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Winnsboro Autumn Winds Culture Interview Report
For my service learning hours I spent time at an assisted living facility simply spending time with its
residents and doing odd jobs. At the Winnsboro Autumn Winds facility I spent my time talking to
different residents, but the one I got the most information from was Mr. Jack Cowser. This 85 year
old man talked to me a lot about his life and explained the culture he has lived in. Going into this
project, I had certain expectations about what I was going to learn. I thought I would learn about a
very collectivistic culture with high morals, a fair bit of discrimination, and penchant for saving. But
I was surprised when I started getting unforeseen answers to my questions. At first, when I asked
Jack to tell me a little about his culture versus the one he live through, he said there is no
comparison. He went on to explain that the two cultures are so different you can hardly believe we
live on the same planet. He told me he grew up in the horse and buggy era, and now there's just too
much technology. Jack was born in 1932 and grew up in the country outside of a small town in
Texas called Winnsboro. He was born into a family of sharecroppers, and grew up on a farm with
and older sister and older brother. On the farm he had daily chores that included plowing the field
and milking the cows, and when he wasn't working ... Show more content on ...
Every single one of them commented on my being there, my curly hair ("Oh mine used to look just
like that!"), my single status (one lady actually gave me her great–grandson's number), and asked if
I knew so–and–so. These people thrived from me reminding them something they remembered in
the past. I could tell these men and women were just happy to have someone to talk to. While I was
trying to get information to write my paper, I didn't realize how happy I was making
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Post Completion Of Section Two Of Women And Work
Post completion of section two of Women and Work in Canada readings, I started preparing for my
interview with a woman of my choosing. I decided to interview my aunt Ms. Ms. Murphy Murphy.
She is wife, a mother of two boys, and an educator to young adolescents. Using the outline questions
that assignment two provided, I was able to complete an interview with Ms. Murphy and have the
following conversation about her paid and unpaid work. I took notes throughout the interview and
listened attentively. Comparing her paid and unpaid work, to the women in the assigned readings for
section two was comparetivlity, some situations were the same. Ms. Murphy was raised in a small
community in western Prince Edward Island. She has three ... Show more content on ...
After accomplishing her education degree and arts degree, at the University of Prince Edward
Island, she moved to Northern Alberta in 1981 and began teaching. Teaching French from 1982–
1983, and then substituting 1983–1985 at a local Junior High school, which ultimately lead to her
getting a full time position as a teacher at M.E Callaghan Jr. High. Ms. Murphy's paid work consists
of teaching young children at a local junior high school. Her daily routine involved planning lessons
and teaching the lessons. "I do the best I can to have students meet essential outcomes" (Murphy).
Ms. Murphy is a very dedicated educator, and is always willing to help children before and after
school, assisting them in understanding the course material. Ms. Murphy strives to promote a
welcoming classroom and a safe learning environment so that children are comfortable in asking
questions, enabling them to expand their minds. Ms. Murphy also attends meetings with her peers
in–regards to learning new strategies, knowing children have different learning styles. After Ms.
Murphy's long day of teaching, she also donates her time to chaperone daily school actives, and
special monthly actives. Ms. Murphy's paid work is from 8:30am–3:30pm, followed by unpaid
work, for school which is 3:30pm–5:00pm. When this part of her day is complete, she continues to
work at home correcting school work and she maintains her house work
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Gendered Home in the Short Stories of Shashi Deshpande
Home is a geographical space –– a site where we live but it is also 'an ideal and an imaginary that is
imbued with feelings'1 .Somerville(1992) has picked out seven key aspects of being at home:
shelter, hearth,(emotional and physical well–being),heart(loving and caring relations), privacy,
roots(source of identity and meaning, fullness),abode and paradise(ideal home as distinct from
everyday life)2.Down the ages, we have associated 'home' as a haven, far away from the hostility
and surveillance of the outside world. It is in the privacy of home that an individual gives expression
to his ideas. The domestic items from curtains and furniture to books and records all contribute to
the development of an individual. In all its details, a home ... Show more content on
As women grow up, they are encouraged to build a wall around them to keep themselves away from
the scary outsiders, resulting in the gradual internalization of fear which ultimately leaves them
defenseless and less–confident of themselves. Marriage is that desired aim in a woman's life when
finally they would no longer need to live inside that 'invisible wall': in reality, one sort of
circumscribed life leads to a different kind of dependence. In Deshpande's It Was Dark, a woman is
reminded of how submission to a man's wishes makes life a lot less difficult: 'I had submitted and
miraculously, it had made things easier.'7 She, however, decides to let her daughter live inside the
walls but only to find her child sexually abused. This does not startle her as she grew up with the
constant fear of violence that now stalks her daughter's life. In a male–dominated society manly
violence has been as 'normal' as 'womanly' submission. If men grow up learning to be violent in his
actions, women also learn to cope up with the one singular piece of lesson: 'you must submit.'8
Submission is key to safety and peace in a gendered home which has different codes of behavior for
both male and female. Refusal to toe the gender– line could be always violent as the newly wedded
woman learns at her cost on the honeymoon trip in Deshpande's story The Intrusion.
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Write A Narrative Essay About Moving To Suburbss
It wasn't easy at first for Ludi to move to suburbs. The first time she heard a proposal from her
husband, Trevor, she was strictly against it. Being born and brought up in the city and now a sudden
shift to suburbs seemed something she can't get used to. A super–fast life in the city versus a
relaxing life in suburbs were two different things according to her. It was bad enough that she was a
housewife; in the city, her time passed by pretty quickly doing the chores and going out and about.
Though, in the suburbs, her list of chores fell short. She found more time on her hand even after
finishing her daily activities.
He said it was for a better future and being the lovely wife, she agreed moving to the suburbs. It was
indeed a better future, ... Show more content on ...
Needing some groceries, she had gone out and just had returned back as it was merely afternoon. It
was pretty hot outside so she had a summery outfit that came to her mid thighs and pretty much
snugged loosely around her body. When she heard her doorbell, she was in kitchen, putting her
groceries away and was just finishing. She wiped her hands on a towel as she walked with it to get
the door. She pushed the tiny curtain to peek out of the small window next to the door, to see who it
was and found a well–dressed man who seemed as if he was here to sell something to her. She
unlocked her door and opened it, seeming hesitant and giving him an unpleasant gaze, showing she
wasn't interested in what he was selling, "May I help you?" She said flicking her hair over her
shoulders. Now, she stood tall at 5ft 7 inches but he seemed to just tower over her as she had to tilt
her head back to look up at
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Maid Services Essay
A lot of money is invested when you buy a home, and it surely is a disappointment if you are not
able to take proper care of it due to your busy schedules. Maid services in Charlotte NC are home
cleaning companies operating in the market today, they understand your needs and can help you in
the process of keeping your house clean.
The life of a woman is getting busy these days, and many times it gets difficult to manage every
thing on her own. To ease off at least one of the burdens, you can take the help of maid services in
Charlotte NC. These companies have employees who are experts in house cleaning, and you can
hire the maids from such corporations based upon your requirements. You may require their services
on special days when you have ... Show more content on ...
They will also clean entryway windows and doors . If you desire, maids will make beds and change
linens. The kitchen will be thoroughly cleaned. This includes sinks, appliance exteriors, and
countertops. Cabinet fronts will be dusted and polished if you specify and table and chairs will be
taken care of during this time.
Trash receptacles will be cleaned, and the dishwasher will be started. They also do dishes by hand if
you prefer. If you have other tasks such as window washing or stove clean up, refrigerator defrosting
and porch sweeping, they can make arrangement to have these functions completed. (There may be
extra charges). They do have maids who will clean your garage and make sure your driveway is
swept. Need carpets cleaned? They offer this service as an extra and recommend that carpets are
cleaned every three to six months.
If you can think of any more chores that you would like local maid services to clean for you, just
ask! Maid services in Charlotte NC will give you an estimate of all charges and keep to your budget.
If you have extra cleaning that needs to be done, don't hesitate to contact us. Your regular maid will
do the cleaning he/she is assigned, and others will take over the extra tasks. Everything can be done
to your specifications, and within the estimated budget you set up with the service in
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The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
Feminism is played out in a major way in Kate Chopins' "The Story of an Hour." The story portrays
a story about the lack of freedom that all woman had in the 1800's. The word feminism as defined in
the Merriam–Webster Dictionary as the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the
sexes. A woman's job and duty in the 1800's was to tend to the needs of their husband's needs. In
"The Story of an Hour" Mrs. Mallard, one of the main characters, was told about her husband's
death and she was initially very emotional. Her sadness was quickly turned into a burst of joy
because she felt a sense of freedom. The story takes a very weird and ironic twist because her
husband was really not dead and when Mrs. Mallard finds out about this she regretted abandoning
her moment of freedom. If we were looking at this story through the historical and feminist lenses
one would suggest that this story is about a male dominated society in the 1800s. This male
dominated society caused the woman to have a lack of freedom and really made it hard for woman
to have a self–identity. Males were the dominant gender during the 1800s. Woman had absolutely no
rights and the reality was that feminism did not exist. One of the things that was really frowned
upon in the 1800s were divorces. In fact if there was a divorce, everything would be given to the
male. In the Declaration of Sentiments, Stanton enumerated specific complaints concerning the
oppressed status of women in American society:
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Advertising Research : The Happy Homemaker
Advertisement Research Essay
The Happy Homemaker
"The proper study of mankind is man, but the proper study of markets is women" (The Advertising
Periodical Inc. Magazine, 1929)
Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western
cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological
messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a
tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or
commercial, their main objective is to get the viewers' attention in order to sell the product. Many
different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print or ... Show more content
on ...
Women and men have never been treated as equals, history has been a constant reminder that there
has always been outlets such as, writing, filmmaking, psychology, and advertising that regurgitate
the consent idea that men and women are very different when developing there narratives (Sheehan,
1987: 89). The 1950s societal roles for men and women were much more specific then what people
are used to now. The male figure was labeled as the breadwinner of the family, while the women
were simply the homemakers. Advertising has always stuck to the traditional roles of women as the
housewife or homemaker, industries use this imagery to help promote different types of household
products and appliances. June Cleaver from the popular television series Leave it to Beaver;was an
ideal image of what a housewife should aim to portray. The advertising industry didn 't restrict
themselves from just print and commercial ads they also made sure to use sitcoms to further send
out a constructed identity of a women. June Cleaver was a stay at home mom who provided a loving
and nurturing home, she was a housewife who did laundry, packed lunches, shopped, took care of
the house, always had dinner ready, and she did it all well impeccably dressed in pearls and heels.
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The Hellenistic Homemaker Essay
The Hellenistic Homemaker
In both Xenophon's Oeconomicus and Lysias' defense of Euphiletus' murder of Eratosthenes, insight
into the purpose and function of Athenian marriage may be gained by examination of the speeches
of two citizens about their wives and their homes. Through both texts, it becomes apparent that the
citizen's value of his wife is based upon his wife's ability as an "oikonomikos" or "skilled household
manager" (Strauss, 3). It is through filling this role as her husband's housekeeper that an Athenian
woman experienced a loss of personal freedom and found herself trapped within a marriage in
which she had little contact or much in common with her husband. A woman's role as oikonomikos
is described by Euphiletus' address ... Show more content on ...
Rather, when I considered for myself, and your parents for you, whom we might take as the best
partner for the household and children, I chose you, and your parents, as it appears, from among the
possibilities chose me" (Xenophon, VII.10–11). Indeed, the girl is looked upon as an employee of
the husband and the oikos. Euphiletus states how " the beginning she was the best of women.
She was a clever housewife, economical and exact in her management of everything" (Freeman, 44).
For Euphiletus, his wife's worth was based totally on her managerial skills.
Through Euphiletus and Socrates, the five requirements of a good oikonomikos come to be
apparent. The first requirement is that a new wife be young, so that she might be taught by her new
husband the ways to suit himself and his oikos perfectly. Socrates muses, " seems to me there are
certain ages at which both horses and human beings are immediately useful as well as susceptible to
improvement" (Xenophon, III.10). Next, the young wife must be uneducated so that she might be
trained in just the way the husband wishes, and he will not suffer because of any incorrect training
she may have acquired. Socrates is asked by Ischomachos " 'How, Socrates,' he said, 'could she have
known anything when I took her, since she came to me when she was not yet fifteen,
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The Devils Own Wine Shoppe Essay
|Case 3: The Devil's Own Wine Shoppe |
|Business Strategy: Spring 2013–April 8, 2013 |
|Tamara M. Yancy |
Case Analysis: The Devil's Own Wine Shoppe
The article, "The Devil's Own Wine Shoppe" revolves around the wine store owned by Bruce
Nelson and his wife, Mary Lee. Being a business owner has been a life–long dream of Bruce. They
opened the wine store in August 1974 with initial capital of $22,000 and an initial outlay of $17,258.
