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Cel-le-brate good times come on!! *clapclap* As you can guess, this chapter
features the K quads getting out of the house and babies L, M, and N and I
lost my multiple numbers!! Yay for singlets! For once in a long, long, while
the house has four in it…FOUR!! Not eight, not twelve, FOUR! T’was a good
day that was. And we reach the halfway point so new house!! The other one
was just getting too laggy and the layout annoyed me so I made a new one.
Yes…six more cakes. The I twins are teening and the K quads are toddlering,
and Banette is brooding. The previous quads will help the new quads this
Well turns out two of the H quads’ work hours went past 6 pm so Whimsy did
the tossing instead. Don’t ask me which one she’s tossing, I can’t see but I do
know that Houndoom had Keldeo, girl quad always tosses other girl quad so I
know who is who.
Igglybuff: My twin didn’t wait for me! We’re no longer twins!!
*Fake Tears attack*
Jellicent: No one noticed I grew up too did they?
Sorry Jelly-Fish, it got lost in the chaos of the six others going instead.
And then Heatran came home so he could toss Klang…I think. Anyway:
Ishizumai Scott PL/FA
LTW: Be Celebrity Chef
Igglybuff Scott FO/R
LTW: Be Hall of Famer
Orange Shirt Kadabra Blue Overalls Klang
Aquarius Sagittarius
8/1/5/10/10 3/4/9/4/5
Brown Overalls Kecleon Only Girl Keldeo
Cancer Cancer
8/7/4/4/8 8/1/10/9/6
Traditional previous letter’s kid teaching Nursery Rhyme…check.
Jellicent: None of your usual commentary and song lyric changes Banette?
Banette is antsy for the halfway point to be reached so no.
Teen Twin 1 teaching walking to toddler quad 1. Check.
Ishizumai: You never show these, what gives?
Space filling.
Ishizumai: Ah, carry on then.
Teen Twin 2 teaching walking to toddler quad 2. Check.
Igglybuff: Do I even ask about the other two?
I wouldn’t.
Igglybuff: Good answer.
Synchronized quad transition sequence go!
Jellicent: Why do they get to go first? It’s my birthday soon too.
Patience Jelly-Fish; the faster they grow up, the faster the I twins can
leave and I can move on to the new house show off.
Keldeo: We cute.
You need clothes change.
Klang: But I like my roughneck kid outfit…
I don’t.
New house!! And little Jelly-Fish gets to have the honour of first transition in the new
Jellicent: My life is complete.
Keldeo: I like this house, more room.
So do I.
Uggh, green on green does not look good.
Jellicent: I didn’t realize I was born Shiny…
Jellicent Scott PO/K
LTW: Be Hall of Famer
Shiny (m)
Whimsy: I don’t feel like we’ve spent a lot of time together Jelly, that
disturbs me.
Jellicent: It’s fine mom, I’m good.
Whimsy: But you’re my only green baby-boo and it’s so rare to find other
Grass types.
Jellicent: But I’m not a Grass type, I’m Ghost/Water…
Whimsy: You’re still green like one.
Jellicent: *sigh* I think the strain is getting to her Banette.
No doubt, but she’s not even halfway through the alphabet yet so I expect more of
her sanity to disappear before Baby X is born…
Whimsy: I thought that was in…
Jellicent: Too bad mom, I’m just that good.
Whimsy: It was the sparkles!! They…they blinded me.
Sure, the sparkles did it… *eye roll*
Whimsy: Umm Banette? *cough* There’s a Koffing near by using Poison Gas!!
Oh, you’ll be fine. You’re holding a Pecha berry. *smug face*
Whimsy: Now it’s using Smog attack!! Grass/Fairy types are 4x weak against
*whistles* You’ll like it, I promise.
Whimsy: Banette!! WHY?
Whimsy: What…the? My hat is back? And I feel the overwhelming urge to drink
from the tap…
Congratulations Whimsy, you’re a real Grass/Fairy type now!! And so to
celebrate, get to spawning Baby L for me kay?
Whimsy: Did you say baby? I do miss them now that my precious K-lings are all
grown up.
