample1 if { ssl_fc_sni sample1 } 
use_backend sample2 if { ssl_fc_sni sample2 } 
default_backend www_be 
backend sample1 
server nginx1 check 
backend sample2 
server nginx2 check 
backend www_be 
server nginx1 check 
server nginx2 check
Secure your entry point 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 33
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Protect against syn flooding 
# Consider this amount of clients as valid 
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=”4096” 
# Once net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog is reached, enable syn cookies 
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 
# Enable reverse path filtering, is the source routable through the incoming interface? 
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Basic iptables 
$ cat 
iptables -F # Drop current table 
# Drop incoming traffic (eth0 is the public available interface) 
iptables -i eth0 -P INPUT DROP 
iptables -i eth0 -P FORWARD DROP 
# Allow outgoing traffic 
iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT 
# Allow ping 
iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -p ICMP -j ACCEPT 
# Allow SSH (this should be avoided, SSH to haproxy via internal interface / through VPN) 
iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 22 
# Allow HTTP 
iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 80 
# Allow HTTPS 
iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 443 
# Allow connections from localhost on every port 
iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -s 
# Already opened connections are accepted on every port (required for some daemons) 
iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Use HAProxy to secure your environment 
frontend www_fe 
bind :80 
bind :443 ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/sample.pem 
option http-server-close 
#detect and reject shellshock requests 
reqdeny ^[^:]+:s*(s*)s+{ 
reqdeny ^[^:]+:s+.*?(<<[^<;]+){5,} 
#This rule to display SSLv3 error message 
acl sslv3 ssl_fc_protocol SSLv3 
http-request allow if sslv3 
use_backend backend_sslv3 if sslv3 
default_backend www_be 
backend backend_sslv3 
mode http 
errorfile 503 /usr/local/etc/haproxy/pages/poodle.http
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Check SSLv3 error message 
$ openssl s_client -connect -ssl3 
[ … ] 
Protocol : SSLv3 
GET / 
[ … ] 
<title>SSLv3 detected</title> 
[ … ] 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Persistent HTTP loadbalancing 
backend www_be 
cookie PHPSESSID prefix 
server nginx1 cookie nginx1 minconn 10 maxconn 20 
server nginx2 cookie nginx2 minconn 10 maxconn 20 
# Set-Cookie:PHPSESSID=nginx1~7cmjd41klupaderap0q7tve357; path=/ 
Persistence only if PHPSESSID cookie is set! 
backend www_be 
cookie server insert indirect nocache 
server nginx1 cookie nginx1 minconn 10 maxconn 20 
server nginx2 cookie nginx2 minconn 10 maxconn 20 
# Set-Cookie:server=nginx1; path=/
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Extract data from request / response stream 
Perform content switching 
Conditional request handling 
Can help you to secure your environment 
E.g. display an error message for SSLv3
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Loadbalancing algorithms (most useful) 
Suggested if you have very long sessions 
Only useful in TCP environments 
Other methods available
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
“Reverse proxy” usage 
frontend www_fe 
bind :80 
bind :443 
[ … ] 
use_backend nginx1_backend if { path_beg /nginx1 } 
use_backend nginx2_backend if { path_beg /nginx2 } 
backend nginx1_backend 
reqrep ^([^ :]*) /nginx1(/.*) 1 /2 
server nginx1 cookie nginx1 check 
backend nginx2_backend 
reqrep ^([^ :]*) /nginx2(/.*) 1 /2 
server nginx2 cookie nginx1 check 
You need to cut nginx1/2 from the request
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Run the example 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 43
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Used technologies 
Vagrant >= 1.5.2 
ChefDK >= 0.2.0 
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 46
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Project structure
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus 
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf 
Omnibus for chef solo support 
Berkshelf to manage cookbook dependencies
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
Vagrant up 
$ git clone 
$ cd zendcon-haproxy 
$ vagrant up haproxy1 
$ vagrant up haproxy2 
$ vagrant up nginx1 
$ vagrant up nginx2 
$ vagrant up mysql1 
$ vagrant up mysql2 
Don't simply use `vagrant up`, the Berkshelf 
Dependencies will be messed up
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 
How to continue 
Architecture documentation (outdated, but still useful) 
Official documentation Blog
HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 51

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HAProxy scale out using open source

  • 1. Scale out using open source
  • 2. Why HAProxy? High availability Powerful loadbalancer for websites due to its proxy nature Open Source Enterprise ready HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 2
  • 3. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 3 Enterprise options ALOHA HAProxy Loadbalancer Appliance HAProxy Enterprise Edition - HAPEE
  • 4. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 4 Who's using it?
