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Want To Write An Article A Day? Follow These Tips …..

                           Writing Articles
                            the easy way
Get 10 Articles From 1
Membership   Idea
             Tips from EzineArticles: Approach your idea from 10 different angles!

             1.    Present an Overview
Dot Com

             2.    Intermediate level
             3.    Advanced level
             4.    Use Assumptions
             5.    Prepare Guides
             6.    Write Reviews
             7.    Write an FAQ
             8.    Give Opinion
             9.    Make a Comparison
             10.   Write about Future trend

Membership   ORIGINALITY
             Tips from EzineArticles: Keep these 3 keys to ensure success.

             1. BE PREPARED
Dot Com

             Use article outlines to prevent article crossover.

             2. BE Concise
             Frame your articles within 400-700 words.

             3. BE Original
             Ensure each article is unique.

             Explore your ideas in a new light

Membership   Titles are key to article success
             Your article's title can have a significant impact on the success of that article.
                  The first 3-5 words of your title can dramatically increase how much
                            traffic your article will generate back to your website.
Dot Com

             1.   Do keyword research

             2.   Focus on long tail keyword

             3.   Keywords with high search volume

             4.   Use benefits oriented keywords

             5.   Think of your target audience

             6.   Write titles first

              Titles improve the overall performance of articles

                                                              Source -
Membership   GUIDE
             Tips from EzineArticles: How-To Article Template
Dot Com

             1.   Pick a Topic in Your Niche

             2.   Lead with a Great Title

             3. Begin with a Simple Introduction

             4. Include a List of Resources

             5. Write in Chronological Order

             6.   Create Mental Images

             7.   WRAP THINGS UP

                            Article source:
Eight inspiring article
Membership   titles
             Start your title with a question and end it with a command that solves
                 the problem.
Dot Com

             1.   Too Much Paperwork? Organize Your Clutter!
             2.   Need to Save Money on your Grocery Bill? Use This Coupon Cutting
             3.   Want to Look 10 Years Younger? Try These 5 Youthful Hairstyles!
             4.   How To Give Your Child A Haircut
             5.   How to Win Friends and Influence People
             6.   Does Calorie Counting Work? Try It Now!
             7.   You Can Give Your Kitchen A New Look For Free!
             8.   Stop Using Store Bought Baby Food!

                             Article source -
Make Writing Easy with
Membership   Prewriting
             Successful articles are a combination of your expertise and creativity.
                Create checklists, outlines and brainstorm.
Dot Com

             1. TARGET
                Always consider your audience, demographics, needs, expectations.

             2. FOCUS
                Consider the angle with which you approach the topic and your

             3. RESEARCH
                Consider who, what, where, when, why, and how of your topic.

             4. OUTLINE
                Create an outline including all of the core details your topic.

Write a beginners guide
             Writing an article for a beginner or someone who is not familiar
                at all with your niche. Some tips to remember when writing
                your article.
Dot Com

             •   Avoid niche jargon
                 Avoid niche or technique jargon, explain what it means.

             •   Assume no knowledge
                 Start at the lowest level.

             •   DESCRIBE THE BENEFIT
                 Explain what the benefits are.

             •   Beware information overload
                 Leave them wanting more.

Write a personal story
             A personal story or anecdote can be the perfect gateway to the
                hearts and minds of your audience.
Dot Com

             1.    Pick Your Story

             2.    Tell the Story
                  Set the scene for the story by providing the who, what, when,
                  where, why and how of what happens. Leave out
                  information if it seems trivial or unimportant to the story. Use
                  chronological order as best you can.

             3. the Moral of the Story

             4. Give Advice

Write An Article About
Membership    Victory
             Writing an article about victory need not be about conflicts.
                EzineArticles calls it a Triumph Story article. Triumph stories readers
                can relate to. It inspires and prove anything is possible.
Dot Com

             1.    Introduce with Your Hook
                  The first 2-3 lines should instantly hook the reader and
                  introduce the story. It is relevant and gives the readers a taste
                  of what is to come.

             2.   Tell the Story
                  Write as you want the story to be told.

             3. Reflect
                Explain what your story means to your readers.

             4. Final Thoughts
                How the story ends and your core message. The key take-
                away of your story .                  Source:
Write An Article About
Membership   Traditions
             Components of the Traditions Article Template:

             1.   Keyword Rich Title
Dot Com

              Choose commonly-used keywords to describe the tradition.

