SlideShare a Scribd company logo for WordPress Sydney
Best Practices
2019 Update
• Use complex usernames & passwords
• Check file permissions have minimum access
• Update software often & regularly
• Use security firewalls & scan regularly
• Consider using 2-factor authentication
• Stick to reputable theme providers
• Uninstall unused code/themes/plugins
• Lock all doors, windows & switch off Internet!
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
• Chinese General
• Military Strategist
• Philosopher
• Born ~512BC
Book: The Art of War
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Introducing Sun Tzu
“Victorious warriors win first and then
go to war, while defeated warriors go to
war first and then seek to win.”
Don’t wait until your site gets hacked
first. Lock it down today and get
ready to defend it!
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Sun Tzu Says…
“To know your Enemy, you
must become your Enemy”
Learn how hackers try to get into your
site so you can pre-emptively fix it
and be ready for what is to come.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Sun Tzu Says…
“Even the finest sword plunged into
salt water will eventually rust.”
Just because your site is secure today,
doesn’t mean it can’t get hacked
tomorrow, next month or next year.
Review & update regularly.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Sun Tzu Says…
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
There is always a current threat
The worst type of threats are those you
don’t know about
You need to understand your weaknesses
You need to build a solid defence
You need to have a plan of attack
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Security Is Cyclic
Locked in a deep dark basement
No internet connection
No user interaction
Switched off!
= Pretty useless website
= There is a balance to be had
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Ultimate Secure Site
Everything is Hackable
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Best we can do is make our site
less attractive than others to hack
Would you attempt to break into
this car?
Before We Start
The most vulnerable part of your
website is…
Buy this book!
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Before We Start
Do not leave new WordPress sites in “setup
mode”. Complete the entire setup process.
Hackers can find WordPress setup pages and
install their own site – aka “WPSetup Attack”
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
New WP Installations
Beware when ordering a new SSL certificate
for a brand new WordPress website.
Hackers monitor SSL certificate transparency
report +30mins after new certificate being
They can take over your new site before you
complete the installation process.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
New Sites & SSLs
Not just WordPress
cPanel, email, FTP, SSH, MySQL, WordPress
Avoid typical “Administrator” usernames
admin, administrator, root, manager, debug, user,
system, default, netman, superuser, guest, backup,
sys, sysadmin, siteadmin, test, …
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Don’t replace letters with numbers or symbols.
Simple character substitution is weak.
butterfly → 8utt3rfly
This no longer works and takes
just a few days to crack!
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Avoid personal / social information
• Name and memorable bates: DoB, Marriage
• Fav footie club name, car rego, house
Examples of Bad Passwords
Bob1976 Swans2017 !2Nancy
The Password Paradox And Why Our
Personalities Will Get Us Hacked
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
1) Use a random 16 (at least) character password
UPPER, lower, d1g1ts, punctuat!on
2) Use 4 random words stringed together:
correct horse battery staple
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Random character & multi-word passwords
= difficult for you to remember 
= difficult for hackers to guess ☺
Try to avoid reusing the same password on
multiple sites.
Read The Real Life Risks Of Re Using The Same
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Use a password service such as LastPass
Local 256-bit encryption, SSL data
transfer, 2-factor authentication
Free 14-day Last Pass Trial
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Consider forcing users to have a strong
Force Strong Passwords plugin.
Gives more flexibility than built-in WordPress
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Only allow one login per device.
Restrict logins under same username on
multiple devices (i.e. username/pass sharing)
WordPress Bouncer plugin
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Usernames & Passwords
Change the default WordPress salt keys in wp-
WordPress uses cookies to store session
information. These are hashed with MD5 +
salt keys in the wp-config.php file
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Session Safety: Salk Keys
Restrict the number of users with the
Administrator role.
You do need at least 1 Admin user to
administer the site – do you need any more
than that?
Editor role is sufficient for somebody to manage
90% of all the site’s day-to-day content.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Admin & Editor Users
Understanding Linux file permissions is key
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Linux File Permissions
Files & Perms
Each file and directory has three user based
permission groups:
• u – the user who owns the file or directory (owner)
• g - the group to which the user belongs
• o - all other users on the system (not owner or
user’s group), this is the permission group that you
want to watch the most.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Permission Groups
Files & Perms
Each file or directory has three basic
permission types:
• r - a user's capability to read the contents of the file
• w - a user's capability to write or modify a file or
• x - a user's capability to execute (run) a file or view
the contents of a directory.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Permission Types
Files & Perms
In general…
WordPress folders/directories = 755
WordPress files = 644
Some hosting companies may insist you set
/wp-content/uploads to 777
Move to another hosting company!
