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write a MATLAB GUI program that implements an ultrasound image viewing and manipulation
program. Your program must have the following features: (a) Load and display an image. (b)
One or more methods of manipulating the image. You should start by making a flow chart of any
tricky algorithmic steps. The GUI program should be beautiful, and most importantly, easy and
fun to use. Included with the program will be a README file containing instructions on how to
use it. (Test the program and instructions by having someone not associated with the class try
them out.) Make sure your program is thoroughly documented with internal comments, and that
the code is easy to read. That means lots of white space, descriptive variable names, and that the
comments don’t extend beyond the right edge of a normal page if you were to print it out.
function varargout = DSPView(varargin)
% DSPVIEW Framework for ultrasound processsing.
% DSPView MATLAB framework for ultrasound B-mode, velocity,
% strain and elastographic processing.
% See also: ImagingSystem, strainEstimatorLSQ, velocityEstimator
% Edit the above text to modify the response to help DSPView
% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
gui_Singleton = 0;
gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...
'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
'gui_OpeningFcn', @DSPView_OpeningFcn, ...
'gui_OutputFcn', @DSPView_OutputFcn, ...
'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...
'gui_Callback', []);
if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
if nargout
[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
function DSPView_OpeningFcn(hObject, ~, handles, varargin)
% Add all folders to search path
handles.output = hObject;
handles.imagingSystem = [];
handles.frameNo = 1;
handles.displays = [];
guidata(hObject, handles);
% Enable the slider to notify other function when moved
if verLessThan('matlab','7.12')
addlistener(handles.slider, 'Action', ...
@(src,evnt)sliderMoved(src, evnt, hObject));
addlistener(handles.slider, 'ContinuousValueChange', ...
@(src,evnt)sliderMoved(src, evnt, hObject));
function varargout = DSPView_OutputFcn(~, ~, handles)
varargout{1} = handles.output;
% ==================================================
% ------ Fig creation and deletion functions ------
% ==================================================
function newFig(hObject, handles, displayType)
% create the new display struct, which holds the figure handle
currDisplay.fig = figure('DeleteFcn', ...
@(src,evnt)figDeleteFnc(src, evnt, hObject, displayType));
currDisplay.axes = axes('Parent',currDisplay.fig);
set(currDisplay.axes,'FontSize', 14);
currDisplay.modality = displayType;
currDisplay.medFiltEn = 0;
currDisplay.medFiltDim = [3,3];
% Check to see if other displays exist, if so use their size
if ~isempty(handles.displays)
set(currDisplay.fig, 'position', pos+[pos(3), 0,0,0]);
if strcmp(displayType,'rfLine') || strcmp(displayType, 'rfLineFreq')
currDisplay = createPlotHandles(handles, currDisplay, displayType);
currDisplay = createPriAndSecHandle(handles, ...
currDisplay, displayType);
addDisplay(hObject, handles, currDisplay)
updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay);
function figDeleteFnc(~, ~, hObject, displayType)
removeDisplay(hObject, handles, displayType);
% A display represents a data set that will be visualized to the user,
% such as a b-mode image, velocity data or strain data.
function addDisplay(hObject, handles, display)
if isempty(handles.displays)
figList=[figList; display.modality];
set(handles.figSelect,'String', figList);
setActiveDisplay(handles, display);
guidata(hObject, handles)
function removeDisplay(hObject, handles, displayType)
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType);
if idx
guidata(hObject, handles);
set(handles.(displayType), 'Value',0)
if noDisplays == 0 % All figures closed, disable figSelector
else % Still figures enabled, switch active figure
figList = get(handles.figSelect, 'String');
set(handles.figSelect, 'String', figList);
setActiveDisplay(handles, handles.displays(n));
function setActiveDisplay(handles, display)
idx = idxOfDisplay(handles, display.modality);
if idx
set(handles.figSelect, 'Value', idx);
cLim = get(display.axes, 'CLim');
set(handles.cMin, 'string', num2str(cLim(1)));
set(handles.cMax, 'string', num2str(cLim(2)));
medFiltEn = display.medFiltEn;
medFiltDim = display.medFiltDim;
set(handles.medFiltEn, 'value', medFiltEn);
set(handles.medFiltX, 'string', num2str(medFiltDim(1)));
set(handles.medFiltY, 'string', num2str(medFiltDim(2)));
% Image figures are contained in MATLAB handles. Since each image figure
% can potentially plot two images in the same view (background and
% foreground), both a primary and a secondary handle is needed.