In addition to owning the wine store, Bruce works fulltime as a car salesman while ... Show more
content on ...
Not only were the competitors able to price their products lower than the Nelsons they were able to
offer discounts that the Nelson's could not afford to offer; thus making them more attractive to the
consumer. Lastly, the competitors were able to advertise on a level that was not financially feasible
for the Nelsons. Because of their advertising abilities, the competitors were able to create more
awareness of their wine selection that the Nelsons which subsequently pulled customers away from
the Nelson's wine store.
The Nelson's wine store was operating a loss. They began their business with a $7,000 personal
savings investment and a $15,000 which they had not been able to begin repayment during their
nine months of operations. After the performance of a financial analysis, it was concluded that the
Nelsons were losing on average $802 per month with estimated average monthly sales of $1,888 and
estimated average monthly expenses of $1,580. At these levels, not only could the Nelsons not make
a profit, they could not breakeven. In order to breakeven, the Nelsons would need to generate sales
of $5,642 offering no salary to Bruce or $9,214 offering a salary to Bruce.
Problem Statement
Which income generating venture should the Nelson's pursue: the wine shop or fulltime
employment at the dealership?
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An Analysis Of Laura Anne Gilman's Clean Up Your Room !
In Laura Anne Gilman's comical short story, Clean Up Your Room! There is a direct dichotomy
between the confliction of autonomy between AI and human life. The AI in the story comes in the
form of the owner's house, and it is fully in charge of doing things that most mothers (In a first–
class–western–world kind of way) do. The protagonist in the story, Jessy, is responsible for
designing and creating this ingenious multi–faceted robot–abode. She named her phenomenal
invention MUM. This acronym is entirely concomitant with the functions of the AI.
Initially, it is quite clear that Jessy is more or less completely in charge of her life. When it comes to
her sleep hours, what she eats, and when she works; She's in charge. And quite clearly, regardless
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Advertising And Social Culture And Capitalist Economy
"The proper study of mankind is man, but the proper study of markets is women" (The Advertising
Periodical Inc. Magazine, 1929)
Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western
cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological
messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a
tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or
commercial, their main objective is to get the viewers' attention in order to sell the product. Many
different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print or commercial ads, to
either inform or to target individuals into consuming goods. There have been constant debates
surrounding females in advertisements and the ways in which women are defined through their
constructed identities. Society plays a heavy hand in constructing individuals gender roles, and in
turn many of our identities. Women during the 1950s and onwards have been a byproduct in
advertising campaigns, their roles were limited and became repetitive overtime.
A women's identity was constructed towards the ability to maintain a household, women were only
ever viewed as housewives, through the multiple advertisements that conveyed images of what it
meant to be a 'well rounded' caregiver, it became the only thing that was ever taught to them. Shirley
Chisholm is recognized for her famously
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Essay On Black Girl
Film is a series of artistic moving images that make up a story. In every film, the director visually
presents the storyline, different characters, the problems they encounter and how they were deal
with. There is a wide range of ways to study films of various genres. We focus on film language,
genre, mise–en–scene, representation, stereotypes, etc. In Black Girl, it was depicted as an allegory
and had a lot of mise–en–scene.
Some examples of mise–en–scene in Black Girl includes the mask, clothing and objects in the Dakar
and France homes. The mask is a very powerful symbol because it represents Diouana. In the
beginning of the film, Diouana was living happily with her boyfriend and had no troubles. She
wanted to seek for employment and was hired by a French couple to care for their children. When
Diouana finally found ... Show more content on ...
Back in the 1900s, France colonized many countries. Senegal is one of those countries that France
controlled. The foreign government of France controlling Senegal is similar to the French couple
deciding everything for Diouana. An example is when the French couple receives a letter from
Diouana's mother and responds to the letter by writing what they want. The French couple holds a
dominant position in the household and does not allow Diouana to voice her opinion. At first,
Diouana was excited to go to France with the French couple because she imagined how her life
would change, but she was fooled. Diouana misunderstood that she would continue to care for the
children, but she was treated like a slave. It is like Diouana fell for the trap because she had to do
labor on a daily basis. Diouana had a low social status, accused of many things and treated poorly.
After a while, Diouana could not stand being mistreated all the time which ultimately led to her
committing suicide. The director of Black Girl wanted to tell the audience that Diouana suffered a
lot ever since she started working in
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The Double Standard Of Sexuality In The Victorian Era
Women constantly face a double standard when it comes to sexuality, it's been this way for years. In
fact in the Victorian era there is a huge double standard where women seemed to be on interested in
sex and we're to have a high standard of sexual behavior unlike the men in that time who had
powerful sexual drives and it was almost the social norm for them to have multiple sexual partners.
Even today there still a double standard, it has gotten better with feminism any quality but men are
still seen as superior when they have multiple sexual partners unlike women who are looked at as
sluts and whores because they have multiple sexual partners. Trying to use the slut shaming, which
is where women are downgraded by both men and women because ... Show more content on ...
This idea of domesticity carried on and limited the women's experiences in life, for example men
had a public life where they ventured off daily to compete and perform tens jobs away from the
home while the woman I don't just want to go to nurture the children, tend to the home and make
sure everything was taken care of. In fact in that time of the 19th century writers, preachers and
reformers were advocates that the woman's place was to "be in the home." With all this being said, a
large amount of women of color and working–class women also performed wage earning labor so
they did have jobs outside of the home. However many of these women were unmarried who
worked outside of their home for for wages, in module for the The statistic was fewer than 20% of
all women worked outside of the home and those who did only 2% of them were married. When
both World War I into happened many men left, to fight for the country which left lots of vacant jobs
that need to be filled which is where women stepped up to the plate and became breadwinners and
still manage to tend to the household all the men were off at war. After then wars is kind of
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Benefits Of Living In A Shared House In College
Living in a shared house while you are in college is for sure your life experience. Either you have
great, good or not that good experience, there is a high possibility that what you experience in a
shared house remain in your memories for the rest of your life. One of the reasons might be the fact
that you have to live with people that probably you had never seen before. Moreover, those people
can be from different parts of the country. But whatever the reason, anyone who study far from his
or her hometown has a strong impact on his or her life, where very positive o very negative.
When a person move to another city because of college, positively influenced by the change. First of
all because it is a great opportunity to expand someone's friendship, for example if the person move
to a house where there are ten other students, which are usually from different towns or cities, it is a
chance to have ten more friends. At the same time, it allows to know more about those owns,
because despite the fact that they are in the same country and even in the same region, there are
slight cultural differences such as different names for the same fruit for example.
On the other hand, people's experience living in a shared house may not be the best, especially for
those ones who had never been left home. For them, it might be really difficult because usually they
are not used to do housework, and as they are on they are on they own, they might experience some
frustration. For example, a
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The Movement Of The Jewish Culture
Furthermore, by using the 'feminist' interpretation within this passage, Jesus didn't want to discard
tradition but wants to reform the freedom of woman from the restrictions and limitations of the rules
and regulations of the Jewish culture and the tradition by bringing more equality in society.
Women's lives in Jesus' time were overruled and dominated by a male figure , who were to control
every aspect in their lives. This was due to the fact that women were seen to be unholy – more
inclined to being sinful, and were submissive; hence one of Jesus' missions became to reform the
image of women. Hence by using the 'feminist' interpretation method, I can conclude that Jesus
intentions of preaching to Mary, was for him to reform the Jewish culture, by spreading hope and
strength among women – standing up for a new culture and a generation which will create a new
and equal society.
Therefore, by using the 'feminist' interpretation within this passage, we can conclude that in Jesus'
time, Jesus was a strong advocate to reforming society and allowing women to become equals to
men, as God has created us all in the image and likeness of himself, hence why all humans are
precious and a gift because God is precious and a gift. Jesus said "Mary has chosen the better path",
which implies the message of salvation is significant to all people. Hence, everyone is eligible to
listen to the words of the Lord – not just men but also women. Therefore, this passage, emphasises
the message
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Fable Essay
Once upon a time there lived a lanky little rat named Rudy. Rudy's fur was very dull and felt like
needles. She lived in a tiny village where all the animals knew each other. Every afternoon she
would meet with her friends at the riverbank to tell stories of their morning. One day Rudy scurried
to the riverbank excited to share with her friends a cheesecake she had baked just for them, but
when she arrived at the meeting spot, no one was there. Worried and confused, Rudy hurried in to
town to look for her friends there. Just as she reached the main road, her body froze as she watched
the most beautiful creature strolling through town. Rudy looked around and noticed she was not the
only animal in the village mesmerized by this beautiful ... Show more content on ...
Without hesitation, Rudy broke off a limb much larger than her lanky self. Struggling to drag the
limb to the river, she found enough strength to sling it into the treacherous waters and keep a hold as
her long tail wrapped around for a tight grip. Finally after minutes of battling with the unforgiving
rapids, she caught up with the lion cub. Thankfully, the limb was just enough floatation for the both
of them. Together they were able to safely find a way back to shore. Exhausted and scared to death,
Rudy and the lion cub lay on the bank trying to catch their breath. Rudy's damp coat looked its usual
dull color with its spikey texture. Under the alarming circumstances, she had forgotten about her
desire to look beautiful. Rudy was only concerned about saving the lion cub. After a few minutes the
lion cub scooped Rudy into his paws and thanked her for saving his life.
Later that night, the whole town gathered to celebrate Rudy, the town hero. "Why is everyone
praising me?' Rudy asked, "I am not attractive and graceful like Geraldine?' She admitted. "Do you
not see Rudy, beauty is only skin deep." Replied a friend. At that moment Rudy understood. Her
heart of gold shone through and was much more attractive than any outward beauty. From then on,
Rudy went back to her old ways watching out for her neighbors and caring for others. Geraldine was
no longer the talk of the town. Instead all of the animals mimicked Rudy's thoughtful behavior
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The Little Chinese Seamstress Character Analysis
Of course not everybody in the world likes to talk about exactly what they are feeling or thinking all
the time. There is a certain degree of things that generally are kept private. However, in the book
The Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie, the main character (who doesn't ever reveal his name to
the audience, so is simply called the Narrator), comes off as an especially closed–off character–
specifically in the beginning half of the story. He rarely ever speaks what he is actually thinking,
which makes him a kind of difficult character to relate to. The Little Seamstress, a local beauty, has
caught his eye–along with every other male in the village–, but he struggles with how to express his
feelings because he is not used to doing so, and because his best friend (Luo) is dating her. On pages
161–163, Luo has left the village and asked the Narrator to keep an eye on the Little Seamstress
while he is away. However, even though the Narrator keeps his word, he can't help but feel attracted
to her and an inner battle between what he wants and what is right begins. In this part of the story,
the Narrator feels torn between his love and affection towards the Little Seamstress and his
commitment/promise to Luo. Here, the Narrator finally portrays to what extent he feels towards her,
but does so very subtly (which is fitting seeing as that's who he is a character: altogether reserved).
With the job that the Narrator has been tasked with, he is certainly not neglecting his
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Social Norms In Kate Chopin's The Awakening
In the book, "The Awakening", the book takes place in New Orleans in the time period of the 1800s,
where Enda, a supposed house wife, struggles in a marriage. In the Awakening by Kate Chopin, the
setting of the book, which takes place in the 1800s, or New Orleans, sets the setting next to a lake in
the woods where it is some distances from civilization, along with adding the social norm of the
typical house wives. The extent of the Awakening's dependence on the setting is extremely heavy, on
the fact that during the time period, the social norm was that the wives, and mothers would do the
everyday house chores, and child care, and then the contributing factor of the distance from society,
which would cause Mr. Pontellier to send away on business ... Show more content on ...
During the events of the book, in chapters, one through four, Mr. Pontellier returns home from
visiting a bar, to his surprise when he returns home, he checks on his children, and believes that one
of them has fallen ill with a fever. To where after he 'discovers' the fever he wakes his wife and
scolds her claiming that she neglects the children, where Mrs. Pontelier assures her husband, Mr.
