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Dark Matter
& Dark Energy
        Dr. Bryan J. Higgs
       28 November, 2012
Dark Matter & Dark Energy

              Over the past 35 years or so, cosmologists’
              and physicists' understanding of the universe
              has been turned on its head.
              It is now generally accepted in the scientific
              community that ‘normal matter’ — the matter
              that we experience in our everyday lives, and
              that scientists have been studying since the
              time of the ancient Greeks — comprises only
              about 4% of the matter in the universe.
              So, what is the other 96%?

28 Nov 2012                                2
Goals of the Talk

  » To describe some of the evidence (and history)
    for why scientists believe that Dark Matter and
    Dark Energy exist.
  » To describe what scientists have proposed to
    explain these observations.
  » To describe the implications for the beginning
    and the end of the universe.

28 Nov 2012                           3
History & Background

First, we need to look at some background
on the history and observations that led us
to this point.

       Cast your minds back about 100 years...
                 (Yup, buggy whip time!)

28 Nov 2012                                4
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

              In 1916, Albert Einstein published
              his Theory of General Relativity.
              It provided a unified description of
              gravity as a geometric property of
              space and time.

28 Nov 2012                          5

                After the introduction of General Relativity a
                number of scientists, including Einstein,
                tried to apply the new theory to the universe
                as a whole.
                This required an assumption about how the
                matter in the universe was distributed.
                The simplest assumption to make is that if
                you viewed the contents of the universe
                with “sufficiently poor vision”, it would
                appear roughly the same everywhere and
                in every direction.

28 Nov 2012                                6
The Cosmological Principle

              That is, they assumed that the matter in
              the universe is:
              – Homogeneous
              – Isotropic
              when averaged over very large scales.
              This is called the Cosmological

28 Nov 2012                            7
The Static Universe Model

               One hundred years ago, astronomers
               The universe was unchanging through time.
               The stars of our galaxy (the Milky Way) made
               up the whole universe
               The galaxy was nearly motionless
               Physicists trying to create a model for
               the universe had to match these

28 Nov 2012                              8
Einstein's Theory of Gravity

                 Einstein created his model of
                 the universe, based on his
                 General Theory of Relativity,
                 using these assumptions.
                 He came up with his famous
                 Field Equations.

28 Nov 2012                        9
Einstein's Field Equations

                            The Einstein Field Equations are a set of 10
                            equations in Albert Einstein's general theory
                            of relativity which describe the fundamental
                            interaction of gravitation as a result of space-
                            time being curved by matter and energy.
                            The expression on the left of the = sign represents
Note, in particular, the    the curvature of space-time.
second term on the left,    The expression on the right of the = sign represents
the one that includes the   the matter/energy content of space-time.
famous Λ (Greek capital
letter lambda)...

28 Nov 2012                                              10
The Cosmological Constant

              Λ is the famous Cosmological Constant.
              It is equivalent to an energy density in
              otherwise empty space (the vacuum).
              It was originally proposed by Einstein as a
              modification of his original theory to achieve
              a stationary universe, to match what he
              thought was the known situation.

28 Nov 2012                                  11
The Fate of the Universe

               There are many possible solutions to
               Einstein's Field Equations, and each
               solution implies a possible ultimate
               fate of the universe.
               Alexander Friedman proposed a
               number of such solutions in 1922, as
               did the Belgian Jesuit priest Georges
               Lemaître in 1927.

28 Nov 2012                           12
Fate depends on Density

Essentially, the various models of the evolution of the
universe depend on whether or not there is enough
mass in the universe to cause it, through gravitational
attraction, to contract unto itself (the “Big Crunch”).

  So how much mass is there in the universe?
       How do we weigh the universe?

28 Nov 2012                               13
The Density Parameter

              The density parameter, Ω, is defined as
              the ratio of the actual (i.e. observed) mass
              density, ρ , of the universe to the critical
              density, ρcrit , of the universe.
              To date, the critical density is estimated to
              be approximately five atoms (of hydrogen)
              per cubic meter. Not so much!
                  So what's the significance of the
                           critical density?

28 Nov 2012                               14
The Shape of the Universe

              The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson
              –Walker (FLRW) model has become
              the most accepted theoretical model of
              the universe. It is sometimes called the
              Standard Model of modern cosmology.
              This model describes a curvature (often
              referred to as geometry) of the space-
              time of the universe.
              The curvature of space depends on the
              value of Ω, the density parameter.

28 Nov 2012                           15
Closed Universe

                  If Ω > 1 (i.e., the density is above the
                  critical density), the geometry of space
                  is closed like the surface of a sphere.
                  In a closed universe, gravity eventually
                  stops the expansion of the universe,
                  after which it starts to contract until all
                  matter in the universe collapses to a
                  point, a final singularity termed the
                  "Big Crunch" – maybe!