Hardly; they’re still children. But whatever floats your boat.
Whimsy: So I just use Spore?
Sure…if you want to call it that.
Keldeo: AHH!! Mom is moulting!! Halp!!
Chill kid, it’s fine.
Keldeo: But…but that’s not how babies are supposed to be born!!
And how would you know?
Keldeo: Cannot. Unsee. *squints eyes shut*
That’s got to be the best face ever. Congrats Keldeo you just made me
like you even more.
Keldeo: *scarred for life*
Oh? You wanted to see the Pod baby? Well fine, here she is. Baby L, Lilligant
the Flowering Pokemon. A pure Grass type with the Dex number 549 (Unova).
X: The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect. It withers
if a trainer does not take good care of it.
Y: Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its beautiful flower to
bloom. This Pokémon is popular with celebrities.
Genie: Oh, it’s you. What do you want now?
Whimsy: Well that’s not a very nice thing to say to your mistress.
Genie: Right, oh forgive me benevolent green shiny mistress, what is thy
bidding for me?
Whimsy: That’s better, I have one wish left don’t I?
Genie: Yes, you want more money right?
Whimsy: Well no…I have another wish in mind.
Genie: Like?
Whimsy: Well my new green baby-boo never got to be a cute little baby so I
wish for a baby.
Genie: Wanna repeat that?
Whimsy: I wish for a baby.
Genie: You know I have no lower half right? And that’s kinda needed for a baby…
Whimsy: You said I had one wish left! That’s my wish! Give me a baby!
Relax Genie Man, I’ll deal with this. Give her the money.
Genie: Sure thing Invisible Overlord.
Genie: As you wish Mistress. Have some sparkly power, after I give you
advanced child support in the form of sacks of money, you’ll have your baby.
Whimsy: Wow!! That wasn’t so hard!!
Bless her waning sanity. *nods*
Whimsy: ACK!! OOK!! This never gets easier.
Well since you did the Plantsim pod baby who can spray for bugs in about
four days without having to worry about turning again, you can take the
cure. And I like being able to chance appearances so…
Whimsy: The Genie was right!! I got my sacks of money and a baby!!
Sure. You go with that dear. *patpat*
Whimsy: Baby.
Baby M, which means: I AM OFFICIALLY HALF-WAY!! Woot!!
But first, the K-Quads are teening and Jellicent can finally leave for college.
I’ll have a manageable house size again once Lilligant grows up. The K-Quads
can get their money and be gone from my sight. Until I decide to play them
through college to catch up to the other sixteen already there in Sophomore
Klang: I get the feeling Banette doesn’t like us anymore.
Keldeo: Speak for yourself Gear boy, she likes me. I make cool faces.
You were not supposed to be four…I wanted two… >_<
Keldeo: So I get to grow up first!! Ha-ha!!
Klang: Jellicent is a Pop sim.
Kadabra: Hate to break it to you, but I grew up first Kels. I win.
Nice track suit. Actually, it kinda fits your colours…hmm.
Kadabra: Yay!! I impressed Banette!
Keldeo: But I got the cute outfit, it’s pink.
Klang: Mine is pretty good too, Steel types are silver-white aren’t they?
Kecleon: Meh, could be worse.
Go change, the lot of you. Lilligant needs to grow up too.
Keldeo: She’s wearing a Leaf Cloak.
Kecleon: Neat!!
Lilligant: Hard to believe I’m only four days old…
Lilligant Scott K/PO
LTW: Be Education Minister
And the Quads aspirations if you’re interested:
Keldeo R/FO Kadabra PL/K
LTW: Have 20 Lovers LTW: 50 Dream Dates (ha-ha!!)
Kecleon FO/R Klang FO/R
LTW: Be City Planner LTW: Be World Class Dancer
Lilligant discovers the Well and it drops John Mole for her. Good thing I
didn’t use him for Baby Daddy B huh? He has two alien twins at home with
my new PT Mod so I’m excited to show them eventually when it’s time for
Lilligant to leave. And to see which one my required challenge abduction will
give me. I also have to do that, so once I finish with the college run I’ll get to
that part with my chosen boy to take one for the team. Not saying who yet…
But now the anticipated main event, the appearance of Baby M, the Genie
Tucker: The carpet…aww man.
