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There is a hypothesis, a supposition of sorts, which in its entirety accepts that there can be
summation of stupidities in such a way that it creates a genius situation or proposition. If
that is true, then we can also assume that the reverse of it – some genius things coming
together to create a huge stupidity, can also be true. The wise say, people may sleep but
probabilities shall never. And, even when we are oblivious of the probabilities weaving
their possible patterns around us, the milieus are absorbing every tiny probability and
changing as per the emergent pattern. We are talking about such a probability now…
The probabilistic hypothesis is – The smart phones and so many smart Artificial
Intelligence (AI) devices we carry and are so very proud of, may well be our future killers.
The geniuses of contemporary world creating hot leads in AI techniques are stated to be
creating such a stupid situation for humanity, where their own creation shall be the
annihilator of humanity on earth. If it is being foreseen and warned by no less a genius than
the world renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking and some other big names in science, it is
worth listening as why they say so. Let us attempt to see the details of this all…
Often, most people have the innate consciousness to see and visualize a probability –
opportunity as well as a threat, only in the near future. Average mind cannot see deep and
long in future; our brain and consciousness is designed this way. That is why, if we say, AI
shall kill all of us, only a handful of us can actually feel threatened. Most of us do not even
care. However, if the threat is already creating early signs of killing, we all have to accept
the threat. Therefore, what we are attempting here is talking about how Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is already beginning to kills so many things in contemporary social and
personal space…
Before we talk about it, it must be admitted here with all possible humility at my behest
that what we say in the coming paragraphs may look like a long drawn one or may sound
like hypothetical causality, sans a credible connect. Therefore, what I can request is that
some of us can surely accept that all these may have some shade of reality as even if the
causality is weak, it may not be totally unfounded…
So, what we intend to do is talk about different perspectives and angles of causalities,
which point out to the hypothesis that already, AI is beginning to create good lot of troubles
in contemporary societies and people. We talk about how everything makes a connect;
creates causalities and this in turn leads to many diastrophic consequences…
We talk about what we call the AI-Attitudinal Crisis –
Artificial intelligence comes with an attitude and it then gets ingrained in human psyche. AI
is essentially a non-dualistic and simplified action/execution process. You have so many
features in your smart phone and with a simple touch it does all its actions, without fail and
without a small aberration. AI does it without any mood swing or conflict. It does what you
ask and that too without a word being exchanged. This is such a pleasant change from the
old days and old ways. You ask your wife, friend, brother, sister or even a servant to do
something and he or she shall first come with a mood swing or attitude. Then, you shall say
something and they shall do the action differently than what you wished. AI is therefore,
creating a mindset in us that we are entitled to get the best and that too every time and
without any attitude and mood swing. This in itself creates an attitude in us. This is
somehow a seed of individualistic despotic mindset in individuals. The AI has gradually
made us so used to taking for granted two possibly dangerous things –
1. Oversimplification – Our smart phones and other AI devices are so touch-buttoned
conveniences for us that we have now become used to accepting that in all our desires,
demands and wants, the process of delivery and supplies should be automatic and without
hassles. We are used to oversimplified deliveries of goodies and take it for granted that
everything must happen to us as we wish. Now, science and psychology say, this attitude
cannot be in isolation and therefore extends to everything – relationships, life-living
choices and behavioral standings. Simply put, what we get from smart phone, we intend to
get from our relationships, politics, economics, life, etc. But then, living entities are not
amenable to smart phone or AI devices oversimplification…
2. Conformism – The AI-enabled deliveries of services are now so auto-process and
uniformly supplied that we are now used to the idea that conformity to what we ask and
seek is easy and must. The algorithm of smart phone and AI devices are designed for non-
dual (singular/repetitive/unified) action/behavior. Humans are different from machines as
they are diverse and have their own mind-driven shades of algorithm. Every human has a
unique mind and he or she shall be always given to diversity of action/behavior. The AI
attitude of conformism to services we seek is aimed at killing diversity and non-
conformism, which is the way humans and their political, economic and inter-personal
systems work. AI psyche in people are making them hate diversity and root for conformist
Now, the psychologists warn, these two elements have already begun to unfold the troubles
in our contemporary societies and inter-personal domains, which we can witness all
around us. The new embedded attitudes in people, which we call the AI-Attitudinal Crisis,
seem like the creation of the two above-mentioned elements of Oversimplification and
Conformity. The psychologists say, this new AI-Attitude is evolving a scary syndrome in
average minds and even beginning to kill not only familial and social living but even
threatening to kill democracy and encouraging despotic tendencies in society as well as in
politics. This seems a big allegation or impossible causality! We shall discuss as how and
We have to slightly detour and take philosophy by our side to arrive at this broad causality,
which links AI-Attitude to killing relationships and even democracies…
Since 15-16th century onwards, humanity evolved to put premium on the idealism of
liberty and individualistic freedom of speech and all forms of expression. Liberty was
accepted to have this hypothesis of diversity as without this no liberty could exist. This
very crucial and cardinal idealism of ‘Free Will’ of individual was enshrined as primary
guiding principle of all societies and cultures. This Free Will hypothesis meant and installed
that an individual knows what is good for him and her and therefore, he or she must have
the liberty and suitable milieus of freedom to lead his or her way in societies and cultures.