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Files, Folders & Permissions
Files & Perms
Probably your three most important sys files are:
.htaccess (Apache Web Server)
= permalinks, redirects, error files, directory pswds, etc
This should be locked down to CHMOD 444
= PHP version, extensions, remote opens, file uploads, etc
= WordPress DB username & password, Salts
These should be locked down to CHMOD 440
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Config Files & Permissions
Files & Perms
Malware can be hidden in Themes, Plugins &
other server scripts
Sucuri detects and cleans malware on servers
De-blacklists your server/site
Notify by SMS, Email, Private Twitter etc USD $199.99 per site per
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Malware Clean Server
Files & Perms
Update WordPress Core, Themes and Plugins
regularly = at least weekly
ManageWP service good for multiple sites
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Update Regularly
Automatic Updates are in WordPress core for
point releases only by default.
For more control, in wp-config.php
define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true );
• true - Development, minor, and major updates are all
• false - Development, minor, and major updates are all
• 'minor’ - Minor updates are enabled, development, and
major updates are disabled
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Update Regularly
In your theme’s functions.php
add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true’ );
add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_true’ );
For specific plugin & theme updates see:
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Update Plugins & Themes
Especially “free” themes and torrents
– Likely to contain spam links & malware
– Malware can read your wp-config.php file and
email it to the hacker = you’re screwed
– Don’t use themes or plugins from torrent sites!
– Always try to download from original source
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Beware “Free” Premium Downloads
Search through files for:
Base64_decode edoced_46esaB and eval
Decode at:
Use Theme Authenticity Checker
Exploit Scanner
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Beware “Free” Premium Downloads
Not all Base64_decode function calls are evil!
WordPress uses the function extensively
throughout the core.
Should be easy to decode and work out if good
or bad in plugins or themes.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
What is Base64?
In general
• Not being maintained
• No security issues being fixed
• Uses outdated/flawed functions/practices
• Known exploit vectors available on Interwebs
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Avoid Old Plugins
Popular image/thumbnail resizing script
Bundled in many older themes and plugins
Responsible for many many WordPress
security breaches
“The ability for a site visitor to load content from a
remote website and to make the web server write that
remote content to a web accessible directory is the cause
of the vulnerability in timthumb.php.”
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Beware of TimThumb
Script was “fixed” of exploits however old
versions still lurk out there.
Search for TimThumb and check you are using
the “fixed” version 2.8.14
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Beware of TimThumb
The nature of TimThumb still makes it
potentially very dangerous to have on your
TimThumb is no longer supported or
maintained as of Sept 2014
Read this:
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Beware of TimThumb
Won’t make your site “secure” from hacks
Will encrypt the data transmitted between
computer and server
More on SSL certificates at
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
SSL Certificates
If you have an SSL certificate..
Force all Dashboard and Logins to use HTTPS
In wp-config.php
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
HTTPS Dashboard
Gives additional level of security.
WordFence plugin is recommended:
Scans for…
malware, TimThumb, differences in core/plugin/theme files from
repository, new available updates, login limiter, force strong
passwords, trojans, SQL injection, DNS changes, files outside
WordPress folder, hide login errors, prevent creating ‘admin’
user, country blocking*, cell phone sign-in*, advanced scheduled
scans*, Cryptocurrency miners
*premium functions
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Software Firewalls
New breed of malware (ref: The rise of cryptocurrency miners as
JS cryptocurrency miner (mostly Coinhive).
Runs in browser when visitor opens infected
Uses 100% of your computer’s CPU power.
Grey area between legit use & as malware:
• Some firewall & malware scanners look past
mining code
• Wordfence detects known miner scripts
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Cryptocurrency Miners
New Threat
Brute force attacks try to repeatedly guess
username & password.
Block IP address after X number of
unsuccessful login attempts within a time
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded plugin
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Prevent Login Attempts
Don’t give the hackers a
helping hand
Remove that info!
