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March 2024 |
Center for Excellence
Fostering the Upbringing
of the Whole Person
Nurturing Young Minds with
Knowledge and Moral Values
Christ the
Transforming Education Game
Top 10 Study Hacks Every
Student Should Know
New Hope
Excelling in School and Beyond!
Unlocking the Secrets to
Academic Success
Schools in
New Jersey
Center for Excellence
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Volume - 03
Issue - 01
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The Education View
Speech is power. Speech
is to persuade, to convert, to
compel. It is to bring another
out of his bad sense into
your good sense.
- Ralph
Waldo Emerson
Charting New Pathways for
ver the years, the realm of education in the Garden State has undergone
signi icant transformation, re lecting the changing needs and aspirations of
students, parents, and educators alike.
From its beginnings to the present day, the education system in New Jersey has
continually evolved to meet the demands of a dynamic and diverse society. With a rich
history of educational reform and innovation, the state has emerged as a pioneer in the
ield of education, setting high standards for academic achievement and student success.
At the heart of this evolution are the top-performing schools featured in The
Education View's latest edition, "Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in
New Jersey." These are the schools that exemplify the highest standards of teaching,
learning, and student achievement. These schools have distinguished themselves
through their commitment to academic rigor, innovation, and student-centered
The motive behind this edition is to recognize and celebrate the outstanding
achievements of these schools and to inspire others to emulate their success. By
shining a spotlight on their exemplary practices and achievements, we hope to
provide valuable insights and inspiration to educators, administrators,
policymakers, and stakeholders across the state.
Looking ahead, the future prospects for education in New Jersey are bright
and promising. With a continued focus on innovation, collaboration, and
student-centered learning, the state is poised to build upon its legacy of
educational excellence and chart new pathways for success. As we
navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, we
remain committed to ensuring that every student in New Jersey
has access to a high-quality education that prepares them for
success in school and beyond.
Have an engaging read!
- Maria Christopher
Nurturing Young Minds with
Knowledge and Moral Values
Christ theTeacher Academy
Excelling in School and Beyond!
28 Transforming Education Game
New Hope School
Fostering the Upbringing of the Whole Person
Unlocking the Secrets to Academic Success
Top 10 Study Hacks Every Student Should Know
Education Excellence: Top-Performing
Schools in New Jersey
Institute Brief
Eastern Christian
New Hope School
Queen Of Peace
Grammar School
The Pennington
Christ the Teacher
At the core of New Hope School's mission is the
belief in fostering peace within students and in
their relationships with others.
The Mission of Queen of Peace Grammar
School is to empower its students with Catholic
teachings, morality and traditions along with
knowledge, academic, and technological skills.
The Pennington School fosters an Academic and
Co-curricular Environment that blends high
expectations for excellence with personalized
support to ensure every student achieves success in
readiness for college study.
Christ the Teacher Academy epitomizes
excellence in education, blending academic rigor
with spiritual development and a strong sense of
Eastern Christian School's mission is to stimulate
intellectual growth, foster spiritual development
and empower students to make a positive impact
on the world.
Miss a
Center for Excellence
The Education View
The Education View
Insights Success Media Tech LLC
555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin,
OH 43017, United States
Nurturing Young Minds with
Knowledge and Moral Values
Christ the Teacher Academy
Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey
Special Feature
The Education View March 2024
ducation is an
Eextensive and
in luential ield that
has the power to shape the
future of society. For a child,
education begins at a tender
age when the brain is
curious about the world and
has an immense capacity to
learn and grow. That's why
nurturing young minds with
love, care, and empathy at
schools is crucial. These
values help them develop
sound mental health,
teaching them moral values
such as kindness,
compassion, and
Education is not just
about academics; it is a
holistic approach
encompassing spiritual
growth. Instilling a sense of
spirituality in young
learners is essential, as it
ills their hearts with
compassion and hope. It
helps them develop a
positive outlook and instills
a sense of purpose.
Thus, the world of
education is not just about
imparting knowledge; it is
about shaping young minds
and preparing them for a
better tomorrow. These
values help students
appreciate the world
around them, and they grow
into responsible citizens.
Christ the Teacher
Academy, situated in Fort
Lee, North-east Bergen
County, New Jersey, was
established following the
closing of four churches'
parish schools: Church of
the Madonna, Holy Trinity,
Holy Rosary, and Epiphany.
Christ the Teacher Academy
has served students' needs
in the greater Fort Lee area
for over 20 years.
It is situated on the grounds
of Madonna Parish. These
schools were distinguished
by their shared social
development values,
academic brilliance, and
Catholic identity, these
qualities are still present
Inculcating Spirituality in
Young Hearts
At Christ the Teacher
Academy, as the name
implies, Christ is the model
teacher. It aims to develop
its students' spiritual,
intellectual, moral, physical,
and social potential.
The school believes in the
saying of Christ, "Let the
little children come to me."
Through his example, the
school welcomes all to learn
his words. As educators, the
faculty aim to give the
students a solid foundation
in academics, faith, and
The school's mission is to
guide each student to
develop to their fullest
potential spiritually,
intellectually, morally,
physically, and socially with
Christ as their model. The
vision is to continuously
provide a safe, nurturing,
yet rigorous environment so
that every child is well-
prepared for the future.
Christ's message is the
soul of the school
community. The school
believes that each child is a
gift from god with varying
strengths and abilities. They
can be educated and guided
to perform at their best, and
the support of the
community and
stakeholders is critical to
their success.
Strategies to Achieve
Educational Excellence
Christ the Teacher Academy
has a speci ic method to
maintain its exceptional
performance. These
strategies include:
• Teachers use professional
opportunities to enhance
current educational
trends and technology
within the classroom.
• Use of Map Growth test
scores to identify
academic strengths and
• Administration sources
and uses all available
funding dollars ef iciently
and effectively for optimal
student performance.
• Strong Home School
Association provides
fundraising opportunities
and support.
Dealing with the
Christ the Teacher Academy
has been through highs and
lows but has always
maintained the quality of
education. Some of the
signi icant challenges are:
• Maintaining and
increasing enrollment.
• Recruiting the most
talented faculty members.
• Effectively servicing a
more extensive and
increasingly diverse
student population.
This prestigious institute
sailed through the
challenges with the
following strategies:
• Establishment of a strong
STEM program.
• Construction projects
underway to
accommodate the growing
student population.
• Providing Arts and
Physical Education classes
for all grades.
• Providing Spanish classes
for all grades.
• Addition of various
extracurricular programs-
taekwondo, tennis, chess,
debate club, volleyball,
boy's league, wellness for
girls, BETA club, National
Junior Honor Society,
Student Council, and
ambassador program.
• Availability of before and
aftercare programs for
Our school is Middle States
accredited, our students understand
that we live out our faith in our words
and actions, and our students have
respect for themselves and others.
The Education View March 2024
Special Feature
working parents extended
aftercare until 6:30 pm.
• Construction of a new
kitchen to ensure daily hot
nutritious lunches for the
students and faculty.
Full-time medical staff.
