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Why we have become the 5th
ape ?
Faisal Rahman
In the scientific community it is a known fact
that the man is the 5Th ape . But no body
could yet answer the question why we
have become the 5th Ape?
Author of this thesis tries to answer this
question by combining Darwinism with
Quantum Mechanics and mysticism.
The basic premises is there is a large scale
Quantum Mechanics . Heliocentric system
is complementarity of the Geocentric
When Galileo observed the heaven with a
telescope it acted like a Heisenberg’s
probing instrument and the reality shifted.
The universe became Copernican and laws
of the Copernican universe forced us to
evolve from the Apes.
• The Copernican theory and Darwinism are
• When the Earth became the subject of the
Sun , the Sun became the God . And we
have become sun worshippers.
• This Heliolatry inside Heliocentrism forced
us to become monkey.
Quantum Mechanics
• The Double Slit experiment:
• If we throw waves through the two slits
as seen in the picture, What will happen ?
• The waves will go through both the slits
simultaneously and will produce an
interference pastern on the wall as seen in
the picture because crests and troughs of
the wave will cancel each other where
they impose on each other and wave
amplitude will increase where crests will
fall on crest and trough on trough.
• On the other hand if a particle goes
through any of the slits it will produce a
particle like pattern on the wall , as seen
in the picture. Because particle are solid
• In large scale ( our size ) nature particles
and wave are separate entities.
• But in quantum level wave , particle and
measurement phenomenon , all gets inter
Now if a quantum, an electron, is thrown
trough the slit it will produce an
interference pattern as if it is a wave. And
went through both of the slits
But if a observer or detector exists in front of
the slits to measure the motion of the
electron . The Electron produces a particle
like pattern on the wall as if it is a particle
and went through only one slit.
So the observation process changing the
reality . When a Quantum is not observed
it is wave but when observed it is particle.
• The Delayed choice experiment:
• This experiment has same setup, only this
time the detectors are behind the wall or
• Two detectors are set behind the screen
in alignment with each of the slits. Now an
electron is projected, from previous
experiment we know it will go through
both slits simultaneously and will produce
a wave pattern on the screen. Now What
if the screen is flipped right at the
moment when the electron touches the
screen ? Usually one might think the both
the detectors will register a catch.
• Because the electron went through both
the slits simultaneously.
• But in reality only one of the two
detectors register a measurement.
• So what happened ? The electron
journeyed as a wave went through both of
the slits but at the last moment it became
a particle ,as if it went through only one
slit !
• The observation process changes history.
• The Double slit experiment says
observation not only alters reality but it
changes the history also.
• J .Bronowski says what Max born meant
was that the reality is nothing solid , it is
connected to our perception. Reality shifts
under our gaze.
• ( Bronowski,1973 ; p-364)
• This is first of my basic premises, Our
observation changes reality and also
The Double Reality
• There is a broad line that runs over
the 1500AD . The science and politics
before and after the 1500AD is totally
opposite , as shown in the table on
the opposite page. This line on 1500
AD is called the Renaissance . But my
opinion is this is not Renaissance ,
Rather this is the line where the
reality shifted , this line divides the
universe into two. At 1500AD
Geocentric reality changed into
Heliocentric one.
• This is why physics and human
behavior also changed.
Before 1500
After 1500
Astronomy Geocentric Heliocentric
Heat Caloric Molecular
atom Indivisible divisible
anatomy Galen’s Harvey’s
Means of
Manual Machine
politics Monarchy Democracy
The pictogram on the opposite page
demonstrates my hypothesis.
When the universe was
Geocentric , heat was Caloric , so
no combustion engine was
possible. But At 1500s the reality
became Heliocentric , The sun
became a Nuclear reactor; heat
became molecular motion . So it
became possible to make
• In the pictogram on the opposite
page shows when the Earth was
at the center the king was the
center of power . But at 1500s
when the earth shifted from the
center , the king also shifted
from the center of power.
• This why After the Copernican
revolution the monarchs began
to disappear. Politics changed
because physical reality changed.
To think historically after the Copernican
revolution came machines. After
1700 came steam engine with it
came American Revolution (1776)
and The French Revolution (1789).
The firs phase of the down fall of the
kings. In 1900 came automobiles and
airplanes with them came Socialism
(1917) , the last phase of the
dethroning of the kings. So it is the
machine or Copernican system that
killed the Kings.
