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Settle in for a long one friends, I took too many pictures for this finale (of the challenge,
not the story ;)) Yes there will be a part 5 for The Reaper and the Rose and an Epilogue
because two of the kids are heading off to a new adventure after they conclude their
challenge here. Inspiration struck me today and woke me up early, I had a great idea for
the end of the challenge and just could not fall back to sleep after it. But that’s coming,
not sure when but it is.
Before we get to the final wedding, here’s a brief look at the new mansion I built for
Debbie, graveyard adjacent and on one of the biggest lots in Moonlight Falls, a 64x64. I
am not that great at making interesting houses without plans. I wanted the towers to be
like a Frankenstein lab for Vayne and his monsters (which I wasted time on finding out
that Plumbots don’t count >_<, unless they need Sentience to count as “alive”)
The first floor, lots of space and few rooms and Debbie’s new Pit of Hell in the middle. Not the
greatest layout, as I had hoped that the large room at the back would be like an indoor wedding
venue but game noped me on putting the wedding arches inside so yeah, big empty space.
Winter’s library in the back right corner and the kitchen in the back left corner. Right tower is the
Alchemy Room, and Left tower is an office/bar with psychedelic 70’s wallpaper which oddly
Second floor has seven bedrooms and two large bathrooms and a huge empty hallway on either
side of the Pit of Hell that can be seen from above. Upper Right tower is the place where the kids
always go for homework for some reason, Upper Left tower is Vayne’s room. Back right corner is
Winter’s room, then Puck’s, then Elphaba’s, then Debbie’s room in the back left corner. Beside the
bathroom with the fireplace stack is Finn’s room and the other side is the nursery/extra bedroom
for the last kid.
Garage has space for two cars, Pip’s police car and Salty’s midlife crisis sports car and the
entrance to the basement. The garage is also where I shove all those high school diplomas and
college degrees that the game decided most of my spouses needed to have since they had nothing
else to do. I still have story progression turned off so the town is effectively dead. I’m getting
glitches from prom where the game tries to give the boys love interests but there are no teens so it
pairs them with themselves for love interests o_0? Yeah, I don’t get it either.
The second floor in the garage is where all the wine bottles from Winter’s trips go and
his martial arts stuff from China. Not much up there, but it draws the Athletes in the
house since I don’t like hearing the stereos going all the time or the TV for exercises.
A simple four room basement, the skull gem displays, rec room, Winter’s crypt and
another bathroom that everyone seems to only use to clean the dishes in. It’s also where
Winter’s Gold Figurines from Egypt are, I’m missing two of them. Not that interesting
Julian: So, it’s finally my turn is it?
Debbie: What do you mean?
Julian: I know what you are and what you want with me, I have foreseen this day for
many years and many husbands before me.
Debbie: Then this will be easy. I’ll have to tell Elphaba to leave the house, I am not
making your cats strays.
Julian: Thanks, I guess. So we’ll just skip the formalities; I don’t love you and you don’t
love me, my fate is die on the day my child becomes a toddler, and your mission is
complete. It’s just lip service anyway at this point.
Debbie: Then for the sake of it, we’ll say we’re dating that will keep those tongues quiet
around here. I have a reputation of being a Manipulator but no one can prove a thing…
Julian: I know. I’ll pretend to be happy about this.
Debbie: You sure take all the fun out of this…
Julian Lillard, a Genie Loves to Swim, is Brave, Charismatic, Evil and a
Kleptomaniac. His faves include Cheesesteak, Rock music and the colour Orange.
His LTW is to be a Celebrity Psychic. So now it’s clear why he was able to know
what his fate was for many years and husbands before it was his turn. After this long,
obliviousness was no longer an option.