Add this to functions.php
add_filter(‘login_errors', '__return_null');
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Don’t Show Login Errors
There is NO EXCUSE not to back up your
entire site frequently (real-time, hourly, daily,
Back up to email
Back up to Dropbox
Back up to Amazon S3
Backup Buddy
Set your retention frequency.
Can you restore from an issue that’s been happening for 2
Check your backup files – do a test restore!
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Back Your Site Up
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Security for the Paranoid
Using another device to generate an
authentication code e.g. Mobile phone app
WP Login Details + Authenticator Code = 2FA
Google Authenticator
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Two Factor/Two Step Authentication
WordPress stores user passwords in the database as
salted MD5 hashes using Portable PHP password
hashing framework
e.g. $P$BdJlqDtx7PsXLuUAUcuiRRd9NebMKP.
Passwords themselves are not stored in the DB
Password can be replaced in DB with MD5 hash.
After login it’s replaced by a salted MD5 hash.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
WordPress Password Storage
MD5 hash designed for high volume, not security.
“collision resistance” ~264 MD5 has been broken
but not resistance to preimages or second-
MD5 + salts still poor choice as it’s designed to be
fast. Modern GPUs generate billions of candidate
passwords per second i.e. brute force
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Is MD5 Insecure?
Bcrypt is an adaptive hashing algorithm.
Bcrypt intentionally takes a relatively long time
to be calculated; over time, the iteration count
can be increased to make it even slower.
This is done intentionally to resist brute force
attacks as computational power increases.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Bcrypt Alternative
Note: requires PHP >= 5.5.0
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Bcrypt Plugin
Is two factor authentication
not enough for you?
Biometric authentication uses part of our own
body as the second verification part.
This is going to be the normal way of
authenticating with systems in the not-so-
distant future.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Biometric Authentication
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Fingerprint via mobile phone
Fingerprint and facial recognition via mobile phone
Biometric Authentication
Move the wp-content folder to a new location.
Add the following into wp-config.php before
the line: /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
define ('WP_CONTENT_DIR','/full/path/to/your/content/dir');
define ('WP_CONTENT_URL','');
Warning: badly developed plugins & themes
may have hard-coded wp-content location.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Move wp-content Folder
Use .htaccess to protect your wp-config.php
<files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all
Nobody can access the wp-config.php file now
except for the web server owner.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Protect wp-config.php
Use .htaccess to stop SQL injection attacks on
form fields and URLs.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (<|%3C).*script.*(>|%3E) [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]
Any requests or changes to global variables
containing <script> gets blocked.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
SQL Injection Protection
Many hosts allow directories to be browsed.
Use .htaccess to stop directory browsing
Options –Indexes
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Prevent Directory Browsing
Password protect wp-admin folder using
cPanel and .htaccess + .htpasswd
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Secure wp-admin Folder
Open the .htaccess file located in your /wp-
admin/ folder (NOT the main .htaccess in root).
In the wp-admin .htaccess file, paste the
following code:
<Files admin-ajax.php>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Satisfy any
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Allow Admin Ajax
Remove the WordPress dashboard Editor
for themes and plugins
Add to wp-config.php
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Disable User File Editor
Default MySQL DB table prefix is wp_
Change before installing new WordPress
Add to wp-config.php
$table_prefix = ‘mynewprefix_';
Existing websites – use WP Prefix Changer
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Change Default Table Prefix
Does nothing to enhance security.
Once an attacker has access to your DB they
can easily find the table prefix.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE `TABLE_NAME` LIKE '%postmeta';
Output: wp_
Ref: Changing WordPress' default table prefix does nothing to enhance
Change Default Table Prefix
Monitor who does what on your WordPress
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Be “Big Brother”
Using .htaccess
RewriteRule ^login$ [NC,L]
Now login to your site using:
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Change wp-login.php
Add to wp-config.php:
define('WP_ADMIN_DIR', 'secret-folder');
Add to functions.php:
add_filter(‘site_url’, ‘zpd_wpadmin_filter', 10, 3);
function zpd_wpadmin_filter( $url, $path, $orig_scheme ) {
$old = array( "/(wp-admin)/");
$admin_dir = WP_ADMIN_DIR;
$new = array($admin_dir);
return preg_replace( $old, $new, $url, 1);
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Change /wp-admin/ - Step 1
Add to .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^secret-folder/(.*) wp-admin/$1?%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
Now login to your site using:
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Change /wp-admin/ - Step 2
Add to .htaccess
# Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests
<Files xmlrpc.php>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
Replace with your own computer’s
IP if you use the WordPress mobile app. Remove line
5 to completely block all XML-RCP requests to your
Note: this will stop Jetpack, official WP mobile app,
trackbacks and pingbacks from working.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Disable XML-RPC
Known as DoS or DDoS (distributed).