28 Nov 2012                                 16
Open Universe

                 If Ω < 1 (i.e., the density is below the
                 critical density), the geometry of space
                 is open – negatively curved like the
                 surface of a saddle.
                 An open universe expands forever, with
                 gravity barely slowing the rate of
                 expansion. The ultimate fate of an open
                 universe is universal heat death, the
                 "Big Freeze".

28 Nov 2012                              17
Flat Universe

                If Ω = 1 (i.e., the density is equal to the
                critical density), the geometry of space
                is flat – like a plane surface.
                A flat universe expands forever but at a
                continually decelerating rate. The
                ultimate fate of the universe is the
                same as an open universe – a “Big
                (Note that we are talking about space-time,
                so the shapes at left are merely analogies in
                lower dimensions.)

28 Nov 2012                                 18
A Primeval "Cosmic Egg"?

              In 1927, Georges Lemaître published a
              model of the universe suggesting that the
              universe might have originated when a
              primeval "cosmic egg" exploded in
              spectacular fireworks, creating an
              expanding universe.
              Published in an obscure journal, it wasn't
              taken seriously at the time. But now, his
              contribution is highly valued.

28 Nov 2012                            19
Discovery of Galactic Redshifts

              In 1912, Vesto Slipher was the first to
              observe the shift of spectral lines of
              galaxies, making him the discoverer of
              galactic redshifts.
              Redshifts are analogous to the Doppler
              effect – think racing cars or trains passing
              you at speed.
              An observed redshift due to the Doppler
              effect occurs whenever a light source
              moves away from an observer.
              Conversely, light sources moving towards
              an observer are blueshifted.

28 Nov 2012                             20
More on Redshifts

                    You will often see a “z value” quoted as
                      a measure of a redshift.
                    λobsv is the observed wavelength of a spectral line
                    λemit is the emission wavelength of that line

                    If z > 0, there is a redshift
                    If z < 0, there is a blueshift

28 Nov 2012                                       21
Hubble's Discovery

                        In 1928, Edwin Hubble
                        found that the further the
                        distance to a nebula, the
                        greater the receding velocity
                        of that nebula.
                        He used Cepheid variable
                        stars as “standard candles”
                        to estimate their distance,
                        and measured their redshifts
                        to estimate their velocity.

28 Nov 2012                           22
Galactic Redshifts

                        Here are some
                        examples of how
                        spectral lines are
                        shifted in stars and

28 Nov 2012                     23
Einstein's “Biggest Blunder”?

              Evidence mounted that the universe was
              not static, but expanding.
              This was consistent with the original
              Einstein model; Einstein could have
              predicted it, but had assumed the static
              universe was a given.
              Einstein later remarked that the
              introduction of the cosmological constant
              was the biggest blunder of his life.
                 But was it? Wait a little while...

28 Nov 2012                             24
“Big Bang” or Steady State?

               There were two primary explanations put
               forth for the expansion of the universe:
                » Lemaître's “Big Bang” theory, advocated
                  and developed by George Gamow.
                » A Steady State model, proposed in 1948
                  by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred
                  Hoyle, in which new matter would be
                  created as the galaxies moved away from
                  each other. In this model, the universe is
                  roughly the same at any point in time.

28 Nov 2012                            25
Zwicky's Discovery

                     In 1933, Bulgarian-born Swiss
                     physicist Fritz Zwicky, while
                     investigating the Coma cluster of
                     galaxies, stumbled upon a major
                     discrepancy between theory and

28 Nov 2012                              26
“Missing Mass?”

                  By studying the rotation of a galaxies
                  within the Coma Cluster, Zwicky estimated
                  that the visible mass of those galaxies was
                  400 times less than the mass needed to
                  explain their rotational motion.
                  But Zwicky, while ahead of his time, was a
                  pugnacious character, disliked by many of
                  his colleagues, so his ideas were often not
                  taken seriously.

28 Nov 2012                                27
Vera Rubin's Discovery

               In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Vera Rubin
               measured the velocities at which galaxies
               rotate, using a telescope at the Kitt Peak
               Observatory in Arizona,
               She used a sensitive spectrometer to determine
               the spectrum of light coming from the stars in
               different parts of spiral galaxies.
               She discovered something unexpected:
               The stars far from the centers of galaxies, in the
               sparsely populated outer regions, were moving
               just as fast as those closer to the galaxy's center.

28 Nov 2012                                   28
Galactic Rotation


28 Nov 2012                   29
Zwicky was Right!

This was odd, because the visible mass of a galaxy does not
have enough gravity to hold such rapidly moving stars in orbit.
It followed that there had to be a tremendous amount of unseen
matter in the outer regions of galaxies where the visible stars are
relatively few.
Rubin and her colleague Kent Ford went on to study some sixty
spiral galaxies and always found the same thing.