Julian brought with him his three cats, Jinx and her kittens Pepper and Bella. The cats
are why Elphaba had to move out, the game would not let me move in Julian and the
cats with eight already in the house. Once Finn grows up, he’ll be leaving too. I didn’t
change the settings in Town Hall to allow more than eight in a house. Oh well, Elphaba
will do fine on her own. ^_^
Julian: Isn’t anyone going to watch Jean-Paul grow up?
Debbie: You can. Television is on.
Julian: Poor kid, guess it’s just me and you then.
Jean-Paul is still cute, even in the ITF pants dress thing and boots. I didn’t like the
clunky clog like things that this outfit has to go with it so these Generations boots work
just as good. Jean-Paul is now Athletic to go with being Perceptive and Love of the
The last wedding…finally. It feels like a year since I began with David in the cheap pre
made house next to the graveyard and the town was actually filled with people. Gives
the whole thing a big desolate ghost town vibe, kind of creepy to play to be honest…but
it so fits the theme. I may turn it back on after this, I will still keep the hood active.
Debbie: Smile for the guests “dear”.
Julian: I’d call it a grimace but they can’t tell the difference from back there.
Debbie: A tenth and final golden noose around my neck…
To the unaware guests, this looks like another happy ending. To the actual couple it’s a
ticking clock…*tick tick tick* A countdown to death…and to everyone who isn’t
Winter, it’s invisible above BOTH their heads this time. Winter will carry out his
father Anubis’s will and deliver him the most evil soul he can find.
Sealed with the Kiss of Death…
The game spawned new people, another fairy named Donella Cuffs and Abby Correa
with the black hair. In the back is a made over Marigold Maldano who has caught
Vayne’s eye…but who is that in the second row?
Titania: So this is the wench who
stole my king? How did she get
away with this?
I made over Titania in CAS because
honestly, that default formal wear is
not a good look befitting the Queen of
the Fairies. And I can’t find the full
face makeup in the CAS screen so I
didn’t remove it. She looks a lot better
now. Prince Puck doesn’t even know
her though, I wonder if she will
recognize her king in him?
Debbie: I am so sick of wedding cake…
Julian: So am I. But it’s tradition so let’s get on with it.
Debbie: The sooner the better, I still have to do the second part of this afterwards.
And then Finn upstages his mother’s tenth wedding by aging up in his outerwear…inside.
Insane in the membrane for sure this one.
Winter: Way to upstage mother little brother!
Finn: I know right? I’m awesome like that.
Finn can now reclaim his father’s last name of Seaworth. His final trait is Good. He’s
an odd duck: Insane, Perceptive, Photographer’s Eye, and Nurturing. His LTW is to be
the Master of Mysticism. So he will be working in the gypsy wagon with Julian for as
long as his mother lets Julian live of course.
Finn moves out and takes Bella with him, she is a full grown kitty now along with
Pepper, Pepper stayed with the family so Jinx could have another kitty to play with.
And now for the twelfth and final kid of the challenge. Will my male streak be broken
and will we end with a girl this time? Let’s go and see.
And now as Debbie heads to the hospital for the last time, her clock is ticking down
even more. She doesn’t know it yet, so when it does happen, it will be earthshattering
for her.
Debbie: You’re the last one…finally.
Baby 12 is a girl (!) and a witch (boo) Jeannie Lillard is a Heavy Sleeper and
Friendly. She likes Ceviche, Dark Wave music, and the colour Sea Foam.
Remember what I said about no aliens in this hood? Well…as poor Prince Puck here
found out, the meteor hell storm that killed Maurice must have gotten their attention
and they came straight to the impact site for it. They came for him…twice. I only took a
picture of the first time.
Jean-Paul: Why does mommy hate me big brother?
Winter: She hates all of you, except me, for some reason. Don’t take it personally. All that
matters is us, as the children she neglects, staying together and staying strong.
Jean-Paul: At school we use the computers a lot because there’s no kids. Why is that?
Winter: No one breeds in this town except our mother. It wasn’t like this when I was your
age, there were actual people here. Not just immortals but humans too.