This naturally meant – Different shades of opinions, truths, realism and choices of
individuals was good for society and human cultures must protect and promote this
diversity, as it itself was the guarantee of unity…
This core credence was accepted as the guiding energies of democracy and all countries of
the world and all humans sort of accepted this idealism. However, we all know how this
very liberty has created such loads of diversity and personal perspectives, which have
overburdened personal lives as well as democracies. It is natural as from the principle of
thermodynamics, we know that every system is affected by entropy and deteriorates in
time and space. The liberty and its grey diversity has come to such a sorry state that in a
very successful democracy like India and USA, growing number of people are accepting that
their country needs ‘Iron-Hand’ and singular force of Conformity to allow a semblance of
any systematic order…
Somehow, it seems that this AI-Attitude may have made people see and accept that 2+2
should always be 4 and as in relationships, societies and politics, 2+2 is now becoming
anything but 4, people have now begun to rest their decisive weight on singular choice,
conformist realism and simplified perceptions. This is what their smart phones and AI
devices are supposed to be doing for them. They promote and protect oversimplification
and conformism. The algorithm of smart phones is entering human mind through what we
call the ‘AI-Attitude’…
In contemporary world, whether in India or in other developed countries, the rise of
aggressive and assertive Nationalism and conformist voices, especially Political
Leadership, may well be attributed to this newly installed AI-Attitude. The Brexit has
shocked so many intellectuals as well as scientists, including Stephen Hawking. They see in
Brexit a regressive mindset of people at large. In India, the rise of a very powerful political
leader in national power scenario may well be attributed to this AI-Attitude. This top leader
is hailed for his power to command and install ‘Conformism’ with brutal force of
annihilating attitude and take his major decisions in ‘Oversimplified Perceptions’, very
much like a smart phone mechanism. This leader also very thoughtfully seems to exhibit a
distaste for diversity and tactically roots for 2+2=4 Realism, without much caring for
possible shades of other realism, which the otherwise principle of democracy demands.
The intellectuals of India are warning about his potential to become a despot, if he is
pushed against the wall in elections because, they know, in India, there is already a
preferred mindset for seeking oversimplification of realism and conformist attitudes. This
top leader is also said to be an AI-Savvy person, having deep insight for digital platforms of
conformist demeanors. Psychologists warn, a strong conformity-seeking leader, when has
his hands on the pulse of ‘algorithm’ of populist mind consciousness of nations, tends to
become despotic, brutally killing all diversities and shades of expressions…
From the perspective of science, we are already approaching a threshold potential in
creating an AI, parallel to human, which shall be an oversimplified and overconformist
version of human. Already, scientists have culled brain cells from a mouse and installed in
an AI device to transport the memory of the mouse in the AI tool. This means, scientists
now know, what was there in the memory of mouse and they can store it outside. Though,
it is still too far to do the same for humans but the idea is to create an AI as alternative to
the complexities of human brain. The emphasis is on having an AI model, which is human in
all its body mechanism, with a simplified brain, which can schedule conformism like smart
phone or other AI devices. This is quite possible. Why and how?