% This function handles the creation of these handles, is responsible
% for aligning the two images, for setting the correct image labels,
% aspect ratio and colormap.
function currDisplay = createPriAndSecHandle(handles, currDisplay, displayType)
% Get the primary image (foreground image) and associated axis
im = handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, displayType);
xAx = handles.imagingSystem.getLateralAxis();
yAx = handles.imagingSystem.getDepthAxis();
% Convert to uint8 image
[cMin, cMax] = autoScale(im, displayType);
im = uint8(thresholdAndScale(im, [cMin, cMax], 192))+64;
% Need to know how to align the foreground (sub) image
% with the larger background image
[xData, yData] = centerCoords(handles.imagingSystem.rfDim, size(im));
% First display the background image
backgroundImage = zeros(handles.imagingSystem.rfDim, 'uint8');
currDisplay.secHandle = image([xAx(1), xAx(end)], [yAx(1), yAx(end)], ...
backgroundImage, 'Parent', currDisplay.axes);
% Then the foreground image
currDisplay.priHandle = image([xAx(xData(1)), xAx(xData(2))], ...
[yAx(yData(1)), yAx(yData(2))], im, 'Parent', currDisplay.axes);
% Update axis' labels
set(currDisplay.axes,'CLim',[cMin, cMax]);
xlabel(currDisplay.axes, 'Lateral axis [mm]', 'FontSize', 14);
ylabel(currDisplay.axes, 'Depth axis [mm]' , 'FontSize', 14);
% Fix the aspect ratio of the figure equal to that of the recording
set(currDisplay.axes,'DataAspectRatio', ...
[1, handles.imagingSystem.aspectRatio(), 1]);
% Set the colormap;
cMap = defaultCmap(displayType);
if get(handles.mixEn,'Value') && isMixable(currDisplay.modality)
set(currDisplay.priHandle, 'alphadata', ...
set(currDisplay.secHandle, 'UserData' , bModeClim(handles));
cMap = [gray(64); cMap];
cMap = [ones(64,3); cMap];
colormap(currDisplay.axes, cMap);
% createPlotHandles is responsible for creating new line plots of an RF
% data line, either in time or frequency domain.
function currDisplay = createPlotHandles(handles, currDisplay, displayType)
y=handles.imagingSystem.getLine(handles.frameNo, 36, displayType);
if strcmp(displayType,'rfLine')
if strcmp(displayType,'rfLine')
xLab='Depth (mm)';
yLab='Rf amplitude';
set(currDisplay.axes, 'YLim',[-peak peak]);
xLab='Frequency (mHz)';
yLab='Power spectrum estimate (dB)';
set(currDisplay.axes, 'YLim',[peak-70 peak]);
set(currDisplay.axes, 'XLim',[x(1) x(end)]);
grid(currDisplay.axes, 'on');
% =====================================
% ---- Visualization/Presentation -----
% =====================================
function drawAllModalities(handles)
for i=1:size(handles.displays,2)
updateDisplay(handles, handles.displays(i));
% Refreshes a display when a new image data is available
function updateDisplay(handles, display)
if ~isImage(display.modality)
updateRfLine(handles, display);
cLim = get(display.axes,'CLim');
% If image pixel masking is enabled
% we need to create an image mask.
if get(handles.qualityEn,'Value') && isMixable(display.modality)
[im, alphaMat] = handles.imagingSystem.getFrame( ...
handles.frameNo, display.modality);
thr = str2double(get(handles.qualityThr, 'string'));
alphaMat(alphaMat < thr)=0;
alphaMat(alphaMat >= thr)=1;
alphaMat=bwareaopen(alphaMat, 300, 4);
im = handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, ...
alphaMat = str2double(get(handles.alpha,'string'));
% Handles median filtering
if (display.medFiltEn)
im = medfilt2(im, display.medFiltDim);
% Handles image scaling to the colormap, hardcoded to 192 colors
scaledIm = uint8(thresholdAndScale(im,cLim,192))+64;
set(display.priHandle, 'CData', scaledIm);
% If we have to post process the image, (image masking or
% image mixing is enabled).
if ( get(handles.mixEn,'Value') || get(handles.qualityEn,'value') ) ...
&& isMixable(display.modality)
bMode=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, 'bMode');
if numel(bModeClim) == 0
[mini, maxi] = autoScale(bMode,'bMode');
bModeClim = [mini,maxi];
set(display.secHandle, 'CData', ...
uint8(thresholdAndScale(bMode, bModeClim, 64)));
set(display.priHandle, 'alphadata', alphaMat);
title(display.axes, [display.modality, ', frame: ', ...
num2str(handles.frameNo), '/', ...