Winter: It’s perfect; as an artist I get all the solitude I want. And there’s so much urban
decay to capture either on canvas or on film. I like this emptiness.
Jean-Paul: I can see that; you’re always alone big brother. I think it’s kind of sad.
Prince Puck: Don’t worry baby sister, I’ll always be here to help you. You can
count on your big brother.
And this means one thing…it’s time.
Jeannie is a colourful kid, the aqua hair bows really stand out against her yellow hair
and orange skin, the blue eyes are striking too. Too bad she’s not a genie, that is why I
called her Jeannie…get it? I Dream of Jeannie? *crickets* Yeah, moving on…
Debbie: Jeannie is a toddler, you know what time it is…
Julian: Yes, I do. Let’s go outside, I don’t want to do this in here.
Debbie: As you wish, I’ll grant your last request.
Debbie: Any last words?
Julian: None. I know I won’t see the sun rise tomorrow, this is my last night.
Fitting that it’s cold and rainy, isn’t it?
Debbie: I shall send you off with a song, Winter taught it to me after he came
back from France, it’s called Je T’Aime.
Julian: A love song? I thought we’d established there was no love in this
Debbie: There wasn’t, but forgive me if I have a soft spot for Evil. You kind of grew on
me like Salty did…he was Evil too.
Julian: No one is more evil than a ten time serial killer, there’s a special place in Hell for
the likes of you.
Debbie: Perhaps for others who aren’t me. I have a special arrangement with the Grim
Reaper, I won’t be going to Hell, I’ll be ruling at his side once I’m old and have lived my
life fully.
Julian: Karma is a bitch, so don’t be too sure of that special place down there. I’ll be
waiting for you.
Debbie: I am sure of that, I am going to be in a place of honour, you won’t be.
Enjoy this cold, because you’ll never feel it again. Huh, somehow this feels anti-
climatic; did I miss something? Where is my Beloved? Why doesn’t he come?
Debbie: What is going on here?! Why didn’t my Beloved come for you? Where
is he!? How dare he stand me up on my moment of glory!!
Debbie: ARGHH!!
Winter: There was a change of plans mother, my father is not coming in the way you
expect him to, and you will not be getting that place by his side either. Some souls, such
as yours, have done too much evil in your stolen lifetimes to be rewarded in the Afterlife.
This is my duty and my pleasure to disillusion you of that notion.
Winter: Your powers are nothing when used against me, a half god. Yes before you lose
the last of your breath, know that my father is actually Anubis, the Egyptian God of the
Underworld. You were used by him.
Winter: Time’s up; zero hour. Good bye mother…enjoy your custom made hell,
I know of at least fifteen souls that will be GLAD to see you down there. Your
victims are waiting for you.
Winter: Father, I have done as you asked. I delivered to you the most evil soul
there is.
Anubis: You did my son, I am proud of you. Good work.
Anubis: Debbie Jellinski, at last. How long I have waited for you. And my son,
keep alert for I will have more need of your skills later. Something is
coming that needs your abilities as a reaper child.
Winter: What? I thought this was all I had to do for you. What else is there?
Winter: Fine. But tell me one thing, why am I crying? I didn’t really care about mother did
I? She was a horrible mother to all of us.
Anubis: You have a deep love for your family my son, and as much as your
stone heart keeps that contained, some does still get out every so often.
Do not be ashamed of it.
Debbie: How DARE you two betray me!! My vengeance will NEVER rest!! And
you…how could you use me like that? To make me birth a Judas?
Anubis: I did what was necessary for the future. I needed a child on Earth
born from my power and that of a powerful human, a witch, like you. That
is all you need to know.
Debbie: I will hate you for eternity! And you didn’t even have the balls to tell
me you were a fucking GOD either!!
Anubis: I only tell a mortal like you what you need to know, and
you did not need to know that. Get in the grave.