Scientifically I think Astronomical
systems are like sub atomic particles .
Astronomical unit = Sub atomic
Like Subatomic particle they are
subjected to Complementarity
When unobserved with a telescope
universe is Geocentric , but when
observed with telescope it is
astronomy – telescope = Geocentric
Astronomy + telescope = Heliocentric
I think like Leptons and Quarks a total
atomic system also obeys
complementarity principle. Suppose
when unobserved with an instrument
atoms are indivisible but when we
made observation it became a Bohr
Atom – Microscope = Dalton model
Atom + Microscope = Bohr Model
In that sense when we observed atoms
around 1900 , reality also shifted.
• The Entire universe follows
Complementarity or the
Uncertainty principle. Leptons
follow wave –particle Duality.
Atoms follow Dalton –Bohr
duality . The universe follow
Ptolemaic –Copernican Duality.
• Basically there is a double reality
one is complementary of another.
The large scale observer effect
• To understand we make an imaginary
equation ,
• Heisenberg’s Microscope = Galileo's
• As like an imaginary Heisenberg
Microscope scatters the position of
an electron Galileo’s Telescope is a
metaphor that depicts that stars also
get scattered by our observation or
• From 1500s people were thinking
of the Copernican system.
• This constant thought altered the
position of the Earth and the Sun
Universe became Heliocentric
from a geocentric initial state.
We use Galileo’s telescope as
metaphor. In 1600 when Galileo
observed the heavens with his
telescope . Position of the earth
and the sun got scattered . Sun
came to the centre and earth
went to the brim . As seen in the
• Previously when the world was
Ptolemaic we were the sons of
the Gods. But when the universe
became Copernicus by dint of our
activity we became sons of
Monkey . As Like Quantum
Delayed choice experiment , our
observation changed our past
history . our ancestor was some
God in previous reality , but in
this reality it’s a monkey.
The reality is just probability .
(Campbell 2012). These
probability waves are hidden
inside a box . They are
observation sensitive . If we try to
watch them they vanish.
Now the Heavens is naturally that
box . It should not be opened .
But in 1500s we made a mistake
we opened that box ,by probing
in to sky with instruments . That
is why reality shifted and we have
become sons of monkey.
Heliocentrism and Heliolatry
• We have argued that We have
become ape by dint of the
Copernican system. But Why ?
Why Copernican system force us
to become the 5th Ape ?
Because Heliocentrism is heliolatry
we start with General Relativity ,
We know F=ma and F=mg ;
therefore a=g.
• If a moving car suddenly stops ,
the passenger in side the car will
experience an inertia . As if he is
pulled toward the front by an
invisible force.
• Now again suppose car at rest
and a huge mass is put in front of
the car . The passenger inside the
car will experience a force that is
pulling him toward the front. In
this case it is gravity . So gravity is
indistinguishable from the inertia.
• Gravity is a pseudo force.
• Now in lieu of this simple huge
mass we put a huge stone made
idol of a god in front of the car .
What will happen ? The
passenger inside the car will
experience the same pulling force
of gravity. as if he is bowing in
front of a god.
• So gravity is indistinguishable
from idolatry.
• Gravity = idolatry.
• We know from general relativity
• gravity = curvature space
• Thus the curvature of space
contains idolatry inside it.
• The curved space has a hidden
sinister like force, that is idolatry .
This sinister force is the cause ;
why we are the progeny of the
• Another way to put it , is this , in
Heliocentrism the Earth originated
from the sun ( Chamberlin, Moulton ;
1905) and revolves around sun .
Which means The Sun is our father ,
• Sun is our god . Sun = God .
• We go around the sun , that is we
worship the sun. So Heliocentrism is
• Scientifically we are sun worshippers.
• This is the problem with
Copernican system , it contains
Heliolatry inside .
• For this sinister force of
Heliolatry we automatically
evolve from the monkey in a
Copernican reality.
The Galileo affairs
• Now I am going to break the
mystery surrounding the Galileo
• Why Galileo was put to trial for
propagating the Copernican
theory ? Why Vatican was so
afraid of this theory?
• We have to understand first that
ancient people were aware of the
Consciousness based Quantum
measurement theory. the
universe is subjective.