Whimsy: You’re worried about some rug?!!?
Whimsy: Baby!!
And you’ll notice the K kids got into Private school. I forgot to do it so
they’re the first ones since the A and B twins to go…oh well.
Meet the Halfway baby, a boy named Malamar. A Dark/Psychic type the Overturning
Pokemon has the Dex number 687 (Kalos). Or as I like to call it, the Evil Calamari.
X: It wields the most compelling hypnotic powers of any Pokémon, and it forces
others to do whatever it wants.
Y: It lures its prey close with hypnotic motions, then wraps its tentacles around it
before finishing it off with digestive fluids.
So the search begins for more baby daddies, and one of them has to be a
female and witch/warlock so here we have the younger High White Witch on
the Arts and Crafts hobby lot. I was looking for Trevor Ngai but this
Desiderata Arts and Crafts hobby master is the female one so there went
that plan. The witch’s name is Veronica I think, I forgot to check. So I had
Whimsy catch her for a chat.
We also get to meet Whimsy’s Familiar who I named Delcatty. A Normal
type, The Prim Pokemon has the Dex number 301 (Hoenn).
X: It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in
which to groom itself.
Y: It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does
not keep a nest.
Who then promptly got into a hissing fight with Veronica’s Familiar after
one interaction…the spectral fur will fly!!
Delcatty: Call me dirty will you! *HISSS* *RWARGHH*
Delcatty really lives up to the name of being a prissy bitch…
Yes, I only noticed Absol showed up after Whimsy was leaving of course…
Absol: Serve you right for ignoring us Banette.
I didn’t…I have college pictures…I just haven’t written it yet.
Delcatty: That’ll teach you. Call me dirty again and I’ll Moonblast you into the next
century got it?
Veronica’s Familiar: I submit!! Trainer’s Pokemon are ALWAYS clean and proper and
Delcatty: Word, bitch. Now I have to go chase some random Bugs. Stay there and suffer
in your utter defeat.
Whimsy: Have you been a good girl my sweet, shiny kitty?
Delcatty: Of course. I am always good.
Whimsy: Well I didn’t find anyone here so let’s move to a new lot okay?
Delcatty: As you wish.
Yay, male hobby master. And Baby Daddy N, go talk to him Whimsy.
Whimsy: Say, you look like the sophisticated type. Could you tell me who the
best writers of the nineteenth century were and why they were so prolific?
Cooper Seifert: Indubitably my dear Shiny Lady. I simply must tell you about
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his remarkable creation of Sherlock Holmes and
the greatest detective of all time…
Whimsy: Haxorus!! My sweet Dragon boy, how is school going?
Klang: You never ask me that mom…
Haxorus: Fine I guess, I’m in Sophomore year and Abby called. She said you were on the
hobby lots.
Whimsy: Yes, I am getting some much needed culture.
OOH, another one. Get em Whimsy. I love Eddie and he’ll do for Baby Daddy O and
the required college student daddy.
Whimsy: Are you in the same classes as my kids?
Eddie: I don’t even know them. It’s a big campus.
Whimsy: Ah, well my son Haxorus is here, I should introduce you two.
Eddie: Uhh, sure…whatever.
Eddie: I’m going to regret this aren’t I Voice?
Aww Eddie, don’t be like that. Whimsy is a nice girl, just a little loopy
that’s all. And I missed you, also it’s Banette here not Voice.
/legacy reference.
Cooper: What a wonderful home!! So elegant and regal!! Do you have an
extensive library I might peruse?
Whimsy: Umm, not exactly it’s uhh, under construction…yeah.
Cooper: Excellent! I shall await a call once its completion has been achieved.
And to close out the chapter, meet Baby N Noivern the Soundwave Pokemon.
Noivern is a Dragon/Flying type with the Dex number 715 (Kalos).
X: They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing
can beat them in a battle in the dark.
Y: The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to
pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack.