Winter: I have more work to do for my father and I hope Vayne and Puck are up
to the task of helping out with Jean-Paul and Jeannie if I need to leave. It’s just us
This is the official end of the challenge, but not the story. There is my attempt at a point
tally coming up in the next ten slides so let’s hope I get it right. Anyway, let’s go.
Husband 1: David Pok (human)
Career: Criminal 4 levels (+40)
Broke Up Marriage: (+5)
Child: Moonshadow Pok (+30)
Cause of Death: Drowning (+30)
Try For Baby Woohoo: (+10)
Total: 115
Husband 2: Samuel Goth (ghost)
Career: Art Appraiser 3 levels (+30)
Broke Up Marriage: (+5)
Child(ren): Logan and Leia (+30)
Cause of Death: Old Age (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Black Widow Complete LTW: (+50)
Sub Total: 155+115
Total: 270
Extra Marital Affair with NPC:
Grim Reaper
Child: Winter Goth
Husband 3: Pip Goodfellow (fairy)
Career: Law Enforcement 4 levels
Broke Up Marriage: (+5)
Child: Snow Goodfellow (+30)
Cause of Death: Starvation (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total: 115+115+155
Total: 385
Husband 4: Ayden Van Gould (vampire)
Career: Politics maxed before (+10)
Child: William Van Gould (+30)
Cause of Death: Thirst (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total: 80+115+155+115
Total: 465
Career: Military 3 levels (+30)
Child: Vayne Wolff (+30)
Cause of Death: Starvation
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total: 70+115+155+115+80
Total: 535
Husband 5: Waylon Wolff (werewolf)
Husband 6: Billie MacDuff (witch)
Career: Military 2 levels (+20)
Child: Elphaba MacDuff (+30)
Cause of Death: Fire (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total: 90+115+155+115+80+70
Total: 625
Husband 7: Salty Seaworth (mermaid)
Career: Emperor of Evil maxed before
Child: Finn Seaworth (+30)
Cause of Death: Dehydration (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total: 80+115+155+115+80+70+90
Total: 705
Husband 8: Oberon Summerdream (fairy)
Career: Military 3 levels (+30)
Child: Puck Summerdream (+30)
Cause of Death: Ranting About Death
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total:
Total: 805
Husband 9: Maurice Dupont (vampire)
Career: Science 4 levels (+40)
Child: Jean-Paul Dupont (+30)
Cause of Death: Meteor Strike (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Sub Total:
Total: 985
Husband 10: Julian Lillard (genie)
Career: Psychic 3 levels (+30)
Child: Jeannie Lillard (+30)
Cause of Death: Frozen (+30)
TFBW: (+10)
Publishing the Challenge: (+5)
Sub Total:
Total: 1100
I did not include the family/houses net worth, I
wasn’t keeping track of it.
Debbie Jellinski: Murderer of 15 Sims
Children: 12, 9 boys and 3 girls
Cause of Death: Electrocution by Lightning
And that is it for the challenge! Debbie killed all ten of her husbands and five others who
got in the way, Janet Pok, Martin Bertiger, Dahlia Goodfellow, Emilie Van Gould and
Tristan Van Gould. She was the one who systematically depopulated Moonlight Falls by
killing off a lot of the most influential families while most of the others died of old age. She
never worked a day in her life, living only off the money her husbands brought into the
household, her favourite son Winter was the one who finally got her in the end. Disasters
and Blessings come in many forms, and this was one disaster she never saw coming.
Coming soon, The Aftermath: The Reaper and the Rose Part 5. Stay tuned. And I do hope I
got my math right, I suck at it. >_<

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Till Death Do You Part: A Sims 3 Black Widow Challenge, Husband 10

  • 1.
  • 2. Settle in for a long one friends, I took too many pictures for this finale (of the challenge, not the story ;)) Yes there will be a part 5 for The Reaper and the Rose and an Epilogue because two of the kids are heading off to a new adventure after they conclude their challenge here. Inspiration struck me today and woke me up early, I had a great idea for the end of the challenge and just could not fall back to sleep after it. But that’s coming, not sure when but it is.