We all know, humans have three layers of brain – the primary reptilian brain, at the top of
spine and over it the monkey brain or mammalian brain. These two parts of brain are very
much animalistic and is highly conformist and auto-process (popularly termed as
subconscious mind states). The trouble for humanity began when we evolved and had the
top brain, the cortex layers, especially the front cortex brain, which is considered the
thinking brain. This cortex layer is the newest brain part in evolution and is responsible for
reasoning, logic and thought diversity. It is in this part of human brain, where we can say
humans exist, otherwise rest of the two parts are simply animal brain, given to conformist
behavior and 2+2=4 simplified thought and action. The AI model of humans in future shall
attempt to simplify the brain model of the AI by restricting the brain function to only two
layers. This shall avoid conflict, confusion and dualism in the AI, which shall be preferable
for excellence. The idea is, machines can better humans only in this sense that it shall not
have dualistic minds like humans and therefore, they shall be simplified and 200%
Globally, the psychologists and scientists are scared of this AI-Attitude already creeping in
human life-living choices. Growing number of humans, especially young men and women,
the teens and less educated people are very much behaving like smart phones – behaving
in non-dualistic, simplified and conformist ways. They do not seem to apply their ‘human
brain’ and are gradually becoming like machines. Just like their smart phones, they are
great at conformist and oversimplified actions and behaviors but they do not have thinking
brain state activated. They cannot reason, are averse to logic and surely hugely averse to
diversity of opinions. When we talk of 'intolerance' growing in India, this may well be an
expression of the new found AI-Attitude…!
The psychologists and scientists are warning – “The species of humans turning into smart
phones and AI intelligence is what suits the new capitalists and their powerful agents, the
new political leadership. They want the human population to become like machines, AI
devices, so that they could only meekly and singularly ‘conform’ to their agenda. The
capitalists and their political agents want no resistance to their agenda of profit-
maximization and rule the world of desires and consumption…”
Already, humanity has fallen in love with such AI devices, which are like humans but sans
dualistic consciousness. We have AI women, which are available for purchase, which
extends to you non-dualistic intimacy and sex. This means, this AI robot is almost like a
human but does what you want, never ever disagreeing with you or showing any attitude
to you, as your human friends, relatives or husband/wife can show. Gradually, automation
is sneaking in at all places as AI has this magical element of –
1. Oversimplification – 2. Conformism – 3. Non-dualism…
It may seem a long drawn hypothesis to many that building such a causality of AI Attitudes
with contemporary relationship troubles and even political realism as well as future of
economy is absurd and stupid. But, what we are talking about is a probability, which seems
to have visible mechanism and processes, muffling us in our own lives and milieus. It surely
is not absurdly hypothetical to say that human brain is very much conditioned by changes
in physical milieus. We all know, human mature brain is only 15 percent genetic and
whopping 85 percent environmental. We all have witnessed how modern women have
changed in so many ways – in their mental as well as physical ways as things have changed
for them in the 21st century. We also witness how millennials and teens exhibit unforeseen
attitudes and behavioral norms. Human psyche is always affected by milieus and as most
changes in minds are installed silently and as auto-process in subconscious mind states, we
do not even register what is happening to us…
There is a very powerful event in real world, which scientists have only very recently
discovered, which tells us, how minds can be manipulated to self-destruct itself. We all
know about zombies as the Hollywood has made enough movies on zombies and enough
science fictions have been written on them. Zombies are robot-like real humans, whose
minds are controlled by some self-destructive forces. They rise out of graves and so on.
Science has discovered that zombies are not purely fictional as nature has a case of zombie
consciousness. In Africa, there is an ant, which is infested by some fungi and they
manipulate the brain of ant to lead itself to self-destruction, so that fungi could grow within
the ants. The scientists have discovered the basics of how fungus do not even capture the
brain of the ant but in some interesting ways, manipulate its auto-mode consciousness,
leading it to the desirable action and behavior, which is self-annihilative.
We can say, this brain manipulation of ants and rats is too irrelevant thing for humans to
fear such a probability. But, the fact remains that we already know, how human brains are
already being manipulated and their consciousnesses being hijacked in so many ways. The
psychologists are concerned that abnormal is the new normal in contemporary times. The
taboo is new acceptances and the annihilative tendencies are the fad and populist icons in
modern celebrity cultures. Manipulation of human mind is probably the easiest thing,
thanks to the dualistic brain states of cortex, which makes humans the humans and this is
what scientists would do away with, when they would finally create an AI-Device as human
alternative. This is what, the global intellectuals fear, the mega capitalists want and they
are installing this agenda with the help of their political agents. It seems, in India and USA,
this fear of intellectuals is real…!
