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Center for Excellence
Transforming Business
Landscape through
Sheer Tenacity
to Follow in 2023
The Bold Traits of
Visionary Leaders
Leading with
the Vision
August 2023 #01
What Sets Visionary
Leaders Apart?
Center for Excellence
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Volume - 08
Issue - 1
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The Education View
from the
A genuine leader is
not a searcher for
consensus but a molder
of consensus.
- Martin
Luther King Jr.
n an ever-evolving world where change is the only constant, visionary leaders
serve as the architects of our collective destiny. They are the ones who dare to
dream, innovate, and drive progress, leaving an indelible mark on the
business landscape.
In its latest edition, titled 'World's Best Visionary Leaders to Follow in 2023,'
The Education View invites you to embark on a journey into the minds of these
remarkable leaders. They are the disruptors, the pioneers, and the trailblazers
who have not only adapted to change but have harnessed it to rede ine their
As you lip through these pages, you'll uncover the tales of those who have
harnessed innovation, sustainability, technology, and the boundless potential of
their teams to shape the world around them. These are stories of resilience,
adaptability, and the unwavering pursuit of a vision, and they offer timeless
lessons applicable to any ield.
In a world that sometimes feels uncertain, these stories serve as a testament
to the enduring power of leadership, innovation, and an unyielding
commitment to excellence. So, join us on this exceptional journey as we
celebrate 2023's some of the best visionary leaders and let their stories light
the way to a future rich with possibility.
We invite you to embark on this enlightening journey and explore the
stories of these visionaries.
Join us in celebrating the leaders, and let their stories be the
catalyst for your own journey of transformation and leadership.
With boundless anticipation.
- Anish David
into Tomorrow's Triumphs
Bryan K.
Transforming Business Landscape
through Sheer Tenacity
Asad Shamim
Curating A Distinct Brand
Stan Peake
An Epitome Of Resilience
with TEV
The Bold Traits of
Visionary Leaders
Leading with Foresight
What Sets Visionary
Leaders Apart?
Empowering the Vision
Transforming Business Landscape
through Sheer Tenacity
Bryan K.
I emphasize the
importance of taking
calculated risks,
embracing failure as
a learning
opportunity, and
consistently taking a
long-term view in
reaching one's goals.
Bryan K. O'Rourke
Founder and Chief
Executive Officer,
Vedere Ventures, LLC
he most signi icant
Tand in luential group
of people within a
irm is often considered to
be the C-suite. It usually
takes a lot of experience and
well-honed leadership
qualities to get to this high
stratum. Most C-level
executives have developed
the visionary viewpoints
necessary to make solid
upper management
decisions, whereas many
once relied on functional
know-how and technical
skills to ascend the lower
rungs of the corporate
Bryan K. O'Rourke has
been in business in the C
suite as an executive and
business advisor for many
global brands during the
past 30 years, serving in a
variety of roles and in an
array of companies that he
helped to turn around, buy,
build, grow, and sell. His
focus and skill set in
technology, marketing,
business, and inance have
enabled him to help a lot of
people and companies
achieve great things.
In 2016, he founded
Vedere Ventures, a
boutique investment and
strategic advisory irm
which is named after
Leonardo da Vinci's 'Sapere
Vedere,' or as it literally
means, 'knowing how to see.'
Bryan believed in this
approach to business, art,
and life, or 'knowing how to
see,' as a key to a strategic
visualization process which
he believed had two
• Knowing something well
enough to draw it from
• Developing a deep
understanding of
something to reveal its
essence through drawings
that can be used to create
new ideas.
Building the Firm on
Timeless Fundamentals
Bryan has been applying Da
Vinci's concepts as a key to
the mission at Vedere
Ventures, which is to invest
in and advise the companies
of tomorrow—built on the
timeless fundamentals of
today. The company has
bene ited greatly, as Bryan
has personally, from Saper
The company strives for a
visionary purpose, a
mission grounded in
wisdom, and values rooted
in virtuous principles. Its
vision encompasses a
profound understanding of
economic systems and the
rapid change happening
today in industries,
foreseeing intricate
connections and shaping
them for the betterment of
society. The company's
mission is to guide clients
and the businesses it owns
with discernment and
foresight, enabling them to
navigate complex inancial
and business landscapes
while fostering sustainable
growth. The irm's values
would epitomize integrity,
innovation, and the pursuit
of knowledge, championing
ethical practices and the
pursuit of excellence.
Catalyzing Positive
Changes in the Business
Bryan had his irst job of
shining military boots of
pilots at the age of 10 along
the light line on an Air
Force base in Columbus,
Mississippi. He was an
entrepreneur before most
people even knew what the
term meant. He rode his
bike during the summers
every weekday morning at
the crack of dawn to
perform his work, where he
would pocket $7-$9 dollars
every day.
The best thing about that
job was what he learned
from his customers every
day. Bryan says, "When you
shine shoes, you talk to
people, and while I was
young, it is amazing how
grown men would inform me
about their lives and offer
wisdom along with
occasional cash tips." At the
time, he did not realize why,
but he was motivated by a
convergence of factors that
propelled him towards
success. First was his
enthusiasm for business
and entrepreneurship,
ignited by his desire to
share insights and wisdom
with others. These are
attributes he gleaned from
his grandfather, John
Treitler, a German
businessman and baker, and
his father, William O'Rourke,
a highly decorated AirForce
pilot who went on to serve
as an advisor for many
Learning from them,
Bryan recognized the
transformative power of
strategic guidance. He has
tried to leverage his
expertise and experience to
assist individuals and
organizations in navigating
the ever-evolving landscape
of commerce and
technology since that time.
Captivating the Audience
with a Unique Perspective
As a keynote speaker, Bryan
loves to inspire and provoke
thought. Recognizing the
power of storytelling and
persuasive communication
has helped him to captivate
audiences with some
unique perspectives and
thought-provoking insights.
By sharing his knowledge
and ideas through dynamic
and engaging presentations,
along with his books,
podcasts, and webinars, he
aims to spark conversations,
challenge conventional
thinking, and empower
individuals to embrace
change and innovation.
Ultimately, his motivations
stemmed from a genuine
passion for sharing
expertise, fostering the
growth of his colleagues,
partners, and others, and
catalyzing positive change
in the business world.
Fuelling the Motivation
To engage entrepreneurs
and fuel their motivation for
superior performance,
Bryan advocates a strategic
approach centred on
accountability, and a
relentless pursuit of
Firstly, he believes in
fostering a culture of
ownership, granting
entrepreneurs the
autonomy to make
decisions, take risks, and
drive their own success. By
providing them with a sense
of ownership, he fuels their
intrinsic motivation to excel.
Secondly, clear
performance expectations
coupled with a robust
feedback system ensure that
‘I bring an
uncommon level of
energy and
enthusiasm to every
engagement and
advisory session.
entrepreneurs have a
concrete understanding of
their goals and progress.
Constructive feedback
enables them to improve
and grow continuously.
Finally, recognizing and
rewarding exceptional
performance through a
meritocratic system
reinforces a culture of high
performance and stimulates
their competitive spirit. By
aligning their personal
success with the
organization's success,
entrepreneurs are
motivated to deliver their
Through these strategies,
Bryan aims to create an
environment that
empowers entrepreneurs,
fuels their ambition, and
ignites their hunger for
unparalleled achievement.
Encountering the
In navigating the dynamic
landscape of the business
world, Bryan's organization
has encountered its fair
share of challenges, and he
has tried to be steadfast in
helping the team to
overcome them. One of the
signi icant hurdles the
organization faced was the
rapidly evolving technology
landscape, demanding swift
adaptation to changing
consumer preferences. To
address this, he tries to
foster a culture of
innovation, encouraging the
team to think disruptively
and embrace emerging
technologies. This has led to
ground-breaking products
and services that address
evolving customer needs.
Another challenge the
organization continues to
embrace is maintaining
customer trust in the face of
many deceptions in the
world today. Bryan
prioritized customer-
focused and customer-
responsive business
strategies and tactics to
address needs and earn
their con idence.
Additionally, he championed
transparency, engaging in
open dialogues with
stakeholders to address
concerns and ensure it
meets the highest ethical
Through a combination of
strategic vision,
adaptability, innovation, and
a commitment to core
values, the organization has
successfully navigated these
challenges, emerging
stronger and more resilient.
Its ability to embrace
change, collaborate
effectively, and stay true to
its principles have been
instrumental in overcoming
these obstacles and driving
the organization's
continued success.
Staying Abreast of the
Incorporating new-age
technology into the services
is imperative to stay ahead
in today's fast-paced and
ever-evolving business
landscape. The organization
has always embraced
technological advancements
to enhance the ef iciency of
the work processes and
deliver superior value to its
customers. The organization
is an early adopter of tech.