             2.   Introduce the Tradition
             You can choose to provide very basic information or go more in-depth.

             3. Explain the Benefits
             Share why the tradition has become a part of the culture of your niche.

             4. Counter the Shortfalls
             Weigh the validity of the tradition, and why it should be continued.

             5. Conclude the Article
             Reinforce your evaluate and opinion of the tradition.

Write An Article About
Membership   resolutions
             Steps for Writing an Article About Resolutions:

             1.   Pick a Resolution
Dot Com

              Pick a set of resolutions related to your niche. Turn each idea into

             2.   Write Title and Introduction
             Describe why it is important and how personal it is.

             3. Describe the Resolution
             Explain your resolution idea and why it works.

             4. Make a List
             How to make it work, ground rules, goals, steps and execution.

             5. Recap the Resolution
             Convince the reader that they'll be able to follow through with your
Write An Article using
Membership   what if
             Structure of a What If article:

             1.   Create an Event
Dot Com

              Get creative and use your imagination.

             2.   Write a Revealing Title
             Identify the event but leave it open ended.

             3. Add a Compelling Introduction
             Tell the story of how it happened and the events leading up to it.

             4. Say Why it Matters
             Outline the event, is it possible? Real life indications?

             5. Encourage otherWhat Ifs
             Recap and encourage more questions.

Write A Beware of Article
             Used to alert your readers of the possible dangers they could face:

             1.   Title
Dot Com

              Name a scenario of possible danger. Title should reflect the danger.

             2.   Introduction
             Why caution is necessary and the consequences of not doing so.

             3. Present the information
             Beware Item: Describe the danger.
             What to Do About the Beware Item: What actions to take.

             4. Additional Items
             Describe other situations and how to deal with them.

             5. Conclusion
             The reason why readers should be aware of the danger ahead.
Reflections on History
Membership   Article
             Structuring the Reflections on History Article :

             1.   Reflect First and Take Notes
Dot Com

              Think about the meaning of the event in history.

             2.   Write a Compelling Title
             Take your main concept and turn it into an interesting title.

             3. Give Your Reflections
             Share why the tradition has become a part of the culture of your niche.

             4. Look to the Future
             Share what you think about the event.

             5. Recap Your Reflections
             Use your main take-away to summarize your reflections.

Write A Dear Abby
Membership   Article
             Use this template today to give passionate responses to the everyday
                issues faced by your readership.
Dot Com

             1.    Start With a Question
                  Your question may be a common one in your niche or something
                  you already have in the FAQ section of your website. Avoid
                  questions that have simple Yes/No answers.

             2.    Answer the Question
                  Use a personable voice to answer the question and give the best
                  advice you can on the situation.

             3. Add Another Question
                   Add additional questions that fit with the same theme.

             4. Identify a Theme
                   Tie questions together with the theme they share and wrap up the
Write A niche jargon
Membership    Article
                  How to address complex concepts that require industry-specific
                                    language in your articles?
             1.   Pinpoint Confusion Areas
Dot Com

                  Pick an area in your niche with a complex vocabulary.
             2.   Form the Introduction
                  Write why the niche has specific jargon.

             3. Lay Out the Terms
                  List out the terms and what they mean.

             4. Explain Their Importance
                  Why the reader should incorporate them into their vocabulary.
             5. Wrap it Up
                  Recap the terms you introduced and why they need to be
Write A motivation trigger
Membership    Article
             How to Structure Your Motivation Trigger Article:

             1. Title : Announce the motivational technique
Dot Com

              Keeping a Daily Planner - 5 Reasons Why it Will Help You Get
                Things Done.

             2.   Introduction : Explain the problem
                  Connect with the reader.

             3. Body : How To Stay Motivated
                  Share your step by step process.

             4. Conclusion : Return to the problem
                  Why the motivational trigger helps and it works whenever the
                  problem arises.

Write A myth busting Article
             Exposure, Credibility and Fun:

             1.    Title : Acknowledge the Myth
Dot Com

                  Announce the myth and your intentions to bust it.

             2.    Introduction : Perpetuate the Myth
                  Tell the story, myth or urban legend and to the reader in.

             3. Body : Demystify and Debunk the Myth
                  Tell the reader why this is a myth, describe reasons and present
                  evidence. Make a list.