Stats page 1:
Bab(ies) A: Absol and Articuno (female)
Father: Tucker Gray (NPC), Blond hair, dark blue eyes
Bab(ies) B: Blaziken and Breloom (male)
Father: Victor Aspir (playable), Black hair, brown eyes.
Baby C: Clamperl (female)
Father: Hayden Long (Downtownie), Brown hair, light blue eyes.
Baby D: Deoxys (male)
Father: Herbert Goodie (Elder), Brown hair, green eyes.
Baby E: Eevee (male)
Father: Helios Cross (NPC Chef), Black hair, brown eyes.
Baby F: Forretress (male)
Father: Herbert Benton (NPC Slob)
Bab(ies) G: Golbat (female) , Gallade (male)
Father: Count Curt (a.k.a. Count Crabby, Bitey McHappy), Brown hair, red eyes.
Bab(ies) H: Haunter (male), Haxorus (male), Heatran (male), Houndoom (female)
Father: Shelby Chapman (Townie), Red hair, grey eyes.
Stats page 2:
Bab(ies) I: Igglybuff (female), Ishizumai (male)
Father: Blake Stephenson (elf-eared Townie), blond hair, light blue eyes.
Baby J: Jellicent (male)
Father: Solander White (legacy import), brown hair, green/black eyes, alien skin
Bab(ies) K: Keldeo (female), Klang (male), Kadabra (male), Kecleon (male)
Father: Unsavoury Charlatan (BV NPC), black hair, skin 1, grey eyes
Baby L: Lilligant (female)
Father: Ideal Plantsim, black hair, vine skin, yellow eyes
Baby M: Malamar (male)
Father: Genie, black hair, S3, brown eyes
Baby N: Noivern (male)
Father: Film and Lit. Hobby Master Cooper Seifert, brown hair, grey eyes, S4

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All My Children WYD Chapter 8

  • 1.
  • 2. Cel-le-brate good times come on!! *clapclap* As you can guess, this chapter features the K quads getting out of the house and babies L, M, and N and I lost my multiple numbers!! Yay for singlets! For once in a long, long, while the house has four in it…FOUR!! Not eight, not twelve, FOUR! T’was a good day that was. And we reach the halfway point so new house!! The other one was just getting too laggy and the layout annoyed me so I made a new one. Onward!!
  • 3. Yes…six more cakes. The I twins are teening and the K quads are toddlering, and Banette is brooding. The previous quads will help the new quads this time.
  • 4. Well turns out two of the H quads’ work hours went past 6 pm so Whimsy did the tossing instead. Don’t ask me which one she’s tossing, I can’t see but I do know that Houndoom had Keldeo, girl quad always tosses other girl quad so I know who is who.
  • 5. Igglybuff: My twin didn’t wait for me! We’re no longer twins!! *Fake Tears attack* Jellicent: No one noticed I grew up too did they? Sorry Jelly-Fish, it got lost in the chaos of the six others going instead.
  • 6. And then Heatran came home so he could toss Klang…I think. Anyway: Ishizumai Scott PL/FA Capricorn 8/8/2/6/5 LTW: Be Celebrity Chef Igglybuff Scott FO/R Cancer 8/4/6/6/7 LTW: Be Hall of Famer
  • 7. Orange Shirt Kadabra Blue Overalls Klang Aquarius Sagittarius 8/1/5/10/10 3/4/9/4/5 Brown Overalls Kecleon Only Girl Keldeo Cancer Cancer 8/7/4/4/8 8/1/10/9/6
  • 8. Traditional previous letter’s kid teaching Nursery Rhyme…check. Jellicent: None of your usual commentary and song lyric changes Banette? Banette is antsy for the halfway point to be reached so no.
  • 9. Teen Twin 1 teaching walking to toddler quad 1. Check. Ishizumai: You never show these, what gives? Space filling. Ishizumai: Ah, carry on then.
  • 10. Teen Twin 2 teaching walking to toddler quad 2. Check. Igglybuff: Do I even ask about the other two? I wouldn’t. Igglybuff: Good answer.