Consider using Cloudflare.
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Attack Without Cloudflare Attack With Cloudflare
Denial of Service Attacks
Stay up to date with these additional security
National Vulnerability Database (WordPress)
Wordfence Blog and Free Security Scan
Sucuri Blog
Hardening WordPress from
WPScan Vulnerability Database
Zero Point Development Blog
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
More Resources
Get my free eBook.
Yours to keep
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
Get My eBook
Free Ebook
Did I miss anything?
Tweet to @DeveloperWil
@DeveloperWil #wpsyd
All Done!
[Back Cover]
Note: This presentation may contain affiliate
Image Credits
▪ WordPress 2008+
▪ Consultant & Developer
▪ Event Organiser
Who Am I?

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WordPress Security Best Practices 2019 Update

  • 1. for WordPress Sydney WordPress Security Best Practices 2019 Update
  • 2. • Use complex usernames & passwords • Check file permissions have minimum access • Update software often & regularly • Use security firewalls & scan regularly • Consider using 2-factor authentication • Stick to reputable theme providers • Uninstall unused code/themes/plugins • Lock all doors, windows & switch off Internet! @DeveloperWil #wpsyd TL;DR
  • 3. • Chinese General • Military Strategist • Philosopher • Born ~512BC Book: The Art of War @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Introducing Sun Tzu
  • 4. “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” Don’t wait until your site gets hacked first. Lock it down today and get ready to defend it! @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Sun Tzu Says…
  • 5. “To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy” Learn how hackers try to get into your site so you can pre-emptively fix it and be ready for what is to come. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Sun Tzu Says…
  • 6. “Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.” Just because your site is secure today, doesn’t mean it can’t get hacked tomorrow, next month or next year. Review & update regularly. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Sun Tzu Says…
  • 8. There is always a current threat The worst type of threats are those you don’t know about You need to understand your weaknesses You need to build a solid defence You need to have a plan of attack @DeveloperWil #wpsyd SO BE PREPARED Security Is Cyclic
  • 9. Locked in a deep dark basement No internet connection No user interaction Switched off! = Pretty useless website = There is a balance to be had @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Ultimate Secure Site
  • 10. Everything is Hackable @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Best we can do is make our site less attractive than others to hack into. Would you attempt to break into this car? Before We Start
  • 11. The most vulnerable part of your website is… YOU Buy this book! @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Before We Start
  • 12. Do not leave new WordPress sites in “setup mode”. Complete the entire setup process. Hackers can find WordPress setup pages and install their own site – aka “WPSetup Attack” Ref: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd New WP Installations Fundamentals
  • 13. Beware when ordering a new SSL certificate for a brand new WordPress website. Hackers monitor SSL certificate transparency report +30mins after new certificate being issued. They can take over your new site before you complete the installation process. Ref: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd New Sites & SSLs Fundamentals
  • 14. Not just WordPress cPanel, email, FTP, SSH, MySQL, WordPress Avoid typical “Administrator” usernames admin, administrator, root, manager, debug, user, system, default, netman, superuser, guest, backup, sys, sysadmin, siteadmin, test, … @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 15. Don’t replace letters with numbers or symbols. Simple character substitution is weak. butterfly → 8utt3rfly This no longer works and takes just a few days to crack! Ref: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 16. Avoid personal / social information • Name and memorable bates: DoB, Marriage • Fav footie club name, car rego, house number Examples of Bad Passwords Bob1976 Swans2017 !2Nancy The Password Paradox And Why Our Personalities Will Get Us Hacked @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 17. 1) Use a random 16 (at least) character password UPPER, lower, d1g1ts, punctuat!on b9G#Z4YVemTN^X6S 2) Use 4 random words stringed together: correct horse battery staple correcthorsebatterystaple @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 18. Random character & multi-word passwords = difficult for you to remember  = difficult for hackers to guess ☺ Try to avoid reusing the same password on multiple sites. Read The Real Life Risks Of Re Using The Same Passwords @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 19. Use a password service such as LastPass Local 256-bit encryption, SSL data transfer, 2-factor authentication Free 14-day Last Pass Trial @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 20. Consider forcing users to have a strong password Force Strong Passwords plugin. passwords/ Gives more flexibility than built-in WordPress @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 21. Only allow one login per device. Restrict logins under same username on multiple devices (i.e. username/pass sharing) WordPress Bouncer plugin @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Usernames & Passwords Fundamentals