Leveraging Technology to
Enhance Classroom
With many technological
advancements, such as G-
Suite for Education, Christ
the Teacher Academy was
able to switch to remote
learning for all students
immediately during the
beginning of the COVID-19
pandemic crisis. When the
2020-21 school year began,
it offered the students the
choice of remote or in-
person instruction, ensuring
their education would be
disrupted as little as
Christ the Teacher
provides students with
various technological
advantages, such as:
• 1:1 Chromebooks for
students in Grades 3-8,
• Use of iPads for Pre-K
• Provide weekly
technology classes for all
grade levels,
• Addition of Fire TVs in
Pre-K classrooms,
• Addition of Sharp AQUOS
• 3D printers in the STEM
• Creation of a School Media
Crafting an Extended
Family Atmosphere
Alongside its irst-class
academic instruction, Christ
the Teacher always aims to
maintain the atmosphere of
an extended family for
students. Its culture is to
foster teamwork among all
faculty and staff members in
planning times for grade-
level teachers.
It also tries to nurture a
sense of community among
the parents, teachers, and
students. The faith-based
community-monthly mass, a
celebration of holidays as a
school family, catholic
traditions, and teachings are
all traditions of Christ the
Teacher Academy. The
institute encourages fun
family and school events
like Breakfast with Santa,
Family Bingo, Homecoming
Dance, Thanksgiving
Luncheon, Trunk or Treat,
Easter Bunny Snack, etc.
Prestigious Awards and
Christ the Teacher has
achieved numerous awards
and recognitions, such as:
• National Blue-Ribbon
• It attained Academy
• Won several STEM
awards, including CNBC
New York.
• It has continuously
achieved the Middle States
• It was named Fort Lee
Best of the Area for
These accolades speak to
the credibility and quality of
the programs by validating
the excellence of the
curriculum, student success,
and industry relevance of
the approach.
Inclusive Extra-Curricular
Extracurricular activities
enhance the students'
personality, providing them
with inclusivity and
creativity. The academic and
extracurricular support that
Christ the Teacher Academy
offers to prepare students
for future success are as
Our mission is to guide each
student to develop to their fullest
potential spiritually, intellectually,
morally, physically, and socially with
Christ as our model.
• Gifted and Talented
• Variety of sports
• Debate and Oratory Clubs
• Teacher-led Summer
• Summer programs
• Beta Club
• National Junior Honor
• Community Service
• Student Council
These activities provide
the required break from
academics and nurture the
children with excellent
skills and memories to be
cherished for life.
Promoting Critical
Thinking and Mental
In order to preserve
academic standards and
promote young learners'
critical thinking, mental
acuity, and inventiveness, a
varied and inclusive student
body is essential. A few
steps taken by Christ the
Teacher Academy are as
• Ensure that prospective
parents understand that
all students are welcome
• Creating one of the Middle
States goals to be more
• Incorporating
professional development
for the teachers to enable
differentiation for the
vast, diverse population.
The Extraordinary
The teaching faculty is the
backbone of any
educational institute; they
impart knowledge, taking
care of the holistic
development of the
students. Christ the Teacher
Academy's dedicated
teaching faculty and their
commitment play a pivotal
role in the success of the
school. Using the following
strategies, these educators
are able to establish such a
• Grade level planning
• Teamwork to overcome
challenging circumstances
• Teacher collaboration
between classes and grade
The Education View March 2024
Special Feature
• Teacher-created clubs
• Teacher summer
• Teachers committed to
attending student events
on the weekends and
• Teachers participate in a
variety of professional
opportunities and classes
as they continue to be
lifelong learners
Every student at Christ
the Teacher Academy is the
community's future, and the
school holds this ideology at
heart with irm conviction.
Its motivated teaching staff
is dedicated to imparting
moral values, high
standards of education, and
an integrated body of
knowledge. The institute
works to model and develop
its pupils as remarkable
individuals with the
potential to become
spectacular adults. It makes
the required adjustments to
meet their needs while
considering their challenges
and skills, resulting in a
customized, one-on-one
teaching strategy.
Staying Connected to the
For a child's holistic growth
and development to be
transparent and supported
in reaching goals, there
must be ongoing
communication with
parents, guardians, and the
community. To make sure
that the pupils are doing the
same, Christ the Teacher
Academy employs the
following practices:
• Weekly Digital Backpack
• School Website
• Facebook, Twitter and
• Google Classroom/
Remind/Class Tag
Christ the Teacher
Academy is an esteemed
educational institute that
believes Christ is the ideal
teacher in all aspects. The
school's aim to emulate his
lifestyle, empowering
learners to attain their whole
spiritual, intellectual, moral,
physical, and social potential,
is highly appreciable. By
instilling moral values and
utilizing current teaching
methods, they may cultivate
a generation that will thrive
in the future.
Christ the Teacher
Academy welcomes students
of all backgrounds. This
institution fosters a strong
foundation in academics,
faith, and citizenship. It
educates and guides each
child to achieve their full
potential and promotes a
strong sense of community,
enabling students to thrive
The school's excellent
Gifted and Talented
Program serves students in
grades 3 through 8, is the
best example of how the
team constantly looks for
new ways to push its
students. They are
challenged to the limit at
this school to ensure they
reach their full potential.
The school's dedication to
its pupils is genuinely
exceptional. The institute is
excited about what it will
accomplish in the upcoming
weeks and months as it
celebrates its incredible
success this year.
The Education View March 2024
Our dedicated teaching faculty is
committed to delivering an integrated
knowledge base, high education
standards, and moral values.
Excelling in School and Beyond!
The Education View March 2024
Unlocking the
Academic Success
uccess in academia
Sis not merely about
memorizing facts or
taking exams; it's about
developing a mindset and
acquiring skills that propel
one forward in both
academic and professional
spheres. From excelling in
school to thriving in life
beyond academia,
unlocking the secrets to
academic success involves
a combination of
strategies, habits, and
attitudes that foster
continuous growth and
achievement. This article
will explore the key
elements that contribute
to academic success and
how they pave the way for
success beyond the
Cultivating a Growth
At the heart of academic
success lies a growth
mindset—a belief that
intelligence and abilities
can be developed through
dedication and effort.
Embracing a growth
mindset empowers
individuals to view
challenges as
opportunities for growth
rather than
insurmountable obstacles.
Students who believe in
their capacity to learn and
improve are more likely to
persevere through
setbacks, seek out
constructive feedback, and
engage in effective study
strategies. Cultivating a
growth mindset lays the
foundation for lifelong
learning and resilience,
essential qualities for
success in any endeavor.
Setting Clear Goals
Setting clear, achievable
goals is essential for
academic success.
Whether it's aiming for a
certain GPA, mastering a
particular subject, or
pursuing extracurricular
interests, having well-
de ined goals provides
direction and motivation.
Effective goal-setting
involves breaking down
larger objectives into
smaller, manageable tasks,
creating a roadmap for
progress. By setting
speci ic, measurable,
attainable, relevant, and
time-bound (SMART)
goals, students can track
their progress, stay
focused, and celebrate
their achievements along
the way.
Time Management and
Time is a inite resource,
and effective time
management is crucial for
academic success.
Learning to prioritize
tasks, allocate time
ef iciently, and maintain a
balance between academic
responsibilities and
personal interests is key.
Strategies such as creating
schedules, utilizing to-do
lists, and avoiding
procrastination help
students stay organized
and on track. By mastering
time management skills,
students can optimize
their productivity, reduce
stress, and make the most
of their academic journey.
Active Learning and
Passive learning, such as
simply attending lectures
and taking notes, is often
insuf icient for deep
understanding and
retention of material.
