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Between the Pages
Winter 2012                                                                                                                    

Levy passes!                                                                              5-Star Library for second
New funds will                                                                            consecutive year
restore budget                                                                            Library Journal has once again recognized our library
                                                                                          as a Star Library. This prestigious national recognition
                                                                                          is awarded to libraries that are most heavily used. We
Following the narrow margin of voting results on November 8 for                           scored the highest possible rating: 5 Stars.
the library’s 2-mill levy request, we held our breath as all votes were
certified and the official results were announced November 23, the                        Ratings are
day before Thanksgiving. The final count locked in a “yes” for Issue 19                   determined by
and sealed a victory for which we all are thankful.                                       the number of
                                                                                          library visits,
The new levy replaces the 0.8-mill levy
                                                        wes                               items borrowed,
passed in 2002 and renewed in 2007.                        t                              program
The funds provided by this levy
                                           i                                              attendance and

represent the first increase in local                                                     computer use per


support in ten years. As a result,                                                        person. Scores are then compared with public libraries
the library will receive funds                                                            in the same budget range.

needed to replenish a budget
severely depleted by yearly cuts in                                                       Our score is second best in the country in the $5
state funding.                                                        Ask for a           million-$9.9 million range. Of the 7,513 public libraries
                                                                    sticker               rated, only 85 libraries achieved 5-Star Library status,
                                                                  at any desk.
Important projects can now begin:                                                         placing Westerville in the top 1%.
hiring and training new staff to prepare
for reopening on Sundays, restoring the budget for books and
other materials, performing building maintenance, expanding
programming and more.
                                                                                                            Board News
Director Don Barlow provides an overview of what’s in store as
the library gratefully moves forward. He shares his thoughts in                                 John Robbins retires,
“Directions” on page 2.
                                                                                               Deanna McDaniel joins
                                                                                      The Board of Trustees will welcome new trustee
Inside                                                                              Deanna McDaniel at the board meeting on
                                                                                   January 24. Deanna begins her term following the
                                                                                  retirement of longtime trustee John Robbins. John
   •	 Directions                                                                  completed his 2005-2011 term in December, having
     Return of Sunday hours                                                       served earlier on the board from 1992 to 2001.

   •	 Tasty	Prizes                                                                  A school librarian for 30 years, Deanna has taught
     Winter reading program for adults                                               in all levels of school libraries–elementary,
                                                                                        middle, high school and academic. Since 1998
   •	 Events	for	Adults	and	Kids                                                            she has directed the Genoa Middle School
   	 Columbus Crew visit, terrariums and more                                                   Media Center and teaches information
                                                                                                       literacy skills grades 6-8.
Directions                                                                                            Join us in 2012
                                                                                                       Thank you for your support of the
 Notes from Library Director Don Barlow                                                                Friends in 2011. If you haven’t
                                                                                                       renewed your Friends Annual
                                                                                                       Membership yet, we invite you to use
Your support has created a promising 2012                                                              the form in this newsletter. You may
                                                                                                       convert to a Life Membership.
 For over 80 years, our mission has been to provide the best services possible to the citizens         Make 2012 the year you get involved
 of the Westerville Public Library district. Your passage of the levy on November 8 allows us to       with the Friends. We can never have
 continue that great tradition. We are extremely grateful to you and wish to extend our deepest        too many volunteers for the shop,
 thanks for your support as we look forward to finding new and innovative ways to serve our            and gently used book donations are
 community.                                                                                            always welcome.
 Now we are rolling up our sleeves and working to deliver on our promises to you. We are               When you visit the Friends' link on
 interviewing prospective staff in preparation for reopening on Sundays beginning March 4. Our         the library's website, you’ll want to
 Sunday hours will be 1-6pm, year round. You can also look forward to many more materials to           copy the 20% discount coupon for gift
 choose from as we have restored our book budget and increased it by nearly 40%.                       items in the shop.
 As we enter the new year, we reflect on yet another busy year at the library. Once again, our         Finally, we hope you mark your
 circulation surpassed 2 million items; more than 1.8 million visitors came to our website; we         calendar for March 31, the next Sit
 served the library needs of 102,788 cardholders; over 35,000 people attended library programs;        and Knit Day, and spend the day
 and our Library Link program delivered nearly 20,000 requested items to students at Westerville       with other fiber and needle art
 schools.                                                                                              enthusiasts. Details can be found on
                                                                                                       the library's website.
 Our library is once again rated one of America’s finest libraries, thanks to your support in 2011.
 We are humbled by our past success and are excited about our future.                                  – Arlene Roeder, President
                                                                                                         Friends of the Library