             4. Conclusion : Deliver a Dose of Reality
                  Tell them what they need to know.

Write An Article About
Membership    tricks
             Writing an article about tricks is like writing a How To. You help your
                readers accomplish a complicated task through tips and tricks.
Dot Com

             1.    Pick a Trick
                  Identify a trick that saves time, money, or effort.

             2.    Announce the Trick
                  Use the introduction to name the trick and give it a brief

             3. Describe It
                Describe the tips and tricks for doing the activity. Reveal the
                secret behind your trick and how it works.

             4. Make it Simple
               How the trick simplifies the traditional process and why
                readers should use it.
Write An Article About the old
Membership    way versus the new way
             Consider how the times have changed and how the industry has
                evolved. What has become easier through advancement in
Dot Com

             1.   Open with a Story
                  Begin with a short story about the way how things were.

             2.   Explain the New Environment
                  Introduce how things are now, what the current situation is.

             3. List the Changes
               Point out specific things that have changed.

             4. Give Your Analysis
                Describe how you feel about the changes. Either endorse the
                changes or explain why the old way is better. Conclude by
                summarizing your main points one more time.
Write An Article About
Membership    predictions
             Good predictions are based on knowledge, experience and an ability to
                recognize and explain trends, developments and signals.
Dot Com

             1.   Narrow Your Topic
             2.   Write a Revealing Title
             3.   Add a One Paragraph Intro
             4.   List Each Prediction Separately
             5.   Back Up Each Prediction
             6.   Be as Specific as You Can
             7.   Conclude with a Caveat

             EzineArticles Tips:
             Keep your content as evergreen as possible.
             Authors who make informed predictions gain credibility.
Write A Quick Quiz
Membership   Article
             Posing a quiz is a great way to turn your article into something
                more engaging and exciting.
Dot Com

             1.   Develop a Question

             2.   Pick Appropriate Answers

             3. Explain Why Each Answer Is Right orWrong

             4. Share What the Correct Answer Means for Your

             EzineArticles Tips:
             Show off a bit of your personality by adding a humorous option,
                         or choose a set of answers that are all correct.

Write A Perfect Cure
Membership   Article
             Posing a quiz is a great way to turn your article into something
                more engaging and exciting.
Dot Com

             1.   Share an Affliction or Illness
                  Pick a problem in your niche.
             2.   Lay Out Steps

             3. Recap the Cure
                  Summarize what you know about the problem and how the cure
                  will help.
             4. Reasons to consider the Cure
                  Build more evidence to support the cure and explain when it is the
                  right situation to use it.

Write A Words of Wisdom
Membership   Article
             Share your personal story that either proves the words of wisdom
                or disproves them.
Dot Com

             1.   Share the Quote in your Introduction
                  Lead the article with the quote and share who said the quote
                  originally. Provide a brief explanation of what it means.
             2.   Tell Your Story
                  Maintain a conversational tone to keep readers engaged
                  and provide them with important and descriptive details.
             3. Explain the Lesson
                  Reiterate what you learned from your experience.
             4. Recap Your Thoughts
                  Let your readers see your story from a different perspective.

Write a Product Review
Membership   Article
             Share your personal story that either proves the words of wisdom
                or disproves them.
Dot Com

             1.   Introduction
                  Start with a brief introduction to the product, what it is, what it
                  does and how you got to know about it.
             2.   The review
                  Share how the product worked for you. Give the product a rating.
             3. The Pros - List the benefits.

             4. The Cons - List the potential drawbacks.

             5. The Analysis - Explain why you gave your rating.

             6.   The Conclusion

Write a Juicy Content
Membership   Article
             Recognizing juicy content is a whole lot easier than writing it.
                 Content is juicy when ...
Dot Com

             1. It gives the feeling you're sharing secretive stuff.
             2. You know you could be charging top dollar for the
             3. There isn't anything out there like it on the web .
             4. It modifies or shifts your worldview .
             5. It's evident you "get" who the audience is and the
                position they're in .

Write a Overcoming
Membership   Objections Article
             How do you overcome your reader's objections and uncover the real
               truth in your niche?
             1.   The Title
Dot Com

                  Many People Believe That (Objection Goes Here)
             2.   Introduction
                  Describe what people believe about the industry and why they
                  believe it. This helps build a foundation of trust and they will read
                  what you have to say
             3. The Body
                  Kick off with a contradictory word - Ironically, However, Actually,
             4. Conclusion
                  Tell them now they know the truth and should now act on that
                  knowledge. This leads to your Call To Action.