function updateRfLine(handles, display)
[x]=handles.imagingSystem.getLine(handles.frameNo, 36, display.modality);
% =====================================
% ----------- UI Callbacks ------------
% =====================================
function strainParamUpdate(hObject, ~, handles)
algList = get(handles.strainAlg,'String');
strainAlg = char(algList(get(handles.strainAlg,'Value')));
handles.imagingSystem.strainEstParam(dx, strainAlg);
for i=1:length(strainDisps)
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType);
if idx
cLim = get(currDisplay.axes,'CLim');
currDisplay=createPriAndSecHandle(handles, currDisplay, displayType);
updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay);
guidata(hObject, handles);
function sliderMoved(sliderObj, ~, hObject)
if sliderVal ~= handles.frameNo
guidata(hObject, handles);
function cMapChanged(hObject, ~, handles)
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType);
if idx
set(currDisplay.axes,'Clim',[cMin, cMax]);
updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay)
guidata(hObject, handles);
% Called when median filter settings are updated
function medFiltChanged(hObject, ~, handles)
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType);
if idx
medFiltEn = get(handles.medFiltEn, 'value');
medFiltX = str2double(get(handles.medFiltX, 'string'));
medFiltY = str2double(get(handles.medFiltY, 'string'));
medFiltDim = [medFiltX, medFiltY];
handles.displays(idx).medFiltEn = medFiltEn;
handles.displays(idx).medFiltDim = medFiltDim;
guidata(hObject, handles);
updateDisplay(handles, handles.displays(idx));
% Called when play button is pressed
function play(hObject, ~, handles)
for i=handles.frameNo+1:get(handles.slider,'Max')
guidata(hObject, handles);
% Called when the figure selection drop-down menu changes
function figSelect_Callback(~, ~, handles)
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType);
if idx
setActiveDisplay(handles, newDisplay);
% Called when the different modality checkboxes change
function modality_Callback(hObject, ~, handles)
if get(hObject,'Value')
newFig(hObject, handles, get(hObject,'Tag'));
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, get(hObject, 'Tag'));
if idx
% Called when the color map settings are updated
function autoCmap_Callback(hObject, ~, handles)
idx=get(handles.figSelect, 'Value');
if isstruct(handles.displays)
im=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, display.modality);
[cMin,cMax]=autoScale(im, display.modality);
set(handles.cMin, 'string', num2str(cMin));
set(handles.cMax, 'string', num2str(cMax));
cMapChanged(hObject, 0, handles);
% Called when the color bar button is pushed
function cBar_Callback(~, ~, handles)
idx=get(handles.figSelect, 'Value');
if isstruct(handles.displays)
cMin = str2double(get(handles.cMin, 'string'));
cMax = str2double(get(handles.cMax, 'string'));
cLim = [cMin, cMax];
cMap = colormap(display.axes);
case 'vel'
case {'strain', 'absStrain'}
createColorbar(cLim, cMap, unit);
% Called when the velocity estimator settings are updated
function velParamUpdate(hObject, ~, handles)
rngGate = str2double(get(handles.rngGate,'String'));
latGate = str2double(get(handles.latGate,'String'));
ensLength = str2double(get(handles.ensLength,'String'));
velFiltOrder = str2double(get(handles.velFiltOrder,'String'));
velFiltCutOff= str2double(get(handles.velFiltCutOff,'String'));
twoDimCorrEn = get(handles.twoDimCorrEn,'Value');
fDem = str2double(get(handles.fDem,'String'));
unwrapEn = get(handles.unwrapEn,'Value');
handles.imagingSystem.velEstParam(rngGate, latGate, twoDimCorrEn, ...
fDem, unwrapEn, ensLength, velFiltOrder, velFiltCutOff);
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType);
if idx
cLim = get(currDisplay.axes,'CLim');
currDisplay=createPriAndSecHandle(handles, currDisplay, displayType);
updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay);
strainParamUpdate(hObject, 0, handles);
% Called when the RF filter settings are updated
function rfFiltUpdate(~, ~, handles)
order=str2double(get(handles.filtOrder, 'String'));
fMin=str2double(get(handles.filtLow, 'String'));
fMax=str2double(get(handles.filtHigh, 'String'));
handles.imagingSystem.rfFilt(enable, order, [fMin, fMax]);
% Called when the visualization settings are updated
function visualizationUpdate(~, ~, handles)
if get(handles.mixEn, 'Value')
cLim = bModeClim(handles);
for i=1:size(handles.displays,2)
if isMixable(currDisplay.modality)
colormap(currDisplay.axes, cMap);
set(currDisplay.priHandle,'alphadata', str2double(get(handles.alpha,'String')));
set(currDisplay.secHandle,'UserData', cLim);
updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay);
for i=1:size(handles.displays,2)
if isMixable(currDisplay.modality)
colormap(currDisplay.axes, cMap);
set(currDisplay.priHandle,'alphadata', 1.0);
updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay);
% Called when the elastogram settings are updated
function elastoParamUpdate(~, ~, handles)
eFiltOrder = str2double(get(handles.eFiltOrder,'String'));
eThr = str2double(get(handles.eThr,'String'));
handles.imagingSystem.elastoParam(eFiltOrder, eThr);
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, 'elasto');
if idx
updateDisplay(handles, handles.displays(idx));
% Called when File->Load is pressed
function Load_Callback(hObject, ~, handles)
[fileName, pathName, filterIndex]=uigetfile( ...