Active learning strategies,
such as participating in
class discussions, asking
questions, and applying
concepts in real-world
contexts, foster deeper
engagement and
Additionally, collaborative
learning activities, such as
group projects and study
groups, promote critical
thinking, communication
skills, and teamwork—all
of which are invaluable for
academic and professional
Seeking Support and
No student is an island,
and seeking support and
utilizing available
resources is essential for
academic success.
Whether it's seeking help
from professors, academic
advisors, or tutors, or
utilizing academic support
services such as writing
centers or libraries,
students should not
hesitate to reach out when
they encounter challenges.
Building a support
network of peers, mentors,
and professionals provides
encouragement, guidance,
and access to valuable
resources that can
enhance learning and
academic performance.
Embracing Failure and
Learning from Mistakes
Failure is not a sign of
incompetence; rather, it is
an opportunity for growth
and learning. Embracing
failure as a natural part of
the learning process
allows students to develop
resilience, adaptability,
and problem-solving skills.
Instead of being
discouraged by setbacks,
students should re lect on
their mistakes, identify
areas for improvement,
and approach challenges
with renewed
determination. By
reframing failure as a
stepping stone to success,
students can overcome
obstacles and achieve their
academic goals with
greater con idence and
Self -Discipline and
Self-discipline is the
cornerstone of academic
success, requiring
students to take
responsibility for their
actions, stay focused on
their goals, and maintain
consistent effort and
dedication. Setting aside
distractions, establishing
study routines, and
adhering to deadlines are
all manifestations of self-
discipline. Additionally,
holding oneself
accountable for academic
performance and progress
fosters a sense of
ownership and
commitment to excellence.
By cultivating self-
discipline and
accountability, students
empower themselves to
take control of their
academic journey and
achieve their full potential.
Nurturing Well-Being
and Balance
Academic success is not
solely determined by
grades and achievements;
it also encompasses well-
being and balance in life.
Prioritizing self-care,
maintaining healthy
habits, and fostering a
supportive environment
contribute to overall well-
being and academic
performance. Students
should strive to ind a
balance between academic
pursuits and personal
interests, hobbies, and
relationships. Taking
breaks, practicing
mindfulness, and seeking
support when needed are
essential for managing
stress and promoting
mental health. By
nurturing well-being and
balance, students lay the
foundation for sustained
academic success and
ful illment in life.
Unlocking the secrets to
academic success involves
a multifaceted approach
that encompasses
mindset, goal-setting, time
management, active
learning, seeking support,
embracing failure, self-
discipline, and well-being.
By cultivating these
essential elements,
students not only excel in
school but also lay the
groundwork for success in
their future endeavors.
Academic success is not
merely a destination but a
journey of continuous
growth, learning, and self-
discovery. By embracing
the journey and applying
these principles, students
can unlock their full
potential and thrive in
school and beyond.
Excelling in School and Beyond!
The Education View March 2024
Fostering the Upbringing of the Whole Person
chools play a vital role
Sin the upbringing of
children by providing
them with education,
socialization, values, skills,
and experiences that
contribute to their holistic
development. The
partnership between
parents and schools creates
a well-rounded foundation
for children's growth and
prepares them for a
successful and ful illing
New Hope School
believes in fostering the
upbringing of the whole
person: intellectually,
emotionally, socially, and
New Hope School's
education philosophy is that
education involves more
than simply addressing the
intellect. The school
accomplishes this through a
challenging academic
curriculum, a strong
character education
program, and a creative
music and arts program.
All grades begin the day
with inspirational readings
from various scriptural,
historical, and cultural
sources to help students
gain a deeper
understanding of their own
identity and value. The
importance of moral and
ethical principles is stressed
as a foundation for healthy
character development.
A Peace Academy
In addition to its academic
program, the school places
great emphasis on its
character education
program, from which the
school derives its motto,
“A Peace Academy." New
Hope School seeks to raise
children who will be
peaceful both with
themselves and in their
relationships with others.
Throughout the school
year, in regular classes and
special sessions, students
are instructed in timeless
virtues, such as honesty,
fairness, and compassion,
and are encouraged to
participate in service
projects for the community.
The school fosters a
dedicated learning
environment through small
class sizes in which teachers
are able to get to know their
students deeply on a
personal level. In this way,
teachers know their
students' strengths and
weaknesses, their learning
styles, and their abilities
and interests in order to
give them the support and
encouragement they need
to ful ill their tasks well and
leave them with a sense of
New Hope's commitment
to excellence begins with a
well-organized and
challenging curriculum
provided by the Core
Knowledge Foundation.
This curriculum is
supplemented by various
project-based learning
activities at each grade level
throughout the school year
in which students are
challenged to apply their
learning to real-world
scenarios. For example, over
the years, students have
built a 3D model of the
Delaware River Gap, created
their own businesses,
developed the concept of a
model school, play-acted
investing in the stock
market, learned to pitch a
city of their choosing to a
ictitious IT CEO looking to
relocate the company's
headquarters, and
researched the history of
the city where the school is
located, among many
As a small school, we pride ourselves in
having a family atmosphere in which
everyone knows each other.
Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey
New Hope School
Special Features
The Education View March 2024
New Hope School expects
its teachers to love teaching
and engage their students
enthusiastically in their
lessons. The more teachers
do this, the school believes
the more their students will
love learning.
Fostering a Family
As a small school, New Hope
School prides itself on
having a family atmosphere
in which everyone knows
each other. The school
actively encourages older
students to be role models
for the younger ones and to
see each other as brothers
and sisters. It sees teachers
as having a parental role in
their relationship with their
Almost invariably, its
students go on to do very
well in high school and
beyond. Upon graduation,
Our dedication to accomplishment
begins with a well-organized and
challenging curriculum provided by the
Core Knowledge Foundation.
Jan Mendoza
First-grade Teacher,
New Hope School
they are regularly accepted
to a selective charter high
school in the area. They
very often are honors
students in high school and
college. One of its graduates
became the valedictorian at
her high school. Another
recent graduate was
featured in the city
magazine for winning irst
place in a ilm competition.
New Hope School offers a
variety of extracurricular
activities after school,
ranging from clubs in art,
math, reading, robotics, and
chess to martial arts, yoga,
and dance classes to choir
and various kinds of sports
activities. It regards these
opportunities as important
supplements to their
academic education to help
students develop
themselves in both mind
and body.
Enhancing Educational
During the COVID
pandemic, New Hope School
distinguished itself by
remaining open and
maintaining its regular
academic schedule even at
times when, by state
mandate, it was entirely
virtual. The school
purchased special
equipment to enable
students to access the
classrooms and teachers
from home and offered a
hybrid system for a period
of time as the pandemic
began to wane.
Every year the school
partners with various
organizations in order to
enhance its educational
program. New Hope School
has collaborated with
De ined Learning for its
project-based learning
program; Mad Science,
Renaissance Child, and
KidzToPros in support of its
after-school activities;
Elevate to promote social-
emotional learning, and
Boss Club to teach students
how to create and operate
their own businesses.
New Hope School
intentionally limits the use
of technology in the regular
classroom. Its education
program highlights the
relationship and encourages
collaboration among
students in various types of
group work. At the same
time, all its classes are
equipped with interactive
whiteboards, which are
used extensively. All
students have computer
class once a week where the
lower grades learn basic
computer skills and the
upper grades more
advanced skills like coding
and design. Teachers make
use of the computer lab at
various times throughout
the week for special
projects that require
students to have a computer
or internet access.