The idea that we are discussing is that if top scientists are saying and warning that
complete or substantive annihilation of humans from the face of earth can be made
possible by Artificial Intelligence, we should have no qualms accepting –
1. Scientists are already accepting the current state of AI advancement of technologies as
potent enough to pose major threat in not so distant future…
2. Scientists are already seeing human mind consciousness and global evolutionary
processes being affected by the AI calamity and economy-politics nexus manipulating it…
3. Scientists have evidence that in the past too, species have become extinct when they
attain a critical level of intelligence. The AI surely seems this critical intelligence as it
proposes to replace humans itself. We all know of Frankenstein syndrome…
For all of us, science may be a tough and complicated domain but surely, we all are aware
people and while being a keen observer of our own changing milieus and probable
destinies, we can test the hypothesis ourselves, about which we have talked here. We can
and should empirically test whether this ‘AI-Attitude’ is affecting our behavioral landscape.
If we objectively test the causalities of our modern behaviors, there seems a potent and
scary element of subconscious propensities to align our behaviors and actions with AI-
Norms. We can see, the capitalists as well as the politicians are also subconsciously falling
prey to the trap (of course for maximization of their gains), which humanity at large has
created for itself. That is why scientists are warning that AI can annihilate us in not so
distant future…
We can surely check, whether we are beginning to think, opinionate and act in a certain
way, which are new, potent and automatic (subconscious). We can empirically test whether
the capitalists and political leadership are moving us towards an ‘agenda’, etc…
We can then check the causality, which we have discussed as a possibility – AI affecting and
shaping our attitudes and causing us to oversimplify things and seek undue conformity,
which goes on to kill diversity and in turn weakens the premise of healthy democracy…
What we are concerned about is what scientists call the ‘Tipping Point’. This is the point of
no return. When a trend or reality stretches up to a certain extent or distance, it becomes
so metamorphosed that it cannot be restored back or returned to the original. It is time and
we still can check, if we are heading towards this probability of AI annihilating humanity.
May be, few decades from now, we may be beyond the ‘Tipping Point’ and there probably
can be no return from that calamity…!
… let us all discuss and debate… let us individually check our own situations… thanks and
all best…

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You May Sleep Probabilities Shall NEVER...

  • 1. There is a hypothesis, a supposition of sorts, which in its entirety accepts that there can be summation of stupidities in such a way that it creates a genius situation or proposition. If that is true, then we can also assume that the reverse of it – some genius things coming together to create a huge stupidity, can also be true. The wise say, people may sleep but probabilities shall never. And, even when we are oblivious of the probabilities weaving their possible patterns around us, the milieus are absorbing every tiny probability and changing as per the emergent pattern. We are talking about such a probability now… The probabilistic hypothesis is – The smart phones and so many smart Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices we carry and are so very proud of, may well be our future killers. The geniuses of contemporary world creating hot leads in AI techniques are stated to be creating such a stupid situation for humanity, where their own creation shall be the annihilator of humanity on earth. If it is being foreseen and warned by no less a genius than
  • 2. the world renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking and some other big names in science, it is worth listening as why they say so. Let us attempt to see the details of this all… Often, most people have the innate consciousness to see and visualize a probability – opportunity as well as a threat, only in the near future. Average mind cannot see deep and long in future; our brain and consciousness is designed this way. That is why, if we say, AI shall kill all of us, only a handful of us can actually feel threatened. Most of us do not even care. However, if the threat is already creating early signs of killing, we all have to accept the threat. Therefore, what we are attempting here is talking about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already beginning to kills so many things in contemporary social and personal space… Before we talk about it, it must be admitted here with all possible humility at my behest that what we say in the coming paragraphs may look like a long drawn one or may sound like hypothetical causality, sans a credible connect. Therefore, what I can request is that some of us can surely accept that all these may have some shade of reality as even if the causality is weak, it may not be totally unfounded… So, what we intend to do is talk about different perspectives and angles of causalities, which point out to the hypothesis that already, AI is beginning to create good lot of troubles in contemporary societies and people. We talk about how everything makes a connect; creates causalities and this in turn leads to many diastrophic consequences… We talk about what we call the AI-Attitudinal Crisis – Artificial intelligence comes with an attitude and it then gets ingrained in human psyche. AI is essentially a non-dualistic and simplified action/execution process. You have so many features in your smart phone and with a simple touch it does all its actions, without fail and without a small aberration. AI does it without any mood swing or conflict. It does what you ask and that too without a word being exchanged. This is such a pleasant change from the old days and old ways. You ask your wife, friend, brother, sister or even a servant to do something and he or she shall first come with a mood swing or attitude. Then, you shall say something and they shall do the action differently than what you wished. AI is therefore,