For example, the team has
worked remotely using
online video conferencing
for well over a decade, and
the organization adopted with all of its
IT stack in the cloud for
over a decade as well.
The key is prioritizing a
culture of innovation and
encouraging people to be
early adopters of new
technologies. The
organization emphasizes
continuous learning and
provides extensive support
to ensure that its team is
equipped with the latest
skills and knowledge to
leverage new-age
technology effectively.
Furthermore, it actively
seeks out cutting-edge tools
and solutions that align
with its strategic objectives.
Whether it's arti icial
intelligence, machine
learning, automation, or
data analytics, the
organization carefully
evaluates and integrates
technologies that have the
potential to revolutionize its
operations. By harnessing
the power of these
advancements, it
streamlines work lows,
reduces manual errors, and
accelerates decision-making
In addition, it fosters a
collaborative environment
that promotes cross-
functional teamwork and
information sharing. This
allows the organization to
leverage technology
platforms that facilitate
real-time communication,
seamless collaboration, and
ef icient project
management. By breaking
down silos and leveraging
digital tools, it ensures that
information lows freely,
enabling faster problem-
solving and more effective
Bryan at the Forefront of
One program that stands
out is its board of the non-
pro it Fitness Industry
Technology Council, where
Bryan serves as Chief
Executive. The organization
carefully selects seasoned
industry experts and
visionary thinkers to join its
board. Through their
guidance, the organization
has gained critical insights
into emerging trends,
market dynamics, and
competitive landscapes,
particularly as it pertains to
technology. Their inputs
have enabled the
organization to identify new
growth opportunities and
make informed strategic
Another program
initiative that has proven
immensely valuable is
Bryan delivering keynote
speeches. He has been
delivering presentations to
organizations and
leadership for over 15
years. His talks are designed
to not only motivate teams
but also provide them with
cutting-edge knowledge,
trends, and innovative ideas
and insights. By exposing
leaders to diverse
perspectives, he can help
foster a culture of
continuous learning and
help organizations embrace
a growth mindset.
These are a few examples
of the efforts the
organization makes to
remain relevant and help its
partners, clients, and team
be instrumental in fuelling
growth. The collective
expertise, fresh
perspectives, and
transformative ideas have
helped many navigate
challenges, seize
opportunities, and shape
their organizations and the
ones the organization
invests in into dynamic and
forward-thinking entities.
Staying current with the
new trends in modern
businesses is a non-
negotiable requirement in
today's fast-paced and ever-
changing landscape. To
ensure that, Bryan stays on
top of the latest
developments, he employs a
multifaceted approach that
combines relentless
curiosity, data-driven
analysis, and continuous
engagement, reading, and
listening using diverse
sources of information.
Expanding the
Understanding of the
Business World
Bryan believes in the power
of engagement and
interaction with a diverse
set of individuals and
communities. He actively
participates in industry
forums, discussion groups,
and social media platforms,
where he engages in
meaningful conversations
and exchanges ideas with
professionals from different
backgrounds and
perspectives. This exposure
to diverse viewpoints keeps
him grounded, challenges
his assumptions, and
expands his understanding
of the business world.
By constantly seeking
knowledge, leveraging data,
and engaging with diverse
sources, Bryan ensures that
he remains at the forefront
of emerging trends and
developments in the
business world.
I believe in the
power of
engagement and
interaction with a
diverse set of
individuals and
He has had the good
fortune of being recognized
and achieving some
wonderful recognition over
the years, including:
• Being elected as
President of the student
body at the University of
New Orleans
• Being elected to the
Board Member of the
international global
itness body IHRSA
• Being elected as CEO of
the global Fitness
Industry Technology
• Having the Fitness +
Technology podcast
recognized as a Top 20
Fitness Tech Podcast
• Having been recognized
as a Top 100 In luencer
on Fitness Technology on
• Being identi ied as one of
the Top 30 to Watch in the
Fitness Industry by IHRSA
• Many of the companies
and the businesses he has
owned over the years
have all received
recognition as well. The
list is too long to include,
and he does not want to
Finally, his greatest
achievement is the friends,
colleagues, and, most
importantly, the family he
has the good fortune to be a
part of. His businesses are
run by great people, and his
wife and three grown
children share wonderful
relationships, which he is so
blessed to enjoy.
One of His Kind
What makes Bryan different
from other keynote
speakers and business
advisors is his unrelenting
passion, authenticity, and
relentless work ethic. He
tries not to talk the talk; he
walks the walk. He is not
here to deliver a polished
speech or offer generic
advice. He is here to make
an impact along with his
team to shake things up,
disrupt the status quo, and
inspire action in everything
he does.
He brings an uncommon
level of energy and
enthusiasm to every
speaking engagement and
advisory session. He strives
to ignite reactions from
every individual he
encounters. He believes in
the power of storytelling
and connecting with people
on a human level. He shares
his own experiences,
triumphs, and failures to
demonstrate that success is
not a fairy tale but a result
of hard work, dedication,
and resilience. What sets
him apart is his relentless
He is a irm believer in the
power of execution and
putting in the work. Bryan
doesn't just provide
theoretical concepts or
high-level strategies; he
gives practical advice and
tangible action steps that
people can implement
immediately. He emphasizes
the importance of taking
calculated risks, embracing
failure as a learning
opportunity, and
consistently taking a long-
term view in reaching one's
I share my own
experiences, triumphs, and
failures to demonstrate
that success is not a fairy
tale but a result of hard
work, dedication, and
Miss a
Center for Excellence
The Education View
The Education View
Insights Success Media Tech LLC
555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin,
OH 43017, United States
World’s Best Visionary Leaders
to Follow in 2023
AUGUST - Issue 01
Bryan K. O'Rourke
Founder and Chief
Executive Officer,
Vedere Ventures, LLC
Gerard O'Donovan
Paul Kaunds
Stan Peake
Asad Shamim
Founder and CEO,
The Noble-Manhattan
Senior Vice President,
Silicon Solutions
Leadership Development,
FSQ Consulting Inc
Furniture in Fashion
As an award-winning entrepreneur and international
speaker, Michelle Raymond focuses on how
cultivating relationships is key to success.
Paul Kaunds' leadership skills are demonstrated
through building, managing, and developing highly
productive teams locally and in remote sites.
Stan Peake is on a mission to help one million values-
based leaders reach their potential and is passionate
about unlocking capabilities.
Asad Shamim strives for excellence, and it is essential
to him that he achieves both personal and team
targets to see a positive difference.
Bryan K. O’Rourke has been in business in the C
suite as an executive and business advisor for
many global brands for the past 30 years.
Curating a Distinct Brand
Asad Shamim
Furniture in Fashion
When it comes to
building a brand,
it is very crucial
to come up with distinctive
services that set it apart
from others. Asad Shamim,
Founder of Furniture in
Fashion, has mastered this
aspect and provides
facilities that are not only
different from the market
but also place a great value
on customer satisfaction.
The Education View had
an interview with Asad to
learn more about his
business model and success.
Below are the highlights of
the interview:
Please tell us about your
journey since its
I started my journey in the
furniture industry in 2006
when I founded Furniture in
Fashion. The company
began as a small online
retailer, selling furniture on
popular e-commerce
platforms such as eBay and
Amazon. As the company
grew, I invested in a
warehouse and showroom,
allowing customers to view
and purchase furniture in
Under my leadership,
Furniture in Fashion
expanded its product range
and established
relationships with
manufacturers, enabling the
company to offer a wide
variety of furniture designs
at competitive prices. Today,
Furniture in Fashion has
become one of the UK's
leading furniture retailers,
serving customers both
online and in-store.
Please tell us about your
mission, vision, and
My mission is to provide
high-quality, contemporary
My values are focused on
customer satisfaction, quality,
innovation, and integrity.
furniture designs at
competitive prices while
delivering exceptional
customer service and
building lasting
relationships with
My vision is to become
the leading furniture
retailer in the UK, offering
the latest trends and
designs from around the
world while expanding the
company's reach globally
through partnerships with
international manufacturers
and retailers.
My values are focused on
customer satisfaction,
quality, innovation, and
integrity. These values are
critical to the success of a
business and are essential
to building trust with
customers and partners.
I place a strong emphasis
on customer satisfaction,
making sure that customers
receive exceptional service
and high-quality products
that meet their needs.
I am also committed to
offering only the highest
quality furniture designs,
working with reputable
manufacturers and
suppliers to ensure that
each product meets the
exact standards.
I believe in staying ahead
of the latest trends and
innovations in the furniture
industry, offering customers
unique and creative designs
that stand out from the
competition and value
honesty, transparency, and
ethical business practices
and believe that building
trust with customers and
partners is critical to the
long-term success of my
What challenges has your
organisation faced, and
how did you help to
overcome them?