28 Nov 2012                                       30
Explanation: “Dark Matter”

Rubin's observations and calculations showed that most
galaxies must contain about ten times as much “dark”
mass as can be accounted for by the visible stars.
Eventually other astronomers began to corroborate her
work and it soon became well-established that most
galaxies were in fact dominated by "dark matter":

28 Nov 2012                                31
Why is it called “Dark” Matter?

                  Dark matter cannot be seen
                  directly with telescopes;
                  evidently it neither emits nor
                  absorbs light or other
                  electromagnetic radiation at
                  any significant level.
                  Hence “dark” (as opposed
                  to luminous) matter.

28 Nov 2012                     32
Evidence for Dark Matter

                A gravitational lens is formed when
                the light from a very distant, bright
                source (such as a quasar) is "bent"
                around a massive object (such as a
                cluster of galaxies) between the
                source object and the observer.
                Studies of many cases of lensing by
                galaxy clusters show evidence for
                large amounts of dark matter.

28 Nov 2012                          33
Gravitational Lensing

28 Nov 2012                     34
The Bullet Cluster

                                        The most direct observational
                                        evidence to date for dark matter is in a
                                        system known as the Bullet Cluster, a
                                        collision between two galaxy clusters.
                                         » X-ray observations show that much of the
                                           baryonic matter (in the form of gas, or
                                           plasma) in the system is concentrated in
The Bullet Cluster: Hubble Space           the center of the system.
Telescope image with overlays.
The total projected mass distribution
                                         » However, weak gravitational lensing
reconstructed from strong and weak         observations of the same system show that
gravitational lensing is shown in          much of the mass resides outside of the
blue, while the X-ray emitting hot
gas observed with the Chandra X-           central region of baryonic gas.
ray Observatory is shown in red.

28 Nov 2012                                                       35
Summary of Evidence

 Observations of the rotational speed of spiral galaxies
 The confinement of hot gas in galaxies and clusters of
 The random motions of galaxies in clusters
 The gravitational lensing of background objects, and
 The observed fluctuations in the cosmic microwave
  background radiation
       All require the presence of additional gravity, which can be
                explained by the existence of dark matter.

28 Nov 2012                                          36
Dark Matter Candidates

                                 Dark matter candidates are usually categorized as:
                                         Composed of baryons, i.e. protons and
                                         neutrons and combinations thereof.
                                         Hot Dark Matter (HDM)
                                            Particles that have zero or near-zero mass,
                                            and so move relativistically.
Cosmological simulations with
Cold Dark Matter and Warm                Cold Dark Matter (CDM)
Dark Matter. Halos selected at
environments which could
                                            Particles sufficiently massive that they
represent the Milky Way, the                move at sub-relativistic velocities
Andromeda nebula M31 and

  28 Nov 2012                                                      37

                                   One potential baryonic form of dark matter is
                                   MACHOs (MAssive Compact Halo Objects):
                                   A MACHO is a small chunk of normal baryonic
                                   matter, far smaller than a star, which drifts through
                                   interstellar space unassociated with any solar
                                   Recent work has suggested that MACHOs are not
                                   likely to account for the large amounts of dark
                                   matter now known to be present in the universe
RAMBOs (Robust Association
of Massive Baryonic Objects)
have also been postulated.
These are dark clusters of brown
dwarfs or white dwarfs.

28 Nov 2012                                                     38
Brown Dwarfs?

                  Stars with below 8% of the Sun's mass are
                  called brown dwarfs. They are not hot
                  enough to ignite the nuclear burning that
                  keeps ordinary stars shining.
                  Other candidates for dark matter include:
                      Cold "planets" moving through
                         interstellar space, unattached to any
                         star, could exist in vast numbers
                         without being detected
                      So could comet-like lumps of
                         frozen hydrogen
                      So could black holes.

28 Nov 2012                                39

               One potential non-baryonic form of dark
               matter is WIMPs (Weakly Interacting
               Massive Particles)
               The main theoretical characteristics of a
               WIMP are:
                  Interaction only through the weak
                  nuclear force and gravity
                  Large mass compared to standard

28 Nov 2012                          40

              There are strong reasons for suspecting that dark
              matter isn't made of ordinary atoms at all. This
              argument is based on an isotope of hydrogen,
              deuterium (1 proton + 1 neutron). It turns out that if
              dark matter were made from ordinary atoms, then
              theory predicts that there should be much less
              deuterium in the Universe than we actually observe.
              So, dark matter could consist of some form of 'exotic'
              One possibility is the Axion, a hypothetical particle
              whose existence would explain what is otherwise a
              puzzling feature of quantum chromodynamics (QCD),
              the leading theory of strong interactions.