  • 22. Change the default WordPress salt keys in wp- config.php WordPress uses cookies to store session information. These are hashed with MD5 + salt keys in the wp-config.php file @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Session Safety: Salk Keys Fundamentals
  • 23. Restrict the number of users with the Administrator role. You do need at least 1 Admin user to administer the site – do you need any more than that? Editor role is sufficient for somebody to manage 90% of all the site’s day-to-day content. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Admin & Editor Users Fundamentals
  • 24. Understanding Linux file permissions is key @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Linux File Permissions Files & Perms
  • 25. Each file and directory has three user based permission groups: • u – the user who owns the file or directory (owner) • g - the group to which the user belongs • o - all other users on the system (not owner or user’s group), this is the permission group that you want to watch the most. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Permission Groups Files & Perms
  • 26. Each file or directory has three basic permission types: • r - a user's capability to read the contents of the file • w - a user's capability to write or modify a file or directory • x - a user's capability to execute (run) a file or view the contents of a directory. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Permission Types Files & Perms
  • 27. In general… WordPress folders/directories = 755 WordPress files = 644 Some hosting companies may insist you set /wp-content/uploads to 777 Move to another hosting company! @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Files, Folders & Permissions Files & Perms
  • 28. Probably your three most important sys files are: .htaccess (Apache Web Server) = permalinks, redirects, error files, directory pswds, etc This should be locked down to CHMOD 444 php.ini = PHP version, extensions, remote opens, file uploads, etc wp-config.php = WordPress DB username & password, Salts These should be locked down to CHMOD 440 @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Config Files & Permissions Files & Perms
  • 29. Malware can be hidden in Themes, Plugins & other server scripts Sucuri detects and cleans malware on servers De-blacklists your server/site Notify by SMS, Email, Private Twitter etc USD $199.99 per site per year @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Malware Clean Server Files & Perms
  • 30. Update WordPress Core, Themes and Plugins regularly = at least weekly ManageWP service good for multiple sites @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Update Regularly WordPress
  • 31. Automatic Updates are in WordPress core for point releases only by default. For more control, in wp-config.php define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true ); • true - Development, minor, and major updates are all enabled • false - Development, minor, and major updates are all disabled • 'minor’ - Minor updates are enabled, development, and major updates are disabled @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Update Regularly WordPress
  • 32. In your theme’s functions.php add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true’ ); add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_true’ ); For specific plugin & theme updates see: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Update Plugins & Themes WordPress
  • 33. Especially “free” themes and torrents – Likely to contain spam links & malware – Malware can read your wp-config.php file and email it to the hacker = you’re screwed – Don’t use themes or plugins from torrent sites! – Always try to download from original source Read: themes-ultimate-guide/ @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Beware “Free” Premium Downloads
  • 34. Search through files for: Base64_decode edoced_46esaB and eval Decode at: Use Theme Authenticity Checker Exploit Scanner @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Beware “Free” Premium Downloads
  • 35. Not all Base64_decode function calls are evil! WordPress uses the function extensively throughout the core. Should be easy to decode and work out if good or bad in plugins or themes. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd What is Base64?