       rry Out
     Ca                 Winter reading program serves up tasty tales
                        Readers ages 18+ are being served good reads and great prizes during
                        Carry Out a Good Book, this winter's adult reading program. Thanks
                        to the generous sponsorship of the Friends of the Library and local
                        businesses, participants can win free meals, tasty desserts and books. Sign   It's in the green bag
 a                k
                        up at the library or online through February 18 and start logging titles to
     G oo                                                                                             In conjunction with the recent passage
            d Boo
                        enter the weekly and grand prize drawings.
                                                                                                      of the levy, our mission is to raise funds
                                                                                                      to help expand the opportunities our
                                                                                                      library offers.
Writing contest winners will see their stories published
                                                                                                      Last year, the Foundation provided
Children and adults of every age are invited       the newspaper and online. Adult and youth          funds for fabric bags enabling Outreach
to enter the 6th annual Celebrate the Arts         finalists will be the honored readers at age-      Services to transport books more easily
Writing Contest sponsored by the Arts Council      targeted receptions April 14.                      to residents in nursing homes and
of Westerville, the library and the Westerville                                                       senior citizen apartment complexes.
News and Public Opinion. The contest deadline      For contest guidelines, call the library at
is March 6.                                        882-7277, ext. 2164 or visit the library’s         Projects need our attention. You can
                                                   website.                                           help by contributing to our Annual
First place winners from five age categories                                                          Appeal online at
will see their writing and photo published in                                                         foundation or calling ext. 2140, library
Hot Titles                                                                                           Center

Books and Movies coming soon                                                                          Westerville soldiers
                                                                                                      in World War II
                                                                                                      The time following the attack on Pearl
 Books                                                                                                Harbor was one of uncertainty for the people
                                                                                                      of Westerville as they prepared to send sons
 Believing	the	Lie by Elizabeth George (Jan.)                                                         off to war and worried about those already
 Inspector Thomas is surprised when called on to investigate an apparent acci-                        in service overseas.
 dental drowning. He soon learns the Fairclough clan has many secrets, lies and
                                                                                                                               In the Philippines,
 Need	You	Now by James Grippando (Jan.)                                                                                        Edwin Gorsuch,
 When Abe Cushman, the genius behind a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme,                                                      Westerville class of
 kills himself and takes his secrets to the grave, there are unexpected and deadly                                             1938, was stationed
 repercussions.                                                                                                                at Nichols Field as a
                                                                                                                               machine gunner. On
 House	I	Loved by Tatiana de Rosnay (Feb.)
                                                                                                                               Sunday, December
 In Paris during the 1860’s, Emperor Napoleon III orders houses to be destroyed for
 the modern city. Rose flees to her basement, unwilling to give in to change, and                     14, one week after Pearl Harbor, he was
 comes to terms with a 30-year-old secret.                                                            killed in action. Meanwhile, John Rowland,
                                                                                                      class of 1935, had arrived at nearby Clark
 Left	for	Dead by Judith A. Jance (Feb.)                                                              Field on November 20. Clark Field was
 A police academy classmate of Ali Reynolds appears to be an innocent victim of                                          attacked at the same
 the Arizona border drug wars. After visiting him at the hospital, she and Sister                                        time as Pearl Harbor. John
 Anseim confront the evils of the drug cartels.                                                                          survived that attack, was
 Cinnamon	Roll	Murder by Joanne Fluke (Mar.)                                                                             captured, endured the
 The bus bringing the Cinnamon Roll Six jazz band to the town festival overturns,                                        Bataan Death March, and
 killing the bus driver. Intrigue heightens when a second band member dies from                                          eventually ended up at a
 injuries and has a bogus name.                                                                                          labor camp in Manchuria
                                                                                                                         as a POW.
 So	Pretty	It	Hurts:		A	Bailey	Weggins	Mystery by Kate White (Mar.)
 True crime journalist Bailey Weggins welcomes the invitation to a music mogul’s
                                                                                                                        Recently the Local
 house in upstate New York. Enjoy the action as her getaway turns into an Agatha
                                                                                                                        History Center received a
 Christie whodunit.
                                                                                                      scrapbook of information and photographs
                                                                                                      (seen here) of John Rowland’s unit.
 Moneyball	(PG-13),	Courageous	(PG-13),	Abduction	(PG-13),	Drive	(R) (Jan.)                            – compiled by Beth Weinhardt
                                                                                                         Local History Coordinator
 – compiled by Belinda Mortensen, Collection Development Coordinator