28 Nov 2012                                     41

                                     Another particle has been regarded as a
                                     candidate for dark matter: the elusive neutrino.
                                     Neutrinos have no electric charge, and hardly
                                     interact at all with ordinary atoms: almost all
                                     neutrinos that hit the Earth go straight through it.
                                     Because neutrinos so greatly outnumber atoms,
                                     they could make up the dominant dark matter,
                                     even if each weighed only a hundred millionth as
                                     much as an atom.
The best evidence for neutrino
masses comes from the Super-         Experiments imply a non-zero mass for the
Kamiokande experiment in Japan,      neutrino, but one that is too small to account for
which used a huge tank in a former   much of the dark matter.
zinc mine.

  28 Nov 2012                                                      42
SuperPartner Particles?

                                                           Supersymmetry arises naturally
                                                           from the combination of the two
                                                           cornerstones of 20th century
                                                           physics: quantum mechanics
                                                           and relativity. It is the unique
                                                           symmetry that relates the two
                                                           fundamental kinds of particles:

                                                           Bosons, which act as the
                                                           carriers of forces
If Supersymmetry is realized in nature, every fermion in
the SM must have a bosonic partner particle and vice
versa.                                                     Fermions, which act as the
                                                           constituents of matter
No such “superpartner particle” has been observed so
far, and recent LHC experiments have cast doubt on the

28 Nov 2012                                                         43

              In 1983, Mordehai Milgrom, a physicist (another
              Bulgarian-born!) at the Weizmann Institute in
              Israel, proposed Modified Newtonian dynamics
              (MOND), a modification of Newton's law of
              gravity, to explain the galaxy rotation problem.
              While MOND provides an explanation for the
              observed galactic rotations, and has been
              extensively examined by many others, it does
              not appear to be consistent with other

28 Nov 2012                                  44
So What is Dark Matter?

                So, dark matter could be composed of any
                number of particles, both known and
                Massless neutrinos

                Or who knows what else?

28 Nov 2012                               45
How Fast is the Universe Decelerating?

               We have known since Hubble that the
               universe is expanding.
               We know that gravity should cause this
               expansion to slow down, depending on
               how much matter is present in the
               If we measure this deceleration, we
               could determine the fate of the

28 Nov 2012                          46
Type Ia Supernovas

                                 To do this, we need to find a set of
                                 'standard candles' which can be used
                                 to determine the distance to
                                 extremely remote objects.
                                 It turns out that one class of
                                 supernovae, Type Ia supernovae, can
                                 be used as standard candles.
                                 A supernova results from the violent
Multi-wavelength X-ray /
infrared image of SN 1572 or     explosion of a white dwarf star.
Tycho's Nova, the remnant of a
Type Ia supernova

28 Nov 2012                                            47
Type Ia Supernova Creation

28 Nov 2012             48
Two Supernova Teams

                          In 1998/9, published observations of
                          Type Ia supernovae by
                          The High-z Supernova Search Team
                          The Supernova Cosmology Project
                          suggested that the expansion of the
                          universe is actually accelerating – a
Brian Schmidt,
Saul Perlmutter,
                          total surprise to everyone.
& Adam Riess.
                          The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was
                          awarded for this work.

  28 Nov 2012                                   49
A New Paradigm of the Universe

               So, it seems from all the
               evidence that the
               universe's evolution
               doesn't fit the original

28 Nov 2012                50
Corroboration of Results

                    Since then, these observations
                    have been corroborated by
                    several independent sources:
                    Cosmic microwave background
                    Gravitational lensing
                    Large scale structure of the
                    Improved measurements of

28 Nov 2012                          51
Dark Energy

                    Evidence for Dark Matter and
                    Dark Energy has accumulated,
                    and it is now estimated that
                    only about 4% of the
                    matter/energy in the universe
                    is 'ordinary matter'.
                    In other words, we have no
                    real clue what the other 96%
                    consists of!
                    This is most embarrassing!

28 Nov 2012                       52
So, what is Dark Energy?

               Candidates for Dark Energy include:
               Einstein's cosmological constant – dark
               energy is a property of space itself.
               An unidentified energy field, called
               “quintessence” – fills space like a fog and
               is similar to what drove inflation
               None of the above – perhaps it's an illusion
               created by incorrect theories.

28 Nov 2012                               53
Cosmological Constant?

                   Remember that Einstein
                   thought it was his biggest
                   The Cosmological Constant
                   has returned, and is the leading
                   candidate for a Dark Energy
                   Maybe Einstein didn't blunder?

28 Nov 2012                       54
A Slight Problem...

                     The Cosmological Constant being
                     nonzero means that the vacuum can
                     contain energy!
                     However, when physicists calculate
                     the vacuum energy using our best
                     theory, the Standard Model, they
                     come up with an estimate that is 120
                     orders of magnitude (10120) too large!
                     This is even more embarrassing!