  • 3. creating a mindset in us that we are entitled to get the best and that too every time and without any attitude and mood swing. This in itself creates an attitude in us. This is somehow a seed of individualistic despotic mindset in individuals. The AI has gradually made us so used to taking for granted two possibly dangerous things – 1. Oversimplification – Our smart phones and other AI devices are so touch-buttoned conveniences for us that we have now become used to accepting that in all our desires, demands and wants, the process of delivery and supplies should be automatic and without hassles. We are used to oversimplified deliveries of goodies and take it for granted that everything must happen to us as we wish. Now, science and psychology say, this attitude cannot be in isolation and therefore extends to everything – relationships, life-living choices and behavioral standings. Simply put, what we get from smart phone, we intend to get from our relationships, politics, economics, life, etc. But then, living entities are not amenable to smart phone or AI devices oversimplification… 2. Conformism – The AI-enabled deliveries of services are now so auto-process and uniformly supplied that we are now used to the idea that conformity to what we ask and seek is easy and must. The algorithm of smart phone and AI devices are designed for non- dual (singular/repetitive/unified) action/behavior. Humans are different from machines as they are diverse and have their own mind-driven shades of algorithm. Every human has a unique mind and he or she shall be always given to diversity of action/behavior. The AI attitude of conformism to services we seek is aimed at killing diversity and non- conformism, which is the way humans and their political, economic and inter-personal systems work. AI psyche in people are making them hate diversity and root for conformist behavior/action… Now, the psychologists warn, these two elements have already begun to unfold the troubles in our contemporary societies and inter-personal domains, which we can witness all around us. The new embedded attitudes in people, which we call the AI-Attitudinal Crisis, seem like the creation of the two above-mentioned elements of Oversimplification and Conformity. The psychologists say, this new AI-Attitude is evolving a scary syndrome in average minds and even beginning to kill not only familial and social living but even
  • 4. threatening to kill democracy and encouraging despotic tendencies in society as well as in politics. This seems a big allegation or impossible causality! We shall discuss as how and why…? We have to slightly detour and take philosophy by our side to arrive at this broad causality, which links AI-Attitude to killing relationships and even democracies… Since 15-16th century onwards, humanity evolved to put premium on the idealism of liberty and individualistic freedom of speech and all forms of expression. Liberty was accepted to have this hypothesis of diversity as without this no liberty could exist. This very crucial and cardinal idealism of ‘Free Will’ of individual was enshrined as primary guiding principle of all societies and cultures. This Free Will hypothesis meant and installed that an individual knows what is good for him and her and therefore, he or she must have the liberty and suitable milieus of freedom to lead his or her way in societies and cultures. This naturally meant – Different shades of opinions, truths, realism and choices of individuals was good for society and human cultures must protect and promote this diversity, as it itself was the guarantee of unity… This core credence was accepted as the guiding energies of democracy and all countries of the world and all humans sort of accepted this idealism. However, we all know how this very liberty has created such loads of diversity and personal perspectives, which have overburdened personal lives as well as democracies. It is natural as from the principle of thermodynamics, we know that every system is affected by entropy and deteriorates in time and space. The liberty and its grey diversity has come to such a sorry state that in a very successful democracy like India and USA, growing number of people are accepting that their country needs ‘Iron-Hand’ and singular force of Conformity to allow a semblance of any systematic order… Somehow, it seems that this AI-Attitude may have made people see and accept that 2+2 should always be 4 and as in relationships, societies and politics, 2+2 is now becoming anything but 4, people have now begun to rest their decisive weight on singular choice, conformist realism and simplified perceptions. This is what their smart phones and AI devices are supposed to be doing for them. They promote and protect oversimplification