 Did	you	know	the	library	offers 	. 	. 	.
     eReader	test	drives?                                               Money-saving	power	monitors?
     Debating which eReader is right for you? Solve the                 The library and City of Westerville have joined forces
     mystery by sampling some tablets and other handheld                to help you gauge how efficient your appliances are.
     electronics at the Ask Here desk on the 2nd floor. We'll           Kill-A-Watt electricity usage monitors purchased by the
     show you how devices including the Nook, Kindle and                City are available for check-out. Simply plug in your
     iPad work with our free, downloadable eBooks, eAudio-              freezer or space heater and the large LCD will display
     books and movies.                                                  the power consumption.
Events for Adults
                                            Register online at or call ext. 5004

                                              Resume	Critiques                                 Tea	History	and	Preparation
                                              Mondays, Feb. 13 & 27, Mar. 12 & 26,             Thursday, Feb. 23     7-8pm
                                              Apr. 9 & 23
                                                                                               Try a sample of tea and hear about the
                                              Sessions available between 4:30 & 6:30pm
Wormwood:	                                                                                     history of the drink as Teavana’s Rob
                                              Sign up for a 15-minute, one-on-one              Ryder talks about different types of tea
High	Crimes	                                  session to have your resume reviewed             and how to prepare the perfect cup.
and	a	Bunch	of	                               and evaluated by expert Bernard Noel.            Meeting Room A.
Misdemeanors                                  Registration required.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
1-2pm                                                                                          Introduction	to	eBay
                                              Ethics	of	Power
                                              Monday, Feb. 13      7-8:30pm                    Monday, Mar. 26      9:30am-12:30pm
Former Westerville resident and
author Robert Van Kirk will share his         What is power? Bradford College                  Find out how to buy and sell like a
novel Wormwood, a comical murder              professor John Puckett will discuss how          pro as certified eBay trainer Katie Hux
mystery tale set in the Ohio Valley.          individuals come to power in business,           demonstrates the ins and outs of the
Copies of the book will be available          government and relationships, and                popular auction site. Meeting Room A.
for purchase and signing during the           how that power is used ethically and             Registration required.
visit. Meeting Rooms.                         unethically in the world today. Meeting
                                              Room B. Registration required.

                                                                                                                   A	Home	of	Their	
                                               Escape	into	Nature:                                                 Own
                                                                                                                   Thursday, Mar. 29
                                               Winter	Birding	101                                                  7-8pm
                                               Thursday, Feb. 16     7-8:30pm
                                                                                                                 Hear about the 125-
                                               Learn birdwatching basics as a                   year history of the Ohio Soldiers and
  How	to	Download	eBooks	&	                    Sharon Woods Metro Park naturalist               Sailors Orphans Home as William
  eAudiobooks                                  discusses binoculars, field guides,              Chavanne talks about his childhood
  Mondays, Feb. 13 & Mar. 12 7-8pm             and local species identification.                in the Home and the people that
                                               Meeting Room A.                                  lived there. Copies of the book by Ed
  Do you have an eReader, MP3                  Registration required.
  player or a computer? Learn how to                                                            Lentz will be available.
  browse and download thousands                                                                 Registration required.
  of free titles from the library in this
  introductory class. Meeting Room A.
  Registration required.
                                                                                               Meet	the	Authors:
  eBook	and	eAudiobook	                                                                        Celebrating	National	Poetry	
  Tutorial	for	Smartphones	                                                                    Month
  and	Tablets                                                                                  Tuesday, Apr. 17    7-8:30pm
  Mondays, Feb. 27 & Mar. 19                  Picnik	Photo	Editing
                                              Wednesday, Feb. 22     2-4pm                     Celebrate National Poetry Month as four
  7-8:30pm                                                                                     published poets from the Westerville
  Learn to use your smartphone                Perfect your pictures with Picnik, a free        Poetry Group share their work. An open
  or tablet PC to access our online           online photo editor, in this hands-on            mic gathering and discussion will follow
  collection and download titles.             class. Picnik offers a wide variety of           the readings. Meeting Room B.
  Meeting Room A. Registration                artistic effects, digital stickers and tools
  required.                                   to touch up and improve your photos.
                                              Registration required.
                                                                                      Find	more	events	and	programs
                                                                                      on the calendar at
Events for Youth
Register online at or call ext. 5006