Challenges are an integral
part of business, and hence I
have faced my share. The
furniture industry is highly
competitive, with numerous
players vying for market
share. To overcome this
challenge, Furniture in
Fashion offers unique
designs or exceptional
customer service.
Also, economic conditions
can have a signi icant
impact on the furniture
industry, with consumers
being more cautious with
their spending during times
of economic uncertainty.
Furniture in Fashion
adjusted its pricing strategy
or product offerings to
remain competitive.
The global pandemic has
highlighted the importance
of supply chain
management, with
disruptions to international
shipping and manufacturing
causing delays and
increased costs. Furniture in
Fashion diversi ied its
supplier base and
established more robust
supply chain management
processes to mitigate these
The rise of e-commerce
and digital technologies has
transformed the retail
industry, forcing furniture
retailers to adapt to new
customer expectations and
buying habits. Furniture in
Fashion invested in online
platforms and technologies
to enhance the customer
experience and remain
competitive in a digital
How do you incorporate
new-age technology in
your services to enhance
the ef iciency of your
Incorporating new-age
technology into its services
helped Furniture in Fashion
to enhance the ef iciency of
its work and improve the
customer experience.
By leveraging e-
commerce platforms, AR,
supply chain management
tools, CRM software, and
IoT technology, the
company streamlined its
operations, reduced costs,
and delivered high-quality
furniture designs to
customers both online and
What extensive programs
do you provide as an
advisor and a keynote
speaker to ensure the
growth of businesses?
I offer a range of consulting
and advisory services to
help businesses achieve
their growth goals. By
providing guidance on
business strategy, inancial
management, marketing
and branding, leadership
and team-building, and
innovation and technology, I
help businesses build a
strong foundation for
sustainable growth and
long-term success.
As a keynote speaker, I
also share insights on these
topics and inspire
businesses to adopt new
approaches to growth and
How do you stay current
with the new trends in
modern businesses?
I use a combination of these
methods to stay current
with the new trends in
modern businesses, such as
reading industry
publications, attending
conferences and events,
conducting research,
collaborating and
networking, and continuing
Can you shed some light
on your future plans?
I have various future plans
that focus on business
growth, innovation, and
social responsibility. By
staying agile, adaptive, and
forward-thinking, I can
continue to deliver high-
quality products and
services that meet the needs
of my customers and
position my business for
long-term success.
What makes you different
from other advisors and
keynote speakers?
My industry expertise,
global perspective,
innovative thinking, results-
driven approach, and
empathetic and
collaborative style sets me
apart from other advisors
and keynote speakers.
What advice would you
like to give to
entrepreneurs and small
business owners?
My advice to entrepreneurs
and small business owners
is to focus on creating value,
embrace innovation, build
strong teams, plan for the
future, and seek expert
advice. By following these
principles, businesses can
increase their chances of
success and achieve their
goals over the long term.
The Education View August 2023
Interview with TEV
Empowering the Vision
A Clear and Compelling
At the core of visionary
leadership lies a clear and
compelling vision. Unlike
traditional leaders who focus
on short-term goals and
incremental progress,
visionary leaders have a
transformative and long-term
perspective. They possess an
innate ability to visualize a
future that is vastly different
from the status quo. This
vision serves as a guiding
light, motivating and aligning
their teams toward a shared
A visionary leader's vision
is not limited to their own
n the annals of history,
Icertain leaders stand
out as visionaries,
leaving an indelible mark on
society. Visionary leaders
possess a rare combination
of qualities that set them
apart from conventional
leaders. They have the
ability to see beyond the
present, envision a brighter
future, and inspire others to
follow their lead. In this
article, we will explore the
key factors that distinguish
visionary leaders from their
peers and understand how
their unique attributes drive
innovation, growth, and
lasting impact.
The Education View August 2023
success; it encompasses the
betterment of society, the
environment, or humanity
as a whole. This grand
vision inspires dedication
and commitment from
employees, stakeholders,
and the wider community.
As they communicate their
vision with passion and
authenticity, they create an
emotional connection that
fuels collective action.
Fearless Innovation
Innovation is the lifeblood
of progress, and visionary
leaders understand its
paramount importance.
They recognize that to stay
ahead of the curve,
organizations must embrace
change and constantly
evolve. Unlike conventional
leaders, who may be risk-
averse, visionary leaders
have the courage to
challenge the status quo.
They encourage
experimentation and are
unafraid of failure, seeing it
as a stepping stone toward
These leaders foster a
culture of innovation, where
new ideas are nurtured and
creativity thrives. They
surround themselves with
diverse thinkers and
encourage open dialogue,
recognizing that innovation
lourishes in an inclusive
environment. By
prioritizing innovation,
visionary leaders ensure
that their organizations
remain at the forefront of
their industries, prepared to
face any challenges that lie
Effective communication is
a hallmark of visionary
leaders. They possess
exceptional storytelling
abilities, weaving a
narrative around their
vision that captivates the
hearts and minds of their
audience. Through their
words, they can evoke
emotions, inspire action,
and ignite a sense of
purpose in their teams.
They are masterful
communicators who can
distill complex ideas into
simple and relatable
By communicating their
vision with authenticity and
passion, visionary leaders
create a compelling case for
change. They engage with
their followers on a
personal level,
demonstrating empathy and
understanding. This
connection builds trust and
loyalty, fostering a strong
sense of community and
unity among their teams.
Unwavering Resilience
The journey of a visionary
leader is riddled with
challenges and setbacks.
However, what sets them
apart is their unwavering
resilience in the face of
adversity. They display an
unyielding determination to
overcome obstacles and
maintain their commitment
to their vision. This
resilience inspires their
teams to persevere during
tough times and keep their
eyes irmly ixed on the
Visionary leaders view
failures as learning
opportunities rather than
roadblocks. They take these
setbacks in stride, using
them as stepping stones to
re ine their strategies and
approaches. Their ability to
bounce back from failures
and continue moving
forward serves as a source
of motivation for their
entire organization.
Leading with Empathy
and Humility
Contrary to the stereotype
of an assertive and
domineering leader,
visionary leaders often
exhibit humility and
empathy. They recognize
that leadership is not about
wielding power but about
serving others and creating
a positive impact. These
leaders genuinely care for
the well-being of their
teams and understand the
importance of work-life
balance and personal
Leading with empathy
allows visionary leaders to
understand the needs and
aspirations of their
employees. They are
accessible and
approachable, encouraging
an open-door policy where
individuals feel comfortable
sharing their ideas and
concerns. This inclusive
leadership style fosters
trust and loyalty, creating a
strong bond between the
leader and their team.
Collaborative and
Inclusive Approach
Visionary leaders
understand that success is a
collective effort. They
actively seek out diverse
perspectives and empower
their teams to contribute to
the realization of the vision.
They create a collaborative
environment where
everyone's voices are heard,
fostering a sense of
ownership and engagement
among employees.
Inclusivity is not limited to
internal affairs but extends
to external stakeholders as
well. Visionary leaders
engage with customers,
partners, and communities,
seeking to understand their
needs and desires. This
inclusive approach ensures
that the organization's
strategies align with the
expectations of its
stakeholders, fostering trust
and long-term relationships.
Admirable Faucets
Visionary leaders possess a
rare blend of qualities that
set them apart as
trailblazers in their ields.
Their clear and compelling
vision, fearless innovation,
and inspirational
communication create a
sense of purpose that
propels their organizations
toward greatness. Their
unwavering resilience in the
face of challenges, coupled
with humility and empathy,
fosters a collaborative and
inclusive environment that
encourages innovation and
fosters growth.
These leaders leave a
lasting impact on their
organizations and society at
large, serving as beacons of
hope and progress. By
recognizing and cultivating
these traits, aspiring leaders
can learn from their
example and inspire positive
change in the world. As we
continue to witness the
transformative power of
visionary leaders, their
legacy serves as a testament
to the incredible potential of
human leadership.
Empowering the Vision
The Education View August 2023
Pea e
An Epitome
of Resilience
Our purpose,
the reason FSQ
Consulting exists, is
because the world
needs be er leaders.
We help build be er
Director of Leadership
FSQ Consulting Inc
One of the primary
traits of a successful
person is their
never give up attitude. It is
their resilience and
dedication to pursue their
dreams that set them apart
from others. And one of the
prime examples of a leader
propelled by the
determination to stand out
from the crowd and
establish his own brand is
Stan Peake.
Stan is the Director of
Leadership Development
at FSQ Consulting Inc and,
with his competency, has
driven the business to
The Education View had
an interview with Stan to
know more about his
journey and his approach to
a successful business.