Offering Greater Personal
As a school with small class
sizes, as mentioned earlier,
teachers are able to offer
their students a greater
amount of personal support
than those in schools with
The Education View March 2024
Special Features
Our educational program remains
rigorous and relevant; our staff reviews
the school's curriculum on a regular
larger classes. Its classes
typically have 10-12
students. Beyond this, New
Hope School offers one-on-
one tutoring after school for
students who need extra
help with their studies. In
addition, the school has a
special services teacher
who comes in twice a week
to work with students
needing extra help in
certain areas. The teacher
may work with students in
the classroom or as pullouts
from the class.
To ensure that its
educational program
remains rigorous and
relevant, New Hope School's
staff reviews the school's
curriculum on a regular
basis. It also holds
professional development
sessions at the school
throughout the year to
support teachers to be able
to deliver the material and
engage the students in the
best way possible. New
Hope School inds itself
fortunate that the Core
Knowledge Foundation
itself is engaged in the
ongoing development of its
educational materials. At
the beginning of each school
year, its faculty are informed
of new developments in the
curriculum and given
support to include these
developments in their
teaching. In addition, each
year, the school conducts a
survey of parents, asking for
their ideas on ways the
school can continually
improve its educational
Each year the school holds a
spelling bee, the winner of
which represents the school
at the regional spelling bee.
The names of all the
students who have won
going back to 2006 are
highlighted on a plaque in
the front lobby.
At the end of the school
year, various awards are
presented to students to
recognize and celebrate
their achievements in
different areas. Among
these are the President's
Awards for Academic
Excellence and Achievement
which are accompanied by a
letter from the President of
the United States. Students
who showed a good
example of public-
mindedness and a sense of
responsibility are presented
with Citizenship Awards.
Students who had perfect
attendance are also
recognized with an award.
Also, various kinds of
character awards are
presented to students at the
year-end assembly.
Laying a Foundation for
Good Education
New Hope School has two
major fundraisers during
the school year, one in the
fall and one in the spring,
which are about more than
simply raising money for
the school. The fall
fundraiser is also a Read-a-
Thon in which parents are
asked to ind sponsors for
their children who promise
to read a certain number of
books during the month of
November. This is in
keeping with the emphasis
the school places on reading
development as a key
foundation for good
education. The spring
fundraiser, called the Race
for Education, similarly asks
parents to seek sponsors for
their children who pledge to
accomplish a certain
number of laps around a
quarter-mile track over the
course of an hour. This is in
line with the importance the
school puts on physical
education. Although the
school lacks a physical
gymnasium, the school
encourages lots of play
activities on the playground
before and after school and
during recess. Thus,
students are frequently
engaged in various sports,
such as soccer, basketball,
kickball, table tennis, tag,
Blending Strong
Discipline with a Loving
New Hope School's irst-
grade teacher, Jan
Mendoza, has been
teaching at the school
almost since its inception.
Montessori-trained, she is
very adept at engaging her
students both inside the
classroom and out. She is
often seen leading her
charges in and around the
school like a mother hen.
Ms. Jan blends strong
discipline with a loving
touch which has endeared
her to her many students
over the years. It is not
uncommon for a former
student of hers, now in
college or a successful
professional, to stop by for a
visit. The quality of the
learning she delivers is
exempli ied by the fact that
her students are nearly
always above the 90
percentile on the
standardized test they take
each spring. Kudos to Ms.
New Hope School is committed to the highest
standards of academic excellence and independent
character development by teaching God-centered
universal values and service to others as the basis
for personal integrity, harmony in the family, and
peace in the world.
Special Features
The Education View March 2024
Transforming Education Game
The Education View March 2024
1. Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique
is a time management
method that involves
breaking study sessions
into intervals, typically 25
minutes long, separated by
short breaks. This
technique capitalizes on
the brain's ability to
maintain focus for short
periods while allowing for
regular rest and
rejuvenation. By adopting
the Pomodoro Technique,
students can enhance
productivity, maintain
concentration, and avoid
burnout during study
2. Active Recall
Active recall is a powerful
learning strategy that
involves actively retrieving
Study Hacks
Top 10
Should Know
tudents constantly
Sseek ways to
enhance their
learning experience and
improve academic
performance. From
managing time effectively
to retaining information
ef iciently, mastering the
art of studying is essential
for success in school and
beyond. Fortunately, there
are numerous study hacks
and techniques that can
help students maximize
their potential and
transform their education
game. In this article, we
explore the top 10 study
hacks every student
should know, offering
practical strategies to
unlock their academic
potential and excel in their
information from memory
rather than passively
reviewing materials. This
can be achieved through
techniques such as
lashcards, self-quizzing,
or summarizing key
concepts without referring
to notes. By engaging in
active recall, students
strengthen their memory
retention, enhance
comprehension, and
reinforce learning through
repeated practice.
3. Spaced Repetition
Spaced repetition is a
study technique that
involves reviewing
material at increasing
intervals over time to
reinforce learning and
long-term retention. By
spacing out study sessions
and revisiting information
at strategically timed
intervals, students can
optimize memory
consolidation and recall.
Spaced repetition is
particularly effective for
memorizing facts,
vocabulary, and complex
concepts across various
4. Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a visual
learning technique that
involves creating diagrams
to represent relationships
between ideas, concepts,
and information. By
organizing thoughts in a
hierarchical and
interconnected format,
students can enhance
comprehension, stimulate
creativity, and improve
memory retention. Mind
mapping is an effective
tool for brainstorming,
note-taking, and
synthesizing complex
5. Dual Coding
Dual coding is a cognitive
learning strategy that
involves combining verbal
and visual information to
enhance comprehension
and memory retention. By
pairing text with images,
diagrams, or illustrations,
students create multiple
pathways for encoding and
retrieving information,
making it more
memorable and easier to
understand. Dual coding is
particularly effective for
learning abstract concepts
and complex relationships.
6. Chunking
Chunking is a memory
technique that involves
breaking down large
amounts of information
into smaller, manageable
chunks or categories. By
organizing information
into meaningful clusters or
patterns, students can
improve retention and
recall. Chunking facilitates
cognitive processing and
reduces the cognitive load,
making it easier to absorb
and retain complex
7. Active Note-Taking
Active note-taking involves
engaging with lecture
material or reading
assignments actively by
paraphrasing, and
synthesizing information
in one's own words.
Instead of passively
transcribing notes,
students should strive to
capture key concepts,
connections, and insights.
Active note-taking
promotes deeper
understanding, enhances
retention, and facilitates
review and revision.
8. The Feynman
The Feynman Technique is
a learning strategy named
after physicist Richard
Feynman, known for his
ability to simplify complex
concepts. This technique
involves explaining a
concept or topic in simple
terms as if teaching it to
someone else. By
articulating ideas in clear,
concise language, students
identify gaps in their
understanding and solidify
their grasp of the material.
The Feynman Technique
fosters deeper
comprehension and
mastery of subjects.
9. Utilizing Mnemonics
Mnemonics are memory
aids or mnemonic devices
that help students
remember information
through association or
visualization. Whether it's
acronyms, rhymes, or
visual imagery,
mnemonics provide
mnemonic cues that
facilitate recall.