                                         Bookworms	Book	Club
                                         Wednesdays, Feb. 8 & Mar. 14               Glider	
                                         Read, dance, chant and craft in this       Tuesday, Feb. 28    4-5pm
                                         book club designed just for pre-readers.   Ages 8-11
                                         Parents take part in the fun! Ages 4-6.
                                                                                    Join in the folding fun as we learn to
                                         Activity Center. Registration required.
                                                                                    make paper gliders and then test our
                                                                                    creations. How far can you make your
                                                                                    glider fly? Activity Center.
 Columbus	Crew	Book	                      Open	Chess	Club
 Reading	&	Soccer	Demo                    Saturdays, Feb. 18 &
                                                                                    Make	a	Drink	Pouch	
 Tuesday, Jan. 24 4-4:45pm                Mar. 17 3-4pm
                                          Ages 6+                                   Change	Purse
 Ages 6+
                                                                                    Saturday, Mar. 10    3-4pm
 A member of the Columbus Crew            Attention, chess players                  Ages 8-11
 will share books, demonstrate cool       wanting competition!
                                          Keep your skills sharp with an hour-      Don't throw that drink pouch away!
 soccer moves and talk about Major
                                          long session of free play. Basic chess    Stop in for more up-cycling fun as
 League Soccer during this sporty
                                          knowledge required. Activity Center.      we turn used drink pouches into cool
 storytime. Meeting Rooms.
                                                                                    change purses. Registration required.

Stories	&	Signs                          Storytubes                                 Totally	Terrific	Film	Night
Saturday, Feb. 4, Mar. 3                 Tuesday, Feb. 25   2-4pm                   Tuesdays, Mar. 20 & 27   7-8:30pm
& Apr. 7 11-11:30am                      All ages                                   All ages
All ages                                                                            Bring your pillows and popcorn to
                                         Stop by to make a short two-minute
Break out of the Saturday                video using our cameras, computers,        watch these family movies on the big
morning cartoon routine with this        puppets and props. Then, enter your        screen. Activity Center.
monthly storytime presented with         video in the national Storytubes contest   Mar. 20 Cars	2 (G)
American Sign Language interpretation.   at to win cool prizes.     Mar. 27 Sleeping	Beauty (G)
Activity Center.
                                         Tail	Waggin'	Tutors
                                         Saturdays, Feb. 25 & Mar. 17   12-1pm
 ARC!	                                                                               The	Hunger	Games	Movie	
                                         Ages 6+
 Advance	                                                                            Release	Party
                                         New reader? Just need practice?             Friday, Mar. 23    4-5:30pm
                                         Readers can sign up for ten minutes of      Ages 12-18
 Club                                    read-aloud time with Burgh, a gentle
 Teen (ages 12-18)                       certified therapy dog. Activity Center.     Before you hit the theater, join us
 Fridays, Feb. 10 & Mar. 9 4-5pm         Registration required.                      as we explore Panem through food,
 ‘Tween (grades 4 & 5)                                                               fashion and fun. Which district will
 Thursdays, Feb. 16 & Mar. 15                                                        you represent? Will you survive the
 4-4:45pm                                                                            Arena? Costumes are
                                         Register	your	                              encouraged, and
 Want to read books before they          child	for	                                  may the odds
 are published? Grab an advance
                                         storytimes!                                 be ever in your
 copy of a book to take home, read                                                   favor!
 it, and tell us what you think at the   Winter II Registration                      Activity Center.
 meeting! Registration required.         opens Feb. 8
                                         Spring Registration
                                         opens Mar. 20
126 South State Street
 Westerville, OH 43081-2095