{'*.mat;*.rf','RF data (*.mat, *.rf)'});
switch filterIndex
case 0 % User pressed cancel
case 1 % load RF-data file
handles.imagingSystem=ImagingSystem([pathName, fileName]);
newFig(hObject, handles, 'bMode');
% Called when "File->Save all as images" is pressed
function saveAllToFile(~, ~, handles)
folder_name = uigetdir();
if folder_name
for j=1:size(handles.displays,2)
if isImage(currDisplay.modality)
h=waitbar(0,'Storing visible figures to disk');
for i=1:get(handles.slider,'Max')
for j=1:size(handles.displays,2)
if isImage(currDisplay.modality)
im=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(i, currDisplay.modality);
if strcmp(currDisplay.modality,'elasto')
im=medfilt2(uint8(thresholdAndScale(im,cLim, 256)));
im=uint8(thresholdAndScale(im,cLim, 192));
% extra stuff
imwrite(im, cMap,strcat(sprintf('%s/%s/%.4d',folder_name,currDisplay.modality,i),'.png'));
% Called when "File->Export to workspace" is pressed
function exportDataToWorkspace(~, ~, handles)
assignin('base','imSystem', handles.imagingSystem);
% Called when "File->Preprocess all frames" is pressed.
function preprocessAll(~, ~, handles)
for i = 1:N
function closeAll(~, ~, handles)
if isstruct(handles.displays)
for i=1:size(handles.displays,2)
% Attempt to close file.
if ~isempty(handles.imagingSystem)
catch exc
warning('GUI:failedToClose','Caught exception: ');
% =====================================
% -------- Misc functions --------
% =====================================
function b=isImage(modality)
if strcmp(modality, 'rfLine') || ...
strcmp(modality, 'rfLineFreq')
function b=isMixable(modality)
if strcmp(modality, 'bMode') || ...
strcmp(modality, 'rfLine') || ...
strcmp(modality, 'rfLineFreq')
function cMap = defaultCmap(displayType)
switch (displayType)
case 'bMode'
cMap = gray(192);
case 'vel'
cMap = velMap192;
case 'absStrain'
cMap = (hot(192));
cMap = jet(192);
function idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType)
if isempty(idx)
function enableUi(handles)
set(handles.slider,'SliderStep',[1/(N-1), 10/(N-1)]);
set(handles.bMode, 'Enable','on');
set(handles.bMode, 'Value',1);
set(handles.vel, 'Enable','on');
set(handles.strain, 'Enable','on');
set(handles.absStrain, 'Enable','on');
set(handles.rfLine, 'Enable','on');
set(handles.rfLineFreq, 'Enable','on');
function enableColorPanel(handles)
set(handles.figSelect, 'Enable','on');
set(handles.cMax,'Enable', 'on');
set(handles.cMin,'Enable', 'on');
function cLim = bModeClim(handles)
idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, 'bMode');
if idx
bModeFrame=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, 'bMode');
[cMin, cMax]=autoScale(bModeFrame, 'bMode');
cLim = [cMin, cMax];

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  • 1. write a MATLAB GUI program that implements an ultrasound image viewing and manipulation program. Your program must have the following features: (a) Load and display an image. (b) One or more methods of manipulating the image. You should start by making a flow chart of any tricky algorithmic steps. The GUI program should be beautiful, and most importantly, easy and fun to use. Included with the program will be a README file containing instructions on how to use it. (Test the program and instructions by having someone not associated with the class try them out.) Make sure your program is thoroughly documented with internal comments, and that the code is easy to read. That means lots of white space, descriptive variable names, and that the comments don’t extend beyond the right edge of a normal page if you were to print it out. Solution function varargout = DSPView(varargin) % DSPVIEW Framework for ultrasound processsing. % DSPView MATLAB framework for ultrasound B-mode, velocity, % strain and elastographic processing. % See also: ImagingSystem, strainEstimatorLSQ, velocityEstimator % Edit the above text to modify the response to help DSPView % % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 0; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @DSPView_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @DSPView_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end