Write a juicy content
Membership   Article
             1.    Choose a News Event
Dot Com

             2.    Lay Out the Story
                  Set the scene. Make this part brief.

             3. Give Your Analysis
                Your analysis and how it impacts your niche.

             4. Give a Prediction
                  Provide a projection for the future.

             5. Summarize
               Recap the event and what it means for your niche.

keys to success for news article
             1. Be Relevant

             2. Be Evergreen
Dot Com

             3. Be Unbiased

             4. Be factual

             5. Be Informative

             6. Be Exclusive

             7. Provide Value

Writing an Effective Call to
             Provide an effective call-to-action in your Resource Box. A CTA is a pitch to
                your readers to urge or motivate them to take immediate action.
             1.   Desire
Dot Com

                  Readers are motivated by an empathetic link. Consider what problem
                  they want to solve or what desire they want to achieve. Lead your CTA
                  with it.
             2.   Convenience
                  Clearly prescribe a product or a service that solves the reader's problem or
                  helps them achieve their goal.
             3.   Incentive
                  Encourage your reader to act by providing a free gift, or a free download.
                  Add a sense of urgency, use urgent language like "act now".
             4.   Simplicity
                  Often, the simplest design produces the best results. Tell your reader what
                  action you want them to take.
Membership   3 call to action blunders
             Don't forget to include a call-to-action! Don't miss out on this great opportunity
                to drive traffic to your website.
Dot Com

             1.   Premature Placement
                  Place their CTA too early. "Give" in your article and "take" in your
                  Resource Box.

             2.   Negative Blunders
                  Attitude is contagious. Ensure your CTA conveys a positive message.

             3.   Overloading Your Keywords
                  Over usage of keywords in your article makes for bad reading.

                   Do not forget to include a call to
                                                                Source -
             Evergreen articles stand the test of time and brings in traffic to your website.
Dot Com

             1.   Focuses on fundamentals

             2.   Does Not follow trends

             3.   Information still relevant in the future

                                        Tips From EzineArticles:
                         Writing evergreen content is less about what you write
                                      and more how you write it.
                            publishers prefer evergreen content

                                                                 Source -
Membership                                  NOTE
                      These are notes that I have compiled for my personal use.
                   The bulk of these article guide and templates were produced by
           , and from authors in other article directories.
Dot Com

             Where I can, I have attributed the ideas to wherever it came from. If you see
                 something of yours that you would like credit, let me know and I shall
                   update it. My gratitude goes out to the people on the internet who
                                    shared so much with so many of us.

                    And if you find this useful and would like to read some more,

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Writing articles the easy way