  • 3. Before we get to the final wedding, here’s a brief look at the new mansion I built for Debbie, graveyard adjacent and on one of the biggest lots in Moonlight Falls, a 64x64. I am not that great at making interesting houses without plans. I wanted the towers to be like a Frankenstein lab for Vayne and his monsters (which I wasted time on finding out that Plumbots don’t count >_<, unless they need Sentience to count as “alive”)
  • 4. The first floor, lots of space and few rooms and Debbie’s new Pit of Hell in the middle. Not the greatest layout, as I had hoped that the large room at the back would be like an indoor wedding venue but game noped me on putting the wedding arches inside so yeah, big empty space. Winter’s library in the back right corner and the kitchen in the back left corner. Right tower is the Alchemy Room, and Left tower is an office/bar with psychedelic 70’s wallpaper which oddly works…
  • 5. Second floor has seven bedrooms and two large bathrooms and a huge empty hallway on either side of the Pit of Hell that can be seen from above. Upper Right tower is the place where the kids always go for homework for some reason, Upper Left tower is Vayne’s room. Back right corner is Winter’s room, then Puck’s, then Elphaba’s, then Debbie’s room in the back left corner. Beside the bathroom with the fireplace stack is Finn’s room and the other side is the nursery/extra bedroom for the last kid.
  • 6. Garage has space for two cars, Pip’s police car and Salty’s midlife crisis sports car and the entrance to the basement. The garage is also where I shove all those high school diplomas and college degrees that the game decided most of my spouses needed to have since they had nothing else to do. I still have story progression turned off so the town is effectively dead. I’m getting glitches from prom where the game tries to give the boys love interests but there are no teens so it pairs them with themselves for love interests o_0? Yeah, I don’t get it either.
  • 7. The second floor in the garage is where all the wine bottles from Winter’s trips go and his martial arts stuff from China. Not much up there, but it draws the Athletes in the house since I don’t like hearing the stereos going all the time or the TV for exercises.
  • 8. A simple four room basement, the skull gem displays, rec room, Winter’s crypt and another bathroom that everyone seems to only use to clean the dishes in. It’s also where Winter’s Gold Figurines from Egypt are, I’m missing two of them. Not that interesting really.
  • 9. Julian: So, it’s finally my turn is it? Debbie: What do you mean? Julian: I know what you are and what you want with me, I have foreseen this day for many years and many husbands before me.
  • 10. Debbie: Then this will be easy. I’ll have to tell Elphaba to leave the house, I am not making your cats strays. Julian: Thanks, I guess. So we’ll just skip the formalities; I don’t love you and you don’t love me, my fate is die on the day my child becomes a toddler, and your mission is complete. It’s just lip service anyway at this point.
  • 11. Debbie: Then for the sake of it, we’ll say we’re dating that will keep those tongues quiet around here. I have a reputation of being a Manipulator but no one can prove a thing… Julian: I know. I’ll pretend to be happy about this. Debbie: You sure take all the fun out of this…
  • 12. Julian Lillard, a Genie Loves to Swim, is Brave, Charismatic, Evil and a Kleptomaniac. His faves include Cheesesteak, Rock music and the colour Orange. His LTW is to be a Celebrity Psychic. So now it’s clear why he was able to know what his fate was for many years and husbands before it was his turn. After this long, obliviousness was no longer an option.
  • 13. Julian brought with him his three cats, Jinx and her kittens Pepper and Bella. The cats are why Elphaba had to move out, the game would not let me move in Julian and the cats with eight already in the house. Once Finn grows up, he’ll be leaving too. I didn’t change the settings in Town Hall to allow more than eight in a house. Oh well, Elphaba will do fine on her own. ^_^
  • 14. Julian: Isn’t anyone going to watch Jean-Paul grow up? Debbie: You can. Television is on. Julian: Poor kid, guess it’s just me and you then.