  • 2. end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT function DSPView_OpeningFcn(hObject, ~, handles, varargin) % Add all folders to search path addpath(genpath(pwd)) handles.output = hObject; handles.imagingSystem = []; handles.frameNo = 1; handles.displays = []; guidata(hObject, handles); % Enable the slider to notify other function when moved if verLessThan('matlab','7.12') addlistener(handles.slider, 'Action', ... @(src,evnt)sliderMoved(src, evnt, hObject)); else addlistener(handles.slider, 'ContinuousValueChange', ... @(src,evnt)sliderMoved(src, evnt, hObject)); end end function varargout = DSPView_OutputFcn(~, ~, handles) varargout{1} = handles.output; end % ================================================== % ------ Fig creation and deletion functions ------ % ================================================== function newFig(hObject, handles, displayType) % create the new display struct, which holds the figure handle currDisplay.fig = figure('DeleteFcn', ... @(src,evnt)figDeleteFnc(src, evnt, hObject, displayType)); currDisplay.axes = axes('Parent',currDisplay.fig); set(currDisplay.axes,'FontSize', 14); currDisplay.modality = displayType; currDisplay.medFiltEn = 0; currDisplay.medFiltDim = [3,3]; % Check to see if other displays exist, if so use their size if ~isempty(handles.displays)
  • 3. pos=get(handles.displays(end).fig,'position'); set(currDisplay.fig, 'position', pos+[pos(3), 0,0,0]); end if strcmp(displayType,'rfLine') || strcmp(displayType, 'rfLineFreq') currDisplay = createPlotHandles(handles, currDisplay, displayType); else currDisplay = createPriAndSecHandle(handles, ... currDisplay, displayType); end addDisplay(hObject, handles, currDisplay) updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay); end function figDeleteFnc(~, ~, hObject, displayType) handles=guidata(hObject); removeDisplay(hObject, handles, displayType); end % A display represents a data set that will be visualized to the user, % such as a b-mode image, velocity data or strain data. function addDisplay(hObject, handles, display) if isempty(handles.displays) handles.displays=display; enableColorPanel(handles); set(handles.figSelect,'String',{display.modality}); else handles.displays(end+1)=display; figList=get(handles.figSelect,'String'); figList=[figList; display.modality]; set(handles.figSelect,'String', figList); end setActiveDisplay(handles, display); guidata(hObject, handles) end function removeDisplay(hObject, handles, displayType) idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType); if idx handles.displays(idx)=[];
  • 4. guidata(hObject, handles); set(handles.(displayType), 'Value',0) noDisplays=length(handles.displays); if noDisplays == 0 % All figures closed, disable figSelector set(handles.figSelect,'Enable','off'); else % Still figures enabled, switch active figure figList = get(handles.figSelect, 'String'); figList(idx)=[]; set(handles.figSelect, 'String', figList); n=mod(idx-2,noDisplays)+1; setActiveDisplay(handles, handles.displays(n)); end end end function setActiveDisplay(handles, display) idx = idxOfDisplay(handles, display.modality); if idx set(handles.figSelect, 'Value', idx); cLim = get(display.axes, 'CLim'); set(handles.cMin, 'string', num2str(cLim(1))); set(handles.cMax, 'string', num2str(cLim(2))); medFiltEn = display.medFiltEn; medFiltDim = display.medFiltDim; set(handles.medFiltEn, 'value', medFiltEn); set(handles.medFiltX, 'string', num2str(medFiltDim(1))); set(handles.medFiltY, 'string', num2str(medFiltDim(2))); end end % Image figures are contained in MATLAB handles. Since each image figure % can potentially plot two images in the same view (background and % foreground), both a primary and a secondary handle is needed. % This function handles the creation of these handles, is responsible % for aligning the two images, for setting the correct image labels, % aspect ratio and colormap. function currDisplay = createPriAndSecHandle(handles, currDisplay, displayType)
  • 5. % Get the primary image (foreground image) and associated axis im = handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, displayType); xAx = handles.imagingSystem.getLateralAxis(); yAx = handles.imagingSystem.getDepthAxis(); % Convert to uint8 image [cMin, cMax] = autoScale(im, displayType); im = uint8(thresholdAndScale(im, [cMin, cMax], 192))+64; % Need to know how to align the foreground (sub) image % with the larger background image [xData, yData] = centerCoords(handles.imagingSystem.rfDim, size(im)); % First display the background image backgroundImage = zeros(handles.imagingSystem.rfDim, 'uint8'); currDisplay.secHandle = image([xAx(1), xAx(end)], [yAx(1), yAx(end)], ... backgroundImage, 'Parent', currDisplay.axes); hold(currDisplay.axes,'on'); % Then the foreground image currDisplay.priHandle = image([xAx(xData(1)), xAx(xData(2))], ... [yAx(yData(1)), yAx(yData(2))], im, 'Parent', currDisplay.axes); % Update axis' labels set(currDisplay.axes,'CLim',[cMin, cMax]); xlabel(currDisplay.axes, 'Lateral axis [mm]', 'FontSize', 14); ylabel(currDisplay.axes, 'Depth axis [mm]' , 'FontSize', 14); % Fix the aspect ratio of the figure equal to that of the recording set(currDisplay.axes,'DataAspectRatio', ... [1, handles.imagingSystem.aspectRatio(), 1]); % Set the colormap; cMap = defaultCmap(displayType); if get(handles.mixEn,'Value') && isMixable(currDisplay.modality) set(currDisplay.priHandle, 'alphadata', ... str2double(get(handles.alpha,'String'))); set(currDisplay.secHandle, 'UserData' , bModeClim(handles)); cMap = [gray(64); cMap]; else cMap = [ones(64,3); cMap]; end