Below are the highlights of
the interview:
Please tell us about your
journey since its
My entrepreneurial journey
started when I was 21 years
old. I nearly broke my neck
playing football in
university, which ended my
football journey, but I
started my career as a
itness professional. I
owned one company and
bought into another, which
sold after we went through
a merger.
Not being sure what I
would pursue next, I went
to graduate school, studying
leadership. I obtained a
certi ication in cultural
transformation tools. The
next year, I took an
executive education in sales
leadership. I then became
certi ied as an executive
coach and called three
entrepreneurs I knew to
coach them for free in order
to test my coaching process
and build my business
model. In 2015, I started my
coaching business, which
was my third company.
I became an advisor and
minority shareholder with a
few other companies, and
then in 2020, my three
other cofounders and I
launched FSQ Consulting, a
full-service consultancy that
specializes in helping
organizations with their
strategy, marketing,
business development,
leadership, inancial
processes, organizational
culture, and
communication. In 2022 we
grew by almost 325 percent
and are still growing!
Please tell us about your
mission, vision, and
Our purpose, the reason we
exist, is because the world
needs better leaders. We
help build better leaders.
Our vision is to help over
one million leaders discover
and live up to their
Our mission is to unleash
our collective skill sets to
support unprecedented
business success.
Our values are:
GSD: Whatever it takes
Excellence: Excellence is a
Teamwork: We are greater
than me
Adaptable: This isn't a one
size its all
Legacy: Business is a force
for good
What challenges has your
organization faced, and
how did you help to
overcome them?
Like any business, we've
faced many challenges. We
had a ifth cofounder, who
had to exit after less than a
year to ind a more secure
income. The pandemic
brought with it many
challenges, including clients
tightening their budgets and
'waiting to see how this
thing turns out.' Because
our ideal client is a mid to
large-sized organization,
there are often long sales
cycles with many setbacks
along the way.
Even before starting this
business, I broke my back
three months into my irst
coaching business. I had a
heart attack three years
later. I've been on the verge
of a complete inancial
disaster several times. And,
like any other entrepreneur,
I have faced more rejection
than most people would
ever want to, not to mention
imposter syndrome,
questioning myself, and the
strain all the above puts on
my family.
What extensive programs
do you provide as an
advisor and a keynote
speaker to ensure the
growth of businesses?
We are different from
others by working with
some of the best talent out
there. For instance, we have
33 executive coaches in 5
countries. One is the top
executive coach in all of
New Zealand, and another
in California hosts one of
the most popular leadership
podcasts in the world. Many
are bestselling authors, and
several have even given TED
Kindly mention some of
your major achievements,
accolades, and
I have been nominated for
several business awards,
such as the 'Small Business
of the Year' and 'Ethical
Business of the Year' by the
Better Business Bureau and
the Calgary Chamber of
I was named one of the
'Top 10 Executive Coaches
to Follow in 2023' by US
Insider. I have written seven
business books, including
ive bestsellers. I have been
published by Entrepreneur
Magazine (online) three
times, and my 2021 TEDx
talk has over 110,000 views.
Can you shed some light
on your future plans?
I mentioned my next book,
which is due out later this
year. It's a project I'm very
proud of that will help many
leaders. 100 percent of the
royalties I'm receiving will
be going to different
charities chosen by the
leaders I interviewed for the
Interview with TEV
The Education View August 2023
Our mission is to
unleash our
collective skill sets
to support
business success.
I also mentioned the
proprietary software we
hope to launch the beta
version of in 2024, if not
later this year. This software
will make life easier for our
coaches and any coach who
wants to help their clients
more while saving time each
Finally, I'm scheduled to
speak at (at least) four more
conferences in 2023, and
I'm excited to promote our
coaches who are also
speaking at several
conferences, and one has a
TED talk that should be
coming out any week that I
can't wait to share.
What makes you different
from other advisors and
keynote speakers?
I have 25 years of both
leadership and
entrepreneurial experience.
I've started several
companies. I've failed in
business. I've bought, sold,
and merged companies.
I'm certi ied as an
executive coach, as well as
being certi ied as a
corporate facilitator and a
cultural transformation
tools practitioner. I'm also
certi ied in many other tools
to help entrepreneurs and
executives gain greater self-
awareness and improve
their performance.
I have a graduate
education in leadership and
an executive education in
sales leadership.
I'm just inishing writing
my 8th book, which I hope
to make my 6th bestseller.
This is all based on
thousands of hours
coaching entrepreneurs and
executives, including many
millionaires and even a few
Finally, I have a diploma in
cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT), one of the
most powerful forms of
coaching and therapy, and a
certi icate in
entrepreneurship and
innovation from Harvard
Business School.
What advice would you
like to give to
entrepreneurs and small
business owners?
First, get to know yourself.
Get to know your passions,
dreams, strengths, and
weaknesses. If you don't
have a dream that wakes
you up in the morning eager
to chase it, keep dreaming
until you ind it.
If you're clear on your
purpose, vision, and values,
and you have an idea of
what sets you apart, you've
got a ighting chance. Now,
be prepared to ight.
Nothing comes easy. You're
going to hear a lot of 'no'
and, even more, nothing at
all. You've got to develop an
edge that keeps you sharp;
it keeps you hungry. I can't
stress enough; you also have
to stay humble and
coachable. No one has all
the answers, but the best
entrepreneurs I know ask
many questions. They are
curious and eager to learn
and get better. Ego kills
more businesses than a lack
of knowledge, in my
Finally, give back. No one
makes it anywhere
worthwhile alone. You're
going to receive help along
the way. Don't wait 'till you
make it to give back. Find a
way to give back even as
you're growing, and I
promise you'll grow faster,
and you'll enjoy the journey
a lot more!
Our vision is to
help over one million
leaders discover and live
up to their potential.
The Education View August 2023
Leading with Foresight
The Education View August 2023
eadership has been
Lan important
contributing factor
driving organizations to
achieve their business
goals, optimize resources,
and enhance team
productivity. Visionary
leaders are the catalysts of
progress, guiding their
organizations toward
greatness with an
unyielding sense of purpose
and a unique ability to
inspire others. These
remarkable individuals
possess a distinctive set of
bold traits that set them
apart from conventional
leaders. Through
unwavering determination,
creative thinking, and an
innate ability to see beyond
the horizon, they transform
ideas into reality and shape
the future.
Let us delve into the bold
traits that de ine visionary
leaders and explore how
these qualities drive
innovation, growth, and
Unwavering Conviction
At the core of every
visionary leader lies an
unwavering conviction in
their beliefs and ideas. They
possess a clear vision of the
future and are resolute in
their commitment to
realizing it. This steadfast
determination fuels their
passion and inspires others
to follow suit, regardless of
the obstacles that lie ahead.
By staying true to their
convictions, they
demonstrate the courage to
make dif icult decisions and
stand irm against adversity.
This unwavering belief is
contagious, rallying their
teams to work tirelessly
towards a shared goal.
Fostering Creativity and
Modern leaders understand
that innovation is the
lifeblood of progress. They
encourage a culture of
creativity within their
organizations, fostering an
environment where new
ideas are celebrated, and
failures are viewed as
stepping stones to success.
These leaders embrace
experimentation and are
unafraid to challenge the
status quo, empowering
their teams to think outside
the box and push the
boundaries of what is
possible. By championing
innovation, they ensure
their organizations remain
at the forefront of change
and disruption.
Effective communication is
one of the cornerstones of
visionary leadership. These
leaders possess exceptional
storytelling abilities,
weaving a compelling
narrative around their
vision that captivates the
hearts and minds of their
audience. They
communicate their
aspirations with passion
and authenticity, connecting
on a personal level with
their teams, stakeholders,
and the wider public.
Through powerful
communication, they instill
a shared sense of purpose,
motivating their followers
to commit wholeheartedly
to the cause.
Embracing Risk and
Visionary leaders recognize
that risk and failure are
integral parts of the journey
toward success. Instead of
avoiding uncertainty, they
embrace it and use it to
their advantage. By taking
calculated risks, they open
up new possibilities and
chart unconventional paths
to achieve their vision.
Furthermore, they view
failures as valuable learning
experiences, guiding their
organizations toward
improvement and growth.
Their resilience in the face
of setbacks inspires their
teams to take bold steps and
explore uncharted
Leading by Example
To inspire and motivate,
visionary leaders lead by
their own example. They
don't simply preach their
vision; they live it every day,
setting the standards of
behavior and work ethic for
their teams to follow. By
demonstrating their
commitment, integrity, and
dedication, they earn the
respect and trust of their
followers. This authentic
leadership style creates a
strong bond between the
leader and the team,
fostering loyalty and a
shared sense of purpose.