  • 15. Jean-Paul is still cute, even in the ITF pants dress thing and boots. I didn’t like the clunky clog like things that this outfit has to go with it so these Generations boots work just as good. Jean-Paul is now Athletic to go with being Perceptive and Love of the Heat.
  • 16. The last wedding…finally. It feels like a year since I began with David in the cheap pre made house next to the graveyard and the town was actually filled with people. Gives the whole thing a big desolate ghost town vibe, kind of creepy to play to be honest…but it so fits the theme. I may turn it back on after this, I will still keep the hood active.
  • 17. Debbie: Smile for the guests “dear”. Julian: I’d call it a grimace but they can’t tell the difference from back there. Debbie: A tenth and final golden noose around my neck…
  • 18. To the unaware guests, this looks like another happy ending. To the actual couple it’s a ticking clock…*tick tick tick* A countdown to death…and to everyone who isn’t Winter, it’s invisible above BOTH their heads this time. Winter will carry out his father Anubis’s will and deliver him the most evil soul he can find.
  • 19. Sealed with the Kiss of Death…
  • 20. The game spawned new people, another fairy named Donella Cuffs and Abby Correa with the black hair. In the back is a made over Marigold Maldano who has caught Vayne’s eye…but who is that in the second row?
  • 21. Titania: So this is the wench who stole my king? How did she get away with this? I made over Titania in CAS because honestly, that default formal wear is not a good look befitting the Queen of the Fairies. And I can’t find the full face makeup in the CAS screen so I didn’t remove it. She looks a lot better now. Prince Puck doesn’t even know her though, I wonder if she will recognize her king in him?
  • 22. Debbie: I am so sick of wedding cake… Julian: So am I. But it’s tradition so let’s get on with it. Debbie: The sooner the better, I still have to do the second part of this afterwards.
  • 23. And then Finn upstages his mother’s tenth wedding by aging up in his outerwear…inside. Insane in the membrane for sure this one. Winter: Way to upstage mother little brother! Finn: I know right? I’m awesome like that.
  • 24. Finn can now reclaim his father’s last name of Seaworth. His final trait is Good. He’s an odd duck: Insane, Perceptive, Photographer’s Eye, and Nurturing. His LTW is to be the Master of Mysticism. So he will be working in the gypsy wagon with Julian for as long as his mother lets Julian live of course.
  • 25. Finn moves out and takes Bella with him, she is a full grown kitty now along with Pepper, Pepper stayed with the family so Jinx could have another kitty to play with. And now for the twelfth and final kid of the challenge. Will my male streak be broken and will we end with a girl this time? Let’s go and see.
  • 26. And now as Debbie heads to the hospital for the last time, her clock is ticking down even more. She doesn’t know it yet, so when it does happen, it will be earthshattering for her.
  • 27. Debbie: You’re the last one…finally. Baby 12 is a girl (!) and a witch (boo) Jeannie Lillard is a Heavy Sleeper and Friendly. She likes Ceviche, Dark Wave music, and the colour Sea Foam.
  • 28. Remember what I said about no aliens in this hood? Well…as poor Prince Puck here found out, the meteor hell storm that killed Maurice must have gotten their attention and they came straight to the impact site for it. They came for him…twice. I only took a picture of the first time.
  • 29. Jean-Paul: Why does mommy hate me big brother? Winter: She hates all of you, except me, for some reason. Don’t take it personally. All that matters is us, as the children she neglects, staying together and staying strong.
  • 30. Jean-Paul: At school we use the computers a lot because there’s no kids. Why is that? Winter: No one breeds in this town except our mother. It wasn’t like this when I was your age, there were actual people here. Not just immortals but humans too.