  • 11. Synchronized quad transition sequence go! Jellicent: Why do they get to go first? It’s my birthday soon too. Patience Jelly-Fish; the faster they grow up, the faster the I twins can leave and I can move on to the new house show off.
  • 12. Keldeo: We cute. You need clothes change. Klang: But I like my roughneck kid outfit… I don’t.
  • 13. New house!! And little Jelly-Fish gets to have the honour of first transition in the new house. Jellicent: My life is complete. Keldeo: I like this house, more room. So do I.
  • 14. Uggh, green on green does not look good. Jellicent: I didn’t realize I was born Shiny… Jellicent Scott PO/K Virgo 10/1/9/3/10 LTW: Be Hall of Famer Shiny (m) Jellicent
  • 15. Whimsy: I don’t feel like we’ve spent a lot of time together Jelly, that disturbs me. Jellicent: It’s fine mom, I’m good. Whimsy: But you’re my only green baby-boo and it’s so rare to find other Grass types.
  • 16. Jellicent: But I’m not a Grass type, I’m Ghost/Water… Whimsy: You’re still green like one. Jellicent: *sigh* I think the strain is getting to her Banette. No doubt, but she’s not even halfway through the alphabet yet so I expect more of her sanity to disappear before Baby X is born…
  • 17. Whimsy: I thought that was in… Jellicent: Too bad mom, I’m just that good. Whimsy: It was the sparkles!! They…they blinded me. Sure, the sparkles did it… *eye roll*
  • 18. Whimsy: Umm Banette? *cough* There’s a Koffing near by using Poison Gas!! Help!! Oh, you’ll be fine. You’re holding a Pecha berry. *smug face*
  • 19. Whimsy: Now it’s using Smog attack!! Grass/Fairy types are 4x weak against Poison!! *whistles* You’ll like it, I promise. Whimsy: Banette!! WHY?
  • 20. Whimsy: What…the? My hat is back? And I feel the overwhelming urge to drink from the tap… Congratulations Whimsy, you’re a real Grass/Fairy type now!! And so to celebrate, get to spawning Baby L for me kay?
  • 21. Whimsy: Did you say baby? I do miss them now that my precious K-lings are all grown up. Hardly; they’re still children. But whatever floats your boat. Whimsy: So I just use Spore? Sure…if you want to call it that.
  • 22. Keldeo: AHH!! Mom is moulting!! Halp!! Chill kid, it’s fine. Keldeo: But…but that’s not how babies are supposed to be born!! And how would you know?
  • 23. Keldeo: Cannot. Unsee. *squints eyes shut* That’s got to be the best face ever. Congrats Keldeo you just made me like you even more. Keldeo: *scarred for life*
  • 24. Oh? You wanted to see the Pod baby? Well fine, here she is. Baby L, Lilligant the Flowering Pokemon. A pure Grass type with the Dex number 549 (Unova). X: The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect. It withers if a trainer does not take good care of it. Y: Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its beautiful flower to bloom. This Pokémon is popular with celebrities.
  • 25. Genie: Oh, it’s you. What do you want now? Whimsy: Well that’s not a very nice thing to say to your mistress. Genie: Right, oh forgive me benevolent green shiny mistress, what is thy bidding for me?
  • 26. Whimsy: That’s better, I have one wish left don’t I? Genie: Yes, you want more money right? Whimsy: Well no…I have another wish in mind. Genie: Like?
  • 27. Whimsy: Well my new green baby-boo never got to be a cute little baby so I wish for a baby. Genie: Wanna repeat that?
  • 28. Whimsy: I wish for a baby. Genie: You know I have no lower half right? And that’s kinda needed for a baby… Whimsy: You said I had one wish left! That’s my wish! Give me a baby! Relax Genie Man, I’ll deal with this. Give her the money. Genie: Sure thing Invisible Overlord.