Adaptability and Future
In a rapidly changing world,
visionary leaders possess
the ability to adapt and
remain future-focused. They
continuously scan the
horizon for emerging
trends, technologies, and
challenges, anticipating
shifts before they occur. By
staying ahead of the curve,
they prepare their
organizations to thrive in a
dynamic environment.
Their adaptability and
forward-thinking approach
ensure that their vision
remains relevant and
meaningful even in the face
of uncertainty.
Building Strong Teams
They recognize that
achieving ambitious goals
requires a strong, cohesive
team. They are skilled at
attracting and nurturing top
talent, assembling a diverse
group of individuals who
share their passion and
dedication. These leaders
empower their teams,
providing them with the
resources and autonomy to
excel in their roles. By
fostering a collaborative and
inclusive culture, they
ensure that everyone's
strengths are leveraged to
the fullest, creating a
synergy that propels the
organization forward.
Envisaging A Dynamic
In conclusion, visionary
leaders possess an
extraordinary set of bold
traits that enable them to
steer their organizations
toward greatness. Their
unwavering conviction,
ability to foster innovation,
communication, and
adaptability set them apart
as transformational igures
in the business world. By
leading with integrity,
embracing risk and failure,
and building strong teams,
they lay the groundwork for
a bright and prosperous
future. As we continue to
witness the impact of
visionary leaders in various
sectors, it is evident that
their bold traits are the
driving force behind their
success and the positive
change they bring to the
Leading with Foresight
The Education View August 2023
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  • 1. VIEW THE Center for Excellence O'Rourke Transforming Business Landscape through Sheer Tenacity to Follow in 2023 World’s Best Visionary Leaders The Bold Traits of Visionary Leaders Leading with Foresight Empowering the Vision August 2023 #01 What Sets Visionary Leaders Apart?
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Center for Excellence We are also Available on Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email - Subscription - Office The Education View is published by Insights Success Media LLC. Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media LLC. Volume - 08 Issue - 1 2023 Editor-in-Chief Mary D'souza Senior Writer Riya Chatterjee Contributing Writer Anish David Art & Design Head and Visualiser Rahul Shinde Co-designer Pau Belin Senior Manager of Sales Kevin Foster Sales BDE Eliza Brown Technical Head Jacob B. Assistant Specialists Rajeshwari, Prachi Technical Consultant David Jones Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege SME-SMO Executive Renuka Kulkarni Research Analyst Eric Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade Follow us on educationviewmagazine educationview2 educationviewmagazine The Education View
  • 5. Letter from the Editor A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. - Martin Luther King Jr. I n an ever-evolving world where change is the only constant, visionary leaders serve as the architects of our collective destiny. They are the ones who dare to dream, innovate, and drive progress, leaving an indelible mark on the business landscape. In its latest edition, titled 'World's Best Visionary Leaders to Follow in 2023,' The Education View invites you to embark on a journey into the minds of these remarkable leaders. They are the disruptors, the pioneers, and the trailblazers who have not only adapted to change but have harnessed it to rede ine their industries. As you lip through these pages, you'll uncover the tales of those who have harnessed innovation, sustainability, technology, and the boundless potential of their teams to shape the world around them. These are stories of resilience, adaptability, and the unwavering pursuit of a vision, and they offer timeless lessons applicable to any ield. In a world that sometimes feels uncertain, these stories serve as a testament to the enduring power of leadership, innovation, and an unyielding commitment to excellence. So, join us on this exceptional journey as we celebrate 2023's some of the best visionary leaders and let their stories light the way to a future rich with possibility. We invite you to embark on this enlightening journey and explore the stories of these visionaries. Join us in celebrating the leaders, and let their stories be the catalyst for your own journey of transformation and leadership. With boundless anticipation. - Anish David G Glimpse into Tomorrow's Triumphs A T H E
  • 6. Bryan K. O'Rourke Transforming Business Landscape through Sheer Tenacity 08 Page Cover Story Asad Shamim Curating A Distinct Brand 18 Page Stan Peake An Epitome Of Resilience 24 Page Interviews with TEV
  • 7. Contents Table of Articles 28 Page The Bold Traits of Visionary Leaders Leading with Foresight 20 Page What Sets Visionary Leaders Apart? Empowering the Vision
  • 8. Transforming Business Landscape through Sheer Tenacity Bryan K. O'Rourke
  • 9. I emphasize the importance of taking calculated risks, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and consistently taking a long-term view in reaching one's goals. Bryan K. O'Rourke Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Vedere Ventures, LLC ‘ Cover Story
  • 10. he most signi icant Tand in luential group of people within a irm is often considered to be the C-suite. It usually takes a lot of experience and well-honed leadership qualities to get to this high stratum. Most C-level executives have developed the visionary viewpoints necessary to make solid upper management decisions, whereas many once relied on functional know-how and technical skills to ascend the lower rungs of the corporate ladder. Bryan K. O'Rourke has been in business in the C suite as an executive and business advisor for many global brands during the past 30 years, serving in a variety of roles and in an array of companies that he helped to turn around, buy, build, grow, and sell. His focus and skill set in technology, marketing, business, and inance have enabled him to help a lot of people and companies achieve great things. In 2016, he founded Vedere Ventures, a boutique investment and strategic advisory irm which is named after Leonardo da Vinci's 'Sapere Vedere,' or as it literally means, 'knowing how to see.' Bryan believed in this approach to business, art, and life, or 'knowing how to see,' as a key to a strategic visualization process which he believed had two components: • Knowing something well enough to draw it from memory • Developing a deep understanding of something to reveal its essence through drawings that can be used to create new ideas. Building the Firm on Timeless Fundamentals Bryan has been applying Da Vinci's concepts as a key to the mission at Vedere Ventures, which is to invest in and advise the companies of tomorrow—built on the timeless fundamentals of today. The company has bene ited greatly, as Bryan has personally, from Saper Vedere. The company strives for a visionary purpose, a mission grounded in wisdom, and values rooted in virtuous principles. Its vision encompasses a profound understanding of economic systems and the rapid change happening today in industries, foreseeing intricate connections and shaping them for the betterment of society. The company's mission is to guide clients and the businesses it owns with discernment and foresight, enabling them to navigate complex inancial and business landscapes while fostering sustainable growth. The irm's values would epitomize integrity, innovation, and the pursuit of knowledge, championing ethical practices and the pursuit of excellence. Catalyzing Positive Changes in the Business World Bryan had his irst job of shining military boots of pilots at the age of 10 along the light line on an Air Force base in Columbus, Mississippi. He was an entrepreneur before most people even knew what the term meant. He rode his bike during the summers every weekday morning at the crack of dawn to perform his work, where he would pocket $7-$9 dollars every day. The best thing about that job was what he learned from his customers every day. Bryan says, "When you shine shoes, you talk to people, and while I was young, it is amazing how grown men would inform me about their lives and offer wisdom along with occasional cash tips." At the time, he did not realize why, but he was motivated by a convergence of factors that propelled him towards success. First was his enthusiasm for business and entrepreneurship, ignited by his desire to share insights and wisdom with others. These are attributes he gleaned from his grandfather, John Treitler, a German businessman and baker, and his father, William O'Rourke, a highly decorated AirForce pilot who went on to serve as an advisor for many companies. Learning from them, Bryan recognized the transformative power of strategic guidance. He has tried to leverage his expertise and experience to assist individuals and organizations in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of commerce and technology since that time. Captivating the Audience with a Unique Perspective As a keynote speaker, Bryan loves to inspire and provoke thought. Recognizing the power of storytelling and persuasive communication has helped him to captivate audiences with some unique perspectives and thought-provoking insights. By sharing his knowledge and ideas through dynamic and engaging presentations, along with his books, podcasts, and webinars, he aims to spark conversations, challenge conventional thinking, and empower individuals to embrace change and innovation. Ultimately, his motivations stemmed from a genuine passion for sharing expertise, fostering the growth of his colleagues, partners, and others, and catalyzing positive change in the business world. Fuelling the Motivation To engage entrepreneurs and fuel their motivation for superior performance, Bryan advocates a strategic approach centred on empowerment, accountability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Firstly, he believes in fostering a culture of ownership, granting entrepreneurs the autonomy to make decisions, take risks, and drive their own success. By providing them with a sense of ownership, he fuels their intrinsic motivation to excel. Secondly, clear performance expectations coupled with a robust feedback system ensure that Cover Story
  • 11. ‘ ‘I bring an uncommon level of energy and enthusiasm to every speaking engagement and advisory session. entrepreneurs have a concrete understanding of their goals and progress. Constructive feedback enables them to improve and grow continuously. Finally, recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance through a meritocratic system reinforces a culture of high performance and stimulates their competitive spirit. By aligning their personal success with the organization's success, entrepreneurs are motivated to deliver their best. Through these strategies, Bryan aims to create an environment that empowers entrepreneurs, fuels their ambition, and ignites their hunger for unparalleled achievement. Encountering the Adversities In navigating the dynamic landscape of the business world, Bryan's organization has encountered its fair share of challenges, and he has tried to be steadfast in helping the team to overcome them. One of the signi icant hurdles the organization faced was the rapidly evolving technology landscape, demanding swift adaptation to changing consumer preferences. To address this, he tries to foster a culture of innovation, encouraging the team to think disruptively and embrace emerging technologies. This has led to ground-breaking products and services that address evolving customer needs.