  • 31. Winter: It’s perfect; as an artist I get all the solitude I want. And there’s so much urban decay to capture either on canvas or on film. I like this emptiness. Jean-Paul: I can see that; you’re always alone big brother. I think it’s kind of sad.
  • 32. Prince Puck: Don’t worry baby sister, I’ll always be here to help you. You can count on your big brother. And this means one thing…it’s time.
  • 33. Jeannie is a colourful kid, the aqua hair bows really stand out against her yellow hair and orange skin, the blue eyes are striking too. Too bad she’s not a genie, that is why I called her Jeannie…get it? I Dream of Jeannie? *crickets* Yeah, moving on…
  • 34. Debbie: Jeannie is a toddler, you know what time it is… Julian: Yes, I do. Let’s go outside, I don’t want to do this in here. Debbie: As you wish, I’ll grant your last request.
  • 35. Debbie: Any last words? Julian: None. I know I won’t see the sun rise tomorrow, this is my last night. Fitting that it’s cold and rainy, isn’t it?
  • 36. Debbie: I shall send you off with a song, Winter taught it to me after he came back from France, it’s called Je T’Aime. Julian: A love song? I thought we’d established there was no love in this marriage?
  • 37. Debbie: There wasn’t, but forgive me if I have a soft spot for Evil. You kind of grew on me like Salty did…he was Evil too. Julian: No one is more evil than a ten time serial killer, there’s a special place in Hell for the likes of you.
  • 38. Debbie: Perhaps for others who aren’t me. I have a special arrangement with the Grim Reaper, I won’t be going to Hell, I’ll be ruling at his side once I’m old and have lived my life fully. Julian: Karma is a bitch, so don’t be too sure of that special place down there. I’ll be waiting for you.
  • 39. Debbie: I am sure of that, I am going to be in a place of honour, you won’t be. Enjoy this cold, because you’ll never feel it again. Huh, somehow this feels anti- climatic; did I miss something? Where is my Beloved? Why doesn’t he come?
  • 40. Debbie: What is going on here?! Why didn’t my Beloved come for you? Where is he!? How dare he stand me up on my moment of glory!!
  • 41. Debbie: ARGHH!! Winter: There was a change of plans mother, my father is not coming in the way you expect him to, and you will not be getting that place by his side either. Some souls, such as yours, have done too much evil in your stolen lifetimes to be rewarded in the Afterlife. This is my duty and my pleasure to disillusion you of that notion.
  • 42. Debbie: TRAITOR! I CURSE YOU WITH MY FINAL BREATH YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!! Winter: Your powers are nothing when used against me, a half god. Yes before you lose the last of your breath, know that my father is actually Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Underworld. You were used by him.
  • 43. Winter: Time’s up; zero hour. Good bye mother…enjoy your custom made hell, I know of at least fifteen souls that will be GLAD to see you down there. Your victims are waiting for you.
  • 44. Winter: Father, I have done as you asked. I delivered to you the most evil soul there is. Anubis: You did my son, I am proud of you. Good work.
  • 45. Anubis: Debbie Jellinski, at last. How long I have waited for you. And my son, keep alert for I will have more need of your skills later. Something is coming that needs your abilities as a reaper child. Winter: What? I thought this was all I had to do for you. What else is there?
  • 46. Winter: Fine. But tell me one thing, why am I crying? I didn’t really care about mother did I? She was a horrible mother to all of us. Anubis: You have a deep love for your family my son, and as much as your stone heart keeps that contained, some does still get out every so often. Do not be ashamed of it.
  • 47. Debbie: How DARE you two betray me!! My vengeance will NEVER rest!! And you…how could you use me like that? To make me birth a Judas? Anubis: I did what was necessary for the future. I needed a child on Earth born from my power and that of a powerful human, a witch, like you. That is all you need to know.
  • 48. Debbie: I will hate you for eternity! And you didn’t even have the balls to tell me you were a fucking GOD either!! Anubis: I only tell a mortal like you what you need to know, and you did not need to know that. Get in the grave.