  • 36. In general • Not being maintained • No security issues being fixed • Uses outdated/flawed functions/practices • Known exploit vectors available on Interwebs @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Avoid Old Plugins WordPress
  • 37. Popular image/thumbnail resizing script Bundled in many older themes and plugins Responsible for many many WordPress security breaches “The ability for a site visitor to load content from a remote website and to make the web server write that remote content to a web accessible directory is the cause of the vulnerability in timthumb.php.” Ref: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Beware of TimThumb WordPress
  • 38. Script was “fixed” of exploits however old versions still lurk out there. Search for TimThumb and check you are using the “fixed” version 2.8.14 @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Beware of TimThumb WordPress
  • 39. The nature of TimThumb still makes it potentially very dangerous to have on your site. TimThumb is no longer supported or maintained as of Sept 2014 Read this: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Beware of TimThumb WordPress
  • 40. Won’t make your site “secure” from hacks Will encrypt the data transmitted between computer and server More on SSL certificates at @DeveloperWil #wpsyd SSL Certificates
  • 41. If you have an SSL certificate.. Force all Dashboard and Logins to use HTTPS In wp-config.php define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); @DeveloperWil #wpsyd HTTPS Dashboard WordPress
  • 42. Gives additional level of security. WordFence plugin is recommended: Scans for… malware, TimThumb, differences in core/plugin/theme files from repository, new available updates, login limiter, force strong passwords, trojans, SQL injection, DNS changes, files outside WordPress folder, hide login errors, prevent creating ‘admin’ user, country blocking*, cell phone sign-in*, advanced scheduled scans*, Cryptocurrency miners *premium functions @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Software Firewalls WordPress
  • 43. New breed of malware (ref: The rise of cryptocurrency miners as malware). JS cryptocurrency miner (mostly Coinhive). Runs in browser when visitor opens infected page. Uses 100% of your computer’s CPU power. Grey area between legit use & as malware: • Some firewall & malware scanners look past mining code • Wordfence detects known miner scripts @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Cryptocurrency Miners New Threat
  • 44. Brute force attacks try to repeatedly guess username & password. Block IP address after X number of unsuccessful login attempts within a time period. Limit Login Attempts Reloaded plugin @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Prevent Login Attempts WordPress
  • 45. Don’t give the hackers a helping hand Remove that info! Add this to functions.php add_filter(‘login_errors', '__return_null'); @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Don’t Show Login Errors WordPress
  • 46. There is NO EXCUSE not to back up your entire site frequently (real-time, hourly, daily, weekly). Back up to email Back up to Dropbox Back up to Amazon S3 Backup Buddy VaultPress Set your retention frequency. Can you restore from an issue that’s been happening for 2 months? Check your backup files – do a test restore! @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Back Your Site Up WordPress
  • 48. Using another device to generate an authentication code e.g. Mobile phone app WP Login Details + Authenticator Code = 2FA Google Authenticator @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Two Factor/Two Step Authentication
  • 49. WordPress stores user passwords in the database as salted MD5 hashes using Portable PHP password hashing framework e.g. $P$BdJlqDtx7PsXLuUAUcuiRRd9NebMKP. Passwords themselves are not stored in the DB Password can be replaced in DB with MD5 hash. After login it’s replaced by a salted MD5 hash. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd PASSWORD TYPE PASSWORD HASH WordPress Password Storage
  • 50. MD5 hash designed for high volume, not security. “collision resistance” ~264 MD5 has been broken but not resistance to preimages or second- preimages. MD5 + salts still poor choice as it’s designed to be fast. Modern GPUs generate billions of candidate passwords per second i.e. brute force Ref: Ref: Ref: 1996 @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Is MD5 Insecure?