• What Vatican was trying to say , is
this, The God is the ultimate
observer and The Christ is the
God . The Christ born on earth
means the ultimate Observer
born on earth . The man is the
son of God .So the man has the
power to make the heaven
revolve around it. There fore
naturally the universe is
• The problem with the
Copernican system is that it is an
anti-Christian and a pagan theory
• Man revolves around The sun
means man is sun worshipper.
• The universe is subjective . If man
believes in Copernican system, it
will be one. And as a result of
committing heliolatry man will
become pigs and monkeys.
• This is why the Vatican
imprisoned Galileo.
• The Vatican clergy men were wise
men , they were just trying to
prevent the reality form shifting.
• Trying to prevent man, the son of
gods , from becoming son of
• But their attempt failed ; the
satanic Copernicans won and as
a result we have become sons of
• We have become Heliolater and
a monkey has become our fore
father . What a fall from the
divinity .
• The Christian creation theory is
not false the point is we are those
unfortunate sons of Adam who
has become monkey , for the sin
of believing in the Copernican
• In 19th century when Darwin came ; he
realized what harm has been done by
dint of Galileo's observation . The reality
shifted ; the entire natural history altered
. we have become the offspring of
• The Ancestors of the 19th century man is
a monkey , in lieu of a God !
• That ‘s why he called it “The descent
(=Fall) of Man “.
• Darwinism = f (Galileo's Observation)
• The Reality is subjective, it depends
on our observation. Previously the
reality was Ptolemaic and mans were
the sons of God . But in 1500s when
man wanted to observe the heavens
with instrument , the reality shifted ,
it became Copernican.
• As, Heliocentrism = heliolatry , the
man became the sons of an inferior
creature , the monkey , for the sin of
heliolatry.. The natural history of man
is changed. We are scientific
heliolaters and that’s why we are
scientific monkey.
• We believe in the Copernican theory ,
that’s why we are the progeny of the
“et cogitare ex Copernici doctrina. Ergo,
ego sum simius ”(I think of the
Copernican theory . Therefore, I am a
monkey )
• We are suffering from the “ Monkey
Condition “. I order to get out of this
monkey conditions we have to do the
following things:
• A. We have to destroy all the telescopes.
• B. We have to burn all the references to
the Copernican system.
• C . We have to reestablish the
• Now the reader of this text will be able to
answer the following questions :
1. What could be the nature of a large scale
quantum mechanics?
2. Why we have become the 5th ape ?
3. What is the relationship between
Darwinism and Copernicanism ?
4. Why the Vatican excommunicated
Supplementary :Islamic interpretation
of Darwinism and Copernicanism.
• This section is devoted to the
interpretation of Darwinism and
Copernicanism in the Light o f
• Also in the light of subjectivism
that is found in Quantum
The Quran preaches Geocentricism.
• The Qur'an mentions numerous times that
the sun and the moon travel in an orbit,
but does not mention once that the earth
does too. This is consistent with a earth-
centered (geocentric) view of the cosmos
that places a motionless earth at the
center of the universe and all "heavenly
bodies" travel around the earth.
Tellingly, the sun's orbit is always
mentioned in the context of night and day.
This is a huge point here, it leads to the
conclusion that it is probable that the
author of the Quran believed in a
geocentric view of the solar system.
• Here is an example: 21:033
"And He is the One who created the
night and the day and the sun and
the moon, each in an orbit
• Another example is :
• Do you not see that Allah causes the
night to enter the day and causes the
day to enter the night and has
subjected the sun and the moon,
each running [its course] for a
specified term, and that Allah, with
whatever you do, is Acquainted?
(Quran 31:29)
• So it is beyond reasonable doubt that
Quran Espouses Geocentricism.
• Then the question comes, If
Heliocentric theory is scientific why it
preaches Geocentricism.?
• The answer is The Quran espouses a
greater Scientific theory ! The
Consciousness based Quantum
measurement theory !
• The reality is Subjective . It depends
on human belief whether the
universe is Heliocentric or Geocentric
. And the Quran Urges us to make
the universe geocentric.
The Value of the sun.
• The Sun is not value free. If we put it
on a orbit around the earth , it
becomes Mohammedan , It goes
around the kabba .
• But if we put the sun at the centre
it becomes a God .
• In a Heliocentric universe the
Kabba goes around the sun .