  • 12. Another challenge the organization continues to embrace is maintaining customer trust in the face of many deceptions in the world today. Bryan prioritized customer- focused and customer- responsive business strategies and tactics to address needs and earn their con idence. Additionally, he championed transparency, engaging in open dialogues with stakeholders to address concerns and ensure it meets the highest ethical standards. Through a combination of strategic vision, adaptability, innovation, and a commitment to core values, the organization has successfully navigated these challenges, emerging stronger and more resilient. Its ability to embrace change, collaborate effectively, and stay true to its principles have been instrumental in overcoming these obstacles and driving the organization's continued success. Staying Abreast of the Time Incorporating new-age technology into the services is imperative to stay ahead in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape. The organization has always embraced technological advancements to enhance the ef iciency of the work processes and deliver superior value to its customers. The organization is an early adopter of tech. For example, the team has worked remotely using online video conferencing for well over a decade, and the organization adopted with all of its IT stack in the cloud for over a decade as well. The key is prioritizing a culture of innovation and encouraging people to be early adopters of new technologies. The organization emphasizes continuous learning and provides extensive support to ensure that its team is equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to leverage new-age technology effectively. Furthermore, it actively seeks out cutting-edge tools and solutions that align with its strategic objectives. Whether it's arti icial intelligence, machine learning, automation, or data analytics, the organization carefully evaluates and integrates technologies that have the potential to revolutionize its operations. By harnessing the power of these advancements, it streamlines work lows, reduces manual errors, and accelerates decision-making processes. In addition, it fosters a collaborative environment that promotes cross- functional teamwork and information sharing. This allows the organization to leverage technology platforms that facilitate real-time communication, seamless collaboration, and ef icient project management. By breaking down silos and leveraging digital tools, it ensures that information lows freely, enabling faster problem- solving and more effective decision-making. Bryan at the Forefront of Innovation One program that stands out is its board of the non- pro it Fitness Industry Technology Council, where Bryan serves as Chief Executive. The organization carefully selects seasoned industry experts and visionary thinkers to join its board. Through their guidance, the organization has gained critical insights into emerging trends, market dynamics, and competitive landscapes, particularly as it pertains to technology. Their inputs have enabled the organization to identify new growth opportunities and make informed strategic choices. Another program initiative that has proven immensely valuable is Bryan delivering keynote speeches. He has been delivering presentations to organizations and leadership for over 15 years. His talks are designed to not only motivate teams but also provide them with cutting-edge knowledge, trends, and innovative ideas and insights. By exposing leaders to diverse perspectives, he can help foster a culture of continuous learning and help organizations embrace a growth mindset. These are a few examples of the efforts the organization makes to remain relevant and help its partners, clients, and team be instrumental in fuelling growth. The collective expertise, fresh perspectives, and transformative ideas have helped many navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and shape their organizations and the ones the organization invests in into dynamic and forward-thinking entities. Staying current with the new trends in modern businesses is a non- negotiable requirement in today's fast-paced and ever- changing landscape. To ensure that, Bryan stays on top of the latest developments, he employs a multifaceted approach that combines relentless curiosity, data-driven analysis, and continuous engagement, reading, and listening using diverse sources of information. Expanding the Understanding of the Business World Bryan believes in the power of engagement and interaction with a diverse set of individuals and communities. He actively participates in industry forums, discussion groups, and social media platforms, where he engages in meaningful conversations and exchanges ideas with professionals from different backgrounds and perspectives. This exposure to diverse viewpoints keeps him grounded, challenges his assumptions, and expands his understanding of the business world. By constantly seeking knowledge, leveraging data, and engaging with diverse sources, Bryan ensures that he remains at the forefront of emerging trends and developments in the business world. Cover Story
  • 13. I believe in the power of engagement and interaction with a diverse set of individuals and communities. ‘
  • 14. He has had the good fortune of being recognized and achieving some wonderful recognition over the years, including: • Being elected as President of the student body at the University of New Orleans • Being elected to the Board Member of the international global itness body IHRSA • Being elected as CEO of the global Fitness Industry Technology Council • Having the Fitness + Technology podcast recognized as a Top 20 Fitness Tech Podcast • Having been recognized as a Top 100 In luencer on Fitness Technology on Twitter • Being identi ied as one of the Top 30 to Watch in the Fitness Industry by IHRSA • Many of the companies and the businesses he has owned over the years have all received recognition as well. The list is too long to include, and he does not want to brag. Finally, his greatest achievement is the friends, colleagues, and, most importantly, the family he has the good fortune to be a part of. His businesses are run by great people, and his wife and three grown children share wonderful relationships, which he is so blessed to enjoy. One of His Kind What makes Bryan different from other keynote speakers and business advisors is his unrelenting passion, authenticity, and relentless work ethic. He tries not to talk the talk; he walks the walk. He is not here to deliver a polished speech or offer generic advice. He is here to make an impact along with his team to shake things up, disrupt the status quo, and inspire action in everything he does. He brings an uncommon level of energy and enthusiasm to every speaking engagement and advisory session. He strives to ignite reactions from every individual he encounters. He believes in the power of storytelling and connecting with people on a human level. He shares his own experiences, triumphs, and failures to demonstrate that success is not a fairy tale but a result of hard work, dedication, and resilience. What sets him apart is his relentless hustle. He is a irm believer in the power of execution and putting in the work. Bryan doesn't just provide theoretical concepts or high-level strategies; he gives practical advice and tangible action steps that people can implement immediately. He emphasizes the importance of taking calculated risks, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and consistently taking a long- term view in reaching one's goals. ‘ I share my own experiences, triumphs, and failures to demonstrate that success is not a fairy tale but a result of hard work, dedication, and resilience. T H E Cover Story
  • 15. Never Miss a Thing Center for Excellence S Subscribe to The Education View educationviewmagazine educationview2 educationviewmagazine The Education View Subscription Email Phone (614)-602-1754 Office Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States
  • 16. World’s Best Visionary Leaders to Follow in 2023 AUGUST - Issue 01 Bryan K. O'Rourke Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Vedere Ventures, LLC Gerard O'Donovan Paul Kaunds Stan Peake Asad Shamim Founder and CEO, The Noble-Manhattan Group Senior Vice President, Silicon Solutions Director, Leadership Development, FSQ Consulting Inc Founder, Furniture in Fashion As an award-winning entrepreneur and international speaker, Michelle Raymond focuses on how cultivating relationships is key to success. Paul Kaunds' leadership skills are demonstrated through building, managing, and developing highly productive teams locally and in remote sites. Stan Peake is on a mission to help one million values- based leaders reach their potential and is passionate about unlocking capabilities. Asad Shamim strives for excellence, and it is essential to him that he achieves both personal and team targets to see a positive difference. Bryan K. O’Rourke has been in business in the C suite as an executive and business advisor for many global brands for the past 30 years.