Between the Pages                                                                                                  Friends of the
                                                                                                              Westerville Public Library
                                                                Vol. 23    No. 1
                                                                                                                     Membership Application

Between the Pages is published quarterly and is available in the library           Name __________________________________________________
and sites throughout Westerville. For questions and comments about the
                                                                                   Phone _________________________________________________
newsletter, please call (614) 882-7277 ext. 2164.
                                                                                   Address ________________________________________________
Board	of	Trustees                     Library	Hours
Michael Fultz                         Monday-Thursday          9am-9pm             City _______________________________                  Zip _____________
Kay Hedges                            Friday and Saturday 9am-6pm
Deanna McDaniel                       Sunday (starting Mar. 4) 1-6pm                     Renewal                                         New Member
Karen Petersen
Joshua Platt                          Telephone
Karen Scholl                          (614) 882-7277                                     Individual 1 year         $10                   Individual Life      $75
Jack Shinnock                         Customer Services        ext. 5001
                                      Adult Services           ext. 5004                 Family 1 year             $15                   Family Life        $100
Don Barlow, Director                  Youth Services           ext. 5006
                                                                                         Sustaining 1 year         $25                   Corporate 1 year $125
                                      Media Services           ext. 5008
Board	Meetings
                                                                                         Donation $ ____________
The Library Board of Trustees
meets at 7pm on the fourth                                                         I would like to volunteer as a Friend:
Tuesday of each month. The
public is welcome to attend.          126 South State Street                             Friends Shoppe                  Sorting/Shelving used books
                                      Westerville, OH 43081
                                                                                   You may leave your completed application and check payable to the Friends of
Newsletter	Staff            
                                                                                    the Westerville Public Library at the Friends Shoppe or the circulation desk, or
Linda Wilkins, Editor                                                                 you may mail it to: Friends Shoppe, 126 S. State St., Westerville, OH 43081.
                                      Follow us      Like us
Jesse Henning, Designer

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Between the Pages: Winter 2012