28 Nov 2012                               55

                The name Quintessence (“fifth
                essence”) dates back to the Ancient
                Greeks (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and...)
                It has been proposed by some to be
                a fifth fundamental force.
                The main difference between
                quintessence and the cosmological
                constant is that quintessence can
                vary with space and time.

28 Nov 2012                           56

              Cosmologists estimate that the acceleration
              began roughly 5 billion years ago.
              Before that, it is thought that the expansion
              was decelerating, due to the attractive
              influence of dark matter and baryons.
              The density of dark matter in an expanding
              universe decreases more quickly than dark
              energy, and eventually the dark energy

28 Nov 2012                              57
The “Big Rip”

                  The Big Rip is a cosmological
                  hypothesis first published in 2003,
                  about the ultimate fate of the universe,
                  based on phantom energy, an
                  extreme form of quintessence.
                  It predicts that the matter of the
                  universe will progressively be torn
                  apart by the expansion of the universe
                  at a certain time in the future.

28 Nov 2012                             58
“The End of the Universe is Nigh!”

                  Don't worry!
                  It won't happen for
                  billions of years.
                  We all have more
                  immediate worries!

28 Nov 2012                 59

We have significant evidence for large quantities
of something in the universe we call:
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
And we don't really know what either of them are!

28 Nov 2012                           60

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Dark Matter and Dark Energy

  • 1. Dark Matter & Dark Energy Dr. Bryan J. Higgs 28 November, 2012
  • 2. Dark Matter & Dark Energy Over the past 35 years or so, cosmologists’ and physicists' understanding of the universe has been turned on its head. It is now generally accepted in the scientific community that ‘normal matter’ — the matter that we experience in our everyday lives, and that scientists have been studying since the time of the ancient Greeks — comprises only about 4% of the matter in the universe. So, what is the other 96%? 28 Nov 2012 2
  • 3. Goals of the Talk » To describe some of the evidence (and history) for why scientists believe that Dark Matter and Dark Energy exist. » To describe what scientists have proposed to explain these observations. » To describe the implications for the beginning and the end of the universe. 28 Nov 2012 3
  • 4. History & Background First, we need to look at some background on the history and observations that led us to this point. Cast your minds back about 100 years... (Yup, buggy whip time!) 28 Nov 2012 4
  • 5. Einstein's Theory of General Relativity In 1916, Albert Einstein published his Theory of General Relativity. It provided a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time. 28 Nov 2012 5
  • 6. Assumptions After the introduction of General Relativity a number of scientists, including Einstein, tried to apply the new theory to the universe as a whole. This required an assumption about how the matter in the universe was distributed. The simplest assumption to make is that if you viewed the contents of the universe with “sufficiently poor vision”, it would appear roughly the same everywhere and in every direction. 28 Nov 2012 6
  • 7. The Cosmological Principle That is, they assumed that the matter in the universe is: – Homogeneous and – Isotropic when averaged over very large scales. This is called the Cosmological Principle. 28 Nov 2012 7
  • 8. The Static Universe Model One hundred years ago, astronomers thought: The universe was unchanging through time. The stars of our galaxy (the Milky Way) made up the whole universe The galaxy was nearly motionless Physicists trying to create a model for the universe had to match these "facts". 28 Nov 2012 8
  • 9. Einstein's Theory of Gravity Einstein created his model of the universe, based on his General Theory of Relativity, using these assumptions. He came up with his famous Field Equations. 28 Nov 2012 9
  • 10. Einstein's Field Equations The Einstein Field Equations are a set of 10 equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity which describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of space- time being curved by matter and energy. The expression on the left of the = sign represents Note, in particular, the the curvature of space-time. second term on the left, The expression on the right of the = sign represents the one that includes the the matter/energy content of space-time. famous Λ (Greek capital letter lambda)... 28 Nov 2012 10
  • 11. The Cosmological Constant Λ is the famous Cosmological Constant. It is equivalent to an energy density in otherwise empty space (the vacuum). It was originally proposed by Einstein as a modification of his original theory to achieve a stationary universe, to match what he thought was the known situation. 28 Nov 2012 11
  • 12. The Fate of the Universe There are many possible solutions to Einstein's Field Equations, and each solution implies a possible ultimate fate of the universe. Alexander Friedman proposed a number of such solutions in 1922, as did the Belgian Jesuit priest Georges Lemaître in 1927. 28 Nov 2012 12