  • 29. Genie: As you wish Mistress. Have some sparkly power, after I give you advanced child support in the form of sacks of money, you’ll have your baby. Whimsy: Wow!! That wasn’t so hard!! Bless her waning sanity. *nods*
  • 30. Whimsy: ACK!! OOK!! This never gets easier. Well since you did the Plantsim pod baby who can spray for bugs in about four days without having to worry about turning again, you can take the cure. And I like being able to chance appearances so…
  • 31. Whimsy: The Genie was right!! I got my sacks of money and a baby!! Sure. You go with that dear. *patpat* Whimsy: Baby. Baby M, which means: I AM OFFICIALLY HALF-WAY!! Woot!!
  • 32. But first, the K-Quads are teening and Jellicent can finally leave for college. I’ll have a manageable house size again once Lilligant grows up. The K-Quads can get their money and be gone from my sight. Until I decide to play them through college to catch up to the other sixteen already there in Sophomore year.
  • 33. Klang: I get the feeling Banette doesn’t like us anymore. Keldeo: Speak for yourself Gear boy, she likes me. I make cool faces. You were not supposed to be four…I wanted two… >_<
  • 34. Keldeo: So I get to grow up first!! Ha-ha!! Klang: Jellicent is a Pop sim.
  • 35. Kadabra: Hate to break it to you, but I grew up first Kels. I win. Nice track suit. Actually, it kinda fits your colours…hmm. Kadabra: Yay!! I impressed Banette!
  • 36. Keldeo: But I got the cute outfit, it’s pink. Klang: Mine is pretty good too, Steel types are silver-white aren’t they? Kecleon: Meh, could be worse. Go change, the lot of you. Lilligant needs to grow up too.
  • 37. Keldeo: She’s wearing a Leaf Cloak. Kecleon: Neat!! Lilligant: Hard to believe I’m only four days old… Lilligant Scott K/PO Aries 8/4/4/4/5 LTW: Be Education Minister
  • 38. And the Quads aspirations if you’re interested: Keldeo R/FO Kadabra PL/K LTW: Have 20 Lovers LTW: 50 Dream Dates (ha-ha!!) Kecleon FO/R Klang FO/R LTW: Be City Planner LTW: Be World Class Dancer
  • 39. Lilligant discovers the Well and it drops John Mole for her. Good thing I didn’t use him for Baby Daddy B huh? He has two alien twins at home with my new PT Mod so I’m excited to show them eventually when it’s time for Lilligant to leave. And to see which one my required challenge abduction will give me. I also have to do that, so once I finish with the college run I’ll get to that part with my chosen boy to take one for the team. Not saying who yet…
  • 40. But now the anticipated main event, the appearance of Baby M, the Genie baby!! Tucker: The carpet…aww man. Whimsy: You’re worried about some rug?!!?
  • 41. Whimsy: Baby!! And you’ll notice the K kids got into Private school. I forgot to do it so they’re the first ones since the A and B twins to go…oh well.
  • 42. Meet the Halfway baby, a boy named Malamar. A Dark/Psychic type the Overturning Pokemon has the Dex number 687 (Kalos). Or as I like to call it, the Evil Calamari. X: It wields the most compelling hypnotic powers of any Pokémon, and it forces others to do whatever it wants. Y: It lures its prey close with hypnotic motions, then wraps its tentacles around it before finishing it off with digestive fluids.
  • 43. So the search begins for more baby daddies, and one of them has to be a female and witch/warlock so here we have the younger High White Witch on the Arts and Crafts hobby lot. I was looking for Trevor Ngai but this Desiderata Arts and Crafts hobby master is the female one so there went that plan. The witch’s name is Veronica I think, I forgot to check. So I had Whimsy catch her for a chat.
  • 44. We also get to meet Whimsy’s Familiar who I named Delcatty. A Normal type, The Prim Pokemon has the Dex number 301 (Hoenn). X: It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself. Y: It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
  • 45. Who then promptly got into a hissing fight with Veronica’s Familiar after one interaction…the spectral fur will fly!! Delcatty: Call me dirty will you! *HISSS* *RWARGHH* Delcatty really lives up to the name of being a prissy bitch…
  • 46. Absol: CAT FIGHT!! MEOW!! Yes, I only noticed Absol showed up after Whimsy was leaving of course… Absol: Serve you right for ignoring us Banette. I didn’t…I have college pictures…I just haven’t written it yet.