  • 5. and conformism. The algorithm of smart phones is entering human mind through what we call the ‘AI-Attitude’… In contemporary world, whether in India or in other developed countries, the rise of aggressive and assertive Nationalism and conformist voices, especially Political Leadership, may well be attributed to this newly installed AI-Attitude. The Brexit has shocked so many intellectuals as well as scientists, including Stephen Hawking. They see in Brexit a regressive mindset of people at large. In India, the rise of a very powerful political leader in national power scenario may well be attributed to this AI-Attitude. This top leader is hailed for his power to command and install ‘Conformism’ with brutal force of annihilating attitude and take his major decisions in ‘Oversimplified Perceptions’, very much like a smart phone mechanism. This leader also very thoughtfully seems to exhibit a distaste for diversity and tactically roots for 2+2=4 Realism, without much caring for possible shades of other realism, which the otherwise principle of democracy demands. The intellectuals of India are warning about his potential to become a despot, if he is pushed against the wall in elections because, they know, in India, there is already a preferred mindset for seeking oversimplification of realism and conformist attitudes. This top leader is also said to be an AI-Savvy person, having deep insight for digital platforms of conformist demeanors. Psychologists warn, a strong conformity-seeking leader, when has his hands on the pulse of ‘algorithm’ of populist mind consciousness of nations, tends to become despotic, brutally killing all diversities and shades of expressions… From the perspective of science, we are already approaching a threshold potential in creating an AI, parallel to human, which shall be an oversimplified and overconformist version of human. Already, scientists have culled brain cells from a mouse and installed in an AI device to transport the memory of the mouse in the AI tool. This means, scientists now know, what was there in the memory of mouse and they can store it outside. Though, it is still too far to do the same for humans but the idea is to create an AI as alternative to the complexities of human brain. The emphasis is on having an AI model, which is human in all its body mechanism, with a simplified brain, which can schedule conformism like smart phone or other AI devices. This is quite possible. Why and how?
  • 6. We all know, humans have three layers of brain – the primary reptilian brain, at the top of spine and over it the monkey brain or mammalian brain. These two parts of brain are very much animalistic and is highly conformist and auto-process (popularly termed as subconscious mind states). The trouble for humanity began when we evolved and had the top brain, the cortex layers, especially the front cortex brain, which is considered the thinking brain. This cortex layer is the newest brain part in evolution and is responsible for reasoning, logic and thought diversity. It is in this part of human brain, where we can say humans exist, otherwise rest of the two parts are simply animal brain, given to conformist behavior and 2+2=4 simplified thought and action. The AI model of humans in future shall attempt to simplify the brain model of the AI by restricting the brain function to only two layers. This shall avoid conflict, confusion and dualism in the AI, which shall be preferable for excellence. The idea is, machines can better humans only in this sense that it shall not have dualistic minds like humans and therefore, they shall be simplified and 200% conformist… Globally, the psychologists and scientists are scared of this AI-Attitude already creeping in human life-living choices. Growing number of humans, especially young men and women, the teens and less educated people are very much behaving like smart phones – behaving in non-dualistic, simplified and conformist ways. They do not seem to apply their ‘human brain’ and are gradually becoming like machines. Just like their smart phones, they are great at conformist and oversimplified actions and behaviors but they do not have thinking brain state activated. They cannot reason, are averse to logic and surely hugely averse to diversity of opinions. When we talk of 'intolerance' growing in India, this may well be an expression of the new found AI-Attitude…! The psychologists and scientists are warning – “The species of humans turning into smart phones and AI intelligence is what suits the new capitalists and their powerful agents, the new political leadership. They want the human population to become like machines, AI devices, so that they could only meekly and singularly ‘conform’ to their agenda. The capitalists and their political agents want no resistance to their agenda of profit- maximization and rule the world of desires and consumption…”