Mnemonics are
particularly useful for
memorizing lists,
sequences, and factual
information in subjects
such as history, science,
and language.
10. Practice Retrieval
Practice retrieval involves
actively recalling
information from memory
through self-quizzing,
practice tests, or problem-
solving exercises. By
repeatedly retrieving
information, students
reinforce learning, identify
gaps in knowledge, and
improve long-term
retention. Practice
retrieval enhances
memory recall and
transferability of
knowledge, preparing
students for exams and
real-world applications.
In conclusion, mastering
the art of studying is
essential for academic
success and lifelong
learning. By incorporating
these top 10 study hacks
into their study routines,
students can transform
their education game,
enhance their learning
experience, and achieve
their full academic
potential. From time
management and active
recall to mind mapping
and practice retrieval,
these study techniques
offer practical strategies to
optimize learning,
retention, and
comprehension across
various subjects and
disciplines. By embracing
these study hacks,
students can unlock their
academic potential and
excel in their studies with
con idence and ef iciency.
The Education View March 2024
Transforming Education Game
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Final File - Education Excellence Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey 4.pdf

  • 1. VIEW THE March 2024 | Vol. 03 Issue-01 Center for Excellence School Fostering the Upbringing of the Whole Person Teacher Academy Nurturing Young Minds with Knowledge and Moral Values Christ the Transforming Education Game Top 10 Study Hacks Every Student Should Know New Hope Excelling in School and Beyond! Unlocking the Secrets to Academic Success Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. VIEW THE Center for Excellence We are also Available on Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email - Subscription - Office The Education View is published by Insights Success Media LLC. Copyright © 2024 Insights Success Media LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media LLC. Volume - 03 Issue - 01 MARCH 2024 Editor-in-Chief Mary D'souza Senior Writer Maria Christopher Contributing Writer Anish David Art & Design Head and Visualiser David King Co-designer Paul Belin Senior Manager of Sales Kevin Foster Sales BDE Jack Adams Technical Head Jacob B. Technical Consultants David, Robert Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege SME-SMO Executive Mark Clain Circulation Manager Eric Smith Follow us on theeducationviewmagazine educationview_ theeducationviewmagazine The Education View
  • 5. Contemplation Editor’s Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. It is to bring another out of his bad sense into your good sense. - Ralph Waldo Emerson A Academic Success Charting New Pathways for O ver the years, the realm of education in the Garden State has undergone signi icant transformation, re lecting the changing needs and aspirations of students, parents, and educators alike. From its beginnings to the present day, the education system in New Jersey has continually evolved to meet the demands of a dynamic and diverse society. With a rich history of educational reform and innovation, the state has emerged as a pioneer in the ield of education, setting high standards for academic achievement and student success. At the heart of this evolution are the top-performing schools featured in The Education View's latest edition, "Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey." These are the schools that exemplify the highest standards of teaching, learning, and student achievement. These schools have distinguished themselves through their commitment to academic rigor, innovation, and student-centered learning. The motive behind this edition is to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of these schools and to inspire others to emulate their success. By shining a spotlight on their exemplary practices and achievements, we hope to provide valuable insights and inspiration to educators, administrators, policymakers, and stakeholders across the state. Looking ahead, the future prospects for education in New Jersey are bright and promising. With a continued focus on innovation, collaboration, and student-centered learning, the state is poised to build upon its legacy of educational excellence and chart new pathways for success. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, we remain committed to ensuring that every student in New Jersey has access to a high-quality education that prepares them for success in school and beyond. Have an engaging read! - Maria Christopher T H E
  • 6. Contents Nurturing Young Minds with Knowledge and Moral Values Christ theTeacher Academy 10 Special Feature
  • 7. Articles 18 Excelling in School and Beyond! 28 Transforming Education Game 22 Special Feature New Hope School Fostering the Upbringing of the Whole Person Unlocking the Secrets to Academic Success Top 10 Study Hacks Every Student Should Know
  • 8. Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey Institute Brief Eastern Christian School New Hope School Queen Of Peace Grammar School The Pennington School Christ the Teacher Academy At the core of New Hope School's mission is the belief in fostering peace within students and in their relationships with others. The Mission of Queen of Peace Grammar School is to empower its students with Catholic teachings, morality and traditions along with knowledge, academic, and technological skills. The Pennington School fosters an Academic and Co-curricular Environment that blends high expectations for excellence with personalized support to ensure every student achieves success in readiness for college study. Christ the Teacher Academy epitomizes excellence in education, blending academic rigor with spiritual development and a strong sense of community. Eastern Christian School's mission is to stimulate intellectual growth, foster spiritual development and empower students to make a positive impact on the world. Website
  • 9. Never Miss a Thing VIEW THE Center for Excellence S Subscribe to The Education View theeducationviewmagazine educationview_ theeducationviewmagazine The Education View Subscription Email Phone (614)-602-1754 Office Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States
  • 10. Nurturing Young Minds with Knowledge and Moral Values Christ the Teacher Academy 10 Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey
  • 11. Special Feature The Education View March 2024
  • 12. 12 ducation is an Eextensive and in luential ield that has the power to shape the future of society. For a child, education begins at a tender age when the brain is curious about the world and has an immense capacity to learn and grow. That's why nurturing young minds with love, care, and empathy at schools is crucial. These values help them develop sound mental health, teaching them moral values such as kindness, compassion, and faithfulness. Education is not just about academics; it is a holistic approach encompassing spiritual growth. Instilling a sense of spirituality in young learners is essential, as it ills their hearts with compassion and hope. It helps them develop a positive outlook and instills a sense of purpose. Thus, the world of education is not just about imparting knowledge; it is about shaping young minds and preparing them for a better tomorrow. These values help students appreciate the world around them, and they grow into responsible citizens. Christ the Teacher Academy, situated in Fort Lee, North-east Bergen County, New Jersey, was established following the closing of four churches' parish schools: Church of the Madonna, Holy Trinity, Holy Rosary, and Epiphany. Christ the Teacher Academy has served students' needs in the greater Fort Lee area for over 20 years. It is situated on the grounds of Madonna Parish. These schools were distinguished by their shared social development values, academic brilliance, and Catholic identity, these qualities are still present today. Inculcating Spirituality in Young Hearts At Christ the Teacher Academy, as the name implies, Christ is the model teacher. It aims to develop its students' spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, and social potential. The school believes in the saying of Christ, "Let the little children come to me." Through his example, the school welcomes all to learn his words. As educators, the faculty aim to give the students a solid foundation in academics, faith, and citizenship. The school's mission is to guide each student to develop to their fullest potential spiritually, intellectually, morally, physically, and socially with Christ as their model. The vision is to continuously provide a safe, nurturing, yet rigorous environment so that every child is well- prepared for the future. Christ's message is the soul of the school community. The school believes that each child is a gift from god with varying strengths and abilities. They can be educated and guided to perform at their best, and the support of the community and stakeholders is critical to their success. Strategies to Achieve Educational Excellence Christ the Teacher Academy has a speci ic method to maintain its exceptional performance. These strategies include: • Teachers use professional development opportunities to enhance current educational trends and technology within the classroom. • Use of Map Growth test scores to identify academic strengths and weaknesses. • Administration sources and uses all available funding dollars ef iciently and effectively for optimal student performance. • Strong Home School Association provides fundraising opportunities and support. Dealing with the Challenges Christ the Teacher Academy has been through highs and lows but has always maintained the quality of education. Some of the signi icant challenges are: • Maintaining and increasing enrollment. • Recruiting the most talented faculty members. • Effectively servicing a more extensive and increasingly diverse student population. This prestigious institute sailed through the challenges with the following strategies: • Establishment of a strong STEM program. • Construction projects underway to accommodate the growing student population. • Providing Arts and Physical Education classes for all grades. • Providing Spanish classes for all grades. • Addition of various extracurricular programs- taekwondo, tennis, chess, debate club, volleyball, boy's league, wellness for girls, BETA club, National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, and ambassador program. • Availability of before and aftercare programs for Our school is Middle States accredited, our students understand that we live out our faith in our words and actions, and our students have respect for themselves and others.