• So the man automatically
becomes heliolaters , this the
problem with the Copernican
system , it is heliolatry .
• We are scientifically heliolaters,
• (Mushrik)
• And from the Theory of Evolution
we know that Scientifically we are
• So what we got here ?
• We are scientifically heliolaters (
• And we are scientifically apes.
Ape theory in Quran
• 5:60 :-Then say: "Should I inform you
[People of the Book] of those, who
will have even worse recompense
from Allah than the transgressors?
They are those whom Allah has
cursed; who have been under His
wrath; some of whom were turned
into apes and swine; who worshipped
taghut [the devil or idols]; those are
the people who are in a far worse
plight and who have turned farthest
away from the Right Way.
• Then we can say that according
to Quran’s formula , Mushriks
turn into apes.
• So ,
• Mushrik = Ape
• Or Heliolaters =Ape
• This is the reason we have
become “the sons of ape “.
• By believing in the Copernican
system ,we have become
Heliolaters ( Mushrik)
,thenceforth , we became apes
according to Quran’s formula.
• According to “ The Consciousness
based Quantum Measurement
theory” , the universe is
subjective . This is the principle of
Quran and Bible.
• They tell us to believe in the
geocentric universe because this
the probability chosen by Allah.
• Copernican system is Anti –
Islamic ,therefore pagan (
• This the reason why Aristotelians
were so afraid of the Copernican
• Universe is subjective ; if we
believe in the Copernican system
,the universe would be
Copernican and the man would
becomes apes.
• And (remember) when your Lord
said to the angels: ‘I am going to
create a human (Adam) from
sounding clay of altered black
smooth mud. So when I have
fashioned him and breathed into
him (his) soul created by Me,
then you fall down prostrate to
him.” (Quran 38:71-72)
• (Quran5:60 ):-Then say:
"Should I inform you [People of
the Book] of those, who will
have even worse recompense
from Allah than the
transgressors? They are those
whom Allah has cursed; who
have been under His wrath;
some of whom were turned
into apes and swine; who
worshipped taghut [the devil
or idols]; those are the people
who are in a far worse plight
and who have turned farthest
away from the Right Way.
• Now, the connection between Quran
(38:71) and Quran ( 5:60) and (Quran
:21:33) is established.
• God created Adam in a Geocentric
universe , but when man believed in
the Copernican theory reality shifted
, universe became heliocentric and
man became ” sons of apes”
According to Quran’s Formula.
Why  we have become the 5th ape ?

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  • 1. Why we have become the 5th ape ? Faisal Rahman
  • 2. Introduction In the scientific community it is a known fact that the man is the 5Th ape . But no body could yet answer the question why we have become the 5th Ape? Author of this thesis tries to answer this question by combining Darwinism with Quantum Mechanics and mysticism. The basic premises is there is a large scale Quantum Mechanics . Heliocentric system is complementarity of the Geocentric system. When Galileo observed the heaven with a telescope it acted like a Heisenberg’s probing instrument and the reality shifted. The universe became Copernican and laws of the Copernican universe forced us to evolve from the Apes.
  • 3. • The Copernican theory and Darwinism are connected. • DARWINISM=f (COPERNICAN THEORY) • When the Earth became the subject of the Sun , the Sun became the God . And we have become sun worshippers. • This Heliolatry inside Heliocentrism forced us to become monkey.
  • 5. • The Double Slit experiment: • If we throw waves through the two slits as seen in the picture, What will happen ? • The waves will go through both the slits simultaneously and will produce an interference pastern on the wall as seen in the picture because crests and troughs of the wave will cancel each other where they impose on each other and wave amplitude will increase where crests will fall on crest and trough on trough.
  • 6. • On the other hand if a particle goes through any of the slits it will produce a particle like pattern on the wall , as seen in the picture. Because particle are solid matter. • In large scale ( our size ) nature particles and wave are separate entities. • But in quantum level wave , particle and measurement phenomenon , all gets inter twined.
  • 7. Now if a quantum, an electron, is thrown trough the slit it will produce an interference pattern as if it is a wave. And went through both of the slits simultaneously. . But if a observer or detector exists in front of the slits to measure the motion of the electron . The Electron produces a particle like pattern on the wall as if it is a particle and went through only one slit. So the observation process changing the reality . When a Quantum is not observed it is wave but when observed it is particle.