  • 13. Fate depends on Density Essentially, the various models of the evolution of the universe depend on whether or not there is enough mass in the universe to cause it, through gravitational attraction, to contract unto itself (the “Big Crunch”). So how much mass is there in the universe? How do we weigh the universe? 28 Nov 2012 13
  • 14. The Density Parameter The density parameter, Ω, is defined as the ratio of the actual (i.e. observed) mass density, ρ , of the universe to the critical density, ρcrit , of the universe. To date, the critical density is estimated to be approximately five atoms (of hydrogen) per cubic meter. Not so much! So what's the significance of the critical density? 28 Nov 2012 14
  • 15. The Shape of the Universe The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson –Walker (FLRW) model has become the most accepted theoretical model of the universe. It is sometimes called the Standard Model of modern cosmology. This model describes a curvature (often referred to as geometry) of the space- time of the universe. The curvature of space depends on the value of Ω, the density parameter. 28 Nov 2012 15
  • 16. Closed Universe If Ω > 1 (i.e., the density is above the critical density), the geometry of space is closed like the surface of a sphere. In a closed universe, gravity eventually stops the expansion of the universe, after which it starts to contract until all matter in the universe collapses to a point, a final singularity termed the "Big Crunch" – maybe! 28 Nov 2012 16
  • 17. Open Universe If Ω < 1 (i.e., the density is below the critical density), the geometry of space is open – negatively curved like the surface of a saddle. An open universe expands forever, with gravity barely slowing the rate of expansion. The ultimate fate of an open universe is universal heat death, the "Big Freeze". 28 Nov 2012 17
  • 18. Flat Universe If Ω = 1 (i.e., the density is equal to the critical density), the geometry of space is flat – like a plane surface. A flat universe expands forever but at a continually decelerating rate. The ultimate fate of the universe is the same as an open universe – a “Big Freeze”. (Note that we are talking about space-time, so the shapes at left are merely analogies in lower dimensions.) 28 Nov 2012 18
  • 19. A Primeval "Cosmic Egg"? In 1927, Georges Lemaître published a model of the universe suggesting that the universe might have originated when a primeval "cosmic egg" exploded in spectacular fireworks, creating an expanding universe. Published in an obscure journal, it wasn't taken seriously at the time. But now, his contribution is highly valued. 28 Nov 2012 19
  • 20. Discovery of Galactic Redshifts In 1912, Vesto Slipher was the first to observe the shift of spectral lines of galaxies, making him the discoverer of galactic redshifts. Redshifts are analogous to the Doppler effect – think racing cars or trains passing you at speed. An observed redshift due to the Doppler effect occurs whenever a light source moves away from an observer. Conversely, light sources moving towards an observer are blueshifted. 28 Nov 2012 20
  • 21. More on Redshifts You will often see a “z value” quoted as a measure of a redshift. λobsv is the observed wavelength of a spectral line λemit is the emission wavelength of that line If z > 0, there is a redshift If z < 0, there is a blueshift 28 Nov 2012 21
  • 22. Hubble's Discovery In 1928, Edwin Hubble found that the further the distance to a nebula, the greater the receding velocity of that nebula. He used Cepheid variable stars as “standard candles” to estimate their distance, and measured their redshifts to estimate their velocity. 28 Nov 2012 22
  • 23. Galactic Redshifts Here are some examples of how spectral lines are shifted in stars and galaxies. 28 Nov 2012 23
  • 24. Einstein's “Biggest Blunder”? Evidence mounted that the universe was not static, but expanding. This was consistent with the original Einstein model; Einstein could have predicted it, but had assumed the static universe was a given. Einstein later remarked that the introduction of the cosmological constant was the biggest blunder of his life. But was it? Wait a little while... 28 Nov 2012 24
  • 25. “Big Bang” or Steady State? There were two primary explanations put forth for the expansion of the universe: » Lemaître's “Big Bang” theory, advocated and developed by George Gamow. » A Steady State model, proposed in 1948 by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle, in which new matter would be created as the galaxies moved away from each other. In this model, the universe is roughly the same at any point in time. 28 Nov 2012 25
  • 26. Zwicky's Discovery In 1933, Bulgarian-born Swiss physicist Fritz Zwicky, while investigating the Coma cluster of galaxies, stumbled upon a major discrepancy between theory and observation. 28 Nov 2012 26
  • 27. “Missing Mass?” By studying the rotation of a galaxies within the Coma Cluster, Zwicky estimated that the visible mass of those galaxies was 400 times less than the mass needed to explain their rotational motion. But Zwicky, while ahead of his time, was a pugnacious character, disliked by many of his colleagues, so his ideas were often not taken seriously. 28 Nov 2012 27
  • 28. Vera Rubin's Discovery In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Vera Rubin measured the velocities at which galaxies rotate, using a telescope at the Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona, She used a sensitive spectrometer to determine the spectrum of light coming from the stars in different parts of spiral galaxies. She discovered something unexpected: The stars far from the centers of galaxies, in the sparsely populated outer regions, were moving just as fast as those closer to the galaxy's center. 28 Nov 2012 28