  • 1. Want To Write An Article A Day? Follow These Tips ….. Writing Articles the easy way
  • 2. Get 10 Articles From 1 Membership Idea Tips from EzineArticles: Approach your idea from 10 different angles! 1. Present an Overview Dot Com 2. Intermediate level 3. Advanced level 4. Use Assumptions 5. Prepare Guides 6. Write Reviews 7. Write an FAQ 8. Give Opinion 9. Make a Comparison 10. Write about Future trend Source:
  • 3. PREPARATION AND Membership ORIGINALITY Tips from EzineArticles: Keep these 3 keys to ensure success. 1. BE PREPARED Dot Com Use article outlines to prevent article crossover. 2. BE Concise Frame your articles within 400-700 words. 3. BE Original Ensure each article is unique. Explore your ideas in a new light Source:
  • 4. Membership Titles are key to article success Your article's title can have a significant impact on the success of that article. The first 3-5 words of your title can dramatically increase how much traffic your article will generate back to your website. Dot Com 1. Do keyword research 2. Focus on long tail keyword 3. Keywords with high search volume 4. Use benefits oriented keywords 5. Think of your target audience 6. Write titles first Titles improve the overall performance of articles Source -
  • 5. STEP BY STEP WRITING Membership GUIDE Tips from EzineArticles: How-To Article Template Dot Com 1. Pick a Topic in Your Niche 2. Lead with a Great Title 3. Begin with a Simple Introduction 4. Include a List of Resources 5. Write in Chronological Order 6. Create Mental Images 7. WRAP THINGS UP Article source:
  • 6. Eight inspiring article Membership titles Start your title with a question and end it with a command that solves the problem. Dot Com 1. Too Much Paperwork? Organize Your Clutter! 2. Need to Save Money on your Grocery Bill? Use This Coupon Cutting Strategy! 3. Want to Look 10 Years Younger? Try These 5 Youthful Hairstyles! 4. How To Give Your Child A Haircut 5. How to Win Friends and Influence People 6. Does Calorie Counting Work? Try It Now! 7. You Can Give Your Kitchen A New Look For Free! 8. Stop Using Store Bought Baby Food! Article source - marketing/online-article-submission-title-template/
  • 7. Make Writing Easy with Membership Prewriting Successful articles are a combination of your expertise and creativity. Create checklists, outlines and brainstorm. Dot Com 1. TARGET Always consider your audience, demographics, needs, expectations. 2. FOCUS Consider the angle with which you approach the topic and your keywords. 3. RESEARCH Consider who, what, where, when, why, and how of your topic. 4. OUTLINE Create an outline including all of the core details your topic. Source:
  • 8. Write a beginners guide Membership Writing an article for a beginner or someone who is not familiar at all with your niche. Some tips to remember when writing your article. Dot Com • Avoid niche jargon Avoid niche or technique jargon, explain what it means. • Assume no knowledge Start at the lowest level. • DESCRIBE THE BENEFIT Explain what the benefits are. • Beware information overload Leave them wanting more. Source:
  • 9. Write a personal story Membership A personal story or anecdote can be the perfect gateway to the hearts and minds of your audience. Dot Com 1. Pick Your Story 2. Tell the Story Set the scene for the story by providing the who, what, when, where, why and how of what happens. Leave out information if it seems trivial or unimportant to the story. Use chronological order as best you can. 3. the Moral of the Story 4. Give Advice Source:
  • 10. Write An Article About Membership Victory Writing an article about victory need not be about conflicts. EzineArticles calls it a Triumph Story article. Triumph stories readers can relate to. It inspires and prove anything is possible. Dot Com 1. Introduce with Your Hook The first 2-3 lines should instantly hook the reader and introduce the story. It is relevant and gives the readers a taste of what is to come. 2. Tell the Story Write as you want the story to be told. 3. Reflect Explain what your story means to your readers. 4. Final Thoughts How the story ends and your core message. The key take- away of your story . Source:
  • 11. Write An Article About Membership Traditions Components of the Traditions Article Template: 1. Keyword Rich Title Dot Com Choose commonly-used keywords to describe the tradition. 2. Introduce the Tradition You can choose to provide very basic information or go more in-depth. 3. Explain the Benefits Share why the tradition has become a part of the culture of your niche. 4. Counter the Shortfalls Weigh the validity of the tradition, and why it should be continued. 5. Conclude the Article Reinforce your evaluate and opinion of the tradition. Source:
  • 12. Write An Article About Membership resolutions Steps for Writing an Article About Resolutions: 1. Pick a Resolution Dot Com Pick a set of resolutions related to your niche. Turn each idea into articles. 2. Write Title and Introduction Describe why it is important and how personal it is. 3. Describe the Resolution Explain your resolution idea and why it works. 4. Make a List How to make it work, ground rules, goals, steps and execution. 5. Recap the Resolution Convince the reader that they'll be able to follow through with your suggestions. Source:
  • 13. Write An Article using Membership what if Structure of a What If article: 1. Create an Event Dot Com Get creative and use your imagination. 2. Write a Revealing Title Identify the event but leave it open ended. 3. Add a Compelling Introduction Tell the story of how it happened and the events leading up to it. 4. Say Why it Matters Outline the event, is it possible? Real life indications? 5. Encourage otherWhat Ifs Recap and encourage more questions. Source:
  • 14. Write A Beware of Article Membership Used to alert your readers of the possible dangers they could face: 1. Title Dot Com Name a scenario of possible danger. Title should reflect the danger. 2. Introduction Why caution is necessary and the consequences of not doing so. 3. Present the information Beware Item: Describe the danger. What to Do About the Beware Item: What actions to take. 4. Additional Items Describe other situations and how to deal with them. 5. Conclusion The reason why readers should be aware of the danger ahead. Source:
  • 15. Reflections on History Membership Article Structuring the Reflections on History Article : 1. Reflect First and Take Notes Dot Com Think about the meaning of the event in history. 2. Write a Compelling Title Take your main concept and turn it into an interesting title. 3. Give Your Reflections Share why the tradition has become a part of the culture of your niche. 4. Look to the Future Share what you think about the event. 5. Recap Your Reflections Use your main take-away to summarize your reflections. Source:
  • 16. Write A Dear Abby Membership Article Use this template today to give passionate responses to the everyday issues faced by your readership. Dot Com 1. Start With a Question Your question may be a common one in your niche or something you already have in the FAQ section of your website. Avoid questions that have simple Yes/No answers. 2. Answer the Question Use a personable voice to answer the question and give the best advice you can on the situation. 3. Add Another Question Add additional questions that fit with the same theme. 4. Identify a Theme Tie questions together with the theme they share and wrap up the article. Source:
  • 17. Write A niche jargon Membership Article How to address complex concepts that require industry-specific language in your articles? 1. Pinpoint Confusion Areas Dot Com Pick an area in your niche with a complex vocabulary. 2. Form the Introduction Write why the niche has specific jargon. 3. Lay Out the Terms List out the terms and what they mean. 4. Explain Their Importance Why the reader should incorporate them into their vocabulary. 5. Wrap it Up Recap the terms you introduced and why they need to be remembered. Source:
  • 18. Write A motivation trigger Membership Article How to Structure Your Motivation Trigger Article: 1. Title : Announce the motivational technique Dot Com Keeping a Daily Planner - 5 Reasons Why it Will Help You Get Things Done. 2. Introduction : Explain the problem Connect with the reader. 3. Body : How To Stay Motivated Share your step by step process. 4. Conclusion : Return to the problem Why the motivational trigger helps and it works whenever the problem arises. Source:
  • 19. Write A myth busting Article Membership Exposure, Credibility and Fun: 1. Title : Acknowledge the Myth Dot Com Announce the myth and your intentions to bust it. 2. Introduction : Perpetuate the Myth Tell the story, myth or urban legend and to the reader in. 3. Body : Demystify and Debunk the Myth Tell the reader why this is a myth, describe reasons and present evidence. Make a list. 4. Conclusion : Deliver a Dose of Reality Tell them what they need to know. Source:
  • 20. Write An Article About Membership tricks Writing an article about tricks is like writing a How To. You help your readers accomplish a complicated task through tips and tricks. Dot Com 1. Pick a Trick Identify a trick that saves time, money, or effort. 2. Announce the Trick Use the introduction to name the trick and give it a brief explanation. 3. Describe It Describe the tips and tricks for doing the activity. Reveal the secret behind your trick and how it works. 4. Make it Simple How the trick simplifies the traditional process and why readers should use it. Source:
  • 21. Write An Article About the old Membership way versus the new way Consider how the times have changed and how the industry has evolved. What has become easier through advancement in technology. Dot Com 1. Open with a Story Begin with a short story about the way how things were. 2. Explain the New Environment Introduce how things are now, what the current situation is. 3. List the Changes Point out specific things that have changed. 4. Give Your Analysis Describe how you feel about the changes. Either endorse the changes or explain why the old way is better. Conclude by summarizing your main points one more time. Source:
  • 22. Write An Article About Membership predictions Good predictions are based on knowledge, experience and an ability to recognize and explain trends, developments and signals. Dot Com 1. Narrow Your Topic 2. Write a Revealing Title 3. Add a One Paragraph Intro 4. List Each Prediction Separately 5. Back Up Each Prediction 6. Be as Specific as You Can 7. Conclude with a Caveat EzineArticles Tips: Keep your content as evergreen as possible. Authors who make informed predictions gain credibility. Source:
  • 23. Write A Quick Quiz Membership Article Posing a quiz is a great way to turn your article into something more engaging and exciting. Dot Com 1. Develop a Question 2. Pick Appropriate Answers 3. Explain Why Each Answer Is Right orWrong 4. Share What the Correct Answer Means for Your Niche EzineArticles Tips: Show off a bit of your personality by adding a humorous option, or choose a set of answers that are all correct. Source:
  • 24. Write A Perfect Cure Membership Article Posing a quiz is a great way to turn your article into something more engaging and exciting. Dot Com 1. Share an Affliction or Illness Pick a problem in your niche. 2. Lay Out Steps 3. Recap the Cure Summarize what you know about the problem and how the cure will help. 4. Reasons to consider the Cure Build more evidence to support the cure and explain when it is the right situation to use it. Source:
  • 25. Write A Words of Wisdom Membership Article Share your personal story that either proves the words of wisdom or disproves them. Dot Com 1. Share the Quote in your Introduction Lead the article with the quote and share who said the quote originally. Provide a brief explanation of what it means. 2. Tell Your Story Maintain a conversational tone to keep readers engaged and provide them with important and descriptive details. 3. Explain the Lesson Reiterate what you learned from your experience. 4. Recap Your Thoughts Let your readers see your story from a different perspective. Source:
  • 26. Write a Product Review Membership Article Share your personal story that either proves the words of wisdom or disproves them. Dot Com 1. Introduction Start with a brief introduction to the product, what it is, what it does and how you got to know about it. 2. The review Share how the product worked for you. Give the product a rating. 3. The Pros - List the benefits. 4. The Cons - List the potential drawbacks. 5. The Analysis - Explain why you gave your rating. 6. The Conclusion Source:
  • 27. Write a Juicy Content Membership Article Recognizing juicy content is a whole lot easier than writing it. Content is juicy when ... Dot Com 1. It gives the feeling you're sharing secretive stuff. 2. You know you could be charging top dollar for the information. 3. There isn't anything out there like it on the web . 4. It modifies or shifts your worldview . 5. It's evident you "get" who the audience is and the position they're in . Source:
  • 28. Write a Overcoming Membership Objections Article How do you overcome your reader's objections and uncover the real truth in your niche? 1. The Title Dot Com Many People Believe That (Objection Goes Here) 2. Introduction Describe what people believe about the industry and why they believe it. This helps build a foundation of trust and they will read what you have to say 3. The Body Kick off with a contradictory word - Ironically, However, Actually, 4. Conclusion Tell them now they know the truth and should now act on that knowledge. This leads to your Call To Action. Source:
  • 29. Write a juicy content Membership Article 1. Choose a News Event Dot Com 2. Lay Out the Story Set the scene. Make this part brief. 3. Give Your Analysis Your analysis and how it impacts your niche. 4. Give a Prediction Provide a projection for the future. 5. Summarize Recap the event and what it means for your niche. Source:
  • 30. keys to success for news article Membership 1. Be Relevant 2. Be Evergreen Dot Com 3. Be Unbiased 4. Be factual 5. Be Informative 6. Be Exclusive 7. Provide Value Source:
  • 31. Writing an Effective Call to Action Provide an effective call-to-action in your Resource Box. A CTA is a pitch to Membership your readers to urge or motivate them to take immediate action. 1. Desire Dot Com Readers are motivated by an empathetic link. Consider what problem they want to solve or what desire they want to achieve. Lead your CTA with it. 2. Convenience Clearly prescribe a product or a service that solves the reader's problem or helps them achieve their goal. 3. Incentive Encourage your reader to act by providing a free gift, or a free download. Add a sense of urgency, use urgent language like "act now". 4. Simplicity Often, the simplest design produces the best results. Tell your reader what action you want them to take. Source:
  • 32. Membership 3 call to action blunders Don't forget to include a call-to-action! Don't miss out on this great opportunity to drive traffic to your website. Dot Com 1. Premature Placement Place their CTA too early. "Give" in your article and "take" in your Resource Box. 2. Negative Blunders Attitude is contagious. Ensure your CTA conveys a positive message. 3. Overloading Your Keywords Over usage of keywords in your article makes for bad reading. Do not forget to include a call to action Source -
  • 33. Membership WRITE AN EVERGREEN ARTICLE Evergreen articles stand the test of time and brings in traffic to your website. Dot Com 1. Focuses on fundamentals 2. Does Not follow trends 3. Information still relevant in the future Tips From EzineArticles: Writing evergreen content is less about what you write and more how you write it. Plus, publishers prefer evergreen content Source -
  • 34. Membership NOTE These are notes that I have compiled for my personal use. The bulk of these article guide and templates were produced by, and from authors in other article directories. Dot Com Where I can, I have attributed the ideas to wherever it came from. If you see something of yours that you would like credit, let me know and I shall update it. My gratitude goes out to the people on the internet who shared so much with so many of us. And if you find this useful and would like to read some more, Visit