  • 47. Delcatty: That’ll teach you. Call me dirty again and I’ll Moonblast you into the next century got it? Veronica’s Familiar: I submit!! Trainer’s Pokemon are ALWAYS clean and proper and stronger… Delcatty: Word, bitch. Now I have to go chase some random Bugs. Stay there and suffer in your utter defeat.
  • 48. Whimsy: Have you been a good girl my sweet, shiny kitty? Delcatty: Of course. I am always good. Whimsy: Well I didn’t find anyone here so let’s move to a new lot okay? Delcatty: As you wish.
  • 49. Yay, male hobby master. And Baby Daddy N, go talk to him Whimsy. Whimsy: Say, you look like the sophisticated type. Could you tell me who the best writers of the nineteenth century were and why they were so prolific? Cooper Seifert: Indubitably my dear Shiny Lady. I simply must tell you about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his remarkable creation of Sherlock Holmes and the greatest detective of all time…
  • 50. Whimsy: Haxorus!! My sweet Dragon boy, how is school going? Klang: You never ask me that mom… Haxorus: Fine I guess, I’m in Sophomore year and Abby called. She said you were on the hobby lots. Whimsy: Yes, I am getting some much needed culture.
  • 51. OOH, another one. Get em Whimsy. I love Eddie and he’ll do for Baby Daddy O and the required college student daddy. Whimsy: Are you in the same classes as my kids? Eddie: I don’t even know them. It’s a big campus. Whimsy: Ah, well my son Haxorus is here, I should introduce you two. Eddie: Uhh, sure…whatever.
  • 52. Eddie: I’m going to regret this aren’t I Voice? Aww Eddie, don’t be like that. Whimsy is a nice girl, just a little loopy that’s all. And I missed you, also it’s Banette here not Voice. /legacy reference.
  • 53. Cooper: What a wonderful home!! So elegant and regal!! Do you have an extensive library I might peruse? Whimsy: Umm, not exactly it’s uhh, under construction…yeah. Cooper: Excellent! I shall await a call once its completion has been achieved.
  • 54. And to close out the chapter, meet Baby N Noivern the Soundwave Pokemon. Noivern is a Dragon/Flying type with the Dex number 715 (Kalos). X: They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing can beat them in a battle in the dark. Y: The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack.
  • 55. Stats page 1: Bab(ies) A: Absol and Articuno (female) Father: Tucker Gray (NPC), Blond hair, dark blue eyes Bab(ies) B: Blaziken and Breloom (male) Father: Victor Aspir (playable), Black hair, brown eyes. Baby C: Clamperl (female) Father: Hayden Long (Downtownie), Brown hair, light blue eyes. Baby D: Deoxys (male) Father: Herbert Goodie (Elder), Brown hair, green eyes. Baby E: Eevee (male) Father: Helios Cross (NPC Chef), Black hair, brown eyes. Baby F: Forretress (male) Father: Herbert Benton (NPC Slob) Bab(ies) G: Golbat (female) , Gallade (male) Father: Count Curt (a.k.a. Count Crabby, Bitey McHappy), Brown hair, red eyes. Bab(ies) H: Haunter (male), Haxorus (male), Heatran (male), Houndoom (female) Father: Shelby Chapman (Townie), Red hair, grey eyes.
  • 56. Stats page 2: Bab(ies) I: Igglybuff (female), Ishizumai (male) Father: Blake Stephenson (elf-eared Townie), blond hair, light blue eyes. Baby J: Jellicent (male) Father: Solander White (legacy import), brown hair, green/black eyes, alien skin Bab(ies) K: Keldeo (female), Klang (male), Kadabra (male), Kecleon (male) Father: Unsavoury Charlatan (BV NPC), black hair, skin 1, grey eyes Baby L: Lilligant (female) Father: Ideal Plantsim, black hair, vine skin, yellow eyes Baby M: Malamar (male) Father: Genie, black hair, S3, brown eyes Baby N: Noivern (male) Father: Film and Lit. Hobby Master Cooper Seifert, brown hair, grey eyes, S4