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  • 18. AsadShamim Curating a Distinct Brand 18 Asad Shamim Founder, Furniture in Fashion When it comes to building a brand, it is very crucial to come up with distinctive services that set it apart from others. Asad Shamim, Founder of Furniture in Fashion, has mastered this aspect and provides facilities that are not only different from the market but also place a great value on customer satisfaction. The Education View had an interview with Asad to learn more about his business model and success. Below are the highlights of the interview: Please tell us about your journey since its beginning. I started my journey in the furniture industry in 2006 when I founded Furniture in Fashion. The company began as a small online retailer, selling furniture on popular e-commerce platforms such as eBay and Amazon. As the company grew, I invested in a warehouse and showroom, allowing customers to view and purchase furniture in person. Under my leadership, Furniture in Fashion expanded its product range and established relationships with international manufacturers, enabling the company to offer a wide variety of furniture designs at competitive prices. Today, Furniture in Fashion has become one of the UK's leading furniture retailers, serving customers both online and in-store. Please tell us about your mission, vision, and values. My mission is to provide high-quality, contemporary My values are focused on customer satisfaction, quality, innovation, and integrity. “
  • 19. furniture designs at competitive prices while delivering exceptional customer service and building lasting relationships with customers. My vision is to become the leading furniture retailer in the UK, offering the latest trends and designs from around the world while expanding the company's reach globally through partnerships with international manufacturers and retailers. My values are focused on customer satisfaction, quality, innovation, and integrity. These values are critical to the success of a business and are essential to building trust with customers and partners. I place a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, making sure that customers receive exceptional service and high-quality products that meet their needs. I am also committed to offering only the highest quality furniture designs, working with reputable manufacturers and suppliers to ensure that each product meets the exact standards. I believe in staying ahead of the latest trends and innovations in the furniture industry, offering customers unique and creative designs that stand out from the competition and value honesty, transparency, and ethical business practices and believe that building trust with customers and partners is critical to the long-term success of my business. What challenges has your organisation faced, and how did you help to overcome them? Challenges are an integral part of business, and hence I have faced my share. The furniture industry is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. To overcome this challenge, Furniture in Fashion offers unique designs or exceptional customer service. Also, economic conditions can have a signi icant impact on the furniture industry, with consumers being more cautious with their spending during times of economic uncertainty. Furniture in Fashion adjusted its pricing strategy or product offerings to remain competitive. The global pandemic has highlighted the importance of supply chain management, with disruptions to international shipping and manufacturing causing delays and increased costs. Furniture in Fashion diversi ied its supplier base and established more robust supply chain management processes to mitigate these risks. The rise of e-commerce and digital technologies has transformed the retail industry, forcing furniture retailers to adapt to new customer expectations and buying habits. Furniture in Fashion invested in online platforms and technologies to enhance the customer experience and remain competitive in a digital marketplace. How do you incorporate new-age technology in your services to enhance the ef iciency of your work? Incorporating new-age technology into its services helped Furniture in Fashion to enhance the ef iciency of its work and improve the customer experience. By leveraging e- commerce platforms, AR, supply chain management tools, CRM software, and IoT technology, the company streamlined its operations, reduced costs, and delivered high-quality furniture designs to customers both online and in-store. What extensive programs do you provide as an advisor and a keynote speaker to ensure the growth of businesses? I offer a range of consulting and advisory services to help businesses achieve their growth goals. By providing guidance on business strategy, inancial management, marketing and branding, leadership and team-building, and innovation and technology, I help businesses build a strong foundation for sustainable growth and long-term success. As a keynote speaker, I also share insights on these topics and inspire businesses to adopt new approaches to growth and innovation. How do you stay current with the new trends in modern businesses? I use a combination of these methods to stay current with the new trends in modern businesses, such as reading industry publications, attending conferences and events, conducting research, collaborating and networking, and continuing education. Can you shed some light on your future plans? I have various future plans that focus on business growth, innovation, and social responsibility. By staying agile, adaptive, and forward-thinking, I can continue to deliver high- quality products and services that meet the needs of my customers and position my business for long-term success. What makes you different from other advisors and keynote speakers? My industry expertise, global perspective, innovative thinking, results- driven approach, and empathetic and collaborative style sets me apart from other advisors and keynote speakers. What advice would you like to give to entrepreneurs and small business owners? My advice to entrepreneurs and small business owners is to focus on creating value, embrace innovation, build strong teams, plan for the future, and seek expert advice. By following these principles, businesses can increase their chances of success and achieve their goals over the long term. The Education View August 2023 Interview with TEV T H E
  • 20. 20 Empowering the Vision SetsVisionary Apart? Leaders A Clear and Compelling Vision At the core of visionary leadership lies a clear and compelling vision. Unlike traditional leaders who focus on short-term goals and incremental progress, visionary leaders have a transformative and long-term perspective. They possess an innate ability to visualize a future that is vastly different from the status quo. This vision serves as a guiding light, motivating and aligning their teams toward a shared purpose. A visionary leader's vision is not limited to their own n the annals of history, Icertain leaders stand out as visionaries, leaving an indelible mark on society. Visionary leaders possess a rare combination of qualities that set them apart from conventional leaders. They have the ability to see beyond the present, envision a brighter future, and inspire others to follow their lead. In this article, we will explore the key factors that distinguish visionary leaders from their peers and understand how their unique attributes drive innovation, growth, and lasting impact. What
  • 22. success; it encompasses the betterment of society, the environment, or humanity as a whole. This grand vision inspires dedication and commitment from employees, stakeholders, and the wider community. As they communicate their vision with passion and authenticity, they create an emotional connection that fuels collective action. Fearless Innovation Innovation is the lifeblood of progress, and visionary leaders understand its paramount importance. They recognize that to stay ahead of the curve, organizations must embrace change and constantly evolve. Unlike conventional leaders, who may be risk- averse, visionary leaders have the courage to challenge the status quo. They encourage experimentation and are unafraid of failure, seeing it as a stepping stone toward success. These leaders foster a culture of innovation, where new ideas are nurtured and creativity thrives. They surround themselves with diverse thinkers and encourage open dialogue, recognizing that innovation lourishes in an inclusive environment. By prioritizing innovation, visionary leaders ensure that their organizations remain at the forefront of their industries, prepared to face any challenges that lie ahead. Inspirational Communication Effective communication is a hallmark of visionary leaders. They possess exceptional storytelling abilities, weaving a narrative around their vision that captivates the hearts and minds of their audience. Through their words, they can evoke emotions, inspire action, and ignite a sense of purpose in their teams. They are masterful communicators who can distill complex ideas into simple and relatable messages. By communicating their vision with authenticity and passion, visionary leaders create a compelling case for change. They engage with their followers on a personal level, demonstrating empathy and understanding. This connection builds trust and loyalty, fostering a strong sense of community and unity among their teams. Unwavering Resilience The journey of a visionary leader is riddled with challenges and setbacks. However, what sets them apart is their unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. They display an unyielding determination to overcome obstacles and maintain their commitment to their vision. This resilience inspires their teams to persevere during tough times and keep their eyes irmly ixed on the future. Visionary leaders view failures as learning opportunities rather than roadblocks. They take these setbacks in stride, using them as stepping stones to re ine their strategies and approaches. Their ability to bounce back from failures and continue moving forward serves as a source of motivation for their entire organization. Leading with Empathy and Humility Contrary to the stereotype of an assertive and domineering leader, visionary leaders often exhibit humility and empathy. They recognize that leadership is not about wielding power but about serving others and creating a positive impact. These leaders genuinely care for the well-being of their teams and understand the importance of work-life balance and personal growth. Leading with empathy allows visionary leaders to understand the needs and aspirations of their employees. They are accessible and approachable, encouraging an open-door policy where individuals feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. This inclusive leadership style fosters trust and loyalty, creating a strong bond between the leader and their team. Collaborative and Inclusive Approach Visionary leaders understand that success is a collective effort. They actively seek out diverse perspectives and empower their teams to contribute to the realization of the vision. They create a collaborative environment where everyone's voices are heard, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement among employees. Inclusivity is not limited to internal affairs but extends to external stakeholders as well. Visionary leaders engage with customers, partners, and communities, seeking to understand their needs and desires. This inclusive approach ensures that the organization's strategies align with the expectations of its stakeholders, fostering trust and long-term relationships. Admirable Faucets Visionary leaders possess a rare blend of qualities that set them apart as trailblazers in their ields. Their clear and compelling vision, fearless innovation, and inspirational communication create a sense of purpose that propels their organizations toward greatness. Their unwavering resilience in the face of challenges, coupled with humility and empathy, fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages innovation and fosters growth. These leaders leave a lasting impact on their organizations and society at large, serving as beacons of hope and progress. By recognizing and cultivating these traits, aspiring leaders can learn from their example and inspire positive change in the world. As we continue to witness the transformative power of visionary leaders, their legacy serves as a testament to the incredible potential of human leadership. Empowering the Vision The Education View August 2023 T H E 22
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  • 24. St Pea e An Epitome of Resilience Our purpose, the reason FSQ Consulting exists, is because the world needs be er leaders. We help build be er leaders. Director of Leadership Development, FSQ Consulting Inc 24
  • 25. One of the primary traits of a successful person is their never give up attitude. It is their resilience and dedication to pursue their dreams that set them apart from others. And one of the prime examples of a leader propelled by the determination to stand out from the crowd and establish his own brand is Stan Peake. Stan is the Director of Leadership Development at FSQ Consulting Inc and, with his competency, has driven the business to success. The Education View had an interview with Stan to know more about his journey and his approach to a successful business. Below are the highlights of the interview: Please tell us about your journey since its beginning. My entrepreneurial journey started when I was 21 years old. I nearly broke my neck playing football in university, which ended my football journey, but I started my career as a itness professional. I owned one company and bought into another, which sold after we went through a merger. Not being sure what I would pursue next, I went to graduate school, studying leadership. I obtained a certi ication in cultural transformation tools. The next year, I took an executive education in sales leadership. I then became certi ied as an executive coach and called three entrepreneurs I knew to coach them for free in order to test my coaching process and build my business model. In 2015, I started my coaching business, which was my third company. I became an advisor and minority shareholder with a few other companies, and then in 2020, my three other cofounders and I launched FSQ Consulting, a full-service consultancy that specializes in helping organizations with their strategy, marketing, business development, leadership, inancial processes, organizational culture, and communication. In 2022 we grew by almost 325 percent and are still growing! Please tell us about your mission, vision, and values. Our purpose, the reason we exist, is because the world needs better leaders. We help build better leaders. Our vision is to help over one million leaders discover and live up to their potential. Our mission is to unleash our collective skill sets to support unprecedented business success. Our values are: GSD: Whatever it takes Excellence: Excellence is a habit Teamwork: We are greater than me Adaptable: This isn't a one size its all Legacy: Business is a force for good What challenges has your organization faced, and how did you help to overcome them? Like any business, we've faced many challenges. We had a ifth cofounder, who had to exit after less than a year to ind a more secure income. The pandemic brought with it many challenges, including clients tightening their budgets and 'waiting to see how this thing turns out.' Because our ideal client is a mid to large-sized organization, there are often long sales cycles with many setbacks along the way. Even before starting this business, I broke my back three months into my irst coaching business. I had a heart attack three years later. I've been on the verge of a complete inancial disaster several times. And, like any other entrepreneur, I have faced more rejection than most people would ever want to, not to mention imposter syndrome, questioning myself, and the strain all the above puts on my family. What extensive programs do you provide as an advisor and a keynote speaker to ensure the growth of businesses? We are different from others by working with some of the best talent out there. For instance, we have 33 executive coaches in 5 countries. One is the top executive coach in all of New Zealand, and another in California hosts one of the most popular leadership podcasts in the world. Many are bestselling authors, and several have even given TED talks. Kindly mention some of your major achievements, accolades, and recognitions. I have been nominated for several business awards, such as the 'Small Business of the Year' and 'Ethical Business of the Year' by the Better Business Bureau and the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. I was named one of the 'Top 10 Executive Coaches to Follow in 2023' by US Insider. I have written seven business books, including ive bestsellers. I have been published by Entrepreneur Magazine (online) three times, and my 2021 TEDx talk has over 110,000 views. Can you shed some light on your future plans? I mentioned my next book, which is due out later this year. It's a project I'm very proud of that will help many leaders. 100 percent of the royalties I'm receiving will be going to different charities chosen by the leaders I interviewed for the book. Interview with TEV The Education View August 2023 “ Our mission is to unleash our collective skill sets to support unprecedented business success.