Pontellier, that nothing had befallen the child to make him ill that day. During the reading of the
text, Mr. Pontellier states clearly that, it was the woman's job to take care of the children, and he
cannot take care of them because he is so busy with work, and it's obvious to conclude that with this
text, comes with a social norm of the time, where the men of the family would go out in the world
and support the family, while the women tended for things at home. So with the conclusion that
Women tended to problems and activates at home is a social norm, that was given as text speech
from Mr. Pontellier, we can see that, because of this social norm, Edna is pressured to do a more
exceptional job on taking care of the children, which causes her to struggle in this
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Why Kids Shouldn T Get Paid
Why Should You Get Paid Hobie Bobbitt Parents don't get payed to do it. Kids shouldn't get paid for
credit if the parents don't get paid. This essay is about why I think that kids should not get paid to do
chores at there house. This essay will include all of the reasons why I think that. Reason one is that
the parents don't get paid to do them. In the article it talks about how no one pays your dad for
taking out the trash or washed the dishes. No one also pays him for mopping the floors. Chores isn't
the same as having a job. The mom in the article says she would be a millionaire if she got paid for
every time she done it. The next reason is that if you start doing the job so often and get paid then
you will probably start to slack off. Then you will be pretty much doing nothing and will start to get
money even if you aren't doing the job right. It will teach you how to do things but you will not be
able to do them right. It would be like taking the money and running. It would be even worse if your
parents kept paying you but they would clean up the leftover messes. ... Show more content on ...
You might go to the movies every time you get paid. You could think that it'll help you but it's not
really teaching you how to be good with your money if you're just wasting it. Doing something like
buying things to help you for a project or buying food if you want to go out to eat could help you a
lot more than buying a new video
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Girl Jamaica Kincaid Analysis
Bryony Nguyen
Catherine Conner
English 99
20 November 2017
Girl by Jamaica Kincaid For centuries, women have had the role of being the perfect and typical
house wife; needs to stay home and watch the kids, cook for husbands, tend to the laundry and
chores around the house. In her short story Girl, Jamaica Kincaid give us a long one sentence story
about a mother giving specific instructions to her daughter but with one question towards the end,
with the daughters mother telling her daughter if she had done all the instructions to become a so
called "perfect" woman, what man would not want her. Kincaids structuring in "Girl," captures a
demanding and commanding tone. This short story relates feminist perspectives. The mother expects
a great deal from her daughter to have a certain potential and she does not hesitate to let her
daughter understand it. As a matter of fact, the story is two pages long, made into one long sentence
– and almost the whole time the mother is giving her daughter directions to follow – sends a
message to the reader that the mother demands and expects great potential in her daughter. The
daughter is forced to listen and learn from what her mother is telling her to do to be the perfect
housewife. Throughout the story, Kincaid uses the symbols of house and clothing, benna and food to
represent the means of becoming a young girl to a woman and being treated like one in society.
From the beginning, the house and clothing functions as the daughter has to
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Apera Tobiason Research Paper
Apera Tobiason is a thirty–four–year–old single mother of four daughters. On top of living with her
four daughters, she also has four Chihuahuas. She works as a coach for soccer at The Enid Soccer
Club and basketball at The YMCA. Though free time is rare for her, when she has the opportunity,
Apera likes to visit casinos with her friends. Due to her hectic schedule, Apera doesn't have many
favorite movies or television shows, though she did share that her favorite music is soul music. Over
the summer she loves to visit Galveston, Texas with her family and stay in a beach house. Family is
very important to Apera, as evidenced by her tattoo: a flower with the names of her four daughters
on the leaves. She said that she had always planned on
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Gender Roles In 20th Century Advertising
"keep her where she belongs" or "So, the harder the wife works the cuter she looks!" the truth is that
ads like these were very common in the mid–20th century. Many companies used the existing
gender roles to appeal to consumers, sex sells and so does gender. The 20th century was the rise of
gender advertisement. Since the 20th century was the era of consumerism, it's natural to think
advertisement played a huge role in the popular culture and had a huge influence on how people
viewed the world. The belief that women are domestic creatures who always must be obedient to the
male figures of their lives was never a new concept in the 20th century. What was new in this era of
mass consumption was utilizing gender roles as a marketing technique to make a certain product
more desirable for the American Society. During the 20th century, American popular culture,
specifically advertising, reinforced the existing gender roles for women as the homemaker,
furthermore, creating a constraint on the socially acceptable roles for women which stayed prevalent
for many years.
Advertisement in the mid–20th century, often depicted women as only homemakers and nothing
more. Women were viewed as a trophy, they had to maintain their look, do all the housework, and
make their husband happy. A psychological research done on the effectiveness of having Betty
Crocker, a fictional character, promote general mill products was shown that the very gender roles of
women were used to advertise their
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Managing The Effects Of Grief And Stress Essay
Additionally, the death of a family member or loved one can also create stress. Most often when our
loved one passes away it leaves us in an emotional state whether it means crying for days or feeling
depressed. Some people react to death no matter what .There are some persons who just cannot deal
with the fact that they would not be able to see the person again. In an article entitled Managing the
Effects of Grief and Stress, the writer states "When you lose something or someone dear to you,
chances are you'll feel a combination of emotions: depression, sadness, frustration, shock and fear.
Your body reacts to grief too; you'll certainly feel tired. You can also feel physically weak as if all
your strength has drained away and
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Personal Narrative: Congestive Heart Failure
I worked with a 97–year–old female patient admitted to our skilled nursing facility due to frequent
falls at home and exacerbation of Congestive Heart Failure. She was born and brought up in a small
town in Texas. Her husband was in navy when they moved to Alameda (California) during the
second world war. Ms. Jones (Pseudonym) was a homemaker and took care of the family most of
her life. She lived with her son and grandchildren. She was independent in basic activities of daily
living, cooking, light household chores prior to hospitalization. She used to cook and bake until a
few weeks ago when her condition started to deteriorate.
Upon occupational therapy evaluation, Ms. Jones was deconditioned from the recent hospitalization
and required ... Show more content on ...
Jones was refusing to engage in therapy session because she felt that exercises and balance activity
are for men. Moreover, she felt that women her age should engage in sophisticated activity. She
believed that women from her generation were taught to that taking care of the family is a priority
and she never had time to do exercises or go to the gym. Ms. Jones lived with her son and teenage
grandsons and wanted to be independent with independent with toileting, dressing, and bathing. She
didn't want to be a burden on her son and grandchildren. She wanted to continue with cooking and
baking for her grandchildren after discharging
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Housework Research Paper
Domestic science involves cleaning the house, making food, and running errands. Housework
assignments bore most of the population with nothing at the end to obtain except self gratification.
However, homemakers tolerate a long duration to learn but, for some it is inherent; unfortunately,
for me, I have been struggling for 20 years. Granted, homemaking requires dedicated commitment
and can be frustrating at times, but the accomplishment would be self–fulfilling. Above all, learning
to strategize and formulate habits ultimately grows into an outstanding housekeeper. Domestic
science involves cleaning the house, making food, and running errands. Housework assignments
bore most of the population with nothing at the end to obtain except self gratification. However,
homemakers tolerate a long duration to learn but, for some it is inherent; unfortunately, for me, I
have been struggling for 20 years. Granted, homemaking requires dedicated commitment and can be
frustrating at times, but the accomplishment would be self–fulfilling. Above all, learning to
strategize and formulate habits ultimately grows into an outstanding housekeeper. ... Show more
content on ...
Housework assignments bore most of the population with nothing at the end to obtain except self
gratification. However, homemakers tolerate a long duration to learn but, for some it is inherent;
unfortunately, for me, I have been struggling for 20 years. Granted, homemaking requires dedicated
commitment and can be frustrating at times, but the accomplishment would be self–fulfilling. Above
all, learning to strategize and formulate habits ultimately grows into an outstanding
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Gender Differences in TV
Malcolm in the Middle Television holds an important part in most of our lives. From a young age,
we spend countless hours sitting in front of a television set. Every year there are new shows created,
and our favorite shows are renewed for another season. There are numerous programs to choose
from. Television broadcasts are free, and there are also paid options for more diverse programming.
We are fortunate enough to be able to spend on average a third of our leisure time watching
television all from the comfort of our homes. Given the incredible reach that television has on our
lives, we can say that television has a significant impact on our lives. Authors, Renzetti and Curran,
claim that television is a profound socializing ... Show more content on ...
As previously mentioned, Renzetti and Curran, make several claims about the kind of gendered
messages that we as a society receive via our favorite television shows. I selected three other claims
to see whether or not they held true for "Malcolm in the Middle." The first claim is that "female
characters are more likely than men to use sex or romantic charm to get what they want. Men, in
contrast, are more likely than women to use physical force." I recorded each instance of use or threat
of physical force and whether it was a man or woman who did so. Each instance of sex or romantic
charm was also recorded according to which sex used that technique. Another claim was "only 28%
of women are shown on the job compared to 41% of male characters." I kept a tally of characters
that were shown on the job or made any reference to their jobs. The last claim I chose to analyze
was that men on television are rarely shown doing housework (one to three percent compared to
twenty to twenty–seven percent of women). I kept a tally of each instance that a household chore
was done and whether it was a man or woman who took care of the task. The first claim that I
analyzed was that women are more likely to use charm and men are more likely to use physical
force held true according to my sample. There were three instances of using charm. Hal, the father,
did so once. Lois, the mother, did so the other two times. The second
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The Role Of Traditional Household Gender Roles
"Gender relations are not confined to the domestic arena – although households constitute an
important institutional site on which gender relations are played out – but are made, remade and
contested in a range of institutional arenas"(Changing Gender Relations In The Household). In
parallel to this statement, women and men have always had their own perceive norm within the
household. Women are traditionally homemakers and men assume the sole status of breadwinner.
However, in modern day society men are becoming more open to the idea of gender equality in
regards to family roles. Mothers and society are socializing individuals with this norm. Currently,
there is a gradual transition from a male dominant society to gender equality. This paper will look at
the impact of traditional household gender roles by analyzing the following questions:
1. Why is there a gender shift in household gender roles?
2. What is the impact of balancing work and a family?
3. What are the benefits for the family?
4. Is gender equality within a family positively affecting society?
By understanding how this change has come about, predictions can be made to determine how this
will impact the future, to see if this will change situations outside of the home that are gender
sensitive, and to see if this will give a people a broader perspective to work with.
Why is there a gender shift in household gender roles?
Influenced by the ever changing society, the household gender roles are transforming. Due an
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Consumer Culture And Economic Development Of Western Cultures
Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western
cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological
messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a
tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or
commercial, their main objective is to get the viewers' attention in order to sell the product. Many
different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print or commercial ads, to
either inform or to target individuals into consuming goods. There have been constant debates
surrounding females in advertisements and the ways in which women are defined through their
constructed identities. Society plays a heavy hand in constructing individuals gender roles, and in
turn many of our identities. Women during the 1950s and onwards have been a byproduct in
advertising campaigns, their roles were limited and became repetitive overtime. A women's identity
was constructed towards the ability to maintain a household, women were only ever viewed as
housewives, through the multiple advertisements that conveyed images of what it meant to be a
'well rounded' caregiver, it became the only thing that was ever taught to them. Shirley Chisholm is
recognized for her famously outspoken quote, where she truthful states that; "Emotional, sexual, and
psychological stereotyping of females begins the
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Semiothic Of The Kitchen, By Martha Rosler
Semiothic of the kitchen is a video art produced by Martha Rosler in the 1975. This video is a
classic piece of feminist art work. During 1960s , women was expected to marry in her 20s. They
were expected to follow this path and devote their life to homemaking. This make the wives
spending an average of 55 hours a week of their times on domestic chores. For some reason, this
feels unfair and make them feel unwelcomed and limited in every respect. Martha rosler remarked
about this work that "when the woman speaks, she names her own oppression. So what does she
mean by that? Generally women are being treated like a moron. They were generally unwelcome in
professional programs. This description evokes outrage among women's. In the video, ... Show more
content on ...
So what are the differences between both of the video besides of the similarities on the gender
issues? Video art is a non story telling. It is usually more abstract. The image and the signal showed
are usually odd making the viewer's confuse and unsure about the massage that the artist trying to
show. For example, in the Semiothic of the kitchen. The moment that the video start, Martha rosler
is already in her action. She started by introducing various types of kitchen tools through the
alphabet from A to Z and demonstrates the used of each tools without explaining why she does that.
Only after you read the synopsis of the video then you can get a clear understanding of the purpose.