  • 29. Galactic Rotation View 28 Nov 2012 29
  • 30. Zwicky was Right! This was odd, because the visible mass of a galaxy does not have enough gravity to hold such rapidly moving stars in orbit. It followed that there had to be a tremendous amount of unseen matter in the outer regions of galaxies where the visible stars are relatively few. Rubin and her colleague Kent Ford went on to study some sixty spiral galaxies and always found the same thing. 28 Nov 2012 30
  • 31. Explanation: “Dark Matter” Rubin's observations and calculations showed that most galaxies must contain about ten times as much “dark” mass as can be accounted for by the visible stars. Eventually other astronomers began to corroborate her work and it soon became well-established that most galaxies were in fact dominated by "dark matter": 28 Nov 2012 31
  • 32. Why is it called “Dark” Matter? Dark matter cannot be seen directly with telescopes; evidently it neither emits nor absorbs light or other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level. Hence “dark” (as opposed to luminous) matter. 28 Nov 2012 32
  • 33. Evidence for Dark Matter A gravitational lens is formed when the light from a very distant, bright source (such as a quasar) is "bent" around a massive object (such as a cluster of galaxies) between the source object and the observer. Studies of many cases of lensing by galaxy clusters show evidence for large amounts of dark matter. 28 Nov 2012 33
  • 35. The Bullet Cluster The most direct observational evidence to date for dark matter is in a system known as the Bullet Cluster, a collision between two galaxy clusters. » X-ray observations show that much of the baryonic matter (in the form of gas, or plasma) in the system is concentrated in The Bullet Cluster: Hubble Space the center of the system. Telescope image with overlays. The total projected mass distribution » However, weak gravitational lensing reconstructed from strong and weak observations of the same system show that gravitational lensing is shown in much of the mass resides outside of the blue, while the X-ray emitting hot gas observed with the Chandra X- central region of baryonic gas. ray Observatory is shown in red. 28 Nov 2012 35
  • 36. Summary of Evidence  Observations of the rotational speed of spiral galaxies  The confinement of hot gas in galaxies and clusters of galaxies  The random motions of galaxies in clusters  The gravitational lensing of background objects, and  The observed fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation All require the presence of additional gravity, which can be explained by the existence of dark matter. 28 Nov 2012 36
  • 37. Dark Matter Candidates Dark matter candidates are usually categorized as: Baryonic Composed of baryons, i.e. protons and neutrons and combinations thereof. Non-Baryonic Hot Dark Matter (HDM) Particles that have zero or near-zero mass, and so move relativistically. Cosmological simulations with Cold Dark Matter and Warm Cold Dark Matter (CDM) Dark Matter. Halos selected at environments which could Particles sufficiently massive that they represent the Milky Way, the move at sub-relativistic velocities Andromeda nebula M31 and M33. 28 Nov 2012 37
  • 38. MACHOs? One potential baryonic form of dark matter is MACHOs (MAssive Compact Halo Objects): A MACHO is a small chunk of normal baryonic matter, far smaller than a star, which drifts through interstellar space unassociated with any solar system. Recent work has suggested that MACHOs are not likely to account for the large amounts of dark matter now known to be present in the universe RAMBOs (Robust Association of Massive Baryonic Objects) have also been postulated. These are dark clusters of brown dwarfs or white dwarfs. 28 Nov 2012 38
  • 39. Brown Dwarfs? Stars with below 8% of the Sun's mass are called brown dwarfs. They are not hot enough to ignite the nuclear burning that keeps ordinary stars shining. Other candidates for dark matter include:  Cold "planets" moving through interstellar space, unattached to any star, could exist in vast numbers without being detected  So could comet-like lumps of frozen hydrogen  So could black holes. 28 Nov 2012 39
  • 40. WIMPs? One potential non-baryonic form of dark matter is WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) The main theoretical characteristics of a WIMP are: Interaction only through the weak nuclear force and gravity Large mass compared to standard particles 28 Nov 2012 40
  • 41. Axions? There are strong reasons for suspecting that dark matter isn't made of ordinary atoms at all. This argument is based on an isotope of hydrogen, deuterium (1 proton + 1 neutron). It turns out that if dark matter were made from ordinary atoms, then theory predicts that there should be much less deuterium in the Universe than we actually observe. So, dark matter could consist of some form of 'exotic' particle. One possibility is the Axion, a hypothetical particle whose existence would explain what is otherwise a puzzling feature of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the leading theory of strong interactions. 28 Nov 2012 41
  • 42. Neutrinos? Another particle has been regarded as a candidate for dark matter: the elusive neutrino. Neutrinos have no electric charge, and hardly interact at all with ordinary atoms: almost all neutrinos that hit the Earth go straight through it. Because neutrinos so greatly outnumber atoms, they could make up the dominant dark matter, even if each weighed only a hundred millionth as much as an atom. The best evidence for neutrino masses comes from the Super- Experiments imply a non-zero mass for the Kamiokande experiment in Japan, neutrino, but one that is too small to account for which used a huge tank in a former much of the dark matter. zinc mine. 28 Nov 2012 42