  • 1. Between the Pages Winter 2012 Levy passes! 5-Star Library for second New funds will consecutive year restore budget Library Journal has once again recognized our library as a Star Library. This prestigious national recognition is awarded to libraries that are most heavily used. We Following the narrow margin of voting results on November 8 for scored the highest possible rating: 5 Stars. the library’s 2-mill levy request, we held our breath as all votes were certified and the official results were announced November 23, the Ratings are day before Thanksgiving. The final count locked in a “yes” for Issue 19 determined by and sealed a victory for which we all are thankful. the number of library visits, The new levy replaces the 0.8-mill levy wes items borrowed, passed in 2002 and renewed in 2007. t program The funds provided by this levy i attendance and erv represent the first increase in local computer use per my ille support in ten years. As a result, person. Scores are then compared with public libraries the library will receive funds in the same budget range. library needed to replenish a budget severely depleted by yearly cuts in Our score is second best in the country in the $5 state funding. Ask for a million-$9.9 million range. Of the 7,513 public libraries sticker rated, only 85 libraries achieved 5-Star Library status, at any desk. Important projects can now begin: placing Westerville in the top 1%. hiring and training new staff to prepare for reopening on Sundays, restoring the budget for books and other materials, performing building maintenance, expanding programming and more. Board News Director Don Barlow provides an overview of what’s in store as the library gratefully moves forward. He shares his thoughts in John Robbins retires, “Directions” on page 2. Deanna McDaniel joins The Board of Trustees will welcome new trustee Inside Deanna McDaniel at the board meeting on January 24. Deanna begins her term following the retirement of longtime trustee John Robbins. John • Directions completed his 2005-2011 term in December, having Return of Sunday hours served earlier on the board from 1992 to 2001. • Tasty Prizes A school librarian for 30 years, Deanna has taught Winter reading program for adults in all levels of school libraries–elementary, middle, high school and academic. Since 1998 • Events for Adults and Kids she has directed the Genoa Middle School Columbus Crew visit, terrariums and more Media Center and teaches information literacy skills grades 6-8.
  • 2. Directions Join us in 2012 Thank you for your support of the Notes from Library Director Don Barlow Friends in 2011. If you haven’t renewed your Friends Annual Membership yet, we invite you to use Your support has created a promising 2012 the form in this newsletter. You may convert to a Life Membership. For over 80 years, our mission has been to provide the best services possible to the citizens Make 2012 the year you get involved of the Westerville Public Library district. Your passage of the levy on November 8 allows us to with the Friends. We can never have continue that great tradition. We are extremely grateful to you and wish to extend our deepest too many volunteers for the shop, thanks for your support as we look forward to finding new and innovative ways to serve our and gently used book donations are community. always welcome. Now we are rolling up our sleeves and working to deliver on our promises to you. We are When you visit the Friends' link on interviewing prospective staff in preparation for reopening on Sundays beginning March 4. Our the library's website, you’ll want to Sunday hours will be 1-6pm, year round. You can also look forward to many more materials to copy the 20% discount coupon for gift choose from as we have restored our book budget and increased it by nearly 40%. items in the shop. As we enter the new year, we reflect on yet another busy year at the library. Once again, our Finally, we hope you mark your circulation surpassed 2 million items; more than 1.8 million visitors came to our website; we calendar for March 31, the next Sit served the library needs of 102,788 cardholders; over 35,000 people attended library programs; and Knit Day, and spend the day and our Library Link program delivered nearly 20,000 requested items to students at Westerville with other fiber and needle art schools. enthusiasts. Details can be found on the library's website. Our library is once again rated one of America’s finest libraries, thanks to your support in 2011. We are humbled by our past success and are excited about our future. – Arlene Roeder, President Friends of the Library rry Out Ca Winter reading program serves up tasty tales Readers ages 18+ are being served good reads and great prizes during Carry Out a Good Book, this winter's adult reading program. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Friends of the Library and local businesses, participants can win free meals, tasty desserts and books. Sign It's in the green bag a k up at the library or online through February 18 and start logging titles to G oo In conjunction with the recent passage d Boo enter the weekly and grand prize drawings. of the levy, our mission is to raise funds to help expand the opportunities our library offers. Writing contest winners will see their stories published Last year, the Foundation provided Children and adults of every age are invited the newspaper and online. Adult and youth funds for fabric bags enabling Outreach to enter the 6th annual Celebrate the Arts finalists will be the honored readers at age- Services to transport books more easily Writing Contest sponsored by the Arts Council targeted receptions April 14. to residents in nursing homes and of Westerville, the library and the Westerville senior citizen apartment complexes. News and Public Opinion. The contest deadline For contest guidelines, call the library at is March 6. 882-7277, ext. 2164 or visit the library’s Projects need our attention. You can website. help by contributing to our Annual First place winners from five age categories Appeal online at will see their writing and photo published in foundation or calling ext. 2140, library administration.