Unlike video art, film art has story lines. In the safe film, the director shows how the the character
developed from being a normal housewife to a sick person. Usually viewers can easily understand
even there is no narrator in the movie. Another obvious differences is the duration of the video.
Usually video art tends to be shorter that a film. The duration for example are six minute and 9
second for the video art but for the safe film, the duration is one hour and forty nine minutes. It is
possible for video art to be longer than usual but it is not possible for a movie to be shorter than
forty five minutes. This is because the minimum duration for a movie are usually 45minutes. The
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Macy's Fatigue Study
Critics initially assumed that Frank was the genius behind all of the couple's works and assessments
of factory productivity. He, of course, was the male of the couple and therefore the credit was most
often his. People in this era had a hard time acknowledging women's accomplishments, especially
hers because of her husband's place in assisting to get her name out into the world. Lillian began to
be included however and slowly she began to rise. Together, the two established a Fatigue Study in
which they published under both of their names in 1917. They additionally published an Applied
Motion Study in England and Germany. Many of their lectures also became known and they covered
precision, motion devices, and industrial opportunity. Lillian ... Show more content on ...
Five of her six sons were serving in the armed forces and she herself was also serving as a
management consultant at an Army plant in Brooklyn, New York. This is where she managed
personnel restructuring and worker training. This program grew from a few hundred people to a few
thousand people within the time she started the program. She also developed exercise programs for
older women and the programs allowed them to keep up with the younger women. After she retired
from Purdue in 1948, she went on to teach at Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey where
she taught for two years. She then taught at Formosa from 1953 to 1954 and then the University of
Wisconsin in 1955. Lillian Gilbreth was very active into her eighties with writing and speaking of
management (Sitaru). Lillian received many awards and honors, including over twenty honorary
degrees (Gilbreth, 1998). In 1921, she was given membership in the Society of Industrial Engineers,
which was almost unheard of as an accomplishment for her gender at the time. Lillian was also
awarded the first Gilbreth Medal from the same institution ten years later for her contributions to
management. In 1924, she was elected into the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and was
chair of the Management Division's meeting on the psychology of management. Lillian was also
named a Fellow of the American
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Analysis Of Svava Jakobsdottir 's A Story For Children
Through the eyes of society everyone has a set role they are expected to fulfill and certain
characteristics they are supposed to exemplify. These roles and characteristics, this discourse, tells
everyone how they should act and speak. For women it is the role of the mother. In our culture, that
means raising the children, completing the household chores, and cooking all of the meals to
perfection. Women are typical thought of as being demure and polite, small in stature, and
submissive to the male gender. In the reverse, men also have certain roles that they are expected to
fill and characteristics they are supposed to exemplify. Men are expected to be strong, dominant, and
in charge of their families. They are often depicted, both in the media and in life, as the leaders. This
discourse that we all follow can frequently be seen in Svava Jakobsdottir's "A Story for Children."
The short story tells the tale of a woman as she raises her children and takes care of her household.
The mother is completely devoted to her children and seeks to fulfill her role in the home to the
fullest extent. As the story progresses, the main character slowly has pieces of herself removed by
her children: her toe, her brain, and finally her heart. At the end of the text, after all of the children
have become adults started families of their own, the mother realizes that she now has nothing and
feels useless. In her short story, Jakobsdottir uses dramatization to depict the gender stereotypes and
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Description Of A Woman Like Me Essay
A woman like me in Rome B.C could not be compared to the average woman. My appearance
physically was not of the norm for the time period. Modern day it wouldn't appear too strange that I
stood 6'3 but during a time when the average height for a man was 5'5 while a woman would stand
5'1 people did find it rather strange. My height I could not hide, my immortality wasn't any easier.
My immortality was a good thing at 40.
"Oh my you look so youthful, you haven't aged a day, don't be coy what's your secret?" People at
my village would say.
By the time I was 60 those compliments turned into gossip and rumor
"I heard she bathes in blood, she must be a witch, "they'd say.
One thing that I am able to hide about myself is the abilities that I was born with. I have great
strengths comparable to the mythical Hercules. I could travel at great speeds like Greek God
Hermes. I could bring a raging beast to a standstill like Goddess Artemis. Those are merely myths.
Hercules, Artemis, Hermes are just myths, right? Or are they Legends? My name is Diana Prince
and I think I might be the last Amazon.
We moved to Rome a few years prior to my 50th Birthday. People were catching on to my
immortality, asking questions that I myself couldn't even answer. I left my best friends behind, my
father who was recently widowed. He refused to move to any Roman kingdom. He refused to adopt
the roman culture. So he stayed behind on the farm that has been in the family for several
generations. Rome
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Comparing Women In Daystar By Rita Dove And Linda Pastan
There is a drastic contrast between the lives of women from the 50s, 60s and perhaps the 70s to the
lives of women today. In the 1950/60s the wife would be responsible for cleaning the home, hanging
the wash on the line to sun–dry, sew clothes, bake and be the caretaker of the children. This was her
role in society and her household. Today, the wife may work part or full time, juggle children to
childcare, school and sports activities, all the while trying to maintain a household. For the most
part, gone are the days when the wife was considered an item within the household and women have
now earned their marks in society. Some would question if women have actually made things harder
for themselves and have taken away some of the joys of a simpler life. The poems of Rita Dove and
Linda Pastan shed a light on the less talked about side of being a housewife throughout the second
half of the 1900s. Things were not as pleasant and simple as one may believe.
Rita Dove's "Daystar" speaks of a woman's daily routine as a housewife. On a deeper level, this
poem speaks to the need experienced by this housewife to have something of her very own.
Throughout the day, she is a maid and caretaker; at night she fulfills her wifely duties. Everything
has become mundane, even down to her lovemaking with her husband evidenced through her
statement "Thomas rolled over and lurched into her." The speaker is trapped behind the needs of her
husband and children and is desperate for an
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The Period Of The Antebellum South
The period of the antebellum south was among the most burdensome times for African American
slaves, especially females. During the early 1800s the lives of enslaved women were extremely
demanding. The female slaves were expected to bear children, as well as were required to work just
as hard as the male slaves on the plantation. Days were long and laborious for slave mothers, they
had to make sure that all the work that needed to be done was completed, and also care for their
children. Female slaves' jobs varied from housework, to field work. Slave mothers knew that giving
up on their work was not an option, they had to persevere for their families. Motherhood and work
went hand in hand for female slaves, one was not able to do one and not the other. Field labor was
an unavoidable task that was fulfilled by nearly all slaves in the antebellum south. There was no
gender discrimination in the fields, female slaves had to perform almost all of the plantation chores.
Some of the chores female slaves were obligated to complete were picking, hoeing, plowing,
mending fences, burning fields, weeding, planting, and harvesting. The work day was long and
grueling, slaves worked from sunrise to the sunset. Working the fields was a strenuous job, however
it was not done alone. They acquired the opportunity to work beside other female slaves. The groups
of female slaves in the fields were called gangs. The gangs often sang, talked quietly, and passed
along confidential information.
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20th Century Feminism
In the last half of the twentieth century, women fought a desperate struggle against society and
public policy to work outside of the home for money. For decades women fought for equality and
struggled for the right of equal opportunity employment. Societal norms and values defined a
woman's role and that was to run the household. However, the closer the end of the twentieth
century came, the more economic conditions required two incomes household for families to
subsist. From 1940–1960 the number of working mothers increased 400 percent and by 1960 one–
third of all female workers had children below the age of eighteen.
Under pressure because of the staggering statistics, in 1961 President Kennedy appointed a
Presidential Commission on the Status of Women to study opportunities and barriers for women in
American society (Organizing Their Lives: Women, Work, and Family, 1950–2000). It initiated the
feminist movement of the 1960's and 1970's. Women were already working, but were hostages to
society's expectations. The following was the general consensus of many women of the last half of
the twentieth century; "Personal is highly political; our individual freedom in organizing our
households, our families, our work lives, our sex lives, and our reproductive lives is profoundly
shaped by the nation's public policies" (Organizing Their Lives: Women, Work, and Family, 1950–
To further analyze this topic, it is important to understand multiple types of sources from this
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English Vinglish
English Vinglish is an Indian comedy drama film that revolves around Shashi (Sridevi), a
homemaker, a wife and a mother of two children. Sashi Godbole, apart from managing her
household which she regards as her first priority, runs a small business of selling ladoos. Her
assiduous work in her home is taken for granted by her husband Satish and daughter Sapna.
Satish is a charming man but not so charming when he discredits her wife's ladoo business and asks
her to close it down. However, what saddens her the most is her incapacity to speak English which
is often ridiculed by both her husband and daughter.
Sashi, juggling between her insecurity as an individual and homemaker, is soon faced by the
challenge of traveling ... Show more content on ...
Not so much. Gauri Shindey's movie is definitely an eye–opener as far as persistence of gender roles
and linguistic hegemony is concerned. It may also lead you to think that it "smashes patriarchal
norms". But does it? Motherhood is still considered a central tenet of female identity. This becomes
starkly evident when Sashi's son gets hurt and she fails to attend him immediately because of her
English class. She cries frantically as if she has committed a crime, feels guilty that how she can
neglect her family and think about herself. She declares that her priority in life is her responsibility
towards her family and not her own happiness. Sashi's choice of coming back with her husband can
evoke multiple interpretations.
We might wonder whether this decision is prompted by her respect towards Indian values and roots
or it is the patriarchal ideology that she has internalized all through her life which makes her
compromise with her own desires and priorities.
English being the lingua franca in India has established itself so firmly that even in the movie
Sashi attains a sense of pride and worth after she delivers the moving speech in English at her
niece's wedding for which she got a distinction by her teacher. However, India's
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Frank's Immigration Narrative
On April 3rd, 2017, I called my neighbor, Frank, to talk about the story of his family's immigration.
Frank had ancestors who moved to the United States from Germany more than 100 years ago that
kept a journal that has been with his family ever since it was recorded. He told me that a long time
ago, George and Jean, both residents of Germany, fell in love and got married to each other. After
spending some time together in Germany, they decided that they were going to immigrate to the
United States. "Living in the United States to them meant all that freedom implied. A land where
they found a home where they could raise their children in a land of the free and the brave."
George and Jean sailed across the Atlantic Ocean for ten weeks before ... Show more content on ...
Money was always scarce. They had to consider each decision they made with their money. When
the family was moving to another farm, they had to cross the Mississippi River. There was a toll
bridge that needed to be crossed in order to get to the other side, but George did not want to cross
the bridge because that would mean that they would have to give up some of their money. So,
instead of paying to cross the toll bridge, the family decided to cross over the ice. The day after they
had crossed the ice, there was another group of people who crossed it but the ice had broken and
resulted in all of the people to drown. George's family found out about this quite a bit later because
it took a long time for new to get spread
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How Did Ww2 Change People's Lives
One event can change the course of people's lives. World War 2, for example, transformed the role
of women. They stepped in to fill labor positions while the men were at war. Women soon realized
they were capable of working as doctors, electricians, mail carriers and other occupations after
experiencing it. That is when the workforce expanded for women. Another way World War 2
changed women's lives in a less obvious way was the fact that, once the war ended and the men
returned, women were under extreme societal pressure to marry the returned soldiers. Women felt
like it was their duty to serve these men due to social norms. It was thought that these men, after
serving the country heroically, deserved to have a woman by their side serving them ... Show more
content on ...
Laura Brown had the life others might perceive as more than satisfying in terms of wealth and
relationship. However, she was anything but happy. She felt imprisoned, insecure and depressed. It
was only after she made the tough decision of leaving that she finally achieved happiness. However,
by doing so, Richard start to feel inner feeling of failure as well. Cunningham's novel suggests that
life is complicated and that it is common for people to feel depressed even when they seem to have
everything according to society's standards. There is nothing wrong with this feeling or with the
person feeling this. Through Laura Brown, Cunningham is able to convey effectively that happiness
cannot be determined or imposed from the
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Should Housewives Get Paid?
Should Housewives Get Paid? Housewives is one the hardest and difficult jobs in the world. Staying
at home mothers work every day; they work more hours than the working people. They have so
many chores to do like cleaning, cooking, and many other hard chores. The work that they do is
magnificent and remarkable. Other people will argue that is not necessary to give money to
housewives because it is their reasonability for taking care of their children and the house. However,
housewives should get paid because they are doing a hard job and they deserve it. One main reason
for this argument is housewives deserve to be paid because of all the hard work that they do. Stay at
home mothers work from the morning until late at night. The article "Should stay–at–home moms
receive a salary?"(2013) the author claims that housewives should receive salary because they are
hardworking people. Housewives do not have personal leisure time because the house needs to be
cleaned, meals have to be cooked, and this all leaves the mother no time for her own personal space.