  • 8. • The Delayed choice experiment: • This experiment has same setup, only this time the detectors are behind the wall or screen. • Two detectors are set behind the screen in alignment with each of the slits. Now an electron is projected, from previous experiment we know it will go through both slits simultaneously and will produce a wave pattern on the screen. Now What if the screen is flipped right at the moment when the electron touches the screen ? Usually one might think the both the detectors will register a catch.
  • 9. • Because the electron went through both the slits simultaneously. • But in reality only one of the two detectors register a measurement. • So what happened ? The electron journeyed as a wave went through both of the slits but at the last moment it became a particle ,as if it went through only one slit ! • The observation process changes history. • The Double slit experiment says observation not only alters reality but it changes the history also.
  • 10.
  • 11. • J .Bronowski says what Max born meant was that the reality is nothing solid , it is connected to our perception. Reality shifts under our gaze. • ( Bronowski,1973 ; p-364) • This is first of my basic premises, Our observation changes reality and also history.
  • 13. • There is a broad line that runs over the 1500AD . The science and politics before and after the 1500AD is totally opposite , as shown in the table on the opposite page. This line on 1500 AD is called the Renaissance . But my opinion is this is not Renaissance , Rather this is the line where the reality shifted , this line divides the universe into two. At 1500AD Geocentric reality changed into Heliocentric one. • This is why physics and human behavior also changed. Before 1500 AD After 1500 AD Astronomy Geocentric Heliocentric Heat Caloric Molecular motion atom Indivisible divisible anatomy Galen’s Harvey’s Means of production Manual Machine politics Monarchy Democracy
  • 14. The pictogram on the opposite page demonstrates my hypothesis. When the universe was Geocentric , heat was Caloric , so no combustion engine was possible. But At 1500s the reality became Heliocentric , The sun became a Nuclear reactor; heat became molecular motion . So it became possible to make automobiles.
  • 15. • In the pictogram on the opposite page shows when the Earth was at the center the king was the center of power . But at 1500s when the earth shifted from the center , the king also shifted from the center of power. • This why After the Copernican revolution the monarchs began to disappear. Politics changed because physical reality changed.
  • 16. To think historically after the Copernican revolution came machines. After 1700 came steam engine with it came American Revolution (1776) and The French Revolution (1789). The firs phase of the down fall of the kings. In 1900 came automobiles and airplanes with them came Socialism (1917) , the last phase of the dethroning of the kings. So it is the machine or Copernican system that killed the Kings.
  • 17. Scientifically I think Astronomical systems are like sub atomic particles . Astronomical unit = Sub atomic particle. Like Subatomic particle they are subjected to Complementarity principle. When unobserved with a telescope universe is Geocentric , but when observed with telescope it is Heliocentric. astronomy – telescope = Geocentric Astronomy + telescope = Heliocentric
  • 18. I think like Leptons and Quarks a total atomic system also obeys complementarity principle. Suppose when unobserved with an instrument atoms are indivisible but when we made observation it became a Bohr atom. Atom – Microscope = Dalton model Atom + Microscope = Bohr Model In that sense when we observed atoms around 1900 , reality also shifted.
  • 19. • The Entire universe follows Complementarity or the Uncertainty principle. Leptons follow wave –particle Duality. Atoms follow Dalton –Bohr duality . The universe follow Ptolemaic –Copernican Duality. • Basically there is a double reality one is complementary of another.
  • 20. The large scale observer effect
  • 21. • To understand we make an imaginary equation , • Heisenberg’s Microscope = Galileo's Telescope • As like an imaginary Heisenberg Microscope scatters the position of an electron Galileo’s Telescope is a metaphor that depicts that stars also get scattered by our observation or thought.
  • 22. • From 1500s people were thinking of the Copernican system. • This constant thought altered the position of the Earth and the Sun Universe became Heliocentric from a geocentric initial state.
  • 23. We use Galileo’s telescope as metaphor. In 1600 when Galileo observed the heavens with his telescope . Position of the earth and the sun got scattered . Sun came to the centre and earth went to the brim . As seen in the picture.
  • 24. • Previously when the world was Ptolemaic we were the sons of the Gods. But when the universe became Copernicus by dint of our activity we became sons of Monkey . As Like Quantum Delayed choice experiment , our observation changed our past history . our ancestor was some God in previous reality , but in this reality it’s a monkey.