  • 51. Bcrypt is an adaptive hashing algorithm. Bcrypt intentionally takes a relatively long time to be calculated; over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it even slower. This is done intentionally to resist brute force attacks as computational power increases. Ref: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Bcrypt Alternative
  • 52. Plugin: password/ Note: requires PHP >= 5.5.0 @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Bcrypt Plugin
  • 53. Is two factor authentication not enough for you? Biometric authentication uses part of our own body as the second verification part. This is going to be the normal way of authenticating with systems in the not-so- distant future. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Biometric Authentication
  • 54. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Fingerprint via mobile phone Fingerprint and facial recognition via mobile phone Biometric Authentication
  • 55. Move the wp-content folder to a new location. Add the following into wp-config.php before the line: /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ define ('WP_CONTENT_DIR','/full/path/to/your/content/dir'); define ('WP_CONTENT_URL',''); Warning: badly developed plugins & themes may have hard-coded wp-content location. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Move wp-content Folder
  • 56. Use .htaccess to protect your wp-config.php file <files wp-config.php> order allow,deny deny from all </files> Nobody can access the wp-config.php file now except for the web server owner. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Protect wp-config.php
  • 57. Use .htaccess to stop SQL injection attacks on form fields and URLs. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (<|%3C).*script.*(>|%3E) [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L] Any requests or changes to global variables containing <script> gets blocked. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd SQL Injection Protection
  • 58. Many hosts allow directories to be browsed. Use .htaccess to stop directory browsing Options –Indexes @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Prevent Directory Browsing
  • 59. Password protect wp-admin folder using cPanel and .htaccess + .htpasswd wordpress-admin-wp-admin-directory/ @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Secure wp-admin Folder
  • 60. Open the .htaccess file located in your /wp- admin/ folder (NOT the main .htaccess in root). In the wp-admin .htaccess file, paste the following code: <Files admin-ajax.php> Order allow,deny Allow from all Satisfy any </Files> @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Allow Admin Ajax
  • 61. Remove the WordPress dashboard Editor for themes and plugins Add to wp-config.php define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Disable User File Editor
  • 62. Default MySQL DB table prefix is wp_ Change before installing new WordPress sites. Add to wp-config.php $table_prefix = ‘mynewprefix_'; Existing websites – use WP Prefix Changer @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Change Default Table Prefix
  • 63. Does nothing to enhance security. Once an attacker has access to your DB they can easily find the table prefix. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTRING(`TABLE_NAME` FROM 1 FOR ( LENGTH(`TABLE_NAME`)-8 ) ) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE `TABLE_NAME` LIKE '%postmeta'; Output: wp_ Ref: Changing WordPress' default table prefix does nothing to enhance security Change Default Table Prefix
  • 64. Monitor who does what on your WordPress site. Stream: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Be “Big Brother”
  • 65. Using .htaccess RewriteRule ^login$ [NC,L] Now login to your site using: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Change wp-login.php
  • 66. Add to wp-config.php: define('WP_ADMIN_DIR', 'secret-folder'); define( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', SITECOOKIEPATH . WP_ADMIN_DIR); Add to functions.php: add_filter(‘site_url’, ‘zpd_wpadmin_filter', 10, 3); function zpd_wpadmin_filter( $url, $path, $orig_scheme ) { $old = array( "/(wp-admin)/"); $admin_dir = WP_ADMIN_DIR; $new = array($admin_dir); return preg_replace( $old, $new, $url, 1); } @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Change /wp-admin/ - Step 1
  • 67. Add to .htaccess: RewriteRule ^secret-folder/(.*) wp-admin/$1?%{QUERY_STRING} [L] Now login to your site using: @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Change /wp-admin/ - Step 2
  • 68. Add to .htaccess # Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests <Files xmlrpc.php> order deny,allow deny from all allow from </Files> Replace with your own computer’s IP if you use the WordPress mobile app. Remove line 5 to completely block all XML-RCP requests to your site. Note: this will stop Jetpack, official WP mobile app, trackbacks and pingbacks from working. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Disable XML-RPC
  • 69. Known as DoS or DDoS (distributed). Consider using Cloudflare. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Attack Without Cloudflare Attack With Cloudflare Denial of Service Attacks
  • 70. Stay up to date with these additional security resources. National Vulnerability Database (WordPress) Wordfence Blog and Free Security Scan Sucuri Blog Hardening WordPress from WPScan Vulnerability Database Zero Point Development Blog @DeveloperWil #wpsyd More Resources
  • 71. Get my free eBook. Yours to keep forever. @DeveloperWil #wpsyd Get My eBook Free Ebook
  • 72. Did I miss anything? Tweet to @DeveloperWil @DeveloperWil #wpsyd All Done!
  • 73. [Cover] [3] [9] [10] [11] [18] [23] [29] [33] [35] [39] [45] [47] [48] [52] [53] [54] [55] [58] [59] [61] [63] [69] [72] [Back Cover] Note: This presentation may contain affiliate links. Image Credits
  • 74. ▪ WordPress 2008+ ▪ Consultant & Developer ▪ Event Organiser @DeveloperWil Who Am I?