  • 3. Local Local History History Hot Titles Center Center Books and Movies coming soon Westerville soldiers in World War II The time following the attack on Pearl Books Harbor was one of uncertainty for the people of Westerville as they prepared to send sons Believing the Lie by Elizabeth George (Jan.) off to war and worried about those already Inspector Thomas is surprised when called on to investigate an apparent acci- in service overseas. dental drowning. He soon learns the Fairclough clan has many secrets, lies and motives. In the Philippines, Need You Now by James Grippando (Jan.) Edwin Gorsuch, When Abe Cushman, the genius behind a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme, Westerville class of kills himself and takes his secrets to the grave, there are unexpected and deadly 1938, was stationed repercussions. at Nichols Field as a machine gunner. On House I Loved by Tatiana de Rosnay (Feb.) Sunday, December In Paris during the 1860’s, Emperor Napoleon III orders houses to be destroyed for the modern city. Rose flees to her basement, unwilling to give in to change, and 14, one week after Pearl Harbor, he was comes to terms with a 30-year-old secret. killed in action. Meanwhile, John Rowland, class of 1935, had arrived at nearby Clark Left for Dead by Judith A. Jance (Feb.) Field on November 20. Clark Field was A police academy classmate of Ali Reynolds appears to be an innocent victim of attacked at the same the Arizona border drug wars. After visiting him at the hospital, she and Sister time as Pearl Harbor. John Anseim confront the evils of the drug cartels. survived that attack, was Cinnamon Roll Murder by Joanne Fluke (Mar.) captured, endured the The bus bringing the Cinnamon Roll Six jazz band to the town festival overturns, Bataan Death March, and killing the bus driver. Intrigue heightens when a second band member dies from eventually ended up at a injuries and has a bogus name. labor camp in Manchuria as a POW. So Pretty It Hurts: A Bailey Weggins Mystery by Kate White (Mar.) True crime journalist Bailey Weggins welcomes the invitation to a music mogul’s Recently the Local house in upstate New York. Enjoy the action as her getaway turns into an Agatha History Center received a Christie whodunit. scrapbook of information and photographs (seen here) of John Rowland’s unit. Movies Moneyball (PG-13), Courageous (PG-13), Abduction (PG-13), Drive (R) (Jan.) – compiled by Beth Weinhardt Local History Coordinator – compiled by Belinda Mortensen, Collection Development Coordinator Did you know the library offers . . . eReader test drives? Money-saving power monitors? Debating which eReader is right for you? Solve the The library and City of Westerville have joined forces mystery by sampling some tablets and other handheld to help you gauge how efficient your appliances are. electronics at the Ask Here desk on the 2nd floor. We'll Kill-A-Watt electricity usage monitors purchased by the show you how devices including the Nook, Kindle and City are available for check-out. Simply plug in your iPad work with our free, downloadable eBooks, eAudio- freezer or space heater and the large LCD will display books and movies. the power consumption.
  • 4. Events for Adults Register online at or call ext. 5004 Resume Critiques Tea History and Preparation Mondays, Feb. 13 & 27, Mar. 12 & 26, Thursday, Feb. 23 7-8pm Apr. 9 & 23 Try a sample of tea and hear about the Sessions available between 4:30 & 6:30pm Wormwood: history of the drink as Teavana’s Rob Sign up for a 15-minute, one-on-one Ryder talks about different types of tea High Crimes session to have your resume reviewed and how to prepare the perfect cup. and a Bunch of and evaluated by expert Bernard Noel. Meeting Room A. Misdemeanors Registration required. Wednesday, Jan. 25 1-2pm Introduction to eBay Ethics of Power Monday, Feb. 13 7-8:30pm Monday, Mar. 26 9:30am-12:30pm Former Westerville resident and author Robert Van Kirk will share his What is power? Bradford College Find out how to buy and sell like a novel Wormwood, a comical murder professor John Puckett will discuss how pro as certified eBay trainer Katie Hux mystery tale set in the Ohio Valley. individuals come to power in business, demonstrates the ins and outs of the Copies of the book will be available government and relationships, and popular auction site. Meeting Room A. for purchase and signing during the how that power is used ethically and Registration required. visit. Meeting Rooms. unethically in the world today. Meeting Room B. Registration required. A Home of Their A Escape into Nature: Own Thursday, Mar. 29 Winter Birding 101 7-8pm Thursday, Feb. 16 7-8:30pm Hear about the 125- Learn birdwatching basics as a year history of the Ohio Soldiers and How to Download eBooks & Sharon Woods Metro Park naturalist Sailors Orphans Home as William eAudiobooks discusses binoculars, field guides, Chavanne talks about his childhood Mondays, Feb. 13 & Mar. 12 7-8pm and