Teachers who teach children for 7 hours are getting paid; nannies that take care of the children for
limited time are getting paid, maids who ... Show more content on ...
Rao (2013) writes in his article "Should housewives be paid salaries?" that staying at home mothers
must not receive salary because the responsibility of the chores that they do is private. It may be true
that housewives must not get paid for their services. However, people should realize that
housewives are doing a job, personal or not there is labor involved. Likewise, it is important to
remember that housewives are working every day, and every hour without any breaks that they can
relax. Housewives can help their family if they get paid or put their money into insurance, save it for
the future and use it if
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Winnsboro Autumn Winds Culture Interview Report

  • 1. Winnsboro Autumn Winds Culture Interview Report For my service learning hours I spent time at an assisted living facility simply spending time with its residents and doing odd jobs. At the Winnsboro Autumn Winds facility I spent my time talking to different residents, but the one I got the most information from was Mr. Jack Cowser. This 85 year old man talked to me a lot about his life and explained the culture he has lived in. Going into this project, I had certain expectations about what I was going to learn. I thought I would learn about a very collectivistic culture with high morals, a fair bit of discrimination, and penchant for saving. But I was surprised when I started getting unforeseen answers to my questions. At first, when I asked Jack to tell me a little about his culture versus the one he live through, he said there is no comparison. He went on to explain that the two cultures are so different you can hardly believe we live on the same planet. He told me he grew up in the horse and buggy era, and now there's just too much technology. Jack was born in 1932 and grew up in the country outside of a small town in Texas called Winnsboro. He was born into a family of sharecroppers, and grew up on a farm with and older sister and older brother. On the farm he had daily chores that included plowing the field and milking the cows, and when he wasn't working ... Show more content on ... Every single one of them commented on my being there, my curly hair ("Oh mine used to look just like that!"), my single status (one lady actually gave me her great–grandson's number), and asked if I knew so–and–so. These people thrived from me reminding them something they remembered in the past. I could tell these men and women were just happy to have someone to talk to. While I was trying to get information to write my paper, I didn't realize how happy I was making ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Post Completion Of Section Two Of Women And Work Post completion of section two of Women and Work in Canada readings, I started preparing for my interview with a woman of my choosing. I decided to interview my aunt Ms. Ms. Murphy Murphy. She is wife, a mother of two boys, and an educator to young adolescents. Using the outline questions that assignment two provided, I was able to complete an interview with Ms. Murphy and have the following conversation about her paid and unpaid work. I took notes throughout the interview and listened attentively. Comparing her paid and unpaid work, to the women in the assigned readings for section two was comparetivlity, some situations were the same. Ms. Murphy was raised in a small community in western Prince Edward Island. She has three ... Show more content on ... After accomplishing her education degree and arts degree, at the University of Prince Edward Island, she moved to Northern Alberta in 1981 and began teaching. Teaching French from 1982– 1983, and then substituting 1983–1985 at a local Junior High school, which ultimately lead to her getting a full time position as a teacher at M.E Callaghan Jr. High. Ms. Murphy's paid work consists of teaching young children at a local junior high school. Her daily routine involved planning lessons and teaching the lessons. "I do the best I can to have students meet essential outcomes" (Murphy). Ms. Murphy is a very dedicated educator, and is always willing to help children before and after school, assisting them in understanding the course material. Ms. Murphy strives to promote a welcoming classroom and a safe learning environment so that children are comfortable in asking questions, enabling them to expand their minds. Ms. Murphy also attends meetings with her peers in–regards to learning new strategies, knowing children have different learning styles. After Ms. Murphy's long day of teaching, she also donates her time to chaperone daily school actives, and special monthly actives. Ms. Murphy's paid work is from 8:30am–3:30pm, followed by unpaid work, for school which is 3:30pm–5:00pm. When this part of her day is complete, she continues to work at home correcting school work and she maintains her house work ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Gendered Home in the Short Stories of Shashi Deshpande Home is a geographical space –– a site where we live but it is also 'an ideal and an imaginary that is imbued with feelings'1 .Somerville(1992) has picked out seven key aspects of being at home: shelter, hearth,(emotional and physical well–being),heart(loving and caring relations), privacy, roots(source of identity and meaning, fullness),abode and paradise(ideal home as distinct from everyday life)2.Down the ages, we have associated 'home' as a haven, far away from the hostility and surveillance of the outside world. It is in the privacy of home that an individual gives expression to his ideas. The domestic items from curtains and furniture to books and records all contribute to the development of an individual. In all its details, a home ... Show more content on ... As women grow up, they are encouraged to build a wall around them to keep themselves away from the scary outsiders, resulting in the gradual internalization of fear which ultimately leaves them defenseless and less–confident of themselves. Marriage is that desired aim in a woman's life when finally they would no longer need to live inside that 'invisible wall': in reality, one sort of circumscribed life leads to a different kind of dependence. In Deshpande's It Was Dark, a woman is reminded of how submission to a man's wishes makes life a lot less difficult: 'I had submitted and miraculously, it had made things easier.'7 She, however, decides to let her daughter live inside the walls but only to find her child sexually abused. This does not startle her as she grew up with the constant fear of violence that now stalks her daughter's life. In a male–dominated society manly violence has been as 'normal' as 'womanly' submission. If men grow up learning to be violent in his actions, women also learn to cope up with the one singular piece of lesson: 'you must submit.'8 Submission is key to safety and peace in a gendered home which has different codes of behavior for both male and female. Refusal to toe the gender– line could be always violent as the newly wedded woman learns at her cost on the honeymoon trip in Deshpande's story The Intrusion. ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Write A Narrative Essay About Moving To Suburbss It wasn't easy at first for Ludi to move to suburbs. The first time she heard a proposal from her husband, Trevor, she was strictly against it. Being born and brought up in the city and now a sudden shift to suburbs seemed something she can't get used to. A super–fast life in the city versus a relaxing life in suburbs were two different things according to her. It was bad enough that she was a housewife; in the city, her time passed by pretty quickly doing the chores and going out and about. Though, in the suburbs, her list of chores fell short. She found more time on her hand even after finishing her daily activities. He said it was for a better future and being the lovely wife, she agreed moving to the suburbs. It was indeed a better future, ... Show more content on ... Needing some groceries, she had gone out and just had returned back as it was merely afternoon. It was pretty hot outside so she had a summery outfit that came to her mid thighs and pretty much snugged loosely around her body. When she heard her doorbell, she was in kitchen, putting her groceries away and was just finishing. She wiped her hands on a towel as she walked with it to get the door. She pushed the tiny curtain to peek out of the small window next to the door, to see who it was and found a well–dressed man who seemed as if he was here to sell something to her. She unlocked her door and opened it, seeming hesitant and giving him an unpleasant gaze, showing she wasn't interested in what he was selling, "May I help you?" She said flicking her hair over her shoulders. Now, she stood tall at 5ft 7 inches but he seemed to just tower over her as she had to tilt her head back to look up at ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Maid Services Essay A lot of money is invested when you buy a home, and it surely is a disappointment if you are not able to take proper care of it due to your busy schedules. Maid services in Charlotte NC are home cleaning companies operating in the market today, they understand your needs and can help you in the process of keeping your house clean. The life of a woman is getting busy these days, and many times it gets difficult to manage every thing on her own. To ease off at least one of the burdens, you can take the help of maid services in Charlotte NC. These companies have employees who are experts in house cleaning, and you can hire the maids from such corporations based upon your requirements. You may require their services on special days when you have ... Show more content on ... They will also clean entryway windows and doors . If you desire, maids will make beds and change linens. The kitchen will be thoroughly cleaned. This includes sinks, appliance exteriors, and countertops. Cabinet fronts will be dusted and polished if you specify and table and chairs will be taken care of during this time. Trash receptacles will be cleaned, and the dishwasher will be started. They also do dishes by hand if you prefer. If you have other tasks such as window washing or stove clean up, refrigerator defrosting and porch sweeping, they can make arrangement to have these functions completed. (There may be extra charges). They do have maids who will clean your garage and make sure your driveway is swept. Need carpets cleaned? They offer this service as an extra and recommend that carpets are cleaned every three to six months. If you can think of any more chores that you would like local maid services to clean for you, just ask! Maid services in Charlotte NC will give you an estimate of all charges and keep to your budget. If you have extra cleaning that needs to be done, don't hesitate to contact us. Your regular maid will do the cleaning he/she is assigned, and others will take over the extra tasks. Everything can be done to your specifications, and within the estimated budget you set up with the service in ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Feminism is played out in a major way in Kate Chopins' "The Story of an Hour." The story portrays a story about the lack of freedom that all woman had in the 1800's. The word feminism as defined in the Merriam–Webster Dictionary as the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. A woman's job and duty in the 1800's was to tend to the needs of their husband's needs. In "The Story of an Hour" Mrs. Mallard, one of the main characters, was told about her husband's death and she was initially very emotional. Her sadness was quickly turned into a burst of joy because she felt a sense of freedom. The story takes a very weird and ironic twist because her husband was really not dead and when Mrs. Mallard finds out about this she regretted abandoning her moment of freedom. If we were looking at this story through the historical and feminist lenses one would suggest that this story is about a male dominated society in the 1800s. This male dominated society caused the woman to have a lack of freedom and really made it hard for woman to have a self–identity. Males were the dominant gender during the 1800s. Woman had absolutely no rights and the reality was that feminism did not exist. One of the things that was really frowned upon in the 1800s were divorces. In fact if there was a divorce, everything would be given to the male. In the Declaration of Sentiments, Stanton enumerated specific complaints concerning the oppressed status of women in American society: ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Advertising Research : The Happy Homemaker Advertisement Research Essay The Happy Homemaker "The proper study of mankind is man, but the proper study of markets is women" (The Advertising Periodical Inc. Magazine, 1929) Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or commercial, their main objective is to get the viewers' attention in order to sell the product. Many different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print or ... Show more content on ... Women and men have never been treated as equals, history has been a constant reminder that there has always been outlets such as, writing, filmmaking, psychology, and advertising that regurgitate the consent idea that men and women are very different when developing there narratives (Sheehan, 1987: 89). The 1950s societal roles for men and women were much more specific then what people are used to now. The male figure was labeled as the breadwinner of the family, while the women were simply the homemakers. Advertising has always stuck to the traditional roles of women as the housewife or homemaker, industries use this imagery to help promote different types of household products and appliances. June Cleaver from the popular television series Leave it to Beaver;was an ideal image of what a housewife should aim to portray. The advertising industry didn 't restrict themselves from just print and commercial ads they also made sure to use sitcoms to further send out a constructed identity of a women. June Cleaver was a stay at home mom who provided a loving and nurturing home, she was a housewife who did laundry, packed lunches, shopped, took care of the house, always had dinner ready, and she did it all well impeccably dressed in pearls and heels. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Hellenistic Homemaker Essay The Hellenistic Homemaker In both Xenophon's Oeconomicus and Lysias' defense of Euphiletus' murder of Eratosthenes, insight into the purpose and function of Athenian marriage may be gained by examination of the speeches of two citizens about their wives and their homes. Through both texts, it becomes apparent that the citizen's value of his wife is based upon his wife's ability as an "oikonomikos" or "skilled household manager" (Strauss, 3). It is through filling this role as her husband's housekeeper that an Athenian woman experienced a loss of personal freedom and found herself trapped within a marriage in which she had little contact or much in common with her husband. A woman's role as oikonomikos is described by Euphiletus' address ... Show more content on ... Rather, when I considered for myself, and your parents for you, whom we might take as the best partner for the household and children, I chose you, and your parents, as it appears, from among the possibilities chose me" (Xenophon, VII.10–11). Indeed, the girl is looked upon as an employee of the husband and the oikos. Euphiletus states how " the beginning she was the best of women. She was a clever housewife, economical and exact in her management of everything" (Freeman, 44). For Euphiletus, his wife's worth was based totally on her managerial skills. Through Euphiletus and Socrates, the five requirements of a good oikonomikos come to be apparent. The first requirement is that a new wife be young, so that she might be taught by her new husband the ways to suit himself and his oikos perfectly. Socrates muses, " seems to me there are certain ages at which both horses and human beings are immediately useful as well as susceptible to improvement" (Xenophon, III.10). Next, the young wife must be uneducated so that she might be trained in just the way the husband wishes, and he will not suffer because of any incorrect training she may have acquired. Socrates is asked by Ischomachos " 'How, Socrates,' he said, 'could she have known anything when I took her, since she came to me when she was not yet fifteen, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Devils Own Wine Shoppe Essay |Case 3: The Devil's Own Wine Shoppe | |Business Strategy: Spring 2013–April 8, 2013 | |Tamara M. Yancy | Case Analysis: The Devil's Own Wine Shoppe Introduction The article, "The Devil's Own Wine Shoppe" revolves around the wine store owned by Bruce Nelson and his wife, Mary Lee. Being a business owner has been a life–long dream of Bruce. They opened the wine store in August 1974 with initial capital of $22,000 and an initial outlay of $17,258. In addition to owning the wine store, Bruce works fulltime as a car salesman while ... Show more content on ... Not only were the competitors able to price their products lower than the Nelsons they were able to offer discounts that the Nelson's could not afford to offer; thus making them more attractive to the consumer. Lastly, the competitors were able to advertise on a level that was not financially feasible for the Nelsons. Because of their advertising abilities, the competitors were able to create more awareness of their wine selection that the Nelsons which subsequently pulled customers away from the Nelson's wine store. The Nelson's wine store was operating a loss. They began their business with a $7,000 personal savings investment and a $15,000 which they had not been able to begin repayment during their nine months of operations. After the performance of a financial analysis, it was concluded that the Nelsons were losing on average $802 per month with estimated average monthly sales of $1,888 and estimated average monthly expenses of $1,580. At these levels, not only could the Nelsons not make a profit, they could not breakeven. In order to breakeven, the Nelsons would need to generate sales of $5,642 offering no salary to Bruce or $9,214 offering a salary to Bruce. Problem Statement Which income generating venture should the Nelson's pursue: the wine shop or fulltime employment at the dealership? ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. An Analysis Of Laura Anne Gilman's Clean Up Your Room ! In Laura Anne Gilman's comical short story, Clean Up Your Room! There is a direct dichotomy between the confliction of autonomy between AI and human life. The AI in the story comes in the form of the owner's house, and it is fully in charge of doing things that most mothers (In a first– class–western–world kind of way) do. The protagonist in the story, Jessy, is responsible for designing and creating this ingenious multi–faceted robot–abode. She named her phenomenal invention MUM. This acronym is entirely concomitant with the functions of the AI. Initially, it is quite clear that Jessy is more or less completely in charge of her life. When it comes to her sleep hours, what she eats, and when she works; She's in charge. And quite clearly, regardless ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Advertising And Social Culture And Capitalist Economy "The proper study of mankind is man, but the proper study of markets is women" (The Advertising Periodical Inc. Magazine, 1929) Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or commercial, their main objective is to get the viewers' attention in order to sell the product. Many different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print or commercial ads, to either inform or to target individuals into consuming goods. There have been constant debates surrounding females in advertisements and the ways in which women are defined through their constructed identities. Society plays a heavy hand in constructing individuals gender roles, and in turn many of our identities. Women during the 1950s and onwards have been a byproduct in advertising campaigns, their roles were limited and became repetitive overtime. A women's identity was constructed towards the ability to maintain a household, women were only ever viewed as housewives, through the multiple advertisements that conveyed images of what it meant to be a 'well rounded' caregiver, it became the only thing that was ever taught to them. Shirley Chisholm is recognized for her famously ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Essay On Black Girl Film is a series of artistic moving images that make up a story. In every film, the director visually presents the storyline, different characters, the problems they encounter and how they were deal with. There is a wide range of ways to study films of various genres. We focus on film language, genre, mise–en–scene, representation, stereotypes, etc. In Black Girl, it was depicted as an allegory and had a lot of mise–en–scene. Some examples of mise–en–scene in Black Girl includes the mask, clothing and objects in the Dakar and France homes. The mask is a very powerful symbol because it represents Diouana. In the beginning of the film, Diouana was living happily with her boyfriend and had no troubles. She wanted to seek for employment and was hired by a French couple to care for their children. When Diouana finally found ... Show more content on ... Back in the 1900s, France colonized many countries. Senegal is one of those countries that France controlled. The foreign government of France controlling Senegal is similar to the French couple deciding everything for Diouana. An example is when the French couple receives a letter from Diouana's mother and responds to the letter by writing what they want. The French couple holds a dominant position in the household and does not allow Diouana to voice her opinion. At first, Diouana was excited to go to France with the French couple because she imagined how her life would change, but she was fooled. Diouana misunderstood that she would continue to care for the children, but she was treated like a slave. It is like Diouana fell for the trap because she had to do labor on a daily basis. Diouana had a low social status, accused of many things and treated poorly. After a while, Diouana could not stand being mistreated all the time which ultimately led to her committing suicide. The director of Black Girl wanted to tell the audience that Diouana suffered a lot ever since she started working in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Double Standard Of Sexuality In The Victorian Era Women constantly face a double standard when it comes to sexuality, it's been this way for years. In fact in the Victorian era there is a huge double standard where women seemed to be on interested in sex and we're to have a high standard of sexual behavior unlike the men in that time who had powerful sexual drives and it was almost the social norm for them to have multiple sexual partners. Even today there still a double standard, it has gotten better with feminism any quality but men are still seen as superior when they have multiple sexual partners unlike women who are looked at as sluts and whores because they have multiple sexual partners. Trying to use the slut shaming, which is where women are downgraded by both men and women because ... Show more content on ... This idea of domesticity carried on and limited the women's experiences in life, for example men had a public life where they ventured off daily to compete and perform tens jobs away from the home while the woman I don't just want to go to nurture the children, tend to the home and make sure everything was taken care of. In fact in that time of the 19th century writers, preachers and reformers were advocates that the woman's place was to "be in the home." With all this being said, a large amount of women of color and working–class women also performed wage earning labor so they did have jobs outside of the home. However many of these women were unmarried who worked outside of their home for for wages, in module for the The statistic was fewer than 20% of all women worked outside of the home and those who did only 2% of them were married. When both World War I into happened many men left, to fight for the country which left lots of vacant jobs that need to be filled which is where women stepped up to the plate and became breadwinners and still manage to tend to the household all the men were off at war. After then wars is kind of ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Benefits Of Living In A Shared House In College Living in a shared house while you are in college is for sure your life experience. Either you have great, good or not that good experience, there is a high possibility that what you experience in a shared house remain in your memories for the rest of your life. One of the reasons might be the fact that you have to live with people that probably you had never seen before. Moreover, those people can be from different parts of the country. But whatever the reason, anyone who study far from his or her hometown has a strong impact on his or her life, where very positive o very negative. When a person move to another city because of college, positively influenced by the change. First of all because it is a great opportunity to expand someone's friendship, for example if the person move to a house where there are ten other students, which are usually from different towns or cities, it is a chance to have ten more friends. At the same time, it allows to know more about those owns, because despite the fact that they are in the same country and even in the same region, there are slight cultural differences such as different names for the same fruit for example. On the other hand, people's experience living in a shared house may not be the best, especially for those ones who had never been left home. For them, it might be really difficult because usually they are not used to do housework, and as they are on they are on they own, they might experience some frustration. For example, a ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Movement Of The Jewish Culture Furthermore, by using the 'feminist' interpretation within this passage, Jesus didn't want to discard tradition but wants to reform the freedom of woman from the restrictions and limitations of the rules and regulations of the Jewish culture and the tradition by bringing more equality in society. Women's lives in Jesus' time were overruled and dominated by a male figure , who were to control every aspect in their lives. This was due to the fact that women were seen to be unholy – more inclined to being sinful, and were submissive; hence one of Jesus' missions became to reform the image of women. Hence by using the 'feminist' interpretation method, I can conclude that Jesus intentions of preaching to Mary, was for him to reform the Jewish culture, by spreading hope and strength among women – standing up for a new culture and a generation which will create a new and equal society. Therefore, by using the 'feminist' interpretation within this passage, we can conclude that in Jesus' time, Jesus was a strong advocate to reforming society and allowing women to become equals to men, as God has created us all in the image and likeness of himself, hence why all humans are precious and a gift because God is precious and a gift. Jesus said "Mary has chosen the better path", which implies the message of salvation is significant to all people. Hence, everyone is eligible to listen to the words of the Lord – not just men but also women. Therefore, this passage, emphasises the message ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Fable Essay Once upon a time there lived a lanky little rat named Rudy. Rudy's fur was very dull and felt like needles. She lived in a tiny village where all the animals knew each other. Every afternoon she would meet with her friends at the riverbank to tell stories of their morning. One day Rudy scurried to the riverbank excited to share with her friends a cheesecake she had baked just for them, but when she arrived at the meeting spot, no one was there. Worried and confused, Rudy hurried in to town to look for her friends there. Just as she reached the main road, her body froze as she watched the most beautiful creature strolling through town. Rudy looked around and noticed she was not the only animal in the village mesmerized by this beautiful ... Show more content on ... Without hesitation, Rudy broke off a limb much larger than her lanky self. Struggling to drag the limb to the river, she found enough strength to sling it into the treacherous waters and keep a hold as her long tail wrapped around for a tight grip. Finally after minutes of battling with the unforgiving rapids, she caught up with the lion cub. Thankfully, the limb was just enough floatation for the both of them. Together they were able to safely find a way back to shore. Exhausted and scared to death, Rudy and the lion cub lay on the bank trying to catch their breath. Rudy's damp coat looked its usual dull color with its spikey texture. Under the alarming circumstances, she had forgotten about her desire to look beautiful. Rudy was only concerned about saving the lion cub. After a few minutes the lion cub scooped Rudy into his paws and thanked her for saving his life. Later that night, the whole town gathered to celebrate Rudy, the town hero. "Why is everyone praising me?' Rudy asked, "I am not attractive and graceful like Geraldine?' She admitted. "Do you not see Rudy, beauty is only skin deep." Replied a friend. At that moment Rudy understood. Her heart of gold shone through and was much more attractive than any outward beauty. From then on, Rudy went back to her old ways watching out for her neighbors and caring for others. Geraldine was no longer the talk of the town. Instead all of the animals mimicked Rudy's thoughtful behavior ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Little Chinese Seamstress Character Analysis Of course not everybody in the world likes to talk about exactly what they are feeling or thinking all the time. There is a certain degree of things that generally are kept private. However, in the book The Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie, the main character (who doesn't ever reveal his name to the audience, so is simply called the Narrator), comes off as an especially closed–off character– specifically in the beginning half of the story. He rarely ever speaks what he is actually thinking, which makes him a kind of difficult character to relate to. The Little Seamstress, a local beauty, has caught his eye–along with every other male in the village–, but he struggles with how to express his feelings because he is not used to doing so, and because his best friend (Luo) is dating her. On pages 161–163, Luo has left the village and asked the Narrator to keep an eye on the Little Seamstress while he is away. However, even though the Narrator keeps his word, he can't help but feel attracted to her and an inner battle between what he wants and what is right begins. In this part of the story, the Narrator feels torn between his love and affection towards the Little Seamstress and his commitment/promise to Luo. Here, the Narrator finally portrays to what extent he feels towards her, but does so very subtly (which is fitting seeing as that's who he is a character: altogether reserved). With the job that the Narrator has been tasked with, he is certainly not neglecting his ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Social Norms In Kate Chopin's The Awakening In the book, "The Awakening", the book takes place in New Orleans in the time period of the 1800s, where Enda, a supposed house wife, struggles in a marriage. In the Awakening by Kate Chopin, the setting of the book, which takes place in the 1800s, or New Orleans, sets the setting next to a lake in the woods where it is some distances from civilization, along with adding the social norm of the typical house wives. The extent of the Awakening's dependence on the setting is extremely heavy, on the fact that during the time period, the social norm was that the wives, and mothers would do the everyday house chores, and child care, and then the contributing factor of the distance from society, which would cause Mr. Pontellier to send away on business ... Show more content on ... During the events of the book, in chapters, one through four, Mr. Pontellier returns home from visiting a bar, to his surprise when he returns home, he checks on his children, and believes that one of them has fallen ill with a fever. To where after he 'discovers' the fever he wakes his wife and scolds her claiming that she neglects the children, where Mrs. Pontelier assures her husband, Mr. Pontellier, that nothing had befallen the child to make him ill that day. During the reading of the text, Mr. Pontellier states clearly that, it was the woman's job to take care of the children, and he cannot take care of them because he is so busy with work, and it's obvious to conclude that with this text, comes with a social norm of the time, where the men of the family would go out in the world and support the family, while the women tended for things at home. So with the conclusion that Women tended to problems and activates at home is a social norm, that was given as text speech from Mr. Pontellier, we can see that, because of this social norm, Edna is pressured to do a more exceptional job on taking care of the children, which causes her to struggle in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Why Kids Shouldn T Get Paid Why Should You Get Paid Hobie Bobbitt Parents don't get payed to do it. Kids shouldn't get paid for credit if the parents don't get paid. This essay is about why I think that kids should not get paid to do chores at there house. This essay