  • 6. colormap(currDisplay.axes, cMap); end % createPlotHandles is responsible for creating new line plots of an RF % data line, either in time or frequency domain. function currDisplay = createPlotHandles(handles, currDisplay, displayType) y=handles.imagingSystem.getLine(handles.frameNo, 36, displayType); if strcmp(displayType,'rfLine') x=handles.imagingSystem.getDepthAxis(); else x=handles.imagingSystem.getFreqAxis(); end currDisplay.secHandle=[]; currDisplay.priHandle=plot(x,y); set(currDisplay.axes,'NextPlot','replacechildren'); peak=max(abs(y)); peak=peak+0.05*peak; if strcmp(displayType,'rfLine') xLab='Depth (mm)'; yLab='Rf amplitude'; set(currDisplay.axes, 'YLim',[-peak peak]); else xLab='Frequency (mHz)'; yLab='Power spectrum estimate (dB)'; set(currDisplay.axes, 'YLim',[peak-70 peak]); end set(get(currDisplay.axes,'XLabel'),'String',xLab); set(get(currDisplay.axes,'YLabel'),'String',yLab); set(currDisplay.axes, 'XLim',[x(1) x(end)]); grid(currDisplay.axes, 'on'); end % ===================================== % ---- Visualization/Presentation ----- % ===================================== function drawAllModalities(handles) %tic for i=1:size(handles.displays,2)
  • 7. updateDisplay(handles, handles.displays(i)); end %toc end % Refreshes a display when a new image data is available function updateDisplay(handles, display) if ~isImage(display.modality) updateRfLine(handles, display); else cLim = get(display.axes,'CLim'); % If image pixel masking is enabled % we need to create an image mask. if get(handles.qualityEn,'Value') && isMixable(display.modality) [im, alphaMat] = handles.imagingSystem.getFrame( ... handles.frameNo, display.modality); thr = str2double(get(handles.qualityThr, 'string')); alphaMat(alphaMat < thr)=0; alphaMat(alphaMat >= thr)=1; alphaMat=bwareaopen(alphaMat, 300, 4); alphaMat=alphaMat*str2double(get(handles.alpha,'string')); else im = handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, ... display.modality); alphaMat = str2double(get(handles.alpha,'string')); end % Handles median filtering if (display.medFiltEn) im = medfilt2(im, display.medFiltDim); end % Handles image scaling to the colormap, hardcoded to 192 colors scaledIm = uint8(thresholdAndScale(im,cLim,192))+64; set(display.priHandle, 'CData', scaledIm);
  • 8. % If we have to post process the image, (image masking or % image mixing is enabled). if ( get(handles.mixEn,'Value') || get(handles.qualityEn,'value') ) ... && isMixable(display.modality) bMode=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, 'bMode'); bModeClim=get(display.secHandle,'UserData'); if numel(bModeClim) == 0 [mini, maxi] = autoScale(bMode,'bMode'); bModeClim = [mini,maxi]; end set(display.secHandle, 'CData', ... uint8(thresholdAndScale(bMode, bModeClim, 64))); set(display.priHandle, 'alphadata', alphaMat); end end title(display.axes, [display.modality, ', frame: ', ... num2str(handles.frameNo), '/', ... num2str(get(handles.slider,'Max'))]); end function updateRfLine(handles, display) [x]=handles.imagingSystem.getLine(handles.frameNo, 36, display.modality); set(display.priHandle,'YData',x); end % ===================================== % ----------- UI Callbacks ------------ % ===================================== function strainParamUpdate(hObject, ~, handles) dx=str2double(get(handles.dx,'String')); algList = get(handles.strainAlg,'String'); strainAlg = char(algList(get(handles.strainAlg,'Value'))); handles.imagingSystem.strainEstParam(dx, strainAlg); strainDisps={'strain','absStrain','elasto'}; for i=1:length(strainDisps) displayType=char(strainDisps(i)); idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType); if idx
  • 9. currDisplay=handles.displays(idx); cLim = get(currDisplay.axes,'CLim'); currDisplay=createPriAndSecHandle(handles, currDisplay, displayType); set(currDisplay.axes,'CLim',cLim); handles.displays(idx)=currDisplay; updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay); end end guidata(hObject, handles); end function sliderMoved(sliderObj, ~, hObject) handles=guidata(hObject); sliderVal=floor(get(sliderObj,'Value')+0.49); if sliderVal ~= handles.frameNo handles.frameNo=sliderVal; drawAllModalities(handles) guidata(hObject, handles); end end function cMapChanged(hObject, ~, handles) figList=get(handles.figSelect,'String'); displayType=figList(get(handles.figSelect,'Value')); idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType); if idx currDisplay=handles.displays(idx); cMin=str2double(get(handles.cMin,'string')); cMax=str2double(get(handles.cMax,'string')); set(currDisplay.axes,'Clim',[cMin, cMax]); updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay) end guidata(hObject, handles); end % Called when median filter settings are updated function medFiltChanged(hObject, ~, handles) figList=get(handles.figSelect,'String'); displayType=figList(get(handles.figSelect,'Value'));