  • 43. SuperPartner Particles? Supersymmetry arises naturally from the combination of the two cornerstones of 20th century physics: quantum mechanics and relativity. It is the unique symmetry that relates the two fundamental kinds of particles: Bosons, which act as the carriers of forces If Supersymmetry is realized in nature, every fermion in the SM must have a bosonic partner particle and vice versa. Fermions, which act as the constituents of matter No such “superpartner particle” has been observed so far, and recent LHC experiments have cast doubt on the theory. 28 Nov 2012 43
  • 44. MOND? In 1983, Mordehai Milgrom, a physicist (another Bulgarian-born!) at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, proposed Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), a modification of Newton's law of gravity, to explain the galaxy rotation problem. While MOND provides an explanation for the observed galactic rotations, and has been extensively examined by many others, it does not appear to be consistent with other observations. 28 Nov 2012 44
  • 45. So What is Dark Matter? So, dark matter could be composed of any number of particles, both known and exotic: MACHOs WIMPs Massless neutrinos Axions Neutralinos Photinos Or who knows what else? 28 Nov 2012 45
  • 46. How Fast is the Universe Decelerating? We have known since Hubble that the universe is expanding. We know that gravity should cause this expansion to slow down, depending on how much matter is present in the universe. If we measure this deceleration, we could determine the fate of the universe. 28 Nov 2012 46
  • 47. Type Ia Supernovas To do this, we need to find a set of 'standard candles' which can be used to determine the distance to extremely remote objects. It turns out that one class of supernovae, Type Ia supernovae, can be used as standard candles. A supernova results from the violent Multi-wavelength X-ray / infrared image of SN 1572 or explosion of a white dwarf star. Tycho's Nova, the remnant of a Type Ia supernova 28 Nov 2012 47
  • 48. Type Ia Supernova Creation 28 Nov 2012 48
  • 49. Two Supernova Teams In 1998/9, published observations of Type Ia supernovae by The High-z Supernova Search Team The Supernova Cosmology Project suggested that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating – a Brian Schmidt, Saul Perlmutter, total surprise to everyone. & Adam Riess. The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for this work. 28 Nov 2012 49
  • 50. A New Paradigm of the Universe So, it seems from all the evidence that the universe's evolution doesn't fit the original models! 28 Nov 2012 50
  • 51. Corroboration of Results Since then, these observations have been corroborated by several independent sources: Cosmic microwave background radiation Gravitational lensing Large scale structure of the cosmos Improved measurements of supernovae 28 Nov 2012 51
  • 52. Dark Energy Evidence for Dark Matter and Dark Energy has accumulated, and it is now estimated that only about 4% of the matter/energy in the universe is 'ordinary matter'. In other words, we have no real clue what the other 96% consists of! This is most embarrassing! 28 Nov 2012 52
  • 53. So, what is Dark Energy? Candidates for Dark Energy include: Einstein's cosmological constant – dark energy is a property of space itself. An unidentified energy field, called “quintessence” – fills space like a fog and is similar to what drove inflation None of the above – perhaps it's an illusion created by incorrect theories. 28 Nov 2012 53
  • 54. Cosmological Constant? Remember that Einstein thought it was his biggest blunder? The Cosmological Constant has returned, and is the leading candidate for a Dark Energy explanation. Maybe Einstein didn't blunder? 28 Nov 2012 54
  • 55. A Slight Problem... The Cosmological Constant being nonzero means that the vacuum can contain energy! However, when physicists calculate the vacuum energy using our best theory, the Standard Model, they come up with an estimate that is 120 orders of magnitude (10120) too large! This is even more embarrassing! 28 Nov 2012 55
  • 56. Quintessence The name Quintessence (“fifth essence”) dates back to the Ancient Greeks (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and...) It has been proposed by some to be a fifth fundamental force. The main difference between quintessence and the cosmological constant is that quintessence can vary with space and time. 28 Nov 2012 56
  • 57. Implications Cosmologists estimate that the acceleration began roughly 5 billion years ago. Before that, it is thought that the expansion was decelerating, due to the attractive influence of dark matter and baryons. The density of dark matter in an expanding universe decreases more quickly than dark energy, and eventually the dark energy dominates. 28 Nov 2012 57
  • 58. The “Big Rip” The Big Rip is a cosmological hypothesis first published in 2003, about the ultimate fate of the universe, based on phantom energy, an extreme form of quintessence. It predicts that the matter of the universe will progressively be torn apart by the expansion of the universe at a certain time in the future. 28 Nov 2012 58
  • 59. “The End of the Universe is Nigh!” Don't worry! It won't happen for billions of years. We all have more immediate worries! 28 Nov 2012 59
  • 60. Summary We have significant evidence for large quantities of something in the universe we call: Dark Matter and Dark Energy And we don't really know what either of them are! 28 Nov 2012 60