  • 7. Already, humanity has fallen in love with such AI devices, which are like humans but sans dualistic consciousness. We have AI women, which are available for purchase, which extends to you non-dualistic intimacy and sex. This means, this AI robot is almost like a human but does what you want, never ever disagreeing with you or showing any attitude to you, as your human friends, relatives or husband/wife can show. Gradually, automation is sneaking in at all places as AI has this magical element of – 1. Oversimplification – 2. Conformism – 3. Non-dualism… It may seem a long drawn hypothesis to many that building such a causality of AI Attitudes with contemporary relationship troubles and even political realism as well as future of economy is absurd and stupid. But, what we are talking about is a probability, which seems to have visible mechanism and processes, muffling us in our own lives and milieus. It surely is not absurdly hypothetical to say that human brain is very much conditioned by changes in physical milieus. We all know, human mature brain is only 15 percent genetic and whopping 85 percent environmental. We all have witnessed how modern women have changed in so many ways – in their mental as well as physical ways as things have changed for them in the 21st century. We also witness how millennials and teens exhibit unforeseen attitudes and behavioral norms. Human psyche is always affected by milieus and as most changes in minds are installed silently and as auto-process in subconscious mind states, we do not even register what is happening to us… There is a very powerful event in real world, which scientists have only very recently discovered, which tells us, how minds can be manipulated to self-destruct itself. We all know about zombies as the Hollywood has made enough movies on zombies and enough science fictions have been written on them. Zombies are robot-like real humans, whose minds are controlled by some self-destructive forces. They rise out of graves and so on. Science has discovered that zombies are not purely fictional as nature has a case of zombie consciousness. In Africa, there is an ant, which is infested by some fungi and they manipulate the brain of ant to lead itself to self-destruction, so that fungi could grow within the ants. The scientists have discovered the basics of how fungus do not even capture the
  • 8. brain of the ant but in some interesting ways, manipulate its auto-mode consciousness, leading it to the desirable action and behavior, which is self-annihilative. We can say, this brain manipulation of ants and rats is too irrelevant thing for humans to fear such a probability. But, the fact remains that we already know, how human brains are already being manipulated and their consciousnesses being hijacked in so many ways. The psychologists are concerned that abnormal is the new normal in contemporary times. The taboo is new acceptances and the annihilative tendencies are the fad and populist icons in modern celebrity cultures. Manipulation of human mind is probably the easiest thing, thanks to the dualistic brain states of cortex, which makes humans the humans and this is what scientists would do away with, when they would finally create an AI-Device as human alternative. This is what, the global intellectuals fear, the mega capitalists want and they are installing this agenda with the help of their political agents. It seems, in India and USA, this fear of intellectuals is real…! The idea that we are discussing is that if top scientists are saying and warning that complete or substantive annihilation of humans from the face of earth can be made possible by Artificial Intelligence, we should have no qualms accepting – 1. Scientists are already accepting the current state of AI advancement of technologies as potent enough to pose major threat in not so distant future… 2. Scientists are already seeing human mind consciousness and global evolutionary processes being affected by the AI calamity and economy-politics nexus manipulating it… 3. Scientists have evidence that in the past too, species have become extinct when they attain a critical level of intelligence. The AI surely seems this critical intelligence as it proposes to replace humans itself. We all know of Frankenstein syndrome… For all of us, science may be a tough and complicated domain but surely, we all are aware people and while being a keen observer of our own changing milieus and probable destinies, we can test the hypothesis ourselves, about which we have talked here. We can and should empirically test whether this ‘AI-Attitude’ is affecting our behavioral landscape. If we objectively test the causalities of our modern behaviors, there seems a potent and
  • 9. scary element of subconscious propensities to align our behaviors and actions with AI- Norms. We can see, the capitalists as well as the politicians are also subconsciously falling prey to the trap (of course for maximization of their gains), which humanity at large has created for itself. That is why scientists are warning that AI can annihilate us in not so distant future… We can surely check, whether we are beginning to think, opinionate and act in a certain way, which are new, potent and automatic (subconscious). We can empirically test whether the capitalists and political leadership are moving us towards an ‘agenda’, etc… We can then check the causality, which we have discussed as a possibility – AI affecting and shaping our attitudes and causing us to oversimplify things and seek undue conformity, which goes on to kill diversity and in turn weakens the premise of healthy democracy… What we are concerned about is what scientists call the ‘Tipping Point’. This is the point of no return. When a trend or reality stretches up to a certain extent or distance, it becomes so metamorphosed that it cannot be restored back or returned to the original. It is time and we still can check, if we are heading towards this probability of AI annihilating humanity. May be, few decades from now, we may be beyond the ‘Tipping Point’ and there probably can be no return from that calamity…! … let us all discuss and debate… let us individually check our own situations… thanks and all best…