  • 26. I also mentioned the proprietary software we hope to launch the beta version of in 2024, if not later this year. This software will make life easier for our coaches and any coach who wants to help their clients more while saving time each week. Finally, I'm scheduled to speak at (at least) four more conferences in 2023, and I'm excited to promote our coaches who are also speaking at several conferences, and one has a TED talk that should be coming out any week that I can't wait to share. What makes you different from other advisors and keynote speakers? I have 25 years of both leadership and entrepreneurial experience. I've started several companies. I've failed in business. I've bought, sold, and merged companies. I'm certi ied as an executive coach, as well as being certi ied as a corporate facilitator and a cultural transformation tools practitioner. I'm also certi ied in many other tools to help entrepreneurs and executives gain greater self- awareness and improve their performance. I have a graduate education in leadership and an executive education in sales leadership. I'm just inishing writing my 8th book, which I hope to make my 6th bestseller. This is all based on thousands of hours coaching entrepreneurs and executives, including many millionaires and even a few billionaires. Finally, I have a diploma in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), one of the most powerful forms of coaching and therapy, and a certi icate in entrepreneurship and innovation from Harvard Business School. What advice would you like to give to entrepreneurs and small business owners? First, get to know yourself. Get to know your passions, dreams, strengths, and weaknesses. If you don't have a dream that wakes you up in the morning eager to chase it, keep dreaming until you ind it. If you're clear on your purpose, vision, and values, and you have an idea of what sets you apart, you've got a ighting chance. Now, be prepared to ight. Nothing comes easy. You're going to hear a lot of 'no' and, even more, nothing at all. You've got to develop an edge that keeps you sharp; it keeps you hungry. I can't stress enough; you also have to stay humble and coachable. No one has all the answers, but the best entrepreneurs I know ask many questions. They are curious and eager to learn and get better. Ego kills more businesses than a lack of knowledge, in my opinion. Finally, give back. No one makes it anywhere worthwhile alone. You're going to receive help along the way. Don't wait 'till you make it to give back. Find a way to give back even as you're growing, and I promise you'll grow faster, and you'll enjoy the journey a lot more! Our vision is to help over one million leaders discover and live up to their potential. The Education View August 2023 T H E 26
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  • 29. Article The Education View August 2023 eadership has been Lan important contributing factor driving organizations to achieve their business goals, optimize resources, and enhance team productivity. Visionary leaders are the catalysts of progress, guiding their organizations toward greatness with an unyielding sense of purpose and a unique ability to inspire others. These remarkable individuals possess a distinctive set of bold traits that set them apart from conventional leaders. Through unwavering determination, creative thinking, and an innate ability to see beyond the horizon, they transform ideas into reality and shape the future. The BoldTraits Visionary of
  • 30. Let us delve into the bold traits that de ine visionary leaders and explore how these qualities drive innovation, growth, and success. Unwavering Conviction At the core of every visionary leader lies an unwavering conviction in their beliefs and ideas. They possess a clear vision of the future and are resolute in their commitment to realizing it. This steadfast determination fuels their passion and inspires others to follow suit, regardless of the obstacles that lie ahead. By staying true to their convictions, they demonstrate the courage to make dif icult decisions and stand irm against adversity. This unwavering belief is contagious, rallying their teams to work tirelessly towards a shared goal. Fostering Creativity and Innovation Modern leaders understand that innovation is the lifeblood of progress. They encourage a culture of creativity within their organizations, fostering an environment where new ideas are celebrated, and failures are viewed as stepping stones to success. These leaders embrace experimentation and are unafraid to challenge the status quo, empowering their teams to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what is possible. By championing innovation, they ensure their organizations remain at the forefront of change and disruption. Inspirational Communication Effective communication is one of the cornerstones of visionary leadership. These leaders possess exceptional storytelling abilities, weaving a compelling narrative around their vision that captivates the hearts and minds of their audience. They communicate their aspirations with passion and authenticity, connecting on a personal level with their teams, stakeholders, and the wider public. Through powerful communication, they instill a shared sense of purpose, motivating their followers to commit wholeheartedly to the cause. Embracing Risk and Failure Visionary leaders recognize that risk and failure are integral parts of the journey toward success. Instead of avoiding uncertainty, they embrace it and use it to their advantage. By taking calculated risks, they open up new possibilities and chart unconventional paths to achieve their vision. Furthermore, they view failures as valuable learning experiences, guiding their organizations toward improvement and growth. Their resilience in the face of setbacks inspires their teams to take bold steps and explore uncharted territories. Leading by Example To inspire and motivate, visionary leaders lead by their own example. They don't simply preach their vision; they live it every day, setting the standards of behavior and work ethic for their teams to follow. By demonstrating their commitment, integrity, and dedication, they earn the respect and trust of their followers. This authentic leadership style creates a strong bond between the leader and the team, fostering loyalty and a shared sense of purpose. Adaptability and Future Focus In a rapidly changing world, visionary leaders possess the ability to adapt and remain future-focused. They continuously scan the horizon for emerging trends, technologies, and challenges, anticipating shifts before they occur. By staying ahead of the curve, they prepare their organizations to thrive in a dynamic environment. Their adaptability and forward-thinking approach ensure that their vision remains relevant and meaningful even in the face of uncertainty. Building Strong Teams They recognize that achieving ambitious goals requires a strong, cohesive team. They are skilled at attracting and nurturing top talent, assembling a diverse group of individuals who share their passion and dedication. These leaders empower their teams, providing them with the resources and autonomy to excel in their roles. By fostering a collaborative and inclusive culture, they ensure that everyone's strengths are leveraged to the fullest, creating a synergy that propels the organization forward. Envisaging A Dynamic World In conclusion, visionary leaders possess an extraordinary set of bold traits that enable them to steer their organizations toward greatness. Their unwavering conviction, ability to foster innovation, inspirational communication, and adaptability set them apart as transformational igures in the business world. By leading with integrity, embracing risk and failure, and building strong teams, they lay the groundwork for a bright and prosperous future. As we continue to witness the impact of visionary leaders in various sectors, it is evident that their bold traits are the driving force behind their success and the positive change they bring to the world. Leading with Foresight The Education View August 2023 T H E 30