will include all of the reasons why I think that. Reason one is that the parents don't get paid to do them. In the article it talks about how no one pays your dad for taking out the trash or washed the dishes. No one also pays him for mopping the floors. Chores isn't the same as having a job. The mom in the article says she would be a millionaire if she got paid for every time she done it. The next reason is that if you start doing the job so often and get paid then you will probably start to slack off. Then you will be pretty much doing nothing and will start to get money even if you aren't doing the job right. It will teach you how to do things but you will not be able to do them right. It would be like taking the money and running. It would be even worse if your parents kept paying you but they would clean up the leftover messes. ... Show more content on ... You might go to the movies every time you get paid. You could think that it'll help you but it's not really teaching you how to be good with your money if you're just wasting it. Doing something like buying things to help you for a project or buying food if you want to go out to eat could help you a lot more than buying a new video ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Girl Jamaica Kincaid Analysis Bryony Nguyen Catherine Conner English 99 20 November 2017 Girl by Jamaica Kincaid For centuries, women have had the role of being the perfect and typical house wife; needs to stay home and watch the kids, cook for husbands, tend to the laundry and chores around the house. In her short story Girl, Jamaica Kincaid give us a long one sentence story about a mother giving specific instructions to her daughter but with one question towards the end, with the daughters mother telling her daughter if she had done all the instructions to become a so called "perfect" woman, what man would not want her. Kincaids structuring in "Girl," captures a demanding and commanding tone. This short story relates feminist perspectives. The mother expects a great deal from her daughter to have a certain potential and she does not hesitate to let her daughter understand it. As a matter of fact, the story is two pages long, made into one long sentence – and almost the whole time the mother is giving her daughter directions to follow – sends a message to the reader that the mother demands and expects great potential in her daughter. The daughter is forced to listen and learn from what her mother is telling her to do to be the perfect housewife. Throughout the story, Kincaid uses the symbols of house and clothing, benna and food to represent the means of becoming a young girl to a woman and being treated like one in society. From the beginning, the house and clothing functions as the daughter has to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Apera Tobiason Research Paper Apera Tobiason is a thirty–four–year–old single mother of four daughters. On top of living with her four daughters, she also has four Chihuahuas. She works as a coach for soccer at The Enid Soccer Club and basketball at The YMCA. Though free time is rare for her, when she has the opportunity, Apera likes to visit casinos with her friends. Due to her hectic schedule, Apera doesn't have many favorite movies or television shows, though she did share that her favorite music is soul music. Over the summer she loves to visit Galveston, Texas with her family and stay in a beach house. Family is very important to Apera, as evidenced by her tattoo: a flower with the names of her four daughters on the leaves. She said that she had always planned on ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Gender Roles In 20th Century Advertising "keep her where she belongs" or "So, the harder the wife works the cuter she looks!" the truth is that ads like these were very common in the mid–20th century. Many companies used the existing gender roles to appeal to consumers, sex sells and so does gender. The 20th century was the rise of gender advertisement. Since the 20th century was the era of consumerism, it's natural to think advertisement played a huge role in the popular culture and had a huge influence on how people viewed the world. The belief that women are domestic creatures who always must be obedient to the male figures of their lives was never a new concept in the 20th century. What was new in this era of mass consumption was utilizing gender roles as a marketing technique to make a certain product more desirable for the American Society. During the 20th century, American popular culture, specifically advertising, reinforced the existing gender roles for women as the homemaker, furthermore, creating a constraint on the socially acceptable roles for women which stayed prevalent for many years. Advertisement in the mid–20th century, often depicted women as only homemakers and nothing more. Women were viewed as a trophy, they had to maintain their look, do all the housework, and make their husband happy. A psychological research done on the effectiveness of having Betty Crocker, a fictional character, promote general mill products was shown that the very gender roles of women were used to advertise their ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Managing The Effects Of Grief And Stress Essay Additionally, the death of a family member or loved one can also create stress. Most often when our loved one passes away it leaves us in an emotional state whether it means crying for days or feeling depressed. Some people react to death no matter what .There are some persons who just cannot deal with the fact that they would not be able to see the person again. In an article entitled Managing the Effects of Grief and Stress, the writer states "When you lose something or someone dear to you, chances are you'll feel a combination of emotions: depression, sadness, frustration, shock and fear. Your body reacts to grief too; you'll certainly feel tired. You can also feel physically weak as if all your strength has drained away and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Personal Narrative: Congestive Heart Failure I worked with a 97–year–old female patient admitted to our skilled nursing facility due to frequent falls at home and exacerbation of Congestive Heart Failure. She was born and brought up in a small town in Texas. Her husband was in navy when they moved to Alameda (California) during the second world war. Ms. Jones (Pseudonym) was a homemaker and took care of the family most of her life. She lived with her son and grandchildren. She was independent in basic activities of daily living, cooking, light household chores prior to hospitalization. She used to cook and bake until a few weeks ago when her condition started to deteriorate. Upon occupational therapy evaluation, Ms. Jones was deconditioned from the recent hospitalization and required ... Show more content on ... Jones was refusing to engage in therapy session because she felt that exercises and balance activity are for men. Moreover, she felt that women her age should engage in sophisticated activity. She believed that women from her generation were taught to that taking care of the family is a priority and she never had time to do exercises or go to the gym. Ms. Jones lived with her son and teenage grandsons and wanted to be independent with independent with toileting, dressing, and bathing. She didn't want to be a burden on her son and grandchildren. She wanted to continue with cooking and baking for her grandchildren after discharging ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Housework Research Paper Domestic science involves cleaning the house, making food, and running errands. Housework assignments bore most of the population with nothing at the end to obtain except self gratification. However, homemakers tolerate a long duration to learn but, for some it is inherent; unfortunately, for me, I have been struggling for 20 years. Granted, homemaking requires dedicated commitment and can be frustrating at times, but the accomplishment would be self–fulfilling. Above all, learning to strategize and formulate habits ultimately grows into an outstanding housekeeper. Domestic science involves cleaning the house, making food, and running errands. Housework assignments bore most of the population with nothing at the end to obtain except self gratification. However, homemakers tolerate a long duration to learn but, for some it is inherent; unfortunately, for me, I have been struggling for 20 years. Granted, homemaking requires dedicated commitment and can be frustrating at times, but the accomplishment would be self–fulfilling. Above all, learning to strategize and formulate habits ultimately grows into an outstanding housekeeper. ... Show more content on ... Housework assignments bore most of the population with nothing at the end to obtain except self gratification. However, homemakers tolerate a long duration to learn but, for some it is inherent; unfortunately, for me, I have been struggling for 20 years. Granted, homemaking requires dedicated commitment and can be frustrating at times, but the accomplishment would be self–fulfilling. Above all, learning to strategize and formulate habits ultimately grows into an outstanding ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Gender Differences in TV Malcolm in the Middle Television holds an important part in most of our lives. From a young age, we spend countless hours sitting in front of a television set. Every year there are new shows created, and our favorite shows are renewed for another season. There are numerous programs to choose from. Television broadcasts are free, and there are also paid options for more diverse programming. We are fortunate enough to be able to spend on average a third of our leisure time watching television all from the comfort of our homes. Given the incredible reach that television has on our lives, we can say that television has a significant impact on our lives. Authors, Renzetti and Curran, claim that television is a profound socializing ... Show more content on ... As previously mentioned, Renzetti and Curran, make several claims about the kind of gendered messages that we as a society receive via our favorite television shows. I selected three other claims to see whether or not they held true for "Malcolm in the Middle." The first claim is that "female characters are more likely than men to use sex or romantic charm to get what they want. Men, in contrast, are more likely than women to use physical force." I recorded each instance of use or threat of physical force and whether it was a man or woman who did so. Each instance of sex or romantic charm was also recorded according to which sex used that technique. Another claim was "only 28% of women are shown on the job compared to 41% of male characters." I kept a tally of characters that were shown on the job or made any reference to their jobs. The last claim I chose to analyze was that men on television are rarely shown doing housework (one to three percent compared to twenty to twenty–seven percent of women). I kept a tally of each instance that a household chore was done and whether it was a man or woman who took care of the task. The first claim that I analyzed was that women are more likely to use charm and men are more likely to use physical force held true according to my sample. There were three instances of using charm. Hal, the father, did so once. Lois, the mother, did so the other two times. The second ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Role Of Traditional Household Gender Roles "Gender relations are not confined to the domestic arena – although households constitute an important institutional site on which gender relations are played out – but are made, remade and contested in a range of institutional arenas"(Changing Gender Relations In The Household). In parallel to this statement, women and men have always had their own perceive norm within the household. Women are traditionally homemakers and men assume the sole status of breadwinner. However, in modern day society men are becoming more open to the idea of gender equality in regards to family roles. Mothers and society are socializing individuals with this norm. Currently, there is a gradual transition from a male dominant society to gender equality. This paper will look at the impact of traditional household gender roles by analyzing the following questions: 1. Why is there a gender shift in household gender roles? 2. What is the impact of balancing work and a family? 3. What are the benefits for the family? 4. Is gender equality within a family positively affecting society? By understanding how this change has come about, predictions can be made to determine how this will impact the future, to see if this will change situations outside of the home that are gender sensitive, and to see if this will give a people a broader perspective to work with. Why is there a gender shift in household gender roles? Influenced by the ever changing society, the household gender roles are transforming. Due an ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Consumer Culture And Economic Development Of Western Cultures Consumer Culture is at the root of all social, political and economic development of western cultures for the past three hundred years. Advertisements become a key role in creating ideological messages and meanings. In a consumer culture and capitalist economy, advertisement becomes a tool used by corporations to influence the minds of the buyer. When a company produces an ad or commercial, their main objective is to get the viewers' attention in order to sell the product. Many different methods are used to lure an audience in; tactics may include print or commercial ads, to either inform or to target individuals into consuming goods. There have been constant debates surrounding females in advertisements and the ways in which women are defined through their constructed identities. Society plays a heavy hand in constructing individuals gender roles, and in turn many of our identities. Women during the 1950s and onwards have been a byproduct in advertising campaigns, their roles were limited and became repetitive overtime. A women's identity was constructed towards the ability to maintain a household, women were only ever viewed as housewives, through the multiple advertisements that conveyed images of what it meant to be a 'well rounded' caregiver, it became the only thing that was ever taught to them. Shirley Chisholm is recognized for her famously outspoken quote, where she truthful states that; "Emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins the ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Semiothic Of The Kitchen, By Martha Rosler Semiothic of the kitchen is a video art produced by Martha Rosler in the 1975. This video is a classic piece of feminist art work. During 1960s , women was expected to marry in her 20s. They were expected to follow this path and devote their life to homemaking. This make the wives spending an average of 55 hours a week of their times on domestic chores. For some reason, this feels unfair and make them feel unwelcomed and limited in every respect. Martha rosler remarked about this work that "when the woman speaks, she names her own oppression. So what does she mean by that? Generally women are being treated like a moron. They were generally unwelcome in professional programs. This description evokes outrage among women's. In the video, ... Show more content on ... So what are the differences between both of the video besides of the similarities on the gender issues? Video art is a non story telling. It is usually more abstract. The image and the signal showed are usually odd making the viewer's confuse and unsure about the massage that the artist trying to show. For example, in the Semiothic of the kitchen. The moment that the video start, Martha rosler is already in her action. She started by introducing various types of kitchen tools through the alphabet from A to Z and demonstrates the used of each tools without explaining why she does that. Only after you read the synopsis of the video then you can get a clear understanding of the purpose. Unlike video art, film art has story lines. In the safe film, the director shows how the the character developed from being a normal housewife to a sick person. Usually viewers can easily understand even there is no narrator in the movie. Another obvious differences is the duration of the video. Usually video art tends to be shorter that a film. The duration for example are six minute and 9 second for the video art but for the safe film, the duration is one hour and forty nine minutes. It is possible for video art to be longer than usual but it is not possible for a movie to be shorter than forty five minutes. This is because the minimum duration for a movie are usually 45minutes. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Macy's Fatigue Study Critics initially assumed that Frank was the genius behind all of the couple's works and assessments of factory productivity. He, of course, was the male of the couple and therefore the credit was most often his. People in this era had a hard time acknowledging women's accomplishments, especially hers because of her husband's place in assisting to get her name out into the world. Lillian began to be included however and slowly she began to rise. Together, the two established a Fatigue Study in which they published under both of their names in 1917. They additionally published an Applied Motion Study in England and Germany. Many of their lectures also became known and they covered precision, motion devices, and industrial opportunity. Lillian ... Show more content on ... Five of her six sons were serving in the armed forces and she herself was also serving as a management consultant at an Army plant in Brooklyn, New York. This is where she managed personnel restructuring and worker training. This program grew from a few hundred people to a few thousand people within the time she started the program. She also developed exercise programs for older women and the programs allowed them to keep up with the younger women. After she retired from Purdue in 1948, she went on to teach at Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey where she taught for two years. She then taught at Formosa from 1953 to 1954 and then the University of Wisconsin in 1955. Lillian Gilbreth was very active into her eighties with writing and speaking of management (Sitaru). Lillian received many awards and honors, including over twenty honorary degrees (Gilbreth, 1998). In 1921, she was given membership in the Society of Industrial Engineers, which was almost unheard of as an accomplishment for her gender at the time. Lillian was also awarded the first Gilbreth Medal from the same institution ten years later for her contributions to management. In 1924, she was elected into the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and was chair of the Management Division's meeting on the psychology of management. Lillian was also named a Fellow of the American ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Analysis Of Svava Jakobsdottir 's A Story For Children Through the eyes of society everyone has a set role they are expected to fulfill and certain characteristics they are supposed to exemplify. These roles and characteristics, this discourse, tells everyone how they should act and speak. For women it is the role of the mother. In our culture, that means raising the children, completing the household chores, and cooking all of the meals to perfection. Women are typical thought of as being demure and polite, small in stature, and submissive to the male gender. In the reverse, men also have certain roles that they are expected to fill and characteristics they are supposed to exemplify. Men are expected to be strong, dominant, and in charge of their families. They are often depicted, both in the media and in life, as the leaders. This discourse that we all follow can frequently be seen in Svava Jakobsdottir's "A Story for Children." The short story tells the tale of a woman as she raises her children and takes care of her household. The mother is completely devoted to her children and seeks to fulfill her role in the home to the fullest extent. As the story progresses, the main character slowly has pieces of herself removed by her children: her toe, her brain, and finally her heart. At the end of the text, after all of the children have become adults started families of their own, the mother realizes that she now has nothing and feels useless. In her short story, Jakobsdottir uses dramatization to depict the gender stereotypes and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Description Of A Woman Like Me Essay A woman like me in Rome B.C could not be compared to the average woman. My appearance physically was not of the norm for the time period. Modern day it wouldn't appear too strange that I stood 6'3 but during a time when the average height for a man was 5'5 while a woman would stand 5'1 people did find it rather strange. My height I could not hide, my immortality wasn't any easier. My immortality was a good thing at 40. "Oh my you look so youthful, you haven't aged a day, don't be coy what's your secret?" People at my village would say. By the time I was 60 those compliments turned into gossip and rumor "I heard she bathes in blood, she must be a witch, "they'd say. One thing that I am able to hide about myself is the abilities that I was born with. I have great strengths comparable to the mythical Hercules. I could travel at great speeds like Greek God Hermes. I could bring a raging beast to a standstill like Goddess Artemis. Those are merely myths. Hercules, Artemis, Hermes are just myths, right? Or are they Legends? My name is Diana Prince and I think I might be the last Amazon. We moved to Rome a few years prior to my 50th Birthday. People were catching on to my immortality, asking questions that I myself couldn't even answer. I left my best friends behind, my father who was recently widowed. He refused to move to any Roman kingdom. He refused to adopt the roman culture. So he stayed behind on the farm that has been in the family for several generations. Rome ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Comparing Women In Daystar By Rita Dove And Linda Pastan There is a drastic contrast between the lives of women from the 50s, 60s and perhaps the 70s to the lives of women today. In the 1950/60s the wife would be responsible for cleaning the home, hanging the wash on the line to sun–dry, sew clothes, bake and be the caretaker of the children. This was her role in society and her household. Today, the wife may work part or full time, juggle children to childcare, school and sports activities, all the while trying to maintain a household. For the most part, gone are the days when the wife was considered an item within the household and women have now earned their marks in society. Some would question if women have actually made things harder for themselves and have taken away some of the joys of a simpler life. The poems of Rita Dove and Linda Pastan shed a light on the less talked about side of being a housewife throughout the second half of the 1900s. Things were not as pleasant and simple as one may believe. Rita Dove's "Daystar" speaks of a woman's daily routine as a housewife. On a deeper level, this poem speaks to the need experienced by this housewife to have something of her very own. Throughout the day, she is a maid and caretaker; at night she fulfills her wifely duties. Everything has become mundane, even down to her lovemaking with her husband evidenced through her statement "Thomas rolled over and lurched into her." The speaker is trapped behind the needs of her husband and children and is desperate for an ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Period Of The Antebellum South The period of the antebellum south was among the most burdensome times for African American slaves, especially females. During the early 1800s the lives of enslaved women were extremely demanding. The female slaves were expected to bear children, as well as were required to work just as hard as the male slaves on the plantation. Days were long and laborious for slave mothers, they had to make sure that all the work that needed to be done was completed, and also care for their children. Female slaves' jobs varied from housework, to field work. Slave mothers knew that giving up on their work was not an option, they had to persevere for their families. Motherhood and work went hand in hand for female slaves, one was not able to do one and not the other. Field labor was an unavoidable task that was fulfilled by nearly all slaves in the antebellum south. There was no gender discrimination in the fields, female slaves had to perform almost all of the plantation chores. Some of the chores female slaves were obligated to complete were picking, hoeing, plowing, mending fences, burning fields, weeding, planting, and harvesting. The work day was long and grueling, slaves worked from sunrise to the sunset. Working the fields was a strenuous job, however it was not done alone. They acquired the opportunity to work beside other female slaves. The groups of female slaves in the fields were called gangs. The gangs often sang, talked quietly, and passed along confidential information. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. 20th Century Feminism In the last half of the twentieth century, women fought a desperate struggle against society and public policy to work outside of the home for money. For decades women fought for equality and struggled for the right of equal opportunity employment. Societal norms and values defined a woman's role and that was to run the household. However, the closer the end of the twentieth century came, the more economic conditions required two incomes household for families to subsist. From 1940–1960 the number of working mothers increased 400 percent and by 1960 one– third of all female workers had children below the age of eighteen. Under pressure because of the staggering statistics, in 1961 President Kennedy appointed a Presidential Commission on the Status of Women to study opportunities and barriers for women in American society (Organizing Their Lives: Women, Work, and Family, 1950–2000). It initiated the feminist movement of the 1960's and 1970's. Women were already working, but were hostages to society's expectations. The following was the general consensus of many women of the last half of the twentieth century; "Personal is highly political; our individual freedom in organizing our households, our families, our work lives, our sex lives, and our reproductive lives is profoundly shaped by the nation's public policies" (Organizing Their Lives: Women, Work, and Family, 1950– 2000). To further analyze this topic, it is important to understand multiple types of sources from this ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. English Vinglish ENGLISH VINGLISH (2012) Plot English Vinglish is an Indian comedy drama film that revolves around Shashi (Sridevi), a homemaker, a wife and a mother of two children. Sashi Godbole, apart from managing her household which she regards as her first priority, runs a small business of selling ladoos. Her assiduous work in her home is taken for granted by her husband Satish and daughter Sapna. Satish is a charming man but not so charming when he discredits her wife's ladoo business and asks her to close it down. However, what saddens her the most is her incapacity to speak English which is often ridiculed by both her husband and daughter. Sashi, juggling between her insecurity as an individual and homemaker, is soon faced by the challenge of traveling ... Show more content on ... Not so much. Gauri Shindey's movie is definitely an eye–opener as far as persistence of gender roles and linguistic hegemony is concerned. It may also lead you to think that it "smashes patriarchal norms". But does it? Motherhood is still considered a central tenet of female identity. This becomes starkly evident when Sashi's son gets hurt and she fails to attend him immediately because of her English class. She cries frantically as if she has committed a crime, feels guilty that how she can neglect her family and think about herself. She declares that her priority in life is her responsibility towards her family and not her own happiness. Sashi's choice of coming back with her husband can evoke multiple interpretations. We might wonder whether this decision is prompted by her respect towards Indian values and roots or it is the patriarchal ideology that she has internalized all through her life which makes her compromise with her own desires and priorities. English being the lingua franca in India has established itself so firmly that even in the movie Sashi attains a sense of pride and worth after she delivers the moving speech in English at her niece's wedding for which she got a distinction by her teacher. However, India's ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Frank's Immigration Narrative On April 3rd, 2017, I called my neighbor, Frank, to talk about the story of his family's immigration. Frank had ancestors who moved to the United States from Germany more than 100 years ago that kept a journal that has been with his family ever since it was recorded. He told me that a long time ago, George and Jean, both residents of Germany, fell in love and got married to each other. After spending some time together in Germany, they decided that they were going to immigrate to the United States. "Living in the United States to them meant all that freedom implied. A land where they found a home where they could raise their children in a land of the free and the brave." George and Jean sailed across the Atlantic Ocean for ten weeks before ... Show more content on ... Money was always scarce. They had to consider each decision they made with their money. When the family was moving to another farm, they had to cross the Mississippi River. There was a toll bridge that needed to be crossed in order to get to the other side, but George did not want to cross the bridge because that would mean that they would have to give up some of their money. So, instead of paying to cross the toll bridge, the family decided to cross over the ice. The day after they had crossed the ice, there was another group of people who crossed it but the ice had broken and resulted in all of the people to drown. George's family found out about this quite a bit later because it took a long time for new to get spread ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Did Ww2 Change People's Lives One event can change the course of people's lives. World War 2, for example, transformed the role of women. They stepped in to fill labor positions while the men were at war. Women soon realized they were capable of working as doctors, electricians, mail carriers and other occupations after experiencing it. That is when the workforce expanded for women. Another way World War 2 changed women's lives in a less obvious way was the fact that, once the war ended and the men returned, women were under extreme societal pressure to marry the returned soldiers. Women felt like it was their duty to serve these men due to social norms. It was thought that these men, after serving the country heroically, deserved to have a woman by their side serving them ... Show more content on ... Laura Brown had the life others might perceive as more than satisfying in terms of wealth and relationship. However, she was anything but happy. She felt imprisoned, insecure and depressed. It was only after she made the tough decision of leaving that she finally achieved happiness. However, by doing so, Richard start to feel inner feeling of failure as well. Cunningham's novel suggests that life is complicated and that it is common for people to feel depressed even when they seem to have everything according to society's standards. There is nothing wrong with this feeling or with the person feeling this. Through Laura Brown, Cunningham is able to convey effectively that happiness cannot be determined or imposed from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Should Housewives Get Paid? Should Housewives Get Paid? Housewives is one the hardest and difficult jobs in the world. Staying at home mothers work every day; they work more hours than the working people. They have so many chores to do like cleaning, cooking, and many other hard chores. The work that they do is magnificent and remarkable. Other people will argue that is not necessary to give money to housewives because it is their reasonability for taking care of their children and the house. However, housewives should get paid because they are doing a hard job and they deserve it. One main reason for this argument is housewives deserve to be paid because of all the hard work that they do. Stay at home mothers work from the morning until late at night. The article "Should stay–at–home moms receive a salary?"(2013) the author claims that housewives should receive salary because they are hardworking people. Housewives do not have personal leisure time because the house needs to be cleaned, meals have to be cooked, and this all leaves the mother no time for her own personal space. Teachers who teach children for 7 hours are getting paid; nannies that take care of the children for limited time are getting paid, maids who ... Show more content on ... Rao (2013) writes in his article "Should housewives be paid salaries?" that staying at home mothers must not receive salary because the responsibility of the chores that they do is private. It may be true that housewives must not get paid for their services. However, people should realize that housewives are doing a job, personal or not there is labor involved. Likewise, it is important to remember that housewives are working every day, and every hour without any breaks that they can relax. Housewives can help their family if they get paid or put their money into insurance, save it for the future and use it if ... Get more on ...