  • 13. The Education View March 2024 Special Feature
  • 14. working parents extended aftercare until 6:30 pm. • Construction of a new kitchen to ensure daily hot nutritious lunches for the students and faculty. Full-time medical staff. Leveraging Technology to Enhance Classroom Experience With many technological advancements, such as G- Suite for Education, Christ the Teacher Academy was able to switch to remote learning for all students immediately during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. When the 2020-21 school year began, it offered the students the choice of remote or in- person instruction, ensuring their education would be disrupted as little as possible. Christ the Teacher provides students with various technological advantages, such as: • 1:1 Chromebooks for students in Grades 3-8, • Use of iPads for Pre-K students, • Provide weekly technology classes for all grade levels, • Addition of Fire TVs in Pre-K classrooms, • Addition of Sharp AQUOS Boards, • 3D printers in the STEM lab, • Creation of a School Media Center. Crafting an Extended Family Atmosphere Alongside its irst-class academic instruction, Christ the Teacher always aims to maintain the atmosphere of an extended family for students. Its culture is to foster teamwork among all faculty and staff members in planning times for grade- level teachers. It also tries to nurture a sense of community among the parents, teachers, and students. The faith-based community-monthly mass, a celebration of holidays as a school family, catholic traditions, and teachings are all traditions of Christ the Teacher Academy. The institute encourages fun family and school events like Breakfast with Santa, Family Bingo, Homecoming Dance, Thanksgiving Luncheon, Trunk or Treat, Easter Bunny Snack, etc. Prestigious Awards and Recognitions Christ the Teacher has achieved numerous awards and recognitions, such as: • National Blue-Ribbon status. • It attained Academy Status. • Won several STEM awards, including CNBC New York. • It has continuously achieved the Middle States Accreditation. • It was named Fort Lee Best of the Area for Schools. These accolades speak to the credibility and quality of the programs by validating the excellence of the curriculum, student success, and industry relevance of the approach. Inclusive Extra-Curricular Activities Extracurricular activities enhance the students' personality, providing them with inclusivity and creativity. The academic and extracurricular support that Christ the Teacher Academy offers to prepare students for future success are as follows: 14 Our mission is to guide each student to develop to their fullest potential spiritually, intellectually, morally, physically, and socially with Christ as our model.
  • 15. • Gifted and Talented program • Variety of sports programs • Debate and Oratory Clubs • Teacher-led Summer Camp • Summer programs • Beta Club • National Junior Honor Society • Community Service projects • Student Council These activities provide the required break from academics and nurture the children with excellent skills and memories to be cherished for life. Promoting Critical Thinking and Mental Acuity In order to preserve academic standards and promote young learners' critical thinking, mental acuity, and inventiveness, a varied and inclusive student body is essential. A few steps taken by Christ the Teacher Academy are as follows: • Ensure that prospective parents understand that all students are welcome here. • Creating one of the Middle States goals to be more inclusive. • Incorporating professional development for the teachers to enable differentiation for the vast, diverse population. The Extraordinary Teachers The teaching faculty is the backbone of any educational institute; they impart knowledge, taking care of the holistic development of the students. Christ the Teacher Academy's dedicated teaching faculty and their commitment play a pivotal role in the success of the school. Using the following strategies, these educators are able to establish such a student-centric atmosphere: • Grade level planning meetings • Teamwork to overcome challenging circumstances • Teacher collaboration between classes and grade levels The Education View March 2024 Special Feature
  • 16. • Teacher-created clubs • Teacher summer programs • Teachers committed to attending student events on the weekends and evenings • Teachers participate in a variety of professional development opportunities and classes as they continue to be lifelong learners Every student at Christ the Teacher Academy is the community's future, and the school holds this ideology at heart with irm conviction. Its motivated teaching staff is dedicated to imparting moral values, high standards of education, and an integrated body of knowledge. The institute works to model and develop its pupils as remarkable individuals with the potential to become spectacular adults. It makes the required adjustments to meet their needs while considering their challenges and skills, resulting in a customized, one-on-one teaching strategy. Staying Connected to the Roots For a child's holistic growth and development to be transparent and supported in reaching goals, there must be ongoing communication with parents, guardians, and the community. To make sure 16
  • 17. that the pupils are doing the same, Christ the Teacher Academy employs the following practices: • Weekly Digital Backpack • School Website • Facebook, Twitter and Instagram • Google Classroom/ Remind/Class Tag Christ the Teacher Academy is an esteemed educational institute that believes Christ is the ideal teacher in all aspects. The school's aim to emulate his lifestyle, empowering learners to attain their whole spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, and social potential, is highly appreciable. By instilling moral values and utilizing current teaching methods, they may cultivate a generation that will thrive in the future. Christ the Teacher Academy welcomes students of all backgrounds. This institution fosters a strong foundation in academics, faith, and citizenship. It educates and guides each child to achieve their full potential and promotes a strong sense of community, enabling students to thrive academically. The school's excellent Gifted and Talented Program serves students in grades 3 through 8, is the best example of how the team constantly looks for new ways to push its students. They are challenged to the limit at this school to ensure they reach their full potential. The school's dedication to its pupils is genuinely exceptional. The institute is excited about what it will accomplish in the upcoming weeks and months as it celebrates its incredible success this year. The Education View March 2024 Our dedicated teaching faculty is committed to delivering an integrated knowledge base, high education standards, and moral values. T H E
  • 18. 18 Excelling in School and Beyond!