  • 5. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 5 Featureset Content switching / filtering  Asymetric load balancing  Priority activation  SSL offloading  HTTP compression  TCP buffering  Priority queue / rate shaping  Direct server return (DSR) 
  • 6. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 6 Looks familiar?
  • 7. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 7 Fix your Single-Server Environment Congratulation, your whole environment is one Single Point Of Failure!
  • 8. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 8 Fix your Single-Server Environment Always try to follow the principle: One function per component Not anymore because it scales the best, more because it's the cleanest way to manage them. Configure Services, not Servers
  • 9. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 9 Make your application cluster capable You need to deploy to a various number of different machines Do not use something like NFS to workaround A CI will help you Session clustering Avoid to work on the filesystem to save data / user input Use central technologies to save your data (e.g. databases)
  • 10. Installation HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 10
  • 11. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 11 Known procedure $ wget $ tar xvzf haproxy-1.5.6.tar.gz $ cd haproxy-1.5.6 $ ./configure USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_PCRE=1 $ make $ sudo make install
  • 12. Configuration HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 12
  • 13. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 13 Configuration sections global # process wide and eventually OS specific # some have CLI equivalents [ .. ] defaults # set default parameters for all following sections [ .. ] frontend # describes a set of listening sockets accepting client connections [ .. ] backend # describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect # to forward incoming connections [ .. ] listen # defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section. # It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic [ .. ]
  • 14. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 14 TCP vs HTTP loadbalancing defaults mode tcp # Can balance everything, the default defaults mode http # But you want that! Layer 7 loadbalancing advantages ● Request inspection ● Content switching ● Header manipulation ● Cookie persistence ● Advanced health checks
  • 15. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 15 Loadbalance your nginx
  • 16. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 16 Loadbalance your nginx global maxconn 4096 daemon defaults mode http timeout connect 5000 timeout client 50000 timeout server 50000 frontend www_fe bind :80 # Close connection to server but keep open for client option http-server-close default_backend www backend www_be server nginx1 check server nginx2 check
  • 17. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 17 Still a single point of failure
  • 18. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 18 HA with HAProxy & keepalived
  • 19. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 19 HA with HAProxy & keepalived vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "killall -0 haproxy" interval 2 weight 2 } vrrp_instance VIRTUAL { interface eth0 virtual_router_id 10 state MASTER #state BACKUP priority 100 #priority 101 advert_int 1 virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { chk_haproxy } } /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
  • 20. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 20 HA with public IPs
  • 21. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 21 HA with public IPs - failover
  • 22. The final step HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 22
  • 23. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 23 Loadbalance MySQL - TCP
  • 24. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 24 Loadbalance MySQL - TCP frontend mysql_fe bind :3306 mode tcp default_backend mysql_be backend mysql_be mode tcp option mysql-check user haproxy server mysql1 check server mysql2 check backup mysql~> INSERT INTO mysql.user (Host,USER) VALUES ('','haproxy'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql~> INSERT INTO mysql.user (Host,USER) VALUES ('','haproxy'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  • 25. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 25 Loadbalance MySQL - TCP
  • 26. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 26 Loadbalance MySQL - TCP
  • 27. All about SSL HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 27
  • 28. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 28 Setup SSL Pass-Through frontend www_fe bind :80 bind :443 mode tcp default_backend www_be backend www_be mode tcp server nginx1 check server nginx2 check No HTTP mode possible – how to inspect encrypted headers?