  • 25. The reality is just probability . (Campbell 2012). These probability waves are hidden inside a box . They are observation sensitive . If we try to watch them they vanish. Now the Heavens is naturally that box . It should not be opened . But in 1500s we made a mistake we opened that box ,by probing in to sky with instruments . That is why reality shifted and we have become sons of monkey.
  • 27. • We have argued that We have become ape by dint of the Copernican system. But Why ? Why Copernican system force us to become the 5th Ape ? Because Heliocentrism is heliolatry we start with General Relativity , We know F=ma and F=mg ; therefore a=g.
  • 28. • If a moving car suddenly stops , the passenger in side the car will experience an inertia . As if he is pulled toward the front by an invisible force.
  • 29. • Now again suppose car at rest and a huge mass is put in front of the car . The passenger inside the car will experience a force that is pulling him toward the front. In this case it is gravity . So gravity is indistinguishable from the inertia. • Gravity is a pseudo force.
  • 30. • Now in lieu of this simple huge mass we put a huge stone made idol of a god in front of the car . What will happen ? The passenger inside the car will experience the same pulling force of gravity. as if he is bowing in front of a god. • So gravity is indistinguishable from idolatry. • Gravity = idolatry.
  • 31. • We know from general relativity • gravity = curvature space • Thus the curvature of space contains idolatry inside it. • The curved space has a hidden sinister like force, that is idolatry . This sinister force is the cause ; why we are the progeny of the apes.
  • 32. • Another way to put it , is this , in Heliocentrism the Earth originated from the sun ( Chamberlin, Moulton ; 1905) and revolves around sun . Which means The Sun is our father , • Sun is our god . Sun = God . • We go around the sun , that is we worship the sun. So Heliocentrism is heliolatry. • Scientifically we are sun worshippers.
  • 33. • This is the problem with Copernican system , it contains Heliolatry inside . • For this sinister force of Heliolatry we automatically evolve from the monkey in a Copernican reality.
  • 35. • Now I am going to break the mystery surrounding the Galileo affairs. • Why Galileo was put to trial for propagating the Copernican theory ? Why Vatican was so afraid of this theory? • We have to understand first that ancient people were aware of the Consciousness based Quantum measurement theory. the universe is subjective.
  • 36. • What Vatican was trying to say , is this, The God is the ultimate observer and The Christ is the God . The Christ born on earth means the ultimate Observer born on earth . The man is the son of God .So the man has the power to make the heaven revolve around it. There fore naturally the universe is geocentric.
  • 37. • The problem with the Copernican system is that it is an anti-Christian and a pagan theory • Man revolves around The sun means man is sun worshipper. • The universe is subjective . If man believes in Copernican system, it will be one. And as a result of committing heliolatry man will become pigs and monkeys. • This is why the Vatican imprisoned Galileo.
  • 38. • The Vatican clergy men were wise men , they were just trying to prevent the reality form shifting. • Trying to prevent man, the son of gods , from becoming son of monkey. • But their attempt failed ; the satanic Copernicans won and as a result we have become sons of monkey.
  • 39. • We have become Heliolater and a monkey has become our fore father . What a fall from the divinity . • The Christian creation theory is not false the point is we are those unfortunate sons of Adam who has become monkey , for the sin of believing in the Copernican system.
  • 40. • In 19th century when Darwin came ; he realized what harm has been done by dint of Galileo's observation . The reality shifted ; the entire natural history altered . we have become the offspring of monkey. • The Ancestors of the 19th century man is a monkey , in lieu of a God ! • That ‘s why he called it “The descent (=Fall) of Man “. • Darwinism = f (Galileo's Observation)
  • 41. Conclusion • The Reality is subjective, it depends on our observation. Previously the reality was Ptolemaic and mans were the sons of God . But in 1500s when man wanted to observe the heavens with instrument , the reality shifted , it became Copernican. • As, Heliocentrism = heliolatry , the man became the sons of an inferior creature , the monkey , for the sin of heliolatry.. The natural history of man is changed. We are scientific heliolaters and that’s why we are scientific monkey.