  • 19. Article The Education View March 2024 Secrets Unlocking the Academic Success to uccess in academia Sis not merely about memorizing facts or taking exams; it's about developing a mindset and acquiring skills that propel one forward in both academic and professional spheres. From excelling in school to thriving in life beyond academia, unlocking the secrets to academic success involves a combination of strategies, habits, and attitudes that foster continuous growth and achievement. This article will explore the key elements that contribute to academic success and how they pave the way for success beyond the classroom. Cultivating a Growth Mindset At the heart of academic success lies a growth mindset—a belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Embracing a growth mindset empowers individuals to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Students who believe in their capacity to learn and improve are more likely to persevere through setbacks, seek out constructive feedback, and engage in effective study strategies. Cultivating a growth mindset lays the foundation for lifelong learning and resilience, essential qualities for success in any endeavor. Setting Clear Goals Setting clear, achievable goals is essential for academic success. Whether it's aiming for a certain GPA, mastering a particular subject, or pursuing extracurricular interests, having well- de ined goals provides direction and motivation. Effective goal-setting
  • 20. involves breaking down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, creating a roadmap for progress. By setting speci ic, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, students can track their progress, stay focused, and celebrate their achievements along the way. Time Management and Prioritization Time is a inite resource, and effective time management is crucial for academic success. Learning to prioritize tasks, allocate time ef iciently, and maintain a balance between academic responsibilities and personal interests is key. Strategies such as creating schedules, utilizing to-do lists, and avoiding procrastination help students stay organized and on track. By mastering time management skills, students can optimize their productivity, reduce stress, and make the most of their academic journey. Active Learning and Engagement Passive learning, such as simply attending lectures and taking notes, is often insuf icient for deep understanding and retention of material. Active learning strategies, such as participating in class discussions, asking questions, and applying concepts in real-world contexts, foster deeper engagement and comprehension. Additionally, collaborative learning activities, such as group projects and study groups, promote critical thinking, communication skills, and teamwork—all of which are invaluable for academic and professional success. Seeking Support and Resources No student is an island, and seeking support and utilizing available resources is essential for academic success. Whether it's seeking help from professors, academic advisors, or tutors, or utilizing academic support services such as writing centers or libraries, students should not hesitate to reach out when they encounter challenges. Building a support network of peers, mentors, and professionals provides encouragement, guidance, and access to valuable resources that can enhance learning and academic performance. Embracing Failure and Learning from Mistakes Failure is not a sign of incompetence; rather, it is an opportunity for growth and learning. Embracing failure as a natural part of the learning process allows students to develop resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, students should re lect on their mistakes, identify areas for improvement, and approach challenges with renewed determination. By reframing failure as a stepping stone to success, students can overcome obstacles and achieve their academic goals with greater con idence and resilience. Cultivating Self -Discipline and Accountability Self-discipline is the cornerstone of academic success, requiring students to take responsibility for their actions, stay focused on their goals, and maintain consistent effort and dedication. Setting aside distractions, establishing study routines, and adhering to deadlines are all manifestations of self- discipline. Additionally, holding oneself accountable for academic performance and progress fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to excellence. By cultivating self- discipline and accountability, students empower themselves to take control of their academic journey and achieve their full potential. Nurturing Well-Being and Balance Academic success is not solely determined by grades and achievements; it also encompasses well- being and balance in life. Prioritizing self-care, maintaining healthy habits, and fostering a supportive environment contribute to overall well- being and academic performance. Students should strive to ind a balance between academic pursuits and personal interests, hobbies, and relationships. Taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed are essential for managing stress and promoting mental health. By nurturing well-being and balance, students lay the foundation for sustained academic success and ful illment in life. Conclusion Unlocking the secrets to academic success involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses mindset, goal-setting, time management, active learning, seeking support, embracing failure, self- discipline, and well-being. By cultivating these essential elements, students not only excel in school but also lay the groundwork for success in their future endeavors. Academic success is not merely a destination but a journey of continuous growth, learning, and self- discovery. By embracing the journey and applying these principles, students can unlock their full potential and thrive in school and beyond. 20 Excelling in School and Beyond! The Education View March 2024 T H E
  • 21.
  • 22. Fostering the Upbringing of the Whole Person 22 chools play a vital role Sin the upbringing of children by providing them with education, socialization, values, skills, and experiences that contribute to their holistic development. The partnership between parents and schools creates a well-rounded foundation for children's growth and prepares them for a successful and ful illing future. New Hope School believes in fostering the upbringing of the whole person: intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. New Hope School's education philosophy is that education involves more than simply addressing the intellect. The school accomplishes this through a challenging academic curriculum, a strong character education program, and a creative music and arts program. All grades begin the day with inspirational readings from various scriptural, historical, and cultural sources to help students gain a deeper understanding of their own identity and value. The importance of moral and ethical principles is stressed as a foundation for healthy character development. A Peace Academy In addition to its academic program, the school places great emphasis on its character education program, from which the school derives its motto, “A Peace Academy." New Hope School seeks to raise children who will be peaceful both with themselves and in their relationships with others. Throughout the school year, in regular classes and special sessions, students are instructed in timeless virtues, such as honesty, fairness, and compassion, and are encouraged to participate in service projects for the community. The school fosters a dedicated learning environment through small class sizes in which teachers are able to get to know their students deeply on a personal level. In this way, teachers know their students' strengths and weaknesses, their learning styles, and their abilities and interests in order to give them the support and encouragement they need to ful ill their tasks well and leave them with a sense of accomplishment. New Hope's commitment to excellence begins with a well-organized and challenging curriculum provided by the Core Knowledge Foundation. This curriculum is supplemented by various project-based learning activities at each grade level throughout the school year in which students are challenged to apply their learning to real-world scenarios. For example, over the years, students have built a 3D model of the Delaware River Gap, created their own businesses, developed the concept of a model school, play-acted investing in the stock market, learned to pitch a city of their choosing to a ictitious IT CEO looking to relocate the company's headquarters, and researched the history of the city where the school is located, among many others. “ As a small school, we pride ourselves in having a family atmosphere in which everyone knows each other. Education Excellence: Top-Performing Schools in New Jersey New Hope School
  • 24. New Hope School expects its teachers to love teaching and engage their students enthusiastically in their lessons. The more teachers do this, the school believes the more their students will love learning. Fostering a Family Atmosphere As a small school, New Hope School prides itself on having a family atmosphere in which everyone knows each other. The school actively encourages older students to be role models for the younger ones and to see each other as brothers and sisters. It sees teachers as having a parental role in their relationship with their students. Almost invariably, its students go on to do very well in high school and beyond. Upon graduation, Our dedication to accomplishment begins with a well-organized and challenging curriculum provided by the Core Knowledge Foundation. Jan Mendoza First-grade Teacher, New Hope School 24
  • 25. they are regularly accepted to a selective charter high school in the area. They very often are honors students in high school and college. One of its graduates became the valedictorian at her high school. Another recent graduate was featured in the city magazine for winning irst place in a ilm competition. New Hope School offers a variety of extracurricular activities after school, ranging from clubs in art, math, reading, robotics, and chess to martial arts, yoga, and dance classes to choir and various kinds of sports activities. It regards these opportunities as important supplements to their academic education to help students develop themselves in both mind and body. Enhancing Educational Facilities During the COVID pandemic, New Hope School distinguished itself by remaining open and maintaining its regular academic schedule even at times when, by state mandate, it was entirely virtual. The school purchased special equipment to enable students to access the classrooms and teachers from home and offered a hybrid system for a period of time as the pandemic began to wane. Every year the school partners with various organizations in order to enhance its educational program. New Hope School has collaborated with De ined Learning for its project-based learning program; Mad Science, Renaissance Child, and KidzToPros in support of its after-school activities; Elevate to promote social- emotional learning, and Boss Club to teach students how to create and operate their own businesses. New Hope School intentionally limits the use of technology in the regular classroom. Its education program highlights the teacher-student relationship and encourages collaboration among students in various types of group work. At the same time, all its classes are equipped with interactive whiteboards, which are used extensively. All students have computer class once a week where the lower grades learn basic computer skills and the upper grades more advanced skills like coding and design. Teachers make use of the computer lab at various times throughout the week for special projects that require students to have a computer or internet access. Offering Greater Personal Assistance As a school with small class sizes, as mentioned earlier, teachers are able to offer their students a greater amount of personal support than those in schools with The Education View March 2024 Special Features