local species identification. in the Home and the people that Meeting Room A. lived there. Copies of the book by Ed Do you have an eReader, MP3 Registration required. player or a computer? Learn how to Lentz will be available. browse and download thousands Registration required. of free titles from the library in this introductory class. Meeting Room A. Registration required. Meet the Authors: eBook and eAudiobook Celebrating National Poetry Tutorial for Smartphones Month and Tablets Tuesday, Apr. 17 7-8:30pm Mondays, Feb. 27 & Mar. 19 Picnik Photo Editing Wednesday, Feb. 22 2-4pm Celebrate National Poetry Month as four 7-8:30pm published poets from the Westerville Learn to use your smartphone Perfect your pictures with Picnik, a free Poetry Group share their work. An open or tablet PC to access our online online photo editor, in this hands-on mic gathering and discussion will follow collection and download titles. class. Picnik offers a wide variety of the readings. Meeting Room B. Meeting Room A. Registration artistic effects, digital stickers and tools required. to touch up and improve your photos. Registration required. Find more events and programs on the calendar at
  • 5. Events for Youth Register online at or call ext. 5006 Bookworms Book Club Wednesdays, Feb. 8 & Mar. 14 Glider 4-4:45pm Fly-Off! Read, dance, chant and craft in this Tuesday, Feb. 28 4-5pm book club designed just for pre-readers. Ages 8-11 Parents take part in the fun! Ages 4-6. Join in the folding fun as we learn to Activity Center. Registration required. make paper gliders and then test our creations. How far can you make your glider fly? Activity Center. Columbus Crew Book Open Chess Club Reading & Soccer Demo Saturdays, Feb. 18 & Make a Drink Pouch Tuesday, Jan. 24 4-4:45pm Mar. 17 3-4pm Ages 6+ Change Purse Ages 6+ Saturday, Mar. 10 3-4pm A member of the Columbus Crew Attention, chess players Ages 8-11 will share books, demonstrate cool wanting competition! Keep your skills sharp with an hour- Don't throw that drink pouch away! soccer moves and talk about Major long session of free play. Basic chess Stop in for more up-cycling fun as League Soccer during this sporty knowledge required. Activity Center. we turn used drink pouches into cool storytime. Meeting Rooms. change purses. Registration required. Stories & Signs Storytubes Totally Terrific Film Night Saturday, Feb. 4, Mar. 3 Tuesday, Feb. 25 2-4pm Tuesdays, Mar. 20 & 27 7-8:30pm & Apr. 7 11-11:30am All ages All ages All ages Bring your pillows and popcorn to Stop by to make a short two-minute Break out of the Saturday video using our cameras, computers, watch these family movies on the big morning cartoon routine with this puppets and props. Then, enter your screen. Activity Center. monthly storytime presented with video in the national Storytubes contest Mar. 20 Cars 2 (G) American Sign Language interpretation. at to win cool prizes. Mar. 27 Sleeping Beauty (G) Activity Center. Tail Waggin' Tutors Saturdays, Feb. 25 & Mar. 17 12-1pm ARC! The Hunger Games Movie Ages 6+ Advance Release Party New reader? Just need practice? Friday, Mar. 23 4-5:30pm Readers Readers can sign up for ten minutes of Ages 12-18 Club read-aloud time with Burgh, a gentle Teen (ages 12-18) certified therapy dog. Activity Center. Before you hit the theater, join us Fridays, Feb. 10 & Mar. 9 4-5pm Registration required. as we explore Panem through food, ‘Tween (grades 4 & 5) fashion and fun. Which district will Thursdays, Feb. 16 & Mar. 15 you represent? Will you survive the 4-4:45pm Arena? Costumes are Register your encouraged, and Want to read books before they child for may the odds are published? Grab an advance storytimes! be ever in your copy of a book to take home, read favor! it, and tell us what you think at the Winter II Registration Activity Center. meeting! Registration required. opens Feb. 8 Spring Registration opens Mar. 20
  • 6. 126 South State Street Westerville, OH 43081-2095 Between the Pages Friends of the Westerville Public Library Vol. 23 No. 1 Membership Application Between the Pages is published quarterly and is available in the library Name __________________________________________________ and sites throughout Westerville. For questions and comments about the Phone _________________________________________________ newsletter, please call (614) 882-7277 ext. 2164. Address ________________________________________________ Board of Trustees Library Hours Michael Fultz Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm City _______________________________ Zip _____________ Kay Hedges Friday and Saturday 9am-6pm Deanna McDaniel Sunday (starting Mar. 4) 1-6pm Renewal New Member Karen Petersen Joshua Platt Telephone Karen Scholl (614) 882-7277 Individual 1 year $10 Individual Life $75 Jack Shinnock Customer Services ext. 5001 Adult Services ext. 5004 Family 1 year $15 Family Life $100 Don Barlow, Director Youth Services ext. 5006 Sustaining 1 year $25 Corporate 1 year $125 Media Services ext. 5008 Board Meetings Donation $ ____________ The Library Board of Trustees meets at 7pm on the fourth I would like to volunteer as a Friend: Tuesday of each month. The public is welcome to attend. 126 South State Street Friends Shoppe Sorting/Shelving used books Westerville, OH 43081 You may leave your completed application and check payable to the Friends of Newsletter Staff the Westerville Public Library at the Friends Shoppe or the circulation desk, or Linda Wilkins, Editor you may mail it to: Friends Shoppe, 126 S. State St., Westerville, OH 43081. Follow us Like us Jesse Henning, Designer