  • 42. • We believe in the Copernican theory , that’s why we are the progeny of the apes. “et cogitare ex Copernici doctrina. Ergo, ego sum simius ”(I think of the Copernican theory . Therefore, I am a monkey ) • We are suffering from the “ Monkey Condition “. I order to get out of this monkey conditions we have to do the following things: • A. We have to destroy all the telescopes. • B. We have to burn all the references to the Copernican system. • C . We have to reestablish the Geocentricism.
  • 43. • Now the reader of this text will be able to answer the following questions : 1. What could be the nature of a large scale quantum mechanics? 2. Why we have become the 5th ape ? 3. What is the relationship between Darwinism and Copernicanism ? 4. Why the Vatican excommunicated Galileo?
  • 44. Supplementary :Islamic interpretation of Darwinism and Copernicanism.
  • 45. • This section is devoted to the interpretation of Darwinism and Copernicanism in the Light o f Quran. • Also in the light of subjectivism that is found in Quantum mechanics
  • 46. The Quran preaches Geocentricism. • The Qur'an mentions numerous times that the sun and the moon travel in an orbit, but does not mention once that the earth does too. This is consistent with a earth- centered (geocentric) view of the cosmos that places a motionless earth at the center of the universe and all "heavenly bodies" travel around the earth. Tellingly, the sun's orbit is always mentioned in the context of night and day. This is a huge point here, it leads to the conclusion that it is probable that the author of the Quran believed in a geocentric view of the solar system.
  • 47. • Here is an example: 21:033 "And He is the One who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit • Another example is : • Do you not see that Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term, and that Allah, with whatever you do, is Acquainted? (Quran 31:29)
  • 48. • So it is beyond reasonable doubt that Quran Espouses Geocentricism. • Then the question comes, If Heliocentric theory is scientific why it preaches Geocentricism.? • The answer is The Quran espouses a greater Scientific theory ! The Consciousness based Quantum measurement theory ! • The reality is Subjective . It depends on human belief whether the universe is Heliocentric or Geocentric . And the Quran Urges us to make the universe geocentric.
  • 49. The Value of the sun. • The Sun is not value free. If we put it on a orbit around the earth , it becomes Mohammedan , It goes around the kabba . • But if we put the sun at the centre it becomes a God .
  • 50. • In a Heliocentric universe the Kabba goes around the sun . • So the man automatically becomes heliolaters , this the problem with the Copernican system , it is heliolatry . • We are scientifically heliolaters, • (Mushrik)
  • 51. • And from the Theory of Evolution we know that Scientifically we are apes.
  • 52. • So what we got here ? • We are scientifically heliolaters ( Mushrik). • And we are scientifically apes.
  • 53. Ape theory in Quran • 5:60 :-Then say: "Should I inform you [People of the Book] of those, who will have even worse recompense from Allah than the transgressors? They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under His wrath; some of whom were turned into apes and swine; who worshipped taghut [the devil or idols]; those are the people who are in a far worse plight and who have turned farthest away from the Right Way.
  • 54. • Then we can say that according to Quran’s formula , Mushriks turn into apes. • So , • Mushrik = Ape • Or Heliolaters =Ape
  • 55. • This is the reason we have become “the sons of ape “. • By believing in the Copernican system ,we have become Heliolaters ( Mushrik) ,thenceforth , we became apes according to Quran’s formula.
  • 56. • According to “ The Consciousness based Quantum Measurement theory” , the universe is subjective . This is the principle of Quran and Bible. • They tell us to believe in the geocentric universe because this the probability chosen by Allah. • Copernican system is Anti – Islamic ,therefore pagan ( Mushrik)
  • 57. • This the reason why Aristotelians were so afraid of the Copernican theory. • Universe is subjective ; if we believe in the Copernican system ,the universe would be Copernican and the man would becomes apes.
  • 58. • And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am going to create a human (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud. So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.” (Quran 38:71-72) • (Quran5:60 ):-Then say: "Should I inform you [People of the Book] of those, who will have even worse recompense from Allah than the transgressors? They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under His wrath; some of whom were turned into apes and swine; who worshipped taghut [the devil or idols]; those are the people who are in a far worse plight and who have turned farthest away from the Right Way.
  • 59. • Now, the connection between Quran (38:71) and Quran ( 5:60) and (Quran :21:33) is established. • God created Adam in a Geocentric universe , but when man believed in the Copernican theory reality shifted , universe became heliocentric and man became ” sons of apes” According to Quran’s Formula.