  • 26. “ Our educational program remains rigorous and relevant; our staff reviews the school's curriculum on a regular basis. 26
  • 27. larger classes. Its classes typically have 10-12 students. Beyond this, New Hope School offers one-on- one tutoring after school for students who need extra help with their studies. In addition, the school has a special services teacher who comes in twice a week to work with students needing extra help in certain areas. The teacher may work with students in the classroom or as pullouts from the class. To ensure that its educational program remains rigorous and relevant, New Hope School's staff reviews the school's curriculum on a regular basis. It also holds professional development sessions at the school throughout the year to support teachers to be able to deliver the material and engage the students in the best way possible. New Hope School inds itself fortunate that the Core Knowledge Foundation itself is engaged in the ongoing development of its educational materials. At the beginning of each school year, its faculty are informed of new developments in the curriculum and given support to include these developments in their teaching. In addition, each year, the school conducts a survey of parents, asking for their ideas on ways the school can continually improve its educational offering. Celebrating Accomplishments Each year the school holds a spelling bee, the winner of which represents the school at the regional spelling bee. The names of all the students who have won going back to 2006 are highlighted on a plaque in the front lobby. At the end of the school year, various awards are presented to students to recognize and celebrate their achievements in different areas. Among these are the President's Awards for Academic Excellence and Achievement which are accompanied by a letter from the President of the United States. Students who showed a good example of public- mindedness and a sense of responsibility are presented with Citizenship Awards. Students who had perfect attendance are also recognized with an award. Also, various kinds of character awards are presented to students at the year-end assembly. Laying a Foundation for Good Education New Hope School has two major fundraisers during the school year, one in the fall and one in the spring, which are about more than simply raising money for the school. The fall fundraiser is also a Read-a- Thon in which parents are asked to ind sponsors for their children who promise to read a certain number of books during the month of November. This is in keeping with the emphasis the school places on reading development as a key foundation for good education. The spring fundraiser, called the Race for Education, similarly asks parents to seek sponsors for their children who pledge to accomplish a certain number of laps around a quarter-mile track over the course of an hour. This is in line with the importance the school puts on physical education. Although the school lacks a physical gymnasium, the school encourages lots of play activities on the playground before and after school and during recess. Thus, students are frequently engaged in various sports, such as soccer, basketball, kickball, table tennis, tag, etc. Blending Strong Discipline with a Loving Touch New Hope School's irst- grade teacher, Jan Mendoza, has been teaching at the school almost since its inception. Montessori-trained, she is very adept at engaging her students both inside the classroom and out. She is often seen leading her charges in and around the school like a mother hen. Ms. Jan blends strong discipline with a loving touch which has endeared her to her many students over the years. It is not uncommon for a former student of hers, now in college or a successful professional, to stop by for a visit. The quality of the learning she delivers is exempli ied by the fact that her students are nearly th always above the 90 percentile on the standardized test they take each spring. Kudos to Ms. Jan! New Hope School is committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and independent character development by teaching God-centered universal values and service to others as the basis for personal integrity, harmony in the family, and peace in the world. Mission Special Features The Education View March 2024 T H E
  • 29. Article The Education View March 2024 1. Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves breaking study sessions into intervals, typically 25 minutes long, separated by short breaks. This technique capitalizes on the brain's ability to maintain focus for short periods while allowing for regular rest and rejuvenation. By adopting the Pomodoro Technique, students can enhance productivity, maintain concentration, and avoid burnout during study sessions. 2. Active Recall Active recall is a powerful learning strategy that involves actively retrieving Study Hacks Top 10 Should Know Student tudents constantly Sseek ways to enhance their learning experience and improve academic performance. From managing time effectively to retaining information ef iciently, mastering the art of studying is essential for success in school and beyond. Fortunately, there are numerous study hacks and techniques that can help students maximize their potential and transform their education game. In this article, we explore the top 10 study hacks every student should know, offering practical strategies to unlock their academic potential and excel in their studies.
  • 30. information from memory rather than passively reviewing materials. This can be achieved through techniques such as lashcards, self-quizzing, or summarizing key concepts without referring to notes. By engaging in active recall, students strengthen their memory retention, enhance comprehension, and reinforce learning through repeated practice. 3. Spaced Repetition Spaced repetition is a study technique that involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time to reinforce learning and long-term retention. By spacing out study sessions and revisiting information at strategically timed intervals, students can optimize memory consolidation and recall. Spaced repetition is particularly effective for memorizing facts, vocabulary, and complex concepts across various subjects. 4. Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a visual learning technique that involves creating diagrams to represent relationships between ideas, concepts, and information. By organizing thoughts in a hierarchical and interconnected format, students can enhance comprehension, stimulate creativity, and improve memory retention. Mind mapping is an effective tool for brainstorming, note-taking, and synthesizing complex information. 5. Dual Coding Dual coding is a cognitive learning strategy that involves combining verbal and visual information to enhance comprehension and memory retention. By pairing text with images, diagrams, or illustrations, students create multiple pathways for encoding and retrieving information, making it more memorable and easier to understand. Dual coding is particularly effective for learning abstract concepts and complex relationships. 6. Chunking Chunking is a memory technique that involves breaking down large amounts of information into smaller, manageable chunks or categories. By organizing information into meaningful clusters or patterns, students can improve retention and recall. Chunking facilitates cognitive processing and reduces the cognitive load, making it easier to absorb and retain complex material. 7. Active Note-Taking Active note-taking involves engaging with lecture material or reading assignments actively by summarizing, paraphrasing, and synthesizing information in one's own words. Instead of passively transcribing notes, students should strive to capture key concepts, connections, and insights. Active note-taking promotes deeper understanding, enhances retention, and facilitates review and revision. 8. The Feynman Technique The Feynman Technique is a learning strategy named after physicist Richard Feynman, known for his ability to simplify complex concepts. This technique involves explaining a concept or topic in simple terms as if teaching it to someone else. By articulating ideas in clear, concise language, students identify gaps in their understanding and solidify their grasp of the material. The Feynman Technique fosters deeper comprehension and mastery of subjects. 9. Utilizing Mnemonics Mnemonics are memory aids or mnemonic devices that help students remember information through association or visualization. Whether it's acronyms, rhymes, or visual imagery, mnemonics provide mnemonic cues that facilitate recall. Mnemonics are particularly useful for memorizing lists, sequences, and factual information in subjects such as history, science, and language. 10. Practice Retrieval Practice retrieval involves actively recalling information from memory through self-quizzing, practice tests, or problem- solving exercises. By repeatedly retrieving information, students reinforce learning, identify gaps in knowledge, and improve long-term retention. Practice retrieval enhances memory recall and transferability of knowledge, preparing students for exams and real-world applications. In conclusion, mastering the art of studying is essential for academic success and lifelong learning. By incorporating these top 10 study hacks into their study routines, students can transform their education game, enhance their learning experience, and achieve their full academic potential. From time management and active recall to mind mapping and practice retrieval, these study techniques offer practical strategies to optimize learning, retention, and comprehension across various subjects and disciplines. By embracing these study hacks, students can unlock their academic potential and excel in their studies with con idence and ef iciency. The Education View March 2024 T H E 30 Transforming Education Game