  • 10. idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType); if idx medFiltEn = get(handles.medFiltEn, 'value'); medFiltX = str2double(get(handles.medFiltX, 'string')); medFiltY = str2double(get(handles.medFiltY, 'string')); medFiltDim = [medFiltX, medFiltY]; handles.displays(idx).medFiltEn = medFiltEn; handles.displays(idx).medFiltDim = medFiltDim; guidata(hObject, handles); updateDisplay(handles, handles.displays(idx)); end end % Called when play button is pressed function play(hObject, ~, handles) for i=handles.frameNo+1:get(handles.slider,'Max') handles.frameNo=handles.frameNo+1; drawAllModalities(handles) drawnow set(handles.slider,'Value',handles.frameNo); end guidata(hObject, handles); end % Called when the figure selection drop-down menu changes function figSelect_Callback(~, ~, handles) figList=get(handles.figSelect,'String'); displayType=figList(get(handles.figSelect,'Value')); idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType); if idx newDisplay=handles.displays(idx); setActiveDisplay(handles, newDisplay); end end % Called when the different modality checkboxes change function modality_Callback(hObject, ~, handles) if get(hObject,'Value') newFig(hObject, handles, get(hObject,'Tag'));
  • 11. else idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, get(hObject, 'Tag')); if idx delete(handles.displays(idx).fig); end end end % Called when the color map settings are updated function autoCmap_Callback(hObject, ~, handles) idx=get(handles.figSelect, 'Value'); if isstruct(handles.displays) display=handles.displays(idx); im=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, display.modality); [cMin,cMax]=autoScale(im, display.modality); set(handles.cMin, 'string', num2str(cMin)); set(handles.cMax, 'string', num2str(cMax)); cMapChanged(hObject, 0, handles); end end % Called when the color bar button is pushed function cBar_Callback(~, ~, handles) idx=get(handles.figSelect, 'Value'); if isstruct(handles.displays) display=handles.displays(idx); cMin = str2double(get(handles.cMin, 'string')); cMax = str2double(get(handles.cMax, 'string')); cLim = [cMin, cMax]; cMap = colormap(display.axes); cMap=cMap(65:end,:); switch(display.modality) case 'vel' cLim=cLim*1e03; unit='mm/s'; case {'strain', 'absStrain'} cLim=cLim*1e03;
  • 12. unit='10^{-3}'; otherwise unit=''; end createColorbar(cLim, cMap, unit); end end % Called when the velocity estimator settings are updated function velParamUpdate(hObject, ~, handles) rngGate = str2double(get(handles.rngGate,'String')); latGate = str2double(get(handles.latGate,'String')); ensLength = str2double(get(handles.ensLength,'String')); velFiltOrder = str2double(get(handles.velFiltOrder,'String')); velFiltCutOff= str2double(get(handles.velFiltCutOff,'String')); twoDimCorrEn = get(handles.twoDimCorrEn,'Value'); fDem = str2double(get(handles.fDem,'String')); unwrapEn = get(handles.unwrapEn,'Value'); handles.imagingSystem.velEstParam(rngGate, latGate, twoDimCorrEn, ... fDem, unwrapEn, ensLength, velFiltOrder, velFiltCutOff); displayType='vel'; idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType); if idx currDisplay=handles.displays(idx); cLim = get(currDisplay.axes,'CLim'); currDisplay=createPriAndSecHandle(handles, currDisplay, displayType); set(currDisplay.axes,'CLim',cLim); handles.displays(idx)=currDisplay; updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay); end strainParamUpdate(hObject, 0, handles); end % Called when the RF filter settings are updated function rfFiltUpdate(~, ~, handles) enable=get(handles.filtEn,'Value'); order=str2double(get(handles.filtOrder, 'String'));
  • 13. fMin=str2double(get(handles.filtLow, 'String')); fMax=str2double(get(handles.filtHigh, 'String')); handles.imagingSystem.rfFilt(enable, order, [fMin, fMax]); drawAllModalities(handles); end % Called when the visualization settings are updated function visualizationUpdate(~, ~, handles) if get(handles.mixEn, 'Value') cLim = bModeClim(handles); for i=1:size(handles.displays,2) currDisplay=handles.displays(i); if isMixable(currDisplay.modality) cMap=colormap(currDisplay.axes); cMap(1:64,:)=gray(64); colormap(currDisplay.axes, cMap); set(currDisplay.priHandle,'alphadata', str2double(get(handles.alpha,'String'))); set(currDisplay.secHandle,'UserData', cLim); updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay); end end else for i=1:size(handles.displays,2) currDisplay=handles.displays(i); if isMixable(currDisplay.modality) cMap=colormap(currDisplay.axes); cMap(1:64,:)=ones(64,3); colormap(currDisplay.axes, cMap); set(currDisplay.priHandle,'alphadata', 1.0); updateDisplay(handles, currDisplay); end end end end % Called when the elastogram settings are updated function elastoParamUpdate(~, ~, handles) eFiltOrder = str2double(get(handles.eFiltOrder,'String'));