  • 29. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 29 SSL Termination – why you should offload Single configuration point for all certificates Certificates not widely spread across the infrastructure Offload the decryption load Typically, your HAProxy will have a bit of CPU left You need to decrypt to inspect the request information
  • 30. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 30 Setup SSL offloading frontend www_fe bind :80 bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/sample.pem # Close connection to server but keep open for client option http-server-close default_backend www_be backend www_be server nginx1 check server nginx2 check $ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ssl/sample.key -out ssl/sample.crt $ cat ssl/sample.key ssl/sample.crt > ssl/sample.pem
  • 31. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 31 SNI – How it works ● Multiple certificates per IP / frontend profile ● Client and server need to support it
  • 32. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 32 Setup SNI frontend www_fe bind :80 # sample.pem as default, other pem's based on host header bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/sample.pem crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ # Content switch based on certificate (and based on host) use_backend sample1 if { ssl_fc_sni sample1 } use_backend sample2 if { ssl_fc_sni sample2 } default_backend www_be backend sample1 server nginx1 check backend sample2 server nginx2 check backend www_be server nginx1 check server nginx2 check
  • 33. Secure your entry point HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 33
  • 34. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 34 Protect against syn flooding # Consider this amount of clients as valid $ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=”4096” # Once net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog is reached, enable syn cookies $ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 # Enable reverse path filtering, is the source routable through the incoming interface? $ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1
  • 35. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 35 Basic iptables $ cat #!/bin/bash iptables -F # Drop current table # Drop incoming traffic (eth0 is the public available interface) iptables -i eth0 -P INPUT DROP iptables -i eth0 -P FORWARD DROP # Allow outgoing traffic iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT # Allow ping iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -p ICMP -j ACCEPT # Allow SSH (this should be avoided, SSH to haproxy via internal interface / through VPN) iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 22 # Allow HTTP iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 80 # Allow HTTPS iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 443 # Allow connections from localhost on every port iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -s # Already opened connections are accepted on every port (required for some daemons) iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
  • 36. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 36 Use HAProxy to secure your environment frontend www_fe bind :80 bind :443 ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/sample.pem option http-server-close #detect and reject shellshock requests reqdeny ^[^:]+:s*(s*)s+{ reqdeny ^[^:]+:s+.*?(<<[^<;]+){5,} #This rule to display SSLv3 error message acl sslv3 ssl_fc_protocol SSLv3 http-request allow if sslv3 use_backend backend_sslv3 if sslv3 default_backend www_be backend backend_sslv3 mode http errorfile 503 /usr/local/etc/haproxy/pages/poodle.http
  • 37. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 37 Check SSLv3 error message $ openssl s_client -connect -ssl3 [ … ] SSL-Session: Protocol : SSLv3 --- GET / [ … ] <html> <head> <title>SSLv3 detected</title> </head> [ … ] </html>
  • 38. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 38 Persistent HTTP loadbalancing backend www_be cookie PHPSESSID prefix server nginx1 cookie nginx1 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check server nginx2 cookie nginx2 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check # Set-Cookie:PHPSESSID=nginx1~7cmjd41klupaderap0q7tve357; path=/ Persistence only if PHPSESSID cookie is set! backend www_be cookie server insert indirect nocache server nginx1 cookie nginx1 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check server nginx2 cookie nginx2 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check # Set-Cookie:server=nginx1; path=/
  • 39. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 39 ACL Extract data from request / response stream Perform content switching Conditional request handling Can help you to secure your environment E.g. display an error message for SSLv3
  • 40. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 40 Loadbalancing algorithms (most useful) roundrobin leastconn Suggested if you have very long sessions source Only useful in TCP environments Other methods available
  • 41. /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 41 “Reverse proxy” usage frontend www_fe bind :80 bind :443 [ … ] use_backend nginx1_backend if { path_beg /nginx1 } use_backend nginx2_backend if { path_beg /nginx2 } backend nginx1_backend reqrep ^([^ :]*) /nginx1(/.*) 1 /2 server nginx1 cookie nginx1 check backend nginx2_backend reqrep ^([^ :]*) /nginx2(/.*) 1 /2 server nginx2 cookie nginx1 check You need to cut nginx1/2 from the request
  • 42. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 42 Statistics
  • 43. Run the example HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 43
  • 44. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 44 Reminder
  • 45. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 45 Used technologies Vagrant >= 1.5.2 ChefDK >= 0.2.0 Berkshelf
  • 46. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 46
  • 47. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 47 Project structure
  • 48. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 48 Vagrant $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf Omnibus for chef solo support Berkshelf to manage cookbook dependencies
  • 49. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 49 Vagrant up $ git clone $ cd zendcon-haproxy $ vagrant up haproxy1 $ vagrant up haproxy2 $ vagrant up nginx1 $ vagrant up nginx2 $ vagrant up mysql1 $ vagrant up mysql2 Don't simply use `vagrant up`, the Berkshelf Dependencies will be messed up
  • 50. HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 50 How to continue Architecture documentation (outdated, but still useful) Official documentation Blog
  • 51. Questions? HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz 51