  • 49. Winter: I have more work to do for my father and I hope Vayne and Puck are up to the task of helping out with Jean-Paul and Jeannie if I need to leave. It’s just us now…
  • 50. This is the official end of the challenge, but not the story. There is my attempt at a point tally coming up in the next ten slides so let’s hope I get it right. Anyway, let’s go.
  • 51. Husband 1: David Pok (human) Career: Criminal 4 levels (+40) Broke Up Marriage: (+5) Child: Moonshadow Pok (+30) Cause of Death: Drowning (+30) Try For Baby Woohoo: (+10) Total: 115
  • 52. Husband 2: Samuel Goth (ghost) Career: Art Appraiser 3 levels (+30) Broke Up Marriage: (+5) Child(ren): Logan and Leia (+30) Cause of Death: Old Age (+30) TFBW: (+10) Black Widow Complete LTW: (+50) Sub Total: 155+115 Total: 270
  • 53. Extra Marital Affair with NPC: Grim Reaper Child: Winter Goth
  • 54. Husband 3: Pip Goodfellow (fairy) Career: Law Enforcement 4 levels (+40) Broke Up Marriage: (+5) Child: Snow Goodfellow (+30) Cause of Death: Starvation (+30) TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 115+115+155 Total: 385
  • 55. Husband 4: Ayden Van Gould (vampire) Career: Politics maxed before (+10) Child: William Van Gould (+30) Cause of Death: Thirst (+30) TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 80+115+155+115 Total: 465
  • 56. Career: Military 3 levels (+30) Child: Vayne Wolff (+30) Cause of Death: Starvation TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 70+115+155+115+80 Total: 535 Husband 5: Waylon Wolff (werewolf)
  • 57. Husband 6: Billie MacDuff (witch) Career: Military 2 levels (+20) Child: Elphaba MacDuff (+30) Cause of Death: Fire (+30) TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 90+115+155+115+80+70 Total: 625
  • 58. Husband 7: Salty Seaworth (mermaid) Career: Emperor of Evil maxed before (+10) Child: Finn Seaworth (+30) Cause of Death: Dehydration (+30) TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 80+115+155+115+80+70+90 Total: 705
  • 59. Husband 8: Oberon Summerdream (fairy) Career: Military 3 levels (+30) Child: Puck Summerdream (+30) Cause of Death: Ranting About Death (+30) TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 100+115+155+115+80+70+90+80 Total: 805
  • 60. Husband 9: Maurice Dupont (vampire) Career: Science 4 levels (+40) Child: Jean-Paul Dupont (+30) Cause of Death: Meteor Strike (+30) TFBW: (+10) Sub Total: 110+115+155+115+80+70+90+80+100 Total: 985
  • 61. Husband 10: Julian Lillard (genie) Career: Psychic 3 levels (+30) Child: Jeannie Lillard (+30) Cause of Death: Frozen (+30) TFBW: (+10) Publishing the Challenge: (+5) Sub Total: 100+115+155+115+80+70+90+80+100+110 Total: 1100 I did not include the family/houses net worth, I wasn’t keeping track of it.
  • 62. Debbie Jellinski: Murderer of 15 Sims Children: 12, 9 boys and 3 girls Cause of Death: Electrocution by Lightning And that is it for the challenge! Debbie killed all ten of her husbands and five others who got in the way, Janet Pok, Martin Bertiger, Dahlia Goodfellow, Emilie Van Gould and Tristan Van Gould. She was the one who systematically depopulated Moonlight Falls by killing off a lot of the most influential families while most of the others died of old age. She never worked a day in her life, living only off the money her husbands brought into the household, her favourite son Winter was the one who finally got her in the end. Disasters and Blessings come in many forms, and this was one disaster she never saw coming. Coming soon, The Aftermath: The Reaper and the Rose Part 5. Stay tuned. And I do hope I got my math right, I suck at it. >_<