  • 14. eThr = str2double(get(handles.eThr,'String')); handles.imagingSystem.elastoParam(eFiltOrder, eThr); idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, 'elasto'); if idx updateDisplay(handles, handles.displays(idx)); end end % Called when File->Load is pressed function Load_Callback(hObject, ~, handles) [fileName, pathName, filterIndex]=uigetfile( ... {'*.mat;*.rf','RF data (*.mat, *.rf)'}); switch filterIndex case 0 % User pressed cancel set(handles.slider,'Enable','off'); return case 1 % load RF-data file handles.imagingSystem=ImagingSystem([pathName, fileName]); end enableUi(handles); newFig(hObject, handles, 'bMode'); end % Called when "File->Save all as images" is pressed function saveAllToFile(~, ~, handles) folder_name = uigetdir(); if folder_name ratio=handles.imagingSystem.aspectRatio; for j=1:size(handles.displays,2) currDisplay=handles.displays(j); if isImage(currDisplay.modality) mkdir([folder_name,'/',currDisplay.modality]) end end h=waitbar(0,'Storing visible figures to disk'); for i=1:get(handles.slider,'Max') for j=1:size(handles.displays,2) currDisplay=handles.displays(j);
  • 15. if isImage(currDisplay.modality) im=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(i, currDisplay.modality); cLim=get(currDisplay.axes,'CLim'); cMap=colormap(currDisplay.axes); cMap=cMap(65:end,:); im=imresize(im,[size(im,1),floor(size(im,1)*ratio)]); if strcmp(currDisplay.modality,'elasto') im=medfilt2(uint8(thresholdAndScale(im,cLim, 256))); im=histeq(im,64); cMap=jet(256); else im=uint8(thresholdAndScale(im,cLim, 192)); end % extra stuff imwrite(im, cMap,strcat(sprintf('%s/%s/%.4d',folder_name,currDisplay.modality,i),'.png')); end end waitbar(i/get(handles.slider,'Max')); end end close(h); end % Called when "File->Export to workspace" is pressed function exportDataToWorkspace(~, ~, handles) assignin('base','imSystem', handles.imagingSystem); end % Called when "File->Preprocess all frames" is pressed. function preprocessAll(~, ~, handles) N=handles.imagingSystem.noFrames(); handles.imagingSystem.setBufLength(N); h=waitbar(1/N); for i = 1:N [~,~]=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(i,'strain'); waitbar(i/N);
  • 16. end delete(h); end function closeAll(~, ~, handles) try if isstruct(handles.displays) for i=1:size(handles.displays,2) delete(handles.displays(i).fig); end end % Attempt to close file. if ~isempty(handles.imagingSystem) handles.imagingSystem.close(); end catch exc warning('GUI:failedToClose','Caught exception: '); disp(exc); end delete(gcf); end % ===================================== % -------- Misc functions -------- % ===================================== function b=isImage(modality) if strcmp(modality, 'rfLine') || ... strcmp(modality, 'rfLineFreq') b=0; else b=1; end end function b=isMixable(modality) if strcmp(modality, 'bMode') || ... strcmp(modality, 'rfLine') || ... strcmp(modality, 'rfLineFreq') b=0;
  • 17. else b=1; end end function cMap = defaultCmap(displayType) switch (displayType) case 'bMode' cMap = gray(192); case 'vel' cMap = velMap192; case 'absStrain' cMap = (hot(192)); otherwise cMap = jet(192); end end function idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, displayType) idx=find(ismember({handles.displays.modality},displayType),1); if isempty(idx) idx=0; end end function enableUi(handles) N=handles.imagingSystem.noFrames; set(handles.slider,'Max',N); set(handles.slider,'SliderStep',[1/(N-1), 10/(N-1)]); set(handles.slider,'Value',1); set(handles.slider,'Enable','on'); set(handles.bMode, 'Enable','on'); set(handles.bMode, 'Value',1); set(handles.vel, 'Enable','on'); set(handles.strain, 'Enable','on'); set(handles.absStrain, 'Enable','on'); set(handles.rfLine, 'Enable','on'); set(handles.rfLineFreq, 'Enable','on'); end
  • 18. function enableColorPanel(handles) set(handles.figSelect, 'Enable','on'); set(handles.cMax,'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.cMin,'Enable', 'on'); end function cLim = bModeClim(handles) idx=idxOfDisplay(handles, 'bMode'); if idx cLim=get(handles.displays(idx).axes,'CLim'); else bModeFrame=handles.imagingSystem.getFrame(handles.frameNo, 'bMode'); [cMin, cMax]=autoScale(bModeFrame, 'bMode'); cLim = [cMin, cMax]; end end